#noah sebastian/ofc/joakim karlsson
BAD OMENS M.C. (Coming Soon)
Bad Omens Biker AU | A Nick Folio One Shot
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When Charlie Parker accidentally witnesses a high-stakes deal gone wrong between the notorious Bad Omens M.C. and a rival club, her life takes a dramatic turn. Now a target, she is forced to seek out protection only the club can provide and is introduced to the gritty, high-octane world of the SoCal criminal underground. As she tries to make sense of her dangerous new reality, Charlie finds herself drawn to the club's enigmatic president, whose dark allure is as dangerous as it is compelling. With threats closing in, she must navigate the chaos of the club, all while questioning if her growing feelings will be her salvation or her undoing.
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Nick Folio - President of Bad Omens MC
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Noah Sebastian - Vice President of Bad Omens MC
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Nicholas Ruffilo - Sergeant at Arms of Bad Omens MC
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Joakim "Jolly" Karlsson - Secretary/Treasurer of Bad Omens MC & International Liaison
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Matt Dierkes - Member of Bad Omens MC & Intelligence Officer
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Jesse Cash - Vice President of ERRA MC & BOMC Liaison
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cookiesupplier · 10 months
Hell Ain't So Bad - Masterlist
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Then maybe Hell ain't so bad after all
Masterlist for Hell Ain't So Bad
Combined Hell-Verse Masterlist HERE
x-posted to ao3
summary: Ellie is lost in the world, homeless and has been out of the world for so long in her mind she has no idea what to do and nowhere to go.. When the perfect opportunity falls into her lap, she doesn’t want to pass it up.. Turns out though, it might be a little bit stranger than she ever expected. Who would have thought that one day, she’d end up working in hell itself.. And what does this even mean?
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chapters: ✨️ = smut
One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight | Nine | Ten | Eleven | Twelve✨️ || Thirteen✨️ | Fourteen✨️ | Fifteen✨️ | Sixteen | Seventeen | Eighteen | Nineteen | Twenty | Twenty-One | Twenty-Two✨️ ||
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Dividers by @saradika-graphics
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arkiliastuff · 5 months
In a Concrete Jungle - Chapter 1 "The Meeting"
Noah Sebastian x OFC (Aurey)
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(pictures edited by me. Originals url linked on the pictures.)
A/N : Oh my, I'm back after a long break and work on this fanfic. Took me a while as you can notice, but I'm glad on how the first chapter turned out already. Again this is going to be a long story, so I'm going to take my time by writting it. I hope you'll like this one ! :D Let me know if I've forgot anything and your thoughts about it ! <3
Warnings/Tags : Strangers/Enemies to Lovers trope, violence, blood, post-apocalyptical universe, "no god, no religion" vibe (I don't mean any form of disrespect in any religion), mention of trauma, death, loss, drugs, mental and physical abuse, trust and abandonment issues. (Just in case MDNI please).
Disclaimer : I haven’t read the comic book “Concrete Jungle” written by Noah Sebastian and illustrated by many cover artists such as Nicola Izzo, Jeremy Wilson and many more, so I don’t know much about the lore and the universe. I just got inspired by the song and the few panels of the comic book that I saw about it. The rest is a pure work of my imagination and it’s not related to anything official. Nothing is canonically official. This is totally fanfiction. And so this is how I pictured the world in the song “Concrete Jungle”.
~ The little beans taglist : @valiantroeagleangel @talialovesmiw @lma1986 @cookiesupplier
The four men arrived at a strange building. It was half destroyed but still inhabited. The dark clouds of smoke outside gave a gloomy appearance to it. They saw a lot of old burned cars, with more wires and barbed strings surrounding the whole building, like a barricade or a fortress. Once they parked their car, they got out one by one, slowly, observing their surroundings. Noah and Nicholas were the first ones to cover their nose as they just breathed the heavy air from outside. It smelled like burned gas.
They were carefully being watched by some kind of military guards. Some of them looked like cops, others looked like simple soldiers, with their guns, helmets and respirators. Two other security agents, wearing the same black gear with a bulletproof vest were close to the door of the old building. They were talking to their headset radio, before another man arrived outside. Then, all three walked towards the newcomers, welcoming them.
“Are you the BAD OMENS syndicate ?”
“That’s us.” Jolly spoke.
“I’m Leo. I’ll be your guide here. Follow me, Mister Charles is waiting for you.”
The security guard turned on his heels, heading to the entrance of the building again. Jolly took the lead of the group, followed by Folio and Ruffilo, while Noah closed the queue. His hands in his pockets, he was looking everywhere, paying attention to every detail around him. He looked up and saw a lion symbol in a crescent shape decorating the pediment, proudly. He read “Golden Lion”. Before the short dark brown-haired man could ask anything, the security guard turned around, facing the group.
“Welcome to the Golden Lion’s den.”
The so-called “den” looked bigger from the inside than the outside. The bricks were about to crumble at any second but somehow it managed to stay in place. That didn’t bother at all those who lived here. Once the group entered the building, they couldn’t see a thing. There was a huge darkened hallway barely lightened up, the electricity flickering randomly. The security guard explained to Noah and his friends this floor was hardly occupied by the mafia members and it was only dedicated to training.
“...The first floor is for common places, like the dorms, bathroom and kitchen. The second floor is where the chief’s office is and where the guest rooms are. Plus the rooms of the elite guards. As for the third floor, it’s the boss' personal quarters only with his closest bodyguards” Leo continued to explain before stopping in a caged room. “Let’s take the elevator to go faster.”
There wasn’t any space in the so-called elevator. It was just enough to fit them all five.
“Looks like this place needs some work done” Folio jested, noticing the gravel falling from the ceiling.
But Leo replied calmly, not paying attention to the joke.
“Well, unfortunately we don't always have the time to repair when the Resistance or the other gangs are planning any other attack against us.”
Feeling a bit shameful, Folio didn’t dare to make any other remark and just kept silent.
“The Resistance ?” Nick asked, curious.
“My boss will explain everything to you soon enough.”
The gear sound of the elevator, reaching his destination, brought everyone back to the present. Even though they were all calm, deep down Noah couldn’t help but feel a bit anxious, anticipating the important meeting with one of the richest individuals in the mafia world. They heard few things about the Golden Lion’s achievements, mostly the grand ones. About how they gained so much money after working in different illegal industries, like drugs, weapons auctions and nightclubs. But it didn’t last too long. They had to leave Hell’s Kitchen, their first base, before the police found them. This was the last news they were ever published after that. And somehow they ended up here. In this No Name town. And it seemed like it was a lair for a lot of gangs to continue their business. 
Despite being lost in this flood of thoughts, Noah tried to push his anxiety away, displaying his usual calm and serious expression. He had a lot of questions that were circling in his mind and he hoped he could ask them when the moment came. The security guard guided them to the front door which was lightened inside.
“This is where I must leave. The boss is waiting for you inside. I’ll be going on my daily patrol here, but if you need anything don’t hesitate to look for me and ask. Good luck.”
“Thank you, Leo. Hope to see you soon” Noah spoke, grateful to him.
“See you around, bud’ !” Folio jested to light up the sudden tension and serious mood.
Leo just nodded at them, waving briefly, before walking in the long corridor, checking if everything was normal. Once the sound of his shoes was far enough, the boys entered the room. What they saw next really contrasted with the rest of the building. There were a lot of expensive sofas and leather couches arranged in front of a brown desk. The person who was on the other side of it was a huge sixty-year-old man. On his large fingers, he was wearing golden rings that were decorating his knuckles. Some of them had a lion symbol sculpted on them. Yet, what surprised them the most about this man was his face. A few strands of his grey hair were falling on his forehead, drawing attention to his blue eyes that could see through you, despite being covered by the chubbiness of his cheeks. This man was the perfect mixture of wealth, trickery and disgust. Despite the hideous look of this individual, he had an aura that embodied leadership. You could tell who was in charge here.
“Welcome, gentlemen. Welcome to my den. I’m Big Charles or Big C for my friends. Please, have a seat.” He ordered in a low voice.
The four men did as they were told and took place on the burnt brown couch before Big Charles’ desk.
“I’ve heard a lot of good things about you, BAD OMENS syndicate. I’m glad to see you made it through here. Knowing your presence here fills me with joy.” Big Charles smiled, showing his golden teeth, filling in the void of his dentition.
“We’re honored to hear such great feedback about us, sir. Seems that our reputation precedes us.“ Jolly spoke politely.
“Perhaps you could tell us more about the mission you’ve told us about on the phone, sir? We’re curious to learn more about it.” Noah continued.
“Straight to the point, I see.” Big C chuckled. “Of course. I’m gonna tell you everything you need to know about this mission.” He nodded, intertwining his golden-ringed fingers together, before continuing.
