Hello! I’m interested in reading Uzbek literature and just came across an old post of yours, so I hope it’s okay I’m barging into your ask box to ask questions! 😅 I coincidentally went to two museum exhibitions in Paris about Uzbekistan, and now I need to Read Books About It. I am particularly interested in anything pre-1920s, and I came across Days Gone By by Abdulla Qodiriy. I struggled to find a comprehensive summary that didn’t spoil the story, so I wanted to ask if it’s a good book that depicts pre-Russian (or at least pre-Stalinist) Uzbek culture? I would be super grateful for any other recommendations. Did Hamid Ismailov write anything that’s set pre 1920s? Anyway, please feel free to only answer as much or as little as you’re in the mood for, sorry to bother you!! 💕
Oh wow thank you so much for this ask! I love talking about Central Asian literature. I will confess that most of the books I've read so far deal with Central Asian life either during or after the Soviet Union and that is a bias reflective of my time period of interest (Central Asia during WWI and the Russian Civil War) and the fact that I only read and speak English and most of the books translated into English are either Soviet or post-Soviet literature. So my recommends are in no way exhaustive, but they should be a good place to start your journey.
The first book I'd recommend is Days Gone By by Abdulla Qodiriy. it's set in the 1800s, so the Russians haven't fully colonized the region yet, but they have taken a lot of land in the Steppe and relations with the khans are growing tense. It takes place in Turkestan and is about Atabek, a wealthy merchant, and the love of his life, Kumush, and the many struggles they face to be together. It's a fascinating read as it gives great insight into life before 1920 and how the Jadid's felt about women's rights and issues. I'm not sure what is your preferred language, but there are two English translations. One by Carol Ermakova, which is the one I read and enjoyed and one by Mark Reese, which I haven't read yet, but I got to speak to him about translating the book and I really liked his passion for the story and Central Asia.
The other book I'd recommend is Night by Cho'lpon (which I actually like better than Days Gone By, but don't tell anyone ;)). It's set in the 1900s, so much later than Days Gone By, but before the Russian Revolution or WWI. It's about a young woman who is married to an official who is also a sexual glutton and the chaos it causes in his household. Even though it is a Tsarist Central Asia, the focus is on the Central Asian people and life in Central Asia and again it provides an interesting look at how the Jadids felt about women's rights and the issues they faced (and Cho'lpon gets to poke some fun at the Jadids themselves which is fascinating). Christopher Fort did a masterful job with the translation and provided an phenomenal introduction that explores Cho'lpon's life and provides a great analysis of the novel itself.
If you like poetry, I'd also recommend the book 12 Ghazals by Alisher Navoiy and 14 Poems by Abdulhamid Cho'lpon. The poems were translated by Andrew Staniland, Aidakhon Bumatova, and Avazkhon Khaydarov. Navoiy was a poet who write in the 1400s and is considered a father of Central Asian poetry. Cho'lpon, of course, is the father of modern Central Asian poetry.
Actually, Staniland just came out with another poetry collection I haven't read it (but i've just ordered it). It's called Nodira and Uvaysiy: Selected Poems. Nodira was a Central Asian Queen in the 1800s famous for her poetry and Uvaysiy was a woman poet who lived in the palace with Nodira.
For a more contemporary writer, Hamid Ismailov wrote two books that deal with multiple timelines, including a pre-1920 Central Asia. The first book of his I'd recommend is one of my favorites. It's called The Devils' Dance and it is about the last days of Abdulla Qodiriy, Cho'lpon, and Abdurauf Fitrat, as well as Central Asia during the Great Game. It follows the fate of Emir Nasrullah and Madali's Khanates as the Russians and British start to infiltrate the region (the connection between the two story lines is that Qodiriy, in real life and in Hamid's book, was working on a novel about Madali's wife: Oyxon before Qodiriy was arrested and murdered by the Soviets). Actually, Nodira and Uvaysiy, who I mentioned above, play a prominent role in this book as well.
Hamid also wrote a book called Of Strangers and Bees. it's about a modern day Central Asian expat and his connection with a charming bee and the famous physician Ibn Sina. It jumps from the 1000s Central Asia with Ibn Sina and modern day with the expat. I'll admit I've had to reread this book many times because it borrows heavily from Sufism and there are a lot of references that I'm still trying to catch and understand simply because I'm not as familiar with Sufism as I'd like to be.
A little bit of an aside, but Tilted Axis Press, who published both the Devils' Dance and Of Strangers and Bees is a great press that focuses on translating books from the Global South into English and they have a great catalog of Central Asian and South Asian Writers, so definitely check out their entire catalog as well.
Finally, i have to recommend Amanat, even though the stories are set far beyond your interested time frame (most of them are either soviet or post soviet era Central Asia and Russia). The reason I recommend it is because it's the first and only anthology of all Kazakh women writers and it was published just last year, so it needs all the support we can give it. It's also a great look at life in Central Asia as a Kazakh woman.
I hope this was helpful and please keep in touch. I'd love to hear your thoughts as you engage with Central Asian literature. ^_^
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brooklynmuseum · 1 year
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pazaryerigundem · 1 month
Selçuk Efes'te Anadolu Kültürü Tanrıçaları Sergisi'ne büyük ilgi
Selçuk Efes'te Anadolu Kültürü Tanrıçaları Sergisi'ne büyük ilgi
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Selçuk Efes Kent Belleği, Anadolu’nun zengin kültürel mirasına dikkat çekmek amacıyla resim ve müziği buluşturan “Anadolu Kültürü Tanrıçaları” Multidisipliner Sergisi’ne ev sahipliği yapıyor.
KONYA (İGFA) – Anadolu Kültüründe yer edinen tanrıçalara sanat ile bakmayı amaçlayan etkinlik, Türkiye ve yurt dışından birçok kadının katılımı ile oluşan Şahmaran adlı uluslararası sanat gönüllülerinin eserlerinin yer aldığı “Anadolu Kültürü Tanrıçaları” serginin gezilmesiyle başladı. Sergiye İlçe Kaymakamı Oğuz Alp Çağlar, Belediye Meclis üyeleri ve çok sayıda sanatsever katıldı.
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Sergi gezisinin ardından dünyaca ünlü piyanist Dr. Züleyha Abdullayeva eşliğinde  “Ben Anadoluyum” Korosu Konseri katılıcıların büyük beğenisini topladı.
Anadolu’da tarih boyunca tanrıça kavramını farklı bir bakış açısıyla ele alan kültür sanat etkinliğinin söyleşi kısmında tarih boyunca tanrıça kavramları konuşuldu.
Söyleşinin açılış konuşmasını yapan Dr. Nodira Güçsav, genel olarak tanrı kavramından bahsederek; “Toplumsal uyanış kadın olmadan olmuyor. Kadın kendi gücünü, kendini keşfetmesi lazım. Kadının mücadeleci ve güçlü olması toplumda da birçok olumsuzluğun önüne geçecektir” dedi.
