#no sympathy for the fanboys
itsclydebitches · 1 year
Things I Adore About Diamond Dog Trent (in Chronological Order):
Intense confusion over Beard barking that becomes Roy scaring the shit out of him (again) as he slams the door
"Oh, I'm in." IMMEDIATE. NO HESITATION. 100% COMMITMENT. Keep in mind that he's just been told they share their "most initiate thoughts, feelings and experiences" like oh, I don't know... the fact that you're gay? But Trent is Ted's The Lasso Way's #1 Fanboy so he's feeling safe and validated, baby!!
This is very much enhanced by the return of the rainbow mug
30 seconds into his new membership and Trent has gotten used to the barking enough that he can manage an awkward little wave of acknowledgement. 10/10 very cute
Subtle eye-narrowing of judgment at Ted right after Beard's "Unbelievable." They really are on the same wavelength this episode I'm digging it
"Can I just talk whenever?" OH I'M SORRY, IS TRENT "BRINGING THE HEAT" CRIMM POLITELY REQUESTING PERMISSION TO ASK POINTED, PERSONAL QUESTIONS? We love us some character development, yes we do
Teeny tiny smile when Higgins agrees with him. He's! So! Proud! Of! Himself! And he should be!!
Copying Beard's pointing. It reminds me of him subtly flipping Jamie off but also kinda pretending like it's a coincidence. Trent wants to be included so, so badly and he's someone who displays that by mimicking the actions of those around him. Something, something, Isaac's study of body language
The fact that for once Trent isn't holding his notebook and doesn't stop to grab it. He has a good handle now on what can and cannot go into his book. "Don't print that" is a running gag he no longer needs
A more meta-y take, but I love that Trent's first meeting is the perfect example of what the Diamond Dogs are meant to be accomplishing. It's not just a place to vent or get platitudes (though it's that too), but rather to receive the honest, sometimes hard-hitting advice so you can make better and more informed decisions. Ted went in looking for sympathy and got a doozy of a wake-up call instead, which I think highlights the group's purpose for Trent far better than many other meetings might have
You can see Trent open his mouth a little bit while the others are howling like he wants to join in (because he does HE DOES) but doesn't quite have the courage yet. It's only when the others quiet down - when he's not 'imposing' on 'their' thing - that he lets out that little *woof!* of his own
The woof. Yes, that gets its own bullet point
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topguncortez · 1 year
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Secrets Out || Dragon & Rooster
dragon & rooster masterlist | main masterlist
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synopsis: Dragon and Rooster have been waiting for the right moment to tell the squad the good news, but one quiet WSO lets the cat out of the bag
word count: 3.4k
warnings: pregnancy, mentions of miscarriage, mentions of still birth, nausea, mentions of vomiting, cursing
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It wasn’t that Dragon and Bradley didn’t want the squad to know about their good news, it was that they were scared to tell them. They both knew that the squad would want to know if something happened to either of them. The bond that had been created between all of them during the Uranium Mission was one that was not going to easily be broken. They were a family. And over the years their family has grown to accept new members, some of them children, some of the partners, some of them new pilots. But one thing about them, was they always had each other's backs and were there through the good times and the bad times. 
Bradley respected his wife’s decision to not tell the squad. Dragon didn’t like pity and the looks and sympathy that the squad had given her after their last loss was hard for her to bear. Rooster had never seen his wife so upset before, and it nearly broke him in two. But now, she was starting to show, and Rooster had to bite his tongue during almost every conversation he had with the squad to keep from spilling the secret. And the squad was starting to catch on to her change in daily activity. 
“Don’t you think it’s weird that Dragon hasn’t been in the air for weeks?” Fanboy whispered or tried to while standing by the coffee pot with Payback. 
The taller pilot just scoffed, “No. Someone’s gotta do the classroom stuff.” 
“Yeah but. . . It’s Dragon. . . Dragon Trace. She’s the last one who I think would want to spend days in the classroom,” Fanboy responded as Dragon walked into the room. She had a look on her face, her eyes scanning over the break room before turning on her heel and leaving, “See! She didn’t even get coffee! Something is up!” 
“You’re reading too much into this,” Payback sighed, “If something was up with Dragon, we would know about it. Drop it and let the girl live.”
But Fanboy was not about to ‘drop it’, he wanted to know what was going on. He liked to say he had a talent for sniffing out things with his crew and finding out whatever they were hiding. He was the first one who figured out that Y/N Seresin was pregnant with Eli. He was the first to figure out that Val and Coyote were planning to renew their vows and tell no one. He was also the first to figure out that Cyclone was going through a divorce. If there was one thing that anybody needed to know, they knew that Fanboy would be able to figure it out. 
Dragon sat back at her desk with a sigh. Her feet hurt and her flight suit was a tad too tight. She thought about wearing one of Bradley’s today but they were too long. Yesterday a box full of maternity uniforms had arrived on her doorstep, and she was actually looking forward to wearing them (even if they were ugly). Bradley rolled out in his desk chair and poked his head into his wife’s cubicle, smiling at her as she rubbed her bump. 
“What’re you doin?” He asked, standing up from his chair. 
“Being used as a punching bag,” She mumbled, poking her belly. Bradley walked to her and kneeled down to be at eye level with her belly. To say he was obsessed with it would be an understatement. He was completely enamored with his wife’s belly. He placed his two large hands on either side of it, stroking the clothing covering it. 
“Stop being mean to your mother,” He whispered and leaned forward to kiss her bump. Dragon giggled and ran a hand through his curls, “Not even here yet, and already being a nuisance.” 
“Well, it is your kid,” Dragon said, putting her hand on one of his, “Scared that if it’s a boy, they’ll come out with a mustache.” 
“And that would be A-Okay,” Bradley said to her bump again, rubbing it, “Do you need anything? Check your blood pressure?” 
“I’m fine,” She assured her husband. They were monitoring her for preeclampsia, and even the thought of the word sent a nervous shiver down Bradley’s spine. 
“Well, if you say so,” Bradley patted her thighs. He leaned in and kissed her lips, “I got a hop to do. I’ll see you both,” He then leaned down and kissed her belly, making her laugh, “Later. I love you.” 
“We love you too, Daddy.” 
She watched her husband leave, a smile on her face. She loved those quiet moments when it was just the two of them. Both Val and Y/N Seresin had told Dragon that she should savor those moments before adding another addition to the pairing. Things changed when a baby was added to the mix. Those quiet moments were harder and harder to find. Dragon let out a sigh and ran her hand over her bump, feeling a small flutter from within her. She smiled and turned back in her chair and went back to her lesson plans. 
Little did she know, a quiet WSO was watching through the window of the office, placing pieces to the puzzle in his mind. 
— — — 
Fanboy was taking his time in the locker room, which was strange. He was usually the first one in and out after a hop, stating once that his mom told him humid locker room air was a cesspool for pneumonia, which. . . she probably wasn’t wrong. He kept glancing over his shoulder as Luke talked to Jake, his flight suit tied around his waist and the latter, half naked with a towel around him. Apparently, there was some big news with Texas and Oklahoma that Fanboy could care less about. The moment Jake walked away from Luke, grabbing his duffle bag to go change, Fanboy knew now was the time to strike. 
Luke turned back to his locker, smiling at the pictures he had taped up on the wall. He sat down on the bench to untie his boots, when he felt a presence behind him. He blinked a couple of times before looking over his shoulder and seeing Fanboy standing there. 
“Garcia? How can I help you?” Luke asked. 
“Oh just. . . You and Phoenix are close,” Fanboy noted, leaning against his locker. 
Luke nodded, “Well we are dating so I would assume we are close. What’s up?” 
“So that means you’re close to Dragon,” Luke again nodded, his eyebrows furrowing, “So if Dragon was. . . I don’t know preg-” 
“Cerberus, you motherfucker!” Rooster yelled as he walked into the locker room, a bright smile on his face. Fanboy jumped and took a step back as Rooster tossed his stuff down in front of his locker, “How the hell did you manage to get me, and those two rookies in one sweep?” 
“Trade secrets, old man,” Luke said and gave Rooster a fist bump, “But what were you saying, Garcia? About Dragon?” 
“Dragon? Is she alright?” Rooster’s face paled at the mention of his wife. 
“O-oh! Yeah, she’s fine. Just. . . ya know doing classroom stuff. I was just wondering when she’s gonna fly again,” Mickey shrugged. 
Rooster breathed out a sigh of relief, and unzipped his flight suit, “Not for a bit. Maybe after this class gets done.” 
Mickey nodded, taking in Rooster’s words as he fell back into conversation with Luke. He finished getting dressed, stuffing his sweaty flight suit and khakis in his duffle bag. 
“Fanboy, you’re going to the Hard Deck, right?” Rooster called out before Fanboy could leave the locker room. 
“Oh, you bet,” Fanboy nodded. Rooster smiled at him, throwing his towel over his shoulder and walking towards the showers. 
It was at that moment, that Fanboy had made the connection, and a burning question popped into his head. 
— — —
Even though Dragon couldn’t partake in the usual drinking events at the Hard Deck on Friday Night after a long week of work, she still liked to tag along and be a part of the group. She had changed out of her uncomfortable flight suit and into a pair of jeans cutoffs, a white tank top, and one of Rooster’s Hawaiian shirts. She touched up her makeup and let her hair down, feeling the relief from the tight bun she had been wearing throughout the day. 
Rooster was leaning against his Bronco, watching as Dragon walked out of the building and crossed the parking lot. She was always like a dream, but something about the sun hitting her already glowing skin, made her seem angelic. Bradley couldn’t help the large smile that crawled across his face as she walked up to him and greeted him with a kiss on the cheek. 
“Damn mama, you come here often?” Bradley whispered against her skin, making her giggle. 
“You’re ridiculous,” Dragon playfully shoved him and walked around to the other side of the Bronco. 
The ride to the Hard Deck was a short one, and it was filled with Bradley’s off-key singing to “Push” by Matchbox Twenty. Dragon sat in the passenger seat, a huge smile on her face, one of her hands resting on her bump and the other in Bradley’s hand. Bradley parked as close to the door of the Naval bar as he could, knowing that Dragon didn’t like to stay out very long anymore. 
They had officially cruised into the second trimester. Dragon was feeling better as the weeks went on, however, her energy had not returned to her yet. She was lucky if she could make it to lunch without having to go to Mav’s office and take a nap on the couch. Her sensitivity to smells hadn’t gotten that much better either. In fact, Rooster had to stop wearing one of his favorite colognes because the scent made her nauseous. There was also no longer any coffee-making allowed in the house after Dragon upchucked all over the dining room rug one morning. 
“One Budweiser and a game of pool,” Bradley said, as he helped Dragon out of the Bronco, “And then we’ll leave and we can stop at Culver’s,” Bradley swore that he was spending most of his free time going to Culver’s and getting their onion rings for Dragon. 
“I’m actually feeling alright tonight,” Dragon grabbed Bradley’s outstretched hand and climbed down from the passenger seat, “We can stay for more than one Budweiser and a game of pool.” 
Bradley stopped in his tracks and looked at his wife, “You sure? You just say the word baby girl and we’ll-” 
“Yes, I am sure,” Dragon kissed the corner of his mouth, “Now let’s go. I’ve been wanting that peach tea that Penny has on the soda gun all freaking week.” 
Dragon and Rooster made their way to their spot in the Hard Deck, hand in hand. The Dagger Squad was already in the back corner, huddled around the pool table, a game already in progress. Dragon dropped Rooster’s hand and walked over to her sister, greeting her with a hug. Jake greeted Bradley by handing him a beer. 
Eventually, one game of pool turned into two, and two turned into three. Rooster had kept a close eye on Dragon throughout the night, looking for the first sign that she was tired and ready to go. But the Trace girl was in high spirits, feeling like she had finally gotten out of the brain fog and exhaustion that had been plaguing her. She was now sitting next to Bob at a high-top table, talking about the latest episode of The Mandalorian. Most of the daggers were in their own world, conversing with one another or invested in a game of pool, except for Fanboy. 
