#no one show this to LB she wont be normal about it
Time to drink my now-daily liter of Rhys dropping his towel and Feyre smashing their foreheads to try to kiss him because I love when they’re idiots in love. Also if you take requests I request Rhys calling her baby in every Feysand thing you write going forward even if it doesn’t make sense because this instance rewired my brain. Haha just kidding. Unless?
But for real I love that Drabble and thank you for being willing to write those drabbles they’ve brought me such joy :,) Hope you are well.
ACOTAR rewrite "Hello Feyre, baby."
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4nn4m14 · 3 months
Heyy im gonna be fasting for 72 hours and keeping progress of how it feels/ whats going on, etc 🥰
Sw: 171.2
Cw: 167.4
1-4 hours
After eating, i was still hungry and having cravings. BUT i stayed strong. I started my fast after dinner yesterday. So i was able to sleep off the cravings.
I woke up around 10-13 hours??
16-18 hours:
I was HUNGRY like rly hungry. I think its bc my body just switched to fat burning mode.
20-21 hours:
Not as hungry actually, i used no cal juice to suppress everything. Also did some research. At 24 hours your body goes into ketosis and you may lack an appetite. Its actually one of the signs your body is in ketosis:)!. So i keep telling myself, after that, i wont be as hungry🥰 AND then tomorrow, its just whatever i did today. But with less of an appetite. So this alll seems so easy. Ill keep an update.
26 hours
Hi. 26 hours amd 48 minute update:
I have forced my girlfriend to eat a strawberry mochi and she got full. So i then forced my grandparents eat mochi as i sat there and intensely watched them. Now im watching mochi mukbangs😭 i love mochi. And its SO tempting bc ✨only 80 caloriessss✨ but ITLL BREAL MY FAST and im convincing myself im doing this for you guys teehee 🙂‍↔️🙂‍↔️
ALSO i was reading more on fasting and apparently day two is actually the hardest. Which lowkey i think gives me MORE motivation bc after day two it should be slightly downhill from there. I know i have it in me, i can do it. Tomorrow when i wale up i am going to be SO proud of myself when i see the fast time on my app. Ugh. Also so excited to weigh myself😗 gn bbs
36 hours:
I HAVE MORNING SKINNYYY EEKK anyways. Last night i fell asleep to mukbangs of all sorts. Mainly sweets and stuff (i normally eat a sweet before bed to stabilize my blood sugar so im not fatigued in the morning). Anyways, im actually feeling great today. I woke up before my alarm. Pretty energized tbh. Im going to watch a breakfast mukbang while i guzzle my very low cal mango juice💅🏻 thinking i might try some matcha tea today (i stole some stevia from work bc that shit is EXPENSIVE). But imma weigh myself when i get uo and go on a walk. Ill update then <3
SW: 171.2
CW: 167.4
Lost: 3.2
48 hours
The signs are rlyyy starting to show. Im getting hunger pains, still not craving as much as i did the first day tho. Only problem is im completely and totally bitchy and literally about to lose my fuccin noodle. Anywhosies, weighing myself tomorrow, stay tuned🥰
56 hours:
Cw: 165.8
Cw wl: 5.4 lbs
Ended at 58 hours and 55 minutes with a pb and j sandwhich because i started my period and the cramping is ABSOLUTELY horrible. Plus im at work so i cant just rot in bed to deal with them. I actually have to move and stuff. Anyways, it was fun while it lasted. I plan to do it again soon. Depending on if i can keep the weight off or not. I think im going to do 24-48 hour fast so my body doesnt Go into starvation mode. BUT if i can keep the weight off after this, ill continue to fast for long periods of time.
Total wl: 5.4 lbs
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gayspock · 2 years
okay girlies trek movie marathon ahead go go go we're starting with the final frontier
so to set the mood its 10am and i have hot cocoa (fancy one i got for chrismas + marshmallows (vegan ones i got for chrismas)
goodness fucking gracious they really put the budget into this one again didnt they. i mean i know they do for the trek movies in general in comparison to the shows but fuck me this feels like a step up even from tvh
okay girlie pops lets do therapy in the desert . practice mindfulness with me really think about the sand on your feet ow hot hot hot
i wish someone would do this to me to be honest i take the piss but cant some beardy vulcan cunt come up to me and chat about starships and the whatnot
ISNT THIS SYBOK BTW. spocks first retroactively added sibling. btw i wont share how much i hate that fucking choice in so many ways and how theyve done it fucking twice n- sorry seeing red breathe deep. hesgot a good presence t-
i sometimes think theres no way ppl read these lbs but if theres one person there hi the credits are rolling
guys the hot cocoa is making my tummy hurt btw but that might also be okay so i got this vegan kebab meat and i didnt know you meant to cook it so i ate the whole pack raw and it was already expired but its like vegan so it cant like be like meat levels of insanity right..... right like im not getting worms am i its. uhm. whatever guys hesclimbing
wheres he going .
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okay ffucking hell the way william shatner still says "spock" i forgot it was like that
"1200 points of interest in yosemite and you pick me" right i forgot they were like that
his spoots.........
that made me laugh i wont even lie the way the cunt just feel
can we get a close up on the dancer cat woman please just for uhm my own . purposes interests i dont - OH HERE WE GO- THREE TITS?
CAITLYN KATELYN KAITLYN whichever its spelled- also romulan??? i assume that there's been some cultural mingling but imagine if you met a fucking cunt from mars called Sarah.
anyway shes beautiful as hell . for what reason.
seriously the dusty desert planet in scifi they all look the same its so funny
right the prblem is syboks actor is charming as all hell. fucking divert that smoldering gaze i feel fucking weird as hell
oh my god she looks so good she LOOKS SO GOOD ... ahh nichelle 3: ... shes got such a good onscreen presence though man HELL its a shame they didnt utilise her more earlier
okay so they decided to put them together i forgot about that im not mad i gues
sulu and chekov hi guys theyre just vibing in the woods HI GUYS SORRY IM NOT IMMUNE TO NOSTALGI AND SEEING MY FAVOURITE GUYS
"ive always known i'll die alone" ALRIGHT GIRL...
this is actually so cute i wont even lie im not endeared im not (is endeared) theyre on freaking holiday together
except for mineeeee that i have om nom nom
afterthe ritual camp sing along we all have insane freaky gay sex onscreen for the rest of the movie. its normal. it would also be less gay than them singng row row your boat like this
im absolutely ctazy for the sfx in this movie like it feels like half of them are pretty solid but theres just random bits that look so janky this is exactly how i want my star trek i wont even lie to you
also i cant tell if this klingon part is meant to have subtitles or not
ok i found the script online + im following along iwth that LOL ... i guess it makes SENSE why the actual subtitles arent like on the video itself but its still funny
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sorry to be crass but i know someone somewhere has edited this to say spock (goes off to do that)
the way it takes me 10 million years to watch a movie you have to understand theres sidequests in every movie for me to do
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i love it when the enterprise is busted to be honest its so good i hate functional ships i love it when theyre breaking- fuck me i wanna relisten to wolf 359
i already know the plot twist of that being his brother but its very fucking funny nonetheless that spock just sees his broth-
by the way ive actually heard a lot of bad things about this movie and im absolutely agreed that this is corny as fuck but frankly when it comes to tos movies... im actually on board if its corny, even if the story might suck in the end. i mean granted- im hardly into the meat-meat of the movie yet. i dont doubt people slate it for NOTHING, and i presume i'll understand the problems better the more i watch (after all i am already kind of irritated with syboks existence even if i do quite like the actors vibe) but its like... hm how do i put this...
im not actually ever against, like, "nostalgia bait" stuff , i guess, and having fun with things if its kinda a) self aware enough and b) well earned. does that make sense? if it isnt taking itself too seriously and bigging itself up in a dramatic way, AND there's a solid foundation to actually have fun with then im okay with a movie that kind of only spins on the funnier, more casual moments and is somewhat self-indulgent in terms of how it panders to fans with, like, showing them all having fun camping .
the issue for me is when its either, as i said, unearned or trying to take itself too seriously... or maybe, like, when it does veer too close to flanderisation or even just spinning the wheels on the characters. its why i think a lot of chibnall doctor who doesnt realyl work when its trying tobe "fun" or "goof off with the fam" like... you guys never really did the legwork to establish these characters well enough to have that, you know?
and im not saying tos has marvellous character work- we can be honest, and say that outside of the triumvirate theyre all over the place- but i do think theyre solid enough to crry and im well okay with that yeah?
and anyway thats all to say. ive known too many pretentious types disavow all sorts of media that does kind of act a bit self-indulgent or does something fun/stupid and i dont know man i do agree in many ways but also, like, entertainment is sometimes meant to be entertaining and its hardly the worst ever if a star trek movie just fucks about a bit instead of doing some epic space opera every single time, nor does it ruin the entire franchise or work that came before it. its why i really fucking rate the voyage home- because it lets itself take the time, take the breather after the other three movies. like i understand if it does purposefully undermine something else but like... i dont know i feel like some people ironically have such a shallow mindset sometimes where theyre likt, fucking hell, its the death of all media because they were silly 1 time and did something a bit funny/had fun (esp if it isnt just to their tasts)
(adnd yeah its also like... i dont know you know osme ppl who seem to have 0 media awareness in terms of like.. yeah man you can wax pretentious gobshite all you want but also its star trek man and thats not to belittle the franchise in any way but also manage expectations of what youre going to be consuming AND also realise that its not BAD that not everything is, like, you know some high calibre art and that actually that diversity in art is kinda better for your media diet tbh like they all serve a diff purpose like- you know so unrelated its also like im sorry it reminds me of all the discourse around knives out and the such and people not taking that movie into context and whatever the fuck or ALSO how im watching bsg lright now and i know im tempering my expectations interms of what that will deliver, what it will do and even further than that the actual politics)
( BC THAT ALSOOO is a whole other thing im so off topic here where its like im obbiously not talking about genuinely harmful media here but ive seen some ppl online kind of assume that media has to cater to their exact political alignment or else it isnt good and its like i absolutely agree you can analyse/dissect that and with bsg i do sort of like look at it and think well are we being serious with what we're doing here but also like eh shrug its kinda weird when you go in with the intention that apiece of art has to come to your exact own personal conclusions about the world by the end of it do you know what i mean . like i dont even mean tht in terms of like.. trying to defend things, but i mean that in terms of your own personal growth and open mindedness and appreciation for others' worldvew... anyways im so off topic im so so off topic this is literally the final fontirer 1989 here)
anyway im like
my point is i feel like what ive seen so faris kinda fun and the dialogue though corny and whatnot has made me smile enough that i feel like if this is gonna be sustained throughout im not gonna be mad if the overall plot does suck which idk is contrary to what i thought before i started bc ive heard such bad things about this one
which hey i guess theres other stuff behind that too because going back to that self-indulgent part.... it is obvious billy shits is, as i said, having a long self pleasure session . i also know theres other problems there tbh too-yeah...
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can someone edit in them kicking their legs and giggling 👆
also my god i eed to stop pausing ive been watching for almost 2 hours and im 40 minutes in thats so fucking funny
sybok: "ok but dude i didnt want anyone to dieeeee i was joking"DUDE PLEASE
the catgirl is feral i repeat the catgirl is feral
oh so it turns out the hostages are rather cheeky
WHY DID THEY HAVE TO CHANGE THEM OUT OF THEIR GOOD OUTFITS UGHHH BOOOOOO LOSERS BOOOO at least sybok is slaying does he have long hair? i do like that; i do appreciate that
"which will take...?" "exactly 15.5 seconds" "AN ETERNITY, DURING WHICH-"
can i also say i think i said this when watching bsg but i love how many scifi ships have a lets fuck off really fast mode. its so fuckinh funny.
can i also say . sarek is a right fucking whore. how many wives did he have . like after amanda how many human women did he go through exactly
okay so round about this point i got distracted for another half fucking hour guys its so ufnny how long it takes me to watxh movies
jim being tired climbing up when he literally beasted that mountain come on behave
the way they all got on together.... please... i will say BOTH times ive expected spock to straight up bridal carry kirk somehow
also i will say god . throwback to pk wars; im still laughing at how farscape presented the eidelons as, like, the answer to peace when its literally brainwashing just like this and its totally unacknowledged. anyways
its so funny with bones they just give some random horrors to him whenever the fuck you know and then its never brought up again god love god bless
sarek can be so....
sarek can be so funny im sorry i know this isnt the time im watching him reject infant spock but do you remember in tng when he and picard were... well... they were well acquainted pen pals werent they if you understand me . its like hes a whore . hes a terrible father. hes like the worst. but hes kinda funny sometimes.
igotdistractedgaian guys btw this is so bd its like 1pm i started this at 10am but do you know what i need some new shoesso i needed to go find some and research do you know what i mean
i focus now i focus
i always find it outrageously funny whenever they meet god or go to eden in sci fi . beyond hysterical. why not guys hes just been chilling somewhere why not babes .
thats funny as fuck
"but captain we're firing directly on your position" can you have a little fucking fun for once chekov light it up bitch
woah he said damn... he said damnnnn
are you about to say sorryyyyyyyyyy
"i lost a brother once. i was lucky i got him bakc" you guys remember when kirk actually lost his brother like hsi real life brother who died
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ahaura · 1 year
yellowjackets s2e4 lb
WHAT IS GOING ON i dont remember that clip from the last ep but it's fine
taissa repressed/separated the part of herself so much that its turned into a completely Other Self
is it just me or is it simply the link im using or does the themesong sound... more sinister...?
apex predator (survivalist cannibal) shauna shipman is HERE
once again... a comedy<3
"it's pretty rare for a friend to so relentlessly have your back" ok so i have theories. 1) he actually is just a weirdo who is also on misty's wavelength 2) fed 3) cult member (unlikely) 4) forest-sent (unlikely but it'd be interesting)
i REALLY want misty to have a fellow morally dubious and hilarious bestest best friend but i ALSO know that we are in a tv show where things have to happen. so. im enjoying it while i can.