 Tanrıça kültünün nasıl doğduğu hakkında bilgi veren Osman Altay Güçsav;  İnsanı insan yapan şey kendisini, neden yaratıldığını, yaratanı sorgulamasıdır. Antik çağlardan bu yana anneliğin, kadınlığın damgalaştırıldığı, tanrının, yaratıcının kadın kabul edildiğini görüyoruz” dedi.
Tanrıça figürlerinin Eski Türkler için de oldukça önemli olduğuna dikkat çeken Güçsav; “Türk kadını özellikle Orta Asya’da devamlı hayatın içinde ve erkeklere destek olarak geçmiştir. Eski Türklerde kadın asla edilgen değildir. Bu yüzden İslamiyet’e kadar eski Türkler kadını tanrı olarak kabul etmiştir. Bugün de her zaman kadınları bir adım önde görmek istiyoruz” dedi.
Ressam Evrim Gökçelik Artemis’in kentinde Anadolu Tanrıçalarını konu alan bir kültür sanat etkinliği düzenlenmesinden duyduğu memnuniyeti dile getiren Gökçelik Tanrıça Hekate hakkında bilgi verdi. Hekate’nin Kybele ile ilgili bağlantısına değinen Gökçelik; “Baktığımız zaman Kybele Hekate ve Artemis ayrı tür başlık taşırlar. Bu başlık bir de Afrodit de vardır. Başka yerlerde Afrodit aşk tanrıçası olarak görünürken bu topraklarda başka bir anlama sahiptir. Benim yaptığım çalışmada Artemis’in karşısında Athena var. Athena da aslında Hekate’den bazı özellikler taşır. Çünkü Hekate son ana tanrıçadır. Bugün Hekate’nin tapınağı Yatağan’dadır. Hekate bugün üzerine en çok araştırma yapılan ana tanrıçalardan biridir. Ayrıca bugün burada bulunmamızın ayrı bir önemi var. Çünkü bu topraklarda hem Artemis hem Meryem Ana var. Bu da kültürel ve mitolojik açıdan önemli bir değer” dedi.
“Anadolu Kültürü Tanrıçaları” Multidisipliner Sergisi 30 Mayıs’a kadar Selçuk Efes Kent Belleği’nde ziyaret edilebilecek.
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BU Haber İGF HABER AJANSI tarafından servis edilmiştir.
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dadaopopeh · 1 month
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tfbbehindthedesigns · 11 months
The Story Behind the “Full Contretemps” Zazzle Item Lines
In summer 2023, Tomas Karlborg resigned as ballet master for the Berlin Ballet. One of his parting gifts to the ballet world was a clip from their World Ballet Day 2021 company class on stage, accompanied by Nodira Burchanowa on the piano. It was a medium allegro combination inspired by George Balanchine.
The steps go as follows: temps leve 1st arabesque, 2 full contretemps into a temps leve passe, then a temps leve 1st arabesque into a contretemps to temps leve 3rd arabesque. The dancer then takes two steps arrriere (to the opposite direction) to a temps leve developpe ecarte derrière to a balance arriere. The dancer does a tombe, pas de bourree, glissade, to a grand pas de chat, or the pas de Balanchine as Karlborg calls it.
The clip was posted on TikTok in the middle of May in 2023, but later that next month, ballet dancers current and former started doing the medium allegro combo wherever they could, regardless of whether they were wearing sneakers and street clothes or pointe shoes and tutus. Sophie Silnicki did it down the shore in North Wildwood, NJ, in a bikini on the sand.
“Growing up, being trained constantly, day after day, you know all of those ballet terms. You can hear the terms and immediately know the combo,” she said.
Most organizations, ballet schools, and even ballet competition bodies also got into the act. The Dutch National Ballet had their danseurs in gowns pull it off. YAGP has at least two videos featuring female ballet students execute it in tutus.
Some competition-oriented studios and mom-and-pop ones also dove in. After all, it trended smack-dab in the middle of intensive season.
Even Silnicki’s former dance troupe, The Rockettes, hopped on the bandwagon - LaDuca Annie boots first, LITERALLY.
And later on, Ballet for All posted a living room-friendly version of the medium allegro enchainement. It may omit the temps leve 1st arabesque after the temps leve passe to a contretemps before the temps leve 3rd arabesque, but it’s about feasible.
And yes, I REQUESTED IT, having seen several videos of dancers pulling it off.
Apart from at least two tutorials of the combo on TikTok, Yelena’s on YouTube explicitly mentioned the aforementioned contretemps included in it!
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Here’s a personalizable notebook from my Zazzle collection!
Even days before Ballet for All’s tutorial was released, the medium allegro combo that went viral on TikTok sparked a merchandise line on the TFB for Safe and Age-Appropriate Dance Ed. Zazzle store: Full Contretemps. Each item is emblazoned with the script text that answers one of the deepest questions some ballet students ask, “Ummm… can you demonstrate a full contretemps once more?”
“This is an excellent example of important good content is on social media — even if it isn’t new,” Ceci Ddisman wrote on ArtsHacker, “Great content can be evergreen. Crafting captivating content significantly increases the likelihood of engaging a larger audience.”
And evergreen the medium allegro combo had been. And it became the influence behind the Full Contretemps merch line on Zazzle.
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jotem · 1 year
Ruhsal yolculuğun Kabul Kapı'sından geçerken, yolcu payina düşenden memnun olmayı öğrenmiş olur, Ruhu içine daha çok alabilmek için yüreğini genişletmede, başarısız denemelerin ve istirabin bile faydası olduğunu görür. Ama yaşamdaki her şeyi kadere bağlamaz. Yaradan verir, ama kişi çabalamalı, bedenine ve onun ihtiyaçlarına saygısızlık etmemelidir.
Hayatımda bazı dönemler çok önemliydi: farklı eylemler, farklı fikir tohumlarının atılması, farklı devinimler, çeşitli ritimlere aşina olmaya başlamak, yeni algıların hızına kişi olarak te senkronize olmak, zihni yeni düşünce sistemine yönlendirmek gibi bir hazırlıktır ve buna alışmak lazımdı. Gelecekteki oluşumlar için ilk deneyimlerdi, bir nevi pratik alıştırmalar, ilk adımlar cesaretle öğrenmek, bazı sınırlayıcı etkenleri aşmayı, zamanı hor görmemeyi ve kâşif korkusuzluğuyla 'doğru anda doğru yerde' tevekkül etmeyi, sorumluluk almayı öğrenmekti amaç
Öncesinde korkudan, cesaret yetersizliğinden tir tir titreyerek de olsa, her şeye rağmen her şeyin önceden belirlenmiş olduğunu ama gerçekleşmesi gereken bir iş için sizin katılımınızın kaçınılmaz olduğunu anlamaya başlarsınız... Plan içinde plan, bağlantısız gibi görünen bölük pörçlik parçaların arkasındaki tek projenin olduğu, dışa yansıyan eylemlerin arkasında kendini ısrarla, inatla anlatmaya, göstermeye çalışan kuralların olduğunu iç gözlenizle görmeye başlarsınız. İlahi plan'a herkes her şey dahildir. Ama bir ruhsal yolcu, belli aşamadan sonra bunu mistik önseziyle çok net algılamaya başlar.