He had been watching Dragon the whole night. He watched as she subtly handed Rooster the beer that Coyote had placed in front of her. He watched as she held her hand clamped over her mouth when Jake’s order of onion rings was brought out. And he watched as she yawned three times in one hour. 
“Do you think Dragon is being weird?” Fanboy asked Phoenix, who was lining up her next shot. 
“I think my sister is always weird,” Phoenix shrugged, taking her shot and sinking in the eight-ball. She stood to her full height and looked at Fanboy, “You lose.” 
Fanboy squinted his brown eyes at her, watching as she walked over to where Dragon and Rooster now sat. The burning question was still in his head, getting hotter and hotter. 
Rooster had his arm wrapped around Dragon’s shoulders as she leaned her head on his shoulder. She could hardly keep her eyes open, the sound of Rooster’s steady heart lulling her to sleep. Rooster had to fight every fiber in his being to not put his hand on her growing belly, something that was now his new favorite activity. It was the one thing he looked forward to at the end of every day, lying in bed with his wife and their unborn child. 
“Tired, mama?” Rooster asked, whispering in her ear. Dragon looked up at him, giving him a small smile, “Feelin’ alright?” 
Dragon nodded and shifted in her chair, stretching her limbs out. A quiet groan escaped her lips, making Rooster chuckle. She sat back in her chair, her hand absent-mindedly going to her belly, rubbing a small circle, “I’m just tired and-” 
“I’m sorry, I just gotta ask,” Mickey spoke up. Dragon looked over at him, her eyebrows furrowed. The whole squad turned their attention to the WSO, and he pointed right at Dragon, “Are you pregnant?” 
“Garcia, what the hell?” Cerberus said quickly. Phoenix looked over at her sister, as she stared at the drink in front of her, “You can’t just ask women that.” 
“It’s just I have noticed all these things, and she’s not flying, she’s not drinking, she looks like she’s-” 
Mickey’s words were cut off as Dragon stood up from the table and walked away. Rooster watched his wife walk out the front doors of the Hard Deck, no doubt going to sit on the beach to calm herself down. She had been planning a way to tell the squad for the past couple of weeks, wanting to wait until she got further along in her pregnancy. Now, it was all laid out in the open. Fanboy felt his heart in his stomach as Phoenix stood up from the table and followed after her sister.  
“I’m sorry, Rooster, I didn’t-” 
Rooster shook his head, “Yeah. She’s pregnant. She’s about twenty weeks along. She wanted to wait just a bit longer to tell people. It wasn’t long after this that we lost Ida. I think she’s struggling a bit.” 
Fanboy felt like he was going to be sick, “Bradley I am so-” 
“It’s fine,” Rooster pushed himself back in his chair, “I’m gonna go check on her.” 
Fanboy sunk back in his chair, his chest feeling heavy as he stared down at his drink. He could remember the night that the Bradshaws lost Ida. He had been in the backyard with Phoenix helping clean up from their gender reveal party when Rooster yelled for help. Fanboy rushed into the house and found Dragon looking deathly pale, while Rooster was trying to shake her awake. The sound of Rooster’s cries when the doctor told him what had happened stuck with Fanboy. Ever since the Uranium Mission and being Rooster’s wingman, they have had a close relationship. And seeing someone that he considered to be a brother so hurt and lost, hurt Fanboy. 
Fanboy shook his head and stood up from the table but Payback grabbed his hand stopping him. 
“Where are you going?” Fitch asked. 
“To apologize to them,” Fanboy pulled his hand away from Payback. 
“Not a good idea, Garcia,” Jake piped up, “Just sit down and let Rooster handle it. I think you’ve done enough for tonight.” 
Mickey sucked in a breath and nodded his head, sitting back down in his seat. A couple of minutes later, Phoenix came back into the bar. She walked over to the table and whispered something in Luke’s ear before he nodded and stood up with her. She didn’t spare a glance at anyone at the table, just heading straight for the door as Luke grabbed his wallet and fished out a couple of bills. 
“We’re gonna head out. Amelia is watching Piper,” Luke said, “Don’t beat yourself up about it Garcia, it’ll be okay.” Fanboy looked up at Luke and gave him a singular nod, “Night fellas.” 
The rest of the night Fanboy sat in silence as the dagger squad slowly fizzled out and he was the last one left. He quietly stood up from the table and gathered the scattered empty bottles to take them to the bar. He settled up with Penny and wished her a good night before walking back to base. 
— — — 
When Monday rolled around again, Fanboy was dreading going to work. He loved what he did, it had always been his dream to fly and he got to live out that dream day after day. But he feared that he had fractured the whole dagger squad into pieces and he really didn’t want to go face the music. He had been mulling over what he had done on Friday night the whole weekend. He hadn’t heard from anyone except Payback and he was just asking if he had any extra flight plans that he could borrow. 
Mickey walked right to his office when he arrived at the hangar, not bothering to stop to talk to anyone. He settled all of his bags under his desk to avoid going to the locker room early in the morning, knowing that Luke, Rooster, and Jake were more than likely showering and changing from their workout. He was hoping that no one else would walk into the office, but his luck ran out when the door opened. Mickey closed his eyes and hoped that it was anyone but Dragon Bradshaw, but then he smelt that familiar scent of vanilla and citrus. 
“Dragon,” Mickey said, turning to face her. 
“Fanboy,” Dragon said and leaned against his cubicle, “We gotta talk.” 
“Listen,” Fanboy set the file down in his hand, “I am so sorry about-” 
“Thank you.” 
“What?” Fanboy asked, his jaw slightly a jar. 
Dragon smiled, “I never thanked you for what you did the night we lost Ida. You. . . You knew what to do. You kept calm, and it kept us calm when everything was falling apart,” Dragon felt tears well up in her eyes, “You have always been the best wingman.”
Fanboy looked down at his boots and sniffled. Dragon was his first pilot before they got split up. She was the first person and for the longest time the only person he trusted to fly him around. It was hard for him when she went to Virginia, he felt lost, like no one else would put up with him rambling about Star Trek or watching the Lord of the Rings trilogy. 
Without thinking, Fanboy launched himself at Dragon, wrapping his arms around her. She let out a surprised gasp and hugged him back. 
“I’m still so, so sorry,” Fanboy apologized. 
“It’s okay,” Dragon said, rubbing his back, “We were going to tell everyone eventually, we just didn’t get around to it yet. Besides,” Dragon scoffed, and pulled back from the hug, “It was either gonna be you that figured it out or Maverick who slipped up and said something. Besides Phoenix, there is no one in this squadron who knows me better than you. How long did you have to put up with me driving you around?” 
“Just long enough for me to stop getting sick after every flight,” Fanboy muttered. He looked up at his friend and gave her a sad smile, “I’m sorry-” 
Dragon shook her head, “Garcia if you apologize again, I’m gonna kick your teeth in. And I don’t have the flexibility that I used to with this bowling ball attached to me,” Her hands went to her bump which was now accented by the maternity uniform she was wearing. 
Fanboy smiled, and gently put his hand on her belly, “You know I heard that Mickey is a great name for a boy. It means-”
Dragon playfully rolled her eyes as Fanboy listed the history, meaning, and fun facts about his name.
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taglist: @damrlova @shanimallina87 @phoenix1388 @desert-fern @mygyn @cherrycola27 @yanna-banana @seitmai @topgun-imagines @bradleybeachbabe @startrekfangirl2233 @xoxabs88xox @atarmychick007 @happypopcornprincess @bradswolfe @fandom-princess-forevermore @thedroneranger @lovelywiseprincess @diorrfairy @krismdavis @eternallyvenus @dakotakazansky @starberryhorse @daggersquadphantom @gspenc @els-marvelvsp @nyx2021 @t0kyoreveng3rs @frazie99 @spencvrr @kmc1989 @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @toobouquet @malindacath @badasspizzalover @sagittarius-flowerchild
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multifan2022 · 2 years
Cyclone x Mavsdaughter 4
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Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Your head snapped to the side as you heard your daughter's voice. You watched as Penny called for her to stay on the deck. But Emery was a daddy's girl at heart, and no one ever could stop her from getting to Beau. Your body tensed as Beau crouched down to scoop her into his arms. You could feel the shock in the group around you. Could hear the whispers of “Daddy?” And “What the fuck”. That last one came from Rooster you knew. Emerys voice cut threw the panic though “Mommy! Look Daddys here!” 
Beau looked at you and even with his sunglasses on you knew he was looking at you with sympathy. He knew this isn't how you wanted anything to come out, but life was pretty cruel. “The better question is why you're here little lady.. Why aren't you at school?” Beau asked as you got closer to him, having broken away from the group. You answered and told him it was canceled, trying to ignore the glare Maverick was giving you as you stepped next to your little family. 
Beau leaned down and kissed your forehead, resting his free hand on your hip as he looked at the group of aviators over your head. Javy and Jake looked unsurprised, because Jake already knew, and what Jake knew Javy knew. Nat, Hondo, Bob, Payback and Fanboy all looked confused. The others had run off to play on their own, not being part of the group in the same way. But when his eyes landed on Rooster, he could see the pure anger rolling off the man. One that he desperately wanted to shield you from, but didnt know how to.
When he pulled back, he could see tears in your eyes. At this moment you weren't Captain Simpson, his strong beautiful wife. You were the girl he watched stand at your tap out ceremony alone. The one who cried when a random woman came and tapped her out. The girl who refused to believe for the longest time that he was even remotely interested in her. The one he didnt see again until you entered Top Gun. The one who had to rebuild herself with the help of himself after being left by not only her father, but her best friend and first love. He wasn't happy to see the sadness and vulnerability in your eyes. 
“If you want.. You can invite them over, I'll call Solomon, I'm sure they will watch Em for the night so we can all talk..” Beau said, moving his hand from your hip to wipe the tears from your cheeks. You nodded but didn't make a move to do anything, so he sighed and kissed your forehead again. “Go home, I'll meet you there.” You didn't look back as you kissed Emerys cheek and told her to be good for her uncle. Practically running to your jeep before speeding out of the parking lot. 
Beau sighed again, setting Em down “Baby go get your stuff from Penny and say thank you. You're gonna go stay with Uncle Solo for a while ok?” The little girl nodded and talked animatedly about her uncle's dogs for a moment before running to get her stuff. Cyclone turned and let himself fall back into work mode in a nanosecond as he looked down at Maverick. The shorter man was glaring at him in a way that he assumed was supposed to be intimidating, but he was nowhere near scared.. Like at all. 
“I'll text you our address.. You can show up in an hour and we can all talk like adults. Or not, it doesn't really matter to me. But this is probably your last chance to have a shot at being in your daughter or granddaughter's life.. So choose carefully Maverick.” 
Thirty minutes later the squad was following Mavericks bike as they passed through a clearly gated community. The security guard waved them on, having already received a call from Beau and watched sadly as you pulled through crying. You were both highly respected members of the community and he hated seeing you upset. The gps led him into the driveway of a gorgeous 2 story Crosby style home. Phoenix gasped as she and Bob got out of her car and commented about how it looked custom. Even from the outside it was clear the home was both lived in and taken care of. Your jeep was parked in the open 4 car garage, waiting for Beaus truck. Three bikes, one that was clearly for Emery, a pogo stick, skateboard, roller blades and a handful of other toys were leaned against the far wall. 
Rooster didn't know how to feel about any of this. He couldn't see past his anger. Anger that you had moved on and he hadn't. That some rather large part of him always thought you would just be waiting on him. He was mad that Emery had dark hair, but it didn't have the golden brown color his did, it had the deep chocolate brown that Beaus did. That her eyes were green instead of brown. That her last name as well as yours were Simpson instead of Bradshaw. 
