#no profound insights here. i just. needed to digest this story
tinkertayler · 3 years
Farscape's “Look at the Princess" Trilogy is...
...weird. It's a fairy tale and a spy thriller wrapped up in a love story and sealed with a kiss (literally). It foregrounds John and Aeryn's romance more than ever before. While plenty of other things happen - Scorpius shows up; there's political drama; a secret agent babe bones John in a lake (because, why not?); and Chiana and D'Argo have a lot of sex (because... why not?) - at its core, the "Princess" arc is a deconstruction of John and Aeryn's romantic relationship. Specifically, it examines Aeryn's fear of commitment, John's desire for it, and the conflict this creates between them. It's an arc that - like Farscape as a series overall - has many components, but they all revolve around the blazing sun of John and Aeryn's True Love.
Am I speaking out of turn? I DON'T THINK SO.
I must concede that I am an unabashed romantic with a proclivity for viewing every story through a romantic lens. I am a predictable, lovesick bitch on main - you can count on me to hyper-fixate on romance, always. However, while I definitely approach everything from that bias, I am also just, like... watching this show unfold, and I swear: it's not just me. Farscape knows what kind of story it's telling. Farscape knows it's a love story in space. Farscape lives at the intersection of genre fiction and romantic drama, which just so happens to be my FAVORITE PLACE IN THE UNIVERSE. John and Aeryn are central to the story and essential to its success, and Farscape is self-aware enough to recognize this and embrace it.
Each part of the "Princess" trilogy contains a critical romantic moment: their first kiss in part 1, their dramatic goodbye in part 2, and their final kiss in part 3. I wanna talk about each of these moments, because, again, I'm a lovesick bitch on main. So, let's talk.
The episode opens with Aeryn and John in John's module. She's trying to teach him a new flight maneuver, but it's a hopeless endeavor because they are sitting too close and flirting too much. John quickly gets distracted by the scent of perfume in Aeryn's hair, and it gets STEAMY. The sexual tension is HOT, it's molten, it's BURNING A HOLE IN THE HULL. Get a room, you two. (Sidenote: I am kind of furious we weren't allowed to see the conversation between Aeryn and Zhaan that led to Zhaan giving her that perfume. I bet it was adorable.)
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Sadly, their intimate moment is swiftly derailed by Aeryn's fear of just how close they are becoming. She's in love, and it's making her vulnerable and messing with her head. She wears perfume to attract him, but when he finds it attractive, she insists "IT'S NOT FOR YOU TO LIKE" and "PERSONAL INDULGENCES CAN FRACTURE A SMALL CREW" and "I WILL NOT BE A SLAVE TO YOUR HORMONES". She wants him to get close, but when he does, the feelings become too intense and scary for her and she runs away, leaving him stranded. Oh, Aeryn. You're a MESS.
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Unlike Aeryn, John has no fear of vulnerability or commitment. He wants both, all the time. He's a romantic, and has been waiting for her to figure out her feelings and meet him where he is since mid-s1. And while he's been very patient and understanding for a long time, at this point he has been through some major psychological trauma and is frequently struggling to maintain his sanity, let alone his patience.
This arc forces Aeryn to confront the possible consequences of her emotional distance and unwillingness to commit to a relationship. She stands on the sidelines and watches as John kisses other ladies, holds his future children, and gets married to another woman. She wrestles with big questions: if she keeps pushing him away, will he give up and move on? Will she be alone, and is that what she really wants? Is she willing - able - to be totally vulnerable with him?
After his failed escape attempt and near-death experience in space, John feels battered and broken. He asks Aeryn what to do when there's no fight left. She tells him to “run away”. Searching her eyes, gently touching her hair, he asks "...with you?" (the hair touch is such a quiet callback to the first scene and I am DEVASTATED, DON'T). Her eyes scream "YES, WITH ME" but she is terrified of her feelings and of expressing them, so she stays guarded and says "with all of us, together". It is at this point that John pulls away from her and, after she insists he can't just quit, he tells her "I'm not quitting, I just can't go on".
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On the surface, they're talking about the situation John is physically trapped in on the planet. Beneath that, they're talking about the situation he is emotionally trapped in - their relationship. L A Y E R S. In both cases, he's ready to accept defeat because he feels he's out of options and hope. On the planet, he can either resign himself to Scorpius' brain dissection (and subsequent insanity), or settle for a forced marriage to the Princess (and spend 80 years as a statue). With Aeryn, he can either continue playing what feels like an eternal game of cat-and-mouse, or stop pursuing her altogether. Undesirable choices abound. Ultimately, he's tired. Tired of the chase and the evasion. He wants to settle down. If he's to run away, he at least needs someone to run away with him, rather than run away from him.
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It deserves to be noted that while they're talking, they are approximately 3 inches from each other's faces, staring straight into each other's souls. They are obviously in love and obviously both aware of it. But they are also, as previously noted, both in emotionally fragile states.
John is kind of a mess: he's still dealing with psychological fallout from s1, he keeps getting used as a pawn by aliens in their galactic games, and on top of it all, the girl he loves won't commit to a relationship. He is arguably less patient and understanding post-brain damage than he was before it, and is frustrated by Aeryn's inability to be open with him. He's losing his grip and desperately searching for stability, but is not finding it anywhere.
As for Aeryn, she's also kind of a mess: she's still trying to overcome her Just Say No to Feelings Peacekeeper upbringing and come to terms with the fact that she's falling in love. She is compelled to resist and avoid the emotions that consume her; she doesn't know how to process them.
Their apparent willingness to give up on each other - something they have never done before - is only a consideration in either of their minds because they are each overwhelmed, for their own reasons, and are not thinking or acting rationally as a result.
Fast forward to the end. John narrowly escapes 80 years of life as a bronze statue AND a brain dissection courtesy of Scorpius. Aeryn, having had time to mull everything over, finally musters the courage to admit her feelings... sort of. In her own way.
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When Aeryn presents John with the vial, he knows, she knows, we ALL know what it means - she's considering her, and their, future. She wants to know if their DNA is Compatible with a capital C the way his and Princess Katralla's DNA was Compatible. Bringing the vial to John is Aeryn’s way of admitting, against her better judgement and despite her fears, that she loves him. She wants to be with him. She wants his attention. The perfume in her hair was for him to like, after all.
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Aeryn's newfound vulnerability is what makes their final kiss so different from their first (and from any they’ve shared up to this point, really). She told him back in part 1 she wants to talk less, and she meant it. It’s still hard for her to vocalize her feelings; not a single word is exchanged here. She doesn't make a grand romantic declaration, but she does reveal her true feelings. She commits. Silently.
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In the end, they both start to move past their personal hang-ups. If they are to have a future together, Aeryn recognizes she needs to be more emotionally vulnerable, and John recognizes he needs to give Aeryn space and time. The kiss confirms their genetic compatibility, but almost more importantly it confirms that Aeryn is just as invested in their relationship as John is, even if she's not yet able to verbalize how she feels. If there was any doubt after their angst-filled goodbye, the kiss makes it clear: Aeryn isn't quitting, and she hopes John won't quit, either. She doesn't want to run away from him, but she's willing to run away with him.
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brother-hermes · 2 years
Is the mystical secret of all ages the fact that we are God? Are we supposed to keep it secret so that other people can discover it for themselves? I appreciate your insight
Oh that is fire! Okay! I’ll play with it.
Are you familiar with the the story of Moses and the Pharaoh? When Moses is instructed to tell the people of Kemet he was sent by Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh- I am that I am, or the I am, or what/who I am. Kemet- Egypt represents the materialistic world, the wealthy and powerful who knew themselves to be gods. They knew they had the ability to draw in whatever they like and unmasked a huge wealth of occult knowledge- like alchemy, vibroturgy, divination, everything the manifestation spiritualists hold dear- Egypt is the source. I mean that. They had a profound understanding of the power we have to create just by being human. We carry the code of our species within us and they knew exactly how to harness that power.
Then this guy, Moses comes along and tells them he was sent by “I AM.” God was telling them “that I sense within- that awareness of being you possess? That’s me!” Essentially, that’s telling them that power they possess and wield isn’t theirs. He was telling them that very conscious they use to create is but a ripple in a never ending sea of “I Am!”
Now this phenomenon has many names. Ein Soph, Emptiness, the Universe in hipster-speech. Unconditioned awareness. But it’s the world beyond senses where only our Souls and God actually live. It’s why we’re a collective. It’s why how we treat each other is so important. It’s our awareness that goes beyond our needs that matters.
“God is within. It is us who have gone for a walk.” Eckhart dude! My man could really coin a phrase.
I think in some ways it is true to say that we are God because in some small sense we are because we have conscious awareness but that’s a continuum- the ocean of conscience I can’t put into words- it’s not actually us, we aren’t even us in the way we cling to.
