#ninja shadow makoto
yayakoishii · 3 months
Idaten Jump Episode Screencaps (21-30)
Because Google lied to me, here's Part 3!
All the Idaten Jump episodes have a cute pic at the end and I realised that while translating so I'm just gonna post them here as I translate the episodes <3 There's no actual point to this, I just wanted to put them together in one place because I thought they're cute and funny 😂
Ep. 21: I love this pic actually; my favourite! 💪🏼
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Ep. 22: Father son bonding time! 💢
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Ep. 23: I actually don't understand this one 💧
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Ep. 24: Eat up, eat up! 😋
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Ep. 25: A painter? A knight? Or Nostradamus Saiyaka's love of her life? ✨
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Ep. 26: The ultimate killer move against Shidō Kyōichi! 🐔
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Ep. 27: The ninja and the knight, ride into the night ⚔️🌪️
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Ep. 28: coming soon!
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funkytimeoats · 1 year
Things I wish were more present in SWD?: Ninja Shadow (PART 1)
So this is just a word blurb from me just spewing out my thoughts. Some of it may not make sense, but I'll try to keep my thoughts as concise as possible.
Topic: More Sibling Interactions (especially b/w Makoto and Toru)
We kinda got this b/w Saori (MC) and her brother Kaname in that one Spin Off where either they go to the Nagasaki Vigilantes together or you pick the other story route (I can't remember the contents of that storyline, but I remember it being cute).
I thought it was really cute and nice seeing their sibling relationship.
I just wish we got spin offs like for the other siblings in this game (Seiji-Seiya, Kunihiro-Nobuyoshi, Kaede-Amon, Yugiri and Ritsu with their unnamed younger siblings, the puppeteer brothers, even Ukyo-Eduard who are more like adoptive siblings). They didn't need to be non-canon, they could've been anecdotal stories from their pasts.
I know it's meant to be an otome game, but getting more character back story would have been so cool.
I especially wanted to see more sibling interactions b/w Makoto and Toru. They are a main pair of siblings in the series, so I wish we could've seen them more, specifically without Saori being there (because yeah, it is an otome game).
Toru is shown to love his little brother very dearly. It's one of his major reasons for trying to "destroy Nagasaki and build it back up". Because it's "the city Makoto loves". His dream also spreads to completely reconstructing Japan, but his main focal point is Nagasaki because that's where his baby brother is.
Makoto does love his big brother too, but he has resentment toward him as well. Toru has always been better than him at everything, Toru has always been the golden child of the Nakagawa family. Now even then at most Makoto was just a bit envious.
The real resentment begins when Toru just up and leaves one day leaving Makoto to clean up after his mess.
Now, I say he just leaves out of the blue because while in the early original routes, Toru was said to be a founding member of the Nagasaki Vigilantes, however, in one of the later canon spin offs called Back to the Beginning, which I'll consider to be the actual storyline, Makoto says that Toru just kinda disappeared one day without any warning and without telling Makoto or Shintaro anything.
I guess Toru just had an epiphany about his ideals. I don't really know and I'm not sure/don't remember if it's explained anymore. I honestly don't know lol
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Anyways, that's where Makoto actually seems to gain resentment towards his brother, because when Toru leaves Makoto has to take care of stuff Toru left behind. And of course the Nakagawa family, specifically the branch family, love to beat down and berate Makoto because he was the "lesser" brother. Literally calling him the stain to the Nakagawa name (which, holy shit, is really fucking mean and evil, holy cow).
If I remember right, Makoto didn't even want to really take up becoming the next head of the family, he just wanted to become painter, but because Toru left now he has to, which I think is really sad, poor Makoto.
As for what happens to Toru, depending on the route he's either captured and then escapes (usually with the help of his pal Tsubaki) or he's just captured, or he turns into a traveling merchant(?) (I honestly can't remember everything that happens in his route, I think he becomes a merchant though).
And if he and Makoto aren't really involved in the route, ig he just kinda dilly-dallies and runs around doing whatever.
I think it would have been interesting if we were able to get a spin off where Toru and Makoto have a deep and meaningful conversation about why they chose the choices they did, how they were feeling, how they felt about each other's choices and decisions. It would be a very emotional and vulnerable moment for the two, especially Makoto who tends to hide his true emotions. I think it would've been interesting to see Makoto open up more to Toru about how the Nakagawa elders treated him, obviously Toru generally gets the idea, but Makoto could tell him in detail and how that made him feel.
I wish we could've had an emotional spin off like that. Though I might be biased sense I find the sibling dynamic of the two to be most interesting out of everyone's.
Like I said Toru loves Makoto so much to the point that he would cause some hurt and pain to his baby brother to keep him safe. He even tries multiple times to get Makoto to join him in his rebellion and becomes quite hurt when Makoto doesn't take up his offer. I mean just look at this bit of text from the Ninja Shadow Tropedia/wikia page
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When he's beaten in Makoto's route he's extremely distraught as he was so sure he win.
He was so sure he was going to win because he has such a strong deep love for his brother.
Toru wanted to protect one of things his little brother held so dear to him.
I just love the two so much, they deserve the world
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Well that's the end of this word blurb (part 1) lol. I hope what I said makes sense and maybe some of you might agree.
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trickster-kat · 2 years
Ninja Shadow Masterlist 1
Part 2
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Preview Premium Route
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Preview Premium Route
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Preview Premium Route
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Preview Premium Route
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Preview Premium Route
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Preview Premium Route
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Preview Premium Route
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Preview Premium Route
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Preview Premium Route
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Coming Soon!
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Preview Premium Route
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Preview Premium Route
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Preview Premium Route
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Preview Premium Route
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Preview Premium Route
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Coming Soon!
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Preview Premium Route
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Preview Premium Route
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Preview Premium Route
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Coming Soon!
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Preview Premium Route
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Preview Premium Route
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Preview Premium Route
Part 2
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p5x-theories · 4 months
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What We Know About Wind
(last updated 8/3/24!)
Riko Tanemura, codename Wind, is a third-year member of the disciplinary committee at Kokatsu Academy, and the rich heiress to a plum company.
Her Japanese voice actress is Atsumi Tanezaki.
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In the story so far, we see her at school, as a student who mainly appears in scenes to remind other students of the rules. She and Motoha seem to be at least a bit familiar with each other, and there seem to be some girls at school who even are fans of Riko's and find her cool.
Future story information about her has been translated as:
"As the discipline committee member, Riko Tanemura helps the school manage the lives of students, which has become a very important part under the new policy. Riko-senpai is smart and knowledgeable. As a member of the discipline committee, she will make rational judgments when facing radical campus reform policies. Facing her own problems, she will definitely be able to make better changes through meeting the protagonist and his party. When she faces the struggle to break the rules that constrain her, it is the second movement of the Concerto of the Rule Breakers!"
She was also listed as a Confidant in the first beta (but it was locked), and was present in photo mode in the third beta. The third beta trailer shows her talking to Wonder in a scene that has not yet been present in-game. She also had a special animated promo video focused on her.
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While little has been seen of her at the moment, she seems to at least outwardly present as a calm, reserved student. She encourages Wonder to speak up, but also complains that students have been acting more selfishly lately. She's mentioned to be the head of the student disciplinary committee, so she helps uphold the rules at Kokatsu. The school's dean frequently pushes administrative work and other duties onto her, but she takes care of it all without complaint, solely focused on preparing for her future career when she eventually inherits UMETANE from her father.
Her Persona awakening reveals that her strict sense of duty is actually tied to a desire to be loved genuinely. From a young age, it was impressed upon her in various ways that she'd only ever be loved superficially, and only if she excelled at tasks and stayed useful. She repressed the part of herself that sought genuine care and affection from others, and became closed-off and clinical, viewing the world with the assumption that everyone was only keeping her around if she could be of use, and always had ulterior motives for getting close to her.
