#ninjago muzzle
juniperjellyfish · 7 months
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alieliscious · 1 year
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Hiiii I'm back from the deaad, recently I rewatched S9 of Ninjago I still love it, and I still love Faith😩🥵
So I gave all the named hunters(except Stalwart Dangerbuff since he has no canon design) Warrior Cats designs and names
Idk if I should elaborate on some of the names, but I will on Faiths, she has her warrior name and her name from when she was under Mangledstars leadership as his deputy
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ogzieoggleton · 2 months
Ninjago s3, but it consists of Lloyd trying to help his father return to human/oni after his possession by the overlord.
After the battle, beneath the wreckage of the tower, once welded as a mechanical weapon, lay the large figure of a dragon. Once the blonde boy bathed in gold had finished the miniature celebration with his friends, all the ninja turned to look in horror at what Nya had spyed under the rubble: dark, leathery skin battered and bruised from the fall - a fall no one had even felt amidst the blinding light of purity.
Pulling and tearing rubbed away from what lay beneath until, eventually, the head of the creature was free. Garmadon barely raised his head, his eyes fluttering open to reveal a familiar red gaze filled with warmth, a warmth Lloyd new well.
Tears filled his eyes as he placed his trembling hand against the snout of his metamorphosized father, unable to take in the beastly state of his dad now turned dragon...
As time goes on, Garmadon's dragon like appearance slowly seems to change, his eyes are red, his snout gets wider and shorter (slowly starting to look more akin to his hooked nose rather than the narrow bridged muzzle owned by the overlord) despite being a dragon for the following months he seems to get smaller until he is just larger than a human with arms that are still winged (like a flying squirrel) but he becomes significantly more human in appearance..
Do you wish for some half-hearted, shitty doodles of my trying to draw his more human like but still dragony appearance.
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kaiadensworks · 5 days
Sneak peak of Pull Me To Safety (Ninjago)
Spoilers for Chapter 5!
Hehe sorry this chapter is taking so long lmfao
A lightning dragon blasted garbage piles out of the way as it flew. Rapton and his crew were following it, a smug expression was on Rapton’s face as he took great pleasure in the chase.
“Don’t let it escape!” He shouted, and all of the Claws fired at the poor dragon, who roared as their leg was struck one too many times. The dragon struck its tail on one of the ships, sending it and the Claw member flying back, narrowly missing Rapton. Rapton was about to make a snarky remark when his own ship was struck with lightning. 
Once he recovered, Rapton snarled, and the dragon flew off as fast as its wings could take them. 
“Get ‘em! I’ll cut it off!” He shouted, and he drove off, the others following right behind the azule dragon.
The dragon flew, ignoring the blasts, its lightning proof hide protecting it. Rapton suddenly used his lasso-like tool to wrap it around the dragon, and yanked it backwards, the dragon landed belly up, and it roared, but it was muffled. The lightning dragon flipped on its belly and began fighting its attackers, but it struggled to get up, and Rapton snarled as he struggled to keep it still, all while barking orders to his subordinates.
“Coming through!” A voice shouted, and Arin zipped down using his grappling hook. He landed on a pile of junk and yelped as he dodged blasts coming at him.
“Guess who came to crash the party!” Kai shouted, holding his dual swords, a cocky smirk was hidden behind his bright red mask. He chucked one of his swords and it hit Raptons weapon, freeing the dragon’s muzzle.
Lightning flew as Kai jumped down from where he was as Rapton deployed drones, shortly before junk landed on him. Kai pulled his sword and he swung at the drones with clean precision. He put his left sword into the sheath on his back, and fired at the drones, turning the other drones’ attention to him, and Sora landed behind him with her mech as Arin joined her. Riyu warbled as the little dragon looked around.
“Let’s free this dragon, shall we?” Kai said, and the others nodded, and they all ran forward to attack the Claws.
Arin did his best to fight as Sora took down the larger targets, Riyu and Kai worked together to take out drones. Kai turned to Arin. “You’re doing great, kid! You should probably-“ Kai paused as Arin punched himself in the face. “…work on that.”
The Claws fled as they realized they were unmatched, and Kai took his hood off as Sora hopped out of her mech. She went over to the dragon's face and began to try and comfort it. 
Rapton limped over, smiling as took out a remote and a large metal octagon shaped object. He tossed the large object ahead of him and clicked a button on the remote, and the object glowed, it opened up and turned into what looked like a large holographic wolf. It roared and charged forward, Sora gasped as she looked at it closely.
Kai smirked. “It’s just a hologram.”
“No.” Sora spoke with a panicked look on her face. “It’s not!” She warned, but was too late as she, Riyu, and Arin jumped out of the way, but Kai wasn’t as lucky. He yelled out as the holographic wolf struck him, knocking him back, he hissed as he felt pain flood through his chest. That was certainly going to leave a bruise, maybe even a fractured rib. 
The wolf roared as Kai fought through and leapt back up, he ran back to his students and they all ran towards the wolf, and Kai fired at it, but it unfortunately deflected it and sent it back at him. Kai dodged but growled as he landed, twisting his right ankle. 
Rapton was behind them, fighting to push the vehicle off of him, and Kai yelled as he followed his students out of here. “This isn’t a fair fight! Not cool!”
“What even is it?!” Arin shouted, and Sora had a strange expression on her face. 
“It’s a Photac. A digitally generated, weaponized techno-beast comprised of hard light.” Sora responded, and Arin looked at her with a questioning expression. 
“How do you know that?” He asked, trying to watch where he was going.
“Back when I lived in Imperium, I invented it.” She replied, her voice and expression full of guilt and regret.
Sora always loved inventing things. Her love for tech showed as every science project had some kind of tech involved. 
She could remember the day she finished it. The Photac. She remembers why she made it. The sense of loneliness was mainly what drove her to create it. A friend that could never leave her.
I have way more written, so don’t worry!!!
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brands4you · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Lego Ninjago Hunted Muzzle Minifigure Minifig.
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dead-nathan · 5 years
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cherrybombfangirl · 4 years
Muzzle - Bad Things Happen Bingo
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Well it’s short, but I finished it. (I’m gonna go sleep for 200 years now, bye). @badthingshappenbingo
Fandom: Ninjago (My fake fan season, Replica)
Characters: Amy (My OC), plus a mention of the other Ninja at the end
Warnings: Muzzle (obviously), a little claustrophobia, blood (especially mouth filling with blood), broken bones, prisoner/experiment whumpee, depressing and hopeless themes, some poisoning, throwing up, mentioned beating, mentioned human experimentation, dehumanization
Summary: Amy is not liking the muzzle Hatch put on Amy to shut her up. “I’ll take it off when you’re ready to talk nicely to me.” he said. Not to mention all the breathing problems it’s causing for her.
Word Count: 520
The muzzle dug into her skin. It would probably leave at least one or two marks on her face where they cut really deep. The thick metal plates were freezing cold, which was anything but pleasant on her scar ridden skin.
The worst part was she could barely even breathe through the metal plates. Just breathing in and out took much more effort than it should have. That, on top of panting hard after a series of tortures or tests was hard enough with the blood filling her mouth. At least before she had been able to spit it out.
If she didn’t have her super healing, would she have died by now? Amy wondered that a lot during the long hours she spent in her cell. Then again, maybe she wouldn’t last much longer after all thanks to the venom coursing through her veins and putting so much strain on her super healing that her biologically advanced body could only just barely keep her alive.
And thanks to the beatings the Andys had been giving her, Amy’s mouth had been starting to fill with blood more and more frequently. She couldn’t even spit the blood out with the muzzle on her face, so she was forced to swallow it, which nearly made her throw up in her mouth and have to swallow it back down at least twice.
Not to mention wearing the thing for so long was starting to give her a taste of claustrophobia. Every once in a while, she’d get what could only be panic from feeling so helpless and trapped. Her hands were restrained behind her back (or in front of her when she was in her cell), she was in an empty cell 50% of the time, she could barely move from the physical and mental pain, and now she couldn’t even say a word or open her mouth to throw up/spit the blood out.
The Andys had broken her arm as well. In two places. How fun.
If her super healing wasn’t so busy trying to keep her alive, the arm would’ve at least started to heal by now. But no, it was trying to heal at a normal rate. 
Now it was in a split. Not because Hatch and his gang of crony scientists actually cared about her well being, no they just wanted to be able to still test and torture her properly.
