#no rumor weed???
larrylimericks · 2 days
Some your-names said Louis’s a slag; In Mexico, gave him a shag. Ten or more touched the sky! He sparked up to reply: Fuck your rumors and also jet lag.
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thespaceyace · 8 months
“So…did ya’ hear the one about Alfred?”
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I think this is gunna be a series and I’m not mad about it
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More VeggieTales cus why not???
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Yeah yeah disney villain songs are great but have you ever heard a veggietales villain song
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huntersapprentice · 2 months
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another LarryBoy villain from the other night... with a little twist
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rumor-weed · 6 months
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Audrey + Humanized Audrey in her Bowling League outfit. I imagine as a human she’s pretty small, likely doesn’t escape the 4 foot bracket and is incredibly frail due to a lack of good gossip.
You know that bowling league shirt is one of her favorite things she owns now, a sign of better times and a reminder of the found family she has now.
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euphoriaface · 2 months
what really urks me about the voodoo thing with chucky is that it wasn't a choice don made in his original script, but at no point after getting power over his franchise did he say "oh yeah I can change this", like yeah yeah yeah I get the chant n whatever is iconic for the first two movies but honestly retconing the voodoo wouldn't even be that hard.. just say chucky is a ghost that isn't powered by any specific religion (make it a personal connection or somethin) n then you can make up all the rules you want without bastardizing an actual practice
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jyanimationstudios · 1 month
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the twitter weed
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zoevint · 3 months
Jack from Larryboy & the Rumorweed?
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Your art is super cute & bright 😭😭😭 especially the humanizations of the veggietales characters ✨
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lunathewafflelord · 1 year
Magia Record but instead of Rumors being delivered by the rumor spreader it’s spread by this thing
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(Rumor Weed from Veggie Tales)
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thecosmicrebel · 7 months
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It was @thespaceyace birthday a while ago, and I love her Rumor Weed cosplay so much because I am such a huge Veggie Tales fan that I thought I would draw her in her cosplay.
Happy (late) Birthday!!! 🎉
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nerds-yearbook · 1 year
In 1999, Larry the Cucumber once more donned his super alter ego for "Larry-Boy and the Rumor Weed". It is the first VeggieTale in which Bob the Tomato does not appear. The animation, visual scale, and score are all greatly enhanced from his first adventure, making it a show piece for Big Idea Productions. ("Larry-Boy and the Rumor Weed", Video, Event)
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eflen-n-reegee · 8 months
LarryBoy Villains Headcanons
I grew up with Veggietales and I still think it’s a fun show.
Caregiver Fib Headcanons
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He’s an amazing storyteller; he never seems to run out of tall tales, fairy stories, and mysteries.
He also tells you all about outer space. These stories are definitely (probably) true.
He majorly encourages your own storytelling abilities. He firmly believes anyone can be a great storyteller.
And every time you tell a story? Oh my gosh, he gives you so much praise. He just loves to listen to your stories.
He loves to wander around with you, exploring various stores and window shopping. He doesn’t necessarily want to talk to other people, but he’s happy to watch you do the talking. Everyone deserves to hear your stories. 
Caregiver Rumor Weed Headcanons
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Whatever you may want to talk about, she always gives you her full attention.
(And she ALWAYS goes along with your crazy kid theories. No matter how outlandish an idea might seem, she agrees with you a hundred percent.)
She LOVES to talk, and loves being able to tell you things. She’s your caregiver after all; she has to teach you stuff! (And maybe what she talks about isn’t always educational, but it is interesting!)
She can’t move around, but thanks to her various stalks, she can still keep an eye on you wherever you go.
Her main nickname for you is “little sprout”.
Caregiver Bad Apple Headcanons
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She spoils you absolutely rotten. Anything your little heart desires, she’s happy to give you.
(And there’s absolutely no judgment about the things you want. Are you a tween regressor who loves pacifiers? A baby regressor who loves horror movie memorabilia? No problem at all - whatever makes you happy!)
She builds you your own mechanical limbs that can walk for you when you’re sleepy.
Curly is the only babysitter she trusts to care for you.
She spins you a web-world where you can completely indulge your regression. Absolutely everything you would want is there, and you can play there as long as you want.
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andimlarrythecucumber · 10 months
i insist we cancel the wedding. (any muse)
"Uh," Larry looked the rumor weed over a few times, "Is this another Audrey scheme? Cause it kind of feels like an Audrey scheme."
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missacmetha · 10 months
❛  i love you too. i'll ... i'll see you in hell.  ❜ (any of ryan's muses whoever you think is the funniest contender for this)
"Oh, Audrey," Miss Acmetha sighed longingly, "They don't make them like you, anymore."
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duckapus · 8 months
(thought of a fascinating possible encounter down in the depths of the Veggietales server's previous iterations. after all, there's a lot of secrets down there right now, and one particular Veggietales villain who thrives on that sort of thing and just so happens to be largely subterranean)
???: *whispering* pssst! hey!
Vee: *looks around* Huh?
???: down here.
Vee: *looks down and sees a weird semi-anthropomorphic plant poking out of the ground* The hell are you?
Rumor Weed: Oh, just a concerned citizen, now listen. I gotta warn you about your friend over there, with the fancy pink bathrobe. *points over at Abyssal*
Vee: *puts up a rather impressive poker face* ...Keep talkin'.
Rumor Weed: *glances around, then leans in and keeps her voice low* I overheard her talking to that scruffy guy with the hat and glasses. Apparently, she's some kind of shadow thing that's supposed to spread chaos and destruction for the sake of her dark master.
Vee: Wow.
Rumor Weed: Heavy stuff, I know.
Vee: No, I mean, "Wow, you seriously expect me to give a crap?"
Rumor Weed: Huh!?
Vee: Listen honey, first off? I'm not about to stand here and listen to some random stranger talk shit about my friend, especially a patch of crabgrass whose fashion sense would've been tacky in the decade you stole it from.
Rumor Weed: Hey now-
Vee: SECOND, even if what you're saying is true, which honestly wouldn't surprise me with this group, it honestly wouldn't even be that big a deal? I mean, about a fifth of the people here were originally designed to be evil, including me!
Rumor Weed: *stunned speechless, because she was NOT expecting this kind of pushback*
Vee: So if you really wanna spread stories, how about you just make a Twitter account like everybody else and quit bothering us, you glorified clickbait article. *walks off, completely ignoring the weed bursting into a flower behind her*
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