#still it is fun to have a space specifically for my fics and stuff
bye-bye-firefly · 1 year
i KNOW that i do not talk a lot on here SO! i want to give a little update to let everyone know that yes...i am working...though my notes will go more into what ive been up to because we already know i treat those fuckers like my little diary kicking my little legs back and forth giggling
so current progress on each multichapter im working on:
nameless: 4k words, NOT EVEN NEAR DONE (probably gonna have to delete a whole portion of this chapter or edit it to all hell. which is sad because i wrote some stuff that only works under a set of circumstances that i dont think we are going to get when this chapter is finally done AND IT WAS SOOOOO COOOOOLLLL)
nobody move: nothing yet BUT! i do have plans so i just have to actually you know write down what i want to happen
lovefool: 500 words. just started and im sorta kinda getting BRAINROTTED about it so...ya know
lets be so clear also nameless is the goal right now i feel like i wanna get it cyclical so instead of the kinda erratic writing habit i have now i wanna be able to update nameless, then nobody move, THEN lovefool though i get the feeling its probably going to look like nameless, lovefool, and then nobody move. not to mention the Other saiouma fic which honestly it will not come out like any time soon. i think ill make everything for nothing my ONE fic that i write in full, finish completely, and THEN post. and i might have re and micah and maybe terry go through it and get it all grammatically correct. so itll be my first fic that i write and THEN publish in full (of course with weekly scheduled updates im not a maniac) and then also my first fic that i get betas for. meanwhile we have the unscheduled chaos going on the rest of the time who knew the most chaotic fic with my special interest AND my favourite ship combined into one would be the most orderly <- speaking too soon
anyway. do you want a nameless wip TOO LATE
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luveline · 1 year
hi! i know ur not from the us so pls feel free to ignore this but i think a kbd fic where steve and the girls are doing sparklers for the fourth of july would be so cute! absolutely adore everything u post 🫶🏻
thank u!! sorry i know it isn't the fourth anymore bit I hope u enjoy regardless!! kbd —dad!steve and mom!reader show their daughters how to use sparklers for the first time, 2k
Steve isn't a huge fan of fireworks because of how dangerous they can be, but sparklers are just fine in his book. He buys a box of thirty. The girls can do ten each if they feel like it, though he knows Dove won't be interested, and he guesses Bethie will be too scared to hold them. 
Still, he hopes. You're hosting a banquet of food when he arrives, a mixture of things you made and stuff he prepared yesterday. It's a feast of hotdogs and burgers, cupcakes and donuts, macaroni and cheese and chilli with white rice. The table is crammed with plates and the radio is on, playing fun pop music a little too loudly for Dove's taste, her hands over her ears.
You turn down the radio, and ask her where she sits on your hip, "Is that better, sweetheart?" 
"Hey," he says, putting the box of sparklers on the counter. 
"Hey, Stevie," you say, in a rare tone. You always talk to him with love but he adores how you say his name now, like you've never been happier to see him in your entire life. "They had some?"
"Lucky, right? Guess I'm not the only schmuck who forgot to buy some." 
Avery rushes for his legs, a chocolate donut in one hand and a cup of juice in the other. Despite her luggage, she expects to be picked up. Steve grabs her. 
"You're cold, dad," she says. 
"Really? It's not cold out," he says. 
"You need something to warm you up." 
Steve raises his eyebrows. "Sure I do. Give me a hug, but don't get icing in my hair, please." 
Avery hugs him, sticky cheek pressing into his as her arms strain around him. He pats her back, meeting your eyes and returning your happy smile. Steve turns on the spot to see Bethie practically elbow deep in a bowl of chilli. She loves anything that comes with rice, and she eats it like someone's going to take it away from her, chilli staining her lips and cheeks, a grain of rice stuck to her chin.
"Did you get a photo of that?" he asks. 
"Of course I did," you laugh, putting Dove down to brace yourself against the counter. You stretch your neck in a tight circle. 
"Thank you. Beth, that looks so nice! Are you saving any for me?" 
"No!" she says happily, smiling wide as an ocean. 
"Good girl. Alright, you tell me when you're finished, I have something fun for after dinner." 
Dinner gets put on pause. You wipe Bethie's face clean, giggling the whole time and telling her how cute she is in your saccharine mommy voice that melts her, "We should have that more often, huh?" It's always a good day when Bethie eats well.
Steve helps Avery put her shoes on and together they step out into the backyard. It's small considering the house is a four bedroom, but maybe that's why you'd been able to afford it in the first place. You work with what space you have. There's a light wood fence, the perimeter half lined by pansies and the other side with a slim shed full of their bikes and scooters and a small bed where the girls attempted to grow strawberries last year. They didn't take, but Steve has hope for this summer. 
The yard is clean though slightly neglected, and Steve has to work spider duty before Avery will agree to step off of the doorjam. You follow soon, Dove at your shins, Bethie cautious as she steps out in her socks behind you.
"Where's your shoes?" Steve asks her. 
"I told her she didn't have to wear them," you say. "She says they're pinching her toes." 
Steve had Beth's feet measured specifically to avoid that. He assumes it isn't pinching so much as not wanting to wear them. He shrugs. "Okay. Stay on the stones then, Beth, I don't know what's in the grass. You might step on a snail." 
"Ew," she says, sitting down in the doorway.
Steve lights a sparkler for no one first of all, wondering how each girl will react. He hands it to you as the sparks jump to life, white and bright in the shade of the garden, the shadow of their house. You wave it around gently, but when each of your daughters gasps in unhappy shock, you hold your hand under the sparkler and let a spark kiss your palm. 
"They aren't dangerous," you promise. You wave it into a heart, a star, the letter A. "Does anyone wanna try?" 
"Me!" Avery shouts, holding out her hand. The sparkler burns remarkably quickly down to the stem.
"Dad will give you a new one. Hey, baby?" you put the sparkler down on the glass patio table as it sputters out. "Don't you have those gardening gloves?" 
Soon, Steve's outfitted each girl in a glove too big for their hand. He passes Avery a sparkler, and her bravery and subsequent joy prompts some jealousy in Bethie, fighting her fear to take one too. You crouch down to stand with her as she waves it around, her eyes like saucers as white sparks fly. 
"It's so pretty!" you say. 
Dove is interested, but not in holding one. Steve picks her up and lights a sparkler, raising it away from her curious hands to draw her name. Avery squeaks with happiness and proclaims it as magic. "Dad, I'm a fairy!" 
"I can see! Try not to put it by your hair, okay?" 
She squeals some more until it dies in her hand. "Can I have another one?" 
"Ooh," you coo, watching with pride as Bethie draws a circle with hers, "my girl's brave today, I'm super proud of you. Isn't this fun?"
Steve lights another one for Avery and gives Dove a loving kiss, thrilled to see them all this happy. He's really surprised Bethie's enjoying herself, but he supposes it would be hard for her to have a bad time with your hands on her shoulders, your encouragement soft and shining as angora silk. 
They must use up four or five each like that. 
"Daddy," Dove says, imploring as she touches his face. 
"What?" he asks, thinking of tacking 'my little princess' on the end but withholding. Lately every sentence he says has a pet name squeezed in the middle. He has a lot of love to give. 
She looks at him. He pats her small back, wondering if she's going to bless him with a sentence or two. She's old enough now to be talking, but she's quiet like Bethie most of the time. Or, she's not talkative —Dove is far from quiet. 
"Hotdog, please."
Steve laughs loudly. "You want me to make you a hotdog?" 
"And ketchup." 
"Yeah, I can make you a hotdog. You don't want to stay for another sparkler?" he asks. 
He laughs again, pressing another kiss overtop the first one he'd laid on her chubby cheek. "Thank you for saying please, sweetheart. You're such a good girl." 
"Can I have a hotdog, too?" Avery asks.