“You see, my gang and I have been facing a difficult situation for a few months. At first, we were handling it thanks to our partners in the city, such as a few minor gangs and some mercenaries. But, we’ve reached a point where even our partnerships have been attacked. And so we don’t have any more resources, like money, weapons and men. I lost so many men during these terrorist attacks. Which is why I called an outside syndicate like you.”
Charles paused, licking his lips to moisten them. He bent over, looking for something in his drawers. He put a whiskey bottle on his desk before turning to his cabinet behind his seat and taking five glasses. Then he poured the liquid into the glasses and handed some of them to the four young men in front of him.
“Have a drink, gentlemen. This one is my favourite ever. You cannot find any better in this dirty town. I have to commission someone from the outside to look for this kind.” Big Charles mumbled. “Anyway, where was I again? Ah yes, the terrorist attacks. They call themselves the "Resistance” or the “Red Sun”. There were a lot of gangs who tried to threaten us, but them...  They are a disease to this town. Although they are less numbered compared to us, they always come back. Like a hungry wolf pack. Or rats. I don’t know how they do that, but one thing I’m sure of is they are desperate and evil souls who only kill and steal people like us. We are among those who are trying to survive. And the worst and annoying thing about them is they always know where to hit to weaken us !” Charles spat, angrily slamming his empty glass against his desk.
“So, in other words, this organization you speak of… The Red Sun or Resistance, are they the ones we have to stop ?” Jolly resumed.
“Precisely, my boy. And the best way to stop them is to find where these rats are hiding, find their leader and bring them to the authorities of The Eye.”
Big C suspended his talking, pouring himself another drink and taking immediately a sip of his whiskey, leaving the four men processing the amount of information they received at once.
“What do you mean by The Eye ?” Nicholas asked quietly, breaking the short silence.
“It’s the ruler of the city. Usually, you can see its tower from the outside but because of the weather and the smoke today, you can barely see its light above. Besides watching over us, the citizens, it protects those who obey them by giving supplies, like food, water, medical kits and recently weapons. A lot of gangs depend on their help and partnership, like mine. And we’re not going to let those resistance steal our resources !” Big C replied.
Noah and his companions just nodded their heads in approval, before he decided to speak.
“So, what are you expecting from us, sir? What do we have to do ?”
Big Charles smiled at the professionalism of those young ones.
“For now, your main mission will be to investigate the Red Sun, finding their base and leader. Once it’s done, their attacks will decrease. In return, your reward will be big, I can promise you that. You’ll receive 3 million dollars and more advantages during our cooperation together. As long as you’re here, my most trustworthy guys will ensure your protection. You’ll also have a place to stay and eat and even have a free pass from the nightclub I own. Depending on how efficient you are, it could be done in a month or two, but it won’t last long either way. Leo will give you every detail you need to know about the rules here and your rooms.” Big C paused once more, drinking his fourth sip of whiskey. 
“Oh and just so you know, if you’re approving these terms you’ll get a contract with me, under The Eye’s orders. Soon they’ll send us someone to supervise you, making you sign the contract and give your new weapons. I’ll tell you when…”
While Big Charles was rambling, the sound of heels clicking on the black-polished tiling resonated in the whole corridor. The woman in black walked so confidently, smoking nonchalantly with her cigarette inside the building. She took one last puff before crushing the stub under her boots and heading to the usual room of the mafia leader. She opened the door and leaned against the doorframe, so casually, as if she owned the place. Then, she gave a smile to the four gentlemen seated on the brown couch and to the sixty-year-old man in front of them.
“Well, Big C, aren’t you going to introduce me to your guests ?” She asked with a raspy voice.
Charles stood up immediately, leaving his beloved and comfortable burgundy armchair to greet the woman dressed in her long black coat respectfully.
“I wasn’t expecting you to come here so early, dear…” He started, then stopped a second when she glared at him through her red sunglasses, before continuing “...dear Supervisor. It’s an honour to see you. Let me introduce you to the four young men here. They just arrived a few hours ago in town. They are called the BAD OMENS.”
The woman in black just nodded at Big C, pretending to be interested in his words. However, the last part caught her attention. She stared even more at the four young men before her.
“Interesting name’s choice.” She noted, “ At least, we can expect some of your victims to tremble in fear.”
“We prefer to not think about it. Ignoring those who are afraid of us, is to avoid having pity in them. But I guess in this kind of job, we can’t help but feel it no matter what.” Jolly spoke calmly.
“Put the feelings aside, darling.” She replied, waving her hand in an irritated manner, “In here, having pity or mercy is useless. It will only make you hesitate. And being hesitant can cost your life. It’s about kill or being killed--”
“And how can we help you, ma’am ?” Noah cut her off, glancing at her with a visible distrust in his dark brown eyes.
With open-wide blue eyes, Charles was about to protest, but the woman in black stopped him with a sign from her gloved hand.
“Fascinating.” She hissed, still with an ominous smile plastered on her face “ I usually encourage any form of audacity, but I must admit this one caught me off guard.”
She went closer to Noah, leaning forward and staring at him with such intensity through her red goggles. The sudden proximity started to make him feel uneasy. The vicious aura of this woman was crushing everyone else in the room. Even Big C felt small compared to her.
“What’s your name, little one ?” She asked.
“Well, Noah, since it’s your first day here, I’ll let your arrogance slide for this time. But know that I never give second chances when it comes to disrespecting me. Understood?” She warned.
The short brown-haired man simply nodded in silence, trying to remain calm.
“You four will only refer to me as Supervisor, Law or Sir. Is that clear ?”
“Yes, Supervisor.” Noah muttered.
“Good. You’re a quick learner. Maybe you could be a good apprentice for me. I’m looking for a new one, anyway.” She straightened herself, proudly.
Big Charles took this opportunity to talk again.
“Well, Supervisor, since you’re here early, I was wondering if you could register them to The Eye for their contract with the Golden Lion. Also, it would be an honour if you could train them.”
 She turned around, facing Charles, her interest and curiosity caught for real this time.
“Oh? That’s a lot of requests, Charles. You’ll owe me for that” She smiled maliciously “In the meantime, I'll take care of the contract at The Eye’s office. This shouldn’t take too long for the equipment either. As for the training, I’ll take only one apprentice. And I think Noah would be a great candidate.”
“Why just him? Can’t you train us as well? We are a team after all.” Folio protested.
“Dear, I only train those who need discipline. If you want to get stronger, just train there. It would be enough. But if you want to be my apprentice so bad, then let’s make a duel. The last one standing will become my trainee. How does that sound? Do you want to kill your friend?” She replied menacingly.
Folio audibly gulped and took a few steps back, like a scared dog in front of a predator. Clearly, her offer didn’t sound that good anymore.
“Good boy. You know your place.” She said, amused.
Then she turned to her left, facing Noah and not paying any more attention to Folio who also felt uneasy
“We’ll talk about your training once you settle here. For now, I’ll be off to the Eye’s tower. You four should come with me to make yourself register. No worries, Big Charles’ guards and mine will accompany us.”
Reluctantly, the four young men followed the woman in black, barely hearing a goodbye from Charles. Once they were all five outside, a long black limousine was waiting for them. Some guards from the Golden Lion were already around it, watching the surrounding area. A man, wearing a black suit and a black ski mask with strange symbols on it, got out of the car saluting the Supervisor. The man barely whispered a few words to her, before she looked up and saw something shiny being dropped above them.
“Get down !!” She screamed, pushing her interlocutor to the ground.
A hand grenade bounced on the limousine’s roof before exploding, two seconds later. The car blew up, the windows burning out and the blast made the nearest people pop out a few meters away. Noah and his companions covered up their faces, protecting themselves from potential projectiles. They got nothing more than scratches. Yet, some security agents weren’t that lucky. Many of them who were around the car got seriously injured, with bleeding faces and fewer limbs. Noah’s ears were still ringing, hardly hearing anything, and his vision was a bit blurry so he was unsure of what he saw from far away. He noticed what looked like a small silhouette, on a building’s balcony, with a weird respirator mask on. It felt like it was staring at them. At least, it is what he thinks he saw, because, in the blink of an eye, the shadow was gone.
His senses were slowly coming back to him when he felt Nick’s hand on his shoulder, checking up on him.
“You’re okay ?” He asked.
“Yeah... I’m fine” The short brown haired replied “But, what was that ?”
“It was a threat.”
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concreteburialplot · 2 years
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bad omens cult 🧎🏻‍♀️🧎🏻‍♀️
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veronicaphoenix · 7 months
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Chapter tags & trigger warnings: Talks about physical abuse, mentions of alcohol and implied intake. | Word count: 2.1k | Cross posted on AO3. | Series masterpost. ✧.*
General trigger warnings: This work addresses and depicts issues related to addiction and violence, contains explicit sexual content, and explores themes of childhood trauma. Reader discretion is advised.
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I barely slept that night.
It wasn’t due to my sleeping in the pullout sofa in the studio.
It was due to the haunting awareness of Lia being on the other side of the wall, lying in my bed, under my blankets, her face stained with crimson marks and fresh tears.
