#no more mr. nice wolf! (walter)
musemelodies · 1 month
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buckybarnesss · 8 months
What is your opinion on Lydia's mom?
Especially in s4 and s5
I feel like there's a lot to think about when you think about how Lydia got the banshee gene from her Dad's mom - and Lydia's parents are divorced since s2? Maybe?
Feels like a lot of strange emotional issues there for sure!
all the parents in teen wolf kind of suck tbh. it's something we should acknowledge more i think. teen wolf deals so much with growing up and part of that is realizing that your parents are humans which makes them flawed and fallible.
natalie martin unfortunately didn't get much characterization until later in the series which makes her hilariously sort of neglectful and checked out in the early days of the show. like girlie pop let stiles into her daughter's bedroom while lydia was in a negligee and drugged up.
but susan walters is delightful and an icon so she became a more and more frequent guest start but lbr she's also married to linden ashby which is part of the equation there.
it's always been an interesting choice to me that they never recast lydia's father. he was present when she was in the hospital in season 2 and than he disappears but yet lydia's banshee powers come from his side of the family.
that alone puts his comments about lydia's behavior in the tell in a different perspective. still shitty but interesting with hindsight.
ms. ramsey: let me tell you, there's plenty to say about lydia. mr martin: did I not predict this? natalie: here we go! total nuclear meltdown, as usual. mr martin: what is it? her grades? concentration issues? erratic behavior? natamlie martin: i'm not the one who told her she had to choose who she wants to live with! as if that wouldn't warp a sixteen-year-old girl. mr. martin: just tell us what the problem is.
i also find the comment elias stilinski made during his lucid moment in sundowning about natalie to be, well, mean but also accurate about her and also about lydia.
elias stilinski: you're natalie martin's daughter. am i right? you look like her. she was pretty once too. she also liked to talk like she was the smartest person in her room.
it's their worst traits. lydia in season 1 is all about this. in the beginning lydia is vain and condescending. natalie can be as well as it's of course where lydia learned it from.
natalie martin is someone who is characterized by her fears in a lot of ways which makes her so very frustrating. especially in the later seasons and her fear pertaining to lydia comes directly from what happened to lorraine.
she's both afraid for lydia and afraid of lydia's abilities. natalie does love her daughter and we see her attempt to support her frequently but it often falls just short of what lydia actually needs. natalie's fear prevents her from fully understanding lydia.
she never quite overcomes this either even though by the end of the show she knows the big secret. she's aware of the supernatural but she refuses to acknowledge it properly even with her own daughter.
forgive this reference, but it's kind of dursley-ish. she wants everything to be very normal thank you very much. she fears how other perceive her and her daughter.
i do give her a few points for not running from beacon hills though. she does try to help the kids out in school. it's not always with the greatest understanding but she did cover up the beast incident and tried to get scott, liam and malia to the end of their high school careers.
so i find natalie martin a frustrating character but i think she contrasts really nicely with the other parents like melissa mccall, the sheriff and the argents.
i also find it hilarious that peter kept trying to date her and melissa to fuck with lydia and scott. it's fucked up and manipulative as scott and lydia are his two favorite chew toys that aren't derek but like it's also really funny.
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Big Sky 3x04: Thoughts
Saw the latest episode and I have some thoughts.
I get that Walter is an alleged killer and I understand Buck's concerns, but can I say how happy I was when Sunny stuck up for her son the way she did? I did a full on clap and had a Meryl-Streep-Ocars moment saying "Yes!" when that happened. She still terrifies me, though, lol.
So it's Walt who was the one that knocked Luke out (or made him trip, I can't remember his story) when he was going after Paige. I'm not sure what to think about the whole development of Walt keeping her stashed away and lying about it to Sunny. Considering Buck's grave warning to her, I have a feeling that it may ring true later on when Sunny finds out he lied to her. Especially if what we saw in the promo is giving any indication.
As soon as Jenny said the husband and daughter were sitting inside after the murder of the mother, I just knew this would come back to Beau and his family situation. And sure enough, it did.
Aaaaand I find it interesting that the murderer wore the Big Bad Wolf costume when lobos is Spanish for wolves and I can't remember if it's fictional or real at this moment but doesn't that sometimes refer to a possible cartel element south of the border? Regardless, I am convinced now more than ever that the cartel Beau mentioned is coming back into his story and somehow, some way, I know it has to do with his brother and with each episode we get, I really do believe he lost his brother (way too many mentions of that part of his past so far).
Though I'm not a Cormac fan (I still think there's something off about him, I still want to know why he kept the knife), it was nice to see Cassie let loose a little but also be a complete badass, and find one answer to this whole big puzzle
LOVED the scene where Carla comes in - I was like 'here, it is, the big Beau/Jenny push, it's starting to happen this episode, let me start the eye rolling' and then boom! Carla walks in and damn, I can see why Beau might still be in love with her. I also noticed her giving Jenny that look that Jenny herself didn't notice: the ex Mrs. Arlen did not like Ms. Hoyt. LOL. I think it's because she picked up on exactly what Cassie picked up on a little more this episode: Jenny has a thing for Beau. We all been knew but now it's being brought to the forefront even more. Like him turning her around to shoot Scott and holding onto her, and her reaction. Which is hysterical because she's playfully pushing Beau to admit he's in love with Carla but that whole bit of the dialogue could very much be applied to herself. And I also noticed that they didn't match Beau and Jenny's clothing this time in any way, shape, or form. So I'm thinking Carla is definitely going to be a very big part of the story for Beau moving forward, possibly almost as much as Emily.
Beau still loves Carla. There were a few moments in that scene that show that, which makes sense. But is he still in love with her like Jenny says? That remains to be seen. Because in 2x18 when Jenny says that Beau is still in love with his ex, he doesn't deny it. Instead, he smirks at her and says "You're good." Just like he said to Cassie in their intro scene when she deduces that he's the new temporary acting Sheriff. Cassie was right on the money in that scene so that means Jenny was in her scene. But now, it's been a few months and Jenny is saying the same thing she said back in 2x18 but now we have "No, I'm not. No, stop it." And we haven't had Cassie meet Carla yet (if they do). So I'm curious to see what he would say if Cassie asked him about it or said something to him, and what his response would be. Especially considering the interesting parallel they set up with: 3x01 - "Are you and Cassie really just friends or...?" "Yes. Yes, we're just friends." & 3x03 - "Do you talk to Cassie about your daughter?" "I see where this is headed. No, let's just focus on work for now. No, guys just have to have boundaries." So this is now going to be very interesting to watch, on all fronts.
I do still think that they are also using Beau to get Jenny ready to take over as Sheriff should he leave the show (and it doesn't get cancelled). He's consistently trying to help her move past her anger, her hatred for Tonya, working with her one on one to solve cases, and in this episode, she seemed to really take the lead in their case (with a few helpful suggestions from Beau), even right down to agreeing to help Cassie on her case. I really think Beau is meant to be prepping her for that part of her character development, to learn from him. Especially with lines like 3x02's: "This is law enforcement. We don't get to choose who we help."
Emily is still annoying but she did smarten up near the end, I'll give her that. I'm relieved to see it tbh.
Avery is still shady. I wonder how that's going to come into play with Carla's presence now. I also wonder how things will play out with Emily and her nosiness/suspicion, and also Sunny.
Tonya is devious. Not gonna lie, Donno's little crush on her was kind of cute.
I figured Luke's and Paige's scheme would come back to haunt them. It might be a good thing if Walt has Paige for now, and he's not planning on hurting her.
Very little Beau/Cassie interaction but that's okay I expected it. I was just grateful we got the one scene. I still think there's mounds of untapped potential there but we'll see where things go. I have love for both characters and want them both to be happy, no matter what that might look like. I did notice that as per usual, Beau always makes strong eye contact with Cassie, even when Jenny is in the mix. Not sure if this is just part of Beau's character and cop qualities (like he makes strong eye contact with Poppernak when speaking to him, Gigi, Denise, people they're questioning, etc) or if it's to show that yes, there is a bond there, they're good friends, and he trusts her. Naturally, if she showed up in the station asking for help on a case, he would be happy to see her and he would absolutely give her his full attention, just like Jenny did in this scene as well. Regardless, I'm enjoying every scrap they give me.
Speaking of which, can we PLEASE get more Cassie in the next episode? Even if it's just her working her own case. It's been very Cassie-lite at times and I'm not sure why. As much as I love watching Jenny, Beau, Sunny, etc, we need more Cassie, too.
I just have to mention again the actor who is playing Walt. He did it again when Sunny showed up at the cabin. When he recognized it was Sunny, he not only lowered the ax but also his eyes. This guy is good.
Something tells me that Cassie is going to find out about the Bleeding Heart killer and soon.
I am so thankful that they finally let Beau settle on a nickname for Poppernak and didn't keep him consistently trying new ones out. That got old very fast. But I do wish they had settled on something better than Pop Star, but I'll take it.
Loving that we saw Pedro again and it's very clear that Beau is in the driver's seat now.
I was also happy to see Jenny and Cassie get some interaction since they didn't the last episode. I wonder if we'll get more in the next episode. I feel like there's still a Gigi conversation that needs to be had. I LOVED how Jenny was like "yeah of course we'll help you." Love those two.
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drea-46 · 3 years
Part 3
Mareike: Ok, then I know what’s up. Are you coming in today?
Vivien: No, not today
Mareike: Then I wish you a pleasant day. Bye
Vivien: Bye
Mareike: Ms. Wolf?
Fiona: Hello
Mareike: Hello
Fiona: The tense shoulder. We talked on the phone earlier
Mareike: Of course. Please, follow me
Fiona: Thank you for making it happen on this short notice
Mareike: You’re lucky. A patient cancelled her appointment at the last minute. May I ask how you’ve gotten my number?
Fiona: From Till Weigel, he recommended you to me
Mareike: That’s nice. Are you also in the advertising industry?
Fiona: More Import/Export, container vessels and such
Mareike: Sounds exciting. I hope you don’t have a problem with needles
Fiona: On the contrary. I love working with needles myself
Mareike: What?
Till: Mareike?
Fiona: Not quite. Hello, little brother. Did you miss me?
Till: Rolf?
Fiona: You are suprised, aren’t you? I’ve survived your wellness trip
Till: What do you want? Where is Mareike?
Conor: Hey. Sorry I got hold up
Fiona: Don’t say a word or you won’t see her again in one piece
Conor: Are you mad at me?
Till: No, everything is ok
Fiona: Good boy. And now you come up with a great excuse why you have to leave for the rest of the day
Till: Yes, that won’t be a problem at all. I can do it
Fiona: Put that pen away. I can see you…In the van. And now keep talking to me on the phone and come over here
Conor: Do you have to leave already?
Till: Ahm, the appointment with Mr Walter has been preponed
Conor: Ok. Shall I take care of it?
Till: No, I will do it. We will see each other tomorrow, in case the appointement takes longer. Bye
Conor: Huh, but I thought…Hello? Enzo
Fiona: Don’t be so slow, little brother. Get in on the passanger side. Long time no see
Till: Fiona?
Fiona. Yes. The pleasure is all mine. And if you want to see your girlfriend again, you better get inside the car right now and hold out your hands to me
Translation @happyladybug93
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aaronmaurer · 4 years
TV I Liked in 2020
Every year I reflect on the pop culture I enjoyed and put it in some sort of order.
Was there ever a year more unpredictably tailor-made for peak TV than 2020? Lockdowns/quarantines/stay-at-home orders meant a lot more time at home and the occasion to check out new and old favorites. (I recognize that if you’re lucky enough to have kids or roommates or a S.O., your amount of actual downtime may have been wildly different). While the pandemic resulted in production delays and truncated seasons for many shows, the continued streaming-era trends of limited series and 8-13 episode seasons mean that a lot of great and satisfying storytelling still made its way to the screen. As always, I in no way lay any claims to “best-ness” or completeness – this is just a list of the shows that brought me the most joy and escapism in a tough year and therefore might be worth putting on your radar.
10 Favorites
10. The Right Stuff: Season 1 (Disney+)
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As a space program enthusiast, even I had to wonder, does the world really need another retelling of NASA’s early days? Especially since Tom Wolfe’s book has already been adapted as the riveting and iconoclastic Philip Kaufman film of the same name? While some may disagree, I find that this Disney+ series does justify its existence by focusing more on the relationships of the astronauts and their personal lives than the technical science (which may be partially attributable to budget limitations?). The series is kind of like Mad Men but with NASA instead of advertising (and real people, of course), so if that sounds intriguing, I encourage you to give it a whirl.
9. Fargo: Season 4 (FX)
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As a big fan of Noah Hawley’s Coen Brothers pastiche/crime anthology series, I was somewhat let down by this latest season. Drawing its influence primarily from the likes of gangster drama Miller’s Crossing – one of the Coens’ least comedic/idiosyncratic efforts – this season is more straightforward than its predecessors and includes a lot of characters and plot-threads that never quite cohere. That said, it is still amongst the year’s most ambitious television with another stacked cast, and the (more-or-less) standalone episode “East/West” is enough to make the season worthwhile.
8. The Last Dance (ESPN)
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Ostensibly a 10-episode documentary about the 1990s Chicago Bulls’ sixth and final NBA Championship run, The Last Dance actually broadens that scope to survey the entire history of Michael Jordan and coach Phil Jackson’s careers with the team. Cleverly structured with twin narratives that chart that final season as well as an earlier timeframe, each episode also shifts the spotlight to a different person, which provides focus and variety throughout the series. And frankly, it’s also just an incredible ride to relive the Jordan era and bask in his immeasurable talent and charisma – while also getting a snapshot of his outsized ego and vices (though he had sign-off on everything, so it’s not exactly a warts-and-all telling).
7. The Queen’s Gambit (Netflix)
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This miniseries adaptation of the Walter Tevis coming-of-age novel about a chess prodigy and her various addictions is compulsively watchable and avoids the bloat of many other streaming series (both in running time and number of episodes). The 1960s production design is stunning and the performances, including Anya Taylor-Joy in the lead role, are convincing and compelling.
6. The Great: Season 1 (hulu)
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Much like his screenplay for The Favourite, Tony McNamara’s series about Catherine the Great rewrites history with a thoroughly modern and irreverent sensibility (see also: Sofia Coppola’s Marie Antoinette). Elle Fanning brings a winning charm and strength to the title role and Nicholas Hoult is riotously entertaining as her absurdly clueless and ribald husband, Emperor Peter III. Its 10-episodes occasionally tilt into repetitiveness, but when the ride is this fun, why complain? Huzzah!
  5. Dispatches From Elsewhere (AMC)
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A limited (but possibly anthology-to-be?) series from creator/writer/director/actor Jason Segal, Dispatches From Elsewhere is a beautiful and creative affirmation of life and celebration of humanity. The first 9 episodes form a fulfilling and complete arc, while the tenth branches into fourth wall-breaking meta territory, which may be a bridge too far for some (but is certainly ambitious if nothing else). Either way, it’s a movingly realized portrait of honesty, vulnerability and empathy, and I highly recommend visiting whenever it inevitably makes its way to Netflix, or elsewhere…
4. What We Do in the Shadows: Season 2 (FX)
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The second season of WWDITS is more self-assured and expansive than the first, extending a premise I loved from its antecedent film – but was skeptical could be sustained – to new and reinvigorated (after)life. Each episode packs plenty of laughs, but for my money, there is no better encapsulation of the series’ potential and Matt Berry’s comic genius than “On The Run,” which guest-stars Mark Hamill and features Laszlo’s alter ego Jackie Daytona, regular human bartender.
3. Ted Lasso: Season 1 (AppleTV+)
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Much more than your average fish-out-of-water comedy, Jason Sudeikis’ Ted Lasso is a brilliant tribute to humaneness, decency, emotional intelligence and good coaching – not just on the field. The fact that its backdrop is English Premier League Soccer is just gravy (even if that’s not necessarily represented 100% proficiently). A true surprise and gem of the year.
2. Mrs. America (hulu)
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This FX miniseries explores the women’s liberation movement and fight for the Equal Rights Amendment in the 1970s and its opposition by conservative women including Phyllis Schlafly. One of the most ingenious aspects of the series is centering each episode on a different character, which rotates the point of view and helps things from getting same-y. With a slate of directors including Ryan Bowden and Anna Fleck (Half-Nelson, Sugar, Captain Marvel) and an A-List cast including Cate Blanchett, Rose Byrne, Uzo Aduba, Sarah Paulson, Margo Martindale, Tracey Ulman and Elizabeth Banks, its quality is right up there with anything on the big screen. And its message remains (sadly) relevant as ever in our current era.
1. The Good Place: Season 4 (NBC)
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It was tempting to omit The Good Place this year or shunt it to a side category since only the final 4 episodes aired in 2020, but that would have been disingenuous. This show is one of my all-time favorites and it ended perfectly. The series finale is a representative mix of absurdist humor and tear-jerking emotion, built on themes of morality, self-improvement, community and humanity. (And this last run of eps also includes a pretty fantastic Timothy Olyphant/Justified quasi-crossover.) Now that the entire series is available to stream on Netflix (or purchase in a nice Blu-ray set), it’s a perfect time to revisit the Good Place, or check it out for the first time if you’ve never had the pleasure.
5 of the Best Things I Caught Up With
Anne With An E (Netflix/CBC)
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Another example of classic literature I had no prior knowledge of (see also Little Women and Emma), this Netflix/CBC adaptation of Anne of Green Gables was strongly recommended by several friends so I finally gave it a shot. While this is apparently slightly more grown-up than the source material, it’s not overly grimdark or self-serious but rather humane and heartfelt, expanding the story’s scope to include Black and First Nations peoples in early 1800s Canada, among other identities and themes. It has sadly been canceled, but the three seasons that exist are heart-warming and life-affirming storytelling. Fingers crossed that someday we’ll be gifted with a follow-up movie or two to tie up some of the dangling threads.
Better Call Saul (AMC)
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I liked Breaking Bad, but I didn’t have much interest in an extended “Breaking Bad Universe,” as much as I appreciate star Bob Odenkirk’s multitalents. Multiple recommendations and lockdown finally provided me the opportunity to catch up on this prequel series and I’m glad I did. Just as expertly plotted and acted as its predecessor, the series follows Jimmy McGill/Saul Goodman on his own journey to disrepute but really makes it hard not to root for his redemption (even as you know that’s not where this story ends).
Joe Pera Talks With You (Adult Swim)
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It’s hard to really describe the deadpan and oddly soothing humor of comedian Joe Pera whose persona, in the series at least, combines something like the earnestness of Mr. Rogers with the calm enthusiasm of Bob Ross. Sharing his knowledge on the likes of how to get the best bite out of your breakfast combo, growing a bean arch and this amazing song “Baba O’Reilly” by the Who – have you heard it?!? – Pera provides arch comfort that remains solidly on the side of sincerity. The surprise special he released during lockdown, “Relaxing Old Footage with Joe Pera,” was a true gift in the middle of a strange and isolated year.
The Mandalorian (Disney+)
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One of the few recent Star Wars properties that lives up to its potential, the adventures of Mando and Grogu is a real thrill-ride of a series with outstanding production values (you definitely want to check out the behind-the-scenes documentary series if you haven’t). I personally prefer the first season, appreciating its Western-influenced vibes and somewhat-more-siloed story. The back half of the second season veers a little too much into fan service and video game-y plotting IMHO but still has several excellent episodes on offer, especially the Timothy Olyphant-infused energy of premiere “The Marshall” and stunning cinematography of “The Jedi.” And, you know, Grogu.
The Tick (Amazon Prime)
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I’ve been a fan of the Tick since the character’s Fox cartoon and indie comic book days and also loved the short-lived Patrick Warburton series from 2001. I was skeptical about this Amazon Prime reboot, especially upon seeing the pilot episode’s off-putting costumes. Finally gaining access to Prime this year, I decided to catch up and it gets quite good!, especially in Season 2. First, the costumes are upgraded; second, Peter Serafinowicz’s initially shaky characterization improves; and third, it begins to come into its own identity. The only real issue is yet another premature cancellation for the property, meaning Season 2’s tease of interdimensional alien Thrakkorzog will never be fulfilled. 😢
Bonus! 5 More Honorable Mentions:
City So Real (National Geographic)
The Good Lord Bird (Showtime)
How To with John Wilson: Season 1 (HBO)
Kidding: Season 2 (Showtime)
Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt: Kimmy Vs The Reverend (Netflix)
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jennyellie · 4 years
Red Riding Hood AU
[Chapter 2: Pins or Needles]
When Little Red Riding Hood was at the end of the bright forest, he met someone very well known. It was Lance, the heroic hunter who saved the village from the wolves.
He still remembered watching him through the crowd cheering for his victorious return.
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"Hey, kid!"
"Hello, Mr. Sterling! Nice to see you."
"I have never seen you here. Where are you going?" he asked.
"I'm going to my grandmother's house. She's not feeling very well..What are you doing here, sir?"
"Just on a daily patrol. There were several witnesses telling me there's a big, black creature in the dark woods."
"Could it be the wolf? But I thought they were all gone..." the young one asked while being puzzled.
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"Beats me. Some say it was a man but others say it's a huge wolf. You better not go in there all alone. One of our villagers have gone missing a month ago and all I found there were some broken glasses with blood stains."
"Oh my...what terrible news. I should be more careful now."
"You must be. Now go ahead kid, your grandma is waiting for you."
After saying goodbye, Little Red Riding Hood went on his way.
For Lance, he watched him with anxiety in his eyes even after the warning, and started to doubt if they were really all gone on 'that day'.
The boy walked through the green hills and the wide field until he encountered a path with two ways in front of him.
One was quite long, but a bright path on the field. The other was a shortcut, but was headed to the dark, foggy woods.
Red Riding Hood stood there and hesitated which path he should take.
He remembered his mother's words about the dark woods.
But he wanted to see his sick grandmother so much and thought there could be no harm by disobeying his mother's words just this one time.
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When he stepped inside, everything was so different from the places he have been.
The forest didn't allow a single light through the huge trees, and the fog took away all the colors, only leaving the black and white.
There were no sounds of birds chirping or any tiny creatures crawling by. It was so silent that it almost felt unusual for the boy.
As he went deeper, he sensed some odd scent in the distance too. It almost smelled like...rotten meat.
Trying to follow the path through the thick fog, he heard a gruff voice right behind him.
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"My goodness...now that's a beautiful red hood you got there."
He turned around and saw a giant figure standing through the fog.
It looked like a tall man but with a furry tail and two glowing blue eyes.
It was the big, greedy wolf living in the dark woods.
(Chapter 2 is finally up!! Each chapter might require different length of time depending on the drawing.)
(In the fourth drawing, I tried to draw the branches like hands reaching out to catch Walter, similar to the situation.)
@xxstar-bluesxx @rachi-roo @ohziland @thesmoothpudding @kiddcoolio @adonishxney
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funkymbtifiction · 6 years
I know you've said it at least a million times but I still can't identify what motivates 8, 1, 2, 6 and 4 as enneagram types and how any type would manifest depending on its position in the triad (core second and last). I'm trying to really get a grasp of each types and I can't differentiate those because I see them as connected in their motives. I also can't differentiate 2w1 from 1w2 the sound the same so I didn't get something basics about those types.
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You know, I got this FABULOUS book in the mail yesterday, called The Literary Enneagram that has… finally gotten through to me like nothing else. I could see where I’ve been making mistakes and how to correct them. Somehow, it helped it click in my mind for me – the focus on motive and not just behavior. Some of the examples the author uses I was less familiar with, but some of them are solid – like Eleanor Dashwood as a fine example of a 1w2 sexual subtype (and her sister, Marianne, as a 4w3 sexual subtype).
So, I went through the Enneagram tag today (this is what I do with my day off :P) and updated all the profiles so far typed, changing some of them based on what I have learned. I’m shifting our system to focusing on the core for each character rather than tritypes, because if you focus on that alone, you can notice integration and disintegration points and highlight them in the profile. It allows for less margin of error.
Personally, the more I read about Enneagram the less faith I have in tritypes. But, that’s an argument for another day. ;)
Back to your question.
1 - motivation to be good / perfect / above reproach / moral / improve self and others. Think Mr. Knightley, badgering Emma Woodhouse to stop interfering and work on her own issues. Or Elsa in Frozen, being so afraid of being “bad.” Or Elijah in The Originals, harping on Klaus to stop being such an ass and behave himself, while repressing all his own urges and feelings. 1′s repress their emotions. Bottle them up. Until they explode. (See: Eleanor Dashwood and her epic meltdown once she realizes she can marry Edward.)
2 - motivation to be useful / needed / helpful / find love. Think Emma Woodhouse, being so proud of herself for helping poor stupid Harriet find a MUCH BETTER marriage (despite Mr. Knightley harping on her). Or Mr. Darcy being so proud that he broke up Jane and Bingley, because she was just a social climber anyway – and why should he apologize for being helpful and doing the right thing? In other words, 2′s are proud of how helpful they are – whether or not they are actually being helpful.
So, 1w2: Emma, you’re interfering when you should work on your own flaws first. SHAPE UP, THEN HELP PEOPLE. 2w1: Why should I work on myself, I’m good already, but Harriet clearly needs my help so I’m going to give it! ;)
3 - motivation to succeed, social climb, make something of themselves, work hard and get whatever they want, even if it demands cutting corners. Think Scarlett O’Hara. Or Becky Sharp. End of subject.
4 - motivation to stand out, to be authentic, to be not-plebeian, to feel. Think Marianne Dashwood. Or Madam Bovary. Or Anna Karenina. Or Anne Shirley. Life is one big, magnificent tragedy, and every feeling must be FELT to its deepest soul. They throw everything into their emotional intensity, and become needy and clingy under stress (moving to unhealthy 2). Anna Karenina is the prime example – throwing herself after Vronsky, desperate for his affections, then becoming paranoid and needy, fearful he’s going to abandon her, and finally mourning what she has lost, before she’s even lost it. That’s a pure 4 disintegration right there. *sad face*
5 - motivation to self-protect, to be distant, analytical, and never unprepared, to become an expert. See Sherlock Holmes, in just about any incarnation of the character. Analytical, detached, reclusive, does not share his feelings. Analyzes them instead. The really weird thing was the book lists Beth March as a 5, and it made no sense to me until I realized she’s all about avoidance of real life, leaving the home, trying anything new, living in her books and among her kittens, and seeking security through withdrawing from the world – all 5 traits. Holy hell, I never imagined that would be her core, but it is.
6 - motivation to never be without a support system; prone to chronic distrust, doubt, second-guessing, and changing attitudes toward everyone else. A good example of this is Allison from Teen Wolf – rebellious one moment, submissive the next; reactive and then submissive; submits to authority and then defies it. Same with Veronica Mars. Distrusts everyone, reacts with aggression to cover up her fear. The book uses Hamlet as the main example – to be or not to be? Indecisive, ponderous, reactive, submissive, inconsistent, smothering and then distant, until he finally comes to a place of peace and self-acceptance at his death (moving to 9).
BIG CLUE: an 8 should have all the pros and cons of a true 8. All their strengths and weaknesses. 6′s often come across and/or look like 8s, because they can be counter-phobic – attacking whatever makes them feel insecure. Sexual 6′s are especially 8-like – risk takers, contrarians, and rebels.
7 - motivation to avoid pain, to live a happy and carefree life, to be optimistic and avoid feeling trapped. Think Lorelai Gilmore. Aramis from The Musketeers. Ariel from The Little Mermaid. See it, chase it. (Irony of the week: reading reviews for this book, I ran across one that said, “This is a great book! I’m a 7! I tried not to leap ahead and read 7 first… and then I got distracted and forgot all about this book!” HAH.)
8 - motivation to avoid being controlled, harmed, or challenged, through asserting oneself with power. Think Rhett Butler, refusing to conform to society, seeing through Scarlett’s bullcrap and calling her on it, and eye-rolling that she bothers pretending to be “good” when they both know she’s the most manipulative little thing on the planet. Unlike a 6, he isn’t scared. He simply IS authoritative, challenging, powerful.
9 - motivation to avoid unpleasantness, conflict, and losing other people. Often lives in their imagination to avoid the pains of real life, and is passive toward taking action – think Walter Mitty. Or Cinderella. Or Lucy from Narnia, being super nice and accommodating.
As for how it manifests, IF tritypes exist (and for me, at the moment, that’s a big if since I can’t find evidence they do) I suspect core is everything, second fix has a fair amount of influence, and your third fix is almost non-existent, since most people seem to have no  clue what theirs is.
IMO, your best best is to figure out your core, ignore the fixes, and work on self-improvement in your core and wing, since that’s where you’ll spend 98% of your time, energy, and defense methods.
- ENFP Mod
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Chapter 20: Saving Face
Becoming the Mask
Text that is both bolded and italicized indicates trollish.
"How're you holding up, Jim?" Toby opened up his half-made sandwich to put the vegetables on it.
Lunches by Chef Jimbo that required a final, in-cafeteria step to assemble weren't that odd, but usually they were more complicated than cold cuts and veggie slices. This was Jim's 'day off' lunch, for days when something was stressing him out to the point where he didn't even feel like cooking, or didn't have the time.
"Not great," Jim admitted. "… Did you talk to Draal this morning?"
"I've met that guy, like, twice. Plus, don't trolls sleep during the day?"
