#nish rants
nishloves · 10 months
hiatus probably ?
hi there! as you all know that i am on semi-hiatus (kind of not because i'm still spending like 30 minutes equivalent here-), there are chances that i will be on hiatus starting first week of december. my very important exams are approaching and will be held in a matter of months and i honestly feel very underprepared. i'll be back, i will occasionally post/write (i promise). but all in all, i'll not be as much active as i've been over here, at least for a few months at that. (i might shit/rant post but my queued srbs might be the only posts here for a while ))): ) and my total hiatus will start from 2nd week of jan probably? i love you all and i sincerely WANT you all to take care of yourselves. thank you so much for all the 350 followers, for all the notes, for all the silly comments and amazing reblogs, they have repeatedly made my day in these past few months i've been active here (may 2023?); its amazing honestly.
(to my moots; i will miss you all sm, even if we haven't interacted in a while or if our interactions have been limited to tag games, please still know that i adore you and would love LOVE to talk to you again after i return.)
so hehe, take care of yourselves <3
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a dynamic text thingy I made, of Nish Kumar ranting about Ricky Gervais's transphobia
Ha! I enjoyed this 😁
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your-queer-dad · 3 months
I think I messed up the last submission because it only has the link and it wasn't clickable. Sorry about that .
Here's the same again: Nish Kumar ranting about Ricky Gervais ranting about trans people.
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dullahandyke · 2 months
a dynamic text thingy I made, of Nish Kumar ranting about Ricky Gervais's transphobia
YOOOO BANGER ANIMATION..... so awesome tysm for shariing........ so playful n energetic n creative its astounding
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Well, this is the best bit of gossip to ever appear on the Elis James and John Robins radio show:
This, of course, goes along with the story that Nish Kumar told on The Bugle of the same football game:
A game that took place when John Oliver was back in Britain briefly at the end of 2017, during which time he appeared on The Russell Howard Hour and apparently played football, but did not stop to do any Bugle episodes, which is fine, I mean it's absolutely fine, we can't all be Hollywood.
Hollywood. Despite the fact that I once made an image listing some coincidental superficial similarities,
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I find it quite difficult to picture John Robins and John Oliver existing in the same place. They're wildly different. But if you asked me what I thought would happen if they ever were in the same place, I'd probably guess it would involve a lot of John Robins repeatedly calling him Hollywood.
I can't post that audio clip of Nish Kumar discussing that game on The Bugle without also posting the compilation I made of the evolution of Nish Kumar becoming the British John Oliver, because it's quite adorable:
Anyway, going back to that original clip from the radio show, I also enjoyed Producer Vin hearing comedian football mentioned and immediately asking about Andy Zaltzman. There wasn't any context from before or explanation from after that clip to explain why he'd asked, it sounds like Vin just likes Andy was impressed that they play football with him sometimes. Which is pretty cool. I think Vin's mentioned before that he's a cricket fan, and I am aware that Andy Zaltzman is weirdly, legitimately big among cricket fans, since he does so much cricket commentary and collation of stats. I'm hoping I'm right in remembering that I've heard Vin mention being into cricket, as otherwise that's just an assumption I'm making based on his race. But I think he's mentioned it.
I quite like Producer Vin at this point. Earlier in the radio show, I was a bit disappointed by how their back-and-forth with the producers seemed a lot less fun than what I'm used to, on The Bugle where Producer Chris (and Tom before him) is a beloved figure on the show. At some point I worked out that it's a bit of a different relationship, an independent podcast vs a live radio show. The radio producers are actually accountable to the station to make sure the comedians are saying things that will be good for listenership, so there were more interruptions that were genuine rebukes for going too far off on rants that would be inaccessible to a casual listener, whereas on a show that's a podcast first, you know that everyone has tuned in because they like Andy Zaltzman's inaccessible rants. I've never heard Chris Skinner try to curtail any of Andy's pun runs, for any reason besides to preserve his own psychological stability.
Having said that, after the first 100 episodes or so they settle into a rhythm, interactions with producers got a lot more natural and more fun. I'm at episode 200 now and Producer Vin has only recently started speaking up at times during the chat to hold them to account, not for boring radio standards but for contradicting stuff they've said before, which can be pretty funny at times. I like him. I think he's more naturally funny than the previous producer. Knowing he apparently approves of Andy Zaltzman, for whatever reason, makes me like him more.
