#but the canary man has my heart
h3llo-th3re · 9 months
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If not trans, then why does trans flag show up in multiple of his skins? Vote Jimmy Solidarity!
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lurxof--thxmaw · 8 months
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// Not talking English has its downside but also its perks
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matchingbatbites · 1 year
For @steveshairychest and based on their post here. I read it and just couldn't resist <3
The thing is, Eddie knows that Steve is straight. Honestly, that's the only reason Eddie is as bold as he is, why he starts flirting with him in the first place. He's got years of repressed feelings towards the younger boy, and now they're friends, good friends, and Eddie feels comfortable letting loose some of that pent up attraction, knowing that Steve won’t shun him for it.
He does start off small, just to be safe, with pet names and terms of endearment like handsome, honey, sweetheart. Just little things that make Steve's mouth quirk in a smile, nothing to make him feel uncomfortable. The longer Eddie goes, though, the bolder he gets.
The first pickup line is a joke. They’ve been talking about some new beach movie that's just been released onto video when Steve mentions his lifeguard certification, and before Eddie can stop himself he says “It's a good thing you're a lifeguard, because I'm drowning in your eyes.” 
Steve laughs at that, not mean, just surprised, and is still grinning as he gives a half-hearted “Shut up, Eds,” and turns back to what he was working on. 
And, oh, Steve has no idea what he's done, because Eddie is instantly obsessed with the need to make Steve laugh, to pull out that playful side of him that’s so rare to witness. So Eddie pulls out every dumb pickup line in the book, tries his best to make him laugh again.
“Hey, Stevie, your hand looks lonely. Can I hold it for you?”
“Did you just come out of an oven? Because you're too hot to handle.”
“Is your dad a boxer? Because baby, you're a knockout.”
Most of the time Steve just rolls his eyes and grins, but every so often he’ll make that surprised laugh, or god forbid, he’ll giggle, and Eddie mentally crows in victory every time it happens.
The kiss thing is spur of the moment one day, when Eddie has been hanging out just to be around Steve, and causing a little bit of a racket in the store. After a while, Steve playfully shoves at Eddie's shoulder and says "Get out of here before you get me in trouble, man," and Eddie just grins as he leans into Steve's space. 
"What? No goodbye kiss before you send me off into the world?" 
And oh god, Steve actually blushes this time, his cheeks turning a lovely shade of pink, and oh fuck, Eddie is such a goner. Steve shakes his head and tries his best to hide a smile as he says "In your dreams, Eddie." 
"In my dreams it’ll be, then, handsome," Eddie replies with a grin, giving a mock salute on his way out the door.
It becomes a usual thing, Eddie hanging out and flirting and asking Steve for a kiss before he leaves. Every time, Steve's response is the same, that delightful blush covers his cheeks as he grins and pushes Eddie away with a "Keep dreaming," or a "You wish,” or even a half-assed “Fuck off, Eds.”
It all comes back to bite him in the ass when, for once, Eddie arrives at the video store to pick up Robin, instead of just doing his usual lazing about and bothering Steve.
Walking in, he doesn't see Buckley immediately, but he does spot his favorite person behind the counter and he beelines to Steve. He leans on the counter, elbows on the clean surface and chin in his hands as he bats his eyelashes at Steve.
"Hi Stevie! How's the prettiest boy in Hawkins today?" 
Steve looks over at him and Eddie feels like a deer in headlights when the man gives him a sly grin. He leans on the counter, arms crossed as he presses into Eddie’s space.
"I dunno, gorgeous, how are you doing?" 
All of Eddie's higher brain function just stops as Steve speaks. It’s such a stupid response, something that anyone else might have said if asked the same question, but for some reason it makes Eddie go dumb, cheeks flooding with color and mouth dropping in shock.
Steve’s grin widens and he tips his head to the side, looking like the cat who got the fucking canary. He reaches up and grabs a curl that had fallen from the messy bun Eddie had thrown his hair into, and twists the lock around his finger as he leans even closer.
"You look so fucking good today. Drives me crazy when you wear your hair up like this, sweetheart. Puts your whole neck on display, all that pretty skin just begging to be bitten and marked up."
And yeah, Eddie's brain must be leaking out of his ears, because it’s him, it’s Eddie, the master wordsmith who always has something to say, and all he can manage to get out in response is a single, stupid sounding "Uh.”
Steve's expression shifts to something more condescending and god, Eddie is so into it when he tugs on the curl again and coos "Aw, got nothin’ to say, baby doll? Can't take what you dish out?" 
An embarrassing whine finds its way into the air between them and fuck, Eddie has to go. He needs to leave before he makes an even bigger fool of himself than he already has, because Steve is looking at Eddie like he wants to eat him and his knees feel like jello and where the fuck is Robin??
As though summoned by just a thought, Robin breezes through the shop and throws out a casual “Steve, can you stop? I need him to drive me home and he can’t do that if his brain is mush.”
Eddie glances over as she walks past them, thinks Traitor! as she leaves him at Steve’s mercy and heads outside to his van. He looks back to Steve, at those hazel eyes alight with amusement and tries to get his brain to work.
“I need- uh- Robin-” he stammers, unable to even complete a thought as Steve smirks and leans in even closer, his nose almost brushing against Eddie's when he asks, "Can I get a goodbye kiss?" 
And Eddie could never say no to Steve, especially when the other is looking at him like that. He nods dumbly, hoping he doesn't look as desperate as he feels, and there's another tug on that curl.
"I need you to use your big boy words, sweetheart," Steve says, still tinged with condescension, and Jesus fucking Christ, this whole dynamic is really doing it for Eddie, more so than he ever thought it would.
"Yes, Steve- Please-" he says, fully prepared to start begging if he has to, if he can find the words to, but he's given a bit of mercy when Steve closes the gap between them.
It feels like he’s being electrocuted, and that's all he needs for his brain to get with the program, for his hands to finally respond as they fly up and tangle in honey locks as he kisses back.
Steve groans and presses closer, his tongue bullying its way into Eddie's mouth and Eddie can feel his limbs turning into goo as Steve kisses him thoroughly, those old King skills being put to good use as he wrecks Eddie with just this.
A car horn sounds from outside the shop and Steve pulls away, smirking again at Eddie's soft whine of protest. “You better go before Robin pitches a fit.” 
Eddie nods, still dumbstruck from the last few minutes and says "I- Yeah, okay. Uh, call me? Tonight?"
Steve hums and stands up straight, and Eddie can feel his brain power returning with the little bit of distance now between them. 
“Why don’t you come over after my shift? Say, 9?” Steve asks, giving Eddie that hungry look once again, and Eddie’s breath hitches.
“Yep, yes, I can- I’ll definitely do that,” he answers, taking a few steps back and trying his best not to stumble. “I’ll, uh, see you then, Stevie.”
Steve calls out “See you later, baby doll!” as Eddie scrambles for the door, and oh god, Eddie is fucked.
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sytoran · 9 months
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kinktober day 005 | mermaid!wanda x pirate!reader
as captain of a notorious gang of pirates, you've got a reputation of steel, but when there's a pretty little mermaid presenting herself for you, there's no chance in hell you're not saying yes.
cont. sweet talk, begging, humiliation, overstimulation word count. 2178
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“Righto, fellas, so we got sixty ducats – twenty doubloons, is it?” Bucky asks lackadaisically, tossing gold coins up and down with his good hand. 
A loud guffaw surrounds the group of you huddled around the campfire. You shake your head with a toothy grin at your right-hand man’s idiocy. Even the least educated pirates in your gang knew what sixty divided by two was.
You reach over and knock the side of Bucky’s head with your bloodied knuckles. “That brain cavity wouldn’t make a drinkin’ cup for a canary, buddy.” 
“Aw, kiss my boot, ya fuckin’ cunt-licker,” the dark-haired man grumbles in response, still playing with his shiny gold coins. He playfully punches your arm his prosthetic one.
In record timing, you whip out your dagger from your cow-skin belt and pierce the hole in Bucky’s coin midair, pinning the coin to the nearest tree with a deadly aim.
“Cunt-licker is right,” you say smugly, going to ruffle Bucky’s already shaggy hair. The impressed hoots and jeering taunts at your dagger-throwing skills are all good-hearted, as is the general atmosphere within your gang.
The lot of you were specialists in your craft, the most formidable and deadly in the piracy industry. Five years ago, you had claimed the largest plot of land that was the very island you lived on with your mates. Tu’Au was surrounded by the freshest of ocean water and the most gorgeous of views.
There was also a legend of the mystical mermaids that lived beneath Tu’Au, but you didn’t believe any of that bosh and bullshit about supernatural creatures. You’d believe it when you saw one with your very own eyes.
“Yall’ finish up counting our loot for the day, I’m gonna take a walk by the shore,” you say, adjusting the piece of tobacco between your lips and then dusting off your pants. “Don’t let Buck do the counting.”
“Got it, boss,” Steve answers promptly, ever the loyal one. Bucky rolls his eyes.
Loveable idiots, you think, tossing your hat to the side. Strolling away from the main camp, you finally take a deep inhale of that tobacco, smoke trailing off into the orange sunset.
As you walk along the shore, bare feet on the wet sand, you look up and close your eyes. It was times like these that were simple, times like these that you never wanted to end—
“I said, get away from me! Please, just leave me alone!”
A feminine, desperate cry from the distant ocean has you blinking open your eyes in sudden alertness, darting to the source of the sound.
From a short distance to shore, there is chaos occurring within the waters. What seems to be a muscular, bare-chested man is swimming inhumanly fast towards a significantly smaller-sized woman with long, cascading hair. 
Though both of them certainly spoke like regular humans, there was a certain way about their moving in the waters and tremendous presence that had you second-guessing yourself.
“Get back here, you good for nothin’! You’ll make up your mind when I fuckin’ want you to!”
He’s yelling foul words at her, catching up to her already, clearly incredibly unpleased. Suddenly, the man dives down, and you catch sight of a shimmering blue tail above the waters before it disappears.
Hang on a damn moment. Merfolk are real?
But before your brain can process what you truly just saw, the merman reemerges much closer to the mermaid, massive gold spear in a vice grip.
As if a gear was kicked into motion, you sprint towards the water. Kicking up water as you run through the shallow part of the ocean, you stumble but never slow down, eyes set on the target. It’s prey-or-predator right now, either conquer the enemy or die trying.
The said target has got the mermaid in his massive arms, wrapping around her torso and forcefully dragging her back into the deep waters. Her strangled cries get muffled by the water, cries and pleas ringing in your ears.
Just before you dive into the water, your hand flies to that trusty weapon holster, and a sharp dagger flies at the merman with an air-cutting, brutal force. “Y/N bullseye L/N,” you remember Bucky saying with a stupid grin on his face. “Never misses a shot.”
A millisecond before your plunge into the ocean, the stunning blue eyes of the mermaid meet yours, and you lose all the air in your lungs.