Deep deep down he knew he had nobody to blame but himself, and maybe a lack of therapy but mostly himself. But he couldn't stop looking at this huge house and comparing it to the bungalow his parents had left him. His was a nice home, but this was immaculate in comparison and it only made his anger hotter. When they stepped inside he took in the huge wood doors and the stone floors clicked against everyone's steps. While everyone besides Maverick ooh and ahhed over how absolutely breathtaking the home was, he just watched you. 
They all followed you down the hall, looking into a huge living room with a 70 in TV and a large wrap around couch. Then an equally as beautiful kitchen and dining room, before they entered a billiards room. All the guys making comments about wanting to play as they stepped back outside and fell silent again. You had led them to the private deck out back. It has multiple seats and tables scattered around it. But it was clear you wanted them to sit at the long one with 10 or so seats. Phoenix and Hondo were busy gushing over the bird of paradise everywhere, while Javy was talking about the pool with a little waterfall and hot tub. 
They didn't notice when you crossed the deck and stepped into sliding glass doors and dropped thick curtains, but Mav and Rooster did. When you walked back towards them you nervously looked back over your shoulder, hoping to see your husband but he clearly isn't back yet. You didn't know but Solomon had met Beau at the car to take Emery. He was now speeding across the neighborhood to get back to you. He didn't want to leave you alone as much as you didnt want to be alone. You stepped back to the table and sighed, “I ah.. I ordered pizzas.. There's a fridge right here by the grill.. Its got beer and water if anyone wants some..” 
You tried to swallow past the thickness in your throat as a few of them got up and helped themselves. Jake almost felt bad when he noticed how nervous you were, and by the end of the night the guilt of wanting this to happen would be eating him alive. As he looked around his eyes watching the beautiful dark skinned man grab two beers, he wondered how he would feel if someone found out about him and Javy and outed them before they were ready. He thought about pulling you aside and apologizing but knew that would just make things worse. When everyone resettled you anxiously tapped your fingers until Hondo sat his hand on top of yours and squeezed. 
“I feel like a dummy.. I've known you were married for years and never thought to ask. It's shocking to me that it's Admiral Simpson of course.. But now that I think back I can see it.. He looks at you differently. Softer look, softer tone, I can't believe I never second guessed it.” He squeezed your hand again before pulling back, and him speaking seemed to be what everyone needed to start talking. 
Phoenix was next, “Yeah I obviously don't know you well but it is crazy to think of Cyclone as a husband.. Even more as a dad. He's just so stoic and domineering, I dont think Ive ever really pictured him having a life outside of work.” She pauses clearly contemplating something before speaking softer “Which now that I think about it is kinda shitty..” She had seen the way he held you, kissed your head and taken on a burden you clearly couldn't. The soft way he looked at both you and your child on the beach. How he smiled down at Emery as she ran to him. It was clear that there was a side to Cyclone they were not privy to. 
The others nodded in agreement as you smiled shyly. “Beau is.. Complicated I guess you could say. He very much has a work life and a home life and beyond me he likes to keep them separate. We try to not interact much at work, so that people aren't saying things..” You look at Hangman out of the corner of your eye and see him cringe a little. “It's also not widely known, clearly, that we are married. People see Beau as someone who's married to his job. Noone thinks of people like him as people who do things like go to their daughters soccer games and such. Between that and me not changing my name it's really only known in the higher ups. And since I don't get moved around a lot thankfully, it's not gossiped about.” Sighing you look down at the table and start picking at a spot before speaking quieter “It's mostly just talk about how people didn't realize Maverick had a daughter.. So that kept the spotlight off my marriage.” 
The group was silent again as they all turned to Mav who had an unreadable expression on his face. Rooster scoffed, not even trying to hide it behind a swig of beer as he looked at you. You just stared back at him, daring him to say what you knew he wanted to say. It only took a moment or two before he broke “So how long after you left did you wait before jumping into bed with a commanding officer? That's how you got out of Mav pulling your papers too huh.” Even though you were all outside, and the air was cooling off thanks to the setting sun and the fans on the overhang, it felt like it all had been sucked out. Nobody dared to move, or even blink as the two of you watched each other. 
“You left me Bradley.. You left then Maverick left. And not that it's anyone's business but I didn't not jump into bed with Beau-” Mavericks voice cut you off as he sighed and wiped a hand down his face “God it's weird to hear you call him that..” Anger was starting to roll under your skin as you looked at the two men who had clearly built an unspoken alliance to try and make you feel bad. The shitty thing was, it was working. These two men had broken you into tiny pieces when they left. Made you feel small, and unworthy as the dust settled. So no matter how angry you felt right now, pieces of that broken girl were starting to shine threw. 
“I call him by his name outside of work, because we are married.. And no.. Maverick didn't pull my papers because until the start of this mission he didn't even know I was in the Navy.. Ice knew, but I've always been second to you Bradshaw.. They weren't worried about me anymore because I suddenly had no attachments to you.” Bradley scoffed again, not believing at all that Mav didn't know. Maverick was offended and spoke again. “You're telling me Ice knew? Do you really think I wouldn't have been there for you had I known?” 
It was your turn to scoff, even if there were tears streaming down your face. “Ice knew I was an aviator, Slider was one of my Top Gun teachers the first time I was here. And yeah Maverick.. As a matter of fact, I know you wouldn't be there. Ice said you never once asked him to look for me after you guys up and left. So you don't know that I stood at my tap out ceremony and cried when one of my classmates' moms tapped me out. You don't know that I pushed BEAU away for almost a year because I thought I was unlovable because my dad left me. Who wants a girl who isnt even loved by her father?!” 
You were full on crying by this point, Hondo had leaned forward again and grabbed one of your hands. He had always had mad respect for your dad, but at this moment he was so angry at him. “I had to walk myself down the aisle. I've had to explain time and time again that ‘yes i'm the daughter of Pete ‘Maverick’ Mitchell. No we are not the same. And No I can't tell him you said hi.. He hasn't spoken to me in almost 20 years.’ I got myself into flight school. For your information, Bradley, I didn't meet Beau officially until I was 26, YOU left ME when I was 17. So I waited almost ten years, sorry that wasn't good enough for you but what did you expect? Did you think that I would just be sitting around waiting to see if one day you would want me again?” 
Bradley was getting angry again, his mouth was saying things before his brain was even processing them. “Well I sure as hell didn't think I'd come back to find you married with kids.. I can't believe you sold yourself out to someone like him. Was it really the daddy issues like Hangman said? Pathetic.” The last word was whispered but everyone heard it. Phoenix aimed a kick at Bradleys knee that had him grunting in pain but not backing down. “What happened to ‘Forever and Always’, I know its from that stupid show you loved growing up but I thought we were end game. But no, you're just like your dad, lying to me and leaving.” Over Bradleys angry voice, nobody heard the front door shut, or the clicking of Beaus' shoes as he carried pizzas towards the deck.
You were so blown away by everything he said that you couldn't even respond, unfortunately that gave Maverick time to speak. “Past everything Bradley said, I can't believe you never reached out to me. You clearly had contact with Tom, you never asked him to ask me to call.. Never thought ‘maybe my dad will want to know I'm marrying someone who hates him?’ Never wondered if I would want to walk you down the aisle? Jesus.. You kept my granddaughter away from me!” 
You jumped slightly when he slammed his beer bottle down on the table. The rest of the group was glaring at the two men as tears continued to stream down your cheeks. You didn't know what to say, your dad was angry with you and you couldn't find the part of you who didn't care. The part that spent years telling yourself that you deserved to be happy. To move on from waiting for them to come back, that if they don't care neither do you. Just as you opened your mouth to apologize, boxes of pizza were unceremoniously dropped onto the table startling everyone again. 
No one around the table had heard Beau come in, but they could tell by the look on his face as he watched Maverick that he had heard everything. He turned and held his hand out to you, watching as you silently got up and grabbed it. Following him into the billiards room before he pulled the door shut behind him. Hondo rounded on Maverick as the rest watched Beau speak to you through the glass door. “Pete, I have always stood behind you but you are being an ass. This is 100% your fault. I didn't even know you had a kid before I met her! And I've known you her whole life! Get it together before I lose all respect for you!” 
 Hondos' rant was cut off by the door opening and closing again. Every single one of them swore they could feel a shift in the air, like all the air around them was suddenly circling. Cyclone was giving off the energy that earned him his name, but he promised himself he would try to contain the storm. Minimize the destruction, for his wife if nothing else. He wanted to see you happy again, like you were on the beach earlier. He knew how hard it was for you to hold back from those your own age. He also knew you did it as a way to protect yourself and your marriage. 
If no one got close to you, they couldn't use your husband's position against you. They couldn't use it for their own advancement, they couldn't hold it over your head or push for you to talk to him. You had made comments about how you also didn't want any young officers to find any reason to try and flirt with you. You didn't want to give off the wrong impression and hurt Beau, knowing that he was always worried about the age difference. It never occurred to you that your husband was more than confident in your marriage. Never once in the years since you had Emery had he ever worried about you leaving. 
Beau ‘Cyclone’ Simpson was a very confident man, not in the way Jake is, but in his own way. He's the type of man to buy you flowers because he saw them on his way home and thought they were pretty. He planned not only date nights with you, but daddy daughter dates because he always wanted Em to know how she should be treated. Cyclone is a firm believer in his children learning from the best, and when it came to being a man, and being a husband he was the best. Emery would never get a better mother or woman to learn from than you, and he strived every day to be your equal. Even if he would never believe that he was. 
“I sent Y/n to grab some towels and a case of extra swimsuits, I'm sure there's something that would fit you all.. After you eat your welcome to the pool or hot tub if you would like to stay.” Beau tapped his fingers on the table as he stood, looking around at the men and women at his table. His voice was hard as steel and cold as he spoke again, “But let me make this abundantly clear. This is MY home, mine and MY wifes. We have owned this home since before it was built, we brought our daughter home from the hospital to here.. And I will not in anyways tolerate you or anyone disrespecting her, not anywhere but especially not here. This place is meant to be her safe haven and I will throw you out on your ass before I let you even chip away at any of that safety.” 
Jake and Phoenix swore the hairs on their arms rose as he spoke. When he was done everyone but Bradley and Maverick nodded. “The two of you have done nothing but disrespect my wife time and time again. From before I even knew her, now unfortunately I can't go back and fix that, but I can't stop it from happening anymore. SO let's settle a few things, First and foremost” Beau held up one finger, resisting the urge to shove it into Rooster's eye as he spoke. “You, Lieutenant Bradshaw will talk to and treat my wife like she is one of your commanding officers, because she is. No amount of personal knowledge of someone, or time frame of friendship overrides that in the Navy. And son.. If you keep acting like you being her first love means you have some type of claim or hold over her, I will have you packing your bags and flying for American Airlines so fast it will make your head spin.” 
Everyone's eyes widened, this was an even newer side to Beau, one that he had never really needed to show. Phoenix, Hondo, and Javy were impressed. Jake and Bob were about to piss their pants. “You may have been her first love, Son.. But I intend to be her last.. And yes that's from said stupid TV show you were talking about earlier. It's called ‘The Vampire Diaries’ and ‘The Originals’. You may hold all her firsts, but I hold her bests, and her lasts, so I suggest you get over it quickly because I AM her FIRST and ONLY husband. The FIRST and ONLY father of her children, so it would be in your best interest to wrap that thick skull around that knowledge.” Bradley stared down at the table, his anger was still present but he could feel himself cooling off.. He just wanted to leave, try to sort all this out in his head before he talked to you again. 
