#no matter what you stance is on nora as a person you still read her books
i wish i had the power to revoke some people’s right to voicing their opinions (people saying the sunshine court is going to be bad), and to properly educate them on culture (we are so blessed that nora is releasing a new book and to many people are taking that for granted and are going to be the reason she’s becomes inactive again)
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nightmaremp · 28 days
Weremayhem: Song of Beasts. Ch 31: Zoot's Spot
 The next day, the band were still arguing. Zoot sat on the rail of the stairs that lead down to the basement. He was reading an old magazine. Another day passed, The fight kept going. “What are you talking about?” asked Dr. Teeth with a hiss. 
“Nothing to do with it” replied Lips with a hiss back. 
“Easy for you to say” added Floyd with a growl. 
“Whoa, Whoa, whoa!” said Nora as she walked over to the band. 
“You guys still arguing about the band name?” she asked. 
“No, that was just, like, a gateway fight to deeper, more personal band issues” replied Janice. 
“They called Penny intrusive and my hat repulsive. Neither are true” said the doc. 
“They called me a diva and a cheapskate,” said Floyd Pepper. “Half true,” he added. 
“They called me capricious and flighty. Both true” said the blonde female. 
“They called me a chrysanthemum,” said Lips with a hateful tone in his voice. 
“Well, sometimes, a man has to look in the mirror, Lips,” replied the ginger haired male. 
“What?” replied the blonde male in shock that his lover said that to him. 
“I do not have time to stand this” he added as he left the band spot. Teeth nods his head as he watches his lover leave. 
“I’ll call my hairdresser. You don’t know nothing” said the trumpet player before leaving. 
“Please stop, okay? All this fighting is freaking out our director” said Nora. 
“You know the films he’s made, so that’s saying a lot” she added. 
“All right, all right. I suppose, in the spirit of band harmonality, we cease fire” replied Dr. Teeth. 
“And resume work on this love song about Penny” he added. 
“Let’s get back…” the doc started to say before Floyd cut him off. 
“Whoa, my friend!” said the red haired male. “I wrote this song about Janice,” he added. 
“Janice?” asked the ginger haired male in shock. 
“Yeah” replied Floyd Pepper. 
“I believe you are deeply discombobulated,” replied the good doctor. 
“Oh! I am very much bobulated!” replied the red haired male. 
“Tell him, baby. Tell him who I wrote this song for” he said to Janice. 
“Like, actually, I wrote this love song about me” replied the blonde female. 
“You can’t write a love song about yourself!” replied Floyd with a growl. 
“It goes against the laws of nature!” he added. 
“Well, I’m on, like, a journey of self healing. So, I can write about whoever I want” she replied with a hiss. 
“Alright, then I’m gonna write my own love song about my other true love” replied Floyd Pepper. 
“Uh…Soup!” he added. The red haired male starts to sing a song about soup. When he finished the song, he let out a sigh. 
“Yeah, still kind of a work in progress, but I think it illustrates how much I love soup,” said Floyd. 
“Feels like less of a love song about soup and more of a spiteful attack on us” replied Teeth with a hiss. 
“It doesn’t matter. Wanna know why? We don’t need songs about soup” replied Nora. 
“Then what’s your stance on a nice, steamy chowder?” replied the doc. 
“That is not a soup and you know it! You tell him, Janice” replied Floyd Pepper. 
“Like, why do you care about what I think?” she asked. 
“Truth is, I never enjoyed any bowl-based cuisine,” the blonde female added. They all gasp. 
“Hey, I’m here” said a woman as she came down the stairs with Lips right behind her. 
“Are you Nora?” asked the woman. Label Lady looks nervous and doesn't want her to see the band fighting like wild animals. 
“Paula Abdul? Oh, snap! What’s happening here?” replied the black haired female with a smile. 
“Lips here said you needed me for a cameo, and I owe him big time because he introduced me to Skat Kat” replied Paula as she showed her shirt that was under a jaguar print coat that she was wearing. 
“Very well,” replied Lips. 
“Right on. I’m sorry, though. There seems to be a mix-up. Again.” replied Nora. 
“Yes, Lips, I had asked you for a Paul, not Paula” she added. 
“Paula. I’m so sorry, but, yeah, don’t make a day, okay?” said the trumpet player. 
“Hey! P Abby D, what it be?” said Floyd as he walked over to them. 
“Floyd, bring it in” she replied with a big smile on her face as Floyd Pepper hugs her. 
“Ha-ha! Yeah” replied the red haired male with a smile on his face. 
“How are you doing honey?” Paula asked him. 
“Never better. Just wrote a boiling hot soup-centric love song out of sheer spite to get back at Jancie” replied Floyd. 
“And it’s, like, totally working,” replied Janice. 
“Hey, you need some choreography?” asked Paula. 
“Oh! Straight up! Let’s do it!” replied the red haired male with a huge smile on his face. They both walk away. 
Back with Janice and Dr. Teeth, they just watch the two walk away. The doc groans. “What a day” he mumbles. 
“Teeth?” asked the blonde female. 
“Hm? What?” asked the ginger haired male. 
“Why have you been around Penny and talking about her a lot?” she asked. 
“I…I honestly think I may be falling in love with her again.” he replied with a bit of a quiet tone. 
“Teeth! She is married. Penny has moved on from you. Do you think about how Lips or Zoot feels about you flirting with your ex?” replied Janice. 
Teeth were silent. She was right. Penny is married to Zakai now. He didn’t stop to think about how Lips and Zoot feels about him staying around her like a dog on a leash. Flirting with her is wrong and hurtful to his own relationship. 
“I…I didn’t think about that” replied Dr. Teeth to Jancie. 
“Maybe, like, you should stop and think. Maybe sit down with Lips and Zoot and ask them how they feel” she replied with a soft smile. 
“Yeah, you’re right. I should” replied Teeth with a soft smile to the blonde female. 
Meanwhile, the recording room was filled with bunnies. Moog, JJ, Hannah, and Animal try to get the small mammals under control. Suddenly a man walked down the stairs, he was wearing an outfit to look like Zoot. “Hey, what’s up, y’all?” asked the male. 
“I’m Zoot,” he added. 
“Whoa! It’s like looking into a mirror” replied Zoot in shock. The man took off his sunglasses. 
“Actually, it’s me, Morgan Freeman,” replied Morgan with a smile. 
“You got the part, Marvin” replied the dark blue haired male. Freeman chuckles with a smile still on his face. 
“Okay. All of that is wrong” said Nora with a fake smile. 
“I’m so sorry, Mr. Freeman, but there is no part because we already have a Zoot” she added. 
“Where?” asked Zoot as he looked around. 
“You. You’re Zoot.” replied Label Lady. 
“Huh?” replied the saxophonist. 
‘Which is why I am going to study his every move and mannerism” replied Morgan. 
“I’d like to know what it feels like to walk in your shoes.” he added while looking at Zoot. The dark blue haired male suddenly took off his shoe and hold it up to Mr. Freeman. 
“Huh. Here. Let’s ask Jimmy” replied the saxophonist. 
“Hmm. It’s not so bad” said Jimmy the shoe. Morgan Freeman was silent a bit before looking up to Nora. 
“This may very well be the role of a lifetime,” he said. 
“Whoa” said Nora in shock. Suddenly more people who were dressed up like Zoot walked down the stairs. 
“Hey, we’re here to audition for Zoot,” said one guy who was completely painted blue. 
“Okay, we’re not casting for Zoot” replied Label Lady with a bit of an upset tone. 
“Great. Lost another role to Freeman” replied the guy with a huff. Mr. Freeman slowly looks over to the guy. 
“There is no role, okay? Because Zoot is Zoot” the black haired female said. 
“And there’s nothing you can do to change my mind,” she added. 
The guy chuckles. “I can do this,” he replied before he started to play the saxophone badly. 
“Okay” Nora said in a soft, upset tone. Everyone else started playing the saxophone horrible. 
Meanwhile upstairs, Lewis was covering Annie’s ears from the horrible saxophone notes. He huffs in annoyance. Suddenly there was a knock on the door to their room. “Come in” said the ginger haired boy. 
The door opens to reveal Lips. The blonde male waves to them. “Hey daddy, how is it down in the basement?” asked Lewis. 
Lips mumbles about how it is a mess down in the basement. He sat down next to the two kids. “Still fighting?” asked the ginger haired boy. The blonde male went silent before just nodding his head. 
“Will you forgive dad?” he asked the trumpet player. Lips smiles and mumbles “Of course, I still love him.” 
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jeanmoreaux · 3 years
The specific part being discussed:
"this will upset a lot of people, but it isn't canon that neil is demisexual. the label isn't mentioned once in the books. can it be inferred? ABSOLUTELY. he's demi in all of my fanfics because i personally love it. but nora mentioning it in extra content does not make it canon, in the same way that jkr telling everyone she saw dumbledore as gay after the books, does not make it canon. (...)
my point is just that canon doesn’t always matter. collectively most of us have decided neil is demi, which is important rep to a lot of people without rep. how sexy of us."
thank you for the quote! i kinda skimmed the og post and this part doesn’t change my stance on anything i have said on the definition of canon and what i think about the ‘the word is not explicitly used so it’s not canon’ way of approaching literary analysis. inference is part of the established canon(s) when certain conditions ae met. you can read that post here if you haven’t already. to summarize, it’s basically ‘if it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck; even if no one is recorded saying ‘that’s a duck.’ ((i think it’s beneficial to know my opinions on what is/should be considered canon bc it’s also touched upon here.))
i rather wanna talk about the comparison made between jkr telling people dumbledore is gay and nora going ‘oh demisexual seems like a fitting word for what i wrote neil to be’ in her extra content. i’m really sorry and no offense to the op of the original post bc i don’t think they had any harmful intentions but the comparison with the gay dumbledore clusterfuck is badly lacking and honestly quite ridiculous bc it’s just not the same situation. i agree that the author claiming something outside of the text does not make it canon but if the text agrees with the claim things are a little different in my opinion bc the canon still holds up when removing the authors claim from the equation. the textual evidence still supports the reading of neil as demisexual—whether you take nora’s claims into acoount or not—so it’s (still) canon. neil’s experiences are portrayed in the narrative and they reflect the content of the definition ‘demisexuality’ so you can infer things from the text without needing nora’s extra-textual comment. with dumbledore, you would never be able to infer from the text alone that he’s a gay man, so jkr can claim whatever she wants to get wokeness points but if it’s not in the text it’s not canon. and let’s not pretend she couldn’t have worked this into the story somehow and make it clear to readers that dumbledore is a gay man. she had plenty opportunity to do so but she chose not to while nora had a clear goal to write neil in a certain way and she followed through.
and not to mention the simple fact that, jkr—a straight woman—retroactively claiming dumbledore is a gay man with no textual evidence to back it up is not the same as nora—someone who identifies as aroace—setting out to write a character with a specific set of traits and characteristics but not knowing the exact term until after publication and thus not mentioning it in her work explicitly. i mean you also have to consider that the ace spectrum wasn’t much discussed in online/other spaces at the time nora was writing these books. 'demisexuality’ and similar words only quite recently entered the mainstream vocabulary of sexual identities. so even if nora had wanted to put an explicit label for neil in the text she didn’t have the vocabulary to do so. but the thing is it doesn’t even make sense for the text to mention a specific label anyway?? i know some people like to give nora shit for her writing but it’s honestly pretty fitting for the narrative to gloss over these things bc sexuality and explicitly defining this sexuality is secondary to neil as a character. and he’s the narrator. not focusing on sexual identity and the politics thereof is pretty in character for him. additionally, like an other anon mentioned, the series is set in the early 2000s where no one was that aware of the ace spectrum and it’s labels, least of all someone as isolated from popular—or really all—culture as neil.
so yeah, jkr saying dumbledore is gay and nora confirming neil is demisexual with these exact labels outside the texts are completely different. it’s just not the same, i am sorry. you just can’t compare the two.
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palmett-hoes · 4 years
this was originally meant to be a response/follow-up to @i-did 's post about race in the aftg fandom (that you should read). i ran it by him first and asked permission to add, but then we decided it was too long so i should make it its own post
i want to talk about fandom's take on the twins' race because it's rather glaring in the fandom that andrew (and then aaron by necessity) are often portrayed as the only white characters on the team and i have to question why?
there's nothing in the backstories that would mean writing them as POC would fling them headlong into offensive stereotypes that the fandom hasn't bypassed over to make another fox a POC.
they have a history of addiction? but it's okay for matt and seth to be addicts and be brown.
they're violent? but it's okay for renee to be non-white and a former gang member.
they're blond and 'pale'¹? but allison can be a WOC and bleach her hair without saying it explicitly? renee can have white rainbow hair no matter the AU? neil can be a blue-eyed redhead and still be drawn darker skinned half the time?
'pale' in and of itself is a very vague word that's only brought up in the context of comparison to notably dark skinned nicky. it's completely relative, and multi-racial families where people look wildly different from each other exist (pretty commonly). or if you're prescriptivist how about the multiple ways a POC can still be a natural blond including but not limited to pigmentation conditions or being mixed race? similarly, i think less than a quarter of the FCs i've seen for andrew over the years have been natural blonds themselves.
so if our holdups aren't about racial stereotyping and they aren't about the incredibly vague character descriptions, then why are the twins always white when it's approached as a good thing that no one else is? when i've seen multiple different posts lauding the fandom for adding diversity where nora didn't write it, except for here?
to be completely, bluntly honest, it's because we as a majority-white fandom are uncomfortable when we are not the central characters. or maybe we are uncomfortable when people of color ARE the central characters. i don't think there's much of a difference.
we are comfortable writing and drawing nicky, the upperclassmen, then kevin (in that order) as poc because, simply, we use them as background characters. they are rarely the main characters of fics, or have their own storylines in them; it all revolves around andreil.
additionally, while i've used neil up to now as an example of the fandom being OKAY with writing POC, let's also admit that it's an,, imperfect representation, as he will often be racially ambiguous with no explicit ethnicity, he will be the lightest skinned of the foxes of color, and he will still have eurocentric features. also it's genuinely a toss up as to whether he's drawn brown or not, there are still plenty of white neils, much more than there are white dans and matts and renees (not an attack on anyone who draws white neils, simply a statement) and FCs and edits of him still tend to be white people.
he's a bit of a schrödinger's person of color, not really any one thing or another, very few people being willing to take a hard stance on him and do the work of taking that decision under consideration when writing and drawing him.
(quick shout-out here to @hi-raethia for making content about an explicitly chinese interpretation of neil).
(additionally, to be as clear about my intended message as possible, this isn't a statement on the politics of passing or undermining the ethnicities of lightskinned poc, this is about a lack of detail being put into making a character a character of color in any thoughtful, meaningful, or significant way)
so when i talk about the centralization of white people in fandom, neil gets to be included, perhaps with a footnote indicating that this is somewhat of a more complicated statement than it is with lily-white andrew minyard.
nevertheless, i feel comfortable saying that 75% of fandom content revolves around andrew and neil, major exceptions only being jerejean which are often stand-alone from the foxes, and the rising branch of kevaaron shippers. however both of those ships are actually subject to this exact same criticism, as ships between a a flat-out white character and a dubiously "non-white" character who can also be white sometimes. it varies.
conspicuously, content about the UPPERCLASSMEN tends to revolve around andrew and neil.
fics where the upperclassmen are the pov character are often outside-perspective fics on andreil.