This goes into the blasphemy question from earlier but for me it would be blasphemous to say what I am beyond my physicality is not the Divine. That ocean is Hers, His, They/Them, your guess is as good as mine here. Whatever that Life Force is… Adonai Echod- Our God is One.
So this is completely up for discussion. Feel free to share this and add your thoughts. That goes for anyone with insight that sees this. I am not a guru or any form of authority I just love that connection. Anyone is welcome to share any perspective at any time. This Tumblr community feeds me so much to digest and think about. So…
Take it away guys!
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yogaadvise · 5 years
Top yoga book recommendations
Esther Ekhart
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Your body Your Yoga by Bernie Clark - So much greater than makeup publication. It's composed from the viewpoint that we are as different on the inside as we are on the outside as well as the value of practising yoga exercise from an useful technique, according to the range of movement provided by our very own distinct body.
Living Dharma, the flavour of freedom, Quantity 4 by Burgs - Bringing the Buddha's teachings to life, revealing that they are just as relevant today as they were 2500 years ago.
I am that by Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj - an old standard that every serious yogi interested in achieving knowledge ought to read.
Julie Martin
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What is Fascia as well as Why it Matters by David Lesondak - The initial publication to truly give a clear picture for everybody concerning fascia and its properties and also why we really require to start collaborating with this knowledge. You don't need to be a researcher or composition nerd to understand this publication as David has a fantastic, casual design of composing as well as clarifies what he's discussing really clearly. A must-read if you educate yoga!
Awakening the Back by Vanda Scaravelli - A lovely publication created by a leader in the yoga exercise globe. Her job wasn't really fashionable in the early years of the yoga exercise boom, but numerous even more individuals are headed in that direction now. Vanda is accountable for the quote, 'We require to deal with the body, not versus it'.
Healing the Core Injury of Unworthiness by Adyashanti - An amazing book for everyone, as our culture is plagued with the concept that we are not 'worthy'. Adyashanti is a spiritual non-dualistic educator who brings an obtainable high quality to how we can regard as well as ultimately stay in the suggestion of oneness.
James Reeves
Tantra Lit Up by Christopher Wallis - An extremely comprehensive explanation of how Tantra educates most of our modern techniques of yoga
Finding Quality by Jeru Kabbal - Clear, verbalize and stunning. This is the instructor of Esther's initially instructor [Taetske Kleijn] and it's a publication that touched my heart deeply.
Yoga and the Quest for real Self by Stephen Cope - A great read and a terrific tale of the trip right into the globe of yoga
I Touch by John Prendergast - A truly charming review inviting and also being totally attached with our internal globe of thoughts and feelings.
Anat Geiger
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Yoga related: God talks with Arjuna, Yogananda's discourse of the Bhagavad Gita. The job he has actually done is astonishing and there is sufficient motivation below for lots of life times. An additional Gita variation I like is Eknath Easwaran's translation. Beautiful.
Also, anything by Vivekananda. He is incredibly straightforward and also extremely motivating. Whenever I read something by him I feel he eliminates some coat of justifications as well as reasons I indulge in as well as reaches me ideal where it most matters. Raja Yoga - his own commentary on the Sutras of Patanjali - leaves me inspired and also amazed every time.
Poetry: Kabir! Stunning as well as informed. There is so much surprise meaning, delicacy as well as beauty in his words. I obtained a publication with 44 of his thrilled poems from my instructors and I prize it deeply. Here's one of my favourites: Are you looking for me? I am in the next seat. My shoulder is pushed against yours. You will not discover me in stupas, not in Indian shrine rooms, neither in synagogues, neither in basilicas: not in masses, neither kirtans, not in legs winding around your own neck, nor in consuming only vegetables. When you actually search for me, you will certainly see me quickly - you will find me in the smallest home of time. Kabir claims: Trainee, tell me, what is God? He is the breath inside the breath.
How awesome is that?
Buddhism I enjoy the works of Pema Chodron. She is an American Buddhist religious woman with enormous concern, a scrumptious sense of humour as well as a talent with words.
Fiction: I was deeply relocated as well as impressed by Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell. It spans numerous lives and lifetimes (in my view) as well as for me it was everything about Karma. It's an intricate book and also worth every effort. Every from time to time I indulge in well-written fantasy stories - excellent v. wicked kind of fights and also challenges!
Marlene Henny
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Moving right into Tranquility by Erich Schiffmann - Wonderfully created as well as quickly reaches the heart of what practising yoga exercise has to do with in easy to understand terms (without all the fluffy brand-new age things). The photographs as well as descriptions of the asanas are clear as well as understandable. I reference it regularly for my own practice as well as for teaching. Get it, read it, like it!
Yoga Spandakarika - The Sacred Texts at the Beginnings of Tantra by Daniel Odier Daniel Odier is a great author as well as his take on the Spandakarika is a lot easier to recognize than several various other translations. What I such as concerning this publication that it that provides an interesting viewpoint and enough info about the actual philosophy of Tantra and also leaves enough location for self-interpretation of the sacred text.
Awakening Shakti: The Transformative Power of the Goddesses of Yoga by Sally Kempton - I discovered SO much concerning Hindu sirens, as well as the writer offers the information in an available and compelling way. Each phase, which follows the very same layout, is centred around a specific goddess and consists of reflections to help the reader materialize the goddess as well as her energy. The feminine powers of the world are so interesting. Even assuming regarding them just a tiny little bit as well as taking advantage of them at all can be profound. Certainly recommended!
David Lurey
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The Gleam Sutras, translation and discourse by Loren Roche - A heavy poetic present of consciousness and also living a liberated life.
Dying to be Me by Anita Moorjani - A real 'life after death' story that brings a beautiful point of view on the gift of life as well as exactly how to maintain points basic. This publication also offers attractive insights on just how to make challenging choices and also how to keep those we absolutely love in our hearts
A Brief Background of Nearly Whatever by Expense Bryson - Exactly as the title claims ... Fantastic for those who enjoy facts, insights on evolution and also amazing stories of just how we got below as a human race on this one-of-a-kind planet.
Down the Freeway: The Life of Bob Dylan by Howard Sounes - The tale of the best singer/songwriter of contemporary times (in my viewpoint). I am a big Dylan follower as well as this publication lit up many dark edges of the life of among my idolizers. I highly suggest reading a couple of chapters, after that most likely to YouTube for video clips of that time duration to see him and what was taking place. As well as likewise, much more notably, listen to the songs that are explained in the chapters you read.
Gulp by Mary Roach - A lovely as well as detailed story of our digestive system ... yes, seriously! It's amazing and also you'll never ask yourself once more what they are discussing when somebody states 'fecal transplant' at an alcoholic drink party.
Helen Noakes
Life on Land by Emilie Conrad - enthusiastic, dramatic, deep and also discusses breath motion as well as fascia beautifully.
Awakening the Spine by Vanda Scaravelli - Lovely images, poetic radical and also rebellious.
The Initial Body - Primitive Movement for Yoga Teachers by John Stirk - Totally initial, artistic, deep and also imaginative. A publication for life.
Jennilee Toner
Yoga and the Course of the Urban Mystic by Darren Key - Darren Main's book has actually been required reading for all my 200-hour educator trainees because 2010. It is such an enjoyable and easy means to study the practice and viewpoint of yoga exercise. The light and also fresh way Darren Main authentically explains his own way of dealing with the 8 Limbs of Yoga exercise is delightful.
How Yoga Works by Michael Cockroach and Christie McNally - This publication actually changed the means I came close to practising and teaching yoga. My personal technique and also teaching grew unbelievably after my very initial analysis of this Sutra-inspired tale. It came to be more intimate, a lot more intentional, more deliberate and extra soulful. I have actually needed it ever because in my 300-hour teacher trainings and each re-reading has actually even more assisted to advance my method and also training to new degrees of affection and service.
Katy Appleton
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One Soul as well as Entering as well as in by Danna Faulds - Danna Faulds' verse publications are expressions and understandings to the internal landscape people as humans. I utilize them to supply deepness in the practice and open the area within.
The Diamond in Your Pocket - Gangaji - this book has to do with spiritual awakening in this life time. The common in the extraordinary!
Tracey Uber Cook
Light on Life by BKS Iyengar - This is a fantastic publication to have in one's collection. It is the culmination of Mr Iyengar's understanding from years of practise as well as teaching, weaving with each other Patanjali's 8 Arm or legs of Yoga exercise as well as the 5 Koshas from the Taittriya Upanishad. I have read this book numerous, often times, though never from cover to cover! I always pick it up and look to a page or phase which calls to me as well as each time it speaks something brand-new and profound to me. I have actually utilized it as a resource in teacher trainings and very suggest it to any person wanting to inquire much deeper right into the method and philosophy of yoga.