Beau could see the gears turning in Bradleys head and decided he had given him enough. Now he turned to the only man he could truly say he hated. “You Maverick. Have been dangerous and irresponsible from the day you joined the Navy. Not only in how you fly but in the lifestyle you live. I can completely understand going out of your way to help raise your passed wingman's son. It was commendable that you tried to help him, even if you failed. However it is not commendable that you left your own child behind, what would the Bradshaws say if they knew that you haven't spoken to your daughter in 20 years? That you didn't know she was someone's wife? Someone's mother?”
Maverick didn't want to think about that, he tried not to as he kept listening. “You left and shattered a 17 year old girl, left her to fend for herself. To grow up herself. You didn't even know she joined the Navy but you knew Bradley did. You didn't even know where she was living.. IF she was living. You are the worst kind of parent and every single day Y/n proves that she is better than you in EVERY single way. From how she teaches at Top Gun, to how she raises our daughter. You can not like me all you want but you will respect my wife, your daughter or I will have you dishonorably discharged faster than your boyfriend can read. It will be done and signed before Iceman even has a chance to protest, do not play with me.” 
The two of them stare each other down, it was clear that Cyclone was not going to back down. “You can either grow up.. And try to be in your granddaughter's life or you can leave now. But if you leave right now the door will not open again.. With that being said, you are all welcome to stay or leave. At the moment I don't really care, I'm going to check on my wife and when I get back those who want to leave should probably be gone.”
Who do think will stay and who will go?
What do you want to happen next?
@luckyladycreator2 @winterrebel04 @millieb-3199 @xoxabs88xox @archaeologydigit @topgunruinedme @lillyrosenight @blessednotluckyme  @scorpiomindfuck​  @bregarc @person-wholikes-reads @hangmandruigandmav @beaner-life-23 @hotch-meeeeeuppppp @smolalien13
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villainboygirl · 1 year
Mobius is:
One of the best agent of his organization, that he presumably will ends up leading
Smart (but also a dork)
A fanboy
Who does that remind you of?
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Loki's Loki has just killed Coulson. And, at the TVA, what happen to him? Is saved and recruit by a man who resembles Coulson.
It's not a case that Mobius and Loki talk about Coulson's death for the first time in MCU from The Avengers:
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Mobius force Loki to deal with the consequences of his crimes, push him to reveal his true fears... and then he offers him understanding and an opportunity to do good.
At the beginning each one wants mainly take advantage of the other for his own purposes, but, then, they develop mutual sympathy and respect which turns into a sincere and profound friendship.
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Mobius is really hurt when Loki apparently betrays him, calling him "a bad friend". But then he trusts him again and back to him for help, betraying the TVA, basically his whole existence, encouraging Loki to be good.
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And, when Mobius is pruned, Loki is devasted.
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They suddently back together and Loki shows fully his affection for him.
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And now, in season 2? Mobius will risk his life to save Loki from the Time Slipping.
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And, maybe, Loki, in turn, will risk his own life to save Mobius.
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So, basically, Mobius represents a kind of redemption for Loki for the murder of Coulson.
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bl00dlight · 2 months
about people who think you're unfair when it comes to depicting aemond... are just delusional who mayhaps read aemond x reader or fanfictions or some headcanons... aemond is and will always be a villainous person, when he was a kid he wanted to bash the head of his nephew with a rock ( this resulting in him losing an eye and he deserves it, sorry nog sorry ) + his pursue for powers will be his well-deserved downfall. he's a raging misognist like the rest of the entire family, like... aww he is crying when helaena bluntly tells him the truth ? hope he'll rot with his guilt. you are totally right, he's a piece of shit and i can't wait to see his demise.
I mean AHAHAHAHAHHAHA. Speak your truth diva.
Look I love Aemond. Okay... let me just say.
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BUT, yes no you're right like. He is fucking awful and the worst. And I do want to see him rot with his guilt a little, especially what he did to Helaena. Like I love him, and I understand him. And I do feel sympathy for him.
If I was Helaena would I have have said yes before he'd been finished his sentence? Yes. Would I have girl bossed it and proposed to him like Rhaenyra did to Daemon? Yes. Would I hypothetically let this fictional man suck and fuck on me?.... undeniably. Is this a parasocial relationship? Yes.
But it's undeniable that so many girlies on here fucking act like tradwives defending their right wing, MRA adjacent, wife beating man. Like you can want to cook him dinner and also call him out for genocide. Really gets me concerned about... well... how some of yall interact with men irl. A man like Aemond irl, is an incel.
Someone said this on reddit about the balcony scene, that it was like when an incel goes up to his crush to try and get her to be on his side before he shoots up a school. And AHAHHA exactly.
They act as if Aemond is indeed a victim through and through, who has done no wrong and is a sweetypie. And is it self insert fluff fics fault? Yes it is. People are attracted to Ewan... and their idea of Aemond. Not really Aemond as he is. And many don't want to interact with analysis of his character. Which is fine. No hate, you do you. But it is a problem when others make it fans like myself, problem.
And as someone with a disorganised attachment style? As someone who upon watching the Harry Potter series as a child who had their sexual awakening upon seeing both Draco and Luicus Malfoy. As someone who has been a Sharpay Evans defender since it came out and as someone who agreed with Rosalie Cullen that Bella was a boring ass... whiny as bitch....
I gotta say? Mean, evil and toxic platinum blondes? I'm here for them and I love them. And I am basically attracted to Aemonds character/interested in him because of the fact he is a fucking asshole. Okayyyy soooooo. Don't get me wrong I love the idea of soft, vunerable Aemond. But I can only love that because it's a rare thing for him. Because he's main mode is acting like a horror movie villain. I've always been about that life of loving dark characters. It seems many upon here are just... well... they find him hot and wanna smash. Which is valid. But it's not valid to project your personal sexual/romantic fantasies onto other fans who are just... discussing canon characteristics of Aemond.
And even reddit neckbeards do it to because they relate to Aemond. They'll swear he was this valiant, dutiful, scorned boy. They'll swear he wasn't a Valyrian supremacist. They'll swear he would never hurt or betray his family. But it's like? So basically how the fuck does someone campaign for the fucking third reich *House Strong Edition* be day and be a loving family man by night who would never betray his family if he felt abandoned/humiliated or hurt by them? So you know... the fanboys who thump the book like it's the bible also are FUCKING ANNOYING.
It's actually crazy.
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doodlegirl1998 · 10 months
The reason why I can't behind any of the characters or things they do is that they're made into hypocrites.
You got Mina and Eijirou who're against bullies yet are friends with Bakugou don't do anything when he gets onto All Might.
Hawks who had a past with an abusive father and when Endeavor is exposed as one, he doesn't react or say anything about it.
Izuku with his quirkless past yet doesn't offer any sympathy towards those like him, like how he tried to make Nighteye laugh or Aoyama.
And then there's Aizawa... the guy's a walking hypocrite so I don't feel like going into any of the things he did.
All this makes it difficult to really get behind and like these characters when they contradict their characteristics this much all to make the worse characters look good.
Hi @theloganator101 👋,
Exactly this. Hori's characters act how HE wants them to to service the plot rather than what would fit their characters. So we have situations like this where they become hypocrites and bad things are implied about them. We have talked about Aizawa before so I'll focus on Izuku, Kirishima, Mina and Hawks.
Izuku - was quirkless, was horrifically abused by Bakugou for this as well as daring to try to help him out a river once.
Also Izuku - is NOT allowed once to reflect on the similarities between Aoyama and himself. Is NOT allowed to think one bit on his quirkless past or the horrific bullying (abuse) he went through. Does not seek to change the status quo now that he is a part of it. Or think about how HE could change how quirkless are being treated. This in my most charitable interpretation could be Izuku's self hatred coming out full force, he doesn't want to think about when he was quirkless so he doesn't. But this could also be construed as arrogance, stupidity and narrow minded-ness.
Izuku - knows in graphic detail the Todofam situation, is best friends with Todoroki Shoto and confronted Endeav for being a POS when he first met him.
Also Izuku - Acts like a fanboy of Endeavor in the agency arc and defends Endeavor to Dabi's face (another of Endeavor's victims.) - This puts a sour taste in my mouth not going to lie, this reads as Izuku thinking, 'because he's nice to me and he says he's going to change all is good now!' Also (unlike defending Shoto) defending Endeav just isn't necessary here. No one is denying Endeavor's mentorship or heroism skills. Dabi is saying he is an abuser and a shit dad which - you know - he is. Izuku reads as a naive, narrow-minded teenager at best here. There are better ways Hori could have worded Izuku stepping in - this wasn't it.
Mina and Kirishima: 'We hate bullies!' 😠 Very vocally anti bully, their heroism stories each center on it.
Also Mina and Kirishima: look on as Bakugou acts like the BIGGEST bully for all of the academic year and decide to become his besties. - This can be read as them being too thick to work out Bakugou is a bully at best. At worst... They read as cowards and hypocrites. The 'It's ok as long as he's not picking on me or my friends,' type.
Hawks: has an abusive father that was taken into custody by Endeav before being taken by the HPSC and enduring more intense training (likely abuse.)
Also Hawks: Despite his past abuse as an adult licks the boots of another abusive father, Endeav (Endeav's boots must be super shiny.) - Are we still pretending Hawks is an actual character at this point? All he is now is an Endeav Simp with some 'I killed Twice' angst sprinkled in. But I will save the major pieces of salt regarding Hawks for the ask I have about him. Least charitable interpretation - Hawks has LOW empathy thanks to his abusive childhood and latches on hard to a select few (Endeav) who he will protect, screw everyone else. Hawks doesn't care about Endeav's past child abuse, spousal abuse and literal crimes just what he means to him. Most Charitable - Hawks is an abused messed up person who never grew up past his idealisation of Endeav and clung to anything that meant he could keep the 'hero Endeav' in his mind intact.
With all of these deductions in mind, characters we are meant to root for feel flat, hypocritical, OOC and just downright bizarre at times.
Why? Because Hori bends characters to his script rather than writing the script for what works for the characters.
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Godzilla Minus One and Shin Godzilla are like Yin and Yang to me, man. The same but different.
Shin is very plot driven. Its characters are simple but are designed to fulfill a function of the story and themes. Minus One is the opposite, the themes and plot are designed to support its rich characters.
Shin is very brisk and witty, it has to be in order to make its navigating the complications of buerocracy during a disaster entertaining to sit through.
Minus One is a little slower, to allow you to soak in and digest the terror, the despair, the joy, the hope.
They both pepper in stellar monster scenes to remind you you're watching a science fantasy film. Shin is shot a little more classic, owing to Anno and Higuchi being big Showa godzilla fanboys. MinusOne feels more modern, but is not without its love. I spotted nods to several other godzilla films. 54, raids again, King Ghidorah 91, Shin, 2014, gmk. Yamazaki is a Godzillla fanboy too.
MinusGoji itself is a fast and ferocious predator, overflowing with aggression. Shin is slow, looming, monolithic. No matter where you run, its cold little eyes see you. Both are creatures that emenate malevolent divinity, and yet still evoke sympathy and even pity.
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rk1kincorrect · 11 months
ezio, altaïr’s biggest fanboy: yeah the isu died but honestly altaïr’s been through so much more. the hardships he's faced aren't even comparable to dying to the toba catastrophe. until the isu have done what altaïr has done, i don't feel sympathy.
antonio: i asked if u wanted coffee.
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kitkatopinions · 1 year
Every single volume, Jaune becomes more and more proof that rwde posters in general aren't just "wishing a man was the protagonist" and "liking macho alpha men" like anti-rwde posters frequently say.
At the start of RWBY an argument could've been made that Jaune didn't fit the standard male power fantasy because he wasn't buff and battle-hardened and confident and knowledgeable. This argument would've been flawed because there's also a known male fantasy of being nerdy underdogs who get the girl anyway (like with Pyrrha) and who are still treated like they're super important, but it's still an argument that could've been made in the first three seasons.