"a contest" oh boy
its happeninggggg the splintering the division fairytale vs "logic" putting saint lottie of new jersey on the spot lets GO
cult convo in the carrrrr
every time a character takes their eyes off the road when theyre drying i think of that one time when frodo says "get off the road!" in fotr except it's "keep your eyes on the road" <3
oh lottie....
lottie speaks and all i hear is therapy voice like she DOES know what to say and how to think about things but only in the way that does not threaten the frame of mind she was forced into likeeeee god there's a lottie underneath it all just like there's a shauna underneath it all under the layers of bullshit and time they're still under there lottie pleeeeaaaase
is that snow in the line of lottie's scar.... like the snow in the carving on the tree...
also tho if u think about it i DO get it like nat refusing to take the blessing bec she thinks its stupid and it doesnt work and the others believing that it means shes not doing EVERYTHING she can to feed them i get that i can see it...
"im a millionaire its on youtube" JASDSDKSAJFKDS?????
shes touching the mouse... if you hear yelling in the distance thats my mom saying "mice carrie DISEASES"
lottie getting tetanus so the group can eat... <3
oh lisa...
ok i do want to say. first and foremost. it is entirely possible do feel numb when they got on medication and im not going to discount that. HOWEVER. in my PERSONAL experience with depression, therapy, and medication... a lot of the times that "numb" is experiencing "stable" like you're not feeling the super highs and super lows anymore you've tapered off and entered a more... normal? ??? range of emotions im getting sleepy so i cant remember the name of it but my therapist has described tolerance and vibrations and whatever and when youre in a Downtrend you are depressed but when you're Activated (angry, worried, anxious, etc.) you're Doing things and the goal is not to seesaw as much so violently into both ends but find a safe middle ground where you're supposed to be able to manage ur emotions well. idk what's going on w lisa i cant speak to her specifics or anything but like . im fairly sure that the idea that medication "numbs" you and turns you into a zombie is not as common as media portrays? if not entirely misrepresented or a misconception? i could be totally wrong in that and am only speaking from personal experience so take that as you will
"hes not a bad person hes just a bad criminal" LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO RIP JEFF FOUND DEAD IN NEW JERSEY
"i promise i wont tell anyone my mom murdered someone" im sure this will have no future ramfications atall <3 ever <3
oh im a fan of lisa its official im not letting her go.
mari caring more about the rules of the game more than not starving... eye see... also the moose may be a false hope/trap set by the forest but who knows<3
is this the woods telling nat she should have taken the blessing...
jeff is right one (1) time youre really NOT supposed to let your kid know you killed people
im fairly certain thats not how youre supposed to treat hypothermia but what do i know. and what do they know too for that matter
well that was fun. i hope i can get some caps out of this ep if i can get around 2 it.<3
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Ml analysis: Native American miracle box
While is it obvious that the new miracle box is of native American origin I still went to do some research on it to see if I can narrow it down to a certain tribe and find more connections hidden in the lore.
So not to waste any time, here is my result:
The native American miracle box is in possession of the Souix Lakota tribe. Just like with the Ml Tibetan guardian monks represent not only 1 but 4 groups, the native American Miraculous tribe is a combination of the Lakota, Dakota and Nakota and where we can safely say that the monks will primarily lean towards the Tibet representation, I would say here we will primarily lean towards the Lakota. Therefore, I will call the native America Miraculous tribe Lakota but know that the other two tribes are included in this as well.
So a dead giveaway for the identity of the ml Tribe is Jessicas Shirt. In general Jessica has the hairstyle, the physical features and the accessories typical for representing an “Indian” character and her shirt is a direct confirmation of that heritage.
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On her shirt is an obvious reference to the Lakota flag which pretty much tells us that this is the Tribe we are dealing with. Nice, why cant it always be this easy?
Under the cut I cover three more points to go into more detail, read more if you’re interested ^^
1. The medicine wheel
I must give it to miraculous, using the medicine wheel for the upper layer of the miracle box is one genius move imo.
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The Medicine Wheel is a sacred symbol and way of life used by the indigenous Plains tribes to represent all knowledge of the universe. Unfortunately, I don’t have enough time to really get into its teaching and living ways to be comfortable explaining its practice in more details, so in this part I want to cover only what has been directly acknowledged by Thomas Astruc. And that would be the animals (duh, obviously) and the elements.
The first thing I had to learn the hard way in this research is that there is not one "true" way for this symbol to be arranged. The way its used, what animal belongs to which color or element and even what KIND of animal is in it can vary STRONGLY from location to location.
So I accepted that the arrangement can not be pinpointed down to perfect accuracy through research. We were already given all the animals and colors, now all I can really do here is present to you a possible variation of the miraculous arrangement I put together after looking up and trying to understand the differences between the real life ones to continue from here on.
There are only two animals we know for sure the connected color of: The eagle, Jessicas miraculous of freedom and the Thunderbird. In his tweets Thomas mentioned the elements so I decided to include them in the arrangement, how or if they will be incorporated into the show I can not tell you though. But still I wanted the elements in here as well ^^
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As already said, the eagle is red and the thunderbird is in the green center. As you can see I put the bear to black, the Wolf to yellow and the Buffalo to white. Those seemed to me the most likely combinations and even if they don’t end up right, it wont do harm to any of this.
Buffalo: white and air because the Lakota have a white Buffalo woman legend where air was one of the main elements she controled and used.
Wolf: yellow and fire. Fire because in Lakota legends the wolf/ coyote is a very unpredictable animal. He's both a trickster and a hero, not always moraly sound but always clever. It's a dangerous but strong and lively nature that I do think the show could represent with the fire element. Yellow is one of the two cases where I was left with this option by default.
Bear: I choose black and water because that's a combination I have seen the most
Eagle: I already know Red and choose earth in combination. At first I thought about putting fire in this place because of its normal association with red but in the end choose earth because I think it's the element that fits the best to Jessica.
But the reason why I decided to include the elements is because of the green thunderbird in the middle. Because where the other 4 animals are connected with the 4 elements, the thunderbird would here represent inner balance and harmony. Of course this isn't it's power, but the layout makes it quite obvious that the thunderbird is the equivalent of the ladybugs and cats yin-yang. My assumption right now is that this is how the show will cover the different types of "balance" although the world cultures it incorporates, but let me come back to this one another time.
2. more cultural references and meanings
The thunderbird represents the most powerful one of this miracle box because the thunderbird is the one animal that is present in every Souix Lakota tribe and holds an enormous cultural and spiritual significance. It is a mythological bird and is associated with several legends starting from controlling the storms, lightnings and thunder to being the protector of the humans and even being a helper of the creation of reality (Reality in Ml are the LB and Cat hence why its place in the middle of the box is well deserved) It only makes sense that it would be chosen for this and I know it may seem cliché but please hear me out, which is why im convinced this is the miraculous of the chiefs.
A couple of details do support this for me but please remember I'm not exposed to alot of native American cultures I'll do my best to get things right but if I do interpret something(s) wrong feel free to correct me.
For one, well, the symbol. While looking up the clothing for a later point I did see a symbol like this on some of the feather headdresses.
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Definitely not on all of them, I couldn't figure out if there is a system behind the pattern usage or tied to a distinct area but I do know that it is THERE and not exactly rarely either. Noticeably it isn't a 1 to 1 fit but that is an all time returning thing in miraculous. Real life and historical things like this have to be slightly altered for the show to be able to incorporate them. A great example for this is the old English flag in "Darkblade".
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So at this point I'm used to this pattern, so yeah, this could very likely be a symbol they took inspiration from.
The second reason why I think it it's the miraculous of the chiefs is because the piece with the symbol on it looks like one of these
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In combination with the feather on it. The feather headdress is also called a war bonnet and was originally only worn in battles and only by the person who has truly earned that honor. Each feather represents a distinct honor earned in battle which is why we see feather headdresses in such different lengths. How this translates perfectly into a miraculous I think is obvious. The headdress is a symbol of true leadership and worthiness of such a status, hence why it were especially the chiefs to earn such impressive ones. Turning it into a miraculous wouldn't change too much about it since such a powerful miraculous is an honor and duty you have to be worthy of as well. Them being originally used only for battles is a perfect fit too, because so are the miraculous.
Then of course once again, the thunderbird.
The thunderbird being the great mythical protector animal of these tribes makes it naturally a perfect fit for the miraculous animal of the great chiefs. The chiefs were not only the leaders they also were the primary warrior in battles which is seen by the war bonnets. Having the Thunderbird be the miraculous of the chiefs highlights their status as the tribes protector in such a genuine way, I personally really really love it.
As the last point of 2. I want to bring up the outside top of the Miracle box and the way its designed. While looking through the clothing symbols and pattern I did notice some that looked similar to the ones on the box. I deliberately tried to find a more recent example of usage because in the end of the day Miraculous is a show for TODAY so if the show used patterns for example that may not have been used in the past but are now associated with the Lakota that’s still valid. So the possible matches for design inspiration I found stem from a picture of chief Arvol Lookinghorse who holds the responsibility of spiritual leader among the Lakota, Dakota and Nakota People to this day.
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3. Their location and monuments
Researching the lakota made me think of where this guardian group has its roots, which made me remember something I found on my guardian mountain - mount kailash theory a while ago (I swear right now everything comes back to that theory). In it I showed you the monuments-line around the world always separated by a length of 6666km between each other (basically the height of Mount Kailash) and while I didn't mention it there, there is also one of those "mythical" monuments in the USA.
The bears lodge butte (in Wyoming)
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I mean LOOK at this, that is out of this world and breath-taking in every sense of the word! That is a location of a miraculous guardianship if I had ever seen one. Also known under the (sadly) much more well known name of "Devils tower" but this will be the one and only time you will read of me calling it like that. The fact that this butte is still officially called by this disrespectful and bastardized white peoples name is a freaking insult. I'm calling it the bears lodge as this was its original english name.
The bears lodge is not just a monument in the USA it is the VERY FIRST official monument (1906) and the location of the butte also checks out perfectly with the areas the Lakota settled in real life. I couldn’t get the exact scale but I think you will still understand just fine.
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Adding to the Bears Lodge butte I also wanna bring up the "other" medicine wheel. Which is, just like Bears lodge, located in Wyoming.
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As we know the rest of the native American miracle box is made of the zodiac signs just like in our normal miracle box. Confirmed not only on Twitter but also in the very intro of the New York special.
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But the same way the miracle box is similar to ours the Medicine wheel as monument reminded me of something as well. Of course I'm talking about the ritual circle in the Kwami "dimension" of the box seen in “Sandboy”.
And just like the native American monument it is also of "astronomical" nature. Taking a closer look at the Chinese Kwami circle one can see that the outer ring is made of specific places for each Kwami signified with a picture of their "animal".
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And in the inner circle is obviously the moon circulation.
Meaning, put very simple, this is a design specifically meant to represent the Chinese calendar and culture this miracle box is based on. Therefor this should also exist for the native american one. My guess Is that for all the boxes/cultures Miraculous is gonna include they will also have an “ritual circle” equivalents for each based on all the different kinds of stone circle monuments around the world, including the medicine wheel of the Lakota.
But not only was the medicine wheel monument used for astronomical purposes, with it the people wanted to give things back to mother nature. They placed things right in the middle of the wheel under the stones so nature could take it back "spiritually" (for a lack of a better word on my part) through their rituals and chants. Which is something once again similar to what we see with the Kwamis.
First if all, when the Kwamis (who are the embodiments of the abstract concepts reality is made of) enter their "dimension" in the miracle box the guardian symbol opens right at the center point, letting them cross the layers of reality.
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Second, the Kwamis are obviously able to take material objects with them to the in-between dimension. Supporting and verifying the Lakota’s ritual because at the very least in the ML world its actually true. And thirdly, when the Kwamis try to reach Nooroo they chant as well and once again the collected energy is combined in the middle to cross the layers of reality. Gabriel is transformed though so he, as Hawkmoth, is able to almost take over the connection and therefore the miracle box if the Kwamis hadn’t blocked him.
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This shows that the spiritual dimension layers are interactive from both sides under certain circumstances. A normal human being wouldn’t be able to cross the layers and take control like this but the more a person is involved with/ powered up by the miraculous the more power they hold interdimensional. Which is the idea of a ritual to reach the spiritual side of nature brought to a new 11 as TV shows usually do.
 4. The design of the guardian.
I'm definitely not the right person to properly judge this in depth therefore I will just showcase my opinion based on the research.
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The way I see it for the guardians design they tried to combine the guardian "look" with the native American one.
The pants, staff and robe-like upper part are obviously influenced by the guardian we already saw through Fu's flashbacks, whereas the colors, the hairstyle and shoes (etc) are kept more Lakota-like. Though, as far as my opinion counts in this, the much darker skin and the eyebrows in comparison to Jessica does make me question if he is supposed to represent the same native American tribes as her. His bushy eyebrows are a physical characteristic I recognize in rarely any real life photos and neither did I notice such a noticeable difference in skin color.