You’ve never seen anything like it, never laid your eyes upon such a breathtaking beauty before. Blue eyes deeper than the depths of the ocean, sparkling more than the brightest of glimmering stars, 
An agonized cry from the merman hauls you out of your trance. The dagger struck him directly in the right eye, just as expected, just as you had calculated. Opaque red blood comes out in spurts, and his hands release the mermaid and go to clutch at his eye.
Your arms glide in the water, smooth and cutting, bringing you closer to the struggling pair. 
Seizing the moment of the merman’s distractedness, you wrap your arms around the mermaid. You immediately notice the way she sinks into your embrace, head drooping to lean against your chest as you struggle to move through the water.
You really try to not think too hard about the lithe body in your arms. It was proving to be an incredibly difficult task.
After your hell of an escapade, you have the mermaid girl propped up against the wet rocks. It takes a while for you to notice that you’re on all fours above her, panting heavily with wide eyes and a drenched white shirt.
When you do realise it, though, you get off her immediately, clearing your throat awkwardly. So much for being a scary pirate.
“You alright?” you ask instead, fiddling with the collar of your white shirt. It had gotten drenched while you were in the water, along with all your clothes and your hair.
You were having a hard time trying to avoid looking at her chest since it was literally in front of you.
“You saved me,” the mermaid finally speaks, eyelashes wet with drops of water, her voice softer and sweeter than you could ever have imagined. You get a bit lost in the delicacy of her red lips as she stares back at you.
“Right,” you answer, your throat suddenly dry. 
“What is your name, human?” the mermaid asks, hand going to stroke at the curvature of your jawline that was dotted with droplets of water. The touch was honey-like.
“Y/N. How ‘bout you?”
“That’s a pretty name.”
“Prettier than me?”
“No,” you answer a little too quickly, voice a little hoarser than before. Your eyes dart around to focus on anything but the ethereal mermaid before you, but soon they land on a wound at her tail.
“Oh, shucks, you’re bleeding. I’ll go get bandages an’ stuff from base,” you say, looking at the nasty wound on the tip of Wanda’s tail, incarnadine blood leaking out of it.
“Don’t go,” the mermaid suddenly says, and there’s this little begging lilt to her voice that messes up your brain chemistry. “I mean, mermaids have healing properties, so you don’t have to go,” she mumbles, looking away with her cheeks flushed. Cute.
“That’s cool,” you answer, leaning back to let your hands run over the tip of her tail. Just like she said, the wound heals itself, slowly stitching back that scaly-smooth skin with a magical touch.
You give her tail a long stroke, running your fingers through the little scales that decorate this new thing you’d like to explore.
“Hng,” a little whimper suddenly escapes from the mermaid, and the both of you freeze. It’s a fine line between comedy and erotica.
You rub at her tail again, harder this time, and Wanda lets out a louder moan. 
You start massaging her tail, hands spreading out over the sensitive area, kneading gently. Wanda’s face is absolutely flushed, eyes screwed shut in pleasure, the prettiest thing you’d ever seen.
“Kiss me?” she asks, breathlessly, and you don’t have to be told twice.
Warm mouths meet in an inferno of lust, Wanda’s head tilting up to meet yours, your head tilting down to chase hers. The moment you taste the sweetness of her lips, a trigger is flicked inside of your brain, and your body kicks it into overdrive.
Your hands tug off the seashell bra with unbridled haste, flinging it behind you without a care in the world. Wanda squeaks against your lips at your sudden boldness, hands going to encircle the back of your neck.
But that’s before you’re grabbing both her wrists with one hand and pinning it above her head against the wet rock. She moans as your lips make their way down the column of her porcelain, leaving red hickeys into the pale canvas like it was a work of art.
It was true, to a certain extent, because this mermaid before you was a work of art: brown hair splayed onto the wet rock like something out of a Renaissance painting, water droplets across her eyelids, breathing and panting your name, hips moving helplessly under your stronger body, trying to chase a fraction of the pleasure that you’re dangling out of reach.
Your mouth latches on to her supple breasts with eagerness, lips wrapping around her hardened bud. Wanda lets out a shriek when you suck on it, hard. As a mermaid, the sensations and emotions that they felt were many times that of a human, and you were making it no easier for her.
“N-Need you,” Wanda pleads, when you flick at her other pretty pink nipple, admiring how her body arches along with the sensation. 
“Need me where?” you ask, a lust-coated rasp in your voice, edged with a tone of teasing that has Wanda’s head spinning. 
You finally release her hands, and Wanda grabs your right hand with certainty, sliding it down her shuddering body and scaled tail to where a pussy would be.
Instead, your fingertips find a hot, wet, slit.
“Fuck,” you growl into Wanda’s skin, lost in the sheer thoughts of how much you could ruin her.
“Please?” Wanda begs again, giving you the biggest doe eyes she could. You didn’t need any convincing, anyway.
“All this for me?” You ask, ruthlessly plunging two fingers into her dripping slit. It’s warm and wet, and so tight. Your fingers explore, straightening out then curling in, going in big circles then in smaller ones.
All through your unabashed exploration of Wanda’s cunt, the pretty little mermaid is left completely at your mercy. She’s writhing, never been touched like this before.
“S’ too, too much,” she babbles incoherently when you slide a third finger in, thrusting in and out of her gorgeous little cunt like it’d be the last time you’d get to do this. Because in all honesty, it might be.
That thought alone spurs you on to go even faster, playing with Wanda’s body like a fiddle, making all the right noises with the right fingerings.
“Y/N,” she cries, long fingernails ripping the back of your vest to shreds. You don’t give a damn about it.
Turns out, mermaids have several sweet spots, because you’re finding all of them and breaking her with it.
“Gonna cum already?” you ask, “Needy little thing, hm? Couldn’t even wait five minutes?” Wanda tries to shake her head, but your other hand is stroking the length of her tail.
“Come f’me, sweet thing.”
Those words send her over the edge, snapping the knot that had been building in her belly.
“Y/N!” Wanda screams, a melodious tune, hands clawing at the edges of the rocks, then the back of your neck, all while her head is thrown back. Her tail is flapping in a state of no control, lost in the pleasure you’re feeding her.
Acknowledging the delicious tightening of Wanda’s mermaid slit around your three fingers, you opt to instead go at an even faster pace, fingers thrusting deeper into her body, because you wanted every inch of it.
“Y/N,” Wanda sobs, because she sees stars. Those brilliant blue eyes getting teary with your relentless pace. The tears escape the corners of her eyes and cascade down her cheeks like a waterfall.
It’s a sight you’d imprint into your memory forever, when Wanda’s ocean blue eyes roll into the back of her head and her little mermaid body goes limp in your arms.
You admire her for many moments, at how she had made you fuck her silly, at how she was yours now.
“Why’re you smilin’ like a baked possum?” Bucky asks you once you head back to camp. It’s early the next day, still dark out in the wide seas. He’s sprawled out on a wide hammock, sharpening a knife. Steve is cuddled into his chest.
Your lips curve into a stupidly smug smirk. “Not that you would know a dime about pussy, but remember what you said about cunt-lickers?”
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vampcubus · 9 months
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:ఌ¨ ♱ 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 : nsfw, sub!yandere!zenitsu agatsuma, mean dom!fem!reader, modern au, spit kink/spitting, finger sucking, light master kink, light oral fixation, spit as lube, dacryphilia, overstimulation, degradation, sadism/masochism, pet name (lamb), fingering (m!receiving), cumming in pants/untouched, referenced stalking, zentisu is aged up to twenty-one in this.
:ఌ¨ ♱ 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃 𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐓 : 2.2k+
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Zenitsu kneels at your feet, arms hugging your legs as his wide, brown eyes bore into you through dewy, blond lashes. His gaze is reverent and desperate as if he can’t tear himself away from you. The sight is reminiscent of how a golden retriever would look at its owner, equal parts pathetic and adoring.
‘Pay attention to me,’ his eyes say, ‘Love me,’ they beg, ‘Take pity on me,’ they plead with your own.
These are the eyes of the same man you’d just discovered snooping around your home. There’s something familiar about him as if you’d seen him before.
No, you’d definitely seen him before. All those times you’d felt watched, followed, or hunted. 
His hair is the same canary-yellow you’d see retreating in your peripheral when you’d look over your shoulder. Your heart sank into your stomach at the realization that you hadn’t been paranoid after all. Someone really had been out to get you all along and now they’re here, clinging to your legs like a child.
You lower a hand to stroke your fingers through his golden hair in a placating manner, and the simple gesture of affection seems to flip a switch in him. His breathing quickens and he buries his face into your stomach, hugging you tight enough to hurt as he begins to sob. His band-aid-riddled fingers bunch in your shirt as if he’s afraid you'll slip through them if he doesn’t cling.
“You’re touching me… you’re really…” The blond murmurs, his words muffled against your tummy. He shivers and trembles like the sensation is overwhelming, but he shoves his head into your hand anyway, chasing the affectionate caress. “Keep doing it. Keep… petting me, please…”
"I-I'm not dangerous, I swear,” he whimpers with a sniffle and looks up at you, hoping that his doe-eyed gaze would be enough to get you to relent. "I just... I burn for you. Please, just let me stay! I'll do anything! Anything!”
Your fingers tighten in his hair, forcing his head back none-too-gently.
“Ah!” Zenitsu recoils in a mix of surprise and pleasure, not expecting you to manhandle him so firmly. He lets his head be forced back, his eyes still puppy-like, but a faint blush has spread across his cheeks. 
He looks dazed, drunk off of your mere proximity. He hardly cares if your touch is rough, just that you’re touching him at all. 
You lips curl into a sadistic smirk at this realization.
“Kind of pathetic aren’t you, lamb? If I didn’t find it mildly amusing I might have turned you in to the authorities,” you taunted, entertained by the way his bottom lip trembled. Zenitsu looks up, his face splotchy from tears as he sniffles wetly, his heart pounding with nervous anticipation.
"Lamb?" He croaks, looking up at you through his dewy lashes at the pet name, allowing himself to hope. “Does that mean you'll be my shepherd? My master?"
“Of course you’d focus on that part,” you tsk, though you can’t say you’re displeased at the tears dotting his lash line. Sick in the head or not, he was a pretty crier, and you’d be lying if that didn’t turn you on. “That’s all you’re thinking about; being a dumb, mindless slut for me aren’t you?”
Zenitsu moans aloud at that, cock twitching in his pants. But he frantically shakes his head ‘no’, trying to insist it wasn’t true, cheeks aflame with humiliation. 
“Don’t say that! I-I’m not p-pathetic. I’m just–” he warbles, only to cry out as your foot presses against the prominent bulge tenting his pants, calling his bluff in a simple movement. 
“What’s this then?” Your self-satisfied sneer and vibrant eyes glimmering down at him make his mind go blank. 
“Th-that’s- haaa~ mmh!” His voice trails off into a mewl, and he can’t stop himself from humping himself against the arch of your sock-clad foot. “I’m sorry, you’re just so beautiful. It gets like this whenever you’re around. I’m sorry!”
Your eyes darken with lust at his pathetic display, tongue dipping out to drag across your lip as he wraps both arms around your leg and bucks his hips. Heat pools between your legs, and you clench around nothing.
