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april study challenge / 29/04/17 - What is your favourite kind of weather for studying? What’s your favourite kind of weather in general?
always cloudy maybe with a little bit of sun from time to time. full on sun is just too much to handle for me lol. also cloudy weather is best for taking photos!
guys, i went on such an amazing walk today! (more cuteness on my insta: @ lightsandshimmers)
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rivkahstudies · 7 years
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5.19.2017 11:10 PM: Two exams, Biology and Math, finished, and I have the weekend to study! Also, I gave in and decided to start a bujo! It’ll keep me productive (hopefully) ove summertime and give me a nice, organized start to the year for Senior year of high school! I’ve been deliberating over starting one since I found studyblr because premade planners don’t allow enough space for the many things I have to do each day, and it’ll let me be creative in little ways without ruining my notes by doodling crazily.
You’ll notice I named it Chrysanthemum. It’s technically Red Chrysanthemum, as insinuated by the cover and the color scheme of the time. I chose the name because I love flowers and flower language. Chrysanthemums mean hope, loyalty, and love, and red in particular indicate romance and passion. I want this bujo to help me grow in my study habits and also remind me that as much as I love and care (almost too much) for everything I do and all my relationships, self-love is important too. It’ll also (hopefully) remind me that there is hope in the dark days of my mental illness. Even if it isn’t always aesthetic, I’m going to power through bad spreads and overcome perfectionism with it. I hope you guys like it! It’s about 240 pages but because of bleed I will probably use 120, which is enough for 2 page weekly spreads plus a few more pages~ Once it’s done, I will get another one if I think I can do it in college too.
19 (F). What’s your daily routine?
It’s pretty variable these days, but goes something like this:
Wake up, spend 15 minutes trying to acclimate
15-25 min Shower because I have short hair (or skip if I took one the day before and I need to sleep in)
Make my lunch
Make a giant thermos of tea to bring to school
Go to school, if no school then stay home and study/relax/do chores
Come home from school, relax, then get to work until dinner
After dinner, back to work
Bed anytime between 10 and 2
This summer I’m going to try not to go to bed too late each night because resetting my body clock is not fun, but I tend to be more lenient. And I’m going to Spain, so talk about melatonin problems, haha. I’m also gonna try to be more productive this summer than last.
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mybujospace · 7 years
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04.28.2017 Last three days of the April Study challenge!! (By @nkbstudies) 28 (F). April is Stress Awareness Month! What tips do you have for balancing school and mental health? Playing sports! Going to play tennis two or three times a week kind of relaxes me!
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oh-my-genetics · 7 years
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May Study Chellenge Day 23 - What type of learner are you? How does this translate to your study methods? I'm definitely a visual learner! I have to see pictures so I can make some kind of movies in my mind and imagine how it works. Writing down what I learn in my own words or shorter than in the book or on the slides helps me to memorize better and putting pictures beside the text helps to request information faster. I'm also a kinetic learner and need to try out methods in the lab to understand better how they work (who doesn't). I guess that's why I couldn't study philosophy further - there hardly things you can picture (metaphysics stuff)
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studytuna · 7 years
april study challenge!
made by nkbstudies! hope you guys are having a wonderful day! everyone and anyone is welcome to join :D 
Day 16. Do you prefer binders or notebooks and folders?
Notebooks and folders! I use binders to store old work etc.
Day 17. What are some of your favorite studyblrs?
jiyeonstudies, einstetic, stvdybuddies, studyafterschool, julstudies, tbhstudying, bionctes, quotestudy, studyingmeow, sprouht-studies, moonshinestudies, milkstudy, kyoko-studies, studyinorsk and equaticns just to name a few but so many I haven’t mentioned!
Day 18. How do you like to take notes? What method is your favorite?
I like making flashcards - the process of making them and using them really helps. I’ve recently started making a little ‘cheat book’ where I put small summaries of topics that might be in tests in a small compact B6 sized notebook which it working out nicely so far!
Day 19. What’s your must-have piece of stationery?