"Sure you can, whatever you want. Beth? Mom?" 
You've sat down on the floor. You're probably cold, but your smile would never show it. "I think me and Bethie are going to have another helping of chilli and rice, aren't we?" you ask hopefully. 
Bethie's sparkler fizzles out. "Can we do more sparklers again?" 
"Yeah. Tell you what, let's go back inside for food and when everyone's full, we'll come outside and do some more before bed. Sound good?" 
The girls head inside, and Steve makes some hotdogs on the stove. Dove falls asleep with a bun in her hand, Bethie with her cheeks painted in sauce. Avery doesn't tire so easily, and while the others sleep, you and Steve take her out to the back door to light another sparkler. You write your names, you draw clumsy constellations. Steve writes 'I love
Avery,' grinning as she sounds out each letter. 
Avery relishes in the delight of having your unfettered attention. She stays up for hours after her sisters with you and Steve, long enough to watch stray fireworks shoot up into the sky over your backyard, her head on your shoulder, her hand in Steve's hand. 
"This is the best day ever," she says. 
Steve wants to cry. Genuinely. He meets your eyes over Avery's head, and you shuffle closer to her without speaking, enveloping her in a hug from either side. 
"Every day is the best day ever with you around, Ave," Steve says. 
"The best. Me and dad tried some fireworks, when you weren't born." Steve and Avery look at you with mirrored interest. He doesn't remember what story you're going to tell. "You would've been very small in me at the time," you say, looking up as a pink and white firework blossoms across the night sky like a peony. "Like a strawberry seed. We… didn't know you were coming. I knew. I knew, but I didn't know. I could feel you right here," —you point at your stomach— "but I had no idea what you were going to be." 
"Hey, you're right," Steve says. He forgets you were pregnant before you knew it. 
"But me and dad lived together already," you say. "We were always going to get married and have babies and stuff, but you came really quickly. You were excited." 
Steve grins. Avery hangs on your every word. 
"But anyway, me and dad lived together. Not here, but somewhere, and we didn't have a yard but there was a little patch of grass and we figured we'd buy some, but he burned a stripe of my arm hair off by accident with a long lighter, and the we didn't have a fence to nail the Catherine wheel down, and he accidentally dropped the firecracker box on the way home so it didn't work anymore, and the rockets wouldn't light." 
"Oh, no," Avery says. "You didn't have any fireworks?" 
"None. But we had a pack of sparklers. We did it just like we did with you. I wrote 'I love Stevie' in big letters, and your dad tried to hug me and jabbed me in the stomach with his burned up one." 
"Your hoodie," Steve remembers finally. "Your white hoodie, I bought it for you the week before at the mall after you threw up in Dairy Queen. I remember." 
"I had it for a week, and he got this huge ash smudge on it." 
"But you wouldn't let me wash it with bleach." 
You give Avery a kiss on the top of her head. "I wanted to remember how happy we were. I thought the smudge was a nice reminder. Turns out I got much more than a smudge." 
"You got me," Avery decodes.
"We got you," you say. "You're a thousand different things, Avery. You're smart, and kind, and pretty, and you're also a really good reminder that your dad loves me." 
"Do you need a reminder?" Steve asks, genuinely worried, and kind of in awe. How you can sit there and say something that romantic off the cuff is beyond him. He really might cry soon. 
"No," you say smugly. "You tell me all the time." 
Not enough, he decides. After this, he'll be sure to tell you more. 
Steve falls in love with you for the thousandth time.
"What I'm trying to tell you, Ave, is that dad is right. Every day with you in it is a really good day. I love you so much," you start to fizzle, which is to say your voice gets tight. You won't cry, but Steve teeters. "I'm really, really happy you had the best day ever, 'cos you make every day the best for dad and your sisters and me." 
"Really?" Avery asks softly. 
"Really," Steve says, rubbing the space between her shoulders. 
A rocket squeals into the air and fractures into a ring of spectral colours. 
Avery climbs onto her feet, and, torn between who to hug, wraps an arm around both of your necks. 
Steve wraps his arms around you both, squeezing your hip. He's gotten used to being loved, to feeling it, but tonight might be an all time high. Sparklers become a Harrington tradition that year. 
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olderthannetfic · 29 days
Obvious Disclaimer that this is not about any specific anon in particular, not about OTNF themself, but that my following rant might *slightly* punch down on people who ARE, well, older than net fics are.
But my honest opinion is that I really don’t like it when us old heads tend to sorta…talk down to? “Adultsplain”, if that’s even a thing? To The Gen Zs, by being like “damn kids! back in my day we never used our real name or posted selfies or posted about our personal life at all!” Don’t get me wrong, I’m one of those people who never posted the real me — but not because I was anonymous and cared about online safety, because I was a liar 😂 That being said, there ARE older people who definitely over-shared or “doxxed” themselves and still do, and there’s younger people who don’t!
I also feel like being “ha, these stupid KIDS who post about their FANDOM LIFE on TIK TOCK under their REAL NAME AND FACE where IRLS CAN SEE THEM, how STUPID” is not doing anyone any favors. Is that, technically, a smart thing for kids to do? No. Has it become normalized? Yes. And does that suck for people who might be bullied or outed or whatever cuz they genuinely are dumb and don’t know better and then someone they don’t like sees their stuff? Yes.
We all talk about how there’s no more kids spaces on the internet and how that’s a shame, but then five seconds later we’ll reblog that one “At any time I’m at risk of seeing a 14 year olds opinion and that’s why I hate it here” post. There’s really so few kid spaces on the net now, that’s true. We should extend empathy and let the teens be obnoxious and pretentious in peace, rather than making it a point to “ratio” or “roast them.” Idk personally I’d be completely unbothered if some 14 year old insulted my fic or my ship or whatever. I’d just block and move on, no need to try to argue with them.
And also, not all kids are even pretentious or obnoxious! I’m not saying we all need to take the kids under our wings, but we should be careful about not hating them just for being in their teens years, you know?
Also… telling a teenager to not post PII or not get into discourse or not have social media or whatever will NOT work the way you want it to 😭 kids are by default a little bit oppositionally defiant so telling some rando teen to Get Off Your Lawn (blog) rather than just blocking them, will encourage said teen to Stay On Your Lawn.
I just hate how it’s become normal for adults to talk down to teens online. I was harassed by adults online as a kid, then years and years and years later i went through my own “Older Than You™️”phase where I myself was a shit to teenagers, and I truly regret that so much. To this day I still need to make an effort to be careful. I saw on Twitter where an adult posted a DM from a 13 year old, mocking them. The DM said “I’m 14 next year, can I follow you? Please don’t groom me.” And the adult OP was laughing at how stupid the dm was. A few years ago, I would’ve been one of the people retweeting that and rolling my eyes at the child. Now im disgusted by the people who WERE laughing at them.
And again I’m obviously not saying we should be “nice” to the teenagers who mock us for our ships or who virtue signal too hard. But we also don’t need to make fun of their CARRDS or call them Puri-teens or rag on them just for being 17 or younger, yk?
Teens aren't 'puriteens' just for being young, dude. They have to also be puritanical bullies.
I find the stuff about real names hilarious because, actually, if you're really Internet Old™, then you probably did use your real name... it was right there in your university e-mail address! Or your random early ISP address if your stepdad got it for you and thought the university format was the default. Thanks, stepdad.
I've done every single dumb thing from going to meet my internet pen pal at an Alice Cooper concert to flying to Ireland from Japan to stay with a fandom friend I'd never met without telling anyone where I was going and without a credit card or enough cash to flee if I had to. I remember sitting on the plane thinking "Man, this is such a CSI episode topic".
The really funny part was that despite what she'd said before I visited, we ran into each of her parents at different times and ended up going to a play courtesy of her uncle, and all of them were like "So how do you know each other?" and "But you'd met before, right? RIGHT?!"
