#no idea about kanata i just liked the vibes
mihotose · 10 months
ok half the L!L!L! outfits are nice and half of them are hideous
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etherealabyss11037 · 6 months
DRA Character Sexuality Headcanons
I’ll just be making a brief list of what sexual orientation I believe each character from the first Danganronpa Another game has. Remember, I’m not condemning anyone who disagrees with my interpretation or has a different headcanon of a character. I believe everyone is entitled to their own headcanon, even if it blatantly contradicts canon, and you don’t attack others who don’t share the same headcanon as you.
Kiyoka Maki: heterosexual.
Kiyoka spends her last FTE worrying about who’ll be a suitable boyfriend if they don’t escape, so that’s basically my justification for this interpretation.
Mitsuhiro Higa: heterosexual.
Yeah, I don’t think much explanation is needed: he sexually harasses Akane in chapter 1 and brags about how many girls he gets in his FTEs. I understand why some may interpret him as an in-denial homosexual, if only to take the piss out of him, but I don’t see it that way. Mitch is a pretty transparent character, so I doubt something as deep as that is applicable to him.
Kizuna Tomori: heterosexual.
Some see her as a repressed lesbian, which I understand why, but I see her as more of a “straight girl with severe issues in her relationship to men”. Plus, I take into account the FTEs, so Kizuna’s implied attraction to Yuki by her last FTE is indicative of her sexuality to me.
Ayame Hatano: Bisexual.
I forever headcanon Ayame is in love with Akane, but her last FTE has her blushing at Yuki, so I interpret her as a girl-leaning Bisexual.
Kakeru Yamaguchi: Bisexual.
I wholeheartedly ship Kakeru x Kanata (Kakenata? Kanakeru? Yamanori?), so that’s part of it, but Kakeru also gives major guy-liker vibes, so there you go. I also semi-ship Kakeru and Kinji, so that’s further fuel to the fire.
Kanata Inori: heterosexual.
As I just said, Kakeru x Kanata is OTP for me, and that’s all the justification I need.
Kinji Uehara: Pansexual.
This might sound unexpected, but I see Kinji as such an open-minded and big-hearted person that he wouldn’t consider the gender of his partner, even if his religion prevents him from entering any romantic relationships.
Haruhiko Kobashikawa: heterosexual.
Similar story with Mitch, except Haru isn’t nowhere near as creepy. Sure, some think he’s got some homoeroticism with Yuki in his FTEs, but his obsession with the female gender leaves me skeptical of that.
Satsuki Iranami: Pansexual.
Similar to Kinji, I believe Satsuki’s such a pure-hearted person that she wouldn’t even think about her partner’s gender. Still, Satsuhiko for the win!
Yamato Kisaragi: Pansexual.
Literally the exact same explanation with Kinji and Satsuki, only I think he’s got a preference for men.
Mikako Kurokawa: Biromantic Demisexual.
Being the mysterious and quiet girl she is in-game, I doubt Mikako would consider dating someone unless she’s built a secure, trusting relationship with them. However, I’m unsure whether this would apply to pre-game Mikako.
Teruya Otori: homoflexible.
Now, I just can’t unsee Teruya liking other guys, but I also headcanon that Teruya developed feelings for Rei between the time they escaped and pre-SDRA2, so I compensated roughly down the middle.
Akane Taira: Heteroflexible.
I view Akane as predominantly being attracted to men, but may make some exceptions for a girl or two (perhaps Ayame would fit the bill 👀)
Yuki Maeda: Heteroflexible.
Similar to Akane, he seems to be a woman-liker, but I’ve no problem with the idea of him getting together with the right man (*cough*KINJO*cough*). In regards to Utsuro, I think he’s either AroAce or Demisexual.
Rei Mekaru: Panromantic Demisexual.
See, I believe Rei would have an extremely difficult time with getting vulnerable enough with someone to consider dating them, but once a trusting relationship is established, I don’t think she’d care about her partner’s gender.
Tsurugi Kinjo: Biromantic Demisexual.
Similar to Rei, except Tsurugi may have a preference for men, given that he spent much of his backstory and post-SDRA2 presence being defined by his relationships to other men.
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hajikei · 1 month
Also i loved reading your gender and sexuality headcanons for the sdra2 cast, do you have any for the dra ones? (+ if you wanna elaborate on the trasnfem setsuka one i'd enjoy listening, i hadn't seen anyone have that kind of hc for her before so i'm curious on the thoughts behind it)
Hello! Thank you for the question! I’m sorry this took so long, my draft for it disappeared and I haven’t had time to remake it.
Admittedly, I’m not as passionate in DRA as I am for SDRA2. I have minimal notes this time, but hopefully this can suffice! Like last time, the content below the cut contains spoilers!
Kiyoka Maki - Cisgender Heterosexual
Ayame Hatano - Cisgender Lesbian
Kanata Inori - Cisgender Heterosexual (But the Inomori shippers are convincing me otherwise.)
Teruya Ōtori - Cisgender Pansexual (Same as SDRA2!)
Kinji Uehara - Cisgender Heterosexual (Locked in the closet and is NEVER coming out.)
Akane Taira - Cisgender Bisexual
Mitsuhiro Higa - Cisgender Heterosexual
Kizuna Tomori - Cisgender Questioning (She met a girl that made her reflect on every dating decision she’s ever made.)
Rei Mekaru - Cisgender Asexual (Maybe demiromantic as well?)
Haruhiko Kobashikawa - Cisgender Heterosexual (Was probably bi-curious at some point, though.)
Satsuki Iranami - Cisgender Pansexual
Yamato Kisaragi - Cisgender Heterosexual (I never got to the point he was introduced in the game, so I don’t know his character too well.) 
Mikako Kurokawa - Cisgender Lesbian 
Kakeru Yamaguchi - Cisgender Bisexual (Bi panic as a person.)
Yuki Maeda - Cisgender Heterosexual (Different from his SDRA2 counterpart!)
Utsuro - Cisgender Aroace (I know it’s a common headcanon for villains, but I genuinely cannot imagine him having romantic/sexual feelings towards anyone.)
Tsurugi Kinjo - Cisgender Something (I’ll be honest, I don’t know where to place him. I have a lot of different ideas and my mind can’t decide on one. ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ )
Also, explaining my headcanon!
(I have a TLDR at the bottom if you want to skip.)
Originally, I headcanoned Setsuka as bisexual. To me, she just wanted good vibes and a great connection with someone - she couldn’t care less about gender. (Also because I was a huge Setsukei shipper back in 2018.)
But after seeing her older design for Chapter 6, I got HEAVY lesbian aunt vibes from her. Then it started changing my brain chemistry for her entirely. (Cool butch older sister, no further comments.)
As for the trans headcanon, I rarely see any trans butch headcanons and wanted to represent that in one of the characters! 
