#no im not accepting requests
aellivi · 7 months
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Still figuring out how I want to draw this guy.
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hawktims · 6 months
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I spent most of my life waiting for God to love me. And then I realized the only thing that matters is that I love God. It's the same with you. I have loved you my whole life. I have never loved anyone but you. You were my great, consuming love. Not everyone gets that. I did.
Fellow Travelers (2023) + Mentions of 'love'
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hellishgayliath · 5 months
16 y/o Mikey with your design of his hair!
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I was gonna wait to put this on a bigger canvas with all the requests
but I just couldn't I needed my Mikey haircanon out there thank you Heck :D
A Karai inspired hairdo with braids, no matter the style he has to have braids somehow incorporated in his hair cuz I love that vision, plus beads to represent his bros and April. Aaaaaaaand a coloured hair streak to match with Draxum cuz that's also his dad and he loves him and idk if I've seen anyone else take inspo from him when it came to Mike's hair but that's what I'm happy with :3
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prommytheus · 1 year
Your art is amazing! I love the way you do cloth crinkles. If your still doing the outfit bingo, may I pretty please suggest Maya in F3 with Franziska in E4?
thank you so much!! thanks for sending this req, this was super fun to draw!
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(link to outfit bingo here)
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3-aem · 5 months
i also don’t want to portray myself as faultless. my work isn’t ai and it isn’t copied. but nk will say i Had old pieces that were copied and referenced ai. Yet it isn’t good faith when i apologize, state how i took accountability, and explain thats definitely not the case today because i learned my lessons- to respond with well you made these mistakes in the past so how can i believe you, you are lying, and have not changed.
so i quit. how can i prove myself then besides what i mentioned in the last post. my question is will you even ALLOW me to prove myself. each time i must explain, i place a spotlight on something that was resolved agreeably with the artists, resolved by removing the works, and resolved within myself by learning from it. but by not saying something i also allow You to concoct narratives and have to watch people spread them around and come to me demanding apologies. it is a very uncomfortable very distressing process that has worn me down completely.
never mind that other artists who have copied have not nearly been requested to apologize as much as i have been. never mind that they were forgiven when they removed the works or even when they just say sorry and don’t remove the work at all. But you still choose to hound me afterwards for doing just that?
nk has stated that i have not fixed this. and that i must address it. how many times though? for how long also? who on this planet starts the conversation by recounting all their mistakes, especially when they know they are resolved.
i have had to learn my lessons through cruelty like yours. trust me its a trauma i have to bear and they are not lessons you then forget.
my anger and my feelings of defeat come from the fact that even after nk was still talking like i had not even attempted to make progress. just look at your tone here.
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partyswirl · 4 months
Lightbrush for Valentine’s Day!!
doodle sheet attack!!! they are so sillay
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if u cant tell i miss lightbulb. a lot
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penguin--rat · 8 days
this is canon iirc so im not sure it counts but demi (both -romantic and -sexual i think. aroace spec swag) nomi is something that can be so personal actually. im done spamming ur askbox now i promise
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nomis such a love letter to the iwatex fandom... like, theyre the 'weird kid' that so many other stories would have made fun of, but not iwatex!!! in iwatex theyre the coolest character ever bc of those same qualities!!! theyre soo everything to me
#ill get to the other requests tomorrow :3 or thursday .. well see!!! <333#iwatex#i was a teenage exocolonist#iwatex nomi#iwatex nomination#fanart#NOMI I LOVE YOUUUU !! NOMI NOMI AUGHHHH#i like to think that the reason theyre the only character to label themselves (to my knowledge) is that like.. in the shows that they watch#theres characters that come out as demi and ace !! and so theyre like Woah im just blorbo from shows !!! bc it brings me comfort to think#that in the future like. ace and demi were just .. like !! they didnt have the WOKE shows that the stratospheric had kids watch !! they wer#on the helipause !! so like !! for there to be a story out there ! where a character(s) come out as ace/demi !! and for that story to be#put on helipause - the last place where youd expect queer stories to be - would mean that ! those identities had come more into the public#eye than they are now and such .. and for them to be a normal part of media !!! you know ??? idkkk#it brings me comfort to think that its just like. normal. in the future. evn for the helios. idk!!!!#also sidenote i was so so scared of having nomis confession to rex when i saw that an achievement was about having them do that#bc i was scared itd be aphobic or smth. or like. dismiss their identity. but !!! it didnt !!! and it was such a cute scene#probs one of my favs in the game tbh . like its SO cute and so accepting !!! and rex is so sweet !!!! i love it#its so so nice and its still so accepting. not dismissive of their identity not sweet or cute or loving despite it but BECAUSE of it#aughhhh !!!!! dies and explodes into a hundred small pieces
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hypogryffin · 6 months
Apparently Erina is just wearing armor on her leg but no I refuse I am fully headcanoning that as a prosthetic
oh i really thought it was meant to be a prosthetic, considering. uh. The Incident. esp with adult eri natsuhara using a cane implying shes lost some ambulatory ability.