The level of panopticon is horrifying now. Teens have my sympathy. That part really is worse, and I think it's driving an entire generation nuts and we're going to see even more shit about people wanting to run away and live in a cabin in the woods with no internet. But in general, I don't think we're so different.
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the-final-sif · 7 months
Honestly, rules about what I can interact with as a minor are kind of strange to me. I've been allowed to have sex for years (and not from Romeo and Juliet laws) but I can't read a fanfiction where two consenting adults do it??? This isn't about specific authors being uncomfortable with it btw, moreso the culture and rules about it.
I mean, so reading fanfiction is whatever as far as I'm concerned. Go nuts, read the tags, you're gonna make your own choices about it. Law is gonna say one thing but that's largely a matter of old people clutching pearls over kids seeing boobs or whatever.
The difference for me on a cultural level and what I will push back on is interaction. When it comes to stuff like 18+ spaces, nsfw commissions, sexual roleplays, and commenting on 18+ fic, it's about the consent of the other person involved. And I do think maintaining rules/general culture of those spaces being 18+ is important.
Like, you can go have sex in real life, sure, but that real life person is going to visually see you and have a sense of your age. You might be able to lie to them about it, but it's gonna be a lot harder. Ideally, any partner you have would be fully aware of your age and both of you would be comfortable with your age and their age.
Online, that becomes much harder. People are putting out content and sometimes interacting with strangers. The general assumption adults are making is that in an 18+ space, they are only interacting with other adults. Everyone has passed a baseline threshold. When they find out someone is 16 or 13 or a 12 year old in an 18+ space, that feels super creepy, gross, violating and can stick with a person for life. They didn't consent to that interaction, they didn't want it, they didn't have any say in it. They never wanted to be interacting with someone at that age in that way.
The difference is in knowledge and consent. In real life, you going and fucking an 18 year old when you're 16 is between the two of you and as long as both of you know what's up, have fun and remember safe sex practices.
On the internet, if you at 16 and and 18 year old want to sext (but seriously do not send photos if you're underage, it's still very illegal even if that seems dumb), maybe doing a nsfw roleplay or whatever, cool. Again, remember safe sex practices and have fun. Not my business.
But going into an 18+ space which is clearly marked 18+ where everyone there is under the assumption that they are interacting with other adults isn't cool. They didn't consent to that, they aren't aware you're 16, and you have no idea how old they are or if they're cool with interacting with a 16 year old in that manner. It's a violation of consent, and that isn't okay.
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milder-manners · 1 month
Which challenge was your favorite from Dream? (I'd say bar manhunt but maybe it's actually not your n°1)
I personnaly really liked the random item challenge and the death swap
- V
(Manhunt is def my n1, don't worry I'm pretty standard)
My non-manhunt favorites change pretty often but at the moment ...
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Minecraft Random Item Challenge VS 2 Hunters my Beloved!!
Like you V, I fricking love this video. The Drama, the unintentional thematic items, the situational comedy, (the story fic potential)!!
The video starts off with pretty standard stakes, Sapnap and George vs Dream. An unfair match, but no one’s upset, the audience knows how easily Dream can turn the tables if the circumstances turn juuust right. And despite what the title says, Dream is a Hunter like Sapnap and George. They all only have one life, and are fighting to the death.
But then, not even 5 min in, the power levels get completely skewed. George and Sapnap both receive diamond weapons and George gets a diamond chestplate, and Dream gets his iconic turtle helmet. Suddenly, the fight becomes a chase, and Dream has to run for his life until a new item spawns in to even the tides. (He finds a ruined portal underwater, and inside its chest is a flint and steel.)
Dream then gets some good armor and a trident, and the dynamics change once again.
The video kind of takes a turn for the comedic here. It’s a 2v1, yet Dream becomes the aggressor. He’s starts initiating fights, the one who chases down Sapnap and George with his dozen tridents, and it’s the duo who begins running off, building up a tower to get away. And this goes on even when George gets netherite boots and chest plates, and Sapnap gets an elytra and rockets; they still mostly engage in guerrilla tactics to basically harass Dream. Dream literally begins yelling at them to come here and fight him.
And that tickles me so much because this is basically a culmination of how the manhunts conditioned George and Sapnap to treat Dream; a guy who’ll prevail against all odds.
And this over precaution is what ultimately does them in in the end. It gave Dream enough time and space to prepare a TNT trap that kills them all.
Man, it’s such a fun video. I didn’t even mention all the little moments between everyone, like “OH GEORGE” “IT’S OH SAPNAP!”, “You have better stuff than us” “Pff—how?”, “George, I know you can’t drive but you need to do a u-turn baby”; and how the items eventually gained a theme with each hunter, creating a pseudo narrative of a sky spirit and rock/metal spirit harassing a sea spirit. It’s such a good mix of tense competition, and silly fun.
Minecraft Hostage Simulator
Another 2v1 video but also a muffinteers video! This one is such a classic for me, I genuinely hope they revisit this one.
The gradual development of Bad becoming a complete menace. The long trek of the horn passing between George and Sapnap and eventually to Bad. That hilarious point in the Nether where the two beat the shit out of Bad while he hangs off the cliff as retaliation. Dream embracing his inner trickster archetype, setting a deal with Bad with specific conditions to loophole around them. Sapnap and George pulling off that incredible boat trick and snatching Bad from Dream. Dream getting murdered by dolphins, a complete turnaround from their usual grace. The dynamic shifting midway in the video to a 3v1 when the Hunters decide to work together to Get Bad.
And that epic fight/chase after the Nether!!! Oh My God!!
The improvisation, the lying, the music with the chase, the buildup of tension from the editing! The sudden introduction of the reason behind Bad being a hostage was that he’s a sacrifice to feed the dragon?!?! Chefs kiss. Incredible ten out of ten.
Again, I hope this video comes back but with a way for Bad to win. He was literally the star of this show.
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sparklepocalypse · 15 days
Director's Cut: you must know I'm gonna ask about Octo!Henry. I am who I am.
MY BELOVED OCTOHENRY -- rambling about him is a fucking gift, @kiwiana-writes, and I thank you for this.
So, two decisions happened in pretty rapid succession at the end of last September -- first, I decided that I was going to participate in Kinktober, and second, that I was absolutely not going to waste the opportunity to use the "tentacles, consentacles" tag double-whammy on Ao3. From there, I very quickly connected with a friend on Discord who, as it turns out, knows a fuckton about octopi. With their assistance, I went down my first research rabbit hole about things like:
How octopi reproduce
Which species of octopi do not yeet their octopeens (hectocotyli) at their mates and flee the scene so they don't get eaten
Of these very few species that aren't prone to flinging their dicks like wiggly, suckered javelins, which were the prettiest/flashiest
And then a deep dive into the prettiest species of non-tentacock-lobbing octopi to narrow it down to one: the blue-ringed octopus (AKA the spiciest boi).
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I had a couple assumptions right out of the gate: Alex would be just as clueless in this fic as he is in canon, for one. This allowed me to have Henry drop some really obvious hints that he's Not From Around Here while Alex is still just so awestruck by how pretty his new friend is that he completely sails past the hints. For two, once he figured it out, Alex was going to have his crisis about attraction to men and men with tentacles (or at least Hentacles?) faster than Usain Bolt can run the 100m dash. This second piece was a bit of a necessity since I was cranking out a new smut fic every day during that month, so there was no time for additional world building or angsting about Alex's new partner not having legs at the time.
While writing the smut, I read a lot of Actual Scientific Research on octopi in general and specifically on blue-ringed octopi to make sure I wasn't totally making shit up. In the process, I learned so many fun facts about the blue-ringed octopus, including:
Male/male mating is not uncommon -- several sources suggest that male blue-ringed octopi have no preference for the sex of their mating partners.
