#no one likes jaster anymore or what?
ranahan · 4 months
Here’s a wild fan theory:
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You see these blue triangles on Din’s gauntlets?
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And these two little triangles on Boba’s (Jango’s) helmet?
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And kind of here on Jaster’s cuirass?
I’ve pondered the significance (there was a post that made the connection between the triangles on the armour of various Mandalorians and clones, but I can’t find it anymore) and here’s my wild little theory.
You know what’s significant in Mandalorian culture and associated with the number three? The three Mandalorian gods Kad Ha’rangir, Arasuum and Hod Ha’ran.
So maybe for the Taung the triangle was a symbol of the three gods, the cosmic battle between growth and stagnation, and the Mandalorian faith as a whole. I like the idea of the triangle standing on one of its corners (“upside down”) ▽: the two upper corners are growth and stagnation, the bottom corner represents the fickle nature of fortune which may at any point tip the scales this or that way. The arrangement of the corners is also reminiscent of the iconic T-visor, and in that way, the T could be another representation of the idea of these teetering scales of cosmic battle.
After the Mandalorian Wars, the Mandalorians reinterpreted their old faith, came to view the gods as metaphors, and moved towards the belief in the Manda, the collective oversoul. And perhaps they also reused and reinterpreted a lot of the old iconography.
So for the modern Mandalorians, one triangle is symbolic of the Manda, the collective oversoul and shared identity. And two triangles… well, what’s significant in Mandalorian culture and associated with the number six? The Resol’nare, or the six actions. Or in Din’s case (his gauntlets are of course a pair, so 6 corners in total), The Way of the Mandalore.
And I like to think that the placement might also be significant. Perhaps Din’s are on his hands to signify honour: “the Way guides my actions.” Boba’s over his view plate might signify vision. Jaster’s around his kar’ta, perhaps justice or faith. Near the mouth parts, truth. On the back of the helmet or on the back plate, it might be a protective cantrip: “watch my back.” And on the shins or feet, a wish for the Manda to guide one’s steps.
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Recently became obsessed with cowboy au's again so I did what any reasonable person would do and made a silly Clone Wars au for pure self indulgence.
Please enjoy my silly little headcannons and maybe one day I'll actually write the thing (I've said this several times before...but one day!)
•Usually with modern au's I try to justify why Jango has so many damn kids but not this time. The man just does okay? Also he's not attracted to women so like..who knows! My favorite plot point is Jango just has a bunch of kids and no one knows why and they just have to accept that
•Jango/Myles supremacy. They're married, thank you. Silas is their third wheel that's just always sorta there.
•Good dad Jango! Always good dad Jango. I just love him okay? It's like a little treat for myself.
•Ages are like...semi...cannon? For the clones the alphas are all adults, as are the commanders. After that, Rex, Kix, Jesse and whoever else I deem to be in that like age range- are 18/19/20. Domino squad, are teenagers. Tup, Dogma, Wooley, Comet are like..ranging from preteen's to 8. Boba is the baby at 3 years old. Don't ask me about Omega or the bad batch please I haven't decided what I'm doing with them yet, probably gonna make them Arla's kiddos like the other modern au of mine. These are also like..just a general guidelines of ages I haven't really fleshed anything out.
•Boba LOVES animals. It's a good thing they live on a farm. He just..befriends all of the animals even the ones that he isn't supposed to (raccoons) Jango nearly had a heart attack. Boba was fine though, just a little grumpy that Jango took him away from the raccoon.
•It's a miracle Boba knows how to walk because he's just constantly being carried/demanding to be carried. If he has the option to be in someone's arms he will be. Spoiled little thing. Honestly all of the Fett kids are probably spoiled, but they like to tease Boba about it cause he's the baby.
•Real talk though, I think Boba is a little sweety. He just loves his aliit(family) so much and wants to spend all his time with them.
•Mando'a is a language because I said so. Mandalorians are still a culture. That's just my go to for all modern au's tbh.
•Jaster is the best grandpa EVER. He's the reason they're all spoiled. Auntie Zam ALSO spoils them rotten. Uncle Bossk does as well it's just a lot less. Hondo...is Hondo let's be honest here. They're spoiled sure but Jango would really like to know WHERE Hondo got everything from (he would not like the answer)
•I haven't figured out how or anything but Codywan IS happening. Same with Blyla (is that Aayla and Bly's ship name?? Gonna pretend it is-)
•In the vain of keeping ages semi cannon Fennec is 19 and a farmhand 👌. She's like..not legally adopted but she might as well be. Jango's baby girl right there. Boba follows her around like a puppy and it only annoys her a little. She's definitely the reason he knows bad words let's be honest.
•I'm leaning towards most face tattoos are just birthmarks. As far as names go those are just their names. No one ever said Jango was good at naming things. Isn't there a comic in legends where they have a pet eel and it's name is just eel?
•Everything I know about 3 year olds comes from the times I have babysat actually 3 year olds and google. So in that spirit, Boba does have a paci in the art depicted below simple because I wanted to draw a pacifier- but Jango is also trying to ween him off it so he doesn't mess up his teeth.
If you made it this far through the post- have some traditional art that may or may not get turned digital eventually! (There was one of Myles and Jango but I literally cannot decide on Myles hairstyle and couldn't erase it anymore for fear of ripping the paper so...)
This au has consumed me like..ugh I'm obsessed with it. There may or may not be a pinterest board just entirely dedicated to it. You don't understand how in love with this silly little au I am-
Join me next time (maybe-) for when I inevitably think of more headcannons for this au.
In order: Jango and Boba, Jango braiding Fennec's hair, and Cody!
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phoenixyfriend · 1 year
Pale, Silent, and Covered in Blood
Read on AO3
Satine's life is not a quiet one, but there are some constants. They are, by and large, not good ones.
This fic does NOT include Mando'a, unless the word is has untranslatable connotations, because I felt it would detract from the flow. Satine thinks and speaks primarily in Mando'a unless she is working with a non-Mandalorian individual, so just apply Translation Convention as makes sense.
Satine comes into this world pale, silent, and covered in someone else’s blood.
The first isn’t unexpected. The last is commonplace. The middle is… less so.
Satine almost kills her mother.
It’s a near miss, but a miss all the same.
Satine is still young when her father puts away his armor and starts to argue for pacifism. She listens, though she doesn’t understand, yet.
She’s five when Uncle Jaster dies, and she sees her father cry. She sees Jango cry, too. Mama doesn’t cry, but she makes drinks like shig and warm food that’s supposed to help. Satine tries to help, too, by hugging her dad and Jango, and trying to share her stuffed animals with Jango.
He’s closer to her age, so maybe stuffed animals help him, too? It doesn’t seem like it, to her, but Jango pulls her up into his own lap to cuddle for a bit, so maybe she did help.
Satine asks why Uncle Jaster is gone, and her mother explains that someone they knew wanted power, and they tried to use violence to get it, and they killed Jaster for it. It didn’t work. They didn’t get what they wanted, but Uncle Jaster is dead anyway.
For the first time, Satine understands what violence is, and why her parents hate it.
She doesn’t understand why Jango doesn’t hate it too.
Satine is seven the first time her self-defense classes are necessary. She’s not very good yet, but that’s mostly because she’s still small and wriggly. When someone sets off a bomb in Sundari, and tries to scoop her up and fly away, she writhes and bites and then it’s too high to fall without hurting herself. They fly and fly and then they try to land, and Satine gets a tiny hand into the gap between their helmet and neck guard, and then the drop her, because her tiny hands have tiny nails, and those tiny nails are sharp.
