#no! i'm worried for my health! i don't want a manicure!
adair-the-bard · 1 year
hell is when you google whether something that is said beauty ads is true or not, and all the answers are "according to the CEO of Maybelline, skin moisturisation is important and buy our products" like shut up
#rant incoming (didn't intend for it to be this bad)#i live with some people who spread a lot of false rhetoric about hygiene so i end up googling this sort of thing regularly#i don't trust anything anyone says about hygiene if they have skin in the game#'actually not shaving is super unhealthy. be sure to buy our razors!'#'actually your fingernails need manicures regularly. buy our $200 manicure kit!'#'actually you should wash your hair every day with coconut oil shampoo. don't miss out on our half off deal on shampoo!'#like i'm trying to figure out if one of these people i live with has done serious damage to my cuticle and everything i get is#'book a manicure with us!'#no! i'm worried for my health! i don't want a manicure!#and i want people to not be manipulated into believing your lies about beauty so that /i/ don't have to deal with damage to /my/ body#and the constant bombardment of comments about being unhygienic unhealthy and disgusting that has honestly ruined beauty for me!#maybe i'd experiment with beauty products more if the people around me didn't treat them like they fixed your (ugly and terrible) body#also while i'm complaining about beauty standards. i hate shaving leg hair. maybe i'd like it more if it was my choice to make#but rn i am so scared because i had to shave my legs for something and it isn't growing back as fast as i am used to#and leg hair is something that makes me feel good about myself#but yeah sorry for the rant#tired of beauty products and beauty standards being forced onto me and it materially ruining my life as well as mentally
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rollercoasterwords · 1 year
rae.... how are u...... how's life.... what are you reading rn & is it good? how do u like ur tea? what's your fav sentence you've ever written? and most importantly how's the weather!
hi hello!! what a nice message i'm doing good life is fun rn i'm on a little. weeklong vacation been having a good time walking around + exploring etc...got 2 pet some sheep got a fun manicure bought a bunch of presents 4 my friends + family went 2 a spa!! 4 the first time fun new experience...getting a tattoo tomorrow afternoon which i am v excited abt <3 unfortunately the trip is coming 2 an end i have tomorrow & then half the day wednesday before i take a train back home in the afternoon and then i have. one week!! 2 pack up my entire apartment + say goodbye to all my friends before i move...life is a whirlwind rn & it's mostly fun atm but next week i'm worried that the sadness of leaving behind the city(&country!) where i've lived for 2 years is finally gonna start settling in </3
as for reading i've been in a bit of a book slump lately...been wanting something fast-paced + fun but haven't been able 2 settle on something new to actually pick up & start...i did finally start reading volume 1 of marx's capital this past week but it is. SUCH slow going...i'm taking notes + reading it in v small chunks 2 try & absorb it all so i haven't even finished ch 1 yet lol
i am not a big tea drinker 2 be quite frank!! i much prefer coffee but i have recently sort of given up coffee 4 health reasons...still treat myself 2 a fun coffee beverage every so often but she is no longer a daily staple in my life </3 so i have sort of been replacing her with. peach iced tea <3 which is very easy 2 find here & satisfies my craving 4 a cold sweet drink...generally speaking i'm not a hot-drink guy i like iced beverages & that holds true 4 tea...i like it iced & sweet...except i don't like sweet tea (us-south version...sorry southerners). & when i do drink hot tea i want it 2 be sweet...i want honey or sugar...some milk as well...& my favorite hot tea is yuja tea <3 the kind that looks like jam + comes in a big jar & u mix it into hot water. DELISH that was my winter beverage this year i drank it religiously
favorite sentence i've ever written. well i don't have one...i've written many sentences that i love i simply don't think i can pick a favorite <3 ONE of my faves that i can name off the top of my head tho is the last line of thtf! also wrote a song this year w some of my fave lyrics i've written chorus goes "and if i'm a rabbit/you can cut off my feet/and if you are hungry/what's my body but meat?" which i am quite fond of i'd include that in the favorites list <3
as for!! the weather!!! there was a big storm at the beginning of the weekend so it was very rainy + windy for a bit but honestly i liked it because the temperature dropped so much that it was actually quite pleasant outside for most of friday + saturday...cloudy & drizzly & a little cool. but the sun came back full force by sunday so now it's. SO fucking hot & it's incredibly humid as well...honestly think i'm getting used 2 the heat & humidity tho it's not destroying me the way it did last summer...still hate it tho >:( moving 2 a colder climate soon & while i'm sure i'm going 2 freeze 2 death come november after years of getting used 2 mild winters right now i am just. REALLY looking forward to cheating my way out of summer...should start cooling down in september right when i'm moving whereas if i wasn't moving i'd be expecting another month of heat...#lifehack
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aonoexpat · 9 months
Happy new year everybody! And as the previous submissions highlighted (thankss friends ❤️), yes, it's been a while, and I do apologise for the radio silence. My mental health has been a bit of a rollercoaster the past month and a half, and I've had to prioritise other things. But I'm not about to let the daunting task of summarising 6 weeks in 1 post discourage me! Let's go.