Algılarına uyduğunda, pişmanlıkları, küçük planların soruları- sorgulaması olmaz gibi. Mantığınız ve subtil algınız bir birine karşın isyan edebilir, kabullenmekte direnirseniz de anlamadan da bazı şeyler yaparsınız ki, anca çok sonradan anlamlandırabilirsiniz neyin neden olduğunu...
Çünkü Siz tıpkı saat mekanizması çarklarına benzeyen Evrenin işleyişindeki büyük Devre'nin parçaları olan; önemli döngülerdeki önemli faktörlerden biri olmak zorundasınız.
Aileniz (aynı anda hem negatif hem pozitif etkenleriyle) yolcuyu buna hazırlamıştır. Doğduğunuz memlekette ve yaşamınızın önemli dönemlerinde buna hazırlayan katalizörlerin etkisinde kalmışınızdır. Çoğunlukla bazı katalizörlere rağmen güçler ve direnişler oluşturmayı öğrenmek zorunda kalmışınızdır. Bütün ömrünüz devamında benzer insanlarla, benzer durumlarla karşılaşırsınız. Bazı çıkmaz çemberlerden bıkarsınız, zinciri kırmaya zorlanırsınız. Uslanmaz inatlarınız olur belli konular ve alanlarda. Şah damarınızdan darbe yemiş gibi olursunuz o ilkelerinizden, tutkunuzdan caydığınızda.
Kalp Kapı'nızın açılarak, içinizden akan sezgisel ve anlatım akımının (bilinç akışının), sizi gerçek Size kavuşturması dileğimle...
Nodira İbrahim Güçsav Nodira Güçsav
#gizlikapı #nodiragüçsav #yazar #secretdoor #uyanış #aydınlanma #spirituel #mistik #yaşam #bilim #sonsuzluk #insan #shaman #şaman #şamanizm #boyutlar #yenidunya #yenicağ
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tasksweekly · 5 years
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In celebration of Tajik Independence Day on September 9th, here’s a masterlist below compiled of over 150+ Tajik faceclaims categorised by gender with their occupation and ethnicity denoted if there was a reliable source. If you want an extra challenge use random.org to pick a random number! Of course everything listed below are just suggestions and you can pick whichever faceclaim or whichever project you desire.
Any questions can be sent here and all tutorials have been linked below the cut for ease of access! REMEMBER to tag your resources with #TASKSWEEKLY and we will reblog them onto the main! This task can be tagged with whatever you want but if you want us to see it please be sure that our tag is the first five tags, @ mention us or send us a messaging linking us to your post!
THE TASK - scroll down for FC’s!
STEP 1: Decide on a FC you wish to create resources for! You can always do more than one but who are you starting with? There are links to masterlists you can use in order to find them and if you want help, just send us a message and we can pick one for you at random!
STEP 2: Pick what you want to create! You can obviously do more than one thing, but what do you want to start off with? Screencaps, RP icons, GIF packs, masterlists, PNG’s, fancasts, alternative FC’s - LITERALLY anything you desire!
STEP 3: Look back on tasks that we have created previously for tutorials on the thing you are creating unless you have whatever it is you are doing mastered - then of course feel free to just get on and do it. :)
STEP 4: Upload and tag with #TASKSWEEKLY! If you didn’t use your own screencaps/images make sure to credit where you got them from as we will not reblog packs which do not credit caps or original gifs from the original maker.
THINGS YOU CAN MAKE FOR THIS TASK -  examples are linked!
Stumped for ideas? Maybe make a masterlist or graphic of your favourite faceclaims. A masterlist of names. Plot ideas or screencaps from a music video preformed by an artist. Masterlist of quotes and lyrics that can be used for starters, thread titles or tags. Guides on culture and customs.
RP icons [of all sizes]
Gif Pack [maybe gif icons if you wish]
PNG packs
Dash Icons
Character Aesthetics
Graphic Templates - can be chara header, promo, border or background PSD’s!
FC Masterlists - underused, with resources, without resources!
FC Help - could be related, family templates, alternatives.
Written Guides.
and whatever else you can think of / make!
Fatima Kuinova (1920) Tajik Jewish - singer.
Khairi Nazarova (1923) Tajik - actress.
Oydina Usmonova (1928) Tajik - actress.
Mayram Isoeva (1937) Tajik - actress.
Nuqra Rahmatova (1942) Tajik - singer and dancer.
Zebo Aminzoda (1948) Tajik - actress, dancer, and choreographer.
Zebo Aminzoda (1948) Tajik - ballet dancer and choreographer.
Malika Kalontarova (1950) Tajik Jewish - actress and dancer.
Sitora Alieva (1963) Tajik - actress and director. 
Firuza Alifova (1980) Tajik, Uzbek - singer.
Shabnam Surayyo (1981) Tajik - singer.
Tahmina Rajabova (1982) Tajik - actress and newscaster.
Manija Dawlat (1982) Tajik - singer and dancer.
Feruza Jumaniyozova (1984) Tajik / Uzbek - singer.
Nigina Amonqulova (1986) Tajik - singer.
Noziya Karomatullo (1988) Tajik - singer, pianist, violinist, and tabla player.
Tahmina Niyazova (1989) Tajik - singer.
Farzonai Khurshed (1989) Tajik - singer.
Nigora Kholova (1989) Tajik - singer.
Manizha / Manizha Dalerovna Khamraeva (1991) Tajik - singer.
Vita Tsybulska (1991) Tajik, Ukrainian - model.
Parisha Jan (1994) Tajik - model and Face of Central Asia 2018 (instagram: parishajan94).
Sunam Kofi (1995 or 1996) Tajik - model.
Shakha Shomirova (1997) Tajik - instagrammer (shomirova).
Jasmine Karimova (1998) Tajik / British - singer-songwriter.
Dina Saeva (1999) Tajik - instagrammer (senoritasaeva).
Amina Rahimova (1999 or 2000) Tajik - model.
Malika Iskandarova (?) Tajik, Uzbek - model.
Kibriyo Rajabova (?) Tajik - singer.
Nodira Mazitova (?) Tajik - actress and model.
Tamanna Fayz (?) Tajik -  tv journalist (instagram: tamanno.fayz_)
Bonu Zulaykho (?) Tajik  - singer. 
Shahnoz Eronshoh (?) Tajik - model and Miss United Nations Tajikistan 2016.
Zarnigor Husainova (?) Tajik - model and Face of Central Asia 2017.
Surayyo Qosimova (?) Tajik - singer.
Guljahon Ruzadorova (?) Tajik - actress, model, Ms Nations of the World Tajikistan 2018, and writer.
Manizha Saboh (?) Tajik  - singer. 
Fotima Makhmadalieva (?) Tajik - model.
Soffi_1111_official (?) Tajik - model.
Fatim.Performans (?) Tajik - model.
Robiya Nabieva (?) Tajik / Uzbek - instagrammer (yaibor).
