#no offence to cub
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If not trans, then why does trans flag show up in multiple of his skins? Vote Jimmy Solidarity!
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rhynehoward · 2 years
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only-luce-the-goose · 4 months
Ice bath
A/N: Third fic in two days, not too bad. Requests are always open, so if you got ideas, send them through
Ollie Bearman x reader
Warnings: really cold water, swearing
Synopsis: Ollie’s had a long day and just wants to spend time with you. He has to finish his day with an ice bath no matter what, and he makes you join him.
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Ollie had finished of the last race of the weekend, unfortunately he placed worst than what anyone could have predicted. His car stalled twice, which really set him off. He stomped into his driver room and slammed the door, sliding down the wall to sit.
You were waiting for him in that same room, jumping when the door slammed shut. You returned the favour, making him jump what you knelt next to him to comfort him. He gripped your waist and pulled you over him, legs on either side of him as you settled in his lap. The buried his head in the junction of your neck and inhaled deeply. You started combing your fingers through his hair to calm him.
The sheer amount of sweat you tan your fingers through was disgusting. “No offence baby, this is disgusting. Your head is so sweaty” you whispered. It only made him whine and pull you closer, knowing what you wanted. “You gotta have your ice bath, bear. It’s not good for your muscles if you don’t” he groaned at your words and stood up, taking you with him.
With a firm grip under your ass, he walked you over and sat you down on the bench. You reached for the zipper of his suit and pulled it down, helping him change into his swimmers. Then he picked you up, you wrapped your legs around his waist and he turned around and sat down, you in his lap again. He tried to pull your shirt off, before you stopped him. “What are you doing, bear? I’m not the one who needs the bath”
He looked up at you with a pout, his gorgeous eyes reminding you of a cute little bear cub. “I don’t wanna get in if that means I gotta let go. I don’t wanna let go” he mumbled, leaving little pecs on your lips. “Baby, I don’t have a reason to get in, I didn’t lose 5 kilos in sweat by sitting in a car” you said as you kissed him back.
“Then I’m not getting in” he grumbled as he put his head back into your neck. You sighed and rolled your eyes “fine, I’ll get in. But I’m gonna hate you for it” Ollie didn’t even respond as he adjusted his grip, stood up with you around his waist and walked over to get your swimmers. He sat back down and took of your shirt, suckling you collarbone as he took your bra off and replaced it with your swim top. He stood you up and pulled your shorts and underwear down in one go, helping you step into your swim bottoms before pulling you back on him. “Can I at least get a shirt baby? Why alway film you in the ice baths” he shook his head “nope, I’ll tell them not to film me”
You wiggled back and stood up, Ollie’s hands followed your hips as he tried to pull you back down. “Bear, we can cuddle later but you really need that bath. It’s just down the hall” Ollie sighed as he stood up, linking your hands together as you dragged him across the hall.
He stayed true to his word when he told the camera crew they couldn’t film this one. They nodded and back away, leaving you two alone. His hands came under your thighs as he easily scooped you up, making you giggle at how easily he could do it. He stood in the bath and put you down, letting your legs get used to the temperature. You immediately started shivering, goosebumps corroding your skin.
You counted down from three and sunk into the bath, Ollie dunking his head as you refused to, immediately pulling you close after he resurfaced. He wrapped your legs around his waist for the millionth time in that half an hour, pulling you as close that physically possible. He placed kissed all over your face, neck and collar as he thanked you after each kiss. He closed his eyes and rested his head against your chest, you took you gunning your fingers through his hair, lightly scratching his scalp.
He pulled you both out of the bath as soon as the timer went off. He wrapped the singular towel around the both of you as you made your way back to his driver room. Once you had both dried off and changed, you hopped into the waiting car, taking you to your hotel for a nice long cuddle session with your clingy bear
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shy-urban-hobbit · 1 year
Care to go up against me, Princess?"
Ciri looked over from where she'd been whacking seven shades out of the training dummy to where Lambert's cat, (' Aiden', her brain supplied), was leaning against the wall. She was sure he hadn't been there a minute ago.
"Why?" She asked warily, Geralt's warnings about cat Witchers coming to mind.
Aiden shrugged, "Everyone else is busy and I'm bored. Vesemir gave me the okay to oversee your training for the day. Would go and bother Lambert but learnt the hard way not to do that when he's playing with his bombs. It gets messy, and not in a fun way."
Jaskier, who had been sat bundled up by a brazier watching (read: babysitting. Ciri wasn't stupid), snorted a laugh.
"You can tell me to piss off and I can see about trading with Eskel or Coen. I won't be offended" Aiden offered with an open smile. He'd recognised Vesemir's olive branch straight away but he wasn't about to use it to make the young cub uncomfortable.
She looked between him and Jaskier, the bard merely shrugging as Ciri mulled it over. He couldn't possibly be that bad if Vesemir had allowed him to stay and with Jaskier sat right there and Eskel just in the stables, she wasn't technically alone with him…
"Alright. But just a quick spar."
Aiden's smile grew.
"Don't be afraid to move." Aiden said, leaning on his wooden training sword, Ciri stood bent double as she heaved for breath, aching and frustrated from the multiple hits Aiden had managed to land on her whilst she'd barely touched him, "You keep coming at me full frontal like that you're basically painting a target on yourself. It became predictable, which means it became dangerous."
Ciri straightened up indignantly, "The wolves are always telling me-"
"No offence to the wolves." Aiden interrupted gently, "But they're all over six feet tall and built like brick shithouses. Brute strength and stubbornness works for them. They can take the hits and keep on coming. You, unfortunately, are a bit more breakable." He very lightly poked her in the belly with the end of his sword, "But you're also small and fast. Use that."
He tilted his head thoughtfully, "If you like, I can show you some basics from my school that might benefit you."
"You mean how to fight dirty?" The words left her mouth before she could stop them. To her relief (and confusion) though, Aiden merely laughed in response.
"Is it fighting dirty if it's against something trying to kill you? And out of the two of us, which one has more bruises right now?"