The talks of politics and philosophy at home have continued, occasionally with extra participants. They sent me down a pretty depressing and nihilistic spiral for a little while, but I feel like I've really managed to climb my way out of that again. I was finally brought to a bit of an epiphany that's made me able to at least pick myself up by my bootstraps, and though I'm currently not very comfortable in any hard political or philosophical positions, I seem to have a bit more grip on a general framework again. And that helped me stop moping around and start enjoying my time here more again. Though I'm still quite fragile mentally and quickly overwhelmed, sometimes to extremes that I haven't experienced in years, all in all I feel like this has been an incredibly humbling experience that has helped me grow tremendously. Who knew the last leg of my journey would be one of this kind? I spent four months exploring the South island, and now I've spent the next two exploring my own mind. Though I think that's a journey that will never truly be over, which is both exciting and terrifying.
I have been extremely lucky to be able to live this last bit of my journey rent-free, thanks to my wonderful housemates (and their adorable little dog):
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Which meant that I could get away with only working part time. I still thoroughly enjoy my job and my coworkers (we love singing along at the top of our lungs to broadway songs as we clean up after close), but it's great to have a lot of free time around work to meet up with old friends and eat sushi or go to the beach...
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...Play board games...
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...Celebrate Sinterklaas...
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...Organise all my marked road maps, give myself manicures and haircuts, and, with deep deep pain in my heart: sell Elrond 💔 I will say I was extremely lucky to be able to sell him for DOUBLE what I paid for him back in May 😱 I definitely did improve upon him, with the brand new solar panel, newly constructed bed and shiny new rear brakes. Still, I hadn't expected to get my asking price for him, but I got lucky having two interested buyers who wanted to compete. I can barely believe it, but this means I have almost fully earned back my entire South island trip, car costs and fuel costs combined! And now I don't have to worry about the scenario in which I wouldn't manage to sell him, and would have to leave him with friends. All that was definitely the silver lining I forced myself to focus on as I gave him one last deep clean, both to be able to present him properly to his new owners, and as a sort of closure ritual for myself. I cleaned out all the dead sandflies, dusted all the surfaces, vacuumed the floor mats, and gave the kitchen a thorough wash. Saying goodbye is never easy, and I definitely had to fight back some tears when his new owners came to pick him up and take him away. But they are absolute sweethearts (they already sent me a photo from their adventure with him), so I can rest assured that he is in good hands! Farewell my darling, you were the best first car I could have wished for, and you will not be forgotten ❤️
Aside from all that, I was also very glad to have the chance to go on two more spectacular hikes in this area!
Patuna Chasm
This GORGEous ~3-hour hike definitely justified my bringing my Teva active sandals with me from home, as almost three quarters of the walk was through knee-deep river water. It was a cold and windy morning as we got driven to the start of the track in a 4WD car by the owners of the land, and were told to be back at the drop-off point in three hours to be brought back to our own car. If we were to miss that car, we'd have to wait a full hour for the next ride. So with our route map in hand, we set off on the first leg of the hike, which took us up the hills and back down to the chasm. The views were stunning, with spectacular rock formations and the grass on the hill faces waving in the wind like a green ocean:
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Down at the river, we got our clothes and bags ready to get wet, and stepped into the water. As we followed the river, first upstream towards some serene waterfalls (where I may have given myself a brain freeze and mild hypothermia by deciding to stand under them):
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And then downstream to start making our way back to the car, it started to slowly rain, but that didn't stop us. We saw eels:
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We clambered up muddy hills and over huge boulders, down ladders, through deep and shallow sections of the river, explored caves:
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And when we finally got back to the section of the track that would take us to our starting point, two of my friends were kind enough to carry mine and our fourth friend's backpack, so we could go down the alternate route: the last stretch of the river, which required us to swim through neck-deep water. I couldn't feel my feet or forearms by the end, but the adrenaline drowned that out as we sprinted up the riverbank to make it back to the 4WD car, only to catch it right as it was about to leave without us! It was absolutely exhausting, but so much good old childish adventurous fun, and one of the most spectacular hikes I've done in the country! (Photo credits to Liv :) )
Escarpment Track
This was the last hike my friend and I did together, which was a sad fact I tried not to think about too much as we walked. The track took us about 10km along the East coast, and it was quite the climb. The view was stunning though, the path itself was very well laid out, with stairs and ropes to hold onto, and benches along the way, which we happily used to take a lunch break about halfway through.