“Aren’t you embarrassed? Look at how hard you are, and all I’ve done is degrade you. You truly are pathetic,” you laughed, fingers tightening in his hair.
“Ssstop, I’m gonna cum,” he sniffles, teary, amber-colored eyes rolling back and tongue flopping out as his dick gets even harder. “Y-you’re gonna make me cum.”
Zenitsu squeezes his eyes shut and sobs when you take your foot away, humping the air uselessly, chasing friction that’s no longer there. His eyes flutter open at the feeling of your thumb tracing the seam of his lips, and he hums curiously.
“Open,” you instruct, and with minimal hesitation, his lips part. He shudders when your thumb dips into his mouth, stroking over his teeth and tongue. You explore his wet cavern with little regard for his comfort, trading your thumb for your index and middle fingers and purring in delight when he begins to suck without coaxing. 
“Good boy,” you crooned, and your cunt throbs at the hopeful, puppy-like look he sends you at the praise. 
He suckles at your digits more enthusiastically, gagging cutely when you press them deeper. Despite the tears stinging at his eyes, he lets you fuck his mouth open with your fingers, swirling his pretty pink tongue around them with even pinker cheeks. Desperation seeps into his expression, and you raise a brow, retracting your fingers to let him speak.
“Please kiss me,” he begs, drooling dribbling down his chin from practically blowing your digits. “P-please I’ve imagined your lips on mine so often… Dreamt of how you might taste.”
You hum, tapping your chin as if considering his request. You drag him by the hair up to your level, and he gasps at the sting, though he looks so damned excited when you lean in. 
“Open your mouth,” you nearly growl, and if Zenitsu had a tail he’s sure it’d be wagging. He obeys eagerly, parting his lips in anticipation of the hot caress of your lips over his own. 
His brows crease in confusion when your finger hooks into his mouth again, holding his jaw open, unsure of why you would need to–
Zenitsu’s body goes rigid when instead of kissing him, you spit directly into his mouth. His eyes cross as your saliva lands on his tongue, and with a startled shout, he cums in his pants completely untouched. The blond convulses and moans out, sounding unhinged as he paints the insides of his pants with white ropes and nearly collapses to the floor. He swallows your spit greedily, and his hands cling onto your waist, blunt nails digging into your hips. 
“A-again! Please, spit in my mouth again!” He cries, rubbing his overstimulated cock over your thigh despite the bright sting. “Fuck me, spit on me. I don’t care, just use me!”
You gnarl your fingers in his hair and tug him by it over to the bed, throwing his smaller form onto the mattress in a careless manner. He lands on his belly, with his lower half slightly raised, and the position brings your attention to his round ass. He attempts to pull himself up, only to be shoved back down, and then yanked to the edge of the bed until his legs are dangling off the side of it. 
“W-what’re you doing?” Zenitsu whines, nearly choking when instead of answering you yank his pants down his legs. His underwear follows shortly after and he gasps as the cold air hits his cum-slicked dick. But you ignore his throbbing half-hard sex, fully fixated on the cleft of his ass, which you’re quick to spread to get a better look at him. “A-ah! Are you-? Are you really going to fuck me?”
“That’s the idea, got any complaints?” Your hands rove over his thighs, hips, and backside, kneading the heated flesh in your hands. 
Zenitsu can hardly believe this is happening, that you’re truly rubbing him down right now. He had fisted his clock to the thought of this very moment for months on end, imagining every which way you’d take him. You’re not as tender as he’d hoped, but even your roughness is intoxicating. You’re throwing him around like a doll, doing with him as you please. He can’t help but lap up all the attention you’re giving him like a starved animal, even if you don’t love him, he’ll settle for this.
Even so, he’s eager to convince you to keep him.
“Please do! I-I’ll make it worth your while, promise! I’ll be the best toy you’ve ever— Ow!” His babbled reassurances are cut off by a harsh spank to his plump rear, and the deranged thing that’s decided you own him only wriggles his ass enticingly in response.
You even hear a choked giggle escape him and you mirror it despite yourself.
You lean in to trail kisses along the red handprint you’d left behind, and the boy erupts with shivers, his cock twitching back to full hardness whilst pinned between his tummy and the mattress. He cries out when you spit on his taint, his entire body jerking at the warm, wet sensation of it dripping down his hole. 
Your finger follows the wet trail, pressing down on his rim. He startles like a spooked rabbit, a clipped ‘Eep!’ tumbling out of his drooling lips.
“Has anyone ever touched you here?” You drawled in an amused tone, forced to admit you were quite taken with the shameless blond now.
He shakes his head rapidly but grinds his ass back onto your fingers enthusiastically, brown eyes nearly heart-shaped as strains to watch you touch him over his shoulder, “Just you, master.”
You press a slicked finger he’d drooled on earlier into him and he arches, mouth agape at the sensation of being filled. You fuck him open with one digit for a while, and then two, and the stretch makes him whimper, “Hurts.”
“Relax, lamb. It’ll feel better soon, it’ll feel really good. You trust your master, don’t you?” You comfort him in a soft tone, mesmerized by the ways he clenches around your digits.
He nods quickly, and even as he moans that it ‘hurts’ his inner walls keep trying to pull you in deeper. Yes, master knows what’s best for me.
He doesn’t quite say it aloud, but his body relays the message well enough.
Soon you’re fucking him open with three fingers, and the small thing can only writhe, moan, and drool against the sheets of your bed. Your scent is all around him, your fingers deep inside him, your voice guiding him along toward his orgasm like a lover would. He’s ascended to heaven surely, and you’re an angel picking him apart.
Your fingers brush over his prostate and he nearly wails, delirious tears streaming down his face, choked praises and gory promises to always protect you spilling out of him.
He’s close, so so close but he needs more from you.
“Y/nnn, my love. Please spit in my mouth again. Need all of y-yo-ou insiiide me!” Zenitsu begs, voice already hoarse from screaming his lungs out in pleasure. 
He’s sniffling and sobbing so hard it’s a wonder he can speak at all through the hiccups. 
Something about his pathetic cries resonates with you. Here this stunning man was, clearly ill for you, begging you to desecrate and disrespect him. Treating your spit like it’s a blessing. He deserved better than you, or maybe you were perfect for one another in your fucked-upness. 
You slide your fingers out and turn him over into his back. You crawl up his body, his hands grabbing at every part of you he can reach. Your clothed cunt presses against his flushed-red and leaking cock, and he keens at the feeling of your slick soaking through onto him. When your finger hooks into his mouth again, he’s quick to open it, anticipating your spit.
Instead, your lips find his own.
His limbs lock up, blunt nails digging into the flesh of your lips as he frantically humps against your pussy for a few more agonizing seconds. In the end and then he cums so hard it feels a little like dying. He lets out a strangled moan into your mouth, happy tears pouring out of him as sticky ropes spill out over his twitching abdomen. 
It feels so good he can do nothing but cry and cling, hoping to god he won’t wake up to find it’s all been a dream. But when he comes to, all he can see, smell, and hear is you. A tired, dumb grin spreads across his face.
“You kissed me,” he rasps stupidly.
“So I did,” you replied resolutely.
“I was wrong before, about you being my shepherd. I think you’re more like a hungry wolf,” Zenitsu sighs, eyelids drooping sleepily. He fights to keep his eyes open, to look at you a little longer. “You’ll eat me alive.”
“You seemed keen to let me gobble you up a moment ago,” you teased, grinding your cunt down on his oversensitive cock.
“Mercy on your lamb, please!” Zenitsu cries, squirming away from the friction this time. “Too much!”
“My lamb?” You ask with raised brows.
He looks a much too demure when he replies, “I was only ever yours. I don't care if you string me along. You can lie to me, pretend you love me. I'll be your stupid little helpless lamb, just never leave me."
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majinbangus · 3 months
Soap teaches you a new skill through unconventional methods...
"Ye really can't do it?"
You glance at the man who made himself at home on your office couch. He came in earlier after training, claiming he had free time, so he decided he best spent it bothering you. You should have kicked him out as soon as he walked through the door. Somehow, the conversation he started got into the topic of rolling r's, and now he won't drop your lack of ability to do so.
"Yeah? It's not a big deal, Soap, plenty of people can't do it."
"I guess I'm just surprised. Figured it'd be something you'd be able to do."
You laugh. "Where'd you get that impression?I'm incapable of it. Trust me, I've tried. Videos don't help, and neither does someone explaining how to move my tongue help. I just can't do it."
"Maybe it's because you haven't tried the MacTavish way."
Your eyebrow twitches. He's up to something, you know it. You can feel it in your bones. Don't encourage it. Just stay quiet. It would be best it you don't as-
"What's the MacTavish way?"
You fool.
Immediately, you know you should have kept your mouth shut, but Soap's slashes into a self-satisfied, cheshire grin. Like the cat that ate the canary, he got you. Easy.
"Well, darlin." He leaves his spot from the couch and saunters over to where you sit frozen at your desk, unable to do anything the closer he gets. "I'm glad you asked."
He's right next to you in a blink, planting a heavy hand on your shoulder. He squeezes tightly, and under any other circumstance, it would have been comforting, but all it does is make you feel like prey. You gulp, and it's clear he sees because his eyes track the movement of your throat, smirk plastered on his face.
You don't dare say anything, eyes wide and head tilted back to look up at him. You've never felt particularly intimidated by Soap before, but standing before you now, in his sweaty fatigues, he somehow looks bigger than usual. It ignites something funny in your belly, something you can't really acknowledge with him looking at you like he might eat you whole. And he just might.
But the scary part? You would let him.
"You see- " the hand he has on your shoulder smoothly travels up the curve of your neck until he's firmly gripping your scruff, pulling an embarrassing sound from your throat " -the MacTavish way isn't something I show you. It's something you feel."
"Feel?" Your voice cracks and his thumb rubs soothing circles against your neck.
"Aye, feel," he confirms with a nod and bends down suddenly, face hovering just over yours, breath puffing gently onto you. You can barely hold back a flinch at the sudden movement, but the hand he has on you holds you firm. "It's an important life skill, wouldn't you agree?"
"U-um, I wouldn't say it's-" He squeezes your neck and you clear your throat, correcting yourself. "Yes, sir."
He huffs out a laugh and gentles his hold as if in praise. It oddly makes you preen. "So you'll let me teach you, won't you?"
It doesn't really sound like a question- it more borders as a command, and fuck him because he's not even your sergeant- but you can't bring yourself to say no, or anything really. All you can do is meekly jerk your head up and down, heart racing in your chest, and do your best not to whimper when he chuckles at you and says, "Good pet, just follow my lead and I'll have you rolling your r's in no time."
He doesn't give you a chance to say anything, pulling you by the scruff and leaning in to capture your lips. You instantly fail at keeping your noises in check. Pathetic little whimpers and moans get swallowed into Soap's mouth as he doesn't even attempt at easing you into the open-mouth, dirty kiss. It's sloppy and messy, but it's slow so you can follow along, even while it has you feeling like jelly.