Seeing Shadow Katayama's genuine, desperate care for her students, and specifically for Riko's wellbeing even as it was killing her, helped her to realize what she really desires out of human interactions: she wants to believe people can actually love her for herself, without wanting something from her. Seeing Shadow Katayama be used the way Riko always lets herself be used in the real world, she became determined to break out of the circumstances she'd created for herself, and focus on the people who honestly love her, like Ms. Katayama.
Promotional information about her has been translated as:
"The surname Tanemura is spread in the ancient Wakayama Prefecture, a family closely related to “plum”. The phantom thief costume extracts the design inspiration of the “miko costume”, supplemented by the design concept of “plum blossom”.
Riko Tanemura is resourceful, calm and rational, and is the best candidate for the position of advisor to the Phantom Thieves. Therefore, in the new Phantom Thieves, she will play the role of “navigator” who controls the situation."
Given she's paired with Makoto for their P5 Collab sticker (pictured above), and is the next teammate to join, it seems very likely her role will parallel Makoto's.
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Her Persona is Chiyome (based on a famous female ninja), and functions as a navigator. While she’s summoned, Wind sits on a swing hanging below her, while Chiyome herself soars through the sky.
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Chiyome is an Elucidation Persona, the designation used for navigators, and her trait gives the enemy with the highest level of Guard a "Vulnerability" after every three teammate actions. A Vulnerability increases the enemy's damage taken from the next attack to hit them, but then is destroyed; when destroyed, Wind receives two pieces of "Intelligence". If the attack hits a weakness, or even does normal damage (i.e., is not resisted, absorbed, or reflected), their Guard will be reduced by an extra level, and every time an enemy's Guard is reduced by a level in this way, Wind gains an additional piece of Intelligence. She has three support skills, which have cooldowns to use, but can be called in at will otherwise: the first reduces the defense of all enemies for two rounds (based on Wind's own speed stat), and gives one enemy a Vulnerability; the second increases the damage taken by all enemies for two rounds, and every time a teammate reduces an enemy's Guard, or knocks them down, this skill's cooldown is reduced by 1 turn (and can trigger automatically when the cooldown reaches 0); and the third requires at least 5 Intelligence to use, and consume all Intelligence to give all teammates "Unyielding Bravery" (buffs damage caused, moreso the more Intelligence is consumed) for one round, and restores one teammate's health.
Her passive skills buff the team's stats, buff the team's health + attack + defense stats at the start of combat based on Wind's speed stat, and buff One More and All Out Attack damage dealt by the team.
While she doesn’t strictly have a melee or ranged weapon as a navigator, P5X does have tools that the navigators use for their abilities, also obtained through the weapon gacha, and hers are parasols.
Her recommended card sets are 1) 4 of Coins (Power) + Page of Coins (Growth).
The game recommends teaming her up with 1) Joker.
A Summer version of Riko appears in the Summer event. Her design concept art:
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thehopesoftheworld · 11 months
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Whenever I see Blue team it just really reminds me of Persona 3 for some reason. Maybe cuz their both Blue, fighting against Resentment and always touching Death. They are also uncaring of the weird egg thing which is such a Makoto/Minato thing to do lmao
So I decided to assign persona games to each team.
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Team BOLAS? as Persona 5. Chaotic, Flashy and ready to fight for what they believe in. (also the most popular) Their coordinated and tight knit.
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Theres not alot of people talking about Green Ninjas and theres no green Persona game (yet) So this is gonna be a totally off analysis. Persona 4 for Team Green Ninjas. I was also considering P2 Innocent Sin. A group filled with people who are crazy good and eccentric. But each chooses to be alone to fight their own shadows.
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the-babygirl-polls · 7 months
Babygirl Polls Lineup: Week Five
Hey everyone, here is the lineup for Week Five of the Babygirl Polls! Thanks to everyone who submitted a character!
Doug Rattmann (Portal)
Sol (Warrior Cats)
He Who Gets Slapped (He Who Gets Slapped)
Yu Junghyeok/Yoo Joonghyuk (Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint)
Reinhardt/Valier Jr. (Demon Prince Goes to the Academy)
Viktor (Arcane)
The Shadowplayer (Warning Shadows)
Nardole (Doctor Who)
Dan Hibiki (Street Fighter)
Jaime Reyes/Blue Beetle (DC Comics)
Enjolras (Les Miserables)
Rumpelstiltskin/Mr. Gold (Once Upon A Time)
The Master (Doctor Who)
Jesse Pinkman (Breaking Bad)
Dani Rojas (Ted Lasso)
Amelia Hughes (Infinity Train)
Martin Septim (The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion)
Dirk Gently (Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency)
Future Leonardo (Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
Leonard "Bones" McCoy (Star Trek)
Saitama (One Punch Man)
Dale Jennings (The Newsreader)
Soldier/Jane Doe (Team Fortress 2)
William Afton (Five Nights at Freddy's (2023))
Stu Macher (Scream)
Luigi (Mario)
Meta Knight (Kirby)
Papyrus (Undertale)
Shaggy (Scooby Doo)
Astarion Ancunin (Baldur's Gate 3)
Makoto Kagutsuchi (Master Detective Archives: Raincode)
Sauron/Annatar (Silmarillion)
Sydney Carton (A Tale of Two Cities)
Yasper Lennov (The Afterparty)
Hannah Minnows (The Afterparty)
Travis Bickle (Taxi Driver (1976))
Michael Corleone (The Godfather Trilogy)
Winslow Leach (Phantom of the Paradise)
Luis Serra Navarro (Resident Evil 4 remake)
Rune Saint John (The Tarot Sequence series)
Zakuro (Marikinonline4)
Gou Kirimi (Marikinonline4)
Recurser (Friday Night Funkin vs. Dave and Bambi 3.0)
Sherlock Holmes (Arthur Conan Doyle)
Basil (Omori)
Giygas (Mother)
Galo Thymos (Promare)
Joo Yeo-Jeong (The Glory)
Ken (Barbie)
Crosshair (The Bad Batch)
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blueboybracket · 1 year
Round One of the Ultimate Blue Boy Bracket has officially started! The first round consists of 90 match-ups, which will be split up into two halves over the course of the next two or three weeks
I'll be posting 10 matches per day for Round One across the next couple of weeks, all matches will run for a week each!
The second half of Round One will begin on the 22nd of May!
Here are links to the current on-going matches! I'll add the rest as they are posted
Jack Power/Mass Master (Power Pack) vs. Jaime Reyes & Khaji Da (Blue Beetle)!
Kaito (VOCALOID) vs. Kyle Marlon (Evillious Chronicles)
Inkling Boy - Default (Splatoon) vs. Lancer (Deltarune)
Darington (Blaze and the Monster Machines) vs. Blue Robot (Bomb It)
Goo (Inanimate Insanity) vs. Leonard McCoy (Star Trek)
Michael J. Caboose (Red vs. Blue) vs. Santa (9 Hours 9 Persons 9 Doors)
Sniffles (Happy Tree Friends) vs. Ludwig von Koopa (Super Mario Bros.)
