#no thoughts just aemond brainrot
manikas-whims · 2 years
Team Green this! Team Black that!
I am only Team Aemond Targaryen. You go mr. sexy evil eye-patch guy! Murder is okay and justifiable since you adore and respect your sister and mother so much. And I'm here to defend your rights AND WRONGS. My lil war criminal 🥺
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iucemond · 1 year
12 days of christmas where aemond would give a present every single day to lucerys. on christmas day however, lucy gives him the best present/news he could ever for: he’s pregnant.
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When I tell you the level of ANXIETY I felt reading it! My fingernails were literally clutching my face. I probably have crescent shaped marks on my cheeks like Valaena leaves on Aemond’s chest and I honestly couldn’t give a fuck. I couldn’t devour it fast enough.
I’m just so fucking speechless. My brain can’t even comprehend the level of mastery I just read.
You are the Queen of Aemond Fanfiction. The people who haven’t read your story have no fucking idea how much they are missing out on. He may have only had 15 minutes of screen time but he lives on through you. I bow to you, My Queen.
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Bestie THANK YOU🖤🖤🖤
I am terrible at finishing stories, so getting down to the end here of tdopom is such a new thing for me and I really appreciate the support for it!!! My lil aemond brainrot (born of those 15 minutes!!! The potential of those 15 minutes my god!!!) growing into this has been such a wonderful ride thanks for taking it with me lol
Aemond is my babygirl and I will never let him go, thanks for reading the whole long ass new chapter making me emotional gd
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dearsnow · 2 years
- ⚠️ LAST EPISODE OF HOTD SPOILERS AHEAD! the tragic happenings surrounding lucerys valeryon spark conflict between you and your dear husband. (aemond targaryen x fem!reader, lots of angst and barely any fluff, might make another part?????)
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a/n - i’ve had so much aemond brainrot these past few days omg he is my evil lil boo boo bear
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The small slip of paper warps under your shaking fingers, tears slipping their way down your face. Lucerys Valeryon is dead, and the fault lies on your husband.
You were close to the young boy. Rhaenyra had always regarded you as an older sister to him, despite the tensions between her family and your betrothed. You took care of him, played with him, brushed his hair when he was in his “no-hair-brushing” phase, and now it’s all gone.
The lump in your throat scratches your insides as you sob.
“It was not my intention-“
“Fuck if it was your intention, Aemond! You killed him. He was fourteen, just a child. Not only that, but you started a whole damned war.” You think nothing will ever overcome how your throat tightens as you yell, voice much louder than a volume befitting someone in your position. You don’t care though. You care about the boy torn to pieces and cast down onto unfamiliar grounds.
“You’re acting like I did it with my own hands.” He spits.
Your eyes burn with angry tears. “You might as well have. Vhagar is your dragon, or have you forgotten?”
“He took my eye.”
“And you took his life! That is not an equal exchange, not in the eyes of the gods and not in the eyes of me.”
Aemond’s hair is frazzled and he paces around the room like a caged beast, showing an intense display of anger- whether the anger was towards himself or you, you do not know. “I will not be a broken record. I did not mean to kill him. Now will you stop pestering me about it?” The sneer in his voice sounds almost childish, like a toddler crying when they don’t want to leave their playhouse.
“I wish I was never betrothed to you, you fucking monster.” You say, hastily scrubbing the wetness from your eyes. You know how it will hurt him, how it has hurt him in the past. You just can’t bring yourself to take it back.
You did love him. Even “do”, though the warm and fuzzy feeling has no place in your argument. You traced his scar with your fingers and your lips, tangled your fingers in his hair, and laid in his arms when the nights became cold. Every feeling of love, every spark on a dreary day, will be long-wilted until Luke springs back to life and hugs you with a proclamation of “Auntie, I am alive!”. Everything feels so surreal, like he really is waiting just outside the door. Like you and Aemond are the perfect couple, Rhaenyra is the queen, and sunlight filters over warm pastures. Your fantasy world crackles and shatters bit by bit until your knees can’t take standing.
You sit down on the floor and cry.
Aemond is suddenly worried. He has seen you angry, sure, and terribly sad, but it was nothing compared to the desolate state you’re now in. He stops his pacing, eyebrows creasing in the middle.
“My love?”
“Don’t call me that.” Your voice wavers. “I have no love left for you.”
He feels a burning in his gut, like every negative thing he has ever thought about himself is discovered to be true. The grip of sadness on his throat does not cease.
“I’m sorry. I’m… I am regretful. I meant only to scare the boy, but Vhagar took matters into her own hands.” He takes a seat next to you, not worrying about the creases sure to form on his clothes. Despite his efforts to rid himself of it, he carries the burden of care deep in his heart. No amount of training or acting better than others could ever cure him of this ailment.
You’re silent as he slides a hand across your back, movements slightly awkward.
“Do you truly think I am a monster?” He asks, voice cracking towards the middle of his sentence. As always, he didn’t mean to let emotion dictate his tone of voice.
As much as you want to be mad at him, as much as you resent his actions and his family, you gently shake your head. He may be many things, but he is nowhere near as bad as some of the true monsters you have faced in your life. He is just a scorned little boy.
You lean your head into his shoulder, so tired from arguing that you forget your anger. It will come and go. Right now you just need the comfort of another warm body, even if that warm body is the person that started the whole mess in the first place.
Aemond leans back, letting your head slide into his lap.
He may not be a monster to you, not yet anyways, but he knows he has much more to do to win back your heart.
Reblogs are greatly appreciated!!
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notyour-valentine · 2 years
I thought you mig appreciate this brainrot and I CANNOT remove it from my head so I shall shove it in your asks
Little Aemond having a friend-a lady friend, but just a friend. They meet sometimes, hidden away, both from the ones trying to tear them down, commiserate and share company.
Because they have eachother, it makes life better.
And one day the girl is grumbling, crying, upset, because she was told she'll never find a husband. She doesn't even fully understand what it means to have a husband, yet, only that it's vitally important for a woman to have one. And Aemond clasps her hands and swears that he'll marry her, he promises. He swears it.
And she giggled, and promises to marry him-the two forging a little pact-their own engagement.
But time tears them apart-and when she returns, they are both grown, and have changed.
But Aemond hasn't forgotten. And he plans to uphold his promise.
I know this isn't what you asked for, but I loved the idea so much I ran with it and created a little headcanon - I hope you don't mind and I hope you enjoy🤍
Your Protector ~ Aemond Targaryen x childhood friend! Reader Headcanon
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All my writing is produced by an adult and created with an adult audience in mind (18/21+). You are responsible for your own media consumption. I do not consent to my work being translated, copied or posted elsewhere on this platform or any other.