The Brilliance Sutras, translation as well as commentary by Loren Roche, PhD - Dr Roche has actually invested decades studying and also equating this luminous translation of the ancient Vijnana Bhairava Tantra message. Its 162 knowledgeables sing the tune of Life and Love in between the Devi (Shakti), the innovative power of deep space, and also Bhairava (Shiva), the boundless awareness which embraces Her and also from which She occurs. The verses define the enigma as well as wonder of Life within every thing, assumed and task. Bringing light to the loving understanding which makes all existence possible.
The Heart of Awareness (Ashtavakra Gita) - translation by Thomas Byrom - Referred to in numerous Vedanta circles as 'the highest training following to silence', this is the tune of understanding in all of its boundless types. I like to take it to the coastline as the sun increases, check out a few lines, and also rest in the quiet of the morning.
Marlene Smits
The Absolutely Nothing that Is by Robert Kaplan - more a metaphysical philosophical publication than a yoga exercise publication, 'taking us from Archimedes to Einstein and making fascinating connections between mathematical insights from every age and culture'.
Living in the Heart by Drunvalo Melchizedek - for a description of how to move from the brain-centred experience of truth to that which originates from the heart.
Irina Verwer
The Course Of Technique by Maya Tiwari - A stunning book on Ayurveda for women. Inspiring as well as heartwarming.
After the Euphoria, the Washing by Jack Kornfield - Quick, succinct, funny, and always informing stories.
Feeding Your Demons by Tsultrim Allione - Clearly created, sensible, and thorough instruction.
Nichi Green
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Yoga and also the Quest for the True Self by Stephen Cope - I've simply finished reading this as well as definitely enjoyed it. Written much more like a novel, Stephen is a psychotherapist as well as yoga educator. His insight and experiences of yoga exercise are phenomenal and also he associates a great deal of it to spiritual technique as well as the restorative influence that yoga exercise has when you immerse on your own in it for enough time. Among my leading 10 yoga books!
Gilda Goharian
The Subtle Body by Stefanie Syman - This book is concerning the growth of yoga in the United States as well as exactly how it progressed from an old spiritual technique to a practice that countless Americans position at the centre of their lifestyle. Guide is entertaining and also simple to read.
... Unlike virtually everything by the late Georg Feuerstein, who dedicated his life to the understanding and also technique of yoga exercise! Every one of his publications are thick and scholastic however I can still advise him for his substantial knowledge as well as knowledge. If you ask me to select one I would certainly select Yoga Custom: Its History, Literary Works, Ideology as well as Method. The book supplies a full introduction of every yogic tradition, from the familiar to the lesser-known types. Not always a web page turner however it may be whatever you need if you're interested in yoga exercise viewpoint and background. And also once you begin checking out and get utilized to the design it can be entertaining too.
George Langenberg
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Kriya Yoga: 4 Spiritual Masters as well as a Novice - If you have checked out Autobiography of a Yogi by Yogananda then you learn about the sages who acquired the highest degree through reflection in the Kriya Yoga family tree. Yoga is a course of Self Realisation as well as through Kriya Yoga exercise you can walk this path.
I read Autobiography of a Yogi in 1998 and also at the time wished that I might fulfill an educator that would show me 'the way' and show me a lot more regarding Raja yoga, reflection and also Pranayama. In 2001 this wish came to life: I satisfied my Guruji (spiritual teacher) in India and obtained Kriya Yoga exercise initiation in 2002. This book is concerning the Kriya Yoga family tree I comply with and also concerning being devout to a living Master. I have found out so a lot under his assistance over the previous 16 years. The lessons and reflections that I share on EkhartYoga are simply an understanding of the depth of the Kriya Yoga method where breath, embodied awareness and dedication collaborated in greater realms of the mind.
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Quotes – Consuming the Wisdom of Others
2017 has been a tough year in many ways.  As I sit here and reflect on everything that has happened this year, I recognize it has been a profound test of endurance.  All aspects of my life have been affected.  Heck, every person in my life has had to face an uphill slog this year.  It would be easy to look at the circumstances and get overwhelmed.  I must admit, there have been multiple occasions throughout the year where I wanted to throw in the towel and just walk away from the whole mess. 
But, in my mind, it would be wrong to quit.  My family and friends deserve better than that. 
We all need a little change in perspective and renewed motivation from time to time.  One of the things I turn to the most for motivation is quotes.  I love to see the insight other people have.  Quotes are a microcosm of someone’s story.  They are wit and wisdom from profound insight and experience rolled into a neat little package that is easy to digest. 
When I started to compile my list of quotes, I had pages and pages.  Today, I pare those down to a (somewhat) short list which really speak to me about perseverance.  These quotes serve as both inspiration and a kick in the butt to keep me moving.  I hope they are motivating for you as well. 
It may be safely trusted as proportionate and of good issues, so it be faithfully imparted, but god will not have his work manifest by cowards. – Ralph Waldo Emerson
This excerpt is from Emerson’s work Self-Reliance.  Emerson was not making a theological statement, but basically saying you need to be true to yourself.  In other words, if you are willing to change yourself to please other people, you are being a coward.
Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one. – Bruce Lee
Throughout every generation of the human race there has been a constant war, a war with fear.  Those who have the courage to conquer it are made free and those who are conquered by it are made to suffer until they have the courage to defeat it, or death takes them. – Alexander the Great
Face your fears and conquer them.
So – Join the company of good men and women keep your feet on the tried-and-true paths.  It’s the men who walk straight who will settle this land, the women with integrity who will last here.  The corrupt will lose their lives; the dishonest will be gone for good. – King Solomon, reflecting on lessons his father, David, and mother, Bathsheba, taught him. Proverbs 2: 20-22
It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; because there is not effort without error and shortcomings; but who does actually strive to do the deed; who knows the great enthusiasm, the great devotion, who spends himself in a worthy cause, who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement and who at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly. So that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat. -  Theodore Roosevelt
Wise words from a man who was gritty enough to finish a public speech after being shot.
Do everything without complaining or arguing… - Philippians 2:14
You’ve got to stop living for the people who’ve hurt you and the things that have happened to you, and you’ve got to start living for yourself. Do the things that make you joyful inside. - Jolie O’Dell
You need to leave your past behind and build the future you want.
Never, never, never give up!  - Winston Churchill
If you are going through hell, keep going. - Winston Churchill
Hard work spotlights the character of people: some roll up their sleeves, some turn up their noses and some don’t turn up at all. – Sam Ewing
Sam was a witty baseball player who batted left and threw right.  He came from a small town and used his talents to build a successful life and a positive impact on those around him.  Something I hope to mimic. 
You cannot know who you are or what you are capable of until you face adversity. You cannot know the strength of the steel you hold until it strikes something solid. And you cannot know what kind of a man you are until you look hardship and difficulty in the eye, face it, and rise to its challenge. Without that test, you just don’t know.  – “Nick Sadler”
The man who has no refuge in himself, who lives, so to speak, in his front rooms, in the outer whirlwind of things and opinions, is not properly a personality at all. He floats with the current, who does not guide himself according to higher principles, who has no ideal, no convictions--such a man is a mere article of furniture--a thing moved, instead of a living and moving being--an echo, not a voice. The man who has no inner life is the slave of his surroundings, as the barometer is the obedient servant of the air at rest, and the weathercock the humble servant of the air in motion. – Henri-Frederic Amiel
We receive everything, both life and happiness; but the manner in which we receive, this is what is still ours. Let us then receive trustfully without shame or anxiety. Let us humbly accept from God even our own nature, and treat it charitably, firmly, intelligently. Not that we are called upon to accept the evil and disease in us, but let us accept ourselves in spite of the evil and the disease. - Henri-Frederic Amiel
Amiel was a Swiss philosopher.  He makes the gears in my head turn.
It's supposed to be hard. If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. The hard...is what makes it great! -Tom Hanks in A League of Their Own
Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us. – Paul, writing to his friends in Rome who were facing persecution. Romans 5:3-5
Sometimes, when everything is going wrong, when life is at its crappiest, you have just got to find a reason to smile.  This crap will build hope inside of you that no one can take away.
I hope you found these quotes inspirational.  I keep these written down in a place where I can get my hands on them quickly.  If I need some motivation or a perspective shift, I pull out my notes and read the wisdom that these folks (and others) documented.  I use them kind of like a compass.  As I look over the 10,000 foot view of my life, I use this wisdom to make sure I’m bearing in the right direction.
I’m curious, what are some quotes that inspire you?  Where do you turn if you need a little motivation to keep going?
We can’t wait to hear from you.
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miraclejin1204 · 8 years
Mandatory bughead post #2: My thoughts on Bughead and why it is important.