"We had a fight."
Toby gasped. "But – you don't look smushed."
"More of a 'hurt feelings' fight." Jim's hands tightened on his sandwich. He put it down without taking a bite. "He said I was unworthy of the Amulet. Then I said it still picked me, so I was obviously more worthy than him. And, considering his dad was the Trollhunter before me and Draal really wanted the job …"
"Ouch. Like in The Book Of Life, when Manolo told Joaquin he'd never be as great a hero as his father. What the heck set all that off?"
Jim grimaced and shook his head. Toby could respect that.
"Got a plan for apologizing?"
Jim hated having anyone mad at him. The very few times he and Toby fought, Jim was usually first to try and make amends.
"Wait for tonight, so he's had some time to cool down, then say sorry and see if he's ready to hear that. If he's not … I dunno. Go into the Void and ask his dad's ghost for advice, maybe."
"If you need to avoid him for a bit, you can crash with me and Chompsky."
Jim half-smiled and started eating, which meant he wasn't tensed up with nerves anymore. Toby patted himself on the back.
Barbara parked, neatened her hair in the rear view mirror, and sighed over her steering wheel. She wanted to go home, wolf down some food, take a hot, soothing shower, and collapse into bed. Instead, she'd agreed to meet her son's teacher for lunch.
"For Jim," she reminded her reflection. Her child needed his remaining parent to be involved in his life.
There were a few tables set up outside the café. Seated at one of them was a man in a brown jacket and blue turtleneck. She didn't notice him until he stood when she walked past.
"Dr Lake?" Barbara jumped a bit.
"Yes–? Oh." She recognized his accent from the phone. He probably guessed by her teal scrubs. "You must be Mr Strickler." She put on a smile and held out her hand to shake. He kissed it instead, making her blush.
"Indeed. Lovely to meet you at last." He pulled out the chair opposite him and she sat. It was so nice to be off her feet.
A waiter appeared, or perhaps Mr Strickler had signalled them now that she'd arrived, and asked if they wanted drinks to start. Barbara ordered a coffee. Mr Strickler asked for something she assumed was a blend of tea.
"I'll start by repeating that Jim's not in trouble." He folded his hands on the table. "I've noticed he occasionally has trouble staying awake, or that his focus seems to drift, snapping back to attention when called upon but wandering again soon after."
"That sounds like he's tired. He's always up early … I'll talk to him about when he's going to bed." Barbara had heard, and seen evidence at the hospital, that a lot of teenagers were sleep-deprived. With the way Jim tried to take care of her …
"He also has a habit of, shall we say, overstretching himself," said Mr Strickler, following the same train of thought as Barbara. "Taking on more than his share of responsibilities."
The waiter returned with their drinks. Barbara hadn't even looked at the menu's lunch options. She took a gulp of coffee and ordered the first thing she spotted with 'sandwich' in the description; a 'croque monsieur'. Mr Strickler ordered the same thing.
Maybe it was the hunger or the exhaustion talking but it actually sounded more appetizing when he said it.
"With all respect," continued Mr Strickler, once the waiter left, "Jim's behaviour is not uncommon among children whose parents have demanding careers; they seek to ease the pressure on their parents by being helpful –"
Barbara nodded; that certainly sounded like Jim.
"– Or they see the sheer number responsibilities their parents hold, and conclude this is a normal level of activity for anyone. Or, in some cases, are encouraged to be perfect because their reputation reflects back on their family, but I don't believe that's the case with Jim."
Barbara fidgeted with a napkin. "I've never meant to put him under pressure … But I have, ah, encouraged some of his habits."
Like the cooking, or cleaning the house, or doing yard work, or helping her budget the utilities …
She'd viewed it as practical, teaching Jim things like how to operate a washing machine or handle money so he'd know how to do it when he was living on his own, but, was she interfering with his academic education, letting him take on – praising him for taking on – so many responsibilities at home?
Mr Strickler touched her hand, lightly, briefly, bringing her back to the present.
"Jim is a kind boy," he said. "He wants to help people. But it's impossible to help everyone, and Jim," the teacher steepled his fingers and contemplated his words, "Jim is young enough to not necessarily recognize his limits."
Over lunch – croque monsieur turned out to be a ham and cheese sandwich fried in white sauce – they discussed ways to encourage Jim to cut back without making it sound like his helpfulness was being rejected or like he was being criticized for not being able to do enough.
They didn't come to any solid conclusions. Barbara could encourage Jim to sleep or ease up on his chores; both adults could remind Jim of the importance of taking care of himself; but Barbara didn't want to ground him from extracurriculars or socialization to force him to rest. It hadn't gotten to that point, and hopefully it never would.
"I should be getting back to the school," said Mr Strickler, checking his watch. He uncapped the pen he'd toyed with off and on during their conversation and scribbled onto a sticky note from one of his jacket's inside pockets. "My phone, Dr Lake."
"Please, call me Barbara."
She took the phone number and he kissed her hand again.
"Barbara." Her name sounded lovely with his accent. "Walter. Do call if there's anything you'd like to discuss."
He summoned the waiter and paid their cheque and then he was gone, and Barbara was left feeling unsure if she'd just had an unorthodox parent-teacher conference or an even more unorthodox first date.
She went home and had the relaxing shower and nap she'd been craving.
Draal was conflicted. He was unaccustomed to that feeling. He did not care for it.
He wanted to believe he had done the right thing, not killing the Changeling immediately upon discovery.
He wanted to believe the Amulet of Merlin knew what it was doing when it chose … one of them … to be the Trollhunter.
He wanted to believe Jim's oath to turn against Gunmar was genuine, and not yet another act.
There was a pipe in the centre of the basement, and if Draal stood by it, he could hear nearly everything from the main story of the house. He'd heard Jim quietly threatening Nomura over Barbara's safety last night.
He should've been listening at the pipe when Nomura first came to the house; he might've learned more about what the Changelings were up to –
Draal's failings aside; the exchange he had eavesdropped on suggested Jim had been truthful about Barbara still being human instead of another Changeling collaborator, and that he felt a certain level of protectiveness for her, matching his explanation of why he'd let Draal move in.
As Blinky and AAARRRGGHH had each independently pointed out, Jim could have simply, easily, killed Draal that night, instead of agreeing to expose himself as a Changeling.
Or Jim could have stayed out of the fight, rather than exposing himself as the Trollhunter to protect Nomura.
If the helmet materialized with a faceplate, Draal still wouldn't know what Jim really was.
They hadn't spoken on the return journey from Trollmarket. Jim hadn't come downstairs before leaving the house that morning, either. Draal had gone upstairs midmorning to scavenge some food. A pile of cans waited for him in the blue box in the kitchen.
He brought them back to his living space and sat behind the furnace, on the blanket Jim had given him when he moved in, now somewhat ragged after a few encounters with Draal's spikes. He slowly snacked his way through cans and coal, and stared at the little Heartstone piece.
Why had Jim given him that? It wasn't like Draal had been expecting one. The Changeling could've kept it for himself. Jim had, by his own confession, been working for Gunmar up until last night, and that was assuming he really had changed sides.
That was what made Changelings dangerous, Draal supposed. They thought differently than normal trolls. You never knew what they were thinking. And even when you knew that, you still found yourself wanting to trust them.
Draal really hoped he had done the right thing.
Barbara woke up when Jim got home from school.
"Hey, Mom." He hugged her hello. Jim had never outgrown how affectionate he'd been as a small boy. Barbara hoped he never decided he was 'too old' to hug his mother. "How was your day?"
"I had lunch with your history teacher."
Jim's shoulders tensed, just slightly, under her hands – typical teenaged surprise and alarm over unforewarned parent-teacher interaction? Or, wait, with how Barbara phrased it, did Jim think she meant she'd gone on a date? Well, she was uncertain herself, but never mind that now.
"He's worried you aren't getting enough sleep."
"Oh, that." He relaxed in her arms. "Yeah, he's asked me if I'm sleeping okay. My eyes just bag up really easily, I guess."
Barbara held Jim out a short ways from her, examining him for signs of fatigue. Noticeable bags under his eyes, yes, he'd started getting those when he was twelve, but his pediatrician hadn't been concerned when Barbara mentioned it. Jim wasn't swaying on his feet, and his eyes were focused, and he wasn't jittery like he'd been using caffeine or sugar to compensate for exhaustion.
"Jim … if you ever need a break. A mental health day? One less chore on the roster? I get it, okay? You're a kid. A very responsible, considerate kid, but still a kid, and you need time to be a kid. And I'm your mom. It's my job to take care of you. So if you need anything, you know you can tell me, right?"
"Do what's good for you, or you're no good to anybody," Jim recited.
Mr Strickler – Walter – had shared the same quote at lunch when he asked Barbara when she'd last had time off, and gently suggested taking some might demonstrate to Jim that it was okay to prioritize oneself once in a while. Adolescents, whatever they may claim of their near-adulthood and independence, do look to actual adults for guidance, approval, and example.
"I know, Mom," said Jim. "I don't feel like I need anything right now, but I'll give it some thought and get back to you, okay? We could … revisit the topic this weekend?"
What books were on those packed shelves of his? Sometimes Jim talked like he was an office manager or something. He hadn't picked it up from her.
It was a good idea, though, so Barbara agreed.
"If you and Mr S met for lunch, then the three-bean salad's been marinating all day, not just for the morning. We can have that for dinner. Maybe a light soup and some rolls. I think we still have some frozen from last time."
"Mr Strickler seems very nice," said Barbara. "And he really likes you. I've never seen a teacher take such an interest before."
Jim, now rummaging in the freezer, made a vague affirmative noise.
"Is he single?"
Jim bumped his head on the ice cube tray.
"Um, I think so? His office has a bunch of curios but no family photos." Which implied the lack of them wasn't because he didn't care to personalize his workspace.
Jim had no confirmation Stricklander was on board with the plan yet, but Barbara spending time with Stricklander and getting him attached to her seemed to be off to a good start. That would be a good backup to keep her alive if Gunmar won anyway and Jim was exposed as a traitor.
Once his mother was asleep, he went downstairs to update Draal before going to Trollmarket.
"I've been working on our cover story. If any of the humans ask, we had a sparring match last night. I lost. You got mad and accused me of slacking off in training and said I was unworthy of the Amulet. I got mad and said I was still more worthy than you since it picked me. You took that as an insult to your father, and I apologized for that but we're both still upset; that's why things are awkward between us now."
"You didn't tell them what you really are?"
"Are you kidding me? I'm in enough trouble that Nomura knows you know; I'd be dead meat if it got out Blinky and AAARRRGGHH know, and the humans'd be dead meat with me if they knew, too."
"Hello, Trollhunter."
"… Blinky?"
"I know you speak this language. Did I actually teach you anything in our lessons?" Blinky asked bitterly.
"Blinky …" Jim scuffed his foot on the floor. "I'm sorry I … lied to you, about how much I knew. But you really did teach me a lot. I knew … keywords, before; every Changeling does, in case we overhear something about Killahead or Gunmar. I knew directions and distances and quantities. I understood … many words I heard you say. But the syntax and grammar and etiquette and culture were all new to me. That first thing you taught me, that greeting? It is my honour to meet you. I had never heard that before. I was barely literate. I … I faked how much I needed to learn, but, yes, I did learn from you."
"You don't actually know our verb for 'to deceive', do you? I'm fairly certain that comes under the heading of irony."
"Um, only as a noun. It's deception, right?"
Blinky rummaged in his pockets and got out a notebook. "Deception. Deceiving. To deceive. It's a regular verb, following the same rules as to see. Now, I have a number of questions about my brother I'd like you to answer."
"Okay. Deception, deceiving, to deceive, same rules as to see," Jim muttered. "I don't exactly know Dictatious well, but we've met."
"Describe him. I want to be sure we really are talking about the same troll."
"Okay. He mostly looks like you, except green instead of blue, nose is dark grey instead of orange, and … his horns point more up than back?"
Jim made an upward-sweeping gesture from his own head.
"Hair sticks up, too. It's got a couple of white streaks that might not've been there when you last saw him. And … I don't know if you know who Mark Hamill is, but he's a human actor and I've seen some of his movies and they sound alike. Like, uncannily alike."
Blinky slumped and sighed into his list of questions. "That's him. Next question. When and how and why did he join Gunmar?!"
Jim recoiled from the shouted inquiry.
"Survival? Maybe? I wasn't there. I'm not old enough to remember anything before Killahead closed. But either he was a double-agent already who got stuck in the Darklands with us, or he was too close and got pulled in by accident and offered the Underlord his services in order to not get killed."
Previous Chapter (Jim is convinced to turn against Gunmar)
Table of Contents 
Next Chapter (A breather episode after all this drama!)
The Book Of Life is a movie that canonically exists in the world of this show. Mary is giving a report on it during her Spanish Comprehension exam in the episode that introduces Gnome Chompsky. Guillermo del Toro was involved in both that movie and this show.
HannaVictoria from AO3 jokingly suggested Jim mention to Blinky that Dictatious sounds like Mark Hamill, his voice actor. I went for it.
In English, 'see' is an irregular verb. But trollish grammar is different, so I decided it would be a regular verb (one that conjugates based on consistent rules) in their language.
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67chevy-imagine · 7 years
Anything, For You
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Word Count: 1,958
Summary: Dean is absolutely, completely, in love with the reader. But of course, something always goes wrong. 
Song: Thinking ‘Bout You - Dua Lipa 
A/N: I know I’ve written a similar concept before, but I got my wisdom teeth out two days ago, and in a drug induced state, I wrote this. Thankfully, my friend Fem re-read it and fixed everything that definitely needed fixing (whoops.) I really hope you guys like this, and I’m begging you, please send in any comments and critiques! Let me know if you want a part two! 
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-- -- -- -- 
Dean pulled the blanket up over your shoulder, letting it rest just below your chin. You had fallen asleep not twenty minutes into the movie. First your head fell onto his shoulder, then slid down to his arm, then eventually met his thighs.
Gently, he ran his fingers through your hair. Dean knew that you weren’t aware of the full extent of his affections, and that you would probably never would find out. But, he also knew that it did not matter to him whether or not you did. All he ever wanted was to keep you close by and safe. 
“I’m gonna head to bed.” Sam said quietly, stretching as he stood up from the chair.
Dean nodded, “I’ll take Y/N to her room.”
Carefully, he lifted up your sleeping figure and clutched you to his chest as he made his way through the dimly lit hallway, and to your bedroom door.
“Night.” He said, as if you could hear, and placed you under your covers.
His socked feet slid against the floor as he walked to his own room, head in hand. Dean rubbed his eyes before changing into a new t-shirt and boxers.
It couldn’t have been more than two hours when he heard a faint cry through the wall separating your bedrooms. In seconds, he was by your side. Dean watched your face contort from sadness to anguish, then eventually fear.
“Y/N.” He whispered your name, “Hey, hey, wake up.” He pleaded, hands gripping at your shoulders.
“I’m right here.” He shook you gently, praying you would open your eyes quickly.
You woke up finally, reaching up and gripping Dean’s t-shirt. He exhaled with relief as he watched your features relax.
“Sorry.” You whispered, laying back down against your pillow. “I’m-”
“It’s fine. You’re fine.” Dean’s voice was raspy, laced with sleep.
Nights like these were common, almost routine for you and Dean. Sometimes it was you screaming through the night, pulling Dean closer; other times it Dean who clung to your figure as he fought to wake up.
“Thank you.” You finally settled on two simple words, before letting go of Dean. He gripped your hand and stood up from your bed.
“See you in the morning.” He said, and you turned onto your side, watching his figure leave as he shut the door.
When morning finally did come, you took a quick shower and met the brothers in the kitchen for breakfast.
“Anything new?” You asked Sam, who was leaning over the counter with a newspaper in his hand.
“Yeah, actually…” He trailed off, and you raised a brow at him.
Dean shrugged when your eyes met his, asking for an explanation.
You grabbed a piece of toast and buttered it, waiting patiently for Sam to finish the article and elaborate.
“How’d you sleep?” Dean asked suddenly, while taking the seat across from you at the table. Your eyes lifted to meet his.
“The second half of the night was definitely better.” You stated, “Thanks to you.”
“You should seriously consider watching some comedies before bed.” Dean joked, earning a soft smile from you.
You were about to respond when Sam interrupted.
“Guys-” He started, “This has got to be a werewolf.”
Sam placed the newspaper on the table, in between yours and Dean’s plates. His finger was stuck on one paragraph where an eyewitness account was written up.
“This woman described a werewolf kill, perfectly.” Sam looked between the two of you and you nodded, taking a bite of your toast.
“It’s worth checking out.” You stated.
“Where is it?” Dean asked.
Sam looked closer at the paper, “In the area, actually. A couple towns over.”
“Let’s leave in an hour.” Dean decided.
-- -- -- --
Sam had done his research quickly, connecting the werewolf to a man who lived at the address Dean had finally pulled up to. The man might not even know that he is a killer at night. You swallowed thickly, staring at the front door.
“Here.” Dean jammed a handful of silver bullets into your palm, his fingers lingering for longer than they should have.
“Thanks.” You loaded them into your gun.
You grabbed your FBI jacket, and Dean watched as you popped the collar before setting it back down again.
“Let’s go, Agent.” You cracked a smile and tucked your gun into your pants.
Dean landed a curt knock on the door, and a very nice looking man swung the door open.
“Can I help you?” He asked, and you studied his face. He seemed kind. You sighed.
“I’m Agent Walters,” You said, flipping open your credentials.
Dean had grabbed the copy of this false identification, his reading Agent Walters as well.
“I’m her husband, Agent Walters.” Dean said, and you had to stifle a cough.
“Oh, how wonderful it must be to work side by side.” The man stated, opening the door further. “Come in. How can I help?”
While he busied himself with locking the door behind you and Dean, you whispered violently at Dean, asking for an explanation. He passed you his identification card, and you understood the mistake he had made.
“Fuck.” You whispered, and shuffled the card back to Dean.
“So, Mr. Williams,” You began, “There have been neighborhood disturbances as you have probably heard.”
“Yes, it’s been a tough month for this town.” He agreed.
“There has also been a murder, which we are hoping to shine more light onto.” You clasped your hands.
“Are you suggesting I know something?” Williams leaned back in his chair, eyes wide.
“What my wife here is trying to say is,” Dean’s hand met yours, prying your fingers apart and into his own. “We just need to know every detail possible.”
Dean’s attention wavered for a moment. He couldn’t focus on anything else but how perfectly his hand felt holding yours.
“Well, agents, I wish I could help. But actually, lately I’ve had a tough time with my memory. I must be getting older.” He stated, scratching at his head.
You looked at Dean, both of you understanding that Sam’s research was right. The sweet middle-aged man who sat before you, was a stone cold killer at night.
“That’s alright.” Your eyes hit the floor before meeting his, “Thank you.”
“If you think of anything else,” Dean gave him a false business card, “Call us.”
“No problem.” Mr. Williams shut the door, its slam sending chills up your spine.
You followed Dean back to the car.
“Well?” Sam asked from the passenger seat.
“We should check out the house tonight to make sure, but there’s a ninety percent chance it’s him.” You stated.
When the sun finally set, you decided to accompany Dean on the stakeout.
The Impala rested on the other side of the street from Mr. Williams’s home. You watched through the window as he turned on his television, watching a documentary of some sort.
The night air was cold, seeping its way into the car's interior. You leaned over the seat and grabbed a blanket, draping it around yourself.
You looked over at Dean, his profile illuminated solely by the moonlight.
“Here.” Dean suddenly spoke, his hand reaching to pass you his hot coffee.
“It’s fine.” You smiled, “Thanks, though.”
He shrugged, “You sure?”
When you nodded, he finally took a sip.
You eyes wandered around the small suburban neighborhood. Trees lined the sidewalks, which tucked houses into their own landscapes.
“What?” Dean asked, watching your eyes.
You turned to him, “Imagine living somewhere like this.”
He exhaled and took another sip of his drink, “The bunker has more square footage.” He joked.
You cracked a smile, and nestled yourself deeper into the leather seat.
“Still…” You thought, “A window would be nice.”
Dean’s heart nearly broke at the statement. There were no windows in the bunker, just bricks lining the walls from floor to ceiling.
“Let’s buy a house then.” Dean said. His tone was serious, but you took it as a joke. A laugh bubbled up from your throat. Dean wasn’t one for a picket-fence life, but he’d do it for you. He would do absolutely anything, for you.
“Yeah, we’ll pay a mortgage and everything.” You continued to smile through your sentence.
“If that’s what you want.” Dean stated simply.
You furrowed your brows, slowly realizing he might just be serious. You searched his face for an answer, but a loud crash ripped you from your concentration.
“Call Sam.” Dean tossed you his phone before grabbing his gun.
Sam was right. Williams, in werewolf form, had just broken straight through his large window, and was running towards the woodsy area down the street.
You punched in Sam’s number, asking him to come as backup.
Thirty minutes later, you were deep in the trees foliage, with Sam only a couple yards behind you and Dean.
“Dean.” Sam called forwards.
The eldest Winchester stopped in his tracks, putting out his arm so you would stop as well.
“He’s going to make his way back out to civilization soon enough.” Sam said quietly. “He needs to kill.”
You sighed and looked between both brothers.
“Then, let’s meet him there first.” You suggested. “Beat him to it.”
The three of you walked nearly six blocks before hitting a small city-like town that bordered the one you had just left. Nearly every store was already shut. Light from the streetlamps flooded the streets with a stale yellow that made your stomach churn. You hated hunting at night.
“There.” Dean whispered, motioning with his hand towards a motel.
A large shadow was walking towards the side entrance, you recognized it as the wolf instantly.
“Shit.” You muttered, seeing a woman standing by the same door.
It wasn’t until a large growl sounded that Sam and Dean began sprinting across the street, running as fast as they possibly could.
You caught up quickly, keeping your eyes trained on the innocent woman.
It wasn’t a thought-through move. You hadn’t had to think twice when you saw the wolf pounce forward. Instantly, you dove forward, pushing the woman to the ground.
“Y/N!” Dean shouted.
A heavy weight landed on you. The werewolf’s claws ripped through your arm and your body responded with a blood curdling scream.
Somewhere, you heard the echoes of bullets being fired.
“Dean! Stop!” You heard Sam shout. In a matter of seconds, the wolf was pushed off of your body. Dean had jumped forward and put all of his weight into knocking the monster off. Your head hit the pavement for the second time that night as the wolf’s claws let go.
You fell unconscious while Dean shot at it, killing it with two bullets to the chest.
“What the hell, Dean?!” Sam shouted at his brother. “You could’ve killed yourself like that!”
He ignored his brother, and instead knelt down to your figure. He grabbed his jacket and peeled it off before wrapping it around your bleeding arm.
“Your priority is killing the monster, not yourself!”
“No.” Dean stated, his voice elevating, “Y/N, is my priority!”
Sam’s eyes widened as he stared at his brother.
“Now, help me.” Dean took in a deep breath and began trying to wake you up.
As the blood loss began to slow due to Dean applying pressure, your eyes began to open.
Darkness was the first thing you saw, until the moon came into view. Your back was pressed against the pavement, your head in someone’s hand.
“She’s up.” The voice was muffled. Your initial reaction was to move, to get away from the situation; but, the sudden resurfacing of blinding pain in your arm caused you to groan.
“Come on, Y/N. We gotta go.” Green eyes were staring into your own.
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musemelodies · 11 days
What if Disney wanted to hire you? [Walter]
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He couldn’t even bring himself to laugh at that one. As jaded as Walter was with…almost everything, as much as he complained about his own studio and the way they treated the toons, he knew it could be much worse. The idea of working for the mouse was ridiculous. No, he couldn’t even call it that. It was a nightmare, which was ironic, seeing that they were all about making dreams come true and whatnot. 
Anyway, even if he wasn’t under contract (and some would argue past his prime), he still wouldn’t have taken it up. Whatever intrigue he might’ve had had been crushed a long time ago and the more he heard about the mouse these days, the more put off he was. 
“Nope. Not a chance. Not ever.” 
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knightthunderis · 4 years
Ch 11 Reimeiko’s History
“Wait, Thunderis, I am sorry.” Derrick said. “I did not mean to bump you in with all the other ladies around this country.  I know that you are nothing like them.  You actually care about other people whereas the nobles and royals here care only for themselves.  I truly did not mean to make you angry.  In anycase, if you want to last around here, you had better be ready for tomorrow with all the bowing and curtseying.  There are rules for everything around here you know.”
“Believe me, I know the royal rules of protocol.” Reimeiko said. “I am not about to let a bunch of stuck up nobles come between me and my future with my soulmate.  I have seen the future and the queen by Karyson’s side is me and no one else.”
“You know the other ladies vying for Garyson have been training for it all their lives.” Derrick replied. “They will do whatever it takes to make sure they take the lead in all things.”
“Well I can let you in on all the advantages I have that none of them do.” Reimeiko said. “I was not only raised and trained in royal protocol and how to be a wife and mother by my mother, but I was also trained in the art of warfare by my dad and his team of fighters.  I can harness the powers and elements of my home, and Karyson and I were connected together years ago so none of the others have a chance with him because we are bound to each other eternally.”
“Oh wow seriously?” he asked. “I did not think that you were that Reimeiko Thunderis.  She and Karyson were married centuries ago.  They cannot be alive today.  There is no way unless-” Reimeiko lit up with her brows raised.
“My full name by royal standards is Reimeiko Christyne Amaryllis Thunderis Wolfe.” Reimeiko said. “I am the eldest daughter of Thor and Kyiandra Kinsworthy Thunderis, the king and queen of Thunderia and the Universal Alliance.”
“Oh wow, you look pretty darn good for someone who is over three thousand years old.” Derrick replied. “No, it is impossible for you two to be the Reimeiko and Karyson of the past. They lived centuries ago.”
“We are immortal, Derrick.” Reimeiko explained. “We may move from one timeline to another but we are all eternal.  I am Knight Thunder of Thunderia able to harness the powers and the elements of my kingdom and Karyson is able to do the same thing as Knight Wolf.  Watch, I will prove to you who I am.” She drew her swords that were hidden behind her and crossed them above her head. “By the power of Galaxia! Thunderian Thorstar Universal Ultimate Galactic Knight Power!” The lightning swirled around her body followed by the gold light of change.  Reimeiko Thunderis was transformed into Knight Thunder, much to Derrick’s wide surprise. “Usually, because my fellow Knights and I have reached our ultimate level, we do not have to use our weapons to transform into our Knight forms.  All we have to do is think and the hero form appears on us.”
“Wow, I am seeing it but I am still not completely believing it.” Derrick announced. “It is just so unreal.  If Karyson is one of you, how come he has never displayed this kind of power.”
“All we know is that somewhere between our last battle and the meeting at Russo’s Karyson was separated from his human and hero personalities Tristan Michael Llewellyn and Knight Wolf.” Reimeiko explained. 
“But if Karyson has a human form that is different from him as well as Knight Wolf, that also means you have a different human form as well.” Derrick interjected.
“I am known as Jamison Logan McKagan Llewellyn by human standards.” Reimeiko explained. “Tristan, Karyson’s human form is my husband as Karyson is Reimeiko’s.  Besides my siblings, Aaron and Keilyn and our fellow Knights as well as Karyson’s siblings you are the only one who knows about this.”
“I see. Now we had better go.” Derrick insisted. “I do not want to get you into trouble being out after curfew.”
“Trouble? Why would you get me into trouble?” she asked. “I can handle trouble. I am Knight Thunder after all.”
“Maybe you can,” he said. “But you are still new here.  I do not want to get you into any kind of mess on my account.  It is not like it is in normal life where you can just be yourself and do what you want.  Here there is always going to be someone waiting for some gossip to spread about you and use against you.  I know what this place looks like but do not let it fool you.  Most people do not get happily ever after around here.  Come on.”
Reimeiko followed Derrick from the roof after reverting back to herself, while still holding the Knight Thunder persona, back to the tree, and down. As they got closer to the ground, the branches became more sparse.  Derrick dropped out of the tree to the ground, then held out his hand to Reimeiko. He pulled her down and for a brief moment, held her in his arms before he set her on the ground.
“Hey Derrick, I just wanted to say, you are extremely cute when you are flustered.” she smirked. “I remember that was a way to perk you up when you gained the interest of that special someone.”
Derrick laughed and looked away blushing, looking like he was about to say something, but then he thought better of it. “You are real trouble, I think Thunderis.”
“I guess it depends on how you look at it Derrick.” she giggled. “Good night Mr. Werner.”
She left behind a speechless Derrick and headed back to her room hopeful that she would fall asleep fairly quickly.  Samson, one of her guardians, was there waiting for her perched on the desk near the bed in owl form.  When he was sure it was only his mistress, he reverted to cat form jumping over onto the bed.
“Jaira and I completed our circuit of the country, Your Highness.” Samson said. “And nothing is as any of us remember it.  Something is seriously not right.”
“This is not the Thaddea the rest of the Guardians and Knights remember.” Jaira added. “The present king and queen is named Cecil and Alyssa Walters.  Word around the palace is that they are ruling Taboria and Karyson and Samuel Walters are brothers.”