HC posts about the upperclassmen, especially matt, will devote major portions to his time spent helping, hanging with, and thinking about andrew and/or neil.
secondary ships like danmatt or renison tend to be just that, secondary ships moving in the background of andreil-focused works. they get more of a,,, scenic shout-out than a storyline
it is only comfortable for us to write these characters as characters of color if they revolve entirely around white characters
so after all that? what should we do, as a white-majority fandom? what should YOU, specifically, as a white person, do?
i hate to talk about a problem without also talking about solutions, and i try not to carp on something i don't want to be an active part of fixing. public criticism without an action plan only leads to hurt feelings and guilt, and that's never my intention when bringing this up. my goal is to address a general problem, not anyone specific's personal failings.
in all honesty leaning completely into all of the foxes being people of color, though i think neat and i certainly support, is not the best solution, and would be more of a hollow action than anything else without addressing the underlying problems that lead to the development of this dynamic.
i think the best thing to do would be to 1. do some research on writing poc, usually by following some writing-specific blogs like @writingwithcolor or @pocinmymedia . look up the 'black best friend' trope and really spend some time tjinking about it. spend an hour seeking out a random assortment of blogs that interest you that are also run by people of color. checking through tags like drawingwhileblack or blacktober may be good kickoff points.
tumblr is great because with an hour of active work to find these blogs, you can then go months passively seeing content from them. try not to interact, actually, simply watch and listen and become familiar with general trends and concerns in different communities. remember that every blog is run by an individual person, not an elected representative of their race, and always keep this in mind.
you are teaching YOURSELF that people of color are individuals, they have interests and inner lives that don't revolve around whiteness, that don't revolve around YOU
at the same time, 2. challenge yourself as a creator to make more content about the upperclassmen, specifically. make art about them doing stuff as a group separate from neil and andrew's group. find a compilation of 'draw the squad' memes and draw/tag the upperclassmen only. make jokes where they talk to each other. write some meta about their character motivations. write a fic where andreil isn't even mentioned, it can be super short, you can even use a prompt generator.
as a reader, reread their backstories in the extra content. reread son nefes. use ao3's filtering system to read some fics about JUST the upperclassmen, few and far apart though they may be.
if we've decided that the upperclassmen are people of color then lean into that, and learn to CARE about them on their own merit, because they are the most underutilized characters in the fandom. we need to make content centralized around them to combat the fact that fandom centralizes whiteness
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shirorozutriea · 4 years
The Princess and Her Knight
Audience List
 Day 7: The Princess and Her Knight
 Clang. Ting. Slash.
 All these sounds were heard throughout the castle’s training halls. It was a sound of metal meeting metal. A sound of clashing swords. They were followed by a series of high pitched grunts and yelps from every knights in training. They were there to impress. Yes, impress. Especially their mentors who taught them how to cross blades. Now, all of the knights in training were kids. All ranging from eleven to fifteen years of age, although, there will always be the youngest of them all.
 Weiss Schnee, in her tender age of six, had already aspired to become the greatest, if not greatest, the best knight Remnant has to offer. She took a hold of a sword at the age of seven, and was trained by a well renowned knight, Ozpin. To Ozpin's amusement, not only was she determined, she also learns fast and had already experienced her first duel at the age of eight and a half. And now, Weiss is here, in the very hands of the Kingdom of Vale at the age of nine, hoping that she'd at least be, of by some miracle, be picked as one of the new generations of knights.
 Weiss grunted as she fought and let her sword meet the other knight's sword. It was a boy she was fighting, there were only a handful of girls who were present, mainly because the others were weak willed and let the boys bully them, and so they left. But Weiss, persistent and determined, fought and ignored whatever they were spouting on about and continue to stand tall.
 The boy slashed his sword, his arms going down to land a blow on the white haired fighter, but she jumped out of the way, stepped on the sword and thrust her sword forward to meet the boy's neck in an inch. The boy gasped and looked at her eyes and saw a steely gaze, he shivered and admitted defeat. Weiss pulled her sword back and gracefully hilting her sword on the sheath on her waist. The royal knights and other knights in training who acknowledges her, clapped their hands in recognition. Weiss internally smiled, pride looming on her, then she shook her head as she remembered her mentor’s teaching of not to get full of yourself and head back towards her mentor.
 Ozpin nodded and smiled at her, she in turn returned it as well. The leading knight step in front and spoke. “Knights! Attention! Form five man frontage, move!”
 The knights in training ran and one by one took their positions. Their legs marching, their swords making so much clatter and the royal knight shouted and they all stood straight.
 “All of you are splendid knights! Fit to be part of the round table.” The knight paced back and forth, looking at the knights in training. “But unfortunately, not all of you will be picked. We only needed a handful of brave warriors on our prime. But do not worry, dear knights. You will once again meet us, and let’s see what you have become.”
 The royal knight stopped walking. He eyed every single one of the knight, observing them, reading them like an open book. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “I have decided…”
 The flurry of names went static on the white haired fighter. Her nerves getting on her, yet her face showed no emotion. Her eyes continue to bore holes at the knight in front of her.
 “Weiss Schnee.”
 She blinked as she heard the knight shout, as he dismissed the other knights who didn’t get lucky. Her feet standing firmly on her boot. She heard that right, right?
 “Now all of you.. welcome to the royal court!!” He exclaimed. The knights grunted in response and he nodded. “All of you are dismissed!”
 Weiss found herself staring at the garden's set of flower beds with variety of flowers blooming around. Her mind still processing what happened down at the training hall. And the cogs took it’s place.
 “YES!! WOOHH!!” Weiss jumped from where she sat and tip toed around the shade of the tree as she celebrates her promotion. Then she heard a giggle. She jumped and pulled her sword, positioning herself in a fighting stance.
 “Whoah! Hey, it’s okay, it’s just me!!” Yelled a panicked voice. The figure stepped from the tree trunk and showed itself.
 It was a boy wearing a white blouse, red vest and a black shorts paired with brown leathered shoes. His arms up in the air. “I’m sorry to startle you, young knight.”
 Weiss blinked and relaxed a bit, sheathing her sword, although her left thumb were still uprooting the base of her sword’s hilt. “Who are you?” Weiss asked. The boy perked up and dropped his arms. “Ruby! Nice to meet you, young knight.”
 “What brings you here? And how come you are inside the castle’s vicinity?” She questioned. The boy grinned at her. “I’m just here to look at the flowers. As for how, you could say I’m a visitor of the castle.”
 A visitor? “You’re a royal?” Weiss wondered. The boy shrugged and smiled. “Maybe?” He answered. Then he went over to Weiss. “Wanna play?”
 Weiss cleared her throat and stood up straight. “I am a knight in training. I must—” The boy hold her hand and grinned at her. “Don’t worry. No one will know. Trust me.”
 She didn’t know why and how, but she trusted the guy and let him lead her to Oum knows where. They played under the sun, laughing and giggling around as they play tag. Weiss, as a child, wasn’t able to experience what ‘fun’ is for children. She had only immersed herself into learning how to use a sword and to become a valiant knight. That, was fun.
 The boy perked up and looked at the castle. He then gazed at Weiss and smiled apologetically. “I’ll meet you soon, young knight.” Then off he go. Weiss stared at the disappearing back of her playmate, feeling lonely all of a sudden. “Yeah.. see you soon.”
 A week passed by with her training with all the knights in the training hall. She even made friends. The orange haired knight, Nora Valkyrie. The redhead popular knight, Pyrrha Nikos. The silent, yet deadly, Blake Belladonna. The blonde idiot(her words, what with the amount of courting she receives), Jaune Arc. And the calm knight, Lie Ren. And today, they were gathered around in the training hall. They were there to greet someone important as the knight in charge vaguely put.
 “Knights! Attention!”
 They all went to position. Weiss was in front. Then her gaze met a familiar figure accompanied by her mentor. It was the boy she met not long ago. Why was he here?
 “This is Ruby Rose.” Ozpin started. “She is the crowned princess, and the next-in-line for the throne.” Her eyes subtly widen as the person she thought was a he, was actually a she. And to top of that, she was the crown princess… oh god, she played with the crown princess, oh god…
 Ruby's eyes skimmed through the knights that stood proudly in front of her, her silver eyes met with blue ones. She smiled at her and Weiss was blinded on the spot.
 “She is here to pick a knight that will serve her to the end. A knight that will stay by her side no matter what happens. A knight that will pledge their loyalty to her.” Ozpin finished, looking at the knights. He heard the princess giggle beside him and looked down. “Are you ready, princess?”
 “Come on, Ozpin. I already had my eyes death set on someone.” The princess grinned. She took a step forward, skipping as she stood in front of Weiss. Weiss blinked as she saw the boy—girl wave at her. “Hello there, young knight. I believe I owe you a meeting you sooner than later.” She again, for the second time, gave her an apologetic smile.
 Weiss breathed out. “I didn’t wait for that long, your highness.” Ruby frowned and poked the knight's nose. “Ruby.”
 Weiss blinked. “What?” Ruby giggled and looked at her. “Call me Ruby. And no buts! Princess’ orders.” Weiss gaped at girl, but found her voice. “As you wish.”
 Ruby beamed at the response and looked at Ozpin. “I pick her.” Weiss was once again dumbfounded. Ozpin smiled and nodded. “As you wish, your highness.”
 Ruby looked at the knight. “What’s your name?”
 “Weiss. Weiss Schnee.”
 And that’s where everything had started. Her time as a valiant knight blossomed into fruition. As told by Ozpin, she pledged her loyalty to only serve the princess and to never leave her side. Ruby was delighted at the fact and would always run around with Weiss in tow. Although, there were a couple of times that Ruby would forgot that she needed a knight on her side to guard her and there was a time that Ruby had gotten herself hurt without the knight knowing. Weiss was livid. But not for the princess, but for herself. It took Ruby weeks to convince her that it wasn’t her fault, but her own. Still, Weiss was reluctant to accept the fact.
 Since then, the two were inseparable and was connected by the hip. Wherever Ruby go, Weiss was there. She always stayed by her side that it was painfully obvious as to what would be the outcome of their princess and her knight relationship. And Weiss was painfully aware of that fact.
 Weiss is in love with the princess.
 She knew that, by heart. As much as she tried to dismiss and deny it in the past, it was evident that she fell for her, hard. Her friends can vouch for that. Even Ozpin noticed it. But would she dare to confess? No! Because, according to her, she doesn’t deserve a princess like her. So she kept her mouth shut.
 “Weiss…” Ruby moaned, and Weiss flushed, cursing herself for thinking such thoughts. And her  red gown gave little to none in her imagination. “Can we go to the carnival, please?”
 “No, Ruby. You have to meet the other royal guests.” She replied. Ruby pouted, then a mischievous smile graze her lips. She gave Weiss her ultimate attack… puppy eyes. Weiss looked away, but the princess was stubborn. Well… so is she. “Your highness.” Her voice turned cold.
 Ruby backed away as soon as she heard her tone. She doesn’t like it when she use that voice on her. It was steely, cold and void of emotion. It made her feel unwelcomed. Weiss noticed this and sighed. “I’m sorry, Ruby.” Ruby shook her head and smiled, though it didn’t reached her eyes. Weiss flinched at the look. “It's okay. You are doing your job, and you're doing great at it.”
 Meaning, she’s intimidated. Weiss bit her lip and gulped. She’s sooo, going to regret this decision. She looked at the sad princess and cleared her throat to make her look at her.
 “After this… event. I’ll take you out.” She promised. Ruby perked up and kissed her on the cheek. Weiss’ eyes widen. “Thank you, Weiss! You’re the best.”
 Weiss dismissed the action, yet she can’t help but feel giddy and bit herself to keep her from squealing in delight. She observed Ruby interact with countless of men, trying to get on her good side, and maybe get a smooch or two. Weiss didn’t appreciate the actions, yet all she can do is stand there and make sure they didn’t get too close. But when a guy tries to hold her without the princess’s permission, she found herself growling and giving him the nastiest glare she could muster at the guy, her hand in the hilt of her sword. Not needing to be told once, the guy scrambled away.
 “My hero.” Giggled Ruby, only for Weiss to flush beside her in shades of red.
 True to her words, Weiss did try and take her out. Emphasis on the word try. Before Weiss even grabbed the opportunity to lead her outside, the princess was dragged to a meeting that left her all alone in the hallway muttering to herself.
 “Hey, Weiss!” She heard a chirp from behind. She swivel back and saw her fellow knight, Nora Valkyrie. She nodded a hello to her. “My, you look swell today, Ice Queen.” Nora grinned. Weiss rolled her eyes. Nora then thrust her hands on Weiss, shoving her a piece of paper. “Ciao, Ice Queen!”
 The white haired knight held the paper in her palm and read the text.
 “Go to my room. Whatever you see there, follow it. Then meet me in the garden. Love, Ruby.”
 Weiss raised an eyebrow in confusion, but proceed to follow her orders and move straight to the princess’ quarters. Her armored foot clang at the tiled floor as she stop in front of the door to knock. The door opened to reveal Blake Belladonna, another fellow knight. Then her eyes gazed at the bluish white dress laid elegantly on the bed.
 Blake offered a hand. “Here you are, my lady. Your dress.” Weiss blinked at her friend's antics and tried to question her, but was cut of and politely asked her to change her clothes, Ruby’s orders.
 Weiss can’t help but to scoff at the order. Ruby was having fun giving her orders, making her wear a dress of all people. Then her eyes met Pyrrha, she smiled at her and guide her to sit in front of the mirror. Weiss’ confusion grew more by the second. She also tried to ask the redhead, but the latter just smile as she fixed her hair and applied light makeup to her.
 “As a knight, you look dashing. But as a lady, you are a princess.” Vouched Pyrrha as she let the white haired knight see her reflection in the mirror.
 She briefly wondered who was the princess in the mirror before realizing that it was her own reflection. She, indeed, look like a princess. Her hair tied into a bun, with a little bit of hair falling on the side of her face. She wore an eyeliner and a light blue eye shadow to compliment her gown. A pearl necklace adorned the pristine skin of her neck. Her ear was adorned with an earring that fits her whole left ear in a shape of a half snowflake.
 Her eyes then met Blake and the raven haired knight smiled at her. “Time to go, Weiss. Your prince is waiting.” Her eyebrows met as she looked at her. “Prince?” Blake only smiled.
 Blake lead her to the garden. Under the tree where a swing is perched on the tree branch. The swing was occupied by none other than Ruby Rose. Then she noticed something different. Her dress was replaced by a suit.
 “Your Majesty. The princess is here.” Blake bowed. The royal stood up from where sat and looked behind her. She smiled at Blake and gave her a nod.
 Weiss began to drink in the figure in front of her. The princess—now a prince, looked absolutely dashing than any other men she met. Her hair was spiked, yet it fits her well. She was wearing a red prince’s coat, adorned with gold linings and embroidery. Her pants were sleek black, paired with black shoes. Her hands adorned with white gloves and a smile on her face as she look at the stunning woman in front of her. Ruby stepped forward and bowed, holding the latter's hand, kissing it.
 “Ruby? What’s with all of this?” Weiss asked as she watch her hands intertwine with the brunette.
 “Well, I figured that a woman like you, also needs to be treated like a princess.” Ruby gazed at the lustrous blue pools. “For the past twelve years, you have been appointed as my knight, by yours truly. And you’ve been doing a pretty good job guarding me and accompanying me all around.”