Genie (Aladdin) vs. Rex (Xenoblade Chronicles 2)
Titan (Show by Rock) vs. Seragaki Aoba (DRAMAtical Murder)
Langa Hasegawa (Sk8 the Infinity) vs. Adolin Kholin (Stormlight Archive)
The above matches conclude on the 15th of May 2023
Blue M&M (M&M's) vs. Every male Sentai Blue (Super Sentai)
Toy Bonnie (Five Nights at Freddy's 2) vs. Whirl (Transformers)
Rimuru Tempest (Tensura) vs. Equius Zahhak (Homestuck)
Stitch (Lilo & Stitch) vs. R2-D2 (Star Wars)
Leonard L. Church (Red vs. Blue) vs. Gus Porter (The Owl House)
Reed Richards (The Fantastic Four) vs. Pegitan (Healin' Good Precure)
Gil Webber (Monster High - G3) vs. Dr. Manhattan (Watchmen)
Vanitas (The Case Study of Vanitas) vs. Ed (Get Ed)
Romero (Zombie Land Saga) vs. Nagisa Shiota (Assassination Classroom)
Shuichi Saihara (Danganronpa V3) vs. Makoto Yuki (Persona 3)
The above matches conclude on the 16th of May 2023
Beast (X-Men) vs. Quirrel (Hollow Knight)
Falco Lombardi (Star Fox) vs. Grimmjow (Bleach)
Johan/Jesse Andersen (Yu-Gi-Oh! GX) vs. Caspar (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
The Blue Guy ("I'm Blue (Da Ba Dee)" - Eiffel 65) vs. Sonic the Hedgehog (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Kaladin (Stormlight Archive) vs. Rei Suwa (Buddy Daddies)
??? (The Binding of Isaac) vs. Branch (Trolls)
Captain Haddock (The Adventures of Tintin) vs. Flik (A Bug's Life)
Riliphin (Witch Hat Atelier) vs. Ice (Pokemon Ranger: Shadows of Almia)
Glossaryck (Star vs. The Forces of Evil) vs. Sam the Eagle (The Muppets)
Lo'ak (Avatar: The Way of Water) vs. Sigma Klim (Virtue's Last Reward)
The above matches will conclude on the 17th of May 2023
Tailgate (Transformers) vs. Shay Volta (Broken Age)
Leonardo (Teenage Ninja Mutant Turtles) vs. Wirt (Over the Garden Wall)
Ice King (Adventure Time) vs. John Egbert (Homestuck)
Continued in reblog
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valhala90 · 1 year
Ninja Shadow, Sakamoto's route review
My emotions can be summed up as boredom
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and rage for fucking up great tropes
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Anyhow, let me elaborate on it further. We're talking about this guy
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in case you forgot that he existed, and I wouldn't blame you because his route was so forgettable.
As you know, he's based on a historical figure Sakamoto Ryouma and you might remember the character from Hakuoki under that name. This route only reflects his ideals to change the politics of the country and to bring peace. That's all they have in common. In no way shape or form does this follow the historical events even just a tiny bit, since Shogun is also a playable character and love interest and they basically settle things with talk, and Shogun agrees to his terms.
This route is also very short with plenty of checkpoints that require a lot of Talent-n-skills points to pass it. I recently played it again just so I can see it with fresh eyes since I read it a couple of years ago, and yeah my opinion didn't change.
I won't go into the details about Saori Shishido, the MC, (you can change her name) but in the nutshell, her twin brother gets killed by Saburo Suigetsu because he sacrificed himself to save a woman whose village was set on fire by the said piece of shit. Kaname, Saori's brother was supposed to join the secret organization called Nagasaki vigilantes so that he can earn support for his impoverished village. Saori takes his place and his identity and when she meets the vigilantes she has to choose an instructor.
Almost all of the stories start out like that with a couple of exceptions, depending on which season you're playing. In the earlier routes, it's all about avenging her brother and the final chapter is when she gets to assassinate Suigetsu, but as more and more charas were added that plot took a backseat; she still gets to do that but it's just a subplot often treated like a task to do so the main plot can happen. Other original vigilantes, and when I say original I mean the earliest versions of the vigilantes, also fade into the background and are treated just like generic characters without their cool fighting techniques and strengths. The same happens to original villains. Suigetsu becomes just a target practice, sometimes involved with the other, more important antagonists in newer routes, who often dispose of him as some insect, and not that I'm complaining 'cause he's a scum, but I just want to point out that the original story doesn't matter much in the later routes.
I dislike the treatment of Toru Nakagawa, who's portrayed as a highly skilled swordsman, being able to hold his own against multiple vigilantes and is so eager to bring the new era to the country through any means necessary. Now, he and the original vigilantes are nothing but the sad doggo meme against Hades, who has a thicker plot armour than the MC, or shadow vigilantes, and whatever came next. So that's my main issue with this game.
Sakamoto's route is somewhere in between. The main "villains" are Toru and Tsubaki since they think the new era can only start with violence/revolution and plan to kill the shogun, you know, closer to historical events. Vigilantes play a minor role since MC gets a task to supervise Sakamoto just when she is about to choose her instructor. Makoto orders her to follow him since he heard that he's gathering rebels to overthrow the shogun. Sakamoto is a former vigilante and knows how they operate. He's also a people person, similar to Ukyo and is always cheerful and smiley, without regard for personal space. He doesn't get bothered by having Saori shadow him and wants to become friends instantly. He quickly grabs her to show her the town since it's her first day at Nagasaki and treats her to a meal, giving her a lot of compliments that make MC uncomfortable since she's pretending to be a guy, but that always bothered me because she picked the girliest possible garments and her lips look all shiny and shit. But ok. We ain't getting no Mulan disguise.
So, Zeyo is touchy-feely, and Saori wonders why he left the vigilantes. They are on the beach, and Zeyo suddenly turns serious and asks her why did she choose the name Kaname. Remember, she's pretending to be her brother. She's taken aback, especially when he says he knows that her name is Saori. Petrified, Saori denies it all, and that she's often mistaken for a woman. Zeyo backs off, apologizing for disturbing her. He then elaborates that one of his friends saw a woman with her description and sure enough, Yoshiyuki appears, calling her by her real name. Yoshiyuki is a childhood friend of Kaname and Saori. He greets her stating that she's the woman he loves and Saori starts to panic since her cover is completely blown. Yoshiyuki, in true otome fashion, says they were destined to meet again since she's his future wife, and Zeyo's like, back off dude. Anyhow, Yoshiyuki is a part of Zeyo's organization called Kaientai and they deal with trade.
For now, let's say I buy all of this information dump in the first chapter and don't question anything
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When he starts asking about details of why she is calling herself Kaname and what she is doing in Nagasaki, Zeyo comes to her aid, stating that they shared a table when they ate and that he promised that he will show her around town. He also tries to justify why she's using her brother's name. Yoshiyuki, apparently, buys all that and leaves, since it's totally fine to leave someone you're friends with, and love so much with your boss, who's a stranger, but it's okay since he's a great guy.
Again, ok, I'll go with it
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Saori thanks Zeyo for helping her out. He also says that he will keep her secret as long as she needs him to and asks about the wife thing with Yoshiyuki. Saori denies it and then he flirts with her, saying that she should consider him also as a husband candidate. MC brushes it off as a joke. They part ways in the evening, but Makoto comes out of the Meiko salon and says to her to keep an eye on Sakamoto 24/7. How convenient for the plot.
So here is where my main issues with this route start. I already said that it's a problem because it's really short, the next problem is the lack of personality of both MC and Sakamoto. She moves in with him basically and the conversations they are having are so boring that I seriously fell asleep reading it. MC is supposed to be a ninja with a task to observe a potentially dangerous and suspicious man who is gathering/riling up people for rebellion to overthrow Shogun and maybe even assassinate him, and there she is saying sorry to intrude on your home, thank you for your kindness, blushes at the complements and oh boy, I'm getting annoyed just writing this.
She is not supposed to let her guard down 'cause for all she knows Zeyo is someone good at pretending and a very skilled person who she knows nothing about, but he knows a lot about her and about her employer, the vigilantes. He has a lot of advantages over her, and instead of using that as blackmail maybe to inject this story with some life, he's like nah, I like you, you're pretty blah blah. She should be cautious and take Makoto's words seriously, and perhaps gradually let the guard down if Zeyo proves that he's really a good and kind person who's not a threat.
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The dialogue where they have friendly banters, cute chit-chat and moments should come waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay later. They didn't build anything! It feels helluva weird!
A few days later, she's giving her report about Zeyo to Makoto, and Makoto warns her about Shinsengumi coming to sniff out the potential rebels (yet when they eventually meet up she's a Pikachu meme). Shinsengumi in this game are clowns. Okita and Hijikata have a few good banters but that's about it. So do not expect Hakuouki level at friggin' all. He also tells her if she catches Zeyo conspiring against Shogun to assassinate him.