He replaced the training sword and picked up the coat he'd discarded earlier, shaking the snow free, "Again you're free to say no, but the offer stands. You too, if you like." He said looking towards Jaskier, or more specifically, the small dagger at his belt as he made to leave, "I'm curious if you can actually use that."
Aiden stopped, waiting for Ciri to continue.
"Learning a couple of things couldn't hurt. Could it?"
Geralt smiled as he made his way back through the gates. The sun has almost set and with how treacherous the mountain could be, he knew the sensible thing would have been to hunker down and make his way back in the morning but after three days, he was too eager to see both his bard and his girl. His excitement was short-lived as the sight that greeted him at the other end of the courtyard had him immediately seeing red. Jaskier sprawled on his ass on the ground, Aiden with his back to Geralt but he spotted a very familiar head of blonde hair peeping over his shoulder as Ciri appeared to be struggling in his hold. the pommel of a sword in the hand which wasn't restraining her. Fucking bastard! He knew he should have given in and allowed the two of them to accompany him on the hunting trip!
Abandoning Roach and the game she was carrying, Geralt unsheathed his sword and charged.
Jaskier's yell came a second too late as he realised what Geralt was intending. Witcher reflexes meant Aiden was able to move quickly to drop the sword and shove Ciri away from him but not quickly enough to avoid a blow to his shoulder as the white haired Witcher roared furiously, "Get the fuck away from them!"
Aiden immediately dropped to his knees, as he turned to face Geralt, trying to look as non threatening as possible with one hand pressed to his now bleeding shoulder.
"Geralt, no !"
"What the fuck, Geralt?!"
"What the hell is going on out here?" Eskel yelled as he emerged from the stables, nose wrinkling at the overwhelming mixed scents of anger, confusion and fear.
"Eskel. Go get Vesemir." Geralt growled, not taking his eyes off Aiden.
"No need." The Witcher in question appeared next to Jaskier, drawn out of the main hall by the sudden noise. He offered Jaskier a hand up as he took in the scene, "What is happening here?"
"I found the Cat threatening Ciri with a sword."
"You mean this sword?" Jaskier asked moving forward to pick up the wooden blade and waving it in Geralt's face, "We were training, nothing more."
"By whose leave?" Geralt demanded before turning to Eskel, "And you! Where the hell were you when they needed you!"
"Hey!" Eskel snapped, "I've been in the stables since they started this morning. You really think I wouldn't have intervened if I'd heard anything untoward? Which. I. Didn't. They were never in any danger."
" Aiden!" Lambert came running towards them, panicked by the scent of blood and the sight of Aiden on the ground, "What is your fucking problem!" He yelled, squaring up to Geralt, "The old man put him in charge of Ciri's training for the day, he wasn't doing anything he wasn't supposed to be!"
"Forgive me if I don't take you at your word given your attachment. I don't want Ciri learning anything from him. "
Aiden was marginally surprised that Geralt didn't spit on him for emphasis.
" Enough!" Vesemir barked in a tone he knew would immediately bring his pups to heel, "Everyone inside. Now! Eskel, take Ciri and help Coen in the kitchen. Lambert, see to Aiden. Geralt, with me."
Read the rest on my A03!
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sleepy0s · 9 months
the trio
This is like YHS was transported to hermitcraft! Quotes as you go.
It's midnight, I am so close to kicking my cat out of the room.
A bit of Narrating? IDK
Okay, so.. Current situation! Grian is gone..? No one knows where he is. But there are three young kids on the server! Maybe young.? They're like 16, we think. Either way, two of them have very heavy Japanese accents, the third has a mix of a british.? And the Japanese accent.? They keep whispering to each other in Japanese.. God if only Etho were here. 
Okay! Update! They know english. And, we’ve learnt their names! Sam, Taurtis and Grian. Now, even though all three of them seem very cute, Grian is very secretive about his past so it can't all be that good.
Talking about Grian! He is so cute! He's got cute little white dove? Wings, overly fluffy brown hair and so many freckles! He’s like a little bundle of joy! (Why isn't he like this anymore?)
To the fic!!!
YHS!Sam: If you were my husband, I'd put poison in your drink.
YHS!Grian: If I was your husband, I'd drink it.
Okay, lesson learnt. Don’t talk about relationships. 
The topic had come up between Pearl, Scar and Iskall. Unfortunately, Grian, Sam and Taurtis were nearby and started talking about it.
“Hey Sam, who do you think is most likely to get together from school?” Taurtis asked, skipping ahead of the two. “I dunno. Don’t think about that much.” Sam shrugged, looking towards Grian, “What about you Gree-on?”
“Not a clue. But I hope i dont get with either of you. I want a calm life in the future.” 
“Hey! I'm Calm!” Taurtis protested, gasping with fake offence.
Sam had stopped walking and was just standing on the path, a smile on his face, “You good Sam?” Grian asked, stopping to look at him.
He took a second, thinking about his words before talking, “Gree-on, if you were my husband, I’d put poison in your drink.” Taurtis was shocked. Not because of his words, no, no that was a normal thing for Sam to say. But because he had the guts to say it on hermitcraft, who all seemed to be very protective over Grian.
Grian, who walked over to Sam, his white wings twitching. He leaned in close to Sam’s ear before whispering, “If i was your husband.. I drink it.” Before he smiled and skipped over to Taurtis
Scar: Life could be a lot worse Taurtis
Taurtis: Life could be a whole lot better too!
Forced therapy, ah. Everyone's favourite thing.
Cub was currently sitting in a locked room, Taurtis sat opposite him. The teenager seemed.. Displeased. Their conversation had been going well, Cub had managed to get Taurtis to open up a bit.
“Just remember Taurtis. Life could be a whole lot worse.?” Okay, now that he thinks about it, maybe that is not the best use of words. This was obviously proven when Taurtis started yelling.
“IM SORRY? WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY TO ME!?” Cub tried to speak, but was immediately cut off by Taurtis, “Did YOUR best friend stab you!? Do YOU live with a psychopath? Are YOU threatened with a knife almost EVERY day?”