 Ruby took a deep breath. “I also noticed that, you don’t really have a time for yourself. And I sometimes ask myself if I’m depriving you of your alone time. And so..” Ruby outstretched her unoccupied arm and gestured to the garden. “This. This is the time, you are treated as a woman… as a princess.”
 Weiss didn’t know what to say. Her life as a woman are always been spent as a knight. As the arm of the princess she loyally serve. She guessed that, there’s no point as acting like a woman, she needs to act like a knight that will protect the princess from harm. She didn’t expect for Ruby to notice it though. Or that she would care about her. Because to her, she is just a knight.. nothing more nothing less.
 She looked at Ruby and their entangled hands. Her face burned in different shades of red as she stared at their hands. Ruby’s grip tighten and she looked at her as they walk through the garden.
 “You… my lady, are absolutely stunning.” She complimented. The white haired knight turned another shade of red. “Y-you’re just saying that..”
 Ruby stopped walking and faced her. “Weiss. When I say you’re beautiful. You are beautiful. You are gorgeous. Breathtakingly lovely. And…” Weiss waited. Ruby licked her lips, before biting her lower lip. “There was never a time that my eyes ever left its gaze on you. Remember when I appointed you as my knight?”
 Weiss nodded at her. Ruby gave her a smile. “I said, I had my eyes death set on someone. And that someone… is you.” Weiss’s eyes widen. Her mind's cogs started turning. She didn’t want to expect. She didn’t want to think. But she hoped that this wasn’t a dream.
 Ruby clasped both of the knight's hands and squeezed it. “I love you, Weiss. Ever since I saw you in the garden—no, from my window when you first stepped at the gates. I had always loved you. Even up till now.”
 Weiss fought her tears back. “But… I’m a knight… I’m your knight. A-and.. a knight shouldn’t be with a relationship with their command… much less a royal.” Ruby shook her head and stared at her with determination. “I don’t care. They can fight me for my decision, but it won’t change. My love for you won't change. I spent twelve whole years, keeping my feelings at bay. And now…” Ruby cried. “I don’t want to lose you.”
 Weiss blinked away her own tears and wiped a gloved hand on the royal’s eyes. “You won’t lose me. I’m your knight. I’ll stay with you, all our days together.” Ruby sniffles and smile. Weiss smiled back and said. “I love you.”
 Ruby leaned in and captured her princess’ lips. Ruby tilted her head and slipped her hands on her lover's cheeks, her right thumb rubbing the side of her cheek. Weiss’ hands made its way on the brunette’s chest, fisting her coat as they deepen the kiss. Weiss broke away and stared at the prince with her half lidded eyes. Ruby does the same, a smile dancing in her lips.
 “Will you be my girlfriend, Weiss?” Weiss chuckled and snaked her arms on the latter’s neck. “You don’t know how long I’ve waited for you to say those words.” And with that, a kiss once again was made under the moonlit sky. The moon shining above them, and the stars twinkled in delight. A new flower blossomed under the moonlight’s gaze.
I made a debate in my own mind as I think of what I would choose for this day's prompt. And in the end I picked this.
I decided to make Weiss a knight because it fits her well. And as for Ruby, I have my mind settled on her being either a femme or a futch. Plus, I want Ruby to be a princess.
They don’t have an age gap. Both are nine at the start and on the end they’re twenty-one.
Weiss is actually a princess, but the kingdom was gone. And yes, she’s an orphan. Ozpin adopted her.
Ruby likes guy clothes. She was actually called ‘Prince’ at some point. Especially when she wears the royal suit.
Weiss realized her feelings when Ruby was nearly assassinated by Adam Taurus. Blake killed him out of saving her friend when he almost struck Ruby with a sword.
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firesoulstuff · 5 years
Til The End of The Road
A super prompt from the @dccwrarepairswap, for @singledarkshade
Gideon has a human body now, but whether or not it actually works is an entirely different matter. Rip waits rather impatiently for the answer to that question, and passes the time by thinking back on some key moments he's spent with her.
Read on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/19992136
Such a simple word, Rip thinks, perhaps a tad ironically. He must have used that word over a billion times in his life, yet he can barely recall even a handful of instances in which the situation at hand were actually ok.
This situation is hardly among those.
The word hasn’t even come from him, but from Nora Darhk, her hands on her hips and her voice a breathy huff that doesn’t sound entirely convinced.
“Now we just wait and see.”
He nods; numb, and then he catches himself so he looks up at her, and he pretends not to see the uncertainty on her face.
“Thank you.”
“Of course.” She says in return, her expression unchanged, and she’s quick to follow Dr. Palmer from the room.
Leaving him alone with Gideon.
She looks much like he’d always imagined she would, and yet so much more real than any dream could ever provide. Her hair is a bit shorter than he’d always thought, but he likes it, it looks good on her.
He reaches out cautiously and takes her hand in his, unable to help the tears that start to well up in his eyes when her skin is soft and real in his grasp. She’s on oxygen right now, things had turned bad very quickly in the seconds following Nora’s spell. They knew it was a possibility; her body not aware how to function yet might not be able to breathe on it’s own at first. Luckily she stabilized almost immediately once the mask was placed on her face, and hopefully she won’t need it much longer.
He sighs, short, relieved, but still so scared as he traces his thumb over her knuckles.
They’ve been through so much together the two of them, and sitting here with nothing but the beautiful sound of her heart monitor’s soft beeping to keep him company, he can’t help but think back on it all.
There is a part of him that can’t believe he’s really here. After everything that happened in the academy, after he was nearly kicked out for no reason other than loving Miranda, and after she so selflessly sacrificed her place with the Time Master’s so that he may keep his. After so many degrading years, many more than what is typical, of serving as an apprentice, he can’t believe that he is finally here in The Hanger.
Time Master Declan has seemed more irritated than proud ever since he showed up, but then again he never did agree with Miranda’s decision.
Rip still isn’t sure he does either, but it was her choice, he couldn’t stop her, and she was going to make it regardless of his actions.
Declan opens the loading ramp of the ship without a word.
“The Waverider has been out of commission for quite some time.” He says as they board, and Rip is TRYING not to let his excitement show, even if he is receiving the most beat up of the hand-me-downs. “Her last Captain was a great man, served us for many years before retiring, I suppose we almost retired the ship as well.”
Declan stops then, in the middle of the corridor, and raises a grey eyebrow at him.
“Can I trust that you are going to be another great man?”
For a moment he falters, caught off guard by the question, but he does his best to recover.
“Yes Sir.” He says, “I promise I won’t let you down.”
The look Declan gives is more than enough to make it clear he has already, years ago, let him down.
They move on to the bridge, and really the ship looks just like any other Rip has ever been on board, but there is something about looking around this one, because this is his ship.
“Allow me to introduce you to the ship’s AI.” Declan says, “Gideon?”
Above the holo-table a light blue, minimally featured, female head appears with a smile.
“Hello, Time Master Declan.” She says, and then turns her attention to him.
“Gideon.” Declan says, gesturing over to him. “This is Rip Hunter, The Waverider’s new Captain.”
“Hello, Captain Hunter.” The AI greets him. “It is a pleasure to meet you.”
“You as well, Gideon.”
“How ya holding up?”
The words pull him out of his memories.
Sara has appeared in the doorway, her arms folded across herself and her gaze lingering on Gideon.
“I’m alright.” He promises, his gaze following hers and then flitting up to the heart monitor, and then back. “Gideon is too, I believe.”
Sara nods, tiredly. It’s been a rather long day, and he was only here for the second part of it. He’s only been gone, dead, frozen in time… whatever, for a year and already so much as changed.
It may not seem like a lot, but all the little changes add up.
Sara and Ava are a proper couple.
Ms. Darhk has joined their team, and with an apparent change in the timeline so has Ms. Tomaz’s brother.
Magical creatures are a part of the world now.
History as he knows it, more or less, is no longer the reality of the world.
He doesn’t sleep after leaving Salvation.
It took everything in him to peel himself away, after weeks of lying low to throw the time pirate’s off their trail, as well as make a few repairs to The Waverider, he almost didn’t go.
If not for the promise of Miranda and their unborn child waiting for him, he might have stayed.
Jonah stayed, and he won’t deny it’s lonely that first night in the time stream.
“Gideon?” He asks, for she is his only company now. “You feel emotions, don’t you?” She must. The way she speaks to him and Jonah sometimes, particularly after they make an ill-advised decision, he can’t imagine she doesn’t.
“Of a sort.” She answers, and he thinks the pause between his question and her answer might have been almost a hair too long, as though she were thinking. “I am programed to assist my Captain and crew in protecting the timeline, and to advise them of the course of action that is most in their best interest. So, I suppose, I am programed to care.”
He frowns, that is hardly the answer he’d been hoping for.
“Yes,” he says, “But… You think, don’t you? For yourself? Do you ever wonder if we’re doing the right thing? Leaving history as it is rather than improving it?”
This time, Rip knows he is not imagining it when the silence drags out.
Though, eventually, she answers him.
“We should arrive at The Vanishing Point within the next six hours, Captain.”
“Gah!” He jumps awake, (when had he fallen asleep?) and nearly falls from his chair.
Ava is looking at him, worry etched into her features as she backs off. The room has gone dark around him, at some point, but not so dark he can’t see he is about to receive an order from someone he once gave orders to, it seems to be a pattern in his life.
Speaking of which, the first person to ever realize he was full of bull more often than he wasn’t, the first to realize she was really in charge, but oftentimes followed his lead anyway (and look where it got her) is still sleeping soundly in the bed next to him.
With her oxygen mask gone.
“She’s making progress Rip.” Ava assures him. “Fast progress. There’s no reason to believe her body will reject Nora and John’s magic. Go sleep.”
“I was sleeping.” It’s a weak, no; it’s a pathetic response. One that earns him nothing more than an angry glare from Ava.
But, he stands by it.
Ava rolls her eyes, her stance tightens; she is thinking over her next move. But the fact of the matter is that there is no next move, no argument, which she can throw at him that will get him to leave this chair.
“Open this door Gideon!”
“I’m sorry Captain,” Her voice chimes from the ceiling, though he hardly hears it between his fists pounding against the door and the blood boiling in his ears. “But you need to calm down first.”
“Shut up!”
He shutters with regret the instant that phrase leaves his lips, but he punches the heavy steel of the door all the same and doesn’t apologize.
“I need to get to the Time Council!”
“What you need to get, Captain, is some rest. If you address the council in this state-”
“Oh shut up!”
He can already hear Mother’s nagging voice in his mind, as well as feel the light slap of her hand on his arm. He knows better than to act like this, throwing a tantrum like a child. But this is justified. Miranda and Jonas….
He needs to get to the Time Council.
Gideon doesn’t speak again for a long while, not until after he has wailed himself into exhaustion and taken a seat against a crate, nothing else to do in the loading dock.
“I might advise not shouting at the Time Council to “shut up” in the event that your mission does not go according to plan. Best of luck, Captain.”
It’s been days now.
Fast progress indeed, he thinks to himself with an impatient huff. He has been sitting in this chair in the Time Bureau med-bay for nearly a week, and aside from no longer needing her oxygen mask there has been no change in Gideon’s condition. The Legends and their friends, nearly all of who are practical strangers to him, look less and less hopeful with each visit. Sara, Ava, and Raymond keep trying to get him to leave.
But where would he go?
He’s near certain his apartment is no longer there; he’s been dead for over a year, surely the landlord has rented it out by now. Besides, it isn’t like there is anything in that apartment he’s eager to get back to. There is no family, no pictures; it was always just bare bones and a mattress to sleep on. He was never there when he was running The Time Bureau, always telling himself his work was too important to be wasting time watching television or whatever else it would be that he would do in an empty apartment.
He shutters thinking about it, and wonders how it is he managed to lie so profoundly even to himself.
The answer is lying right before him.
The Time Bureau is working.
Five years strong, no disasters. The opposite, in fact. History is on a safe and stable course. There have been no dire aberrations, missions are running smoothly, and new recruits are showing progress. Not to mention their science department has managed to improve on time travel itself.
They’ve come up with time couriers: small devices that allow for individuals to travel through time without the need of a clunky ship.
Which, up until recently, hadn’t even been an option.
He knew when he founded The Bureau that time would eventually catch up with him and he would stumble upon The Legends, it was part of the reason he went all the way back to 2012 to start with. It was near enough in their own pasts that they weren’t likely to show up too soon, yet far enough that he could have either a well-established system in place by the time they caught up, or he could have failed and found a different path in life. When it turned out to be the former outcome he was proud, gleeful even, but that victory is proving to be bittersweet.
He must prevent any disaster like them from ever happening again, no matter the cost.
“Gideon.” He pleads; they key for her systems in its slot but not yet turned, his fingers gripping it firmly. “Please understand. If there were another way…” He really doesn’t know what it is he’s trying to tell her, because there is no other way.
“You have my word that The Waverider will continue to be used for training purposes.” He tries, thinking that perhaps it might put her at ease, to know he isn’t simply scrapping the ship. No. He would never.
“Of course,” she finally says, a wounded edge to her voice that he’s expected and yet it hurts him all the same. “Goodbye, Rip.”
He was – is - such a stupid, stupid man.
He wondered back then, often, why he did turn her off. He would tell himself it was necessary, because the Waverider needed to be off in order to use it for training purposes, and she was part of the ship.
However, for a stupid man, he can’t quite seem to fool himself forever.
He knows, now at the forefront of his mind, and back then probably somewhere deep down, that the reason he did it was stupid and selfish.
He had finally done something right in creating the Time Bureau. After all of his mistakes and his failures, he had done something good. But then The Legends crashed, Gideon with them, and he just knew that somewhere in the Time Bureau, something had to be wrong. It was his creation, of course it wasn’t as good as it seemed, he just hadn’t known where the fault lie and he didn’t want her finding it first.
Of course, the fault was him.
He wipes some of the unshed tears from his eyes with one hand, the one which isn’t holding hers.
“I am so sorry Gideon.” He blubbers, “Truly I am.”
He shudders, tries to breathe and compose himself enough to speak even as the fears fill his head.
He has made so, so many mistakes. He sees that now, missing an entire year of one’s own life can certainly give you some perspective. He’s tried; oh he has tried so many times, to find his place. From the Time Masters, to Salvation, the Legends, and the Time Bureau… but in one way or another he’s always managed to ruin it.
He can’t have ruined her, them, too.
His eyes are burning with tears by the time he gives in, accepts that he isn’t going to be able to compose himself.
“But please… I don’t know what I’ll do if you don’t wake up.”
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becomestorm · 5 years
the night was nature's sort of quiet. she awoke to the sound of crickets with something soft against her, stirring. they must have fallen asleep. lotus dragon's brow knit, they looked troubled. she shifted herself so their head could rest against something softer. fingers carded through threads of ebony, her other hand held onto theirs, softly she sang a lullaby. maybe... just maybe their nightmare could be changed to a dream. she'd hate to wake them when rest was so hard for them to find.
unscripted nugget.