Oh, and I also recently heard an episode in which Harry Potter came up, and John Robins said he's a Gryffindor, and I have not identified anyone's Hogwarts House for about fifteen years, but the years I spent doing so instantly came back to me and I looked at my phone and said "absolutely the fuck not, 100% Ravenclaw, few cases are this clear cut." And then a few weeks later they were on with Producer Vin and John referenced the recent episode in which he'd called himself a Gryffindor, and Vin immediately said that was one of the episodes when he was absent, which he knows because if he'd been there he would never have let him get away with that claim, he'd have interrupted to say no, 100% Ravenclaw. And I looked at my phone and said thank you. I like this guy.
This post has covered a fair bit of ground. The original point was supposed to be that I would pay good money to see Old John Oliver and New John Oliver tackle each other over a football. Sorry that I got onto Harry Potter. Fuck JK Rowling but I like Producer Vin.
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bag-for-life · 1 year
Semi-coherent self indulgent ramble about Edinburgh below, mostly because I forget things if I don’t record them somewhere - feel free to ignore…
- Within 10 minutes of getting off the train we spotted David O’Doherty, the first show we were seeing that night, I too loudly whispered ‘look, David O’Doherty, green bike helmet, oh my god’ and was instantly ashamed at having so little cool about that stuff although he either didn’t hear me or just convincingly acted that way - his show was fantastic, one of my favourites, I will always be excited to hear his ‘beefs’ song - shortly after the show while I was at the bar my friend saw him walk past with Josie Long, I was pretty relieved as I’m sure I would have started crying as I told her how much I loved her book
- Show 2: Frank Skinner, I wasn’t sure about this when we booked it, the audience demographic changed massively and it was a huge shift from lovely DO’D, he definitely flirted with some more ‘old school’ stuff about brexit but then moved away from the obvious jokes, enjoyable but not so much my thing, Russell Howard and David Baddiel were in the audience taking the comedian count up to 4
- Show 3: Simon Amstell was the last show of day 1 - very much a work in progress but enjoyed it, different again from the first 2 shows, we were talking to some people the next day who said they had seen him a few years ago and would never go again as he was so self involved, couldn’t argue with that so I suppose it comes down to if you like him in the first place?
- Day 2, show 1 was Daniel Kitson - just wonderful, he makes its look so easy, hard to talk about without going into the premise but so far removed from the work in progress show earlier in the year and I can’t wait to see it again once it’s ‘complete’
- Show 2: Tarot, another work in progress - I absolutely love them and was cackling like an idiot for the whole thing and can’t wait to see finished show, was accidentally too enthusiastic and got pulled into some very mild audience participation regarding Mr Blobby (and my brain just can’t do audience participation) pretty sure my response was shite but it didn’t even dent how much I loved it
- Show 3: Stuart Goldsmith - bang on the front row (at the side at least) good lord he has VERY twinkly eyes… also I think the first proper ‘themed’ show we saw, good but very strong competition based on earlier shows of the day
- Show 4: Last minute scarper to the next street over to see Stuart Laws, the first show where I hadn’t seen them before either live or on TV, great visual gag fairly early on. Really enjoyed it, more low quality audience participation from myself… decision taken not to sit on the front row again if I could help it
- Show 5: Nish Kumar was brilliant and I could have listened to him screaming about the government all night, also the loudest audience of the weekend and everyone in the room loved him. Ed Gamble was in the crowd and got some stick which was fun, it was billed as a work in progress but I wouldn’t have been surprised if it was unplanned and he just ranted for the whole hour
- Last show was an ‘All Stars’ show at the Udderbelly, booked mainly because we couldn’t get to see Chloe Petts’ main show - she was fantastic obviously - also loved Lara Ricote
- Day 3, show 1: Ed Gamble, brings out the mum vibes in me despite only being 5 years younger, I find myself thinking he’s a lovely young man, and so handsome too etc He was very funny despite the smell in the venue and the actual children in the crowd, have tickets for the tour next year and am hoping to see him walk onstage wearing his camping trousers
- Show 2: The same stinking venue (Hive 1) for Alison Spittle who took the step of spraying air freshener around the room, great segment where she made assumptions about people’s lives based on their favourite soups, the show was a last minute booking but fantastic
-Show 3: Paul Merton’s Impro Pals, we booked this based on our shared childhood love of watching him on Have I Got News For You, the friendly posh lady we sat next to told us she didn’t like it when comedy was political so we decided not mention how much we enjoyed Nish…it was fun but very ‘lite’ and we were ready to get shouted at by an angry Scottish man