Warnings: implication of sexual assault, bedding ceremony, body insecurity, expect canon confirming tone and mention of violence
Words: 1508
If you were his friend back then, when he had little to no friends, before he was respected for his dragon, he would never forget it and your friendship
Of course, after gaining Vhagar, he'd be respected more, also by his brother, but he'd always be loyal to you
Woe to Aegon if he started talking poorly about you, and to anyone else
Before he'd have found sneaky ways to exact revenge on the people who caused your tears but now, with Vhagar, he is downright terrifying. 
But dragon or not, when your family moved away from Court, he cannot stop them. Years pass, but his memory still remains
Politics is a cruel game, and before long he hears whispers that you are to return to court only to be engaged to another Lord's heir. It is a good match, securing you a title and position, but at the same time it is a name Aemond is all too familiar with - one of Aegon's oldest companions
He has visited the brothels on the street of silk more than the sept- loud, demanding, uneducated, greedy and sloppy, the kind of man Aemond had taken good care to stay away from. 
He drops his name to Aegon, who is more than happy to share details of years of escapades, detailing in great length the fun they had out drinking and whoring.
One story is enough for Aemond to make up his mind that he is unworthy of you, three cements the fear that a marriage to a brute like that would break your spirit before the year was out. By the fifth tale, he is certain that he cannot allow this wedding to take place under any circumstances. 
Only a few days later, you return to court all grown, the perfect lady. And what a show your supposed intended puts on, an image of gallantry and chivalry, only to debate with Aegon about which ways to have you on your wedding night first, delighting in the fact that you were known for your modesty and thinking about all the ways you could be shocked
How best to break her in, they call it, as if you were nothing more than a horse to tame and breed. It brings bile to Aemond's mouth and it takes all his self restraint not to lash out right then and there
The next day, he goes to you. When you had parted, you were of the same height, maybe even a little taller, but now he towered over you. Never before had he been more self conscious about how intimidating he could appear, not knowing if your quiet nature was fear, or those years of lessons and instructions by your Septa
He tells it to you without sugarcoating it, the reality of the man you were going to be engaged to, the way he spoke of you, the way he would treat you (leaving out only the vilest of plans he had made with Aegon)
To his surprise, you show little to no reaction, before reminding him with a sigh that your house needed allies, that it would be a good and advantageous match for you and your family, a necessary one and the best you could find
It enrages him how little you fight against this marriage, how you didn't seem to mind that your family was leading you like a lamb to slaughter, dooming you to a life of unhappiness
"'Tis the fate of all women, Aemond.", You said, calling him by his name instead of his title for the first time in years
That may be so, but it wouldn't be yours. He wouldn't allow it to be. 
Unlike with you, he makes no attempt to hide how frightening he could be while speaking to your father to inform him of your intended's inadequacies. In his reaction he sees that all this was not new to him. 
Aemond has never killed a man, but he has never felt closer to the deed than in that moment. 
"Of course,", he added, staring at the wine in his cup, "this betrothal would be a sin.", Knowing how gods-fearing your family was
"She has already promised herself to another, swearing on the Seven-Pointed Star in the Royal Sept. Forcing her to break it could well anger the Gods"
Granted, the oath had been taken without any book in the rough vicinity of the building but that wasn't the point, and it was enough to sway his hand
The next step was to deal with his mother. She and his grandfather Otto had already been plotting - a Tyrell, or a Redwyne, maybe a Lannister, but Aemond doesn’t ask. He informs them of his decision, and while he hated seeing his mother cave to the whims of her own father, her husband or even Aegon, he feels relief when she doesn’t fight him on this. 
His grandfather Otto is less than happy, but Aemond is not Aegon, and he cannot intimidate him, and he knows better than to try, after all he is their most important and powerful ally
The final step was the most difficult - you
When informed of the change of circumstance, you fall silent, your face unreadable to him, sending waves of doubt crashing over him. You hadn’t minded his scar as a child, but it was a different thing to accept a deformity as his in a friend and in a husband - what if he indeed frightened or disgusted you? 
It doesn’t matter, Aemond decided, he was doing this to protect you at any means necessary, so he takes your hand and swears to you that he would marry you, giving you more protection and a higher position than any other unmarried man in the Seven Kingdoms could provide. He also swears that he would never make demands of you in any way, even if it meant being husband and wife in name only
Your father’s presence destroys any attempt at an honest response from you
Seven days is the shortest possible gap between a formal betrothal and a wedding in the faith and they are the longest and most aggrevating in Aemond’s life.
The day of the announcement, your intended had a fit of rage, confirming to him that placing extra guards around your rooms was a good idea.
The remaining days are kept up with planning the spectacle that according to his mother and grandfather, the people deserved. 
On the seventh day, you are married, and as he places the red and black cloak of House Targaryen over your shoulders, he glances at the crowd, seeing the disapproving face of his grandfather, and the dark glare in his brother’s and your former intended’s eyes. 
As your husband, he can protect you from most anything, but not the bedding ceremony, no matter how hard he tried beforehand. He doesn’t humour the women and instead finds his bedroom with long strides. He doesn’t like strangers touching him in any case, and a glare of his keeps those that do run after him at bay. 
The relief he feels at finally seeing you is short lived. Your wedding dress is in tatters, your hair dishevelled and your eyes are wide. He doesn’t miss Aegon and his friends in your closest entourage. 
But as soon as you crossed the threshold you are his, and not even that imbecil of a brother and his friends dared to move beyond that. He had half hoped they would try.
You find his side as quickly as possible, and takes note of the way you seem to hide behind his body
When the doors close, you breathe a sigh of relief and lean your head against his back. 
That is when finally, after all these years, Aemond pulls you in for an embrace. The last time you were of a height, now his chin rests easily atop your head. 
For a long while he just holds you in silence, his mind running wild with plans for vengeance, but that could wait until tomorrow
Gently he removes what little remains of your wedding dress and instead helps you into the dressing gown the maids had provided for the next morning. 
Then he sits you in front of him and untangles your hair, removing the remaining pins and combing out the braids.