It took a lot of time figuring out the headcanon could work, and I have some general details about it:
I don’t see it as something she’ll talk about casually - only with people she’s close to and knows it won’t change their opinion of her. She’s not ashamed of her identity - just cautious of negative responses.
I also imagine she figured out her identity at a young age, and since then, has had a lot of time to learn little tricks on how to feminise her features, figure, etc. 100% will give you advice if you ask (doesn’t matter if you’re a trans guy either, she’s got a wide range of knowledge.)
TLDR; The trans butch sister who’s there when you need her. ^v^
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endwithajadestrick · 1 year
Who Is Fucking In Star Wars? A Non-Comprehensive List
So in honor(?) of the DDoS attack on Ao3 preventing us all from mainlining slash fic, I've decided to go horny on main and list off my opinion about 3 traits of all Star Wars characters. Our beloved Galaxy Far Far Away is a usually (tragically) chaste place, which may lead us to ponder about our faves:
Do they even know what sex is?
Have they ever actually HAD sex?
Are they any good at it?
We will not be including characters who are minors in this list. Obviously. Judgements are based somewhat on the lore, but really more on vibes. Perhaps it goes without saying, this will be lightly NSFW.
This is probably gonna take a while and stop feeling like a good idea halfway through. Which of your exes does that describe? Let's Go!!!
Starting with the big three:
Han Solo
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Always begin with an easy one.
Does he even know what sex is? Yes, unlike a surprising number of people in this galaxy, Han knows how to do the do.
Has he ever had sex before? Sure (but not as often as he wants you to think). Do you, uh . . . maybe wanna get out of here and come back to his ship? She's called the Millenium Falcon.
Is he good at sex? Look. It's not going to be good the first time. He's gonna keep insisting that he "knows what he's doing," but you wish he would just let you explain what you like. He needs to be girlbossed around a little bit. And it is mostly girls for him, though the occasional guy and non-binary being has mounted that loading ramp too. His bedroom does smell kind of funny.
Luke Skywalker
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This one may be controversial for some people.
Does he know what sex is? Nope. Farm boy didn't go to schmool. Skool? Am I saying that right? There were no copies of Our Bodies, Our Selves lying around the rebellion base, and you better believe the Sacred Jedi Texts did not include some kind of version of the Space Kama Sutra. Han wasn't gonna draw him a diagram either; that would be too embarrassing. This man is not learned in the pleasures of the flesh.
Has he ever had sex? Also no. He got into some light over-the-clothes action with Biggs Darklighter when they were teens, but nothing ever went any farther than that.
Is he good at sex? I'm sure a real earnest effort would be made, but we'll never know, will we. Because he DOES NOT KNOW what sex is.
Princess/General Leia Organa
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Does she even know what sex is? Oh, absolutely. This woman was treated to an actual formal education. She probably even got a nice, progressive version of SexEd that talked about pleasure and consent and not just all the weird diseases you could get--assuming the Empire didn't nix that sort of thing on Alderaan, which, honestly, they might have.
Has she ever had sex? Of course. And despite being a princess, she's not that precious about courtship either. Casual flings are totally fine and normal.
Is she good at sex? Leia is mature but, like her hairstyles, can be a little tightly wound. Once you get over any initial awkwardness, though, it's sure to be a fun flirty time.
And this is Star Wars, so sooner or later we have to address--
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--the aliens of it all. Welcome, monster fuckers! It's not even weird in this universe!
Does he know what sex is? Chewy is canonically 234 years old as of TLJ, so I'm going to give this a definite yes. Also, he hangs out with Han Solo and all the doors in this universe appear to be panel-controlled. There are no door knobs to stick a sock on; he's SEEN some things.
Has he ever had sex? Again, 234 years old, and Chewy has never seemed like a wallflower. This is also a yes.
Is he good at it? Maz Kanata seems to think so? I don't pretend I have the predilections/imagination to get the appeal (though I honor those that do), but I'm gonna take a swing and say, yes, Chewbacca is a good lover. Solid stamina, surprisingly tender after-care.
Lando Calrissian
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Does he know what sex is? Yes, and not just on a mechanical level. If anyone in this universe HAS read the Space Kama Sutra, it's Lando.
Has he ever had sex? He has. And he doesn't keep a list of all his past sexual partners because that would be crass. But he COULD tell you about each of them, names, dates, locations. But he won't. But he could.
Is he good at it? Surprisingly, yes! He may come across as a guy who is all talk, but Lando is an artist at heart and the democratically elected President of Consent. He has mood lighting set up and a tastefully curated playlist. The atmosphere is fun, the oral is enthusiastic. When you're done--wow!--there's a mini bar right near the bed. And would you like to borrow a silk robe?
Your magical evening will not prevent him from cheating you at cards later, though.
Obi-Wan Kenobi
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Does he know what sex is? No. He learned once, but has since memory-holed the information. Otherwise he might accidentally experience some pleasure from the stick up his bum.
Has he ever had sex? Many beings have made valiant efforts to claim this beautiful man as a conquest. All have failed, but there was much exquisite yearning along the way.
Is he good at it? Hypothetically? Alas, my heart wants to say yes, but my head says no.
Padmé Amidala
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Does she know what sex is? Look at this dress. This dress is a CHOICE, a ruthless tactical decision made by someone who definitely knows what sex is.
Has she ever had sex? Yes, but her taste in men--oh, honey.
Is she good at it? A pillow princess if there ever was one. You will be doing all the work.
Anakin Skywalker
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Does he know what sex is? No.
Has he ever had sex? Yes.
Is he good at it? . . . and I know those answers seem contradictory, but it's true. This is a man who has had normal, consensual adult sex. However, baby boy's brain is full of more holes than a colander. He is dummy thick actually in the head region. He is incapable of retaining complex thoughts such as the nuances of sexuality.
That said, he is a creature of pure instinct and, like, yeah, the lovemaking is pretty hot.
Mace Windu
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Does he know what sex is? Yes.
Has he ever had sex? No.
Is he good at it? If it ever happened, which it won't? No, and Mace is possibly the only Sammy J character for whom this holds true. It would be strictly procreative missionary. No fun allowed.
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Does he know what sex is? Yes, he is aware. Knowledge is this little frog man's burden; Yoda is too in touch with the Force, the life energy of the universe, not to know. He WOULD not know if he could, but he has had to settle for just ignoring the information.
Has he ever had sex? You know I am genuinely stumped on this one. On one hand, he is the perfect ascetic Jedi sage. On the other hand, a nine hundred year lifespan is a long time . . . anything could have happened to this lilliputian enigma.
Is he good at it? Size matters not.
The Mandalorian
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Yeah I know his name is "Din Djarin." Shush.
Does he know what sex is? I'm pretty sure this guy thinks that babies are found, not made. He does not know what sex is.
Has he ever had sex? I don't care what season one implied about Mando and that toothsome twi'lek, it's never happened. The helmet doesn't come off and the trousers don't drop.