Then an argument could've hypothetically been made that Jaune has non-romantic female friendships and shows deep emotions and stuff in RWBY volumes 4-6 and therefore doesn't fit a traditional mold of standard male fantasies despite having grown into a 'more built, strategist, leader role' and still getting special focus and attention. This would've been a flawed argument, because Jaune's emotional turmoil was built on Pyrrha's fridging and resulted in him taking on and holding his own against Cinder, and his lack of romantic relationships was more built on Pyrrha being his 'forever fall.' Very 'action hero who lost his wife' style of writing.
Then an argument could've been made very unconvincingly in volumes 7-8 that Jaune might be now getting played as a very muscley attractive guy that milfs lust after that keeps a cool head in arguments, but one could still argue that he was still not as experienced or skilled as Ruby, and also that he was less of a 'macho man' than the bearded older guy in charge of things that Ironwood was, and that Jaune's anger issues from the last few seasons had started winding down. Obviously this argument wouldn't be convincing, and wouldn't be a real counter argument to how he was being used and how his progress just read like a 'zero to hero,' 'kid who used to be a gangly nerd is now super desirable and cool' fantasy, but it could hypothetically be made.
But then in volume nine, Jaune becomes not only a bearded older man with all this information who is in charge of a village, but he also becomes a much more angry and prone to snapping person than ever, his emotional outbursts are now built on the deaths of two more women in Penny and Alix, and he quite literally becomes a hero of a novel he used to love as a kid, while Weiss openly is into him. Weiss, who is the girl he originally was perusing way back when who wouldn't give him the time of day. Jaune literally screamed in the face of a seventeen year old victim blaming her for stuff that either she wasn't at fault for at all or that he's at least just to blame for, and didn't get called out and instead got coddled and treated with more sympathy than Ruby. The fact that he got deaged back at the end just makes me think that the writers are intending to make him and Weiss get together eventually but didn't want there to be a twenty year age gap between them, despite the fact that he still has the memories of twenty years.
But yeah, Jaune always gave big 'male fantasy' vibes, but every single season it got worse and worse and he got more and more male fantasy vibes until he's become an angry macho man with a beard screaming in a teenage woman's faces and getting nothing but sympathy over it. And he's only gotten more and more focus and attention. So by all rights, if rwde posters actually wanted a man to be a protagonist and wanted macho manly men to be more in focus and treated as good and for them to get attention... We'd all be on board with Jaune and want more Jaune and like Jaune. Instead, with every single season, rwde posters in general dislike Jaune more and want him less. Whereas there's actually RWBY fans who do love and worship Jaune and want him around more and more and like half the fandom at this point are Jaune fanboys, but nobody actually pays any attention to them because apparently the real crime is thinking Ironwood's fall to villainy was badly written. XD The whole "Rwde posters just want men to be the protagonists and they love macho alpha men" is completely fake. It's a made up lie based in nothing that people throw around because they're mad that rwde posters don't like the writers' choices when it comes to Ironwood. XD
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mha-platonic-yanderes · 11 months
o.k now you get me hooked i was wondering if you could to a platonic yandere class 1a x izuku please.
oh could i? absolutly.
also, not all of these are totally platonic, but a fair portion of them are. i just wanted some diversity with these characters and their interpretations. if anyone wants a strictly platonic lean on a character i portrayed more romantically, just hit my askbox!
also, also, this took me a while lmao
Aoyama is already kinda obsessed with Izuku, but it's cranked up here, besties!
Okay, so Aoyama sees Izuku as what he's not and what he could be, a reflection on who he should've been, who he could've been. There's a fair amount of angst potential with these two.
Aoyama cares about Izuku, loves him even. He's everything Aoyama is, without the negative traits associated with him. If he wasn't so desperate to fit in, maybe Izuku's opportunity would've fallen into his lap. Maybe there was another way to get a quirk that he oh so desperately wanted.
And now, in lieu of that, he just wants Izuku's attention and sympathy.
Only Izuku knows what it's like being formerly quirkless, but now having a power that hurts him. Izuku knows how his own body is breaking apart and his being pulled at the seams by it and the obligations attached to it. Hell, Aoyama didn't even want to be a hero at first, he just wanted to be normal.
But he'll never be normal, not anymore. So now, a part of him wants to be Izuku.
He's his #1 fanboy, molding himself to be more like Izuku would want. If he's more friendly to someone else, Aoyama's becoming him. He has a shrine to the things Izuku likes, making his interests into Yuga's own.
Because Izuku is what he could've been. And the guilt turned into a need for action. And that action is to better himself, make himself into his idol and the delusions Yuga has surrounding him.
Mina Ashido, as we established, wants to be Izuku's friend. Nothing more, nothing less.
She herself has always been surrounded by groups of people. With her pink physique and bubbly façade, she's always been able to be around people and befriend them quite easily.
Izuku wasn't as easy. Sure, he's willing to befriend anyone, in the way someone so undeniably lonely and starved for attention is, but she can't monopolize him. She can't get him into her inner circle.
And it's all Bakugou's fault.
Whatever bad blood they have from growing up is evident. He hates Izuku while still comparing himself and wanting to be with him. And Izuku looks up to Bakugou. It's evident. Mina may not be smart with school, but she's damn good with people.
And she wants to be good with Izuku specifically. She wants to know everything about him, be two peas in a pod. They're a kiwi strawberry, watermelon duo that deserves to be the bestest of friends.
And if it wasn't for her fondness of Kirishima and Kirishima's love of Bakugou, she'd be much closer in making that happen.
Izuku reminds Tsuyu of her little siblings and herself when she was younger, to a certain degree.
He's so desperate for friends—jovial, determined to. He has set goals and wants to make the world a better place. And she doesn't want to stop him. Oh no, she wants to help him in any way she can.
He saved her life back in the USJ. He was the one with the brainpower to have a plan on how to evade those villains and get to safer shores. He could spring into action in a way she couldn't.
She froze, and Izuku saved her.
So now, Tsu's dedicated herself to being his older sister, subconsciously. Making sure he's safe, fed, and following the rules. She doesn't want to see him hurt, but he keeps putting himself in dangerous conditions. She has the mind to tell Aizawa to stop letting him destroy himself, but he's too good at being a hero, too self-sacrificing.
Oh well, she'll just stick to helping bandage him booboos.
He has a complicated relationship with Izuku, and it's completely one-sided on his side.
Sure, they're friends and they respect one another, but Iida wouldn't be alive without him. Iida sees Izuku as this symbol of virtue, a hero to look up to.
But he also sees him as a rival. Something to beat, something to overcome. Because he sees Izuku as holding him back. Being friends with him is what's ruining his own personal growth.
It's weird. It keeps Iida up at night. Honestly, he wishes Izuku wouldn't do heroics anymore. Not just because he's better at it then Tenya is, but because he's damaging himself. Over and over again, Izuku's shown to not care for his own physical safety when it regards literally anyone else.
It infuriates Tenya.
Izuku should take a break. Settle down, value himself. Because he's working himself to the bone. And sure, he's doing fine now, but it's one little slip up and he's down for the count.
Tenya knows this all too well.
If Tsuyu has a sisterly vibe with Izuku, Tenya has a fatherly fear for him. Sure, he wants Izuku to live a long and happy life, but he doesn't want him to get hurt. No, not at all.
We all know of Ochako's crush on Izuku. It starts when he saves her from being smushed in the entrance exam, and then comforting her afterwards. She has her feelings and tries to hide them miserably, even if somehow, Izuku doesn't notice.
But here, this crush is blown in to full on obsession. He's her personal hero. He's her driving force. Screw the money or her parents, Ochako's here to gain the love and support of Izuku.
She wants all of his support and motivation. She wants him to cheer her on and help her up. She wants him to be there for her.
And no doubt is she there for him also, always pressed up against him in the way that makes his skin turn all bright red and his words to stammer, as if she can see him short-circuiting. She wants him to be in awe of her, just like he is of all his heroes.
And she wants that to be more than the reverence he has of All Might himself. Because All Might does his heroics for everyone. She does it all for him.
Ojiro knew that he had no claim to Izuku. They weren't really friends and definitely not more than that. And that fact made him snappy.
Whoever was near Izuku was a threat. He'd bump them with his tail, whipping it around fast enough to leave a large red spot. And he'd frame it as an accident. They didn't see them there, behind them. They shouldn't have run into him. They needed to look.
But he always knew how to be sneaky about it. He trained this. He perfect this ability.
And he looks, watching. And he'll strike at just the right moment.
Denki found himself taken seriously by Deku, and that's when it all started for him.
Nobody has ever really not taken pity or outright laughed at him for what happens when he uses his quirk. He's been the butt of jokes and imitations, or long talks with adults speaking down on him for what happens afterwards. But Izuku just sat with him, talking.
As Denki came to, he was hearing a recap of the battle. He blinks into focus a green haired boy and nothing else. Denki's slowly able to count the myriad of freckles and see the way his emerald green eyes shine in the sunlight.
Denki swears that he could feel Cupid's arrow piercing him then and there. Not he just needs to act upon it.
Kirishima sees stars in his eyes as soon as Midoriya goes above and beyond to save Bakugou.
As we all know, Bakugou is Kirishima's best friend. But he sees that Bakugou feels conflicted about Izuku, some sort of shared past between them that he's not yet privy to. And we know it's one of hostility, at least on Katsuki's side, so when Izuku goes and decides to help him anyways when he's been kidnapped, something changes in Kirishima.
No doubt Katsuki's his best friend, but Izuku's like a hero to him. Someone he looks up to like he does Crimson Riot. And Kirishima wants to make him proud. Because he hero-worships Deku.
After all, he is his role model nowadays.
Izuku would speak for Koda when he could not, and that level of friendliness is what opened his eyes to the perfect pureness of Izuku Midoriya.
And Koda needed to know more. He needed to know everything. And he had just the quirk to do so.
His little animal friends would help him in every way possible, passing along information to better know the boy. Koda had difficulty speaking to people, difficulty letting himself be heard. But Izuku? He was someone he wanted to speak to, wanted to know.
But on days he couldn't, he was a fly on the wall. Gathering information and knowing everything about the boy who made him feel like something.
Satou knows what looks he gets, how people truly think of him. He's a dumb brute, a boy who has too much strength and no intellect to back it up. He looses himself when he's stronger and it makes him mad, like depictions of Frankenstein's Monster—all distorted from the truth that he is an intelligent person and that his biggest characterization is a quirk of his affliction, or, a side effect of his quirk.
But Izuku, he didn't care. He gave him grace to learn, to grow. He never saw him as lesser or stupid because of his mental state. In fact, he only grew in curiosity and understanding, even helping him learn how to siphon out his strength, pour it through a funnel and not succumb to a mental state in which he's more of a hinderance than help.
And, when he reaches that state? Izuku is there to reel him back in. Keep him safe while he regains his intellect. And if that isn't the start of an obsession, Satou doesn't know what is.
Shoji has a similar sort of reference for Izuku that Satou does. But instead it being about what happens to him, as an effect of his quirk, it's his quirk as a whole that Izuku provides comfort in.
Shoji isn't from a place that's understanding of mutants. A desire for small-town aesthetics and normalcy, even after a century of quirked people's existence. He learned to hide himself, hide the features that made him even more monsterous.
He could not hide all of himself like he wanted to, but the desire started to melt away after hanging out with Izuku.
Izuku came up to him, genuinely interested about his quirk. He asked questions with a reverence Shoji never experienced, an excitement not even he himself has about his own quirk. And, with a tenderness Shoji hadn't experienced in a long, long time, asked to sketch him for his notebook.
Shoji would've refused anyone else. But Izuku was so pure in his desire. There wasn't a drop of maliciousness in his emerald green eyes. And so he was sketched. And so he fell.
Shoji towers over many people, Izuku included. And he wants to protect as many people as possible, scoop them up in his strong arms and take them out of danger.
No one more so than Izuku for that fantasy of heroics, even if Shoji knows that Izuku can handle himself far better than most.