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We were very happy to have some cloud coverage that day so we weren't constantly exposed to the sun. My favourite parts were the two rope bridges that were bouncing wildly in the wind. Standing on them felt a little like flying!
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And for most of the track we were flanked by immense amounts of fennel, which gave the whole walk a wonderful background aroma:
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I was so amazed by the thought that this hike was literally 15 minutes from my friend's home. That type of easy access to incredible nature is definitely something I'm going to miss when I go home. But that made me all the more grateful I got to do this while I still could! (Photo credits to Liv :) )
Soon enough my birthday rolled around, which was an incredibly emotional day for me. I had to say goodbye to my dear friends, one of whom I won't see again before I leave the country. I gifted her a little hand made photo album of our adventures together, which had taken me a lot longer to make than I had anticipated, but luckily I had managed to finish it the night before:
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She told me this wasn't a 'goodbye', but a 'see you next time', and though I'd happily believe that, the next time will be at least a long time from now. She has meant the world to me during this trip, has helped and supported me more than I could thank her for, so I had to bite back tears as I watched her walk away. After that I had drinks at work, where my super kind coworkers surprised me with vegan chocolate and doughnuts, making me struggle not to cry for the second time that day. In the evening I had a video call with home, during which I remotely participated in their game of Memory, and still WON 💪😤
After my birthday my housemates and I went straight into Christmas mode, running around decorating the house and cooking all sorts of dishes! It was very odd to have Christmas without the associated weather/season, and without getting to see my family. My housemate introduced me to Tim Minchin's song White Wine in the Sun, which makes me cry like a baby every time I listen to it. So I took a photo of myself and my housemates, drinking non-alcoholic sparkling white grape juice in the sun, and sent it home along with a link to the song to make my parents cry as well 😈 We spent our days here enjoying all the wonderful food and the company of the neighbour and his family, and I even got to sing some songs which I hadn't done in a long while. I also got to give Christmas presents to my housemates, which I worked quite hard on: matching cowl scarves for the two of them and the dog 😊
Of course next on the calendar was New Year's Eve. In honour of my family traditions, I got some non-alcoholic sparkling rose and cocktail fruit from the supermarket, and a couple of minutes before midnight a musician friend and I combined them into portable cups, so we could cheers to 2024 at the waterfront as the fireworks lit up the sky!
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I had a wonderful night of music, dancing, playing on the beach, walking in the woods, and eventually sheltering from the rain, and didn't fall asleep until 6 in the morning. My sleeping rhythm still hasn't recovered! The next morning I woke up from my alarm at 11:55, and quickly got up so I could listen to the last minutes of the Top2000 and wish all my Dutch people a happy new year at noon. It felt so odd to do this in the sun in the middle of the day, but in a way that felt more real than the midnight before!
The next days I spent some time looking back at my highlights and achievements from 2023, and I created my own makeshift "Spotify wrapped" by analysing some statistics from my offline music player app. It turns out that (besides Asha, which is the music I play to fall asleep nearly every night) Ghost was my top artist of the year 🎧 Oh and I caught a big spider in my room!
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For Sinterklaas, my parents had gifted me a metaphorical voucher to spend where I wanted to, so I got myself a ticket to a tour at Wēta Workshop, the SFX and other movie magic studio behind the Lord of the Rings trilogy, the Avatar movies, and many more. I dragged one of my housemates and a mutual friend along, and I'm really happy we got to go! We were shown around the different stages in the SFX process, we got to hold some movie prop swords, and got to see the original weapons and armour used on-screen in a plethora of different movies. Unfortunately for copyright reasons we weren't allowed to take photos inside the studios and work stations, but I snapped some photos outside!