“YEAH sure life could be worse. BUT IT COULD ALSO BE A WHOLE LOT BETTER!”
There you go c:
ALSO! By the time this is read it's probably gonna be christmas eve c: that just makes me happy
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ihopesocomic · 6 months
Do rogue male lions exist in the IHS universe. Ya know male lions who kill other male lions and the cubs for a spot in the pride. Or no?
There are challenges by Travellers but there's normally no killing and there's most certainly no infanticide. The lions engage in a duel with witnesses and must fight honourably or else the pride exercises the right to side with their current leader and drive out the challenging lion. Male lions also rarely fight to the death, despite whatever "facts" My Pride will try and sell you. Their manes work like literal armour and it is near impossible to bite through it. Lions will also rather flee from a fight once they realise it is not going their way than risk serious injury or death. As for infanticide, lionesses will viciously defend their cubs. They don't just stand by and allow it to happen. In the world of IHS, the killing of a cub is seen as a heinous crime and the lions exercise the right to chase off or even kill their leader if it is found they committed such an offence. Not saying it doesn't happen from time to time, such as Merry being assassinated by Jasper and Edge and Edge killing Quiet but there's no weird ass "Pride Law" that dictates that the lions have to be chill with this kind of thing. - RJ
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stephensmithuk · 5 months
The Sign of Four: In Quest of a Solution
You could find the back issues of most papers just by visiting a local library. Today, the British Newspaper Archive will, for a monthly subscription, allow you to look at a whole slew of vintage papers, including The Illustrated Police News for all your Victorian "true crime" reportage.
As mentioned before, a four-wheeler was a four-wheeled carriage with a driving seat on the top front and a luggage rack on the top; they costed more than the hansoms.
Doyle isn't very good with coming up with convincing Indian names, is he? Singh is the name used by a baptised male Sikh (Kaur is the female equivalent) i.e. a turban-wearing, dagger carrying one. Mahomet is a version of Mohammed.
The gas lights of London weren't hugely bright compared with modern street lights; you'd be able to find your way, but there's probably a decent chance you'd step in horse exhaust if you weren't careful.
The Lyceum Theatre, located on Wellington Street, dates back to 1765, but the current building is from 1834, rebuilt after a fire. It contains a balcony over the dress circle, a unique theatre.
GhostApple on Tumblr pointed out that Bram Stoker was the manager at that theatre at the time SIGN was released. The theatre at the time was run by Henry Irving and Ellen Terry, two of the biggest stars of their days, becoming Sir Henry and Dame Ellen later in life. Stoker based Dracula on Irving, but sadly Irving never actually played the Count on stage.
After a further rebuild, time as a ballroom, a demoliton threat and two closures, the Lyceum reopened in 1996 and is a Grade II* listed building, the second highest grade. Since 1999, it is the London home of The Lion King.
The normal garb of a coachman would be a top hat and a heavy double-breasted overcoat; they would be driving their vehicle in a vast array of weather conditions, sometimes on the same day as anyone who has lived in Britain can tell you.
The coach is going rather fast at this point, possibly dangerously so. The Offences against the Person Act 1861 created an offence of "causing bodily harm by wanton or furious driving"; which could mean that if a horse-drawn vehicle hit another vehicle or a person, the driver could get up to two years in prison. The offence remains on the books, being used against horse-drawn carriage drivers (still a thing, particularly in the Traveller community), motorists when not on a road or public land and cyclists, as the Road Traffic Act 1988 is not available in these cases - it is a Crown Court-only offence. In 2017, a cyclist riding at speed in East London with no front brakes hit and killed a woman; the jury found him not guilty of manslaughter, but convicted him of this offence, with the result he got a 18-month sentence.
Tiger attacks were very common in British India; tigers are known to attack humans when feeling threatened (human encroachment on their territory is a big problem)), injuries prevent them from going after other prey or they mistake a human for something else, or if one is riding a bike, their chase instinct may kick in. 33,247 people were killed by tigers between 1876 and 1912. In 2022, the Indian government recorded 112 tiger-caused deaths, up from 59 in 2021. Some tigers have ended up killing over 100 people before being shot dead.
For those having a go at Watson for shooting at a tiger cub, we don't know how old or how big the tiger cub was. A newborn tiger maybe less than 10 pounds and look adorable, but a ten month male could easily be over 100 pounds and looks rather like a full-grown adult. Especially in the dark.
This said, humans are a good deal worse than tigers. The British cleared vast amounts of their habitat for the timber to build their railways. Hunting tigers for "sport" had been a common practice for the Indian nobility and the British ruling classes liked doing it just as much, bringing modern firearms along. Remember Dr. Sterndale from DEVI? There's a chance Watson might have gone hunting himself, sadly.
The tiger hunting got worse post-independence as improved air travel made it easier for game hunters to get to India. The Indian government banned tiger hunting in 1972 and the Bengal tiger population is slowly recovering. The size of reserves have not kept up with the population and so some tigers have gone into human areas for food, usually livestock but sometimes humans. If a tiger starts killing people and attempts to tranquilise it fail, then lethal force will be authorised. In 2022, T-104, a three-year-old dubbed the "man-eater of Champaran", killed nine people before he was shot dead by the police, who conducted their search riding elephants.
The "Surrey side" refers to the southern bank of the river, the other being the "Middlesex side" referring to the now defunct county. Those terms remain in use for the Boat Races; with the Middlesex side being on the right as the crews row upstream. The two "stations" have various advantages and disadvantages; Middlesex helps at the start end, Surrey in the middle.
Vauxhall Bridge was in rather a bad shape by this point and would be replaced in 1906, five years late due to various construction and design issues. The modern bridge is notable for having the very distinctive headquarters of the Secret Intelligence Service next to its southern end.
"Hindoo" was a contemporary spelling of Hindu, today considered derogatory.
"Sahib" is the Indian equivalent of "sir" or "master"; "Mem-Sahib" is the female version. The Indians used it when speaking to white people (or about them, possibly sarcastically) and the British officers would use it with their Indian counterparts. It is less common now, but still widely used in the Indian Army and about people in positions of power.