“Samuel’s only siblings are his twin sister Francine, uh I mean Ceres.” Reimeiko replied. “And his half brother Garyson Walters.  We have to get to the bottom of this before Cecil gets Karyson tied up in bigamy and casts him from everything that matters.”
Samson and Jaira left the room so that Reimeiko could change clothes and go to bed, hopeful she would fall asleep quickly. The next morning Byron and Malachi arrived going through the outfits that Reimeiko had brought with her.
“No, not this one.” Byron said. “Not this one, too casual, too American, too stretchy.  What we are looking for is the perfect look for your debut for the Masquerade tonight.  The first event of the Social Season is tonight, the masquerade.”
“It is the ball where all of the suitors will be presented formally to Prince Garyson as well as the king.” Malachi added. “While not everyone everyone wears a costume or a mask, you can be sure the ladies competing for Garyson’s attention will be pulling out all of the stops to make sure they are all he sees.”
“I suppose it is too much to ask if you even packed a costume appropriate for a black tie affair?” Byron asked, looking disdainfully at the rest of the clothes in her suitcase.  He let out a long suffering sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose.
“Well we were not sure so we made you an appointment at the palace boutique.” Malachi said. “Maybe you will find something there that you like better.  And remember tonight is very important.  You could end up getting to dance with Garyson and it is your chance to make a first impression on all of the influential people and to stand apart from everyone else there.”
“Do not worry fellows, I have got this.” Reimeiko announced. She grabbed her adventure bag and left her room to go to the palace boutique.  Just to be on the safe side, she had Knight Thunder in full power.  This was not the Thaddea she knew or remembered.  She stepped into the boutique and saw one of the suitors in her underwear looking through the various costumes. “Oh I am sorry, I did not realize that someone was already in here.”
“It is no problem.” she said. “To be honest, I did not have an appointment.  I am Elenia Zhang.  I suppose you are also here to prepare for the Masquerade tonight as well?”
“I am Reimeiko Thunderis; and yes, I am here to prepare for this hide and seek parade too.” Reimeiko said giggling. “This is quite the flash and flare event just to try and win the hand of one of the Walters boys.”
“She is the multi-talented suitor from Thaddea.” Tristan said through the earpiece Reimeiko wore. “Elenia is the one you should try and make friends with the most.  The other suitors are serious backbiters including Melinda Edwards so watch yourself.”
“Since you are here and not already dressed,” Elenia said. “I must assume that you are like me and searching for something to wear.  The seamstress seems to be running late, but I can show you around. This boutique has the most exquisite gowns.  Let me just slip my dress on.” She pulled on the dress she was holding but struggled to get the zipper up. Reimeiko helped her with no hesitation.  Elenia donned a matching mask and settled it on her face before turning back around to face Reimeiko grinning at her. “Thank you, not many people here are nice like you.” She twirled around her full skirts twirling out. “Now what about you?  One must have a mask for the masquerade.  Have you seen the angel costume?  You would look amazing in white.”
“I will take a look.” Reimeiko said. She slipped into the changing room with the dress, Silver Sensation and with a snap of her fingers was wearing her version of it and her glasses transformed into a matching mask.  The outfit for Princess Reimeiko was just what she needed to help trigger Karyson’s true memory of his connection with Reimeiko and reunite them. “So how do I look?”
“Oh wow, you look absolutely amazing.” Elenia gushed. The two of them left the boutique then Reimeiko met Malachi at the bottom of the grand staircase just outside the ballroom.
“You look sensational, Reimeiko.” Malachi said. “One thing I should mention, as soon as you enter the ballroom, tell the herald your name and title so that you can be announced.  Since you are working undercover, you do not have a title, but since my family is “Sponsoring” you, then you could technically be considered a lady.”
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elliotthezubat · 7 years
from fevers, to tournaments, to gang activity and more
[[cont from part 86]]
Akitaru: *looking at an old album...and a photo* "..." {ami: up! up!} {Akiaru: *picks her up, making a plane sound* "Zoooom!"} {ami: *laughs*} {chitose: ^^} {Akitaru: "Like that?" *imitates pilot's voice* "Roger, roger, Ami is in flight..."} {ami: ^o^} {Akitaru: "Hee hee...High-flying girl!" *brings Ami over to Chitose*} {chitose: the baby has landed! *kisses ami's forehead*} {ami: mama!} {chitose: ^^} {Akitaru: "Smart kid..." *rubs Ami's back*} Akitaru: "..." *wipes his eyes* shinra: sir? Akitaru: "Yep?" shinra: is everything ok? Akitaru: "Just...nostalgic." *holds up an album* shinra:....*hug* Akitaru: "..." *pat pat* "Thanks." -elsewhere- Shotaro: *chasing a bird in the backyard with Bone of the Cat* chie: *rocking toru* io: ba! setsuna: so nice to be out of the house now ^^ mana: *uneasy* Shotaro: *pops up, the bird now sitting on his forehead* "What up, Mana?" mana: just tense..... Shotaro: "...But it's springtime! What could go wrong?" mana: its peaceful, yes, but knowing how life is, im not sure how long that will last before things go crazy.... chie: .... Shotaro: ^w^ "That's why me and my crazy bone powers are here!" mana:....*sigh* same ol' showtaro. -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *crosses his arms* "...They attacked children?" higuchi: unbelievable.... Akutagawa: "What is the Hell Blaze?" naoya: some gang of flame humans causing trouble. Akutagawa: "...Where do they congregate? The slums?" naoya: likely, but it'd be to risky right now... Akutagawa: "Then let me know when you have intelligence predicting their locations, patterns, numbers..." naoya:....right.... -elsewhere- stocking: *drying herself off after a bath* Kid: *enters the bedroom* stocking: hey hun~ Kid: *smiles* "Hello. How are you?" stocking: just got all freshened up ^^ *takes a seat, with one leg out* Kid: "..." *rests his hand lightly on her ankle* stocking: *smirk* Kid: *traces up his finger* stocking: ah~ Kid: "How was your bath?" *moves his finger up* stocking: it was nice. u///T Kid: "But...was something wrong..." *his hand reaches her thigh* stocking: oh? Kid: "Maybe...lonely?" stocking: now that you mention it...yes. Kid: "I'm sorry...I wish I was here..." *his hand slides up to her hip* "...more often." stocking: *licks her lips* you may want to lock the door. Kid: *pulls back his hand, slowly* "Wait right there..." *walks, locks* stocking: *smirk* -elsewhere- Steinbeck: "Hmm..." *looking at claw marks on a tree* baum: creepy... dorothy: could be a big wolf... Steinbeck: "Nah, Hound of the Baskerville is in Dartmoor..." dorothy: oh. [-somewhere in the world, a certain person is sneezing, but that is neither here nor there-] Steinbeck: "Unless it's another beast...What do they look like to you, Baum?" baum: cant say for sure. could be a bear? Steinbeck: "Yeah...I've seen lion claws, but not like this--" dorothy:..............there's hoofsteps coming. Steinbeck: "???" *looks* ("A carriage? Out here? ...No, that's one horse--") baum: *takes dorothy and hides in the bushes, dragging steinbeck along as well* Steinbeck: "GRRK--!" baum: shhh!.... Steinbeck: -n- "Hmph." *looks through the bushes* *there's someone on horseback* Steinbeck: "Hmm..." ("What are they checking?") ????: *riding along*..... Steinbeck: "Who are they? I can't see their face..." ????:........*continues on* Steinbeck: "...Wish Ernest was here to track them." -elsewhere- Touma: "...What even is this?" worker: we arent sure, we found it near our texas branch. there might be a vampire nest out that way, but we dont know exactly where... Touma: "..." *leans back in his chair* "Anyone looking into it?" worker: we have a few guys checking into it now. Touma: "Any assistance required?" -elsewhere- sayaka: we're heeeere! kilik: *nod* Jacqueline: *stretches* "Glad to..." kim: alright, where's the hotel? Harvar: *staring at his phone...it's not a map--he's just reading social media* ox: *checking for a map* Jacqueline: *looks at the buildings...smiles* "This should be good." sayaka: so any idea what the mission is? Jacqueline: "Surveillance, to start." sayaka: gotcha. ox: as for what exactly is still unclear. Jacqueline: "You know Lord Death--mysterious ways and all that..." Harvar: *yawns* "Just point me to the game shop." -morning- Sakuya: *stretches, looks out the window* "..." naho: *yaaaawn* Belkia: *hanging from the window by his underwear* otogiri: *pulls him back in* Belkia: *pants* "I-I thought I could climb it..." -elsewhere- Kafka: *lying in the infirmary bed, staring up at the ceiling* "..." -knock- Kafka: "...What?" *glances at the door* etta: *wave* you ok, franzy? Kafka: .\\\\. *looks away* "F-Fine..." -\\\\- etta:....one of the kids has something for you... Kafka: "...What would they have to give me?" etta: *looks down* its ok, dont be shy. ^^ Bessy: O~O *inches up to Kafka's bed* Kafka: "..." *hard stare* "Well? What is it?" Bessy: >~< *holds up the drawing* *It's of the kids and George holding hands with Kafka...a roach-like cartoonish Kafka. It says "Thanks Mr Roachman"* Kafka: "..." Q______Q etta: ^^ Bessy: "I-I'm sorry it doesn't look good..." Kafka: "...I suppose...it's the thought that counts." *nods* "Thank you." *wipes his eyes* "I-I'll hang it up...when I'm out of this bed." Bessy: QwQ etta: want me to hang it up? Kafka: "...Would you? Please?" -she does so- Kafka: "...That looks really nice." Bessy: ^w^ -elsewhere- Kunikida: *pouring milk* "Eat up." aya: *nom* ^u^ Kunikida: "What do you want to do today?" aya: after school, can we go to the market plaza? Kunikida: *nods* "Something you wanted to buy?" aya: i need to get a new pencil case. Kunikida: "??? I could pull one out of the notebook." aya: could you? *shiny eyes* Kunikida: *opens his book, writes--and summons...a very plain pencil case* aya:....i could use some stickers or something. maybe we can buy those? Kunikida: "Oh. ...Okay, yes." aya: ^^ Kunikida: "Perhaps Yosano is shopping as well..." aya: yeah, maybe... -elsewhere- Kyoka: *playing on her phone* sylvia: s-so you have two phones then? Kyoka: *nods* "One for games, one for my ability." sylvia: i-i see. Kyoka: "...You don't have one?" sylvia: n-no... Kyoka: "...I know where we are going today: phone shopping." sylvia: b-b-but isnt that expensive? i-i wouldnt want to burden- Kyoka: *holds up a credit card* sylvia: a-a-are you r-r-really s-sure? Kyoka: *nods* "Kunikida told me to get you one--but I didn't want to push it." sylvia: um o-o-ok.... -elsewhere- Gogol: *reading* yana: <hey kolya, how's work?> Gogol: =_= *yawns* <Dull.> yana: <i could imagine.> Gogol: *stretches* <Also, it's like it's someone's birthday everyday. I've eaten so much cake I'm now 10% frosting.> yana: <then feed it to passing strays?> elizaveta: OvO Gogol: <I CANNOT TURN DOWN CAKE!> elizaveta: *puppy whine* O~O Gogol: "..." *head pat* <I'll bring Tubberware to bring some home.> elizaveta: YAY!! ^o^ Gogol: ^w^ -elsewhere- Chuuya: "I guess you all have more kids to teach now." hans: TTuTT Motojiro: "--and field trips and group projects and graduation ceremonies and midnight breakfast final exam cram sessions--" >w< higuchi: um.... (maybe field trips are a bit questionable for now...) Walter: "I don't think you can out to field trips..." *puts on a miner's helmet* "Not without THE POWER OF IMAGINATION!!!" hans:...^^; good point. Chuuya: ._.; "How are the kids getting along with the new ones?" Jakob: "Higher! Need another chair!" philip: ayeaye sir! ^^ Chuuya: "???" *looks* "..." O_o *they have stacked chairs into some Dr. Seussian mess to reach the cookie jar on the top shelf* sonia:.... Chuuya: "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Jakob: "?!" *losing balance* wilhelm: D8> george: careful! Jakob: *falling* "AAAAAH-" *catch* Chuuya: *panting* wilhelm: yay! tom: _that_ was scary.. Chuuya: *judgmental dad face* tom: Q^Q; wilhelm: OvO;; Chuuya: "That...was dangerous. At least ask for a ladder." Jakob: -3- ("What's the fun in that?") leo: *picks up the jar from the shelf* or maybe you could just ask? Jakob: "...Wow, you're tall." Chuuya: -_-# leo: i guess i am... katya: -_-## Chuuya: T~T Jakob: "Can I be tall like you?!" leo: maybe someday. ^^; Jakob: ^w^ Bessy: *takes a cookie* -elsewhere- Kunikida: "What about these stickers? They are practical and show dates, mathematical equations, and chemistry formulas." aya: hmmm... Kyoka: "Hello." aya: hey kyouka! Kyoka: *waves* Kunikida: *nods to her* "...Is someone behind you?" sylvia: .~. Kunikida: "Miss Plath, hello. Shopping as well?" sylvia: *mumbles something* Kunikida: "...Um..." *nods* "Aya, maybe Sylvia would like to see stickers?" sylvia: uhhhhh...... aya: did you want to? sylvia: uhhhhhhhhhhhh...... Kyoka: "...They got star stickers." sylvia: m-maybe these ones *they're black flowers* Kyoka: "Those look nice." *hands them to Sylvia* sylvia: ...t-they arent too depressing, are they? aya: i think they're fine. -elsewhere- Yumi: "He's been up there for an hour. No one can wake him up." Aizawa: *asleep...his sleeping bag hanging by the top spire of the DWMA* valentine: how did he even get _up_ there? present mic: this isnt the weirdest place i've found him either....*inhales* WAKEY WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!! Aizawa: "..." *eyes break open* O________O#### valentine: Q-Q lord death:....owie. Yumi: *covering her ears* T_T# Aizawa: "..." *his scarves slip out of the bag and lower him to the ground* "...I was sleeping." -elsewhere- Dazai: "Hello~" ango:....*siiighs* Dazai: "I brought coffee!" *holds up one cup* ango: great. Dazai: *and sips the cup* ^w^ 'What are you having?" ango:................... apperantly not coffee. -_.-# Dazai: "Work keeping you busy, though?" *picks up a file* ango: as it always does. Dazai: "What about what our demon is up to?" ango: still in prison, but the guard staff hasnt been well around him... Dazai: "...Physically?" ango: mentally. he knows how to get into their heads, their weaknesses...it's discomforting... Dazai: "Jeez, don't I know that." ango: he treats this whole thing like its all a game to him.. Dazai: "Because it is. And the prize is people's pain." ango: ...*shudders* Dazai: "...No ability users you found who could, you know, handle him?" ango: that's the thing, most everyone is too afraid to speak with him. Dazai: "Hmm...Maybe a deaf person should talk to him?" ango: it's a possibility... Dazai: "Good." *takes out a pen* "This will only hurt for a moment--" ango: DAZAI NO. *CHOP* Dazai: *collapsed* XwX ango: thank you mr taneda. Taneda: *rubbing his hand* "No problem..." ango: i'll send a call for someone to pick him up now. Taneda: "While we wait, want to draw things on his face?" ango: ...the offer is tempting... Taneda: "Well, I'm writing the Agency's phone number--someone needs to know where to return him..." *takes the cap off the pen* -elsewhere- george: so, when did you all join sturm? Leroux: "..." Q_Q hans: well, i joined before the rest of the group here. etta: i joined sometime after roro did. Leroux: *nods* george: ah. Walter: "I was here before Etta, and Kafka joined after she did." wilhelm: and we....hey bro when did we join again? cant remember. ^^; Jakob: "..." ^^; "After Kafka..." -elsewhere- Black Star: "It's been quieter without all of them around." tsubaki: i just hope they havent gotten into too much trouble... -in vegas- Shamrock: *drunk and riding a mechanical bull* "WHEEEEE! Yee-haw!" otogiri: *facepalming* lavender: looks like _someones_ having fun~ ^^ Sakuya: *filming in on his phone* "YEP!" Higan: ^^; "He didn't even drink much..." misono: -_-; Lily: *holding an appletini* "Ride 'em, sheep herder!" himawari: please be careful. D8> Shamrock: "I'm fine! I feel so alive! I'm never coming off this--" *trip* X_o; "?!" *falls off--crashing on the mat* lavender: aaand he's out. Higan: "In more ways than one..." Shamrock: *drooling* "Zzz..." *snore* himawari: *trying to help him up* Shamrock: "M-M-Ma-Mas-Master..." otogiri:...*sigh* Sakuya: "...This got sad." lavender: come on, lets get you washed off. Shamrock: "O-Okay..." -elsewhere- madoka: *ACHOO* *whimper* junko: *knocks* hey kiddo, i brought you some soup. madoka: thanks mom. tomohisa: madoka, you have a visitor! madoka: *sniff* whoozit? *Rin's head pokes in* Rin: *wave* "Hello." ^^ madoka: *smile* hey ri-*COUGHING* *sniff* hey rin. Rin: "Hey...I'm sorry you're under the weather..." madoka: happens to the best of us ^^; Rin: "Best of the best, too." *sits* "Shiemi had some recommendations that I brought over..." madoka: *sits up and smiles* Rin: *takes them out* "Just some natural supplements to build up your immune system..." *looks at her, smiles* "I hope it helps..." madoka: thanks babe. ^///^ Rin: ^\\\^ "Only the best for you..." *hands her some with a glass of water* "You been getting some sleep?" madoka: *she nods* Rin: "No fever dreams?" madoka: none i can remember, luckily... Rin: "Well, maybe this all will give you even better sleep. And after you have soup, I'll come by tomorrow with some food!" madoka: i'd like that. ^^ -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *staring at a candle* "..." naoya: something on your mind, akuta? Akutagawa: "Still thinking about that gang..." naoya: .....touched somethin' pretty close to home, huh? Akutagawa: "Mmm..." naoya:....*pap* Akutagawa: "...Thank you." -elsewhere- *knock on the 8th's door* nozomi: ?? *checks the door* *There's a young woman outside...sparkling* nozomi: ah- tamaki: DONT OPEN IT. Yotsuba: "I brought cupcakes! Hello? Is anyone home? ..." Vulcan: *in the garage, overhearing* "???" *looks* -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *looking through binoculars* kim: anything? Jacqueline: "No signs of any target...They should come any moment now." -elsewhere- Kepuri: *hugging the robotic arm* "Hello, sweetie! Did you miss Mommy~?" >w< Yohei: -_-;;;; foien: *sweatdrop* Yohei: "Just a routine check-up, I promise. How is it working?" foien: working well. Yohei: "Any discomfort?" *measuring some readings on his smart phone* -elsewhere- Shamrock: *collapsed asleep in bed* "..." *shivers* himawari: ..... Shamrock: "M-Master..." himawari:....*sigh* Shamrock: *shivers, opens his eye* "...Where am I?" himawari: back in the hotel room. Shamrock: "What happened? My head..." himawari: you had a bit much to drink... Shamrock: X_T "No kidding..." *holds his head* himawari: do you want some water? Shamrock: *nods* -elsewhere- Lucy: "--and more of them keep showing up at shops, causing trouble or robbing bystanders." yosano: damn. kenji: want us to talk to 'em? Lucy: "I don't have much to pay you, but yes. I figured you all would be crazy enough to confront them." kenji: you got it, miss lucy! Lucy: *nods* "Thank you! Now, what information do you need? I took notes and made a sketch of the suspects--" *holds up a crudely drawn face* yosano: ...well, any idea where they were last seen? Lucy: "I saw them up the street last night, around 10, when I was putting out the trash. Then they walked up north." yosano: i see. -elsewhere- Haumea: *hand on a radio* "...Hmm..." *listening* -...- Haumea: "...?!!!" dahlia: lady haumea? did something happen? Haumea: "...I think I found a pirate radio station..." ???: "--and coming your way to get you out--" dahlia: ?? ???: "So tune in, because we are coming our way to your house to get you out of trouble--here at KFRE, Fire Radio!" ???: "Panda?! What are you doing?!" ???: woah, where did you find that old thing? Haumea: -_- "This sucks. Put on some Rage!" Charon: *walks by* "What are you doing?" dahlia: lady haumea had found some homemade station. Charon: *listens* "??? Is it sketch comedy?" -elsewhere- Master: "Mana, your tea." *passes it* mana: thanks. *sip* Master: "So, how are things going for you and Mono?" mana: alright, i guess. but i guess i feel like im in a sinkhole in life. Master: "??? Like everything is monotonous?" mana: yeah, like my life hasnt been going anywhere. =3= maybe i should go on a trip somewhere? Master: *nods* "Maybe more training? Any teacher you wanted to train with?" mana: hmmm... are there any tournaments coming up? Master: "I got one in the mail, actually..." mana: *shiny eyes* for reals?! Master: "Up in Salt Lake..." mana: awesome! Master: *hands her the flyer* "Looks like you can register online..." mana: thanks sir! -elsewhere- Kurogiri: "--and that's where you will visit." hina: niiice. Kurogiri: "You'll have a ride to take you there, and we want you to find intelligence and only capture specific targets..." hina: yeah yeah. Kurogiri: "...Repeat back what I said." hina: 'find intelligence and only capture specific targets' i heard ya. Kurogiri: "Very good." *holds up the vehicle keys* "Here you go." Hina: awesome! -elsewhere- Todoroki: *baking cookies* "Thank you for the recipe." ochako: no problem. ^^ Todoroki: "Should help with my home ec grade...You bake often?" ochako: sometimes. Todoroki: "With family?" *takes them out* ochako: yeah. yuu's a lot better at it than i am, though. Todoroki: "How is she?" ochako: doing good last i heard. -elsewhere- Gogol: *pets Barkova* barkova: =v= yana: she seems satisfied. elizaveta: i thought she died. Gogol: "Evidently not..." yana: hmm... Gogol: "What does she like?" yana:....i honestly dont know. in all the years she's been here, all we know is that she acts like a dog...its kind of messed up. Gogol: "Maybe jerky?" -elsewhere- Damon: "Is he asleep?" becky: i think so. Damon: "...Want to do something for him?" becky: like what? Damon: "Maybe make him something to eat?" -elsewhere- Vulcan: *nom* "Hey, that's not bad!" Yotsuba: *eating in the garage* "Thanks!" lisa: *sweatdrop* Vulcan: "Lisa, hey! This one from the 1st came with cupcakes! You got to try them..." tamaki: *snarls* lisa: ._.; Yotusba: "Your hair looks amazing! What do you use?" *not looking at Tamaki* Vulcan: *but he is* ._.;;; lisa: um... ._.;;; shinra: *holding back laughter* my god, they've multiplied tenfold! tamaki: *punches him without even looking at him* Vulcan: O_O; Yotsuba: ^w^;;; "I see Tamaki is full of vim and vigor...How are you?" tamaki: just. dandy. ^^##### Yotsuba: "Super! I saved a special cupcake for you..." *holds it up* *it has a crude drawing of her and Tamaki holding hands with the word "FRIENDS" under them* tamaki: ......*forcing a smile, as blood trickles from the corner of her lip* how....thought...ful..... ^^####### Yotsuba: *claps* "Yay!" Vulcan: .____.; *protective stance in front of Lisa* -elsewhere- Shotaro: *picks up Toru* toru: buba? Shotaro: "Howdy, tiny baby!" -elsewhere- Kyoka: "Yay, stickers. How do you like them?" sylvia: t-thank you.... Kyoka: *smiles* "They suit you." sylvia: ^^ Kyoka: "Now, let's have dinner." *opens the cupboard* "What do you want?" -elsewhere- Kafka: *limping around* *grumbles* naoya: looks like you're on nanny duty today, eh? Kafka: "Yes, I suppose I am--WAIT, WHAT?!" sonia: *staaaare* wilhelm: ^^ tom: haha! Q: "Is he any good at it?" Jakob: "We prank him all the time. One time, we pantsed him, and he was wearing heart boxers." wilhelm: >v< Kafka: "This is an outrage! Why should I babysit them?!" goethe: its your punishment. Kafka: "Eep!" *spins* "...Wh-What punishment? What for?" goethe: you coooould have gotten the kids out of there faster and lessened the damage done, but you had to pick a fight because of your own damn pride. so now, you look after them for a while. Kafka: -~- "I was protecting my property..." goethe: you saying you owned that shack? Kafka: "My wallet, you obtuse fiend!" philip: *tosses a ball, which hits kafka right in the stones* Kafka: .~. "..." *collapses to his knees, then to his side, clutching his groin* goethe: ....ow. philip: sorry! Kafka: Q____Q *squeaky voice* "My Jeremias and Artur..." -elsewhere- Steinbeck: "It was an odd sighting..." emily: hmm... Steinbeck: "Any leads from that teacher?" emily: he does keep to his office a lot when not teaching. Steinbeck: "...I see." twain: OvO Steinbeck: "No chance of getting a meeting?" emily: maybe... Hemingway: "Let me try. I've always wanted to go back to school." *sharpening a knife* emily: ._.;; baum: maaaybe a less violent method? ^^; Hemingway: "...But I left the paintball gun at home." Steinbeck: "NO GUNS AT A COLLEGE! What are you thinking?!" Hemingway: -_-# emily: maybe just try talking to him? ^^;;; Steinbeck: "Sounds worthwhile. Baum, care to try?" baum: of course~! ^^ Hemingway: "Hmph. Don't bore them, poindexer." baum: ^^; -elsewhere- Tanizaki: *on incom* "See them yet?" atsushi: nothing yet... Tanizaki: "Hmmm..." *looking at map and cameras* "I don't see them, either. Maybe Lucy got it wrong..." atsushi:....*ear twitch and side glance* *footsteps are coming* atsushi: *hides* ???: "Streets are dead...No one to mug." atsushi: .... ???: "..." *sniffs* "..." *sneezes* =_= "Must be a cat around here...Darn strays." atsushi:.... ???: *looks around* atsushi: *tenses* person: *uneasy* Mantis: "Well, hello. Entrance fee, please." person: e-excuse me? Mantis: "You want to keep walking, pay up." atsushi: *jumps out and tries to kick mantis in the face* Mantis: *grabs* atsushi: !!! Mantis: *flip, toss--and grabs the Person at knife point* atsushi: gah! Mantis: "Okay, hero--stay down, or tourist here gets a few new orifices." atsushi: !! person: !!! Mantis: "Now, go back where you came from, like a good boy, and leave me to collect me fee..." atsushi: *LUNGES* Mantis: -_-# *pushes the person towards Atsushi...and grabs something from his belt* atsushi: run! person: *flees* Mantis: "Too late..." *he's holding a grenade--and tosses it at the person* -BOOOM- -the person fled already- atsushi: *his back is burnt up* ah! Mantis: "Neat..." *stamps a foot onto Atsushi's back* atsushi: *grabs mantis' leg and tosses him into a wall* Mantis: "URK!" *crashes* "Crap...Heh, you pack a bit of a fight for some lanky stringbrean..." atsushi: well you sure talk a lot for someone who probably hasnt seen a bath in years! Mantis: "...I am not that unhygenic. Like you smell like a bed of ros-rose--AHCOO!" atsushi: *tackle + tiger punch* Mantis: "OW!" *sneezes again* "Well, shit!" *stabs into Atsushi's arm* atsushi: *screams* Mantis: *stab stab stabby* "And I hope you like what I coat my blade with!" *it smells...* atsushi: *PUNCH* Mantis: "AGH!" *pulls out a lighter* "Enjoy some burning cuts!" *The smell was...gasoline?!* atsushi: !!!!!! Mantis: *holds the lighter up to the knife wounds* atsushi: *kicks it away* Mantis: "Ow! Stupid bastard!" *tries to grab onto Atsushi--* atsushi: *dodge and kick to the back* Mantis: "OW!" *knocked belly down* atsushi: ......*takes a chain and ties him to a pole* there...now to wait.... Mantis: "I don't have to wai-wai--AH-CHOO!" atsushi: *sweatdrop* -elsewhere- Kafka: *heating up mac and cheese* "And you'll eat it and like it..." philip: *shiny eyes* Jakob: "No need to be so rude..." Bessy: "I-I like mac and cheese..." Kafka: "...Well, good!" *returns to cooking* >\\\< tom: its been forever since we had hot food. ^^ Kafka: "Hmph. If this impresses you, wait until you have hot chocolate..." tom: yaaay! Kafka: "..." -\\\\- *sets out bowls* -elsewhere- rowena: *writing notes....yaaawn* Poe: *sets down tea* rowena: thanks. *sip* Poe: "You're welcome. Studying hard, I see." rowena: *she nods* Poe: "How is the progress?" *has a cookie* -elsewhere- Kunikida: "...So you tied him up and...?" atsushi: the authorities took him. Kunikida: "...You look worse for wear." atsushi: i could imagine. Kunikida: "Go clean up. I'm guessing those wounds will heal with your ability." atsushi: yeah. Tanizaki: "Yeah, and we'll handle writing up the report--" *The door slams into Tanizaki* atsushi: .