That is when you begin to talk, about the past, about what happened in the years since your parting. He talks of studies, dragons and Helaena and her children, you talk of your siblings, the gardens, the little green bird you were gifted for your eleventh nameday that you called Vhagar too, who awaits in your chambers
Aemond listens more than he talks, and combs your hair even after it is long untangled
Then, as the hour grows so late it turns early, Aemond pulls back the covers and draws his dagger
“I won’t give them any reason to doubt our marriage.”, he simply announced as he rolled up his sleeve. A cut up there would be more inconspicuous and would not be found easily, providing the blood necessary to prove the loss of your maidenhead
Before he can cut his flesh, your fingers wrap around his wrist, reminding him that there are other ways to ensure the blood on the bedsheets
“We are married now, Aemond,”, you say, “So let us be married.”
Part II (Wedding Night)
Thank you so much for reading - I hope you enjoyed and would love to hear your thoughts!
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helaelaemond · 10 months
50 Helaemond Kisses
day 7 - to shut them up
Based on this canon divergence brainrot - Helaena has been married to Jace who is a good and kind husband. She has spent years with him and Rhaenyra and the family on Dragonstone, and has returned to Kings Landing with them for the hearing of Vaemond Velaryon's petition for Driftmark.
They stare at each other across the hall. Aemond towers over Aegon, a looming presence between his elder brother and his mother with his hands clasped behind his back. Helaena stands just behind Daemon at Jace's side. The family around her wears black and red, but she sparkles in bright blue. Not the Velaryon blue of her lord husband, but something lighter, something brighter. Something akin to sapphire.
She knows what lurks beneath the leather of her brother's eye patch. His hot gaze rakes over her and she shivers. The memory of their last meeting has haunted her for the two years since they were parted. How she had looked out of the carriage window as it pulled out of the courtyard and had seen Ser Criston holding Aemond back with all of his strength. The last time Aemond had seen her, she had been crying.
When Father makes his way into the hall in defence of Rhaenyra, it is a curious sight. He is bent over in pain, and his face is more ghastly than it had been last. She watches in curiosity when Daemon slips to help him and places the golden crown on his head. Would Aemond do the same for Aegon, if it came to it? Will Aegon do the same for Rhaenyra?
She looks back at Aemond. Aemond's hard stare has turned to Lucerys on her sister's other side.
"Her children are bastards!" Vaemond roars. Helaena flinches. "And she... is a whore."
The words echo through the hall for a generation. Across the distance, Aemond grins.
When Daemon splits the man's skull in two, it is overwhelming. The sight and sounds are too much, they're too much, it makes her blood too thick for her veins and there is pressure in her ears that she cannot bear and her bones suddenly feel like they are swelling out of her skin-
Her neck hurts when she turns away and presses her fingers into her ears. Over the white noise, she hears her breathing. In, out, in, out. Just like Aemond used to help her focus on, in and out. Focus on what is real. The floor beneath her feet, the dust at the base of the column in front of her eyes. Suddenly it is all that she needs to worry about. There is no dead man before them, no blood dribbling into the cracks. There is only the dust on the floor, and her laboured breathing. Out of the corner of her eye, she notices Jacaerys shift his position so that he is shielding her with his body. The red at the edges of her vision disappears. In her imagination, it is a man taller and fairer than he that protects her.
The king, her father, leaves, and so too does her panic. Her heartrate returns to normal, and her sight returns, and she blinks.
"Are you well?" Daemon asks her quietly.
Wincing, Helaena nods.
Across the hall, Aemond's eye burns into her.
It was nice to dance with her husband. Everyone is enjoying the evening, and even her grandfather is smiling. He claps for her when she dances with Jace, and Jace makes her happy. It's a dance they haven't done for a while, and he misses a few of the steps and stumbles, and she catches his hand and laughs.
Aemond has turned his chair to watch them. He has not said a word to her since her arrival. Since they discovered that their letters were intercepted, he has not shared a single thought with her. It's been years.
"Final tribute!" His voice cracks like a whip and the music stops. Just the sound of his voice feels like home. It's deeper than last she heard it. How she yearns to hear it quietly against her ear, to feel it ghost across her skin. There are butterflies in her stomach, and a heat between her legs. But no, she mustn't think like this. Jace is her husband, and he is a good man.
Aemond is turning into a great man. She knows that some day, somehow, he will be a terrible one, too.
"... three strong boys."
Ah. Perhaps he does want peace. The corners of his lips quirk up and it makes her smile. He looks so very beautiful with his cup raised, the attention of the room on him. She claps quietly.
"I dare you to say that again," Jace answers angrily. It confuses her.
"Why? Do you not think yourself strong?"
Her eyes go wide when Jace swings his arm and launches a punch on her brother's face. It makes her mouth open in surprise, and then suddenly her husband is sent flying to the floor at her feet, and she jumps back. He scrambles up with a snarl and flies at him. Helaena's heart is in her throat and tears burn her eyes. Whatever Daemon does or says, she doesn't notice. Daemon is not safe, Rhaenyra is not safe. Perhaps even Aemond is not.
Grandfather is. Around the edges of it all, Helaena goes to him and he strokes her arm comfortingly, letting her turn herself away from everyone else.
"Why are they doing this?" she breathes. Why is peace not an option?
Otto shakes his head slightly. He doesn't have an answer for her, and instead he watches for her. The sound of Aemond leaving makes her turn around. Oh, how she hates that man. Oh, how she loves him.
"Go to your rooms," Rhaenyra orders with her hand on her belly. "All of you."
"Go," Otto encourages Helaena quietly. She nods, but leaves through one of the servants' doors instead of following her husband.
At last, some peace. The servants' corridor is cool and familiar and quiet. There is much less light in here than the dining hall that had been bathed in orange flame, and the soft darkness wraps around her like a blanket. Not oppressive, just comforting. She walks down the corridor that she learned as a child and twenty paces down, the latch of the familiar door comes into her hand. Looking up and down the corridor to check no one sees, she slips through it and closes it behind her.
Only the rats watch her.
If memory serves, this passage will take her, eventually, down to the water gardens. It will be nice to be in the fresh air after the fire of the day. The clouds were heavy today, but perhaps they've cleared now and she'll see the stars. It's much darker in this passage, she can barely see anything, and only holding onto the wall gives her any sense of direction. But the stairs aren't steep, and her feet remember the way, anyway.
Two flights of stairs, the first left turn, ignore the next three rights, and tight spiral staircase. Her fingers glide over the stone walls, and the further she goes, the calmer she is. Until there is a shadow.
A tall figure that only noticeable because what little light reaches here is blocked out by it.
"No Strong boy with you, sister?"
The voice sends a shiver down her spine. Her steps falter and her breath catches. "It's you."
"It's me."
A strange sensation fills her body. Part of her wants to flee, to run from the shadow and find safety alone in the gardens. But another part tells her to remain. This is her sweet brother, after all. The boy she has loved for as long as she has lived, the boy who was her best friend and constant companion until circumstance - or design - ripped them apart.