She had refused to eat dinner, and I hadn’t forced her. It was to be expected that she had no appetite. I didn’t eat, either. Jolly and Jesse, also caught in the somber mood of that night and seeing no one would be cooking, ordered two pizzas and devoured them alone in the kitchen.
I had brewed Lia a cup of tea, an attempt to provide more relief, and not long after she took the last sip, she had fallen asleep.
Minutes earlier she had given me her phone, asking me to turn it off and keep it away from her. Though I was tempted to return the missed call from Mitch, I followed Lia’s request and tucked her phone away.
Before night came, I had gathered essentials from my room: clean sheets, a blanket, and a pillow, while Lia, in her own quiet way, pulled clothes out of her bag and placed them on top of my dresser.
However, I had forgotten my toothbrush, so I had to go back into the room to get it from the ensuite bathroom in my room. Lia lay nestled beneath the covers on my side of the bed, sleeping with the uninjured side of her face sunk into the pillow. The comforter covered her up to her chin, and her body was but a tiny lump in the expanse of the bed.
I walked barefoot to the bathroom, and without turning on the light, grabbed the toothbrush and toothpaste and made my way back to the hallway.
Just before I left, I heard Lia's voice mumbling my name. I stayed in place; in case she had woken up and needed something.
“Don't go too far...”
I wasn't sure if she mumbled it in her sleep or if she was aware that I was there. In any case, that night I was only separated from her by a wall that felt paper-thin, so I could hear her crying when she woke up several times in the middle of the night and later her footsteps when she left the room and wandered around the house to the kitchen, where she must have gone in search of more water or something to eat. 
By the time dawn broke, I had been in the kitchen for a while, with the grim face of anyone who hasn't been able to sleep a wink all night and a laden cup of coffee in one hand, and when Jolly and Jesse came out from their rooms, it was obvious that the topic was going to be Lia and what we had to do with the situation —with Mitch.
An hour later, the sound of the shower coming from the bathroom in my room told me that Lia was up and getting cleaned up.
I did my best to make her a hearty breakfast to lift her spirits, although what little I had managed to cheer her up didn't last long.
As soon as she stepped into the kitchen, wearing black leggings and a t-shirt, Jolly wrapped her in a hug and squeezed her in his arms, understanding pouring through him while I watched from the other side, kettle in my hand. Jesse approached her and touched her hair, and after a few more seconds in Jolly’s embrace, she let Jesse soothe her.
Despite the genuine comfort they provided, Lia’s tired eyes, tinged with exhaustion and longing, sought me out after a few moments.
I handed her a cup of green tea with lemon and motioned for her to take a seat in the living room. I followed.
As she settled onto the sofa, clutching the mug of tea, she thanked me in soft voice. Her words were delicate, mixed with a bit of lingering fear and uncertainty. But there was also a hint of relief, a sense of safety creeping in as she allowed herself to let her guard down, even if just for a bit.
In the chill of the house, time seemed to stretch to give her the breathing room she needed to heal. Here, surrounded by familiar comforts and my reassuring presence, she could finally exhale. She was wrapped up in a blanket of understanding and support, shielded from the harshness of her moments with Mitch.
As she sat there, sipping her tea and soaking in the peace of the slow morning, I couldn't help but feel that this house, not officially hers, was now her safe haven. And in her eyes, I saw a spark of belonging, a silent agreement that wherever I was, was where she truly felt at ease. It hit me right in the feels, fueling my determination to offer her comfort and strength until she found her own way back to solid ground.
Her hair, freshly washed, was falling over her shoulders and chest, veiling the bruises that marred her features. I couldn’t bear to see her retreat into herself, to feel ashamed in my presence. So, without hesitation, I repeated the gesture from the day before, lifting my hand and gently asking for permission to check on her. Instead of a nod, she lifted her chin slightly, a silent invitation for me to assess the damage.
As I moved the strands of hair aside and inspected the bruised area, a curse escaped my lips involuntarily.
I was going to kill Mitch.
“It’s getting better,” she whispered softly, her fingers tightening around the mug in her hands.
To me, it looked just as raw as it had the day before. Yes, the physical wounds would eventually heal, but what about the scars etched deep in her soul?   
“Lia,” I said, running my hand down her hair, seeking to offer what little comfort I could, “what should we do?”
It took her a deep breath before she responded with a resolve that I wasn’t expecting.  
“I’m not going to the police,” she stated, her gaze fixed on the liquid in the mug on her lap.
I frowned. I glanced towards the open kitchen where Jolly seemed poised to intervene.
“They’re not going to do anything,” she continued, her voice tinged with bitterness. “They will make me go through a bunch a bureaucratic bullshit that will only make things worse. I don’t want to see him again,” she declared. “I just wish somebody would break his teeth and crush his balls.”
“Would it count if somebody trashed his car?” Jolly interjected, catching us all off guard.
Lia turned her head towards him, her face a mix of surprise and apprehension, while Jesse and I watched in astonishment.
“What did you do?” I demanded, my voice edged with concern.  
“Not enough,” he replied nonchalantly, taking a sip of his coffee as if discussing the weather.
"Dude," Jesse warned, straightening his back, shoulder tensing up. 
“Jolly?” Lia’s vice wavered, her hand trembling as she brought it to her forehead.
 “I called Steven and Matt,” he explained. “We went to his house, fucked up his car, and left a few choice messages on his door.”
“You didn’t,” she muttered, her distress evident.  
“Did anyone see you?!” Jesse exclaimed.
“Not that I ever wanted for this to happen, but it was about time that we used those fucking ski masks for something useful.”
“Jolly, why did you do that?,” Lia whispered, her words choking. “You’re going to get in trouble. You shouldn’t have—”
“We shouldn’t have?” he retorted, his gaze hardening as he looked at her disapprovingly. “After what he’s done to you? Screw that. I’m ready to kill that motherfucker if I ever see his face again. He’s not getting away with it, Lia. We don’t have to call the cops if you’re against it. They’re too busy being useless anyway. But someone has to hold him accountable. He’s not walking away unscathed, doll.”
Lia placed the mug on the coffee table and covered her eyes with the edge of her palms as she began to sob once more. The weight of it all was too much to bear, the agony of her situation crashing over her in waves.  
“Hey”, I clasped one of her wrists and pulled her towards me until she was resting against my chest. “Shh, it’s okay.”
“It’s not okay,” she mumbled against my hoodie. “I don’t want anything to happen to any of you. This was my problem. I decided to be with him.”
“Lia, we’re a family,” Jolly aserted, his voice lowering just a bit. “That’s not how things work with us, and he should know it.”
She disengaged from me reluctantly, turning to face him again. Her expression revealed her displeasure at his actions, but ultimately, there was nothing she could do to change what had already been done.
She must have been coming to terms with it in the seconds that followed. Suddenly, she stood up, saying, “I need a beer.”
“Hey, no,” I interjected quickly, reaching out to grasp her wrist once more. “It’s not even 11am, Lia. Have the tea. Eat something. We’ll make you a coffee later if you want, but beer is not going to help you.”
“Nothing can help me now, can it?” Her voice dripped with defeat, her words heavy with despair.
There was such a deep sense of hopelessness in her tone that it rendered me speechless. She brushed past Jesse to retrieve a can of beer from the fridge.
“Get as angry as you want with me,” Jolly said to her, her back to him. “He’s lucky I didn’t decide to stay to rearrange his face.”
Lia ignored him and walked back to my bedroom.
Jesse, Jolly, and I exchanged glances in the kitchen. After confirming from Jolly once more that no one had seen him and Steven vandalizing Mitch’s car and graffiting his front door, I made my way after Lia.
On top of the pain she was feeling, she was left with no option but to put up with everybody knowing what had happened to her. Even though it wasn’t her fault, it was not an easy task to tell that to yourself and deal with people’s pity and judgment.
When I entered my bedroom, she was sitting crosslegged in the armchair, beer in hand, gaze fixed somewhere outside the window. She hadn’t made the bed yet, her now old and worn Gremlin plush laying among the pillows, and the clothes she wore last night lay in a heap by the bathroom door.
“I can’t see you like this,” I admitted, crossing the room to her side.  
“You’ll have to get used to it,” she replied dully.
Her defeat pierced me to the core.  
“I refuse to.”
She looked up at me, tears glistening in her eyes.  I bent down on one knee and wiped a silent tear that was falling down her rosy cheek.
“I’m not letting you drown, Lia. I don’t know what we have to do. Call a therapist, go to the police… No idea, but I refuse to let him win. I know you’re stronger than this.”
“Am I?” She whispered back, doubt clouding her expression.
Oh, no, I couldn’t let her lose faith in herself.
"I’ve known you since you were six,” I reminded her gently. “I know what you’re capable of overcoming, and you don’t have to go through this alone.”
“So this is how it’s going to be? Just because I can put up with shit, that’s all I’m going to get time and time again?”