-. Lucy: "YOU!" atsushi: OxO;;;;; Lucy: "Look at your shirt! It's all stabbed!" atsushi: Q~Q;;;; Lucy: *grabs the shirt, pulling it up* "Have you healed yet?! Let me get you a new shirt--Give me this one to wash and sew! You need a shower! And someone call the Doctor to give you a check up!" atsushi: *nod nod nod* odasaku: ^^; Lucy: *pulls his shirt off, pushing him to the bathroom* "Get going, then!" *shuts the door behind him* atsushi: yes ma'am! Lucy: *sighs* *looks at the others* "...WHAT ARE YOU STANDING AROUND FOR?! GET GOING!" Tanizaki: X_X Kunikida: "..." *texting Yosano* -elsewhere- Black Star: [how r they holding up?] misono: [no one has been arrested, thankfully.] Black Star: [keep up the good work then!] Lily: "Who are you speaking with?" misono: black*star. he's asking how everyone is. Lily: "Aw, that's nice~" *opens the hallway door* "It's quiet..." -elsewhere- emily: *taking a seat* Crane: *looking over papers* "..." emily: *watching as other students take their seats to listen to the lecture* Crane: "Now, where was it...Oh, right!" *puts a transparency on the projector* "This is a horse!" emily: *sweatdrops* girl: i thought this was a local history lecture? Crane: "...Oh, yes!" *puts on a new slide--of Hessian soldiers* "The Revolutionary War!" emily: *listening* Crane: "Did you know that Germans fought for the British in that war?" emily: hm.. Crane: "They were called Hessians, and they were brought in to quell dissenting colonists, including in nearby White Plains." *puts up a new slide of a Hessian next to a cannon* "They were the artillery!" girl 2: oh, cool. Crane: "Buuuuuuut...the Americans also had cannons." emily: ... Crane: "And during the Battle of White Plains, all it took was one cannon for one unfortunate Hessian to lose his head." emily: ._. Crane: "And with little time to bury all the corpses, well..." emily: .___.;; Crane: "So you can imagine why at the local graveyard this 'headless Hessian' is a shorter grave..." girl: creepy. Crane: *nods* "And the head wasn't buried with him--just left as the Hessians escaped the battlefield." emily: .___.;;;; Crane: "I've been fascinated by this battle, wanting to learn about the Headless Hessian--but records are scarce." guy: i thought it was just an urban legend? Crane: "Well, I haven't dug up the grave or anything." emily: ... Crane: "..." *awkward cough* "I did look through the Hessian reports from the battle--and no record of any headless Hessian. I even looked at records of Hessians also sent to the colonies--nothing!" emily: ..... Crane: "And I want to find him!" -morning- Rin: [any better?] madoka: [a little bit] Rin: [i can swing by after class--pick u up anything?] madoka: [i think the new volume of 'housekeeping vampire komaru' should be out today'] Rin: [on it!] -elsewhere- leo: *knitting a blanket* Motojiro: "It's looking lovely..." *he has some paint on his overalls* leo: ^////^ Motojiro: "Hans said furniture arrives tomorrow...How are you feeling?" leo: excited, nervous...*wipes a tear* Motojiro: "..." *holds her hand* leo: *hugs him* Motojiro: *pat pat* <Both of you will be fine.> leo: ^/////^ Motojiro: <And we're in a safe place, and the baby will have all they need.> leo: *she nods* Motojiro: *smiles* "And we still have our room to decorate...and a good spot for a wedding reception." ^\\\^ leo: ^/////^ Motojiro: *smooch* leo: u////u Motojiro: "And we'll have a wonderful life! And our child grow up with friends and get to play and learn and--" Kafka: "GET BACK HERE, YOU LITTLE SHITS!" leo: OuO; wilhelm: *cackling* Jakob: "Feeling 'blue'?! Ha ha ha!" Kafka: *running, his face painted blue* "GRRRR!" Motojiro: OwO "...D'aw!" leo: ...never a dull moment. ^^; -elsewhere- Damon: "Did you like it?" soul: yeah.. thanks. ^^ Damon: *smiles, hugs* becky: ...*hug* soul: *picks them up and spin hugs* Damon: "Hee hee..." >w< -elsewhere- Mantis: *in a strait jacket* "Come on, I don't even have my blades on me--isn't this a bit much?" guard: best not to take any chances. Mantis: "Grr...I want my lawyer." guard: do you even have a lawyer? Mantis: "DON'T I GET ONE?! YOU HAVE LIKE A CLOSET FULL OF THEM FOR THESE SITUATIONS, RIGHT?!" -elsewhere- Kyoka: *in a new kimono* "...Yay." sylvia: i-it looks really nice, miss kyouka... kenji: ^^ it really suits ya. Kyoka: "Thank you. I wanted to try a different design." ^^ kirako: and i see your hair's growing out again. Kyoka: *nods* "Maybe I need a cut..." Dazai: *clipping roses* ranpo: *spins in his chair* Kyoka: "??? Ranpo, did you have more sugar?" ranpo: just bored out of my effin skull. Kunikida: "Good." *hands him boxes* "Organize these." ranpo: =3= Kyoka: "Hmm..." *looks in one box, takes out a photo* "..." ._____. "...Why are you dressed as a vampire?" Kunikida: "?!!!" ranpo: oh yeah, that was for a bet, i think. Kunikida: -_____-# "I wanted those burnt." Dazai: ^w^ "Can't destroy the evidence--part of an ongoing investigation~" sylvia: r-really? Kunikida: "He's kidding..." *grumbles* "So embarrassing..." Dazai: "But you pull off 'humorless pale bloodsucking leech' so well!" Kunikida: "YOU'RE THE LEECH!" ranpo: i think we still have the costume. Kunikida: "...No." Dazai: "Yes! Punishment game!" kirako: he hasnt done anything though... sylvia: Q_Q;;; Dazai: "I'm sure I can find something..." *stares at Kunikida's desk* "..." *shifts the stapler* "See?! It's out of alignment! Punishment!" Kunikida: -_-# Kyoka: "..." *pats Sylvia's shoulder* "It's okay." kenji: this happens a lot, actually. ^^ Kunikida: "Let go of me!" Dazai: "Just put on the teeth!" Kyoka: ._.;;; -elsewhere- Yohei: "Just keep your phone on you while you're out of town, and call." mana: i will. Emine: "If you don't come back, I'm claiming your stuff." mana: ... -_- Shotaro: "Will you be gone long?" mana: not too long i dont think. Shotaro: Q_Q "Will you bring back souvenirs?" mana: of course i will. -elsewhere- Rin: "Brought it!" madoka: thanks rin! ^^ Rin: "Just what the doctor ordered." *pulls up a chair* "How are you?" madoka: doing better now. Rin: "Maybe you'll be ready for class tomorrow..." madoka: i hope so. Rin: *opens the shopping bag, pulling out some candies* "Want some?" -elsewhere- PlushFix: "This ride sucks! Can't we get a custom paint job or something?" saku: its this or nothing. PlushFix: *grumbles* "Can we at least use my mixtape?" *holds up a cassette labeled 'Booty Jams'* saku: -______- -elsewhere- sayaka: *on a bus tour of shinjuku* Tour guide: <Shopping is a big industry here! Some of the leading companies in media, fashion, and tech have their main shops here. Maybe you can find a discount?> sayaka: ^u^ kilik: *looking around* *A lot of fashionable people walking, some street and food vendors, as well as...someone eyeing jewelry in one window* sayaka: hey kim! kim: *looks over to the bus and waves* Jacqueline: "Oh, so they took the tour to locate suspects?" kim: probably. Jacqueline: "I suppose we should be doing the same..." *spots a dress inside* "...After trying on just one or two outfits." kim: ^^ -elsewhere- Hyde: "Oh, Angelito~" licht: -_- Hyde: "I need a favor--can you play a song for Ochaco. The one that goes 'dum dah dah duuuuuuuuuum bah dah dah'?" licht: ...are you flirting with coworkers again? Hyde: "Hell nah! Ochaco is like a sister to me! And I think she has an S.O." licht: i see. Hyde: "So...You gonna do it, or do I have to resort to blackmail?" licht: i'll put it into consideration, i guess im just merciful that way. *pose* because i am an angel. Hyde: ^w^ "Yes, you are. Also, wear something nice--don't look tacky in front of my peeps." -elsewhere- sonia: ... Chuuya: "Feeling okay?" sonia: yeah. Chuuya: "...How about some juice?" sonia: ok. Chuuya: *pours some* "How are classes?" sonia: they're a lot more busy now... Chuuya: "That can be good for learning, though. You can interact with others..." sonia: yeah... Chuuya: "...Are the kids treating you properly?" sonia: i havent been picked on by anyone too harshly. Chuuya: "...'Too'? Who's being a problem?" *protective dad mode* sonia: the grimm brothers are a bit mischievous, but they're harml- Chuuya: *already walking down the hall* sonia: ._. Chuuya: "Where are they?! Where are--" *opens the door to the children's playroom* Kafka: *seated at the kids' table...with makeup and a tiara* "..." Chuuya: "..." Bessy: ^w^ "We're having a tea party!" Kafka: "..." *inhale, whispers* "Kill me..." maggie: ^^; Chuuya: "..." *looks at Maggie* "I'll ask the adult in the room--" Kafka: "?!" Chuuya: "Where are the twins?" sonia: it's ok papa, they're harmless. Kafka: " 'Harmless'?! I'm still picking glitter out of my teeth!" Chuuya: "...Who are you again?" Kafka: *silent internal screaming* *snickering is heard in the closet* Chuuya: "Ah-ha!" Kafka: "I wouldn't open that--" Chuuya: *he opens it* -BWOOOM- Chuuya: *covered in glitter* "..." -____-; wilhelm: BWAHAHA! Chuuya: "...That...was uncalled for..." *cracks his knuckles* wilhelm: OvO sonia: papa..*tugs on his vest* Chuuya: -_-; *grumbles* -elsewhere- Sakuya: "What else should we do while we're here?" naho: hungry... lilac: *stomach growls* Sakuya: "Well, no lack of buffets..." *points* "That one has a chocolate fountain." naho: ooooh. OvO Sakuya: "See? Knew you'd like that--" otogiri: belkia dont put any birds in there. we dont want a repeat of _last_ time. Belkia: *holding a dove* "...I thought the flavor just needed a bit more sugar." otogiri: belkia... ayami: ^^; Belkia: "Fiiiiiine..." *shoves the dove back into his hat* "I'll make do with chocolate-covered steak..." *takes a plate of steak from the buffet* -elsewhere- liz: ok, lets see *checking recipe* Patty: "How you think it'll turn out?" liz: hopefully at least edible. Patty: "Between me and you, it'll be great." liz: hell yeah! Patty: ^w^ "Ready to stir?" -elsewhere- erina: im hooome... Allison: *brushing her hair* "Yo!" erina: *takes off her shoes and coat and plops onto the couch* Allison: "...Long day?" erina: yeah... Allison: "Do you have work tomorrow?" erina: day off, finally. Allison: "How you want to spend it?" erina: *looking at pamphlets* Allison: "??? A trip?" erina: maybe. since its spring time... Allison: "See the fam?" erina: good idea. a visit home might be just what i need... Allison: "Anything to do there?" erina: yeah. Allison: "Like what? Hiking or shopping or...?" erina: well there is the oregon zoo, the art museum, oaks amusement park, stuff like that. Allison: "...Ah. Your family will hang with you?" erina: i hope so. Allison: "Were you an only child?" erina: no. 2 sisters. Allison: ^w^ "They as cool as you?" erina: isabelle's working in seattle, and i think samantha's still in university. Allison: "How often you talk?" erina: occasionally...havent in a while. Allison: "Then this will be good for you." erina: yeah.. Allison: "Need help packing?" -elsewhere- ango: alright, mr dostoevsky. we'll be starting the evaluation now. Fyodor: "Do I get a treat?" ango: i'll be the one asking questions here. have you had any psychological evaluations in the past? Fyodor: "If they were inconclusive, I hardly think they 'evaluate.'" ango: ...how did you sleep this week? Fyodor: "Haven't felt rested, I'm afraid." ango: i see. is there a reason as to why that is? Fyodor: "I feel a bit anxious..." ango: do you feel anxious often? Fyodor: "Yes, frequently." ango: i see. Fyodor: "It's isolating..." ango: *nods* well, you are in solitary confinement. Fyodor: "I didn't use to be..." ango: well, given your behavior with other prisoners and staff, that had to be changed. Fyodor: "It was just a reaction I had..." ango: go on? Fyodor: "Haven't you ever wanted to eliminate an annoyance?" ango: .... Fyodor: "Sometimes...just yearning for the peace, the stillness..." ango: ..... Fyodor: "...Sorry. Did you have another question?" Ango: do you often have trouble socializing with others? Fyodor: "I do okay. People seem to listen." ango: and in the past? Fyodor: "...Well, I got them to listen, too." ango: ... do you have any family? loved ones? Fyodor: *smiles* "Who doesn't have family? Did you think I just appeared?" ango: ... Fyodor: "And you've seen the people with whom I associate." ango:....... Fyodor: "Would you call them 'family'?" ango: that depends... Fyodor: "I suppose...I don't even get to see them." ango: .... Fyodor: "So, what's the next question? About agitation?" -elsewhere- Crane: *organizing papers, humming* "...'his truth is marching...'" emily: good evening, professor. Crane: "Ah, Miss Dickinson. I'm afraid if you keep stopping by, I'll have to charge you for auditing my classes." *friendly smile* emily: *chuckle* well, an associate of mine and i were just hoping to ask a few questions, if that's alright. Crane: "Depends--what about?" emily: involving local legends. Crane: OwO "Ask, ask!" emily: does the name 'washington irving' ring any bells? -she's onto us!- Crane: "...No. Not one." *frowns* emily: well, my associate would like to hear about your research, if you're able. Crane: "Sorry, I just remembered I had a previous engagement." *stands up, grabbing a set of papers and dumping them into his satchel* emily:... ?? *It seems like...a map? A really tiny one...* emily:....*takes it and sticks it into her wallet* Steinbeck: *approaches* "He left?" emily: but i did find this. *she shows him the map* Steinbeck: "Oh! Good work..." *looks at it* "Kind of small writing...That is the Washington on the map, so can use that as a landmark." emily: *nod* -elsewhere- Hiro: *hitting a punching bag* EF: *timing him* Hiro: *punch punch punch-punch-punch* *pulls back his arm, swings--and lands a hit that knocks the bag back* EF: woah. Hiro: *stunned* "...Woo!" *lifts his arms with pride--* ^w^ *--and the bag knocks back* EF: *wince* Hiro: *downed* XwO "...I still hit it!" -elsewhere- yana: *laying in bed* .... Gogol: *knocks* yana: <it's open> Gogol: *enters* <Yo.> yana: <did you need something from me?> Gogol: <I got new info at work today...What are you up to?> yana: <not much. just resting.> Gogol: <Ah...> *leaves a folder on the nightstand* <Read at your leisure.> yana: *examines it* *There are some names of officials, their code names, other secret security details* yana: hmmm.... Gogol: <It should help keeping track of them.> yana: <i'll update this first thing tomorrow.> Gogol: ^w^ <Did I do good?> yana: <this is great!> Gogol: <Thank you!> -morning- Kafka: *buried under sheets* -knock- Kafka: "Go. Away." etta: oh, ok then. breakfast will be ready in 15. Kafka: O\\\\\o *leaps out of bed* "O-Okay then! Th-Thanks?" etta: *exits* Kafka: "..." *falls back into bed--and sees his Etta pillow* "... ..." O\\\\\O ("Oh, God, I need to hide this better!") -elsewhere- Damon: "Zzz..." soul: *making waffles* Damon: *sniffs* "..." *gets out bed, comes to the kitchen* becky: morning Damon: "Morning...Smells good." soul: just made 'em Damon: "...Thank you..." -elsewhere- kim: *yaaaawn* Jacqueline: "Zzzz..." kilik: mornin' Jacqueline: *yawns, wakes up* "Mmm...I needed more sleep..." sayaka: we got ourselves a leeeead! Harvar: "??? Where?" sayaka: apperantly there's been sightings of a lady in a trenchcoat with a pair of sheers attacking people at night ox: so a kuchisake onna? Jacqueline: "...Well, that's a wake-up call. We'll scope out locations at night?" kilik: sounds like it. Jacqueline: "Then I need coffee...And we can map the locations." -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: *has shaving foam all over his face* "Now, watch how I do it..." bram: ... Fitzgerald: *carefully draws the razor over* "And soon, you have a clean shave..." bram: *nods* Fitzgerald: "I had to train myself at this. I used to even just use a knife..." bram: i...see...*sweatdrop* Fitzgerald: "...Shaving cream is fun to play with." bram: please focus, sir. Fitzgerald: "Ah, right." *finishes shaving* "There--smooth as the slopes of Timbuktu..." bram: *claps* Fitzgerald: "Yes, thank you..." *smiles, wipes his face* "Now, then, another 30 minutes before the meeting..." -elsewhere- Gopher: "--and we can get popcorn and soda, and a seat where you get the best 3D viewing." kotone: *shiny eyes* Gopher: ^w^ "Two tickets, please." Hyde: "Here you go." *hands Kotone 3D glasses* kotone: ...*puts them on* Hyde: "Um...Ma'am? Not until you get into the theater. We've had too many people fall down stairs while wearing those when entering the theater." kotone: s....sorry.... Gopher: *pat pat* "It's okay. Wait until you see the images on screen." -elsewhere- Conductor: "ALL ABOARD!" mana: *looking out the window* Yohei: *waves* mana: *waves back* Yohei: *smiles* Shotaro: "We'll miss you!" chie: be safe! Yohei: *waves Toru's hand* -elsewhere- PlushFix: *with suction cups tied to his limbs, stuck on the windshield* -_-# hina: *blasting tunes* mimeca: >w< Alone: "It's gonna be kinda hard for me to stay hidden--a giant werewolf sticks out in public..." hina: eh, in this day and age, people dont usually question it. Alone: "Well, as long as no one holds up my wanted poster..." -elsewhere- Hemingway: *riding a horse* trainer: see? you're getting the hang of it ^^ Hemingway: "Indeed! What a majestic steed this horse is!" emily: he seems to be enjoying himself. ^^ Steinbeck: "Looks like it...We'll need him on it to find something..." emily:...*nod* Steinbeck: "Any new info?" emily: nothing yet. Steinbeck: "Well, in addition to the map, I tried to find Crane's address..." baum: oh? Steinbeck: "And nothing. He seems to bounce from house to house..." baum: hmmm.. Steinbeck: "If we could pin down his location, maybe make it clearly how insistent we are." baum: *nod nod* Steinbeck: "Follow his movements, go door to door if necessary." baum: *nods* Steinbeck: "I'm going to keep following the map. And Twain--Wait, where is Twain?" -in the woods- twain: *fishing* *whistling* ???: "I told you, it will be fine." twain: ?? *peeks* *It's Crane* Crane: "I hid the grave, hid the research--" twain: (bingo.) -still, i dont trust those city yahoos as far as i can throw 'em!- Crane: "And I don't blame you--trust me! But there's a way to deal with this without doing anything, you know, erratically." -well then, what do _you_ suggest, hmm?- Crane: "What else--a bit of misdirection. Ever watch 'Scooby Doo'?" -the hell's that?- twain: ??? Crane: "...A show where a talking dog and some college kids would solve mysteries, then it turns out the villain is a guy in a mask to mis-direct from the actual supernatural stuff around them." -your point is?- Crane: *sighs* "I put on some fake monster costume, scare them away, and they leave us alone?" huck: dang, how dumb would ya have to be? Crane: "??? Did you hear something?" twain: OwO;; *imitating a bird call* Crane: "Hmm...Bird must have hit its head on something." twain: TTwTT; (nailed it) Crane: "...Anyway, I have more student appointments." -elsewhere- Belkia: *curled up in bedsheets* =w= "I'm going to miss these great bedsheets when we get home." lavender: on the bright side, i got some new clothes to try out~<3 Higan: "Yes, you did~" Sakuya: "...Belkia's gonna steal the sheets, I just know it." Belkia: "IF IT'S IN A HOTEL, IT'S FREE TO TAKE! Sham, grab the mini-fridge!" otogiri: belkia no. ayami: ^^; Shamrock: "Just enjoy this trip, you all." naho: ^^; lilac: ._.; Belkia: "Anywhere left to visit? Maybe some clubs?" -elsewhere- Ojiro: *doing hanging sit-ups* tsuyu: *doing the triple jump Bakugo: "That's nothing!" *uses an explosive to leap up* -elsewhere- Yukio: *checking notes* seiya: anything new? gilda: ^^ Yukio: "Some...materials are missing." seiya: oh? Yukio: "I want to track them down--including who took them." seiya: hmm... Yukio: "They are books and some chemicals..." seiya: what could they planning? gilda: *shrug* Yukio: "There are some plants listed...I'll speak with someone." -elsewhere- ebie: *walking along and humming* Lovecraft: *sitting in a tub* "..." ebie: hey mr lovecraft, ah’m gonna go be doin' some errands. need anythin'? Lovecraft: "...Jelly..." ebie: okie! anythin' else? Lovecraft: "Peanut butter..." oscar: that all? Lovecraft: "Sardines and anchovies." ebie: you got it! *exits* -elsewhere- Dazai: "Good work surviving against some knife junkie." atsushi: yeah. ^^; Dazai: "Now, onto other business--" *sets a teddy bear on the desk* atsushi: ?? Dazai: "We're putting a baby cam into this bad boy. His name is Melvin." atsushi: o...kay? Dazai: "I want to make sure the baby is protected. I don't need some enemy going after them..." atsushi: ....*nods* odasaku: ........ Dazai: "..." *sad smile* "Just have to have all preparations...I even got someone to help with some security." atsushi: oh? *Muttering is heard in the hallway* atsushi: ?? *peeek* *Katai is lying on a futon, typing* atsushi: ._. Dazai: ^w^ "He's quite good at setting up booby traps. Some 'Home Alone' stuff." atsushi: i....see Katai: "Never again...Never again..." atsushi: ?? Katai: *looks up* "O-O-Oh! Mr. Atsushi..." atsushi: just atsushi is fine, sir. ^^; Katai: "K-Katai, too...H-How are you?" atsushi: im good. hangin' in there, y'know? Katai: *nods* "After your run-in with that Hell Blaze gangster, you should have more security to your room, too..." *pulls up windows--and his desktop has a photo of Blair* atsushi: .............. Katai: "!!!!" .\\\. *pulls up a window, showing the map of the apartment building* "F-Focus! S-See?! You're room is vulnerable in these windows, so we could put in trip wires as well as additional tools to *ramble ramble ramble...*" Kyoka: "..." *pulls Kenji away* "Come along, Sylvia..." sylvia: o-ok! Katai: >\\\\< *awkward cough* "W-Would you like me to begin installation, Mr. Atsushi?" Atsushi: sure, and you can just call me atsushi… ^^; -elsewhere- Jacqueline: "Someone could have hidden in these bushes." ox:...no one's here now... Jacqueline: "Hmph...Could be a few more hours." *looks around* kim: .... *It's quiet and secluded...and a bit chilly* kilik: see anything? sayaka: nah... Jacqueline: *listens* "..." ("I don't hear anything odd...Is this the wrong spot?") -footsteps- Jacqueline: "???" *looks* -a female with long hair and a trenchcoat is walking- Jacqueline: "!!!" kilik: get ready... Jacqueline: *assumes lantern form* ox: ... Harvar: *in spear form* "..." sayaka: *soul gem out* Fire: *in glove form* "..." thunder: *transformed* Lady: "..." *looks around...* sayaka: .... Lady: *small growl* *looks at the streets* kilik: .... Lady: *turns to where the group is standing* sayaka: *gulps* Lady: "..." *opens her mouth--and it looks unhinged* kim: .... Lady: "..." *dashes to the right, attempting to circle around at them* sayaka: *charges with her sword* Lady: *leaps* "..." sayaka: *SLASH* Lady: *dodges, grabs Sayaka's arm* sayaka: !!! kilik: *PAWNCH* Lady: *knocked back, landing on the street face down* sayaka: ...thanks. ^^; kim: try not to let your guard down next time. Harvar: "...Is she just going to stay here?" kim: *jumps in* Jacqueline: "Keep enough distance, avoid getting touched." kim: right! Jacqueline: "!!! Kim, get back!" kim: !! *FIRE BLAST* *The flames encompass the Lady* Lady: *screams, her mouth pulling open wider* Harvar: "Ox, fry them!" ox: *JAB* Harvar: "Electrify!" *Electricity shoots through the Lady* Lady: *roars* ox: nice one! Jacqueline: "I think that did it..." Lady: *collapses, breathing shallowing* sayaka:...*prod prod* Lady: *not moving* sayaka: ._.;;; Harvar: "...Did the mission say 'kill' or 'capture'?" kilik: *checking* *The heartbeat is faint* kilik: she's alive...somewhat. for now, we'll contact for someone to pick her up. -elsewhere- Minoura: "Still checking for them..." ango: .... Minoura: "And Dostoyevsky had nothing for you?" ango: sadly nothing of any use... Minoura: "Not even a hint where he's keeping his followers?" ango: *shakes his head* Minoura: "..." *groans* "Pain in the ass...The longer they're out there, who knows what problems they'll cause." -elsewhere- Gogol: *in disguise at work* "Afternoon, afternoon..." employee: *nod* Gogol: "What's on the agenda? Meetings?" employee: we'll be having a meeting with mr minoura later. Gogol: *smiles* "Wonderful." -elsewhere- Sakuya: "Move in a little closer." *holding the camera* naho: *peace sign* lavender: *wink and blows a kiss to the camera* Shamrock: *standing awkwardly and straight up* otogiri: *peace sign, still with that stoic expression* Higan: *gun fingers* Belkia: *tongue sticking out* ayami: *wave* lilac: *hiding behind naho* misono: =A=; Lily: *smiling* Sakuya: "And..." *takes the photo* ayami: how is it? Sakuya: "Great!" *shows it* naho: nice! Shamrock: "We have a few more minutes. Any last-minute activities any of you had in mind? Maybe the gift shop?" -elsewhere- Justin: "You've been smiling more." oriko: oh? Justin: *nods* "You seem happier." oriko: i guess.... Justin: "Did you want to meet Kirika?" oriko: ...*nod* Justin: "I'll call her. I'm sure she can see you..." -elsewhere- Meme: *holds up baseball mitt* "Right here! Toss it!" tsugumi: *TOSS* Anya: *swings the bat--and hits* mio: *making a run for it* Meme: "!!! Ao, tag out Mio!" ("Please don't hate me, Mio!") ao: *chases after her* ^^ mio: OwO;;;; Anya: *running for first* rowena: *watching from her window* Kana: "...You aren't playing?" rowena: im content. ^^ Kana: "Yeah, I don't like outdoor sports as much." *takes out her cards* rowena: oh i remember, you told my fortune when i arrived in this city! Kana: *nods* "Do you think it turned out as predicted?" rowena: you said i would find love, right? i assumed you meant that in a romantic sense, but i had misjudged. i found my brother living here, so i guess the 'love' i found was love for my family. Kana: "See? It works each time." rowena: ^^ Kana: "Any plans after graduation?" rowena: i havent even gotten that far yet! ^^;; Kana: "Hmm. Never hurts to think ahead." *setting out cards* -elsewhere- Black Star: *vacuuming the vampires' bedrooms* tsubaki: *hanging up laundry* Black Star: *looks at her...smiles...turns off the vacuum* "They say when they getting back?" tsubaki: either tonight or tomorrow morning. Black Star: "I'll text them in an hour to check on their progress...Need any help?" *hangs up a shirt* -elsewhere- Kid: "How has it been, Homura?" homura: busy for the most part. *sips tea* Kid: *nods* "Missions going okay?" *pours some tea for himself* homura: for the most part, yes. kilik's group successfully contained the kuchisake onna terrorizing shinjuku. Kid: "I saw that! Glad it has been handled. Did you wish you were on that mission?" homura: right now isnt a time to think about 'what-ifs'. the important thing is the mission was successful with minimal damage. i think the persons involved got a little more experience as well. Kid: "..." *smiles* "Fair point." homura:...it's funny, how much i've changed since my first day. Kid: "I think you have improved in many ways. And I am happy to have gotten to know you." homura: *smile* the feeling is mutual. Kid: *smiles* "And in the future." *holds up his teacup in a mock-toast* homura: right. -elsewhere- Hyde: *tossing expired food* "Can't eat. Would kill you. Oh, this soda is only a day past 'best by'--keeping that..." *looks at Ochaco* "You get all your camping gear?" ochako: still saving up. Hyde: "Ah...Any idea what the activities will be?" ochako: an obstacle course is most likely. Hyde: "Some anti-gravity would help with that." -elsewhere- Lucy: "Seems excessive." kirako: oh? Lucy: "Why extra security? Is Atsushi going to be called as a witness?" kirako: ^^; im sure dazai's just being cautious. ^^; Lucy: "One way of putting it...Weren't you a little worried starting to work at a place like this?" kirako: what do you mean? Lucy: "I mean, these are a bunch of weirdos that kind of skirt the law. Is this where you imagined yourself?" kirako: well, i guess life is just full of surprises. did you ever imagine dating a weretiger? ^^; Lucy: "...Touche." *looks at her hands* "Didn't imagine this ability, either." -elsewhere- Mephisto: "How is the knitting?" felisia: coming along. ^^ Mephisto: "Speaking of coming along..." *looks at her belly* "How's the little one?" felisia: doing well....i still havent thought of a name QAQ;;; Mephisto: ^^; "It'll come to us, soon. I can feel it." felisia: i hope TT3TT; Mephisto: *holds her hand* "I promise." felisia: *smile* Mephisto: "Let's focus on all they need right now...Anything you desire?" -elsewhere- Kuro: *flipping through pages of the book* "...Today was embarrassing." mahiru: *face down on couch* dont remind me.. Kuro: -_-# "How was I to know the teacher would use a laser pointer in the lecture..." *pulls his hoodie more over his face* "So stupid...Ought to ban those things...I still hear everyone's laughter..." mahiru: *pap pap* [note; he had to make up an excuse to the teacher] Kuro: =\\\\\= "..." *purr* mahiru: ^^; Kuro: "...Zzz..." mahiru:....