A fine tip ballpoint pen in black (less than 1.0 mm, since it makes all my writing so neat)
Day 20. Where are you hoping to be 5 years from now? 10? 15?
By then I would have graduated high school and possibly entered university. I have no idea what to do with my life but I can imagine myself travelling a lot with my friends, overseas travel, work shifts that I will end up either hating or loving and late night parties xD 
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studynaut · 7 years
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{April 9th, 2017}
Day 9| What’s your study space like? 
My study space is set up in the office/guest bedroom of my house. I used to study in my bedroom but I got continually distracted by all my stuff so I decided to use the empty room. I put up a bunch of quotes on the wall to help me stay motivated while I study, and it’s an on going project. If I ever add on to it, I’ll be sure to make a post.
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teachandstudy-blog · 7 years
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2017/04/01 How do you stay motivated? (April Study Challenge - Day 1)
My main tip is to watch study videos on YouTube. When I don’t feel like studying, watching @studyign​ usually puts me back on track! As far as motivation goes, I try to tell my self that good grades come with hard work. And I try to remember all the times I wished I would have started an assignment sooner... that way I think twice before procrastinating!
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producktivitea-blog · 7 years
Hello! I was asked by @possiblecoffee to spread some love via a post:
“I would like you to list five (or more!) things you like about yourself on your blog, and send this same request to some of your favorite followers.”
1. I’m really great at making cupcakes (lol see my last original post)
2. I know my absolute limits, and am good at avoiding crossing them.
3. I work hard every day to be kind to everyone.
4. I honestly am proud that I stopped being a little shit most of the time.
5. I’m glad I’m a hufflepuff honestly like it’s the best house tbh
Bonus: I like that I continue to strive to be a better person and learn new things.
I tag @nkbstudies and @academla (sorry if y’all have done this already!)
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april 2nd 2017 // spent the evening revising for my upcoming history test + doing my homework with a snack // day two of the April study challenge!
Do you prefer to study alone or with friends?
I usually prefer to study alone, as I’ve experienced that I easily get side tracked if I study with friends. But of course, at times it is quite nice to study with friends as well. And before a test me and my friends will usually gather in a group discussing the subject as we feel that is a quite efficient way to study.
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#aprilsc April 10, 2017
Question: What are some of your general study tips?
My answer:
1. Get your mental health in order as much as possible.This can involve things like staying in touch with friends, making sure you get out of the house, going for walks, taking your medication, or going to therapy. There are tons of ideas for self-care. Everything is easier when your mental health is good.
2. Make a prospective schedule -- what you plan/aim to do and when -- and update it with what you actually did. This will help you plan more accurately in the future.
3. If you’re having trouble getting started, tell yourself that your mind is allowed to check out, but your body isn’t. Go through the physical motions that you would need to complete in order to be ready to start your task. This sometimes helps your mind catch up.
4. If you’re reading a pdf, use the sticky note tool to make comments in the margins. Try writing down how things connect to other material you’ve learned, or the implications of this information, etc. rather than just a summary (though summary can be good too).
This is sort of a rehash of one of my earlier posts, but there is a lot of overlap between motivation and general study tips for me, since motivation is the biggest hurdle I face.
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april study challenge / 10/04/17 What are some of your general study tips?
plan EVERYTHING! don’t worry if sometimes it doesn’t work out (!) but while making the plan for any work/paper/exam session you have to think through everything that you should do and i just find having a plan very comforting and calming
having said that don’t burden yourself with lots of work you can’t do. especially if you have motivation problem/you procrastinate/have mental problems that sometimes stop you from working. think about what you really are capable to do, take small portions of work (i’m gonna make a separate post on how i study later on in the month)
find out what’s your passion and try to think of ways to include that in projects/papers for subjects you don’t enjoy
get involved with stuff! i know, it’s the hardest thing ever, i hate it i hate interacting with people and all but i made it my point to say yes to things and mostly i was glad after all that i decided to do it. someone asks for help organising some event, there’s some study club or an additional class - try it, you get experience and it helps to make friends
don’t stress out about grades from subjects that don’t interest you at all as long as you pass. idk about different school systems but for me i had few subjects that i didn’t like and i knew they’re of no use for me later so i just made sure i pass and didn’t pressure myself for more
read books and articles about things that interest you, one day they might be useful
even if you have a plan for what you want to do later with your life, don’t block out other things that seem unimportant to you. seen and heard about so many people changing the courses or entire degree after first year of uni just bc it turned out to be different than they expected. also don’t be afraid to change your course if you feel unhappy where you are
sorry if it’s crap!