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serenescribe · 11 months
*slides 5$ across the table* yeah hi can i get a uhhhhhhhhhh…….. Silver is killed by Malleus during chap 7 BUT since it happened inside the dream realm, he’s actually still alive in the physical world but everyone thinks he’s dead (i hope this makes sense GJDGSJDHSJ)
i love ur writing so much, theyre always so 👌 perfection (i showed my gf, who knows nothing about twst, ur hollow moon fic and she spent half an hour researching goat horns bc of that one scene😭😭😭)
(accepts the $5) the way this prompt possessed me... groans. chapter 7 is killing me >>
fun fact! title of the google doc for this was just "oh no." anyways i hope you enjoy!! (also tysm for the compliments on my writing ;u; it really does mean a lot to me...!!)
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It all happens so fast.
One moment, they’re all fighting Malleus side by side, pushing back the overblotted fae with the might of their combined forces. The three of them — Sebek, Silver, and Lilia himself — take the lead, standing on the frontlines, weapons and magic in hands. Everybody else, all their other peers they’d met throughout dream-hopping, stick to the backlines, providing support from afar.
And for that short while, it feels like they’re finally winning. It’s evident in all the little details; for all of Malleus’ might and power, there is a hint of desperation flickering across his face. His lips curl downwards, the green glow of his eye flaring a little brighter. His stance shifts, and the draconic phantom behind him moves too, adopting a defensive position. Dripping, scaley limbs curl around Malleus’ floating form, tails and wings forming a shield around him in a bid to protect him.
They’ve pushed Malleus up against a wall. They finally have a chance!
The next moment, however…
Everything goes miserably, horribly wrong.
A flash of light conjures in Malleus’ ink-stained palm — magic, streaked with oozing blot and simmering with a corrupt power unlike anything else. With the flick of a wrist, it hurtles towards them, towards him — towards Lilia, who, in that moment, freezes in place, limbs locking up. His mind screeches at him, what are you doing, you need to move, and with what little time he has, he readies a defence spell—
Only for a heavy weight to barrel into him, shoving him against the hard stone floor, a sharp pain flaring within his body.
And, pushing himself up from the ground, arms shaking as he twists his body around, Lilia can only stare in utter horror as Silver takes the brunt of the hit meant for him. Silver, whom Lilia knows is exhausted and worn down from an eternity of navigating dreams, his unique magic leading the way for them all. Silver, who insisted on fighting by his side despite Lilia’s insistence that he stick to the back.
Silver, who is thrown backwards, body collapsing against the stone floor in a steaming heap of smoking magic, clothes shredded and seared, sanguine stains splattering his pallid skin and pale hair.
His chest heaves, gulping down one last shuddering breath.
Silver stills, and does not move again.
And Lilia’s world collapses.
“SILVER!” he screams, a piercing shriek unlike anything that has ever emerged from his lips before. The sharp sound erupts through the air, slicing through the frenetic chaos of battle. In a flash, Lilia’s on his feet, surging forward, his heart pounding against his ribs like fists banging against the bars of a cell. Dread pulsates through him, clawing through his veins before clutching his soul in a vice grip.