And I'm like, fuck yeah, finally some plot!
Saori is like, I understand sir, but inside she's whining and being like, I like Sakamoto I know him for less than a week but he's great he won't betray my trust! (I will mention otome 《My Vow to My Liege》 that has the best betrayal route that I've ever read, and I would be so happy if 1% of that happened here but nah). Also, I realize this is nitpicking but WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU SMILING WHEN HE ASKS YOU IF YOU CAN DELIVER THE KILL? JESUS.
They go through the town and Zeyo's like, let me show you the alleys and routes that you can use after you assassinate people to run away, and MC is like oh, I will soon have to kill people *nervous* after she just smiled and confirmed that she can kill the man in front of her if needed. Kunihiro makes an appearance just so he can be all mysterious and I was like ok, they are trying to make us suspect Zeyo, but if you played Kunihiro's route as I did, you know there's nothing to worry about, so he's there just to say enjoy your date and disappear and then MC and Sakamoto are all like uh, he told us we're on a date
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Not a forced intimacy or anything. We are being asked, by the author(s), to forget the circumstances of the world they created in the past billion routes, and kinda fall into the idea that MC is doing something wrong since Sakamoto is the bestest guy ever, take this screenshot for example:
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We're also supposed to believe that he fell for her from the start and wants MC to reciprocate his feelings, without any emotional leverage, or investment, since Sakamoto clears the suspicions about him being involved in anything insidious pretty quickly and Makoto's like yeah, I knew it from the start but had to be sure, also I know you're a woman and if you had issues with being with a guy in close quarters I would dismiss you, but now I'm gonna let you off the hook.
In the earlier routes, all who found out the vigilantes' identity had to be killed and that had a lot of weight in the stories but here it's okay since the plot can be changed as the author(s) see fit. This is what I hate in these kinds of games that have zillion datable characters. The lore gets forgotten and dismissed since they introduced so many ludicrous plotlines in the latest stories that quickly solve some problems and deliver quantity over quality for a cash grab, but create massive plot holes for people who actually followed their shit for years. like MCU for example.
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Let's wrap this up since it doesn't deserve to be talked about this much.
MC and Sakamoto are already deeply in love when they have that talk with Makoto, btw. Toru and Tsubaki are still gonna go with their plan and do something resembling the actual history, so ofc Sakamoto and MC go to Edo to prevent the assassination of Shogun and also so that Sakamoto can ask for the official meeting with the shogun and talk about the future of the country and fulfil his dream that suddenly becomes Saori's dream as well, 'cause fuck her village.
I actually like the stories where she returns there to become the village chief. Oh, and the revenge for her brother is handled as quickly as possible as well as her PTSD of killing a person on her first mission. Sakamoto says some words of encouragement and not in a good way like Ukyo handled it in his route, since we need to get that out of the way because it ain't about MC anymore, it's about Sakamoto. They basically stop Toru with talk no justu and he kicks the shit out of them since Sakamoto cannot fight with guns up close? WHAT THE FUCK
Do you not know how guns work? You fucking wound him since you don't wanna kill him and end of fucking story! I saved you some space that you could have used to DEVELOP AN ACTUAL STORY AND ROMANCE.
Sadly, I paid for this shit and while CGs are mostly good, some are awkward. Oh, and Shogun comes and says, yes I accept your terms, Sakamoto, we're gonna change this country and be best buds yay!
They let go Toru and Tsubaki with a warning
Toru and Tsubaki are turned into Team Rocket and say we'll be back if you fuck things up shogun so you better not!
I can't anymore 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
This route is as bland as they come. Goes to show that you can have the greatest potential and tropes in the world and still make a pile of hot garbage because you don't know how to write. I'll remain bitter for giving money for this manure.
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teamthunderdome · 2 months
For those of you just joining us...
The TEAM THUNDERDOME is a tumblr bracket in which teams of 3 or 4, both iconic and obscure, duke it out in deathmatches voted on by you, the viewer at home.
64 teams entered the event.
8 teams remain.
These are their stories.
FIGHT #1 - [W] Team TRIFORCE (Link, Zelda, Groose)VS [L] Team SHREK (Shrek, Fiona, Donkey, Puss in Boots)
FIGHT #2 - [W] Team KRUSTY KRAB (SpongeBob, Patrick, Squidward, Mr. Krabs)VS [L] Team OOO (Finn, Jake, Princess Bubblegum, BMO)
FIGHT #1 - [L] Team JIGSAW (John, Amanda, Mark, Lawrence) VS [W] Team FORTRESS (Medic, Heavy, Engineer, Soldier)
FIGHT #2 - [W] Team MARIO (Mario, Luigi, Wario, Waluigi) VS [L] Team PERSONA (Makoto, Kotone, Yu, Ren)
FIGHT #1 - [W] Team RWBY (Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Yang) VS [L] Team MYSTERY INC (Fred, Shaggy, Velma, Daphne)
FIGHT #2 - [L] Team WONDER PETS (Linny, Tuck, Ming Ming) VS [W] Team WOOHP (Sam, Alex, Clover)
FIGHT #1 - [W] Team DARK (Shadow, Rouge, Omega) VS [L] Team KEYBLADE (Sora, Donald, Goofy)
FIGHT #2 - [L] Team POWERPUFF (Blossom, Buttercup, Bubbles) VS [W] Team TALLY HALL (Rob, Zubin, Andrew, Joe)
In the meantime, this week features the return of EXHIBITION MATCHES! (These will run for the standard 7-day poll and begin roughly an hour from this post's publishing (cir. 1 AM) to allow proper time for some other teams to catch up!)
EXHIBITION MATCH - AVERAGE EVERYDAY SUPERNATURAL EPISODE Team WINCHESTER (Sam, Dean, Castiel, Crowley) VS Team GHOSTS (Blinky, Pinky, Inky, Clyde) VS Team TWILIGHT (Jacob, Edward, Bella) VS Team PILLAR MEN (Kars, ACDC, Wham, Santana)
EXHIBITION MATCH - MEANT TO BE, PART I - GO BEYOND! PLUS ULTRA Team DEKU (Izuku, Tsuyu, Ochako, Shouto) VS Team BAKUGO (Bakugo, Mina, Denki, Eijirou)
EXHIBITION MATCH - MEANT TO BE, PART II - SUPER SONIC RACING Team SONIC (Sonic, Tails, Knuckles) VS Team DARK (Shadow, Rouge, Omega)
EXHIBITION MATCH - MEANT TO BE, PART III - THE XENOBLADE SPECIAL Team BIONIS (Shulk, Reyn, Dunban, Sharla) VS Team AEGIS (Rex, Pyra, Mythra) VS Team AIONIOS (Noah, Lanz, Eunie, Riku)
EXHIBITION MATCH - TWISTED PICTURE SOLUTIONS Team SCIENCE (Gordon, Bubby, Tommy, Dr. Coomer) VS Team JIGSAW (John, Amanda, Mark, Lawrence)
EXHIBITION MATCH - HONORABLE MENTIONS, PART V Team DUWANG (Josuke, Koichi, Okuyasu, Jotaro) VS Team MISHIMA (Heihachi, Kazuya, Jin, Reina)
EXHIBITION MATCH - HONORABLE MENTIONS, PART VI Team GHOSTBUSTERS (Venkman, Stantz, Spengler, Zeddemore) VS Team LEVERAGE (Sophie, Eliot, Parker, Hardison)
0 notes
fantomcomics · 11 months
What's Out This Week? 11/8
Upcoming Events: Life Drawing! MtG Beginners Lesson!
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Count Crowley: Mediocre Midnight Monster Hunter #1 (of 4) -David Dastmalchian & Lukas Ketner
A dead werewolf would have made Jerri Bartman feel victorious just a few days ago. But this deceased beast was her friend and our beloved monster hunter is shocked and depressed. The return of her predecessor brings no consolation and now there's a ghoulish child-snatcher on the loose in Beloit... Holly Halloween, Count Crowley! Things are really getting batty!