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Jessica and the guardian simply do not really look like they are of the same heritage to me, but again, who am I to say this isn't a legit representation? Besides that, it makes alot more sense that this guardian wasn't lost for almost 200 years like the ones in Tibet, so it is a fair option to consider that this black guardian may not be of "original Lakota heritage" but he is simply a worthy man born in this area of the USA (who knows in what year considering the guardians life spans) who was chosen and trained for the guardianship simply because he was the right fit for it just like Marinette.
I think it's only fair to consider that option as well, especially since we have NO official background on him. But that's just my opinion.
 And as the last thing I want to bring up is the symbol on his robe because this is something I'm going to need help with.
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We can hardly see it and I've tried my best to find something in my research but I just couldn't find anything fitting.
If anybody has the means and knows if this is a cultural reference as well, I would appreciate it if this knowledge could be shared here as well. I really would love to know ^^
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monday-headache · 3 years
Hey Simon! Thank you for the amazing ask <3 Right back at you:
I love that you're writing/arting about characters that have never met in canon (Gaige and Sasha, Fiona and Scarlett). What drew you to writing these characters together? And are there any more that you'd love to explore one day? :D
Hey Sarah, glad it made you smile. I want to have more interaction with the fandom so I’ll try to make this a regular, so please be free to send me questions whenever. I’d love to read your thoughts ;)
And Omg, that’s a fantastic question as well but, be aware, this is gonna be an essay as well.
Mhh where to start, where to start.
So first things first, My headcanon of why I think Gaige and Sasha would be best friends started a pretty long while ago, way before I even got gently pushed towards the Idea of really starting to write about it in the first place. Because you must know, even though Strays is my first longshot, it is also my very first fanfc I’ve ever written in like ever. So no matter how shitty, great or whatever it will turn out to be or how well others will be, Strays has and will always have a special place in my heart. And I’m not gonna rush things either, even when the fandom will die out, my Ideas for it will flow ;)
But yeah how it started. To put it simply Gaige was my first character In Borderlands ever that I played myself. I knew about the Lore of 1 and I’ve played 1 with a friend by the time it came out, but I played 1 myself AFTER I finished 2 So that may be a big reason, why I have such an open spot for Gaige. But also because she is fun, quirky extreme, punky, loves robots and tech... to put it simple a lot of traits I really love about a character. Her backstory with the science fair was so fresh and funny, and it may be one of my favorite spoken dialogue interactions heard over echo cassette’s
Then after Bl2 my love for Borderlands continued, played 1, played TPS and then... There was Tales, and by god do I loved Tales, and I hella still do. You probably know the feeling yourself. And with the love for the game, came a huge love for it’s cast. Like seriously I think besides Tector there isn’t really a character where I was going like, “ugh this one is trash” on the contrary. And besides my obvious love for the main 2 characters, there was a big love for the Deutagonist’s of this masterpiece. Namely Sasha and Loaderbot.
Loaderbot may have officially taken the spot for me as most favorite Robot in video game history ever (and Gortys for the most precious character ever). Like his whole segment of kidnapping them, forcing them to tell the truth, only to show how much he had grieved, how betrayed he felt and that he did all of tha  for his loved ones. Man say what you will about him, but damn he was written perfectly. I was blown away.
Secondly is of course, as you might have guessed it Sasha. I could go lengths for her too, how much I love and admire her character, how real she felt as a sister, a pandoran and last but not least as a human. Sasha felt to me like the most well rounded out character of the 6 (pls don’t hate me for it guys) From the punk rebellious attitude, to learning that she had an anti Hyperion pirate radio, that she used to broadcast bad things that happens in her neighbourhood, to her adapting her morals and learn that even in the most corrupt organisations there are still normal people struggling with their own life, and then progressing from it. And lastly after everything was at loss, the money the plan, she was willing to sacrifice her whole life for a dear friend/s, even on her dying breath putting both Rhys and her Sister at ease and in her last moments. Amazing.
Oooh boy and that was just the prelude to it all XD
After that I noticed a lot of similarities, between characters. Sasha and Loaderbot for instance are both pragmatic, put the lives of their loved ones over their own, love tech, are socially open people while holding back on information and emotion. Not to mention the scenes in 2 and 3 and also 4 and 5 where it is slightly hinted how well Sasha and Loaderbot work together, without sharing much words. So naturally the Idea was born that Sash and LB became quite close.
And the same goes for Sasha and Gaige. I was actually surprised that nobody (not entirely true, I saw one fanart of it) seemed to made that connection before as it was so obvious to me. So basically Sasha is a softer version of Gaige, in many terms. They both have a big heart for tech and especially guns. They both hosted a small radio broadcast that blew up in their region over night. Both are anarchist’s who spread the word for awareness, how fucked up the company war actually is. Both are not really good at their aim. Both call robots as their closes’t friends. Both share a deep hatred for Handsome Jack and his doings. Both fought a giant ass Vault Monster and nearly died in the process of doing so. Both got screwed up big time and now have a huge bounty on their head... So you see the list goes on, and honestly the more I write them, the more similarities I notice, both hc wise and canon wise. So there more I thought about it, and noticed similarites the more I fell in love with the Idea of them becoming close. And from there the Idea was born, that they probably met on a job ( the most likely scenario in the Borderlands universe). It had to be before BL3 of course, and to be after Tales naturally so that only put one timeline in the focus, Commander Lillith.
To be honest, I didn’t expect everything turning out so big. Like seriously I orifinally planed like 8k words or so. Now I’m dangling on the Idea of having 13 chapters and a big ass finally, a neat wrap up of everything and even a possible epilogue XD Yeah, that wasn’t what I expected either but damn do I love doing it.
Like seriously my headcanons only just gotten bigger and bigger. From a whole nebula system in the galaxy, to regions I created in my own mind for it, to even complex backstorys. Like why Sasha wears a headband, why she loves guns so much, what happened to her and Fi’s parents, why she was raised by her aunt, what does Felix have to do with it, Why Gaige has this kicks of both sudden depression and manical behavior. Why she’s so close to her dad, but her mom wasn’t even mentioned once (but teased), why she wanted to become a wedding planer, and why she is so obsessed with robots and margarita mix. I think one day, this thing will turn into a tabletop game or something XD
So estimated 20k words on my answer later and now we are going for my own created ship Scarleona. Don’t worry, as much as I like to gosh about that too, it wont take as long I prommy.
Scarleona was created in a sudden urge while thinking about what happpend to Fiona while Strays happened. And similar to Gaige and Sasha, Scarleona was born from a dynamic. Especially of those from two Ladybosses with Silvertongue and speech 100XD Fiona and Scarlett may have become my favorite Fiona ship (no offense everybody) because of how well they play off each other. Fiona is a con artist, her whole life she was used to swindle, to play it cool and by ear, go with the flow, and expect the unexpected. So here core idea is that she is manupulating people by LYING to them.
Scarlett on the other hand is similar while also the complete opposite to it. She is backstabby, plays with her charm and most importantly she is dead honest while tricking people. In fact even so honest that people don’t even realised that they got tricked even though she told it several times before. And this dynamic is so fascinating to me. You see, Fiona has almost an answer an action for everything prepared, but the idea that her winning honesty, is mind puzzling to Fiona is so perfect. @michellespenscratchz wrote me a drabble several months ago and I think that line describes it just perfect
“So, let me see if I got this straight,” Fiona tilted her head inquisitively at Captain Scarlett. “You needed these Vault Hunters’ help to find this treasure for you. So you…just asked them?”
“That’s right.” Scarlett nodded, inspecting her hook nonchalantly.
“Even though they knew you wanted it for yourself?” Fiona asked.
“Indeed,” Scarlett replied.
“And they…” Fiona blinked, “…knew you planned on fighting them for it once they had it.”
“Of course they did,” Scarlett shrugged. “I told them as much.”
“You told them?”
“And they helped you anyway?”
“Precisely.” Scarlett turned her hat against the blistering wind. “I fear I don’t quite grasp what about this is so difficult to grasp, Fiona dear.”
“Huh.” Fiona cast her gaze out across the expanse of Pandoran horizon. “I guess I just gotta–I dunno–rethink my whole life right now.”
So yeah, that was basically it. I kinda diagressed and didn’t want to hurt your eyes more looking at the long ass text, but please if you have some more questions to it, pls hit me. I love to gosh about it <3
And thank you so much <3 This was hella fun
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ultra-erik-us · 5 years
The Good Way to Take Care of a Rescue Horse
Right, this minute horses are being neglected and abused somewhere. Slaughter is additionally an opportunity. Most of those neglected horses find yourself at auctions. All states have them; you almost certainly have horse auctions on the brink of where you reside. In some places, the auctions happen once every week, monthly, or maybe daily.
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These auctions are an honest place to seek out horses that require rescue. Please consider getting to auctions if you’re within the marketplace for a horse. Horses don’t necessarily get to be registered with an ideal pedigree and lineage to form an honest pet!
You may be saving the horse from ending up during a slaughterhouse and, consequently, on somebody’s table in Belgium for dinner.
There are more and more equine rescues within us, but most have limited funds and resources for purchasing and taking care of rescue horses. due to this many are unable to rescue all the horses that require help.
You can help by attending an auction and taking a horse (or several, if you’ve got the space and resources) home with you!
How Rescue Horses Are Different
Rescue horses often don’t function equivalently as horses who are taken care of properly. they’ll have gone without proper diet and health look after an extended time, which may affect their metabolic and digestive systems.
Coat and Hoofs
Also, they’ll have diseases or be infested with parasites. most frequently, they need not had any proper hoof care, and are subject to founder and other hoof problems. nearly always, their teeth need floating or other attention, especially within the case of senior horses.
They may have skin conditions that require tending to. Fungal infections are quite common. they have the prompt assessment of a competent veterinarian, and special care to ease them back to health without shocking their systems.
Feeding a Rescue Horse
The first thing you’ll think you ought to do is “feed the horse up.” Wrong! that’s the worst thing you’ll do! the foremost essential thing to stay in mind is that any adjustments should be made gradually and in tiny increments.
If you’re keeping the horse during a stall or dry lot, keep fresh clean grass hay (grass, not alfalfa), and water ahead of them in the least times. These two diet staples they will have unlimited access to.
But on graining, only feed the horse one very small few an entire pelleted food 3-5 times per day. If you give them more, you’ll colic the horse. A 10-11% protein mix is adequate.
After a few weeks approximately, if the horse shows no sign of distress, increase the quantity of grain to 1/2 lb. 3 times daily, until you reach the quantity specified by your vet as a traditional daily intake for the actual horse.
If the horse continues to tolerate the diet change, you ought to be ready to increase the daily total ration by one pound every ten days. If your rescued horse may be senior, it should receive senior pellets rather than regular feed, as regular feed is just too hard on their digestive systems.
It takes horses an extended time to get over being undernourished. do not be discouraged. it’s going to take up to a year for the horse to realize healthiness. Usually, though, you’ll be ready to see a marked difference for the higher after every week or two. then, progress is slow. Remember, it took the horse an extended time to urge that way!
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Health and Quarantine
A newly rescued horse should be quarantined. If they’re harboring diseases or parasites, you will not want them infecting the other horses you’ll have. Generally, quarantine should last for a minimum of 2 weeks.
Strangles (Streptococcus Equi) requires 10 days of incubation before the horse begins to point out signs of infection. Also, the rescued horse should be kept aside from other horses during its recuperation to scale back stress thanks to fighting for food, herd dominance, etc.
The horse should have a Coggins test done and you ought to wait and confirm the results are negative. it’s going to take a couple of days to urge the results back. At the auctions, there’s alleged to be a veterinarian there who certifies that the horses are Coggins Negative. you ought to ask to ascertain a negative Coggins on the horse before taking it home with you. Being on the safe side is usually best.
Keep the horse as clean, dry, and cozy as possible. And confirm the primary thing you are doing is call your vet bent to check out the horse to work out what health concerns the horse may have. The vet’s advice is that the main advice you ought to defer to and follow!
Hooves and Parasites
The other important thing you would like to try to do is to call your farrier directly and obtain him to seem at your rescued horse’s hooves. Especially if the hooves are overgrown or look foundered. Hoof care is extremely important during a horse’s life!
The photo above is an example of what shape a rescued horse’s hooves could be in. this is often candy, a pony I rescued from an area auction. once they brought her out into the sale ring, everyone laughed at her and called her “Snowshoes” she had to return home with me!
Her hooves were much worse than what they appear like during this photo. About 6 inches more of the hooves were buried in soft dirt that you simply can’t see here.
It took a few years and monthly farrier visits to urge her hooves halfway normal. Her bones had grown into an abnormal position, and she or he was foundered, which was very painful and made it difficult for her to steer.
There are different opinions about parasite removal in rescue horses. As a general rule of thumb, the rescue horse should be fed pyrantel tartrate (daily wormer) for two – 4 weeks, then at 4 weeks, should tend ivermectin consistent with the horse’s weight, then 6 – 8 weeks later, wormed with fenbendazole, then continue with a daily worming rotation program.
It is not an honest idea to offer Quest/moxidectin while feeding horses the pyrantel tartrate daily wormer medicine. Consult your veterinarian about your horse’s worming needs.