❛   you aren’t a burden.
ren was but three summer’s old when the cruelty of the extended lie family made their first impact. a noble and endangered lineage must conserve their bloodline, while at the same time weeding out the weak. lie fei hong was beautiful and charming, but ren loved her because she was kind. the first to aid them when they would fall and graze their knee, she’d weave their hair, protect them from teasing, and she was by far ren’s favourite cousin. none of this mattered to their patriarch, and because she was not gifted in academics or huntress skills she was married into a different family. a baby ren didn’t understand until far far later, and had thought fei just decided to go and leave them behind. the second instance of cruelty came not long after that. six years old and they were betrothed, doomed to suffer the same fate as their beloved fei. from a very young age, ren knew that love was not for them. that choice had been made for them, along with their future. they would not be a burden, they would uphold the family honour. this is how lies treated their loved ones.
❛   please,   just stay for a little while.   i don’t want to be alone.
ren was eight   (   on the eve of spring equinox, they had been eight and a day   )   when they learned of sacrifice. their mother, beloved lie zhilan, youngest daughter of the patriarch, ran away with her roguish lover and a child born out of wedlock. dispute about ren’s stance as an heir had made them them the target of ridicule since they were born, and so both parents would eventually elope to oniyuri. or so they thought. there they sacrificed everything to keep their child safe   ;   their statuses, their lives, their home, and then their lives. the stupid little fantasies in ren’s novels would often forgo the devastation, and romanticise loss in the name of love, would sugarcoat the complexes and deep seated heartache of tearing apart such vital pieces of themselves. that had been love. it had been in the way their mother would light up when father came home, when she cried over missing her siblings, when he’d brush her hair behind her ears, when she tended to his wounds. when an, and ren, would be the only one to make li smile on his worst and most painful days. this is how rens treat their loved ones.
❛   you aren’t alone.
an affinity for ice had named her glacial girl. the snowstorm of her trademark schnee hair, white wild blue fire in her eyes had deterred all but those select few from understanding the fragility of her faith. broken by the man meant to mould her, and then countless others who had tried to tear apart her innocence had forced her hand. ‘round her a fortresses of frozen walls had erected, waiting for that which might wait patiently for one of them to melt. her reflection would often dance in shadows of this ice prison, every so often ren would spy a smile, hear a laugh, coax out the mysticism of the stars on long lonely nights with naught but bitter brew to keep them company. there was kindness there, in how the walls would melt just enough to water the flowers ren planted by the citadel walls. ren had stopped waiting for them to melt, content that come what may they’d be happy with what they had. they’d all but stopped paying attention ‘til the second they’d been lost to their own inner turmoil, a tempest had ravaged their own barriers and left them vulnerable in the wake of their pain. without noticing, princess had emerged from the walls to wrap them in her fine velvet cloak.   (   “ it’s me. don’t worry, i’ll make sure you’re safe. ”   )   there, where ren had learnt of love’s sacrifice, they allowed themselves to feel again.
❛   how is your grimm statistics report going   ?
what was love   ?   they wondered. they ought to. their very name could mean it. ren, by definition   :   benevolence, humanity, and love. qing ren, by definition   :   lover. for so long their semblance had deprived them of such thoughts, allowed them to feel nothing but grief, anger, and sadness. it had taken them too long to see them morph into something new, the old ache in their chest that would pang with loneliness now did so with something else instead, something indescribable because ren had never known it themselves. they had seen it, heard of it, read about it, dreamt of it, maybe, but never experienced it. in equal parts the new feeling was elation and hurt, anxiety and calm, solemnity and fury. it was too much, and too little. it was the taste of blueberry smoothies, the pleasant flutter of butterflies kissing skin, the sight of a star sea across a vast open field, the sound of girlish chimed laughter ringing with delight. it was watching the flush spread across the apples of cheeks, the silken caress of starlit strands on long scarred fingers, and the thumping heartbeat at the sight of pearlescent tears, her hands outstretched and cradling their treasured resin charm.
❛   ah,   mine’s already finished.
ren rarely reached sleep deep enough to have nightmares, but when they did they were always suffocating. the smog of nuckelavee breath was a staple, until grimm ichor was near palpable on their tongue. it coated their mouth, and lungs and congealed until breathing felt like a hot drag across a pit of coals. in them they always see and hear the voices of their loved ones falling into into the abyss of blackened primordial tar, and they are always too late. they live to see everyone die before them. cooling touch along their hand beckoned they turn the other way, and just like that waking was instantaneous, but not jarring. ren’s eyes remained closed, but their synapses started firing off gathered intel. were they safe   ?   yes. were their weapons nearby   ?   not apparent. what else   ?   ren focused quietly on the feeling of weiss’ hand trail through the choppy strands framing their face. they could tell it was her because of her scent, floral with a hint of vanilla, signature even when at beacon. they could remember the scent of her blanket when she would shroud it over their sleeping form. her cloak in kuroyuri had carried the same scent. upon recognition, their head tilted down into the pillow of her lap, puffing out a few clouds of lily scented smoke. happiness. safety.
❛   i used to be terrified of the dark.
the dragon had been on their side, facing the outer edge of the couch. still feigning sleep they rolled over so their forehead pressed into her hip, so they could curl in on themselves and hide their face. they couldn’t remember the last time they’d entrusted those parts of themselves to someone without fear they would break them, or how she allowed them into parts of her life other people rarely got to see. even when they’d only met one another they had the instinctive knowledge that the both of them crafted masks, even if their reasons differed. who was the last person they’d trusted to cradle their broken pieces   ?   not even nora knew the extent of the damage in kuroyuri. if she had seen them break down like they had, then it wasn’t since they were children. throughout their nightmares in beacon, their long sleepless nights, and in the recovery process of the nuckelavee’s defeat weiss’ presence had been a soothing balm over decade long wounds. and they had allowed her something terrifying, the ability to ruin them, some reign over their emotions that should she leave, should she pass, ren wasn’t sure if they could handle the heartache.
oh, gods.
❛   it is quite ridiculous,   isn’t it   ?
if they focused hard enough, they could hear the slight clink noise of their red thread bracelet on her wrist, the silver clasps touching. eyes barely opened, they brimmed until they couldn’t see beyond the distortion of their lashes. ren bit down on their lip to stop any sound from escaping, willed their body to stop seizing. a single tear fell from the duct of hazy magenta hue and rolled across their nose bridge, over a cheekbone to drip onto weiss’ skirts. the only sound grounding them was her lullaby, murmur quiet to a backdrop of crickets and night song.
❛   not in the slightest.
i’m in love.
i’m terrified.
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evielynfic · 7 years
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PART ONE OF THE “RE” SERIES RATING: MA FANDOM(S): Teen Wolf PAIRING(S): Derek Hale/OC SUMMARY: Derek has been bitten by an unknown supernatural, so the pack has no choice but to lock him up in case the venom from the bite has adverse effects on him. Sophie stays with her best friend to keep an eye on him and keep him company. Sophie just thought her Friday night was going to be boring.
A/N: Hey, guys! Here is my latest story featuring Derek Hale. This is an idea I had one day that I couldn’t help but write. While the creature is not identified yet, you may be able to guess what it is. With that said, I’ve added my own twist to the creature, so it definitely has added traits to it to fit the plot more. Due to the nature of the plot, this story is definitely on the mature side.
While there is an original character, this can be read as an imagine. That was my idea when I initially started writing it, but I prefer to write in third person. I didn’t delve into Sophie’s character too deeply, so you can imagine her how you want to. I imagined her as being played by Nora Arnezeder if you would like a visual. Her age isn’t mentioned, but she’s a year or two younger than Derek. It’s set about a year after Season 3A, but Derek is still an Alpha.
Please excuse any errors because I’m sure there are plenty and this was not beta’d.
Disclaimer: I do not own Teen Wolf, nor any of the characters. All characters belong to Jeff Davis, except for Sophie, who belongs to me. This story contains mature and sexual content/situations, so read at your own risk.
Warnings: Dominant!Alpha Derek, lots of smut, and swearing. 
"Come on, Soph."  
Sophie tuned out the pleading voice behind her, keeping her focus on the textbook on the table in front of her and the pencil in her hand. She had been sitting there in the same spot for nearly three hours, trying to complete her homework while she had nothing better to do except ignore the man in the room with her.  
She had not intended to spend her night holed up in an abandoned building in the creepiest part of town, but Sophie had been convinced to watch a sour werewolf who had been bitten by a supernatural creature that remained a mystery. The bite had been quick, but was deep on his forearm and had grimy blackish-green liquid dribbling out of the wound. Sophie tried her best to block out the image of the creature attacking her best friend. It had taken off before Derek could even think about retaliating.
The bite wound had healed like any other injury, but Deaton had suggested to keep the younger Hale confined until they could figure out what had bitten him. What hadn't surprised Sophie was that Derek had readily agreed to go into the cell, lest he attack anyone if the bite or venom did have any ill effects. Hours had passed, and it seemed even Derek had limits on patience.  
"Please let me out, Sophie. I have no symptoms, and it's been hours," Derek tried to reason as he leaned on the bars of the steel cell he had been locked in, a straining noise sounding from his weight.
Sophie turned her head toward the Alpha for the first time in a few hours, her eyes studying him to make sure he wasn't lying. She could see the sweat glistening on his skin and various spots on the tank top he wore, but she had also been sweating a bit from the poor ventilation in the building. Derek didn't seem any different to her, and she was one of the few people who had been allowed to see Derek past his tough exterior and thick walls to know if he was actually affected or not.  
She sighed and set her pencil down on her notebook, slowly turning around on the chair that she had found just as the gang left her and Derek in the building. She remembered Scott's words playing in her head as he had taken her aside and talked her into staying with Derek.  
"You're the one he's closest to. If something were to happen, he most likely won't hurt you. He also saved your life—again."  
Sophie had agreed after hearing the younger Alpha's words, not that she had needed a lot of convincing in the first place. If Derek did attack her, she would be defenseless against him as a measly human, despite the fact that he had taught her to defend herself even after turning down his offer to receive the bite. While the rest of the pack were some of her closest friends, Derek had become like the older brother she had never had over the past couple of years.
After Derek lost Boyd and Erica and was betrayed by Jennifer in the most despicable way over a year ago, she could always sense the loneliness and guilt that Derek carried with him, even though he hid it well. With Cora and Isaac out of the country and Peter doing his own thing, she had stayed close to Derek, never giving up on him no matter how many times he had tried pushing her away.  
Sophie also knew that had she not been out in the woods in the dark by herself, they wouldn't be in the situation they were at that moment. She was just waiting for Derek to point that out to her.  
"You know, just because you seem like Derek doesn't mean I'm going to let you out," Sophie replied finally. "Deaton warned me not to open the door until they came back with something substantial or called to let me know it was fine."  
"Well, at least stop ignoring me. Do I look like someone who would hurt you? I didn't ask to get bitten by some unknown entity." Derek raised his brows. "Besides, if I really wanted to get out of here, don't you think I could without much effort and would have already?"  
His arms were threaded through the bars, his weight heavy against the door as he leaned almost lazily against it. She didn’t doubt that he could easily break out of the cell if he really so desired. Deaton had claimed it was made of reinforced steel, but it looked like it had seen better days with rust covering nearly every inch of it.  
The building they were in was off by itself on the edge of town, and she didn't bother asking what they had done there before its demise. She had wondered how Deaton had known about the place before pushing the question out of her thoughts. Although it looked every bit like a dirty, abandoned building with dust covering nearly every inch from disuse, it had a fully functioning bathroom and shower that looked less grimy than the rest of it.  
Sophie blew out a breath and stood up off the chair. "Fine," she relented as she closed the short distance between them and stood at the cell door. She mirrored his stance, leaning opposite him on the steel door only a few feet away from where he stood. "How are you feeling, really?"  
"I told you, I feel fine," Derek reassured her, his green eyes meeting her blue ones.  
"To be honest, I turned my back to you because I hate seeing you locked up like this," Sophie admitted, lowering her eyes to the grungy concrete floor.  
"It's not the first time, and won't be the last, I'm sure," he replied, watching her. "How are you doing?"  
Sophie met his gaze again, not at all surprised that he would be worried about her well-being. "I'm good," she answered with a small smile. "Thanks to you."  
"Why were you even out, anyway?" Derek asked curiously. "I know that you're a night owl, but you should know better than to be out alone at night in this town."
Sophie sighed. "I know, it was stupid. I just needed to clear my head after he had called, so I went for a run. I didn’t want to bother anyone."  
Derek sensed her frustration and sadness, anger coursing through his body at the thought of her ex contacting her. "What did the douche want this time?"  
"He wanted to meet up this weekend. His excuse was that he hadn't seen me in months, and we needed to catch up," Sophie explained, staring at the wall a few feet in front of her at the back of the cell.  
"Tell me that you didn't agree to it," Derek returned through gritted teeth.  
"Hell no," Sophie retorted. "Ben only wants one thing—he always has. He's probably between girls and thinks he can use me as his booty call."  
"You deserve so much more than that piece of shit," Derek responded, digging his nails into his palms to try to stifle his anger.  
"I know," Sophie responded, glancing in his direction before looking back down at the floor.  
"You should have called sooner. It could have been you in this cell instead of me," he admitted finally, moving closer to her so that their arms were touching. "I would have gone out with you. You never have to worry about bothering me."
"I know, I should have, Der. I wasn't thinking. He makes me so crazy because he knows exactly what to say to draw me back in, even if it's just a for a fleeting moment. And then, I hate myself for even considering it."  
"Don't let him get to you," Derek replied, taking her hand in his and squeezing it in a comforting gesture. "Please don’t hate yourself. Trust me, it won't do you any good."
Sophie smiled, squeezing Derek's hand in return.  
After a few minutes of comfortable silence, Sophie checked her phone to see if she had received any texts from the gang. She wasn't completely surprised that she hadn't since they had virtually nothing to go on except the small sample of venom that Deaton had gotten from Derek’s arm after the bite had healed.  
"Are you hungry?" Sophie asked, mulling over the few options they had to choose from in town. "I mean, it's nearly midnight, but I can go pick something up if you want."  
"I could eat, but there aren't going to be many options at this hour," Derek pointed out.  
"I can text Scott to see if his mom can make something and have it brought over," Sophie suggested, pulling up her friend on her phone. "I think she's off tonight."  
"If you think she'll do that, go ahead," Derek responded, shifting against the door. 
It was about forty-five minutes later when Sophie received another text from Scott to let her know that they were outside with the food.  
"Stiles and Scott are outside," Sophie informed her temporary roommate. "I'm going to go run out and grab the food since a bad storm is heading this way. They're not afraid to face all kinds of deadly creatures, but God forbid they get caught in a thunderstorm." She couldn't help but smile at the dramatic eye roll she received from her friend.
She placed her phone on the table beside her things before beginning to make her way out of the building. She wasn't completely lying about the storm since there was one headed their way, but she had wanted to speak with the two boys to see if there were any updates. Sophie knew Derek would most likely overhear them if he wanted to, anyway.
"Okay, I'll just wait here," Derek responded dryly as he watched her retreating figure disappear through the door.  
Sophie jogged out to the jeep that held two of her friends as they rolled down the passenger side window. Scott held out a large brown paper bag to her before handing her another larger duffle bag that she placed on her shoulder.  
"Thanks for coming, guys," Sophie said as she leaned against the metal door of the powder blue Jeep. "And for getting all this."  
"No problem. How's he holding up?" Scott asked curiously, his brows knitting together.  
"He seems like himself," Sophie answered honestly.  
"Oh, nice and grumpy, huh?" Stiles chimed in with a side smirk.  
She shook her head, ignoring the jab. "If the venom has adverse symptoms, he's not showing any. I don't get why we have to keep him locked up."