His hand lets go of your neck, but you don't get a moment to miss it because it's quick to grip you tightly beneath the chin, fingers curling over your jaw and into your cheeks, ensuring you keep your mouth open, not that you would have closed it, despite feeling yourself drool.
You feel his tongue press incessantly against yours, playing with it, before guiding it into his mouth. He lets you feel the way he moves and positions his tongue as he begins to softly roll an r, a gentle purr-like sound producing from his throat. It's a curious thing to feel, and you're careful not to disturb him too much, but he isn't deterred. He only stops to hum in approval at your gentle exploration.
He repeats the roll a few more times before licking back into your mouth for his own exploration, moving your tongue around until it's positioned like his was. He pulls back with a filthy string of saliva breaking off and a satisfied smirk on his face. "Try rolling your r's now, darlin."
You attempt it, and while it sounds a lot better than before your lesson, you still don't quite get it.
Soap doesn't seem bothered by it, though. He just chuckles and says, "Practice makes perfect. I'll let you feel as many times as you need, darlin. Now gimme a kiss."
《 scene i wanted to include but couldn't:
Reader attempting to roll r's and Soap laughing at you because you 'look like a puppy trying to growl' 》
Be gentle please it's my first time writing an actual fic in a while ( ̄~ ̄;)
ugh i wanted to keep this shorter, sorry
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corroded-hellfire · 1 year
Good Girl - Eddie Munson x Reader
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Collaboration with the amazing and wonderful @munson-blurbs 💚
Summary: When Eddie reminds you to take your antidepressants, little does he know that he’s stumbling onto one of your favorite kinks.
Note: This is a reminder to take your medicine if you haven’t today. Make Eddie proud.
Warnings: smut, p in v, unprotected (wrap it up), praise kink, corruption kink, allusion to daddy kink, prescribed use of antidepressants
Words: 2.7k
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“You’re seriously trying to tell me that Steven Tyler is better than James Hetfield?” Eddie gawks at you with a disbelieving shake of his head, turning off your Aerosmith cassette in protest. 
“I didn’t say that; I said that he has a wider vocal range. Which is factual,” you retort, snapping the tape back in place and cranking up the volume. 
But Eddie’s not buying it; he paces around your room and mumbles under his breath dramatically. Spotting the bright orange bottle on your dresser, he snatches it up and shakes it. “I thought these things were supposed to make your brain work better,” he teases. “Are you sure you took them today?”
It’s meant as a lighthearted joke, but his smile falters when he sees your gaze drop from where he’s putting on his little one-man show. “You did take your bye-bye sad pills today, right?”
You roll your eyes and grab the bottle from his grasp. “They’re called antidepressants,” you grumble, making no effort to hide your annoyance, “and, no; I didn’t.”
“I think my name for them makes them a little more fun,” he says as he flops onto your bed. “But why didn’t you take them?”
There’s no sense hiding anything from Eddie; he’s been your best friend for far too long and can see right through you. “I’m tired of having to rely on medication to be less sad,” you admit. “It’s, well, it’s fucking depressing.” The irony isn’t lost on you.  
Eddie sighs and lifts himself up on one elbow to look at you. “You know, people need medicine in order for their blood pressure to remain stable. Them not wanting to take the meds isn’t going to do anything except have their blood pressure levels either plummet or go through the roof.”
Tilting your head at Eddie, you shoot him an unamused glare. “My blood pressure is fine.”
“Fine,” Eddie says as he pushes himself up into a sitting position. “Go tell Wayne to stop taking his blood pressure medication because he should rely on his heart the way it is. We’ll see what happens.”
The daggers you’re shooting at Eddie only get sharper because both of you know that you can’t come up with a retort for that. When you don’t soften, not even a bit, Eddie groans and drops his head back. 
“C’mon,” he whines. “Be a good girl and take your pills.”
All of the muscles in your body seem to lock as one at the term. Heat begins to crawl its way up your body and you can only pray that it doesn’t appear on your face. 
“W-What did you just say?”
“I said,” Eddie starts, as if being annoyed he has to repeat himself, “be a good girl and—oh. Christ, does that…?”
“Shut up,” you snap with far more venom than you intended. “Give me my meds and forget it, okay?”
Eddie’s looking at you like the cat who ate the canary. The smirk on his face is becoming more self-satisfied by the second. “Oh, absolutely not, sweetheart. I just found out that my best friend in the whole world has been hiding her secret kink from me.”
“I said, drop it.” You clench your fists in a feeble attempt to ward off the humiliation. “We’re not fucking, so it’s none of your business what any of my secret kinks are.”
“Kinks? As in more than one? Oh, do go on.” He’s got a shit-eating grin on his face, but it fades when he sees your eyes welling up with the beginnings of tears. “Look, you don’t have to be embarrassed. We all have things that turn us on. Even pure, chaste, little ol’ me.”
Now that makes you laugh. “Okay, Mr. Celibacy over here…tell me one of yours. It’s only fair.”
“I think it would just have you clutching your pearls, Miss Good Girl.” He winces when you give his ankle a playful kick, but he obliges. “Fine, fine.” He puts his hands up in surrender. “I like the idea of corrupting a girl. Sweet thing getting ruined by a freak like me.”
“You don’t get enough of that shit talk from the meatheads at school?” Idiots like Jason Carver seem to have a never-ending list of insulting nicknames for him, with Freak being their go-to. 
Eddie shakes his head, frizzy brown curls brushing against his cheeks. “No, this is different. I don’t want to be called a freak. I just think the idea of a nice, innocent girl wanting me to corrupt her is hot.”
“Like…a good girl?” You’re trying to replicate his teasing tone from earlier, but it comes out more salacious. You bite your tongue, though the words have already escaped your lips. 
Eddie just chuckles, somehow oblivious to your gaffe. “All right, well played. Laugh it up so we can call it even.”
You unscrew the cap of the bottle and take a pill, washing it down with the water you keep next to your bed. “But, Eds, I took my medicine! See?” You stick out your tongue with an exaggerated aaahh. “Just like a good girl.”
Eddie’s eyes narrow; he’s not sure how to interpret the situation. To be honest, neither do you. “Don’t play this game with me,” he says, suddenly serious. “Because you get to forget all about this, while I’m stuck with blue balls for the rest of the day.”
“Sounds like you’re speaking from experience.”
He nods. “Plenty of experience.” He rubs his sweaty palm along his denim-clad thigh, his eyes never leaving your body. 
“Lucky for you, good girls don’t let their best friend walk around with blue balls, do they?” This is it. It’s now or never. You walk over to the bed and straddle his waist, pressing your hands to his chest. His heart is beating a mile a minute. 
Any semblance of self-control is gone as Eddie hisses, “They certainly fuckin’ don’t.” His lips crash against yours in a hungrily, sloppy kiss. His palms are on either side of your face as he holds you impossibly close. Whether he realizes it or not, he’s grinding up against you, creating a delicious friction between your thighs.  
Eddie wraps a strong arm around your waist and lowers you down to the mattress. Lips never leaving yours, his hands slip up the inside of your shirt, his rough calloused fingers causing goosebumps to break out along your skin. When you’re forced to break apart for air, you take the opportunity to yank your shirt off over your head and toss it somewhere on the floor. Eddie copies your motions, so when he leans back in this time, your bra is the only material between your two chests. 
“So pretty,” Eddie mumbles as his kisses move down to your jaw. One of his hands comes up to cup your breast through your black cotton bra. “Such a good girl for me.”
His words have you whining and arching your back. It forces your chest even more into Eddie’s hand, which has him smirking as he runs his nose up to your ear. He places a soft kiss there before reaching down for the button of your jeans.
“You really do like it when I call you that, huh? Tell me, baby, did you ever think about me calling you that before? Lay here at night with your hand between your legs, picturing me calling you my good little girl?”
An almost pornographic moan slips from your lips as he speaks, and you’re barely able to concentrate on lifting your hips up enough for him to pull your jeans and panties off. 
“Wanna be your good girl,” you mumble, face heating up at the admission. “Just f’you.”
“Aww, how sweet,” Eddie coos, leaning to capture your lips in another soft, slow kiss. Your hands slide down his pale chest until they rest on the handcuff buckle belt that you’ve stared at so many times, always wondering what it would be like to take it off of him. 
“Pants off, Eds,” you say.
“Excuse me?” he says against your mouth. “What was that?”
A small whine tumbles from your lips before you squeak out, “Pants off, please, Eddie.”
“Much better,” Eddie says with a wicked grin. “That’s how good girls get what they want. Take your bra off, baby. I want to see all of you.”
Reaching behind your back to unhook the garment, your eyes never leave Eddie’s form as he strips himself of his jeans and boxers. All the times you’d imagined Eddie naked in your bed…they didn’t do the real thing justice. He’s long and wider than you expected, and even more mouthwatering than you could’ve hoped for. 
“Staring, huh?” Eddie says and you can hear the smirk in his voice before you even look up to see it confirmed on his face. “I’m flattered, sweetheart.”
“‘S bigger than I imagined,” you admit shyly. “Need—I mean, can you please use your fingers first?” 
Eddie nods, running his pointer and middle fingers through your wet folds before pushing them inside you. “Aw, y’already soaked for me, baby? Barely even touched you.” He continues fingering you as he nips at your earlobe. “Y’sure you’ll be able to take my cock, pretty girl?”
The nicknames have your head spinning. “Y-yes, sir,” you choke out, whimpering when he stops moving his thick digits. 
“Well, shit,” he says with a small chuckle. “Looks like you’ve unlocked a kink I didn’t even know I had.” He looks deep into your eyes as he orders, “call me ‘sir’ again.”
“Yes, sir,” you manage, feeling his thumb making slow circles over your clit. “Anything f’you. I’m a good girl f’you, sir.”
Eddie growls as he slides down so his nose is level with your sex. “Not a good girl. You’re my good girl.” 
“Your good girl. Only yours, fuck!” You yelp loudly as he starts sucking on your swollen bud, simultaneously fucking you with his fingers. Your legs tremble, which he takes as a sign to lap at your pussy with more vigor. “R-right there, sir. Please don’t stop. Please don’t stop, sir.” You sound pathetic, but it’s working for both of you. 
You feel the pressure mounting in your core as your orgasm washes over you. “I’m cumming, holy fucking shit, I’m fucking cumming—” But just as the coil begins to snap, he pulls away from you, chin shiny with your slick. 
“What the fuck?”
“Ah ah,” Eddie chides. “Good girls wait so we can cum together.” He spits on his hard cock, fucking into his fist a few times before lining himself up with your entrance. “Y’okay?” he asks, pushing the tip in only after you give him a resounding yes. The feeling of him inside you is one of ecstasy, and you wrap your legs around his to pull him impossibly closer. No one has ever filled you the way he has; no one has ever stretched you so deliciously. 
“Eddie,” you murmur into the crook of his neck. His hands grip your hips as he buries himself within your walls. “I-I mean, sir, y’feel…fuck…feel s’good.”
