#nobody move wip
bye-bye-firefly · 1 year
i KNOW that i do not talk a lot on here SO! i want to give a little update to let everyone know that yes...i am working...though my notes will go more into what ive been up to because we already know i treat those fuckers like my little diary kicking my little legs back and forth giggling
so current progress on each multichapter im working on:
nameless: 4k words, NOT EVEN NEAR DONE (probably gonna have to delete a whole portion of this chapter or edit it to all hell. which is sad because i wrote some stuff that only works under a set of circumstances that i dont think we are going to get when this chapter is finally done AND IT WAS SOOOOO COOOOOLLLL)
nobody move: nothing yet BUT! i do have plans so i just have to actually you know write down what i want to happen
lovefool: 500 words. just started and im sorta kinda getting BRAINROTTED about it so...ya know
lets be so clear also nameless is the goal right now i feel like i wanna get it cyclical so instead of the kinda erratic writing habit i have now i wanna be able to update nameless, then nobody move, THEN lovefool though i get the feeling its probably going to look like nameless, lovefool, and then nobody move. not to mention the Other saiouma fic which honestly it will not come out like any time soon. i think ill make everything for nothing my ONE fic that i write in full, finish completely, and THEN post. and i might have re and micah and maybe terry go through it and get it all grammatically correct. so itll be my first fic that i write and THEN publish in full (of course with weekly scheduled updates im not a maniac) and then also my first fic that i get betas for. meanwhile we have the unscheduled chaos going on the rest of the time who knew the most chaotic fic with my special interest AND my favourite ship combined into one would be the most orderly <- speaking too soon
anyway. do you want a nameless wip TOO LATE
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mayhemspreadingguy · 2 years
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aaaaand it's finally done :D. Coffee shop date.
Why use a chair when there's the better option?
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taegularities · 8 months
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nobodywhoishere · 2 months
last line game ✏
tagged by the lovely @snowangeldotmp3 (and also @fastcardotmp3 youve tagged me in this before i think?)
rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or as many as you like)
anyways writers block is no longer kicking my ass so multiple wips!
nat something italian scatorccio character study whooo
The fucked up part of her sort of craved the way Travis believed in her then. Past a certain point the only good thing she had was a pair of eyes looking at her with love. If sometimes those eyes looked more like Lottie's rather than Travis's because he could never fucking figure out who he was or what he wanted, well, it didn't have to matter to Nat.
a chapter from a larger project feat. little sophomore jackie's first gay internal crisis
Jackie focuses on where streetlight orange meets blue night and on the warmth of the pavement seeping in through her shoes. She doesn't know where she's going until she remembers there has only ever really ever been one place she wants to be.
[REDACTED] au that might become something bigger at some point but for now is a oneshot i have planned involving none other than nancy wheeler and some haunting
"Nance, you're going to do it again." Nancy promptly rushes into an alley to catch her breath because fuck, it sounded so much like her and will this ever stop hurting?
not tagging by word count because i sort of bent the rules here already whoops
no pressure: @the-lonelyshepherd @ronanceautistic @staghunters and anyone else interested!
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valeffelees · 1 year
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hey, what's up. i hope August has been kind to y'all. 🖤
thank you to those who've continued to tag me in their wipsday posts these last couple weeks. i'm in pretty rough shape these days, so y'all have no idea how much i look forward to sundays and wednesdays, even when i don't have the energy to engage with fandom as fully as i'd like to.
i thought i'd share a bit more of the chat-fic i affectionately refer to as "bitverse" today. 💫 i've shared two other snippets from this fic before, [here] and [here] if you're curious.
Agatha doesn’t text him until quarter-to midnight. “Home safe,”  she says. And then, “Sorry.”  And, “We went out for supper.” Simon slouches in his chair, wedging a knee into the space between his stomach and his desk, the edge digging into his shin. It’s sharp and tight and not at all comfortable. He texts back, “it’s ok,”  and, “where at?” “That Italian place downtown.” “ew,”  he says, and she reacts to it with a thumbs-up. “Did I wake you?”  she asks. “no,”  he says. Then, “DQ tmrw?” Agatha reads his message, but doesn’t respond right away. The three dots pulse on her side of the screen for three strange, awkwardly long minutes before she finally replies with, “Maybe,”  followed quickly by, “Ask again in the morning, I can’t think about ice cream when I’m tired.” “are you going to bed?” “Yeah, sorry.” “it’s ok,”  he says, “it’s late. night aggie” “Night.” “ily,”  he says. She reacts to that with a thumbs-up, too. Simon locks his phone and drops it on his chest.