She doesn't know what to say. And he is angry.
"I... I missed you."
"You didn't visit." In the silence of the corridor, his footsteps echo. They come closer.
"Neither did you."
Suddenly there is a hand on her waist and he presses her against the wall. His body is long and lithe and hard, clad in cold leather. Her eyes close and without needing to think, her hands find their place on his chest.
"Don't," she protests softly. Between the wall and the man, she presses more tightly against flesh than stone.
"How have you been?" he asks softly.
"I have been..." How has she been? She has been married. She has been cared for. She has been content. And she has been so desperately lonely. "Looked after."
"Your kidnappers have kept you well?" he asks. He runs his nose along her neck and up to her ear, earning him a soft sight. She clutches at his shoulders. "Do you love them yet?"
"One cannot be kidnapped by family."
"Ah, then I shall remember that." His hands are larger than before. His legs are stronger than before. She knows that when his fingers dig into her back, and his knee presses between her thighs.
"When I capture you and keep you locked away. I shall tell them that you agreed you could not be kidnapped by family."
When he sucks her earlobe, she whines quietly. "Aemond, we can't-"
"Why?" The word is drawn out in a hot breath.
"My husband, he-"
"A bastard." Aemond's mouth moves up to bite the shell of her ear. "It should have been me."
"But it's not." Despite her protests, her hands find their way to the clasp at his throat and she pulls it open. Desperately, she pushes her fingers against the warm skin there, and the clouds before heaven part. Yes, there he is. There is bliss.
He groans softly against her ear. "Lae."
Lae. That's what he used to call her. He had said that Hel was no fitting name for her, not when she was his delight. So he called her Lae, his own secret name for her. The memory rushes back to her throat, making it difficult to breathe.
"Aemond, we can't!"
"I have to have you." He kisses the slope of her neck and it makes her head drop to the side.
"You're driving me mad. Since I saw you across the hall, it's all I can do but think of having you again." He takes her wrist and drags her hand between his legs, and she can feel the hardness there. It makes her stomach drop in excitement. "I know you want me like you always have."
She tries to shake her head but it is half-heated. She palms him over his trousers and fumbles with the laces. "I took vows."
"You broke them once before." He pulls up her skirts and suddenly his hands are under her thick thighs, wrapping them around his waist. He presses her against the wall and their hips grind together, making them both moan quietly. "Break them again."
"Has there been anyone else?" she asks desperately. She needs to know. Needs to know that she is still the only one.
With his forehead against her shoulder, Aemond groans again. He is strong enough to hold her with one hand, and with the other, he pushes his breeches down, freeing his cock. "No one. Only you. It's always only you."
When he presses his cock against her cunt, there is no hiding how desperate she is for him. From the moment she heard his voice at dinner, she has been hot and wet and ready. "Only me?"
One thrust forward, and he is lost. So, too, is she. "I fuck my hand every night thinking of you, Lae. I dream of unleashing Vhagar on Dragonstone and killing your bastard husband and taking you."
"Don't do that," she moans. Her arms are tight around his shoulders. She pulls herself up slightly and tilts her hips so that his ever thrust grinds against her, hard.
"Why? Do you love him?"
"Tell me you love me more."
She pulls on his long, white strands and shoves his eyepatch off. There's not enough light to see the sapphire, but her fingers find the scar, the stone. "You," she pants. "Always you more. The most."
"Do you think of me when he fucks you?"
Helaena nods. "He's always gentle. He's never enough. All I want is- gods, yes! All I want is you!"
That makes Aemond thrust harder, deeper. The sound of skin against skin is obscene and it echoes down the secret hallways and stairwells.
"They stole me from you," he grunts. "When they found us together, I wanted to- oh, Lae, fuck- wanted to kill them. To make you stay. You're mine."
"Mine," she whimpers.
"All these years without you have been agony. I spend my days alone and missing you, and nights thinking of how to take you back, and-"
She silences him with a searing kiss. Their first kiss since their first and last night together. His lips immediately part and his tongue presses into her mouth hungrily. It's like he needs to claim every part of her, taste every inch of her, leave no part untouched. She welcomes him desperately. Their thrusts make the kisses messy and harsh and loud, and their hair gets caught between them. Sweat breaks out on their brows.
She bites his lip and sucks until she knows it will bruise. He returns the favour on her neck, leaving marks that will be difficult to hide with her dress. Good. Let the bastard see who Helaena belongs to. Let him be cuckolded and humiliated, and let her be marked as Aemond Targaryen's own love.
He is good to her, she knows. She can feel how tense he is as he nears his peak before her. He climaxes inside her with a cry that makes her shake, and his thighs tremble. With his trousers still around his legs, he drops to his knees and buries his tongue between her folds. She presses his head harder against her, and when he presses his fingers inside of her and lets his seed mingle with her slick, she tumbles after him.
It is more powerful than any sensation she has experienced before. It's like flying without a dragon, like touching the stars. It washes over her again and again and turns her blood to fire, her limbs to flame. She cries his name, swears her love, promises that she has always been his.
When the strength is gone from her, she crumples to the floor and into his arms. They pant, cling to each other while the world fades away, and pretend that nothing else exists outside of them.
After a while, Helaena finds herself back in her body again. She kisses his cheek gently, and finds it wet. "Don't cry," she soothes. But his tears make the ones gathered in her own eyes fall.
"I'm sorry," he breathes, forcing a smile. "I just missed you."
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writingsofwesteros · 1 year
Hey bestie I’m gonna get Criston/Harwin’s wife brainrot. Cuz like hear me outtttt I’m gonna go off a moment.
Harwin’s words echoed around in her mind. You can’t trust the Queen, you cannot trust Ser Criston, you cannot care for her children. They are snakes. They are manipulative liars. The words banged around ceaselessly and painfully in her mind, tormenting her. Endlessly, through day and night, the words would torment her. Through strolls in the garden with her husband, through luncheons with ladies of the court, and through cold nights alone the world tormented her. Even as Lady Strong sat in the Sept of Baelor praying for reprieve from her grief and suffering, she felt the words banging in her head.
“Lady Strong. It is well to see you in the Sept this morning,” the voice of the Queen sounded from behind her. She startled and turned. There stood Ser Criston, Queen Alicent and Prince Aemond. “What brings you so early?”
She rose to her feet and then curtseyed. “Queen Alicent, Prince Aemond, Ser Criston. It is well to see you all this morning,” she said voice strained. “I was just here to pray, of course. When thoughts will not leave us to rest, where else could we turn to rest but in the eyes of the gods?”