Social Issues and My Experience
Rescue horses produce other issues, too. Either they need abusing, or they need to be stuck during a pasture or a dry lot somewhere and nobody paid any attention to them in the least. you’ll find that your rescue horse could also be healthy, may bite or kick, or may produce other bad habits that you simply will need to work on.
The horse might not be wont to being near people. Remember here, again, that it took the horse an extended time to urge this manner, and it’ll take time and patience to urge the horse to trust you and learn to try to do what you would like him to try to to. Horses require attention and care a day, day after day. twiddling my thumbs with the horse, and you’ll be rewarded.
The photo at the start of the article is of Shonac about a fortnight after I brought him home from an area of horse auction. He has muddy legs from wading within the pond. He probably doesn’t look excellent to you, but to me, he looked wonderful considering what he seemed like once I found him.
His hipbones stuck out a minimum of a foot on either side, head all gouged and bleeding, rain rot everywhere his head and in his eyes. that is what the pink area around his eyes is. He was a multitude. during this picture, he had filled out considerably and was up to 1/2 lb of senior pellets 3 times each day, plus all the grass and water he could eat.
He couldn’t get enough of grazing! He had been kept during a dry lot with no food or water! The vet said he was about 20 yrs. old. He was so malnourished he could barely get up or walk once I first brought him home.
Shona was an Appaloosa who did the “Indian Shuffle.” Underneath the white, his skin had black spots everywhere sort of a Dalmation. Everyone said, “he is so ugly!”, Shona is an Indian name that suggests something like “he who survives great hardship but achieves great fortune at the top.” I assumed it fit him perfectly.
Shona lived for two 1/2 yrs. after being rescued. His last days were spent on a 21-acre farm, eating good Kentucky grass within the company of 14 other horses. Shona was the start of rescue on behalf of me. Sadly, he has crossed the Rainbow Bridge. I miss my friend.
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thesportssoundoff · 5 years
Because I’m an idiot
I decided to rewatch a bunch of Jessica Eye fights. I need to give myself a reason, be it even a sliver of one, to believe that Eye vs Shevchenko wont be anything but a very long dull one sided affair. I watched her three fights at 125 lbs and a few fights at 135 lbs as well.
-Valentina Shevchenko doesn’t like to work too hard. I mean that from a fighter’s sense. She likes a nice calm pace, occasionally flurries of activity, a decent length apart with her stalking patiently and someone else backing up from her. Because she doesn’t like to work TOO hard, Eye can probably find moments to steal some points and score some good visual offense. Do I think she’ll hurt Shevchenko? Doubt it. Can she? Her boxing at times can be really good and against Jessie Rose Clark, she shows that it’s STILL there. She has crisp hands, a snappy jab and when it comes time to brawl, she can mix it up. Eye has spoken a lot recently about wanting to wrestle more which is worrisome because it leads me to believe she’ll abandon any path to victory standing up if things get hectic.
-Valentina Shevchenko is MOST dangerous IMO in the second round. That’s her big round IMO; vs Nunes, vs Joanna, vs Pena and so on so forth. That’s where she shines. Jessica Eye’s second rounds in the fights I saw were....okay? Eye is really consistent in that she’s kinda always just there for three rounds. There’s never one round where she has this hot run; her offensive output tends to be consistent. At 125 lbs, fight metric says she’s normally more active in the third round but I don’t see it in the film. Basically if Eye can escape the second round with minimal damage done, maybe she’s got a shot in 3, 4 and 5. 3 and 4 especially are rounds Valentina (from memory so I may be wrong) tends to take it a bit easier. Again, she’s not a “hard” worker in an MMA respect.
-Like a lot of fighters in WMMA (and at 185 lbs if you want a men’s comp), there are a lot of moments where the fight is against the fence because it HAS to be there otherwise she doesn’t have a real good plan of attack. She is active in the clinch but the activity often feels just like somebody who is trying to get from point A to point B without a clear road map. A real BIG worry spot if you’re an Eye supporter is that she has zero problems fighting somebody else’s fight and just kind of going with their flow. That’ll probably be the case vs Shevchenko which means instead of pressuring and trying to find openings, she’ll just let Val dictate the dance.
-Eye’s takedown defense is NOT bad. She tends to make people work and like most fighters, it’s always the follow up that gets her down rather than the initial shot. She’s got a pretty solid sprawl and can even get offense off while stuffing takedowns. Shevchenko is an underrated wrestler who relies on that whenever the room gets a bit too hot or she just wants to switch things up. Curious to see if Eye can stuff Valentina’s shots and make it dirty.
-Jessica Eye has solid kicks even if quite a few of them are the dreaded NAKED KICK. In that regard, I’d really like to see her utlilize body kicks consistently since Joanna had some success there. It’s not going to hurt Shevchenko but it’s offense and she’s not gonna outslick and outgrapple Valentina. The only way she wins this fight is by forcing Shevchenko to take a few to get one off.
-Eye’s striking defense ranges from god awful to pretty decent so expect Shevchenko to land when she throws.
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Spn Season 1 Review
First, the live blogs of the last 4 episodes were done in a haze of jetlag depression so were less specific to what was actually happening in the episodes than normal and contained no extraneous information. HOWMEVER. I will get into those episodes more in this recap because:
1. I do not feel like the season really Led Up to this finale. Part of that could be because I took a bit of a break halfway through, but I think also the groundwork for the Sam/John parallel they tell us about was not really set up in previous episodes. 2. I think that the characterization of the brothers and their relationship to John is really Interesting in these episodes and the drama of that is a big part of the show as a whole, so the last several episodes are pretty relevant here.
THEMING The theme of season 1 is more or less: family. How do you handle family trauma and loss? How do you as a parent protect your children vs let them have independent lives (or just suck major ass)? To what extent is your family holding you back? Etc. The two sort of relationship dynamics this plays in is the Sam/Dean dynamic and the John/sons dynamic.
DEAN Dean’s characterization through this theme remains pretty consistent: he wants to be with his family. He showed up to get Sam at the beginning of the season, and he wants to keep them all alive at the end of the season instead of sacrificing John to kill the demon. The irony is that the season ends with them all “dying” (I know they’re not dead, but right now that’s what the show wants us to believe) and Dean’s insistence on family unity is what ends up getting them all killed.
Dean’s story line throughout has been one of responsibility assumed too early. After their mom died, his dad basically made him co-parent. Dean had to give up his ambitions to bend to his dad’s wishes while also trying to protect Sam from John and various monsters. It makes sense for him, given that backstory, that keeping the family together is his highest priority: he has been forced to give up all sense of self to keep his family safe, so if they die then he literally has nothing. I think it’s interesting that Dean is the only one of him or Sam who actually knew their mother, and yet Sam is the one who gets a mother-relevant character arc.
That might be because of the next aspect of Dean’s character we see: he likes to have sex with women. I tend to be pretty sensitive to misogyny/mistreatment of women on screen, so either I’ve lost my mind or I’m already watching this show through a very queer lens because Dean’s treatment of women throughout the season Did Not Bother Me. The only thing that really rang sour was at the beginning of Provenance when Dean is lying to women about his job to get into bed with them, but even then, like, eh? The whole scene (and all the other such scenes) are depicted with a lightheartedness that is hard to read malice into, and Jackles plays that part with such a wide-eyed “Wow! I get to have sex now!” that it’s hard not to feel anything but happy for the guy. I do suspect that Dean is supposed to be characterized as “treating women like whores/expendable” and so does not have an attachment to his mother in this season because he’s not allowed to have a complex relationship with a woman.
SAM Uh boy. So Sam’s arc begins with his girlfriend getting immolated - we learn later that Sam wanted to propose to her and so she was getting in the way of the demon’s plans for “kids like him.” Whatever that means - the show does not communicate its stakes to us AT ALL, more on that later. Sam gets some episodes of characterization throughout. The only two I can remember are the one with the abused psychic and the one where a woman decides she’s in love with him within seconds of meeting him. In neither episode to I really feel like I understand Sam as a character. We are told at various points that he really loved Jessica and her death has affected him greatly. At the beginning of the season, he dreams about it often, but these dreams end up being psychic in nature (I think?) and fall off by mid season. He doesn’t have a keepsake of hers to gaze at longingly or any other way of showing he’s having trouble letting go. Dean basically lets him off the leash to go kiss Sarah in Provenance, which he seems pretty happy to do and has no real guilt over after. Sam’s characterization is carried out very directly - we are told what he is feeling or had felt, instead of some combination of saying it via dialogue and reading it from his actions. I’ve mentioned that I don’t think Jarp is especially strong as an actor, but I have to chalk this up to both weaknesses in writing and acting because scenes that communicate Sam’s internal world are largely nonexistent IMO.
We are told that the connection between their mother’s death and Jess’s death has had a great impact on Sam. He believes that he is cursed so that the “people he loves” (read, women) will die. While in a broad sense this might be true as the demon does admit to have targeted Sam, the supposed “curse” is not really dealt with by Sam except as a barrier in his journey to move on from lost love. Jess’s death served as Sam’s call to adventure at the beginning of the season and should give some emotional connection to Sam’s continued commitment to hunting, but until the final episodes Sam’s involvement in the monster world is continually explained as “wants to find dad” and not “wants to break curse.” In these episodes, Sam’s Jess backstory comes back and we are told that his desire to kill the demon makes him “like John.” Which. Is. Stupid. Let me explain.
In terms of the theming, Sam’s wanting to kill the demon even though it might cost the lives of any number of the Winchesters makes sense because of his established relationship with his family. He wanted to have a normal life which alienated him from Dean and John. Sam has very negative memories of John, and has little brother blindness to the stuff Dean did for him growing up and is largely unhappy with Dean as well. Thus it is not surprising that to Sam, a Winchester dying is not as large a price to pay if it means that Sam gets to have a normal life.
HOWEVER. I am giving the show a LOT of credit here because they DO NOT make that connection, instead going for the stupid “Sam is like John” parallel which is treated almost like a surprise reveal. John’s reasons for killing the demon are NOT Sam’s reasons for killing the demon. John is motivated by revenge to an insane degree: it has consumed his life and the lives of both of his sons. Sam is not revenge motivated. He moves on from Jess’s death in literally THE EPISODE before the finale run starts. Sam is motivated by what he has always been motivated by: his desire for a normal life, including a wife who wont burst into flames. So on a thematic level, short-handing these character conflicts as “Sam is like John” (which is explicitly stated multiple times throughout these episodes) does not work because these characters are approaching family from a very different place even if they end up with the same goal.
I do want to mention that I think Sam’s backstory of wanting a normal life could have been set up better; the show does a good job with Dean’s “too much responsibility too young” child stand-in, but Sam does not get a “I just wanted to go to prom” child stand-in. Which I miss because that would be HILARIOUS. I think the issue the show has here with Sam is, in short, that Sam wanting to be normal is Very Boring, whereas the world of monsters and how Tortured and Jaded everyone is is much Sexier.
JOHN The text of the show is pretty unabashed about telling us things that John did that a reasonable audience member could interpret as being Very Bad. In the brief moments he has on the show, the dynamic between him and his sons is mixed. There are plenty of heartfelt family moments, and there are plenty of fights. I think the show is definitely weakest when it is following John by himself. I do not care about John except as he relates to Sam and Dean, and really if he is in any sort of danger I just want him to die based on how awful he is as a person, so the suspense does not swing the way the writers maybe wanted it to. 
I think the twist at the end, where Dean realizes the demon has possessed their dad because he’s acting nicer, just b a r e l y works based on what they’ve set up. Honestly, I think the real problem is that John Winchester’s actor does not, to me, read as having any onscreen charisma. In the altercations that he has with Sam, I don’t really feel a threat from him. There isn’t any explosive or destructive energy, just sort of “your mom is mad you ate the last of her ice cream” energy. I’ve literally BEEN a more intimidating fake drill sergeant than John Winchester and I’m 5 feet tall and 110 lbs. John has big sad wet dog energy. He can get mad, but not in a way that’s actually intimidating. Thus, him telling Dean that he’s proud is sort of like “yeah, I bet this milksop is proud or whatever” and not “wow I would have expected that character to be a lot more upset right now.” I get that family dynamics can be complicated and a parent can cause you Bone Pain with just a look that to anyone else would seem harmless, but this is a television show where things have to read on screen. One Look Bone Pain is a lot more nuanced to construct. I think John being Big Mean Drill Sergeant is what they’re trying for, but in my opinion he's mostly just annoying.
Anyway John sucks.
WHAT’S NOT THERE The above talks a lot about what *is* in the show vis. the family theme. But Emily, this is a monster show. What about the monsters? Well. What about them indeed.
This first season of Supernatural is very clearly referencing the tradition of The X-Files and Buffy the Vampire Slayer. A lot of former X-Files people are credited on the season and they mention BTVS by name in an episode that is clearly themed around season 6 Buffy villains. Howmever. Both TXF and BTVS have a very important thing that Supernatural does not. STAKES. And not just ones meant for vamps that then get ignored by SPNs stupid vamp lore voice over.