Kordignus (?) Tajik - model (instagram: cordignus)
Parvina️️️ (?) Tajik - instagrammer.
Azi_o1_ (?) Tajik - instagrammer.
Krasiviee7 (?) Tajik - instagrammer.
Farzonna (?) Tajik - instagrammer.
Farahnozkaa (?) Tajik - instagrammer.
Manizha_21_97 (?) Tajik - instagrammer.
Istamova_dilya (?) Tajik - instagrammer.
Parvina Hasanova (?) Tajik - instagrammer (parinoz_5555).
Safina Goibova (?) Tajik - model, Miss Planet Grace 2017, Vice Miss Top Model CIS 2018, Face of Central Asia, Face of Asia TOP 10, and Miss Cosmo World-Miss Photogenic 2017.
Nilufar Sherzod (?) Tajik - model and Miss United Nations 2010.
Leyla Manizha (?) Tajik - Instagrammer (leyla.manizha).
F - Athletes:
Zebiniso Rustamova (1955) Tajik - archer. 
Albina Kamaletdinova (1969) Tajik - archer. 
Gulsara Dadabayeva (1976) Tajik - swimmer. 
Mavzuna Chorieva (1992) Tajik - boxer. 
Isaeva Nodira (?) Tajik - Taekwondo ITF practitioner and kickboxer. 
Umeda Parsaeva (?) Tajik - bodybuilder (instagram: umedaparsaeva).
Jurabek Murodov (1942) Tajik - singer-songwriter.
Tolib Shakhidi (1946) Tajik, Russian - actor and composer.
Yunus Yusupov (1949) Tajik - actor.
Davlatmand Kholov (1950) Tajik - musician. 
Daler Nazarov (1959) Tajik - actor and singer-songwriter.
Oleg Fesov / Oleg Fezov (1963) Tajik - singer, guitarist, keyboardist, oud player, sitar player, tabla player, and composer.
Jamshed Usmonov / Djamshed Usmonov (1965) Tajik - actor, director, producer, and screenwriter.
Nobovar Chanorov (1970) Tajik - singer.
Aleksandr Bargman (1970) Tajik - actor.
Tabriz Shakhidi (1975) Tajik - instagrammer (itabriz).
Avi Benedi (1980) Tajik Jewish, Austrian Jewish, Russian Jewish - singer-songwriter, guitarist, pianist, and drummer.
Jonibek / Jonibek Murodov (1986) Tajik - singer.
Amridin Sirojidinov (1992 or 1993) Tajik - model.
Abdul Qader Hamid (1993 or 1994) Tajik - model.
Nurkhon Saidasanov (1995 or 1996) Tajik - model.
Navid Mullo-Abdolov (1995 or 1996) Tajik - model.
Chetan Vaishnav (1997 or 1998) Tajik - model.
Lior Babadost (?) Tajik Jewish, Austrian Jewish, Russian Jewish - director.
Jam Shokirov (?) Tajik  - model (instagram: jamshokirov).
M - Athletes:
Alimzhon Rafikov (1962) Tajik - footballer.
Khakim Fuzailov (1964) Tajik - footballer.
Mukhsin Mukhamadiev (1966) Tajik - footballer.
Tokhirjon Muminov (1970) Tajik - footballer.
Rustamhodza Rahimov (1975) Tajik - boxer.
Akmal Kholmatov (1976) Tajik - footballer.
Yusup Abdusalomov (1977) Tajik, Russian - wrestler. 
Rauf Hukmatov (1978) Tajik - judoka. 
Rahmatullo Fuzailov (1978) Tajik - footballer.
Shamil Aliev (1979) Tajik - wrestler. 
Yusuf Rabiev (1979) Tajik - footballer.
Parviz Sobirov (1980) Tajik - judoka. 
Alisher Dodov (1981) Tajik - footballer.
Rasul Boqiev (1982) Tajik - judoka.
Dilshod Nazarov (1982) Tajik - hammer thrower. 
Anvar Yunusov (1982) Tajik - boxer. 
Nematullo Asranqulov (1982) Tajik - judoka. 
Nizom Sangov (1983) Tajik - weightlifter. 
Sherali Dostiev (1985) Tajik - boxer. 
Ruslan Rafikov (1986) Tajik - footballer.
Mukhamadmurod Abdurakhmonov (1986) Tajik - judoka. 
Daler Tukhtasunov (1986) Tajik - footballer. 
Jahon Qurbonov (1986) Tajik - boxer. 
Jamshed Ismailov (1987) Tajik - footballer. 
Akmal Saburov (1987) Tajik - footballer. 
Ibrahim Rabimov (1987) Tajik - footballer. 
Akhtam Khamrakulov (1988) Tajik - footballer. 
Dilshod Vasiev (1988) Tajik - footballer. 
Alisher Gulov (1989) Tajik  -  taekwondo practitioner.
Farkhod Negmatov (1989) Tajik - taekwondo practitioner.
Sherzod Shakirov (1990) Tajik - footballer.
Davronjon Tukhtasunov (1990) Tajik - footballer.
Farkhod Tokhirov (1990) Tajik - footballer.
Manuchekhr Dzhalilov (1990) Tajik - footballer.
Nuriddin Davronov (1991) Tajik - footballer.
Rustam Iskandari (1991) Tajik - wrestler. 
Naim Ulmasov (1992) Tajik - footballer.
Umedzhon Sharipov (1992) Tajik - footballer.
Khurshed Beknazarov (1992) Tajik - footballer.
Akhtam Nazarov (1992) Tajik - footballer.
Manouchehr Ahmadov (1992) Tajik - footballer.
Furug Qodirov (1992) Tajik - footballer.
Murolimzhon Akhmedov (1992) Tajik - footballer.
Iskandar Dzhalilov (1992) Tajik - footballer.
Davron Atabaev (1993) Tajik - sprinter. 
Komronshokh Ustopiriyon (1993) Tajik - taekwondo practitioner.
Farkhod Kuralov (1993) Tajik - middle-distance runner. 
Alisher Dzhalilov (1993) Tajik - footballer.
Jahongir Ergashev (1994) Tajik - footballer.
Fatkhullo Fatkhuloev (1994) Tajik - footballer.
Shavkat Rakhimov (1994) Tajik - boxer. 
Romish Jalilov (1995) Tajik - footballer.
Asror Vohidov (1995) Tajik - boxer. 
Oybek Abdugafforov (1995) Tajik - footballer.
Nozim Babadjanov (1995) Tajik - footballer.
Behruzi Khojazoda (1995) kurash and judoka practitioner.
Amirbek Juraboev (1996) Tajik - footballer.
Tabrezi Davlatmir (1996) Tajik - footballer.
Komron Tursunov (1996) Tajik - footballer.
Firdavs Chakalov (1996) Tajik - footballer.
Jahongir Aliev (1996) Tajik - footballer.
Shahriyor Daminov (1997) Tajik - canoer. 
Shakhrom Sulaimonov (1997) Tajik - footballer.