“I’ll take it off when you’re ready to talk nicely to me.” That was how long Hatch said Amy was going to have this thing on.
Talk nicely, her ass. She’d start talking nicely to him when he started treating her like a goddamn human being instead of a trophy, just a number, his puppet, or an experiment itself of all things.
Oh, and how could she forget, most- if not all- of her ribs were either broken, cracked or bruised. Made breathing through the goddamn muzzle even more fun now that she was wheezing and trying not to breathe too hard to keep the pain in her chest at bay.
She just wanted to go home, and continue living her life with the family she had found. But no, those Cloud monks that wrote destiny or whatever had other ideas. Oh how Amy would have loved to grab the one in charge and punch his lights out for doing this to her. For doing this to her family.  And Lloyd, oh god, Lloyd......
Amy didn’t know how much longer she could last.
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valerei · 6 years
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Wow I can finally share this! I got commissioned by Brent Miller to make his new youtube banner, THAT’S CRAZY! (also as he himself said “more cool things coming” HINT HINT)
The original size is huuuuge so I thought it would be nice to show you a more full sized versions of some of them! (just showing them legos because they are so tiny with so many details T_T)
Anyway I hope you really like it, this was so much fun to make!
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themadauthorshatter · 4 years
This is basically if the show was meant for a more teenaged and mature audience. I don't know how long this will be, but I'll just start with the characters first, because I can
Because he's my favorite, and I love him, Zane's first: Instead of being a robot, how about something more tragic? DECADES remotely close to the series beginning, Zane was in a very nice family. An adopted, blended family, but a nice family nonetheless. So, what happened? A storm? A fire? A natural disaster? Worse. A war. A raid made by the opposing side, more specifically. Zane protected his siblings and villagers from attackers, but was grabbed and lined up for execution. When they grabbed and injured an elderly man, Zane attacked the officer and punched him. A lot. Another officer muzzle bumped him off and beat him to death in front of his family. The ally side arrive and save everyone. Too bad they're too late to save Zane. All, but one. A scientist who's been reformed and is skilled in mechanics and artificial organs; synthetics. He's also lost his own son. He deserts into the woods with Zane and gets to work, replacing Zane's skin with a stretchy material close to what you find in the legs of old barbie dolls, where the legs and heads were soft, his hair with- well, wig hair, his bones and joints with metal and clock work, his normal eyes with porcelain doll eyes, and his heart with a core that keeps him running and alive. Think Tony Stark's arc reactor, but if it's removed, Zane has 15 minutes to put it back or else he'll die and stay dead. It took FOREVER, but Zane eventually awoke up. The doctor, fuck it, was so relieved and helped Zane sit up and get used to being alive again-and half metal, but let's focus on his motor skills first. He lived with this doctor for a VERY, VERY long time. For context, if we were to set this in 2021, Zane would have died in around 1923 and been brought back in 1944 and saw the doctor that worked on him die in 2010. He's OLD. Back on track, Zane learned all he does, reading, talking, cooking, and whatnot, until the master of ice pays a visit and spends the day with Zane, asking him who he is, how old he is, and how long he's been with the doctor. After his visit, and Wu's, the doctor starts to see Zane slowly realize what's happened to him, but also question where his family is. Turns out the war wasn't easily won because the doctor shows Zane a family in a graveyard, near where they live. HIS FAMILY. And his name is there too. After this, Zane is traumatized, refusing to eat, drink, sleep, and talk, even ignoring his companion in the form of the Falcon. When the doctor sees Zane shaking sporadically, and sees him drooling a lot, he realizes the toll this is all taking on his son, who breaks down emotionally and mentally in his arms.
"Yes? What is it, Zane?"
"I'm supposed to be dead, right? The tombstone in the graveyard, I should be under it, right?"
Cue silence from the doctor.
"Do you love me?"
"More than life itself."
"And... you would do anything for me?"
"Anything. Why?"
"I want to die. I want you to destroy me!"
The doctor gasps and hugs Zane close.
"I can't! You're my son, Zane! I can't lose you!"
"Am I your son, or your prized possession built from scrap parts and a corpse?"
"I had a sister!" Zane snaps. "A mother! A father! And three brothers and a cousin and an uncle! I died protecting them and here I am while they rest beneath the ground!"
"You're my son, Zane!" The doctor holds Zane's shoulders to steady him. "You're my son, and I do love you. You're all that I have now, son."
Zane, broken and miserable, apologizes to his father as he drives a screwdriver into his own head, forcing his father to catch him as he falls down.
When Zane comes to, he's resting in his bed and feels worse than ever, as in he's sad and guilty for going off on his father the way he did.
The doctor apologizes for not telling him sooner, admitting that Zane's recovery took so long that resurrecting his whole family would be impossible, even if he'd taught Zane how to do it, no one in his family had the same blood type and some were even allergic to the medicine used to keep Zane's body fresh.
When Zane feels a poke in his head and notices his foot twitches at random, he gets curious. "What are you working on now?"
"You've been having seizures recently. I want to make sure the small cables and wires in your brain are all set correctly, so I know none of them are causing it."
"I see."
"Can you say your name?"
"Can you spell it?"
Cue some focused humming as Zane struggles a little bit. "Z... A...I-"
"Wrong. Try again."
"Z... A..." Long pause. "N... E."
"Can... Can you change things from your position? Effect my movements and mind?"
"I can try."
"Can you make me forget?"
The doctor tells Zane it would be better if he remembered his family, but Zane weeps as he admits he'll tey to destroy himself again, if he remembers his family; it's not just grief, it's also a huge amount of guilt over the fact that he's alive while his family is dead.
The doctor agrees and hides his memories of his family.
He also rigs the same wiring to his heart rate monitor; when he dies, Zane will leave and forget him, and the fact that he is supposed to be dead. He'll forget just about everything, except for his name, how to read, breathe, eat, and take care of himself.
Zane wanders through the woods, mute and silent until some villagers take him in and give him shelter. It takes a village to raise a child, so the village pitches in. Some children try getting him to play with them, but he only stands and stares, even when a little girl tells him she thinks he's cute.
Wu finds him again, and takes him to the monastery, where Jay and Cole are.
They do not like Zane. He stands, he stares, and he barely pays attention to what they have to say, though he does stare at Wu a lot.
They also think he's creepy because, well... remember that one stance Arthur does in the movie Joker, where he stands holding himself between the door frames and looks really creepy? Zane does that. A lot. In the morning when they wake him up and at night when they're about to go to sleep.
They sort of got what was wrong when he had a seizure while cooking; Cole was talking and explaining why he and Jay were keeping their diatance from him, and then heard Zane fall and the pot OF BOILING SOUP tumble on top of him. He shouted for Wu amd Jay and held Zane until the seizure stopped and Zane just stared at him tiredly and almost like he was about to cry.
"Are you... okay, Zane?"
"... Co... Cole?"
"Yeah? What is it?"
"... I'm sorry. Dinner is... going to have to wait." Zane tries to stand, but Jay holds his shoulder.
"Dude, are you sure? We can just order takeout for the night, if you're not up for cooking."
"I'm... I'm fine... J... J..."
Jay holds Zane in front of him by the shoulders. "I'm Jay. Remember?" Zane repeats Jay's name and Jay and Cole help him to sit down at the table.
"Perhaps you should rest for the evening and allow one of your brothers to prepare dinner tonight?" Wu highly recommends as he holds a hand on Zane's shoulder, in case he has another seizure.
Zane reluctantly agrees and Jay and Cole order a pizza; Zane offered to pay, but they told him to sit the hell down.
Upon meetung Kai, Zane is back at square one, except he has Cole and Jay to keep him in check and to help Kai gor when he gets weirded out.
They all get scared when they hear and see Zane banging his head against the wall, like bending his back and head back and curling into the wall as hard as he can and when he had a really bad seizure while sleeping, but don't bring it up because he stares off into space and stops cooking.
Personality wise, Zane is still smart, funny on accident, and very brave with a sixth sense, he's just the most "ninja" out of all the ninja because he's surprisingly light on his feet and quiet as a shadow. When he meets someone new, he doesn't talk. At all. It's a trust thing, so he'll whisper to anyone he does trust to talk back to the new person.
Still the ice ninja, but Kai made the mistake of interrupting a staring contest between Zane and his mirror reflection by tapping on his shoulder.
Zane spun around to face him with terrifying speed, but Kai backed up and held his hands up.
"Sorry, Zane. I just... You're... really cold."
Zane checked his outfit, which was long sleeved.
