#ninjago Chen
ceruleanthiing · 2 days
“Neuuroo 😁 master of mind👀...! Versus. 👹BOLOBO.👹👹👹 masterof nnature!”
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isthatrightkiki · 7 months
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The Villians of Ninjago!
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iloveacronix · 4 months
Of course, there's more deleted concepts, but these are some that I often think about, especially Echo Zane(my precious baby) turning out to be Mr. E(would've been so cool), Lloyd killing the Overlord by himself after Garmadon's death, and Nadakhan coming back. Imagine Jay seeing Nadakhan again? Him having flashbacks would've been lit. I also think about Ronin's daughter- actually, I think I made her design like last year in my mind(since she was never introduced). I'll see if I can re-design her if im in the mood, all I remember is that I made her red head. Red heads are rad. Dunno if I should consider her as an oc, even if Ronin DID mention his family in Way of the Departed, im still not sure if its canon or not.
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xynczachrome · 1 year
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Stained Glass Series: Chen's Control
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The Elemental Master of Surprise has been usurped!
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pepmint-art · 1 year
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ninjago au where Morro didn't die he just ran away and didn't come back but then later he gets invited to the tournament of elements and the ninja meet him there and yeah stuff happens I might expand more on this later if anyone wants me too
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the-ninjago-historian · 4 months
Chen's Noodle House Concept Art!
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The colors. The COLORS.😍😍😍 I love love LOVE this one!!! It looks gorgeous! Look at those signs and lanterns!!! And the little noodle bowls! So pretty!
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phosphorus-12 · 14 days
Au where Garm doesn't get the snake tattoo because he already had a big tattoo on his back and refused to ruin it.
Tattoo guy: I can't give that guy a tattoo.
Chen: What, why not?
Tattoo guy: He already has one.
Chen: Okay, just go over it, it should still work.
Tattoo guy: I can't. He won't let me get near him.
Chen: Hold him down and make him.
Garmadon: *crashes out through the window*
Garmadon: Sup bro, I'm here to help fight Chen and everybody
Wu: What the heck. I thought you were with them.
Garmadon: Not anymore.
Wu: Why?
Garmadon: They wanted to cover my sick-ass dragon tattoo with some dumb snake
Wu: *facepalm*
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chococrystal · 1 year
Villians | Ninjago animatic yipeee finally finished the animatic !! :DD hope u all enjoy hehe
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drowsydregon · 9 months
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iloveacronix · 3 months
Imagine not caring about some guy choking your daughter right in front of you💀
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Bro started laughing💀
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woffles-4-waffles · 3 months
I'll make art for this, *threat*
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spect-era · 9 months
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Girls love it when day of the departed put the worst people in the same room <3
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How would the other ninja + Master Wu react to see Kai as an Anacondrai?
(CW I drew some partially topless Kai in this. Also. This got way longer than I thought it would)
Well they don't really have a whole lotta time to process that initially. The first time everyone sees it is when Kai shows up on his elemental dragon with Skylor and then they immediately head off to Ninjago to stop Chen. There's time to talk on the dragon ride over the ocean and the brief stops at the underground HQ.
I feel like there'd be much more of a reaction to the Mark of the Anacondrai itself, because it amplifies Kai's betrayal. Him having it suggests he's turned not just to Chen's side, but also joined the Anacondrai cult as well. This would probably mean Nya and Garmadon don't automatically realize "oh he's playing a longer con" even after he winks at them in the snake pit. (It also means Sensei Garmadon sees another parallel with himself and Kai later on, in that they both took on the marks and then later turned on Chen)
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I figure that Chen would relish in that and would actively have Kai show off the Mark. So, all the masters see Kai's mark when they interrupt the Ceremony. He has to explain himself to them very quickly after the Ceremony fight to avoid getting attacked (especially if any of them saw him going bonkers with Chen's Staff)
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(I do think it'd be fun though if the guards at the factory gossiped about one of the Elemental Masters getting the Mark of the Anacondrai, though, so that the imprisoned masters are all suddenly worried that one of the few left in the fight have switched sides)
Jay would probably make a joke about Kai's new ink, Cole would point out how dangerous his plan was once he hears about it, and Zane would agree. Zane also ices the tattoo to help with the pain and swelling, even if its not as effective after, like, however long he's had it (timeline is iffy but it's not more than like three days I think).
(If you wanna keep the angst going, too, the fact that Kai essentially goes missing while searching for Skylor would probably bring up some doubts in the other masters, and maybe even his own team, about whether he could still be pulled onto Chen's side -especially with Skylor as a possible bargaining chip- at that point.)
Once Kai's been turned into an Anacondrai though, not a whole lot changes. Jay's initial reaction is also jokes because... what else are you supposed to say to your friend who has turned into a snake man? Cole is probably the one to prompt him to try and play with the invisibility ability cause That's a Cool Power, Dude. Generally looking on the upside with it. Zane's got a little bit of scientific interest in the whole transformation.
Lloyd just. Doesn't fully process it. He does promise Kai immediately though that they'll turn him back to normal (because its Lloyd. He feels responsible for his big brother being in this situation even though he shouldn't). He's genuinely relieved when they start turning back when the spell begins to wear off.
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Kai does not like Lloyd putting responsibility on turning him back on himself, especially cause Kai betrayed and still definitely feels bad about it and the act he had to put on for it to work.
The Ninja all do pay close attention, though, because they're obviously worried about Kai's well being, but also... What if Kai likes being an Anacondrai (once he adjusts to fighting like one)? What if he wants to stay that way? What if Kai's turning to Chen's side wasn't entirely fake?
Kai sticks close to Skylor during their time as Anacondrai as much as possible because he's kinda freaked out by himself and doesn't want everyone to keep looking at him like.... well, like he's turned into a snake man.
Wu doesn't have any notable reaction to Garmadon as an Anacondrai, but I feel like he'd be very confused and a little freaked out on why one of his students is also one now. He gives Kai a very disapproving look when he learns how it happened because that was incredibly dangerous Kai. He doesn't really scold him though cause 1. Not the time. 2. Kai's plan worked. 3. No one knew that the mark would turn him into a snake.
Also, you didn't mention the folks at Kryptarium, but they almost definitely poke fun at Kai for being a snake now when they recognize him. Pythor finds it very funny that one of the Ninja is now a snake.
The worst reaction to Kai's Anacondrai form is definitely when they land in Ninjago City and people start freaking out because there are Serpentine on a Dragon made of Fire.
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