Both BTVS and TXF handle their monsters very differently. BTVS is a universe where the main character has been fully initiated into the world of monsters so that, throughout the course of the episode, it is reasonable for her to detail pretty specifically what the monster is and what it is capable of. On the other hand, the characters in TXF must always be kept on the edge of the monster world, getting faint glimpses here and there. Usually, Mulder has an expository scene giving information on “what is known” at the beginning of the episode and then further monstrosity is communicated to the audience via interstitial scenes that tell the audience what the monster is and where it’s going, introducing dramatic tension: AA NO SCULLY DON’T TOUCH THAT IT’S SUPER GROSS. Both avenues successfully communicate to the audience what the monsters are (approximately), what they can do, and what their motivations are. This means that in the climactic scene, the audience knows what the STAKES are. They know what might be lost of the main characters fail, they know what the characters need to overcome to succeed, and they know what the monster is trying to accomplish.
Now. Some of the MOTW episodes in Supernatural do communicate what the monster is and what it wants. Scarecrow and Bugs are two that come to mind that both do this. Tellingly, both of these episodes also seem very modeled on TXF (compare/contrast Bugs with the trash golem episode of TXF where Mulder hip thrusts after sticking a flamingo in the yard, essay for another time).
Home is the first Supernatural episode that I identified as being extremely plot-oriented after the pilot. It’s also the first episode after the pilot to give sole writing credit to Kripke. There are interstitial scenes wherein the audience sees spooky stuff happening. However, these scenes do not further the audience’s understanding of the monster - we already know the house is evil and trying to kill people, and that’s pretty much all those scenes show. Moreover, Sam and Dean do not learn more about the monster in the house during this episode; their arc is basically just “Wow, isn’t it strange that the house is spooky now? Our mom died here!” The resolution at the end is borderline incomprehensible and their mother just sort of. Appears. Out of nowhere and then vanishes again with very little emotional weight given to this occurrence later in the episode or in the next episode. My summary of Home was pretty much “I did not like this and don’t want to be mean.” I talked about how I like monsters in monster shows, whereas Supernatural is more of a soap opera.
And yeah, the finale of Supernatural (written by Kripke) basically follows that track as well. I don’t know what these demons are or what they want. I don’t know what they can do besides possess people. When Meg confronts people and talks all big it’s hard for me to take seriously because I don’t know what she wants or what she is capable of, except in that one scene where she wanted to fuck Sam which. gross!
This is what I mean by saying that Supernatural does not have stakes. When the choice between losing a family member verses not defeating the monster is posited, the only reason I as an audience member feel engaged is the family conflict that has been established. There is no tension about the monster because I just have to assume that it will do whatever the writers decide it should do. I’m not weighing the odds of the Winchesters winning, I’m just watching them point guns at each other and hoping for the best.
CONCLUSION Jensen Ackles does a good job of playing Dean and he should get an award especially for his performances in the last two episodes of the show. IMO, he basically carried the emotional weight of the conflict and really made us root for Sam to not shoot his dad which is HARD because of how badly John sucks. I’m going to keep watching this show because of Jensen Ackles playing Dean Winchester. Fight me about it.
I think season 1 of Supernatural felt like watching two different shows with the same main characters. On the one hand, you have the MOTW episodes which invariably begin with “Here’s why we’re not tracking down our dad, even though that’s our stated motivation” and then tell a nice monster mystery with some good character beats. On the other hand, you have the series arc episodes, which are soap operas with demonic elements. I’m fine with it - because of Jensen Ackles as Dean Winchester. I’m interested to see what season 2 is like.
0 notes
sunflowrah · 7 years
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Finally got this done! :D
((Pretty much a rough draft, I'm open to criticism not insults but thanks for having a read on my lil bunny boi! If you have questions throw them out to me)) Bio: Full Name: Isaac Ore Age: 25 y/o
Gender: Male Sexual Orientation: Homosexual Relationship Status: Single Body Type: Small figure, has a muscular build on upper chest, shoulders and legs Weight: 170 lbs Height: 6’1
Hair Color: Light Purple ((originally dark brown))
Eye Color: Blue
Skin Tone: Nutmeg
Date of Birth: March 22 Place of Birth: Aspen, Colorado Species: Human Language: English Ethnicity/Race:  Dominican
Weapons: Two double bladed axe. Purple Handles
Extras: Isaac obviously loves the color purple. Wears his uniform from working at an amusement park. Isaac’s adopted. Lost his family at a young age. Has a habit of biting and licking his lips alot.
Personality: Due to being raised in a home that demands a young man to be presentable and respectful, Isaac has a calming aura, he’s comfortable in his body, poise and well mannered. Though under all of his proper manner, he has extreme narcissistic behavior along with long string of anger issues. He grows impatient when things slowly stop going his way. Once taken to a certain point he will explode from anger, and start acting out irrationally. He’s very open to talk to new people only to dissect their personalities, it’s only after that he’ll determine whether they’re his next victim or a possible ally. He’s sadistic and finds great amounts of pleasure when he tortures and kills his victims. He has no specific pattern other than to pick off those who seem weak to fill his ever growing superiority and ego.
Voice: Stefano Valentini ((Evil Within 2)
-Due to Isaac’s bio being so long I’m giving a very short summary and it will be explained fully in a comic that will soon be released!-
   Isaac was born in Aspen, Colorado to a very young couple that had recently made the trip from the Dominican Republic. At the age of one however, his parents could no longer take care of him. Being very young at the time and wanting a better life for their son, they sent him to an orphanage. Isaac wasn’t there all that long, his adorable features manage to get him to a new home. A very wealthy couple adopted him and took him home. Though they only adopted Isaac for the sake of appearances, not only to look as though they helped a child in need but to prove that they would suitable parents. But behind closed doors, they didn’t pay much attention to Isaac, and demanded that he was raised to be a gentleman by the maids. The maids didn’t show him much affection either. He grew up without love and a firm hand.
As Isaac grew older he grew a sadistic and egotistical personality. Constantly working his looks and mannerisms taught to him, while taking out any anger and boredom on the little woodland creatures that lived on his 3 acre home. Isaac dealt with many deep seated anger issues mainly caused from lack of loving attention from his parents and the constant bullying he experienced in school for his appearance and his sexuality. Isaac was very proud of being who he was despite his parents and peers not approving of it. Causing people to outcast him.
The only form of contact he had with his parents, happened when they confronted him about getting a job. He obliged knowing he had no choice. He worked as an amusement park mascot for a few years, slowing hating it, only staying along to enjoy the costume he grew so attached to. While on breaks he would take his time to tease any birds or squirrels that wandered into the park for food. He began to take out his stress on them by entisting them with food and killing them once they got close.
Once afternoon on the other hand, a fellow student took notice to Isaac killing an animal when wandering about on their own. He called Isaac out, and Isaac being in the middle of an aggressive episode, Isaac threatened the student to walk away or he would be the one dead. The student taking notice to the small pile of animal corpses tucked away, he vomited and told Isaac he was going to rat him out. Isaac, obviously upset by this, he smiled and talked the kid down and out it, coming off as nice and telling him he wasn’t really killing them, just was in charge of taking out any dead animals away so little ones wouldn’t see it. The child being so naive listened to Isaac’s smooth speech patterns and agreed. Isaac walked up closer and then attacked the student. Out of fear of being caught, out of fear of being fired and also to get the frustration and anger out that the other student had caused him. He began to be the child’s head in with a stick. Each blow he grew angrier and angrier. Until he was unrecognizable he stopped. Isaac sat and stare at the corpse. He smiled and felt his stress fall away. This was much better than killing animals. He got a high off of it. He then began to drag the child away. Disposing his body in an abandoned employees only shack. Isaac took off his old uniform and pulled out a new one he had tucked away. He placed his old uniform under the floorboards then went on with his day like no other. Isaac kept up with his murderous process for years after the amusement park shut down and he had moved out of his parents home. He lived on his own and dawned the same outfit despite how tattered it was getting and wore in when he was killing another victim. He loved feeling that he was in power. After all the bullying and torment he had faced so long ago. Though he normally went after those who were weaker.
-sorry this is so jumbled and jumped all over the place! I kept wanting to make it shorter and shorter but you get the ideas hopefully of his bio! I plan on creating a full comic explaining his life and getting all the missing details into the light-
Reasons for killing: He gets a pleasure out of killing and mostly does it for sport. He attacks those who are deemed emotionally, mentally and physically weak. He’s turning himself into the bully and making him feel like he’s in power and not them.
((Friend)) Annie Walker ((owned by )): He finds her personality intriguing. He feels as though he could get along with her due to her cold nature and blunt manners of speech. He gives her a great deal of respect and slightly fears that she could over power him, if she would ever attack. So he’s mostly meant to be that little bug in her ear and willing to get her caught up in anything murderous as possible. He loves getting her into killing sprees and small chit chat about each other features.  
((Parents)) Rebecca and Fredrick Ore: Isaac’s adopted and cold parents. He has never cared for these people, and never really talked to them unless it involved his work or income. He cut all ties with them after moving out and has no further plans on seeing them again. Even if he had the advantage to kill them, he will not waste his strength on already forgetful people
-Isaac has two beauty marks. One on his upper left cheek and under his lip
- He does have ‘buck teeth” which gave him the name of rabbit, bunny boy and beaver by his peers
- Yes Isaac was originally based on Bonnie from FNAF since he was meant to be an AU but I ended up pulling him out of it and making him into something new.
-There’s more to Isaac, alot more since I’ve had him for a few years now. But you can ask questions if you’d like!
I want to be very clear this is all fiction so dont take it completely too seriously. I’m open to critique tho! I’m not gonna push that away but if you come off as rude and demanding I change things or insulting my work, then I wont pay as much attention to you.
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australian-desi · 4 years
Qurbaan Hua ~ Episode 2: Of Flowers, Doctors and Evil Family Members
Helloooo, I totally didn’t abandon liveblogging this show because of my lack of ability to balance my life and also because I really could not make myself do it, but now I’ve finished 1 year of uni and I feel like I should be able to do this now, but I also have a habit of starting things and not following through with them so we shall see how this adds up. Now that this self depreciating rant is over, welcome back to Qurbaan Hua a show I am watching just for Karan Jotwani, his face, body, mind and spirit. Also because it’s been a while since I’ve watched an extremely toxic man and wonder how this one’s gonna outdo the rest???? I need a better hobby. 
Also I will be liveblogging this episode, and the last week, coz otherwise, it will take too long, but I will make posts here and there if something aggravates me enough. 
So anyway lets get this show on the road 
Just a quick recap for me and the rest, we left off at the girl (whose name we do not know as yet), sitting in a bus next to Neil, who prayed to god that he would never see her again coz she’s a ‘teekhi as shezwan sauce’, to his utter disbelief his seat is next to hers, they have a spat over the window seat, and coz he’s assigned that seat, she gives in. After that some goons appear in the bus to kill her as she saved some kids from their boss, and Neil, in typical tellywood style, claimed her as his wife
Also Neil is a the token family disappointment coz he decided to become a professional chef rather than the head pandit, he has a sister that could give Anjali competition and she is also preggers and has a shady husband. 
Now we can truly get this show on the road:
I have truly forgotten how our girl got sindoor on her forehead but it is working towards this whole “husband saves wife” ting 
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Also she warned Neil that they are ‘very dangerous’ and he’s reassured her by telling her to play along
“Sorry madam humein bola tha ke uss ladki ne peela suit pehna tha aur kunwari thi, lekin aap ki toh shaadi ho chuki hai” LOLLLL SO THEY KNOW WHAT SHE’S WEARING AND HER MARITAL STATUS BUT DO NOT KNOW WHAT SHE LOOKS LIKE, TF?????
“Haan humein shaadi ko 6 mahine ho gaye hai” “LEKIN BHAI-JI PICHLE 6 MAHINO SE ISSNE MERA JEENA HARAM KARDIYA HAI” loving this overacting ki dukaan and the whole ins and outs of their “marriage” that the bus now knows
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The goon is even like “bitch I’m out”
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omfg she’s trying to thank him, and he’s all up on his high horse. Just takes the thanks and move on, why you gotta be all up with the ego (also I’m not gonna post anymore photos or we’ll literally be here all day, screencaps will be back once I’m upto date)
And he’s calling her shezwan sauce again coz she’s always getting him into musibats and “shezwan sauce ka kaam hi yeh hota hai... seene mein aag lagana” ALSO FYI THIS IS THEIR SECOND MEETING SO TRULY WTF, (but I’m also here for this) 
ohhh sifaljiya means sar dard without ilaaj (aww they’ve given each other nicknames how cute)
I like his sass 
So she’s come home after 3 months, to see her baba, who is overweight? and she’s his dietician because looking after your parents is directly correlated with sanskaar 
Also coz she’s smart she’s realised that she’s gonna meet him again so this would be enjoyable and she wants to get rid of all ehsaan he has on her so they never meet again 
basically I spoke too soon coz she genuinely thinks a simple thankyou will stop them from meeting again
And he’s gone
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Nice touch with the masjid and the mandir in opposing directions, and her turning away from him to pray and now they’re facing in opposite directions towards their faiths, I’m gonna guess that’s their major conflict 
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Also welcome to the beginning of another toxic yet addictive ‘love story’
So her dad is a carpenter of sorts
Also he looks quite skinny so what was the fat shaming for?????