"I don't know, maybe... take a bath to warm up? Eat a little more? Get sime sunshine?"
Their one sided conversation ended with Zane staring at him before patting Kai on the head, and trying to make his spiky ass hair stay down, and returning to the mirror.
I should note:
He hates them. They freak him out. It has nothing to do with memories, he just gets scares that there's another him in another bathroom in another monastery in another Ninjago in another world, where it's all the same, but backwards. Sort of doesn't get that all reflective surfaces like ceramic plates, cutlery, and anyhting else of the sort are just reflecting light.
He doesn't get movies or video games, either. The other three tried teaching him, but he quickly became the player they had to look out for, because he'd get lost exploring the game's map rather than actually playing, which he found boring. Usually he'll just sit back and watch them play, ever the passive observer.
His seizures are due to immense stress and his memories trying to come back, but the little feat of tinkering his father did keeps fighting back, so whenever he's cooking and reminded of the doctor that saves him, he has a seizure.
He can take a lot of damage, but he's not good with getting electrocuted; if he's hit, he's down and useless for fifteen minutes, at least. Remember that cinstricti that almost killed him and Cole? Zane was more annoyed at the snake and concerned for Cole's safety rather than his. AND THE SNAKE DIDN'T FEEL ZANE'S RIBS. AT ALL.
The area around the core that keeps Zane alive is made if a similar material as those squishy slime balls that you sqeeze and the slime spews out of the little holes in the net, but a little more durable. Now that I think about it, it's made of a sort of ooblek substance, but it's a different matieral than cornstarche added. I don't know what, but it's made to keep the core, and Zane, from getting hurt.
Zane actually hides from Nya during her first few months of joining the team. Again, nothing to do with memory, he just got freaked out because she got kidnapped by the skeleton army. She keeps her distance, too, giving him glances and smiles while he stares at her, and Jay even switched seats with Nya to try and help Zane warm up to her, as in he'd sit next to her. He did so and got Nya to talk about something that had been eating her up inside, leading to her hugging him and crying in his shoulder. Kai and Jay were extremely close to yelling at him until Nya pulled away and thanked Zane, because she needed to cry.
When they go off on him for what happened to the monastery, Zane has a mini seizure until he sees the falcon and leaves just as the seizure starts.
Cole and Jay know what to do with these seizures, but when Kai first saw Zane having one, he held Zane and shouted for help until Zane put a hand over Kai's mouth and rubbed his eyes with the other; "I hate when that happens."
For any TLDR people: Zane's basically a reanimated corpse running on robot energy who doesn't remember his past because he asked to not remember. He can talk, he just doesn't much because it's a trust thing. Cooking is his therapeutic thing, he sleeps fine, but he has a hard time going to sleep. Still has his sixth sense and ice powers, he's just more mute and out of tune with the others; guy killed in 1923 is in 2021. Great asset to the team, even though he's the guy they keep an eye on so he doesn't get to badly hurt.
I'll write more about the other ninja, this is just to show how mature this universe alteration is going to be
Oh, yeah, here's Cole's alterations. I didn't change too much of his character, but I hope you guys still like it😅
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crystalgirl259 · 3 years
How to Train Your Dragonblood 3: The Dragonblood Alpha Ch3
After Jay and Cole finally got Kai and Rocky to stop their little game of tug and war, they all flew towards the smoke to investigate it. Below them, the trees look like an orange, yellow blur below them and on any other day, Jay would be in awe. But as they flew further into the forest, however, the bright orange and yellow colors became a burned, gray forest. The place looked downright depressing. The trees were devoid of any leaves, standing like sticks among the ashes.
They flew through the burnt remains of the forest until they reached the ocean and saw a large and piercing structure of ice, with large protruding spiky icicles.
As they flew around the destroyed structure, Cole realized that used to be a type of trading post or battle fort. This fort looked like it was once a thriving outpost, complete with docks for ships, weapons, and what looked like cages. Jay really hoped they were for containing livestock and not something else. There were even raised docks for archers to fire. Despite Cole clearly identifying the fort as strong, something had reduced it to splinters and icicles.
At first, they thought it was an Ice Dragonblood, but judging but the size of the blast, it must have been an incredibly large and strong one.
They stopped in midair to take in the sight. Jay turned around to Cole, who shrugged helplessly. They had all seen Ice Dragonblood attacks before, but it wasn't just the ice that was strange. The way the ice shot out from the ocean suggested a Water Dragonblood, but the few scorch marks on the bits of wood exposed made Jay think of a Lightning Dragonblood, or possibly a Fire Dragonblood. Jay could feel Kai's hope through their link, but they both knew not to get too hopeful.
They had been disappointed in the past.
They flew closer to the massive hunk of ice, looping through a ring and around it until the man-made structure became more visible.
"What happened here?" Jay asked in horror, but none of his friends had an answer for him. As they kept flying around, the wood splinters on the ice made it seem as if the ice suddenly grew in the middle of a village. On the muddy ground around the ruins, two dragon-like footprints were seen. They looked to be around the size of the monster from the Dragonblood's Nest from five years ago, possibly even bigger.
"I really don't like this," Kai said through the link as he shook his head and Jay put his hand on his neck in reassurance.
"Easy, baby." He replied, but he couldn't hide his own unease.
"Jay!" Cole suddenly cried when he saw something down in the ice, but it was too late.
"Fire!" A man suddenly shouted from below as a net was launched from a trapped ship and Jay and Kai got out of its range just in time. Even though the couple had managed to dodge the net, Cole and Rocky were not that lucky. The Earth Dragonblood was caught in the net and they fell down. Cole was thrown off from the saddle during the sudden drop. The noirette cried out as he fell, but Kai to catch him in his claws. Rocky landed on the ground and men suddenly surround him, carrying shields and spears.
Rocky struggled to escape or transform, but the net seemed to be made from vengestone, blocking out all of his powers.
As the men closed in, Rocky launched rock spikes from his tail that struck a fallen mast. From behind the fallen mast, a man jumped out to join in the fight. The middle-aged man had messy black hair and sharp, sandy brown eyes with long sideburns and stubble around his mouth and chin. He wore a brown jacket with large pockets on the front and a patch on the right side, tan pants, and a black belt, and carried a brown whip. He was also wearing an eyepatch on his right eye with a necklace made up of large teeth from hunted dragonbloods.
"Watch the tail!" He shouted to the men as he leaped on Rocky and grabbed his snout and head spines, pulling him down. As the men tried to tie Rocky's legs, he grabbed a rope wrapped around his arm that he used as a muzzle when he was suddenly distracted by a loud roar in the sky. As he looked up he saw a red dragon crossing the sky above at blazing speeds. "Is that what I think it is?" He whispered as his eyes widened in shock and excitement.
"STOP!" Jay shouted as Kai flew lower with Cole still hanging from his claws. Cole growled in anger when he saw his friend in chains as he hopped down and ran towards his dragonblood, but was pushed back by the men holding up their weapons in a warning. Jay quickly stepped up, holding a flaming sword that he swung at them. They backed off in surprise and Cole took the chance to grab a random sharp stick from the floor.
"Back again?" The man sneered angrily at them until his eyes zeroed in on Kai, still in his dragon form, snarling and snapping behind them. His eyes widened in amazement as she stood up on top of Rocky, holding his left hand over his sword. "Well what do you know, that is a Fire Dragonblood." He smirked at Kai with a predatory stare. Jay's eyes narrowed as he kept his hand in front of protectively while the dragonblood bared his teeth at the hunters.
There was no way Jay was going to let these hunters hurt his boyfriend.
"Thought they were all gone for good." The man continued, sounding very pleased. "Looks like our luck has turned for the better, men; I don't think the Baron has one of those in his dragonblood army."
"Dragonblood army?" Kai mentally asked. Jay was also curious, but right now they needed to save Rocky.
"Look, we don't want any trouble." He tried to reason with the man but he laughed, mocking them, and carelessly gripped into one of Rocky's head spikes. Cole bristled, but fortunately, nobody saw it. The last thing they needed was a fight with their leader targeting Kai and Rocky still in chains while he and Jay were badly outnumbered.
"You should've thought of that before you stole all of our dragonbloods and blasted our fort to bits!" The man shouted angrily as he pointed to the remains of a structure that were impaled by ice. The other men holler in agreement, but the riders were even more confused.