His sheer talent is what originally caught Tokoyami's eye.
Tokoyami just needed to be in a group for the Sports Festival. Being without one would be instant disqualification and it would be embarrassing to lose just because of his personability.
Izuku took him into the fold and used all that he knew about him and his group to their advantage, skyrocketing them. Tokoyami never really talked about himself, especially to the accident-prone, insanely talented Izuku. And yet, he felt as if he'd been seen.
And with his own eagle-sight, he set his sights on Izuku.
Everything he ever did, he was watched by the treeside raven. Tokoyami would take in his every action, his every thought.
There was nothing he did that Tokoyami didn't know. There was nothing anyone did to and around him that Tokoyami didn't know.
He was there, everpresent as the shadow behind Izuku. And he was not going to let anyone who harmed izuku get off clean.
Jirou has never really had the urge to abuse her quirk en masse, until she heard everyone else's obsession over Izuku.
It started with a curiosity. What made him so special. What made everyone else so obsessed. And as she unraveled this, the web just got bigger and bigger. She wanted less to know why everyone was so interested, but instead, she wanted to know more and more about him in general.
And she got her juicy information. He had received his quirk, not being born with.
It was an interesting phenomenon. She's yet to uncover what exactly happened—how the transfer occurred. But she knows about it, and she wants to know more.
But Jirou can't just come out with this information. It's obvious what she's doing and her cover will be blown.
So, she just accepts to listen in for everything. Any of his ramblings are good enough to fuel her fire.
Sero found himself perplexed at all of this commotion, just like Jirou.
Sure, Midoriya was cool and all, but nothing special enough to warrant this type of attention. What he originally interested in was Bakugou and his relationship with Midoriya, because he was convinced that there was more to meet the eye between those two.
And he hasn't yet found it, but he's desperate. The feeling that there is something there, something bigger than they just grew up together sits in his mind, unable to be left alone.
And he will find it. He'll tape together the pieces and fit this puzzle together, no matter how strange the pieces are.
She liked to watch, stare at people until the noticed her.
She liked to bare herself to the world, even though she was invisible to them. She liked to be noticed and be present.
It was her way of making sure she was remembered. And of course, Izuku always noticed and remembered her, making sure she was included.
Izuku never made her feel invisible.
Katsuki knew Izuku the longest.
They were friends for all of their lives, born less than a month apart. Izuku was always by his side, following him. He was annoying to be honest, a pest that wouldn't seem to die.
But when they both went to UA, he noticed something: Others were interested in Izuku similarly to how he was.
And Katsuki hated it.
Izuku was his. Izuku had to be his. They were destined for each other, like celestial bodies caught encircling each other. Izuku and Katsuki weren't to be seperated.
He just didn't realize it. And that's what set him off the most.
Katsuki's hatred was an obsession. Katsuki's hatred was a shield so he wouldn't have to process the worry and doubt he would feel about Izuku and the whole world who wanted him dead for being Quirkless.
And so he blames himself for everything Izuku's gone through. Because if he wasn't so stubborn, if he was so righteous, then Izuku would never get hurt. He would never get away. He would never be in someone else's arms.
And Katsuki's willing to do anything it takes in order to keep Izuku to himself, just like it used to be.
Izuku outsmarted him at the Sports Festival and that's what started all for him.
He didn't pity him or take him as a lesser opponent for not leading with a physical attack. Izuku valued his smarts and then used that against Hitoshi.
And after the Sports Festival? He just chatted with him like his quirk was normal. Like he wasn't destined on becoming a villain just because his quirk could lend really well for it.
He even offered to help him become a hero. He said he understood where he was coming from and how to help.
Shinsou doesn't know why he trusted him, or why he believed Izuku was telling the truth in that moment, but Hitoshi would swear to both of those decisions and protect Izuku from the more nefarious villains from the underground.
After all, they're easily taunted and Shinshou works well with that.
Momo first noticed Izuku when he was voted for Class President and turned it down. Anyone would be lucky to have that on a resume for further education or applications to agencies, but he didn't.
Momo thought he was weird for it, but she finally understood why once Katsuki was taken.
Izuku didn't want to deal with any sort of beauacracy or rules, he just needed to save people.
Momo knows all to well of the legal side of heroics. It's what the Yaoyorozu family is known for. It's what allowed her to be a Recommended Student, making her entrance into UA easier.
And she can see the distain for it on Izuku's face. Momo's seen the disillusionment of heroics up close and she wanted to be on the other side of the fence, instead of alongside the lawyers and politicians like every other Yaoyorozu before her.
Momo wants to make sure he never feels that way. She wants to foster the feelings of heroism and joy that she knows many forgets.
She wanted it for herself, but no one is as important as a Hero than Izuku is. Not anymore.
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pinkcrocss · 3 months
Butcher's a horrible person, and I don't have nearly as much sympathy/forgiveness for him as a lot of his fanboys do... that being said if there's one weakness I have (call me a hypocrite if you want), no matter how horrible he is, it's a man that fucking loves his wife 😔
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ohtobeleah · 2 years
Doing this on anon because I'm not really confident yet >. > for your #strictlyscandalous blurbs, Bob Floyd being introduced to a femme fatale-esque fellow pilot? I leave the rest to your imagination ❤️
“Should we help him?” Mickey had gone into what he thought was cardiac arrest when he heard the commotion coming from inside the men’s showers on base. “If he’s in there with Venus he’s gonna end up on the news tonight." Fanboy teased as he threw his wet towel into the nearby hamper. Bob's near-painful grunts filled the gap between when he'd finished his last sentence to now. "Robert Floyd—dead at thirty-four.”
“Ahh! Ohh fuggh—!” The sounds of Bob moaning filled the changing room once again, only less painful and more pleasure-filled. The stream of hot water spewing from the shower head was doing nothing to muffle his cries. He never swore, ever. But you had cuss words dripping from his tongue like liquid gold. "I can't--fuck!" Bob pleaded, he was so in over his head it wasn't funny. But god it felt so good.
“Such a needy little boy—“ Mickey's eyes widened as he cupped a hand across his mouth so he didn’t spew out a slew of laughter. How the fuck had Bob managed to find himself in this position. “Beg for me baby—you can take it, I know you can.“ An unmistakable sound of a slap cracking against wet skin rang out throughout the changing room. Which body part it had collided with Fanboy wasn’t too sure. But it sounded like it stung in the most perfect way.
“Need it—ahhh fughh, need it so bad.” Bob cried before the same sound of an open-palm slap rang out. Fanboy flinched, holy shit Bob was getting his ass beat. Not to his surprise, you had a reputation for being a man-eater.
“It sounds voluntary—“ Jake smirked as he stood up from where he’d been changing out of his standard issue boots back into something more comfortable. “I say we let him learn his lesson not to feed the animals.” Jake had zero sympathy. He’d been there and done that a million times before. He knew girls like you like the back of his hand—like a Venus fly trap. Pretty enough to lure your prey in close enough to have them squirming in the palm of your hand—then you attack. Bob just happened to be on the menu. “It’s Venus for crying out loud, he should’ve known better than to mess around with her—“
“She’s gonna kill him, man—“
“She'll keep him breathing just enough, let him learn a valuable lesson.”
Mickey may have been right. If only he could see the way you were riding Bob on the floor of the shower. His back against the tiles as he babbled like a little bitch at everything you gave him.
“Such a pretty boy for me.” You had to keep Bob's head still by wrapping your hand around his throat, watching as his face turned a nice shade of dusty red as you constricted his airway. “You gonna cum for me huh Floyd? gonna cum so soon? can't you handle me huh?" You were killing him, truly Bob couldn't breathe. But the way it made him feel was otherworldly. he didn't want you to stop as his body tumbled under you as his hands gripped as your hips, nails near drawing blood as his grip tightened the closure he got to his high.
“Pl-please.” Bob's practically sobbing as you slow down the pace. “Please, I’m begging—“ When you slap his cheek a little harsher than the last two times his eyes grow wide as you let him breathe again. Gasping as you picked up the speed you were flicking your hips and he was done for. “Ohhhh fugghh I’m cumming!” It hurt just as much as it felt amazing as you rode Bob through his high. He couldn’t think, couldn’t see, couldn’t control his appendages as he twitched and babbled incoherent nonsense. Flooding you with everything he could give you.
“Lay the fuck down.” You barked as Bob did what he was told. Mesmerised as you climbed him like a tree. Sitting perched on his face for a moment. “Fuck! Ahhh eat my cunt Bobby, clean your fucking mess.” He’d never had a woman speak to him this way before. He was addicted, needy for more and oh so thankful for what you gave him. "Ohhhh fuck yes! use that fucking tongue." Leaning yourself back on Bob's chest, you pinched his nipples to the point he was hissing into your cunt.
"Fuck!" Again, you had him begging into your cunt as you smothered is face. "Mmmm hurts." But he felt amazing.
“Holy shit what happened to your cheek?” Phoenix ran her hand delicately across Bob's slightly reddened cheek when he stumbled into the Hard Deck a little later on that same afternoon. “Did someone hit you?” Bob noticed the way Fanboy choked on his beer and Hangman snickered as he took his shot at darts. Fuck, they knew.
“I think I just got laid, or—mugged, or both—“ Bobs rubbing his neck, still throbbing from where you’d choked him out. “I’m not sure yet.”
#StricklyScandalous Robert ‘Bob’ Floyd
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anti-amzy · 2 months
Cobra Kai Season 6 Part 1
My unpopular opinions
(Spoiler warning)
I actually really enjoyed the first part of the season. Much more than the first part of season 5. I’m glad they worked on the inner relationships inside the dojo.
“Hawk got nerfed” no he didn’t lol. This actually fits perfectly with his character. Hawk is an overly emotional fighter when his emotions get messed with he can either become a good fighter or suck ass. I think him and Robby both have this issue (more on Robby in the next point). We see this in season 4 where he’s emotional because he’s depressed about his hair and the Moon breakup, he’s having trouble fighting until Moon kisses him which boosts his confidence. Demetri beating him is not that crazy (he literally threw him into a trophy case season 2). Hawk was feeling way more sad than angry about MIT. He let his emotions and sympathy for his friend get the best of him while Demetri was more angry which caused him to lose. Also Hawk has a tendency to underestimate or go easy on his opponents. We see this in season 5 with Kenny (he got a point even before the silver bullet move because Hawk was going easy on him) He obviously went easy on his best friend + the points I put before. Hawk is obviously a good fighter but he is definitely not better or on par with the core 4 (at least in this season).
Side note: Where is Moon lol
My next opinion is about Robby. “Miguel got nerfed he should’ve won” y’all fanboys say everyone gets nerfed. I actually like Miguel and Robby they’re both in my top 3 characters of the show. Robby is also an emotional fighter which we can see during the captaincy fight. I honestly think he would’ve won season 4 All Valley if he wasn’t distracted by Kenny (sorry Hawk fanboys). Once Tory showed up he was finally able to stop worrying about that and get in the right headspace to win the fight. Miguel was obviously stressed about college which made him perform worse but that doesn’t mean he got nerfed. I think Miguel is still the best fighter but Johnny was 100% correct you can’t win every fight and everyone has bad days. I promise Miguel will be okay. He can lose one fight without fanboys crying nerfed.
“Kenny got nerfed” I’m so tired of the word nerfed, but again no he didn’t. Did Kenny get cheated, yes 100%. But i’ve seen people say he is on par with Hawk, which no he is absolutely not. I like Kenny and understand his troubles but he’s not on the level of Miguel or Robby. He couldn’t even get past Tory and Sam during the batting cages. His brother mentioned Tory and Sam had open shots during that fight but didn’t take them. I’m sure if they did Kenny would’ve been beat. Hawk also would’ve beat him in season 5 if he wasn’t spamming that silver bullet. He obviously got cheated with what Devon did but saying he got nerfed is insane. He didn’t even fight anyone fr. Just because Devon cheated does not mean they’re making Kenny weaker, she just literally cheated that’s it.