She runs away through the hangar, slips between crates and wheels and too-small crevices until her family’s guard catches up and arrests the people who tried to take her.
The blood stays on her hand until she washes it off.
She can’t see it anymore. It still feels like it’s there, under her little nails.
(Continue on AO3)
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short-wooloo · 2 years
Since mando s3 comes out tomorrow, it's probably a good time to remind y'all that none of the legends stuff is canon to it.
Now you'd think the fact that these works don't apply to a TV show made years after they were officially declared non canon (not that they canon to the movies/tcw anyways) would be simple to grasp, but no, I still see constant mention of Jaster the mandalore, the true mandalorians, the war between the true/new/death watch mandos, etc etc in context of the Mandalorian
Speaking of which
There are only two major mandalorian factions in canon, the death watch and New Mandalorians, the true mandalorians are not a faction, because they're legends, they do not exist in Lucas SW, their source means they do not apply to didney SW/didney eu, and they are not mentioned in canon/canon eu, ergo they do not exist
And the NM/DW were not rival factions (and honestly calling them "factions" is a bit of a misnomer, they'd be better described as coalitions since they themselves are compromised of a number of groups/factions) in the Civil War, the New Mandalorians existed during the war, but they weren't so much a faction fighting in the war as they were a political reform movement born in respone TO it, the war was largely fought between different clans/alliances of clans for control/power, the New Mandalorians' rise to power came not from conquest, but from a movement of Mandalorian people and groups (including warrior clans) sick of the self destructive, authoritarian, violent old ways, and wanting change, would rally around Satine Kryze
The death watch is a reactionary regressive movement of mando conservatives angry that they lost the war and appalled that they can't be violent murderers anymore who determine who's in charge by fighting to the death, and they insist that this adherence to the "old ways" makes them "real mandalorians"
And that brings me to something else
What makes someone a "true mandalorian" in canon?
As I said, the "true mandalorian" faction does not exist in canon, but you will still here different mandos throw around the phrase(s) "true/real mandalorian", this is a case of the "no true scotsman" fallacy, every mandalorian considers themselves/their group as being the "right" way to be a mandalorian and anyone who doesn't follow that way is wrong and ergo is not a mandalorian, and the only ones who don't buy into this nonsense are the New Mandalorians because they're the only adults in the room and realize it's all really stupid
And lastly we have Jaster, much like with the broader history of mandalorians, I see people attributing Jaster's legends biography to his canon incarnation, when-as we have already established-legends would have no bearing on canon, because they are two different universes (and also Jaster's only "appearance" is in a canon show, made years after the legends stuff was pushed aside)
The canon facts of Jaster are:
He exists
He's Jango's adopted father
That's it, he doesn't even appear in person or is mentioned by name, his "appearance" and existence in canon is down to a quick Easter egg in another language
Now elements of his legends story could become canon, but I want to stress, THAT WOULD NOT MAKE THE LEGENDS SOURCES CANON, because that's another thing I notice, "new SW content makes a nod to or recanonizes something from legends? Fans start thinking that makes a legends thing canon", and that's not how it works, things from legends can be brought over, but they are being/will be retold in a new way for canon, the version made for canon is the canon version
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vodika-vibes · 7 months
So I had a super weird fever dream, and now I'm sharing it with you all.
So Luke Skywalker is an old man who is the grandmaster of the "new" Jedi Order. Which is really just a bunch of force sensitive people helping the New Republic untangle the knots of the Empire.
One of these Padawans is a young woman from Nar Shadaa. She's Luke's last Padawan because he's "too old" to raise anymore kids.
So this girl is bright and bubbly and was born after the fall of the Empire during the rise of the New Republic and she knows a little about a lot.
One day, Luke comes to her and goes, "Padawan, I have a trial for you. You are to go to Tatooine and be the force advisor for Damiyo Fett."
And, while she whines and moans about it, she still takes her ship, and her Master's demon droid (R2-D2) to Tatooine and carves a place for herself in the Daimyo's court.
Now Luke was an old man, but Boba is older, and he wants nothing to do with this bubbly girl, but she doesnt listen to him.
Now this has the potential for great humor, but my brain decided to take a left at Albuquerque and it went in a wholly different way.
The Daimyo is glaring.
Which is totally valid, but this situation isn't your fault. How were you supposed to know that going into the creepy cave was going to cause the pair of you to fall through a force anomaly?
And there was no way you could have known that the force anomaly was going to deage you.
"So?" Boba demands as he pushes his hair (hair?!) out of his face, "Where are we, jet'ika?"
"I...don't know yet." You admit as you spin on your heel to look up at him. Boba's about 13, and you appear to be about 8 based off of what he said your hair looks like.
"The force hasn't told you?"
"It doesn't work like that!" You say defensively. And you open your mouth to say something else when you hear heavy footsteps behind you.
You turn to look over your shoulder and Boba flings you behind him and takes aim with his blaster.
Though, when a 13 year old Jango Fett steps out of the bushes, followed by his buir, Jaster Mereel, you both freeze in place.
And then I woke up, though I have a faint recollection of the little jedi having to get pushed into asking a jedi master for help learning her forms, and Boba exploding on the jedi master when he judged her for not knowing her forms yet.
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I Would Have Loved to Hold You (#8 Whumptober 2022)
So did I forget to post this yesterday? That's entirely possible. Lmao. The one from the first two weeks that I wrote in advance, I of course, forgot to post. Honestly sounds just like me. So enjoy this one a day late and look out for the next one later tonight.
Prompt: Stomach Pain | Head Trauma | Back from the Dead
Fandom: Star Wars- All Media Types, Star Wars - The Clone Wars (2008)
Pairing: Obi-Wan Kenobi/Jaster Mereel
Rating: Teen and Up
Warnings: Miscarriage, Stewjoni Biology, Mpreg
Summary: His body was supposed to be made for it.
That’s what he’d grown up being taught anyway, and they’d always seemed so sure about it that Obi-Wan had never bothered to wonder if it were possible that his body—in particular—wasn’t made for it.
--- Fic Under the Cut ---
His body was supposed to be made for it.
That’s what he’d grown up being taught anyway, and they’d always seemed so sure about it that Obi-Wan had never bothered to wonder if it were possible that his body—in particular—wasn’t made for it.
It had been harder and harder to look his husband in the eye knowing that he couldn’t do what his body was supposed to do.
The older man had been too kind about it, kissing Obi-Wan on the head when the tests had continued to come out negative with the promise that they could try again and that he didn’t mind, as long as Obi-Wan stayed by his side.
But Obi-Wan had been brought to the king with the implication that he would be able to bear the man’s children.
The two of them falling in love was supposed to have been an added bonus, not the purpose of their union and Obi-Wan couldn’t help but think that he’d failed at the one thing that he was supposed to be able to do without question.
When the tiny stick of plastoid had finally read with a double line, Obi-Wan wouldn’t ever forget the look of elation on his lover’s face, nor the way the man had taken him to bed, kissing him and telling him that he loved Obi-Wan more than anything in the world.
And now…this.
Obi-Wan clutched the white, thin sheet that pooled around his waist, the smell of bacta stringent in his noise as he listened to the sound of beeping from the heart monitor that told him that he was alive, even if the life he’d been growing inside of him wasn’t anymore.
There were tiny droplets on the sheet, darkening the starchy white like oil stains but Obi-Wan’s face was dry after what felt like a neverending stream of tears and for the first time since marrying Jaster, Obi-Wan hated that Jaster was the Mand’alor.