"Wait, what are you talking about? You think we did this?" Jay asked in disbelief. The man huffed and placed one foot on Rocky's head as he scowled at them in contempt. Cole and Kai scowled right back and Jay gripped his sword tighter.
"Dragonblood trapping is hard enough work as it is without do-gooders dragon riders sneaking in to rescue them!" He shouted angrily, but this just confused the trio even more.
"What do-gooders?" Kai asked, but Jay said nothing as he and Cole shared a look before the ginger-haired man processed the whole sentence and turned around, sheathing the sword.
"There are other dragon riders?" He asked in shock. As far as he or anyone else from Ninjago was aware, they were the only ones who ride and co-exist with Dragonbloods. The people of Ninjago had tried for years to get the other islands to accept the Dragonbloods, but it was a painfully slow process.
"You mean other than your little thieving friend from last night? You tell me! You may have an all-powerful dragonblood on your side but we still have a quota to fill!" He sneered as she stepped down from Rocky and on the floor, slowly pacing in front of his people. "How do you suppose we explain this mess to the Iron Baron?!" The man demanded in rage and his people all shouted in agreement. As soon as he said that name, Kai visibly stiffened.
There was no way that fairytale was actually true.
He could swear he had heard that name before when he was just a hatchling, but everyone believed it was just a scary story their parents would tell them to make sure they stayed as far away from humans as possible.
"Kai? Do you know him?" Jay asked through their link, but Kai shook his head, confusing everyone but Jay.
"Never met him, but when we were little Mom would tell Nya and me of a giant human made out of metal trapping disobedient Dragonblood hatchlings and dragging them to the Cursed Realm to work as slaves in his monstrous forge for all of eternity," Kai explained, barely suppressing a frightening shudder. When they were little and told this story, Nya and her friends thought it would be funny to gather up and scrap metal lying around.
They then used it to make Kai think the Iron Baron was coming for him.
"Does anything you say make sense?" Cole growled, snapping Kai and Jay out of their private conversation.
"He's expecting a new shipment of dragons by tomorrow." One of the men said, looking torn between anger and fear. The man, obviously their leader, pointed his finger at the one speaking and nodded his head in agreement.
"The Baron doesn't take well to excuses." Another trapper wearing a hood added, batted his blade weapon at them.
"This is what he gave me last time I showed up empty-handed." The man said as he pulled down his coat and shirt to show them a scar burned into the front of his left shoulder. Cole, Kai, and Jay looked at each other mortified. "He promised to be far less understanding in the future."
"Look, we don't know anything about a dragon thief or an all-powerful dragonblood or your lunatic boss and his dragon army, okay?" Jay gulped nervously, not noticing as the man faintly nodded and other trappers behind them aim their catapults and crossbows at the two humans and Fire Dragonblood. "Just give us back our dragonblood and we'll go, you very strange hostile person whom we've never met."
"Oh, where are my manners?" He mocked as she bowed down and slowly clutched a knife strapped to his lower back. "I am Clutch Powers, the finest dragonblood trapper alive." He announced as he took the knife out of its sheath with a flourish. He looked up where the men turn a large crossbow. He smirked as he pointed the blade at Kai who growled louder.
"After all, it's not just anyone who can capture a Fire Dragonblood."
"Go jump off a bridge you one-eyed bitch!" Kai roared, even though Jay was the only one who understood him.
"This is my boyfriend Kai; he says we're going, now!" Jay snapped, standing protectively in front of his boyfriend, even though they both knew Kai could handle himself in a fight. All of a sudden, the hidden dragon trappers attacked and Kai barely managed to dodge the hit from the crossbows. At the same time, the men began to converge on them. Thinking quickly, Kai shot a fire blast at the ice above them. A large icicle broke off and fell down, causing the trappers to yell and duck for cover.
Clutch too was thrown off his feet.
Jay quickly activated the sword and the flames around it and quickly cut the ropes binding the Earth Dragonblood. With his dragonblood free, Cole, Kai, Jay, and Rocky fly away while Clutch got back up. By the time he was up the pairs were both back in the air.
"You will never hold onto those dragonbloods forever, you hear me? The Iron Baron is coming for them all!" He yelled at the top of his lungs furiously, as he started swinging around the knife. As they flew as fast as they could from the trappers, Jay looked back, concerned at those words...
Back at Ninjago, Jay's friends were all flying around the island, having a playful race amongst themselves. It was just after lunch now and now that they were all refueled and well-rested, the riders and their dragonbloods were looking for anything to pass the time. Right now, that something was racing. Dareth cheered the loudest, currently in the lead, as the others chased after them. As they raced, Plundar and Adam suddenly flew near Ed and Edna's hut.
There Edna was trying to relax, scaring her and the few pigeons and seagulls perched on the porch around her.
The normally calm and sweet Edna grunted and shook her fist at the group of flies, but none of them paid her any mind. In the plaza, Cliff casually greeted the many villagers as he walked towards the forge, hoping Jay would be there. As he maneuvered his way through the crowd, he chuckled when he saw a small group of people either scowling or celebrating at the recent Dragonblood game. A few of them had placed bets to who they thought would win.
Honestly, Cole, Zane, and Jay, if he ever attended, were the only ones who actually won any of the games.
The others were skilled riders and fighters, but they always fought each other instead of focusing on the task on hand. As Cliff entered the forge, he saw Ed working on the grindstone.
"Any sign of him?" The village leader asked when he didn't see his son or Kai in the forge.
"He's probably flown off the edge of the world by now." Ed hummed as he walked next to a Wind Dragonblood in his dragon form and opened the mouth to work on his teeth.
"You sure you want him running the village? You can still delay your retirement." He continued, worried for both Cliff and Jay.
"He's ready, you'll see," Cliff promised as a roar was suddenly heard from outside the forge. Kai and Rocky soon landed with their riders, kicking up a cloud of dust. As soon as Cole and Jay jumped off their backs, the two Dragonbloods returned to their human forms. "Hahaha! Here he is! The pride of Ninjago!" Cliff exclaimed to everyone who could hear, grinning from ear to ear. Dragonbloods aside, his son was becoming more and more like a worthy heir.
Jay quickly took off his helmet and walked towards the two men, with Kai and Cole following close behind.
Rocky would have joined them, but after that close call, he wanted to spend some quality time with his mate and their hatchlings.
"Who finally decided to show up for work." Ed joked lightly as he made a few pretend swings of his hammer as Jay dodged with a smile. Kai and Cole smiled at the casual interactions of the three. Cole had never noticed how close Ed and Jay were but neither did they often banter like that in public. Despite it being five years, it was like a breath of fresh air to see the boy he had been ostracizing still so spirited.
"Sorry, got held up." Jay grinned as he followed his father deeper into the building, dodging any object hanging low from the ceiling. "Hey, um, Dad! Can I have a word?" He asked and Cliff looked positively pleased as he put his large hands over Jay's shoulders.
"Something you're itching to tell me? He grinned as he wrapped his arm around Jay and they keep walking.
"Y-Yeah, not quite the itch you're thinking off but yes." He replied as the Chief grabbed two aprons from a hook that he threw to his son and Kai. Jay put it back on the hook whereas Kai just dropped it on the floor.
"Ah, good man! Now lesson one, a chief's first duty is to its people!" Cliff happily exclaimed as they stopped at a post. From a hook in the wall hang numerous slates inscribed with Ninjago runes and Cliff took the one labeled forty-one.
"Well, can we just talk in private for a-" Jay tried to say but was interrupted as Cliff shouted out the number. People outside were yelling and one excited man was seen jumping up and down and waving his hands.
"It's me, that's me! I'm next!" He cheered as he ran up to the counter as Cliff turned to smile knowingly at his son, who held in an irritated groan. "Okay, okay! I want one of those high sitters with lots of spikes and a big storage compartment." The man squealed in excitement like a child on Christmas Day.
"Absolutely! You got it, sir." Cliff smiled as he wrote down the order and went back into the forge, gathering tools and materials and handing them to his son.
"Dad, this is actually a little more important than building saddles." Jay insisted.
"Yeah, you think you can stop with these little orders and listen?" Kai snapped, only to back off at Jay's glare. Thankfully, Cliff didn't pay Kai's comment any mind.
"Ah, lesson two; no task is too small when it comes to serving your people." He told the ginger-haired man as they got to a table with diverse instruments. Cliff began to look at them and dropped them in a box while Ed got Kai to re-light the forge's fire behind them.