“That’s not what I meant. We don’t know what will happen in the future, but I can see good things happening if we just fight through this.”
“I have to fight through this,” she asserted.
“No. Wrong. Your fights are my fights. I thought that was clear; that’s how it’s been since forever.”
“You don’t have to be so good to me, Noah,” she protested weakly. “Nobody asked you to take care of me.”
“Nobody did. It’s my choice.”
Finally, she relented, her shoulders sagging in resignation.  
“I’ll make an appointment with a therapist,” she conceded. “It might… help.”
“Good,” I said, patting her knee. “And if that doesn’t work, we’ll find another solution. There’s always a solution.”
“Help me find it?” she asked, her voice small, her eyes shining with a tinge of hope.
I nodded. I took the beer from her hand and set it aside. I rummaged through her backpack until I found what I was looking for, then returned to her side, handing her a drawing notebook and pencil case.
She looked at me with a question on her face.
“Draw something for me?”
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spicywhenspeaking · 8 months
on temporary hiatus
hi friends :) welcome 🪄💖
I'm Michelle <3 I'm 29, an Aries, ramen fanatic, fangirl and average fan fiction writer.
I'm so happy to meet you! :) listen while you’re here ❤️
if you like
Bad Omens (my fics) (fic recommendations)
Jujutsu Kaisen (moodboards) & many other Anime’s!
Baldurs Gate 3 (moodboards)
Avatar The Last Airbender (moodboards)
Teen Wolf >o<
ACOTAR & Crescent City & Throne Of Glass
The Empyrean Series (Fourth Wing/Iron Flame)
Star Wars
we should be friends :)
REQUESTS ARE closed :) moodboards/fics instagram templates
If I'm There -> It's a RPF fanfiction (pls don’t engage if you’re a haterrr) Noah Sebastian and an original female character, Natalie.
Star-Crossed Connection -> RPF fanfiction with Nick Folio and OFC Seraphina Holloway! Fake dating AU
let me know if you'd like to be tagged in anything :)
coming soon…
A Soldier’s Redemption -> Bucky Barnes x OFC (hurt / comfort)
Part 2 Katara x Aang fic -> Angst w/ new OFC
part one here
Everything Has A Price -> Matt Dierkes Rivals to Lovers fic
Sneak peak
utitled Sterek Smut
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can you please watch these guys for me?
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thefallennightmare · 7 months
Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! I just finished reading Fika and let me tell you that was worth waiting a month for it because that was such a beautiful story. I loved everything about it.
Jesse and freaking fruit and interrupting. Someone needs to put that boy on a leash.
Noah and Angel cameo loved ittttttt.
Someone better tell Matt about raccoon family of six so he can raise them.
Was such a beautiful well put together story. I loved the build up. Made me cry but in a good way.
Can’t wait to see what else you have in store for Jolly and Astrid.
Thank you! 🖤🖤 means so much!
At first, I wasn’t going to have this take place in the Just Pretend universe but I brought it up to Sarah and she loved the idea! So now, everyone please welcome Astrid into Just Pretend!
Seriously, yall will have to read Fika otherwise you will be super confused when JP-24 comes out.
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bngurngheart · 1 year
You know you’ve been a bit broken by life and you have trauma when all the requests you wanna ask to fic writers have a main male characters whose mission is to make the female character feel safe in intimacy settings….
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fandombandomfics · 6 months
Quick blog update!
Hello my friends, just saying hello! I plan on updating some of the stories this week during down time. Will be updating Bad Decisions and Fates Intertwined in the coming week or so. So be on the look out for those! Also will be working on collages so if you have requests let me know! Hope life is treating everyone well and if it's not, I hope it treats well soon. Love you all!
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Created by @thatchickwiththecamera
Felt like the edits and patch needed their own post. I had so much fun making these and super proud of how they turned out!
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BAD OMENS M.C. | Coming Soon
Nick Folio - President
Noah Sebastian - Vice President
Nicholas Ruffilo - Sergeant at Arms
Jolly Karlsson - Secretary/Treasurer & Intl. Liaison
Matt Dierkes - Intelligence Officer
Jesse Cash - Vice President of ERRA MC
@thefallennightmare @lma1986 @blueskylinesx @arkiliastuff @cncohshit @xxkittenkissesxx @collidewiththesavannah
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cookiesupplier · 8 months
Hell Ain't So Bad - Part Twenty-One
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pairing: Noah Sebastian x ofc (Ellie)
warnings/tropes: slow burn, smut, angst, fluff, mentions of death, mentions of torture, thoughts of religious ideology, minor violence, swearing, cheating.
summary: Ellie was lost in the world, homeless with no idea what to do and nowhere to go.. Who would have thought that one day, she’d end up working in hell itself.. And what does this even mean?
author’s note: Unbetaed, readers beware. Only one part left after this of Hell Ain't So Bad, and then we start A Friend Down In Hell
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tags: @spicywhenspeaking @bngurngheart @cncohshit @valiantroeagleangel @blackveilomens @dominuslunae @tearfallpixie @nyxthedestroyerofworlds @wild-child-7747 @notingridslurkaccount @lyschko666 @lacktoesandtoddlerants @jilliemiw86 @emmmm127 @laurpartyprogram
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Looking up at him, her breath caught in her throat, Ellie felt frozen in place.
Not BabyGirl. She remembered she’d shut him down for that. He hadn’t called her that since, not even in the messages. She’d noticed. Her heart and her head screamed two very different things, and do not ask her which one was saying which right now because for the life of her, she couldn’t tell you. One wanted to throw herself at him, right into his arms, wrap her own around him and never let go. The other wanted her to slam the door right in his face, his tired, drawn face. And he did look it, so tired, he looked a mess. Noah’s dark eyes looked dull, weary, whether of her, and of whether she’d bother to give him the time of day, or something else he’d been dealing with, she didn’t know. His hair hung limp around his face, and there were shadows forming under his eyes. This was not the Noah she knew. In a blink he could change his appearance, she knew that, but this was a Noah that didn’t seem to care. That didn’t seem to be fussed over anything, and it hurt some to see him like this. To see him beaten.
Why did it hurt? There was a part of her that was still so angry at him. How dare he make her feel like this. How dare he look at her with those eyes and make her want to crumble in her arms and beg his forgiveness for ignoring him, for sending him away, and she’d done nothing wrong!
Steeling herself, Ellie took in a deep breath as she looked up at him, with the state of him, she was almost surprised he was standing right now. He looked dead on his feet. Was he sleeping? None of the others had said anything about him doing this badly, but then again, she had refused to hear anything about him, refused to talk about him at all if she could help it. So how would they have been able to tell her anything? How would they have been able to tell her they were concerned about him or not?
“May I come in?”
He asked, his voice rough, and not in the roughness that told her she was going to be in for a wild night, wicked that would have her voice hoarse from delicious screams by morning. Still, Ellie blinked slowly and nodded slightly, accepting, he asked, he asked instead of demanding, for that she could give him time.
“I’ll make you a cup of tea.”
Offering without thinking, because, honestly, it sounded like he needed one. He sounded wrecked, and, if he was there to talk and not to knock her off. Hey, she was already dead, what more could he do to her, right? Aside from dragging her to a punishment realm, and Nicholas had already assured her she wasn’t assigned to one, then, the least she could do was make him a cup of damn tea while they talked. Find out what he had to say for himself.
Stepping aside, she let him pass her by and come into her apartment. The whole place was so very different from that first night he’d brought her home, that first night she’d drunkenly tried, and failed, to seduce him at the time. It had gone from just being a place where she just slept her nights away, considering she'd barely arrived back then, and now, this was her home. Noah had spent many a night with her here if she was honest, and yet right then, as he walked in, the way he looked, he just seemed, adrift, and it hurt her heart even more than she missed him. Less than two weeks ago, it had felt like he belonged here, about as much as the stupid fake plant Jolly had given her when all the boys had realised how easily she kept killing the ones they’d kept replacing for her housewarming present. Sure, she might keep a cactus alive, but this was one prettier! It had bright flowers, she loved the flowers.
Standing in her kitchen, she watched as he moved to sit on one of the stools at her breakfast bar, swallowing as she set the kettle to boil and prepared Noah some tea. It was Mama Ruffilo’s special blend, she made it herself. He was silent as he waited, just watching her while she moved around the kitchen until she set the cup in front of him lightly and moved to sit across from him with her own cup of tea. As he took a sip, sighing as she looked at him. Swallowing as her hands curved around her mug, trying not to think about how formal this felt now that they were sitting across from each other. Those dark eyes looked right into her like they always did though, a shiver running down her spine.
“Do you have any idea how much I have tried to beg to get this tea out of Mama Ruffilo?”
Ellie smiled slightly at the question, his voice a touch smoother, but still so rough, and tired. Noah was trying to find a way to be light-hearted, she could tell, but what was between them was weighing them both down.
