#no sonc this time
trashcreatyre · 14 days
Lowkey feel a little delusional at the idea that mephiles is in sxshg but also the official sonic accounts keep posting shit that has me like this so
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Also I saw someone say they think this is soleanna but not 100% convinced. I really, REALLY doubt that sega would do anything with the actual city atp, but I will stay hopefully optimistic (delusional)
Anyway, time eater :))))))))))
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bace-jeleren · 9 months
Back at it again at the ER
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indihome-suck · 3 months
Kemenag DKI released the exam results in a 50 page pdf ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️
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strayrainbow · 11 months
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@ladylunora 's DTIYS! another one!
Still thinkin of Them, obsessed with their dynamic, I just love drawing them and nothing else apparently
Happy Halloween!
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taylorrepdetective · 10 months
Since you like to say you’re always right, tell us what is next. You say you don’t make predictions, but you actually do, even if you don’t call them that.
Ok so I’m absolutely not always right. There have been some really big things I’ve been wrong about and a lot of small things too. And what I learned from that is to keep an open mind, and when I’m wrong about something, to figure out why I got it wrong and shift my world view in some ways to try to understand and guess better the next time. But it’s not even really about being able to guess. It’s about understanding when things happen. It is fun to be right on a guess though, when that happens.
The biggest thing I’ve learned, and luckily I learned it pretty early on in my time in this space, is that trying to figure out the timing something big will happen is absolutely a fools errand. And another thing to avoid is trying to come up with the exact, specific way Taylor (or others in her cinematic universe) will do something to get a point across. Like I can predict she will try to get a point across (set up a timeline, create a narrative, shore up a brand point) but I cannot predict exactly how or when she’ll do it. I also can predict she’ll set something up but then she never does. That’s because I think of lots of options. Some happen, some don’t. So this is the kind of thing I’m often wrong about. But I see them and always try to present them as options, not predictions. And if one of the options I think of happens, I have already spent time thinking about it, so it already makes sense to me.
I don’t know what’s next. She could drop TS11 at midnight. She could break up with Travis tomorrow, or announce her engagement next week. But I do not think any of those things is likely.
So here’s the closest thing you’ll ever get to me making a specific, timed prediction, because to me it seems quite clear:
What I do think is likely is that her jet will go to KC, ✅she’ll go to the game on Sunday✅, and her jet will then leave KC sometime between next Tuesday✅ and next Thursday. Why? Because it’s a home game, and she likes to go to home games and get the exposure and publicity that comes with that. She is working really hard at becoming an icon in KC, seem like her relationship is very serious for those who want to believe it’s serious, and she wants to shore up that relationship by spending time with him, his family, and his friends (also KC icons - the Mahomes mostly.)✅ All of this is so important to the story she’s creating. However, she won’t stay long ✅because that’s been her pattern. She also seems to be establishing that she also has her own busy, fabulous life✅ (she’s bejeweled and he lets her be✅) and when he’s busy with his football week (generally Tuesday-Sunday) he doesn’t have much time for her and she has her own life.✅This gives her the opposite option of the relationship being very serious. In other words it gives her an easy out for it to end. And Wednesday is her birthday. So she’ll either stay till Tuesday ✅and we’ll see or hear about birthday celebrations Sunday night/Monday, ✅then she’ll head out for further birthday celebrations with her other friends and family✅, or her jet will stay through her birthday, solidifying the seriousness of the relationship. But she will leave KC.✅ And then she’ll probably go to the game on Dec 17 in Boston✅. Why? Because it is a short hop from NYC, she has a huge fanbase there✅ and can expand it and shore it up, the patriots are bad so a win is likely✅, but they are a very popular team, so viewership (publicity) will be high✅. After that? Well she’s likely to spend more time in NYC✅/Nashville. Then she will probably go to the Christmas Day game in KC✅. This is a huge opportunity to “take the relationship to the next level” by spending the holidays together ✅, something the public absolutely loves to see and will further fuel the “engaged by the end of the year, after the Super Bowl at the latest” fire. Hopefully we’ll get something reputation-related for new years❌, so the extra publicity will help with that. Additionally all of this corresponds with the Eras film being released to streaming, another huge money making opportunity for her, and her attendance is an ad for the film.