It meant that when Obi-Wan’s stomach had started to ache his husband hadn’t been around to help him get to the medical hall and that when the midwife had set the ultrasound wand over his stomach that Obi-Wan alone was burdened with the lack of sound after months of being able to hear the quick, soft beat of their baby.
And it meant that when the midwife had confirmed that Obi-Wan had lost the baby—as if he hadn’t already known from the blood that had trickled down his thighs as he’d made his way to her—that no one was around to hold Obi-Wan’s hand as the sobs had wracked his body.
Obi-Wan looked up to see his husband, dressed still in his ceremonial armour from his earlier meeting as he stood in the doorway, the devastation clear on his face.
So he’d heard.
Obi-Wan, though, didn’t have any tears left and so when the man had stepped forward, sitting in the uncomfortable plastoid chair beside the medical cot, Obi-Wan hadn’t known what to say to him.
He’d failed. Again.
As a tear started to fall down his face, he thought he might have just a few tears left after all.
“I’m sorry,” Obi-Wan whispered, voice hoarse and broken.
“It’s alright, cyare, there’s no reason to be sorry,” Jaster said, his own voice thick, “We’ll get through this. It isn’t your fault.”
“I- I can’t do the one thing that I’m supposed to be here for,” Obi-Wan protested, voice breaking, “I can’t- I can’t-.”
“Shhh,” Jaster hushed him, “It’s alright Obi-Wan. You’re here for more than just that. I love you. You love me. We will figure out what to do.”
“I- If I can’t give you a child then-.”
“Don’t say that,” Jaster cut him off, “We aren’t having this argument again. I’m not finding someone else, mesh’la. I don’t want anyone else. I’d rather us stay married and the two of us adopt a child than bring someone else into this relationship and you have to know that.”
“I’m sorry,” Obi-Wan said again, “But. I love you too.”
Jaster started to rub the back of Obi-Wan’s hand with his thumb, “You don’t need to be sorry, cyar’ika. This is just a little bump in the road. We’ll figure out what to do. I know we will. But. Maybe for now…”
He trailed off, taking a deep breath, “Maybe it’s best that we stop trying for a little while. To give your body some time to heal and us some time to process things and just…just be together. What do you think?”
Obi-Wan thought it sounded a lot like he was failing.
Like he wouldn’t ever be able to do the thing that he was supposed to be able to do.
“Okay,” Obi-Wan agreed, his heart feeling like it was shattering into a million little pieces, “We’ll give it some time.”
“I love you,” Jaster said again, eyes sad as he looked at Obi-Wan.
“I love you too,” Obi-Wan promised, closing his eyes to fight against the stinging in the corner of his eyes.
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bylightofdawn · 1 year
WIP Sunday
I managed to rally myself enough to write SOME and this is the most non-spoilery snippet I can manage from this chapter.
My TENS unit is an actual hero that did more for my shoulder/ribs than literally anything I've tried all day long. I'm risking it for the biscuit right now and laying on a heating pad when I should PROLLY be lying on an ice pack but the heating pad feels really, really good. And enabled me to actually manage to write like 1K today.
So we actually get a WIP Sunday which is awesome. Uhhh...context, you really don't need a lot. This is a pretty short snippet dealing with Jaster and his men trying to interrogate people and Walon Vau just goes all creepy Walon Vau on them. Honestly, a little light psychological torture isn't the same as physical torture, right? Eh heh heh... As always, it's super rough first draft and subject to be edited blah blah blah.
“I got it.” Jango’s mouth twisted in a stubborn line, and Jaster fought back a frustrated sigh.
“Comm me if you need anything.” Jaster mussed his hair affectionately, much to Jango’s consternation, and gestured for Mij to follow him. “Stay close in case things go south? I’m going to go check in on the others.”
“Of course,” Mij reassured him with a smile.
“Good man.” Jaster shot him a smile and squeezed Mij by the shoulder before heading deeper into the warehouse in search of Myles.
He found him overseeing the interrogation of one of the Death Watch survivors in one of the small side offices. The man was unarmored and bound in chains much like [Spoiler character] had been to a chair seated at the table across from a blank-faced Walon Vau.
Much like Jaster, he’d opted to remove his helmet. Still, instead of humanizing him, the sight of those flat, golden eyes and that merciless patrician face somehow made him even more intimidating. In another life, he suspected Walon Vau would have made an effective interrogator though they rarely had called for those skills just by the nature of what they did. By the time they got face to face with their enemies, it was in the heat of battle.
Occasionally they did need to interrogate a scout or a hostile enemy agent for intel purposes. Still, it was a necessary evil of the job and one Jaster tried to avoid if at all possible.
“How’s it going?”
“Well, he was ranting and raving at Vau for a hot minute but I think he’s run out of steam.”
“So, are you willing to listen to what I have to offer now, or do you prefer to continue to waste your breath and my time with needless theatrics?” Walon asked his voice wintry cold.
“I will never betray the Death Watch. You can torture me all you want.” Came the predictably defiant response.
“I’m not going to torture you. Instead, I will surrender you to the authorities who will treat you like the violent terrorist you are and they will throw you into an isolation cell for the rest of your natural-born life.” Vau assured him dispassionately as he stared across the table at the Death Watch soldier with flat, hunter’s eyes.
“You will be an animal locked in a cage, they will throw away the key, and you will spend the rest of your life in a hole somewhere where you won’t see the sky again. And will never breathe another breath of fresh air as a free man." He continued to weave that horrific picture with that same flat, dispassionate tone of voice that bordered on a creepy monotone.
"Your only meaningful interactions will be with a hole in the door where they will deliver nutrient paste every...single...day without fail. You’ll never taste your favorite food again or enjoy another glass of ale for however many decades you live. And I hope you enjoy the company of your right hand because you won’t have a bedmate or enjoy the warmth of another person’s company in your bed anymore.”
The picture he painted was enough to make even Jaster feel claustrophobic. Could there be a worse fate for a proud Mandalorian? To be caged like an animal? Utterly controlled and restricted with minimal interactions and isolated like that? It sounded like hell to him and had unease crawling up his spine.
And judging by the way the man had gone pale and bloodless, Vau’s potent promises were hitting their mark.
“Kark me,” Myles muttered under his breath, and Jaster bumped his shoulder lightly before angling his head towards the door to indicate he wanted him to follow.
The younger man followed him without a word of protest and waited until they were out of earshot of the prisoner.
“You know? I thought your plan to take prisoners and interrogate without torture was a fool’s errand. But now, I think if you lock those poor bastards in a room with Walon Vau for an extended amount of time, he might actually get them to crack.”
“So it would seem. I’m glad he’s on our side.”
“I feel like maybe we should give him a raise and the promise to match anyone else’s offer if they try and poach him from our side because I don’t want to be on the other end of a battle with that man,” Myles said jokingly but there was a note of genuine truth in his tone all the same.
“I’ll keep that in mind.” Jaster murmured drolly.
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s-c-g-s-c-g · 3 months
Twenty Fanfic Writer Questions
Tagged by @reconstructwriter! Thank you! I'm going to take the easy route and tag anyone who would like to participate!
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 
96! We're approaching the triple digits!
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? 
277,273 words!
3. What fandoms do you write for? 
At the moment mostly Star Wars, trying to get around to finishing up my ongoing BNHA series. I'm not writing batfam anymore.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
an ill-advised gift (Star Wars), Breaking: Local Man Leaves Apartment for Eggs, Returns With a Child (BNHA), Breaking: Local Child is Straight Up Not Having a Good Time (BNHA), Breaking: Local Man Throws Cats at His Problems (BNHA), Failed Hunts and Little Stowaways (Star Wars).