- Show 4: Frankie Boyle, lots of shouting and calling people cunts, lots of his psychotic giggle, couple of what appeared to be walk outs but who knows really, he only heckled the blokes leaving the room which was interesting, took the Prince Andrew is a nonce joke count up by about 100 and loads of fun stuff about the royals which I enjoyed
- Show 5: Buffy Revamped - the only non-stand up show we saw but it was great fun, crowd was full of very enthusiastic people and some VERY drunk people but he handled them expertly
- Show 6: Ivo Graham - pretty chaotic and I’m not sure if it was because it started late or if that’s just the show/the man, regardless it was really fun and had a great audience participation angle that would have worked really really well if the show was extended over a couple of hours, still a great last show of the weekend
This was my first trip to Edinburgh and it was amazing, the bad stuff I had prepared for wasn’t as bad as expected (the crowds, the queuing etc) although it was obviously expensive and I doubt I could afford it every year, also it totally fried my brain so I’m spending the next week indoors and not talking to any other humans as much as possible
Disappointed not to have spotted a wild Watto and also guilty we couldn’t fit his show in, but I am going to see Search next month and have his book on pre-order so I hope that balances things out in the long-run (see also John Robins but with Howl later in the year and without the book) and I didn’t give up hope of a no more jockeys show until ludicrously late into the weekend
I think our comedian spotting skills were fairly poor - we also saw Paul Chowdry and Paul Williams (separately) out and about and then Amy Annette walking down the street with Nish and Ed after Nish’s show, but that’s it
Thus ends my ramble - pics of the stages etc on my equally ‘not of much interest to anyone but me’ shows I’ve been to blog @mylifeintickets
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spotsupstuff · 1 year
i love your suns interpretation so much tbh. can I ask what your take is on NSH's relationship with them, out of curiosity? i feel like I don't see NSH be angry to SRS enough.
like, yes, NSH avoids conflict, but there's no way he doesn't know what SRS did. he's not stupid! like, they're both FP's seniors, and NSH knows they both have responsibilities to keep stuff like that from happening.
sorry if i'm ranting a lil lmao, it's just something that annoys me slightly about NSH interpretations that they all blame FP. as much as the guy is an idiot SRS is also to blame here
oh preach, the whole... NSH blames Only Pebs annoys me a ton too
Nish is still angry with Pebbles, because after all Pebbles isn't fault in this, but yes, he's angry with Suns too. his relationship with them was initially pretty good! Suns was basically their first Gen 2 and they didn't like Moon so Nish as the second senior of the group took it upon himself to be the one to give the newbie an intro to all of this
pretty quickly he figures that there's a defect in Suns when it comes to his emotions. so even though at this point he isn't yet all that Extremely emotional (the extreme is a result of research done by the Ancients into the emotional aspects of Iterators. Nish was pretty emotionally adept but not as much as he is later), he still offers to kind of like... Tutor? Suns? through emotions? and emotional understanding and conncetion between Iterators and Ancients and such
so the two are very close because of it! Nish isn't anything sort of a mentor™ to Suns (that's be Innocence), but he's a good older brother who tries his best to help Suns live well. so Suns starts to build a certain character of himself. the ruse that Pebbles ends up looking up to. and Nish thinks that it's Suns putting their time spent together to good use and are getting better. but Suns is failing to integrate the lessons and explanations all that well without knowing that they are failing at it n both think that everything is going well in their own idea of "going well". and at some point Suns starts to kind of lean off from the lessons and Nish being respectful let's it happen trusting that they know better now
after all that happens with Pebbles... well, canonically already Nish gives Suns shit for everything at least a little. after Spears campaign they grow more distant cuz... well Moon is going to die. the most important to Nish will be just gone so he's dealing with that. n then she collapses and he has a lot of shit to work through as the group's new senior, he doesn't have Time to be angry at Suns anymore, really. so the responsibilities mostly beat it out of his head. he's bitter with Suns and distant (this affects Suns pretty bad)
then Hunter comes around and Nish becomes somewhat happy again. Spears is quite old at this point, but Nish still contacts Suns for the sake of their scugs getting to meet. so Hunter can have some proper parent figure of her species and someone to learn fighting from. their interactions are awkward, they don't talk much
after Spears dies, Suns withdraws even more than before. after Hunter dies, Nish becomes embittered and a very different person who he was. another relationship that has ended in finality just like Suns n Pebbles' has. just quieter and more drawn out
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shaunashipman · 4 months
heyyyy, i have a Taskmaster question: have you discovered a comedian on the show that you've then looked up the works of and are now a fan of independently?