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What If...? Dark: The Tomb Of Dracula #1 - Marv Wolfman, David Cutler & Giuseppe Camuncoli
Legend MARV WOLFMAN returns to TOMB OF DRACULA and the character he co-created! WHAT IF...the legendary Dracula transformed BLADE the vampire slayer...into a vampire?!
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Petrol Head #1 (of 5) - Rob Williams & Pye Parr
In a climate crisis-ravaged future metropolis, an old, grumpy, obsolete, smoke-belching, cigar-chomping, HOTROD-RACING ROBOT is one 12-year-old girl's only hope. Together, can they outrace the chasing Robo-Cops with an invention that might just save humanity?
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Punisher #1 - David Pepose, Dave Wachter & Rod Reis
Is this the return of Frank Castle - or the start of something else? Frank Castle has disappeared, but evil will always need to be punished. With all-new threats rising to claim innocent victims, criminals will need to beware of a dangerous vigilante hunting them from the shadows. Who is the new Punisher? What put him on his path of vengeance? And when the smoke clears, will he even make it out alive?
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Star Wars: The High Republic Phase 3 #1 - Cavan Scott, Ario Anindito & Phil Noto
A year after the destruction of STARLIGHT BEACON, MARCHION RO and THE NIHIL stand victorious! The galaxy is in turmoil: The once mighty JEDI are outclassed, the REPUBLIC is on its knees. On the edges of the galactic frontier, JEDI MASTER KEEVE TRENNIS leads a desperate assault against an invading force! The odds are stacked against her, but a Jedi always clings to hope. THE FORCE is with her...right? Not so fast!
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Superman '78: The Metal Curtain #1 (of 6) - Robert Venditti & Gavin Guidry
When the planet Krypton exploded, its last son was rocketed across the cosmos and came to settle in a small town in Kansas. But what else came with him, and what if a piece of his home landed somewhere we never knew about? As Superman has become a symbol of strength and pride for America, the Soviet Union looks to crush that image with a creation of their own, built by their own might and forged by their own power!
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Thanos #1 - Christopher Cantwell, Luca Pizzari & Leinil Yu
THANOS VS. THE ILLUMINATI! The Mad Titan descends upon Earth to retrieve something he has lost. And the Illuminati must band together to stop him, because they're the ones who hid it from him!
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Zawa & The Belly Of The Beast #1 (of 5) - Michael Dialynas
Trapped inside her mountain by pollution-spewing factories, the guardian spirit Zawa only has industrial waste to eat, leading her to a bitter existence of paranoia and destruction.
But when two siblings from a nearby village help her escape, they'll quickly learn that the way to calming Zawa's heart is through a well nourished stomach!
GLAAD Award-winning and Eisner Award-nominated cartoonist Michael Dialynas (Wynd, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) crafts a charmingly macabre eco-fable about nature, greed, the dangers of retribution, and good food shared among friends.
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5 Centimeters Per Second HC - Makoto Shinkai & Yukiko Seike
Based on the award winning film by Makoto Shinkai, 5 Centimeters per Second is now compiled into a beautiful hardcover collector's edition! Love can move at the speed of terminal velocity, but as award-winning director Makoto Shinkai reveals in his latest comic, it can only be shared and embraced by those who refuse to see it stop.
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Black Night Parade GN Vol 1 - Hikaru Nakamura
A slightly creepy Christmas comedy by the acclaimed creator of Saint Young Men that inspired a live-action film! Hino Miharu spends Christmas the same way every year, working alone at a dead-end part-time job at a convenience store. He'd do just about anything to land a full-time gig, but when he runs into a shadowy Santa Claus dressed all in black, he has no idea he's encountered the real deal. Well, almost. While the normal Santa Claus who dresses in red and white oversees Christmas for all the good boys and girls, his dark counterpart is in charge of handling the bad children-and Miharu just wound up on the naughty list. Gobbled up by a slavering, talking sack, he's spirited away to the Arctic, where he finds himself the newest employee of a massive Christmas operation. Yeah, the pay and benefits are great, and his coworkers sure are cute, but is this the dream job he's been hoping for, or the beginning of a Christmas nightmare?
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The Complete American Gods HC - Neil Gaiman, P. Craig Russell, Scott Hampton, Colleen Doran, & Glenn Fabry
Shadow Moon, fresh out of jail, finds his wife dead, his life in shambles, and nowhere to turn. But a chance meeting with the mysterious Mr. Wednesday thrusts him into the center of a conflict between new and old gods, where the future of human and divine life is at stake. The Hugo, Bram Stoker, Locus, World Fantasy, and Nebula award-winning novel and hit Starz television series by Neil Gaiman is adapted as a graphic novel! Collecting the complete American Gods comic book series, along with art process features, high res scans of original art, layouts, character designs, and bonus art by Becky Cloonan, Skottie Young, Fabio Moon, Dave McKean, and many more!
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Don't Spit In The Wind TP - Stefano Cardoselli
One man's trash is another man's living.
Since earth became inhospitable, humanity escaped ages ago to live in a space station floating above the atmosphere. Now Travis and his crew of garbage men are tasked with cleaning up mountains of toxic waste, working for a company called Atomic Bros INC., to create a 'Clear World'. But when one of Travis' crew members goes missing near an old nuclear facility Travis' job becomes a bit more complicated.  Collects issues #1 - 4.
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Duel GN - Jessixa Bagley & Aaron Bagley
Sixth grader Lucy loves fantasy novels and is brand-new to middle school. GiGi is the undisputed queen bee of eighth grade (as well as everything else she does). They've only got one thing in common: fencing. Oh, and they're sisters. They never got along super well, but ever since their dad died, it seems like they're always at each other's throats. When GiGi humiliates Lucy in the cafeteria on the first day of school, Lucy snaps and challenges GiGi to a duel with high sisterly stakes. If GiGi wins, Lucy promises to stay out of GiGi's way; if Lucy wins, GiGi will stop teasing Lucy for good. But after their scene in the cafeteria, both girls are on thin ice with the principal and their mom. Lucy stopped practicing fencing after their fencer dad died and will have to get back to fighting form in secret or she'll be in big trouble. And GiGi must behave perfectly or risk getting kicked off the fencing team. As the clock ticks down to the girls' fencing bout, the anticipation grows. Their school is divided into GiGi and Lucy factions, complete with t-shirts declaring kids' allegiances. Both sisters are determined to triumph. But will winning the duel mean fracturing their family even further?
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Ghostlore TP Vol 1 - Cullen Bunn, Leomacs & Reiko Murakami
What ghost stories do ghosts tell, and what can they tell us about ourselves?
An estranged daughter and her father wander a haunted land; they only have the restless spirits, each with its own story to tell, as company along the way.
After a deadly accident of which they are the only survivors, Lucas and Harmony Agate can see the dead-an overwhelming amount of the deceased, all with their own warnings, cries for help, and malevolence alike.
But Lucas and Harmony aren't the only ones with this ability; there are other nearly-deads, some of which have malicious motivations...
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Good Girls Go To Hell GN - Tohar Sherman-Friedman
From political protests to personal struggles with school, body image, and relationships with family and friends, Tohar Sherman-Friedman's life is an inspiring story of conflicting convictions, rebellion, and personal growth. Tohar recounts her experience as the youngest of seven children in a conservative Jewish family, navigating a life buffeted by high expectations for school performance and religious adherence at home and tense conflict in the world outside. With utter sincerity and through detailed panel-style drawing, she relates what it's like to be on a journey that ultimately takes her far from how she was taught to think and what she was expected to believe. A coming-of-age graphic memoir set in the West Bank, Good Girls Go to Hell depicts the reality of growing up in a region split by religious tensions-and sometimes violent conflict.
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I Am Only A Foreigner Because You Do Not Understand GN - L. Nichols
Some books take the whole of a lifetime to write. I Am Only a Foreigner Because You Do Not Understand continues Flocks, L. Nichols's graphic memoir of growing up trans in the rural South. These comics document L.'s further transition, from living as a man to walking the middle path, facing depression, disease, divorce and death. Healing leaves scars, things fall apart, and pronouns change until there is no I, there is only us.