Their skin is soft and very slick; it's coated in a slippery substance that protects them from bacteria and also allows them to slip into narrow spaces easily. 😏
The blue rings only really show up boldly when they're aroused (horny, excited, or scared). Otherwise, depending on the subspecies of blue-ringed octopus, the rings are either faintly visible or look sort of brownish.
You really don't want to touch blue-ringed octopi IRL unless you're super into being poisoned to death. (This translated into Henry being really into spicy human foods. 🤣)
Sperm packets (spermatophores) are an Actual Thing that's common across a lot of invertebrates, including octopi and squids -- Alex saying “You didn’t mention that your cum had texture,” is because he wasn't expecting there to be any sort of structure to Henry's octojizz.
I also flagrantly ignored the thing where once a male blue-ringed octopus has successfully mated, he dies, because again -- octoHenry is my beloved.
I'll stop here, but I could literally talk about octoHenry for hours! I'm so excited to start working on the sequel this fall. 🥰🐙
Want to learn more about my methods for one of my fics? Ask me stuff in the fic director's cut meme!
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Another AITA about incest and Discord servers (I am in no way connected to the other person it's just a funny coincidence)
So, my girlfriend has been really into this video game. After me and her played the game together on video call, she invited me to the game developer's server.
Now, it's very important to note that this is an indie game by an indie studio. A fairly populous server and a somewhat well-known game, but we're not talking like OMORI or anything.
One of the few rules in the server is about a specific character in the game. Essentially in the game this character is your blood relative, and so the rule is essentially "you're allowed to say you, the player, want to kiss her, but you're not allowed to talk about any actual incestuous scenarios"
Totally fine. There's also an embargo on any explicitly NSFW stuff, although there are "horny" channels where you can thirst over the characters within reason. Within one of these channels, I eventually talked about how I had an idea for a dark/smutty fic (I forget my exact wording) and I was prepared to just leave it at that, but some people actually did ask for me to DM them more about it.
Now, this is all totally fine. In fact a mod even came in and say "alright yall take it to DMs, have fun". Unfortunately when I was talking with one specific person, I must've misspoken or something because they didn't really understand what I meant when I told them the CWs for the idea, and they ended up really not liking that and reporting me to a mod (for the record the fic idea was incest rape)
Another person, though, really was into my ideas and expressed that they also wished there was a place to talk about such things, and so I pitched an idea I had thought up before, which was to make a splinter server for all the freaks of the fandom. Now I had circuitously asked about this in the server previously and I was told it probably wasn't a good idea, but importantly I was not told or warned not to do it and it was not against the rules, nor was I advertising the splinter server in my bio or posting the link to the splinter in the main or anything like that
I sent the link to some of the people who responded to wanting me to DM them. Unfortunately one such person was a snitch and reported us to the mods apparently, because both me and my girlfriend were banned from the main server without warning or recourse. I feel like I didn't do anything wrong. I completely understood (and still understand) not wanting gross convos like that to happen inside one's server. But what's the problem, then, with having a separate space dedicated to it? And why just ban us without any warning whatsoever?
What are these acronyms?
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jesterwriting · 8 months
Happy 200 Followers! 🎉🎉
To celebrate 200 followers, I wanted to do something fun <33 For the next couple of weeks, I’ll be doing a little music / lyric based event!! This is the first time I’ve ever done something like this, so please, bear with me. That said, I’m incredibly excited to test this out, and if all goes well, I’m open do doing more events in the future!
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My regular rules still apply, so keep that in mind and give them a little read. You can find them here!
- As a reminder, I tend to stick to gender neutral and male readers, but I’m willing to write female reader if requested specifically. However, I do reserve the right to default to gender neutral reader if I can’t find a way to organically incorporate gender into the fic :3
These are the characters I write for: Ace, Law, Koby, Zoro, Sanji, Crocodile, Shanks, Mihawk, Nami, Robin, Smoker, Tashigi, Buggy, Boa Hancock
- Please only send one character per prompt. I’m open to doing the same character multiple times, though! Especially if they’re my fav >:3
- To make a request, send in the name of the song the lyric is from and the name of the character you want for it. Make sure I know this is for the event in your ask! I can be a little dense at times, hehe.
- You’re welcome to be specific for a request, such as specifying if you want fluff or angst, or if you’d prefer the lyric to relate more to the reader or to the character you’ve requested!
- All that said, have fun and go crazy! I’m excited and i hope you are too <33 Have a wonderful day, and thank you for reading and/or requesting!! If you have any questions, feel free to ask or DM me and I’ll happily clarify :3
- Update: Just to clarify, I don’t do doubles of the same prompt. I don’t wanna get overwhelmed with the amount of requests! So, once a prompt is requested, I strike it through and it’s done :3
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bad idea right?
↝ ”yes i know that he’s my ex, but can’t two people reconnect? i only see him as a friend (the biggest lie i ever said)”
↝ buggy x reader
red flags
↝ “the best movie of all, the masterpiece of art called: human centipede!”
↝ robin x reader
cowboy casanova
↝ “he’s a good time cowboy casanova, leaning up against the record machine.”
↝ cowboy!ace x reader
bitter water
↝ “i am not a fool entire, no i know what’s coming. you’ll bury me beneath the tree i climbed when i was a child.”
↝ boa hancock x reader
↝ “you loved me holy with your cross and your disease. did you feel that close to god when you had me on my knees?”
↝ crocodile x reader
↝ “giving you up? what are you on about? never give up believing in us.”
↝ sanji x reader
↝ “i’m not yours, and you’re not mine, but we can sit and pass the time. no fighting wars, no ringing chimes, we’re just feeling fine.”
like a dog
↝ “and so my soul could soar with my heart on the altar of science, like an obedient dog.”
↝ “i’ll give you one more chance to say we can change or part ways. and you take what you need, and you don’t need me.”
the vampire waltz
↝ “oh, i feel it being drawn out, the blood flowing steadily into your mouth. this dark night, cruel and cold, you whisper softly, ‘honey, you’ll never grow old.’”
↝ vampire!sanji x reader
↝ “i’m gonna run down the aisle and tongue kiss the priest, dance on your mother like an eight-legged freak. i’m gonna stuff my face and eat the whole damn cake. baby, i can’t wait for my perfect wedding day!”
alien, alien
↝ “alien, that’s right, i’m you alien! your heartstrings pulled and deftly lulled, i’ve caught a shooting star.”
↝ crocodile x reader
dangerous thing
↝ “something about you is soft like an angel, and something inside you is violence and danger. i knew from the moment we met, you are a dangerous thing.”
↝ law x reader
me and my husband
↝ “and i am the idiot with the painted face, in the corner taking up space. but when he walks in, i am loved, i am loved.”
↝ law x transmasc!reader
like the dawn
↝ “you were the brightest shade of sun when i saw you. and surely, you will be the death of me, but how could i have known?”
↝ mihawk x reader, fluff
halloweenie v: the moss king
↝ “i am the moss king, here in your house. you sing the song with your wicked mortal mouth. sing to me sweetly, call to me now. there’s a hundred hauntin’ spirits in the trees lookin’ down.”