“Me?” Eddie laughs incredulously as he continues thrusting into you. “No, baby. Nothing compares to how good you fuckin’ feel. Nice an’ tight, aren’t you, angel?”
The new nickname sends shivers of pleasure down your spine, and you bite your lip as you squeak out an agreement. 
“Tell me, my sweet girl,” Eddie growls, cock twitching within you, “what would your friends think if they knew the freak was balls deep in your pussy right now?”
You can only moan in response, and Eddie beams at your apparent wordlessness. 
“Fucked the words right out of you? Cute little head of yours can only think about my cock, hm?”
“Feels…feels…” You wrack your brain for any descriptors for the waves rippling through your body, but you come up empty-handed; rather, empty-headed. 
Eddie’s all-too amused by this, pistoning his hips as he beckons, “Come on; good girls use their words. How’s it feel, baby?”
“So good, Eds. Y’make me feel so good.” It’s barely two sentences, but it placates him. 
“Aw, you like the way my cock makes you feel?” A sneer crosses his face. “Like when the freak’s cock splits you open? How about when I do this?”
Before you can register his words, he’s bringing his thumb to your already overstimulated clit and rubs it while fucking you. “I know you like that, angel. Can feel you getting tighter around me. Fuck, anyone make you feel this good before?”
“N-No, just you,” you manage, another wanton moan escaping your lips. 
“Good girl, using her words f’me.” Your pussy clenches at the praise, spurring Eddie on further. “Just wanna wreck you. No one else can have you but me.”
“Only yours,” you slur in your cock drunk state. Every nerve in your body feels alive as Eddie pounds into you. Your eyes flutter closed so when Eddie leans down and flicks his tongue over one of your nipples, it surprises you. “Oh!”
“Can’t forget about these gorgeous tits, baby girl,” Eddie purrs. “They deserve some love as well.” He laves his tongue up and down the swell of your breast before sucking the nipple into his mouth. A new decibel of a whimper leaves your throat, and it has Eddie smirking around the hardened bud in his mouth. 
Your hand comes up and tangles in Eddie’s hair, fingers ever so lightly digging into his scalp as he gives your nipple a particularly harsh suck. He pulls off with a pop, hips still pounding into yours vigorously. The motion of your bodies causes your bed to shake and your headboard to bang repeatedly and obnoxiously against the wall. 
Eddie gives the same attention to your other breast, exploring the soft skin with his tongue and lips before ravishing your nipple. It only adds to the intense pressure that’s already built up in your core.
“Ed—Sir, please. I need—”
His teeth grazing your nipple has your sentence ending with a strangled gasp. 
“I know what you need, baby,” Eddie coos, leaning up to hover his face over yours. “You’ve been such a good girl for me. Letting the freak use your tight little pussy. And you enjoyed it, didn’t you, sweet thing?”
“Yes,” you whine, practically a sob. “S-Sir?”
“What is it, princess?” Eddie asks, teeth clenched as he tries to stave off his impending orgasm. 
“Want you to cum inside me.”
“Fuck,” he growls. It takes him a second to regain enough composure to be able to respond. “Yeah? That’s what my good girl wants? To have the freak’s cum deep inside of her? Want to feel it dripping out of you and down your legs? Don’t worry, sweetheart, I’ll fill you up nice and good.”
Eddie bucks his hips a few more times before he cums, fucking his spend up into you with primal groans. “Take it—fuck, take my cum. Jus’ like a good girl.” He doesn’t stop until he’s soft and panting, flopping onto your chest without daring to pull out. 
The two of you lay there for a moment, catching your breaths and relishing in the post-sex glow. A post-sex glow that you’re sharing with your best friend. Your best friend, Eddie Munson, just had his dick inside you while you called him ‘sir’ and he called you ‘good girl.’
“Um, Eddie?” you manage, and he lifts his head as he finally withdraws and lays down next to you. “What…what exactly did we just do?”
“Well, when two people love each other…” He starts to tease you, but his face blanches when he realizes what he’s just implied. “I mean, like, as friends…”
“Right. When two people really love each other as friends, they discover each other’s kinks and have mind-blowing sex.” 
Eddie wiggles his eyebrows. “Mind-blowing, huh? You know that flattery works with me.”
“‘M serious,” you say, trying to redirect the conversation back to your original thought. “Where do we go from here?”
He considers this, tongue poking out between his lips in contemplation. “I’m spent; you wore me out with your insatiable appetite for lust.” He chuckles as you flip him off. “So I say we take a nap, and when we wake up, we can see what other kinks we wanna explore.”
“What other kinks do you have?” You rest your head on his chest and snuggle in as he wraps a protective arm around you, kissing the top of your head. 
“That’s for me to know and you to find out,” he taunts, yawning as he says it. “Sweet dreams, angel.”
“Sweet dreams, Daddy.”
“Oh, fuck me.”
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aerynwrites · 7 months
Halsin x GN!Reader
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A/N: Based on this request which was taken from an HC by @somerandomdot who so graciously allowed me to expand on this idea!! If you haven’t already, please go check them out because their HC’s are always so spot on and often times very delicious.
Word Count: 1.2k
Warnings: 18+ ONLY, NSFW, smut, blow job, oral (male receiving), suggestive content obviously, a bit of fluff at the end, but mostly just filth.
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His skin runs hot beneath your hands, your fingers tracing over taut muscles as you run them over Halsin’s thighs. 
The druid had been rendered silent by your request, eyes slightly wide as he gazes down at you from his position propped up against a great oak tree. 
It’s fitting, really. Oak father…Oak tree-
“It’s not something I expect of you, my heart,” Halsin finally says, pulling you from your wandering thoughts. 
You blink once, lips curling into a smile as your hands slide further up, so close to where you want them to be. 
“I know it’s not expected,” you tell him, nails scratching at the sensitive skin of his inner thigh. “I want to. Is that so hard to believe?” 
The question remains unanswered for a moment, as if Halsin is fighting some internal battle. And maybe he is. 
When it comes to the more…physical side of your relationship with Halsin, he’s always been the giving type. Always seeming to put your pleasure first or even gaining his own pleasure from yours. 
For instance, he loves going down on you. Something that took you off guard at first, especially when he almost insisted on doing it every time. 
“I desire your taste on my tongue more than a drowning man craves air.” 
The memory of his sultry words make you shudder, and brings you back to the present. Halsin’s cock, twitching mere inches from your hands, and your mouth practically watering at the sight. 
You want to taste him too - a request that caught the druid off guard in the middle of your little rendezvous. 
If you didn’t know better, you’d think he’d never had a blowjob before. But you know that’s not the case, he just seems to not be used to being on the receiving end. 
Finally, after what feels like an eternity of silence, Halsin lets out a shaky breath, his hand shaking as he reaches down to cup your cheek in his palm. 
“You know I can deny you nothing, my heart. Especially when it comes to pleasures of the flesh.” 
You smile like the cat that caught the canary, arousal shooting straight to your core at his consent. You’re eager to see what makes the great archdruid tick in this respect.
“Thank you,” you tell him, leaning forward eagerly as one hand wraps around the base of him. “You deserve to be worshiped too.” 
Your tongue is on him before he can speak, tracing from root to tip before taking him in your mouth. 
He tastes exactly like you imagined he would. Heady, the slight tang of precum and something so uniquely Halsin…It makes you moan. 
Halsin responds in kind, an absolutely sinful groan escaping his lips as you sink further down onto him. 
You know he’s big from the dozens of times you’ve been with one another. But he feels impossibly larger like this. Your jaw already aches as you stretch to accommodate him and you have to wrap your hand around what won’t fit. 
But you aren’t satisfied with that. 
Pulling back slowly, you run your tongue along the thick vein running  up the underside of his cock, suckling gently on the head. 
Another moan falls from Halsin’s lips, and this time his hand cards through your hair, gripping the strands with a strength you know all to well. 
“Oak father preserve me…” He sucks in a sharp breath when you sink back down onto him, this time determined to see how much of him you can take. 
You relax your throat, breathing steadily through your nose as you sink further down, the tip of him hitting the back of your throat. You want to think down further, swallowing him whole, but a sharp thrust of his hips has you reeling back, choking on the length of him.
A stuttered groan of your name leaves Halsin’s lips, followed by a multitude of apologies as he moves to take his hand from your hair. 
Not wanting to leave him, you reach up quickly and pull him back, giving his hand a reassuring squeeze as you move to take him again, blinking away the tears gathered in your eyes.
Another wanton groan meets your ears as Halsin thrusts up into your mouth, hips twitching uncontrollably as you give him pleasure. 
“Gods,” he grunts, trying to still his hips as you start to build a rhythm, taking him as far as you can before pulling back once again. “I do not deserve you,” he breathes, words broken by gasps and unabashed sounds of pleasure. “Silvanus blessed me when he sent you to me, a gift of nature itself-ah!”
You feel his nails dig lightly into your scalp, pushing you down onto his length as his hips stutter, and you know he’s close to his end. 
You feel him try to tug you off of him, his cock twitching against your lips, but you give a small shake of your head, instead moving to sink as far down onto him as you have all night. 
The tip of him hits the back of your throat and goes further, and you swallow instinctively around the intrusion. That action, along with you looking up at him through tear soaked lashes makes your lover come undone with a rumbling growl. 
Your name falls from his lips like a prayer as he comes, his seed spilling into your mouth as you eagerly swallow him down. 
Once you’re sure he’s spent and you’ve taken everything he has to offer, you slowly pull away, crawling up his body until you straddle his hips. 
Halsin is never one to be left speechless - always the more vocal one during sex. But now…Now all that falls from his lips are quiet pants, his chest heaving as you settle against him, your hands coming up to rest on his shoulders.
His eyes flutter open after a moment, hazel irises hidden almost completely by lust blown pupils. His hands fall to your hips and squeeze gently, before he brings one up to wipe a thumb at the corner of your mouth. 
Your eyes fall to where his now focus, only to see a small amount of his release on the pad of his thumb. Without thinking, you turn to take the digit in your mouth, smiling coyly when Halsin groans. 
“You might just be the death of me,” he says, pulling his thumb from your mouth to instead claim your lips with his own. 
You let out a small moan when he pulls away from you, his lips marking a trail down your jaw and neck. 
“It doesn’t sound like the worst way to go,” you say, voice hoarse with desire. 
Strong hands grip your hips once more and before you can blink, Halsin has your back pressed into the cool grass before continuing his path down your body, hands following in his lips wake. 
He nips at the sensitive skin of your hip, nose dangerously close to where you’re desperate for his touch. 
“I can think of no better way to leave this world than in the throes of pleasure,” his fingers dig into your thighs, spreading your legs so he can settled between them. “But first, I must reciprocate. For if we are to pass on into the gods embrace, it won’t be until we’re both thoroughly pleasured.” 
You smile and offer no retort as Halsin follows through on his words. 