Is he good at it? And here's the tragedy of it all, right? Because we know that underneath that impenetrable layer of beskar lies such a man. I don't even care if he's an ace, as seems plausible. Just the chance to look him in the eye would mean worlds.
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Does he know what sex is? Negative, Ghost Rider. It's not something the First Order teaches their child soldiers, and the Resistance, like the rebellion of old, has bigger fish to fry. Poe wants to explain it to him, but feels like he has a dog in that race and it wouldn't be right.
Has he ever had sex? Men, women, and other beings are lining up around the corner for a shot at this man, but he only has eyes for one woman, and she in turn may be legitimately the only person in the galaxy who does not pine for him. Hang in there, Finn! Maybe one day she'll become emotionally available.
Is he good at it? While we have seen Finn makes some selfish moves along his journey--mainly because of, y'know, all the trauma--he has done a lot of growing and is an essentially generous spirit. This gets a yes.
Rey Skywalker
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Does she know what sex is? Not in either The Force Awakens or The Last Jedi, but before Rise of Skywalker Leia explained it to her. She's the future of the Jedi after all, and this is basic stuff, goddammit Luke!
Has she ever had sex? Hmm, what's that? Sorry, she's super busy right now with, like, destiny and stuff.
Is she good at it? Rey seems to pick most things up fairly quickly, so you have to imagine that would hold true for l'amour as well, except that she'll also be a bit of a try-hard. Do less, sweety. Really, it's fine.
Lightning Round
Asajj Ventress
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Yes, yes, and it depends on the answer to one question: do you enjoy pain?
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It Works.
Cinta Kaz
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Yes, yes, and not just good but so good it will politically radicalize you.
Karis Nemik
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No, which is a shame because you know that he would have made sex-positive feminism and queer theory a huge part of his manifesto.
Count Dooku
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Gay, and pulled legendary numbers of exquisite vintage ass across the galaxy. It's the real reason Sidious traded him in for simple, pussy-whipped Anakin. He just couldn't take it anymore.
Luthen Rael
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Hope you like role-play.
Armitage Hux
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Yes, it's true; this man has no dick.
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Yes, yes, and good but maybe in a dangerous way? Like drugs, it's possible that you--maybe even most people--could have a healthy, well-adjusted relationship to it. But there's a chance also that it will alter your brain chemistry, fundamentally shift your priorities, and ruin your life. The only way for sure to be safe is not to try it, not even once!
The Bendu
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The One in the Middle. So in this case, would that be, like, the taint?
Reva Sevander
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I mean, do you like it freaky? How freaky do you like it? There are levels to this sort of thing, and you, through no fault of your own, may not be ready for this ride.
Cassian Andor
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Cassian Andor fucks.
The Armorer
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I tried to get a read on this one, and all I picked up was radio static. We'll never know. We'll just never know.
Rose Tico
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Rose appears naive at first, but she's actually quite worldly and will rock yours.
Bo-Katan Kryze
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I daresay more than 2% of us want her to sit on our face. Ms. Sackoff was really lowballing it. Bo does not know what sex is, however, and is rarely in listening-mode, so that's a hurdle we'll have to overcome.
But it's more than 2%.
Poe Dameron
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Yes, yes, and does it even matter? It would be an honor just to be considered, sir.
Hera Syndulla
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Whatever Lola wants, Lola gets. Apparently what Lola wants is an inexperienced, sexually repressed Jedi hotty. In this way, she is the true queen of Star Wars fandom. Captain our ship, Hera!
And Finally:
Kylo Ren
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I do not understand the hold this man has on some of you--which is fine; you don't need me to understand it. He does not know what sex is, he is so horny and angry all the time. And sure, maybe you CAN fix him by completing his education. Blessings, angels. Live your fantasy.
Just promise me you'll use protection? And I don't mean a condom, I mean body armor.
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yurisorcerer · 2 months
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The only way out is trusting the process.
Okay, no, let's stop for a second. What is this show? I thought I knew. In fact, as of the end of this episode, I thought I might have some idea again, but I'm now sitting with it and thinking and....seriously, what is going on here?
In theory, Narenare could not be simpler. It's a show about cheerleading. That's a little unusual in the context of the "girls do stuff" supergenre of anime but it's nowhere near the weirdest of these things in premise. But that hides how strange the execution of this all is. In this episode, we see several scenes from the last two weeks involving the character Suzuha. Except this time, they're from her perspective, and we see that far from being the cool, aloof near-cryptid we've been presented with so far, she's actually just extremely shy.
The show lets us in on her inner monologue by way of a chibi version of herself that hangs out in thought bubbles and occasionally just rides around on her head. It's hardly the strangest thing I've seen in an anime this season (Nokotan is airing, after all), but it's a notably weird way to present this information given the show's genre. This is a general trend that's true of everything in this episode; Kanata suddenly getting "the yips" about cheerleading (treated with grave seriousness by those around her, possibly having something to do with her dead[? {Seriously I have no idea what's going on there}] friend), Shion's singer-songwriter aspirations and so on. The show seems allergic to anything that would make its several running plot lines any easier to follow. Things are mostly followed up on by having them plonked onto the existing storyline in a decidedly odd way.
A friend compared this to Pride of Orange, another Girls Do X show that clearly had no idea what it was doing. But to be honest, I don't really see it. Pride of Orange's main flaws were an overwhelming lack of interest in its own premise and cast, and just a general deep cynicism toward the entire idea of the hobby/club anime. I don't get that off of Narenare at all. It is clearly sincerely trying to present an inspiring and straightforward sports girls narrative, but it seems either unable or unwilling to understand why those shows usually present things in the way that they do. The result is a strange alienating effect, in a way that feels uncannily GoHands-y in vibe if not looks. (Despite a shared affinity for weird color filter bullshit, Narenare looks much nicer than anything GoHands have ever done.)
Anyway, I plan to keep watching, because I am interested in if this effect is intentional or not. My guess is that it isn't, this thing has three different people on script and you could absolutely get something like this just by having too many cooks in the kitchen, but still, I'm curious to see if it manages to pull something out of this regardless or if it just completely crashes.
OTP, btw.
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merakiui · 11 months
im obsessed with the way you portrayed jade in the story. like its not everyday that i get to see him written in a way that totally doesnt hide his insanity at all. reading monops's reflection was just so <33 aaa tysm for writing smth so amazing!!!
you mentioned before that monops!jade is very "rotten girl grotesque romance", and i totally agree, but i was actually reminded of another old yandere vocaloid song when i read the fic! idk if you know it, but its called "pure love restraint". its a really good song hehe, you should totally check it out if you dont already know it!
oh also speaking of songs, i recently started listening to loveit? by biz since you mentioned it a while ago, and i love the song so much >< do you happen to have any other song recommendations because clearly you have great taste in music~
also as a final note, i cant wait for tmdg hehe 👉👈
-kanata <3
AAAAA THANK YOU!!!!! >w< I'm so happy you enjoyed Monops's Reflection!!!! Jade is so wildly deranged in that fic. He truly is the embodiment of the harsh, brutal depths he hails from. ;;;; seeing Reader in the storage closet with Floyd pushed him over the edge he'd been teetering on for so long now. T^T he's far surpassed the point of no return. I had so much fun finishing this fic and portraying Jade in such a terrifying manner. And poor Reader had no idea what hid behind that seemingly pleasant smile of his until it was too late...