↝ zoro x reader
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msmargaretmurry · 5 months
Well now you’ve got ME in all my HAW feels again (time for a reread!) and I’m wondering at what point Leon realized he’d fallen for Matthew for real (and also at what point he actually fell for Matthew, even if he didn’t realize it at the time.) I love ratnovel 🥲
aww thank you anon <3 the whole falling for matthew thing was a real process for leon in haw, i will babble about it a bit under the cut because that sounds way more fun than doing my job on this snowy snowy day.
so as previously discussed, at the beginning of the fic leon is in this place where he's like, he was kind of interested in matthew as a guy to potentially hook up with, and then decided he totally wasn't interested anymore almost entirely because it never seemed like matthew was interested and that hurt his pride as a noted hot bitch lmao. then during the training montage he was physically confronted with the fact that, yeah, unfortunately he would still hit that. he is pretty resigned to this being a lost cause, but then they run into each other at boots, and in the space of that encounter he starts to think maybe it could happen! and then the bj in the rv happens and it throws him SO off wrt his perpections and expectations of matthew.
he thinks a LOT about matthew in the stretch between boots and messaging him on insta before the preseason game, mostly just because — he doesn't know what happened? he thought things were going pretty well, for a given definition of "pretty well," you know, whatever. he can't stop thinking about that wall matthew slammed up after the blowjob, and in retrospect he feels like maybe something was a little off about him the whole time? he's seen matthew off the ice before and he never really had the… abrasive edge he's had this summer, maybe? he doesn't know the guy well enough to figure it out, but he feels both guilty and a little guiltily interested. and also obviously he thinks about it a lot because it was hot.
and then there's the hookup in the hotel at the preseason game, which is hugely reassuring — he's thinking, okay, matthew IS into this, and maybe he's just embarrassed about/uncomfortable with the things he's into? or something? but he's clearly willing to do stuff with leon anyway, and leon is like… well, this is not usually the kind of sex he has, but it's hot, and also he's really, really interested in pushing matthew's buttons. he has no read on if matthew is into him specifically or if he's just convenient, but he's kind of okay with it either way at that point. well, he'd prefer for matthew to be into him specifically, but it is what it is. matthew is the one who gave leon his number, so there's clearly something there.
then there's some flirting via text, etc, and matthew texts after the first flames/oilers game for leon to come fuck him, and leon thinks, oh okay so this is just going to be a thing where we sleep together when we're in the same place. he's cool with that, he's into matthew, he thinks this could be fun. but then the sex is the way that it is (not not good, but very intense and pretty fraught) and now he definitely thinks there's something wrong with matthew. not because he wants rough sex, but because of how he acts about it and acts afterward.
the way i characterize leon (in haw and in general, mostly) is that he really is a big softie — he's at his prickliest when he feels vulnerable, like his soft underbelly is showing, or is being protective of people he cares about. one way this manifests is he tends toward being soft with people he sleeps with even if they don't have a close relationship. it's not lost on him that matthew is clearly upset about something and he's decided that leon is a space where he can try to deal with that, but unfortunately leon is not immune to just a little bit of "i can fix him" disease.
over the next few weeks of texting and sexting is when he really develops a crush, and by the time matthew comes over to his place for that hookup he is definitely trying not to tip his hand that he has a little crush. it's to the point where after the game he texts matthew about johnny's injury to try to make sure the shitty game doesn't fuck things up between them. by the time matthew's texting from the club on his birthday, leon has accepted the fact that he actively likes the guy even though he's really not sure how matthew feels about him, and by christmas when matthew sends him that selfie in leon's t-shirt from boots, he's almost positive that the things he's feeling are mutual. but he knows that matthew is fucked up about some stuff, and that stuff definitely affects how he is with leon, so he keeps telling himself he's going to be careful about it and try not to push until he's really sure. but he wants to kiss matthew so bad.
and then there's the nye facetime, which, to finally actually answer your question, is when leon is really like, "oh, fuck, i'm down so bad. fuck i really have feelings." he's laying in bed thinking about matthew, because at midnight when everyone was kissing he thought about matthew, and how he would have liked to kiss matthew at midnight, and he hasn't been able to stop thinking about him since. so he's laying there thinking about how badly he wants to see him, how much he wants to kiss him, trying to do the drunk math in his head to when they see each other again, because next time they see each other, maybe leon can kiss him. maybe they can finally start treating this like something real. he's almost positive matthew feels the same. if he calls and matthew picks up and talks to him, that probably means he feels the same. maybe what he really needs to know is that leon feels the same. maybe leon just has to be brave enough to make the first move.
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laylawatermelon · 2 months
My Offering To You The 911 fandom to tide us over the break and beyond
My proposal: Two hastags for fan engagement
And the most important one
I noticed we tend to dominate the trending sections every Thursday across social platforms (as we should) but it's usually after the episode comes out.
Which understandable.
I've had this idea rattling around since I started watching live on Twitter and have seen that we're taking over the trending tags🤣.
I want to start a fan hashtag/space.
So here's my proposal.
#911 ThrowbackTuesday (and what it entails.
I thought it'd be fun to have the og/older fans telling stories about the fandom, information we won't know, the best personal episode and other info for the influx of new fans. (And who doesn't love to reminisce about the good old days?)
For rewatches and comments
The popular theories of the past (and how wrong or right they were and how funny it was when it was our wasn't proven)
Older blog posts that relates to older episodes
Older Twitter accounts that were popular/were can see what it was like when it started airing.
Old cast photos (please we need them for pfps and other reasons...)
Legendary fan photos (aka tweets etc)
During rewatches acting like it's new info can be really funny too
Interacting with new fans about stuff that happened during the original airing.
I find it fun personally to hear stuff from the older fans and they get to share their excitement and new fans can get it because most of us didn't get the fun of the past seasons.
It's a way to bridge the gap (not that there's one really) and have all fans come together and be unhinged together.
It's a yap fest. 🤗 And what a beautiful one it will be...
And then there's,
ThursdayTakeover is the biggest one.
I have ideas for the drought we're having and we can keep it on trending at least, as it brings good attention and new fans (and subsequently more seasons yes it's all coming together).
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There's two protocols I've cooked up.
The drought version (aka now)
This version is dedicated to the present and future of 911. The hastag can be used to post on any day but it's like a little notebook for all things unhinged before new episodes come out.
For when the shows not airing it'll be this:
Theories about future episodes
Meta (all the juicy meta your heart desires)
Current fan works based in the present or future episodes (this includes fanfics, fan art etc)
Spec fics/sneak peek of current work
Regular media sharing
I think this would be easy as I noticed it's a bit hard to navigate specific fan works and information during airing/older posts when using Tumblr due to it not having a specific date system.
This way it kind of lets you put it all in one beautiful hastag that you can scroll for hours and know what exactly is going to be going on.
I'd just like an archive or sorts as it is a bit hard to put together information as a new fan.
(is my audhd showing yet?)
For when it's airing it's a bit different.
It'll be from before the show starts business as at usual there's no need to really worry about trending as it'll do it regardless, but I'm the case is the hashtag if it's a takeover then we have to really takeover. Like all day.
This applies to the hours before we watch on airing days:
Theories/discussions about airing episodes (then after discussing whether or was right or wrong and clowning your theories/the unhingedness of it all)
Sneak peeks /media
Using the hastag to let everyone know what's up and the timeline WILL be flooded with our fruity family that we love and adore🥰
Then as it airs I suggest (it already happens but still)
Live blogging
Live Tweeting
Photos/reactions as it's airing so we can share it collective mind melting
Then afterwards it's business as usual.
Unhinged posts
Recollection of what just happened?!
I only thought of this idea because I'm interested in promoting/helping out with the visibility and stuff (free marketing am i right?)
I haven't been able to fan girl about stuff in a while and feel really welcome and happy because of this show.
It really gives me something to look forward every week to see what the show creates and after the joy the fans share with each other.
You guys are the best! 🤗
Still this is my offering back because this show really changed my life as it gives me something to look forward to every week like an anchor.
So now that the gooey stuff is all done I'll ask once more...
Who's with me?!
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renlyslittlerose · 11 months
Last week was the one year anniversary of me posting my first obikin fic, and over the last year being a part of the fandom has brought me so much joy and happiness and enthusiasm once again. Some of you knew me before 2019 and were aware that I was working on my Masters in the Classics, which included a massive thesis. While working on the thesis I was also working part-time at the museum, as well as battling a few chronic illnesses - some of which still affect me today - all of which drained me physically and emotionally. When I had finished my thesis and graduated from the program I was well and truly burnt out. 