"Khitmutgar" was a term for a male butler or underservant who would set the table for dinner etc.; during the Bengal Presidency, these would typically as opposed to Hindus.
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hostilemuppet · 1 year
Would handy and petunia bring a child into their world
"looking too into things" answer: i feel like handy would be scared of becoming his father, and even though hes a great babysitter and loves taking care of cub he wouldnt want like. the Responsibility of being an actual father. plus, petunia is. Petunia. no offence to our pretty pretty princess but. children are messy! and dirty! even if they adopted an older kid, shed have Disproportionate Reactions to them leaving dishes out
cute answer:
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petunia dresses her up in her old doll clothes (until she gets too big for them. then she buys her own off etsy)
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shahananasrin-blog · 1 year
[ad_1] TORONTO – The familiar song of “Jo-se, Jo-se, Jo-se” echoed around Rogers Centre for the first time in six years as Jose Bautista was added to the Toronto Blue Jays’ Level of Excellence on Saturday. A visibly emotional Bautista was honoured in a 45-minute ceremony before Toronto hosted the Chicago Cubs, culminating in him throwing the opening pitch out to Vladimir Guerrero Jr., a symbolic passing of the torch between two centrepieces of the Blue Jays’ offence.“You guys have no idea how much this means to me and my family,” said Bautista, clearing his throat to fight back tears, addressing the sold-out crowd at Toronto’s downtown ballpark.He then introduced a five-minute video where he recounted how he was traded to the Blue Jays in 2008 and thanked several people from the organization as well as the fans.“I knew that Toronto had a lot of great players, and that the Blue Jays had a great history, including two World Series,” said Bautista in the video. “I was also aware that from its very beginning, the Jays organization had strong ties to my home country, the beautiful Dominican Republic. Story continues below advertisement “But what I didn’t fully realize until I arrived in Toronto was that this was such a welcoming, diverse and multicultural city. You embrace me and my family as your own and I can’t thank you enough for that.”Bautista’s name was officially added to the Level of Excellence overlooking right field, where he played for most of 10 seasons with the Blue Jays. His name adorns the facing along the 400 level of the ballpark beside Hall of Fame pitcher Roy Halladay’s name. Related Videos 1:58 Toronto Blue Jays pitcher in hot water over anti-LGBTQ2 Instagram post Previous Video Next Video During his time in Toronto, Bautista was a six-time All-Star and three-time Silver Slugger. He had 288 homers with the Blue Jays, including a major league-leading 54 in 2010 and 43 in 2011.He is perhaps best known for his emphatic bat flip after crushing a tie-breaking three-run homer in the seventh inning of Toronto’s clinching 6-3 victory over Texas in Game 5 of their 2015 AL Division Series. Story continues below advertisement The JaysCare Foundation, the charitable arm of the team, made a $100,000 donation to Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital in Bautista’s name as part of the celebration.He also received two Silver Slugger Muskoka chairs and a custom Level of Excellence Blue Jays diamond pendant. A mural celebrating Bautista’s dramatic bat flip was painted on the side of 99 Spadina Avenue, a nearby office building as part of the festivities. “I want to thank you, the fans, who especially during those crazy wonderful days in 2015, and 2016, filled the stadium, watched by the millions on television and lived and died with every pitch,” said Bautista toward the end of his video. “I know for many of you, those memories will last a lifetime.“We could feel your love and support. We played for the city. We played for this country. We played for each other. But most of all we played for you.”Bautista wiped away tears after a lengthy video message from former teammates, coaches, and his wife Neisha and their four daughters.“I never thought there would ever be a day that I see Jose Bautista cry, and he definitely was crying a lot,” said former teammate Devon Travis after the ceremony. “I just think that a player of that calibre, the career that he had, when he’s in the moment and playing every day, I don’t think that players like that really ever look at themselves and say, ‘Man, you’re pretty damn good.’ Trending Now Fiery heart on Tofino beach video fans flames of anger Phone off, eyes up: How to get the best view of the Perseid meteor show Story continues below advertisement “I think today he had the ability to soak that in, I think probably for the first time in his life.”Former Blue Jays manager John Gibbons got one of the loudest cheers as Bautista’s friends and family were introduced. The massive ovation forced Gibbons to take a pause and drink in the cheers before walking out to the stage set up in the infield at Rogers Centre for all the dignitaries.Cito Gaston, who led Toronto to back-to-back World Series titles in 1992 and 1993, was introduced next, getting a reception that rivalled Gibbons’s.The roars continued for every former member of the Blue Jays that Sportsnet’s Hazel Mae announced, including Justin Smoak, Ricky Romero, Travis, and Montreal’s Russell Martin.“I thought they were still cheering for Gibby, actually,” joked Smoak. “It’s one of those things where those teams were special, right? Special players, special people, coaches, everything and so when we have teams like that, the fans feel that as well.“Hopefully the team that’s here now, the team that was here last year, a great team and great players, and hopefully they can feel the same thing.”Fellow slugger Edwin Encarnacion probably got the largest cheer besides Bautista, with the burly corner infielder flexing both of his arms before marching to the stage. Story continues below advertisement Tens of thousands of fans lined up around Rogers Centre before the game, with some camping out the night before to make sure they got one of 20,000 bobbleheads commemorating Bautista’s bat flip.“They were there when I came in at like 9 a.m.,” said Blue Jays manager John Schneider before the ceremony. “Pretty cool. Absolutely. Pretty cool. I’m looking forward to the atmosphere.“Looking forward to seeing all those guys and it was definitely buzzing early today.”This report by The Canadian Press was first published Aug. 12, 2023. &copy 2023 The Canadian Press [ad_2]
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newsakd · 1 year