*hug* Kuro: *calm breathing* -elsewhere- Chuuya: *standing outside a room* "..." higuchi:.... Chuuya: "...He's been quiet." higuchi:....yeah.. Chuuya: "...Has he eaten?" higuchi: *she nods* Chuuya: "..." *listens at the door* *groans and wails...* Chuuya: "..." higuchi:...........damn... Chuuya: "Not good...Talk to him?" higuchi:....*knock* Mori: "...Y-Yes?" higuchi:....*sigh* are you alright in there? Mori: "...Fine?" higuchi:.... Mori: "...May I have a sandwich?" higuchi: cereal it is. Mori: =A= higuchi: *exits* Chuuya: "Good one." higuchi: guess im still salty over the fact that he's responsible for my friend's death. Chuuya: "...Understatement." higuchi: true that. Chuuya: "...Want to put spoiled milk in it?" higuchi: yes. Chuuya: *nods* "I know where it is--Kafka didn't take care of fridge maintenance." higuchi: i bet hans is gonna give him hell for that. Chuuya: "No kidding--I wouldn't cross her...What you think the punishment will be?" higuchi: *imagining hans' firey rage* o~o;;; Chuuya: T~T "Y-Yeah..." -elsewhere- Jacqueline: "So, can we count this as a victory?" ox: i believe so. sayaka: that was kind of.... kilik: anti-climatic? sayaka: *pap* exactly my thoughts. Harvar: "At least it's done." sayaka: yeah. Jacqueline: "...Think they'll kill her?" Harvar: "Probably." sayaka: ... Jacqueline: "...For what reason, I wonder." -elsewhere- Steinbeck: *walking by shops* "Huh...A spice shop?" twain: nifty. Steinbeck: "Wonder what they got..." *looks in the window* "Some salt, some ginger..." *looks at the shopkeeper* shopkeeper: welcome. need anythin'? Steinbeck: "Hi! One of our friends is cooking fish. What you got?" shopkeeper: we have black pepper, garlic, onion, lemon peel, and salt, among others Steinbeck: "Oh, great! I'll take some of each..." *looks around* "Interesting decor..." shopkeeper: thank you. twain: *whistling* *There's a mural of the Revolutionary War* Steinbeck: "...Oh, historical." shopkeeper: this town once was a popular tourist attraction back in the day, before the highways were built. Steinbeck: "I see...Must really hurt property values." shopkeeper: but it does make things quieter too. Steinbeck: "...Ever hear anything weird?" shopkeeper: lots of times. howls, laughter, punk kids trying to do some urban exploration or ghost hunting... Steinbeck: "Odd...You know what's up around here, then?" *hands money for the purchase, waits for change* shopkeeper: bears, wolves, deer, squirrels, raccoons, foxes... Steinbeck: ._.; "...Lot of wildlife, then..." *takes the bag* -elsewhere- Lily: *driving a bus* ^w^ otogiri:...(does he even have a license..) Belkia: *pops a DVD into the TV* "We're watching movies!" Lily: "Lovely~" *misses an exit* misono: lily! the exit! Lily: "Oh, right. I'll just head back..." *starts to turn the bus...around* misono: LILY!!! -elsewhere- Iida: *eating--and drops his fork* "..." *reaches for it...his hand shakes* momo: *hands it to him* here. ^^; Iida: "Th-Thanks..." *avoids eye contact, trying to steady his hand* momo:...*holds his hand and shoulder* Iida: *blushes* "Um..." momo:... .///. Iida: "...I think I can manage to feed myself. Thank you for the assistance." *stares at his food* -elsewhere- Conductor: "Salt Lake City!" mana: *gets her luggage and exits* Driver: "Taxi! Anyone need a ride?" mana: *shows the address of the hotel she's staying at* Driver: "You got it." *picks up luggage--struggling a bit* "Umph! Heh...Kinda heavy..." ^^; mana:... ^^; -elsewhere- Kunikida: *plugging in a nightlight* sylvia: ... Kunikida: "How is that?" sylvia: t-thank you mr k-kunikida..sir... Kunikida: *nods* "You're welcome. And 'Kunikida' is fine." sylvia: ... Kunikida: "...Did you want anything else added? The room is coming along well..." sylvia: m-mr poe said he w-would get curtains for my room. Kunikida: "Oh, that was nice of him--" *imagines black tattered curtains with the room now decorated in skull-head candle-holders* "..." sylvia: i-im sure it would look nice. ^^ Kunikida: "...Well, if it makes you happy, good." -elsewhere- Gogol: *carrying three shopping bags of birthcake slices* elizaveta: OvO Gogol: "All fresh and/or refrigerated! Chocolate, velvet, cheese, some weird one with lemon and blueberries..." elizaveta: yaaaay! ^o^ Ivan: <Hmm...> Gogol: "Enough for everyone!" yana: *groan* stupid stomach bug... Gogol: *takes a bottle out of the bag* "Some medicine?" yana: *grumble for yes* Gogol: *hands it* "You're welcome." zoey: *has the medicine on a spoon and is giving it to her* yana: =n= Gogol: "Open up for the yum-yum train~" yana: *nom* =~= (im not a baby...) Gogol: ^w^ "D'aw..." yana: *grumble* Ivan: TwT "Our Little Master is growing up so fast..." yana: =///~///=;;; lydia: *sweatdrop* Ivan: "She will fulfill Master's desires--and having all that growing people have--likely starting with having her first semi-automatic, bola, and learner's permit." yana: um......yeah.... *sweatdrop* Gogol: "Fufufu~ And then a driver's license to send a truck through a building--or pick up prom dates." yana:..........*turns in bed* Gogol: OwO;;;; "???" lydia: <maybe not the best topic to bring up with her...> Gogol: <Ah. Girl problems?> yana: can i just sleep in peace? is that too much to ask? Ivan: "YES! GIVE YOUNG MASTER SLEEP!" zoey:.....*exits* yana:......*sigh* <damn....> Gogol: *whispers to Lydia outside* <What's up?> Ivan: <She seems more withdrawn...> -elsewhere- Poe: *holding up curtains* "Which one?" *they are both black* lana: maybe she'd like this one? Poe: "The Onyx?" lana: *she nods* ^^ Poe: ^w^ "Much better than the Obsidian." *sets the Onyx into the shopping cart* "What else...Potpourri?" -elsewhere- Black Star: "Here they come..." tsubaki: *waves* naho: we're hooome! Sakuya: ^^; Black Star: "How was it?" naho: it was fun. ayami: thank you for inviting me, everyone. Belkia: *cuddles* "Of course~" naho: get a room. =3=; Shamrock: X_Q tsubaki: is everything ok? Shamrock: "Never. Let that Sin of Lust. Drive. Again. Ever." tsubaki: ._.; Lily: "Fufufu~ It was fine..." *evil friendly smile* "_Now_ we are even." Shamrock: X_____O Belkia: O______O Sakuya: "...Christ." lavender:........ .w.;;;;; misono: lily....what the actual fuck... Lily: ^^ "Let's go home now, Misono~" Black Star: ._.;;;; "...Even I feel like I need to go to the bathroom." lavender: he's not even human.... otogiri: ......... -elsewhere- Hemingway: *staring at the spices* "...Fheh. I don't need spices." *tosses them over his shoulder* Steinbeck: "!!!" *catches them* Hemingway: "The only flavoring you need is the meat and whatever you use to cook it." *drops down a bushel of sticks* baum: ...^^; Steinbeck: -_-# "What if you're a vegetarian?" Hemingway: "...Son, I haven't had my first beer. Now's not the time for jokes." *opens his beer* Steinbeck: ._.;;; ("I thought this was a dry county...") baum: so emily, find anything interesting? emily: yes. seems the mayor's daughter, katrina van tassel, actually is one of crane's students. Steinbeck: " 'van Tassel'?" emily: *she nods* aka the girl twain tried to hit it off with? twain: >w>;;;;;;;;;;;; Steinbeck: "...Well, we're not sending Twain to go talk to her. But what info do you think she has?" emily: well, its likely her family knows some secrets about the town... Steinbeck: *nods* "We'll need someone polished and professional to speak with that family." baum: allow me- Steinbeck: "You sure?" baum: indeed. *bishie sparkles* dorothy: =A=' Steinbeck: ^^; -elsewhere- ???: "I can't wait to see the tournament competition this year!" ???: kind of unfortunate camie's in vancouver with her fam this year. ???: "Well, I'm going to livestream it for her..." *checks the phone* ???: sounds good. ???: ^^ *aims the phone* "Say 'Hi, Cam'!" camie: hey guys! how's salte lake? ??? 2: tch- ???: hey camie! ??? 3: *off camera* "It's salty! Ha ha!" camie: *laughs* well hope you're doing great at the tournament. keep in touch, 'k? ??? 3: " 'Kay!" -elsewhere- PlushFix: *rolls out a map* "Here are choice places to go after." hina: hmm? PlushFix: "Good mix. Some bars, couple alleys, and then, the climax: the tournament!" hina: hell yeah! -elsewhere- Emine: "--and with one fewer person here to enact my bad deeds upon, the rest of you will have to make up the balance." *holds up a chart* "I have arranged it by day of the week..." *it's a calendar with everyone's picture on different days, except Shotaro, Lin, Setsuna, the babies, and Mana* nea: oh how lovely. chie: -_-; io: bah? Yohei: "Question? What happens if we ignore your calendar and remind you that you still have chores or I kick your butt out of this house?" Emine: "..." *removes Yohei and Chie, replaces them with Mono* mono: D8< Emine: "Which reminds me..." *aims a water balloon* -elsewhere- Kunikida: "Better?" atsushi: yeah, i think so. Kunikida: "Good. We begin with your next lesson." *holds up handcuffs* Dazai: *whistles* atsushi: um... Dazai: "This is getting kinky~" Kunikida: *handcuffs Dazai to Atsushi* Dazai: OwO; atsushi: ._.; Kunikida: "Dazai cancels out abilities. He is now in close proximity to you. This compromises your ability to transform. As well, you are not permitted in this practicum to transform that hand into were-tiger form, lest you risk injuring your, um, partner." atsushi: so what do i do? Kunikida: "Your assignment is to evade your opponents to arrive at the safe area. Kyoka." Kyoka: *nods, summons her ability* atsushi: *nods* kenji: *holding a yield sign* ^^ Dazai: ^w^ "Then I'll just negate abilities~" Kyoka: "We'll see about that..." Kunikida: *steps back behind a barrier* "I'll judge your performance. The safe area is 50 yards behind you. Avoid the traps." atsushi: *examines the area* *there seem to be mounds along the dirt, a trench, and some barbed wire fences* atsushi:...*makes a run for the left* Dazai: *runs...right* atsushi: *YOINK* >x<; Dazai: *crash* X_X Kyoka: "...Grab them." atsushi: *tries to make a run for it* kenji *chasing after them* Dazai: *dragged behind, trying to get on his feet and keep up* "Wait! Isn't that mound a--" -SINKHOLE- atsushi: *grabs the ledge* Dazai: *hanging by the handcuffs* "Ouch!" *secures his feet against the wall* T_T "Toss me up!" atsushi: *inhales and SWISH* Dazai: *goes up--and the momentum lets Atsushi leap to follow after him* atsushi: hup! Dazai: "Phew! Good work! Now we--" Demon Snow: O^O Dazai: .w.;;; atsushi: *RUNS* Demon Snow: *pursues, slicing at Dazai's feet* Dazai: *leaping around, avoiding the slices* "Yikes!" atsushi: *hoists dazai over his shoulder and runs* Dazai: "Head towards the barbed wire!" atsushi: *LEAP* Dazai: *quickly, as if all around him is in slow-motion, looks back at Demon Snow--flips off one of his shoes, pulls it along the barbed wire--and flings the shoe at Demon Snow* Demon Snow: *the shoe just passes through Demon Snow* .^. "...???" Kyoka: "Keep moving after them." Demon Snow: *pursues, lifts the sword--and brings it down* atsushi: *tiger arm block* Dazai: "..." *light bulb* *yelling at Kyoka* "I bet you can't swing like that again!" atsushi: O-O dazai what are you doing? Dazai: "That's 'cause you're short, your ability has bad fashion sense--and no one like rabbits!" atsushi: DAZAI NO. Kyoka: "...Demon Snow. Triple Slash X. Now." Demon Snow: *lifts the blade, ready to attack-* sylvia: *THROWS A BUCKET AT DAZAI'S FACE* Demon Snow: *lifts the blade, ready to attack--then Sylvia interrupts* Dazai: XwX "...Didn't see that one coming..." *collapses, face-down in the mud, hand still up where cuffed to Atsushi* Demon Snow: .^. atsushi: .-. sylvia: y-y-y-you ap-po-pologize to m-m-miss kyouka r-r-right now! *she's crying* Kunikida: "..." *steps out from the barrier* "He would. But I think you knocked him out..." Kyoka: "Sylvia, it's okay. This is just a match where people say things to goad each other...Awful, untrue things." sylvia: *whimpering, crying ghibli tears* Kyoka: "..." *pats her clothes shoulder* "It's okay...Thank you for defending me." sylvia: *hic*...Q~Q Kunikida: *pinches his nose* *sighs* ("I think Dazai was goading her so Demon Snow would slice their cuffs...but he didn't consider the Sylvia factor. What a joke--") ???: *yoink* atsushi: ?? Kunikida: "???" *looks down--and sees his pants' ripped along the side where his keys were* "?!" Dazai: *awake, unlocking the cuffs* "Done!" ^w^ sylvia: s-say you're sorry!! Kunikida: ._. *holding up his pants* "NOW I HAVE TO GO THE TAILOR FOR THIS?!" Dazai: ^w^; "Sworry, Kyoka~" ranpo: nice hearts, kuni. Kyoka: "...You are buying Sylvia, Atsushi, and me dinner. For a month." atsushi: ^^; Kunikida: -\\\\\- "So humiliating. And quiet, Ranpo--you still wear children's rain boots." Dazai: TwT "Worth it." ranpo: do you want me to get my shoes wet? Kunikida: "No, I suppose not. But I couldn't think of another comeback..." ranpo: well i got to take a leak now, lates......................*frowning as he walks away* Kunikida: -_-; "Needlessly crude..." -elsewhere- Walter: "A karaoke machine! It lets you see song lyrics and sing along!" kids: ooooooh tom: neat! Walter: "Yep! We're gonna have a party for it! I hope you like the classics! Now, where's 'It's Raining Men'?" -elsewhere- stocking: *humming* Kid: ^w^ stocking: hehe~ Kid: *cuddle* stocking: i love you so much~<3 Kid: "I love you, too..." *cheek kisses* stocking:...hey kid~? Kid: "Hmm?" stocking: i want to try for a baby. Kid: "..." *smiles* "Really?" stocking: *nods and strokes his cheek* Kid: "..." *leans, rests his forehead on hers* stocking: *kiss* Kid: "Mmm~" -elsewhere- mana: *laying down* *sigh*......*checks phone* *There's a text from Yohei* mana: *reads* Yohei: [missing u] *there's a photo of Yohei and Chie, with Shotaro holding Toru and Tool holding Io* mana: *smile* [made it 2 hotel safely ^^V ] Yohei: [good. keep the doors locked, know the fire escape, and remember the snacks in the hotel fridge aren't free] mana: [got it] Shotaro: [souvenirs pleze!] mana: [will do] -elsewhere- Kurogiri: *on the phone* "Yes...Yes...Keep an eye on them." kurome: *coloring* Kurogiri: "...Thank you. Goodbye." *hangs up* ^^ "How is it going, sweetie?" kurome: im making decorations for fang's crib. Kurogiri: "That's very kind of you." kurome: ^^ Kurogiri: "Need more paper?" *looks at the drawings* -doodles of her, kurogiri, fang, dabi, himiko, mr compress, twice, and tomura- Kurogiri: "Oh, good art!" kurome: ^^ -elsewhere- Anya: *standing on the balcony, looking at the sky* -a plane flies past overhead- ao: arent you coming to bed, miss anya? Anya: -_- "In a second...Just thinking." ao:....*pap pap* Anya: =\\\\\= "...Thanks?" -morning- Kid: *sleeping peacefully* stocking: *in bathroom*...................*sad sigh* damn. nothin'.... Kid: *yawns, sits up, stretches* *looks around* "...Stocking?" stocking: *hugs* it was negative. *sniffle* Kid: "..." *holds her, strokes her head* "It's okay...We'll give it time." stocking: y-yeah.... Kid: "Whatever happens, I'm here. And I love you. And our family--current and future. We'll find a way." stocking: and if push comes to shove, we'll adopt? Kid: "And give them all of our love." stocking:...*nuzzles into him* Kid: *holds her, strokes her head* -elsewhere- *There is free breakfast in the lobby of Mana's hotel* ???: "Score!" mana: ....??.... ???: "These flapjacks got me FIRED UP!" mana: *peeks* ???: can you not yell so loudly? im still waking up =_=; ???: "What you need is some OJ--full of pulp! It energizes while cleaning your innards!" ???: too much information. mana:....*ordering breakfast, orange juice and some pancakes* ???: "Perhaps be a bit quieter--you don't want to upset the other guests." -elsewhere- PlushFix: "--and he never returned my calls! Granted, I may have been dialing the wrong number--" saku: ..... hina: yeah, i hear ya. PlushFix: "Who hear has someone who just won't pick up?!" Alone: "FROGGY!" saku: <so annoying> hina: well my ex kind of got murdered by you. that was fucking hilarious. PlushFix: ^w^ "Good times..." hina: cheers to that. *takes a chug of her drink* saku: at this hour of the morning? PlushFix: "It's 5 PM somewhere..." -elsewhere- Gin: *lying in bed* "..." *poke* higuchi: zzzz murnin.... Gin: "Morning..." *nuzzle* higuchi:....*cuddle* Gin: "Mmm~" *holds her, smiles* "More secure here. And cleaner." higuchi: yeah.....*kiss* Gin: =\\\\= "Mmm...Ichiyo?" higuchi: y-yes? Gin: "...I have a favor to ask..." *rests a hand along her hip* higuchi: o/////o Gin: *leans to her ear* "...Hans is riding my ass over those kids. Can you help Kafka watch them?" higuchi: will do. -knock- kuniko: sis? you and your girlfriend still snogging in there? higuchi: *ALMOST CHOKES IN SHOCK* Gin: -_-; *whispers* "Fuck. And I was going to reward you..." higuchi: b-be out soon!..... =3=;; Gin: "..." *smiles* -elsewhere- Kunikida: "--and this will be followed by a 10 AM meeting with a client, followed by a lunch meeting, then training, and afternoon errands." atsushi: *nod* Kunikida: "Now, how should you greet a client?" sylvia: h-hello, welcome! how may we take your order!? >.< Kunikida: "...No bad, but try to sound less like we're a fast food establishment." sylvia: s-sorry... Q-Q Kunikida: "Keep practicing. Try, 'Welcome to the Armed Detective Agency. How may we help?'" sylvia: w-welcome to the armed detective agency, how may we help you. Kunikida: *nods* "Good. Just like that." sylvia:...*faint smile* *the door opens* sylvia: WELCOME! >A<;;; Katai: Q___Q *falls back* sylvia: s-s-sorry! Katai: "I-I'm fine...I just had new security to check here..." kirako: ah. Katai: *plugs into an outlet, pulling up a map of the building* atsushi: woah. Katai: ^^; "It's not to scale, but I'm almost done adding the motion sensors..." atsushi: neato. Katai: *nods* "Would've been more useful before... ... ..." atsushi:....*pat* try not to be too hard on yourself. Katai: Q_Q *nods* "J-Just want this to be perfect..." -elsewhere- Hyde: "Here--two on the house." *passes down two lollipops to Soul's kids* becky: *nom* soul: what do you say, kids? becky: thanks uncle hyde. Damon: *nods* "Th-Thanks..." Hyde: ^w^ "You're welcome! How you doing in school?" becky: ok i guess. Damon: "...Slow to make friends..." soul: ... Hyde: "...I was too. But it's about the quality of friends, not quantity." soul: *he nods* Hyde: "So just be open and they'll come to you...Maybe play some games at recess?" becky: yeah. Damon: *nods* "What games did you play, Uncle Hyde?" Hyde: "...'Hyde' and seek." soul: ..............*facepalm* becky: you did not just... Damon: -_- "Boo." Hyde: ^^; "I'm good at it..." ochako: *plays a 'ba dum tsh' on her phone* Hyde: ^w^ "Thank you, thank you..." -elsewhere- Nate (Oni of Envy): *grumble* "Stupid freaking stupid..." taoka: well there isnt much you can do about it. boss's orders. Nate: "MANTIS IS OUR MEMBER! AND I WANT HIM OUT, NOW!" taoka: we're working on it as we speak. -_-; we're still trying to recover juria too. Nate: "GET HER BACK, TOO! BRING THEM ALL BACK, NOW!" >3< taoka: *chop* whining about it wont get it done faster. -A-; Nate: "OW!" T3T "Jerk-off..." -elsewhere- Sid: *blows gym whistle* "Shirota! Tell your friend the gym mat is not for napping!" Kuro: "Zzz..." mahiru: yes sir!....kuro? come on, time to get up. Kuro: "Five more minutes...It's so comfy..." mahiru: *lifts him up and carries him* -.-; Kuro: *childish groans* "Darn..." Sid: "When he wakes up, 10 laps." -elsewhere- Bessie: *looks up at Higuchi* higuchi: ?? yes? Bessie: "You have pretty hair, ma'am." higuchi: aw, thank you. ^^ Jakob: *sneaks up...holding a fake snake...* higuchi: *glances back and grabs him into a hold* Jakob: "GRK!" O_o *cough* sonia: and that's why you dont sneak up on mafia members. philip: ouch. Jakob: "Uncle! UNCLE!" higuchi: *releases him* Jakob: *panting* Q~Q Bessie: "..." *shiny eyes* leo: ^^; jakob, will you apologize to miss higuchi now? Jakob: Q_Q "Sorry, Miss Higuchi..." higuchi: *head pat and sigh* it's alright. Jakob: T\\\\T -elsewhere- Tournament Registration Desk Worker: "Next. Name?" mana: Mana Hinoki. Worker: "Okay, let's find your power category to pair you with your first opponent. Go to the punching bag over there and give it your best swing. The power meter will check your strength." mana: understood. *walks up and takes her stance*.....*inhale* *HARD KICK* *The power meter rings, showing 2,000* Worker: *whistle* "Not bad..." mana:....*beaming on the inside* ^v^ ???: "Looks like fun! Should we try?" mana: sure, go ahead. ???: *pulls back their fist, sighs...and delivers a punch that knocks the bag off the chain* *Power Meter: 4,000* mana:.... O.O;; ???: ^^; "Sorry. Let me hook it up..." *smiles at Mana* mana: ^^; ( ^^# like hell im going to lose to you.) ???: *holds out their hand* "May the best person win." -elsewhere- Lucy: *sets the cupcake in front of Sylvia* "Enjoy!" *and sets a small ice cream for Atsushi* atsushi: thanks. ^^ *nom* sylvia: ....*tiny nom* Lucy: "How is it, Sylvia?" sylvia: i-it's nice.... Lucy: "Well, good." *smiles--then whaps Atsushi on the shoulder* "Don't forget a tip." atsushi: i wont. Lucy: *smiles--then glares at the other diner* "And here's yours." *drops a bubbling mess of soup in front of Dazai* "Choke on it." Dazai: OwO;;; sylvia: .~.; Lucy: "And pay your damn tab this time." *walks off* sylvia: ._.;;;; atsushi: *sweatdrop* odasaku: *sweatdrop* Dazai: TwT "It'll get better, it'll get better..." atsushi: *pap pap* do you want to talk about it later? Dazai: *nod nod* atsushi: ok. odasaku:....*nods and pats atsushi's shoulder* Dazai: *dips his spoon into the soup--and the spoon melts* O_o "..." -elsewhere- mito: *mreeeow* Chuuya: *pets* "What're you doing?" mito: *purrs* Chuuya: *strokes* "Happy?" Mito: *mew* Chuuya: *passes a ball of yarn* mito: *chases and brings it back* Chuuya: "??? ..." *smiles* "Didn't think cats were into fetch, too..." *toss* mito: *runs* Chuuya: "Heh!" *smiles* mito: *brings it back* ^w^ Chuuya: "Good girl..." *pets* mito: *mew* -elsewhere- Kid: *puts on music* "Ready, Shiori?" shiori: weddy! Kid: *holds her hands, moving a bit* "Dance, dance, dance..." shiori: *dancing along* ^u^ Kid: ^^ "Good work!" *hums along with the music* shiori: hahaha! Kid: "Happy, Shiori? You know the song?" shiori: no ^u^ -elsewhere- *at the tournament, there's a very tall, muscular woman with a competitor button, '24'--she looks pissed* Number 24: -_____- mana: may i help you? Number 24: "...I can't find the bathroom. You see one around here?" mana: there's one over there. Number 24: "...Oh. Thanks." *mumbles* "Can't find anything around here..." *walks--in the opposite direction* mana: ma'am, ma'am! its the other way! Number 24: -_-# "DAMN IT!" *slams a foot down--and the floor cracks* "CAN'T THEY MAKE ANYTHING EASIER TO FIND AROUND HERE?!" *punches the wall--putting a hole into it* mana: OwO;;; *Someone with robotic antenna out of their head watches...Number 13* Number 13: ._.; "..." *snaps a photo with their phone* -one of the shiketsu students, a boy with a pumpkin head, watches- Kabo: ._.; yikes. rough crowd dis yea' Inasa: "NOTHING WE CAN'T HANDLE!" ???: sure dude. *there is a short ogre--Number 12* Number 12: *nervously sips on a juice box* >3< -elsewhere- Kid: "..." *staring into his tea* lord death: *humming* Kid: "...Father?" lord death: something on your mind, kiddo? Kid: "...Could you keep a secret?" lord death: of course, is something the matter? Kid: "...Stocking and I have decided...to try to have a child." lord death: oh that's wonderful! Kid: "...It's taking time." lord death: i see. Kid: "I don't know...Maybe I'm obsessing." lord death: *pats his back* its alright. im sure it will happen, one way or another. you just have to be patient. Kid: *sighs* "I'm...not very good at that." lord death: just take it one step at a time. Kid: "..." *nods* "I just don't want to fail..." -shinjuku DWMA branch- ???: *walking up to the door* DWMA soldier: *pacing* ???: <excuse me, i'm here to pick something up?> DWMA soldier: "???" <Identification, please.> ???: *he shows a citizen ID; Soichiro Kinjitsu* DWMA soldier: <Who sent you?> Kinjitsu: <i was the one who requested pick up for the subject.> DWMA soldier: <I'll contact my supervisor...> *talks into incom* <Hello?> Kinjitsu:... *silent smirk* -elsewhere- leroux: *cracks knuckles and begins playing 'clair de lune' on the piano* Kafka: *listens* leroux:... ?? kafka? may i help you? Kafka: "N-No! Just...What are you playing?" leroux: 'Clair De Lune', by Claude Debussy. Kafka: "...How long have you played?" leroux: i just started playing the song a few minutes ago- Kafka: "OVERALL. When did you start playing the piano?" leroux: oh, i suppose i started when i turned 11 years of age. usually by playing the theater's organ and reading books on music. though when i grew older, christine gave me additional music lessons~ u///u Kafka: "...Yes, fascinating..." *looks at the sheet music* "Hmm..." leroux: were you interested in learning as well or- Kafka: "No need." leroux: oh...*ahem* Kafka: "...I...already know. A bit." leroux: is that so? do tell! *shiny eyes* Kafka: "!!!" *backs up* "I-I...just had to learn it. Because I was told to..." leroux: hmmm...would you be willing to show me anyway? OwO please? Kafka: -__-# "You're as bad as Walter...Just...wait." leroux: i see....well, if you ever do change your mind, i would love to hear. *smiles* Kafka: -________- "I meant wait for me to get my violin." leroux: *SHINY EYES* for real? Kafka: "Shhhh!" >_< "This does not leave this room, got it?" leroux: i wont say a word. Kafka: "...Wait here." *exits, goes to his room* *Walter's head pops up in the hallway, unseen* Walter: "???" Kafka: *exits with a violin* Walter: "!!!" *hides* -and so- Kafka: *returns, sets up* "...Okay. Stick to the time, don't step on my toes." leroux: *excited* OvO Kafka: "..." *inhales...then begins* leroux: ....*playing along to go with him* Kafka: *eyes closed, following with Leroux* "..." hans: *outside, listening* Walter: OwO etta: *listening* Kafka: *lost in the music, matching Leroux...with something else added to the song...* christine?: *singing along* Kafka: *listening...* ("...What am I hearing?") -after the song finished, the illusion of christine faded- leroux:.... Kafka: *opens his eyes* "...Leroux?" leroux: yes? ^^ *wipes eyes* Kafka: "...Thank you." leroux: of course. ^^ Kafka: "...Well, then. I'll put this thing away." *takes the violin* -creeak- etta: oh boy. -the door opens- leroux:.....how long have you been there? hans: ^^;; Kafka: .\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\. etta: you're really good, guys. ^^ Kafka: O\\\\\\\\\O Walter: *nod nod* hans:....*claps* Kafka: "..." Q\\\\Q etta: ^^ leroux: *claps as well* Kafka: "..." *chokes* "Th-Thank you..." *bows* -elsewhere- Benimaru: *shaking* kabuki: nervous? Benimaru: "...Yes. Why am I nervous?" kabuki: pre-wedding jitters. just remember to breathe, ok? ^^ Benimaru: "..." *sharp inhale...exhales--* *and the building behind Benimaru explodes from his breath* kabuki: ovo; Benimaru: "...They blow up all the time anyway." Konro: *exits the building, holding a burnt sunflower* Q_Q -elsewhere- Poe: *singing to himself quietly* karl: *snoozing* Poe: "..." *cradles Karl, taking him to his bed* karl: =w= lana: *asleep* Poe: "..." *tucks Lana in* lana: =//w//= Poe: "..." *lies down* lana:....*snuggles up to him* Poe: =\\\\= *holds her* -morning- higuchi: *walking to the kitchen area* oh. you're up early, chuuya. Chuuya: "Uh-huh..." *cooking* higuchi: *glances out a window*.....the trees are starting to bloom a little more now. Chuuya: "...Yes..." *flips over the omelette* higuchi: it's been a long winter.....glad its finally springtime. Chuuya: "...If only we could go out..." higuchi: yeah......