There are so many layers to Monops!Jade. How he gets so disgusted at the sight and thought of you with anyone else. How it's not really sexual gratification he's after; he's just chasing some thrill he's yet to figure out in its entirety, which is why he doesn't touch you at all during the non-con scene. Because it's not your pleasure he cares about; he could care less whether you feel good or not. How his sanity is so thin and threadbare that it's hardly there at all. How he fails to recognize that, despite the similarities he shares with Floyd, he's still his own person, still different, but not different enough for you to look his way, apparently. And then there's the meaning of Monops, which is a "one-eyed creature." >:D aaaaa he's truly the worst.
OOOOO "true love restraint"!!!!!!! I love that song!!! That song definitely has the vibes that Monops!Jade exudes!! And I'm happy you enjoyed listening to "loveit." :D it's a very good song, but then all of biz's songs are amazing!!!
>:) I always have song recommendations to share!! I'll list a few of my favorite (lesser known) Vocaloid songs with dark undertones/stories below, but if there's any specific genre you'd like recs for please let me know!!!
✧ insanity blue (all of kashii moimi's songs are fantastic!!! i recommend them, but this one is my all-time favorite hehe)
✧ wolfism (there's also a jade utau cover of this song. <3 both are very good.)
✧ go to daitokai (the lyrics for this one are very nsfw, but this song is very catchy.)
✧ biohazard (the original is very good, but i love the sonika cover so much!!)
✧ distortion love (this piko cover is everything. <3)
✧ ◇◇ (i love this song and the songs that are similar to [redacted]'s style. i'm not sure if you know of these style of utau songs (the "no title" songs), but in 2020 they became especially popular and a lot of people online began to call it a secret cult of sorts, where you couldn't search these videos normally because they didn't have a title to search for, so instead the videos would find you.)
✧ lamprey hole (i love this song forever!!!!!)
✧ meiro (it's so so good!!!)
✧ no title (this song is a banger!!!!!!!!! it got me through quarantine as did all the other no title songs and tributes. :D)
I will stop here or else the list will go on endlessly, but if you ever wish to hear new music I will be happy to share some recommendations!!! Also, thank you for looking forward to tmdg!!!!! <3 it grows closer to completion with every passing day!!!!
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laugtherhyena · 25 days
OCs are a funny thing where you start off with this initial idea that you're pretty down for, but as you develop them a bit more and maybe even sit down to design them, you realize that they're giving off a different vibe or you come up with a different idea that seems more suitable for character. Bonus points if this is an old OC that you had when you were younger and they end up changing a lot over the years as you grow older and become more mature as both a person and a creator.
This is kinda what happened with my OC, Hiro, as she used to be this creepy kid that came back from the dead after a few decades and was okay with murder as a form of justice. But nowadays she's a kid that comes off as creepy when in reality she's just a depressed kid that's desperately in need of help and support in a time where everything had changed since she's been dead for a few decades and is struggling to adjust to the modern setting after reviving herself. And she hates murder in general now. Her concept was still technically the same, it's just the surrounding details about her that changed a lot.
(Interesting to know that Hitaru was going to be a lot more spoiled and like her parents since she's never been abused like the rest of her siblings. It would certainly hammer home the idea of continuing the cycle one way or another, but I like who Hitaru is now. She's so sweet and I wanted to destroy Mrs. Nijiue SO BADLY the more I learned about her and her husband.)
THAT'S LIKE,, THE FUNNIEST INSTANCES OF THIS HAPPENING the oc does a 180 and becomes the complete opposite of the idea you crested them for in the first place, absolutely insane.
Yeah if i had kept her as an asshole it would show how sometimes the cycle just can't be broken but i think she's much more interesting the way she is not because it's surprising? In a way? Like, this is the oldest of the Nijiue siblings and the one born with a natural talent for arts so you'd expect that she would be treated the best by the parents and take after them due to that but Hitaru has it just as badly as her siblings and took it upon herself to not be like the parents and help them in the only ways she could while being in such a terrible situation. It's a nice break of expectations i think
Akemi also charger quite a bit from my original idea for the character, she was a lot meane when i first created her for voidswap, but then Mod Bubbles picked the siblings up for Asoot and it lef to her becoming a much nicer and nuanced character which is really cool because i think that's the first time an oc of mine changed because of my friend's ideas rather than something stemming solely from me so that's fun
I guess we could include Beni in this list too, but also not really? Because Beni herself really hasn't had major changes to her character ever since creation, she's remained largely the same, i just added more and more stuff to her
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Even her design has been pretty much the same ever since this first sketch lmao
The thing is that before she came into my mind i had this different idea for a character which was this girl who woked at the foundation's police division alongside Ryutaro and Keisuke and she was this scaredy cat type character that was always stressed and hated her job, but I wasn't super into the idea and the design i had in mind just looked a lot like Maki + i wanted someone that could have some form of connection to the Dra so cue to me remembering Kanata had a younger siblings and coming up with Beni after i checked the list just to be sure
(Also dude do you have posts of any kind about Hiro and whatever world she comes from? It's such an interesting concept I'd love to hear more about it 👀)
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scolek · 9 months
my animal crossing island might be named after onisister but there is another team in my heart. so i spent a normal amount of hours designing a ryuseitai-themed upstairs for kid cat in hhp
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and it is
so allow me to. well. to speak further in depth on this topic
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first off, the centerpiece of the whole room, the media center. they dont all get to gather in the a/v room like last year so they get this.
behind the projector is a patchwork sofa chair in the 'leaves' colorway, which combines with the loveseat, the cushion, and the barstool to form the seating arrangements. its not actually a hard and fast arrangement, chiaki radiates heat which kanata can only stand for so long, so he'll switch with one of the juniors or just kick chiaki off the couch entirely if feeling particularly puckish.
also visible here is the sushi on the kitchenette, the fries and basil-y tomato-y pizza margherita on the coffee table, and the "galbi" (carpaccio di marlin blu) and "hyorogan" (coconut cookies, i couldnt find anything that looked like shinobus actual favorite food, umeboshi. i think if i had cherry jam? closest legal relative, but still more of a stretch than the coconut cookie-hyorogan stretch. like, hyorogan does actually look like that.)
so, from here, we go to the specific areas
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a pond for pukapuka, some fish, what more could you possibly need?
though the glow stickers on the wall were probably not put there by kanata himself but rather by the person who put the rest of the glow stickers up,
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shinobu! froggie chair. another one with not a lot to point out, everythings pretty self explanatory. i was going to make this space more enclosed, because, you know, ninja, but i was running out of space. i couldve maybe done better if there wasnt a doorway in the middle of the other wall and it could be off to the side or something.