"Deaton said the signs could take a while, depending on the type of venom. I called him on the way over, and he's still running tests on the sample," Scott responded, a frown etched on his face. "I don't like keeping him locked up, either, but until we know for sure, Derek needs to stay here."  
Sophie nodded with a sigh. "I know, I'll just keep playing babysitter," she joked, but her smile didn't reach her eyes. "I'm just a junior in college who has nothing better to do on a Friday night." Her voice was thickly laced with sarcasm, but it was well known that sarcasm was one of her coping mechanisms.
"Hey, we know it's not easy for you to see him like this," Scott commented with sympathy in his brown eyes. "We also know you're blaming yourself."  
"Yeah, we know how much you care about him," Stiles added in a quiet voice with a similar look, his features more serious than before.  
Sophie met both of their knowing glances, but didn't respond. When a clap of thunder sounded in the distance, she pushed herself off the door before beginning to walk backwards a few steps. "Thanks again for bringing us food and other necessities."  
"No problem," they replied in unison.  
Sophie gave them a small smile, turning to head back into the building before the storm hit.  
"Hey, Soph," Scott called out to her.  
She stopped and turned around toward them once again. "Yeah?"  
"Be careful and contact us immediately if anything changes."  
"Will do," she responded before jogging back into the building as the thunder sounded again, much louder than before.  
After she had gotten a few feet into the building, the sky seemed to open up and released a heavy downpour. She glanced up at the roof as she continued further into the building, thankful that it seemed to be without any significant holes. As she entered the interior room where Derek was being kept, she adjusted the duffle bag on her shoulder to keep it from slipping and peeked into the paper bag to see what food they had.  
"Oh, sweet, Melissa gave us some lasagna. It is to die for," Sophie began as she set the food down on one side of the chair. She also set the duffle bag down on the chair and began to rifle through it. "They also grabbed some clothes and toiletries for us, just in case. The most important of those things—toilet paper."
Digging through the bag, she saw some of her own clothes along with some of Derek's, two toothbrushes, a tube of toothpaste, deodorant, soap, shampoo, two towels, and the aforementioned rolls of toilet paper. After digging some more to see if there was anything else in the bag, she found a box, her eyebrow raising in confusion. She pulled the box out of the bag enough, noticing the note stuck to it written in familiar handwriting.  
It never hurts to be prepared!
She removed the note so that she could read the label of the box before she quickly dropped it back in the bag, like the offending thing had burned her. Magnum condoms, she thought to herself. I am going to kill them.  
"Hey, Derek, are you still with me?" Sophie asked, hoping the blush on her face and the catch in her throat weren't obvious.
Glancing up finally toward the cell after not hearing a word from the younger Hale, Sophie froze at what she saw. The cell door was bent into an indecipherable shape that looked more like origami than a door as the object hung loosely on its hinges. The small cell was empty, which both worried and frightened her a bit. Her eyes quickly darted around the room for the Alpha as she began to reach for her phone that she had left on the table.  
"Der?" She called out tentatively, trying to steady her voice.  
She felt a wave of great unease run through her the longer he went without answering and when she realized her phone was gone, quickly shuffling through her messenger bag that she had set on the floor by the table. She didn't know what was going on, but whatever it was, it was not good.
"Looking for something?" A smooth, deep voice rang out from a shadowed corner of the room.  
Sophie froze once again, realization dawning on her that Derek had taken her phone. She swallowed before standing to her feet, turning to face the corner where the voice originated from as she noticed glowing red eyes staring back at her. As he stepped forward out of the darkness into the faint light that was in the room, he held up the device she had been searching for in his hand before crushing it effortlessly.  
She watched as he let the remains fall out of his hand onto the floor. Sophie then noticed that he was still inching toward her, as if stalking his prey. Whatever was going on had to be from the venom in his system. She normally wouldn’t be afraid of Derek, even when he was a fully transformed, but the Derek in front of her sent a chill down her spine. He wore an almost sinister look as his lips curled into a smirk that reminded her a lot of Peter, only worse.  
She hadn't realized she had been backing away from him, inching slowly closer to the door to the room until her back hit a wall. It was soon clear that she would never make it to that door.  
"Why are you so scared, Soph?" Derek asked, sensing her fear mounting as he neared her. "It's your best friend, Derek." Even his voice sounded off, a hint of devilish intent with a captivating edge to it.  
"I'm not," she insisted, knowing it was a lie they both saw through.  
When he suddenly closed the distance between them, she let out a gasp as he blocked her in against the wall, each arm caging her in place on either side. His eyes were all but daring her to try to run as they remained their brilliant red color.  
"I know you're not going to hurt me, Derek," Sophie remarked confidently.  
"You sound so sure of that," he responded, dipping his lips against her ear.  
His voice sent a shiver down her spine as his hot breath fanned her face. She swallowed to try to re-wet her dry throat before she placed her hands on the hard planes of his chest to move him away from her. Even though she was using all of her strength, she soon gave up since it was like trying to move a mountain. She hadn't moved him an inch, and her efforts seemed to spur him on further as he moved closer.  
"You don't really want me to move, do you?" Derek asked, his voice husky in her ear. "I can tell you don't; you like having me close. In fact, I think you like it a lot."  
"Derek, please don't," she pleaded, knowing he could usually read her like an open book when she let him.  
Sophie had always been afraid that he would figure out what she felt for him by her smell and feelings, so she tried her best to stay as guarded around him as possible. Scott had easily picked up on it months ago, but Derek had never even alluded to knowing her secret.  
"Don't what?" He asked as if he was oblivious. He ran his nose down her neck, breathing in her scent and chemosignals that radiated off her skin.  
"This isn't you, Der," Sophie tried reasoning, meeting his blazing eyes.  
"Oh, but is it, sweetheart," he responded in a sickly-sweet voice. "I'm the Alpha. I make the decisions here." He further emphasized his point by molding his body to hers, allowing her to feel every hard inch of him.  
"I'm not your Beta, Derek," she commented, trying to sound confident, but her voice was betraying her.  
"I can easily fix that," he challenged, running his fanged teeth over her pulse point.  
When Derek ran a hand over her cheek and trailed it down her neck slowly but surely, leaving her skin scorching, she couldn't help the whimper that fell from her lips. His smirk should have frightened her to the bone, but it didn't.  
"What do you want?" She found herself asking before she had even realized it.
"I think you already know the answer to that," he replied in a softer voice with the seductive edge still present as he ran his hands down her sides slowly. "Don't you feel it?"  
Part of her thought Derek was referring to the hard bulge straining in his jeans against her lower abdomen, but then the other part knew better. Sophie knew he was referring to the electricity hanging in the air between them. She didn't know how, but she did feel something. A familiar pull was urging her forward, the one she had felt drawing her to him since they had met.  
She closed her eyes then, chewing on her bottom lip as he continued to brush his lips and elongated teeth over her skin. Sophie tried to keep her body from reacting to his closeness and touch, but it wasn't working very well.  
"This is the venom in your system," Sophie stated finally, her voice nearly gone. "It's making you do this."  
“The venom may be fueling what's already there, but my actions are definitely my own," Derek insisted, his hands trailing back up her sides.  
"What do you mean?" She asked, opening her eyes and meeting his bright red ones.  
Derek remained quiet for a moment before running his tongue languidly over his lips and teeth as he raked his eyes over her trembling body before him. One might think that it stemmed from fear, but he sensed that that had been overcome by the desire that hung heavy in the air.  
"Isn't it obvious, or do you need a not-so-little hint?"  
When she didn't answer immediately, he bucked his hips against hers in quick succession, eliciting a moan from her at the action as his meaning hit her like a ton of bricks. Sophie couldn't stop the pull in her lower belly if she wanted to then, not that she even had the will or strength to stop the familiar feeling forming between her legs.  
She noticed as he took in a deep breath, the resulting noise filling her ears as a deep, guttural growl sounded from deep within Derek's throat. It was like something had taken over him then, more than it already had, his features becoming even more feral than before as he eyed her hungrily.  
When the claws on his thumbs flicked over her breasts, the sharp, jagged edges easily finding her already pert nipples through her thin shirt and bra, Sophie couldn't help the loud moan that came out of her mouth. The act caused her to arch her back towards him and sent shockwaves straight to her already dampening core. She moaned his name then when he repeated the action once more, causing him to react even more as he tore her shirt and bra, pulling the ruined fabric from her body.  
She gripped his tank top as he began hungrily kissing and nipping down her neck, his hips digging into hers and his hands kneading, pinching, and squeezing her bare breasts as all sense and reason seeped further out of his mind. He soon discarded the shirt he wore, ripping it off his body as the need to feel her skin against his own heightened. He felt a shudder run down him as soon he felt the slight satisfaction at feeling her breasts pushed against his hard chest, but he soon wanted more.  
"Fuck," Derek growled out.  
Sophie writhed against him as she felt her high building, feeling a sense of calm envelope her as he wrapped his arms around her half-naked body. When his lips finally met hers in a searing kiss, she felt her knees nearly buckle from the amount of passion and want behind it. He must have felt her weakness because the next thing she knew, he had scooped her up into his strong arms, his hips grinding against her with a purpose.  
"Derek," Sophie begged between kisses, her senses overwhelming her.
He took her pleading words to heart as he moved them away from the wall then, carrying her swiftly to the table in the middle of the room. Derek quickly and roughly shoved everything off the surface, sending her textbooks, papers that contained her notes, and pencil flying every which way onto the floor. He set her down on the surface, quickly fitting himself between her legs once again as he pulled her to the very edge of the table against him.  
Sophie ran her hands down over the hard muscles of his back and chest as he reconnected their mouths, as if he hadn't just been kissing her into oblivion. She shuddered at the power emanating from underneath his skin as her hands trailed down to the waistband of jeans. She found herself becoming impatient as she made quick work of the button and zipper before pushing them down his legs to the floor. He quickly toed off his shoes and socks before kicking the offending item of clothing out of his way.  
Derek broke their kiss then, eyeing her heavily with intent as he stood in just a pair of boxer briefs that did little to hide his arousal. He pulled off her sneakers and socks, tossing them behind him before he began to slowly undo her jeans. She leaned back on the dusty table, picking her butt up a bit to allow him to yank the fabric from her legs.  
Sophie stared at him then as he stood in front of her before she began rubbing and gently squeezing the massive bulge in his underwear. He gave her an appreciative growl as he watched her intently before he needed the confining material gone and nearly ripped it from his body. Sophie stared even more than before, the size of him sending both apprehension through her body and more shockwaves to her center.  
She had seen Derek shirtless plenty of times, but had never had the privilege of seeing him fully naked before. Sophie found that she wasn't surprised to find him so well endowed; he was an Alpha, after all. But even before he became an Alpha, she had had an idea at his size from her curious and inconspicuous glances at the bulge she often found in his jeans.  
"See something you like," Derek remarked with a smirk, his deep voice full of seduction and pride.  
Sophie noticed how he had phrased his words as a statement instead of a question, confidence dripping from his voice. She nodded her head to answer him anyway, almost as if the action had been instinctive. She didn't know when Derek's wolf had come so close to the surface, but she couldn't help but notice from the deep register of his voice. The sound of it made her even wetter than she already was. The only thing missing was the fur and wolf-like features on his face.
She somehow tore her eyes away from his magnificent form and met his heady gaze once again. As she did so, Sophie noticed as he slowly reclaimed his earlier position between her legs, instinctively spreading them to fit his massive form as he ran his hands over her thighs.  
Sophie swallowed at his touch. She needed some of kind of relief, the ache continuing to grow between her legs the longer he stood there. She bit her lip, carefully running her hand over his length as he released a groan from her touch. She ran her fingers over the head, spreading the dripping fluid over him before she moved her hand away from him.  
He looked at her with disappointment, clearly wanting her to continue. When she blatantly ran the same hand over her soaked panties teasingly, he couldn't help but take her up on her suggestion. Derek ran his fingers slowly over the seam of her panties between her core and thigh briefly before slipping a claw underneath and pulling the loose gray cotton fabric to one side.  
Derek nearly lost it when he finally saw her dripping core bared to him. He had spent many a night fantasizing about her naked and writhing beneath him when he laid awake in bed. He slowly dipped a finger between her folds, running a slow stripe up as his claw ran gently over her clit. He couldn't help but smirk wickedly as his movements elicited a loud moan from her lips, and as she arched her body into him. He instantly felt his dick twitch and throb the more he thought about how she reacted to him.  
When she felt the loss of contact as he pulled his hand from her core, Sophie watched him, biting her lip as she pleaded with him to put them both out of their misery. She leaned back then on her hands, scooting back on the table some more as she placed her feet up onto the wooden surface and reclined back so she was almost laying down, her look beckoning him. She didn’t care that she could feel the dust and dirt stick to her slick skin and hair.  
Derek read her loud and clear and knew exactly what she wanted him to do as she stared at him with want. He lithely climbed onto the table that was just long enough for them. He wasn't quite sure it would hold both of them, but he didn't care as his mind focused on one thing. As he settled over top of her, his lips found hers once again in a passionate kiss. His teeth had probably nicked her skin in the frenzy, but he could sense that she was in no pain.  
Sophie pulled him further down on top of her so there was no space between them before she boldly grabbed hold of his length in her hand and ran it over her soaked heat. At her action, he lost any sense of reasoning he had left and quickly buried himself inside her to the hilt. His claws dug into the table on either side of them at the feeling of her wrapped deliciously around his length finally, hugging him as if she had been made just for him.  
"Shit," Sophie nearly screamed at the sudden intrusion. While she wasn't a virgin, she knew Derek's size was going to stretch her well beyond what she had been accustomed to previously.  
Derek didn't wait but a few moments before he began his thrusts, instantly reaching depths that she hadn't even realized were possible. His movements were fast and rough, but not enough to send anything but immense pleasure soaring through her. If his continued growls were any indication, she knew his wolf had all but taken over him as he continued to plow into her.  
He soon buried his face into her neck, the action causing her to bare it to him in quick submission. His lips, teeth, and tongue kissed, licked, and nipped at her neck, leaving bruises on her skin as if to show everyone that she was his. Sophie quickly decided she would let Derek do whatever he wanted to at that point, finding herself at his complete mercy as she ran her nails down the slick skin of his back that caused him to growl even louder.  
"Who's your Alpha?" She heard him ask between nips on her skin.  
"You are," she immediately replied as if by instinct, even though she wasn't a werewolf.  
"That's right, you're mine," he stated, his wolf's voice wrecked as he continued his movements.  
Sophie writhed beneath him, realizing she had been matching his movements for some time. As Derek began to get rougher with his thrusts as his release neared, the table soon began to creak underneath the weight and movement. Sophie soon felt the immediate loss of contact when he slipped out of her before barreling back in, repeating the process over and over.  
She felt her release climbing the more he did that, but when Derek began to massage her throbbing clit, Sophie soon found herself coming undone from the added pressure on her sensitive bud. She held in a scream as he quickened his thrusts to help her ride out her orgasm, slapping of skin and the creak of the table beneath them filling her ears.
A few moments later, the table gave way beneath them, sending them to the floor. Derek didn't even falter one bit as he continued to pound into her relentlessly with wood splintered around them. He picked up her hips a bit, changing the angle to allow himself to go deeper into her, the action spurring yet another build-up in her lower abdomen. His assault on her clit hadn't stopped, despite her falling over the edge, but his intentions were obvious that he wanted to drive her to another orgasm.  