“Please, she’ll practically give you anything you want, Noah Sebastian. She loves you like a son, Nicholas always spouts that she’d disown him and adopt you if her husband would let her, and you know it.”
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Shaking his head a little, taking another sip of his tea slowly, easing it down his throat before speaking again. His eyes held a little mirth at her words, she wasn’t wrong, it was a running joke between him and Nicholas about his mother, however when it came to this tea, that was a different story altogether.
“Not this tea, this is her magic tea, this is her feel-good tea. She only ever gives it up when she wants to make someone feel better, or, she particularly likes someone. She hasn’t given that tea to any of us to take home, ever. Furthermore, she gives it to Nicholas for his office to calm anxious people, she makes us a cup when we visit, but lets any of us take some of it home. Never. Until you. Everyone says I’m her favourite, but I think it’s you, BabyGirl.”
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Noah’s voice grew smoother, and softer as he spoke, the tea soothing his throat as it did. She tried not to react, but a tiny smile formed on her lips as he spoke of Mama Ruffilo and how protective she was of her tea, and his claim that she was her favourite. Never had she ever been anyone’s favourite before. She did know about the tea at the office, she’d been one of those that needed a little soothing, just as Nick had told her, she remembered telling his mom about her magic tea, and how it healed her cough.. She realised now that she’d known she was dead, it was a horrible reality, figuring out all the people who had hidden so much from her. Did it make her a horrible person that forgiving Mama Ruffilo was easier, though? Was it cruel to hold it against Noah? He’d been in her home, her life, her bed.. He lied to her every day.
Then her breath hitched, that tiny smile on her lips froze, and her heart clenched when she heard it, BabyGirl. She remembered him telling her how nothing could make him not want her as his BabyGirl. Taking in a sharp breath as her expression dropped, setting her mug down, she wasn’t sure calming tea was going to help her now.
“Noah, I-”
Swallowing, she didn’t know what to say to him.
“Listen, Ellie, I would have told you if I-”
Her eyes closed quickly as she stood back from the bar and shook her head, no.
“I don’t want to hear you tell me excuses, about how you would have told me if you could have. Noah, you could have. You chose not to. You lied to me, Noah, you started a relationship with me knowing you were lying to me, the entire time.”
Ellie couldn’t help the way the words were flowing when she started talking now, almost ranting at him. Noah’s dark eyes pained as he regarded her, he hated that she thought that they got involved as they did, and how he felt about her, and all she could think about was that he lied to her. He knew why, he knew... And it was killing him.
“I’m not-”
She just kept going, cutting him off as he tried to talk.
“And don’t you dare try to say we weren’t properly dating, because I was stupid enough to keep telling myself that again and again, that we were just hooking up, and just hanging out every time you came over to spend time with me. That we were only enjoying ourselves, nothing more. Even if we never said the words specifically, even if we never actually called them what they were, we’ve been dating for months. You’ve been lying to me for months.”
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Standing from the breakfast bar, Noah’s voice was forceful as it cut through her little tirade, but he had no choice as it was the only way to get her to hear him as her words just kept steamrolling forward. “Goddammit, Ellie, I’m not Jeremy!”
He couldn’t stand it anymore, he couldn’t stand her accusing him like that, she wasn’t saying it, but she was comparing him to that bastard, he could feel it, every time she talked about their relationship, talked about him lying.
“Yes, I lied, I should have told you, but I didn’t, because, I love you BabyGirl. After our talk, I was trying to convince Nick to tell you, I was going to enlist his Mama if I had to, to get him on board, but I was not going to back down. I didn’t care if I was going to get busted down to the lowest of ranks, I would have done it.”
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Ellie glared a little at how aggressively he spoke about Jeremy, she knew he wasn’t, didn’t she? She went to yell at him, how dare he assume to know what she was thinking when he kept going, and suddenly she was completely floored with what he was saying to her.
Watching him, completely silent, a bit dumbfounded actually as he paced back and forth, ranting about how he was going to push Nicholas to finally agree to tell her if it was the last thing he did. Hearing that he couldn’t stand holding back from her anymore, that the night before she found out had almost broken him, but his best friend, his brother, it was his job that was on the line, and betraying him was…
Hearing Noah’s voice crack at the word betrayal had Ellie finding her voice, finally, not just because it was finally dawning on her just how much turmoil Noah must have been dealing with, going in circles dealing with his loyalty to Nicholas, and how much guilt he had with how he’d treated her.. But also her feelings about what he’d said..
“You love me?”
Her voice was so quiet, that the words were barely breathed out. She felt so small. He’d never said it, and she knew she hadn’t either, not until, not until she’d admittedly thrown it in his face that she’d fallen in love with another liar.
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Despite how soft her voice was, even with his ranting, Noah heard them, how could he not? Of course, he fucking heard them, this was Ellie, this was BabyGirl, he’d been dying to get her to talk to him all week, and hearing her utter anything at all, and he’d hear it. No matter how painful. Yes, her questioning whether he loved her, was painful, because, did she not know?
No, he hadn’t admitted how he felt, that was something Noah had struggled with since he was young, and he always had, he’d lost so many people in his life, that telling someone how he felt came with actions, over words. He showed them how he felt. Which, is kind of why he tended to round up all the people who hurt everyone he loved and tortured them to wit's end. It was safe to say, that Carla, Jeremy and Gia had truly been enduring so much pain and suffering at Noah’s hands this past week. It wasn’t his wrath that was justly earned, however, his pain that had been poured into their suffering, which just made it all the more potent as far as he was concerned.
Noah moved around the island bar and shifted to stand before her, his hands moving to cup her face in his hands.
“Ellie, BabyGirl, of course, I love you. If you’ll let me, I will spend the rest of my life proving it to you.”
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His forehead leaned down to hers softly, she shuddered softly, tears glistening in her eyes as she smiled slowly,
“I love you too, you, idiot.”
Thankfully he was already leaning down to press his forehead to herself so it wasn’t hard to bring her lips to his with a kiss. She hadn’t told anyone she loved them properly since, since… Jeremy. Ellie hadn’t dared trust herself to do such a thing, because the thought of that kind of betrayal…
Her heart clenched thinking about loving someone who would use her, and lie to her, and yet, seeing the pain and anguish in Noah’s eyes with the fact he’d been living with the reality, she’d been comparing them.
And she had, hadn’t she?
It made her feel sick.
That this man, this man that had been willing to try and force the hand of the closest person to him in the world, his brother, for her. No, not a man, a demon, who could torture, main, and kill, all manner of beings in ways she could only imagine, and he had been talking about plotting against Nicholas, because that was what he’d been saying in no uncertain terms with that little rant just now. His words were coming out in a jumbled mess as he paced along the breakfast bar, but they had been there. Looking up at him now, her hands resting on his biceps, fingers squeezing lightly as she smiled.
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner, BabyGirl, but I couldn’t stand the thought of, okay, still having been lying to you when I did.”
She laughed at that, tears in her eye, fuck, why was she crying, her cheeks were wet and Noah was kissing them now, brushing her tears away with his lips. Sighing when she got another good look at him though, shaking her head, she might be in tears, but he looked, damn he still looked like he was barely able to stand up on his feet, how was he still standing right now?
“Come on, Mister, you look like you are about to fall asleep on your feet! What you have been doing all week??”
Starting to guide Noah towards her room, he really did need to sleep, he looked dead tired, and she was the one who was honestly dead.
“I’ve been playing with my new pets, three of them, it's been cathartic to make them scream.”
Oh, oh, she could bet what their names were too, Carla, Jeremy, and Gia.
As she got him into her room, and into her bed, wrapping him up into her blanket, he managed to convince her to join him, she did, wrapped up with him, cuddles, nothing more, he needed sleep. Sure, he could magic himself to look normal, but he’d still be exhausted, and she wouldn’t believe him for a second until she’d seen him sleep with her own two eyes. Her head on his cheek, hearing his heartbeat start to lull,
“Mmm, yeah?”
“M’not Mister.”
“I’m the fucking king.”
Giggling as she remembered one of his lines at the music show, yes, yes he was.
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Dividers by @saradika-graphics
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arkiliastuff · 7 months
Prologue - In a Concrete Jungle
Noah Sebastian x OFC (Aurey)
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(pictures edited by me. Originals url linked on the pictures.)
A/N : I thought about this one for a while and, even though I have a lot of other fanfics that are waiting to be finished/written, I wanted to share this one in particular with you :D It's been on my mind for months, the lore maturing in my head. It's going to be a LOT different from what I usually write but I'm trying things and despite the dark mood in this story I hope you'll enjoy it as well ! :D
Warnings/Tags : Strangers/Enemies to Lovers trope, violence, blood, post-apocalyptical universe, cyber-futuristic vibe, "no god, no religion" vibe (I don't mean any form of disrespect in any religion), mention of trauma, death, loss, drugs, mental and physical abuse, trust and abandonment issues. (Just in case MDNI please).