also the middle thing on the wall there is a switch lite, because im not sure how much of a gamer shinobu is but i know he was really excited when he learned hasumi-dono knew about p*kemon....
the keroppi snack could belong to either shinobu or the person on the other side of the divider,
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midori! this is an awkward photo. i dont actually very much sanrio furniture despite having the cards, otherwise i wouldve used it more here, im too lazy to scan them in. otherwise the posters of the sanrio villagers would be on the wall next to jack, who stands at the precipice of midori's chill out zone to scare off chiaki, which otherwise contains nothing but plushies, a futon to take a depression nap on, and a tv to secretly enjoy things on (which is apple shaped because midori is the produce boy).
and then across the doorway is
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see, this is a much larger space, i couldve used fewer tiles, but because i wasnt trying to replicate a set like i was for the crazy anthem one, i was actually minding the doors and windows of the space.
ok so the. the cross-stitch. ok. i thought there was like a folding fan or some framed embroidery or something, but there is NOT, so. tetora's prized gift from his beloved taishou is. cross stitch (cock (manly)).
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this is another area which is mostly self-explanatory. the thing next to the basketball is a pile of model kits, no idea if chiaki actually does those, but it is more toku merch, so.
the picture frame in the shelves is a customizable thing and i didnt vibe with any of the options so thats a. custom design i made to spice up my beaches. its transparent, so. lets just call it a shadow box displaying a shell chiaki recieved as a gift or something.
also theyre like switching leaders every project now but you see that stack of papers? you know whos probably doing like, the most of the paperwork. probably wont even let anyone else do it even if they ask. what paperwork. theres barely any paperwork theres no paperwork what are you talking about.
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mephinomaly · 2 years
[TL] Heartful/Chapter 1
Time: One afternoon
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Midori: …I see. Is the shuffle unit going well?
Shinobu: Yaaawnn... I'm sorry about all the yawning…
Uhuh, it’s going well. Every lesson, Hibiki-dono teaches us lots of different things.
It’s not only that, but because of the Easter Fes, we sometimes talk to each other at school about other things we can do…
Both my body and mind are being put to work. Everyday is very fulfilling ♪
Kanata: wataru has become your friend, i am Relieved. how is he doing?
Shinobu: Hibiki-dono is just… amazing! I think that the word “versatile” was made for a performer like him!
Last lesson, as we were entering the room, we were greeted by a torrent of petals.
That’s why I truly felt like spring had finally arrived ♪
Midori: Ehhh… Maybe I can’t say anything because I didn’t actually see it happen, but is he allowed to do that…?
Cleaning it up will be a pain, and I don’t think lesson time is the sort of place for that…
Shinobu: Actually, it seemed like Hibiki-dono didn’t mean for there to be so many petals. Tidying up took a while but it also made for a good memory ♪
Kanata: hehe. wataru seems enthusiastic about pleasing his Kohai as well, doesn't he?
how about the Performance? i have heard that you have been taught many different things for it.
Shinobu: At the moment, everyone can just about do a backflip!
And...watch this.
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Midori: Uwaaah? Shinobu-kun’s arm just stretched…!?
Shinobu: All you need to do is to pop your joint out of place. Nihihi, I’m enjoying learning new thing after new thing~ ♪
Midori: I’m glad that you’re having fun, Shinobu-kun. But with everybody being able to do that, it feels suspiciously like you're part of an acrobatics troupe…
Aren’t you a little worried that it could be having a bad effect on your body…? And, what’s the point of being able to stretch your arm like that…?
Ah, um. Maybe that wasn’t a good thing to say… What kind of performance are you planning on doing for the Easter Fes?
Shinobu: ? Of course the performance is going to have an explosive and flashy vibe, and everyone knows that a good performance—
Ha…haa yawnnn...
Kanata: shinobu, you are yawning a lot today, hm? are you all tuckered out?
Shinobu: Maybe. We all practice very hard and discuss our plans for the performance everyday. And after returning home, we also—
Ah, another one's coming…
Yaaaaawn. Nyamnyam…
Midori: You’re yawning so much. Are you sleeping well…?
Kanata: are you Resting properly? i know that you get absorbed in your Lessons, but it is important to take breaks.
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Shinobu: Umu… I apologise for worrying you. Recently, I’ve been staying up a little later than usual, so that might be why.
I want to do what I can to be as helpful as possible to everyone.
Time: Later, the same night
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Mika: Ngah. Talkin’ on the phone t’Oshi-san is pretty nerve-wrackin’, but that's to be expected.
Can ya see me alright?
Shu: Don’t stare into the camera like that, you’re far too close.
Mika: But it feels like the closer I am, the better I can see Oshi-san’s face.
Shu: Getting too close means I cannot see your face. Please move back a bit…Yes, where you are now is fine.
Mika: Mhhm ♪ Well then, what should we talk about today? Uhhh…
Oh yeah. This time, Anzu-chan was makin’ the costumes. I helped out too~
Shu: Oh? I suspect it is Easter related, hm?
Mika: Uhuh, the colours are cute ‘n feel jus’ like spring. They’re nothin’ like the usual things I make for Valkyrie or for fun.
But Oshi-san’s good at makin' cute costumes too. I’ve been tryna’ learn the ropes but I'm not quite there yet, but I’ll still do my best.
Shu: If you can understand that it’s knowledge you simply do not possess, there's no issue.
They’re in a position to help you, so it is a good idea to learn from the young lady. It seems their skills have been improving which is quite useful.
So, Kagehira, are you alone—...?
I thought you were just being quiet but the screen has gone black. What’s happened?! Kagehira…!
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Mika: Mmm~...Zzzzz…♪
Ritsu: …Ah. Just when I thought it was quiet, it turns out Mikarin’s dozed off.
Hearing Mr Oshi-san’s[1] voice is kinda funny but… he’s probably worried, so I suppose I'll help out.
Sorry Mikarin, I’ll be borrowing your phone for a bit.
Shu: …Sakuma, why is your face on the screen? I was talking with Kagehira.
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Ritsu: Mikarin was lying down and then bam, he fell asleep. Look, can you see?
Mika: Mimi... snrkk...
Shu: …His sleeping face is sloppy. His mouth is all slacken. How unattractive.
Ritsu: Fufu. It’s hard to look nice when you’re asleep. Are you attractive when you're asleep, Mr Oshi-san?
…But, recently, Mika-rin’s been sleeping like this a lot.
He got up today so he could call you. Recently, as soon as it hits around now, he’ll be out cold.
Shu: Oh?
Ritsu: He comes back to the dorm, and starts working at his desk. After that, it’s like all his energy’s used up and goes “goodnight~”
In the morning, he’s very much still in a deep sleep. I even had to wake him up once.