Muhsindzhon Abdugaffor (1997) Tajik - footballer.
Dzhamshed Rakhmonov (1997) Tajik - footballer.
Olim Kurbanov (1998) Tajik - swimmer. 
Rustam Yatimov (1998) Tajik - footballer.
Saidkhodzha Mukhammadsharifi (1998) Tajik - footballer.
Alisher Barotov (1999) Tajik - footballer.
Sheriddin Boboev (1999) Tajik - footballer.
Ehson Panjshanbe (1999) Tajik - footballer.
Karomatullo Saidov (1999) Tajik - footballer.
Vahdat Hanonov (2000) Tajik - footballer.
Shervoni Mabatshoev (2000) Tajik - footballer.
Mehrnigori Rustam / Mehrnigor Rustam / Mehrnegar Rostam (1994) Tajik - singer. - Appropriation of box braids.
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qqueenofhades · 6 years
50 Awesome Women To Know: Part 8
As we complete the latest set of 50, we ask: Are they somehow getting more awesome? Possibly. But then, they all are.
Maria Gaetana Agnesi (1718-1799): Italian, philosopher, philanthropist for the poor, mathematician, mystic, theologian. Spoke seven languages, wrote the first textbook on differential and integral calculus, and was appointed professor of mathematics at the University of Bologna. 
María Parado de Bellido (1777-1822): Indigenous Peruvian, spy and revolutionary during Peru’s fight for independence from Spain, heroine of the movement and of folk legend alike.
Marta Brilej (1917-2016): Slovenian, member of the partisan resistance against the Nazis during WWII with her husband as they made many attempts to catch her, courier and war hero, ambassador and diplomat (again with her husband) in London, Mexico City, Egypt, Yemen, and other places; died at age 99.
Mary McLeod Bethune (1875-1955): African-American, the daughter of slaves, an educator, humanitarian, and civil rights activist, appointed as a national adviser to President Franklin D. Roosevelt; founded Bethune-Cookman University, a historically black college, along with other efforts to improve education and the lives of recently freed slaves.
Mary Ritter Beard (1876-1958): American, historian of women’s rights and the labor movement, social justice advocate and activist, author of several seminal historical works (along with her husband) and dedicated suffragist.
Maryana Marrash (1848-1919): Syrian, author and poet, figure of the Arabian Renaissance, journalist and first woman to write in Arabic-language newspapers, patron of literary salons and intellectuals.
Mihrimah Sultan (1522-1578): Ottoman Turkish, daughter of Suleiman the Magnificent, the most powerful Ottoman princess in history and recognized as a huge political and economic mastermind in the empire, key figure in the “Sultanate of Women,” sponsor of major architectural projects and a patroness of the arts and sciences.
Mina Spiegel Rees (1902-1997): American, mathematician, pioneer of computer science, head of the math department at the U.S. Naval Research Office, first female president of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, instrumental to the entire post-war direction of math and computer science in America.
Moremi Ajasoro (12th century): Yoruba, princess and tribal heroine, who was said to have married a rival prince and then returned to her people with information on how to defeat him, described as brave and beautiful.
N.K. Jemisin (1972 -- ): African-American, novelist, psychologist, and activist, three-time winner of the Hugo Award (the only author to have done so in three straight years) for her insightful, original, and compelling sci-fi and fantasy.
Nodira (1792-1842): Uzbek, poet, stateswoman, outspoken cultural critic, advocate for women’s rights in Central Asia under conservative 19th-century Islamic regimes, public figure, political advisor to her son who ruled as khan of Kokand, hanged after she refused to marry a rival.
Pearl Connor-Mogotsi (1924-2005): Trinidadian, actress, activist, promoter of Afro-Caribbean artistic cultures, institutions, and traditions; worked to represent black artists and authors as a literary agent in the UK in the 1950s; studied law at King’s College London.
Pearl Witherington (1914-2008): British/French, special operations agent during World War II, member of the Women’s Auxiliary Air Force, described as “the best shot the [entire Special Operations Executive] had ever seen,” leader of a ring of spies and so effective that the Nazis put a bounty of one million Reichsmarks on her head; presided over the surrender of 18,000 German troops, LITERALLY JUST. GO READ ABOUT HER.
Peretta Peronne (15th century): French, Parisian surgeon who was prosecuted by the medical faculty of the University of Paris in 1411 for being unlicensed (read: female, as part of a wider effort to restrict and professionalize medicine as an elite male university career). 
Raufa Hassan al-Sharki (1958-2011): Yemeni, feminist, activist, first female journalist in Yemen, fierce advocate for women’s education and opponent of conservative Islamist groups; historian of culture, clothing, and society.
Regina Salomée Halpir (1718-c.1763): Lithuanian, doctor, travel writer, adventurer, who was self-taught as a physician while living in Constantinople with her husband, befriended Empress Anna and Empress Elizabeth of Russia; doctor to the women of the sultan’s harem, eventually wrote her own (if somewhat tall-tale-prone) autobiography.
Rosa María Hinojosa de Ballí (1752-1803): Tejana; rancher and “cattle queen” of Mexican Texas, was left 55,000 acres by her husband in 1790 and owned more than one million acres by the time she died thirteen years later.
Rufaida Al-Aslamia (7th century): Arabian; recognized as the first professional nurse in the history of medicine and the first Islamic female surgeon (c. 620), trained and taught other women medical skills and also was a social worker for the poor, children, and the needy; knew the Prophet Muhammad personally.
Ruža Petrović (1911-1958): Croatian, anti-fascist activist who refused to give up her companions under torture; after having her eyes put out with a dagger in a hideously violent crime, she kept on fighting fascists, and provided strength and moral support to her comrades, was elected to the Antifascist Front and founded an organization for the blind.
Sara Forbes Bonetta (1843-1880): Egbado (West African) princess, kidnapped and sold into slavery, ended up arriving in England and became the goddaughter of Queen Victoria; married a wealthy Yoruba businessman and moved back to Africa; her descendants are still notable in Nigeria.
Sayyida al-Hurra (1485-1561): Moroccan, stone-cold badass governmental administrator and pirate queen, counterpart of the corsair captain Barbarossa of Algiers (who controlled the eastern Mediterranean while she controlled the west); married a king later on but made him come to her to do it; described as “living a life of adventure and romance” (WHERE IS HER MOVIE DAMMIT).
Sofia Kovalevskaya (1850-1891): Russian, mathematician, first woman to earn a doctorate in mathematics, described as “the greatest known woman scientist before the twentieth century,” first woman to edit a scientific journal, professor at Stockholm University in Sweden, feminist and author.
Therese of Bavaria (1850-1925): Bavarian, princess, daughter of Prince Liutpold of Bavaria; ethnologist, zoologist, travel writer, explorer of the Amazon, contributor and student of the (now-absolutely-tragically-destroyed) National Museum of Brazil, member of scientific and geographical learned societies.
Ulrika Eleonora Stålhammar (1683-1733): Swedish, dressed up as a man and served in the army for many years and reached the rank of corporal, married a woman named Maria and won the eventual court case trying them for homosexuality; they served brief sentences and lived happily ever after.