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rivkahstudies · 7 years
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5.20.2017 6:00 PM: Guess who went to Barnes & Noble today to study and impulse-bought some classics I’ve been meaning to read!! They have this amazing sale (that’s on their website too, I’m gonna order more with a gift card I have) where they have a lot of classic paperback books for only $5 each. They’re usually $10 or $20. I am so excited to add to my ever-growing reading list. I didn’t mean to buy 3 of a lovely pink-purple palette, but they look so lovely!
The studying was successful too, I’m very glad I met up with my friend to go over Spanish. I’m gonna spend the rest of the night being productive by cleaning and doing scholarship-drafting work with my mother!
20 (Sa). What’s something you enjoy doing outside of school? Do you ever have any conflict between academics and hobbies?
If you couldn’t tell already, reading!! Also drawing, gardening, and exercising. And yes, oh geez, academics always come first, to the point where I haven’t gone for a jog since November and I haven’t read for pleasure since freshman year of high school. The only reason I can still draw is because I took Art in IB. I miss having a life, it’s why I’m so excited for summer.
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mybujospace · 7 years
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Day 17 of the April Study Challenge by @nkbstudies!
17 (M). What are some of your favorite studyblrs?
Some of them are @emmastudies, @focusign, @rhubarbstudies, @nkbstudies, @stvdybuddies.. I’m new to the community so I don’t really know a lot of studyblrs..
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oh-my-genetics · 7 years
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What you going to do if your tablet's battery is dead? - writing messy notes and trying to come along with the lecture.. May Study Challenge Day 19 - What's your daily routine? I have lectures at different times, so there isn't actual routine in my life. All in all I can say I get up, eat my breakfast, drink my coffee, go to the lectures, learn between lectures, come home hungry as a bear, two times a week I can see my boyfriend cooking us something, other times I doit, than I relax a hour or so and study a couple of hours, than it is already about 10 p.m. and I watch Netflix and crochet or I just read a book. When I don't have to wake up early and my boyfriend is at home, we can also play some computer games or just watch Netflix together. That's it, because I'm actually from 8 a.m. till 5 or 6 p.m. at the university.. and my weekends are filled with cleaning our flat, doing laundry and doing some weekend shopping. But it contains also more studying at home, shopping (tomorrow I'll visit out stationary shop^^) or going to library and thousands other things to do, so not time at all, can someone add one day into the week?
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wreniswriting · 7 years
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april 4th, 2017 (day 4/30 of the april study challenge)
wow i’ve been really terrible at posting lately. anyway, above you can see me proofreading a friend’s poem for english. i also went to see beauty and the beast today with some friends... it was okayish
4) what’s your least favorite subject to study? how do you keep yourself motivated to study it?
hmm. i think i’d have to say science. earth science simply isn’t all that interesting to me. and to stay motivated, i just sorta push myself through it, and then reward myself afterward. although the reward part doesn’t happen much, since it’s not something i’m usually dragging my feet about too much; it’s just something that needs to be done, y’know?
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studynaut · 7 years
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{April 4th, 2017}
☔️ April showers are terrible for lighting but at least the snow is going away.☔️ 
Day 4| What’s your least favourite subject to study? How do you keep yourself motivated to study it?
My least favourite subject to study is science because no matter how hard I study I still don’t get the marks I want on my tests. I stay motivated by the fact that I don’t get the greatest marks and they’ll never improve unless I work hard.
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