After the new year, there will be some huge games with high viewership. They will be playing for playoff seeding. Then they almost assuredly will be in the playoffs✅. She will go to those games✅, which have even higher viewership, and will give her more free marketing for reputation and eras movie and anything else we don’t know about. After that, it will depend on how deep they go into the playoffs. They are no longer favored to be in the Super Bowl, but it is still a strong possibility✅. We all now know she can fly across the world after a concert to attend an event (she flew to the US during her time in SA, planned to a second time but couldn’t because of the events in Rio, and flew to London for 24 hrs for bey). The precedent has been set for her to fly from Tokyo to Las Vegas for the Super Bowl. ✅There is no bigger stage than the Super Bowl (outside of the World Cup final, if you’re thinking internationally.) The free marketing potential there is something that would be very hard for her to pass up. And if Travis isn’t playing, Jason’s team might be, and they can go together to support him. Imagine the potential of travlor in a suite together with mama and papa kelce cheering on a retiring Jason❌✅ . And even if neither of them are in the game, they could still all go together and stand in a suite as a big happy family in front of an audience of 115 million Americans. Why wouldn’t she do this?✅
Will all that happen for sure? Of course not. But you can see the logic, right? Will there be other things that happen that I haven’t thought of? Most likely.✅ I don’t actually have a crystal ball. What kinds of things could derail this? Well there’s always the possibility of the black swan, but a more likely scenario is they lose again against a team they should beat✅ and/or Travis has another bad game✅. There is a real danger of people turning on her as a distraction ✅and I think they have their fingers on the pulse of this very closely. As long as KC keeps winning, and there’s a good chance they will win the rest of their games, all will be smooth❌✅.
Also I am not even thinking beyond February. I have one interesting thought about it, but it’s just too speculative to even mention here. But as we move through the next two months, I’ll get clues to be able to guess at what will happen after she goes back on tour after the Super Bowl✅. And if I’m wrong about all of this, which I may very well be because she is notoriously unpredictable sometimes, I will simply take it as a learning opportunity to understand her better.✅
#I’m editing the tags as time goes on to note what I got right and how and adding checks and can writhing the post#People mag confirmed they celebrated her bday Monday in KC and he’s busy and she’s busy and she will have a party w/o him in nyc#and were sure to mentioned he is focused on football#and he’s gotten some criticism for dropping passes and that flop#he had a bad game vs patriots and hasn’t had a good game in weeks#she’s still doing fine other than the Mahomes continuing ick#Travis essentially confirmed she went to Gillette. decide of her strong fanbase. bad team means cheap tix for swifties to take over#don’t know for sure but looks like she wants everyone to think she’s in KC for the week#a big football analyst tweeted she’s a distraction after the Christmas loss#they didn’t win the rest of their games and they struggled at the end of the season there and Travis struggled but#he miraculously hit his act together in time to help lead his team to the Super Bowl cementing his place as the elite TE and saved the day#and happiness is everywhere because the goal (SB and adorable power couple of the year) was met#next Grammys and Super Bowl for her and him going to shows in Australia I’m guessing#got the kelce family plus Taylor importance right but didn’t mention the possibility of Jason not in SB but in suite with tay.#obvious but sonce I didn mt mention it I gave myself a partial green check#one thing I didn’t know was about TTPD instead of a new re-recording#we already got our People article that he is looking forward to joining her on tour in Europe
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qkmlh · 8 months
Listening to the Hunger Games audiobook during my lunch and omigosh Katniss sweetheart you did not just decide to kiss Peeta’s bruised cheek because you think his adorkably lame compliment was a manipulation tactic
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drgnbnd · 2 years
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~ valentine's fayelica ~
(femslash feb #2)
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mitamicah · 4 months
confession time: After sleeping on it, I actually think I miss the Joker Out guys a bit more than I miss Jere and crew atm. That might be because it has been longer since I've watched them live comparred to Käärijä ...