 2020 was rough for everyone, and I was contented to just exist without doing much of anything that could be seen as creatively productive. But then 2020 came and passed and I thought maybe I should get back on the saddle, and started working on my own original story. I fell off of social media, didn’t interact in fandom, and tried to grind out a story that wasn’t working like I had hoped it would. 2021 and I still wasn’t ‘feeling it’; I had gone from writing about 1-2k words a day to 500 words a week - if I was lucky. A part of me wondered if I was tapped out for good, that I didn’t have it in me anymore, and that my thesis was my last creative outlet - my last hooray.  I know it sounds a bit dramatic, but when you go from creating almost every day since you were sixteen years old, to suddenly believe that the well has run dry is terrifying. Maybe I was done for good - maybe I wouldn’t create something I was proud of.
And then Kenobi came out. I was a massive prequels fan since I was nine years old and the Phantom Menace came out, and an even bigger Darth Vader fan, but I had never interacted with the fandom in any meaningful way. I was contented to just watch the films and the shows and leave it at that. But as I was watching I had the epiphany that Obi-Wan and Anakin were actually ~roommates all along. I started reading obikin fic, came back on tumblr to see what sort of fandom there was, and suddenly found myself with ideas again, and a desire to create something. 
So I wrote my first fic ‘Sacred to the Gods’ based off of a thesis I wrote during my undergrad about the psychology of a Greek demigod. It took me about a week to write, but in that time I had a lot of fun - the words started to come more easily, the vibes were there, and the passion was slowly but surely returning. One fic turned into another, and then another, and suddenly I had written two multi-chaptered long-form fics, some shorter multi-chaptered ones, and a bunch of oneshots, all about our favourite duo. 
And in the that span of time, not only was I able to rediscover my passion for writing and feel inspired again, but I met so many amazing, incredible, kind, passionate, creative people who welcomed me with open arms. I was used to fandom being sort of a gate-keepy thing, where if you were the new kid in town it would take you a while to work your way into any circles. But it didn’t happen with this fandom. I went up to a few people, held out my macaroni art, and was overjoyed to see them take it and immediately put it up on their fridge.
There are a lot of people I want to thank, and I should thank, from those who read my stuff, those who send me asks on tumblr, those who bookmark and kudos and comment, and those who followed me, but there isn’t any space to do all that. So I hope that a general ‘THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU’ will suffice. Thank you for giving me my passion back, thank you for supporting me, thank you for being an awesome community that has it’s issues, but still cares deeply about the art they’re creating, and who care about fostering a community. 
However, there are a few people I would specifically like to address, because I don’t think this post would be complete without you. I’ll put it behind a cut because this post is already cumbersome:
@bi-wan || My beloved! You were the first person to follow me on tumblr after reading one of my fanfictions, and the first to reach out to me to be my friend. Thank you for reaching your hand out to me and dragging me into the fold. Because of you I’ve made so many good friends who I treasure dearly - including you. 🥰
@ragnarlothcat || I feel like you and Cam are a packaged deal, and so I thank you for being curious about me and checking out my work, and for allowing me to occupy both you and Cam’s comfy little raccoon haven. You’re so supportive, and your work was some of the first I read in the fandom which truly secured my desire to be a part of it. Thank you 💖
@intermundia || I’ve told you this before, but you were the first person I approached in the fandom when I decided I wanted to dip my toes into the experience, and your warmth and welcoming nature secured my desires to be a part of this group. The fact that you support my stories and are so passionate about it really fuels my desires to keep creating (as well as feeding my ego). Thank you for being such a good presence in the fandom.👑
@theseptemberist || I have a feeling that Will told you about me, and I am so glad that he did because we’ve struck up such a friendship that I can’t see myself without. Our chats on discord over the past few months have been wonderful in so many ways that are too innumerous to say here. Thank you for sharing your heart, and for being so kind and empathetic. And thank you for sharing your encyclopedic knowledge of fandom tea ☕
@unspuncreature || Just like Rag and Cam come as a team, you and Cal (and Wren, even though I’ve never spoken to her but feel like I know her) are the trio that delight and entertain. Thank you for your brilliant art and creativity, thank you for letting me bounce all my ideas off of you, and thank you for collaborating with me. You’re brilliant 💗
@kyberkenobi || Beyond the fact that your filthy brain inspires me and delights me, and the fact that you’re willing to goed me on when I come up with something that’s delightfully nasty, your maturity when it comes to fandom is refreshing. At the threat of sounding like a proud grandma, you’re still so young and yet you’ve got a lot of shit figured out - most importantly, that fandom is supposed to be for fun and write what you want to write. Can’t wait for us to finally collaborate one of these days 💕
@dininginspace || What can I say? You’re a delight, you’re incredibly funny, you’re kind and understanding, and you’re the best cheerleader a loser like me could ask for. The fact that you jumped on the Buffy bandwagon when I drove by on it secures you as one of my favourite people. Thank you so much for your early and continued support 🧛‍♂️
@nuandia || Thank you for chatting with me all the time; keep up your writing, it’s brilliant and worth it, even if you doubt it sometimes. 💖
@grapenehifics || I had just finished watching MASH when you commented on Moonlight Serenade. The noise I made when I saw your username, followed by the continued joy I get whenever I see you on my dash or in my inbox, or when I see you’ve posted something new for the world to enjoy. 🧡
@palfriendpatine66 || You’re a delight. You’ve got things figured out, and how you can write so much with the life you’ve got is incredible. Keep going - you’re a gem. 💎
@binaryeclipse || Love chatting with you on discord, and being able to throw out random things about Canada into the chat that doesn’t need explaining - you just get it. Especially when it comes to Alberta politics. It doesn’t always feel like a safe space out there when you’re an Albertan who loves her province but also hates so many things about it, but you make me feel as if I can be a contradictory mess and still feel as if I belong in Canada. Your muse will come back soon, I trust in this ✨
@treescape || Your work is sublime and an inspiration. I read your fics first when I went hunting for things to read, and was immediately captivated. When you followed me back and weren’t at all weirded out by me bounding over to you like an excitable golden retriever, I was very grateful - I am very grateful. Can’t wait to see what you create next. 💛
@starsdies || Thank you for listening to me; thank you for being so inspiring; thank you for helping with community events and exchanges. And thank you for streaming The Last of Us for me because I’m too cheap to buy HBO Max. 🙏
@tessiete || You fact-checked the details I put into Moonlight and all I can say is THANK YOU. Sometimes I feel like I’m getting too lost in the details, but its people like you who google that shit that makes me feel good about my obsessions. 🌸
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snickerdoodlles · 2 months
PLEASE tell us about Pete and his terrible design choices.
OH YES thank u for the kick nonny. (context: Vegas's kitchen, but more importantly, my fic: Interior Design.)
so the idea behind interior design fic is that Vegas loves his homes moody, dark, and chock full of symbolism and Pete, after so many years of first abuse and then dehumanization, likes anything with personality. however, while Pete likes Vegas's stuff being anything but boring, it's not really him either? which then hits a conundrum in that Pete doesn't want to vanish in his own home, but Vegas's aesthetic is a strong personality to compliment/compete against and Pete doesn't really have any idea on even what he likes, much less have a distinct design preference. there's a lot of shrugging and frowning and frustration involved. neither of them have a clue how to identify or articulate what feels off about the situation and they characteristically just let it fester until they can fuck it out and start the cycle all over again.