No, he’s a gynaec and carpentry is a ‘shaunk’ 
Oh no, I see where this is going, god fucking dammit dave (yes I talk in tiktok now)
So she’s become his ‘doctor’ when he’s an actual doctor, also he’s asking her questions that a fkn year 7 kid would know the answers to 
And now they’ve ‘earned’ each other’s hugs how normal and sweet
She has come first in MBBS - I’m actually really proud
Also, I would like to give this show a shoutout for actually giving me a female lead who is more educated than the male lead. Like all the other shows I’ve watched, except for Kaisi Yeh Yaariaan (which I don’t consider mainstream ITV) and EDKV (but even in that Shravan was more educated than Suman), the female leads weren’t even college graduates and finally there’s one who has a MBBS. 
And we have someone named ‘Ghazala’ who makes it seem she is a sore spot for Chahat
And ofcourse we are back to the dramatic poojas and saying manhoos things to poison the dad’s brain against his own son
What is this random relative, who sometimes cosplays to be blind, sometimes ties his feet together
Also why is this family so dramatic about him being a little late
What if mans had an accident, or he got hurt, or he died? But nah, mans is just disrespectful and hates his family and god 
There is not one family member maybe except for Anjali2.0 who I care for and she’s gonna die 
omg not again with this idiot calling her Sarasti and he’s been declared as the rightful next head priest
And ofcourse Shyam1.5 (coz he’s not as badass as the original), is going to be all fake and be like “noooo, Neil is the rightful owner of this position” etc. etc.
The dad is predictably blinded by his whole act and asking him how can he be so selfless 
Now we have cut back to Ghazala???? who has all these women getting her ready like its the 1600s (one of them is called Shabnam, which is my mum’s name so this is awks) 
It’s the heavy urdu and obsession of beauty for me 
She’s the evil stepmother.tm 
Why are these tv dads either sooooo dumb, soooo cunning or soooo dead, like can’t there be a normal tv dad who is alive and smart and loving 
like this whamen is playing him, and he’s a bloody doctor and he’s letting it happen
Also I ain’t seen itv female leads with alive parents, always one or both of them gotta be dead
It’s the mirror breaking and the Mrs. Baig, for me 
And the Kedarnath soundtrack is back 
Our mans has finally come, and picked up his sister, scaring her in the process
Awww I’m actually devastated that their killing Anjali2.0 off, I like her bond with Neil (no matter how co-dependent/toxic it may be)
Why is Ghazala, a grown adult woman, jealous of her husband’s kid, that is weird and creepy
I love the whole my name is Chahat Rahil Baig because without my dad, I have no identity etc. but does she not realise, that Baig is also given to her from her dad????
LOLLLL THE DRAMATICS OF SEEING SINDOOR IN HER HAIR (umm surely this isn’t that serious of a situation, she could literally just say idk) 
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this, I will be liveblogging here and there, but proper liveblogs will happen when I’ve caught up. I hope all of you are happy, safe and well!
0 notes
silenthilllz · 7 years
Silent’s Details
its kinda long
Character Chart 
Character’s full name:  Silent Armont Reason or meaning of name: Character’s nickname: Z Reason for nickname: Because she accidently one day spelled her own name wrong “Zilent” Birth date: 10/23/???? Physical appearance:
Age: 20,000 years old  How old does he/she appear: 20 years old Weight: 90 lbs Height: 5′5′‘ Body build: Lean Eye color: Hazel, yellow when she’s in berserk mode Glasses or contacts: None Skin tone:  Pale Hair color: brown Type of hair: Short down to her shoulders wavy hair, but she usually has it straight Voice: very small and quiet, but loud Favorite outfit: light purple hoodie and blue jeans.  Jewelry or accessories: She has a black cat choker on her neck with a chain and locket Personality Good personality traits: She’s kind and caring, and loyal Bad personality traits: Short tempered, and sometimes selfish Mood character is most often in: Happy Sense of humor: Kinda got a small dark sense of humor? She kinda laughs when people do stupid things and end up getting hurt, also makes fun of herself. She laughs more when she watches youtube videos rather than movies. Character’s greatest joy in life: Her friends and family Character’s greatest fear: Killing people she loves, being alone.
Why?: Because she’s a demon with an unstable amount on dark energy. She cannot control her own feelings sometimes, and so she attacks and lashes out at whoever is near. That being her friends and family, and maybe even someone she loves.
What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil? When she killed a small child. And found out she destroyed a whole city.
  Character is most at ease when: She’s left alone to do her own things.  Most ill at ease when: Too many people want to touch her tail and ears. It makes her uncomfortable.
Enraged when: Someone hurts people she cares for, and over small things sometimes. Depressed or sad when: When she’s reminded of the things she’s done to innocent people. If granted one wish, it would be: To have not been born Why?:
She’s killed so many people. If she wasn’t born, no one would have had to die when she was around. There are other people who are more suited for her job. She’s not the only one who can take down the monsters she faces. If she was gone, no one would to suffer if she makes a blunder.
Character’s soft spot: she likes animals and sweets Is this soft spot obvious to others? Hell yeah Greatest strength: Lame as it sounds, her friends and family Greatest vulnerability or weakness: Being reminded she is a monster, and if you bring up that one lover who died in her arms or the child she killed, she shuts down. Biggest regret: Not apologizing to the person she was in love with before she killed them. Minor regret: She regrets alot of things. Biggest accomplishment: Defeating Devin. Minor accomplishment: getting up every morning Past failures he/she would be embarrassed to have people know about: Like forgetting her own damn name? Why? She forgot how to spell her name one day, and is embarrassed af about it. To be fair, she did pull a 2 week nighter when hunting a very large powerful hertz. 
Character’s darkest secret: She failed to save a world once, and she watched as the planet was consumed in darkness and everyone was killed.  Does anyone else know? Looker knows. Goals Drives and motivations: Seeing the worlds in happiness Immediate goals: To control her powers Long term goals: To get rid of the Hertz once and for all, and to maybe settle down with someone that she loves and wont die. How the character plans to accomplish these goals: Work hard and erase the Hertz. Fall in love with a long living demon, but she tends to fall in love with humans. How other characters will be affected: Gotta prepare for seeing Silent in heartbreak and injuries. Past Hometown: Rapture Type of childhood: She doesn’t remember it, she wasn’t born normally Pets: Echo, and some of the monsters on the island. First memory: Waking up in a clear tube with a mass of swirling darkness around her. Most important childhood memory: Meeting Looker. Looker saved her ass so many times when she was a child. Why: Well, he had to take care of her because her powers were not controlled and so she often broke alot of stuff. Childhood hero: N/A Dream job: Jobs don’t matter on an island,  Education: Learned everything from her teachers in the castle Religion: N/A, she has gods and demons on her island ffs Finances: Royalty Present Current location: (when shes not in another universe or on a different planet) She usually has her own room in the castle that she lives in. Currently living with: Echo Pets: Echo, and maybe her lurkers, and some of her drawings? Religion: Not very religious? She likes alot of other cultures.  Occupation: A hunter, looking for Hertz and destroying them before they fuck up universes and worlds. Finances: She’s a princess, loads of money Family Mother: N/A Relationship with her: N/A Father: N/A Relationship with him: N/A Siblings: Code and Data Relationship with them: Very good Spouse: N/A Relationship with him/her: N/A Children: N/A  Relationship with them: N/A Other important family members: Looker and Soul
Color: Purple  Least favorite color: Neon Pink Music: classical music Food: seafood Literature: She doesn’t read alot really. She does like fantasy books though. Form of entertainment: video games, exploring universes Expressions: Cat face~ Mode of transportation: Portals Most prized possession: her cat choker Habits Hobbies: Video games, drawing, singing Plays a musical instrument? Used to be able to play the piano Plays a sport? No, but she does fight every day. How he/she would spend a rainy day: Watching the rain or actually playing in the rain Spending habits: She has  fuck ton of money because she is a princess, but she doesn’t actually go on spending sprees. Smokes: N/A Drinks: She hates alcohol Other drugs: She takes a pill to help her when she’s in heat. What does he/she do too much of? Apologize What does he/she do too little of? Look before she leaps Extremely skilled at: Fighting, drawing Extremely unskilled at: Cooking Nervous tics: Usual body posture: slouched over Mannerisms: She kinda has good manners since she was brought up in a royal household, but she kinda forgets sometimes and just acts like a normal person. Peculiarities: Traits Optimist or pessimist? She’s kinda both sometimes? Maybe pessimist? Introvert or extrovert? Introvert Daredevil or cautious?  Both, depending on what it is Logical or emotional? Emotional, and that tends to cause her to go berserk. Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat? She is neat. Her room is organized. Prefers working or relaxing? She likes to work since she can see different worlds and meet different people on her missions, but she likes to relax sometimes because getting her ass handed to her by giant monsters kinda gets tiring. Confident or unsure of himself/herself? UNSURE Animal lover? Yes, she is part cat after all. Self-perception :
How he/she feels about himself/herself:  She hates herself. She has killed millions of people when she goes berserk and ends up hurting those she cares about to try and get away from them.  One word the character would use to describe self: Monster One paragraph description of how the character would describe self:
“I’m a monster because, well. Literally a monster because I’m a demon, and it fits because I kill people. I hurt people I care about. No one needs to be near me because I’ve hurt them. I lie, I cheat, I hide... Other than turning into a mindless monster who destroys everything around her, there’s nothing good about me.”
What does the character consider his/her best personality trait? Kindness? She is kind to people. Even if she is shy. Also she is very loyal to her friends. She will die for her friends and family. What does the character consider his/her worst personality trait? Short tempered, she has a short fuse and not very patient. Snaps at people who get on her nerves very quickly. What does the character consider his/her best physical characteristic? Her freckles. She has no idea, she likes her freckles.  What does the character consider his/her worst physical characteristic? How small she is. Being 5′5′‘ might not be small to most people, but she lives on an island full of monsters who are fucking huge and tall. How does the character think others perceive him/her: They think Silent is a quiet girl, very shy, and a little awkward. But when they get to know her, she is very friendly and a bit... clingy? Might be due to her liking to be pet. What would the character most like to change about himself/herself: She wants to be normal. Like a normal monster who has their powers under control. She used to want to be human at one point, but then she realized who would save her friends when there wasn’t a demon around? Relationships with others Opinion of other people in general: She is ok with other people as long as they don’t poke fun at her for being a demon. Does the character hide his/her true opinions and emotions from others? Totally, she hates showing herself because she kinda has insecurities about herself. Person character most hates: She fucking hates some dude named Devin Thorne who used her as a toy and a weapon on her home island when she was 17,000 years old. She trusted him, and he used her. Best friend(s): Soul, Data, Code, and Looker :D Oh and Echo! Love interest(s): She doesn’t fall in love with anyone anymore because 1) she’s a demon and she tends to outlive humans 2) last person she cared about died in her arms because she accidently killed them. Person character goes to for advice: Soul, he is like. The best person. Person character feels responsible for or takes care of: The residents of her island because she is, after all, a princess. She has to learn how to settle quarrels. Person character feels shy or awkward around: Anyone she doesn’t know. And she might be crushing on. Person character openly admires: As a friend, its Looker. He’s fucking amazing! Demon cat overlord!!! Person character secretly admires: About every boy/girl/whatever she happens to crush on when she meets them Most important person in character’s life before story starts: no one, she was created in a tube in a lab. After story starts: Soul
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jayvii-blog1 · 7 years
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Today we had the second doctor’s appointment I am starting to get more relaxed in this new world we are both traveling. The doctor is awesome she makes it all super relaxing hell today she even wore her comfy clothes. Here are some notes from the appointment today:
KaiNeKvrsun  notes 143 lbs KaiNeKvrsun: ok lets get vitals KaiNeKvrsun  notes 120/78 JuelzDior  watches the machine and the numbers   KaiNeKvrsun  checks pulse KaiNeKvrsun: i loooooved your tumblr btw KaiNeKvrsun: i blushed so hard JuelzDior: it has been fun creating the blog of this experience JuelzDior: we had to share it with you KaiNeKvrsun: i showed my gf like bae loooooook KaiNeKvrsun: lol JuelzDior: awwe KaiNeKvrsun  notes 80 bpm
KaiNeKvrsun: i would like to get a listen at your lungs of thats ok
JuelzDior: yes of course
KaiNeKvrsun: ok aweome
KaiNeKvrsun: this table right here
KaiNeKvrsun  grabs stethoscope 
KaiNeKvrsun  rubs it over your back locating your left lung 
KaiNeKvrsun: deep breath for me
JuelzDior  breathes in deeply 
KaiNeKvrsun: ok and exhale 
JuelzDior  exhales as directed KaiNeKvrsun  moves to right lung KaiNeKvrsun: inhale please JuelzDior  inhales as directed KaiNeKvrsun: aaand exhale JuelzDior  exhales once more KaiNeKvrsun: perfect KaiNeKvrsun  puts scope on your heart and listens
KaiNeKvrsun: ok perfect KaiNeKvrsun: great news KaiNeKvrsun: we can actually take a look at the baby(ies) KaiNeKvrsun: i know you want it to be a surprise so the way ill do it is JuelzDior: oh wow really?