[ad_1] The familiar song of "Jo-sé, Jo-sé, Jo-sé" echoed around Rogers Centre for the first time in six years as José Bautista was added to the Toronto Blue Jays' Level of Excellence on Saturday.A visibly emotional Bautista was honoured in a 45-minute ceremony before Toronto hosted the Chicago Cubs, culminating in him throwing the opening pitch out to Vladimir Guerrero Jr., a symbolic passing of the torch between two centrepieces of the Blue Jays' offence.Immortalized on our Level of Excellence. A Blue Jay forever 💙 #JoeyBats pic.twitter.com/oLcImPWGkU—@BlueJays"You guys have no idea how much this means to me and my family," said Bautista, clearing his throat to fight back tears, addressing the sold-out crowd at Toronto's downtown ballpark.He then introduced a five-minute video where he recounted how he was traded to the Blue Jays in 2008 and thanked several people from the organization as well as the fans."I knew that Toronto had a lot of great players, and that the Blue Jays had a great history, including two World Series," said Bautista in the video. "I was also aware that from its very beginning, the Jays organization had strong ties to my home country, the beautiful Dominican Republic."But what I didn't fully realize until I arrived in Toronto was that this was such a welcoming, diverse and multicultural city. You embrace me and my family as your own and I can't thank you enough for that."It takes a village to build an Excellent career.Watch José’s Level of Excellence thank you speech 💙 #JoeyBats—@BlueJaysBautista's name was officially added to the Level of Excellence overlooking right field, where he played for most of 10 seasons with the Blue Jays. His name adorns the facing along the 400 level of the ballpark beside Hall of Fame pitcher Roy Halladay's name.During his time in Toronto, Bautista was a six-time All-Star and three-time Silver Slugger. He had 288 homers with the Blue Jays, including a major league-leading 54 in 2010 and 43 in 2011.He is perhaps best known for his emphatic bat flip after crushing a tie-breaking three-run homer in the seventh inning of Toronto's clinching 6-3 victory over Texas in Game 5 of their 2015 AL Division Series.WATCH | Bautista's iconic moment:Jose Bautista 3 run homer gives Jays 6-3 leadBautista's blast in the 7th inning was his 2nd of the postseason and broke a 3-3 tie in the gameThe JaysCare Foundation, the charitable arm of the team, made a $100,000 donation to Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital in Bautista's name as part of the celebration.He also received two Silver Slugger Muskoka chairs and a custom Level of Excellence Blue Jays diamond pendant. A mural celebrating Bautista's dramatic bat flip was painted on the side of 99 Spadina Avenue, a nearby office building as part of the festivities."I want to thank you, the fans, who especially during those crazy wonderful days in 2015, and 2016, filled the stadium, watched by the millions on television and lived and died with every pitch," said Bautista toward the end of his video. "I know for many of you, those memories will last a lifetime."We could feel your love and support. We played for the city. We played for this country. We played for each other. But most of all we played for you."Bautista wiped away tears after a lengthy video message from former teammates, coaches, and his wife Neisha and their four daughters.Former Blue Jays manager John Gibbons got one of the loudest cheers as Bautista's friends and family were introduced. The massive ovation forced Gibbons to take a pause and drink in the cheers before walking out to the stage set up in the infield at Rogers Centre for all the dignitaries.Cito Gaston, who led Toronto to back-to-back World Series titles in 1992 and 1993, was introduced next, getting a reception that rivalled Gibbons's.The roars continued for every former member of the Blue Jays that Sportsnet's Hazel Mae announced, including Justin Smoak, Ricky Romero, Devon Travis, and Montreal's Russell Martin.O Canada with our Blue Jays alumni family! 🇨🇦 #JoeyBats pic.twitter.com/DGWarmdHvQ—@BlueJaysFellow slugger Edwin Encarnacion probably got the largest cheer besides Bautista, with the burly corner infielder flexing both of his arms before marching to the stage.Tens of thousands of fans lined up around Rogers Centre before the game, with some camping out the night before to make sure they got one of 20,000 bobbleheads commemorating Bautista's bat flip."They were there when I came in at like 9 a.m.," said Blue Jays manager John Schneider before the ceremony. "Pretty cool. Absolutely. Pretty cool. I'm looking forward to the atmosphere."Looking forward to seeing all those guys and it was definitely buzzing early today." [ad_2] Source link
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luimagines · 2 years
Twi with an s/o who gets into as much trouble as wild, if not more?
That's an impressive feat. You got it, Anon!
Content under the cut!
“So if I hit this and jump off of the explosion at just the right time then I would be able to grab onto that tree branch and vault myself up even higher into the air and then I can get your boomerang down.” You explained the plan to a very confused but determined Hyrule.
“Sounds dangerous.” He nods a bit as the information sinks into his brain. “It’ll probably work then.”
“Right?” You smirk. “I’m so smart and good at things. Give me two minutes.”
You cock your arrow and fire.
Hyrule watches on with tense anticipation as he watches you take off running after it to start this crazy enough to work plan of yours.
One failed attempt later and Hyrule is patching you up. Failed in the meaning that you didn’t go through with your plan. The boomerang however, was very much retrieved.
“What the-” You hear Twilight’s voice get caught in his throat. You can hear the footsteps get closer to your location and you steel yourself for the inevitable lecture.
“What happened?” Uh oh. That’s not the lecture tone. That’s heartbreak.
Panicked, you look back up at him just in time to meet his eyes head on as he falls to his knees beside you. This was not part of the plan. You’ve already deviated it. This isn’t in the script.
His hands come up to cup your cheeks gently as his thumbs gently brushing over the forming and healing bruises. The tenderness breaks away any defense you could have been able to come up for yourself. Words fail you.
“We did something dumb.” Hyrule answers his question. “They volunteered as tribute to try it and while we ended up completing our goal... they got a bit roughed up.”
Twilight bites his lip- barely silencing a whine from deep with his throat.
Oh no. Oh no.  He’s going to cry. How do you fix this?
“It’s not that bad.” Your own voice comes out in mere squeaks. It’s small and embarrassed but also an attempts to heal and soothe was has been hurt. “I just fell a bit.”
“From the tree.”
“Rulie.” You hiss and spin to him with no short of venom in your voice. “Not helping.”
Twilight groans and flops into your lap, his arms coming to wrap themselves around your waist as his pushes his face into your stomach. 