Sophie kissed him hungrily, threading her fingers through his hair and tugging as the other gripped his shoulder. He must have liked her actions because Derek continued on, biting her bottom lip and tugging on it gently with his teeth. She felt his claws digging into the skin of her lower back as he held her up some in his hands, but it wasn’t enough to be painful.  
She knew they were both close as she felt her walls closing around him again and his thrusts became erratic and desperate, urging them both to let go. The grunts Derek released with each movement was a telltale sign that sent shivers down her spine. He soon began to stare into her eyes, his red ones glowing brightly in the dimly lit room.  
Sophie bit her lip as she neared the edge once more, feeling him expertly thumbing her clit with almost too much pressure. After a few more rough but slow thrusts, Derek began to empty his load into her, which in turn sent her over flying over the edge after him. She couldn’t help but squeeze her eyes shut at the feeling, a strangled scream leaving her lips.  
"Look at me," Derek commanded as he thrust into her a few more times without the precision he previously had.  
Sophie couldn't help but open her eyes and fix her stare into  the brilliant ones staring back at her as they rode out their orgasms. His body soon relaxed, catching himself on his elbows so not to crush her before pulling out of her and shifting them so he laid beside her.  
"Holy shit," Sophie muttered after several minutes, breaking the silence in the room.  
Derek chuckled darkly at that, eyeing her with a proud smirk on his lips. She turned over to face him as he drew her closer, noting that his werewolf features were still visible. He kissed her fully but languidly then, which she eagerly returned, as he wrapped his arm around her.  
They laid there for nearly twenty minutes in silence, basking in the afterglow of what just occurred between them. Sophie placed a soft kiss on his chest as he began to run his fingers through her soft blonde locks, trying to keep from getting his claws tangled in her hair.  
"I don't think we're done," Derek commented suddenly, feeling another wave of lust and need hit him like a bulldozer. He eyed her before swallowing.  
"What?" Sophie asked curiously.  
Before she knew it, Derek was on top of her again, his lips meeting hers heatedly. Sophie could feel his erection against her core as he fitted himself between her legs, almost as if he hadn't just had an orgasm several minutes before. That time around, he seemed more desperate and his movements were much more fervent than the first time.
After kissing her for a few moments and stimulating her by massaging her clit, he slid into her once again, groaning in pleasure as if he had just found his way home after being lost for days. He quickly turned them over so she was on top of him, but Derek soon began thrusting into her and moving her so Sophie met his thrusts. It didn't take long for her to catch up as Sophie finally registered what was happening, continuing their exploits as the night went on.  
After three more rounds, Sophie was exhausted and could barely move. The adrenaline from the past several hours running through her body had to be the only reason she was even conscious. Derek had finally passed out shortly after their last round several minutes before, his own exhaustion taking over his body. Derek's werewolf features were still on display, signaling that his wolf was still very close to the surface, but he looked peaceful while he slept. Sophie didn't know how much longer it would be before he would wake up, raring to go for round five.  
As she laid there, staring at the ceiling, Sophie suddenly remembered Derek had brought his phone with him. She needed to let Deaton know about Derek's symptoms; they were clearly not subsiding anytime soon. She slowly slid out of his grasp with a groan as her body protested her movements, searching for his jeans that he had tossed aside on the floor hours earlier. She had no idea what time it was, either.  
When she located Derek's jeans, Sophie searched in both pockets for the device. After locating it, she unlocked the phone, noting it was three in the morning. She started to call Scott, but decided a text would be better and would make less noise as she sat on the floor by the chair. She turned the phone on silent before sending a text to Scott to simply let him know she needed his help.
Her next text was to Deaton, letting him know all of Derek's symptoms that had started hours ago out of nowhere and showed no signs of letting up, save for the break she was getting at that moment. Before Sophie could finish listing out all the details, blushing as she typed them, Scott responded to let her know that he was on his way. She finished and sent her text to Deaton before telling Scott to bring reinforcements.  
Derek hadn't hurt her except for some minor bruising and scratches during their rendezvous, but none of them were substantial wounds. She was definitely sore in more than one place, but that was to be expected. It was a miracle that Derek hadn't bitten her in his current state, but she sensed that he had come close a couple of times.  
While she wasn't afraid of the Alpha werewolf lying a few feet away from her, Sophie didn't know if lust and intense arousal were the only symptoms he would experience from the venom coursing through his veins. Her fear was that Derek would become hostile when Scott arrived, especially if Scott tried removing her.
She just hoped Scott came with a plan.  
It soon became a waiting game for her. Sophie didn't know if Scott and his backup would make it before Derek woke up, but all she could do was sit there and wait. She watched as the Alpha slept in a heap on the floor, covered in dirt and body fluids that she knew covered her body as well. She tried to ignore the cool air that was lingering in the building since her body was still overheated, knowing as soon as her body calmed down the effects of the cold would hit her.
While she didn't mind the attention that Derek was giving her—a dark, twisted part of her loved it, in fact—Sophie knew that she shouldn’t get used to it. She had always wanted to know what being with Derek was like, but she wanted it when Derek wasn't under the influence of some powerful supernatural venom. She didn't even know if any of it was real, or if it stemmed from her being the only one there with him.  
The longer she sat there, the more Sophie tried not to think about how many times she and Derek had had sex — not just sex, but unprotected sex. While Sophie had just remembered the condoms that they had been given as a joke that still sat in the bag, she hadn't even thought about them once in the heat of the many moments they had shared. Not that it would have mattered either way, because she knew Derek wouldn't have been able to stop long enough in his frenetic state to even think about putting one on. She would definitely have to make a stop by the drug store later.  
She grabbed the bag of food from off the chair, her stomach reminding her that it needed nourishment in the worst kind of way. Opening the bag, Sophie pulled out the container of lasagna, one of the plastic forks, and a bottle of water. She didn't know how much she would be able to eat, but she would at least eat some while she waited. The lasagna was cold as she chewed on it, but it was still good nonetheless.  
Part of her wondered why she hadn't just run as soon as Derek had fallen asleep, but she couldn’t just leave her best friend there in his current state. Sophie hadn't left him once when he needed her, even when he claimed he didn't, and she wasn't about to start then. Sophie knew his actions were due to something beyond his control, regardless of whether he wanted to perform them or not.  
As she finished a couple more bites of food, washing them down with some water, Sophie heard a groaning from on the floor. She halted her movements, her eyes flitting over to where Derek still lay a few feet away from her. When she saw him begin to move, she quickly placed the cap on her water bottle and replaced the lid back on the container of food. She stood up slowly before setting the water and food on the chair, turning to watch Derek like a hawk.  
"Soph?" Derek called out finally in a raspy voice as he began to search the room for her. She noticed a hint of panic in his voice.  
"I'm still here," she replied back hesitantly, keeping her distance.  
His eyes met hers finally as he located her, their red hue still present as he blinked a few times to regain his focus. He stood up off the floor swiftly, stretching his tired muscles with several resounding cracks. Derek had noticed instantly that Sophie stood rooted to her spot, uncertainty flowing off her as she surveyed him intensely before she lowered her gaze.  
"Are you hungry?" Sophie asked, looking away from him, crossing her arms over her bare chest as she felt his eyes scrutinizing her. "There's still some food left if you want it."  
When he didn't answer, Sophie chewed on her bottom lip and met his gaze once again. She heard a low growl then as Derek appeared in front of her in a flash, his lips and teeth connecting to hers as he pulled her to him. His hands were all over her, yanking her back into the euphoric state she had been in each time, erasing the doubts in her mind. When he picked her up effortlessly and began to inch the tip of him into her entrance, she tried delaying him a moment so she could catch up.
Sophie said his name a couple of times, her voice nearly wrecked all over again, but her words didn’t seem to be registering. “Alpha,” she called out in a voice that she knew sounded desperate.
That one name falling from her lips must have gotten through to him because he halted his movements and looked at her. His gaze stared at her hungrily, but she continued. “I need you to touch me.”
His stare remained as he took in her words, as if trying to decipher their meaning.  
She moved his hands before dropping to her feet, making sure to stay close so he didn’t think she was resisting. Sophie then took hold of his hand, leading them to a vacant spot on the floor. She sat down in front of him, tugging gently on his arm. As he took the hint and joined her, Derek’s mouth was on hers once again as he lowered them both down onto the dirty floor.  
Sophie broke the kiss before Derek got too caught up, bringing his hand between them and placing it on her core. “Please, touch me, Alpha.” She looked into his red eyes pleadingly.  
Another low growl sounded from within Derek’s throat as he fulfilled her request, running his fingers over her overly sensitive clit with just the right amount of pressure.  
Sophie moaned loudly as his fingers began to further reignite the sparks between her legs, creating the desired effect she needed. “Oh, yes, just like that.”
He soon stopped before kissing her once again, pulling her closer and spreading her legs further. “I need you now.” Sophie didn't miss the desperation in his voice.  
She nearly cried out in pleasure as Derek buried himself inside her once again. She didn’t know how, but Derek felt even better than he had all night. She could already feel her high building, and he had barely begun.
“Oh, Alpha.” Sophie didn’t know why, but the name kept falling from her lips as if it was second nature.  
Things seemed to slow down and speed up all at the same time as they continued. Sophie could feel the burning in her sore muscles, but she didn’t dare stop as she met his powerful thrusts. The pain barely fazed her when Derek ran his clawed fingers down her hips and thighs, leaving a trail of blood and scratches in their wake. Her fingers gripped his broad shoulders, digging her nails into his skin.  
Sophie had since forgotten about everything running through her mind before as it continued to cloud with thoughts of everything Derek. Their groans and skin slapping were the only sounds echoing throughout the building. It wasn't long before Sophie felt her release coming much sooner than expected, her moans picking up as she began to feel her walls hugging Derek's throbbing member tighter by the second. She had learned his habits well enough to know that he wasn't far behind her. She kissed his lips before trailing hers over his salty skin, feeling the scruff on his neck tickle her lips.  
"Alpha," Sophie slurred against his skin.  
The name spurred him on, a growl leaving his mouth. Derek began to pick up speed, his movements becoming erratic much sooner than expected. Sophie began to feel her body trembling uncontrollably as she neared the edge.  
"Who do you belong to?" Derek groaned against her neck, gripping her hips in a grip that was sure to leave more bruises and scratches as he continued his movements.  
"You," Sophie responded almost instantly. "I belong to you and only you, Alpha."  
A loud growl sounded from deep within his throat then. Sophie shuddered at the noise as she felt herself begin to let go. A moment later, an immense pain bloomed in her shoulder before it began to turn into the most amazing pleasure she had ever felt in her life.  
Her vision went blurry, and Sophie dug her nails into his skin as her orgasm exploded then. Her body writhed at the feeling as a scream left her lips, filling the entire abandoned building and surrounding area. She barely felt it when Derek extracted his teeth from her skin several minutes later, cleaning the bite he had left by languidly lapping up the blood.  
Before long, she began to regain her vision and focus, some of the feeling coming back into her body. She was still tingling and her brain was still on a high as she felt Derek pulling her to his solid body almost possessively. His movements continued, trying to find his own release, but she barely felt them. Sophie felt his lips on hers then, instinctively returning his kisses. She moaned into his mouth, her fingers tangled in his damp hair.
As she broke away for much needed air, Sophie shuddered as Derek kissed her shoulder softly. She opened her eyes to watch him, a small, content smile on her lips. She instantly froze when she noticed Stiles standing there in the doorway out of her peripheral vision, sending her straight back into reality. Stiles’ eyes were bugged out as he surveyed the scene before him, Derek still mid-thrust on top of her and the werewolf's focus completely on her.  
"Stiles." The name fell from her lips before she could stop herself, feeling Derek tense up and halt his movements a moment later.  
Sophie swallowed as she saw Derek's brilliant red eyes on her then, a questioning look in them. She knew the moment he realized they weren't alone, as his senses picked up a third body in the room and a low, defensive growl emanated from his throat. She then realized he had fully wolfed out for the first time that night.
"Derek, it's okay," Sophie whispered in a soothing voice, taking Derek's wolfish face in her hands to try to keep him calm and staring into his eyes. “He’s just here to help.”
Derek was off her and on his feet in a second, twisting around and standing in front of Sophie protectively. A snarl left his lips at the sight of Stiles, inching forward towards the frightened boy.  
Sophie heard a couple of gunshots ring out then, just before Derek began to stagger a bit as he was hit with what looked like tranquilizer bullets. She tried her best to get to him, but she still could barely move. That’s when she saw Scott and Malia run into the room to keep Derek distracted. She also spotted Chris inching into the room with the gun still trained on Derek in case more bullets were needed. Stiles was at her side then, removing his hoodie to wrap around her naked body.
“Oh, Soph,” Stiles muttered, his eyes full of worry at the sight before him. “We should have gotten here sooner.”
“I’m fine, Stiles,” Sophie assured him, pulling her knees to herself to cover her exposed body.  
“Did he hurt you?” He asked, wrapping the hoodie around her as much as possible.  
“No, it wasn’t like that,” she assured him. “It’s not as bad as it looks.”
“It better not be.”
She heard a roar rip through the building as she saw Derek eyeing them, his focus no longer on Scott or Malia. He was moving slowly toward them, Scott and Malia barely able to hold him back, but the tranquilizers did little to stop him. Sophie watched in horror as Chris had no choice but to fire a few more bullets into Derek’s back. Sophie gasped and covered her mouth as Derek immediately fell to his knees, tears forming in her eyes as his pained eyes locked onto hers. A whine left his lips then as he fell to the ground, the tranquilizers finally taking effect.
“It’s not going to hurt him,” Stiles assured her. “Argent had to use a little diluted wolfsbane, but Derek will be fine.”
Sophie nodded as she watched an unconscious Derek being carried out by Scott and Malia. She instantly felt the need to go after them, but knew she couldn’t.
“Scott’s going to come back to get you. Let’s get you dressed, okay?” Stiles rubbed her hand comfortingly.
She nodded her head, sniffling and wiping her face while trying to avoid getting dirt in her eyes.  
Stiles went to the bag he had brought them, grabbing a pair of Derek’s underwear and one of Derek’s shirts. He figured that it would be better for her to wear the oversized clothes instead of her own small ones.
Sophie was unable to focus much at all as Stiles helped her get dressed. She was barely paying attention as Scott jogged back into the room and gently scooped her up in his arms to carry her outside.
“I want to go with him,” she pleaded, an overwhelming need to be close to Derek coming over her.
“He’s going to be go okay, Soph. Deaton thinks he figured out what bit him,” Scott explained.  
“We have to help him,” she responded vehemently.
“We’re going to help as much as we can,” Scott promised her.
“But we need to get you to the hospital, first,” Stiles chimed in.
“I told you that I’m fine,” she argued. “Let me help you.”
“You’re going to the hospital, Sophie. End of discussion,” Scott retorted. “You can see Derek after you’ve been checked out.”
She sighed and resigned that she wasn’t changing their minds as she was placed in Stiles’ Jeep with a blanket draped over her. All she could think about was Derek’s well-being on the ride to the hospital before her body finally gave into the exhaustion consuming her.
Don’t fret! There is a part two to wrap things up. Part two is still being written, but hopefully I’ll finish that soon!