so while i love taskmaster, stand up isn't really my thing so don't really follow them outside of the show. but i do have a lot of love for nish kumar after hearing the joke/rant he went on about the hate trans people get, and i've seen a few bits and pieces of his sets that i did like
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cram-ming · 1 year
{ call me : nish | 8teen | medical aspirant | enf/tj | she/her }
this blog is created to be more for myself and less for people around, this blog can hold all the topics I have studied for the day, my daily rants, my interests, my daily musings. basically, a short diary which i reserve for myself and people who want to see my progress, my high and low curves despite not knowing me personally, yet still wishing for me.
this blog is a vulnerable aspect of mine where I will share many things about me— if I feel happy or sad, if I'm overwhelmed, if I feel lacking, if I won something, if I feel my growth.
this blog is unapologetically me, this blog is my safe space, this blog is full of my opinions, this blog doesn't have any navigation for it is the fruit of my unfurled emotions which I don't want to bury in my chest.
I will try to keep it aesthetic but don't trust me, heart can be messy sometimes and it's alright.
a little bit of mess is required in a clean space right?
hope you find me good enough to befriend <3 peace 。⁠*゚⁠+
with love,
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the-riot-within · 3 years
no no y'all got it wrong. five isn't closest to vanya, though they're pretty close. five's closest to klaus.
in the scene where they stop the bank robbers when they were kids, five lets klaus lean on his shoulder and he smiles.
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the "nice dress" "danke!" line is just 👌👌👌👌
at reggie the bastard's™ funeral, klaus tries to protect five from luther and diego's authority issue fight. (tantrum)
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and who did five go to for the prosthetic eye drama? he could've gone to diego, or luther or he could've just asked allison to rumour the dude
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but he went to klaus.
and look at him. he looks so damn proud of his brother.
"i'm done funding your drug habit." that's cuz he cares for his brother.
the scene after klaus time travels? "your brain feels like its stuffed with cotton." damn that scene had me in tears.he sought klaus out. five is the only one who knew that klaus time travelled. that he lost someone.
five is closest to klaus and you can fight me on this.
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markcavendish · 2 years
James Acaster's "you brave little cis boy" and Nish Kumar's "why don't you identify as a good comedian you hack motherfucker?" Literally changed lives.
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nishloves · 9 months
my rant
tw: talks about weight increase, low self-esteem, moderate anxiety, procrastinating tendencies. this is also extremely long.
i just really need to talk/vent about it.
the worst part about being a "casual" gamer is, you never know when you might get addicted with it. i play genshin and CoD, while cod doesn't interest me as much anymore and i only ever played genshin for like twice a month but recently- genshin has been taking over lol, i played 3 hours of genshin alone yesterday and mind you- i've already finished all the archon (main) quests and i'm still playing it!!! (this is called procrastination)
and this is not just limited to computer games no, i once was obsessed with aerobics gymnastics and was practising it all around my house (before corona struck and i physically became unable to do many tricks cue *decreasing flexibility/strength/stamina and everything after i got sick. after aerobics, my hyper-fixation was basketball and i would play it for around 2-3 hours everyday, my body slowly started getting better and my love for sports and gym was ignited again but then i entered into the senior year of my school and i had to inevitably focus more on my studies because i still can't see myself being an athlete/sportsperson even though i really love sports.