Disclaimer : I haven’t read the comic book “Concrete Jungle” written by Noah Sebastian and illustrated by many cover artists such as Nicola Izzo, Jeremy Wilson and many more, so I don’t know much about the lore and the universe. I just got inspired by the song and the few panels of the comic book that I saw about it. The rest is a pure work of my imagination and it’s not related to anything official. Nothing is canonically official. This is totally fanfiction. And so this is how I pictured the world in the song “Concrete Jungle”.
~The little bean taglist : @valiantroeagleangel @talialovesmiw -> ask me if you want to be tagged :D
She walked there, in this desolate landscape, with a strong determination. Two girls who seemed to look like her friends were following her, looking behind them briefly. Probably afraid of someone or something that will come after them. After all, they went out without authorization. They went out in this no man’s land, caused by gangs and mafias. Many civilians had perished because of this war. The survivors were hiding underground, in the subway. The reason why they went outside was because one of them, a girl with glasses and blue eyes, forgot her necklace at the church where she always went to pray. So after complaining to her friends about her precious loss, the strong-willed brunette who was among them decided to go and get the necklace back. The two other friends eventually followed her even though they were feeling nervous about disobeying.
“If we hurry, we will be back in no time” She said, trying to reassure her anxious friends.
And so, just like the bold brown-haired girl said, they arrived at the place. The church had been bombed. The two girls felt sad about the destruction, but the leader didn't seem to be moved by it. Instead, she was more focused on her mission, looking for the necklace, while making sure nobody would come to arrest them. She was in hypervigilance, almost looking paranoid. She looked everywhere under the seats and chairs that were still there until she saw something shiny. She reached for it and then wiped the dust on it. It was a crux with a silver chain. 
“I found it, Faith.” She stated, calling for her friend.
The latter one walked towards her, analyzing what she found before realizing what it was.
“It's my necklace ! Thank you so much, Audy !” Faith replied happily, using the usual friendly nickname for her friend.
The latter one just nodded in silence, her focus back on her group and looking for their second friend.
“Where is Daisy ?”
The two of them looked around the ruined church before they saw the red-haired girl who was near some candles next to a shrine of prayer. She lit up a candle and prayed in silence for their sake. Faith joined Daisy, lighting up a candle as well while Audy was watching them, starting to get annoyed.
“Come on guys, we cannot stay here too long.”
“Just a few more minutes.” Daisy replied.
A few seconds later a breeze came through, extinguishing the timid flames on the two candles. From this moment, Faith and Daisy stood up and stopped praying, turning on their heels at the same time towards Audy.
“We’re done.” The first one said.
“The Lord has heard our prayers.” The second added.
“What ? Already ? But you just lit the candles a few minutes ago” Audy replied, confusion in her eyes.
“It is the way it is. It’s probably a good omen” Faith said.
“Wait.. Let me just light the candles again.” The brunette said sheepishly.
As she was going slowly to the shrine, about to light the candles with another one, both of her friends widened their eyes in shock, attempting to stop her.
“DON’T !” Daisy yelled.
“DON’T DO IT, AUDREY ! You’re disrespecting His words !”
The long browned-haired one stopped her movement in the air, the spark just above the candle’s wick reaching it slowly but surely. Then, she looked at Faith and Daisy, an angry and dead gaze in her dark eyes.
“Even if I lit up those candles again, do you think it would change a fucking thing for what happened to our city ? To our families ? To our friends ?” She replied, clenching her teeth together as she spat her words like venom, anger getting the best of her, before she continued.
“No, it wouldn’t. Don’t take that fucking breeze as a sign from your Lord, ‘cause you two know better that, if He wanted to help us, He would have done it already. We are responsible for our own downfall. For our own misery. And no Gods will ever help us. Only the demons that you’re afraid of will answer us because they're close to what we are.”
After that, she saw the shock on her friends' faces, trying to reach out to her and yelling at her that she was irreverent by saying those words. It was the shock before the sound of something falling as fast as lightning just dropped on the ruined church. And then everything exploded. Bricks of the building were thrown away at Daisy and Faith’s head, knocking them out immediately. Audrey got hit as well, feeling her blood flowing from her face before blurring her vision. The last thing she saw was her two friends on the ground, blood running from their heads. Then, it went completely white.
Aurey woke up, sweating all over her body as she was panting, trying to gain some air. She put a hand on her forehead, trying to wipe the sweat away and checking it. There wasn’t any blood. She sighed in relief but not too long. She knew it couldn’t be just a dream.
“This wasn’t just a nightmare” She whispered to herself, knowing too well this situation.
She stood up, got her gear on her and packed her stuff together before leaving the spot where she slept. She knew she shouldn’t have slept there. 
It was a small cave of collapsed buildings parted together which were composed of cables, metal pieces of broken engines everywhere. 
It could crumble any minute. But she took the risk anyway, as she felt this one was more safe. She didn’t know how long she slept but she was aware it was late. Once she got out, she covered her nose as she smelled an heavy and toxic smoke. It was the smell of somewhat burned vehicles and trash cans not that far away. It was, probably, another threat from a gang who were arguing again in the city.
She put her customized respirator on, breathing again. Then, she started to climb up the ruins, reaching for a higher spot to get a better view. She climbed a few minutes after finding a window, which gave a great opening view from below. She took her binoculars out of her pocket and started to look around. 
Through it, Aurey saw a usual wildfire in the city, on her right. She could barely hear the sound of gunshots. A lot was happening and she hoped her teammates could handle it while she went patrolling on her own. Suddenly she saw something blinking, in the corner of her left lens. She turned a bit more to her left and saw a black car entering the Nameless City. She had never seen a car like this before. This was the first time that she had witnessed new people arriving. Who could they be ? And why were they coming into this hell hole ? She made a mental note to herself to keep an eye on this vehicle and the people who were in it.
Meanwhile, Noah was lost in his thoughts as they were passing through the barbed wire gate of the city. He was just getting bored of the trip, having no idea why they got a call to come here. His partners and best friends in the car told him it was a well-paid mission, but he wasn’t really convinced by it. They had to do some cleanup as they were told. And given the sight of the city it seemed this town needed it. What was left of the police authorities were just broken cars, with no more tire or windows. They probably run away from all the chaos, just to survive somewhere else. Just being out of this mess. Noah kept staring through the window, his chin in the palm of his tattooed hand, just looking at all the clutter those crumbled buildings had made.
“A real concrete jungle…” He muttered.
Then he heard a howl. He was taken by surprise, not expecting to hear such a sound in this kind of city. He listened again, opening his window just to hear it more clearly. Another howling. It wasn’t human. It sounded more like an animal.
“ What was that ? Did you guys heard that ?” He said, his eyes widened as he couldn’t believe his ears.
"Heard what ?" Folio asked, not really paying too much attention to their surroundings.
"A howl. It sounded like a coyote. Or was it a wolf ?" Noah continued, his ears attentive to any other sound.
But the howling animal had stop. He still had no idea what his friends and him were getting into but he promised himself to investigate this strange city.
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reyadawn · 3 months
Masked Desire - One Shot
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*image not mine, credit goes to owner*
Summary: Reader is a live-in friend of Bad Omens who is in love with Noah Sebastian and best friends with Joakim Karlsson. Noah keeps reader in the friend zone while she watches him with other women. *Similar concept of "Love You More" but with varied differences...you'll see*
Side Note: Im not good at angst writing but Im not feeling the best today...struggling with self-image and self-esteem. Needed to let it out.
Pairings: Noah Sebastian x OFC, Jolly x OFC (platonic)
Warnings: Angst, language, eventual friends-to-lovers, eventual smut so dont read this if you're under 18.
Word Count: 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
Please, bare with me on this guys...
Laughter echoed around the dimly lit livingroom of the two story beach house. A large black leather 'L' shaped sectional was filled with the members of Bad Omens as well as thier female counterparts. The glass coffee table was littered with various beer cans, pop cans, random bowls of party mix and a few laptops. The end tables housed speakers and the low sound of country music wafted through the air.
I leaned against the large archway that separated the livingroom from the large chef's kitchen, arms crossed in front of my chest as I took in the scene before me. Jolly, my best friend and partner in crime, had his legs stretched out in front of him with his feet propped up on the end of the coffee table and was absentmindedly strumming his guitar. Folio was next to him with a redhead in his lap wearing jeans so tight they look painted on. Every now and then she'd flip her long hair over shoulder and would hit Jolly across the side of his face.
Jolly threw the occasional dark look to Folio but didnt say anything and I chuckled. Nicholas was engrossed in a book about tattoo designs while being sanwiched between two girls. Both of them kept running thier hands over his legs but he barely even glanced at them. The last girl, a dark brunette with pigtails, was planted in the corner of the leather sectional on Noah's lap and was currently shoving her tongue down his throat, dark hair creating a temporary curtain to hide thier actions from view. Fucking tramps. They were all probably so loose that it was like throwing a hot dog down a hallway.