Dropping to his knees, Lilia sweeps his son into his arms. His trembling fingers brush away loose strands of bloodstained hair, a single word spilling from his lips over and over. “No, no, nonononono—” He curls over Silver, his son, hands shaking him over and over, wrapped around his limp limbs. “Silver,” Lilia whispers, utterly broken. “Silver, please—”
The dreams that Malleus has spun for them, every minute detail painstakingly crafted and controlled by him, are a tricky, complicated mess. The rules of such fantasies are unknown to them. And yet, there is one rule that they have all stuck to upon ‘waking up’ and remembering the situation they’re in: they cannot die here. They cannot die in these dreams.
To die in these dreams would be catastrophic.
To die in these dreams would risk dying in real life.
Lilia trembles, fingers curling around the curve of Silver’s jaw, unable to tear his gaze away from his son. It feels as though he is suspended within a bubble with just the two of them; the chaos and carnage wrecking havoc around them have dulled to white noise, and Lilia can see flashes out of the corner of his eyes.
There is a faint shout — “STAY AWAY FROM THEM!” — accompanied shortly after by a cry of pain and the sound of a body slamming against a hard surface. Footsteps click closer, heard in a resounding clarity. Slowly, ever so slowly, Lilia raises his head. Twisting around, he narrows his eyes at the familiar figure standing behind him, a mocking smile painted across those void-touched lips.
“What a pity,” Malleus murmurs, voice like a rumble of thunder. He leans over, one arm reaching for Silver, only for Lilia to hiss, curling over his son — dead and lying in his arms — and swatting the man’s blot-dripping fingers away.
Malleus recoils, a brief flash of anger crossing his face. “How cruel of you. I care for Silver a great deal too, as you already know.”
“And yet you killed him,” Lilia spits, shaking under the weight of his anger, which flares within him and scorches his veins. With quivering hands, he moves Silver back to the floor with the tenderest of care — the last gesture of gentle mercy he shall show for a long while. And then Lilia rises to his feet, steeling his grief-stricken nerves as he turns to face Malleus properly.
The fae only arches an eyebrow, more annoyed than truly mad. “It cannot possibly be my fault that he chose to take a hit intended for you.” A nail scrapes against the underside of his chin. “Still,” Malleus muses, a sly smile slipping onto his lips, “it was a worthy sacrifice, do you not agree?”
With a screech, Lilia summons his axe and slams it into the ground, burying the sharp end of the metallic-green cleaver into the ground. “Don’t you dare speak of sacrifices,” he hisses, every word like a venomous poison, face contorted into pure fury. “You know nothing of what it means to sacrifice, Malleus. Nothing!”
“So you would rather render his sacrifice into a worthless, futile thing by continuing to stand against me?” Arms outstretched, Malleus cackles, a deranged smile splitting his lips. “Do you not understand, Lilia? It is pointless to stand against me.”
“Maybe it is,” Lilia retorts, yanking his cleaver out of the ground. “But do you truly expect me to stand down?” He feels tears pricking along his eyes, tears he chokes down in trade of some righteous rage. “You killed him, Malleus. He’s gone because of you.”
Here, in this realm of dreams, Lilia can at least use what Malleus had oh-so generously gifted him: his power, his strength, the vigour he’d had at the height of his former glory. And with his weapon clutched firmly in his grasp, Lilia lets out a blood curdling screech—
And dives back into the thick of war.
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Silver startles awake.
He inhales, exhales, his chest rising and falling. There is something soft he is resting upon, a soft surface that tickles the back of his neck, the bare bits of skin exposed from the protective cloth of his dorm uniform. He can feel something cool and leathery wrapped in his hand, and as his gaze flicks to the side, Silver’s heart clenches at the sight of his father, a peaceful expression upon his slumbering face, gloved hand wrapped in Silver’s own.
For a moment, Silver allows himself to stare. To drink in every detail of Lilia’s peaceful expression, mouth parting slightly as he lets out a small sigh. His father rests on a bed of moss and flowers, a surface Silver realises extends to him and Sebek as well, the younger boy slumbering by Lilia’s other side. It is a kind anomaly amidst the cold stone of the thorn-filled lounge, something Silver realises could have only been magic-made.