The Queen smiled and then nodded. “The Seven brings such comfort. I am glad to hear that you feel the same,” the Queen said.
I bowed my head. “Thank you, Your Grace. I shall leave you to your morning prayer. I have taken enough time this morning,” she said.
Her brow furrowed. “You need not leave on our account, Lady Strong,” she said. “Feel free to stay.”
“No, no. I have other duties to which I should attend,” Lady Strong said hurriedly.
“Are you…are you quite alright, Lady Strong?” she asked.
“Yes, yes of course. Thank you, Your Grace,” the woman replied.
She hummed and looked to her sworn sword. “Ser Criston, walk Lady Strong back to the Red Keep, if you’d please,” she instructed, leaving neither Lady Strong nor Ser Criston an opportunity to argue. “Then return once you’re done. The Prince and I have quite enough protection here, thank you.”
“My Queen,” Ser Criston said, bowing. Then he gestured Lady Strong forward. “After you, my lady.”
“Ah…thank you Ser Cole. Your Grace,” she replied. She bowed once more to the Queen and then began walking once more, feeling Ser Criston at her heel. Her husband’s words echoed in her mind and she felt her heart thump. She did not dare to speak until they were well on their way to the Red Keep once more. “I…I thank you, Ser Cole, but you need not escort me the whole of the way.”
“I would not abandon you without knowing for sure that you are safe, my lady,” Ser Criston said. The devotion in his voice made her breath hitch. Suddenly, the words from Harwin began to fade from her mind. Suddenly, Ser Criston was all she could dream to think of. “So do not try to send me from your side, for I shall not leave it.”
Her heart thumped in her chest. “Th-thank you,” she said.
“You need not thank my, my lady,” Ser Criston said. “It is my…pleasure to ensure you are safe.”
Before she could reply a hulling frame appeared in the corner of her eye. She turned her head and saw her husband Harwin at her side, scowl on his face. She nearly flinched at the sight and forced herself to remain calm.
“What is this, wife?” he asked, voice curt, somewhat worried.
“The Queen asked me to escort the lady back to the Red Keep from the Sept. The Queen felt bad for interrupting her prayers and wanted to ensure she was safe,” Ser Criston explained before she could open her mouth.
Harwin hummed, disgruntled. “Fine, then,” he said gruffly. “I shall attend to my wife, thank you Ser Cole. Tell the Queen as much, for me if you’d please.”
Ser Criston’s lips quirked up in a half-smirk and he tilted his head. “Of course,” he drawled. He turned his attention back to Lady Strong. “My lady.”
“Ser Cole,” she said in reply immediately, nodding her head.
She watched a moment as he walked away. The moment of pleasure of seeing a man who cared for her was enough to curb the irritation from the argument it would later cause with her husband at her side.
The pining that could happen? Scrumptious fr. And don’t get me started on the fight on the training grounds. It wasn’t just the boys that Ser Criston was making comments about.
Thank you so much for commenting x
I love the picture you painted ...her and the Queen might bond over their religious tendencies ...eek the many ways this could go
Oh that fighting scene was so badass of Criston; pushing his buttons so perfectly especially with comments about the wife
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hellstenglow · 2 years
I am in a vicious Helaemond brainrot and I have to write down my silly thoughts. Bear me.
Now, I was thinking about Maelor and Alys. In the book Maelor is the second son of Aegon and Alys is a supposed lover of Aemond. Why am I thinking about them? Because I have some speculations (wishful thinking? Who cares, sue me then).
We know (as asoiaf readers) how sometimes the tv show eliminated certain characters from the narrative and gave their storylines to other existent characters. Like some parts of Jayne Poole's storyline was given to show-Sansa or how they skipped Val of the freefolks, focusing on Ygritte as Jon's love interest or the creation of a new character as Robb Stark's wife who was different from the one in the books. So I was thinking (like others here have catched up) what if they do the same with Helaena and Alys?
In the book Alys is a 40 years old witch of uncertain origin (maybe a bastard of Lyonel Strong) who became bedmate of Aemond after he conquered Harrenhall from Daemon. People have speculated on the possibility of Alys not being present in the show, because they already gave her prophetic powers to Helaena. In the book it was never mentioned that Helaena had any form of magic powers and because it's an historical account from an author who is writing everything based on others witnesses, it is plausible that the detail of Helaena's power was lost or never discovered.
However, it is a pretty big change. Not because Helaena's prophetic lines are heard by the people in the show (those people ignore them and just think she is weird), but because it was made evident she had these powers for the sake of the viewers. We are the target of this shown detail, we are the ones who have to catch up on her prophetic powers and not the characters in the show.
There was a specific decision in the writing room to give these powers to Helaena and if there is something the show does it's to try to keep the magic at minimum and clean most of the contorted storylines Martin usually comes up with.
There isn't a single reason to give Helaena magic powers if there is in plan another future seer in the show, they do not like make things double. They do not look pretty in a show, it takes away the element of surprise. Also, I argue it is better that a Targaryen has prophetic dreams than some random character. It makes the story of this dinasty even more poignant.
"Dreams didn't make us kings, dragons did" said Daemon. Well, ACTUALLY, dreams did made your dinasty, you fool. They saved your dinasty from the Doom of Valyria and (as the show told us) convinced Aegon the Conqueror that his desire to conquer the Seven Kingdoms was his family's destiny (duty).
Now, what does Maelor have to do with anything above? The fact is that I kept thinking about the decision making in the writing room, following this course of thoughts I thought: what if Helaena becomes pregnant of Maelor in next season?
I know, this is just a speculation and without bases beside my fantasy, but I have some logic on this. In the official website HBO updated the Targaryen's family tree (more of a wreath actually lol) and added Daeron (Viserys and Alicent's third and last son), but Maelor is still not present. He is not "born" yet in the show-universe, meanwhile Daeron is indeed alive and well in Oldtown.
Maelor has to play a pitiful part in the overall tragedy of the Dance of the Dragons and his presence is rather important in the context of the Blood&Cheese scene. The choice Helaena is forced to take in that scene is heartbreaking and impactful on her journey to madness, so I wondered why Maelor was not already introduced in the show.
Of course the scene will be heartbreaking with or without the presence of Maelor, but somehow it will take away some good shock value and HBO love giving shocks to the public. They could just eliminate Maelor and nobody will complain, but I came up with the idea that he will still be present, only later and still play some tragic destiny as victim of the war.