Tag, you're it! 🪄 @cutestkilla @raenestee @hushed-chorus @thewholelemon @larkral @artsyunderstudy @blackberrysummerblog @captain-aralias @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @imagineacoolusername @ivelovedhimthroughworse @facewithoutheart @rimeswithpurple @aroace-genderfluid-sheep @jasonfunderberkerthefrogexists @nightimedreamersworld @shrekgogurt @prettygoododds @youarenevertooold @alexalexinii @fatalfangirl
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afniel · 5 months
Maaaaaaaaaaaan, come on.
(the post has ended up in the tags btw. I am not changing this and I need you to understand that it is just me talking to myself semi-publicly)
#Nevi Writes#things said by a guy writing a thing he doesn't even intend to be writing and it's like 10k of words now. >:[#while that's true I do want to emphasize that nobody should get excited about it right now tho okay#because like it's just. idk. I feel very much like it could end up not worth pursuing anyway. it's just a little baby wip.#(when the fuck did my little baby wips get to be 1/4-1/2 the length of my previous 'finished' stories!! what the hell)#it just feels nice to make words tho. and it does have that kind of 'ah good to catch up with these guys again' vibe which is nice.#even if the break has once again been like. on the order of days to a week maybe. I'm so bad at this taking a break business suddenly. lel.#but I don't have anything much to say about it at this point#other than I'm debating inventing a reason that presidential elections would have been moved by a couple of years between now and 2212#what is it with me and having to be so damn precise with dates in this whole narrative. am I just mad that Capcom never tries?#(yes) (so mad)#(and 2212 would actually be an election year is the problem. I want time to have passed but I also want there to be a pres. election.)#(it's fine don't worry about it)#(this is how I decided that Blucifer got bload up and then replaced also. weird reliance on mashing up IRL things and fictional explosions)#(but it's fun isn't it? got that veneer of verisimilitude. I'm good at long words)#idk this is inevitable isn't it. but I'm going to keep playing like it's not. I think I need a little more space for this one mentally.#the first one just sort of fell out of my head fully assembled and the second one did that also but with different vibes#though it did actually take some cutting things and adjusting things to make it work which Failure to Compile did not#Failure to Compile was bizarrely effortless until the mad editing dash. Outcome Unpredictable was WORK#fun work at least! but in hindsight it was definitely more work to make it flow properly.#the real job for the 3th if it happens is gonna be wrapping up threads without dropping new ones in bc that's such a habit of mine now
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im also trying to draw fire guards they are just soooo shapey
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steelycunt · 2 years
one thing about me. im going to kill his mother
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quelquunberlin · 2 years
(...WIP playing games with my heart *summ*)
Danke @opheliagreif fürs taggen. Beim Blick in den WIP-Ordner war da nichts, außer das Projekt an dem ich aktuell schreibe. Eine AU, die in den Jahren 1935 - 1958 spielt und neben dem altbewährten Polizeiruf 110 Crossover auch eins zu Ku'damm 56/59 hat (Wolfgang my love).
Unter der Linie der kleine Auszug (spielt im Jahr 1935)
!!CW: Gewalt an Kindern, Judenbeleidigung (nicht meine persönliche Meinung), Nazis
Versprich mir ein Morgen
Der fremde Junge sah ihn argwöhnisch an. Adam hielt ihm den Ball hin.
„Ich heiße Adam. Und du?“
Die blaugrünen Augen musterten ihn weiterhin misstrauisch. 
„Lew, aber hier nennen mich alle Leo“, kam es ihm mit leiser Stimme zögerlich über die Lippen. Adam strahlte ihn an und ruckte mit dem Ball.
„Freut mich, Leo. Magst du mit mir spielen?“
Ein scheues Lächeln trat auf das Gesicht des anderen Jungen, bevor er nickte, den dargebotenen Ball nahm und einige Schritte zurückging. Adams Blick huschte zum Haus, doch hinter den Fenstern konnte er nichts ausmachen. Sein Vater würde wohl noch einige Zeit mit dem Besuch beschäftigt sein. Er konnte den Kopf gerade wieder zu Leo drehen, als der Ball auch schon im hohen Bogen über die kleine Mauer auf ihn zuflog und ihn fast am Kopf traf, hätte er ihn nicht reflexartig gefangen. Erschrocken sah Leo ihn an, bis Adam anfing zu lachen und den Ball zurückwarf. 