"Dad..." Jay whined as Cliff pushed the box of supplies into his arms and he took it as they started to walk to another part of the forge. As they walked, Jay also grabbed several things that he placed in the box. "I really need to tell you about this new land we came across."
"Another one?" Ed hummed as Zane and Pixal appeared from his right.
"Any new dragonbloods?" The pale man asked in excitement as Cliff picked up a large piece of leather, looking completely focused on his task and unaware of the conversation going on around him.
"We didn't stick around to find out." Jay shuddered at the memory.
"Yeah, these folks weren't friendly." Cole agreed with a glare as Jay and his father stopped beside a big, wooden structure that was meant to represent a dragon's back. Cliff put the leather on it and began to inspect it.
"Aw, really? Your Fire and Earth Dragonblood didn't bring them cheering to the rooftops?" Plundar laughed at the scowls they all sent him.
"No, this was different." Jay insisted as he began to draw the outline of the saddle while Cliff pushed on a level that aligned the leather and the structure that it sat on. "These guys were trappers, dragonblood trappers." He gulped and all his friends seemed to freeze at that. Over the years, especially in the beginning, a few ships would attack the odd Dragonblood that was hanging around near the edges of the island, but when they saw the riders coming in to attack, they quickly fled.
That didn't make it anymore scary at the thought of one of their scaly friends suddenly being taken away, never to be seen again.
Jay often had nightmares about that, as did Kai.
"You should've seen their fort, all blown apart and stuck in giant spikes of ice, it was weird," Cole added, still really confused by it all.
"Do you think it was an Ice Dragonblood?" Pixal asked.
"It's possible, but there was something about how the ice was shaped that didn't look like the work of an Ice Dragonblood." Rocky suddenly said as he walked in with Adam. "There was also damage to the ships and scorch marks on the wood."
"So a group of dragonbloods?" Morro suggested.
"No their leader said it was one, all-powerful Dragonblood that attacked them last night, I've never seen anything like it; and worst of all, they thought we did it!" Jay cried in offense and shock. Sure they had an island full of Dragonbloods and a seeming one-of-a-kind Fire Dragonblood, but even they wouldn't just up and attack a base and risk any lives like that, human or dragonblood.
"You know, you kids are gonna get in serious troubles one of these days, not everyone appreciates this way of life." Ed reminded them all.
"Ed's right, son, best we keep to our own." Cliff agreed as he took the leather and walked over to a table with a giant saw, where he laid it down. "Besides, you have more important uses for your time once we make the big announcement." He smiled as he pulled a lever that activated the saw and rubbed his hands gleefully, thinking of seeing his son taking over as Chief. Jay didn't share his mood and stopped the machine to finally get his attention.
"They are building a dragonblood army." He said in a tone that showed everyone that this was no laughing matter. His serious tone drew the looks of the people waiting outside, and some even subconsciously held their Dragonblood friends and family closer. "Or-Or at least the guy they work for is... uh, Metal Barton or something." He continued, trying to remember the name Clutch told him but failed. As soon as Jay said that, Cliff's eyes widened and he shared a look with a terrified Ed.
"I'll bloody his fist with my face if he tries to take Tox!" Dareth exclaimed as he punched his fist in his hand as the overall mood dove in somberness. Ronin, Shade, and Tox all rolled their eyes at Dareth's declaration, knowing he was all talk. Nevertheless, Ronin shared his brother's determination, as did the others. Before Jay could say anything else, Cliff suddenly grasped his shoulders, pushing him back a step as he forced the ginger-haired human to look at him.
"Baron? Iron Baron?" He whispered in absolute terror, something Jay nor anyone else had ever heard in the chief's voice.
"Uh... Yeah, I think so." He nodded, feeling incredibly confused and uncomfortable with his father's sudden shift in moods.
"Wait! You know him?" Kai frowned, but Cliff didn't answer. He simply had a faraway look in his eyes as he gazed around in thought. There was only one thing to do...
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im-a-mint · 3 years
Stuff that's canon in my canon: Hemospectrum Edition
I am so sorry Ninjago followers
Lime bloods had horns that could resemble that of a halo, the root comes from the sides of the head and the horns themselves grow in an upper inclined backwards kinda angle idk if I'm explained myself well. Even with this though, they're still relatively short but very much strong
The candy red mutant blood appears when there's a mess up of both troll and genetics of another type of creature, likely to not be alternian and so since the weird grub parent goes in a panic like "what the hell do i do with this" it just converts it into a candy red. Can also explain why their horns are so tiny and nubby since they're not entirely a troll
They all taste different
The higher in the caste system the bigger the height, what i mean is that Aradia is a very small troll while Feferi is a goddamn giant
The only exceptions to this rule are mutant candy red and purple bloods. Purplebloods have a history of being way too tall and likely taller than the violet or even the fuschia bloods, and mutant candy red also variates since it's not really said where they belong in the caste
Goldbloods are more prone to being born blind than their peers, but this just makes it more prone for them to also have pretty strong psychic powers, commonly using them to guide around the places they're in
Bluebloods (teal, cerulean, and indigo) all cannot feel any pain or just straight up anything on their horns, their skin also shows some hues of their bloodcolor
Seadwellers have the best vision you can imagine to have
Olivebloods have the sharpest claws and teeth from all of the others, so when an oliveblood is enslaved or employed they're required to wear a muzzle and cut their claws constantly "just in case"
Jadebloods even while living underground for most of their adult life are still able to go out on the alternian sun even after sweeps of not having a glance of it
Violetbloods used to have sharper horns and those who resembled the symbology for aquarius (♒) in some way, but eventually after their habits of taking in dives into the water with a lot of force and facing many storms from a young age, their horns eventually started to get slicker and softer, whether it was natural or not
Fuchsiabloods can be much more vulnerable in dry environments, which is mostly the best time to attack if you're looking for the win
Indigobloods, despite being the strongest of trolls, have much thinner skin
Rustbloods just generally feel a connection to the paranormal from since a young age, and there have been some who can communicate with paranormal creatures thus why Aradia could become a ghost
Bronzebloods don't feel any pain in the upper part of the back, and only start feeling it after growing their wings out as to not slow down the process when it's happening
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ty-png · 4 years
Massive tris info dump : timeline.
I don't know how to do the cut off thingy so this is gonna be a long post.
Let's start at well the start! I've had tris or at least different versions of them for around seven years now dating back to id say 2014. I'll try and make sub headers for different versions and I'll add drawings in a reblog if I find any!! This timeline doesn't include every version only the main ones and ones I can remember.
Elemental powers : Jack - male (2014)
Jack was a student at my school that had elemental powers ( fire ,ice ,water, wind and so on). However other people ( heavily based off of irl friends at the time ) also did but they only had one of the elements so one person would have fire and one ice etc.
Jack was male with short Brown hair and Brown eyes and for some reason he had a hover board. The elemental powers probably came from the fact that I was watching lego ninjago at the time which also had characters with elemental powers. He ( of course ) had a dark side in which he would spontaneously cause destruction. This side of him could be triggered by playing a certain song ( can't remember what it was tho ).
I ( me or even a character based off of me ) was not in this version of the universe. Might be due to low self esteem issues at the time :(. Jack was of course the protagonist and he would set up all kinds of fun things for him and the other characters to do. The things they did that I can remember are: make a whole city from food and eat it, have hover board races, save the world from an intergalactic army etc.
Marvel phase : Jacqueline Callister - female (2015 - 2017)
It was near this time I decided to switch the gender so it would relate more to me at the time ( I was female at this point ). Jacqueline was based heavily off of the winter soldier who was my favourite marvel character at the time. She was another brain washed hydra assassin with two metal arms (black with a cyan star - basically invert the colours of Bucky's arm). She had a similar uniform but with a more prominent muzzle that covered her nose and mouth. She still had Brown hair (long) but now had heterochromia -if that's how you spell it- one blue eye and one green.
Her family had sold her to hydra with the promise of money but we're instead killed by hydra after they handed her over. Jacqueline had powers already which included a minor healing power and she could also make people explode ( idk either ). She would fight the avengers with bucky during tws and civil war. After the events of civil war, Jacqueline didn't become an avenger but instead got therapy and opened a flower shop with her female "friend" ( me being a closeted bi lmao).