Part 2 »
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knightofbalance-13 · 7 years
Your Handy Guide to Debunking RWDE Bullshit
Ladies and Gentlemen, are people who call themselves critics acting more like abusive lovers? Is someone completely lying about a character and acting like that is how they are in canon? Is someone just outright attacking the creators?
Well, this guide will show you how to counter these arguments with ease.
Hello, my name is Dudeblade. I’ve been around this tag for a while, and I do feel that there are some things that need to be said for any person to be able to get into the tag overall. Consider this a guide of sorts, to help you navigate the (in)famous rwde tag, as I show you the wonders that aggressive criticism can bring.
we need to get this out of the way as soon as possible: “Aggressive criticism” and “being a general asshole are  not the same.” Aggressive criticism is when you give criticism in a harsh tone (I.E. “Why is Nora’s frame moving separate from her body? This is easy mistake to fix!”) and being a general asshole is just benig insulting (I.E. “Why si Nora’s frame moving separate from her body, you incompetent fuck? This is why people hate you and why in the hell this shit is popular is beyond me. And don’t try defending it whiteknights.”)
Notice how one is just exasperated and the other is being malicious and insulting? that’s the difference between Aggressive criticism and hate. And RWDE is mostly the second masquerading as the first. Still, you have to give people the benefit of the doubt (I have been bitten by this personally) and either wait to see what they say or look into their blog.
Just a quick reminder that these rules not only apply to rwde, but to every day interactions overall: [1] [2].
... Listen, the things you learn in here CAN be used in day to day interactions...if you are the debating type or the critical type. And even then, RWDE postsers are not normal people: they are mostly comprised of selfish, social justice warrior, psychoctic and narassistic people and I urge you not even treat all critics a half of the way you do RWDE: They deserve better.
Now before you jump into the rwde tag, it’s important to know a few things about the tag to begin with, like how this one post sums up pretty much 98% of the tag.
Incorrect: the link provided implies most RWDE posts are about being criticial and helping the show. That is the excuse. What is actually going on is that hate what RWBY is and want things done their way, shown in that they are incapable of putting aside their personal biases against certain people (Miles, jaune or in Dudeblade’s case, Taiyang) ad a c t like personal opinion and criticism are one and in the same with them.  This si mostly used to brush off criticism of how they express hate more than love for the show.
The tag isn’t a place for hatred, no matter what people might say, or how they act (HA! Take that, me!). The rwde tag is here so that people who don’t want to see criticism/complaints about the show can avoid it. However, since you’re here, it probably means that you are either A: Trying to understand the tag better. 2: Trying to figure out whether or not you should post something in the rwde tag. or third: You’re a person who is looking to start something and/or trying to cherry-pick things so that you can demonize the entire tag. if you are part of the third group, then eff off.
And yet certain people in the rwde tag (like Cpt-10) insist that RWDE started as a hate and venting tag for the show and to this day contains direct attacks against the show and the writers to the point of harassment. This is a core problem with RWDE posters as well: They believe everything negative about the show is “criticism” and everything positive is “ass-kissing”. They will completely ignore and even attack people who tell them to tone it down (and no, I don’t count: I just tell them to shut up in general.)
The three categories actually come closer to the following: New to the Tag, trying to see what the tag actually is and critics of the tag. And I do mean criticis, as nice and passive as you can be towards to people in the rwde tag, they will ignore it and continue doing what they were doing even if most of the fandom and indeed most people with the average decent morality will tell them what they are doing wrong. And the Fuck Off part is pretty accurate as to why they react to criticism.
The entire point of the tag is to be able to post complaints and harsh criticisms of the show in such a way that others don’t have to see it. They can blacklist it if they so choose
And yet there are posts calling the CRWBY homophobes and sexists which don’t even make sense considering half of them are females and they have prominent and vocal LGBT people in their team. This or they will simply call everything they do bad and never endingingly insult and attack the show, calling it shit. (Look at SOkumotonaka’s posts about RWBY being in the Blazblue crossover: instead of being happy for the fandom or bring up the actual criticism as to why Guilty Gear was not featured but RWBY was: he isnteads promotes hate against RWBY.)
My advice for countering this is sarcasm: lots of it. not only will your posts be more interesting to read but you can also bring more subtly to your arguments as well make sure your jabs are not completely malicious.
Secondly, it’s a good idea to figure out exactly what it is about the show that you want to criticize. There’s plenty of things to criticize the show about, so I’ll cover the most popular subjects.
Yes but I want you to take a look at the subjects: LGBT representation, Racism and character representation. Out of these three starting points, only one is actual problem in the production of the show at face value. the other two are, you guessed it, social justice topics. This is because RWDE posters are mostly Social Justice Radicals (I refuse to use the term SJW: There is nothing warrior like these people) who specialize in attacking people over RWBY.  RWBY began with four female characters and Monty said that there will be an LGBT character: this drew in the radicals of the group. And now, a major part of RWDE is attempting to bully people into agreeing with them and getting what they want. And I will guide you in how to counter them all.
1. LGBT Representation. It’s no secret that the LGBT+ Fanbase is getting tired of waiting for the reveal of the queer character that was promised so long ago. The only assurances are that they want it to “Be natural” and that “They don’t want it to feel forced.” However, at some point, “Wanting it to feel natural” starts to sound like “We don’t consider it to be natural, so we have to have all this buildup to it.” And “Don’t want it to feel forced” falls apart when one remembers that Pyrrha wanted to jump on jaune’s dick within moments of meeting him, Renora not feeling forced at all, and people claiming that Blake and Sun are practically a couple. But those apparently weren’t forced at all. And the fact that it was MONTY OUM (god rest his soul) who said that there would be LGBT+ representation, it doesn’t give people hope that the LGBT+ Representation is coming anytime soon. For the record, this isn’t even counting all the discourse that arose from BMBLB being released. That’s a different can-o-worms right there.
Counter: Bring up LGBT people in the fandom who are calling aginst this or have no opinion on the matter. Since this argument is based on the fallacy that the RWDE posters speak for everyone in the LGBT group: Bring up people of the same community who have a different opinion. @weissrose @rwby-analysis and @hawkeyedflame are all examples of people who do not agree with RWDE postser’s stances on this (DOn’t actually try bring them into the discussion directly: They won’t like it. Instead, ask @mageknight14 @tumblezwei or @ula-star for their statements on the subject if you have no other options. I would think you should ask your friends and use them as examples with their permission. This doesn’t there aren’t people who have this opinion, just that they don’t speak for everyone.
Another counter would be to bring the people in the tag’s history in being called “homophobes” despite the people being LGBT themselves. This will show that they only care about people who stand by them and don’t actually care about the subject.
2. Character representation. Due to the… unsettling amount of lines that some characters have had over others, people are starting to think that a certain character is hogging the attention to themselves. In addition, there are sometimes characters that are given a sympathetic light when they have yet to earn any sympathy, characters that were put in just to give the audience a new person to hate, and characters that acted SO abrupt, that they felt like they were OOC despite it being their first time onscreen.
Counter: to the line argument, state “what is the content of the lines?” See, while a character may speak, they don’t necessarily benefit from talking nr are they the focus of what is being said. For example in Volume 4 Episode 10, Jaune had a long speech that consists of most of his lines in the Volume. However, he doesn’t benefit at all from the talk. In fact, he actively devalues himself to the real topic: Ruby. Ruby is the one who benefits and develops from the lines, not Jaune. For further examples: Taiyang, Ghira, Kali and Klien’s are pretty much all made to develop their children. Because a character speaks doesn’t mean they benefit from it.
A second counter would be to take into account character’s personalities: Ruby herself doesn’t talk all that much and her time is spent mostly reacting to the world or in combat thus she wouldn’t have as many lines as more vocal characters. But she still has the lions share of screentime in her plotline. These at logical fallacies to make their side look better but they are easy to deconstruct.
The counter to the characters being OOC is to point out bias on their part through either previous posts or their language, as well as liking to certain moments that contradict them through atmosphere, actions or tone. Again, RWDE will claim things that are simply not true and teh best way to deal with them is links,
3. Racism problems. Let’s be honest here, outside of select few, very few faunus have positive depictions. Neon is basically Nyan Cat (One of the oldest, and most annoying memes since Rick-Rolling), Any White Fang member is an automatic villain, Tyrian is a psycho, and to a degree, Sun counts too (He’s a stowaway, and steals ‘cause it’s fun). Not to mention the fact that it makes no sense. In the real world, people would be more likely to date a faunus rather than try to kill them. Now, if it had been jealousy over their enhanced senses, that would have made sense. But the WoR stated that when man first encountered the Faunus, they were afraid.
To counter this: point out how the majority of the Fanaus in the show seen are in fact members or the White Fang which is a terrorist organization and thus because one of the major struggles in the show is trying to get the White Fang back to peaceful protest and not Fanaus as a whole, there would be more negative representation.
Then point out Fanaus characters OUTSIDE of the White Fang and share their reactions: Especially Sun as is both a vocal character and one that has no relation to the White Fang so he would act as the voice of Fanaus outside of the White Fang: Point out his very vocal disdain for the group and show that most would not think of the WHite Fang as their representatives.
As for the accusations for the characters: Point out how Yang isn’t going around stealing pourage or Pyrrha wasn’t pouty and selfish. This shows that the characters are not the same as their inspirations and thus the argument against Neon is invalid. Point out Sun’s heroic acts such as helping Blake defend against the White Fang, attacking the Paladin despite the risk to his life, helping defeat the machines attacking Beacon, saving Blake from death against the Grimm Sea Dragon, how he risked his life to stop Illia. This shows that Sun is not that simple. For Tyrian, point out his loyalty and devoution to Salem as opposed to Cinder, Watts and Hazel, thus making him the best person out of the four. In essence: Show the that just because they have flaws and are Fanaus, they are not automatically bad. And if necessary, point out how Blake is unambiguously good alongside her father and mother.
You can even use teh arguments used for the LGBT community argument for anything concerning race too here. However, don’t use tehse arguments in reverse: The LGBT arguments doesn’t have these problems.
“MKG” Stands for Miles, Kerry, Grey - The writers of the show. The ones that everyone believes is tearing the fndm down right now. Given that they’ve made the cliche, “We’re not homophobic, but…” excuses so many times, and literally have a “fag” joke in Camp Camp, it shows just how ‘great’ their representation and respect is. “M&K” Is also a used term for them, but it excludes Grey
*Sigh* To counter ths is easy: Point out how they’ve never actually said anything to this extent and then bring up original definition of Faggot which is a bundle of sticks and point out how the show was doing a play on words. Then ring up South Park’s “The F-Word” as the final nail as these kinds of people are mocked in that episode.
“bmblbgate” is a term that is used to label the whole “bmblb controversy.” - it’s best not to go into “full-rant” mode for this, as others have already done it before.
Counter: Bring up the fallacy of the “-gate” title meant to portray a horrible event and subconsciously make the reader turn against RT when in all actuality, the only controversy was the RWDE tag attacking Arryn and any LGBT members that defended them. And no, you cannot callit “Bmblbgate” either. Or you can bring up “Assistgate” where someone falsely accused RT or stealing assests from other games before they were promptly shut down or “Lettergate” pertaining to Shane’s Letter which RWDE argued was truth despite self admitted mental illness, unhealthy hero worship of monty and attempting to blame RT for his failed marriage because he spent more time with Monty and Sheena then his own wife.
“Disgusting Males” is a term by another “rwde-er.” It’s used to describe a male character that is generally hated by the fans. This doesn’t actually exist, it’s really just Jaune. - Speaking of…
Counter: bring up the hate that Qrow, Taiyang, Sun, Neptune and even Ren gets and show that the RWDE Poster’s bias against male characters, especially if said character does something that a female character has gotten away with.
More terminology includes “Queerbaiting” in which you counter by pointing out since the show is not over, the LGBT character can still happen and RT never said when the character shows up. Also: Point out that teasing a ship between two same sex characters is not queerbaiting: it’s ship tease and to call it bad for just being gay is not equality. “R/WBY” which is the RWDE poster’s way of avoiding the main tag. And I can’t remember much more so I’ll move on.
1. No ship hate. You can bemoan how some people are unfairly treating certain ships, are basically hating on it, or are trying to start a shipping war -but NO ship bashing. It takes $0.00 to just scroll past your NOTP. So spend it wisely.
Counter: point out how the RWDE tag is about compliants about the show and complaining about ships is still compliants regarding the show. Also, point out this rule if “queerbaiting” comes up.
2. 99% of all opinions are valid in the rwde tag. This is a tag about complaints and criticisms. This isn’t a place to bash on characters, with the exception of Jaune “Creator’s Pet” Arc. Give Jaune mass praise at your own peril when posting in the rwde tag. That 1%? - That any opinion that praises jaune in any way, and it won’t be met with defense.
Counter: point out how Jaune is actually disregarded in the show, like getting hit in the balls in his first fights scene or how he had to be assisted in pinning the Nucklevee’s arm in Volume 4 as proof. Also point out the logical fallacy of defending a certain character is not okay but anyone else is contradictory and how that argument can be applied to any character.
4. Respect others’ opinions. You don’t have to agree with it, and you can even block the person if they bug you so you so much… Okay, scratch that rule, the new rule is “At least try to respect others’ opinions.” This is the internet. People can be a jerkass to people and not have to face major consequences. You can basically be anybody on the internet. In a memic term:
Counetr: point out that when someone in the rwde tag professes the opinion that "queerbaiting” hasn't happened yet, they are called homophobes. Point out how anyone who calls the White fang terrorists is racist. Point out how anyone who defends the show in the tag is called a whiteknight. Aks them about those opinions and expose the hypocrisy.
Okay, the next is a faq about the tag which mostly consists of slander against...well, guess who? As I have refuted these points so many times, let me inform you about the people in the RWDE tag:
Sokumonotaka: Fanboy of Fatmanfalling (the orginal RWDE member) and probably the oldest member of the tag. Somewhat dangerous since he is somewhat smart but eh relies almost solely attempting to aggravate his opponents and logical fallacies. Stay calm and read up on logical fallacies and you’ll be fine. Although chances are Soku will block you in order to make fun of you without yu being able to defend yourself.
RWBYcriticism: Not very active but sadly one of teh few people in the tag I’d call close to a decent human being. I’d just ignore them.
SSSN-Neptune-vallias: Racist and sexist person who has a tendency to passive aggressively post about the tag. Bring up his post about how he said it was okay to harass creators for not brining in representation (http://sssn-neptune-vasilias.tumblr.com/post/160493347203/if-youre-making-a-show-at-all-in-the-modern-age)
Invested-In-Your-Future: Sexist who thinks all guys in RWBY are bad. Just bring up Jaune or Sun and she’ll defeat herself.
rwbycrit: Not worth your time.
Dudeblade: Sexist who is incapable of seeing himself as wrong. Just argue and eventually his emotions will take over and he’ll prove your point for you.
That’s basically it.
Now, you can basically defeat anyone in the rwde tag in a debate by simply being smart, using the internet to your advantage to use sources and links to contradict and shut the down. All you need to do is be versed in logical fallacies and RWBY and you’ll do just fine. Hope this helps you fight back against them. Good luck!
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missameliasmithers · 7 years
Find Your Place: The Breath After
Read on Ao3
She would rather go back and bury Elizabet a hundred more times than have to deal with this.