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I Did It! SC - Michael Emberley
Learning to ride a bike is hard. Can I do it? Yes, I can! A fun comic that kindergarteners and first graders can read on their own. Can I do it? I can't do it. I want to do it. I did it! Simple text that new readers can read by themselves, along with delightful pictures in a comic format, show a little creature trying and trying again as they learn to ride a bicycle.  All their friends help with supportive words of encouragement. "You did it!" their friends exclaim.
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Keeper Of The Lost Cities GN Vol 1 Part 1 - Shannon Messenger, Celina Frenn & Gabriella Chianello
Twelve-year-old Sophie Foster has never quite fit into her life. She's skipped multiple grades and doesn't really connect with the older kids at school, but she's not comfortable with her family, either. The reason? Sophie's a Telepath, someone who can read minds. No one knows her secret-at least, that's what she thinks... But the day Sophie meets Fitz, a mysterious (and adorable) boy, she learns she's not alone. He's a Telepath too, and it turns out the reason she has never felt at home is that, well... she isn't. Fitz opens Sophie's eyes to a shocking truth, and she is forced to leave behind her family for a new life in a place that is vastly different from what she has ever known.
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The Lesbian Experience With Loneliness HC - Kabi Nagata
A beautiful hardcover rerelease of the critically acclaimed manga that won the Harvey Award, with a new cover and bonus chapter. My Lesbian Experience with Loneliness is a raw and heartfelt account of one young woman's struggles with her sexuality, mental well-being, and feelings of alienation in our modern age. Told using expressive artwork that invokes both laughter and tears, this intensely personal and insightful work was previously released in a single volume paperback edition. This hardcover special edition features new cover art and an all-new bonus chapter by the author.
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My Pancreas Broke But My Life Got Better GN - Kabi Nagata
The latest diary manga from the Harvey Award-winning creator of My Lesbian Experience With Loneliness and My Wandering Warrior Existence. In this new autobiographical manga, Nagata Kabi has quit drinking in an attempt to get healthier-or she's trying to, anyway. Her former struggles with alcohol led to pancreatitis and a serious hospitalization, and now she has no choice but to give up drinking. Follow the author as she details the quest to improve her health during a global pandemic.
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The Nightcrawlers HC Vol 1 - Marco Lopez & Rachel Distler
When things go bump in the night, they bump back.
If you think aliens replaced your teachers or your neighbor might be a vampire, then there's only one group to call for help: The Nightcrawlers.
The Nightcrawlers take on their first case when a friend from school believes werewolves replaced his parents. They get more than they bargained for when their investigation leads them right in the middle of a confrontation between their caretaker William Jones and a former Nightcrawler out for revenge. This story is about the unlikeliest group of friends coming together to help others...with a spooky twist!
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Office Gods GN - Catharina Octorina & Hiikariin
Gods, demigods, and true romance? Office Gods, based on the hit webcomic, is an addictive rom-com set in the corporate HQ of the Olympians themselves! Iris, a young human woman, is swept into the world of divine bureaucracy when she's recruited to work in the office of the gods, in the department of Hermes. The gods and goddesses may be beautiful beyond human comprehension, but she quickly learns that they're every bit as petty and quarrelsome as they were thousands of years ago. Can she survive Eros' antics, Aphrodite's temper, and getting caught between a love triangle with the demigod sons of Athena and Hades?
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On The Way GN - Paco Hernandez & Jose Angel Ares
Emma, a newly single cartoonist in her thirties, impulsively finds herself standing in Roncesvalles with her gaze fixed on Santiago de Compostela. Following the pilgrimage route known as The Way of St. James, she realizes the path she is traveling is bringing her closer to and somehow farther away from everyone around her, that the weight of her backpack is more than the clothes and pans inside, and that what she believed to be a simple walk to get some miles behind her (and her past) is a chance to learn not only about the people she meets along the way, but also herself.
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Osamu Tezuka's One Hundred Tales GN - Osamu Tezuka
One Hundred Tales is a story about being careful what you wish for. Ichirui Hanri is an ordinary accountant serving his master. Though innocent, he is ordered to commit hara-kiri after being entangled in some trouble in his master's house. Just then, a witch named Sudama appears. She signs a contract with Hanri to obtain his soul in exchange for fulfilling three of his wishes. Hanri gets what he wants...but the price he pays is too high.
An enchanting supernatural fable from Osamu Tezuka, known worldwide as the "Godfather of Manga" and the most influential person of the past century in the development of Japanese manga and anime.
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Skip GN - Sarah Burgess
Jay is always scribbling poetry in their notebook. When they come across Skip, a Double Dutch team, they befriend the members-and decide to join, too. For the first time ever, Jay has a place to belong-and friends to confide in. But Jay's friendship with their new bestie Beah is intense, both in and out of Double Dutch. As Beah and Jay help each other grow into the people they will become, it challenges their friendship and their own identities. This charming "slice of life" graphic novel is about accepting yourself, navigating "first love" friendship, and finding your own voice. It's rendered in debut author-illustrator Sarah Burgess's gorgeous art style ribboned with playful humor and sports drama.
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Soleil: Illustration Lookbook GN - TANAKA
The illustrator Tanaka's second art book is finally out! This illustration collection is based on the concept of the Look Book. Designed and bound like a fashion magazine, this book stylishly showcases Tanaka's characteristic fashion-focused worldview. Starting with Tanaka's new work "Sunflower (SOLEIL)," this book introduces the illustrations thematically through 10 motifs including "flowers," "seasons," and more. This special collection is full of cute and pop dress collections for boys and girls, covering all styles from classic to street attire.
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The Tale Of Princess Kaguya Picture Book HC - Isao Takahata
"Why did she choose to come to earth? Why did she long for this world? An old bamboo cutter and his wife find a tiny girl inside a bamboo shoot and raise her. The mysterious little princess grows rapidly into a young lady, enthralling all who encounter her-but ultimately, she must face her fate and be punished for her crime."
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The Cliff GN - Manon Debaye & Montana Kane
Schoolyard outcasts Charlie and Astrid meet up after school near a cliff at the edge of the woods surrounding their sleepy town. They make a blood pact to jump together in five days time, before their thirteenth birthdays. With a deft use of colored pencils, Debaye captures childhood's last pivotal moments as it teeters on the edge of adolescence with startling honesty in this devastatingly well-crafted debut.
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Virgin Love GN Vol 1 - Tina Yamashina
Six strangers, one house, one shared goal: love. What could go wrong? "Looking for love, but afraid you'll never find it?" Come Live at the Love House! Shoko Shoji, intelligent, reliable, beautiful, has a secret: she's a 26-year-old virgin, and mortified by her non-existent love life. Every day she checks out the self-help and beauty section of her local bookstore, but never works up the courage to go any further. Pushed on by her friends, she moves into the Love House, a social experiment putting six lovelorn strangers under one roof to see what sparks may fly! Will Shoko, and the friendly bookstore clerk she convinces to join her, finally find love? Or will rivalry, lust, and lies bring it all crashing down?
Whatcha snagging this week, Fantom Fam?
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moonlight-melts · 2 years
Making a post where I tell you which ones pf my f/o tags come from song lyrics because I can.
Yūki's new tag, "Telling words not to be told", comes from Beneath the Mask, a P.ersona 5 OST
Akira's "Wage war on gravity" comes from Nine by S.leeping at Last
S.EES's tag "The sun will rise again" is a twist of one of the lyrics from Burn my Dread, P.3's opening theme
Yu and Yosuke's, as well as the I.T's, "Giving truth and life" and "What we can uncover" respectively, come from Shadow World, P.4G's opening theme
Haru's "The way of the light" comes from Navigator by SixTONES, F.KBU's opening song
Makoto's tag "Falling up" comes from the song of the same name by A Million in Vermillon
I think Ryūichi's tag, "When I dream of you", comes from a song as well but I'm gonna be honest I don't remember which one-
Itsuki's "A story of tranquil music" comes from Break Outta Here by 1.Nm8. Their songs are just great, so I used that.