Ihre Wurfmanöver wurden immer abenteuerlicher und gewagter und sie krümmten sich vor Lachen, wenn der Ball zu weit flog und der andere ihm hinterherhechten musste. Adam genoss das Spielen mit dem Nachbarsjungen, der mit der Zeit gelöster zu werden schien. Andere Kinder hatte es auf dem Gut nicht gegeben, mit denen Adam hätte spielen können. Die Jungen und Mädchen, die ein paar Jahre älter waren als er gingen bereits zur Schule und halfen am Nachmittag ihren Eltern auf dem Gut aus. Zeit hatte keiner mit ihm Ball zu spielen oder auf den Heuboden zu klettern und Höhlen zu bauen. Oft hatte Adam sich einen Freund gewünscht, mit denen er Abenteuer erleben konnte. Vielleicht konnten er und Leo Freunde werden und weiter so herrlich miteinander spielen. 
Adam fing einen besonders raffinierten Wurf von Leo, da sah er aus den Augenwinkeln wie sein Vater mit wutverzerrtem Gesicht aus dem Haus über die Veranda auf ihn zu stürmte. Das eben noch so fröhliche Lachen blieb ihm in der Kehle stecken und er umklammerte den Ball fester, der ihm jedoch aus den schweißnassen Händen rutschte und ins hohe Gras zu seinen Füßen rollte. Sein Vater baute sich bedrohlich vor ihm auf und Adam konnte die prominente Ader auf seiner Stirn vor Wut pochen sehen. Der Griff seines Vaters um seine Oberarme war schraubstockartig und Adam keuchte vor Schmerzen auf. „Scherr dich ins Haus, Adam! Mit diesem Judenbalg hast du dich nicht abzugeben.“
Er zog an Adam, dem die Tränen in die Augen traten vor Schmerzen und Angst. Er sah zu Leo hinüber, dem die vom Spiel gesunde Gesichtsfarbe aus den Wangen geflossen war und der jetzt verstört zu ihnen hinübersah. Stocksteif stand er da und sah Adam an, als ein Mann mit ebenso braunem Haar wie Leo hinter ihm in den Garten trat und auf Leo zu eilte. Adam sah noch wie der Mann, wahrscheinlich Leos Vater, den nun weinenden Jungen auf den Arm nahm und ihm tröstend über den Rücken fuhr. Dann verschwand Leo aus seinem Blick und Adam wurde in die Dielen gestoßen. Im nächsten Augenblick sein Kopf zur Seite flog und ein brennender Schmerz seine Wange durchzog. 
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roboromantic · 2 years
ough I really oughta just pay for an Actual blender course instead of trying to teach myself via youtube tutorials and messing around bc holy adhd, batman
#I wanna MODEL I wanna SCULPT I wanna RIG and ANIMATE I wanna make MATERIALS I wanna figure out GEO NODES#and like. tutorials are nice and all but a lot of the time they don't generally explain /why/ things work#or what /exactly/ different tools do and are good for#I should probably try to focus on one aspect at a time. try to master modeling then sculpting then materials etc.#bc like ok I wanted to make a self-portrait kinda thing before the end of the month but things've been busy with my dad's fiance moving in#and also I've been in Minecraft hyperfixation mode for 2-3 weeks now with no sign of it letting up anytime soon#so I was spending more time gaming than learning blender#BUT a couple days ago I figured I could use that to my advantage and just. model my Minecraft skin#it's just cubes it couldn't be THAT hard right#*cue several hours of trying to figure out various ways of making materials bc I can't quite get them looking the way I want*#I did also make it a bit more interesting by making some stuff 3d and not just painted onto the cubes#I wanna try a couple more things before I post it tho#anyway point is I keep getting distracted and only really learning how to copy stuff#and sometimes not even that bc it doesn't work with the newest version or they skip a step that's obvious to THEM but not absolute beginners#I think part of it is I wanna share these Absolutely Perfect Finished projects when really I should be focusing on /making/ the project#I should start posting wips or something. make Yet Another sideblog for all my blender stuff#get distracted learning just enough html and css to make it look cool even though nobody looks at desktop versions of blogs anymore
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bye-bye-firefly · 2 years
Kokichi deflated and slumped back on the couch. "Kirumi, I've had a rough morning. Come ooon..."