This is where my two streams of thought merged together. I imagined that the show could give parts of Alys' storyline to Helaena, it's within HBO writers' modus operandi as I explained before and they did already (her magic power). I also imagined that the show could still introduce Maelor, by making Helaena pregnant in season 2. The show can still make Maelor's presence impactful in Helaena's storyline, even if it is not in the context of Blood&Cheese. Maelor's demise can still hurt us emotionally. They just need to write it.
Now, do you know who is allegedly pregnant in the
book? Alys. And allegedly it is Aemond's child.
Now you know where I am pointing, right?
What if the writers give all those Alys' storyline parts/elements to Helaena? It is not far fatched and they subtly already hinted at Aemond's interest on her. So I can see them make a strategical choice from a narrative point of view and clean the already messy storyline of the Dance of the Dragons, by giving Aemond and Helaena a shared path as lovers. It just makes sense and it makes their journey even more tragic.
Anyway, I am not sure this discourse is clear enough. I am just vomiting my Helaemond thoughts, I know. Thank you for coming at my Ted Talk.
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wingederato · 2 years
Modern!Hotd Targaryen siblings headcanons
I have a lot to say about Helaena and Aegon
also please send me ur ideas i have such brainrot ty
tw// substance abuse (aegon's part)
has a butterfly tattoo
fairy light enthusiast
dresses like the 70's met the naughties with a hint of grunge fairycore
loves horror films but gets upset when they kill animals
loves astrology and tarot cards
loves crystals even though aegon laughs at her
wants a pet snake but alicent told her she cant have one (aemond is scared of them)
smokes (i do not encourage this kids!!)
luke tried to teach her to skateboard but she prefers roller skating
phoebe bridgers and gracie abrams girl
science girlie OMG STEM GIRLIE
plays sims but never gets past decorating the house and making the sims cuz she takes like 48 hours to do that alone
sometimes plays Minecraft with aegon but literally just collects cats and builds
reads history books to try and bond with viserys
so good at sports
football, rugby you name it & he's good at it
wasn't particularly popular at school but had friends through sports teams
mama's boy but that's not a headcanon
instead of losing his eye, he has a massive scar through his eyebrow and under his eye from where Luke banged his head off the edge of a kitchen counter
so incredibly well disciplined to the point where he sometimes will not speak unless he is spoken to
he and jace are sports rivals cuz they go to opposite schools that compete against each other
i feel like I've not thought about this enough so please expect a part two where i just talk about aemond
such a fuckboy bitch
writes fucking love songs for every new girl he dates
'I shoulda known all along, I was only the next one To take your love songs as a promise' this lyric from vicious by sabrina carpenter but its about him
OMG this bitch makes tiktoks and everyone LOVES them cuz hes a hot guy doing hot shit
stop hes just my emo gamer bf
no definitely a gamer.
plays league of legends (red flag but me too)
OMG anyone who plays league i bet this bitch like plays yasuo
i like how im just referring to him as bitch after being nice to aemond and helaena
i kinda love modern!aegon tho. like hes my type of man.
deep down hes a pure sweet heart
i have romanticised him into my perfect man send help
struggles with love cuz he was never shown it while young his perception of love is literally based on artificial perfection
he uses substances (alcohol nicotine etc) to cope with his issues and doesn't ever really open up
he really tries to present himself as a cruel person with no emotions but no one really ever believes him.
was really good at english in school
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ewanmitchellcrumbs · 7 months
Ok so per my post and subsequent immediate message to you, climbing in your askhole to request a story centered around Aemond loving oc/reader based on a love letter in another tv show- I have modified it here for you:
Dear Y/n,
Since we are parting ways, perhaps forever, I feel I must unburden my heart. You are the fond object of my affection and my desire. You, and you alone, are the keeper of the key to my heart. Please don’t be alarmed–I don’t expect your favor–but I can’t, in good conscience, not reveal myself.
I’m not engaged–nor will I be–unless, it’s to you, my y/n. It always has been and always will be you.
With love, Aemond
So I don’t know: friends to lovers?? Aemond figures out he loves her first- like the trope first one fell fast but the second harder (or however it goes). I defer to you! I know you’re very busy and I don’t know how inspiration will strike you but I’m an absolute whore for smut with a happy ending (and you write it so well!!). 🔥
I was just so taken by the loveliness of that letter and because of the Ewan-brainrot I immediately thought of our Aemond!
You’re the literal best! 😘 xoxo
Sneaky peak for you here, my love! xoxo
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sevensjesper · 1 year
Modern!Hotd Targaryen siblings headcanons
I have a lot to say about Helaena and Aegon
also please send me ur ideas i have such brainrot ty
tw// substance abuse (aegon's part)
has a butterfly tattoo
fairy light enthusiast
dresses like the 70's met the naughties with a hint of grunge fairycore
loves horror films but gets upset when they kill animals
loves astrology and tarot cards
loves crystals even though aegon laughs at her
wants a pet snake but alicent told her she cant have one (aemond is scared of them)
smokes (i do not encourage this kids!!)
luke tried to teach her to skateboard but she prefers roller skating
phoebe bridgers and gracie abrams girl
science girlie OMG STEM GIRLIE
plays sims but never gets past decorating the house and making the sims cuz she takes like 48 hours to do that alone
sometimes plays Minecraft with aegon but literally just collects cats and builds
reads history books to try and bond with viserys
so good at sports
football, rugby you name it & he's good at it
wasn't particularly popular at school but had friends through sports teams
mama's boy but that's not a headcanon
instead of losing his eye, he has a massive scar through his eyebrow and under his eye from where Luke banged his head off the edge of a kitchen counter
so incredibly well disciplined to the point where he sometimes will not speak unless he is spoken to
he and jace are sports rivals cuz they go to opposite schools that compete against each other
i feel like I've not thought about this enough so please expect a part two where i just talk about aemond
such a fuckboy bitch
writes fucking love songs for every new girl he dates
'I shoulda known all along, I was only the next one To take your love songs as a promise' this lyric from vicious by sabrina carpenter but its about him
OMG this bitch makes tiktoks and everyone LOVES them cuz hes a hot guy doing hot shit
stop hes just my emo gamer bf
no definitely a gamer.
plays league of legends (red flag but me too)
OMG anyone who plays league i bet this bitch like plays yasuo
i like how im just referring to him as bitch after being nice to aemond and helaena
i kinda love modern!aegon tho. like hes my type of man.
deep down hes a pure sweet heart
i have romanticised him into my perfect man send help
struggles with love cuz he was never shown it while young his perception of love is literally based on artificial perfection
he uses substances (alcohol nicotine etc) to cope with his issues and doesn't ever really open up
he really tries to present himself as a cruel person with no emotions but no one really ever believes him.
was really good at english in school
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sapphire-writes · 1 month
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Aegon thoughts? Or Aemond thoughts? ☺️😏😈
I can’t lie bestie I’m having Aegon BRAINROT right now 🤭💞 Tom just looked too damn good in the interview I’ll never move on!!