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And while I'd much prefer not to face it... By now I have had to start focusing on my upcoming homebound trip. Slowly plans for when I get back home are trickling in, which feels very surreal. I can't believe it's actually only two weeks until I go home, a fact that I like to hide from as much as I can. It's not that I don't want to go home, I've been looking forward to seeing my family again, eating all my familiar foods, seeing my neighbourhood and getting to hug my friends again for so long now. And I am genuinely excited for that. Part of the reason I enjoy traveling is that it reminds me of what I love about home, and allows me to miss it, and return to it more grateful than before. But it also feels like returning to 'normal life'. I'm afraid of going from a time of adventure to a time of stagnation, even though I know that's not a fair or reasonable thought. I suppose something I was afraid of is happening, which is that I feel at home here now, and happy, and have found the right people, and am enjoying the summer, and so going home (to winter 🥶) actually doesn't sound very attractive at all at times, at least not the way it did when I was living in Elrond. Back then I was struggling a lot more, I felt alone and lost, and so the thought of going home felt like such a relief. Now that I've grown accustomed to the luxury of living in a house again, and being surrounded by a social network I feel safe and appreciated in... the contrast is a lot smaller. And it almost feels like I'm going to feel homesick towards here when I go home. Like this upcoming flight is my departure, not my return.
This thought was solidified even more when my housemate asked if I'd be willing to wear a sweater that I'm not going to take with me as much as I can for the last two days or so, so that it will smell like me and I can leave it for the dog 😭💔 I really struggle not to cry at that thought, and I'm wondering if maybe (i.e. am pretty sure actually that) I'm even procrastinating with booking the trip between here and Tāmakimakaurau out of pure denial. I don't want to leave. I don't want to say goodbye, and never come back. Much more than I ever felt with Australia, I want to return here. I don't care when, maybe that will be when I'm old and retired and have no family left in Europe to miss, or when the most important people to me come with me, or if I find out I have been irrevocably changed and flee back here in a year or two. But I want to come back.
I have procured a second suitcase, and am slowly working on getting all my possessions sorted. I've sold my busking amp and microphones to a good musician friend after we'd used it for a last busking hurrah at the harbourside veggie markets last Sunday. It was a fantastic end to this busking season for me, as we connected with the crowd, the weather was wonderful, and I got to sing all the songs that were important to me. I can't bring my guitar with me, so I'll bring it to my friends' house for safekeeping, and maybe they can get it back to me some day. And the big pink bear who was riding shotgun with me in Elrond? It would break my heart to leave him behind, so I stuffed him into one of those vacuum seal bags:
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And I'm going to break my back trying to fit him into the new suitcase! He means too much to me, even if I only paid $10 for him.
My to do list is shrinking slowly but steadily, and I really have to plan well to fit everything that's left into the little time I still have here. I am going to make the most of it, spend time with the people here that have meant the most to me, immortalise the memories and when the time comes, I will get on that plane with a fond smile ❤️
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forbidding-souda · 3 years
Ok hear me out: SDR2 boys with an s/o who is like the Ultimate Nail Artist, an they either a) do a nail look on themselves for their bf, or b) gives their bf a manicure. This would be AWESOME! ILYSM
SDR2 boys with a SHSL Nail Artist S/O
YES. yes. it's me i'm the nail artist s/o
i actually had acrylics a lot in hs but i decided to finally stop getting them because every time i did i just ripped them off each time. i'm like - addicted to ripping off acrylics like it feels so good and satisfying dni yes it tore my nail beds open but yes them shits recovered in months time.
these are shorter than my stuff usually is and i apologize i am struggling with thinking of specific non bullet point scenes to add.
-Mod Souda
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Hajime Hinata
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❤ I think he would be opposed to have his nails done at first. If he's still attending school then it would be a definite no - he doesn't want other people to see it. But if he's grown man with his own job and shit then he doesn't care that much about people seeing it - he's matured. I mean - nothing like acrylics of course. But maybe if you want to do stars on his nail beds or a light pink color then it would be fine. He loves it when you hold his hand for minutes on end. The whole hand touching is super his-type-of-affection.
"Don't you love it?" You ask, intertwining your fingers with him, something that catches him off guard - his nails are still drying!
"I do." His voice is a big more monotone than you intended it to be, but the kind words still make you smile. You glance at his nails once more (like you've done one million times in the last hour) before kissing each of his knuckles.
You chuckle. "So pretty, Hajime."
Your eyes meet his and you're surprised about how flustered he looks.
❤ He's powerless against you if you beg to paint his nails.