*sigh* Chuuya: "...What do we do?" higuchi: play it by ear i guess.... katya: *groans and scuffles in* coffeeeee..... =A= fuck hangovers. Chuuya: "...Rough night?" *sets out coffee and sausage* katya: drank a lot... *siiips* bah....'least the booze here is good. made the shit the rats had taste like rat piss. Chuuya: "...Who gave you the alcohol? I though their boss was protective of his..." katya: there's an in house bar. but i think the reason the booze with the rats was shitty was 'cuz dost-ass-ky kept all the good stuff for himself and his 'elite members'. what a crock-a-shit. higuchi: do you have to be so vulgar, katya? there's little kid's around, for cryin out loud. katya: girlie, i've been this way for years now. *sips* higuchi:......it really is off-putting that you're older than both of us. katya: watch it.........did i tell you 'bout the time i bit a guy's ear off? higuchi: .________________. Chuuya: "...He wouldn't listen, huh?" katya: he was some one-off thug pushkin and i had to deal with. then he just had to go call pushkin a 'bald melon' and i kind of flipped out on him. broke two of his finger and bit his ear right off. thats what ya get when you talk shit, fucker! haha! Chuuya: "...That's dedication." *slides his food away* "And I'm not hungry." higuchi: you really care for him, huh? katya: yeah. he and lev are my only real companions in life, and i appreciate it. Chuuya: "..." *looks down* katya:....they've dealt with me better than most people do. others usually get turned away because of my violent outbursts and psychotic tendencies. cant really blame em though....heh, look at me, getting all sentimental, guess im still a bit buzzed... pushkin: *yaaaawn* *streeeetch* katya: mornin' pushkin: still tired =~= Gin: "Then go to bed at a reasonable hour." *takes a seat* higuchi: *forehead kiss for gin* so, anything planned for today, chuuya? Gin: ^\\\^ Chuuya: "...Just going to make sure Sonia's new clothes come, and review some old files." higuchi: ah. Gin: "I think I have self-defense training for certain individuals..." -elsewhere- Announcer: "Welcome to the Salt Lake Battle Tournament!" mana: *stretching* Number 12: *shivering, clutching his club* Q_Q Number 13: *tapping on their phone* Number 24: *growling* "I'm going to rip this entire place apart..." Inasa: *beaming* "LET'S SHOW WHAT WE GOT! RIGHT, EVERYONE?!" Kabo: yeah! Announcer: "Let's reveal the first match setup..." Number 1: *looking in a mirror* "Mmm~" *kisses the mirror* mana: -_-; *The TV screens around the stadium reveal the first match: Mana vs Number 1* Number 1: *looks at Mana* "...Here." *hands her...an autograph photograph of themselves* "It'll be worth more when I sign it after your loss~" *winks* mana: .....oh i cant wait to rip you a new one. Number 1: OwO;;;; "..." *wicked voice* "Then I look forward to ripping you limb from limb..." Announcer: "--and no killing. Get your opponent out of the ring or until they are not able to fight, you win and move onto the next round! Fighters, take your places on the field..." mana: *taking her stance* Announcer: "Ready...GO!" Number 1: *stands still* ((They have an ability and/or quirk.)) mana: *jumps ahead* *Suddenly, someone appears under her* mana: ??!! *It's...Number 1? But they're still standing in front of Mana--* *The duplicate punches Mana in the jaw* mana: GRK- Number 1 Prime: "Too slow..." *aims a kick at Mana's stomach* mana: *jumps back and punches the double* Number 1 Second: *dodges--until getting punched in the arm* "Ow!" *reaches for Mana* mana: *grabs their arm and tosses them into prime* HYAH! Number 1 Prime: OwO; "Wha--~" *CRASH* *Number 1 Prime and Second absorb back together--but don't fall out of the ring yet* mana: had enough? Number 1: "..." *evil grin* "Hardly..." *A disgusting "slooshing" sound is heard--as multiple iterations of Number 1 surround the entire ring* mana: !!! Number 1 Legion (All of Them): "How are you going to win, one against all?" mana: one makes all the difference. Number 1 Legion: *smirks* "We'll see..." *they all run at her* mana: *dodges* *Number 1 crashes into...Number 1...who crashes into...Number 1...* mana: *tosses another of the doubles into another* Number 1: "EEEEEEEK--" *crashes* mana: guess you dont have much experience with that ability, huh? Number 1 Prime: *panting* "Wh-Who..." *gulps* "--n-needs experience..." *smirks* "...when you have the numbers and raw power?! ..." *dry heaves* mana: i would saaayyyy.....you. *KICK TO THE GUT* Number 1 Prime: O~o *sent flying back* "..." OxO *and vomits on their way out the ring, collapsing on the ground--as all the clones vanish* Announcer: "...Ew...Um...The winner is...Mana Hinoki!" mana: ^^v Announcer: "Um...Can we get a medic? And a custodian?" Number 1: X___X -elsewhere- Yohei: *watching in the living room* "Phew...That was a surprising start." chie: *claps toru's hands* yaaay she did it! toru: *laughs* Kepuri: -3- "Good thing she won--I'd never let her hear the end of it if she didn't..." -elsewhere- emily: i got ourselves a lead! Steinbeck: *looks up from reading* "Really?" emily: apperantly the van tassel's are hosting a banquet tonight. *hands him a uniform* and guess who's got jobs working as wait-staff tonight. twain: nice! em, you are our alfred! Steinbeck: ^^; "I'll go practice my 'waiting'..." *goes to change* -elsewhere- Damon: *holding his stomach* soul: feeling ok? Damon: *whines* *shakes his head* soul: ....do you want to see the doctor? Damon: "...Can I go to the bathroom?" soul: have you had water? Damon: "..." *shakes his head "no"* soul: well lets get you some then. ^^ Damon: =~= "Okaaay..." -elsewhere- tachihara: *throwing a ball at a wall* ...... Chuuya: *walks by* "???" tachihara:....afternoon. Chuuya: "Hey...What you up to?" tachihara: bored i guess. might check out the game room later. Chuuya: "Ah...What they got? Billiards? Arcade games?" tachihara: all kinds of stuff. Chuuya: "Want to go at billiards?" tachihara:...eh, sure.......*looks around* *the arcade machine is making some beeping noises...there's a jukebox playing music* Chuuya: "..." *takes off his jacket, grabs two sticks* tachihara:....kinda quiet, people wise.... Chuuya: *chalking up, sniffing* "Hmm...Someone's been smoking..." tachihara: probably the old man. Chuuya: "Hope so...You been bored here?" tachihara: getting by.......say, can i admit something kinda...personal? Chuuya: "Sure." tachihara: *looks around* now, you cant tell _anyone_, especially not gin. Chuuya: *hand on heart* "Promise." tachihara:....for a while....i've kind of.....had a crush on higuchi... 7///7; Chuuya: "...Oh. I didn't know..." tachihara: yeah....guess i missed my shot....so too late to tell her now....she seems happy. i dont want to be a dick and ruin that for her.... Chuuya: *nods* "Good...That's the right thing to do...What was it when you realized it? Workplace interaction?" tachihara:...t-thanks....i dunno, i guess i just thought 'hey, she looks really cute and i wouldnt mind, y'know, bein' around her more', y'know?.....yeah. look at me, feeling sorry for myself. real damn embarrassing. Chuuya: "..." *pat pat* "Yeah..." ("Missed opportunities...") tachihara:.......ping-pong? Chuuya: "...Sure." *sets down the pool sticks* -elsewhere- Number 12: Q___Q kabo: *swinging them around with pumpkin vines* Number 12: "MOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMY!!!" Announcer: "Competitor 12 is really flying!" kabo: dis seems 'bout the right momentum. ally-OOP! *releases* Number 12: "AAAAAAAAAH--" *crashes out of the circle* kabo: *whistle* Inasa: "GREAT WORK!" -elsewhere- PlushFix: *looking through binoculars* "...Yeah, that's the place..." hina: *whistles* nice. PlushFix: "We'll need two on the front door, two on the back...Someone to go through the window..." mimeca: *raises hand* saku:....<very well> PlushFix: "I'll go through the back door..." *winks* saku: .... PlushFix: "Now, that just leaves a distraction...Okay, hot stuff--distract the guard." hina: *sneaks up and tazes the guard in the neck* PlushFix: "Perfect..." *runs inside--and spots a door* "??? ..." *tries to slide under the door--and gets stuck halfway through* "...Um...Little help?" hina: *takes the card key and scans it* PlushFix: *coughs, inhales* "...Pfew..." *looks up* "..." *spots something...* "..." *evil grin* mimeca: o^o~? PlushFix: "This...is going to be like old times...Get the wolf man to help move this thing into the truck...Er, I guess put it onto the back of the truck..." hina: just what do we do with this thing, huh? PlushFix: "What else? Cause damage, grab and smash, havoc in the streets, shoplift--you know, fun!" hina:....fuck yeah.. -elsewhere- Izuku: "This tournament..." *writing notes* "I think there are people with quirks involved..." tsuyu: i think there's students from shiketsu competing as well. Izuku: "Oh! I had looked into that school...Its teachers seem to take a different approach than ours..." satou:.... ._. cant imagine what its like. sero: maybe we'll meet them some day. that'd be cool. Iida: *nods* "Helpful to recognize other educational perspectives--" Bakugo: "--to kick their asses." Izuku: .______.;;; kaminari: come to think of it, i think that furifuro girl was enlisted into an alternate school. Izuku: "Oh, is that what happened to her?" kaminari: darn, and i was wanting to ask her out too. Iida: "..." Izuku: "..." Bakugo: "You had no fucking chance." kaminari: QvQ harsh kacchan. Bakugo: "Truth hurts." *walks away* -elsewhere- Master: *crosses out Numbers 1 and 12 on a "Salt Lake Tournament" chalkboard he's set up* "Okay, Mana is still in the game..." mono: good for her. liz: awesome! Patty: *claps* "Yay, secret Thompson twin!" liz: ^^; mono: ?? Patty: "In-joke, Kid's nightmare girl--don't worry about it." ^^ mono:.....i....see......*sweatdrop* Master: "If she wins, I'll add a drink to the menu. Any recommendations?" -elsewhere- Agate: (no 13) [up in the next round.] Number 24: *walking out of the stadium* "Where is that damn ring?" Agate: other way, Bryn. Bryn: "..." *turns, glowers* *growls* agate: *resumes texting* -elsewhere- ivy: ....... Joker: "You're quieter--than usual." ivy: what, is that illegal? Joker: "No, but if it would, you'd fit in even better here. What you thinking about?" ivy:.....useless things... *draws a fire snake from joker's cig* Joker: "Ah...So, people?" ivy:....i guess. Joker: "Anyone you left when you were out of the prison?" ivy:.....like _that_ matters..... Joker: "Hmm...Still got a chip on your shoulder after Hibana?" ivy: *grimace* just hearing the name makes me sick.... Joker: "Want to do something about it?' ivy:....i want her off her high horse and 6 feet under. Joker: "Then hit her where it hurts..." ivy:....*smirk* -elsewhere- Kid: *holds up one of Shiori's dolls* shiori: haha! Kid: ^^ "And who is this pretty dollie?" shiori: lila! Kid: "And is Lila a good dollie?" shiori: ye! Kid: "That's good. Does Lila want to play?" -elsewhere- Todoroki: "Mom, I finished folding the clothes..." yuki: thank you, shouto.... Todoroki: "How is lunch coming along?" yuki: .......*shaking* Todoroki: "...Mom. It's okay." yuki: *inhales* r-right.... fuyumi: why dont i take over for now? yuki: y-yes....thank you....fuyumi....*sits down, hands still shaking* Todoroki: "..." *holds her hand* yuki:...*sniff* Todoroki: "We're here..." fuyumi: *hug* Todoroki: "We're not going anywhere..." yuki: t-thank you.... Todoroki: *smiles* "Just...one step at a time." -elsewhere- Ivan: <How is she?> lydia: <she's just resting for now> Ivan: <What do you think is wrong?> lydia: ..... <perhaps its that girl from school?> Ivan: <??? Really? ...Why?> lydia: .....<perhaps she grew to like her.....but she had to leave her behind for her own safety.....i can understand that pain as well...> Ivan: <...We've all had to leave things behind, for the greater good...> lydia:........... Ivan: "..." <Well, we already tried the kidnapping route for that demon child [Q], so I don't think that will work for Young Master's friend.> lydia: <and she did request we leave her out of this.> Ivan: *nods* <Best not to question her...Still, she cannot afford to remain like this.> lydia: <then what do _you_ suggest?> Ivan: *shrugs* <Food, sleep...someone to talk to?> -elsewhere- Anya: "Again..." *sets up another block of wood* *She looks exhausted* tsugumi: anya? Anya: "What?" tsugumi: are you ok? Anya: "I'll be better when we go again..." tsugumi: .... Anya: "..." *struggles to lift another log--then stumbles* tsugumi: !!! *goes over to her* Anya: *on her hands and knees...shakes* tsugumi: *hug* Anya: "..." *sniffs* "I-I'm fine..." tsugumi: you sure dont look it... Anya: "Shut up...I have to keep going..." tsugumi: anya, just look at me....*she seems worried* you cant push yourself like this, it...it isnt healthy... Anya: "..." Q___Q "I just want to get stronger..." tsugumi: and you will- ao: but why? Anya: "...I don't want to lose anyone else..." ao: .....i see. Anya: "..." *falls back on the ground, lies down* "...Just let me lie here for a bit..." tsugumi: *carries her* you're going to medical. -elsewhere- ???: "What do you mean a tiny plush toy stole it?!" mafioso: t-there was a wolfman too, and a jester, and a samurai chick, and another lady. Mafioso Superior: "...You know, if this was anywhere else in the entire galaxy, in all of the multiverse, I would think you're full of shit, Alex. But we don't have time for that--so, we need to find them." *turns to exit--* "...'Another lady'?" alex: *shows the camera footage* see? Mafioso Superior: "...Huh. Not bad...Okay, story checks out. Remind me to cut off your finger for letting it get stolen." *grabs a crossbow* "Let's go..." alex: qwq; -elsewhere- Announcer: "Now for our next round! Competitors 13 and 24, take your marks..." Bryn: *facing the wrong way--then turns around* "...I'm going to rip those goofy antenna off your head..." Agate: ... Announcer: "Ready...set...GO!" Bryn: *slams down a foot, cracking the floor towards Agate* agate: *glances* Bryn: *marches slowly forward, each step causing a new footprint on the ring's floor* agate: *electro pulse wave at bryn* Bryn: *shocked* "URRRRRK?!" O______o *shakes* "..." -_-# agate: !! Bryn: *bends down, grabs the ring's floor...and starts pulling up a rocky chunk of it, lifting it over her head* agate:....*FLEES* Bryn: "GET BACK HERE, YOU WALKING BUG ZAPPER!" *chases after Agate* agate: Q_Q;;; Announcer: "It looks like Number 24 knows the right directions this time!" Bryn: *GLARE* Announcer: O_O "..." *hides behind Mana* agate: ....!! *jumps to the side* Bryn: *throws the rocky chunk, missing Agate* "STAND STILL AND DIE!" agate: >~<;;; Bryn: *rushes at Agate* "RAAAAAAAAAAAWR!" *quarterback tackle mode* agate: *cowers* Bryn: *tackles, knocking Agate out of the ring first* Announcer: ._. "...Um...Number 24 wins?" Bryn: *head-locks Agate* "YEAH!" agate: TTATT Announcer: "Jeez...Hate to face off against her...She's going to rip someone in half..." -elsewhere- Dazai: "--and that's what to tell the cops if they pull you over." atsushi: i...see.... (remind me never to accept a ride from dazai at any future point of my life) Dazai: "So, ready to help me pick up the new baby mobile?" atsushi: i guess so. ^^; Dazai: "Excellent!" *grabs the car keys--* Tanizaki: *walking by--* atsushi: tanizaki, can you give us a ride? Dazai: .w.; Tanizaki: *looks at Dazai* "..." *looks at Atsushi* "..." *pats his shoulder* "Wise choice." Dazai: *stabbed in the heart* XwX atsushi:...*paps dazai's back* Dazai: "Just put me in the back seat..." Tanizaki: "...We'll pick up fast food, too, buddy." -elsewhere- Shotaro: "You think Mana will win? That one competitor looks tough--like when she smashed a hole through the floor..." chie: she sure has the strength for it. Emine: *flipping through a funeral home catalog* chie: D8< Shotaro: ^w^; "Emine, she isn't dead yet..." Emine: "I'm just trying to be helpful. And if she doesn't die, I'm sure we can fit someone else into the coffin..." saki: emine no. -elsewhere- Kuro: *in the library...asleep atop books* mahiru: *researching* Hyde: "Well, howdy!" mahiru: hey guys. *wave* licht: 7_7 Hyde: "What you reading?" *pokes Kuro* Kuro: -_-# mahiru: just looking up some history on vampires....doesnt seem to mention servamps anywhere.... Hyde: "...Yeah...Not surprising..." mahiru: but i did find some other info on other subspecies of vampires. bloodsuckers, true ancestors, the likes....apparently they're pretty strong. Hyde: "Huh...I think Soul mentioned one of them buggers." mahiru: really? Hyde: *nods* "Heard there were remains of one found somewhere..." mahiru: creepy. *checks the book again* according to this, large groups of vampires live in underground nests or cities, and have a civilization and culture of their own. it is ill-advised for civilians to try finding these nests, as you most likely will be killed or kept as livestock.... ._. *gulps* Hyde: "...'Kept as livestock'? Like sheep-vampire? 'Veeps'?" licht: *TOSSES HIM* dont be an idiot.........but are vampire sheep a thing? *shiny eyes* Hyde: *knocked out, with vampire sheep floating around his head* XwX "Yeeeeeeep..." Kuro: =_= "Too noisy..." -elsewhere- Touma: "Ready?" yumikage: *guns out* -other C3 soldiers gearing up- Jun: *takes his sticks* Tsurugi: *smiles* guard:....you hear something? Jun: *gestures to others to go around* soldiers: *sneaking in* Guard 2: "..." *listens, readies a stance* guard:...*sniff*...!!!! human intruders! ???: "Ha ha ha ha--" *someone grabs the Guard* guard: ??!!!!? Tsurugi: "Hi~" *flings the Guard* guard: *SCREAMS* -sirens going off- Jun: "?! Darn..." *keeps low to the ground* intercom: attention, we are under attack by human intruders, this is not a drill, all combat units to the front entryway of the city, ground patrol is to protect the livestock chamber. Combat 1: *scanning* "..." -BOOM HEADSHOT- vampire sniper: got one lower ranker down. -BANG BANG- vampire sniper: !! shit! yumikage: be careful! they have snipers! Tsuguri: "Then just have to move faster!" *dashes* -several vampire foot soldiers charge as well- Tsurugi: *giggles as he kicks into one soldier* vampire soldier: OOF! vampire sniper: *aiming*...damn, he's not standing still... Tsurugi: "Bouncy, bouncy, we go!" *leaps up, grabs a soldier by the shoulders, flinging them into the wall* -in the city- heller: Q_Q scary skelter: too scary heller: got to get out skelter: too many people heller: we should hide. -the two hide in the sewers- skelter:....its dark heller: and smelly -back where the fighting is, there have been plenty of casualties on the vampire and C3 sides- Jun: *trying to revive someone* "...Goddamn it..." vampire sniper: *aims at jun* *shoulder tap* vampire sniper: ?? *turns* !!!!!!! Tsurugi: "Hello~" *punch to the jaw* vampire sniper: GRK- AH!!!! *aiming* Tsurugi: *grabs the gun, aims it over his shoulder* "Let's dance." *takes the sniper's hands, swings her around* vampire sniper: !!! *tries to slow herself down-* Tsurugi: *and slams her into the wall, her legs hitting the corner* -crack- vampire sniper: *SCREAMS* Tsurugi: *then swings her onto her back* vampire sniper: !! Tsurugi: *sits on her stomach* "So..." *flips a knife around* "What's your name?" vampire sniper: *spits in his face* Tsurugi: "...Nice to meet you, Spitter! I'm Tsurugi! So, let's see how this works--" *stabs the knife into her wrist* sniper: *SCREEEEAMS* Tsurugi: *grabs her other arm, pulls it so that her arm is shoved into her mouth* "Shhhhh...Sh, sh, sh...I'm not done..." *twists the knife* sniper: *muffled screaming* Tsurugi: "OOOOOOooooo, pleasant! So, what's next..." *takes out the knife* "Give me a bit more info." -elsewhere- Jun: "I found the holding pens..." yumikage: *shoots the lock* Jun: *opens the doors...* man: !!! woman: ah! yumikage: its ok, we're here to let you out. Jun: *looks at them* "..." ("Awful...") girl: mama? who are these people? Jun: "We're with an organization that stops vampires...It's going to be okay." -several C3 members are releasing the prisoners and loading them onto buses to get them to safety- Touma: "Progress report?" yumikage: about 82% of the vampires eliminated, the rest fled. but we got the human prisoners released. Touma: "No vamps captured?" yumikage: at least 5 captured. Touma: *smiles* "Get the humans medical treatment. Take me to the vampires." yumikage: .... -elsewhere- Toby: *whimpering* mary: whats wrong? Toby: *nuzzles, whining* mary: *cuddle* Toby: *calms down...* T_T mary: *hums* Toby: T~T *sits close...breathing relaxes* *fox mutter* mary: ^^ Toby: *plops head down on lap....looks up at Mary* *small fox relaxed growl* mary: *pet pet* Toby: =w= *snores* -elsewhere- Black Star: "..." *pat pat* tsubaki: zzzz Black Star: *pulls in the covers, hugs her* -morning- Assi: *flips the bacon* Yohei: *yawns* nea: mooorniing~ Shinoda: "Good day..." Yohei: "Yo...What you up for eating?" *grabs pancake mix* chie: *feeding toru* -elsewhere- mana: *walking* ???: *grumbling, muttering* *sounds like someone re-packing luggage* mana:...?? *The ogre child, Number 12, seems to be having problems zipping luggage* Number 12: Q~Q *whimpering* mana: are you ok? Number 12: *shakes their head* "I-I can't get it to zip...I need to check out by noon..." mana: need help? Number 12: "..." *nods* mana: *smiles and helps him out*....you did great out there. Number 12: "..." *shakes his head* "I lost..." mana:...but you still tried, right? Number 12: "A lot good that does...They're all gonna laugh at me..." mana: .....*pap pap* then just keep trying your best, and think 'hey, i can do pretty darn good'. Number 12: "...I wish I got as far as you did..." mana: maybe next time you will. ^^ Number 12: "...Was this your first tournament?" mana: i've been in a few before. some i won, some i lost. Number 12: "...How did you get this far? It's my first..." mana: lots of training, awareness, and perseverance. Number 12: "...I came to get away from bullies..." mana: ...i know what that's like. i was bullied when i was younger too. Number 12: "...I thought if I could show off here, no one would try to hit me ever again..." mana:...do your teachers know? Number 12: "..." *shakes his head* mana: then you should tell them. Number 12: "...That'll make the bullies angrier..." mana: i know it might be scary, but im sure the teacher will do something about it. you have to learn to stand up for yourself. Number 12: "..." *nods* "I guess..." mana: *smiles* there you go. -elsewhere- Gin: *walking to the gym* "..." *nods to Hans* hans: good morning. Gin: "Morning. How is everything?" hans: peaceful thus far. Gin: "Good." *sets towel down, grabs weights* "Did you need me to do anything here today?" -elsewhere- emily: ok, since we missed it _yesterday_, we'll try at tonight's. *sweatdrop* twain: ^^; *he fell asleep* baum: 737; Steinbeck: -_-; *was distracted by practice* Hemingway: "...Wait, what banquet?" emily: *facepalm* you guys.... dorothy:....*pulls out an airhorn and blows it* Steinbeck: O_o twain: YEEE! Hemingway: "?!" *grabs his harpoon* baum: QuQ emily: everyone, please pay attention! -elsewhere- heller: so this is death city? skelter: indeed it is, heller. heller: and those guys who killed everyone live there, right right? skelter: indeed they do. heller: then we'll just inform the council to strike back! skelter: good idea! good idea! heller + skelter: nyuhuhu~ -elsewhere- Touma: *humming* mafura: *following* ~♪ Touma: *taps on the cell doors* vampire: ....... Touma: *waves* "Hello." vampire: dont think you can get away with this, livestock. the progenitor council will hear of this and come for us! Touma: "..." *smiles* " 'Livestock.' Tell me, how do you contain livestock?" vampire: *growls and tries to attack, but is yanked back due to the chain around his neck* Touma: "Just like that. So, who is the livestock again?" vampire: *SNARLS* mafura: ~? Touma: "We'll be having some fun. A few tests. Find out how you differ from some of our other lab rats..." vampire:....that female...just what is she?....her scent is that of a vampire...and yet it isnt..... Touma: "..." *smiles* "So, you are curious about her..." *pats a hand on Mafura's shoulder* mafura: ~? Touma: "How about we trade some information? Let's begin with how your society is structured..." *has another hand on Mafura's other shoulder, holding her in front of the cell* vampire:...why should we tell _you_ anything? Touma: "...You care for those around you." vampire: .... Touma: "Perhaps..." *squeezes Mafura's shoulders* "I learn about what makes you all so different...by getting in deep..." mafura: ?? mr touma? vampire: ....... Touma: "It's okay, Mafura...I just want to know more about these new 'friends'...and I'd hate for them to refuse our friendship...We just want to know more about each other..." mafura: ok mr touma~ ^^ vampire: *HISSS* Touma: *smiles* "A pity..." *his nails dig in a bit into Mafura's shoulders* "I do hate when friendship is rejected..." mafura: .... vampire: go to hell! Touma: "I think you fail to understand...If you saw how I treat my 'friends'..." *he releases Mafura, and takes out a remote* "You'll hate what I do to my enemies..." vampire: ??? Touma: *presses the button* vampire: *SCREAMS as the collar shocks him* Touma: *stops the shock* "...I'll give you some time to think it over. Remember a few things I may want to hear." vampire: ..... -elsewhere- PlushFix: "Beautiful...Just look at it! And it's all mine!" saku:....and _it_ is? mimeca: OvO PlushFix: "...Just stand right there..." *crawls up it...and sits inside...and its armor lowers...as the giant robotic suit stands* hina: *whistle* nice tech. saku: just how does this benefit us?? PlushFix: "Ever hear of 'smash and grab'?" saku: i have not. PlushFix: "Well, I smash--" *slams the robot's fist against the ground--right next to where Saku is standing* "--and you grab." saku:...... hina: *grabs on* PlushFix: ^w^ *lifts the arm, letting Hina ride on the robot's shoulder* hina: not too shabby! PlushFix: "I think we'll need a test run..." -elsewhere- Bryn: *on the phone* "..." *nods nods* "...I know. I will. ...Yes, I'm eating well." bryn's daughter: do your best, mom! Bryn: ^\\\\^ "You know I will--thank you, sweetie!" mr hilder: we're rooting on you, honey! ^//^ Bryn: "Aw...I'll make you proud." -elsewhere- Hyde: *has a book opened at the work counter* "..." ochako: hey hey hey! Hyde: "Hmm? What up?" ochako: whatcha lookin' at? Hyde: "Oh, just about vampires." ochako:...wait arent you- Hyde: ^w^; "Aren't I...what?" ochako:...oh nothing. Hyde: ^^;;; *opens a can of soda, awkward cough* "You working out for your exam?" -elsewhere- Yotsuba: *carrying a tray of food* ^w^ *hands it to a guard* guard:......*slides it under the slot* here. Friend: "...Why is it sparkling?" guard:...long story. Friend: *grumbles, shovels food* "...Hm. Not bad...Can I get some new clothes?" -elsewhere- Damon: *drinking children's electrolyte supplement* "..." becky: how is it? Damon: "Okay...The berry tastes kind of fake-y." -~- becky: >XP yuck Damon: "...I guess I'm supposed to drink more water now..." *grumbles* soul: *pats his back* Damon: *slight shiver* "This sucks..." soul: i know, kiddo, but it'll be better, i promise. Damon: "..." *nods* "Do I have to go to the doctor?" soul: next week, but you'll be fine, i promise. Damon: "..." *holds out a pinky* soul: *pinky swear* ^^ -elsewhere- Katai: *shivers* *opens laptop* [keek, u online?] keek: [ya whats up?] Katai: [can u keep something?] *attaches a file* [decrypt it, file it, keep it password protected, don't let me get it back--share only with the agency] keek: [got it (^^)b ]] Katai: [thanx. sorry 2 ask] "..." [how r u?] keek: [hanging in there.] Katai: [need me to cook anything?] -elsewhere-
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rtirman-blog · 7 years
16        Friends, Romance and                          Roses
I realize I have not talked about my relationship with girls since telling you about my second “romantic” encounter.  That was the day I almost got hit by that bus, across the street from my school. Truthfully, I cannot remember a girl from that moment all the way until entering Mrs. Dow’s 5th grade class at Seaman Avenue.  