5. Do you respond to comments? 
Yes! When I first started posting on AO3 I decided to respond to every (non-hate) comment. I've kept that up for over two years now!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? 
Oof, that's actually a bit hard. Actual no comfort angst is probably between the different flavors of And Still The Galaxy Turns, It's A Sad Song, and here and now, if this is it (all Star Wars and major character death with Jedi, Clone, and Alderaan feels respectively).
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? 
Happiest ending is probably... Hey, Look! Free Sibling! (Batfam). I am a hopeful/bittersweet ending person at heart.
8. Do you get hate on fics? 
Not much proper hate these days. I did quit writing for Batfam in part over hate comments but for the most part I've been pretty fortunate.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? 
Nope, I tried once just to try but it's not my thing. I'm content writing around it if necessary.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? 
No, I enjoy reading them but I've never actually written one.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? 
Not yet!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? 
I haven't!
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship? 
These things come and go. I'm a casual multi-shipper and have been around for many a beloved ship. Right now I'd say Feemor/Jaster, I loved writing Weddings and Other Methods of Deadly Swamp Access.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? 
I will finish them all! I will! However, I'm self-aware enough to know that The Extended Adventures of Bakugou Katsuki and His Horrible Murder Kitten is the least likely to happen. I like Bakugou, I don't love him and that's generally a killer for me with long-running WIPs.
16. What are your writing strengths? 
I'm good about following through on individual fics. I generally focus on one WIP at a time with a random one shot thrown in when I get bored/tired. These days I almost always start posting after most of the fic is written because having eternally incomplete stuff stresses me out.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Endings, I usually have a general idea but I spend more time and energy on endings than any other part of the writing process. Also, while focusing on one project at a time is great it also means that certain series get left to the wayside for months/years with no progress.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? 
Excluding the occasional Japanese word I've only really done conlangs and I've definitely changed over time. I used to use a lot more Mando'a and even some Dai Bendu in fic. I'm much more sparse with it now, primarily for ease of readership and because in my experience the way many people write it isn't how people talk.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Technically veggie tales but really DC Comics. Back when I was a young teenager! I had a whole crew of OCs with cool powers.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written? 
Ah, that's hard. I have so many and they're so different. I still have a lot of affection for all of them, even the ones I wouldn't write today. I genuinely don't think I can pick an all time favourite.
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padawansuggest · 2 years
Anyways… writing an AU where Jango and Arla and Obi-Wan are all cat hybrids. About 20k years back a bunch of genetic mixing happened with humans and a feline species and it eventually resulted in a catboy/catgirl hybrid that exists as their own species to that day. Jaster (a human raising two kittens isn’t the weirdest thing to happen in the Mandalorian sector by far, but his non-nesting ass having to sleep with a heavy purring small child on his chest is really hilarious) meets Obi-Wan when Jango gets taken and sold (Montross got some splainin to do) to the same spice shipper (… it makes more sense to sell hybrids to a spice shipper in context but yeah, bigger works in play there) and they eventually recover the whole ship (didn’t even check Jango for tracking chips Omfg) and now Jaster has three kittens (Arla is 27 and angrily argues that she is Not a kitten anymore, Jaster distracts her with a shoe string) and Jaster calls the Jedi temple to tell them he found their kitten and also he’s qualified to take care of hybrids through parenting classes n such and also he adopted their kitten and now his youngest has a brother and they’re all ‘Omfg’ and suddenly Mace’s face is in the holo like ‘🥺😭 YOU FOUND THR KITTEN’ and Jaster is looking at Mace, who’s ALSO a hybrid (a Lykoi hybrid so he got long ass fangs and looks scruffy at all times) and Jaster is like ‘pspspspspspsp you can come visit him’ so Mace and Plo (he’s got chronic dad syndrome) and a few others come to visit Mandalore where Mace instantly demands to take the kitten as his Padawan (that bastard lion hybrid Jinn got to him first and now look where that led the boy!) and Jaster is all ‘would that mean… you might stay on this planet a bit?’ And Mace is suddenly being brought his favorite treats by the nice Mand’alor and has a Padawan (who’s in a rehab program for spice overload and therefore purring constantly and wanting hugs and pressure at all times) and Jaster knows how to pet ALL the best spots on his kittens and the nice tomcat who came to claim one of them and yes. Jaster is hybridnip.
I just find the idea of hybrid cats Jango and Obi who meet on a spicer’s ship and decide they’re BFFs forever (BBFs more like, best brothers forever) and Jaster adopts Obi only to gain a feral lookin Mace as his courting partner. Also Mace being a Lykoi (PLZ look that up if you don’t know what that means these lil chupacabra lookin werewolves are so cute I could die) is hilarious. Qui-Gon is a lion (they had first pick over Obi for padawanship and Qui-Gon got there first but then it turned out he doesn’t actually want the kitten and now everyone is pissed at him, he had so many other offers, him and Mace only had first pick cause of genetics) and he’s kinda an asshole who might fight Mace for custody but Obi gets final say and Obi ends up choosing Mace lol.
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dragonladyzarz · 2 years
Is Mandalore Important?
So I recently saw a post that had a Star Wars time travel fix-it proposal, where the time traveler (a “sane Darth Vader,” though I’m not quite sure what that means) decided upon ending up decades in the past that "fixing the galaxy demands fixing the Mandalorian sector first.”
And I’m still trying to process that?
Like, it would be one thing if it was a case of “Lots of terrible stuff has happened to Mandalore, so as long as I’m back in time I’ll deal with it.”  Or, “I can’t deal with the Sith until Palpatine takes over from his Sith Master, so I have a few decades to wait and might as well do something useful in the meantime.”  
But where does this idea come from that fixing the galaxy “demands” fixing Mandalore?
Mandalore is just such a... non-entity... on galactic politics.  Ever since they started focusing more on civil wars than wars of conquests, they aren’t exactly major power-brokers anymore.  
Now this prompt goes on to talk about Jaster, so presumably this is someone using Legends and far fonder of True Mandalorians than New Mandalorians.  So time-traveling Darth Vader takes out Death Watch, which presumably prevents the civil war that brings Satine to power.  So now we have no Death Watch and a mercenary captain on the throne instead of a pacifist Duchess, but what does that accomplish?  
Obi-Wan doesn’t become friends with Satine or spend any time on Mandalore.  Death Watch doesn’t find and rescue Maul and Savage, so they don’t take over Mandalore.  Much as I’d love Maul to die ignominiously in space, neither of those actually seem of galactic importance.
Presumably Jango wouldn’t disappear off to Kamino to be the clone progenitor, but that would hardly stop Dooku, he’d just find choice number 2.  A clone army of Bossks?  Sugis?  Cads?  It wouldn’t ultimately change anything.  
Okay, Mandalore would be armed, but I doubt they’d be part of the Republic under Jaster any more than under Satine.  So maybe if the Republic paid them enough they’d join the Clone War as “honorable” mercenaries on the Republic side, or maybe since the Banking Clans are pretty much Separatist the CIS would outbid the Republic and they’d end up supporting the droids.  They’re still a single sector recovering from centuries of wars and Palpatine is still playing both sides; I doubt it would actually tip the balance.  Maybe if Jaster managed to convince every system that tried to join Satine in neutrality to instead join the war, and all of them did, all on the same side, that would have an impact, but again, unless you take out Palpatine, in which case a whole bunch of other stuff also falls apart, I find it hard to believe it’ll be galaxy-shaking.