They have got to give Sam a better reason for wanting to win Sakai taikai. Like she wants closure…okay. The other 3 have better and more established/important reasons for wanting to win. Mind you I don’t think Sam has lost a fight in the series yet. She’s either won or they’ve been stopped early. She didn’t even really lose the All Valley. Let’s say she would’ve won the fight against Tory for captaincy without it being stopped. Okay cool. Sooooooo, what is her motivation then for the Sakai taikai? She would’ve already beaten her nemesis (or former); so what now? “She wants to be the best in the world” I’m sure all the kids going there do also but that’s not enough for me to root for her. I need them to expand on what Sam actually wants and what she’s fighting for in part 2, because does she even really want to go to Stanford either? Like I just have no reason to root for her at this moment. I’ve liked her character a lot more last season and this season but still give her something please lol.
Mr. Miyagi doing some shady stuff is not bad or ruining his legacy. That dude was around for years before he met Daniel. He was a war veteran. Giving him flaws is actually very interesting because it shows that he grew into the person that Daniel knew and that’s not a bad thing. I don’t think it was executed the best way but it’s not a down side that he has flaws. I would be more surprised if he was the way Daniel described him and how we saw him for his entire life.
Last one for right now but Johnny and Daniel being done with each other after the tournament would not be crazy. Obviously they’re not going down that root and they’ll become buddies again but sometimes people just don’t get along and that’s okay. If they’re still fighting now they’ll probably fight again in the future. Maybe therapy would actually help but yk.
Anyway that’s all off the top of my head but I actually enjoyed part 1 and am excited for part 2
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an-au-blog · 10 months
Sanon here, hope youre well, hope thanksgiving is going well!
Realised Sora probably got a bounty when the cross guild formed. It's noteworthy, sure but nowhere near her husband or son's. But it turns out she's real good with a rifle and they call her "Sureshot Sora" and every time Luffy passes the poster he mentions off handedly how she looks like Sanji. Zoro and Sanji share a look as Robin giggles.
One day Robin asks casually how good Sora was with a gun when Sanji was a kid and, without thinking, Sanji goes "too good, it was hilarious. I thought my dad was whipped before that. Fucking idiot swordsman." And then he realizes what he said and just is like "oh no"
Everyone is like oh cool, your dad is a swordsman like Zoro, haha, how funny would it be if they fought? And Zoro is pouring fuel on the fire and riling Luffy up as Robin laughs and spares Sanji no sympathy. Even points out that his mother is technically a part of the Cross Guild. The crew immediately looks to the poster wall and all their eyes lock on Dracule Mihawk with a six billion BERI bounty and then to Sanji.
Sanji doesn't drink, except for right now, he drinks for that entire conversation fuck off Marimo it's his booze now
ahahhaha this is hilarious! And thank you! Hope you had a great Thanksgiving as well <333
Sanon, you crack me up, honestly. I think Nami would really appreciate Sora. WAIT- this makes me wonder, how would Law react to finding out? He's a certified Germa nerd he probably knows the ins and outs and has been keeping up with Sora's life updates like an absolute fanboy ahahaha
Though wouldn't it be also funny if we got a more sudden accidental reveal like how they did it with Luffy being Garp's grandson (in the anime it was surprising, but I think in the live action it was a bit funnier, because it came even more out of nowhere)
In your version I imagine them after looking at the poster and then at Sanji, going back at the poster and back at Sanji, who is gone now, sprinting in the air like "nope, whatever you're thinking, I will deny everything"
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callsignspark · 1 year
Mar[r]y Me | part two
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pairing: Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw x Mariella “M&M” Vertucci (fem!OC)
summary: A love story told through friendship, laughter, and food.
series warnings: 18+ minors DNI, discussion of insecurities, difficult family relationships, discussions of food and alcohol use, extremely brief mentions of emotionally abusive ex-bf, eventual smut, warnings to be added as needed
word count: 3.4k
main masterlist
note: happy Friday! part two is here! and we meet Bradley today! thank you for the love on part one, I hope you all have a great weekend <3 (side note: if anyone recognizes where I adapted the very last line from, we are now best friends)
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part two - strawberry shortcake
“Can we eat now? I’m tired of waiting for the chicken man!”
“Hangman, he’s five minutes late, and if you keep whining like a baby, you will be the last in line for food.” Mary’s hand shoots across the island, slapping the blonde’s hand away from the food. “Don’t even fucking think about it! Go sit in the living room!”
“Ow! I liked you better when you were too shy to yell at us yet.” He sulks into the next room, holding his hand to his chest. Only his ego is bruised, but Mary can hear him looking for sympathy from his best friend, giggling when she hears Coyote’s less-than-loving response.
“What’re you laughing at?”
“Oh my god!” She whips around, hand flying to her chest in a futile attempt to slow her heart. “Bradley! I didn’t hear you come in!”
“Sorry, Miss Mary, didn’t mean to scare ya.” The smirk on his face contradicting his apology.
She narrows her eyes. “Oh, you find this funny, bird boy? Hey Hangman?”
“Yes, ma’am?”
“You’re no longer at the back of the line for food! Rooster will be taking that spot from you.”
A celebratory shout comes from the living room while Bradley protests, “That’s not fair!”
“Guess you shouldn’t have laughed at me. Okay! Come get food while it’s still hot!” She’s almost bulldozed by the herd of hungry aviators storming their way into the kitchen. Bradley pulling her out of the way of Harvard and Fritz playfighting to be first in line.
“Careful, wouldn’t want you to catch an elbow with that cute lil nose of yours.” His thick arm wrapped around her waist, and the way he has to bend down to talk into her ear gets her heart pumping. She feels small next to him; she never feels small. Mary pats his arm in thanks before wiggling away to establish order of the buffet she laid out in the Fitches' kitchen, her face feeling as hot as the sausage she’d cooked up.
“Boys, stop fighting.” She thumps Fritz’s head as she passes, “Danielle and Reuben get food first; it’s their house.”
“Traditionally, the hosts go last!”
“It may be their house, but I cooked everything, so I’m the host, and I say the pregnant lady and her husband go first.” Danielle smacks Mary’s butt as she passes by to grab a plate. “This isn’t officially Reuben and Danielle’s anniversary, but it’s very close, so I’ve made a lot of their favorites tonight. All the food is labeled, but let me know if you have questions, and drinks are in the cooler in the yard, so help yourself before you sit down! Coyote?”
“We’re ignoring the slap?”
“Yes. It’s been over fifteen years, and nothing has stopped her yet; it’s just part of my life now.”
Danielle scoffs, “Oh, please. Like you don’t love it. I know for a fact that when you dated-”
“Okay! Hey! Have you guys ever heard the story of how Reuben and Danielle got together? It’s really embarrassing for Reuben.”
“No, but I would love to hear it!” Fanboy pipes up, just like she knew he would, getting Danielle off the topic of her former boyfriend, the one who had a thing for spanking.
“You haven’t even told Fanboy? Your WSO?” Danielle looks at her husband in faux shock. “Well, now Mary has to tell it!”
“Please do not tell this story.” Reuben groans from his seat, realizing his two favorite women aren't joking.
“Picture this. It's August 2007. The Phoenix spacecraft is on course for Mars, Ed Hardy is taking over men’s fashion, and it’s the first week of classes at SUNY Buffalo. I’m waiting outside of my 8AM chemistry lab with like twenty other students, all of whom are lax bros. This tall, lanky kid,” Mary jabs a thumb in the direction of Reuben, “-comes walking up, plants himself next to me on the bench outside the lab, and says, “Yo, I know the formula for table salt; what else could I possibly need to know?” and me, being the wonderful person I am, I took pity on him and made him my lab partner.”
“You just didn’t want to get partnered with those guys from the golf team.”
“I will not lie; that was a factor in my decision. Anyway, it turned out to be a huge mistake because he barnacled himself to me for the rest of the semester and apparently for the rest of my life.”
“I am a delight!”
“I dragged us through that class, kicking and screaming the entire way.” She explains how their duo became a trio after Reuben walked directly into Danielle. “She hit the sidewalk so hard, and Rico Sauvé over there froze, staring at her like an idiot while I helped her off the ground and apologized for him. I wish I could remember what I said… do you remember Danielle?”
“You said, and I’m quoting here, “I’m so sorry about him. I would make a joke about him being so tall that he doesn’t get enough oxygen, but the fact of the matter is that he’s just a fucking idiot.” And then she smacked him in the stomach to reboot him.”
The team erupts in laughter, Yale heckling him. “Bro! You knocked her over? That’s so bad; I can’t believe she went out with you!”
“Oh, I didn’t! Matchmaker Mariella convinced me to give him a shot after she and I became friends sophomore year. He was too scared to ask me out.” Danielle’s statement makes the laughter worse, tears gathering in Fanboy’s eyes.
“And it worked out, didn’t it?” Reuben leans over to kiss his wife. “We’ve been together for fifteen years, five moves, and two kids. Not too bad, huh, baby?”
“Oh god! Keep it in your pants; there are impressionable, young minds present!”
Danielle flips Hangman off, “Annie isn’t old enough to realize what’s going on!”
“Forget Annabeth! I was talking about Bob!”
That begins the biweekly argument of Phoenix defending her back-seater, which then spirals into whose dating life is the most pathetic. Omaha has won the past nine times for his horrible flirting techniques that have a 4% chance of working, according to Yale’s calculations. Mary always takes this as her cue to escape, knowing her romantic luck is the worst of them all, and she would win hands down. This time around, she collects the dinner dishes and sneaks through the back door, making a clean getaway until Bradley turns to whisper a joke in her ear and realizes she’s gone.
He scans the backyard, coming up empty until his eyes hit the kitchen window. For a minute he watches her doing dishes and bobbing her head to the radio perched on the windowsill in front of her, admiring how the pieces of hair that have escaped from her claw clip frame her face. The dark strands making the rosiness of her round cheeks stand out as she cleans up.
She’s so beautiful.
The same thought had passed through his mind eight months earlier when he first met the Fitch family’s best friend. It had been a regular night out at the Hard Deck. Everything was going as expected, except for Payback’s behavior. The normally calm and collected pilot bounced between groups, his neck on a constant swivel to the front door. After minimal prodding, he announced that his wife and his best friend from college were running late. Rooster was expecting another man similar to his teammate; a funny, chill guy, probably someone who had been on the swim team with Reuben.
He was thrown for a loop when Danielle stormed through the door, yelling about the babysitter being late and pulling a gorgeous brunette behind her.
Payback had tucked the mystery woman under his arm and introduced her to the group. “Everyone, this is my bestest friend, Mariella Vertucci. She is a brilliant mechanical engineer, an excellent cook, and an even better baker. Also, she’s single.”
“Oh my god, Reuben, stop it!” She had blushed and tried to duck away; her wide smile made Bradley’s heart flutter. He immediately wanted to talk to her, buy her a drink, play her favorite song on the piano, anything to get her to smile at him like that.
He had been disappointed when he learned she was only visiting for a few days. His disappointment had grown when Hangman and Coyote monopolized her time after finding out she had a knack for darts. The best part of his night was when she sat on the stool beside him for a breather. Bradley bought her a drink and made small talk; his brain unable to create meaningful conversation once he felt the soft material of her dress brush his calf. And then she was gone again, pulled back to the dartboard by Jake, who was happy to have someone to compete against. He had spent the rest of the night watching Jake joke with her. Mary’s laugh was the only thing in Bradley’s head when he went to bed that night.
He looks over at Jake now, where - for his own entertainment - the blonde man is turning the dating life comparisons into a game of cornhole. Content to stand on the sidelines with Annabeth snuggled on his chest and watch what is sure to turn into a disastrously overly competitive tournament.