... but because of this I'm actually tempted to do something very scandalous *gasp - I know; how nonkääryle of me* and only go for Hamburg tomorrow in hopes that Joker Out will get some Europe dates this fall as well :'D
(and if they don't then I hope the Käärijä shows in germany won't sell out too quickly :'D)
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#I miss looking into the bojan's intense wet brown puppy eyes and feel my stomach drop because of it#the adrenaline that wont leave my body for hours that make me giddy and silly because of a 25 year took notice of me#I miss witnessing janace's antics face to face#and jure walking around with or without bubbles sending us happy smiles durring novi val#I miss hearing bluza and sta bih ja#and I long to get my chance to hear astp live#I want to break down with other fans during sonce#I even miss the long ass umazane misli karaokes#I miss the chance of talking to the guys at shit o'clock in the night#and hell I already have three käärijä shows planned (almost) next month#so I will get my käärijä quota fulfilled#and it is not like I don't look forward to those concerts#but what I mostly look forward to in those are meeting up with you guys#I know I probably wont understand most what jere is saying#I will enjoy his antics#and häärijä and the daltons#the chance of hearing people's champion on stage again#maybe get paidaton riehuja again#enjoy my first outside concerts with him#see him be so humble and honest and just such an open and wonderful human being#but I probably wont meet him#the chance of getting a good spot is limited#the same connection that I got with JO in sweden is sparse#and I miss that#so as much as I am looking forward to backas and allas and ruisrock#I miss the intimate small concerts in places where he/they are less known#where the few of us meeting up are getting the time of our lives#but I also know that is not sustainable for him/them and that bigger crowds also have its unique experiences/advantages#I am pretty much just babbling#don't mind me
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s4pphic-sh3nan1gans · 5 months
if anybody wants to play along to sonce, these are the guitar chords I've been using as I think they sound close to what Bojan plays and I can't play barre chords:
capo 3rd fret
Em, G, Am, Em ×3
Am, Bm7, Em ×2
Am, Bm7, G, Em
Am, Bm7, Em
this might be slightly wrong as I figured it out completely by ear so feel free to correct me if you find something else that works better :)
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rubenesque-as-fuck · 1 year
Last week's terrible Bumble date has convinced me to try OKCupid again. At least I can distract myself by answering way too many profile questions
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weirdbabs · 4 months
anyway i dont really care about the new dragon age game but the only bringing 2 companions w you sounds like its gonna suck. youre going to be essentially forcing players to never bring out a companion w the same class as them unless they dont mind being unbalanced
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mrfartpowered · 3 months
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yourcalamity · 6 months
never gonna forget one of my ‘voluntary’ institutionalizations when this clearly schizo spec psychotic patient would talk to himself not involving anyone else just having his symptoms to the left in the place allegedly made for people like him and another patient attacked him because he decided he was talking about everyone else and insulting them, and everyone else in the unit was backing him up and i was like um guys. guy who talks to himself in the corner all day has nothing to do with you but congrats on making a place that should be safe for him dangerous. mind you this is one experience that i can recall enough to type out
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dunkinbublin · 1 year
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FIVE AM SNIPER POST dont tell anyone
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foxgloveinspace · 7 months
I am back in 24/7 sleep token lock down. No other music. No other thoughts.
It’s been two days and my creativity is back.
I swear if I thought sleep was real he’d be a god of creativity and not chaos….. creativity through chaos?? Perhaps.
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tommy-thomas · 2 years
Took me two days. The result is mid but eh
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Two silly little friends in a silly festival in a silly world
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