811 notes · View notes
harrysfolklore · 9 months
ALSO, i would 100% eat up the blurb ab bandmate!by releasing an album with a harry feature🩷🩷
FIRST BLURB OF OUR TWO YEAR ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION <333 i really hope you like everything i’ll post this week, as usual let me know your thoughts 💗
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liked by harrystyles, pillowpersonpp and 653,937 others
yourinstagram countdown till love on tour is over has begun and i’m crying already
view all 21,827 comments
harryfan1 FELT THIS
paulithepsm legend
harryfan2 crazy to think that this tour basically gave him a relationship with THEE harry styles
annetwist ❤️
harrystyles 😢
↳ harryfan3 SAME HARRY SAME
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 9,927 others
bassrry I MET HARRY AND YN TODAY IN MUNICH !! i told them that they’re like my parents and yn said “well when are the signing the adoptions papers” and harry only laughed and kissed her heard THEY’RE SO IN LOOVEEE
view all 1,002 comments
harryfan1 OMFGGGG
harryfan3 i love how yn is bold and harry acts shy my fairytale couple
bassrry OH AND ALSO i told yn that i was going to miss her on stage and she said that she was going to miss it too but we might see her on stage again very soon and harry was like “shhh love that’s a secret” THEY DEF HAVE SOMETHING UP THEIR SLEEVES
↳ harryfan1 OMFG
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liked by jenniferaniston, yourinstagram and 1,906,827 others
harrystyles Love On Tour. Warsaw. July, 2023.
view all 49,975 comments
harris_reed Our little canary 💛
yourinstagram i’ll be dreaming about this crowd for the rest of forever
↳ harryfan2 AHH THEY LOVED US
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liked by harrystyles, yourinstagram and 209,826 others
fullstopmgmt YN. Welcome to the Full Stop & Erskine family.
view all 17,927 comments
harryfan1 OMG SLAYYY
harryfan2 she’s officially signed as an artist that’s so dope
harryfan3 harry’s first nepo baby
↳ yourinstagram nepo girlfriend so true
harrystyles 🙌🏻
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liked by harrystyles, jennylewis and 826,976 others
view all 25,927 comments
harryfan1 OMFGGGGG
jefezoff 🐐
harryfan2 THIS IS SO SLAY
harryfan3 wait does this mean she’s leaving the love band ???
annetwist Congratulations dear ❤️
harrystyles I’m insanely proud, bandmate x
↳ harryfan1 she’s basically harry’s first nepo baby awww
tayrussell 🤍
↳ harryfan2 SLAY
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liked by yourinstagram, sza and 3,927,837 others
harrystyles My bandmate just released her debut single. She’s pretty cool and talented, and she’s also the love of my life. Listen to ‘Wet Dream’ now x
view all 59,726 comments
harryfan1 AHHHHHHH
pillowpersonpp 🥺💕
yourinstagram couldn’t have done this without you, boss man. ily 😢
harryfan3 i’ll be streaming yessir
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 10,027 others
view all 1,012 comments
harryfan1 OMFG
harryfan2 THEY WON SO HARD
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liked by yourinstagram, jefezoff and 1,822,470 others
harrystyles Love On Tour. Lisbon. July, 2023.
view all 40,927 comments
gemmastyles ❤️
yourinstagram look at us being rockstars together
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liked by damianodvd, harrystyles and 864,308 others
yourinstagram the world of harry styles and LOT ruled and changed mine, and I wanted to take a moment to thank you all from the absolute bottom of my heart. I’m very much having all the complex feels that could ever possibly come with closing this chapter, but I have some weird faith that the next one is going to be incredible, as long as you're by my side @harrystyles. I hope I’ll see you all somewhere out there along the way…we’ll be alright.
view all 22,099 comments
harryfan1 AWEEEE
harryfan2 IM CRYING
harrystyles Thank you for coming into my life, bandmate, and giving me all of those little gay skirts. I love you.
paulithepsm ❤️
harryfan3 I LOVE THEM SO BAD
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liked by harrystyles, estehaim and 1,002,017 others
AHHHH i'm over the moon about this! thank you to everyone who helped my vision come to life, i can't wait for you to hear it
and the rumors are true, we got mr @harrystyles on a track and you're going to love it
view all 26,098 comments
harryfan1 OMFGGGGG
jefezoff 🙌🏻
mitchrowland Legends.
harrystyles Thank you for having me x
↳ harryfan4 AHHHHH
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liked by yourinstagram, spaceykacey and 6,094,389 others
harrystyles RUSH! is out. I'm beyond proud of everything that you are, and I feel tremendously honored to be part of this @yourinstagram. Listen to the debut album by YN now.
view all 79,389 comments
harryfan1 OMFGGGGGG
pillowpersonpp Congratulations buddies ❤
mtv We're not crying you are
yourinstagram thank you for letting be your first nepo baby. ily
↳ harryfan4 she embraces it
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liked by harrystyles, haimtheband and 1,003,389 others
view all 31,008 comments
harryfan1 SO ICONIC
haimtheband We're ready 🤘🏻
harryfan2 harry's first ever gig as a solo artist was there too HOW BEAUTIFUL
jefezoff 👀
harrystyles I'll definitely see you there x
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 7,098 others
view all 1,076 comments
harryfan1 AHHHH
harryfan4 i still cant belive harry's first ever and propably only collab was with yn
harryfan5 ROCKSTARS
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liked by harrystyles, sabrinacarpenter and 1,012,065 comments
yourinstagram ofc im getting a RUSH! tattoo because this project has changed my life and i can't believe it's the #1 album in the world right now
view all 32,098 comments
harryfan1 SO HAPPY FOR HER
pillowpersonpp ❤❤
harryfan2 i can say i was here since she flirted with harry on stage
↳ damianodvd same
harrystyles So proud of you, bandmate x
harryfan4 she's going to win a grammy mark my words
taglist: @lightsoutstyles @willowpains @straightontilmornin @sleutherclaw @gimsaysay @hazzassmirk @platinumbarbie143 @musicforcinemas @celesteblack08 @scntfrhs @eleanordaisy @lomlolivia @iceebabies @iloveshawn @be-with-me-so-happily @watermelonsugacry @rayisthehoe @drewrry
697 notes · View notes
ollyolyoxenfree · 3 months
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Life Series in my style! Specific seasons get different designs but this is a general amalgam :).. Design notes under the cut for a few of the designs i want to talk about, for those of you into that sort of thing.
general notes:
Each season would look different
Winners have purple eye highlights on green life, and on red life they get the watcher symbol in their eyes.
Grian - Standard parrot Grian design, but on red life I go for a more watcher-esque design.
Jimmy - Man has that canary coding. There's poppies embroidered on his lapel to nod to Third Life. The back of his coat has a dog for Secret Life but you cant see it here.
Joel - Evil Shrek. Iconic life merch under his vest thing, and on red life he gets a beard a la Last Life.
Scott - Has his iconic crystals, but on red life they have purple post-Last Life because hes a winner. Has an axolotl patch to nod to Binkie or whatever its name was.
Tango - As his lives go down, the fire gets hotter. Green is mostly red-orange fire, yellow is... yellow. And red is white-hot with some blue at the edges.
Etho - I actually don't really use an arctic fox Etho design? But it just felt right here. Heart patches turn red when he goes red.
Bdubs - Moss cloak withers and red flowers bloom on red life.
Cleo - Apparently the colored bits in her hair were snakes but i always saw them as beads ??
Martyn - Mix of his vtuber and MC outfits, but he has a watcher logo on his arm.
Ren - He goes full dog mode on red life. He's got that dog in him.
Lizzie - I saw one art of vex Lizzie and it changed my brain chemistry. Green and yellow life she's an allay, red life she becomes a vex.
BigB - Heart foundation earrings, plus his outfit goes pink/red on his red life. He was one of my favorite secret life POVs :)
Gem - Her shirt changes color depending on life, and her antlers get bigger and sharper.
Pearl - Wolf ears cuz Tillie, moon/star cloak for symbolism. Cloak changes color with life, moon phases on clasp change as well (crescent on green, half on yellow, full on red). Eyebags because five am Pearl is so iconic.
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mentalisill · 4 months
Ranking every Life Series Member based on how much I could beat them in a fistfight to the death (But I'm overconfident)
Characters not Content creators because I think I would be able to beat up most of the ccs and always winning isn't any fun
Also: I'm basing this off of when they were most insane, so like Griand and Joel when they were red in LL and Pearl in DL, if they haven't gone batshit crazy then whoopsies their loss
Lizzie - I say fairies aren't real and she explodes easy
Etho Slab - I do not think for the life of me that Etho Slab would be able to defend himself against anyone
Mumbo - I don't think I need to explain this one
Martyn In Thy Littlewood - pussy queen cry baby wet cat man I would Punch him and he'd run away to Rendog crying, but also if he gets possessed by the watchers or whatever that as in LimLife I'm dead but I think I could beat him before that happens
Joel Smallishbeans - All I have to do is call him short and he crumbles, although it might take me a few punches to get him down
Jimmy Solidarity - Doomed by the narrative lil canary man
Impulse - You see, you would think "oh impulse is tall and broad he would beat you in a fight" NO! I'll bite his ankles!!!!!!!
Bdubs - He's sneaky!!!! He's my fave!!!!!! he's so amazing!!!!!!! but I would be able to beat him he might've killed the end dragon but he can't kill me
Scott Smajor - Now, this one is tricky, I think I'd be able to beat Scott but I have a fragile ego so if he insults me too much I'll start sobbing
Cleorrrr - I wouldn't be able to hit her at all nope she'd win
Tango - a cheeky fella, has fire hair, I would put up a good fight but since its a fistfight and I don't have a weapon or armor I'm getting cooked alive
Grian - He'd beat me up while making fun of me :(((((((( I'd be on the floor sobbing and it wouldn't be no "I'm sorry!!!!! Scar!!!!! No!!!!" moment no. I'd be crying and he would LAUGH! But if we also take into account WATCHER GRIAN??????? FUCK THAT NOPE IM DEAD
Pearl - She'd kill me no doubt in my mind I am NOT winning this
Scar - He'd swindle me to death ????????? also he's buff
Gem - Uh huh yeah okay no I'm not winning???? No????? I'm just???? not?????? Not only would she kill me but she'd insult me while doing so
BigB, Skizz, Ren - I wouldn't have it in my heart to beat any of them actually I think I would try to hit one of them and it would deflect and I'd hit myself instead
133 notes · View notes
hi! I was wondering if you knew of any fics where stiles sides with peter in season 1, with no smut? also, preferably sterek, but not necessary. ty in advance!
Hi anon! @kevaaronday found these for you.
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we are the choices we make by EclipseWing(23/23 | 91,575 | Teen) The first major turning point changes. It's not as simple as a change in who was bitten. Maybe it would have been easier that way, if one of them was still human.
[or: in which Stiles and Scott both get bitten, and Stiles picks the alpha’s side.]
Sympathy for the Devil by KouriArashi(14/14 | 72,522 | Mature | Steter) Stiles gets a job as a hospital orderly and finds himself becoming strangely attached to the catatonic man on the long-term care ward, and finds out that there's a lot more to Peter Hale than there seems…
This House Has Long Been Over by ketren (8/8 | 37,165 | Teen | Sterek) The infamous Hale House is haunted by memories of the past—in more ways than one.