"No. No, I will not help you." She stood up and looked at herself in the mirror, putting a few different pins in her hair as she got dressed for work. "Even if I did want to help you, I have to go to the bookstore. If you really need help from me, maybe you could try reading to your detective. Yes, read him a failure of an author- like Fitzgerald."
"You're the only person who doesn't like Fitzgerald," Miu barked.
"I am not. There are many people who say that he's dull, that his ideas at once abstract and refract; diverge and suddenly combust without warning; he loses the point, talks about nothing, and finds the point again-"
"He gets that rich people suck and that's good enough for me."
Kokichi had never read Fitzgerald.
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comfortlesshurt · 2 months
well, I wasn't expecting to already be so far along when I set the goal but uh
goal for the end of 2025 is to have a higher published word count for Voltron than for Spider-Man, and VLD is already at 40% of my final S-M word count (assuming I don't finish and post any last S-M WIPs)
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sparky-is-spiders · 6 months
My beautiful baby lizard can have another edgy song on her spotify playlist. As a treat.
#yes this is about#amaldyne#she’s been on my mind basically constantly#the song is Thought Contagion by Muse#because ‘you’ve been bitten by someone who’s hungrier than you’ is basically her tagline tbh#my dearest and belovedest lizard <3<3<3<3#i wanna draw her with my favorite toaster because i think they could both bond over being morally questionable and purple#(and by bond i mean fight)#but while moving my files from my old laptop to the new one i discovered a wip of amaldyne and leoshgon that i also wanna finish#because i wanna infodump about that dynamic#basic gist is that leoshgon ‘i will commit war crimes for for hugs’ varmillius trades in one#morally repugnant and divinely blessed would-be dictator of the world for another divinely blessed would-be dictator of the world#but this one is obly deeply morally questionable and (much more importantly)#doesn’t want to kill him and keep his empty reanimated corpse around as a sign of their mutual and eternal devotion to each other#(which is much less romantic if you might actually SURVIVE past age 20. which is a relatively new concept for leo)#in terms of morality and motives leo is objectively the most selfish and least principaled of the main cast#eityr would be down there with him if she hadn’t decided to make amaldyne her moral compass#which is definitely like. a bad decision. and doesn’t speak well of either of their moral characters#but at least they both Have Principals#leoshgon only really cares about leoshgon (because if he doesn’t then nobody will)#eityr wants to be (seen as) a good person but doesn’t know how to actually be one#amaldyne is constantly agonizing over mew and exciting ways to justify all her decisions and always be in the right no matter what#which means both amaldyne and eityr are invested in at least vaugely gesturing in the direction of being good people on occassion#wow was that tangent ultimately unrelated to the original post#ok sorting tag time#amaldyne rotwing#the lizard crew
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nobodywhoishere · 1 year
zipped around the internet for a bit and tested the waters of the spiderverse fandom and HOLY FUCK TAKE ME BACK TO MY COMFORT HORROR LESBIANS. this has happened like three times where i test the waters of a new fandom but theres discourse or i get bored and stumble back covered in blood so like. idk hey bitches im back
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taviokapudding · 1 year
Okay so the horns are curved but also the size of their chin to tip of their forehead…hmm
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*processing in cosplayer*
I wasn’t a Homestucker nor a Homestuck cosplayer but I think I understand what I need to do based off what everyone has said, I’m just worried about wind and weight hmmmm. I already have a wig (not pictured below) and I started making all the red ropes out of some extra red yarn I had
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It’s 3 smaller braids, braided into each other to create a 9 rope tri braid. I have a pile in my room now that are just ready to go but I forgot to take pics. I’ll have to do that later.
To everyone who thought I was joking about cosplaying Hiyori, y e a h I hyperfixated around the construction and contractor ADHD father and it’s too late to back peddle now. He joked we had plastic Christmas ornaments I could use for the necklace and then insisted we could use this metal sheet so I made stencils (one was too bit so I made another that’s a bit smaller below) so tldr tomorrow is power tools day.