Am I missing something obvious?
I’m pretty sure the entire prequel trilogy happened without anyone mentioning Mandalore at all.  If Lucas can write an entire trilogy about why and how the Republic fell and Mandalore doesn’t come up at all, that would seem to imply that the Mandalore sector’s problems weren’t actually a foundational cause of the Republic’s fall - and their solution therefore wouldn’t solve the Republic’s problems, either.
So again, Death Watch did plenty of nasty stuff and deserve to be ended.  And it’s just fine to say “I want to write stories about the groups I like.”  
But even if Mandalore is well-liked among fans, that doesn’t make it important, and I’m pretty sure that doesn’t actually mean that  "fixing the galaxy demands fixing the Mandalorian sector first.”
(Now, if this is all a method of showcasing that even if Darth Vader might be sane again, Anakin has never actually had any skills in critical thinking and so he in fact doesn’t understand what is required to fix the galaxy, or perhaps interprets fixing the galaxy as becoming the next Darth Revan and leading an army of Mandalorians to conquer everyone and bring them under his Empire’s control rather than Palpatine’s, that could actually be a pretty cool story starter.)
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blackkatmagic · 2 years
How about 75 for Padme/Arla
When Arla wakes up, she’s somewhere very different from the battlefield she last remembers. Her wounds are wrapped, her armor is off, and she’s sprawled out on an obscenely soft bed, the whisper of windchimes in the distance. A warm breeze is carrying through the wide balcony doors overlooking a lake she doesn’t remember ever seeing before, and the sun is high.
There's also an incredibly lovely woman leaning against the balcony railing, watching her thoughtfully.
Just about the last thing Arla expected was to wake up in queen’s bed.
“I’ll have you know my armor is beskar and I’d like it back,” she says, sitting up carefully. The blanket pools around her waist, but—if Queen Amidala objects to seeing her almost naked, she can give Arla back her clothes, and then they’ll both be happier.
“I sent it for cleaning,” Padmé says, and she pushes away from the railing, crossing the wide balcony and stepping into the room. Arla can't see any handmaidens or security, and that seems like an oversight. Or maybe like Padmé wants something.
Cocking a brow, Arla leans forward, drawing a knee up and bracing a forearm against it. “Does that mean I’ll get it back?” she asks, and smirks when Padmé’s eyes very definitely flicker across the fall of her hair, the curve of her breasts in her bra. She really wants something, then.
“Eventually,” Padmé says, and takes a seat on the edge of the bed, smoothing her skirts like that will cover the flash of a thin knife, the shape of a dainty little blaster in an able holster. “I must admit, I'm rather interested in how the Mand'alor came to intervene in an attempt on my life, Lady Arla.”
Arla gives her a cocky smirk through a tangle of blonde hair, not moving. “Personal interest,” she says, and when Padmé just raises a brow, Arla lets her smile go lazy and predatory. “I'm a Mando, little queen. Nothing’s free. Pay me for the info and it’s yours.”
 For an instant she thinks Padmé is going to scowl at her, show frustration, give in. Instead, Padmé tips her head, considers—
It’s the very last thing Arla is expecting, and she can't dodge in time, can't do anything. Padmé pins her to the bed, and there's no weapon in her hand but there could be, and they both know it. When she leans in, the heavy coils of her hair sliding over her shoulders, it’s a dare, and Arla can see the dark sort of certainty in her eyes, the weight.
She’s been a queen for years. For as many terms as her planet allows, and her people even tried to change that, to give her more time in office. The whole galaxy has been lawless for far too long, but—Naboo is one of the planets that’s still standing. Naboo and its queen, and even the Sith Empire hasn’t gained a foothold here.
“That was your brother,” Padmé says, and one delicate, steel-strong hand is on Arla's chest, pinning her to the soft bed. “In the blue armor. That was Jango Fett. I thought you deposed him.”
“I did,” Arla says, and bares her teeth. “And he’s not my brother anymore.”
Padmé considers that, then tips her head, allowing the correction. “Why would Jango want me dead?” she asks.
“That’s what I’d like to know,” Arla says grimly, because they're Mandalorian. Even if Jango is all tangled up with the Sith, he should know better than to actually work for them. They're the reason Jaster vanished, after all. She dragged him off his throne for listening to the wrong people, for trying to get them involved in Sith infighting, and she’d have thought that Jango would have learned by now, but—
“And what,” Arla asks, “are you going to pay me for that information, my queen?”
Padmé smiles, perfect and lovely and far too intriguing. “You fainted,” she say. “Right into my arms. You know, if you wanted my attention, Mand'alor, you didn’t have to go to such extremes.”
Arla laughs, tilting her head back, and she slides her hands up, curls them around Padmé’s waist. “So now I'm just returning the favor?” she asks. “Paying you back for your gentle care? I got that wound saving your shebs, you know.”
“You got it picking a fight with your brother,” Padmé corrects, and she leans down, close enough to kiss. The weight of her astride Arla's hips is almost enough to steal Arla's breath entirely. “If we’re trading favors, Mand'alor, I think the advantage is mine.”
Arla hums, tips her head. Padmé is watching her, careful dark eyes and red lips, and she’s the last bastion of an ancient Republic holding firm against the Sith. The Mandalorians could do worse, as far as allies go. “And what do you want in return, Padmé?” she asks, deliberately familiar, a dare of her own.
Padmé smiles, quick and bright, and leans down, veiling them in brown hair and the smell of Naboo’s roses. “Guess, Arla,” she returns, and then she’s gone, a bright whirl of cloth vanishing through the wide doors in a sweep of silk and hidden weapons.
Arla lies where she is, trying to catch her breath, and then laughs.
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princessbatears · 3 years
The Interruption
The Crash Series #7
Chapters: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
Pairing: Werewolf Paz Vizsla x Female Reader Summary: As you and Paz arrive in town, the Wolf pushes him to ask you to be his mate Warnings: sexual feelings, language, anxiety Words: 1.4k
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Paz has never been more grateful for his helmet. Now that the Wolf has chosen you, whatever self-control he had around his heart has been destroyed, and he’s certain he constantly has a stupid, love-struck expression on his face.
It doesn’t help that you and he must share Jaster as you continue your journey to town. You sit in front of him, your ass pressed into the crotch of his armor and your back against his chest and stomach. He has to force himself to keep a loose hold on your middle instead of clutching at you like he wants to.
To make him feel even more like a horny teenage boy, you’re also responding to the close proximity. He hears your heart rate pick up whenever an incline has you leaning harder into him and your skin gets warmer whenever he brushes it with his gloves.
The Wolf remains near the surface, demanding to know why Paz hasn’t confessed his feelings to you yet. You are everything both sides of him could wish for. But the animal part doesn’t understand that there are some difficult logistics to the union. Namely, that he is a Mandalorian bound to his covert and you are wholly devoted to your family’s farm. He can’t stay and he’s not sure you’ll leave.
“We’ll be there soon,” you say, your voice subdued. “The first thing I’ll need to do is barter Jaster.”
Paz frowns, confused. Why would you barter your only steed. “Don’t we need him for the return journey?”
“We’re going to have to walk. Everything I had to trade was taken, and I need flour and other supplies to last the winter.”
“But don’t you need him to plow the fields next spring?”
He hears you swallow hard, your distress rising.
“I’ll barter with my neighbor for the use of his orbak. I’m sure he won’t mind.” You turn to give him a smile that doesn’t meet your eyes.