It’s strange, Silver thinks. When he racks his brain, tries to think back to what he was dreaming of before he woke up, he comes up empty. It’s always been that way; he’s never been able to recall much of his dreams, save for hazy flickers that he grasps frantically onto, but can’t quite decipher.
What little threads of memories Silver can recall don’t make sense. He remembers encroaching darkness, exploring the valley, his father but younger, long hair swaying behind him.
Silver squeezes his eyes shut. His head is beginning to throb with pain.
The sound of humming fills the air, accompanied by the clack-clack of heels upon stone ground. Blinking his eyes open, Silver cranes his head to the best of his ability, limbs weighed down by an exhaustion he doesn’t understand. A shadow falls over him.
“Silver,” Malleus greets, the corners of his eyes creasing as he smiles down at him. His horns glow faintly with chartreuse hues, flames flickering from one slitted eye. Blot wafts around him lazily, dripping from his eyes, his arms, his claw-tipped fingers. “You have awoken.”
“L…Lord Malleus,” Silver chokes out, the words like sticky honey against his heavy tongue. Malleus merely hums his melody again, a song so familiar it makes his heart ache. The fae leans down, dipping onto his knees, and Silver can only shudder as one blot-covered nail comes to scrape against his cheek in a mockery of affection. “W-What…?”
“How fitting it is,” Malleus comments, nail tracing Silver’s jawline, from the dip below his ear to the tip of his chin, “that you wore yourself out by sacrificing yourself for Lilia.” Closing his eyes, Malleus’ lips thin. “Really, why is it that you all believe you will die permanently if you are to perish within my dreams? What a foolish notion. I only wish to give everyone the happiness they so dream of.”
He sacrificed himself for Lilia? Silver can hear his heartbeat quivering in his ears — ba-bump, ba-bump, ba-bump. Somehow… somehow, that feels right, even if he tries to scrape through his memories and comes up short.
The nail against his face pauses, before it pulls away. “How curious,” Malleus murmurs, a contemplative look in his eyes. He taps a finger against his chin. “The look on your face… Do you not recall what has occurred, Silver?”
“I—” Silver swallows, throat going dry. He knows… a little. He can infer enough to come to a conclusion, based on what he knows and remembers — that Malleus had sunk them all into a world of blissful, neverending dreams, and that somehow, they’d taken a stand against him. He tries to push himself up, only to fail. Silver curses his mysterious exhaustion. “I know enough,” he eventually says shortly.
“Do you?” Malleus gazes at him in a way that makes him feel small and insignificant. For a moment, Silver is five again, staring up at the tall prince as he visits him and his papa at their little cabin home together, gazing down at him, an inscrutable expression on his cold face.
There is a sigh, before Silver feels himself being shifted. His eyes widen, but there is little he can do as he is torn away from his father’s sleeping grip, their hands breaking apart as he is brought to rest on Malleus’ lap in a mockery of what he has done many times before.
Silver stares up at the fae. He is loath to call him his liege because the man above him is Malleus, but not the Malleus Silver knows.
Malleus stares back, lips breaking into an amused smile.
“Do you know the extent of how hard they are fighting, Silver?” he asks, voice low. “Even now, they still keep at their worthless battle, refusing to relent.” A sigh. “Do they not understand? It is pointless to resist.” For a moment, those eyes grow vacant, distant. “I only want what is best for everyone, Silver,” Malleus murmurs. “And yet, they all refuse to concede.” He shakes his head. “What an utter pity.”
“You want to lock us all within our dreams,” Silver says, hating the way his voice is weak. He swallows the lump in his throat, letting out a cough. “Why would we… not resist?”
“It is for all your sakes.” Malleus’ voice carries an edge of finality.
“Says who?”
A pause.
Rather than reply, Malleus simply hums again, displeased expression smoothening out into one that Silver cannot parse. One arm reaches past his shoulder, down his body, to the belts latched around his waist. Clawed fingers pluck the handle of his magestone baton, pulling it from its sheath.