Shu: …I see. Well, as far as I can tell, he doesn’t look particularly fatigued.
Has he been eating without any issues?
Ritsu: Mmm… We’re not always together, so I can’t say for certain, but he probably is.
Shu: Goodness me. His body is obviously tired yet he forces himself to get up, and ends up falling asleep immediately.
Once he wakes up, he’ll be worried sick about this call. Warn him not to be so neglectful.
I will keep in touch with you as well.
Ritsu: Okay, I’ll get to it. He’s been working really hard, but if he keeps working himself to death, it’ll all be for nothing.
Shu: I agree…I’ve been under the impression from those reports that everything was fine. Next time, tell me the entire story.
Apologies for troubling you again, but I want you to put a blanket over him.
Ritsu: Yupyup. Well then, I’ll be hanging up now. Goodnight Mr Oshi-san.
And goodnight to you too, Mika-rin…♪
ritsu calls him oshi-san san lol
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teasinterests · 2 years
Because i’m bored.. here’s a list of pairings / ships I enjoy!
I definitely plan to write for most if not all of these sometime!
( beware I have the most.. cracked ships ever.. )
- TatsuHime: This is a given.. I love them. HiMERU being all grumpy & hateful towards Tatsumi, just to eventually begin falling for him. Whilst Tatsumi deeply admires HiMERU, and believes to have admired him for a long time. Although this pairing is pretty messed up, I love it. 🥹 I cannot put into words how much I wanna go OFF about these two..
- KanaTatsu: No, not Kanata.. KanaME! I HAAARD hc that Kaname was Tatsumi’s first ever crush after entering public school. Same going for Kaname.. Kaname is so… (deep inhale..) I literally cannot fit how I feel about him in 1 paragraph but hoo boy.. these two are so in love..
- TatsuEi: I fucking ADORE these two together. I have a whole headcanon about what happened n shit during Tatsumi’s hospitalization, and how he ended up just?? Dropping off the face of the earth?! He canonly met Eichi during his (what I assume to be) first hospitalization as a highschooler. ( if you don’t know, Tatsumi was hospitalized twice during his period at Reimei. ) I have so so many ideas & hcs for these two I genuinely love them sm..
- Watatsu: Rubbing my hands together.. yes.. Wataru & Tatsumi.. this is actually such a crack ship based on some rps I had with a friend.. and I genuinely enjoy them? Just pure fun, and someone who is willing to give attention, patience, and care for Tatsumi. It’s just something he genuinely needs, and they’re very adorable together..
- Watatsuei: …. do I need to explain this? Just the 3 of them. Together… chefs kiss 😌
- TatsuRei: …. Priest x Vampire trope. That’s all i’m saying.
- TatsuMayoi: Shockingly!! I’m not suuper huge on TatsuMayoi but I do think they can be pretty cute at times. I don’t have a huge input on them, since they’re truthfully over shadowed by my other interests.. sorry Mayoi.. 😭
- TatsuMama: …. Slowly turns to the camera.. hear me out, ok? Hear me out!!!! Mama, right?! And also.. Papa Tatsu?! Come on.. they could be so soft n cute I swear…
- TatsuRinne: Idek how to explain this one.. this is just so catered towards me & the fact that I love Rinne & also Tatsu. I do love the fact that Tatsumi was one of the first people to psychoanalyze Rinne since Tatsumi just relates to him on a certain level. I can also dump my hcs abt these two as well bc.. sighs.. 💕
( ok enough Tatsu im sorry 🥹 )
- Wataei: This ones pretty obvious!! I love them, and their development of a relationship.. they have to be canon. Theres just no way..? Eichi is in need of someone who cares for him, and loves him, and Wataru is his newfound bluebird of happiness. 💙
- ReiChi: I actually don’t know a whole lot about Rei? Buut I do like this pairing as a duo, they’re funny, and are constantly bickering like children. The sillies!!
- MamaEi: Ok… i’m very much on the fence about this ship bc they HATE each other.. but HiMERU also rlly hates Tatsu so.. yk, enemies to lovers. ☺️❤️
- ChiaEi: Childhood friends.. 1 going 100mph and the other just vibing. They’re so silly, Chiaki definitely nuzzles Eichi so hard his hair gets poofy from static electricity. 🥹
- ChiaKuro: Theyre so… OINGY BOINGY!! The mippys.. honestly I love these two also.. I don’t have a huge opinion or analysis on them, but the fanart I see and context alone is so cute. Chiaki & Kuro are genuinely close, and its another instance where Kuro’s just vibing and Chiaki is bouncing off the walls at all times.
- ChiaKaoru: These two are so soft.. and.. once again.. another take of Kaoru just vibing and Chiaki running all over the room. Chiaki just needs a babysitter really. 😌
- MamaRei: I’ve never seen anyone mention this ship before..? I feel like they could have some chemistry, esp since Rei is always reaching out to Mama for assistance. Though Mama knows not to consistently rely on Rei. Their bond is so vague to me though I only partly know their story, but the idea of them together is cute…
- MamaLeo: Bruh… these two? Are so very cute. I also think their relationship is a bit sad in a way? Mama’s whole deal is sad, I think any relationship with him could be angsty, but the fact that Mama is more out of tune than Leo just says something there. Seeing Leo so confused and concerned over Mama is just.. 🥹 Not to mention Leo is one of the few people that id genuinely close with Mama. He loves and wants to protect Leo as much as he possibly can..
- RinHime: Sighhh.. Rinne & HiMERU.. bats my eyes.. these two would fight to the death if they could. Though I think Rinne would ultimately win, I think HiMERU could put up a decent fight as well. These two are just aggressive on aggressive and would constantly pick on each other. Though behind closed doors and in a relationship? I can definitely see Rinne cuddling up to HiMERU while he gently pets Rinne’s hair.. I fucking LOVE Rinne & HiMERU 🥹🥹
- HiiAi: My sons, my children.. as a TatsuP I have to love my babies. Hiiro & Aira are absolutely adorable together. I just wanna skimsh their faces.. 🥹
- AiHaku: THESE TWO?! Adorable… Literally online friends meeting irl?! They date.. my lil skimpys.. 🥹🥹
- NaruMika: So.. I will never write anything with Valkyrie as a heads up.. BUT I do very much like this ship. Arashi is so caring & loving towards Mika, and Mika returns those feelings just as much and.. wah.. they’re so so soft…
- NatsuMugi: I don’t have a HUGE opinion on these two as I do like them but they’re not a big fav fav.. tho their interactions are very funny together
- IbaYuzu: These two need to like, be put in a room with pillows and fight each other. They’re so funny idek how to describe this ship off the bat..