(She also fought in ww2 and was shipped over from Britain to be a nurse. Also wore her hair in a bun!)- Notes after editing and rereading
My hero academia phase (ver 1) : Jacqueline Markov - female (2018-2020)
This is the first version of the my hero phase in which Jacqueline was a UA student. Quirks varied over time but mainly :
A healing quirk
A quirk that absorbed kinetic energy and she could redistribute it ( worked similar to the black panther suit )
A ghost quirk with which she could phase through walls, float and was practically immortal
Jacqueline was a 1a student and was friends with jirou and bakugou mainly. They were a UA traitor at one point as she was given food and shelter by the league in exchange for information she would gather. This version was pretty boring compared to the later one in my opinion and I much prefer the self insert I made - which had metal legs and metal bending.
Markov was a reference to yuri's book in ddlc called the portrait of markov- reread notes
(Ver 2) : Tris Markov - non-binary_they/them (later 2020-now)
Tris is a villain in the league because they see that hero society is corrupt and wants to restart society to better fit the league's ideals. Tris has a quirk which passes on any injury they sustain onto another being however this is hard to control so Tris normally opts for just choosing which person. There are a few loopholes however that include drowning and other similar methods of injuring/killing that won't trigger their quirk.
Tris's main rival hero is Miruko. Other things to note: missing left hand ( was tragically cut off before quirk has manifested), massive inferiority complex but also a minor superiority complex (similar to me and nagito haha), Tris is the youngest of three children however her older brother (eldest) is dead, Tris sustained abuse from both parents but mainly her father, very tall like 6"5 tall, gets along well with dabi ( well decently enough for dabi).
I had made Tris non-binary before I realised that I identified a lot with it too!!
Honourable mentions:
That one fnaf phase (2018) , the narnia phase (2013) and the most recent danganronpa phase ( which I don't think I've developed enough yet to warrant a section)
Please feel free to send asks about Tris I love talking about them !!
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ninjakittenhaswords · 4 years
Ninjangst Day 3: Bleeding
Ah. A turn point in plot of season 1 in my AU.
He was a hybrid and hated for it.
A Hypnobrai and Anacondrai mix.
You’d think he’d be strong but he didn’t like the warrior status.
He disobeyed the new General one too many times but he went too far this time in the leaders’ eyes.
Vasuki stood between the Serpentine Warrior and the human. The human was understandably terrified but she ran as far as her legs could carry her. The hybrid kept his ground while she ran.
He was punished then and there.
Sometimes one seems to forget how much wooden staves hurt when they hit your back repeatedly.
He cried out in pain and they just kept hitting him all over his back and the back of his head. His short tail got stomped on to keep him from going forward.
It kept going until he was knocked out cold, laying down in a pool of red.
The Ninja were captured and they were thrown into their cell. One of them turned around and they gasped at the sight. Two guards were coming in and they were dragging a third between them.
He’d seen that snake before. The Serpentine was in close company of their kunoichi ally and Kai really meant close. Kai nor the others had seen the kunoichi since.
Now the Serpentine hybrid was right here. Bleeding from open wounds after getting beaten to death or almost death, since he could still hear him stagger between breathing and hissing out in pain.
“You’d hurt one of your own?” Wu voiced to Pythor. “He was in our way of awakening the Devourer. He’s branded as a traitor to his kind.” The violet serpent hissed. The hybrid looked up to him at that. “I’m no traitor.. You’re the one leading our people to the slaughterhouse.”
Pythor gave a sneer and he was quick to send his staff in his direction, but purposely missed just as the head made impact with the ground, causing a crack from next to the Hypnobrai Anacondrai hybrid.
“You’re just like your mother... A traitor to her own when she foolishly believed humans and Serpentine were meant to coexist...” Pythor bared his fangs at the rebellious younger serpent. “You can guess where that lead her.”
Vasuki glared at him with his crimson eyes. “I know the truth. No human killed her... It was you.” He spat a bit of blood at him. “You’re no king... you’re not even a general. You’re just a cannibal.. A fraud... Our real king will come with his army.. and that basilisk has every right to take back what was stolen.”
He got smacked right across his snout by Pythor’s claws and it made him silent once more. “Take him away.”
Whispers were among the crowd, words of doubt and fear filled the snakes around them. “There’s fighting among the snakes?” Jay asked. Wu sighed, “Not everyone will follow the word of their leaders.” It sounded like he wanted to finish that sentence with an ‘I should know,’ but he didn’t.
They turned away as a streak of red trailed behind the snake while they dragged him to his own cell. Another guard was masked but he had a chain and a muzzle ready to silence the rebellious Serpentine. It got placed right on him with no fight and he got chained and hung up, still bleeding from his open wounds.
It’s like he was displayed as an example of those who crossed Pythor and his plans.
Oh Kai could imagine how furious the kunoichi ally would be when she sees her Serpentine beloved like that.
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aweebwrites · 4 years
Move on Dragons 19
While the ninja were away, and the dragon team was doing rounds with their kin, a certain Sensei was having difficulty tracking down his brother. He’s passed through three realms following his tracks, getting painfully close but still so frustratingly far. He didn’t understand why his brother chose to run. It was out of character for him to do so, no matter what troubles lay between them. While this version of his brother was different, he was still his brother. He needed to get to him, to talk to him and this realm was his chance. He hasn’t been here in some time. The First Realm. There was no fleeing to another realm here. Second to the Never Realm, the First Realm was one of the most distant of the 16 realms, only claiming second place due to the dragons that inhibit its land and skies. They were the only means of leaving the realm if you got to it. He had to visit and speak to the Firstbourne to have her let the other dragons know not to aid him off the realm, not until he’s spoken with him at the very least.
He looked up once a roar caught his ears, a wind dragon descending in his direction, its body long and serpentine like. He reached a hand out and stroked its muzzle once it did land before him, returning it’s low croon of greeting.
‘I need your help. Could you take me to her?’ He asked it and it looked at him with large silvery eyes.
‘Very well.’ The dragon pulled away from his hand and went airborne. ‘Fly with me. It will please her to know you’ve unbound your inner dragon.’ Wu nodded, expecting as much.
After so long without shifting, it took him a moment to grasp the form of his dragon self, but flying came to him as easily as breathing. The First Realm may be as vast as Ninjago, but it is only a matter of time once he lets the Firstbourne know, until he will finally corner his brother and he can receive answers.
‘Come on. What’s a quick flight near the coast? We come here almost every day and there’s no humans around!’ A speed dragon urged as they, along with other dragons hung out at the cliffs at the edge of Hiroshi’s Labyrinth.
‘I dunno. We’re kinda pushing the boundaries by just being here…’ The mind dragon murmured, looking down at the sea below, their waters far calmer than that of their home.
Perhaps it has to do with the fact that they had more than one moon while this world had a single one…
‘He’s right. The elders and the beings- the humans who are so graciously lending us their home gave us this vast, lush forest to live in and even built us a place to rest our head… We should respect their rules and restrictions. It’s this or certain death.’ The green, poison dragon rumbled as she curled up, ready to take a nap.
The speed dragon frowned.
‘Look, that may be all true and we’re all grateful for their kindness, but this is- this is too-’ He struggles a bit for the proper way to express his feelings. ‘Restricting! You all may be fine with it but other speed dragons are getting painfully restless and aggressive because of it! How am I supposed to tell them to stay calm and thankful when I feel the same way!’ He vented, pacing back and forth rather quickly now, the group watching him.
‘It may be fine for the rest of you but we’re not made for this! You all know we’re the natural explorers of our kind! We fly massive stretches of land just to stretch out wings! Stretches of land several times bigger than this! If it hadn’t been for our kind, we would have never found warmer lands for the winters to migrate to, If it hadn’t been for us, we would have never found new feeding grounds or new foods to lead poison dragons to, to test if they’re edible! We would have never found new caving grounds for earth and metal dragons to dig up minerals and metals! We wouldn't be the advanced race we are if it hadn’t been for us! And this is how we’re repaid? By being caged and being told to be grateful!’ He snapped, all out snarling now.
Morro frowned as he listened in from above, his dark green scales camouflaging him in the high treetops. He glanced away as the speed dragon’s friends told him he was being irrational.
No. He had a point. While the entirety of the dragon race was like a massive flock of birds, they only spent roughly half of their time in one place. When winter reaches the Mountain of a Million Heights where the Sacred Temple all dragon kind knew is home, they scatter further south for the duration of it and won’t return until near summer. Every dragon understood that the elders, his father and uncle, were the sons of the First Dragon, that they would protect and lead them, would care and provide for them, understood that their word was law. It was why, despite their best efforts to seem less intimidating, in size and presence, most dragons had a hard time approaching them about anything. It’s why they had the system set up where they chose a head of each kind of dragon to relay information to them, as they were less intimidating.