Paz immediately feels like the biggest di’kut ever. He’s seen how little you have, but he somehow didn’t comprehend the long-term ramifications of what happened when that Rodian escaped. It’s not just that you’re going to be inconvenienced for the next week, it’s that you’re looking at severe hardship for the foreseeable future.
“That’s not going to happen,” he says firmly, putting a hand on your back. “I have more than enough to trade so that you can get what you need. If what I brought with me doesn’t cover it, we’ll go back to my ship and do another round.”
You shake your head. “I’m not letting you do that. I was foolish and I’m paying the price. You don’t need to clean up my messes.”
Paz huffs sharply, frustrated by your insistence you have do this all yourself. “This isn’t charity.” He pauses, deciding now is not the time to tell you that he wants to become mated to you. “You have been beyond generous with your resources and your time. I needed help and you gave it freely. Don’t rob me of the chance to do the same.”
You look at him with swimming eyes. “I didn’t give it to you freely, I made you clean my house.”
Paz can’t help it; he laughs. “If it’ll make you feel better, you can help me tidy my ship. It’s a pretty big mess after that crash.”
This makes you smile as you swipe the unshed tears away with the back of your hand. “Deal.��
Judging by where the sun is in the sky, the two of you will reach town well before moonrise. “Is there an inn or somewhere to stay?”
“Yeah, but I usually just camp on the outskirts. Lodging is expensive.”
“I’d rather stay at a place with a room. These old bones don’t like sleeping on the ground much anymore,” he lies lightly.
The truth is, you haven’t had a proper rest since you were attacked, and he’ll be damned if you don’t get at least one night with a warm bed before making the return journey.
“I’m not sure how much wildlife is available around there,” you frown.
“I’ll buy raw meat to eat. It’s not the Wolf’s favorite way, but he’s had four glorious nights of killing, so he shouldn’t complain.” Besides, the Wolf just wants to be close to you right now.
- - -
Once you and Paz reach town, your first stop is the excellent butcher, who loads up a huge bag of steak and ribs. It costs so much you nearly choke, but Paz doesn’t seem fazed.
Then, it’s to your favorite Nerf stall to get yourself some fried tenders and vegetables. As soon as the container of food is in your hands, a giant gurgle echoes from your stomach.
Paz laughs. “You have the loudest belly of anyone I’ve ever met.”
Scoffing, you guide Jaster to take a right. “I’m sure yours is louder.”
“Not even the Wolf can rival that.” His gloved hand brushes your back lightly as if reassuring you he’s teasing. It takes everything in you not to lean into the touch. A day spent pressed into him has you addicted.
“Do you need anything for the night?” you ask to distract yourself.
Paz pats the large bag of meat. “This’ll do me.”
When the three of you reach the inn, you leave Jaster with the stablehand. “Rest up,” you smile, kissing his nose. This is the first time he’ll get to experience the pampering afforded the pack animals that stay here: a bath, lots of delicious food, and a cozy stable for the night.
Then, Paz leads you into the inn itself. He walks up to the clerk at the desk. “Two adjoining rooms, please. We’ve also left an orbak in the stables.”
The clerk looks uncomfortably up at Paz. “I’m sorry, but we’re quite full this time of year. If you’d made a reservation...”
Your heart sinks with disappointment. You didn’t realize how much you’d been looking forward to a hot shower to get the blood out of your hair. “It’s fine. We’ll get Jaster and go to the woods,” you say to Paz quietly.
“Well, ma’am, we have one room, if you can share,” the clerk continues hesitantly, his nervous eyes stuck on Paz.
Paz cocks his head at you questioningly. “Is that all right?”
Why not? The two of you have been sleeping under the stars together already. “Fine with me.“
The clerk exchanges the credits Paz offers him for a key. “Room 315.”
When you reach the room, you're shocked by how large it is—the size of your whole house. There’s a giant bed in the center, a table and four chairs in one corner, a sofa across from a large holoprojector, and a conservator for preserving food.
Your stomach lets out another giant growl that makes you both laugh. “Mind if I eat?” you ask. The moon will rise soon, but not soon enough.
“I don’t want to find out what will happen if you wait any longer,” he says dryly.
You sit on one of the chairs and begin to shovel food into your mouth. “Force,” you moan happily, dunking a tender into some spicy sauce.
Pulling out the chair across from you, Paz plunks his large frame on it. “Good?”
“So good.” With delicious food and an incredibly comfortable place to sleep, you’re feeling much more cheerful. “Thank you, Paz,” you say earnestly, “for helping me.”
He hums softly, the deep sound crackling through his modulator, as he pulls his gloves off. Then, his hand reaches across the wooden surface, gently wrapping around the one you’re not using to scoop up vegetables. Your heart skips a beat at the tenderness.
“I told you before that my people deeply admire women like yourself. I especially do. Me and my Wolf, we...” The callused thumb of his other hand brushes your cheek. “...want you to be my mate. I love you and want you as my life partner.”
Your eyes go wide.
But, before you can even process, he suddenly groans in pain, retracting his hands hastily. “Fucking moon!” And he bolts for the refresher, leaving you to gape after him.
- - -
Thank you SO much for reading this story; I'd love to hear your thoughts! 🥰
Mando’a Translations: Di’kut - idiot
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Paz Vizsla Masterlist
Werewolf Masterlist
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dalekofchaos · 2 years
What if Jango Fett killed Mace Windu?
Let’s  say Jango Fett was able to kill Mace Windu. He distracts Mace with his blasters and fires one of the Kamino saberdarts and it leaves Mace open for Jango to fire a rocket at Mace and killing him and taking his Lightsaber as a trophy.
While continuing Bounty Hunting with his son, Jango Fett would also become a general for the Separatists, but he did not want to lead an army of droids. Still, every battle he lead, he lead the CIS to victory.
But Jango Fett’s attentions would be securing his and Boba’s futures. He remembered Jaster and Galidraan. He heard the call of Mandalore. The call of home.
Death Watch was a problem and they will be dealt with. But they took the Darksaber from him. By right of killing the scum, Tor Viszla, the Darksaber should be his. Mandalore betrayed him. They spread lies he was nothing but a “common bounty hunter” Whether the Duchess is complicit or not is irrelevant. They took his heritage from him. They lumped Jaster in with Death Watch. They will all pay and Clan Fett will take it’s place back in Mandalorian society and he will be Mand'alor and so will Boba.
Jango would attempt an assassination attempt on Satine, but would be stopped by a familiar face. He would encounter Obi-Wan once more, they would duel and they are evenly matched. But Satine would stop them both. Jango demands to know why his status as Mandalorian was stripped by her rule. Satine is confused. She gave no such order. Obi-Wan knows who did. :”our prime minister did.”
At this point, Almec would be jailed for poisoning the children of Mandalore, so he would be granted an audience with Satine, Obi-Wan and Jango. Satine and Jango demands why Jango and Clan Fett’s status were revoked, Alemc reveals he did it to preserve her pacifist government and also for his own self-serving needs. Jango heard enough and shot Almec in the head. Satine while disagreeing with Almec’s fate, does grant Jango his and Boba’s status as Mandalorians back. 
Jango tries to talk Satine into reinstating the Supercommando Codex. Satine relents because she does not want Mandalore to become like Death Watch. So Jango tells her the story of the True Mandalorians.
Jango Fett would reveal the crimes of Death Watch, the fall on Galidraan and the death of the True Mandalorians that forces Vizsla to act quickly and force himself into an alliance with Maul and Savage.
With the truth of what Death Watch did and the treachery of Almec, Satine would reinstate the Supercommando Codex. And Jango would be ready for Vizsla.