❤ If the two of you are still attending Hope's Peak and one of his classmates asks to see his painted nails he will say no and walk away all embarrassed.
❤ He likes looking at them all the time, though. He'll just stare down at his nails and get butterflies thinking about you.
Nagito Komaeda
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❤ He slays. Whatever you want to practice on him, he'll allow it. He can get you touching up on his hands for hours at a time and he gets a cool nail thing out of it? Excellent. No con. Do you wanna give him acrylics? That's fine - any color and any shape and even length. He likes the coffin shaped ones the best. With him you mostly practice stiletto - even though you don't really need practice you still like to make sure you're still on top of your game.
❤ You can hear it - the click clack from even the other room. It makes you press your face into your hands. Maybe you shouldn't have given him acrylics.
❤ Despair Komaeda - I can imagine him bragging to Junko about having better nails than her lmfao.
❤ He clacks his acylics around and taps them against stuff LMFAO.
❤ Will just sit there wiggling his fingers and listening to the sound of his acrylics hitting each other.
❤ He stops wearing socks because they're such a bother to put on with the long nails.
❤ When he types on his phone it always makes him smile with amusement.
Teruteru Hanamura
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❤ Can't do the nails. They'll stress him out too much work-wise. If it were his decision, he would love to have nails. He thinks they look so pretty and they're especially special coming from you. But he needs sanitary hands to be a cook, and he isn't too content with always having gloves in the workplace when that can easily be avoided anyway - he'd be worried about the nail polish chipping off. And if he had to choose acrylic shapes then he would have them be oval or almond - they'd match his finger shape. Even though he won't let you do the cool art, you can still give him a very subtle manicure just for nail health.
❤ You doing his nails means he gets to sit close to you.
❤ You find he really likes just looking at your face - which is mostly because he still can't believe somebody as beautiful (and talented) as you genuinely likes him.
❤ But literally like he does not stop looking directly at you and it gets a little uncomfortable once you actually notice.
Nekomaru Nidai
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❤ Finds your art absolutely beautiful. When he's talking about you he always calls you an artist. Which, you are, but people always assume you're a painter or a musician. Nail art is the last thing that comes to their minds. But when he shows them pictures of all the collections you have - they see what he means. It is a masterpiece. Sometimes you wear these for yourself, to which he beckons you over so his teammates can see your glamour.
❤ He literally brags about you all the time like he is so prideful to be with you.
❤ He's never like "I chose a good one" but instead "a good one choose me".
❤ See the two of you are like a salon smh you do nails and he does massages.
❤ Ya'll can quid pro quo.
❤ And also Akane is going to be literally in love with you and think you are perfect for Nekomaru.
❤ She's going to force him to let you do his nails.
Kazuichi Souda
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❤ He is hesitant to compliment it - but god does he think it's beautiful. Sometimes he gets in his own head about manliness and the 'proper' way to act. Even though there's no evidence to back it up, his mind convinces him that if he compliments your nails that you'll think he's too feminine, or think that he's being annoying. Throughout these bad thoughts, he still sits by your side and watches you do art. When it comes to customers, he's not very social, instead just nervously bouncing his knee while he stares down at their hands.
❤ You'll finally just offer him to sit in the client's chair and let you take a look at his nails.
❤ He's surprised at how with a quick glance you can immediately know what he does with his hands.
❤ ^ It's almost the same with how he works with cars - one long look and he can diagnose pretty easily.
❤ Once he gets used to having his nails painted (and realizing like no one cares other than him) then he'll like a touch up once a week, thank you.
❤ He takes care of his nails a lot better now that he's with you.
❤ Whenever he fucks up his nails on something mechanical he will get very sad.
❤ Souda has five letters and his hands have five fingers just saying.
Gundham Tanaka
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❤ All your gloomy works are his favorite. He thinks of it as you spreading the occult. To him, all the colors you use have a more complex meaning - and the animals are symbolism of some kind. If the client wants pastel colors he try to convince you to paint some sort of thing like a rabbit on it to symbolize lust and sacrifices. His favorite art of yours is one of a graveyard with the moon in the air. It was so melancholic yet so beautiful - he almost wanted it on his own nails.
❤ He asks you every day to see the work that you did - he wants to see pictures so after ever job, you take a picture of the nails and save it in a folder of "Gundham hasn't seen these one yet."
❤ ^ When you show him I can imagine him being like "good... good.. yess... excellent."
❤ He won't personally want his nails to be painted all the time because he's worried the animals might accidentally ingest it.