But now, as the head of speed as he was, to not carry these concerns to neither his father nor uncle… The confinement must be greatly impacting them. Morro pulled his wings closer, his claws dug in the branches . That, and he’s not even sure if there’s much his father and uncle could do. This was not their world, was not their domain in any way. They had no say over these lands. They could try and speak to the ninja of it but even the ninja could not guarantee that they would be received well. Morro’s tail flicked anxiously as he puzzled over a solution. He hadn’t the blood of the First Dragon in him, nor will he ever be the one to lead the dragons, but Lloydie was his family. He’s understood and accepted this all. Family supports family. He would not leave Lloyd to struggle with all of dragon kind alone. He blinked once a blur of whie and red shot off the cliff, his eyes widening as the head of speed flew quickly away from the edge of the cliffs, out of sight in seconds.
The other heads, of poison, mind, shadow and ash stood anxiously at the edge of the cliff, wondering if they should go after him but unwilling to go against the elder’s word. It’s not as if they could catch up with him either. They had no choice but to wait until he returned and hope that one of the elders didn’t swing by. Morro frowned as he too became anxious. In that direction was the island the ninja had absolutely insisted no-dragon goes to, as it was quite literally dark in nature. They bore the risk of becoming corrupted if they come in contact with its natural pools of dark matter or remain in its airspace for long, as it is also in its air- though in trace amounts.
It reminded Morro of the corruption pools in the Cursed Plains of Nindrago. He was lucky enough to never come close to them, as he was naturally of the pools of darkly glowing substances. But he’s seen what happened to animals who had. They became wild and destructive, seeking to destroy everything in sight. More often than not, Morro himself had to take them out while he could, else he ran the risk of being killed. He hadn’t the size nor the intimidation of a normally sized dragon so he had to develop skill. One such skill he discovered, was something only he knew and was most effective with taking out predators that came after him. He had the ability to quite literally steal the air from his target’s lungs and have them suffocate to death. It was morbid… But it was his most effective tool out there… And as long as his hunger wasn’t too great to critically affect his strength, it was a guaranteed means of taking down prey in the off chance he manages to find some.
Morro squeezed his eyes shut against the memories of the past then focused on the horizon, waiting, hoping for the leader of speed’s safe return. It was his fault he had to go through what he had. He had no-one to blame but himself. He blinked then turned towards the sound of very familiar wingbeats approaching. Oh no. That was his father. He must have been searching for him, as he broke away from he and the others some time ago. He looked back to the horizon, spotting the leader of speed also returning then. He’ll be seen by his father and he’d be in trouble. Dragons rarely needed to be punished, as they were peaceful beings. A scolding from his father and uncle was rather effective as well. But for the very few that dared to go against the most important rules the elders had put in place, their punishment was harsh. He wasn’t there for it but he heard a little after he had left the Mountain, a dragon had killed another dragon over a potential mate. Their powers were stripped by his uncle, their wings taken and they were banished to a distant island with no hopes of ever leaving. Considering the state of their world now, no doubt those who had been banished are…
‘Griffin.’ The disappointed rumble of his father snapped him out of his thoughts and he blinked down at the scene below, his father looking down at the speed dragon as he landed, his head hung low, knowing he was in serious trouble, his friends looking at him sympathetically. ‘Have you anything to say for yourself?’ He asked the speed dragon and Morro shifted anxiously.
‘I dared him to do it.’ Morro spoke up and all eyes turned to him, his father glancing at him, his head just barely brushing the canopy of treetops.
He could tell that his father didn’t believe him for even one moment.
‘... Is this true?’ He asked Griffin, looking down at him again and Griffin met Morro’s eyes, confusion in them.
Morro only nodded, letting him know he can take the blame for this. It wasn’t as far fetched as it seemed and they were still rather uncomfortable with him still. Anyone would believe he really did goad him to do so without another thought. Griffin looked away from him and back up at the elder Wu, swallowing as he thought of what to do, what to say. He didn’t get why his son was willing to take the fall for his stupid, rash decision… He shook his head.
‘No. It’s not true.’ He spoke up. ‘I went out there on my own. No-one told me to. The others tried to stop me but I didn’t listen.’ He says, gesturing a white wing to them, the underside and edges baring red.
‘I’ll accept my punishment.’ He rumbled low, hanging his head lower and Wu looked him over.
‘... You will remain in the tower for the rest of today and all of tomorrow to reflect on what you’ve done.’ Wu told him and Griffin blinked, surprised by the rather light sentencing.
He wasn’t about to complain however. 
‘Yes, of course. My apologies.’ He spoke formally before flying off, the other dragons following after him.
“That was noble of you, Morro.” Wu murmured, turning to him and Morro shrugged then flew out of the tree.
“He had some strong points… I wish he had gone to either you or uncle about it though.” Morro told him, nuzzling him lightly.
“What were they?” Wu asked as he settled to lay on his stomach, Morro landing before him and doing the same, preparing himself for a lengthy discussion.
“Man it’s hard to find a nice, sunny clearing out here.” Blaze mumbled as he laid on his back in a clearing they had to make by carefully removing a few branches from the trees, not wanting to cut them down.
“Yeah but this works nicely.” Rocky mumbled lazily nearby, the warmth of the sun making him sleepy.
“Agreed…” Wisp hummed, also on his back, his tail flicking back and forth.
“Lloydie’s not back yet?” Shard asked as he lifted his head, blue eyes surveying the area.
“He said he’d be back by now…” Mist says with a troubled expression.
“You guys worry too much.” Lloydie huffed as he walked into the clearing then. “I just grabbed an extra bite is all.” He says as an explanation then shook the remaining drops of water off of himself before he walked over into the clearing and flopped down in an available spot.
“Oh that’s right. You’ll be just as big as your dad one day. You’ll need all the meals you can get.” Rocky murmured as he glanced at him.
“I don’t know about that… My dad and uncle are still growing. I doubt I’ll catch up to them any time soon.” Lloyd shrugged with his wings, leaving them open to take in even more of the sun’s warmth.
“Well, if the First Dragon created the Mountain of a Million Heights hollow so he could use it as a resting place, certainly they have much growing to do to get anywhere close to that size scale.” Shard pointed out.
“Hey, when you get to that size Lloydie, can I use your back as Nindrago’s largest water slide when it rains?” Wisp asked as he lifted his head and Lloydie snorted.
“Sure. Whatever you say.” Lloydie says, amused and they all laughed.
Garmadad figured that Krux and Acronix still held at least some remnants of their memories if their reactions to both he and his brother was anything to go by. He sighed as he held a wing up, Acronix hanging off of the edge by his teeth sunk into it, his large, reflective eyes innocent, despite him clearly being caught in the act. He set his wing down low and carefully nudged him off before doing the same for Krux who was gnawing at the flat tip of his tail. The second they woke up and realised they were alone with him, it’s been a competition of who can cause him the most pain it seems. While dragons had rather tough and durable scales, past those scales is rather sensitive skin. Their small, sharp teeth are just perfect to work between his scales to get to said skin. But he wouldn’t wrong them. They were more fortunate than many. They had a second chance, even if they didn’t want to. Their slate has been cleaned and they will grow to understand the difference between right and wrong, understand that power and control wasn’t everything… And once they do understand, their powers will be returned.
So for now, he will give them the benefit of the doubt, would mark this off as hatchlings teething. He laid down, unphased once they immediately began climbing his snout like the mountain he was sure he was to them. Krux was the one who got to the top of his snout first. He watched as he looked for his brother before he wandered over to the other side to see him climbing still. He gave high chitters, encouraging his tiring brother to keep going as he paced around the edge of his snout. Once Acronix finally made it to the top, they both nuzzled each other, excitedly, chirping as they did. Garmadad held back a huff. They still had that strong connection with each other and that was good. Brothers should always stick together… ________
“I’d say that went well.” Kai smiled as they headed towards the Bounty.
“Kai, you literally tried to fry half the population of the press there.” Lloyd says dryly.
“But I didn't.” Kai pointed out proudly. “Plus those jerks deserved it.” He grinned, tail flicking back and forth.
“He has a point there. One of them outright implied you’d ssomehow end up like your dad.” Jay pointed out.
“But you didn’t have to tase him Jay.” Lloyd protested.
“Oh I didn’t. Tempest did.” Jay clarified. “I didn’t stop him but still.” He added with a grin.