The cheering, the stares, the crowds. It was like the “Anointed One” debacle all over again. Aloy had been an outcast all her life; she didn’t know how to handle the surplus praise, the ardent worship the town lavished upon her the moment she stepped into Meridian. She would prefer to sink into the shadows, be an invisible observer, just check in with Avad and disappear. She wasn’t these peoples’ savior. She wasn’t some god to be revered. She was a person.
The show of it all made her skin crawl.
And so she shoved her way through the sea of people, not caring if she seemed rude for ignoring their words or brusque for not acknowledging their thanks. All she wanted to do was talk to Avad, make sure the rest of her friends were safe, and leave. Go back to the Nora lands. Help her people rebuild.  She did care about the citizens, she wouldn’t have fought for them otherwise, but she was not made to be on a pedestal. She was made to act.
The Meridian guards were insightful enough and, seeing the determined beeline she was making to the Sun-King’s throne, ordered the people to make way. She still bumped shoulders with a few who tarried and knocked past hands that wished to touch her “blessed skin”, but for the most part, her path was clearer, less cluttered. At least she had enough room to breathe again.
Avad wasn’t on his throne, he was talking with his men, giving orders and organizing crews to search the rubble or tend to the wounded. As soon as he glimpsed Aloy however, he broke away in a pace that was just shy of a run.
He met her on the terrace and threw his arms around her.
“Aloy! Praise the sun!”
She stiffened. “Uh, hi, Avad.”
As soon as he had embraced her, he broke it.
“Forgive me,” he said, offering her a sheepish look. “Emotions are running high at the moment and I allowed them to carry me away. I am simply glad to see you. You disappeared after destroying the demon. I did not know where you went.”
“I had a personal matter I needed to tend to,” she replied. “I should have informed you.”
He shook his head. “What matters is that you are here now, and in good health.”
“How is Meridian?” she asked.
“A little worse for wear, but we will persevere. It will take a while to rebuild of course, but the Carja are known for their building. We suffered few casualties and the wounded are being treated as we speak. The people are in high spirits, believe it or not. The derangement of the machines seems to have vanished; they no longer attack unprovoked. And it’s all thanks to you.”
She smiled through her grimace. “It was a joint effort.”
“Always so modest,” Avad said with a warm smile. “We would like to hold a banquet tonight in your honour. Will you attend?”
“You know I don’t like the limelight,” she said.
“You needn’t do anything,” he said, encouragingly. “Just show up. There will be plenty of food and your friends are all invited.”
When she still did not reply, he reached for her hand, letting his fingers grasp hers loosely. “After everything you’ve done, for us, for yourself, for the world… do you not think you deserve a break?”
“That’s not…” she trailed off at the look in his eyes. The one he had had when he talked about Ersa all those months ago. She sighed. “I’ll attend.”
Avad’s eyes lit up. “That makes me very happy, Aloy. If you require it, Olin’s house is still yours for the using. I expect you could use some rest.”
She shook her head. “I’d rather see my friends if it’s all the same to you.”
He smiled. “Of course. You’ll find most of them gathered at the Hunter’s Lodge. Erend insisted on victory drinks and Talanah ushered them all there for ‘mead and merriment’.”
Aloy chuckled. “That sounds about right.”
Nakoa died of her wounds. The fact left a lump in the pit of Aloy’s stomach and made her down an entire mug of mead. Varl reassured her that the dreamwillow they gave Nakoa gifted her a painless passing, but Aloy still felt terrible.
Thankfully Nakoa was the only casualty among her peers. Janeva had a few gashes on her legs where a corrupted sawtooth swiped her, and Uthid had a cut on his side from a bullet’s graze, but for the most part everyone was in remarkable shape. Teb said that All-Mother blessed them with protection while Erend praised his Vanguard steel. Either way, Aloy was happy her friends were, for the most part, in one piece.
The lodge was loud and boisterous as everyone reveled in their victory. Vanasha and Erend ended up in an arm wrestle that caused enough of a commotion that Aloy abandoned her seat to stand in the corner by Sona.
“Such a foolish celebration,” she said in her usual sour tone. “Real warriors commune with All-Mother after a fight and then carry on with their lives. I can’t believe my people are partaking in this turbulent bedlam. I have half a mind to leave them all here.”
“It’ll be over soon, Sona.” Aloy said. “I’m sure they’ll all be excited to return home once Avad’s feast is over. I know I am.”
“And where is home for you, girl?” Sona inquired.
Aloy frowned. “What do you mean?”
“You’ve made it clear you do not enjoy the reverent nature of our clan. You dismiss and reject the title of ‘Anointed’. You do not care for the Old Ways.”
A nervous turmoil started in Aloy’s stomach, retching itself through her insides and making her feel sick. The War Chief’s words rang true and Aloy had a horrible feeling she knew what was about to come. Had known for a while, just never wanted to acknowledge it.
“What are you saying, Sona?”
Sona faced Aloy with that burning look of hers, piercing through her soul.  That look that was so serious, so deadly… now held a gentleness as the seasoned War Chief spoke truth. “You will not be happy in the Nora lands.”
Aloy shook her head. “It’s my home.”
“Your home was with Rost, child.”
“But you are my people.”
“You are Nora, yes,” Sona said, “and you will always have a place among us. But look around you, girl. Look at everyone who has come to aid you, who would die for you. These are your people. You do not belong in the Nora tribe, Aloy. You belong in the world.”
It was at this moment that Erend chose to stumble over. He trampled into a support beam and tried to play it off by transitioning into a relaxed lean. In his intoxicated stupor, he did not sense the tense atmosphere, nor did he notice the tears pricking at Aloy’s eyes.
“Aloooooooy,” he cawed, voice slurring a bit. “What’re ya doing over here in the dark? Come drink with ussss!”
Aloy’s brain buzzed and her stomach roiled. Everything was building up. And it was too much.
So she turned and ran out the door.
Weaving through the Meridian crowd, she ran until her legs ached and her eyes stung. She dashed past every face, not stopping for anyone. Objects were blurs, people were shadows. She needed to get out, to escape it all. But she knew she couldn’t outrun reality.
She made it to the city gate and collapsed outside the borders. Her chest heaved and her lungs burned, but it was nothing compared to the heartache she felt.
It wasn’t as if she hadn’t known she was different. She had known that for years, long before she learned the truth about her birth. She’d just thought that after the proving, after she became a brave, that maybe she could forge a place for herself, to be a part of the Nora clan without having to change who she was.
But Sona had been right. She didn’t fit in with the Nora. She didn’t believe in higher-powers and unseen forces. She did not fear technology, but embraced it – conquered it. There would never be a day where she would adapt to the Old Ways. She knew too much of the world now to revert to a primitive faith based on superstition and faceless gods.
The truth bit into her like snapmaw jaws.
She had saved the world. But she had no place in it.
“I was wondering when you would bail.”
Aloy bolted to her feet, tears blinked away and forgotten in the rush of startled instinct. Her muscles tensed and her fists flew up, ready to defend against the unknown foe. She found him easily enough, reclined on the bank as if he hadn’t just fought for the salvation of the world. She dropped her stance and approached.
“What are you doing here, Nil?” she asked, confused. “Shouldn’t you be with the others?”
He tilted his head back to address her. “I could ask you the same thing.”
She folded her arms. “I asked you first.”
Nil chuckled and rolled to his side. Propping himself up on one elbow, he gestured to the city lazily. “I don’t belong there. I’m not for cheers and happy chatter or slaps on the back and clanking tankards. I’m glad the world isn’t ending of course, but I’m more for the quiet celebration and the personal reverie.” He glanced up at her, smirk in place and eyebrow tweaked up. “Judging from your hasty exit, I take it you’re the same way.”
“Yeah,” she said lamely. “It’s just… a lot to take in at once.”
He nodded. “Overloads the senses to be swallowed by such din. And I doubt the ‘Savour of Humanity’ role is an easy one to play, especially for a woman such as yourself.”
He gestured to the splay of grass on his left.
She joined him.
“So why are you still here?” she asked. “If you’re not sticking around for the feast, why haven’t you disappeared into the night to find your next bandit prey?”
He gave her an odd look, like it should have been obvious. “I was waiting for you.”
She frowned. “What do you mean?”
He shot her a knowing glance. “You’re a wild spirit. You can’t be contained, can’t sit still. The only life that will satisfy you is one of adventure and action.”
She stared. “So you waited out here… since the battle ended… hours ago… because you knew I would leave everyone and go off to live in the woods on my own.”
“And you… what? Want to come along?”
He grinned. “Now she’s catching on.”
She sighed. “Nil, why in the world would I want to travel with you?”
He clutched his chest. “You wound me. I thought we were partners.”
Aloy got to her feet. “We were partners. Three times. When there were bandits.”
Nil stood to join her. “And we worked wondrously together. We could sense each other’s movements, breathe as one, shoot as four. No one could stop us. We can have that again. I can see it in your eyes, I know you want that.”
“You don’t know what I want,” she huffed.
“I know you don’t want to stay here,” he retorted. “You don’t want a cozy bed or adoring tribesmen. You want the rush of excitement that comes from a taught bow, from the breeze of arrows loosing past your ear. You want a life filled with the unexpected. What could be more unexpected than traveling with yours truly, taking down bandits and rogues and any other bottom-feeding scum that crawls out of the underbelly of the world? We’ll follow that moral compass of yours into whatever den of thieves you want.”
He’d gotten closer as he spoke and stood nearly toe to toe with Aloy, his warm breath caressing her neck with ever word. His gaze scorched her as if they were peering into her soul itself, searching her for hesitance, excuses. She thought she felt the brush of his fingers against her hand, but it was gone in an instant.
“So what do you say?” he said, mouth caught in his typical lopsided grin. “I think I’m being more than generous here.”
She couldn’t deny it sounded mildly attractive. After her conversation with Sona, after feeling like she was suddenly lost in the world with no where to go, here was Nil, a friendly face offering her a purpose. And it wasn’t as if they didn’t work well together, because Nil was right, they were a fantastic pair. But she couldn’t just drop everything and run off with Nil, could she?
Her voice nearly caught in her throat. “We would kill each other.”
“You already denied me of that once,” he said. “And I’ve since tired of the thought. Why would I want to end such a grand adventure? There’s so much more to do, so many villains to slay. You were right that day, Aloy. I was meant for more than death. Although I will gladly accept some wounds from you. Sparring together as we travel sounds like a delicious way to spend time. I shudder in anticipation just thinking of the thrill of it.”
She was crazy for even considering it. “This is insane.”
He laughed. “The rest of the world hasn’t exactly been normal as of late. I don’t think anyone will mind if we contribute. Besides, things will only get worse from here. Just imagine the fiends that will come lurking from the woodwork to feast on the wreckage of the war. You may have saved the world today, Aloy, but it doesn’t stay safe. It never does. We can help protect a lot of people.”
She scoffed. “You just want to kill rogues.”
He smirked. “Yes, there is that wonderful benefit.”
“So why not just go?” she asked. “You can kill people on your own. Why does it have to be with me?”
He gave her that look again. “Because you’re the only one that makes it mean something.”
Aloy sighed and closed her eyes so his couldn’t bore a hole through her as she considered her options. She couldn’t stay in Meridian. The crowds, the expectations, the stares of reverence, it would all drive her mad. Mother’s Heart would be no better, nor would any of the Nora settlements. If she heard the words ‘Anointed One’ one more time, she would probably punch someone.
Maybe Sona was right. Maybe she did belong in the world. Maybe she could find her place in the great, wide somewhere.
And maybe she didn’t have find it alone.
Aloy raised her gaze to lock with Nil’s. He held it intensely, waiting for her response.
“Can you at least tone down the creepy death talk?” she asked.
The grin he offered her was mischievous, but his eyes were bright with glee. “Well now you’re just being mean.”
Part 1 end. 
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itsclydebitches · 4 years
Found the quote about the distrust theme: "Especially with Yang, I feel like an overall theme is just because you like someone or respect someone or someone is close to you, that doesn't mean you have to agree with everything they do or say. And I feel like that is a very big part of this season." This is why people think it's about disagreeing with Ruby, I'm guessing.
Nice work! Three big thoughts here: 
1. Yes, it does sound like someone Yang has a special bond with - “or someone is close to you” - though that could mean Blake just as easily as it means Ruby. Something I haven’t discussed much in regards to the stay and fight Salem plan (“plan”) is that Blake is still, supposedly, working through her flaw of running from fights. In Volume 6 she promised not to leave Yang, but that’s not the same thing as promising to never again leave a situation when things feel too overwhelming (or even the ability to. Character traits like that don’t just disappear overnight). So I could imagine a scenario where, after Ruby spoke for everyone and they got thrown immediately into a fight, Blake pipes up with, “Maybe we should think about leaving...?” Yang, supporting both fighting and her sister, is upset that Blake supposedly isn’t on their side. If RT were willing to do something like that it would fix a LOT of stuff simultaneously: the group’s hive mind, some support for Ironwood, Blake and Yang’s joined-at-the-hip-ness, adding some complexity to their relationship, maybe even setting up a situation where they acknowledge that relationship in some overt way. The more I think about this, the more I like it. After all, Volume 7 Blake is characterized by ‘I never want to have to kill someone again’ and ‘We’ll do whatever you say, Ruby.’ Pre-Volume 7 Blake is characterized by ‘I’ll stick with Yang no matter what’ and ‘I have difficulty facing down my demons.’ It would be great if we could slam all that together. What does Blake do when her promise to remain with Yang challenges her desire to flee? What happens when, after Blake spoke in favor of Ruby’s leadership, that leadership starts taking them in a direction she’s not comfortable with? What if Blake’s trauma involving Adam results in her being unwilling to enter another war zone where, yeah, she might have to kill someone again? Blake is someone that the whole group likes, respects, and is close to. If she took a hard stance against fighting Salem head on we’d have the makings of some excellent conflict. 
2. All that said... I’m not sure the quotation should be taken too seriously (which I bring up after I’ve taken it very seriously lol). Just because of those “or”s. “ ...just because you like someone or respect someone or someone is close to you, that doesn't mean you have to agree with everything they do or say.” It sounds like they’re talking about this situation very broadly, perhaps hitting on aspects that relate to the conflict, but aren’t necessarily the conflict itself. It could be just one of these things - someone Yang respects but doesn’t like (Ironwood) - rather than all of them at once. What the quotation basically says is “Just because Yang reads some part of a person as positive doesn’t mean she has to agree with them” which could be most people in the cast. It’s only (likely) Ruby or Blake if the whole list is truly involved: Yang likes them and respects them and is close to them. No “or”s. 
3. All that being said... can we really trust the panels for accurate information? I’m thinking about last Volume and how Nora was played up, either intentionally by the crew or unintentionally as the fandom speculated (I’m not entirely sure which as it all got muddled together). What I do know though is that everyone went into Volume 7 with very high hopes and expectations for her back story. Then, with the exception of kissing Ren, not much of anything happens with her. So for all my own interest in theorizing, I’m hesitant to put too much emotional stock in talking points like that. This could be something that happens so subtly we never would have noticed it if not for the announcement. It could be something that doesn’t happen at all. Could also be something that, looking back, makes us go, “That’s how you described this situation?” AKA another example of RT thinking they’re writing A when they’re actually writing B. Even just the beginning - “I feel like an overall theme” - could be the round-about way we discuss things... or a sign that this is an individual interpretation that the text won’t necessarily support. Or support well. I’m already seeing a lot of, “RT confirmed that Ruby and Yang are having a falling out!!” and that’s waaaay too confident an expectation to pull from this information. 
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