❤ Wants to know if you'll do animal nails.
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❤ He likes that thing - it's individualistic. It makes you more special compared to everybody else, and he admires that about you: how unique you are. Everything you do is unique. Even each nail look - they never look the same. They're irreplaceable, just like you. You're so consistent with your ability yet so unpredictable, it's a security but also a thrill. He couldn't imagine choosing to be with anybody else other than you.
❤ I imagine he would not let you do his nails because it'll mess up his whole perception of the person who he's trying to be.
❤ But once he finally stops trying to pretend to be other people, he's going to allow himself to have that individuality.
❤ ^ Probably likes white tips. Or polka dots.
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu
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❤ Everything with stripes is his favorite. He loves the look of stripes no matter what color they are (but of course, his favorite color of stripes is white). Basing colors off of him is very easy, he likes wearing the same suit everyday, so when you come home with your nails matching his color scheme, he notices immediately. He takes your hands into his own and kisses your knuckles. He can be so affectionate when you flatter him enough.
❤ Takes no shit from other people if they to make fun of his nails. He will get Peko to beat the shit out of them.
❤ Also you and Peko can bond over you doing her nails! Fuyuhiko insists.
❤ Him and her can get matching nails.
❤ Omg imagine if his clan got a specific nail look to identity each other.
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jijimoons · 3 years
demon brothers caring for a sick!mc
i am unfortunately not well right now so this is a bit of a coping mechanism 😎
(i don't write for belphegor as i'm only on lesson 15 so i don't have much of an idea of his personality yet)
characters: lucifer, mammon, leviathan, satan, asmodeus, beelzebub
format: headcanons
warnings: mentions of germs & illness, talk of food in beel's one
we already know this man is far too busy
but does that mean he won't have time to take care of you?
oh hell no. he will MAKE time.
gonna be honest he's a bit emotionally stunted so i feel like he wouldn't be great at comforting you
but he will make you food and drinks, he will fetch you medication and painkillers
he's the one that emails the school to ask for your week off
he is the type of person to carry you out of bed and help you wash your hair & clean your teeth
forget his pledge of allegiance to diavolo, right now his human isn't well and they take priority
he will overreact like it's nobody's business
literally doesn't know a thing about human biology or illnesses and assumes the worst
"MY HUMAN IS DYING" "mammon sweetie it's just a cold" "I CANT LIVE WITHOUT YOU"
gets the finest human doctor in the devildom to have a look at you
idk if devildom healthcare is free but if not, he will not care how much grimm it costs
after the doctor has confirmed that you are fine he will act like a doting mother around you
he just wants you to be okay and feel comfortable :(
he is a massive germophobe and you cannot change my mind
he is physically too scared to go into your room and feels so bad about it
hourly text updates asking if you need anything
he normally hates video calling but is happy to, just to see your face <3
if you ask him to get anything for you it arrives at your door in under 10 minutes (thank you akuzon prime delivery)
if you're a gamer then he will happily play your fave co-op games with you on voice if you feel up to it
he will not let you play for more than a couple hours at a time though!
"mc it's time to take a break" "but levi-" "no! go to bed"
worrying mother pt.2 except he is a bit more chill about it
will research your symptoms for hours despite you telling him that you're fine
he is going to be around you at all times
whether he is in your room or you are in his, you are never getting rid of him
will 100% watch dramas with you to take your mind off it
if you feel particularly bad he will cuddle w you and read to you until you fall asleep satan marry me challenge
doesn't particularly like the idea of catching your disease , however has to be touching you at all times
seriously, it is not enough to stop him from clinging on to you 24/7-
he knows how icky you feel so you two have a lot of self care nights
facemasks, manicures, movies, the whole shebang
will encourage you to get a bit of fresh air now and then as it's not good for your mental health or your skinto stay cooped up in your room
(although he knows when not to push it, if you're sick you're sick)
do i even need to say it?
the man is an avid believer that food cures everything
he'll look at special herbal dishes that help relieve symptoms and stuff, if your sinuses are blocked he will give you spices, that sorta thing
he enlists the help of luke and tells him to make your favourite sweet treats
(i'm sure that luke is more than happy to oblige)
when it comes down to it he is a very comforting presence, and just having him next to you is enough to make you feel a little better :')
he also gives great hugs??? this is a universally agreed fact
so yeah, that's it! i hope this helped anyone else having a hard time with various ailments. if you liked it then likes & reblogs are much appreciated!
- jay<3
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