Ok I think thats just about my list for now.. it’s quite repetitive since I hyperfixate on my favorite characters the most.. but theres also some characters that I also like and just don’t have any ships for them yet! ✨
In addition.. just because a ship isn’t on here doesn’t mean i’d be opposed to writing it! Just as long as it’s age appropriate!! ❤️
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mishkakagehishka · 2 years
Slavstars! List:
Tatsumi - Croatian
Mayoi - Serbian-Bosnian
Hiiro - Serbian
Aira - Croatian
Shu - French-Russian
Mika - Croatian or Czech
Crazy B:
Rinnie - Serbian
Himeru - Croatian
Kohaku - Slovenian
Niki - Serbian-Bosnian
Nagisa - Czech
Ibara - Bulgarian
Hiyori - Polish
Jun - Macedonian
Nazuna - Croatian
Tomoya - Montenegrin
Mitsuru - Bosnian
Hajime - Russian
Natsume - Polish
Tsumugi - Ukranian
Sora - Slovenian
Rei - Montenegrin
Adonis - Turkish-Bulgarian
Kaoru - Slovenian
Koga - Serbian-Montenegrin
Madara - Bosnian
Eichi - Croatian
Wataru - Bosnian
Tori - Polish
Fushimi - Slovakian
Keito - Russian
Kuro - Serbian
Souma - Ukranian
Arashi - Polish-Serbian
Ritsu - Montenegrin
Leo - Bulgarian
Tsukasa - Belorussian
Izumi - Czech
Chiaki - no idea
Tetora - Serbian
Kanata - Croatian
Midori - Swedish-Ukranian
Shinobu - Montenegrin
Makoto - Russian
Hokuto - Czech
Mao - Bulgarian
Subaru - Slovakian
2wink - Polish
Rinne and HiMERU spend their evenings arguing about Tesla's ethnicity i think. Crazy:B, more like. Crazy:Yu
But SO REAL. As for Chiaki, he gives me some real Bulgarian vibes. There's just something about him.
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Four Teams Focused on Games
I’ve got about an hour before I have to leave for work, so let’s make another lore post about some Teams. Just another reminder that the two ships on a team will not be in a bracket together, they will be sent to the opposite sides of the tournament and will only have a chance to go against each other if they make it to the finals.
This time around, it’s...well, teams focused on video games. We have a lot of teams like that, but I’m avoiding any ships with Smash characters this time around for the sake of organization (I’ll likely slap those in their own post later), and Megaman and Pit will probably go somewhere else as well. Where they’ll go, I’ll decide later. But for now:
Team Hearts And Friendship Game:
Aqua/Cinderella Sora/Jim Hawkins
Pretty straightforward; they feature a main character from Kingdom Hearts alongside a Disney character. Ironically, Jim is the only one here who has yet to actually be in a Kingdom Hearts game (but maybe one day~). I dunno who submitted Aqua and Cinderella, but they’re so real for it.
As for Jim and Sora, that one was an automatic-in from yours truly. They’re just adorable and I’ve seen a lot of art of them that warms my heart (teehee, heart). Maybe one day Sora will actually get yet another significant other in the form of Jim in canon, but for now, t’is but a fan dream.
Team Anime Boys:
Floyd Leech/Kanata Shinkai Kokichi Ouma/Venti
Gonna be completely honest, this one and the next one were mostly based on vibes, as I know next to nothing about any of the games these boys are from, outside of the Danganronpa series. And I’d be lying if I said Kokichi was one of my favorites. I like him fine, he’s a fun little bastard. But there’s something that just keeps him from being completely hyped about him as a lot of other people get. (Maybe it’s the thing he does in Chapter 4 to my favorite character in the franchise or something 🤔) (It’s not that, I promise, but I’m still sad about it).
That being said, I do know of Twisted Wonderland and Genshin Impact. Ensemble Stars is a total mystery to me, but I know it’s a game so there you go! Either way, the team is composed of a lot of anime boys that I’m sure are gonna get a lot of support!
Also just a fun little fact; Kokichi is participating over in the Nonship tournament alongside Bill Cipher (yet another submission by yours truly). I’m sure nothing bad will come of that friendship! 🙂 
Although with the younger Pines Twins being in two ships each, I’m sure we’re bound to spot that triangle bastard sneaking around over here at some points to cause trouble. Especially if a couple of his former Sexyman Tournament Competitors are lingering in the background of things to support someone in this tournament. They probably have much kinder intentions than him, though.
Team Video Game Men:
Alex Mercer/Desmond Miles Beastman/Lifeweaver
Once again, based on vibes as I know next to nothing about these franchises. Also I realize Beastman isn’t technically a video game man (pretty sure he’s not, but for all I know, there could be a He-Man game with him out there somewhere), but with the remaining three all being from games, I still felt the name was fitting enough.
I will give some credit to Beastman/Lifeweaver, it was one of the most submitted ships out of all 150 submissions. Dunno if it was the same person who submitted it that many times, or if they got their friends involved, but I’m so pleasantly surprised by all the support and propaganda it’s been receiving since submissions closed. It’s making me hope they get pretty far in the tournament just on hype and love from a select few alone!
Or maybe it’s one of those super popular ships that I had no idea was popular until a thousand people crawl out of the woodworks to show up for it. We’ll have to see!
Team Andrew Hussie to Toby Fox Pipeline:
Anne Boonchuy/Nepeta Leijon Reagan Ridley/Toriel Dreemur
I’m very funny for that name, but also I’ve been a fan of both creators for years now, so I’m a bit biased towards any ship with a character from either franchise. Especially Nepeta, who happens to be my favorite Homestuck character. Toriel...not as high on my list of favorite Undertale characters, but I do like her regardless! Hard not to love Goat Mom (even if you much prefer a certain Goat Dad yourself 😉)
I know less about Inside Out and Amphibia, but both look like pretty enjoyable cartoons that I know I’ll have to check out one of these days. And I know both girlies from each ship look like pretty enjoyable characters (Anne gets points in my book for being voiced by Miss London Tipton herself).
So I know I’m gonna have a soft spot for this team in particular, and I’m hoping they manage to make it far in the tournament!
Speaking of Undertale, however, I do wonder if that means a certain someone (someone who did get submitted a few times in ships of his own, but were inevitably rejected due to the fear of him sweeping the tournament) will make an appearance at some point. Especially with how this tournament has both a Danganronpa character and a Mob Psycho 100 character.
Wonder if that means those who were submitted alongside him will also appear? ...Honestly, no promises but we’ll see what happens.
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estakes · 1 month
Another question~!!