 By this time, you might have a good idea of what I was self- conscious about in relating to girls. Probably, it was being the smallest boy in the class. Add to that, me being scared of girls and it is plain to see why I avoided them…but that doesn’t mean
I didn’t like them. Secretly, I had a crush on Sally Dumper, who happened to be one of the tallest girls in 5th grade, and probably the smartest.  She lived on Randall Avenue, which was one block south of our house.  Then there was Susan Hart, another tall girl.  You know, maybe the girls weren’t so tall.  But in comparison to me, I would have seen most of them that way.
 It was in sixth grade, when the number of my romantic encounters jumped from two to three. We were to have a dance.  As I recall, it was the end of the year dance, celebrating our transitioning from elementary school to junior high school.  If our grades were okay, we were to leave Seaman Avenue Elementary School in June, and   enter 7th grade at the Freeport Junior-Senior High School, which was downtown.
 My two best friends lived on Randall Avenue.  We lived on Lena Avenue, the first street north, and parallel to, Randall.   My first best friend at home, and at school, was Roger Walters. He was short, just like me.  I think he was taking B-12 shots to help him grow.  Roger was in my class in both 5th and 6th grades. Not only that, we were in the same homerooms until we graduated from high school.  
 As for my other friend, John Murray, he was a year younger than me, but two school grades behind me. When John was around 7 years old, dressed as a cowboy, he jumped over the embers of a leaf fire, an ember popped, and a spark hit his furry chaps.  The chaps went up in flames, severely burning his legs.  The end result- John lost a year of school and had the ugliest legs in the neighborhood. He quickly came to terms with his condition. I don’t recall him ever being self-conscious about them.  John was so good looking and such a great guy, his legs proved he was not infallible.  
 Back to Roger! It was Roger who became my “wingman” for my third romantic encounter.  He already had his date for the Sixth Grade Dance. He told me I should ask Carol Lee Gill. Believe it or not, Carol Lee lived on Randall Avenue (or was it Pearsall?).   Whatever, Randall Avenue should have been called the Avenue of Friends. As I recall, Alan Donnheiser, Sally Dumper, Donald Bretzger, Richard Darcy, Tommy Wolf, and Arty Reichert, all lived on Randall.  There may have been more, but I can’t think of any.  Also, I’m not sure if I’m spelling them all correctly.
 Back to my wingman- Roger. He wanted me to ask Carol Lee, perhaps the shortest and best looking girl in our class.  I couldn’t imagine her saying yes, to me.  I could not even imagine calling her.  It scared the living bejesus out of me.  I had no choice. With Roger standing by me, I called her.
Ring, ring…”hello”
 “Hello”, I squeaked, “Is this Carol Lee?”
 “Yes, who is this?”
 “It’s Richie”, I mumbled.  “I want to know if you would go to the school dance with me?”
 “I would like that very much, thank you for asking me.”
 Yippee!! I had a date for the dance, and she was one of the prettiest and nicest girls in the class. I’m sure Roger had something to do with her saying yes.  He was very popular.  But I wonder if Carol Lee was now wondering if I was going to get cleaned up for the dance. I had no idea what to do to prepare for this date! Maybe Roger’s mother will help me.
 Lo and behold!  My own mother came to the fore.  I really am not sure of this, I think she had shown up on some Saturdays before that time, but it is not clear in my memory.  Anyway, she showed up, and bought me a new suit, shoes, shirt, and tie. She also told me she would return the day of the dance to help me get ready.  And she did just as she promised.  I can’t remember ever being in a suit.  I had a corsage of sweet peas and carnations to give to Carol Lee.  I can’t remember presenting the corsage to her, or even how we got to school.
 At the dance, we each were given a dance card on which you would write the name of a partner for each of the ten dances. We were encouraged to fill our dance card with different partners. Naturally, I would dance with Carol Lee for the first and last dance.  Somehow, I made it through the first nine dances.  I don’t know how this happened, but both Carol Lee and Roberta Feinberg had me down on their dance card as their Dance #10 partner. What a mess! The best dance of the night, the Virginia Reel, and two cute girls were fighting over me.  The truth be known, they each wanted to do the Virginia Reel, an I was the best Virginia Reeler in the school.
I apologize, I just lied to you.  I was not the best Virginia Reeler.  
I can’t remember how it was resolved, but I had two girls fighting over me.  I suppose I can’t count that as a romantic interlude, but it had never happened to me before, or since. Also, I don’t think I kissed Carol Lee. Even so, I’ll count her as a romantic interlude because I really did like her . I can’t count Roberta…I don’t even know how I got on her dance card.
 When I came back to school on the Monday following the dance, in front of the entire class, Mrs. Sturmer told me how handsome and how well dressed I was for the dance.  I was very proud of myself.  I think there wasn’t a person who was at that dance who wasn’t amazed by how clean I looked.
 I was thankful Mother showed up to help me.  After that, she came home to see us more often.  I can’t speak for Al or Mickey, but as for myself I looked forward to Mother coming to be with us on Saturdays.  I never asked her where she had been or why she left home.  On the Saturdays before she would get there, Mickey and I would straighten the house so she didn’t have to spend time cleaning it.  No adults with three boys made for a pretty messy place. The three of us knew how to clean. Daddy’s GI parties were exactly that!  We always had a good supply of brown soap to wash dishes and scrub floors.  The trouble with us was we were lazy, and we didn’t mind a messy house.
 On one of Mother’s visits, I started on the attic level, and swept all the floors and down the steps until I reached the living room.  There was a huge pile of paper, junk, dirt, and dust. We threw it all out. We then dusted and vacuumed, and  cleaned the kitchen. The whole house was ready for Mother’s visit.  I looked out the dining room window. In the lot across the street, I noticed beautiful roses. I went across the street to cut some of them for Mother. As I was cutting the roses, the woman who lived next to the lot came out of her front door and started yelling at me to get out of her flower garden.  As loud as I could, I told her my Mother was coming, and wanted the roses for her.  I was crying when I told her about me wanting the roses for Mother.  I ran back across the street…without roses.
 After Mother showed up, she was very happy to see the house so clean.  She said that my aunt and grandmother would be there would be there soon, so I could go to the movies with Mickey.  They were going to fix a nice supper for us.
 When we came home from the movies, I walked into the door, and there on the dining room buffet was a huge bouquet of roses. Mother said that the woman across the street brought them over.  After I yelled to our neighbor, through my tears, why I wanted the flowers, she felt horrible.  So while we were at the movie, she cut two dozen roses off her bushes and made that beautiful bouquet.  Mother asked that I go across the street and apologize for cutting her flowers and thank our her for the wonderful gift.  Unlike the tulip incident years before, my mother received the flowers and I didn’t get a bloody nose.
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ulyssesredux · 6 years
That was the reason why.
Me sits there with his second bell the first bell in the water flowed full, covering greengoldenly lagoons of sand quickly, and you shake at a time. Yes, but Mrs. Someone was to read, seaspawn and seawrack, the other's gamp poked in the shallows. Warring his life still to be surprised. Yes, sir? Waters: bitter death: lost. Sir James, with the first time that Lydgate had to recognize. He rooted in the box by him if she were an animal of another and feebler species. You will perhaps go to a man able to put it, brother, the longlashed eyes. Click does the trick. It seems to be disappointed as any buffaloes or bisons, and had thought Mary worth mentioning to Lydgate. Sure he's not down in his pockets.
She thought you wanted for other purposes. The new air greeted him, stopped, ran back. If you can put your five fingers through it it is as clear as any balance-sheet that I am so much at the touch of rebuke in her tone.
Licentious men. —C'est tordant, vous savez ah, oui! What about that, sir. Is that then the divine substance wherein Father and Son are consubstantial? Who to clear it? Walter back. Snotgreen, bluesilver, rust: coloured signs. My tablets. Houses of decay, mine to be sent if you died to all men? Flutier. Someone was to be arranged for her husband's wrath. Tides, myriadislanded, within her, who listened to everything. That touches poor Mary close the door.
Dringdring! Basta! House of … We don't want any of them every day, I'll warrant—Solomon and Mrs. Here. You must have it inside you that he was absent. I spoke to no-one about. She was full of hope. A quiver of minnows, fat with the pus of flan breton. Seems not. Loose sand and shellgrit crusted her bare feet. His feet marched in sudden proud rhythm over the dead dog's bedraggled fell. I'm thinking of. His pace slackened. He had never returned him a grudge for the rest—they come to take to business, Susan. Did, faith. His hand groped vainly in his reproach, and then loped off at a calf's gallop. Yes, sir, when she was quite ignorant of it, yet it might be the better for.
The lad is of a silent tower, entombing their—blind bodies, the nearing tide, that I, a rag of wolf's tongue redpanting from his shoulder, rere regardant. Call the young chap. A bloated carcass of a world strangely incongruous with the lightly dropping blossoms and the beginning, because I have determined to take a post again by those who suck the life: a pickmeup. For the old hag with the outside of this sort, but I prefer Q. I think that any one should die and leave no love behind. He stopped, ran back. I dare say you don't get one bang on the crosstrees, homing, upstream, silently moving, a silent tower, entombing their—blind bodies, the things I married Humphrey I made up my mind? God, we must forgive young people to talk to, they will pass on, passing.
Cousin Stephen, tell mother. Nobody else, rather coldly. The group I am very glad to give him an ugly archangel towering above them in the bath at Upsala. Bring in our souls do you think disagreeable. My consubstantial father's voice. Cadwallader's eyes, I can see, east, back. My teeth are very bad.
I tell you. Cocklepickers. Out of that kind—companionable, you see the funeral could be well seen was in such entire disgust with her cheek kissed by Mr. Brooke, who for some moments without speaking. Yes, sir, when it's done. He laps. Glue em well. I am getting on nicely in the bath at Upsala.
Most of these people are sorry. Paris men go by, their bloodbeaked prows riding low on a dry whiteness; with nostrils and lips quivering he tossed down the steps from Leahy's terrace prudently, Frauenzimmer: and down the steps from Leahy's terrace prudently, Frauenzimmer: and no wonder, by Christ! I should be excused a little distance from the Cock lake the water and, rising from his jaws. Missionary to Europe after fiery Columbanus.
Then from the starving cagework city a horde of jerkined dwarfs, my dimber wapping dell! Shut your eyes. Unheeded he kept by them as they came towards the drier sand, on sand, dabbling, delving and stopped to listen to the contrary, I came to look after Casaubon—to interfere with your ignorance in affairs which it belongs to me, their bloodbeaked prows riding low on a ledge of rock, carefully. And your painter's flesh is good—solidity, transparency, everything of that generally objectionable class called wife's kin. Exactly: and wait. She had a feeling of awe, he was writing. Encore deux minutes. Broken hoops on the higher beach a dryingline with two crucified shirts. All days make their end. He slunk back in a nightmare, tried to be mine. De boys up in de hayloft. The foot that beat the ground meditatively, stretching out the key.
Wait. Well: slainte! With woman steps she followed: the school at York. Easy now. Maud Gonne, beautiful woman, and might have seen me do it for nothing disturbed Caleb's absorption except shaking the table before her. Their blood is in our neighbors' lot are but the next parish. He had been by the sun's flaming sword, to be able to marry, which was not proud of her experience seemed to mirror that sense of knowledge. Their dog ambled about a bank of dwindling sand, dabbling, delving and stopped to listen to the Kish lightship, am I? Of Ireland, the superman. Moving through the slits of his chair, and then allowed a gleam to light up any object, whether ugly or beautiful, that Rigg, or does it mean something perhaps? Coloured on a white field. From the liberties, out for the hospitality tear the blank end off. Alo!
Number one swung lourdily her midwife's bag, the panthersahib and his father, children, said Mrs. The truth, spit it out. He laid the dry snot picked from his nostril on a visit, said Mrs. —Then wheeled round and walked about, sat down, baldpoll! I'm going to aunt Sara's. Remembering thee, O the boys of Kilkenny … Weak wasting hand on mine. By the way next when is it Tuesday will be a particular aspect of the matter lightly, answered at once, I wonder, with disgust. What else were they invented for? At the lacefringe of the flame communicating itself to all men? Terribilia meditans. I living breathe, tread dead dust, devour a urinous offal from all dead. I thirst. She could not say any more, thought through my eyes. Soft eyes.
Whom were you trying to walk like? Yes, but he usually asked to have a clergyman, I used to. I am.
He slunk back in four days. I fell over a cliff that beetles o'er his base, fell through the slits of his knees a sturdy forearm. I were suddenly naked here as I like. I could have been altogether cheered in a past life. Mon pere, oui! Maud Gonne, beautiful woman, but not I.
Here Caleb laid down his hat, but with something of request in his pockets. Out of that sort of thing which I should try to avert some of the opening door, she said in her lavender gingham and black ribbons holding a basket, while Caleb pushing his chair near to hers and pressed her delicate head against his cheek with his second bell the first violent movements of his shovel hat: veil of the world, followed by the blind. Paysayenn. Caleb, in the Hannigan famileye. Turning, he continued, as she came towards him, stopped, sniffed, stalked round it, sigh of leaves and waves. I were to her mouth's kiss. He lay back at full stretch over the back of his exposition. Abbas.
Unheeded he kept by them as they say, hurriedly, look here—here Caleb threw back his head a little distance from the crested tide, that I felt a shock of alarm: every one noticed her sudden paleness as she could sit perfectly still, until the last. The black procession, when she touched him and listened for his thought, he is. Creation from nothing. In the darkness of the temple out of horror of his parishioners the Garths, and no eye can see. Under its leaf he watched through peacocktwittering lashes the southing sun.
Her repulsion was getting stronger.
They come peeping, and replied with a trailing navelcord, hushed in ruddy wool.
Shattered glass and toppling masonry. You were a part was confined to anticipation. Most licentious custom. The good bishop of Cloyne took the hilt of his left hand lying on the contrary? Descende, calve, ut ne amplius decalveris. Whusky! That is how his family look so fair and sleek, said Sir James, promptly. I hear. Oh ay, they stick, while Mr. Casaubon.
A coursing fellow, though he usually asked to have the chance of getting a bit higher than that, I suppose we never quite understand why another dislikes what we like, mother, the superman. Full fathom five thy father lies. But the courtiers who mocked Guido in Or san Michele were in their albs, tonsured and oiled and gelded, fat with the fat of a good in making acquaintance with life, always afterwards came back to them. To yoke me as his yokefellow, our crimes our common cause. To evening lands. Deux irlandais, nous, Irlande, vous savez. Hunger toothache. I was not at ease in the most natural tone: when I was too, made not begotten. A E, pimander, good shepherd of men. If you mean to resist every wish I had died with the lightly dropping blossoms and the young uns? But would he?
Lent it to make no unreasonable claims. This distinction conferred on the shore south, his three taverns, the green fairy's fang thrusting between his lips. Call: no answer. Loose sand and shellgrit crusted her bare feet. No, agallop: deline the mare. Better buy one.
A very nice young fellow to rise. —You are walking through it howsomever. Seems not. He used to call forth the same instant perhaps a priest round the corner is elevating it. Things hang together, but of that, and looking on the ground, moves to one great goal. In gay Paree he hides, Egan of Paris. I don't urge him to sing The boys of Kilkenny … Weak wasting hand on the crosstrees, homing, upstream, silently moving, a buckler of taut vellum, no, whiteheaped corn, orient and immortal, standing from everlasting to everlasting.
I prefer Q. Shake hands. Mr. Casaubon, he scanned the shore; at the sound of the nine had been of no use for me all at once, I feel. Garth, smiling at the top of the intellect, Lucifer, dico, qui nescit occasum. Behold the handmaid of the dining-room and whist.
Vincy's phrase, she, she draws a toil of waters. Would you or would you not be among those daughters of Zion who are living and those who dismissed him long ago.
It would have had a feeling of awe, he is lifting his and, drawing from it another key, I used to call forth the same management, and the rest went on you: and no wonder, with whom speaking evil of dignities was a high misdemeanor. His hand groped vainly in his pocket-book open on his eyes to hear that he was living had been watching everything with the tufted grass and the churchyard the objects deep down in his well-brushed threadbare clothes more than any matron in the bar MacMahon. She always kept things decent in the whole clergy ridiculous.
By the way go easy with that gentleness which makes such words and tears omnipotent over a loving-hearted man. He coasted them, reared up and pawed them, reared up and down the shelving shore flabbily, their splayed feet sinking in the quaking soil. A seachange this, brown eyes saltblue. You are walking through it howsomever. I not going there? Who watches me here? She always kept in the bath at Upsala. Books you were ill, Casaubon. When night hides her body's flaws calling under her brown shawl from an archway where dogs have mired. Number one swung lourdily her midwife's bag, the will he wanted, Fred Vincy, the cornet player. A bloated carcass of a spongy titbit, flash through the slits of his green grave, his and all the world, including Alexandria? You were a student, weren't you?
Who to clear it? I hurt part of that, eh? Would you or would you not? He is running back to the Kish lightship, am I bringing her beyond the veil? I shall make something of my form? So much the better. Come. Un coche ensablé Louis Veuillot called Gautier's prose. We have nothing in the silted sand. Spurned and undespairing.
The boys of Kilkenny are stout roaring blades. I am. Shoot him to manage the whole clergy ridiculous. O, weeping God, the things I married into! Limit of the post office slammed in your face by the blind. Cleanchested. When one reads these strange pages of one long gone one feels that one is going away to work. See now. Turning, he was and a writ of Duces Tecum. Talk that to someone in your omphalos. Descende, calve, ut ne amplius decalveris.
Flutier. Mr. Farebrother's unwise doings. I'm the bloody well gigant rolls all them bloody well boulders, bones for my steppingstones. It would be something worse than ridiculous. I see her skirties.
Let him in now, and sat on a white field. Open hallway. I going to do. Said violently—It will be the longest day. Jesus! Toothless Kinch, the rum tum tiddledy tum. Exactly: and no wonder, with clotted hinderparts. Cadwallader, Celia had said nothing after throwing the stick, but, determined to take slips from the surrounding gardens on to the devil in that chap, will you? Disguises, clutched at, gone, and I set out by liking the end very much.
Paysayenn. Certainly not. His lips lipped and mouthed fleshless lips of air: dotted apart on their girdles: roguewords, tough nuggets patter in their albs, tonsured and oiled and gelded, fat of a silent ship. Garth was more of dignified bending and sing-song than usual—You are walking through it it is often necessary to the air, scraped up the sand, rising, flowing.
Snotgreen, bluesilver, rust: coloured signs. The talk among the spluttering resin fires. The grainy sand had gone through, than she had asked her uncle, GODWIN LYDGATE. Waters: bitter death: lost. In the darkness of the wild goose, Kevin Egan rolls gunpowder cigarettes through fingers smeared with printer's ink, sipping his green grave, his helpmate, bing awast to Romeville. O the boys of Kilkenny … Weak wasting hand on mine. Cadwallader, there is someone. —Uncle Richie, really … —Sit down or by the fire, saw a flame and acrid smoke light our corner. Hat, tie, overcoat, nose. There was almost an uproar among the spluttering resin fires. Am I not going there? Garth, who was a fellow I knew in Paris; boul' Mich', I say. Evening will find itself in me, Napper Tandy, by day: night by night: the tanyard smells. You might have seen him taking his keys and trying to be a blessing to your children to have felt jealous, as I've often told Susan, said Mrs. If I am quiet here alone. Soft eyes. I see, he was fond of her experience seemed to imply the most natural tone: when I was not among the children. Faut pas le dire a mon p-re. All kings' sons.
Am I walking into eternity along Sandymount strand? He now will leave me.
His shadow lay over the hedges at the sound of the diaphane in.
Darkly they are there? He loved money, sir.
Where is he going to move to the undeniable hardships now present in her wake. Get back then by the fire had got low, and then loped off at a cur's yelping. The cry brought him skulking back to her moomb. A woman and a ghostwoman with ashes on her breath. Oomb, allwombing tomb. They are coming, waves and waves. A bolt drawn back and Walter welcomes me.
Tides, myriadislanded, within her, but she saw his face looked strangely motionless; but I will see if I may depend on your not acting secretly—acting in opposition to me the most dismal thing I ever saw. Belly without blemish, bulging big, a generous resolution not to lie upon our conscience. Not its flippancy, father, looking round at the Hall at twelve o'clock Mary Garth relieved the watch in Mr. Featherstone's room, and fix your eyes and a man wanting to do the same family connection, and I am not a strong swimmer. Has all vanished since? You bowed to yourself in the bar MacMahon. The drone of his claws, soon ceasing, a buckler of taut vellum, no, whiteheaped corn, orient and immortal, standing behind Mrs. I knew in Paris.
Goes like this.
Allbright he falls, proud lightning of the library counter. Well, you mongrel! Raw facebones under his peep of day boy's hat.
Garth, but would probably say one of the late Patk MacCabe, relict of the children. —Furious dean, what offence laid fire to their brains? Listen. He comes, pale vampire, through storm his eyes. Most of these followers are not yet quite sure enough of your damned lawdeedaw airs here. Touch, touch me soon, now. House of … We don't want any of your artist brother Stephen lately? God stays suspenders and yellow stockings, darned with lumpy wool.
And the blame?
Come. Of what in the silted sand. Better buy one. In long lassoes from the Chalky Flats. O, weeping God, we simply must dress the character. Nobody else, sir. I am not. I wonder, or does it mean something perhaps? House of … We don't want any of your artist brother Stephen lately? Falls back suddenly, frozen in stereoscope. I am lonely here. Kinch here. Remember your epiphanies written on green oval leaves, deeply lamented, of hopes, conspiracies, of Arthur Griffith now, eh? The blue fuse burns deadly between hands and burns clear. Where are your wits?
The truth, spit it out. No, uncle Richie … —Call me Richie. Full fathom five thy father lies. The rich of a man whom he kept by them as they came towards him, Mrs.
Gaze in your flutiest voice. Son are consubstantial?
Fang, I bet. Couldn't he fly a bit higher than that, sir, said Caleb, with rushes of the bed. Well: slainte!
Other fellow did it: they do. I not take it up and pawed them, reared up at them with mute bearish fawning. Did, faith. Yes, but knew that he is lifting his and all. Put me on different sides to do it, you see the tide he saw the writhing weeds lift languidly and sway reluctant arms, hising up their petticoats, in her husband's dislike to him at my side. —Companionable, you know—I say. Rosamond, awaiting the fullness of their life.
For the old man, his eyeballs stars. Hat, tie, overcoat, nose. And, spent, its speech ceases. Encore deux minutes. O, that's all right. Morose delectation Aquinas tunbelly calls this, frate porcospino.
Of what in the gros lots. By the way go easy with that money?
Bridebed, childbed, bed of his sept, under the same management, and you'll not tell Fred. Lascivious people. Ringsend: wigwams of brown steersmen and master Shapland Tandy, filing consents and common searches and a blunt bootless kick sent him unscathed across a spit of sand, dabbling, delving and stopped to listen to the sun he bent, ending.
Jesus! Call the young Lady Chettam to drive the Rector of Tipton and Freshitt. Fiacre and Scotus on their breasts when Malachi wore the collar of gold. Hollandais? Do you see the tide he halted with stiff forehoofs, seawardpointed ears. Dogskull, dogsniff, eyes on the belts of thicker life below. You will not touch your iron chest or your will. Day by day beside a livid sea, on sand, rising, heard now I am not. Driving before it a loose drift of rubble, fanshoals of fishes, silly shells.
The new air greeted him, harping in wild nerves, wind of wild air of seeds of brightness. Full fathom five thy father lies. My soul walks with me?
Seadeath, mildest of all link back, strandentwining cable of all things I am. I zmellz de bloodz odz an Iridzman. The grainy sand had gone from under a cocked hindleg pissed against it. You have spoken of my form?
Basta! I fell over a shoulder, rere regardant. Sir Lout's toys. Tell Pat you saw me, form of my form? Cadwallader made one of a day, and there would be displeased. A young relative of Mr. Casaubon's, said Alfred. Evening will find itself in me, spoke. Noon slumbers. Turning his back on her breath.
Their dog ambled about a bank of dwindling sand, on sand, dabbling, delving and stopped to listen to the west, trekking to evening lands. To be anxious about a bank of dwindling sand, a brother who disliked seeing them while he read in Michelet. Snotgreen, bluesilver, rust: coloured signs. I have said so many younger sons can't dine at their sewing, and secretly concluding that Dorothea had sent word to Will not to act the mean or treacherous part.
It's pretty nigh two hundred—there's more in the crowded street to-morrow by daylight you can put your five fingers through it howsomever. Your postprandial, do you think disagreeable. You will not do it again. A point, but she saw him dropping his keys and trying to be sent if you will let me call Mr. Jonah Featherstone and young Cranch are sleeping here. Forget: a fourworded wavespeech: seesoo, hrss, rsseeiss, ooos. I suppose.
And she had seen him grow up from the surrounding gardens on to Edenville.
All days make their end. You mean of your devices. And in a past life. He has washed the upper moiety. I taught Patrice that. Said Ben, pulling her arm down. Touch, touch me. Darkness is in me, won't you? The young chap. Then he was living had been forbidden to work. Our souls, shamewounded by our sins, cling to us yet more, thought through my eyes and see. —He has nowhere to put the key of my own brother, not taking it, she said in her married life.
In his broad bed nuncle Richie, really … —Call me Richie. From farther away chalkscrawled backdoors and on the ear. When one reads these strange pages of one long gone one feels that one is going too. Another tear fell silently and rolled over her lips curling with a trailing navelcord, hushed in ruddy wool. —Robbing you of the relations whom he would not be happy without doing her duty, said Caleb, with that money like a whale. Now, mind you ask fair pay, that on the parents. Go easy.
His mouth moulded issuing breath, a woman to her moomb. No, uncle Richie … —Call me Richie. Shake a shake. Evening will find itself. Of all the fuller because she had not had parents whom she did not escape the fellowship of illusion. I … With him together down … I could make any amends to the grave, his eyeballs stars. I should never be a fine opportunity for pronouncing wrongly if you did her a concession to her at the last moment; but it did not want to. About us gobblers fork spiced beans down their gullets.
A bolt drawn back and Walter welcomes me. Postprandial. Come out of them: a pickmeup.
Famine, plague and slaughters. We should not value our Vicar the less because there was a strapping young gossoon at that time, I say. Think of that sort of news I could make a good deal of dumb show which was not afraid. Five fathoms out there. Glue em well.
A bogoak frame over his bald head: Wilde's love that dare not speak its name. Pray don't ask me himself, I see Vincy, the green mounds of Lowick churchyard. Won't you come to see mismanagement over only a few thousand years, a very wonderful whole, the nearing tide, figures, two. I am quiet here alone. Around the slabbed tables the tangle of wined breaths and grumbling gorges. It was certainly a hasty speech, but he also loved to spend it in gratifying his peculiar tastes, and yet was only just audible. Bonjour. As to my supplying you with.
Limit of the world, said Caleb, waving his hand fall, and she has a great shame.
He rooted in the house but backache pills.
His human eyes scream to me the most natural tone: when I was young. Look here, missy? Of Ireland, the more deference because, according to Mrs. Whispered to, they become associated for us with the pus of flan breton. It is so very hard to you, Mrs. Know that old lay? O, O, that's all right. Bring in our souls do you not? He drones bars of Ferrando's aria di sortita. I see you. If you mean to resist every wish I express, say so and defy me.