“For one day-” He starts. “Can you not get yourself into some altercation? Either with the monster of the day, or the others, or with your own dramatic ideas.”
You take mild offence to that. “Hey, my ideas are not always dramatic.”
Deadpanning, Twilight removes his head for a bit and looks back at Hyrule from around you. “Was it their idea?”
Twilight returns to look you in the eye.
Having been caught, you can’t meet him head on. Instead you looked away and mutter under your breath, mostly directed toward the boy behind you as he applies some ointment to your minor burns. “Traitor.”
Twilight ignores your words in favor of gently turning your face toward him. He looks over your face for the minor scratches and burns. Some of your hair was singed and you’re missing half of an eyebrow. But the more he looks over you, checking over your arms and legs, (Hyrule had most of it covered without wasting any magic) Twilight is able to conclude that most, if not, all of your injuries are minor.
His heart settles for a moment and he sighs before flopping back against you. It hurts for a minute but then he shifts and lessens the pressure on your more sensitive areas for the time being.
“Between you and Cub, I’m going to go grey by thirty.” Twilight mutters.
You laugh nervously an slowly card your fingers through his hair. Is this better or worse than a lecture? You’re not sure. “Surely, I’m not that bad.”
Twilight lets out a grunt of disagreement.
Even Hyrule snickers right behind your ear. Fed up with it, you turn and swipe at him. He dodges easily enough and leaves you alone with Twilight.
“Stop getting hurt.” Twilight says within the next heartbeat.
“Ok, ok-” You snicker and go back to playing with his hair. “I will do my best. Scout’s honor.”
“You were never a scout.” He grumbles.
“Well then, I guess I’ll stay the same.”
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lyrabythelake · 3 years
This one is a prompt from @pokegeek151:
‘Time is exhausted and finally falls asleep. Everyone is running in circles to make sure he gets to stay asleep’
I crown you queen of writing prompts, Latte, the ones you gave me were all marvellous! I might put a couple of the others on the back-burner for another time, but this one was my favourite :)) Thanks so much!
Sky and Four stop both mid-stride and mid-conversation at Warriors’ less than warm welcome into camp.
“What?” Four whispers, a little affronted.
Warriors widens his eyes expressly and gestures to a person shaped lump on the ground under what seems like every blanket they collectively own. Four’s irritation fades as he spots a tuft of sandy-blond hair poking out of the top.
“Time’s finally asleep?” Sky whispers.
“He conked out about half an hour ago,” says Hyrule in a low voice as Sky and Four walk past him to deposit the logs they had collected for the fire. Four lets out a relieved breath.
“Thank the Goddesses.��
Time‘s insomnia had gotten so bad over the past few days that the eight of him had taken to walking subtly close behind him lest he collapse in the middle of the path. Legend had even started talking about slipping him a sleeping potion without his knowledge. They are all very thankful they won’t have to take that particular route now he’s finally asleep; who knows what he would have done when he found out.
Wind watches him worriedly.
“Do you think he’ll sleep through the night?” 
“Not if you don’t manage to lower your voice,” Legend hisses indignantly.
“I am lowering my voice!” he argues, to which several people tell him to “Shhh!”
“No offence, Sailor,” whispers Wild, who is in the process of adding various spices to the cooking pot, “but you haven’t exactly mastered the art of volume control. Maybe you should just… not speak for a little while.”
Wind’s eyes go as wide as saucers.
Another round of “Shhh”-ing.
“You can’t just tell me to not speak, Wild,” he says, ever so slightly quieter. Legend shoots a nervous look at Time who seems not to have stirred in the slightest. “It’s rude. And impossible!”
Wild shrugs and throws some beans into the pot.
“Sorry. I didn’t think it was that big a deal.”
“Not everyone’s like you, Cub,” Twilight says in an undertone. “I bet Wind couldn’t go an hour without making some kind of noise.”
“Hey, that’s not true!”
“Really?” Twilight grins. “Prove it, then.”
Wind narrows his eyes.
“Oh, I see what you’re doing. As if I’m going to fall for—”
“Ah, ah. All I hear is you demonstrating my point,” Twilight interrupts. Wind scowls and opens his mouth to retort, then pauses. Visibly coming to the sudden, internal realisation that he has no way of winning, he wrinkles his nose, crosses his arms and sits back on the log behind him, mouth set in a straight line. Wild stifles a snigger.
The quiet that follows is a peaceful one. Nothing but the sizzling of the cooking pot, the steady hollow sound of Sky’s knife against his wooden carving block, and the muted rustle of Hyrule and Legend sorting through their belongings on either end of the camp. It’s almost enough to send some of the rest of them into a sleepy daze.
Unfortunately, the peace lasts all of five minutes before a loud CLANG rings out across the camp. Everyone freezes and snaps their heads round to look at Time who luckily, and perhaps a little miraculously, still seems to be fast asleep.
“Sorry!” Wild whispers, shoulders hunched sheepishly as he holds his ladle with a strong grip. He must have knocked it against the side of the cooking pot.
“Goddess Almighty, you would’ve thought a group of seasoned heroes like us would be able to stay quiet for more than a few minutes,” mumbles Twilight. 
They make it approximately two minutes this time before there’s a sound like cracking glass. It probably wouldn’t have been too loud on its own, except Legend immediately lets out a vehement string of swear words.
“Vet!” Warriors hisses reprovingly, and once again, everybody turns to check on Time. They collectively relax when he remains still and quiet.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” Legend whispers guiltily. “My ice-rod went off in my bag.”
His hand emerges from his satchel holding a large chunk of ice with what seems to be half his belongings encased within. Warriors barely represses a snort.
“I thought you were supposed to be the Veteran. That’s the most rookie mistake I’ve seen any of us make.”
“You say that like I wasn’t rehemming your tunic last night after you singed it with the fire-rod,” Legend says coolly. Warriors turns slightly pink.