Zofia Potocka (1760-1822): Greek, known for her great beauty and adventurous life, born into a poor Greek family, but became the lover of high-profile nobles/royals, served as a Russian spy; friends with Marie Antoinette; later became a Polish noble, gave generously to the poor in her later years.
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avillageofcards · 6 years
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The Long Century Tarot is an indie tarot deck WIP created by me, Bridget, a historian and very-much-not-an-artist :)
The Long Nineteenth Century refers to the years between 1789 and 1914 (at least according to historian Eric Hobsbawm and my favourite history prof, so that’s what I’m rolling with). In other words, it began with the French Revolution, and closed with the beginning of the Great War. It was a period of rapid technological change, increasing interconnectedness (for better or for worse), and social upheaval. It’s also just my favourite period to study, and that’s a good enough reason to make a tarot deck right :p
The Major Arcana of this deck is done in colour, and the names of the cards are all changed to cultural concepts from the long century. The Roman numerals are still included, though, so you can remember which card it is! 
The suits are all done in black and white. Each card from Ace to Ten is represented by a person who was active during this period whose story fits the traditional archetype. Coins become Sovereigns, who are people who use their resources to lead others. Wands become Warriors, who are people who use their passion to fight politically, socially, or militarily. Swords become Scholars, who use their knowledge to change the world. Cups become Creators, who shape culture by producing art.
The court cards are images of 2+ people, because there are too many cool photos of multiple people to pass over! I have tried to make these names as gender-neutral as possible, because the important bit is the personality, and not the gender. Pages are Apprentices, Knights are Explorers, Queens are Guides, and Kings are Governors. Anyone can be any of these things if they put their minds to it!
I am doing my best not to make this deck too Britain/USA-centric, and that’s part of the reason it’s taking so long (sometimes it’s also difficult to locate open-source images of individuals, and I’m not here for that ripping-off-people’s-work thing). 
I hope you’ll follow along and learn some history with me! Feel free to let me know if you have questions or suggestions for cards!
Major Arcana
0 The Flâneur (The Fool)
VI The Boston Marriage (The Lovers)
VII The Bicycle (The Chariot)
VIII The Olympics (Strength)
IX Isolationism (The Hermit)
X Revolution (The Wheel)
XIII The Epidemic (Death)
XIV The Temperance Movement (Temperance)
XV The Gold Rush (The Devil)
XVI The Eruption (The Tower)
XVII The North Star (The Star)
XVIII Moonlight (The Moon)
XXI The World’s Fair (The World)
Warriors (Wands)
Two of Warriors, Maria Quitéria
Three of Warriors, Kitty Wilkinson
Five of Warriors, Ned Kelly
Seven of Warriors, Samori Ture
Nine of Warriors,  Meri Te Tai Mangakāhia
Explorers of Warriors, The Paris Crew
Creators (Cups)
Five of Creators, Nodira
Six of Creators, Taras Shevchenko
Nine of Creators, Osman Hamdi Bey
Scholars (Swords)
Five of Scholars, Ada Lovelace
Seven of Scholars, Lin Zexu
Apprentices of Scholars, Anandi Gopal Joshi, Okami Keiko, and Sabat Islambouli
Sovereigns (Pentacles)
Four of Sovereigns Louis Riel
Five of Sovereigns Queen Liliʻuokalani
Governors of Sovereigns, Queen Wilhelmina and Princess Juliana 
-AND- The card back! A low-key shoutout to Bicycle Playing Cards, which started in 1885 :P
This list will be updated as new cards are released!
If you would be interested in potentially buying a deck (or a copy of the major arcana) let me know! I would like to have this finished by the end of 2018, which is probably wishful thinking, but if there’s enough interest it would be neat to do a little run of decks!
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ijtsrd · 3 years
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Gender Problems of Uzbekistan in the Globalization Context
by Alimukhamedova Nodira Yadgarovna "Gender Problems of Uzbekistan in the Globalization Context"
Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Special Issue | Innovative Development of Modern Research , April 2021,
URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd40069.pdf
Paper URL : https://www.ijtsrd.com/humanities-and-the-arts/other/40069/gender-problems-of-uzbekistan-in-the-globalization-context/alimukhamedova-nodira-yadgarovna
callforpaperlanguages, languagesjournal, bestjournal
This article recognizes the need and significance of gender equality in the process of ongoing democratic reforms. Under the globalization influence, current issues such as gender problems, rising poverty and unemployment, discrimination against women in the labor market and marginalization, the increase in violence against women, and the international cooperation role in addressing these challenges have been analyzed to become more acute. 
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I’m reworking the first chapter to the Demon Book in preparation for the next chapter (long story short, they lead into each other) it’s interesting because Rashid and Nodira (along with the reader) are thrown into an incredibly chaotic situation and they can only rely on each other which is weird considering Nodira was hired by Rashid’s mother to kill him and the only way he could save his life was by proposing to her and to make matters more complicated Rashid is now dating a Demon and Nodira has a secret wife no one knows about. So there’s no reason they should trust each other and yet they do. It’s an instinctual trust. A sort of, in this moment all we have is each other and we can trust each other to follow our worst tendencies (Nodira’s answer is always violence while Rashid is can I fuck my way out of this? No. Ok violence it is then.) and since they know to expect only the worst from each other, they know how to work together and it’s just interesting (since I know about their past and where they’re going) that the first time the reader meets them is when they’re working well together.
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rahimjumaniyozblog · 4 years
Aruz gulshani. Nodira.
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jotem · 1 year
"Güven Kapısı, bir mistiğin Kalple Hesaplaşmaları yolundaki en önemli Kapıdır.
Bu Kapıdan gecen mistik kendisini yalnızca Tanrı'ya açmanın doğru olduğunu idrak eder ve buna alışır.
O'nu en yakın dostu bilir ve tamamen her şeyde O'na güvenir.
(Kalbin Görevlerine Yön Verme Kitabı', Ben Joseph ibn Paquda)
"...Garip bir ortamda, gümüşümsü-mavi ışık altında (genelde ayın yüzeyine benzer bir yer olurdu) sert ve kaba kılıflara benzer garip kıyafetlerdeki birtakım insanlarla beraber, bilmediğimiz ortam sebebiyle zorlanarak, yavaş yavaş bir yöne doğru yürüyoruz. Sonra "sizleri söylemek için hazırlıyoruz" cümlelerini işitiyoruz Sesin..."
Tam yeni binyılın eşiğindeyken (1998 senesinde) tekrar tekrar gördüğüm bu sanrının tam olarak ne anlama geldiğini henüz o yaşlarda anlamıyordum...