(i picture there is a lot of Pete kinda throwing his stuff around carelessly to make it his space too, and equally Vegas getting annoyed by the untidiness and pushing Pete to his limits or manhandling him until he bruises/scratches/whatever. none of this deters either of them from their bad habits in the slightest.)
then Macau and Chay start buying Pete that sort of white suburban lady stuff you'd see on pinterest or designer instagram and he absolutely loves it. i poke fun at that aesthetic because many aim for styles like handmade craft, or eccentric traveler, or eclectic bohemian, etc-- except the creative eccentricity and uniqueness that makes those styles so neat doesn't translate to anything that's mass produced at the lowest cost possible. it's just...hollow, because those styles are about telling the unique story of one person but mass market says nothing specific about any person by design.
which for Pete, who doesn't really know what he likes and still masks out of habit, is perfect. everything's personalized except it's meant to be blandly appealing to everyone and therefore can't crack his shell in any meaningful way. its distinct blandness all kinda runs together but of course starkly stands out against Vegas's moody shit and religious iconography. everyone side-eyes Pete a bit for his shit style and Pete is thrilled, because it's recognizably his shitty style. Vegas fixates on the ways Pete's shit clashes with his and expresses his feelings about it extensively all over Pete. Pete is thriving.
Pete still hasn't managed to put this into words, mind you. he's sticking up his ceramic birds and shitty craft hedgehogs and weird paper lights going "i like better? i like better" with zero introspection and no plans to do so ❤
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Just getting into soapghost and idk where to get started? Do you have any recommendations or suggestions in general for cod i also dont have a game system besides a switch
oh man, okay, so! i want to preface this whole thing with: i have never played a cod game.
these two started popping up on my dash on tiktok, and then i hit up the tags on tumblr, and then next thing i knew i was making a whole ass other twitter specifically so i could thirst over US military propaganda
if you’re still with me anon, i will gladly rec some stuff! i’ve put all that below a readmore so i don’t fuck up anyone’s day with what will be a very long post lol
Recs below!
Tumblr blogs i HIGHLY recommend you follow: @cod-dump (some incorrect quotes type things, fics, and more!) @grimmzee (really cool comics!) @rusticfurnace (amazing art) @starrynights-and-rainyfandoms (super fun, incorrect quotes type stuff) @spectralarchers (i love everything they write, originally started following them bc they write a great clint barton, theyre currently doing this insanely cool "ghost is the fallen god of death" type story which is so fucking cool)
Awesome people on Twitter you should check out (just remove the space after the @): @ silli__lilli @ witchmeetsevil @ KhybersKrave @ ohh_ellie @ puppyghcst @ QueenieBGalore @ burningsou1 @ coshie
These are some of the ones i follow, it's an awesome mix of fics, art, headcannons, all of it.
Fic Recs:
fucking hot, Soap/Ghost, eventual Soap/Ghost/Price. Featuring Soap's daddy issues. which, like, same bro same
also just like insanely hot, soap gets called a dog and he's really into it.
this one is a series, and it does get kinda dark ngl. ghost is kinda fucked up in the head but soap is too so it's all good. definitely some under negotiated kink, heavily features ghost's inner monologue.
this is just porn tbh but it's SO good. and there's art to go with it!
this is an AU, but hear me out. it's a really good Pacific Rim AU. Soapghost, drift compatibility, what more could you want!
also a bit of an AU, it's a shifter AU. awesome story, super hot, my fave out of this one is The Price of Longing
hope this helps anon, i'm glad you asked!
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cannibal-stag · 5 months
about this blog (and me) :3
my name is fable (or fae for short), and this is my hannibal sideblog that i finally made after months of telling myself i didn't need another sideblog
my hannibal fic masterpost
on this blog:
• no bigotry obvs
• i make original posts, including text posts, art, and links to my fics. please do not repost my art :)
• there will also be many reblogs
• i don’t post/reblog super explicit nsfw stuff, but there are nsfw posts/themes/jokes on this blog, and they will not be tagged
• blood and gore will not be tagged
• my tags are generally for organization's sake. my main tags will include:
for my original posts #fable's stuff
for text-reliant posts #txt
for image-reliant posts #img
for my art #fable draws
for general art #art
for my writing/fanfic #fable writes
for general writing/fanfic #fanfic
for hannigram specific #hannigram
for later reference/to read #bookmark
should any significant ones be added, i’ll list them here.
• this user is LGBTQ+, pro-Palestinian (and anti-Zionist), pro-BLM, etc.
• i’m half mexican and also (mostly) fluent in spanish
• i'm very friendly! but i tend to get nervous talking via DMs so they'll usually be closed unless i follow you. ask box will sometimes be open, sometimes be closed.
• posts will revolve around characters, very rarely the actors. this is not an actor fan blog bc i tend to get uncomfortable idolizing real people and I don’t like being too emotionally invested in celebrities. if you do talk about/post about the actors, you’re still more than welcome! it’s just not my thing so i won’t post about them much
• this blog is for fun, and my philosophy with fandom is ALWAYS “this is all fake, and i'm here to have fun". that's not to say i don't love a good discussion/ analysis, and disagreements in fan spaces are normal and okay:)
• i love/like most of the characters in the show so if you see me making a post shitting on them/making fun of smth they did there is a 99.999% chance it’s a joke lol
• unless it’s mason verger. if i make a post shitting on him i mean it :3
my Ao3 is SokkaWithHisHairDown
my main blog is @gay-fae
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ithappensoffstage · 4 months
r&g report
I had the privilege of seeing rosencrantz & guildenstern are dead with billy boyd and dominic monaghan on march 5! a few people asked for my thoughts after, so here's a sort of stream of consciousness report that may or may not be comprehensive depending on what you're looking for out of said theatre report
anyway I do genuinely believe boydmonaghan are literally the only people who can and should ever play r&g
to start off I will say that this was my first time seeing r&g staged -- I've previously just read it A LOT -- so I can't make comparisons to other productions. I am also a lifetime fan of theatre and have been somewhat involved, but do lack some technical knowledge, so apologies if I can't cover some aspects accurately!
most important of course, boydmonaghan were stellar. their comfort and familiarity with one another is amazing to witness. of course it's staged, but none of their movements come across as anything other than two old friends. they move together like dance partners; there's really no other way to put it. when you put on a show with someone you're so intimate with, it just comes through in the physicality in ways that aren't replicable with people meeting just for one production. watching them as r&g just feels like you're watching them hanging out. they anticipate each other's movements beautifully, lean into each other naturally, play off each other with such comfortable rapport that you feel like you're watching childhood friends goofing off from your corner of the party.
and the RAPPORT I mean wow. damn. if you're familiar with r&g -- the question game scene? holy shit. breathtaking quickness. they are rapid-fire, on each other's heels in the vein of the best comedies. for everyone who knows my tastes of course, they have * the * hawkbeej dynamic. (I almost cried watching because I kept thinking of my beloved url namesake fic.)
great pacing, great chemistry. even when they're sitting still you can still feel the intimacy between them in just how they arrange themselves. lots of staging to reflect mirroring, lots of staging to reflect the thematic element of identity (sorry, I'm rosencrantz; he's guildenstern), etc. great costuming choice -- billy wears green except his blue waistcoat; dom wear blue but for his green waistcoat.
their deliveries were nothing short of spectacular. that of course wraps into pacing and chemistry as mentioned above. but I do feel it's worth mentioning again that they're both so good at speaking their lines. they have such rhythm with each other. and of course that's going to happen--they have a podcast, theyre incredibly close friends, but it's so great to see in a setting with predetermined script, predetermined runtime. again, youre watching two friends who are off their minds at a party really Go Through It.