KaiNeKvrsun: ill switch up from the single sonogram to the twin jus to keep you wondering KaiNeKvrsun: lol JuelzDior: oh wow lool JuelzDior: ok KaiNeKvrsun: you can both follow me KaiNeKvrsun: let me wash my hands KaiNeKvrsun  washes hands and puts on gloves
JuelzDior  wiggles toes while anxiously wondering what to expect KaiNeKvrsun: ill need to lift your shirt a bit more KaiNeKvrsun: and just so you know this gel is cold KaiNeKvrsun: i hate it but its necessary JuelzDior  pulls my shirt up higher and relaxes
KaiNeKvrsun  applies gel to your belly and grabs transducer KaiNeKvrsun: are you excited? JuelzDior: im a little nervous JayvionDior  peeks over and goes back to my phone recording the appointment   KaiNeKvrsun  rolls transducer around your tummy and zooms in
JuelzDior  lowers eyes as her hormones had her thinking Jay was not paying attention or on Facebook KaiNeKvrsun: i know its a bit hard to see but tht there is a baby
JuelzDior  looks at the image and waves "hi baby" KaiNeKvrsun: its kind of looks like a smidget tadpole KaiNeKvrsun: but the cutest one i ever seen KaiNeKvrsun: lol JayvionDior: loll JuelzDior: Tadpole Dior
JayvionDior: is there only one tadpole? KaiNeKvrsun: here at month 2 your baby has already began to develope its heart spinal cord muscles brain and bones KaiNeKvrsun: you sure you wanna know JuelzDior: is it a girl brain? KaiNeKvrsun: i cant tell you lol KaiNeKvrsun: i made a promise to 2 wonderful people KaiNeKvrsun: lol JuelzDior  palms face "ok we can wait"
KaiNeKvrsun: now your placenta and amniotic sac are still forming along with the baby so itll still move around quite easy KaiNeKvrsun: you wont feel it dont worry JuelzDior: can i ask how long will my nipples be so sore? KaiNeKvrsun: the umbilical cord had formed also and connected to the baby for the supply of blood and food KaiNeKvrsun: its just the beginning love KaiNeKvrsun: but they wont be so tender around trimester 2 JuelzDior: ughh that sounds like awhile lool KaiNeKvrsun: but then much more tender around trimester 3
KaiNeKvrsun: now you cant see bc of how small he/she/they are KaiNeKvrsun: but the eyes and limbs are also starting to form
KaiNeKvrsun: and the little one is about the size of a bebe pellet KaiNeKvrsun: very very small JuelzDior  sends kisses to the screen   KaiNeKvrsun: we can only see this much thanks to zoom KaiNeKvrsun: lol
KaiNeKvrsun: good pictures come at 4 months when i typically do the gender reveal JayvionDior: can't wait JayvionDior: she is carrying 8 babies in there loll KaiNeKvrsun: lmbo KaiNeKvrsun: oh i sure hope not JuelzDior  glares at JAyvii KaiNeKvrsun: shes gonna try to kill us both JuelzDior: you gonna be a Zaddy seeking a new home KaiNeKvrsun: lol KaiNeKvrsun: z JuelzDior: with a rehoming fee KaiNeKvrsun: lawd
KaiNeKvrsun  grabs radar and rolls it on your tummy seeking a hb KaiNeKvrsun: is your sound on JayvionDior: yes KaiNeKvrsun: it may be very faint so listen carefully JuelzDior: yes they are KaiNeKvrsun: ok listen carefully JayvionDior: wow JayvionDior: time to listen JayvionDior: yay KaiNeKvrsun: hb JuelzDior: oooooooooooooooooooooooo JayvionDior: there it goes JuelzDior: i hear ittttttttttt JayvionDior: you hear it JuelzDior: hiiiiiiiiiiiii my tadpole's heart
KaiNeKvrsun  cleans off radar and wipes off your belly KaiNeKvrsunKaiNeKvrsun Whisper: how are you feeling a far as your nausea JuelzDior: i would like for someone else to have it JuelzDior: im over that KaiNeKvrsun: lol trust me i understand
KaiNeKvrsun Whisper: itll tone down a bit after trimester 2 as well JuelzDior: its hard out here with a pregnant belly KaiNeKvrsun: yes maam it is KaiNeKvrsun  takes off gloves and grabs prescription pad
KaiNeKvrsun: im gonna write you a prescription for zofran KaiNeKvrsun: you dont need water to take it KaiNeKvrsun: just place it under your tongue and let it dissolve JuelzDior: ok dr thank you KaiNeKvrsun: it pretty much works instantly KaiNeKvrsun: but before taking that try a little lime or lime water its very good for it as well JuelzDior: i will try the lime water because my facebook support group said try ginerale and it was too strong JuelzDior: way too much carbonation KaiNeKvrsun: yes i typically dont recommend it JuelzDior: ah ok KaiNeKvrsun: lime can be harsh if you have too many but maybe one freshly squeezed lime inside an average cup of water can do the trick JuelzDior  taps the information on her phone under notes about baby JuelzDior: thank you dr this will surely be helpful KaiNeKvrsun: i love that you take notes KaiNeKvrsun: lol JuelzDior: of course it will be on the blog later JuelzDior: lool KaiNeKvrsun: so many women are clueless even with all the information i give KaiNeKvrsun: lol ooo i cant wait to see
KaiNeKvrsun  hands you your shoes KaiNeKvrsun: ok my favorite part KaiNeKvrsun: hit me with the uestions KaiNeKvrsun: questions* JuelzDior: no questions at the moment i am so ready to go furniture shopping JuelzDior  grabs keys "come on baeeeeeeeeeeeee lets go to kids r us or target" KaiNeKvrsun: lol KaiNeKvrsun: dont drag him too far lol KaiNeKvrsun: i know i went overboard the other day JuelzDior: ty dr so next weeks appointment will resume on thursday correct? JuelzDior: and i need you to relax you have a bundle baking KaiNeKvrsun: yes maam normal time
JuelzDior: see you in 2018 KaiNeKvrsun: happy new years and have the best night ever! JuelzDior: thank you KaiNeKvrsun: goodnight mr dior JayvionDior: good night and Happy New Year
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2018 end of year banquet day and lead up to it
with two posts in a row like about sean and last one mentioning the end of year banquet I reminded myself of the 2018 end of year banquet which is quite possibly the best day of my life so far
its important to note that it was a very rainy summer and I only had one pair of sneakers and one pair of shower shoes
since it was so rainy and its a scout camp not a resort camp kinda thing there were huge puddles everywhere which the kids loved but I had to walk through several large puddles several times a day to get to the nature lodge and remember, I only have sneakers so I ended up getting trench foot (2018s thing, every year has a health thing) and me being me I didn't do anything about it except eventually start limping bc it hurt too much otherwise but my last work project the day before the end of year banquet day was my aunt (lake director at the time) and I carrying the fire stations (essentially 2x4 basket holding a rake, a shovel, and a bucket or two) from campsites to the trails and I got to the last one before I couldn't ignore it anymore so im 5′2″ barely 110lbs and the fire stations were pretty darn heavy so I couldn't limp for fear of breaking my ankle or smth so I walked normally but it hurt so much that when I set it down I cried and it took a bit for me to stop and explain what was happening so my aunt took me to the health officer and he told me what it was and what I had to do and I got to shower in the health lodge (which was amazing bc while the staff showers are clean enough they are nothing compared to the health lodge shower that also had hot and cold handles instead of the preset temp six second buttons that the staff showers and pool house showers have) but I had to keep my feet dry and clean so I had to stay in the dining hall all day the next day to set up for the banquet
banquet day which I did but I was getting a little stir-crazy stuck in dhall all day when camp is my only freedom and im so used to being outside and working there so my brain was a little confused like yo this is camp not school I shouldn't be stuck in one building for half my day so when we needed more lights from hart lodge I literally jumped at the opportunity to leave it was drizzling when I left the dining hall but hart lodge is like five minutes away and there was supposed to be a work crew there that could let me in but I took the road bc its shorter and flatter instead of the trail and the crew mustve taken the trail at the same time bc when I got there, no one was around and like I said I was going a little stir-crazy earlier and felt like I needed to do smth wild so I came to the conclusion to break into hart lodge to get the lights instead of walking five minutes to get someone with the keys to just let me in and no one was around so I was think aloud and the moment I decided to just break in, it started to pour and I mean that seems like a sign to not do it right well I was going to anyway and not too long after I started to try, my boss (the favorite adult) and another co-worker showed up bc they needed smth from hart lodge and they had the keys so they let me in and I returned to dhall soaking wet (in a white t-shirt and my boss told my aunt cause he was a little concerned with my attire as a young girl essentially wearing a see through shirt surrounded by a bunch of teen boys and she came to me about it saying he was concerned and I didn't even realize bc I didn't know what I looked like it hadn't occurred to me but im glad I don't get embarrassed easily) to string the lights and finish everything there and when all work projects were done, we had some free time before the banquet so I told sean, my bsf, that I wanted to break into hart lodge and seans down to do anything so we go to hart lodge to break in but we didn't plan ahead we just had whatever was on us which wasnt much at all (it was staff week so we didn't have to wear class b so I was in a t-shirt and exercise shorts with no pockets so the only thing I had on me was my spider knife clipped to the hem of my shorts) our first thought was to walk up the roof of the basement that conveniently started a few inches from the ground (its on a hill) and try to get into one of the windows from there but that didn't work now admin was going through some things and the interim camp director had done a cleansing of hart lodge which previously was just a big place for whatever needed storing and that cleansing brought out a lot of stuff to sit in front of the lodge until we got the big metal trash box the next day so I grabbed a plastic crate to put on top of a wooded chest I had rolled down earlier to a single floor outset room with a lower roof than the rest of the building that was three floors and it got me like three feet higher but before I could figure out how to actually get on the roof from there, sean made me get down see our relationship is that he’ll make me get down from the crate on top of the chest so I don't hurt myself and then two minutes later place me in a puddle when im getting over trench foot and eventually we gave up trying (though I don't think sean ever really tried to break in bc I fully believe he could with no trouble, I think he just came along bc I was excited about trying) and we sat in the west qm shed which is actually the wood shed and we talked for a while now you might've noticed I said banquet day but I haven't talked about the banquet don't worry, its coming faster than you think as it did for us because as we sat in the shed, we heard the drums for evening colors so evening colors is the daily ceremony where we lower the flags before dinner and colors is in class a and the banquet, a very important and quite formal event, is also in class a and the drums are camp band signifying the start of colors and if u remember, sean and I arent even in class b and we had no idea what time it was bc neither of us had a watch or our phones but colors is starting so we got up and bolted to the staff site to change and class a is supposed to be sneakers or boots with bsa socks, bsa shorts or pants, bsa belt, any scout shirt, and a specific bsa shirt buttoned over that with the shirts tucked in and everything neat (and most camp staff girls do smth nice with their hair) and neither of us had any of that on and the girls cabin is a quarter mile from the rest of camp so I kept a bag in seans shack with my shower stuff and class a and anything else I might need during to day so I don't waste time going back to korman so we speed changed (yes I am a girl, yes sean is a boy, yes we changed in front of each other, no we didn't stripe to do so, no were not dating, no we wont be, were just close friends who were rushed and comfortable enough with each other) (but that's really frowned upon so if bsa asks this was a piece of creative writing) (think for legal reasons, this is a joke) and we sprinted to the wall for colors and halfway there sean said he forgot his belt and turned around to get it, he did not end up on the wall for colors but I went out a stood at the end, next to my director (my boss, favorite adult) who questioned why I was late so its a good thing sean decided not to get on the wall next to me bc the majority of camp staff was already convinced we were fucking even though I was dating someone else who was also at camp (ha ha part of the reason I broke up with him was bc he was  jealous of sean though I only know him bc of sean and he was jealous of some of my other guy friends at camp though male staff outnumbered female staff that year like 6 to 1 so idk what he was expecting but anyway were close friends now so its chill) but we ended up sitting together at the banquet and I don't really remember what we ate but after eating, a co-worker put a Styrofoam bowl full of whipped cream onto my directors head (I feel like I cant call him my boss in this situation bc while he is my boss, his boss and his boss’s boss were also present) now my director was in the middle of a conversation with one of the important camp guests and while covered with whipped cream, he shook the other mans hand and said ‘it was nice talking to you, if youll excuse me...” and bolted after the co-worker who ran out the door now both of these men are like 6 foot 200 lbs and they don't often run so ofc all of staff followed and they tousled for a bit then kinda got over it and when we all walked back in, the spring had torn from the door so sean got up to get screws and a drill and fix it in the meantime, my director retaliated with two cans of whipped cream directly in the co-workers hair see when my director got hit, he easily wiped it off bc he shaves his head weekly but the co-worker has lots of bushy hair that whipped cream likes to stick to and by the time sean finished with the door, his seat was taken as well as all the other seats at our table so we shared a seat as he ate a bowlful of blocks of butter (much to my protests) and we watched the video of the year and the award giving portion of the banquet began now the co-worker who “pied” my director tried again but on the camp commissioner instead who was the sweetest, most adorable person but he failed as my director stepped seemingly out of nowhere and at the last second, slapped the whipped cream bowl into the co-workers face the rest of the banquet continued without interruption which wasnt hard as it ended soon after which brings us to the post-banquet staff swim its supposed to be a surprise to first years but someone usually forgets and they all find out anyway but it goes like this we take everything out of our pockets and some people take off their socks and shoes and all the staff climb up on the wall we stand on for colors (its like four inches at the lowest and four feet at the highest) and I love standing at the highest part because we get called by how many years weve been on staff and you jump off the wall and race across the parade field to the open gates of the pool and jump in, in class a and we all swim around for a bit playing I have your hat which is an imitation game where someone calls out “I have ___’s hat” and tosses it and whoever catches it, imitates that person theyre usually really funny but occasionally someone says smth that doesn't make sense but no ones mean and its really nice then we showered and hung out for a bit before going back to korman to sleep 
the end
ps I was going to write a post after this on the 2019 banquet but now its like 4:30am and that's a good time to go to sleep so I might write about it tmw 
pps I really said “if bsa asks this was a piece of creative writing” talking about changing in front of a friend when I spent 17 lines beforehand on breaking into a bsa building and didn't even think that that might be something that's also frowned upon, perhaps more
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My notes to Ezras and Veronikas blind-reaction video
I’ve watched this video like at least 3 times today because honestly, Ezra is comedy gold and a whole ass mood. Also I wanted to get as much information out of their reactions as possible and at the same time try to figure out what episode we are dealing with here. My guess is “Kwami Buster” what do you think?