now, i was a science major in my high-school (my core were - phy, chem and bio) and i had always been a hardworker but i started getting burnt out, the more i strayed away from staying active and being fit, the more of couch potato i became. i somehow started studying nicely again, but got corona in sept.2022 and was on bedrest for two weeks, my schedule was a mess again. during that time, it were only my high-school extracurriculars (anchoring, debating, basketball, student council) which were keeping me happy along with a few friends (who in future became insecure of everything i was doing and shut me off by calling me "fake", that shit hurt.) and because i had missed 2 weeks of school and was already behind the syllabus by myself because of improper time management, so i developed anxiety- i only realised this after i had a mental breakdown in school for 2 minutes which i wasn't able to control instantly. (my anxiety is moderate and i don't need any medicines for it- i just need to keep my schedule productive and avoid procrastination.) i realised that i was quite behind and that i needed to do something so i did, i shut myself off and studied for 3 months without any outside exposure or anything- but that made me gain weight, from a 54kg 5'7 girl, i went on to a 68kg and because i got sick just immediately after, my weight increased to 70kgs. now, don't get me wrong- i love my body, i still like the way i look but, i don't feel healthy and i don't think you can understand how nerve-wrecking it is for a person who could run 5km without a worry pant after 500m. it was really... and i mean really heart-braking, more than my weight gain, it was my inability to do anything which made me more and more insecure about myself.
my anxiety, my newly acquired low self-esteem were adding fuel to my already procrastinating tendencies.
now. that is the main issues- i am a procrastinator, and for some reason i'm unable to fully get out of it and i get even more anxious when my days are going unproductive which they are!
i didn't score bad in my high-school finals, my scores of normal college entrance exams were good enough to fetch me into a top 3 college of our nation for b.sc but- i didn't want that. even though all my other exams went well, i seriously fucked up my medical entrance examination. i thought to take a drop year but im seriosuly scared because i don't think i did anything fruitful this year and i just feel like i wasted an year of my life and my main exams are in 4 months and im really really getting stressed out because the selection rate is only the top 1-2% among 2 million applicants, talk about competition lmao.
see, i am aware that i can do it, i don't know if it is arrogance or optimism but i know that if i really do give it all- my blood, sweat and tears and everything- i know that i'll do better, i will be able to score enough to get a medical college- but the thing is, i feel like i am scared to start and i don't want to be.
i want to- i need to work hard to better than my present-self, i need to work out to get my stamina, strength and flexibility back. and even if i fail- i atleast worked hard, i just don't want to regret anything which i am doing, i need to get out of this slump and i need to convince myself to get up and atleast try everyday. because i seriously seriously think that regret is probably the worst emotion you could feel and i don't want to spend my life regretting my decisions.
i just- had to get it off my chest lol. thankyou for reading this all.
i promise you, i'll be a great doctor one day and will clear this exam with every courage i am able to muster.
i guess... that is all? have a nice day and take care of yourself!
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tekweela · 4 years
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your-queer-dad · 3 months
Nish Kumar ranted about transphobia so well that I made a dynamic text thing out of it
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bts-jimin16 · 5 years
If anyone just maybe wants to voluntarily give me $1,000,000 so I don't have to go work anymore that would be highly appreciated 😔
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I genuinely apologize in advance for this post. Sometimes Andrew Lawrence comes up in my YouTube recommendations, often as a canary in the coal mine to let me know I need to stop hate reading and/or watching stuff. My internet already knows I want to see British comedy - if I do enough hate watching to make it think I want to see right-wig bullshit too, that’s when the Andrew Lawrence videos start appearing, and then I know I need to stop that shit.
I really don’t do it often; it just annoyingly takes very little for him to start turning up. One wrong click on his stupid fucking face and then he’s everywhere for a few days, a virus that multiples if you give it attention.
...I couldn’t resist the one he did today, about some comedy awards that are happening this weekend. It’s just really funny when Andrew Lawrence rants about comedy, because you can see him looking at the life he willingly chose to give up, of being a comedian. This pushes it from being the “hate watching type of funny, which you’re only slightly laughing at in a bleak way and it’s mainly just frustrating and rage inducing”, to straight-up, laugh out loud funny. I clicked on it. I’m sorry. I know we’re not supposed to give these things views and we’re definitely not supposed to give them attention, which is why I won’t even link to it though obviously anyone could find it. I mean, you shouldn’t. No one should. But holy fuck it’s really funny.