I’m aware that the words ‘bughead’ & ‘important’ in the same sentence seem like a misfit but there is a good reason why I’ve chosen to write it so. This thought came to my mind whilst trawling through the morass of ‘ships’ & ‘ship-wrecks’ on tumblr & twitter about Riverdale. 
Now, I’m not someone who watches a lot of TV shows ,however, Riverdale was a serendipitous discovery that happened to me two weeks ago. 
I have been a fan of Archie comics since I was little & my two favourite characters were Jughead & Betty, in that order. Watching Riverdale was a revelation as it brought me back to the Archie’s world and I saw it in a new light. I went into it without expectations.
What I was not prepared for was how Bughead would gently creep up on me and reign over my entire existence in such a short span of time. 
You see, I have had a few ships, some fleeting and some enduring,some canon and some fantasy, however nothing as rabid or as intense that’d induce an “I’m SHOOK” moment. Until bughead happened.
When I used to read the comic books, I had wanted Archie to one day wake up & realize that Betty was the one for her, because I could so relate to her as a kind & sweet girl, being taken for granted every time and with a history of unrequited love. I’m 30 now and life-experiences, especially of the bitter kind has certainly changed my perspective about these things, especially about romantic relationships. No more suffering fairy-tale princesses for me. 
In the comics, although Jughead and Betty were my favourites and they always were good to each other, the thought of them as a potential match had never crossed my mind. I was intrigued and amused by Jughead’s woman-hating stance and had imagined that one day an extraordinary woman worthy of him would come and sweep him off his feet.I had no concept of sexuality and its associated complications that we see today, it was only a pure and innocent fantasy in my mind. 
I had only been familiar with the ‘classic’ and humorous golden age Archie comic digests and was unaware of the modern reboots and the various universes. Therefore, when I started watching Riverdale, I was immediately hooked to its modern,quirky & dark narrative and had my assumptions broken down bit by bit with each episode. When I started with the show, five episodes were already in so I binge watched them in a single night, which left me with little time to process the minute details and subtleties, which is why I missed noticing the growing chemistry Betty and Jughead. 
It was only when I began exploring the show on the internet and understood the whole narrative and tone of the show,re-watched the episodes, saw the interviews, trawled Tumblr & youtube and accidentally saw the leaked bughead kiss is when it hit me like slap on the face and a swift kick in the ovaries. It nearly felt like enlightenment!
Once I had seen and felt it, there was no going back. It was a like a virus firmly implanted in my psyche. I resurrected my dormant and inactive tumblr and twitter accounts only to ship bughead. I’m sure fellow bughead fans know the drill of our coming undone so I won’t go into much detail. 
Coming to the next part. Riverdale or rather Bughead has come into my life as a breath of fresh air when I am going through a very dark and stressful phase. I have been going through a very difficult divorce from a man, who caused mental abuse and cheated my family of money & absconded and left me to deal with the consequences and legal battles, triggering my anxiety,fear and depression. A man whom I had trusted with my everything and was completely vulnerable to, used me and left me with a deep fear and mistrust of relationships, trauma and some very hard learnt lessons. I’m an eternal romantic but a part of me has become cynical about it. 
Riverdale is a unique show as is evident in its excellent writing,for those who care to notice the nuances and characterisations. The symbolism, fore-shadowing, word-play, subtle body-language cues of the characters, parallelism and of course, a quality mystery is the gold-standard of writing. Can we also talk about the wonderful and talented cast who have given life to the characters? The show is a slow burn and not for those with a shallow mind who are looking for popcorn entertainment with a lot of mindless drama and illogical  and unstable romantic pairings based on lust and superficial chemistry,
Bughead is not just a run of the mill ship that people are fangirling over. It is beautiful union which tells you the story of two woefully young and tender yet jaded individuals, thrown together by a tragic fate, who are battling the darkness within and without, fighting for something that’s bigger than them and their personal problems. They are fighting for justice, light and hope. In spite of their struggle with their personal demons. Can you imagine what they are going through? For any child, parents are the safe space when the world around them crumbles, but both Betty and Jughead’s parents let them down with lies, manipulation and broken promises and the possibility that their families could be the perpetrators of murder. Under such horrible circumstances, they find the safe space with each other.  
They both are mature beyond their years, insightful, righteous, kind, compassionate, supportive and caring and there for each other without being asked. They communicate with their heart and eyes (sometimes with heart eyes too ;) ) It is not a connection based on lust and hormonal surges. Something very old-fashioned and real in the era of hook-ups. An oasis in a desert.
People who keep harping on about how there is no chemistry at all between Jughead and Betty and that it was rushed and illogical, then I’m sorry that you’re oblivious to everything that is going on in the show. They have been friends since childhood.
I think we do not give the writers enough credit for writing something so profound and refreshing in spite of it being a teen drama. A homeless, abandoned, rudderless boy, an outcast who is bullied, selflessly helps a  girl find her sister and uncover the truth, not because he wants to get into her pants. A stifled, lonely yet nurturing and loving girl giving strength, support and courage to a lost and scared boy failed by his father and society. They are each other’s guardian angels.
So I ask this to all the haters..can’t you see this? Are you so blinded by your superficial hate and violent desire to stuff your ship down everyone’s throats because it gives you some sort of false sense of control over others that you have lost the ability to objectively see what the show is striving for through this beautiful narrative within the confines of what is ostensibly a teen drama? Can we not rise above our pettiness of mindless and hostile shipping to learn from it? Everyone is free to ship whomever and whatever they want but it is another thing to be so vitriolic and spiteful towards the others to have your way. Isn’t shipping supposed to be all about love anyway? Bughead is so much above all this petty drama, it is transcendental.  
There’s so much that all of us, teens and even adults can learn from this ideal of a super healthy relationship that both television and our lives need. We need to move away from toxicity both in entertainment and our lives. Can we not be inspired to work on ourselves and build supportive, organic and nurturing relationships? This should give so much inspiration to the teens of today. With Betty & Veronica, the show strives to re-build the idea of strong, female friendships which seems to have become an alien concept in the world of ‘frenemy’ culture. Why can’t two girls be healthy best friends without the assumption that there is something sexual between them? People are hating on Bughead also for a fact that they are a heterosexual couple. As I see it, love is love in any shape or form.
Also, I do agree that all sorts of representation must have a place in popular culture and thankfully it is happening. However, those who are unhappy with Bughead saying that it erases Jughead’s asexuality, I disagree. Are you saying that Asexual people can’t fall in love? That they don’t deserve an intimate bond with another?
Now, in the larger Archie comicverse, Jughead was never portrayed as being an asexual, he simply was smarter and wiser and had other priorities compared to his hormone crazed pals. He was always the voice of reason. I’m sure that there are people like that, not everyone who doesn’t choose to be a crazy, horned dog is asexual. Besides, Jughead is shown to be asexual in only one version of the comics. There can be multiple variations of characteristics in the larger universe. Riverdale chooses its own narrative and characters as it sees fit for the context of the show. Therefore, in this version, Jughead isn’t asexual or aromantic. There is no erasure of any kind. Even if he were asexual, I’m sure that Bughead still can have a loving and healthy relationship.
It is my personal opinion and I am not trying to belittle anyone or trivialising the serious issue of representation in anyway. However, I do feel that in today’s world where there is so much hate and strife, showing love and companionship in its true and purest form is the most important issue here, first and foremost. It doesn’t really matter whatever is the sexuality or orientation of the characters in question. So, let us all keep our differences aside and show our love and support to something is for the greater good. Love is universal and not restricted to a specific type or form. Besides, it is fiction,let’s remember that. 
I also think that we must avoid pressuring or attacking the creative team, actors and show runners into bullying them to change their vision for the show. That truly doesn’t serve any purpose other than being detrimental to the quality of the show and making the team de-motivated. Let’s all appreciate the hard work and love everyone has put in to present to us something that is so beloved and cherished by all.
Why is showing a healthy, supportive, wholesome and stable relationship necessary? I can tell you why, because I have suffered greatly in an unsupportive, toxic and abusive relationship that was all about selfishness and greed with no regard or love for the feelings of the other person. Where one person only gave and gave and the other only took everything. I was left drained and battered and I’m still bearing the burden of its ruins.
So, when Bughead came along, it was catharsis and relief. It was about having the hope of bright sunshine in the pitch black darkness. It was about selflessness and having high standards and working for the greater good, something that is bigger than us. It was about women not wallowing and pining after some boy who had little value or regard for them and not allowing a man decide the course of their lives .It was about unconditional love and support without labels. It was pure beauty and art, like a perfect symphony.
Bughead isn’t merely escapism. It is the light of goodness that illuminates our hearts and fills us with compassion and hope for something beautiful. It is the delicate flower that grows in the parched desert of hopelessness and deceit.
Let us protect it all costs.