I turned away, stomach rolling and heart clenching. I would never be anything more to Noah than a friend. A confidant. Video game partner. I looked nothing like the girls he took home. I wasnt thin, at all. I wore no make up. No designer clothes, just tummy control leggings and loose shirts to hide my insecurities. I rarely dressed up unless the ocassion called for it. My long hair was either in a messy bun, ponytail or side braid. My self-esteem was ground zero, I just hid it well.
I busied myself with making a steaming cup of lavendar tea. I walked around the large island which was centered in the middle of the kitchen and frowned. Various bags of chips, popcorn and candy lay scattered along the surface with random glass bottles filled with amber colored liquid. I hated drinking but the way I felt had me considering adding a splash or two to my tea. I reached above me into one of the cabinets by the refridgerator in search of my favorite Halloween cup and noticed it got shoved so far back on the shelf I couldnt reach it.
I bit my lip in thought before hoisting myself onto the counter on my knees. Before I could do much more, a pair of strong arms wrapped themselves around my waist, pulling me off the counter. I spun in anger towards my assailant and stopped, staring at Noah in shock and anger.
"What the fuck, Sebastian?", I all but growled. Noah threw his hands up in defense.
"Chill out, Angel. Was just trying to make sure you didn't get hurt. What were you doing, anyway?", he replied, moving to stand closer. I retreated a step back, earning me a frown of confusion across Noah's dark features. His shoulder length brown locks were touseled, full lips kiss swollen and clothes partly disheveled. Internally, my heart broke at the fact I wasnt the reason for the current state he was in. Externally, I rolled my eyes.
"I need my tea cup so I can go upstairs", I replied, pointing to the top shelf. Noah stepped closer to me, reaching over my head to pull the cup from the shelf. I was so tempted to wrap my arms around his 6'3 frame. I wanted and needed so many things from him that I wasnt allowed. He'd never look at me the way I wanted him to.
A light brush to my cheek snapped me from my train of though. I looked up at Noah as his fingertips grazed my cheek, pushing my hair behind my ear.
"Where did you go just now, Angel?", he asked softly, eyes roaming over me. I gently took the cup from him and turned to the stove to get hot water boiling in the copper kettle. "Nowhere", I mumbled.
"Why do you want to go upstairs? You always party with us. What's wrong?", he asked, moving closer once more. He tried moving a few lose strands of hair away from my face but I pulled away. The battle to keep my distance from him yet crave his touch was exhausting.
"Please, Noah...dont do this right now. I really need to be alone for a while", I said, reaching for the kttle as it whistled. I poured the steaming water in my cup, reaching for a teabag from the box sitting by the sugar jar.
"Why?", Noah pushed. I sighed in defeat before turning to him. I slowly raised my eyes to him. Choclate meeting chocolate and he reached his hand out, thumb wiping away a lone tear spilling down my cheek. Giving him a watery smile, I walked past him and through the opposite entrance towards the upstairs.
Noah stood rooted to the spot, confusion and hurt swirling within him. What was going on with her? Why was she so sad? Did someone hurt her? Anger began to surface and Noah was ready to throw hands, figers gripping the counter tightly until his knuckles turned white.
Jolly entered the kitchen in search of a beer when he took in the sight of Noah before him and cocked his head to the side.
"Descided to come up for air?", he asked with a smirk. Noah turned to him with a scowl.
"I think someone hurt her...she was in here alone, crying and when I tried to comfort her she rejected me. That's really unlike her. I dont fucking get it, man", Noah replied, running a hand down his face.
Jolly rolled his eyes before pulling a beer from the refridgerator, popping the top to take a healthy drink.
"You're a fucking moron, Noah", he deadpanned.
"What the fuck, J? Where do you get the balls?", Noah snapped. Jolly tipped his head back and laughed.
"Dude, that girl has been in love with you for years. Practically throws herself at you and follows you around like a damn puppy. Anything you ask her to do, she does; books our flights, hotels, cleans this massive fucking house top to bottom, does all our laundry and makes sure to work the merch table at our shows when we play in town...for free, I might add. This goes way beyond her being just nice", Jolly explained, arms folded across his chest, beer can forgotten.
Noah stared at Jolly in shock before running his fingers through his hair, gripping the strands in irritation.
"Noah...do you know how hard it is for her to see you with other women? Like, tonight for instance. She watched you tongue fuck that chick on your lap and I thought she was going to break", Jolly added.
"How in God's name do you know all of this?", Noah asked, voice hardening in irritation. Jolly chuckled.
"I'm her best friend, you dunce. We share everything except a bed. It's not like that with her. She's like the sister I never had", Jolly explained. Noah sighed. "Look, if you don't feel the same way about her then you need to tell her so I can prepare myself to pick up the pieces of what will be left of her. If you do feel the same, you need to grow a pair and tell her. Either way, she deserves to know where you stand".
Jolly walked away, leaving Noah to his thoughts.
I didn't hear the knock at my bedroom door. I barely registered Jolly's soft voice or the feeling of his arms around me as they lifted me from the bathroom floor to cradle me against his chest.
The sobs that escaped had me shaking and trembling. Jolly's grip tightened as he whispered softly in my ear, trying with everything he had to comfort me. Hot tears poured down my cheeks as my hands fisted the material of his shirt.
"Easy, sweetheart. I'm right here...I'm right here", Jolly said, pulling me fully into his lap.
I don't know how long I stayed in Jolly's lap but I suddenly woke up and I was in my bed, alone. My room was dark and I pulled myself into a sitting position before getting out of bed to meander downstairs. Raised voices had me pausing in the hallway to eavesdrop.
"Goddamnit, Jolly, why didn't you come and get me when you found her like that?!", Noah screamed.
"Dude, calm down before you pop a vein", Nick said. I slowly peered around the corner, looking down from the banister. Noah was in a standoff with Jolly in the livingroom while Nick, Nicholas and Matt were onlookers.
"If you gave half a fuck as much as I do, you would have gone after her but instead you bed that stupid whore from last night to hide the truth of it all!", Jolly fired back. You could have heard a pin drop as all eyes turned to Noah.
"Jolly, you're like a brother to me but right now I'm two seconds away from decking your ass. She's fucking everything to me, to this band. None of us would survive without her. We'd all fucking starve to death", Noah explained. My breath caught in my throat as fresh tears filled my vision.
"Go tell her you love her, you fucktard, but you better do some hefty begging though. She's liable to lay you out flat before she lets you fuck her", Matt said with a grin, popping a few M&M's in his mouth. Noah, Jolly, Nick and Nicholas all turned to him before laughter erupted. I had to admit, I loved the sound.
I stood looking out my window, fresh from a shower, towel still wrapped around my frame. Dark blue sky, not a cloud in sight, sun shinning. Days like this normally made me happy but a dark cloud of confliction loomed over me from what I had witnessed downstairs.
I was so lost in my train of thought that I didn't hear anyone come into the bedroom. I sighed loudly as I heard the door close.
"Not now, Jolly. I'll come down soon", I said, still gazing out the window.
"Jolly has seen you in a towel but I don't get to?", Noah's deep voice rang out. I spun, clutching the towel to my breasts.
"What the holy fuck, Sebastian?! Do you know what knocking is?", I all but screamed.
"I did knock but you didn't answer. I got worried and let myself in so I could check on you", Noah replied, walking over to the bed to sit down. I rolled my eyes and proceeded to walk by him and retreat into the bathroom but his hand shot out and latch onto my wrist, stopping me.
Noah rose to full height, engulfing me in his size. He hooked a finger inside the knot at my chest, yanking me so hard against his chest the towel came loose and fell to the floor. I craned my head back to stare up at him in shock as he brought his head down to brush my lips with his. I parted my lips as he fully slanted his across mine, his arms encircling my waist to hold me close.
The kiss was so soft and gentle, that hot tears prickled beneath my closed eyes. I whimpered and grabbed his forearms, my legs trembling. Noah rained gentle kisses down my neck to my collarbone as his long fingers gently carressed between my thighs before giving them a gentle tap. I parted them just enough and his middle finger slid between my folds to soflty swipe across my clit.
"So soft...so wet", Noah murmered against my skin. I whimpered again, a small plea for him to give me more. "Use your words, Princess. Tell me what you want".
"Please...I need more...I need you", I whispered, gripping his forearm even tighter.
"Good girl. Come here", Noah said, pulling his fingers from me and pulled me after him to the bed. I suddenly became aware of my nakedness and tried to cover myself up with my arms. Noah looked down at me and chuckled.
"My fingers have been in your pussy and you're worried about how you look? Lay down for me, beautiful and spread those pretty thighs", Noah smiled reassuringly. I bit my lip nervously but did as he asked. I hated the way my body was even more laying down than when I was standing.