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dwaekkicidal · 4 months
𓆩Shy Boyfriend Seungmin𓆪
gn!reader | fighting my demons (my wips) so take this brainrot until I can post something longer :3 MDNI!! smut/NSFW below the cut
Shy bf Seungmin who can’t hold eye contact with you for more than a few seconds when you first start dating, constantly looking to the side or down at the ground when he talks to you
Shy bf Seungmin who almost takes off the first time you hold hands, shoving the cuff from his sweater on his free hand against his lips to hide his smile (🙁) and prevent himself from screaming like a lunatic
Shy bf Seungmin who always is sly when it comes to buying you things
Shy bf Seungmin who carefully watches your every move at the mall and waits until your back is to him to take pictures of things you linger on for too long or things you straight up show him and tell him that you like
Shy bf Seungmin who sneaks gifts instead of just handing them to you; sliding them into any bags or drawers he knows you go into at least once a day or putting them on the table the split second you look away
Shy bf Seungmin who keeps an extra blanket and hoodie of his in areas you two frequent just in case you get cold so he can say “Oh, I left my sweater here last time. You can use it.” or so he can ‘coincidentally’ find a blanket in a cabinet that nobody ever goes into and silently drape it over you before acting like nothing happened
Shy bf Seungmin who can’t find it in himself to be comfortable with pda in front of the others, but will “accidentally” brush his hands against yours or will “accidentally” leave something in the now vacant practice room that he needs your help in finding
Shy bf Seungmin who then drags you to the very entrance of the room, steal a kiss, then walks out and goes "Oh, never mind, it was in my pocket."
Shy bf Seungmin who freezes in place and turns red in the face when you eventually bring up taking things a step further
Shy bf Seungmin who can’t help but be timid during your first time together, his face a bright red the entire time
Shy bf Seungmin who is still hesitant and soft with his touches, even months/a year into the relationship
Shy bf Seungmin who is secretly ecstatic can’t help but choke on his spit when you ask him to be rougher in bed next time
Suddenly less shy bf Seungmin who sits you down to discuss kinks you want to try and has you decide on a safeword
Suddenly less shy bf Seungmin who doesn’t exactly tell you what he likes, but you can see the sides of his lips twitch at certain things you list
Suddenly less shy bf Seungmin who, next time you’re in bed together, repeatedly asks you if you’re sure. So much so that you almost take it back
Not so shy bf Seungmin who will suddenly grab your throat, squeezing the sides expertly and pinning you down to the bed after you convince him you’re sure
Not so shy bf Seungmin who eases you into degradation by making you beg for his dick to be in you and calling you things like his "pretty little slut"
Not so shy bf Seungmin who bullies his dick into you, hushing you with his fingers down your throat when you start to get too loud
Not so shy bf Seungmin who folds you into any position he knows of that will get him as deep into you as possible and pull the prettiest cries from your lips
Not so shy bf Seungmin who tells you to “Take it, like a good pup” when you cry out that he's so deep and it's too much, but not before reminding you that there’s a safeword in place
Not so shy bf Seungmin who laughs when you don’t use it, teasing you about how much of a slut you are for enjoying this
Not so shy bf Seungmin who grips your chin and forcefully makes you hold eye contact with him as he pummels into you when you shy away from his gaze
Not so shy bf Seungmin who threatens to tie you down and overstimulate you when you almost cum without his permission
Not so shy bf Seungmin whose dick twitches against your walls when he catches sight of tears on your face as he fucks you through your orgasm
Not so shy bf Seungmin who pats your cheek with his fingertips when he’s close to cumming and tells you to “Take it all. Every last drop.”
Not so shy bf Seungmin who gives you the CRAZIEST orgasm(s) of your life to then, two seconds later when it’s all over, shower you with kisses and praises 
Shy bf Seungmin who gives you the best aftercare ever, cleaning you up, hand feeding you food, and holding up your water for you while you take sips
Shy bf Seungmin who gives the warmest cuddles after the fact, holding you close and massaging your skin while he presses soft kisses to your lips, face, and hairline (and needing some of these for himself) until you’re both normal again
Shy bf Seungmin who needs reassurance when he holds you close, wanting to make sure you enjoyed it as much as he did and that he didn’t actually hurt you
Shy bf Seungmin who now has newfound confidence in bed. Not as fragile with his touches and no longer shy of eye contact, even in more vanilla sessions
Shy bf Seungmin who, even after all this, blushes like crazy and stutters when your lips sneak his a kiss near his members the next day
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