And when Malleus turns it over in his hands, holding it above Silver’s face—
His blood turns to ice.
Blot. His magestone is clotted with it. Gone is the pristine, emerald surface of the gem, replaced instead by a dull grey, murky threads of ink swirling about inside it. Silver’s mouth parts, a gasp escaping his lips, eyes widening in his utter shock. “H-How?” he whispers, voice shaking. “I— That’s not possible!”
“Is it not, now?” Malleus replies easily. “You appear to be unaware of how much magic you exerted within everybody’s dreams. Or is your memory so bad that you do not even realise the potential of your own unique magic?”
His unique magic? He has one?
With his other hand, Malleus reaches for the gem, dragging one nail against the clouded surface, scraping against the hard stone, thoroughly coated with blot. “I wonder,” Malleus muses, lips curling into an amused smile, “how much more blot it would take to push you over the edge.
“After all,” he croons, pressing the cold surface of the gem against Silver’s cheek, causing the boy to shiver violently—
“Who would pass up the opportunity to call upon the help of their knight?”
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apathetic-arsonist · 2 months
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paintpanic · 3 months
Could you draw David my Kirby oc
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Colour pallets are
Grey base
Black shoes
Teal eyes
Black and grey bandana
(he's not playing around he's angy especially when he uses the hammer also hammer is his main also all of his weapons are the same colour pallets as him)
Have fun
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david so swag
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babybinko · 2 years
fuck it im just gonna start using tf2 like a dating app
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elaena · 1 year
I absolutely love your art and how you draw asoiaf ladies… could I request Naerys and Lilac Sky, if you feel like it? 💕
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maudiemoods · 5 months
An OC?? TO DRAW??????
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Her name is Azrael and she's a sorcerer. She also was framed for the crime of soul necromancy
This isn't my favorite but since it's done I might as well post it! It's just not the outcome I was going for waaa
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the-cantina · 1 year
I've been sucked into drawing the clones playing a volleyball match… If anything, it's being a good way to practice anatomy. I just hope I can write the whole fic happening in my head while I'm doodling.
Wolffe has the meanest serve of everyone. He's permanently banned from serving, because no one will go for the ball/join the opposite team.
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Rex gives his 100% in each game. It's always win even if I have to carry the whole team on my shoulders time. No chill. Always the first to sprain something because he's too invested.
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Fives… No one lets him pick the uniform. Great player, but also great prankster. A menace. Him and Echo are a terror when playing together, so in sync it's a bit scary tbh.
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random-idiot-writer · 2 years
Syu iura headcanons
NB s/o
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YOU are the only one outside of his family that knows both sides about him
And you are deeply in love with both sides of his personality.
You met him with his family and saw his other personality
it was shocking. "This is the Syu from school? Is it a twin?"
Uh oh, he found out YOU know
but you two dont talk about it and pretend nothing happened for a while
until you confront him
somehow, after that you two start dating
It's weird showing both sides at first, but it feels a bit comforting that someone knows and accepts all of it
the type to suprise hug you from behind.
he loves it when you get flusterd
and he loves jumpscaring you
but he'll comfort you if he ever goes too far ❤️
If you're still mad at him, he would hide it under smiles and laughs
but secretly cry himself to sleep later that day when hes alone.
he'll brag about you to all of his friends. BET.
Hugs and cuddles.
It wont be easy to get him flustered
He'll play it off on his boisterous and loud side personality turn the tables on you with the other
Yet sometimes you'll succeed
And his flustered expression is>>>>
He probably wouldn't know which personality to use around you when alone
and sometimes when hes emotional, he can break both of his character amd just be himself around you
blushes when kissing or holding hands
hes suprisingly innocent
would probably annoy you to get attention
people wonder how you put up with him
he's very protective of you
He'll bring you everwhere
must protect this guy ToT hes so precious
Also just cuz i do what i want doesnt mean Im not accepting requests ^w^ I will accept the ones i want to do is all.
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