Arceus', "Million of little lights shining" comes from All the Little Lights by P.assenger. This one is notably one of the few instances in which the song the tag comes from doesn't really represent the ship in itself
Kabu's "Where the last sun glows" comes from Start a Fire, also by P.assenger
Alistair's "And they still echo me" comes from M.isguided Ghosts by P.aramore. That song represents our relationship very well, but considering I never talked about it, you just have to take my word for it lol
Ernest & Célestine are very musical movies, so their tag "Être ensemble quand il fait froid" comes from the last one's theme song, Qu'est-ce Qu'on Fait de l'Amour by Pomme
The Mamizuka family's "And everything will be alright" is from Cover me in Sunshine by P!NK
V.ISTY's tag, "I know you can reach the stars", comes from Swap Out by Police Picadilly, under the guise of the fictional character M.U-kun! If I had to, I'd say that the lyrics probably fit Toma and Kantaro the best, but really all the members have a place in that one
The Ninja's "You can sing along if you want to" comes from Simple Song by P.assenger. In case you missed it, I really like P.assenger
Chiyo's "To the better dayz" comes from Better Dayz by c.ozmez. That song represents what we wish to achieve, in a way
Nao's "When you say freedom out loud" is a translation (and possibly a slight adaptation) of one of the lyrics from R.M's moonchild. song, which represents Nao's character and Mika's thoughts towards him pretty well
And last but not least, Dongha's "I used to rule the world" obviously comes from Viva la Vida by C.oldplay, a song that's pretty representative of the little guy's inner conflicts. Also that's my favourite song, but it's unrelated
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ajentmm · 2 years
Zofia's Call Refine Theorycraft
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Late October, 2019. we got our first Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia banner in two years. This is likely because that game has so few heroes, we had two other banners, 2021 and 2022, and we have ran out of woman (unless IS want to be nice to the Cipher fans). Anyway, it's been four year, these guys are in the que. However, Python has cut in line and got his refine this November. Someone has to fill in his slot so we can have a nice four hero blog. And I know who to call. *Blows in horn*
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Valbar: Open and Honest
Brave Lance+: Mt.8 Inflicts Spd-5. If unit initiates combat, unit attacks twice.
Vengeance - HP/Atk 2 - Obstruct 2
Here he is, the third man character of Fire Emblem Gaiden. Valbar is a 3-4 star instant demote who was on the banner but joined at the same time. He's a lance knight with a new BST total of 173. . . oh wait no Forsyth has the new BST total at 179. . . What? No, no, it's fine. That's what we are here for, to buff this man. We just have to do more work.
Well he already has a brave lance, and Arden had a brave lance. Valibar and Arden's BST when given dragon flowers, are similar. So, I'm giving him a new age, enemy phase, brave lance. Just in time for the new ninja banner.
Spartan Spear: Mt. 10 "Grants Def/Res+5 and inflicts Spd-8 on unit. Unit attacks twice. (Even if foe initiates combat, unit attacks twice.)"
Oh boy. So we are lowering Valibar's moderate Atk from what could be 51 with a normal Perf to 45, and his terrible Spd to 18, raising his terrific Def to 43 and mediocre Res to 31, plus brave attacks in both phases. I can stop here since he is a 3-4 star, but he needs more, for the refine.
"If unit is within 2 space of an ally, grant unit and allies within 2 space reduced damage from Magic, Bow, Dagger, or Staff foes attacks if they initiates combat by 30% (excluding Røkkr area-of-effect Specials)."
So I remembered that Armor Generals in E:SoV get 50% reduced damage from bows, and there's a special combat art that reduces damage for nearby allies. So I just gave him essential Flayn's Staff but it works like Joint Distant Guard. I could have given him Joint Distant Defence but (1) that can stack with skills and the hidden passive in Summoner Dual (Did you know all melee unit's get Def/Res +7 when range units initiates combat?) (2) every armor unit is getting damage reduction (3) this can work well with Save Skills, either far save to maximum safety or near save to cover your bases. (4) his res is very low so a green mage could easily take him out despite the damage reduction, while bows and daggers have their way to neutralizes this effect. He is still gonna struggle against major threats, but against a vast number of canon fodder, he can stand his ground. Otherwise, his team might survive better.
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Silque: Adherent of Mila
Melancholy+: After combat, if unit attacked, resets Special cooldown of target and foes within 2 spaces of target, and inflicts [Guard] on target and foes within 2 spaces of target. (Neutralizes Special cooldown count reductions after combat, but skills that Accelerate and Slow Special are still effective.)
Recover+ - Earthfire Balm+ - Dazzling Staff 3 - Staff Exp. 3
Lucky Silque. While Brady and fan favorite Mercedes are in 3-4 star healer purgatory, Silque joins the 5 star healers with Maribelle and Makoto in getting a perf staff refine, eventually. She already has the Melancholy staff and dazzling staff, so this makes it easy.
Staff of Mila: "Calculates damage from staff like other weapons. After combat, if unit attacked, resets Special cooldown of target and foes within 2 spaces of target, and inflicts [Guard] on target and foes within 2 spaces of target. * "
* Omitted information for redundancy
Yep, that's good enough. Now the refined effect might be some new curve ball mechanic like what Makoto had where she got Canto Control before it became an inherentable skill. Maybe Null-Save or Null-Damage Reduction. But with what we know right now, this is the most fitting ability I can give her. There is a reason I called it the Staff of Mila
"When unit deals damage to foe during combat, restores 7 HP to unit. (Triggers even if 0 damage is dealt.) At start of turn, if foe's Def ≤ unit's Def-1 and foe is adjacent to another foe, inflicts [Guard] and [Isolation] on that foe."
First, I wanted to give her some healing equal to 50% the damage she deals but her speed is very low to get two hits and even with wrathful staff, the damage she deals may be too low to benefit from the healing, so I'm giving her a fixed healing amount of 7 per hit.
Second, the goddess Mila is known for her ability to isolate foes with less Def than her, so I gave Silque the same unique quality. Of course, Bridal! Fjorm introduced Isolation and she had an HP requirement, I have to give her props. Now, incase you didn't notice, Silque has a lot of Def. She is has the highest Def of any infantry staff and is only matched by Valentine! Lissa and Spring! Bruno for other staff units. A healer who is isolated cannot heal their allies. Additionally, most dances also have low defence, the noticeable exception being Dancer! Eldigan. Additionally, while Mila's condition is foe's in a cardinal direction because she is used in Aether Raid, I made Silque's condition similar to Sabotage skill. I also threw in Guard just make her even more useful.
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Forsyth: Loyal Lieutenant
Sol Lance: Grants Res+3. When unit deals damage to foe during combat, restores 10 HP to unit. (Triggers even if 0 damage is dealt.)
Bonfire - Def/Res Bond 3 - Bold Fighter 3 - Joint Hone Def
A Forsyth to recon with! This loyal knight has so much more stats and an appropriate amount of Spd for someone using fighter skill (cough Valbar). Course, his kit is geared to turtling but bold fighter makes him move one tile away, so it requires positioning your allies to be adjacent to him as he attacks to get the benefits of Bond 4, and later Joint Hone Def. Nevertheless, my idea for him is to make him uniquely useful when compared to his competition.
Sol Lance: Grants Res+3. When unit deals damage to foe during combat, restores 20% of unit's Max HP to unit. (Triggers even if 0 damage is dealt.) If foe initiate combat or foe's HP≥75, grant Atk/Def/Res + 5 to unit during combat.