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manage-management · 6 years
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Project Success Begins with a Story Love it! This book is full of valuable insights. At Disney, every project begins with a story. That was a key takeaway for me. Capodagli and Jackson did just that in their writing. I was captivated from the very beginning listening to the stories of Walt and other key Disney figures. The authors walk you through the challenges and triumphs at Disney, then bring it home to your organization in terms of Dream, Believe, Dare, Do. That was helpful for me in understanding how to apply the principles of Disney's creative geniuses to virtually any type of project. What do you want your customers' experience to be? Begin with the story or "dream". If you "believe" it is can and should be done, it becomes your motivation when you "dare" and your direction when you "do". Go to Amazon
The Disney Way provides a fantastic means for jump-starting any organizations customer service approach The Disney Way provides a fantastic means for jump-starting any organizations customer service approach. This book provides the foundation for implementing a customer centric cultural transformation that will run deep within your organization, and that will provide for long-term changes. This is not simply about sprinkling a bit of magic on the outside and hoping that it holds. The Disney Way starts with buy-in from leadership, invites front-line employees to develop a foundation, and leaves employees with the fundamentals necessary to make positive customer oriented decisions. Bill and Lynn do a great job presenting Disney's key principles to success, and mixing in many examples from the companies they have worked with in a way that is easily digested and makes clear the reward of the long-term commitment needed for execution. This new edition is made better by the addition of government organizations. Having spoken with Ottawa County and seen their customer service first-hand in preparing our own organization, I can assure you the chapter is no exaggeration of how profound an impact the Disney Way can have. Thank you for another great book! Go to Amazon
This book has some great tidbits but I found overall that the book sounded ... This book has some great tidbits but I found overall that the book sounded more like a sales pitch. I had many moments where they touched on something interesting but left off with a "if you want to know more, you should participate in the retreat!" Type passage. Go to Amazon
Mediocre at best, Don't buy the hype! I just got done reading, this book. Go to Amazon
Dream, Believe, Dare, Do!! Those four simple words are at the root of the Disney business philosophy, established by Walt himself and carried on by Michael Eisner. I found this book to be both entertaining and informative. The business principles outlined by Capodagli and Jackson seem like simple, common sense - but bear repeating numerous times until more businesses adopt them. Principles like encouraging innovation (and even failure, since you learn how *not* to do something) ... building on the strengths of your employees (development plans instead of demeaning performance appraisals) ... all will make any business work better. I found numerous ideas here that I will be applying in my workplace as well as to my personal life. This is a must-read for any manager who wants to motivate his or her team to really excel -- and for any employee who wants to be his or her personal best. Go to Amazon
Five Stars it definitely has some Good ideas, but the authors seem to enjoy hearing ... A book of business and inspiration Three Stars Make your work world Disney-esque Nothing you dont already know! Dont waste your time or money! Worth the read Five Stars The Disney Way Five Stars
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The Emoji Movie
The simplest questions are often the most profound. In the immortal words of the Bard, brevity is the soul of wit, and from this thing's conception to release one short, enduring question was on the tongues of those who followed its development with abject disbelief and those who left theatres with ashen faces and mortified minds.
Why, in another hapless bid to recreate the wonder of Toy Story while ignoring the heart and soul and messages that Pixar put into their work, did a gaggle of clueless executives greenlight a film about banal emoticons? Why did renowned, veteran, thespian actors agree to be associated with this tripe? Why is this, in all likelihood, still scheduled to make back every bit of the $50 million that went into funding this misadventure?
All these and countless more burning queries raced through my mind as I watched the procession of images flash before my disbelieving eyes. I left bamboozled, befuddled, discombobulated, uncertain as to whether or not what I witnessed was some crazed fever dream that would make Hunter S Thompson blush with admiration. But alas, my faculties were intact, and on sitting down to write this I am reminded once more that this is a product that was indeed released to the public. Such is the world we live in today.
Above everything else, this is a product. It is not something made with creativity in mind, nor is it a bold, intrepid venture into unexplored territory. This is a bold-faced, utterly unabashed advertisement for apps wearing the guise of a family feature, born from a desire to exploit new "toys", and the film's "plot", for lack of a better word, is likewise slapdash. It's a generic, tepid "be yourself" story interspersed with blatant product placement so shameless that Mac and Me finds itself humbled. Gene, a phone-dwelling "meh" emoticon in a society where emojis can only perform the task they're given or display the emotion they're assigned, is played flatly by TJ Miller who gives a performance that never rises above passable – something shared across virtually every single performance in the film. He stumbles from app to app, paying dues to rapacious corporations and blundering through sessions of Candy Crush and Just Dance as he tries to change his abnormally expressive ways through enlisting the assistance of a hacker named Jailbreak, played by Anna Faris who may or may not have been reminiscing about her Scary Movie glory days in the recording booth.
Throughout this arduous and asinine voyage, barring one brief yet merciful stretch, they are accompanied by one of the most ruthlessly humorless comedic "sidekicks" in recent cinematic history, a disturbingly uncanny hand frozen into a high-five inventively called Hi-5 who is left bitter about being laid by the wayside and denied the digital high life he once indulged in. They're pursued by Smiler (Maya Rudolph), the perpetually grinning, gratingly-voiced overseer of the city of Textopolis – and the film's idea men pat each other on the back vigorously – who seeks to eliminate Gene due to the threat he poses to the system as a "malfunction". All the while, the phone's teenaged owner, high school freshman Alex, is grappling with what many monied first-world children in the world today struggle with: smartphones. And a romantic crush. But mostly smartphones.
So our bumbling band of bozos go, off on a merry adventure towards discovery and self-acceptance so obviously telegraphed that it's safe to say you could watch it with your eyes clamped shut. Off a minuscule 86-minute running time, even less factoring in the credits, the film catapults itself through the motions and inserts every single cliche that it can crowbar into the script. Emotional moments are glanced over, striking changes are reversed in only a handful of scenes, everything feels like it's on fast-forward and consequently the central cast remains only slightly less threadbare than when they started out on their grand odyssey.  It's a ceaseless barrage of noise, light and sound, with barely any downtime to allow the audience to breathe and digest, and nothing sinks in as a result. But even with this in mind – surely, if the visuals and pacing are troubled, an outstanding script can make up for such shortcomings.
Maybe so, but certainly not here. Instead, courtesy of writer-director James Leondis and fellow collaborators Eric Siegel and Mike White – whose presence is nothing less than utterly perplexing considering his repertoire – we get such insightful, thought-provoking rise on subjects like the personal desires  and the changes in the way people communicate as "Wow, that's a super-cool emoji!", or "What's the point in being number one if there aren't any other numbers?" The entire script reeks of unabashed sloth. Modern lingo is crudely shoved into conversations because it is modern, ergo funny, ergo guaranteed money in the eyes of executives without any need of context or effort. In a thoroughly galling display, it shamelessly pilfers dialogue from timeless classics in a desperate bid to please any older or more cinephilic viewers who have the misfortune of watching it. Lyrics from popular songs are outright lifted to serve as plot points, and amid such platitudes almost every single statement that masquerades as a "joke" is painfully inept and made as obvious as possible for the sake of the viewers, as if the film takes a perverse glee in belittling the intelligence of the audience it's aimed it. Kids are developing – but they aren't stupid.
Character development is accelerated to ludicrous speed on all fronts as the movie barrels through the beats in a desperate attempt to end faster, and Gene is the only member of the cast who comes even remotely close to possessing some kind of arc. Hi-5 is almost completely devoid of anything resembling a character, and James Corden's proven comic chops are non-existent as the character exists chiefly to bombard the audience with insipid zingers. Jailbreak, aside from being the token female love interest and action girl, is similarly unrealised and bounces around aimlessly. Her reasons to exist alternate haphazardly; sometimes she is there to spout oddly-inserted feminist tracts about alleged emoji sexism and ignored female ingenuity, make forced statements on girl power and use random slang to appeal to the trendy crowd – "Slay!" she cheerfully shouts at one point for no discernible reason, after being invited by Gene to "put some sauce on that dance burrito" – and sometimes she's an average tough chick doing hacker business or bantering, or preaching the wonders of youness. Steven Wright and Jennifer Coolidge provide perhaps the only truly noteworthy performances in the film as Gene's parents, Mel and Mary Meh, whose attitudes are strikingly reflective of what the average moviegoer feels when bearing witness to this drivel.
Everything from the story to the characterisation to the humour falls utterly flat and summarily this is a blunder, a mess in every sense of the word. The lone high points are one or two genuinely amusing quips that seem positively restrained compared to the rest of the script, and the visual presentation of the digital realm that is distantly evocative of the mindscapes of Inside Out, steeped in corporate avarice instead of encapsulating developing emotions. Leondis, an avid fan of Pixar's work, tries to recreate its splendor but it is something that is simply out of his grasp. Pixar's creations are founded upon a bedrock of passion and there is precious little in the way of passion to be found here – this is not someone's baby. It is the spawn of a think tank, made solely to leech off of that which is popular, rake in a guaranteed profit and get people in seats. It is filmmaking at its most hollow, little more than extended lip service to financial benefactors while having only the barest of necessities for any kind of three-act structure, and it's a painful experience that ultimately overwhelms the few faint glimmers of hope the film has.