"Söyleyiniz" emri kimden, hangi kaynaktan geliyordu? Kamera arkasındaki yönetmen sesi gibiydi ve görünmüyordu, ama şöyle bir durum vardı (çoğumuz yaşamışızdır bunu farklı rüyalarımızda) kendim hem "sahnedeydim' hem sahne arkasından da bakıyordum. Günlük telaşların arasında da ve yalnızlık anlarımda uzun uzun düşündüğüm oldu bu sanrının anlamını Neydi o Söylenmesi gereken'? Hadi yanımdakiler neyse... Peki ya ben? Bizzat kendim; ne hakkında, kime, ne söylemekle mükelleftim?
Bildiğim şeylerin hangisi o kadar önemliydi ki?
Insanlara anlatabileceğim bir şeyler olduğuna inanamıyordum. Iki küçük çocukla evden günlerce çikinadan stradan işlerle uğraşan ve hir zamanlar çok okuyan, yazan ve resimler çizen biri olduğunu bile neredeyse unutmuş genç bir kadındım sadece. Ama kalbim sevgiye, umuda doluydu... En azında, içimdeki tedirginlikler ve arada uğrayan umutsuzluğa karşın pes etmiyordum. 90 ların krizli, afetli, çok acılar ve değişimler içerdiği dönemdeki hallerimi çok iyi hatırlaya biliyorum. Ama o rüyadan sonra ardı ardına devam etti farklı rüyalarım ve ben birkaç gün içinde başka bir benlik potansiyelimle tanışmaya başladım. İlginç ki, hiçte yabancı gelmeyen bir benlik; fakat daha cesur, daha güçlü, yine de bir o kadar da meçhul kalmaya kararlıydı güya. Bir sırlı rehberiyetle çalışmaya davet edilmişti benim içsel Rehberim, ona akan bilgileri dünya ifade üslüblerine çevirmek gibi bir işlemin içine düşmüştüm. Yoğun bir tempoyla durmadan yazılar, şiirler yazmaya, ardı ardına tablolar yapmaya başladım. Bir süre sonra şuna ikna oldum: bu arka planda yaşayan farklı benliğimdi, meğer dışarıda sıradan bir kişilik bırakıp, kendisini daha içeri almış, ancak durmadan bu Aktif Döneme hazırlanmış gibiydi. Coşuyor, döküyor, arttıkça artıyor ve taştıkça çoğalıyordu.
Önce ortaya çıkan tablo ve yazılara bazen bakıp kaldığım olurdu, hatta ne yapayım ki şimdi ben bunları, gibisinden bir duyguyla ortaya çıkan çalışmalarımı yabancılıyordum da... Ama bir dönem geldi; bütün bu kalabalık birikim, yeni dönemimin ilk sergi ve kitaplarımı kendileriyle ayağa kaldırmış olarak, kültür hayatına giriverdiler. Oysa yazıp çizerken, bütün bu coşkunluk, ileride böyle olacak deseler, bütün samimiyetimle gülüp geçer, yanlarından geçip giderdim hiç birine inanmadan...
Nodira Güçsav
Gizli Kapı kitabından bir bölüm...
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tasksweekly · 5 years
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In celebration of Asian American Heritage Month, here’s a masterlist below compiled of over 630+ Uzbek faceclaims categorised by gender with their occupation and ethnicity denoted if there was a reliable source. If you want an extra challenge use random.org to pick a random number! Of course everything listed below are just suggestions and you can pick whichever faceclaim or whichever project you desire.
Any questions can be sent here and all tutorials have been linked below the cut for ease of access! REMEMBER to tag your resources with #TASKSWEEKLY and we will reblog them onto the main! This task can be tagged with whatever you want but if you want us to see it please be sure that our tag is the first five tags, @ mention us or send us a messaging linking us to your post!
THE TASK - scroll down for FC’s!
STEP 1: Decide on a FC you wish to create resources for! You can always do more than one but who are you starting with? There are links to masterlists you can use in order to find them and if you want help, just send us a message and we can pick one for you at random!
STEP 2: Pick what you want to create! You can obviously do more than one thing, but what do you want to start off with? Screencaps, RP icons, GIF packs, masterlists, PNG’s, fancasts, alternative FC’s - LITERALLY anything you desire!
STEP 3: Look back on tasks that we have created previously for tutorials on the thing you are creating unless you have whatever it is you are doing mastered - then of course feel free to just get on and do it. :)
STEP 4: Upload and tag with #TASKSWEEKLY! If you didn’t use your own screencaps/images make sure to credit where you got them from as we will not reblog packs which do not credit caps or original gifs from the original maker.
THINGS YOU CAN MAKE FOR THIS TASK -  examples are linked!
Stumped for ideas? Maybe make a masterlist or graphic of your favourite faceclaims. A masterlist of names. Plot ideas or screencaps from a music video preformed by an artist. Masterlist of quotes and lyrics that can be used for starters, thread titles or tags. Guides on culture and customs.
RP icons [of all sizes]
Gif Pack [maybe gif icons if you wish]
PNG packs
Dash Icons
Character Aesthetics
Graphic Templates - can be chara header, promo, border or background PSD’s!
FC Masterlists - underused, with resources, without resources!
FC Help - could be related, family templates, alternatives.
Written Guides.
and whatever else you can think of / make!
Matlyuba Alimova (1954) Uzbek, Russian - actress.
Elena Kats-Chernin (1957) Uzbek Jewish - pianist and composer.
Munojot Yo’lchiyeva (1960) Uzbek - singer.
Nasiba Abdullayeva (1961) Uzbek - actress and singer.
Rano Kubaeva (1961) Uzbek - actress and producer.
Yulduz Usmonova (1963) Uzbek - actress and singer.
Aziza / Aziza Muhamedova (1964) Uzbek, Uyghur / Tatar, Russian - singer-songwriter.
Nargiz Zakirova (1970) Uzbek / Uzbek Jewish - singer.
Gulnora Alimova (1971) Uzbek - pianist.
Sevara Nazarkhan / Sevara Nazarxon / Sevara Nazarxonova Anvarjonova (1974) Uzbek - singer-songwriter.
Rayhon / Rayhon G’aniyeva (1978) Uzbek - actress, singer-songwriter, and pianist.
Manzura / Yoʻldosheva Manzura Muborakovna (1978) Uzbek - singer.
Ravshana Kurkova (1980) Uzbek / Russian - actress.
Natasha Kizmet (1980) Uzbek - model, dancer, comedian, dance instructor, and filmmaker.
Rinat Matatov (1981) Uzbek Jewish - actress.
Gulchehra Eshonqulova (1981) Uzbek - actress.
Alina Gilmanova (1981) Uzbek - instagrammer (alinagilmanova).
Sevinch Mo'minova (1982) Uzbek - singer.
Lola Astanova (1982) Uzbek - pianist.
Jamilya Buranova (1982 or 1983) Uzbek - actress and model.
Natasha Alam (1983) Uzbek - actress and model.
Tatyana Zakirova (1983) Uzbek - model.
Sitora Farmonova (1984) Uzbek - actress, singer, and comedian.
Djamilya Abdullaeva (1984) Uzbek - actress, singer, and model.
Oydin Yusupova (1984) Uzbek - actress.
Feruza Jumaniyozova (1984) Uzbek / Tajik - singer.