When a pretty-much-homeless Stiles allows Peter Hale to drag him to shelter on a cold winter night, he KNOWS it's a terrible idea. On the run from his own demons, Stiles is constantly trying to rein in his weird visions of residual hauntings—and in the Hale House, he can't always tell past from present. 
Still, he watches Peter wrathfully hunt the guilty party while Derek rebuilds what's lost...and he grows curious about what reallyhappened to the Hale ghosts. And just what that means for the remaining Hales.
Into Eden by GracieBirdie(1/1 | 12,232 | Mature | Steter) Stiles deciding to bring home the stray alpha he'd hit with his jeep probably made him certifiable, if it hadn't turned out Peter was as crazy as he was.
The Choices We Make by Theraputic_Steter(1/1 | 8,041 | Teen | Steter) “You’re quite the clever one, aren’t you?” Peter mused, voice like honey.
“I like to think so."
“What’s your name?”
Peter smiled slowly, looking like a cat that just caught the canary. “Well hello, Stiles,” he purred, eyes flashing a bloody red. 
Stiles grinned victoriously. Viciously. 
The hunt was on.
In Pack We Trust by kiranightshade (1/1 | 5,046 | Mature | Steter) Stiles harbors Derek when he's on the run. They talk and they bond and then they find Peter. 
Stiles didn't expect to like Peter and he certainly didn't expect to join him.
Touch Therapy by syriala (1/1 | 4,043 | Gen | Steter) “You’re hugging Peter,” Derek said from behind them, confusion very obvious in his voice. 
“Yep,” Stiles gave back, not moving from his current position, speaking more into Peter’s hair than anything.
“Why are you hugging him?” Derek asked, and Stiles shrugged as best as he could, with his arms still around Peter.
“He just woke up from a coma. I don’t even want to think about how long he went without a hug,” Stiles gave back.
Or the one where Stiles derails Peter’s plans by aggressively hugging the shit out of him.
twisted measure by Aminias(1/1 | 1,151 | Mature | Steter) The man smirked, and it could have lured angels to sin. Stiles cursed his heart for skipping another step, he blamed it on the flash of fang and crimson eyes. “My niece,” he said.
“That’s sick,” Stiles stated, staring him down, unwilling to look away. Orbs the color of garnet gems with the richness of blood diamonds regarded him in return.
“I don’t see you running.”
Like Recognises Like by MyLittleAngel(1/1 | 1,071 | Gen) For @bethederektomystiles/BeTheDerekToMyStiles random-sentence-prompts over on Tumblr. The inspiration was "You need to stop leaving dead bodies in my kitchen."
479 notes · View notes
kaihuntrr · 10 months
The Sea Prince: The ‘Red King’, Noblemen, and Hunters.
After exactly 3 months(?) of posting the first batch of designs, I’m finally able to send the second batch! TIES and their lore would be last, since they aren’t hunters- it feels right to finish up the Canaries, especially with the prologue coming out soon.
Closeups and lore under the cut as always, hope you enjoy!
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They were so much fun to design! I wanted to reference other smps they were involved in, and try to make them stand out! While I am taking from Pirates SMP as inspiration, Cleo and Scar’s designs come from my interpretations before Pirates came out <3
Let’s start out from the individuals!
‘The Nobles’, children from high places.
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A fun fact about all of them is that they come from relatively rich families! Be it in how they dress or act, they have a sense of formality. It was also a way to ‘separate’ them from the other hunters since they weren’t in the latest series :D
‘Ren Dogwarts.’
The suave and charming former leader of the Kestrels, Ren’s heart is as golden as the jewelry he wears. He claims to be related to the King, and dubs himself as the ‘Red King’ to take down the sea monsters in his name. He loves his crew, and loved Martyn much more. His feelings begin to waver when the blonde’s loyalty changes. He knew Martyn loved his former crew, but… their relationship tensed as the fateful day arrived. Now that he’s dead, Martyn’s heart is pained with guilt.
The red coat he wears is a supposed gift from the King, the hat and feather a gift from the Kestrels. The tie he wore is similar to the bandana Martyn wears, as if it were the same item.
‘Mumbo Jumbo.’
A nobleman and childhood friend of Grian’s, he spends his time researching about the different monsters they come across and report his findings to the Doctor, the royal inventor. He is very analytical, coming up with theories for certain creature behaviors and is very much not a fighter compared to other hunters. Due to his connection to Doc and his time in the military, the crew found themselves personally hired by the King.
He has a telescope he keeps with him at all times. It was a gift from Jimmy. Mumbo used to joke about throwing it away, but it’s the most precious item he owns.
‘Lizzie Shadow.’
The inheritor of her parents’ pearl industry, she’s taking her time away from all of that to be with the Canaries. It’s not that she wants to run away from her responsibilities- but she’d rather face her fears of the ocean and truly conquering it before coming home. She acts as a pseudo captain to the crew, and is grateful for all the support she’s been given.
She wears a coat similar to Grian and Joel, and is decorated in pearls. She wears her engagement ring with pride, and ties some of her hair up in a braided hair tie. She taught Jimmy how to make those when he was younger.
‘Clockers’, the hunter-born.
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Found family! All of their parents died when they were tweens, so they stuck by each other ever since. They’re a little chaotic, but they have essential roles in the crew.
‘Cleo Zombie.’
Level-headed and headstrong, they’re the stable wall in the Canaries. She uses her previous naval experience as an advantage against the vicious sea monsters. She feels linked to Martyn, being someone to ground him in his messy thoughts, but her focus is on Scar and Bdubs. Those two always get into trouble, and there are times she’d want to join in on the fun.
Her scars are stitched and healing, and she has a Heron necklace from her time in the group. She has a big pocket watch she keeps on her at all times, tied to string on her waist.
‘Scar Goodtimes.’
Living life to the fullest means you have to be ready to face the consequences head on. Nicknamed for the many scars on his body, the man embraces it all with a smile and a hunger for more. Nothing keeps him down, and with his boundless energy, nothing ever will. He keeps the morale high and uplifts anyone in times of need, but even he was distraught when the third captain died.
He wears a bandana as a gift from Cleo and a big pocket watch as a gift from Bdubs. He wears a small parrot feather earring from Grian, and sometimes absentmindedly stares at it with a sense of longing.
The feistiest of the Canaries since Jimmy, he has a bit of a rebellious streak. Either by sneaking out to meet with Impulse, or coming up with outlandish ideas, he’s a bit unhinged but his heart is in the right place. He’s brave and tough, but sometimes he worries he isn’t doing enough. Whatever- if his crew appreciates him for who he is, that’s enough.
He, like Cleo and Scar, has a big pocket watch he keeps on his belt. He has a knife at the ready and a sword necklace he got as a gift from Impulse. He treasures it dearly.
Everyone has their place in the crew, and together they are the Canaries. Favored by the King and thrusted upon the opportunity of a lifetime, their only goal now is to show they can do the task given despite how crazy it sounds.
They’re determined to give it all.
But what will happen if their target was right in front of them all this time? Will they ever see him the same way again?
Or were they nothing but playthings?
The prologue, ‘Hide & Seek’, is coming soon. Ready or not, here they come.
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blushstories · 1 year
I’m back…I’ ve had mote thoughts. If possible please can you write something with Butcher and reader + the boys like figuring something out and reader makes a really good point or gives really useful information and Billy just gets really excited and snogs the living daylights out of her in the middle of the room. Like cheek grabbing full on. idk…i just UGH. I have too many thoughts about this man djkdke. Thank you!!!
you know what ME TOO!!! at first i wondered whether he was the type to do this but i think i made it work!!
“Oh, we’re dead,” Hughie hasn’t blinked for a few seconds. “We’re so, so dead.”
Butcher tuts, running a hand over his jaw, his beard. He tugs a little at the hairs by his ear, a nervous habit you’ve noticed kicking around recently.
Your tongue presses against the roof of your mouth, winding up your jaw with it. Your heart stutters as you try to gather your courage to speak in the testosterone-heavy room.
“No, we ain’t. You ‘aven’t got a clue if they know,” Butcher insists. He’s got Hughie to work his computer magic to connect to a Vought server, and Hughie completely believes that they’ll track his connection.
“What are we even looking for? Do you know how this stuff works?” Hughie says, voice taut and pitch wobbly.
“Not one bleedin’ idea. Not like I give a fuck anyhow, that’s what you’re for,” Butcher says with mock cheerfulness.
“Guys—“ You’re immediately spoken over.
“Oh, great. Here I thought we were friends. So much for canary.”
“You might want to—“
“Oh, give over.”
“You know what, Butcher, I—“
“Hello?!”You say, loud and sharp. As if buckets of ice water sloshed onto their heads, they paused. You take a deep breath and smile.
“Great, thanks. I just wanted to say, you might want to check that folder,” you point to a spot on the screen. “Annie told me it’s where Homelander saves promotion emails, under-the-table emails, everything. He’s not as secretive as he should be.” You watch with silent delight, Butcher’s eyes flashing with recognition, plans being drawn up in his mind’s eye, creases by one eye introduced by an enlightened smirk.
Double click of the mouse.
“It’s password protected,” Hughie frowns.
“Oh, it’s biggestdick2,” you say. Butcher scoffs with amusement, then snickers when Hughie inputs it… and it works. He’s silent for a moment, rolls Hughie’s chair over and he scrolls and scans some documents, before freezing and looking up at you with glee in his eyes.
When he stands, the ends of his coat almost can’t keep up with his movements, and then there’s warmth on your cheeks and his lips are on yours and he kisses you with everything he has. It’s passion and love and admiration and relief.
You’re breathless and giddy when he pulls away, shoulders heaving, “That’s my girl.”
549 notes · View notes
lazybutsmexy · 1 year
Writing blog for One Piece and Haikyuu: x
Archive of Our Own: x
Rules: x
All x reader writings are gender neutral unless specified.
If you ever make art inspired on my works, @ me so I can see it and reblog it!! 🫶♥️
Edit 04/26: if you have trouble accessing any links, you should be able to find each individual work by searching for the name in the search bar in my blog. Sorry for the inconvenience!
Call of duty
König (my beloved)
Smoke break - x reader | light angst, fluff, comfort, protective König | you are a bartender and your stalker creeps you out. König catches on and fixes the problem.
A glimpse - x reader | light angst, fluff, comfort, injured reader, a bit of pining on both sides | you get injured in a mission, and König feels he could've done better.
The sound of your voice - x reader | light angst, fluff, comfort | Konig feels self-conscious when telling you about his current obsession, but his voice is like a balm to your tired mind.
Jealous König drabble - x reader
König comforts you - x reader
Cheater - x reader (platonic)
Alejandro Vargas
Choices have consequences - x reader | light angst, culinary crimes, mention of food insecurity | Alejandro made a passing comment about your food that you didn't like one bit, so you humble him.