I felt the bed dip as Noah layed down, face inches from my dripping pussy and I had never felt more vulnerable, exposed or turned on in my life. Without bothering to ask for permission, Noah's tongue swiped through my folds to run light circles around my clit as he slowly pushed two long fingers inside me up to his knucles. I could almost feel him at my cervix because his fingers were so fucking long. I gasped as he slowly thrust his fingers in and out of me, circling my clit a few times before plunging his fingers back inside me.
I gripped Noah's hair as he suddenly wrapped his lips around my clit while curling his fingers into a 'come hither' motion to rub that spongey spot inside me and my hips shot upwards. Noah chuckled and placed his free hand over my lower stomach to hold me in place, picking up the pace of his fingers.
"Please, please...I'm gonna' come...please, more, faster", I begged, throwing my head back against the pillow.
"Please what, Angel?", Noah asked, raising his head to look up at me. His dark eyes glittered with his own arousal.
"Please, make me come", I all but begged.
"Please ...?", Noah trailed off.
"Noah! Please, Noah!", I cried, thighs shaking. He smiled and lowered his head again to take my clit back in his mouth and suck hard while fucking his curled fingers inside me at an almost painful pace. I screamed out as my release coated his fingers and his hand. Before I even had time to recover, he positioned himself between my thighs and thrust his cock inside me until he was fully seated, triggering another orgasm as I raked my nails down his shoulders and arms.
I couldnt even think straight enough to try and figure out how he got his shorts and boxers off. Noah's thrusts were slow, deep, powerful even as his cock slowly dragged from my body only to spear back inside me until I felt the head hit my cervix. Noah lowered himself to capture my cries with his lips as his hips snapped faster. My legs lifted to wrap my thighs around his waist even tighter, the act causing him to sink impossibly deeper.
Pulling myself from his lips, I tried to catch my breath. Noah brought a hand to my breast, swiping his thumb over my nipple.
"Noah, please...I can't...you'll destroy me...my heart--", I said harshly but Noah's lips cut me off before he pulled away to look down at me.
"Your heart is mine. Your body is mine. You. Are. Mine", he empasized, his hips jackhammering against my thighs, cock pistoning against my cervix. I was losing the battle against my body. I couldn't fight it. "Come for me, Angel...come all over my dick".
Noah's words were my undoing. The coil inside me snapped, my body feeling like it could snap as my muscles grew taught and I screamed. My release triggered his own as he closed his eyes, mouth open, releasing every boiling rope of cum inside me. He collapsed on top of me, chest heaving. I ran my fingers through his hair until he rolled to his back, taking me with him so I layed across his chest, my leg tangled between his.
"I love you, Angel...I'm so sorry for being so stupid for this long", Noah whispered, placing a kiss to the top of my head.
"It's ok, Noah...better late than never", I replied, kissing his chest. "I love you, too".
Probably should have made this two parts but I couldnt stop writing 🤷‍♀️
Thanks for reading 💫💟
@livingdeceasedgirl @exitwoundsx @artificialbreezy @lma1986 @thefallennightmare @concreteangel92 @concreteemo @dsireland86 @darling-millicent-aubrey @flowery-mess @amourtoken @gretaswhore28
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collapsedglasshouses · 6 months
Hello! I've decided to update my recommendation list and give it a bit more structure, this is why I'm making a new list and try to keep it updated as often as possible. (The old list will still be available don’t worry)
To my fellow fanfic creators, I can't even put into words how much I appreciate you all. You're all so good at what you are doing. Thank you for sharing your masterpieces with us! ♡
Please read the content warnings for each piece of fiction! Most of them are NSFW so MINORS DO NOT INTERACT!
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Noah Sebastian x OC/Reader:
✫ JUST PRETEND by @thefallennightmare & @thescarlettvvitch
✫ ENTOMBED by @thescarlettvvitch
✫ MERCY by @thefallennightmare
✫ I TOOK YOUR KEYS, IT WAS ME by @badnoahmens
✫ SWEEP ME OF MY FEET by @badnoahmens
✫ PULLED FROM THE GREY by @crimson-calligraphyx
✫ SCREAM by @foliosriot
✫ THE ROTTEN AND UGLY by @foliosriot
✫ TO HOLD YOU, TO HEAL YOU by @veronicaphoenix
✫ DISCIPLINE by @sorrowsofsilence
✫ TOGETHER by @darksigns-exe
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Nicholas Ruffilo x OC/Reader:
✫ SAFETY NET by @measuredingold
✫ DISGUISED IN YOUR SHEETS by @deathblacksmoke
✫ DELICATE BEGINNING RUSH by @concreteburialplot
✫ JUST CRASH (IT'S OUR TIME NOW) by @sitkowski
✫ TOGETHER by @deathblacksmoke
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Joakim "Jolly" Karlsson x OC/Reader:
✫ LITTLE ONE by @cowpokeomens
✫ ABSOLUTION by @cowpokeomens
✫ SCAR by @ladyveronikawrites
✫ LIKE BRANCHES IN A FLOOD by @the-way-of-words
✫ TOGETHER by @circle-with-me
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Nick Folio x OC/Reader:
✫ CLUTCH by @kingdomof-omens
✫ LIMONCELLO by @sinkingteethinwhitenoise
✫ HARDER by @sorrowsofsilence
✫ THE CRAZIER I CAME by @deathblacksmoke
✫ TOGETHER by @malice-ov-mercy
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Matt Dierkes x OC/Reader:
✫ FOR YOU? NEVER by @thefallennightmare
✫ JUST FOR TONIGHT by @withcrossesandframes
✫ MATT DIERKES FRIENDS TO LOVER REQUEST by @thcfountain [Matt Dierkes x ace afab!Reader]
✫ MATT DIERKES SMUT by @artificialbreezy
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Other Pairings:
✫ LOST IN THE CONCRETE JUNGLE by @ladyveronikawrites
✫ CALL ME WHEN YOU GET THE CHANCE [Noah Sebastian x Nick Ruffilo x fem!Reader] by @deathblacksmoke
✫ DOMINATE THE GAME [Coach Davis!Noah Sebastian x female reader x Coach Cerulli!Chris Motionless] by @ladyveronikawrites & @nerdraging4point0
Love Triangle:
✫ VIRALITY [Nicholas Ruffilo x fem!OC & Noah Sebastian x fem!OC] by @concreteburialplot
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Vinny Mauro x OC/Reader:
✫ SURPRISE by @ravieisunhinged
✫ BABY IT'S COLD OUTSIDE by @beaker1636
✫ SWEET BOY by @circle-with-me
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Ricky Olson x OC/Reader:
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Chris Motionless x OC/Reader:
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Other Pairings:
✫ EVERY ROSE HAS ITS THRONS by @cookiesupplier [Ricky Olson x OFC x Chris Motionless]
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dividers by @saradika-graphics
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measuredingold · 11 months
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measuredingold’s masterlist
requests currently open, 18+ MDNI
note: all of these are cross posted on ao3. i work full-time, and i have a normal human life, so i won't update as often as i or you please. no rules right now, just don't be a dick. thank you !
Joakim "Jolly" Karlsson
all worked up (only on ao3) 7:15 / ao3 slow burn / ao3
Nicholas Ruffilo
shut me up (only on ao3) all worked up (only on ao3) safety net: part one & part two / ao3 slow down (nicholas ruffilo x reader x noah sebastian) / ao3 now our tongues are tied / ao3 seneca / ao3
Noah Sebastian
sweet boy (only on ao3) heaven sent / ao3 slow down (noah sebastian x reader x nicholas ruffilo) / ao3 just friends / ao3 pretty boy / ao3 you right / ao3 caught between black and white / ao3
Nick Folio
fallingforyou / ao3 i think i'm in love / ao3
Noah Sebastian x OFC x Nicholas Ruffilo
to be in love and to be loved / masterlist & ao3
bestfriend!noah / part one, two, three
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kingdomof-omens · 1 year
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BO banner by me, MDNI banner by @/cafekitsune
Some works can be found on my Wattpad and AO3
All works are works of fiction based on real people. If you don't like this, do not read and keep scrolling.
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30 Days of Bad Omens Bingo Card by @signs-of-ill-portent
Noah Sebastian
Dive: Noah x Melody - Day 1 of 30 Days
"To Breaks!": Noah x Elaine
Nick Folio
Clutch: Folio/Lesley (Pt.1) - Day 4 of 30 Days
Dawn, Storm: Folio/Lesley (Pt.2) - Day 26, 27 of 30 Days
Silk: Folio x Lesley (Pt.3) - Day 12 of 30 Days
Joakim "Jolly" Karlsson
"You look amazing, really...": Jolly x ofc
Taking the Next Step: Jolly x Elizabeth (unavailable)
Nicholas Ruffilo
Want to Watch Something: Nicholas x Claire
Thank You: Jolly x Christina x Nicholas
Let Me Take Control: Noah x Ismine x Jolly (Pt.1)
The Best Way to Get Over Someone...: Noah x Ismine x Jolly (Pt.2)
Head Canons
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