With Forsyth's current HP of 47, 20% rounded down is 9. A downgrade, but refining his weapon will give him 3 HP which will set him at 10. From there, every 5 HP will increase the amount he heals per it. Neutral IV, Max dragon flower, fully merged, can get him 60 Hp for 12 healing per hit. Two more HP+5 puts him to 70 for 14 healing per hit. This can potentially be a nuts amount of healing if he attacks twice, making him heal 50% especially, but unlike Brave!Claude, he can be stopped by Deep Wounds. Now I did throw in a way for him to get more stats with the "Enemy Phase standard," just so he can compete stat wise to other unit's weapons, but he still needs a bit more. He could be made more offensive, or . . .
"If unit's HP > 25%, grant Atk/Def/Res + 5 to unit during combat, and also, if the sum of unit's base Def and Res ≥ the sum of foe's Def and Res at the start of combat, reduce foe's Atk during combat by percentage = difference of the two sums (max 30%)"
. . . Make him more unbreakable! In a similar way to Kjelle, Forsyth lowers the foe's Atk by a percentage rather than reducing damage. This way, any effects that "neutralize damage reduced by X%" won't work, no worries about Val!Chrom's Deadeye or Yuri's Lethality. The math is simple, just ignore all in combat stats. If the foe has very low Def and Res, they are usually a ranged unit or caviler with high Atk and Spd, and they are planning to bust your tank. If Forsyth has 15 more Def and Res than the foe's Def and Res, then he get's the max value, which can reduce Atk of 60 to 42 which is pitifully low, lower than most unit's with Brave Weapons. If the foe has high Def and low Res, then Forsyth just needs 30 higher Res. Brave Seliph has 18 Res which is 15 lower than base stat Forsyth. Seliph goes from approximately 60 goes to 51 but it's -10 Atk combined with Forsyth's Def+10 helps (but in this case Seliph will get 2 additional True Damage from his weapon). It way better with Mages because his Def is higher, and Mages tend to dump their Def stat, so that might get you 20% Atk reduction. Overall, Forsyth is really tanky and can last of a long time.
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Catria: Mild Middle Sister
Astra Blade: Grants Atk+3. If unit's Atk > foe's Def, deals damage = 50% of unit's Atk minus foe's Def.
Harsh Command+ - Atk/Spd Bond 4 - Aerobatics 3 - Spd Tactic 3
This Catria, known by some as Valentian! Catria, Val!Catria, or Echo!Catria is alt for the 3-4 unit Catria, but this is the one that appeared in Echoes: Shadow of Valentian, hence the nickname. You knew that already, didn't you?!
Her offensive stat spread and a weapon that gives her Glimmer every hit with no condition. Glimmer is only really useful if the foe has low Def and the unit has high Atk. With the flowers and the weapon she can get to 61 which is enough, but boy, there's a lot of foes with 45 Def, and they have Bonfire ready to kill. Also, no addition Spd, or Null Follow-Up, or guarantee follow up attacks makes her 2HKO ability unreliable. So base effect, I'm giving her more Atk/Spd.
Astra Blade: Grants Atk+3. If unit's Atk > foe's Def, deals damage = 50% of unit's Atk minus foe's Def. If unit initiate combat or are within 2 spaces of an ally, grant Atk/Spd +6 to unit during combat.
Boom. Easy. Now give her Null-Follow-WAIT! Have you heard of Bridal! Catria?
"Enables [Canto (Ally 2)]. At start of turn, if unit is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants "unit can move to a space adjacent to an ally within 2 spaces" and [Triangle Attack] to unit and allies within 2 spaces."
Just a reminder:
[Canto (Ally 2)] After an attack, Assist skill, or structure destruction, unit can move to a space adjacent to any ally within 2 spaces.
[Triangle Attack] If unit initiates combat and 2 or more allies (excluding unit) with Triangle Attack are within 2 spaces of unit, unit attacks twice. (That turn only. Does not stack.)
Yeah, I did that. I gave her access to [Triangle Attack], so now she doesn't even need that damage reduction to face counter attack. Most of the time she doesn't even need the Speed. It's just there to finish of the tankier foes, and you can give her Escutcheon to survive a bit. You do need to get her allies around to do the triangle attack and that's where the Order's effect helps. In addition, I gave her a form of Canto that let's her warp to a nearby allies after combat, out of the way so that another ally can attack, but still in range so they can activate Triangle Attack.
Now my weird goal is to have all the Valentian White Wings is have Triangle Attack and incorporate an aspect of Bridal Catria. Val!Palla already has a brave weapon, and she is slow so I can give her and her allies the [Auto Follow-Up] bonus that Bridal Catria gives with her Duo Button. This will replace the Orders bonus. Val!Est will then get Desperation, instead of Orders. So when all the girls have refined weapons, they can have four guaranteed hits, in a row. Now that's . . . a pipe dream.
What you do think of this batch of weapon refine theorycraft? Do the things that help the algorithm or myself-esteem.
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trickster-kat · 1 year
Uploaded Ninja Shadow: Makoto (Premium) Route to YouTube!
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saorikuhara39 · 4 years
Ninja Shadow Spin-off: Back to the Beginning
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As the game is approaching its premature end, we were offered a spin-off that shows the Nagasaki’s beginnings, which I have been waiting for. Now I see the reason why Miyabi’s Main Story was necessary to be released - it’s to show the establishment of the Nagasaki Vigilantes.
But there is one thing, one thing I’m aiming for in this spin-off event...
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When I saw this, I knew THAT SCENE have to show up.
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Here’s my first man, Kagura! *fangirls*
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Did you know how long I have waited for a spin-off like this!? Spin-off events that show stories of the past are every players dream. Just like ‘Behind Secret Eyes’ Spin-off events - that was a series of good Spin-off events. I finally get to see the very scene unfold right before my eyes.
Yet, such a spin-off event could only appear when the game is ending. Just like the spin-off that appeared in Blood in Roses that shows the history before the routes.
I was low-key hoping they at least continue making routes for the rest of the unreleased guys before they stopped the game. I don’t need the events, I just want the other guys’ Main Stories!
(here I am, already at the bargaining stage, wishing for the game to go on a little longer...)
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Early bird CG reward for completing the spin-off event.
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otome-silvynne · 7 years
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Makoto is such a jerk but the good kind of jerk
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Stargazing (Makoto x MC)
(I’m back! :D)
The sun was setting with lovely hues of violets. It was so beautiful Saori wondered about painting the scene, but she was no master of the arts like Makoto. Saori did like painting to occupy her time if everyone else was busy or if she wasn’t working at the Meiko Salon.
She held onto Makoto’s hand as they walked through the bustling streets of Nagasaki. Even though Saori had been in the city for a while, she still never got used to it. That wasn’t to say she preferred it over her village. They both had a special place in her heart.
However, she wondered how she got into this position. He had found her training in Shintaro’s dojo, and Saori didn’t expect Makoto of all people to pull her away from training. But here she was, letting herself be whisked away by him.
He hadn’t told her where he was taking her or what his plans were but, truth be told, Saori liked being with him too much to worry.
Makoto lead her farther away from the city where she glanced around, seeing a nearby hill. He scanned the area before deciding on something.
He let go of her hand and scaled the small hill before reaching for Saori’s hand.
“I can climb – oh, thank you.” She mutters, letting him help her up.
He smiles one of his rare smiles at Saori. “You’re welcome.” He sat down and offered her his hand.
She gave him her hand and let his bigger hand wrap around hers before he gently pulled her down onto the soft grass.
“Why did you bring me here?” She asked before she looked up at the sky.  
It had darkened into a dark blue. There were so man stars above, and more coming. Saori couldn’t help but marvel at it, the hill keeping the trees from blocking too much of the view.
He smiled again, looking at her.
“It’s beautiful.”
“I’m glad you like it. You’ve been working hard and I remembered how you used to look at the stars with Kaname.”
Saori nodded, remembering how many nights the pair of twins looked at the stars.
Makoto smiled but this time she couldn’t admire it because he tilts his head to kiss her. His hands come up, sliding into her hair, and Saori wraps her arms around his neck to deepen the kiss.
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