"V" - x reader | pure tooth rotting fluff, pillow talk, marriage talk, you're both so smitten ugh | Alejandro and you discuss the idea of getting a matching tattoo instead of rings.
Are you looking for a wife? - fem!reader | fluff, injured reader, medical drug use, stoner talk | Whenever you get ketamine as pain relief, you lose all thought-to-speech filter.
Heart-Stopping - fem!reader | tiny angst, fluff, medical innacuracies. mention of violence/injuries, pregnancy announcement, crack-ish | Only Alejandro can kill Alejandro. You may easily give him a heart attack, though.
Infused Masterlist - fem!reader | graphic depictions of violence, drug use, minor character death(s), angst, fluff, hurt/comfort | A love story told through mate.
Simon "Ghost" Riley
No better than a Victorian man - x reader | suggestive, Simon being a tease | You like to look at your lieutenant, especially when there's barely anything to look at
A bedtime story - GN!reader | platonic | you have no choice but to keep LT's secret for a relaxed, soothing sleep to you grave.
Ghost x chubby!reader headcanons - x m!reader
Tea - GN!reader | angst, hurt no comfort, character deaths | Last minute confessions.
Ghost x reader x Soap
Bird Hunting - x fem!reader | angst, hurt, kidnapping, drugging, sexual harassment, violence (warnings will update as series progresses)
Rotten Apple - x fem!reader | hurt/comfort, referenced past child neglect, abusive/narcissistic parents | Set after the events in BH | Sweetened apples turn sour when rotten apples are around.
Emotional Support Bird - x fem!reader | fluff, domestic, Soap and Ghost share a braincell | Canary rambles about a ln emotional support dog she saw at the market. Ghost and Soap have an idea.
Emotional Support Bird Pt.2 - x fem!reader | fluff, hurt/comfort, Ghost x Canary centric - Soap is only mentioned here | Ghost has a nightmare, and Canary an idea.
Emotionally Supported Bird (Pt. 3)- x fem!reader | fluff, hurt/comfort | Canary knows exactly where to seek solace in the middle of the night.
Ghost x Soap x K9handler!reader
The Mission - x K9 handler!reader | fluff, K9 Dolly's POV mostly | K9 Dolly is sent on her first solo mission.
John Price
Salt and pepper - x gn!reader | fluff | The realization of age hung heavily on his shoulders. Luckily for him, you're more than ready to share it with him.
141 x reader
Lucy - x fem!reader (platonic) | crack | an interesting story behind the origin of Y/n's callsign.
Affectionate reader - x GN!reader (platonic) | fluff | headcanons and a little drabble on the Task Force receiving and enjoying your affection.
Affectionate reader Pt. 2 - x GN!reader (platonic) | angst | The team loses it's spark (you)
Affectionate reader Pt. 3 - x GN!reader (platonic) | hurt/comfort | it's the team's turn to show you affection
Incorrect Quotes
Father Figure
Gummy worms
Farmers' market
Couples' advice
Valentine's Day blurbs
WIPS ← check here for your request!
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comicaurora · 2 years
Hey Red! Huge fan of OSP and Aurora, my question for you is what animated superhero shows would you recommend?
little bee with an incongruously elephant-themed username, you are officially my best friend
Batman: Beyond
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Fifty years after Batman: The Animated Series (which I also recommend, natch), Bruce Wayne has long since retired from being Batman and become a grumpy recluse until hooligan with a heart of gold Terry McGinnis steals the cowl and the fancy suit it's attached to in order to avenge his murdered father and goes on to become the Batman Of The Future, mentored by Bruce. One of the only truly episodic superhero cartoons - almost no overarching plotlines, just character arcs and the occasional villain with their own thing going on. Has a recurring rogue's gallery but also a higher villain bodycount than most superhero shows; villains of the week are not guaranteed to survive their episode, even (and especially) villains from the original Batman run. Exceptionally horrifying plotlines include "man presumed killed in industrial waste accident actually buried alive in horrifying immobilized undead purgatory and animates living humanoid masses of dirt for revenge", "all the cool kids are splicing their DNA and shockingly the dude in charge is evil about it" and "somehow the joker has returned." Also has a surprisingly good follow-up tie-in comic series (and a few less-good ones).
Justice League and Justice League: Unlimited
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The first couple seasons (aka just Justice League) are almost entirely two-parters, mostly character-driven, focused in on the main seven founding Justice League members. The finale reshuffles the status quo somewhat, and then Justice League: Unlimited vastly expands the cast and incorporates basically every other DC hero ever written, but somehow doesn't completely fall apart like other shows that tried to follow suit. Most episodes of JLU are self-contained singletons that focus on small subsets of the expanded League - like "Double Date," which focuses on Huntress, The Question, Green Arrow and Black Canary and is well regarded as one of the best episodes. Features seasonal overarching plotlines as well as self-contained episodes that work in isolation. The JLU episodes that focus on the original seven Leaguers are always fun, but it's also nice to see other heroes get spotlighted.
Green Lantern: The Animated Series
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Do you like lancers? Do you like sad bad boys? Do you like starcrossed love stories? Do you like self-loathing jerks with hearts of gold? Do you like it when Green Lantern is also there? Have I got a show for you! I firmly believe this show only exists to justify someone's OC fanfic romance between the world's angstiest bad boy and a sentient spaceship, and there are only Green Lanterns in it because there have to be. And it's worth it. Also features some deep pulls from the Green Lantern canon like Larfleeze, Mogo the living planet and Saint Walker the first Blue Lantern. Only two seasons and the art style takes some getting used to, but man it's got some high points. Extremely overarching-plot-driven with the occasional more episodic adventure.
Teen Titans
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One of those shows that oscillates wildly between "so lighthearted it's a little tooth-aching to watch" and "so crushingly dark it's unbelievable that this is the same show as those other episodes," just how I like it. Extremely episodic which makes it easy to skip around, which is good, because a lot of these episodes are kinda dumb. Adapts some of the most iconic plotlines of The New Teen Titans, but it's a very different adaptation of all characters involved to the point where it's hard to think of them as the same characters at all. This is not a bad thing, it's just a thing. A superhero show where it feels like everyone is legitimately friends with everyone else, with shipping relegated to the background in favor of platonic dynamics. Main villain isn't allowed to be called his supervillain name because it has "death" in it and that's a no-no, so he goes by his actual legal name instead. For some reason a big deal is made over his identity and face being hidden despite his identity in the comics being Just A Buff Old Guy and his villain name being his legal name he pays taxes under.
Static Shock
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Took me a criminally long time to watch this one, and I've only gotten through the first couple seasons, but it's really good. A solo hero rather than a team, Virgil's fun to watch because his powerset is limited but he's really smart with it. Turns out giving a brilliant nerd electromagnetic powers means he figures out a lot of ways to use them beyond "zapping things" or "magnetizing stuff" and it's fun to watch him figure out solutions to problems he can't just blast his way through. Also while the show had to limit some storylines to just coding and subtext (Virgil's best friend Richie is gay, but the kind of gay that's not allowed to be explicitly stated anywhere except creator interviews) the show is incredibly overt in discussions of systemic racism, police brutality, gang violence, sky-high familial expectations and how Virgil struggles to deal with all those things. Has a very brightly-colored and cartoony palette compared to other DCAU shows, making it incredibly jarring when someone hands Virgil a straight-up real gun in the first episode, which he promptly throws in the bay because he's a Certified Good Boy.
Legion of Super Heroes
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Criminally underrated and only two seasons long! Clark Kent, long before he becomes Superman, gets recruited by a superhero team from the 31st century to travel into the future and help them out with a supervillain problem. He sticks around for a while learning to be a better superhero and live up to the legend he'll someday inspire, including acquiring his suit from a museum dedicated to himself. Lots of fun dramatic irony as an audience is expected to know stuff about Superman that even Clark doesn't know yet, like what Kryptonite is and why his powers don't work on planets with red suns. First season is very episodic. Everyone gets timeskipped in Season 2 and when Superman comes back he's actually been Superman for a while and is a lot better at it now. Standout character through both seasons is Brainiac 5, who is typically written romantically interested in Supergirl and in this show appears to have the exact same level of affection for Superman, which implies that his type is "kryptonians who can bridal carry me" and probably confuses the hell out of the remnants of Original Brainiac buried in his sourcecode. His "true form" is a ten-foot killer robot, which means he chooses to look like a twinky blond. In season 2 he uses a holodeck to play out dramatically dying in Superman's arms, which is around the point where "subtext" becomes "text." Superman and an edgy lancer clone of Superman spend the season 2 finale helping him out in a Battle In The Center Of The Mind versus Original Evil Brainiac, a process I am convinced only takes as long as it does because Brainiac 5 has two Supermen fighting for him and he's not gonna let that opportunity slip away. Take a drink every time he uses the phrase "twelfth level intellect" and finish the glass whenever he and Superman play out a scene that would be less romantic if they kissed.
Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes
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On to Marvel finally! Rock solid through all of season 1, the writing gets a little shaky through season 2 - some episodes are spectacular, some are just okay, and a couple verge on full-on idiot plots. Still well worth a watch, if for no other reason than the broadly incredible character writing. This show writes Captain America so well that when he's replaced with a Skrull in season 2 the audience can tell that something is missing; Skrull-Cap acts the way Captain America acts when written by somebody who thinks he's boring, while real Cap acts like a real person who happens to be an absolute paragon of heroism. This show also writes Thor really well and respects his status as the powerhouse, and broadly all the characters are well handled and make good, smart decisions for the information they have available. This is what I consider to be the definitive version of The Avengers, and its existence is why I'm not mad at the MCU when it does my faves dirty - I know I'll always have EMH season 1!
X-Men: Evolution
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So, SO early 2000s! Most of the younger X-Men are de-aged so they can double up superheroics with high school drama, which means this version of Wolverine is a full-on dad and it's great. This show also invented X-23. Also if you watched basically any anime in the 90s there are a lot of familiar voices, which makes certain scenes very jarring - Light Yagami as Nightcrawler is one of the funniest bits of dissonance. Also for new God of War fans, Magneto might sound very familiar. Quality is hit-or-miss in places - the season 1 finale is kind of laughably terrible and the show mostly pretends it didn't happen - but it has some extreme high points, mostly the Wolverine-centric episodes. Almost every conflict could be resolved immediately by Nightcrawler's powers, so unfortunately he gets knocked out at the start of nearly every fight, which circles around to being very funny after a while.
Spectacular Spider-Man
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The best Spider-Man cartoon, I think! Very much a solo story - just Spider-Man alone vs his massive rogue's gallery, no other superheroes. Extremely quality banter and arcs - several villains have their origins during the series, many appearing in important roles before becoming proper supervillains. Very much an overarching-plot story, and unfortunately canceled before some of those arcs could be resolved, so it ends on a bit of a bummer, which is fairly standard stuff for Spider-Man, tbh. This is a good version of Peter, which is good, because we spend a lot of the show in his head; we get a nearly-constant inner monologue from him so we always know what he's thinking, so he'd better be likable.
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