But it's not panful merely because of its narrative deficiencies, or crude and obvious humour, or even the nature of its existence. Above all else, the most painful aspect of this misguided endeavor is that there was promise. In a culture so thoroughly addicted to smartphones and so enamoured with all things digital as our own, a film that anthropomorphises emojis and bandies them about as the hot new way to communicate and calls them the pinnacle of technological innovation – "Words aren't cool", a friend of Alex's glibly opines near the film's beginning – this entire concept could have served as some lighthearted yet rather timely and incisive social commentary. Everywhere we look, people are glued to their phones, and there are fleeting glimpses of the possibilities that this film had that are buried away, chiefly manifesting in the real-world segments. Alex, his crush Addie and his friends are consistently enraptured by the technology they possess. For them, the world rests comfortably in their pocket, almost every interaction they make is done wirelessly, and even in the realm of the emojis the film offers some sparse commentary on the subject as Gene and his companions briefly advertise Facebook - they interact with people they don't even know, all for the sake of achieving popularity. With the right amount of self-awareness and an analytical outlook mixed into its script, it could have at least attempted to deliver on the promise that its premise held. It could have been something else, something worth thinking about, a cautionary tale on the direction our society is going in thanks to these miniature worlds within worlds, these do-all creations and enduring distractions no bigger than the palms of our hands.  But honestly, the moment Sir Patrick Stewart was cast as a walking, talking mound of excreta, I believe this film's fate was sealed long before it even hit the screens.
If there is any consolation to be gleaned from this experience, however, I can report that the screening I attended was as silent as a crypt. Perhaps the developers aimed wide and went for all the wrong wisecracks – or, maybe, the youth of today have grown wise to the soulless pandering that the film industry so frequently churns out. As a firm believer in the potency of human intelligence and ingenuity, I reside firmly in the latter camp.
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inthatstateofgrace · 7 years
5 Mood-Boosting Mantras to Get You Through Any Challenge
You must live alone, at least internally, in a quiet place. – Bhagavad Gita
Have you ever caught yourself repeatedly reciting a word, phrase, or affirmation in your mind? Perhaps you’ve told yourself “you can do this,” over and over as you nervously walked into a job interview, or repeated that “everything will be OK,” even when it certainly didn’t feel that way. Though this may seem like a mindless coping method, it is actually considered by many religious and spiritual traditions as a means of harnessing and focusing the mind. In Sanskrit, such affirmations are known as mantras, or “tools of thought.” A mantra can be understood as any sound, word or phrase that alters consciousness through meaning, tone, rhythm, or physical vibration.
The Meaning of Mantras
In modern society, the word mantra has almost lost its meaning. It is thrown around as a flippant cliché, far removed from its sacred origins. Traditionally, mantras are believed to have spiritual and psychological powers. When chanted with devotion, certain utterances are thought to create powerful vibrations within the body and mind, igniting intentions and enabling deep states of meditation. But the truth is that we need mantras now more than ever. A chaotic mind slips all too easily into negative thinking patterns, allowing negative energy to take over actions and behavior. Mantras enable us to see that we can manifest and harness the power of our intentions and energy, and that the positive affirmations we tell ourselves can become a reality. Repetition of a mantra is also a simple way to bring presence to your innate, positive qualities.
Since each mantra has a distinct meaning and vibrates on a unique frequency, each one is also believed to have distinctive healing effects; and not only spiritually, but on a physical, molecular level. When chanting mantras aloud, the vibrations and movements of the tongue stimulate some of the key glands of the endocrine system, which is responsible for governing and regulating hormones in the body. What’s more, the soothing and harmonious combination of sound, breath and rhythm – an inevitable outcome of mantra chanting – has a profound impact on the parasympathetic nervous system, otherwise known as the “rest and digest” system. This, in turn, slows the heart rate, relaxes muscles in the gastrointestinal tract, and triggers the body’s healing response. When the physical body is at ease in this way, it is much easier to connect with your mind and consciousness on a deeper level.
The Benefits of Chanting Mantras
By focusing on the repetition of a specific set of words or sounds, mantra chanting can also act as an object of concentration, helping to bring the mind into the present moment. As such, mantras are commonly used to still the mind for meditation, much in the same way that some practitioners concentrate on the breath. A great way to retain focus and remain present whilst practicing meditative mantra chanting is to count each repetition on a garland of beads. Known as mala in Sanskrit, these prayer beads are used throughout religious and spiritual practices to mark the repetition of devoted recitations. Meditative states can be used to connect to the Divine within, and mantras are an effective way to maintain that connection.
Although mantras are typically chanted in Sanskrit, modern versions are increasingly used throughout all aspects of yoga, often to encourage a sense of connection to your intentions for the practice. For example, silent repetition of “I am present” during an asana class can motivate you to stay focused on the movements of the body, preventing your mind from running away from the classroom and straight into the arms of your to-do list. In this way, mantras can be used to cultivate a particular state of mind, allowing their meaning to gently seep into our subconscious and transform negative energy into positive power. Whether it’s an inspirational quote, a favorite lyric, or the wise words of a grandparent, if it leaves you feeling grounded, centered or uplifted, you can consider it a mantra.
5 Mood-Boosting Mantras
If you’re having trouble merging mantras with your practice, why not give one of the following mood-boosting mantras a try? Each is specifically designed to tap into and nurture a particular aspect of being: happiness, peace, prosperity, love, and connection with the Divine.
To get started, find any comfortable seated position, close your eyes, regulate the breath and simply repeat the mantra aloud in whichever rhythm feels natural to you. There is a modern version paired with each mantra just in case you’re not comfortable with reciting Sanskrit, leaving you with no excuse to not give it a go!
1. A Mantra for Happiness
Sanskrit Mantra: Om Paraanandaaya Namaha
Modern Equivalent: Happiness is a choice
Meaning: This mantra serves as a reminder that happiness is our inherent nature; we were born happy, long before negative thoughts, labels, and desires colored our experience. In remembering that true happiness comes from within, the chase for external and material happiness becomes redundant.
Practice Tip: Smile as you chant this mantra – you will find it hard not to feel more joyful!
2. A Mantra for Peace
Sanskrit Mantra: Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu
Modern Equivalent: May all beings everywhere be happy and free
Meaning: Used for centuries as an invocation of peace, this mantra reminds us that we are all connected with one another as part of the same universe. By radiating this sentiment out to the world around us, we are able to step away from the ego and concentrate on universal well-being.
Practice Tip: Take a deep inhale and try vocalizing the whole of this mantra on the out breath.
3. A Mantra for Prosperity
Sanskrit Mantra: Om Gam Ganapataye Namah
Modern Equivalent: I can overcome any obstacle
Meaning: This is the mantra of Lord Ganesha who is known in Hindu tradition as the remover of internal and external obstacles. This mantra can be used to stoke the fire of transformation and blaze your way to success.
Practice Tip: Try doing the Ganesha mudra while repeating this mantra. It is believed to boost self-confidence and courage, helping you to overcome any obstacles in your path to prosperity.
4. A Mantra for Love
Sanskrit Mantra: Om Mani Padme Hum
Modern Equivalent: Love pervades all
Meaning: A Tibetan Buddhist prayer of compassion, this mantra is said to contain all the teachings of the Buddha. This mantra instills a sense of loving-kindness toward all beings, reminding us that the power of love is innate in everyone.
Practice Tip: Om Mani Padme Hum is not directly translatable into a simple phrase. Try focusing on the vibrations of this mantra rather than getting lost in its meaning.
5. A Mantra for Connection With the Divine
Sanskrit Mantra: Om Namah Shivaya
Modern Equivalent: I am one with universal consciousness
Meaning: One of the most popular Hindu dedications to Lord Shiva, this mantra is used to connect to the Divine within and to draw attention to omnipresent universal consciousness. When repeated with devotion, this mantra is thought to bring spiritual insight.
Practice Tip: Om is believed to be the sound and frequency of the creation of the universe. Try elongating this syllable for an entire exhale, paying close attention to the vibrations it creates within the body.
Mantras can help you remain present in the moment, focus your thoughts and intentions on what’s important to you and, ultimately, manifest beautiful things in yourself and the world around you.
Editor’s note: This is a guest post by Rachel Bilski. Rachel is a devoted yoga teacher and freelance content writer for Yogapedia, a yoga encyclopedia and resource that shares the philosophy and practice of yoga.