“For the love of Ordona!” Twilight hisses. “Would everyone please shut u—”
An explosion sounds from near the cooking pot. The effect is instantaneous; half of them scramble to draw their swords and the other half practically fall off their makeshift seats, frantically trying to find where the explosion came from.
It doesn’t take long for them to notice Hyrule, hair smoking, the lines and creases of his face blackened with soot, sitting stock still in front of a small, smouldering crater in the ground. His expression is fixed somewhere between astonishment and utter mortification.
“Whoops,” he says quietly, as if whispering will do anything at this point.
“What did you do?!” hisses Legend, eyes practically bulging.
“I thought that bomb was a dud,” he replies hesitantly. Then adds, “Turns out it wasn’t, though.”
“Yeah, I think we all got that!”
A tired groan comes from Time’s pile of blankets and everyone audibly holds their breath as he shifts to lie on his back.
“Time?” Warriors asks softly. “Are you awake?”
“Yes,” Time says wearily, muffled by the layers on top of him. Twilight buries his head in his hands and Wind silently glares at Hyrule who looks extremely guilty.
Warriors sighs resignedly.
“…You’ve been awake this whole time, haven’t you?” 
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dapandapod · 3 years
41 with Dadralt and tiny!smol!ciri? 🥺 Just imagine her running up to geralt full force and latching onto his legs like a tiny monkey yes I have many feels
41. Hugging someone’s legs
Uh, YES please!! Dadralt and baby Ciri, ugh, I just love them I have SO many feelings, aahh! (and have a handsome babysitter is not a bad idea either, no?) And also littol Ciri telling Geralt off because she is very wise and Geralt really should know better. Yes.
Please enjoy <3
Send me a hug prompt? On Ao3 Hug collection here
Geralt likes to call Ciri his little cub, but if he spends one night a little too late at work, she turns into a monkey.
The cutest, fluffiest, most feral little monkey he has ever seen.
This is one of those nights, when work dragged on a little too long. He has made an arrangement with his kind (and unfairly hot) neighbour Jaskier to pick her up from kindergarten the two days a week when he knows he will have more to do.
He knocks on the door and Jaskier soon answers, looking soft and slightly rumpled.
From inside, he can hear a Disney movie play, and ah, they probably cozied up on the couch.
Geralt feels a pang of longing to have been there, to see his child feel safe and happy with a man he doesn’t even dare ask out for a coffee.
He is such a coward.
“Hi there,” Jaskier greets with a smile, his shirt riding up when he scratches his stomach. Geralt is looking respectfully. “Good timing. She was just complaining about you.”
“Oh no,” is all Geralt manages, before a high pitched screech is heard from inside, and then rapid beat of small bare feet racing over the floor.
“DAAAAAA!” Ciri yells, and then her little monkey self appears.
Her pale blond hair is wild, sticking up in every direction, and her small round eyes glare up at him in great offence. That hair will be a pain to brush out tomorrow.
“Whewe have you been!! I have been wowwied sick! Did you even look as you cwossed the street!!” she rants as she collides with his legs, clinginging to them.
Jaskier looks on amused, leaning against the doorframe.
“I had to ask Jasier to put on Fwozen twice, Da! That’s how long you were gone today!”
“I am so sorry,” Geralt apologizes sincerely. “I bear gifts for my little princess, if she would let me go?”
Ciri glares up at him suspiciously.
Gifts is apparently a good word, but letting go, not as much.
Jaskier finally decides to take pity on him and kneels by Ciri’s side. He pets her wild hair and she glares at him too.
“Hey, why don’t we ask Da if he will stay with us for a little while? We still have to finish Frozen, and you could show him what you drew at school today?”
Geralt and Ciri both melt at this, and Ciri finally relents.
“Fine. But Da, you cawwy me to the couch.”
Geralt sets down his work bag and the little box from the bakery down the street. Ciri stretches her arms towards him, pouting, until he lifts her up. She wraps her arms around his neck and holds him as tightly as her little child arms can manage.
He closes his eyes and wraps his arms around her properly.
“You smell old,” she whispers, nuzzling in closer and scratching at his beard. Jaskier snorts a laugh and stands up, knees creaking.
“I think he smells nice,” Jaskier says, and before Geralt has time to properly register it and have an internal breakdown over this, Jaskier turns and walks deeper into the apartment. “Come on. We have macaroni to cook and a snowman to sing with.”
Geralt didn’t have to ask Jaskier out for a coffee.
Ciri shows him all her drawings, and explains that there are so many hearts above Geralt's head because he is in love with Mr. Jaskier.
A child's brutal honesty.
Geralt sits there panicking, thinking of how he needs to apologize and maybe ask old Mrs Vegelbud to look after Ciri instead, when Jaskier reaches over and borrows Ciri’s pen.
He leans into Geralt’s space and draws little hearts over the stick figure that Ciri pointed out to be him.
“Then there should be hearts over mine too,” Jaskier confesses to Ciri, before looking up at Geralt. “Because I am in love too.”
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danger-xylophones · 3 years
I like your other fic with Rex and reader and their new baby, can we get some spicy parent alone time?
I don’t really write spice but I am happy to give you more of dad!Rex
"Remember, behave for Aunt Ahsoka, alright?" You hummed to the little girl who was squirming in her spot before you - eager to dart over to the togruta girl standing only a few feet away.
"Alright, buir, can I go now?" Anais huffed, puffing out her little chubby cheeks in agitation which succeeded in pulling a laugh from her father. You glared over at Rex and he awkwardly tried to cover his laughter as a coughing fit.
"Not yet." Rex hummed and crouched down to avoid your ire a little further. When he was eye level with the young one, he held his arms open to her. "Give your parents a hug goodbye at least." He smiled at her and your little girl made a show of rolling her eyes before barreling into his arms. With a laugh, Rex rose to his feet with your daughter corralled in his burly arms. She giggled, the sound ringing out through the otherwise quiet front porch as she was swung back and forth.
"Buir! Stop! Put me down!" She protested through her laughter, little arms wrapped tightly around Rex's neck. The sight brought a smile to your face that you noticed was mirrored on Ahsoka's as well.