(I’ll be honest: I don’t often watch his videos, but also, I don’t never watch his videos. I do click on them once in a while. I’m admitting that because I want credit for the fact that this is only the second time I’ve made a post about one of his videos, the first time being the absolutely hilarious one he did after it was announced that Mock the Week was cancelled, where he pronounced it “Dara O’Bri-en” and called out Frankie Boyle even though he hasn’t been on since 2009. Other than that I’ve refrained from mentioning them, even when I’ve watched them, which I normally don’t, I know a hate watch is the same as anything else on his view count. But this one is so funny.)
Anyway, here are some of the funniest things about this video:
- The title of Lawrence’s video calls them “C4 Anti-Comedy Awards”, which implies they’re just going to put medals on Richard Ayoade.
- He takes so much pleasure in dropping into the middle of it the fact that he doesn’t pay his license fee. Even though he’s listing that as the reason he can’t watch these awards, and – okay I’m not British so I may well be getting a fact wrong while trying to correct someone else, which is always embarrassing, but isn’t the license fee a BBC thing? These are the Channel 4 Awards.
- Many of the comments (look, I’ve already admitted to hate watching an Andrew Lawrence video, there’s no point in pretending I didn’t also hate read the comments) are complaining about Nish Kumar and/or The Last Leg, saying of course those terrible things will win everything. Neither Nish Kumar nor The Last Leg are nominated for any of those awards.
- At some point he refers to someone else having a “substitute for a personality”, and hearing those words said in that distinctive deadpan voice is really funny.
- I want to know which comedians he thinks Netflix is censoring.
- “Cowards pushing a poisonous identity-obsessed agenda that they don’t actually believe in.” Okay. I realize that’s what people like him say about comedy all the time, that if you don’t make a sufficiently racist joke every four minutes on average it’s just toxic wokeness or whatever. But this comment is a lot funnier if you look at the actual list of nominees. I mean… I’ve seen some comedy with sharp enough leftie credentials to terrifying the likes of Andrew Lawrence. But this shit? BBC Ghosts, and 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown, and Taskmaster, and Josh Widdicombe and Rob Beckett’s parenting podcast? There is nothing in here that should offend even the most easily upset of the Andrew Lawrence-type. What part of that list is he managing to look at and see poison?
Derry Girls criticized colonialism, which is pretty close to the evils of critical race theory, even if everyone involved is white. I guess if you assume anyone who’s not a straight white cis man ever appearing on screen is identity politics, you’d take issue with Starstruck and The Graham Norton Show. But come on. The Graham Norton Show. It’s not exactly revolutionary Marxism, is it? The Russell Howard Hour looks like radical left-wing propaganda compared to every show that’s nominated for these awards (except, again, Derry Girls - even for a hyperbolic joke I can’t suggest that Russell Howard has better left-wing credentials than Derry Girls).
(I’m feeling the need to clarify that I don’t even mean this as a bad thing, Taskmaster and BBC Ghosts are two of the least “edgy” shows I can think of, and they’re both absolutely fantastic. Not all comedy has to be sharply cutting radical satire. I’m just saying, this rant is extra funny when you look at the fact that the stuff that’s upset him so much is very much not sharply cutting radical satire.)
- Fucking love the conspiracy theory about the Edinburgh Fringe selling badly not because of skyrocketing prices, but because patrons of the Edinburgh Fringe Festival don’t want to see left-wing comedy. When I think of people who attend the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, I think of people who can’t stand that woke shit.
- Near the end, he suggests that Britain hasn’t got podcasts. Just throws that one in there. Comedy in Britain would be fine if only they were allowed to have podcasts. It’s that anti-podcast law passed by the British government that’s holding them all back. Why are no British people disseminating misinformation and toxic rhetoric via the medium of podcasts like the Americans are? I don’t know what he thinks Russell Brand does for a living.
- It is so funny when he goes straight from an absolutely unhinged rant, all these opinions just totally divorced from reality and delivered straightforwardly while staring directly into the camera, and then straight into “please do like and subscribe”.
Okay I’m done now. I will go back to pretending Andrew Lawrence doesn’t exist - or trying to, because now that I’ve watched that one he’ll be popping up everywhere again. That’ll be my cue to stop doing that.
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