“He looked like he was gonna attack you so it was either Jay tasing him or a broken nose and missing teeth.” Nya says as she cracked her knuckles.
“The media would not have taken well to that.” Pixal reminded her.
“Screw the media. We save Ninjago countless times. You’d think they’d have some faith in us by now.” Cole huffed, crossing his arms.
“I think that is the reason why some still doubt us. After all, Ninjago is almost constantly under attack. Harumi proved that an attack can come from the most unexpected of people. It’s best for us to not dwell on those few however. The majority of Ninjago appreciate and accept us as we are after all.” Zane advised.
“Zane makes a solid point.” Kai nodded then grinned. “I bet the dragons will be stoked to be able to fly anywhere in Ninjago they’d like. Let’s go deliver the good news!” He yelled then spread his wings and flew off, landing on the Bounty up ahead.
“You heard him.” Jay grinned, unfolding his wings and taking off as well, Cole, Lloyd and Zane following up.
“I’ve got you Pix.” Nya huffed, tucking her hands under her arms and Pixal made a sound of surprise once she was lifted off the ground, Nya beating her wings a little harder to carry her over to the Bounty. “That was a work out.” She admits as she set Pixal down then smirked.
“Mind if I add carrying you around while flying to my workout routine?” Nya asked her.
“Certainly. It also broadens my understanding of your aerodynamics.” She agreed as Kai started up the ship.
“Next stop: Dragon’s Labyrinth!”
“Dad, you’re watching them?” Lloydie asked, a little confused as his father herded the twin hatchling dragons with his tail.
“Yes. The ninja had to have a meeting.” Garmadon says in explanation, not even flinching when they both sunk their teeth into his tail, used to it now.
“You uh… Need some help there?” Cole asked, eyeing the two gnawing at his tail like a toy squeak.
No. Squeak toy. Squeak-e toy? Yeah that’s it.
“It… Would be appreciated.” He admits and Cole huffed as he walked over, plucking Acronix then Krux off his tail, picking Acronix up with the tip of his tail as he padded away, setting them down a safe distance from the elder and tucking them under his wing. Earth dragons had a natural affinity in caring for hatchlings, as eggs are always hatched on rock or soil as Dragons didn’t nest like birds.
“What’s going on here?” Morro asked once he and his father returned.
“Brother, there is much to discuss.” Wu says as he walked over to the dark dragon.
“Certainly.” Garmadon says as he straightened up.
All of their attention turned towards the exit facing the front of the labyrinth once they heard the familiar sound of rocket boosters, spotting the flying ship that belonged to the ninja as it arrived and lowered to land, Kai heading their way.
“Kai! Hey!” Lloydie greeted, walking over to nuzzle him.
“Lloydie!” Kai laughed nuzzling him back as they both purred. “I have big news!” He told them with a grin and the dragons all shared a look.
“Lay it on us.” Blaze says as he walked over, eager to hear.
“So Hiroshi’s Labyrinth is great and all but we get that you guys are dragons and this small area might be good for a temporary home, but not so much to properly stretch your wings.” Kai began, Wu and Morro sharing a look, the larger being impressed and the smaller being surprised. “So we gave Ninjago a heads up about you guys being here so they won’t freak out, which means that you guys can fly out beyond this little patch of forest without worry!” He grinned at them and the dragons looked at him in awe- then excitement.
They had barely seen much of their world. They were indeed curious to explore.
“You’ve told them?” Jay asked as he and the others flew in a moment after, Pixal yet again in awe at the colossal size of their elders.
“Yeah, they seem pretty stoked.” Kai grinned, looking up at the bright eyed dragons.
“It’s important to remember however, that while your free range has broadened, Vortica’s influence hasn’t. Long periods of time outside of the labyrinth is not recommended or else dragons will begin to turn human.” Zane reminded them. “We aren’t able to return to your world to reverse the effects so every dragon should be careful when they decide to fly outside of the labyrinth. The Dark Island is still off limits as well.” He told them and the elders nodded.
“We are aware. We will all e()nsure each and every dragon’s time outside the labyrinth is monitored carefully. But I am certain they will be ecstatic all the same to hear the news.” Wu told them lightly.
“... You really are amazing…” Morro says in awe, looking directly at Kai who blinked then flushed a bit at the surprise compliment.
“It wasn’t all me though. It was everyone.” He shrugged, bashful.
“Yeah but you’re the one who pointed that out to begin with. If you hadn’t we would have never considered this.” Jay spoke up then blinked at a familiar chitter- just before he was ran into by an excited hatchling, landing hard on the ground with a grunt.
“Glad to see you too, bud.” Jay laughed breathlessly as Nix nuzzled him excitedly, his tail flicking back and forth eagerly.
“Looks like you’ve got a fan.” Cole huffed, pulling Nix back enough so he could sit up and hug the baby dragon properly.
“Lookss like it.” Jay chuckled, stroking the spiny bumps on his back.
“So what’s the rest of Ninjago like?” Lloydie asked Kai and he grinned.
“It’s mostly desert but…”
(Sorry for the late update! I've been busy over the past couple days and also trying to flip my sleep schedule from sleep all day awake all night- yet again. But tada! Longer chappie! Next update will be time skip and some more plot! Thanks for reading!)
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brands4you · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Lego Ninjago Hunted Muzzle Minifigure Minifig.
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thefiresensei · 6 years
Ninjago Valentine’s Week Day 2
I’m a little late, but here is my day 2 contribution for @evelinaonline‘s Valentine’s Week. The prompt is rare ships - I’m not sure if this truly qualifies, but I had fun writing it! Have a little Wu and Faith...
Wu watched as she ran her hand down Firstbourne’s snout, the magnificent red beast responding to her, lifting its head and pushing its great muzzle into her hand, golden eyes narrowing in pleasure.
“Yes, you like this don’t you?”
Firstbourne snorted, blowing out a blast of hot air and sending Faith’s dark ponytail shooting back behind her. She laughed, throwing her head back.
She looked magnificent.
Wu shook himself, leaning against his bo staff, a smile forming under the long, white beard despite himself. After all the hassle and drama which had been caused after he had fallen – hard – for Misako, he had promised himself, no he had vowed, that there would be no other.
And yet here he was, an elderly man who should, and did, know better, watching her and feeling…feeling… like this.
He had forgotten what it felt like to feel like this.
He shook his head. Ridiculous. Nothing good could ever come of these feelings and he needed to let them go. She was far too young for him and he was far too busy, what with the ninja, his brother on the loose and needing to help rebuild Ninjago. Again.
“Wu. Did you hear me?”
“Uh, uh what?” He looked up sharply, the bo staff nearly falling from under him as he straightened, realising she had been talking to him whilst he had been occupied by his foolish daydreams.
“Wu…are you alright?” Her clipped accent rolled around him, and he took a slight, subtle step back as she reached out, a hand lightly resting on his arm.
“I said that myself and Firstbourne, we will need to leave for the First Realm, soon.”
“Oh.” Oh…
He looked down, quickly regathering himself, putting the sensei mask firmly back in place.
“Yes, of course.” His heart dropped and he swallowed. Quickly he steeled himself and tried to avert his attention to the ninja training behind them. His aged grey eyes watched the fluid movements of the water and fire ninja moving together, apparently showing his grandson some of the intricacies of one of the sword katas. The ice ninja was sparring with the earth ninja, whilst the lightning one was… FSM what was Jay doing?
Both Wu and Faith turned their heads to the side, both wearing matching frowns as they watched, puzzled, as the blue ninja took off, sprinting towards the perimeter edge, his hands thrown above him, nunchuks spinning above his head. The look of unadulterated glee was evident across the freckled face as he let out a long whoop of joy.  
“Huh, there is never a dull moment in this realm.” Faith turned fixed Wu with an unblinking stare.
“Unfortunately, no. There is not.”
He took in her large, soulful eyes, the bright sunlight reflecting in her dark hair. Her resolute manner and charisma shone through. If only he had stayed younger for just a little bit longer…
He took her hand, squeezing firmly. “We would love you to stay longer, but I know you must be anxious to return.”
She smiled, staring intently into the energetic, wise eyes. If only he was a bit younger…
“I am. But we will see you again soon, no?”
All three leaders of their respective groups turned at the sudden, loud crash as Jay and Kai collided, ear splitting and slightly offensive hollering filling the air.
Wu let out an exasperated sigh, running a hand down his beard before turning to her, his eyes lighting up.
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