boydmonaghan aside, I had some general issues with the production. they had quite regular sound errors, and made some sound design choices with music and vocal warping/autotune that were not to my taste. there was a cool echo element utilized that I liked a lot. as I mentioned I don't know other productions so I don't know if this is standard practice, but for this one it was quite fun. coin echoing, echoing around the stage when they shouted into the wings to give you that sense of being trapped. when they spoke to the audience space, it felt enormous, and as if they were speaking to you specifically. I just got so distracted by the mic problems and weird autotune.
the autotune moments were exclusive to the hamlet scenes. that brings me to the other actors. the player himself was magnetic. phenomenal. so much presence. emcee cabaret presence. great stuff. hamlet? so lacking imo. he played hamlet very angry and masculine, which is a choice I guess, but not how I like to see hamlet done. it did make some of the intersectional scenes a little jarring; which, I know is not entirely without reason, but it just wasn't my ideal way to play it.
other than the question scene, one of my favorite scenes in the original text of r&g is when they're talking about leaving the stage, and they continue to make excuses not to. "i think he went this way / maybe that way / why don't you come with me it'll be safer / we should try this direction / oh we should actually wait in case he comes back here." the director did skip this dialogue, which I think gives the indication of less agency for r&g. a little less participation, a little more of things happening to them. which is fine. I have no feelings either way of a better way to do it, but that is just the sense I got of it.
the stage is very small, the set is very cramped. lots of overt use of trapped imagery. theyre often crowded into specific space, sitting very close. when they make space, they make SPACE, indicating periods of disagreement. pretty basic staging for this, I'd assume.
outside staging, very cool lighting, although I am generally against scenes with "party lighting." again, not sure what typical lighting is the scenes with the players that got that, but I could have left it out. similarly, we got a scene with "rock" lighting, and I just thought it was too on the nose / in bad taste. arguable how meta you need meta/absurdist work to be ofc but that decision wasn't for me.
the other lighting choices were great. it starts SO dark. I had lower balcony seating and have great vision, but the start spotlight was so soft the two of them were damn fuzzy for me at the beginning. they gradually get more light in the spotlight, and then it expands. there was a great sunrise moment where they turned the Big Warm Light on the audience and it truly felt like a sunrise over me. the final "rosenc--? guilden--? now you see me / now you don't" from billy was beautifully performed. the lights split the stage into two distinct chambers, truly separating r&g for the first time despite any previous physical distance. I did get a little choked up.
(the final hamlet scene that follows jarred me from the emotion a bit because the horatio actor didn't even try at an accent ToT and it was just weirdly red-lit and they came in with the autotune for the Big End of Speech). and I wish they hadn't made it so Intense and Dramatic because they of course we get our time loop / back to the start / they start on "heads!" and it's such a hold-your-breath type moment. boydmonaghan are good enough that it brought me back but damn. (horatio actor please don't skip vocal lessons again.)
and yeah then I skipped stage door because it made me a little uncomfortable and I went home!
I was very lucky to go and I took my lovely wife (who liked it very much despite only having seen hamlet the day before lol). anyway if you can go I highly recommend! I am even considering pulling a @thealogie and going to see if I can scoop some last-minute box office tickets one of my remaining days here.
ask box is of course open for any questions <3
quick edit: I will say, sincerely, the r&g audience was one of the worst audiences I’ve been in. none of these people knew what the fuck was going on. I wanted to eject them all from their seats into the city skyline and have the theatre to myself (+ wife). literally constantly “what” “what is going on” “huh” from around us. go away. mutuals please come see this show so I can sit with you and not next to someone trying to have a y/n when they look at the audience.
edit 2: I think I mentioned but I did have lower balcony seating. I could see well! I think I might have preferred to be a bit closer just for the microexpressions I probably missed, but I would echo others in saying there really were no *bad * seats at all.
edit 3: stage door is out front to the left of the main doors if you're interested. I personally was not (I already have something signed by billy/have met him multiple times, and would prefer to meet dom at a comic con setting because that makes me more comfortable than stage door).
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swashbucklery · 6 months
For your fanfic writer asks! 1, 3, and 9. Because I like your squidgy heart!!
What’s something new that you tried in a fic this year? How did it turn out and would you do it again?
Hmm, I think the thing that I did the most for the first time this year was - how do you put it, playing with other people's toys. I've done writing collaborations and cowriting before, and with the right cowriter I find it a truly magical process every time, but it's usually come from a place of the two of us spitballing about a common universe or premise and generating it collaboratively. This year was the first time I tried writing in other people's worlds where the other writer had done the building and premise-setting and I was given kind permission to step in and riff on it or write a divergence from it.
I think I did this the most with your AU worlds, with my NCI tie-in fics ((307) temporary redirect and (208) already reported) , and obviously Kinkverse with The Pieces and The Discovery, as well as if this room was burning (i wouldn't even notice)
It was a tremendously fun thing to do, that was - like quite nerve-wracking, because it takes a lot of bravery to write an AU and then a lot of trust to let someone else play in that little private world, and I always worry about doing justice to that world and treating it kindly and respectfully. But the rewards were so, so lovely. With the right writing friends, absolutely I'd do it again.
2. What’s something you learned about yourself as a writer?
I think - I didn't learn a lot that was new about my writing process specifically, but this year was really about re-awakening and re-affirming things that I knew worked for me before, that I hadn't been able to access. I write best writing whatever my capricious little heart wants, and I write best and most happily leaning into the weird nooks and crannies of my creativity. Having creative spaces where indulging in this found me like-minded people and community was a beautiful gift, and that combined with dialing down on the work pressures of the pandemic helped my words to flow so much more easily.
3. What fic meant the most to you to write?
Oh, hands down hands down over salt sea and flowerdeep fields and the whole ensuing OT3verse.
So like. Not to get Too Real or Too Personal but also that's kind of the point, I was Essential, Like So Fucking Essential, from March 2020 to - like I'm still in that essential job and the pressures that existed in 2020-23 are ever-present so I don't want to use past tense but also if I mention my work people appear to like, complain about their own personal and entirely unrelated bugbears and I don't want that but basically: it sucked. I am sure many non-essential people also had shitty times but I had a shitty time that was quite specific and isolating and I hope that 2024 is the year society reckons with that. And I achieved new tiers of life stress, tiers I did not know existed. I felt stress and then unlocked the secret back door of stress, transcended into Ultra Stress and that's something that can't *not* be transformative, despite all the coping strategies in the universe.
Late 2022 for me was the year of finally having enough breathing room to be like, okay, how can I claw back my personhood from this weird merging of personhood and occupation and societal role obligation and isolation that has flattened my entire life. So there was a lot of life stuff that I did as part of that, but the one result was that I had brain space to actually consume pop culture again. I joke a lot that I'm still at 2020, pop culture wise, and I think I will be for a while still, but - I had time, and I watched Willow. And it was the perfect combination of like. Right show, right story, right characters, and my heart having room to love stories in the way I used to love stories, before all of that happened to me. And the thing that it unlocked, specifically, was - the idea of the grand quest, and the richness that would be in the journey home. The idea of a journey home as a way of giving these characters a soft ending, and having it parallel the soft ending that I was cultivating for myself, and suddenly having that burning need to write a big fucking story. But, more critically, having room in my life that I actually could put that big fucking story to words. I thought salt sea would be maybe 10k, and I was a little overwhelmed about whether I could write something that long after a long break in writing longfic, but I kept plotting, and I taught myself scrivener to organize my thoughts, and every day I wrote a little bit and every day I remembered how much I loved storytelling, and writing, and diving into fantasy worlds. And every day this story got bigger and more mine and more complex and I reached out to fandom friends to ask for cheerleading and they were wonderful and gracious to me and then when I finally posted it, new people were curious and interested and that felt like a miracle. That story is a little slice of my heart, and getting it out there and completed and going on that journey was I think the most important thing about it. But the fact that now I've written even more in that world, that other people are curious and excited and pleased to hear about that world with me, is a gift that I can hardly express all of my gratitude for.
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