When Bradley realizes no one is paying attention to him, he gathers the rest of the dirty dishes and heads inside. “I saw you sneak away; you missed my joke about Hangman getting stood up twice in the same week.”
“I try not to give Dani a chance to bring up my past mistakes; it works out better for everyone considering how often she’s set me up on a failed blind date.” She makes a face over her shoulder, making both of them laugh.
“Dinner was great, by the way. I haven’t had a homecooked meal like that in years.”
Mary feels her cheeks get darker at the compliment. Damn him for being handsome and sweet.
“I’m glad you liked it. I always- oh! I love this song; can you turn it up? My hands are all soapy.”
“Big Steve Miller Band fan, huh?” Bradley laughs and twists the knob. “What are we listening to?”
“The oldies station - 105.6 - they play everything from before 1990! I love them; it’s just like when I used to spend the day with my grandparents. They have a Big Band Music Monday, and if I close my eyes when Glen Miller is playing, I swear I can smell my Nona's perfume.” His smile matches hers, the joy of childhood memories splayed across her face as she rinses plates.
“Which towel should I use to dry?”
“You don’t have to-” Her voice gets louder as she talks over him, sensing the protest that’s coming. “But! If you’re going to insist, grab a fresh one from that drawer right there. And don’t worry about the pots and pans; Reuben likes to let those air-dry overnight. I just want to make sure everything else is as done as possible before I bring dessert out; those dishes can run in the dishwasher tonight.”
Bradley pauses where he’s putting silverware away, watching Mary sway to the music. “You made dessert too?”
“Yeah, we’re having my version of strawberry shortcake. It’s a twist on their wedding cake which was vanilla cake with strawberry filling.” She answers distractedly, closely examining a roasting dish that won’t come clean.
“You made their wedding cake too?”
She giggles at his shocked tone. “No, I had just moved to Missouri when they got engaged, so most of my maid of honor duties were performed virtually. But I did help pick the cake flavors out when I was up for the shower.”
“Lots of yelling at vendors on the phone?”
“Occasionally, when it was needed. I’m not a fan of yelling at people if it’s not necessary.”
“You yell at work all the time.”
“That’s because you idiots don’t listen to me! My entire career has been learning the best ways to fix those expensive ass planes you fly in every single day, yet you don’t listen when I-” She cuts herself off and flicks water at him when she realizes he’s teasing her. “You’re not funny, mister.”
“Sorry, sweetheart, it’s just too easy sometimes.” He knows he’s not really in trouble when she can’t hold her grin back.
“Just keep drying so we can have dessert.”
The two work quietly together, cleaning and packing up leftovers, seventies hits floating through the kitchen. As Mary cleans the sink, she looks at Bradley, who is trying to figure out which cabinet the serving platters go in. “When you get those put away, could you grab the strawberries from the garage fridge?”
Bradley hums his agreement, grinning at her when she points to the correct cupboard before heading out to the garage.
“As you requested.” He laughs at the grabby hands she makes towards the green container in his arms as he reenters the kitchen, eyes going wide when she removes the lid. “Shit, those look awesome.”
Mary’s nose scrunches at the compliment. “It’s because they’re super fresh. I picked them up from my favorite farm stand on the way home. And I used the sugar-to-berry ratio my Aunt Denna perfected years ago.”
Bradley watches in awe as she moves around the kitchen with an ease he’s never seen before; it’s like watching a one-person waltz. Her hands carefully fold the strawberries together, gently stirring them so they don’t break. Once combined to her standards, she plucks a sharp knife from out of nowhere and begins cutting the cake into even slices without any measuring. Mary does this while instructing him to get dessert plates out; her hips never stop moving to the music.
She stacks everything onto a serving tray that was hiding next to the fridge. It looks precariously balanced, and Bradley is about to offer his assistance when she swings the tray onto her shoulder and makes her way through the sliding door with no problems. He stands there for a second, stupidly staring after her like a lump on a log when he realizes she forgot the serving spoon.
He grabs the utensil and follows her path to the deck, a cheesy grin spreading across his face as he watches her realize she forgot something. She turns as Bradley brandishes the spoon in front of him like a sword and bows. “For you, m’lady.”
The peanut gallery pipes up. “Oh my god, Bradshaw. That was painful to watch.”
“No dessert for you, Jake.”
“Oh, come on!” Jake holds Annabeth up from his chest. “I was gonna share with little Annie Oakley here! You can’t take dessert away from me! You’re depriving her!”
“Dude, you have got to stop using my kid as a bargaining chip every time you make M&M mad.” The defeat in Danielle’s voice sends laughter through the group.
“For dessert, we’ve got strawberry shortcake with a Vertucci family twist. And a limited amount of whipped cream to go around, so please don’t go crazy until everyone has some, okay?”
A chorus of “Yes, ma’am” comes back at her as she hands the first plate to Dani, who had elbowed her way to the front of the line, using her pregnant belly to her advantage.
Mary is fulfilling Harvard’s request for extra syrup on his cake when Callie’s voice raises the question on several aviator’s minds. “Hey Mary, why is your callsign M&M?”
“Oh… uh….” She hesitates for a second before remembering she can trust these people. “Growing up in a bakery, I’ve always been the designated person to bring treats. Even in college, I was that person. After people found out I was the one who made the food, I would always jokingly get proposed to, and people started the “Marry Me” nickname. Which is such a brilliant play on my name.”
“Which was funny for a while, until a guy she used to date and his group of assholes caught wind of it and turned it into something decidedly not funny.” The anger in Reuben’s voice stops any potential questions.
“Yes, and then my knight in shining swim trunks over there almost got kicked off the team for fighting, and my ex got a knee to the family jewels courteous of the knight’s red-haired partner.” She rolls her eyes at the memory of how proud her two friends were to be in trouble for defending her honor. “Anyway, that pretty much killed the nickname, but M&M took its place.”
The yard is quiet, no one entirely sure what to say.
“I still can’t stand Austin.”
“I’m pretty sure he can’t stand you either after you sent one of his balls back into his body.” Mary snorts, feeling uncomfortable that the conversation about her emotionally abusive ex is still going. “It’s okay, everyone. That was a long time ago, and I brought M&M with me as my unofficial call sign when I started working with the Navy.”
It’s awkward for another minute until Hangman gets cornhole going again, handing Annabeth off to join the women at the picnic table. The game quickly gets competitive between the guys, and the evening returns to normal. As the attention moves away from her, Mary curls in on herself, feeling vulnerable about the information she had shared. The other women notice and make eye contact, a silent conversation passing between them.
“What a dingus. If I was your ex, I would have proposed to you for real after trying your mac and cheese.”
“Callie, I called dibs after she made those cupcakes at Easter.” Natasha protests.
“Absolutely not! Of anyone, I get the first crack at her; I’ve known her the longest.”
“Danielle, I know you’re pregnant, but I will literally fight you.”
It’s enough to break the tension and make Mary laugh. “Ladies, ladies, please, no fighting. There’s enough of my food to go around.”
“And what about you? There’s only enough of you for one of us.” Nat throws an arm around Callie’s shoulders, winking at her fellow aviator, silly smiles spreading across their faces.
“I think if we really tried, there would be plenty of me for both of you.” She winks back before taking a stack of empty plates inside.
The table settles into a stunned silence, Danielle’s laugh interrupting after a few seconds. “I forgot you guys haven’t seen Mary flirt before!”
Bradley’s heart stops from where he’s eavesdropping in a lawn chair. Is that why she never responds to my flirting? He feels like an ass, trying to catch the attention of a woman who potentially doesn’t even like men.
“She flirts with Jake all the time!”
Bradley chugs the rest of his beer.
“No, that’s not flirting. They’re just bantering each other. Besides, Jake is a good-looking guy, but he’s not really what she looks for in a man.”
“Oh! Forget Jake! She is single, right? Because I have a friend who would be perfect for her, she’s a middle school math teacher, and she has the same sense of humor as Mary!”
Danielle lowers her voice, “She is single, and she’s said now that she’s more settled out here, she wants to try dating again. But if everything goes the way I think it will, there will be no need for us to set her up.”
“What do you-” Natasha gets cut off by Danielle pointing at something off the deck.
The three women turn their attention to the backyard. At some point during their conversation, Mary had slipped past them and settled next to Bradley on the two-seater Adirondack chair. They subtlety observe as Mary leans into his side, giggling and whispering in his ear about something as she gestures towards the game. Bradley throws his head back as he laughs, wrapping his arm around her shoulder and dipping his head down to respond. They watch as Mary buries her head in his shoulder to muffle her laughter, and three sets of eyebrows raise in unison as the back of Bradley’s neck turns redder than the strawberries they’d just eaten.
“Wow. I vote that we only intervene if those two take longer than three months to get their shit together.” Callie looks around the table for concurrence.
Natasha grimaces. “Usually, I’d agree, but they’ll probably end up needing a nudge. Rooster moves slower than molasses in January when he’s interested in a woman for something more than a night.”
“They’ll definitely need a nudge, and I’m already working on it because, lemme tell you…” Danielle pauses, her heart warming at the shy smile on her best friend’s face as Bradley pulls her further into his body. “He’s in there with the champ.”
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thank you for reading <3 if you would like to be added (or removed) from the tag list just send me an ask! have a good one!
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pumpkinfreak · 9 months
Watching Hannibal for the first time Ep 8-11
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Episode 8. I need MatPat to figure out if you could turn a person into a cello. THAT IS THE FILM THEORY I WANT! Anyway, Franklin comes back in this episode. Another fun fact, I work in dentistry, and I did not know Catgut was real animal innards. My instructors left that little tidbit out. I love that Hannibal is offered friendship by Franklin, his little fanboy patient. Lecter is so annoyed by it, he just could not care less. Then Tobias, who is also a deadly psychopath, Hannibal seems just as bothered. It's great. Tobias swinging around that wire tool thing, looked a little silly. It was giving weeb kid busting out their special attack. I did appreciate men in suits beating the Hell out of each other. Also Will and Alana kiss, it's whatever, I feel no chemistry between them.
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Episode 9
Abigail finally comes back, she's haunted by the man she killed and is going to write a book about the murders with Freddie. We learn that Freddie is a smug vegetarian. I just know this woman fat-shames people. She eats half a cutie orange and just gushes about how full she is. I'll fight this woman in a parking lot. Also, Abigail did help father capture girls for him to kill. I won't lie I lost a lot of sympathy for Abigail. However, It makes sense that Hannibal would be so interested in her. I think he sees Abigail and Will as kindred spirits, in his own way. Yet, he still views them as things to be played with.
Human totem poll. It was such a good design. The skulls are the corners.
Episode 10
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Skin just slipping off the body. It got me. It's the little things that get me. Just slid off her like a rubber glove.
Hannibal has an interesting way of treating his friends. I think lying to Will about his encephalitis, is an attempt on his part to keep him close. He wants will, but I don't think Hannibal is capable of seeing other humans as, well people. I think he views them more like animals, something he can control.
Every time Will has an episode he runs to Hannibal. So it is working, if Will was well, he might spend less time with him. Hannibal's own psychiatrist mentions that he needs someone who deserves his friendship. I think this may be a way for him to test Will.
Bisected head. I cannot praise the SFX makeup enough.
Episode 10
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This might be my favorite episode of the season. Being awake during your own dissection, grizzly. The tongues pulled through the slit necks. Simple, and very effective. I like seeing Freddie have that smug grin wiped off her face. I was bothered that Alana was put into protective custody, but Chilton was not. Like, he was the guy who messed with the serial killer, of course, he was going to get got.
They seemed so surprised, y'all are FBI agents pull it together.
Hugh Darcy does a great job, acting like someone on the brink. Another fun fact, they often use baby oil to make actors look sweaty. Hugh was probably swimming in the stuff.
Three more episodes. That I will post about later, and give my feelings on the first season as a whole.
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