But now for my notes. Get something to eat and drink I’ve got 4 whole pages ^^
Ezra just dead ass comfirmed Mark + Nathanael as canon, nice!
episode starts in a location we’ve already been in s1 but rarely and we havent discovered it much so my guess is this:
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The only time an akuma attack took place in there was in “Mr. Pigeon” and it rarely came up in other episodes.
a “her” is possibly up to something
a “she” (It didnt seem to be the same person) has alot to speak in this episode but normally doesnt speal much -> Ezra; she kinda does -> Veronika
A character has an ongoing theme, it happenes over and over (progression in the season/s). They dont know wjere the creators will go with it but Ezra theorizes it’ll be a massive sacifice. ( I think they are talking about Marinette here, who will maybe see something like Adrien and Kagami together and gets sad over it again. Since she will give up her love for him in s3 finale I find this more than likely). Also Veronika said first she cant imagine it being super sad and then mentioned Marinette slightly with “Like, Ladybug’s...” but then cuts off and agrees with Ezra that “it could be very sad” because Ezra said that he thinks itll be a massive Sacrifice because the show doesnt shy away from real emotions/feeling, espacially love and passion.
something new came up that teaches us about the term all of season 3 has been dealing with. We havent seen it yet, but its setting up why “they” happen. (No idea on this one)
something completely different and exciting came up (They are MARELING!) “Its beautiful!” “This is gorgeous!”. Never done before and something slightly origin story like (My bets are that this is a continuation of Master Fus backstory in “The collector” and its done kinda in the way of his painting like flashback pics
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A “him” is in it and they are very excited about it (could be younger Fu but it could be anyone, really)
The voice actor whos telling the tale (another reason why I think its Fus backstory) is gonnabe very very busy
the whole sequence is going on for a while
Huge responsibility for Marinette (also another reason for the Backstory. I think this would be the episode he will start actually making Marinette a guradian of the Miraculous and therefore trusts her with even more of his backstory and what happened in the past
Veronika feels for a character alot of other people start to feel for too. She calls the person “missunderstood” (I think its Natahlie)
One story line Ezra knows very little about came up next and Veronika wonders if it will come up again “at the end of recordings” (so the Finale) (I thinks its the storyline of what happened to Emilie)
Very funny Adrien and Plagg moment that has alot of Fanart already -> its cute
right afterwards something “very different” happened and Ezra was SHOOK AF
A “hat thing” came up several times in the whole episode. Its gonna need a voice actor, its new to the story but not a character per se. “Its like a significant character in another characters being” (wtf??)
Once again something “very different” happened and Ezra is delighted and shook part 2
“look at its/his mouth” followed immediatly by a little conversation about hawkmoth winning and that it becomes more and more possible by every passing episode
“Sweet Plagg” Plagg either being normally cute or adorable or hes sweet and sensitive in a bad situation (ITs so THE laTER ONE YALL!!!)
SOMETHING HAPPENED! Ezra was so fucking SHOOK PART 3 that they repeated his high pitched “WHAT???!!?!??!?!?” three times!
Veronika: “How can they do that though! :D”
Ezra: “NOOOOOO WAY!!!!! (°ロ°) 
Veronika: “What are they gonna do? :D”
Ezra: “There he goes! D:”
She was smiling and so excited and he dead ass sat beside her this close to having a mental breakdown (like I said this glorious man was a whole ass mood this entire video)
It seems something so massive happened that Ezra yelled: “The series is over! How can we have a Series if THAT happened? We dont have a Series if THAT. JUST. HAPPENED!!!!”
The only thing massive enough to end the series is Hm getting the ultimate power in one way or another. (everything else from reveal to betrayal and death is just an obstical to overcome in the plot, but Hm getting the ultimate power is presented to us as instand game over!) And with the little context we got from them from just moments before it seems to actually fit?? WTF??? In the episode I’m trying to put together with the context here it seemes that through Kwami buster Hawkmoth has got both Plagg and Tikki and was able to power up through them without getting the ultimate power just yet because for that he needs the jewellery to channel the powers. So I guess now Hm would only need Lbs and Cns empty jewellery so he cant combine them and game over.
Both Veronika and Ezra are just seriously loosing it (but most of all him)
“look how giant it is!” “And much bigger!” implying that we say whatever they talk about smaller before (for some reason my mind immediatly went to the giant butterly Hawkmoth head in the “origins”)
They are confused about how something (important) works
Something is there that we have seen in another episode before (1 Episode? Not sure but it has to be something rarely seen) + they are confused by it
something hilarious happened
a new ship can be merged in this episode (Maybe Marinette and Adrien with other Miraculous’? Maybe this is where we’ll get Dragonbug and Snake Noir because at some point later in the episode they would have to get Tikki and Plagg back making DB and SN possible)
The puns (in english) are WILD
Someone is being very courageous
it seems to feel like a classic Ml episode but with so many new elements. Not something we’ve seen before and I believe them! :D)
Ezra screams Part 8 + “That thing is dangerous!”
“How are they gonna- (stop him/it/whatever?)” <- Veronika
“How are they gonna, THEY DONT HAVE A WAY!” <- Ezra
Ezra screams part 9
Ezra gets to do something in the episode and I dunno what
“Thats when that happpens??” -> Veronika
“He wants that!” -> Ezra
A character we have seen more of this season is in this episode too
they fucking CLAPPED saying “finally, yes!” but it seems to be about something commen because Veronika seems to do it every time she wrapps up an episode
Adriens fucking parfume ad on a bench and neither of them remeber the words (SHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAME)
Hawkmoth moment + hilarious Hawky impression by Ezra saying “Ladybug and Cat Noir”
Hm and probably Lb and Cn are inside it/something
There is a weird noise but is has a purpose
a thing is “hUngry”
Ezra and Veronika a little shook part 10
“Thats so sad! :D” -> Veronika (I fucking love that woman xD)
“Dont do it! D:” -> Ezra concerned af
But “he” wont do it. Veronika and Ezra are relieved
Both doing Cataclysm impressions
Ezra being our very own Ladybug and being very passionate about her catchphrase lines (”Miraculous LadybuuuUUUUUUUUUUUUUUG!!          (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ )
He asks her if she knows a character near the end (she does) so I’m taking from that that there is an important new character coming up in future
huge episode for 3 characters  
Ezra repeats, one plagg moment was adorable
“Thats a huge reveal!” <- Ezra. “Unless he takes it back or she refuses" (my bets are on Gabriel revealing himself to be Hawkmoth to Tomoe. The contract they made in the beginning of the season, their growing partnership and some of Tomoes words in “Ikari Gozen” make me highly suspicious for what the future holds. Her knowing him to be Hawkmoth and that their partnership turns out to be more twisted than we though wouldnt surprise me, if anthing i would be PUMPED for it!)
It’ll (probably)be a huge thing in s4
something happened that reminded Ezra of karate kid
someone is in a disguise and Veronika laughs
Cliffhanger that Ezra describs as “dark”
no classroom episode, no ther students. “This was like to the heart of the matter of the miraculous powers and hat they can do and finding out things that we have no idea they could do and it opens up the lens and shows you more of this world and how dark it CAN be!” <- Ezra
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itsworn · 6 years
Racin’ Granny Just Won’t Stop
Cheryl Kaiser’s 1929 Ford Model A Drag Truck
Take a look at Cheryl Kaiser, and you’d never guess she is a drag racer. A petite woman in her 60s, Cheryl and her partner, Steve Morley, drove their 1929 Ford Model A pickup truck 900 miles from Arnold, Missouri to HOT ROD Drag Week’s starting point in Commerce, Georgia. “I’m the guy that works on this thing, and she drives it,” Steve says. “She built the engine though!”
  “With guidance,” Cheryl interjects. “He told me what to do, and I did it all.”
Despite its paint job with “Grenade Racing Engines” signage on the doors, Cheryl affectionately calls the Model A “The Little Blue Truck.” The grenade is a bit of a good luck symbol- a nod to Steve’s early years of building project cars. “I’d build something, and it would just be junk, and I’d say ‘Well, this is gonna be a grenade, it’ll never live.’ And then it would live forever. So I just started naming all my projects grenades.” A pilot friend of Steve’s did the artwork, depicting a plane similar to those he flew.
  The Model A was a complete rust bucket when they bought it 10 years ago. After hacking off and tossing a bunch of the modifications to the body and frame the previous owner had done, Steve added a straight axle to the front, “like a real hot rod,” Steve said. “We tried to keep it clean and simple. It was a rusty cab on a hacked up frame someone was putting together. It had a Mustang suspension, and it was miserable. So I threw all that junk in the garbage. Chopped all the fiberglass stuff out, and we made the splash aprons, running boards, and fenders.”
Inside the cab, a friend of Steve’s did a beautiful job installing a wood slat headliner. The seats have been upgraded with a modified bench from an S10, after removing about a foot from the middle to make it fit. Plus they added tool storage under the seat. “It’s actually really comfortable,” Cheryl assures me. Comfy enough to be a daily driver, in fact.
  “It never sits,” Steve says.
“We drive it every day,” Cheryl confirms. “We don’t trailer it anywhere.” The gauge cluster is a mix of airplane parts, with an air speedometer out of a Cessna, and a tachometer out of a Grumman Hellcat. “It runs pretty accurately, except when you drive around a bunch of tractor trailers, then it’ll chop around,” Steve explains.
Under the hood of The Little Blue Truck is a rebuilt 327 small block bored out 0.040-over, with a steel crank, 6.125” rods, and Mahle pistons. Steve describes its new Trick Flow aluminum 461 heads, and a hydraulic roller cam. When Cheryl ran the truck on the dyno, it made 481 hp, and about 440 lb feet of torque. “But the front of the thing is so flat, the wind just kicks its ass,” Steve laughs. “If this engine was in anything else, it would probably run low 12s or faster. But this thing… whoo! Henry (Ford) spent zero dollars on wind tunnel testing. Zero.”
The fastest Cheryl and her slate blue truck have gone is 105.99 mph in the quarter mile, in 12.777 seconds. “The best on this trip (during the 2018 Hot Rod Drag Week) has been 13.12,” Cheryl explains, with a slight air of disappointment. Despite this not being her best time, she is clearly still enjoying herself. “Steve doesn’t want me to go too fast to get hurt, but just enough to have fun. I told him this is all the faster I wanna go. I don’t want to wear a fire suit and [install] a roll bar and all that. This is fast enough for me.”
Steve says, “Y’know it’s kinda’ ugly, and beat up, and flat. This is just a base coat of paint, I never put a clear coat on it. And it’s slowly washing off. You can see through the paint. I don’t have to worry if someone leans on it or scratches the paint.” There is a spot on the driver’s side door sill that is worn through the paint; the kind of wear and tear some painters purposefully add to a paint job to make a restored vehicle look old and weathered. “That’s a wear spot from my arm!” Cheryl laughs.
Cheryl has been drag racing the Little Blue Truck for about 8 or 9 years. It took Steve about a year to restore and rebuild the truck to running condition, with help from a bunch of friends. Steve had a bad accident on a four wheeler that almost took his life, and, needless to say, set him back on the project. Thankfully, he has since made a full recovery. Over the years, they’ve made improvements here and there, but their aim has been to keep it simple, “So we can fix it with a rock and a stick on the side of the road if we had to,” Steve jokes.
Out of the 10 years they’ve owned the Model A, with the first year going into rebuilding the truck, Cheryl took a year off of racing when she got diagnosed with cancer. “I had cancer in six different places in my body,” she explains, “And I couldn’t just be a normal cancer patient with one kind of cancer, I had multiple kinds. 30 percent was the fast growing kind, which they can usually get rid of right away, and 70 percent was slow growing.” Throughout the whole experience, she kept a good attitude, as Steve shows me a video of him pretending to buff her bald head during her chemo treatment. It’s clear these two have a lot of fun together, no matter what they’re up to. HOT ROD Drag Week was the first drag racing event she did after finishing chemo in 2016, and Cheryl has been cancer free for 3 ½ years now.
Aside from drag racing, Cheryl also enjoys knee boarding and four-wheeling. Her grandkids call her “Racin’ Granny,” which she lives up to. Despite being the oldest competitor at this year’s Drag Week, Cheryl shows no signs of slowing down. The next thing on her bucket list is skydiving. “We just have fun together,” Cheryl says warmly, of her time with Steve. “We’ve been through a lot together, been together 19 ½ years, and we have a lot of fun.” With an ever-present smile on his face, Steve quips, “I’m a lucky girl.”
The post Racin’ Granny Just Won’t Stop appeared first on Hot Rod Network.
from Hot Rod Network https://www.hotrod.com/articles/racin-granny-just-wont-stop/ via IFTTT
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