"Alright, alright, you bug." He huffed in mock exasperation before gently plopping the girl on the ground. She stuck her tongue out at him before turning around to wrap her arms around your legs and bury her face in your stomach for a hug. You gently carded a hand over her curly hair and, with a few more quiet instructions for her to behave herself while training with Ahsoka, released her to the young jedi.
"We'll see you in a week." Ahsoka called as she led your daughter by the hand to her ship. "Try not to have too much fun." The hatch to her ship shut before either of you could retort.
You stood by Rex, watching as the two girls flew off to start the week of force training planned for your daughter. Though the Jedi had been informally disbanded after the war you still thought it a good idea to sharpen your daughter's growing abilities. And luckily Rex had agreed which is why you had reached out to Ahsoka to help you train her. But this would be the first time she'd be under Ahsoka's sole guidance.
And the first time you and Rex would have time to yourselves since you'd gotten married.
There was a touch to the small of your back. "Well, they're gone."
“Mhm.” You hummed, not taking your eyes off of the ship until it left atmo.
His touch slid around to hold your waist. “For a whole week.”
You hummed again, arms crossing over your chest. .
“We’re finally alone.”
You hummed once more, the sound bordering on groan, and leaned into his warm, solid side. Your eyes fluttered, not daring to shut but reacting to Rex’s presence and his scent - earthy and warm like stepping into a well-heated cabin after being out in a rain storm - all the same. 
“You gonna be able to handle it?”   
Your brow furrowed almost in offence. And, reluctantly, you pulled away from his side just enough to look up at him. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
He raised a bushy eyebrow at you, face betraying his amusement. “I just mean,” he began with a huffed laugh, “this is the first time mama bear’s not gonna have her cub.” He nudged your hip with his own which prompted you to roll your eyes at the usage of his brothers’ running joke. “Just makin’ sure you won’t go crazy on me.” 
“Please,” you scoffed and turned to stalk into the house - Rex followed on your heels, “as if you’re any better than me. You’ve watched her like a hawk since day one.” 
Entering into your abode with the knowledge your daughter wasn’t tucked away in her room brought a strange pang to your heart. And one that wasn’t soothed by the knowledge she’d be back in a week. You missed her already. But your little girl was growing up, she was seven now, Anais deserved to have her own adventures without her parents hovering over her. 
“Wasn’t saying I was,” Rex’s low voice in your ear accompanied by his arms snaking around your waist distracted you from the missing presence, “just pointing it out.” 
You hummed, letting the matter rest for now, as you settled back into his embrace. 
It was quiet. Way too quiet for your home. 
“You wanna call up the boys? See if any are down to go drinking tonight? It’s been awhile since we both went to a bar.” You turned your head to look at him which caused Rex’s subtle stubble to scratch against your cheek. 
“That sounds like a great idea, cyare.” 
It was too hot, your clothes too tight - you needed them off now. “Rex...” you moaned, the sound pealing from your lips like a prayer, reverent as he worshipped your neck with hot, open mouthed kisses. Just as soon as his name had left your mouth, your hand covered it - eyes wide and ears straining to hear signs of your daughter waking and potentially coming to investigate the noise. 
Rex chuckled against your neck, his chest rubbing against yours with the movement as he brought his lips up over your jaw, cheek, and finally to your ear to nibble on the lobe. “Kid ain’t here, cyare, we can be as loud as we want.” 
When his knee slotted between your thighs and his hands next landed on your hips, you didn’t bother holding back.
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ihopesocomic · 3 years
hello, I really love your comic and I was kind of curious about a character that still hasn't appeared, Daffodil ... is it possible to know something more about them (without spoilers obviously), do you have more pictures of them, they're so cute and I kind of relate to them when it comes to talk about my passions, which is more or less one of the few moments in which I feel more confortable around people (socializing is quite difficult for me), it would be nice knowing more about them.
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Daffodil is the only child of Periwinkle and his Knight, Dagga. They are the youngest cub of the Red Stone pride and, from the moment they had begun to walk, Dagga sensed there was something different about her offspring. Whereas lions are naturally social animals, Daffodil was always very into themselves and avoided most of the play that their siblings instigated. While Dagga never wanted to force her child to do anything they were uncomfortable doing, they worried her nonetheless. Having had a close relationship with her own brother, she worried that Daffodil would be lonely growing up.
Nevertheless, they established a kind of independence. They were never truly on board with being addressed by even the gender neutral title of King. They wanted their own title. Overlord. But they were addressed as "Their Highness" officially. While quiet and pondering a lot of the time, Daffodil had periods where they were demanding and had no time for the traditions that surrounded them. They wanted to do things their own way and that was that. Right down to the painting.
The painting. Dagga never knew what prompted them to start up such a hobby. Maybe an urge to illustrate the various stories she told them. Whenever she expressed that she missed her mother, father and brother, Daffodil would paint them on the cave wall of their den. "Look, there they are," they would say, with a confidence reserved especially for her. "They're here with us both now."
Whereas Rose tried to live up to her name as the 'queen' of the flowers, of the garden. Daffodil lived up to their name by giving life to things long thought dead. They would preserve the stories of Merry on the cave wall of their and their mother's den, trying to keep the memory of the grandfather they would never meet alive. Eventually, this caught the attention of their father, who took on Dagga's suggestion that Daffodil be given a special rank. They were thus named as Chronicler of the Red Stone.
While such a title fed the young cub some much needed confidence, it did not spare them from the bullying antics of Rose and Larkspur, the pride's Squire. They would occasionally ruin their paints, call them names and push them around. Like Daffodil had committed the ultimate offence by breathing the same oxygen as them. They don't let this bother them, however. Especially when Buchu and Baobab extract revenge and play one or two pranks on them. Daffodil always makes it a point to give Rose an oversized head in their paintings. Queen or not, she will always have a great big ugly head in their mind.
While they are content with their purpose within the pride, they hope for somebody to come along to share their passion with. Somebody other than their mother. Perhaps somebody who was once as lost as them.
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threeee · 5 years
if joe doeznt win demize.....
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