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unohanabbygirl · 6 months
everyone on twitter rn is out there thinking fluffy lucemond christmas thoughts like hallmark movie coded hcs and I'm just here like .... red is christmas color hence red wedding is a valid christmas theme 😃
Sadly I don't have any recs either BUT the brainrot got to me and I was thinking some thoughts about how the plot set up would go
Since a significant part of the premise is that the couple is already in love are we going for something like lucemond ran away and had a valyrian ceremony and the massacre happens at a sept wedding the greens insisted on to make things "official" or something like it was an arranged marriage that vizzy t insisted on but lucemond were already secretly in love (or like a secret relationship au and they were the ones to go to viserys to request the marriage in the first place)
You’re right and you should say it. Red wedding in fact a valid Christmas theme, if it wasn’t red wouldn’t be one of the main color schemes during the holidays!
I’d def go with the first; Aemond being betrothed to Floris Baratheon pre-dance since the greens can tell Vissy is 🤏 close to kicking the bucket so they need to get their allies in order quickly. However, Lucemond just so happened to have fallen in love months prior to said engagement (mayhaps it was after the family dinner gone wrong that Rhaenyra decided to remain in Kings Landing rather than leaving and things simply went on from there?)
Luke and Aemond run away to wed in a private Valyrian ceremony to which Gerardys is their witness and come back later on. Showing off their scars and in turn taking both boys off the market (Floris doesn’t give a shit) The blacks accept the union because whatever makes Luke happy is what goes but the greens however… they play their part at pretending. Even going so far as to throw a sept wedding since they missed the first one. Little do the blacks and Aemond know the celebrations will end in a massacre.
Idk why but I can so clearly see Viserys having a heart attack and falling face down into his soup as soon as the first arrow is shot.
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omg oh no a 7hr class 😭😭 I'm so sorry! may I bring you some aemond brainrot during this challenging time?
this is actually the same anon who sent in the ask about music after your thoughts on aemond made me obsessed with him (should I have a sign-off? I feel like maybe I should have an official sign-off now? I just bought a really cool antique knife with a snake on it, so maybe we'll go for 🐍 🔪 bc that also has aemond vibes to me lmao)
but re: your response to my last ask: sorry I worded it kind of confusingly!! and omg I can totally see him as a hozier fan lol and him being into classic music is so on-point! also I frickin love violet orlandi! bc of my auditory ~sensory issues~ I have difficulty listening to a lot of metal music (which is unfortunate bc a number of my friends really like metal), but I've found that her music is a great way to still experience those songs without having an anxiety attack from all the auditory input lmao
but onto the brainrot!! I know aemond mentions having studied philosophy and history, but do we think he's a lit kid too? I can see this man absolutely loving lit crit. he would be such a "well, actually, according to this quote on pg. 265..." guy I feel like. I could also totally see him memorizing whole passages just bc he can
also this is just random as hell but do you have any headcanons on what his favorite food is? I feel like he has a huge sweet tooth but hates to admit it but I have no proof at all for why I think that lol
okay and finally do you have any thoughts on why he chooses to keep his hair so long/styles it the way he does? I'm so entranced by some of those gifs that show his luscious locks just billowing like he's in a hair product commercial 😍 (admittedly I still have not found time to watch the show because of the horrors (writing my masters thesis) so if they explain it there then sorry for asking! 😅)
but I wish you the best of luck with your class!!
yours in aemond appreciation,
🐍 🔪
Bestie, I am always down for Aemond brainrot, it seems my brain has been rotting away since I saw the show! 😅 and EEEK I'm so excited for the Violet Orlandi love! yeah what you say is sooo on point, she's kind of an access to that kind of music if you don't enjoy metal! I love her. Ok once again, before I go off, thank you for such interesting questions, I have a blast each time!!
Re: lit crit. Oh absolutely! I think he'd have a very deep passion for the arts and humanities as a whole. And he's a huge nerd so he'd definitely have all his references memorized and he's able to absorb and analyze very dense writing. May I interest you in hcs of his favorite books? those hcs are of modern!Aemond though.
Re: his favorite food .OH, omg. I hadn't been asked this before! this is a tough one! For one, I think he'd definitely have a taste for very refined things and this extends to food Canon!Aemond would enjoy meals rich in protein because of how hard he trains, and he likes his meats very buttery and juicy, with his bread soft and well seasoned, crispy on the edges. He'd be a lover of good wine. Vegetables rich in flavor. And I'm loving the image of him taking to pastries (in secret!). Maybe we can base it on Mr. Ewan - I take my coffee with 7 sugars - Mitchell lol!
Modern!Aemond would be the type to go to very high-end, expensive restaurants and tries all the food trends that all the famous cheffs are experimenting with. In terms of his favorite cuisine, his favorite might be french food? For comfort food, he's giving me the type to enjoy a really nice tomato soup with cheesy, fluffy bread on the side. Or a very indulgent, super creamy and flavorful plate of pasta. Something he can eat on the couch while watching his favorite films. For comfort, other type of cuisine that I feel he might love is Greek. Give him a plate of Spanakopita's with all the freaking cheese, and Gyros that are just super fillled, and he'll be happy. Guhhhhhh I'm salivating just thinking about food. And also, I just HAVE to bring this up, but @dumpsterfirecee and I aren't from the U.S. so we have this running hc of introducing Aemond to our traditional foods that are naturally spicy. And because he wants to be a good boyfriend, he tries it all, but in the end he's a white boy who can't deal with spice and is suffering inside 🤣 (please look at the hilarious art Cee made). In the end though, I think he'd develop a taste for it lol!
re: his long hair. I think the consensus is because he's proud of his Targaryen heritage. Don't quote me on this but I think Tom Glynn-Carney (who plays his brother, Aegon) said that they kept Aegon's hair shorter than Aemond's because of his reluctance to rule and him wanting to separate himself from what his family has imposed on him. Unlike Aemond, who desperately wants it, who is proud of his lineage and wears the emblems of his house with pride.