Thoughts on the Five Eccentrics group?
ohoho~ here we go!
as a whole, i don't really mind them much? eccentric party night is overplayed as hell though. it's been constantly in the top rankings of the yearly enstars song poll on twitter, and by god does it piss me off. just let of go... it's been years. twilight pentagram is the same, it's in the top 5 i think. ugh, enough already. and it doesn't really hit that certain spot for me. just not a fan of them or their music (which is just two)
individually though? i have many thoughts, especially about certain members
starting with rei. i think you already have an idea about what i feel about mr vampire mullet here. i don't outright hate him, but i don't like him either. i find him a bit annoying, to be honest. why's he always acting like a know it all wise guy? for the whole mysterious spooky vampire image? sir, you're 20, calm down.
and don't get me started with the obvious favoritism that the company has with him! gee rei, how come happyele lets you have two global exclusives?! why? what the hell, what is the purpose of it? imo, i think every character should be limited to one global exclusive card. again, how is this guy's happyele's best money maker?!
i don't have much thoughts on wataru though, i think he's fine. though sometimes, his voicelines irk me a little. i would be reading a story with wataru in it and all of a sudden i'm going to hear him moaning for some reason. wataru, what the hell.
kanata's fine too. i like his vibes. i think out of everyone in the eccentrics, kanata is the only one that i really have no problems with. good job, mr fish, you're not as annoying as everyone else! i guess i just like how laid back he is.
then there's shu. do not let the shu pfp fool you, i am no valkP, nor am i a shuP. ngl, when i first started playing enstars, i saw him on the loading screen and thought that he looks like the most pretentious and annoying bitch i've ever seen in a mobile game. and i think i was right. almost every story i've read with shu in it, he's snobbish and looking down at everyone else. while he does have some scenes where he's not like that, the whole bitchy attitude just stuck with me.
also i think i have such a negative perception of shu, because most of his producers are so, so irritating. there would be someone out there saying that they don't really have much positive opinion about shu or valkyrie in general, and you would have several valkPs there private quote retweeting. i would not be surprised if i hear about someone getting doxxed by a shuP.
now natsume, the eccentrics' "precious" little brother. i'm going to start out by saying that, absolutely not. i do not like him at all. along with shu, my first impression of natsume isn't really positive. lol, i think my first thought was "ew why is he ugly" and then went to, "looks like an asshole". i just really don't like him. i hate how he treats tsumugi. almost every interaction between them is natsume either insulting or berating tsumugi or just straight up hitting and throwing things at him. what the fuck? and no one in the cast calls it out, and it pisses me off! they just play it off as natsume being a tsundere or something.
the fact that some natsumePs just disregard how much of a bitch this guy is just irritates me. at least a few have a functioning brain to point out that natsume is a dick, but those guys? nope, would rather ignore the fact that natsume is just as flawed as every other character in this game.
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angelpaperclip · 2 months
I would love a fic where Nayuta & Shiki are dating & Kanata keeps third-wheeling them, so Nayuta & Kanata just go "wouldn't it be better if we just BOTH dated Shiki?" but have no idea about poly relationships & never think to just ASK Shiki about it, so they go about it the worst way possible.
Like, Nayuta walking out in middle of hanging out so Kanata & Shiki can go on "dates" without him, or when Nayuta & Shiki are holding hands, Kanata will just hold Shiki's other hand without saying anything.
And Shiki will just constantly be like "?? aren't the vibes getting kinda weird lately? But I'm still glad I'm becoming better friends with Kanata, tho..." lmao
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crehador · 1 year
alphabet challenge 2023 round 2 (for some reason)
choosing everything in advance this time and might jump around, otherwise same rules as before (one-cour series or movies only, letters with no qualifying entries on planning are skipped)
a - aharen-san wa hakarenai
first impressions: everyone go watch tanaka-kun wa itsumo kedaruge right now parting thoughts: cute but unremarkable
b - bakuten!! movie
thoughts: really fun and enjoyable! felt like an effective cap on the series
d - deca-dence
first impressions: what parting thoughts: OH THAT WAS PRETTY GOOD what actually was minato’s deal though like why was he dickriding kabu so hard was there an explanation that i just missed lmao
g - god eater
first impressions: typical blood and tits and ass show i guess? parting thoughts: actually that was not bad! pretty good! but tbh it felt like it really should’ve been a movie or two
h - hourou musuko
first impressions: bit disorienting parting thoughts: ohhhmygod that was. that was so. it was messy, clumsy, and complex and perfect in that way. messy in exactly the way adolescence can be, especially trans youthhood. it feels like the adaptation may have glossed over some parts of the manga, which made for a slightly confusing start, but overall still felt like a solid adaptation and definitely leaves me wanting to check out the manga too
i - id:invaded
first impressions: PINK KOUGAMI IS THAT YOU parting thoughts: went in with no idea what to expect and was really impressed, imo the plot is stronger than the characters but the plot is really quite strong (also banging soundtrack)
k - kanata no astra
first impressions: danganronpa in space? parting thoughts: i saw yellow vent in the cafeteria ok in all seriousness that was super charming and quite good! it felt very earnest in a way i enjoyed, and i always love a good morosexual4morosexual relationship (and you could even say there were TWO of those here lol)
l - levius
first impressions: not bad but lacks the magic of megalobox imo parting thoughts: yeah really not bad, always appreciate some good found family vibes, but not outstanding/remarkable either
m - meganebu!
first impressions: the shit i’ll watch for suwabe and kimuryo...... parting thoughts: honestly not that bad
o - one punch man 2
first impressions: i have heard nothing good about this lol parting thoughts: it wasn’t that bad...?
r - runway de waratte
first impressions: woag... didn’t expect tsumura to have that personality, his chara art on anilist made him look super edgy (pleasant surprise) parting thoughts: awh cute
s - seikaisuru kado
first impressions: seems like an interesting enough premise parting thoughts: oh fuck off
t - toutotsu ni egypt shin 2
overall thoughts: still cute and all but tbh just one season probably would’ve been enough lol (felt same way about molcar tbh)
y - yoru no kuni
overall thoughts: awh :’) that was nice
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knights-escort · 2 years
Enstars Characters as Described By a Child aka My Sister (Star Maker Production)
I was really bored so I asked my sister to describe and rate how much she likes the enstars characters. Take note that some these are probably not very accurate since I only let her in on the anime.
Starmaker Production-
fine: songs are good
Eichi: thinks he looks pretty and loves his voice, didn't like what he did to Valkyrie and Chess tho (8/10)
Wataru: weird, says AMAZING too much (I'm sorry WataruPs) (7/10)
Tori: cute pink haired shortie, very cute, seems like a spoiled rich kid (10/10)
Yuzuru: gives off butler vibes doesn't know why, looks pretty (9/10)
Trickstar: the literal definition of friendship is magic
Hokuto: doesn't know anything about him, kinda looks like Tobio from haikyuu (no rating)
Subaru: a pretty idiot, still loves him (9/10)
Makoto: pretty glasses guy (10/10)
Mao: needs to sleep and stop working too much, thinks he's best boy (from what I got?) (1000/10)
Ryuseitai: beautiful family
Chiaki: gives off the same vibe as Subaru, "he likes superheros so I like him" (10/10)
Kanata: him saying puka puka is really cute, just cute in general, "how many uniforms does he have from being in the fountain all of the time?" (1000/10)
Tetora: no idea who he is (no rating)
Midori: less depresso more espresso? (8/10)
Shinobu: cute little ninja, wants to pet him (100/10)
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