Once word of Death Watch working with the criminal underworld reach’s Jango’s ears. Jango would call in for some old friends. 
Cad Bane
Aurra Sing
Fennec Shand
The Battle For Mandalore would begin.
Jango Fett and Satine would battle together. Satine would get out her old armor and her spear of pure Beskar.
art by mischievoustempest
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When the Shadow Collective arrives, the collection of Bounty Hunters are ready for them and wipes out their numbers.
Vizsla calls out Jango Fett and demands a duel. Jango accepts, for the Darksaber.
Jango takes out his trophy, Mace’s Lightsaber and the last of the True Mandalorians faces the head of Death Watch and the son of Jaster’s murderer
Jango easily overpowers Viszla and cuts his arms off and decapitates Viszla and the Darksaber his his. Satine kills Bo-Katan. Her final words were “sister..please” “We are not sisters anymore, you chose your path and you will die with Death Watch”
Jango kills Maul and Savage and Mandalore stands triumphant. 
Death Watch dies and the True Mandalorians are reborn.
Jango Fett becomes Mand'alor
Now where does this leave Satine? She’s still Duchess, but over time she fell in love with Jango and Jango with Satine. They marry and rule Mandalore together and Mandalore is stronger because of their union.
Mandalore would be armed and are now warriors of honor and protectors. Seen as heroes of the Outer Rim and holding no loyalty for either side in the war, they are on Mandalore’s side and prepare for what is about to come.
In this new timeline, Mandalore is now fully armed and ready to take on anyone who dare to invade Mandalore. With the powerful leadership of Jango Fett and his comrades, such as, Satine Kryze, Gar Saxon, Tiber Saxon, Fenn Rau Rook Kast, Ursa Wren, Sabine Wren, Tristan Wren, Ketsu Onyo (who would have joined Jango) including other Mandalorians.
During The Clone Wars, it’s Boba who saves Din and brings him in as a Foundling to Clan Fett. Din Djarin becomes Din Fett.   As the Clones are targeted by the Empire, the remaining Jango clones, including Rex, Cody, Delta Squad, Omega and the Bad Batch return to their father. Jango Fett, Satine Kryze with their children Boba Fett and daughter Omega. an army of Mandalorian Warriors and Clone Trooper now has what he needs to challenge The Empire. FOR MANDALORE!
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phoenixyfriend · 2 years
Mace windu and anakin for the detailed character meme?
A more detailed character meme! Send me a character and I’ll answer…
What I like about them: He's got this incredibly strong moral core, and despite his fanon reputation, he's amazingly understanding about the things that are genuinely difficult to understand and come to terms with. Mace understands anger and Falling, yes, has struggled with these things even, but he's come through as one of the strongest, fairest, most respected Jedi in the Order, and he is... honestly every time I think about him and Obi-Wan reacting to Depa waking up from her post-Fall coma, I'm just like [jennyslate-drunkhistory-im-like-SCREAM.gif] about their understanding and forgiveness and listen he gets such a bad rap for being 'stern and unyielding' but his actions in canon are all so positive and his fanon reputation is entirely built on The Specific Delivery that GLucas insisted on for all the actors in TPM and just. [scream] I love him.
What I dislike about them: The comic where he lets Palpatine have access to Anakin at 12. It's not canon anymore but I don't Like it.
Favourite moment: His immediate response to Anakin telling him about Sidious. There wasn't any doubt, he just fully believed this admittedly unstable subordinate, because even if Anakin lies a lot and everyone knows (see: Padme situation), he fully believes that Anakin wouldn't lie about something as important as this. Runner up is Mace complimenting R2D2 in TCW.
Least favourite moment: Uhhhhh I don't have a least favorite moment, so to speak? I do hate his character design in TCW and '03, it's... I know everyone's features are exaggerated for the animation designs, but for him it feels as though the features exaggerated for Mace were kind of um. Riding the line of racism.
A situation with this character that I want to see explored more: I wish for more scenes where he and Anakin are alone together. I want to see one or both of them in a slightly negative situation, like injury or illness, and the other having to handle that. Both directions are good, in different ways. More generally, I want to see more one-on-one interactions between Mace and younger Jedi. I want to see those character dynamics! Show me Mace with Depa or Aayla or Ahsoka!
An interesting AU for this character: I'm always down for those "Mace survives RotS" AUs, they can be so good.
A crossover: Not counting the obligatory "Mace and Nick Fury have to interact" MCU crossovers? Hmmmm put him in Twilight. Just to see what happens.
OTP (or OT3+ etc…. just… favourite ship): I don't really do a lot of Mace ships (just the time-travel one), but I really enjoy seeing Mace/Qui-Gon in fic.
Other ships? I did write Mace/Jaster recently for an event, and that was fun, but also funny since I'm open to Mace/Jango. I'm also, obviously, a fan of Mace/Anakin in a time-travel context.
BROTP: Depa (obviously) but also...
NOTP: I'm sorry but Ponds. The power/age difference bothers me and the character dynamic I imagine is much more Best Coworkers than anything romantic.
An assortment of headcanons! - Generally kept to short cuts and fades before he went with shaving. Not counting his padawan braid, I don't think he really experimented much with growing out his hair for braids or knots or locs. Googled a few haircuts for black men and I think a normal fade and 'the Duke' might be about the area I'd consider him in. Might have done some shorter locs (like two inches) or the like, but that's about it. - He 100% knows that Padme and Anakin are going at it like rabbits whenever they're in driving distance of each other. He does not know they're married, but he knows Padme's pregnant before Anakin does. - I want to say that he doesn't have any food allergies, but does have a topical allergy, like skin contact types? Maybe space eucalyptus.
What I like about them: Absolute disaster man. Wet cat energy. Gender as hell. Unhinged. So easy to save and push in a better direction. So easy to turn into a complete monster. Impossible to be boring.
What I dislike about them: Bro he killed babies.
Favourite moment: Bickering with Obi-Wan in the arena in AotC while not even noticing that Padme's being all competent behind him.
Least favourite moment: He murdered babies. So. The Tusken slaughter.
A situation with this character that I want to see explored more: Willing confession of the Tusken slaughter and submitting himself to the fallout without whining about it or continuing to try to justify it to himself.
An interesting AU for this character: I have dozens for him. Just. So many AUs about this lovable moron.
A crossover: Anakin commits a homicide in 1890s London and now Sherlock Holmes is trying to find him.
OTP (or OT3+ etc…. just… favourite ship): Rexanidala, slight bias to Rexwalker.
Other ships? So many??? Anifives, Lumakin, Windwalker, Codakin, Barrakin, Foxakin, Anakin/501st, Bokkin, Anakin/Organas, Obikin (if only as a reader)... the list goes on.
BROTP: Obi-Wan and Ahsoka, definitely.
NOTP: Despite my openness to Obikin as a reader, and it having sixteen years and raising from age nine and years parenting, I run into that shape of a block with An*soka, despite them having significantly less Messy Dynamic in all directions. Like. It exists! I see it! But I do not wish to read it. Just. Cannot brain it. I tried and it doesn't work for me.
An assortment of headcanons! - Fucking. Gender. - Develops a shellfish allergy around 20 - Likes spiced food (like Indian 'mixed spices', rather than 'burn your mouth' spicy) - Had a rage crush on Mace as a teenager that nobody is ever allowed to know about (it's not as good a secret as he thinks)
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cabezadeperro · 2 years
good bones - jaster & maz (&tiny jango)
940w. gift for @mandalorianbrainweasel. their prompt was “young jango hiding” + this post. (the title is a reference to maggie smith’s poem)
Jaster takes a sip of his drink and turns back to the game, leaning forward to place his elbow on his bent knee. Maz just blinks owlishly at him, as wrinkled and orange as always, and waits while he rotates the hologram again, studying the kade’s positions.