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queen--kenobi · 1 year
Oops I might have Elayna and Aemond brainrot. This is literally just Christmas fluff for the modern AU okay don’t look at me
Aemonds finds Elayna on the floor of their bedroom. It’s not his old bedroom; a special room had been set aside for him and Elayna whenever they came to visit. His family’s mansion was big enough it didn’t matter. He could have had his own room, his old childhood room,  a room for him and Elayna, and a room for Elayna by herself saved, and they still would have had more than enough space for visitors. Once the news of their marriage broke, Aemond insisted a room be reserved for him and Elayna. He was married now; he would not have Elayna sleep in a separate room while he had his own.
He watches her for a second. She doesn’t notice, concentrating too hard on wrapping what looks to be a large closed terrarium. She huffs. The edges of the wrapping paper aren’t quite even. She lets out a low noise of frustration. Aemond doesn’t smile at her exasperation, but he can feel his features soften. It’s cute. A strand of curly brown hair falls into her face.
Elayna looks around the room, no doubt planning her next move of attack. She stops when she sees him. She smiles. The slow curve of her lips when she spots him makes Aemond’s heart flutter.
“Having fun watching me suffer?” She asks. He merely lets out small ‘mmhmm’ as he comes over to her. Carefully, so as not to disturb her progress, he sits down beside her.
“For Helaena?” He tilts the box so he can look at the brand.
“Yeah. It’s one specifically made for bugs. I put some starter plants in there.” She sighs. “Is it...” Elayna shakes her head.
“Is it what?”
“Is this wrapping paper okay?” Elayna looks at him with genuine concern. Aemond tilts his head.
“The gift is what matters.” He looks around the room. He sees a stack of DVDs. When he examines the titles, he knows it’s for Aegon. Harold and Kumar, Cheech and Chong. Clerks. Staple stoner comedies all neatly stack together. Another gift is a set of romance novels, no doubt for Alicent. Elayna clearly thought about each gift, put careful consideration and care into each selection.
Elayna huffs.
“The fucking paper mattered when we had Christmas with the Lannisters.” She murmurs. “All the wrapping paper had to be the same, but it was done by family. They had their own wrapping paper only they used, and we had our wrapping paper only we used.” She nearly sag as she leans on him. “I just. I want this to be a good Christmas, you know? This is our first Christmas with your family, and I want. I want it to be good.”
Aemond knows her, can read between the lines. Yes, part of it is she clearly wants his family to like her. Another part of it is no doubt she feels as if she has to make up for past mistakes and transgressions. He presses his lips to the top of her head.
“The gift is what matters.” He reiterates. A sly smile makes its way onto his face. “Are you forgetting my brother is here? I doubt he’ll actually wrap anything. He just stuff things into gift bags when he does bother.”
Elayna lets out a low laugh. Aemond can feel her relax against him.
“Yeah, but I’m competitive. Aegon isn’t exactly anyone’s competition, is he?”
“No, I suppose he isn’t.” Aemond reaches forward and grabs the scissors she left laying on the ground. He hands them to her. “If you wish, I���ll wrap and you cut the paper. I have practice making things neat.”
Elayna nods. She kisses him.
“Thank you.”
“Don’t thank me yet. We still have to endure my family.”
“So long as I have you, I can handle that.”
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Its okay to be sad. Feel your feelings. It's normal and perfectly okay. Your writing will always be there. Your mental health should always come first.
aLSO OMFG SHUT UPI CAN BE THE SAME WAY BUT IT'S THAT IM TOO DISTRACTED ALL THE TIME. I'm /too/ talkative and I sometimes i feel like people are like wow not talking to this bitch lmfaooooooo. I'm always like damn my extroversion strikes again 😭
Go ahead and show us!!! I'd love to see it!!
Oh my God I'm a huge fucking metalhead. Screamo is my preferred genre, but it's pretty much all under the heavy metal genre. I'm going to see Motionless in White in July for theeeeeee 3rd? time???? I can't remember, but asdhlasiudhasildh highly recommend listening to them and their album "Scoring the End of The World" . Fucking incredible. Also Amity Afflictions new album "Not Without My Ghosts" . One song on there called "When It Rains It Pours" has been on repeat for the past four weeks for me. 🥲
ALSO can't believe that interviewer didn't bother asking his favorite metal bands LIKE YOU HAD ONE JOB. ONE. 😭😭😭😭
Oh shit i think i just got an idea for an aemond au i could write 😈😈😈😈😈
(: yeah. it is ok to be sad. its just a challenge to navigate
IM ALSO A DISTRACTED TALKATIVE PERSON LOL and im also sometimes on the fence about how people react to me and my learned extraversion AHAHAH
ANYWAY HERE ARE MY TSHIRT DESIGNS try not to mind my annoying watermark. i added it cos of the 'ok anons' i get that i do not trust. i did this for fun and i dont want anyone to do anything but look at this. @lexi-anastasia wanted to see too so heres the big reveal LOL
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I PLAN TO MAKE LIKE FIVE SHIRTS SO AHHH IM SO EXCITED HAHAHAHAHAH but also i probably wont redownload photoshop cos its been years since i touched that 😓 lolol
also! im so glad that you mentioned the music you did.
ive heard of motionless in white! i think i tried getting into them but lol i didnt AHAHH i took a listen to scoring the end of the world, as in the song, COS WHAT AN INSANE TITLE THATS SO COOL i loved the song so MUCH!!! i really liked how heavy the instrumentation is! i look for this in pop music a lot and im like 🧍‍♀️ why didnt they go heavier? SO THIS WAS REALLY NICE
but then i kinda giggled when i heard the lead's emo voice T_T HAHAHAH i was like yeah that's about right, i'd nearly forgotten some people sing like this unironically 💀💀🤣🤣 idk i had expected a voice timbre like the singer in maneskin, damiano LOL. i could talk about this more but itd get too long
i also listened to "Not Without My Ghosts", not realizing you were just mentioning the album name, and "When It Rains It Pours". when i was listening to not without my ghosts i thought scoring the end of the world would have been cooler had the motionless in white singer had that kind of voice timbre BUT THATS NOT A SLIGHT I JUST THINK THAT PERSONALLY I STILL THINK ITS A SLAY.
and when i was listening to when it rains it pours, it for some reason reminded me of pain by of mice & men, idk if its the screams or the lyrics, maybe a bit of both. i love that song so much. anyway when it rains it pours was like... ok for me lololol again not a slight but i liked scroing the end of the world better
oh and i hadnt realized ewan talked about that in an interview. i mean, maybe the interviewer was idk nervous or smth T_T LOL. i t be like that. anyway, i hope you have fun writing that aemond au idea my love! id ask you what is is but if you wanted to say then you would have lol.
thank you for dropping by!!! i love you
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