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There is No App for Happiness: How to Avoid a Near-Life Experience by Max Strom
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Mindfulness in Plain English by Bhante Gunaratana
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Meditations from the Mat: Daily Reflections on the Path of Yoga by Rolf Gates and Katrina Kenison
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Ashtanga Yoga: The Practice Manual by David Swenson
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The Power of Ashtanga Yoga by Kino MacGregor
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Ashtanga Yoga: The Definitive Step-by-Step Guide to Dynamic Yoga by John Scott
Here’s a short, but inspiring, clip of the author demonstrating and explaining Ashtanga yoga.
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Being of Power: The 9 Practices to Ignite an Empowered Life by Baron Baptiste
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40 Days to Personal Revolution by Baron Baptiste
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The Yoga Bootcamp Box: An Interactive Program to Revolutionize Your Life by Baron Baptiste
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Journey Into Power by Baron Baptiste
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Yoga for Warriors: Basic Training in Strength, Resilience & Peace of Mind by Beryl Bender Birch
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Teaching Yoga: Essential Foundations And Techniques  by Mark Stephens
Uncover a ton of teaching and practice pointers on the Mark Stephens Yoga website.
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Yoga Anatomy by Leslie Kaminoff and Amy Matthews
Author’s website: Yoga Anatomy
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Light on Yoga by B.K.S. Iyengar
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Light on Prãnãyãma: The Yogic Art of Breathing by B.K.S. Iyengar
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Yin Yoga: Principles and Practice by Paul Grilley
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Yoga Beyond Belief: Insights to Awaken and Deepen Your Practice by Ganga White
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Kripalu Yoga: A Guide to Practice on and Off the Mat by Richard Faulds
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Yoga and the Quest for the True Self by Stephen Cope
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The Great Work of Your Life: A Guide for the Journey to Your True Calling by Stephen Cope
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The Miracle of Mindfulness: An Introduction to the Practice of Meditation by Thich Nhat Hanh
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Mindful Movements: Ten Exercises for Well-Being by Thich Nhat Hanh
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My Spiritual Journey by The Dalai Lama
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Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind by Shunryu Suzuki
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Buddhist Boot Camp by Timber HawkeyeWhere
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Wherever You Go, There You Are by Jon Kabat-Zinn
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Real Happiness: The Power of Meditation by Sharon Salzberg
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Yoga for Dummies by Larry Payne and Georg Feuerstein
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The Yoga-Sutra Of Patanjali: A New Translation With Commentary (Shambhala Classics)  by Chip Hartranft 
Read Hartranft’s translation for free right here or via the author’s On-line Companion.  Excellent resource!
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The Inner Tradition Of Yoga: A Guide To Yoga Philosophy For The ContemporaryPractitioner by Michael Stone
To learn more about the author, Michael Stone, visit his website.
Here’s a video of the author describing his approach to yoga.
The Inner Tradition of Yoga by Michael Stone from Toronto Body Mind on Vimeo.
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Myths of The Asanas: The Ancient Origins of Yoga by Alanna Kaivalya, Arjuna van der Kooij
Visit the author’s website for more information on the Kaivalya Yoga Method.
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Yoga Beneath The Surface: An American Student And His Indian Teacher Discuss Yoga Philosophy And Practice by Srivatsa Ramaswami, David Hurwitz
Learn more about Ramaswami at his website: Vinyasa Krama.
Read Ramaswami’s article My Studies with Shri T. Krishnamacharya published in Namarupa Magazine.
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The Complete Book of Vinyasa Yoga: The Authoritative Presentation-Based on 30 Years of Direct Study Under the Legendary Yoga Teacher Krishnamacha by Srivatsa Ramaswami
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Yoga Body:  The Origins of Modern Posture Practice by Mark Singleton
Book review and some good comments on mayaland.
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The Subtle Body: The Story Of Yoga In America by Stefanie Syman
Read an interview with author Stefanie Syman at YogaCityNYC.
Listen to author interview on On Point Radio.
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The Yamas & Niyamas: Exploring Yoga’s Ethical Practice by Deborah Adele
Book site:  http://www.theyamasandniyamas.com/.
Author’s blog.
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Living Your Yoga:  Finding the Spiritual in Everyday Life by Judith Hanson Lasater
Author’s website.
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Ashtanga Yoga: Practice And Philosophy by Gregor Maehle
Author’s website, 8limbs.com.
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Yoga And The Path Of The Urban Mystic by Darren Main
Visit Darren Main’s companion website to the book.
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The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga: A Practical Guide to Healing Body, Mind, and Spirit by Deepak Chopra
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The Athlete’s Pocket Guide to Yoga:  50 Routines for Flexibility, Balance, and Focus by Sage Rountree
Take a look at Sage’s advice on Yoga for Runners on Runner’s World.
Sage also has a great website and blog.
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The Subtle Body:  An Encyclopedia of Your Energetic Anatomy by Cyndi Dale
Visit the author’s website for additional exploration.
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Hell-Bent: Obsession, Pain, and the Search for Something Like Transcendence in Competitive Yoga by Benjamin Lorr
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Yoga: The Spirit and Practice of Moving into Stillness by Erich Schiffmann
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Bringing Yoga to Life: The Everyday Practice of Enlightened Living by Donna Farhi
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The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali:  Commentary on the Raja Yoga Sutras by Sri Swami Satchidananda
Visit Sri Swami Satchidananda’s website.
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The Living Gita:  The Complete Bhagavad Gita – A Commentary for Modern Readers by Sri Swami Satchidananda
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  27 Things to Know About Yoga by Victoria Klein
Check out Daily Cup of Yoga’s Review of 27 Things. This is really a great little yoga book!
You will also enjoy reading Victoria Klein’s great yoga blog.
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The Mirror of Yoga:  Awakening the Intelligence of Body and Mind by Richard Freeman
Author’s website:  Yoga Workshop.
I’m also a HUGE fan of Richard Freeman’s course on yoga philosophy, “The Yoga Matrix.”
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The Yoga of Jesus: Understanding the Hidden Teachings of the Gospels (Self-Realization Fellowship) by Paramahansa Yogananda
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How to be Happy All the Time by Paramahansa Yogananda
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Man’s Eternal Quest: Collected Talks and Essays – Volume 1 (Self-Realization Fellowship)by Paramahansa Yogananda 
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Journey to Self-Realization – Collected Talks and Essays. Volume 3 (Self-Realization Fellowship) by Paramahansa Yogananda 
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Autobiography of a Yogi (Self-Realization Fellowship) by Paramahansa Yogananda 
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Ashtanga Yoga Opening and Closing Mantra Opening Mantra Listen here Closing Mantra Listen here.
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char27martin · 7 years
Write What You Know: Fiction, Brought to You by Real Life
“Write what you know” is a storied piece of advice so often given that fiction writers are probably sick of hearing it. Yet, like most clichés, it exists for a reason—that reason being its profound practicality and common sense.
This guest post is by Michele Campbell. Campbell is a graduate of Harvard University and Stanford Law School, worked at a prestigious Manhattan law firm before spending eight years fighting crime as a federal prosecutor in New York City.
Her novel, IT’S ALWAYS THE HUSBAND, was published by St. Martin’s Press in May 2017.
Photo credit: Sigrid Estrada
I adore historical fiction and aspire to one day write a book set in Tudor England or in Virginia during the Civil War. Yet, I also know that doing good research is extremely challenging and time-consuming, and what’s more, research will only get you so far. As an author, you still need to bring yourself and your inner life to bear on your material in order to build a world that speaks to the reader.
The flip-side of “write what you know” is another familiar aphorism about writing—“all novels are autobiographies.” Taken together, these two old war-horses point to a secret truth that all fiction writers understand: No matter the genre we work in, or the heights of imagination and inventiveness to which our stories soar, we are always, at some level, writing about ourselves.
This is especially true for me, because I’m a former prosecutor, and I write crime novels. I also have the good fortune to live in a quaint New England college town, and my new novel, It’s Always the Husband, is set in a fictional quaint New England college town. If the three building blocks of novels are plot, character and setting, then I’ve drawn two out of the three (plot and setting) directly from my personal experience. Some might say that makes me lazy, but I think it makes me smart, and not because I’m trying to avoid doing research. (Though maybe I am, just a little.)
[New Agent Alerts: Click here to find agents who are currently seeking writers]
There is an amazing alchemy to the process of writing a novel. Paul Simon once said that the process of songwriting, when it’s really working, feels like taking dictation, and to me, writing fiction is the same. But that magical process of letting go, and allowing fictional characters to speak through me, can only happen if I have the sort of complete and intimate knowledge of their reality that comes from having lived it myself.