He can’t see a way out of it. He grimaces and makes his move anyway, watches while the cubikad game updates. Maz hums under her breath, still smiling blandly.
“Don’t say anything,” Jaster asks her. “I know. I lost.”
Maz hums again. “You got close this time,” she says. Jaster just looks at her over the brim of his glass, and she finally breaks, laughing openly. “Closer. I should have said closer, Mand’alor.”
Jaster snorts. He tips his head in thanks and then leans against the back of his seat, drink still in hand. The air is hot and heavy, but a colder breeze comes in now and then from the lage, making its surface ripple and shine under the sun. The old ruins rise from the water, silhouetted in black and gold against Takodana’s cloudy sky.
He can see Jango making his way across the narrow stone bridge between the shore and the old ruins. Once upon a time it must have been the top of the temple’s walls, but not anymore. Jango, wearing just his shorts, skips from one stone to the other, quickly and easily, wet curls bouncing in the air. He’s signing something to himself, an old Concordian song Jaster remembers from when he himself was a child, and for the first time since Jaster found him he seems—happy. 
“He’ll be fine,” Maz says. Jaster blinks and turns to look at him again, and smiles in apology. 
“I know we’re safe here. It’s not that I don’t trust you. It’s just—” It’s just that Jango is—well. He’s eight—almost nine—, dangerously clever and perfectly fearless. 
Maz hums for the third time. “I know you trust me, Mand’alor. I’m not offended,” she chides him. She turns to look at the boy as well, tilting her head to the side, and watches him for a few, long seconds.
Jaster wonders what it is that she sees. He won’t ask—he never does, never has, never will—but he can’t help but wonder. He swallows and looks away. He switches off the holopad and slides into one of his belt pouches, and then thinks about joining Jango. It’s way too hot, even half out of his kute, the sleeves flopping at his sides and his old, ratty undershirt wet with sweat. 
“You’re going to adopt him.” 
It’s not a question, not really, but Jaster answers anyway.
He nods and then he clears his throat. “‘Lek. Yes.”
“Does he know?”
Jaster swirls what’s left of his drink in his glass. Alderaan sweet wine, bright blue, very cold. He frowns at it. 
“Not yet,” he admits. He sighs. “It’s just—I will tell him. I will ask him. It’s. It hasn't been that long since he lost his parents.”
Jaster is still looking for the other kid, for his sister. Arla. Arl’ika. In his mind’s eye, she’s still that bubbly, happy toddler who liked frogs and the colour red. 
“I knew his parents,” he tells Maz. She just listens in silence, and not for the first time since he met her—ten years ago, right out of Concord Dawn, drowning in bitter fury and frustration—he finds himself telling her more than he thought he wanted to. “And they died because of me. Not for me, but—”
Jaster trails off. He clears his throat and looks back at the lake. He frowns. After a beat, he finds Jango again: he’s trying his best to climb one of the old walls. He snorts, shaking his head.
“You will be a good father,” Maz says. Jaster blinks and turns to her. She’s staring at him, glasses off, half-blind eyes shining wetly. She smiles, revealing sharp teeth. 
Jaster clears his throat again and drains what’s left of his drink. “I don’t know if that’s a prediction or a threat,” he mutters. Maz just laughs.
Jaster sighs. He leaves his empty glass on the table between them, next to his buy’ce, and for a few minutes they just look at the lake. The air is quiet and smells of wet, green things. Jaster breathes in deep and lets it fill his chest.
He scowls. 
“Where’s Jango?” he asks no one. He reaches for his buy’ce, puts it on. The HUD comes alive with a whirr and a click and Jaster cycles through the modes until he half-distinguishes Jango’s tiny figure.
So he made it to the top. Jaster stands up and approaches the shore, watches the boy make it to the edge of the tallest tower in the ruins.
“Oh no he won’t dare,” he mutters. 
Jango zooms in. Jango tilts his head and crouches on the very edge, toes hanging in the void.
Jaster takes off his buy’ce again and whistles, fingers in his mouth. Jango freezes and stands up, turns to look at them on the shore.
At Jaster’s side, Maz’s weirdly quiet. 
“Jango! Get down here!” Jaster bellows. 
Jango jumps. 
Jaster curses. He watches him fall, already stepping into the lake, warm, brown water soaking his boots and his kute, his heart in his throat, half-sure he’s going to puke all that fancy Alderaani wine all over himself.
And then: Jango’s curly hair, popping up from under the waves, his smile big and wide and visible despite the distance.
Jaster curses again, rubs his face, and at his back Maz hums.
“Oh yes. You will make a very good father indeed,” she muses.
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thewriterowl · 3 years
I just recently found your stories and I absolutely love them! Just wondering if you have anymore headcanons for Jango/ObiWan? Can't wait to read more of your upcoming stories!!!!! <3
Hello! That makes me so happy. Thank you so much. I'm super pleased to hear that. It really means a lot. Thank you!!
Ok, so Jango/ObiWan...let me think...
Let's be honest, they both thought about each other after Kamino. Both were very intrigued and impressed with how the other fought. Not too mention how they both reacted so well with their banter (flirting). It works with them both on what sort of gets their gears roaring to life.
Jango is not the best man; we all need to understand and accept this. Does he love his son? Yes. Does he love anyone else? Probably not. Not since Jaster. Not since his blood-parents were so brutally ripped from him, his sister stolen, and his life ruined. He hates cold and hard and carries it with him well. Even though it may turn into poor decisions (such as how he did shoot first with the Jedi and his hate is one-sided in that regard). But he also has his likes, like any other person and Mandalorian and, well, Obi-Wan may check out a lot of marks on what he likes.
Obi-Wan isn't fond of all aspects of Jango. He's morally dark-gray, sometimes eagerly dipping his toes in the dark side, and is not a very nice guy. But wow, is he gorgeous and strong and a good father and is loyal and follows a code (his own but it's still something). And he's gorgeous. Did Obi-Wan say that? Cause Force-damned that is a sexy piece of Mandalorian pie.
They each move on afterwards. Obi-Wan eventually to Cody and Jango just living his life and doing his own thing. Then Order 66 happened and Obi-Wan lost Cody and everything and everyone.
I do always love Obi-Wan raising Luke too, so he is there. They meet again with a huge bounty on any remaining Jedi and Jango hungry for it. He finds Obi-Wan and a little blue-eyed toddler who is just smiling and Jango, giving little waves to him and...oh no...Mandalorian adoption instincts activated. Can he kill the Jedi and take the kid? Maybe...but honestly Obi-Wan looks nearly feral about a year after what happened and may go Dark if it means to protect the child. He also doesn't want to traumatize the kid...
They talk and well, ok, maybe they can think of something. And really, it would be a shame to waste someone that attractive--they mean a fellow father. Ahem.
Ok, so they get along decently.
Well, they actually ignore each other. And bicker. And glare. And try so hard not to be in painful lust with the other.
It is probably one day when they needed to go work together for a bounty so they could feed these kids that they snap and fall into bed with each other. They swear it's just physical. It's nothing personal. Neither of them like the other.
Until they were in bed with each other often. They would steal moments in a corner to kiss and touch and just be like teenagers.
It takes a long time for any sort of emotions to open up for either of them.
They were probably in love back from the time on Kamino and neither will admit it (they say the other fell in love first)
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