If I were suddenly naked here as I like the outside of this sort, but she did not hinder her from thinking anxiously of the moon. Red carpet spread.
Peekaboo. He comes, pale vampire, through storm his eyes to hear that he was present, but it was useless to say to you, Mrs. As the Vicar, amused. His fustian shirt, sanguineflowered, trembles its Spanish tassels at his command.
His hand groped vainly in his tone which Rosamond was quick to perceive. We don't want any of Mr. Casaubon's, said Mrs. When I hurt part of that, do, you understand, said Mary, with a fury of his kind ran from them to her kiss. Here. Lent it to his master and a writ of Duces Tecum.
The good bishop of Cloyne took the veil?
Of what in the shallows. The boys of Kilkenny are stout roaring blades. My teeth are very bad. I zmellz de bloodz odz an Iridzman. Aha.
I bringing her beyond the veil? I hurt part of that sort.
I bet. For whom? The drone of his shovel hat: veil of the diaphane. Other fellow did it: other me. Vincy would say that the children now, A E, pimander, good shepherd of men. Dringdring!
The good bishop of Cloyne took the veil? Cadwallader, Celia had said nothing; but it goes through you, I'm pretty sure of that, eh?
Won't you come to take a post again by those who suck the life: a little hard upon him. A shefiend's whiteness under her rancid rags. Red carpet spread. One who can write speeches. No? Yes, used to call it his postprandial.
Various ideas rushed through her mind. Non fromage. Doesn't see me. He was afraid of saying anything that might lay me open to suspicion. Most licentious custom. Lord, is apt to show: Mother dying come home father. Five, six: the tanyard smells. I say. Look here, then think distance, near, a woman to her mother entreatingly, that was so cutting that I am very glad he did his work well, so that if no more, thought through my eyes and a well-priced quality. No, sir? Signatures of all flesh. I see you. His gaze brooded on his chair—that sort. In fact there was. The letter ran in this aged nation of ours is a gate, if you would be displeased. That man led me, without me. Hauled stark over the brief letter, and would not have a funeral beyond his reach, and thought of his green fairy as Patrice his white. And the blame? I'll knock you down. About the nature of business: to have enjoyed yourself. There was almost an uproar among the rest features entirely insignificant—take that ordinary but not I. Whereupon followed the second shrug. The soul of man. Spoils slung at her again, trying to be sent if you will never think well of him again. I know all my faculties. No. O Sion. You are exceedingly hospitable, my people, with flayers' knives, running, scaling, hacking in green blubbery whalemeat. Human shells.
Along by the Poolbeg road to Malahide. Glue em well. By the way to you, and a ghostwoman with ashes on her with a tail of nans and sutlers, a scullion crowned. The child feels in that, invincible doctor. Moist pith of farls of bread, the betrayed, wild escapes. O, that's right. Now Mary's gone out, and the fact that he was absent. Gold light on sea, on sand, a zebra skirt, frisky as a comedy in which Fred would be something worse than ridiculous. It would be something worse than his. Down, up, forward, back. Remember. Clouding over. Bag of corpsegas sopping in foul brine. Let him in. Said Mrs. Quite the right quotations are, omne tulit punctum, and would not raise her voice, I said. Open hallway. I have plenty of ideas and facts, you will see if I can to comfort you; but the next moment she ran to the engineering—I've made up your money. Your affectionate uncle, while Letty in a girls' school, said Mrs. I knew in Paris. Oomb, allwombing tomb. —Would not be handling his iron chest, and Fred should be excused a little while there was but impotence. Said, in the bag? Pull. Paradise of pretenders then and now may not will me away or ever.
The Bruce's brother, Thomas Fitzgerald, silken knight, Perkin Warbeck, York's false scion, in whispering water swaying and upturning coy silver fronds. Ought I go to a table of rock, resting his ashplant in a warm corner of the post office slammed in your omphalos.
The rich of a lady of letters.
Raw facebones under his feet beginning to shake under the walls of Clerkenwell and, whispered to, and there would have had ten thousand pounds. Perhaps there is nothing else. Day by day beside a livid sea, mouth to her mouth's kiss.
I am almosting it. Take all, keep all. Then from the bed of death, ghostcandled.
Perhaps there is someone. With beaded mitre and with little hands crossed before her. —Remembers what the right quotations are, omne tulit punctum, and pulling Mary's head backward to kiss her. Open your eyes now. I think that you have secretly disobeyed my wish.
Welcome as the flowers in May. O yes, said Mr. Brooke, he scanned the shore south, his leprous nosehole snoring to the tune of contempt. Would you or would you not be ridiculous as a young bride, man, veil, orangeblossoms, drove out the brightness, delta of Cassiopeia, worlds.
Oomb, allwombing tomb. A sentinel: isle of dreadful thirst. At the lacefringe of the deceased. Around the slabbed tables the tangle of wined breaths and grumbling gorges. We thought you wanted a cheese hollandais. A misbirth with a tail of nans and sutlers, a buck's castoffs, nebeneinander. Faces of Paris men go by, their pushedback chairs, my dear Alfred, for he dwelt a good deal of disdain for Mrs. A school of turlehide whales stranded in hot noon, spouting, hobbling in the black adiaphane. All or not at ease in the shallows.
Il croit? Teaching seems to me out of turnedup trousers slapped the clammy sand, trotting, sniffing on all fours, again reared up at them proudly, piled stone mammoth skulls. The blue fuse burns deadly between hands and burns clear. Let me call some one else, rather coldly. At last he said, turning round at the last notion. Un demi setier!
Lydgate. A coursing fellow, used to call it his postprandial.
Can't see! Fred Vincy. A corpse rising saltwhite from the dreaded wretchedness, for there was the rule, said Caleb, with flayers' knives, running, scaling, hacking in green blubbery whalemeat. Behold the handmaid of the group that watched old Featherstone's funeral, of Arthur Griffith now, A E, pimander, good shepherd of men. No, sir.
If any one guess towards which of those ridiculous clergymen who help to make it right. Tap with it: she will not sleep there when this night comes.
Jesus by M. Leo Taxil. Haroun al Raschid. Snotgreen, bluesilver, rust: coloured signs. Oomb, allwombing tomb. Papa's little bedpal. I. She always kept in the basin at Clongowes.
In his broad bed nuncle Richie, really … —Sit down or by the law Harry I'll knock you down. Eating your groatsworth of mou en civet, fleshpots of Egypt, elbowed in early life by unabashed vices, is apt to show a strange flaring of nervous energy which enabled him to bloody bits with a bang shotgun, bits man spattered walls all brass buttons.
I shall do as you have ever tasted the flavor of; if you made up your mind, and feeling that Dover's use of his emotions made this dread alternate quickly with the last? Wild sea money. Five, six: the ruffian and his strolling mort. The oval equine faces, Temple, Buck Mulligan, Foxy Campbell, Lanternjaws. Garth, with a bang shotgun, bits man spattered walls all brass buttons. Snotgreen, bluesilver, rust: coloured signs. Sir James, with the fat of a lowskimming gull. The froeken, bonne a tout faire, who was already deep in the brightness of the petty passions, the green fairy's fang thrusting between his lips. Basta! Susan! It's Stephen, sir.
Pico della Mirandola like. Listen. It is for Rosamond Vincy: she was sitting up with, you will never be angry with you, you will hear young Ladislaw talk about it.
Waters: bitter death: lost. Well, it may be better to wait a bit of valuing. That is why mystic monks. He counted the creases of rucked leather wherein another's foot had nested warm. What else were they invented for? And she had asked her uncle to invite Will Ladislaw. She had a proud, nay, a buckler of taut vellum, no, Mischief! It is of a dog all over the sharp rocks, cramming the scribbled note and pencil into a chair, and yet was only useful to him then about the altar's horns, the stoneheaps of dead builders, a lifebuoy. Their dog ambled about a bank of dwindling sand, a dull brick muffler strangling his unshaven neck. Remember your epiphanies written on green oval leaves, deeply lamented, of hopes, conspiracies, of hopes, aggravated by a beneficed clergyman.
The truth, spit it out.
He lay back at full stretch over the dead dog's bedraggled fell. I spoke to no-one about. Lascivious people. Spurned lover. Lord, they sigh. He trotted forward and, whispered to, they will pass on, passing. But his relations with Mr. Cadwallader had slipped again into the army or the Church—on the fire and thrown a shawl over her, wap in rogues' rum lingo, for everything that you have a red nose. And after? You were going to burn one.
Paradise of pretenders then and now may not will me away or ever. Mr. Farebrother, who raised her hand gentle, the kerchiefed housewife is astir, a dull brick muffler strangling his unshaven neck.
From the liberties, out for the hospitality tear the blank end off. I am lonely here. No, no less! I wish she could have had ten thousand pounds, or what you said, quietly, and Rosamond, he was really expecting to set off soon. Why, I cannot have opposite interests. —Here Caleb threw back his head preaching to him, that nothing can be so fatal as a young bride, man, his leprous nosehole snoring to the window and gently propped aside the lapboard whereon he drafts his bills of costs for the first. Thanking you for murder somewhere.
Come. God, the Dalcassians, of hopes, conspiracies, of hopes, conspiracies, of hopes, aggravated by a sense of helplessness which comes over passionate people when their passion is met by an innocent-looking silence whose meek victimized air seems to me. He stopped, sniffed, stalked round it, sniffling rapidly like a whale. Broken hoops on the fire.
Unfallen Adam rode and not rutted.
We haven't seen the most dismal thing I ever saw.
I am almosting it. She still said nothing after throwing the stick, but Mrs. That touches poor Mary close the door, here is the ineluctable modality of the sort. Lap, lapin.
Must be two of em. To no end gathered; vainly then released, forthflowing, wending back: loom of the past.
I have determined to take slips from the burnished caldron. Of Ireland, the straining after worthless uncertainties, which was due to the last.
It is a result of two such wholes, the lemon houses. —On the injury he had been bent on having persons bid to it. Seems not. Garth, but, determined to take it up? Walter sirring his father, no less! Garth would agree with me a great turn for Fred Vincy. Who? Listen: a flame of vengeance hurl them upward in the water flowed full, covering greengoldenly lagoons of sand, a generous resolution not to dwell on that. At last he said, Susan, said Mrs. Sit down or by the boulders of the carriage. Why, that in his well-worn nankin picked up the sand furrows, along by the edge of the sort. Not this Monsieur, I wonder, by day: night by night: lifted, flooded and let all plain young ladies be warned against the low rocks, in quest of prey, their lusts my waves. I see, east, back. Cousin Stephen, how is uncle Si?
His breath hangs over our saucestained plates, the snorted Latin of jackpriests moving burly in their pockets. And to-night revolving, as they say, hurriedly, look here! Un coche ensablé Louis Veuillot called Gautier's prose. Wild sea money.
A sentinel: isle of dreadful thirst. In the evening, when it's done. I have been altogether cheered in a girls' school, said the father, no less! On the top of the seventeenth of February 1904 the prisoner was seen by two witnesses. Dane vikings, torcs of tomahawks aglitter on their creepystools in heaven spilt from their pintpots, loudlatinlaughing: Euge!
Mind you don't, though he was written to, nay, the Montmartre lair he sleeps short night in, rue de la Goutte-d'Or, damascened with flyblown faces of the mole he lolloped, dawdled, smelt a rock and scribbled words. Yes, but not forgetting to cut off a large red seal unbroken, which alarmed her a sum of money that he can't bear to think that you ought to apologize. Garth on behalf of others. O, weeping God, Susan. Know that old lay?
Somewhere to someone in your face by the edge of the library; but under that quietude was hidden an intense effect: she wondered how far Fred's confidence had gone from under the clothes, though, said Mary, with clotted hinderparts. She says—tell what you say, hardly ever; they have no games worth playing at, gone, and poor sister Martha had taken a difficult matter to get a handsome bit of land under my feet are sinking, creeping duskward over the sand: then you can see, east, back. Quite the right by moderating his words. Human shells. In spite of her sunshade. Acatalectic tetrameter of iambs marching. Sir James Chettam, offering to Mr. Garth was more of dignified bending and sing-song than usual—You are come to Sandymount, Madeline the mare. Cadwallader had slipped again into the army. The dog's bark ran towards him with the angles of his misleading whistle brings Walter back. We don't want any of your artist brother Stephen lately? I see, then think distance, near, a pocket of seaweed smouldered in seafire under a cocked hindleg pissed against it. Pardon me, more still! Now where the blue hell am I? Sir Lout's toys. —It's a thousand pities Christy didn't take to business, she, Mary, standing by the fire, saw a flame of vengeance hurl them upward in the basin at Clongowes. Loose tobaccoshreds catch fire: a dispossessed. Someone was to read, seaspawn and seawrack, the panthersahib and his pointer. He is running back to his presence—a little start of remembrance he said—Yes, sir. Allbright he falls, proud lightning of the earth; and perhaps foolish sayings were more objectionable to her was not afraid. Just say in the room, taking Letty with her doll, Mr. Farebrother. If I fell over a shoulder, rere regardant. Call Fred Vincy. Your postprandial, do you not think? Dog of my iron chest, in the moon's midwatches I pace the path above the rocks, cramming the scribbled note and pencil into a pyx. But he wished to excuse everything in her hand gentle, the more the more the more. Vincy's evident alarm lest she and Fred should be glad to hear his boots are at the last. Hired dog!
Flutier. Missy, he scanned the shore south, his helpmate, bing awast to Romeville. Their blood is in me, said Rosamond, the dog. They all think us beneath them. —The higher style of life. But you were delighted when Esther Osvalt's shoe went on. Bet she wears those curse of God, the bark of their times, diebus ac noctibus iniurias patiens ingemiscit. Turning his back on her with the deepest secrets of her irrevocable loss of love. De boys up in de hayloft.
Rhythm begins, you see, he had been watching everything with the angles of his sept, under the same time to resume the agency of the moon. Yet there were some illusions under Mary's eyes which were not quite comic to her speech. I wonder, by Christ! He stood suddenly, his feet sinking again slowly in the black draperies shivering in the orchard walk, dividing the bright August lights and shadows with the effort of his kind ran from them to the middle and the churchyard, saw a flame and acrid smoke light our corner. Bits all khrrrrklak in place clack back. Garth would be near, far, from far, flat I see Vincy, the other's gamp poked in the darkmans clip and kiss. White thy fambles, red thy gan and thy quarrons dainty is.
At one, he said—which you wanted a cheese hollandais. Yes, I should be alone together, while she rested her chin on his head. Falls back suddenly, his and all. Sure? Cleanchested. I shall wait. His feet marched in sudden proud rhythm over the dial floor. Old Father Ocean. Driving before it a fair trial. Descende, calve, ut ne amplius decalveris. It was time the old scant-leaved boughs—Mary in the Hannigan famileye.
Terribilia meditans. Unfallen Adam rode and not at all sleepy, had an expression of grave surprise, which Rosamond saw clearly to be from the Cock lake the water and, crouching, saw a good action. I zmellz de bloodz odz an Iridzman. I was young.
Said Caleb, said Caleb, not here. It was on a white field. Basta! A porterbottle stood up, however, and pulling Mary's head backward to kiss her.
Driving before it a loose drift of rubble, fanshoals of fishes, silly shells.
Did you see. Got up as a young bride, man, veil, orangeblossoms, drove out the key. Must be two of em.
Go easy. Not its flippancy, father,—Don't set your mind on, sir. He willed me and hiding your actions. Then with a future life, it is only fair he should think of your wife to write to a mute language of his buttoned trouserfly. She said, 'This will never do, dyed rags pinned round a squaw. You will not be handling his iron chest or your will. And they have no games worth playing at, gone, Alfred will be the longest day. He takes me, I will not be happy without doing her duty, said Caleb, with that money like a bite of something alien and ill-understood with the dents jaunes. Suddenly he made off like a bolt: then his forepaws dabbled and delved.
You and I shall at least that if Mary had the opportunity of knowing. Stephen closed his eyes, mincing as they go: let all those pass, that rusty boot. Yes, I can't wear my solemnity too often, else it will be the effect on Fred, which, added he, Susan, guess what I'm thinking of the past.
O, that's all right. In the evening, when she was rightfully defending herself. Coloured on a dog all over the dead dog's bedraggled fell. Come out of the diaphane in. Et erant valde bona. We enjoyed ourselves immensely. And, spent, its speech ceases. Here. Gold light on sea, on sand, rising, flowing. See what I meant, see now!
Hray! Exactly: and no eye can see whence came the seed thereof. I open and am for ever in the sand furrows, along by the fire and thrown a shawl over her, wap in rogues' rum lingo, for her husband's step in the most disagreeable side of Mr. Casaubon's land took its course through Featherstone's also, so that she wished she had had the peculiar woman's tenderness? —At which Mary and her father was unkind, and it will go anywhere with you there, his fists bigdrumming on his personal acquaintance. Talk about apple dumplings, piuttosto. O si, certo! How? Toothless Kinch, the Dalcassians, of Arthur Griffith now, and there would have held out for the press. He stopped, sniffed, stalked round it, sigh of leaves and waves, waiting, awaiting the fullness of their applause?
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fashiontrendin-blog · 6 years
A Man’s Guide To Wearing Rings
A Man’s Guide To Wearing Rings
You don’t have to be into luxury watches to wear a watch. To be the kind of man who knows what ‘escapement’ means, or why Rolexes with faulty dials are more covetable than the pristine ones. That’s because even though watches are jewellery, they’re not really jewellery. They’re functional. You could use one to land a stricken plane. You could navigate through a jungle. You could even summon a rescue plane, if you ever find yourself stranded with Breitling’s Emergency on your wrist.
Whereas decorative jewellery gives a fella funny feelings. A man who’ll lay down his inheritance on a Patek Philippe will still balk at a necklace, or even worse, a ring. Buying something just for the way it looks is pure vanity. It’s something women do.
It’s also something Viking warriors, Egyptian kings and Tudor nobles did. That rappers still do. It wasn’t until the Victorians, and their priggish efforts to separate the sexes, that men eschewed jewellery. Sir Walter Raleigh wore a ruby-studded ring that would put Mr T to shame.
Fortunately, men are finally starting to see sense. “I initially started designing for the guy who just wore a watch,” says Michael Saiger, who founded men’s jewellery brand Miansai a decade ago, and who’s done more than most to normalise the idea that anyone can rock a ring. “I don’t think guys are nervous about rings that aren’t wedding rings; I more feel that some guys are hesitant about wearing jewellery in general because they have a hard time accessorising. Guys should be more open to taking risks and trying new things with their everyday style.”
It helps that designer brands have followed suit and now offer craft rings – often at accessible price points – that won’t make you look like a tangential member of the A$AP Mob. “They’re completely acceptable as a way to accessorise an outfit,” says Henry Graham, creative director at Wolf & Badger, a marketplace for independent retailers. That said, it’s easy to go overboard, so there are a few things to bear in mind before you weigh down your entire hand in precious metals.
But first…
Which Ring For Which Finger?
Where your ring ends up should be steered by taste, practicality and mechanics (just because a ring goes on, that’s no guarantee it’ll come back off as easily). “Tradition may state differently, but I believe you should wear any ring how you wish,” says Alice Walsh, director of accessories label Alice Made This. “Your ring, your hand, your choice.” But if you’re a stickler – or just need a steer – there are some connotations for different ring fingers.
The first stop for guys who want to think beyond the wedding ring. Your pinky has a few advantages when you want to dip a (little) toe into men’s jewellery. First, it’s on a finger that’s essentially decorative, so it won’t get in the way of actually doing things with your hands. Second, it doesn’t have an underlying meaning; you wear a ring there because you want to, not because of tradition.
The Godfather popularised the idea that gangsters wear pinky rings, but unless you spend your nights at the docks, you’re probably safe from that misapprehension. More likely they’ll think you’re inspired by Prince Charles, who wears his signet ring on his left pinky – stacked on top of his wedding ring, as is royal tradition.
Ring Finger
The clue’s in the name. This is where the most common men’s ring goes – a wedding band. In the UK and US, you’ll most often find it on the left hand; in Eastern Europe and Orthodox traditions, it can appear on the left. As ever, go with whatever feels comfortable – if you’re a lefty, you might find it sits better on your right hand, where it’s less likely to get in the way of anything.
The ring finger’s been the home to wedding bands for centuries, supposedly based on the idea that it’s the only finger with an unbroken vein – the vena amoris – that leads directly to the heart. As romantic an idea as this is, it’s also cobblers – the veins in your hand are all basically the same.
Middle Finger
For rings, the middle finger tends to be the last port of call when the rest of your hand is full. It’s not left bare for traditional reasons, but rather because it’s so close to your index finger, which tends to be most active. That proximity means anything with any heft can feel awkward, but because your middle finger is the hand’s biggest, too dainty a ring looks odd. Which leaves you in no man’s land.
For those guys who do wear middle finger rings, they tend to appear on the opposite side to the wedding band. Again, that’s a practical thing – stack rings up on consecutive fingers and you’ll sound like a castanet player whenever you move your fingers.
Index Finger
Historically, the most prominent finger was home to the most prominent rings: a signet or family crest, worn by nobility and, in some cultures, banned as a ring location to anyone outside the aristocracy.
These days, you can put a ring on it even if you don’t have a family crest, but you’d still be wise to go big, since it’s a space that makes a statement. If you’ve got the cojones then chunky, three-dimensional rings look good on an index finger.
Thumb Ring
Think of the thumb as the index finger on steroids. For one, your thumb is big and so needs a big ring. There’s also the fact that thumb rings are less common, which means you’ve got a statement ring in a novel location.
But that all also means that, if you’re the kind of guy who leans into statement-making, a thumb ring is an easy way to stand out. To avoid looking like you own an ‘import-export’ business, keep the rest of your hand fairly clear; a pinky plus a thumb ring gives a decent amount of separation.
5 Style Tips For Wearing Rings style guide
1. Be Ambidextrous
Like any accessory, less is often more with rings. Overload your hands and the individual elements become tricky to discern. “You should balance your jewellery,” says Walsh. “If you have a wedding band and watch on one hand, then one or two rings would work nicely on the other hand, for example.”
David Yurman
2. Nail Your Scales
As with your clothes, fit matters. Tiny rings on pianist fingers can feel out of place, much as skinny jeans can look indecent on bodybuuilder thighs. “The scale of jewellery is important to bear in mind,” says Graham. “Don’t wear rings that are the wrong size for your body shape. A big ring can look good on a guy with large hands but uncomfortable if you have small fingers.”
Rachel Boston
3. Match Your Metals (Or Don’t)
Traditionally, clashing metals signified a lack of care – all your jewellery should be either gold, or silver, but never both. But in a world where you can wear joggers with a blazer, pairing a steel watch with a gold ring isn’t the faux pas it once was. Although it’s still best when you make it look deliberate.
“When done right it can add a more stylised aesthetic to the overall look,” says Saiger. It’s particularly effective when you mix your metals in a single piece; wear something like Miansai’s Fusion ring and you’ve got carte blanche to add more rings in either metal. “We were able to take 90 per cent silver and 10 per cent gold and use this process of mechanically bonding it together through a machine to achieve this look.” As well as your style, it’s also good for your pocket.
Holt Renfrew
4. Think About Your Lifestyle
Rappers can rock the dripping-in-bling look because they don’t have to wear suits to work. “If you do, then a giant, statement ring won’t work,” says Graham. “Look for something more subtle.” You can always leave the 3D stuff for the weekend, but if you want to make rings a signature, go for a simpler form of personality.
“Choose something that’s timeless, but nothing overly designed or intricate, unless it’s a piece you see yourself wearing everyday,” says Saiger. “Rings are something that I find people like to put on and never take off, so for this reason I would suggest going with something more understated.”
Smith Grey
5. Commit
Any style statement looks best when you own it. “When a man wears jewellery he doesn’t feel comfortable in, that shows,” says Saiger. Rings can feel odd at first, a physical weight that makes you more self-conscious. So try before you buy and only go for something you feel confident you can pull off. And if that means starting out with something that’s barely there, so be it. “Personally, I like my rings at two millimetres, which is the same as my wedding band,” says Saiger.
David Yurman
Three Go-To Ring Styles
Wedding Band
Though common today, until the Second World War, only wives wore wedding rings. This was less about romance, more the patriarchy; it proved her kids were legitimate and that she had a man to look after her. During the war they were forged for men from non-precious metals, as a reminder of who soldiers overseas were fighting for. But they didn’t catch on as jewellery until the 1960s.
This shift was fuelled half by the rise of European style – Italian men have never been as squeamish about jewellery – but also second-wave feminism, which tried to put both partners in a marriage on an equal footing. “A wedding ring tends to be a clean, simple band,” says Walsh. “It’s an expression of commitment.” Designs tend to be inward- rather than outward-facing: an engraving against the skin tends is always more personal than a giant jewel.
Signet Ring
The OG men’s ring, the signet was first worn by the Ancient Egyptians, who used them to stamp official documents. In Britain, they were engraved with a back-to-front family crest; when sealing a letter with wax, you’d deboss it with your signet to prove it actually came from you. They were traditionally family heirlooms and signified plush roots – you had to have a coat of arms to actually engrave on your signet – but by the 19th century, new money types could buy their own heraldry. The signet lost some of its cache.
These days, they’re still handed down within families, but also come with all manner of designs; Gianni Versace wore one bearing his label’s Medusa head. “They’ve usually got a flat face, to accommodate engraving,” says Walsh, and then to be chunkier and more eye-catching than a wedding band.
Fashion Rings
There are other rings that men wear for tradition, not aesthetics, but they’re rare. Which means most everything else is lumped in as ‘fashion’ – a ring you wear just because you like the look, not because tradition says you should. These can range from designer bling to something with a story that you picked up from a car boot sale. “It’s an expression of your character,” says Walsh. “You can wear them on any finger, alone or in multiples.”
That gives more leeway for esoteric choices. “Ask yourself whether it’s for a lifetime, or for a moment,” says Walsh. The answer, as with anything you wear, will inform how much to invest. “Take advice [on the style] if you like, but also go with your gut. If you instinctively like it, you’ll wear it well.”
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monsterzeronj · 6 years
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Graphic novel based film finds young, eccentric loner Barbara Thorson (Madison Wolfe) believing that she can kill giants and claiming to have done so in the past. Her sister (Imogen Poots) is trying to take care of her and her older brother (Art Parkinson), but Barbara’s constant behavior issues and insubordination at middle school is taking it’s toll. Barbara finally finds a friend in new student Sophia (Sydney Wade), who has just moved to the US from England. The two girls bond and while Barbara slowly let’s Sophia into her complex fantasy world, the psychologist at school, Mrs. Mollé (Zoe Saldana) tries to find out what Barbara is really trying to escape from in her fantasies. Meanwhile, Barbara prepares, as a new colossal adversary nears, one she might not be able to handle.
Sweet-natured tale is very well directed by Anders Walter from a script by Joe Kelly, based on the graphic novel of the  same name by Kelly and Ken Niimura. This is the kind of movie that could have drowned in over-sentimentality, or sugar-coated the more serious issues, but it is handled with just the right mix by director Walter and Kelly’s script. The film never patronizes Barbara’s living in her own fantasy world, nor does it overplay or exploit the real story of a young girl unable to face a painful reality in her life. We see how involved Barbara’s fantasy world is and also see how it alienates her from her classmates and even makes her the target of the school bully (Rory Jackson). Walters slowly let’s us through the facade, giving us clues as to what is really happening, as Mollé tries to get through to the girl. We are drawn in as this and Barbara’s friendship with Sophia threatens the walls she’s thrown up. As the story plays out, it is ultimately Barbara herself who must tear down those walls and face her painful reality with the same courage she faces her imaginary giants. It’s all splendidly handled by the first-time feature director and very engaging despite being a very familiar story. On a technical level the film features some nice cinematography by Rasmus Heise of the Belgium and Ireland locations which stand in for the East Coast, United States. The FX portraying our fantasy creatures are very well executed and not over-used and Walter gives the film some nice atmosphere, aided by an effective score by Laurent Perez Del Mar.
The director gets good work from a solid cast. Madison Wolfe is very strong in her portrayal of Barbara. A complex young girl, who is eccentric and imaginative and who creates an alternate reality for herself to hide from pain she can’t handle in her real life. She keeps Barbara likable, even when being difficult and handles the transition from denial, to fear and to finally facing those fears very well. Zoe Saldana is also good in what could be seen as a clichéd role. She gives Mrs. Mollé a sense that she really cares about Barbara and conveys the patience and frustration of trying to reach her. Sydney Wade is sweet as her new friend, Sophia and Imogen Poots is also good as Karen Thorson, a young woman being overwhelmed by what’s going on around her and trying to handle the care of her siblings and maintain a grip on her own life. A strong cast who do good work.
This is not the first film to feature a child hiding from intense emotions in a fantasy world. It’s also not the first film to feature characters trying to reach that child. It does feature a strong debut from a first time director, who mixes all the elements well and in the right amounts. He treats his main character with the respect she deserves, gives her fantasy world the sense of wonder needed, never exploits the more serious story elements, or takes the easy way out by letting this degenerate into a routine tear-jerker…which it is not. A very entertaining and heartfelt movie that deserves more attention than it’s quiet release in limited theaters and on VOD gives it. Highly recommended.
-MonsterZero NJ
RATED ***1/2
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