Let’s start with the background that I bring to my fiction. I had the privilege of serving as a federal prosecutor in Brooklyn, New York for eight years, specializing in narcotics and gang cases. My office had jurisdiction over the ports and the airports that service New York City, and we got all the biggest drug cases. I’m not talking about some kid selling baggies of dope on a street corner, but the largest and most violent drug cartels in the world. The job was non-stop adrenaline, including overseeing arrests and search warrants, going to court, trying cases, and working directly with DEA, FBI, and other investigative agencies.
Now, you might ask, what does this have to do with writing a novel about three freshman roommates at an Ivy League college who become fast friends, then frenemies, and then one of them gets murdered? Kind of everything, because a crime is a crime.
It’s Always the Husband moves back and forth in time between the three roommates’ freshman year at (fictional) Carlisle College, and the moment, twenty years later, where the lifeless body of one of them has washed up on the riverbank downstream from their old stomping grounds. The first half of the book tells the story of the intense, toxic relationship that forms among these three profoundly different young women when they’re thrown together in the pressure-cooker environment of an Ivy League college. A terrible tragedy at the end of freshman year leaves them with a dangerous secret. Twenty years later, older but perhaps no wiser, they return to the scene of the crime, and one of them turns up dead. Then the police descend, and that’s where my prior professional life comes in.
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I worked a lot of cases in my old job, and I knew a lot of cops. The hard-boiled police chief with a soft spot for the victim whose investigation dominates the second half of my book is drawn from my interactions with real-life law enforcement. Everything from his mindset to his personal life to the specific procedures he follows (or doesn’t) in collecting evidence comes from that kernel of real-life experience.
This police chief is convinced the husband did it. Well, he has good reason to be, since the vast majority of murders are committed by friends or family members of the victim. In my professional experience, the cops generally identify the killer right off the bat, and the investigation is just the slow, laborious process of gathering evidence to prove it in court. (That’s not to say that the husband did it in this book, where the best friends are also suspects. You’ll have to read it to find out.)
Channeling this character, with his prejudices and his flashes of insight, was made possible by years of real-world experience. Fiction, brought to you by reality.
The same thing is true for the setting of my novel. Anybody can drive through the college town where I live and describe its physical setting. But having spent a decade there, I understand its life. The way the institution of the college influences the town. The fact that everybody knows each other. The concept that privacy is hard to come by and secrets are hard to keep.
This knowledge seeps into the pages of my novel and gives it, I hope, an authenticity that goes deeper than simply describing the color of an oak tree in autumn or the way the ivy grows on the old brick dormitories.
What advice does this suggest for other writers? Simply to make sure that there are aspects of your book that you know to the bones. Maybe there is a character inspired by your own mother. Or maybe you are a devoted baker, and your heroine is a pastry chef. It can be a place, an occupation, a way of life.
The point is this: Knowing something profoundly and deeply will free you to write about it in an engaging and authentic way, and in an original voice. Aspiring authors sometimes fear sharing the premise of their work in progress, on the grounds that somebody might “steal their idea.” I don’t think anybody should worry about this. The fact is, if you write from your own life, only you can write your book.
The biggest literary agent database anywhere is the Guide to Literary Agents. Pick up the most recent updated edition online at a discount.
If you’re an agent looking to update your information or an author interested in contributing to the GLA blog or the next edition of the book, contact Writer’s Digest Books Managing Editor Cris Freese at [email protected].
    The post Write What You Know: Fiction, Brought to You by Real Life appeared first on WritersDigest.com.
from Writing Editor Blogs – WritersDigest.com http://www.writersdigest.com/editor-blogs/guide-to-literary-agents/write-know-fiction-brought-real-life
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loud-snoring-os · 7 years
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I like it! This is a cute book with some decent nuggets of wisdom for contemplation. I am a yoga teacher, and I can sometimes use the wisdom of the day with class. If you are buying this book as a yoga teacher, hoping to gain inspiration to theme your classes around, you will find lots of good ideas here. However, sometimes I find myself flipping through the days to find something that works. Not everything does. I feel like about one out of every seven entries are really something useable, motivating, and resonating. From my perspective, there is more "off the mat" than "on the mat".... but it is still a nice book to own and I keep mine with me pretty much all the time in case I need a last-minute theme or quote for my class. It is thoughtfully worded, and could also make a lovely gift. Go to Amazon
Daily Inspiration to last a lifetime Love having a digestible dose of wisdom to look forward to each day! This book is profound and beautiful in the simplest of ways. Go to Amazon
A perfect tool for yoga teachers or students! I absolutely love this little book! It's perfect for teaching or learning yoga. It has pose explanations and themes, mudra explanations and themes, affirmations that are very uplifting, and lovely little illustrations that help. A great tool for yoga teachers or students! Go to Amazon
Exquisite. One of the best yoga books I have ever owned. I have been collecting yoga books (asana and philosophy) for more than 20 years. YOGA 365 is a true gem. It is beautifully written and researched. The daily wisdoms and stories are both profound and sweet...if I have no time for mediatiaton or yoga (and as the mother of a young child I am frequently rushed), just one daily reading from this book helps me feel centered and rejuvenated mentally and spiritually. I have already purchased additional copies to give as gifts to family and friends. Go to Amazon
I've bought numerous books as gifts for friends and everyone has loved it. It's not just for people who practice ... Susanna's yoga 365 is thoughtfully written that incorporates yoga, philosophy, and everyday wisdom. I've read each page on each day. Susanna's wisdom and insight help to remind me of daily practices that are important to me on the mat and in my daily life. I've bought numerous books as gifts for friends and everyone has loved it. It's not just for people who practice yoga. Anyone would enjoy this book for a daily quick read. Go to Amazon
Yoga 365 has become an important part of my daily life This book has become a part of my morning routine. It's a perfect start to the day, offering sweet reflections and inspirational messages. In a world gone mad, this has become a small place of refuge that allows me to center, reconnect with myself and focus on what's important. It helps me make myself a little better everyday. What a wonderful gift to give myself! Thank you! Go to Amazon
Keep it handy for inspiration and as a reminder to be good to yourself every day 365 really thoughtful daily mantras and practices. I found this lovely little book that helped me focus and reconnect internally and externally. Keep it handy for inspiration and as a reminder to be good to yourself every day. Go to Amazon
Use for Yoga Classes Nice way to begin or end Yoga Class - readings are less than 60 seconds long. Nothing weird. Simply written. Go to Amazon
Five Stars Five Stars Five Stars Great book for teachers and students! Five Stars great! dailey lessons based on poses Five Stars
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loud-snoring-os · 7 years
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WOW! LOVE THIS BOOK! Excellent book! We have used this in our company over and over again. It has made a profound difference for me both personally and in our business! Thank you Mr. Miller! Go to Amazon
QBQ at work... Great insite on personal accountability. My team read the book about 8 months ago and it is very common to hear team members calling out others simply by say "QBQ" when they catch each other making excuses or playing the victim. Needless to say, the culture is changing around here thanks to the QBQ! Thanks John Miller! Go to Amazon
A must read for anyone who works! This is a great book for someone just entering the professional world or even those who have been there for awhile. Being in the latter category, I found it was a good reminder of the things I used to be better at, but maybe let slide as time has gone on. It was required reading at my new employer. I had to give their copy back then bought my own because I need to be reminded again....and again! Lol. Seriously this is a quick read and highly recommended. Go to Amazon
Great introduction to Personal Responsibility I really enjoyed how this author presented the topic of personal responsibility. While the book seems to be written for someone with very little education, and the people most likely to read it are already seeking ways to accept accountability in their lives, what I find most profound is a set of tools for discussing accountability with others. If you are a finger pointer, this book will give you tools for overcoming your own worst enemy. More importantly, if you are a parent, manager, or member of any group, this book gives you great examples of how to discuss, teach, and instill the idea of personal responsibility in those you work and live with every day. Go to Amazon
Great reminder of accountability John's stories are great and "easy to digest" examples of personal accountability. It reminded me of a lesson learned years ago. There are only 3 options for most every situation. 1) change yourself, 2) change the situation which would include people, or, 3) remove yourself from the situation. 2) is rarely an option. If only everyone would follow QBQ....what could we accomplish? Go to Amazon
Making Organizations Outstanding I love a couple of things when I pick up a book. I love when the title is clear and promises me something tangible (something of course that I care about). And I love it when the book delivers. When the book is also written by a really smart person, who I've had the privilege to work with a bit, it is even better. Go to Amazon
Every adult should read... So true! Every adult should read this book! Go to Amazon
Short, sweet and insightful! Great insightful book. Short and sweet. Inspired me both by its message to ask wiser questions and by its brevity. Gave me confidence to release my kindle book in a paperback format despite its shortness. Go to Amazon
If you can read, this book is worth every word! The world would be a much better place if more people practiced the simple principals in ... Five Stars Four Stars Great way to start building culture on your team! Highly Recommend A must for your library. Five Stars Five Stars A business classic!
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