Lola / Lola Yuldasheva / Lola Yo’ldosheva (1985) Uzbek - actress and singer-songwriter.
Yulduz Turdiyeva (1985) Uzbek - singer.
Kaniza / Kaniza Shahrizoda (1985) Uzbek, Spanish - singer.
Alina Kit (1985) Uzbek - model.
Dilnoza Kubayeva (1986) Uzbek - actress.
Gulnora Qosimova (1986) Uzbek - actress.
Nodira Sadikova (1986) Uzbek - model.
Shahzoda Matchanova (1987) Uzbek - actress.
Nilufar Usmonova (1987) Uzbek - actress and singer.
Adelya Alibekova (1988) Uzbek - singer.
Sugdiyona Azimova (1988) Uzbek - actress.
Tamila / Esmiralda Rahmatova (1988) Uzbek - singer.
Guzal Irgashova (1988 or 1989) Uzbek - model.
Ziyoda Gobilova (1989) Uzbek - actress and singer-songwriter.
Dilbar Fayzieva (1989) Uzbek - actress and tv presenter.
Anjelika Akbar (1989) Uzbek Jewish, Kazakh Jewish, Turkish Jewish, German Jewish - pianist, composer, and writer.
Zarina Nizomiddinova (1989) Uzbek - actress and singer.
Liliya Azyukova (1989) Uzbek - model.
Roza Gilles (1990) Uzbek - model.
Saiora Altinbekova (1990) Uzbek - model.
Adel Meylibaeva (1990) Uzbek - model.
Lina (1990) Uzbek - actress and model.
Elnara Musaeva (1990 or 1991) Uzbek - model.
Aziza Curly (1991) Uzbek - actress and model.
Zamzama (1991) Uzbek - singer.
Maria Sav (1991 or 1992) Uzbek - model.
Asal Shodiyeva (1992) Uzbek - actress and singer.
Irina Sharipova (1992) Uzbek / Tatar, Russian, Ukrainian - model and Miss World Russia 2010.
Zilola Ruzieva (1992) Uzbek - model.
Lyudmila Kan (1992) Uzbek, Korean, Japanese - model.
Darina Vladi (1992) Uzbek - model.
Umida Khalikova (1992) Uzbek - model.
Vasilina Ibragimova (1992) Uzbek - model.
Anastasia Eliseeva (1992) Uzbek - model.
Istora Artikova (1993) Uzbek - model.
Lola Naimova (1993) Uzbek - model.
Diyora Abdujabbarova (1993) Uzbek - model.
Ruxshona Matkarimova (1994) Uzbek - actress, singer, and tv presenter.
Zarina Mustaf (1994) Uzbek, Uyghur, Tatar, Azerbaijani - makeup artist and instagrammer (zaramustaf).
Kamilla Shermuh (1994) Uzbek - instagrammer (kamillashermuh).
Nadya Bondareva (1994) Uzbek - model.
Rakhima Ganieva (1994 or 1995) Uzbek - model and Miss Uzbekistan 2013.
Barchinoy Sadikova Abduvasieva
Sayyora Badalbaeva (1995) Uzbek - reality tv star.
Albina Kayumova (1995 or 1996) Uzbek - model.
Negina Khudaykulova (1995 or 1996) Uzbek - model.
Snowbaby / Cai Rui Xu / Cai Rui Xue (1996) Uzbek, Tibetan / Taiwanese - youtuber (snowbaby瑞雪) and kpop trainee.
Dilnaz Ametbekova (1996) Uzbek - model.
Angelica Miller (1996) Uzbek - model.
Nargiss Fiami / Nargiza Gulmuhammedova (1997) Uzbek - model (instagram: nargiss_fiami).
Madina Urinova (1997) Uzbek - model.
Anastasia Khvan (1997) Uzbek, Korean, Japanese - model.
Gina (1997) Uzbek - model.
Sevara Ravshanova (1997 or 1998) Uzbek - model.
Carina Galieva (1997 or 1998) Uzbek - model.
Elina Karimova (1998) Uzbek - cover singer, youtuber (Elina Karimova_엘리나), and instagrammer (elina_4_22).
Alek Seeevna (1998) Uzbek - model (instagram: alekseeevna_98).
Shakhzoda Begmatova (1998) Uzbek - model.
Alina Gimranova (1998) Uzbek - model.
Natali Ten (1998 or 1999) Uzbek, Korean, Japanese - model.
Anik (1999) Uzbek - model.
Camila Ismatillaeva (1999 or 2000) Uzbek - model.
Tammy Tamaytka (2000) Uzbek - youtuber (Tamaytka).
Sofiya Orlova (2000) Uzbek / Unspecified Black - model.
Rushana Kaxxarava (2000) Uzbek - model.
Kamila Shodieva (2000 or 2001) Uzbek - model.
Malika Rakhimova (2000 or 2001) Uzbek - model.
Dildora Khashimova (?) Uzbek / Korean - actress.
Jamila Gafurova (?) Uzbek - actress.
Hadicha / Hadicha Qurbonova (?) Uzbek - singer.
Olga Druzhinina (?) Uzbek - singer and pianist.
Zamira Beshimova (?) Uzbek - actress and model.
Diyora (?) Uzbek - singer.
Irina Nikotina (?) Uzbek - violinist.
Dilnoza Artikova (?) Uzbek - dancer.
Robiya Nabieva (?) Uzbek / Tajik - instagrammer (yaibor).
Shuhrat Razzaqov (?) Uzbek - dutar player and tanbur player.
Malicakson (?) Uzbek - singer.
Aly Sayd (?) Uzbek, Afghan, Syrian, Spanish - actress.
Mariam Salem (?) Uzbek - model.
Valerie Ko (?) Uzbek - model.
Mila Mironova (?) Uzbek - model.
Dinara (?) Uzbek - model.
F - Athletes:
Galina Shamrai (1931) Uzbek - gymnast.
Svetlana Babanina (1943) Uzbek - swimmer.
Tamara Golovey (1943) Uzbek Jewish / Belarusian Jewish - chess player.
Elvira Saadi (1952) Uzbek - gymnast.
Natalya Butuzova (1954) Uzbek - archer.
Elena Tornikidou (1965) Uzbek - basketball player.
Tatiana Levina (1965) Uzbek - canoer.
Inna Isakova (1967) Uzbek - canoer.
Irina Lyalina (1968) Uzbek - canoer.
Anisa Petrova (1970) Uzbek - fencer.
Elmira Urumbayeva (1973) Uzbek - alpine skier.
Anjelika Krylova (1973) 1/4 Uzbek, 3/4 Russian - figure skater.
Zulfiya Zabirova (1973) Uzbek - cyclist.
Oksana Chusovitina (1975) Uzbek - gymnast.
Dinara Nurdbayeva (1976) Uzbek - ice skater.
Yelena Lebedeva (1977) Uzbek - canoer.
Rozalia Galiyeva (1977) Uzbek - gymnast.
Anastasia Dzyundzyak (1979) Uzbek - gymnast.
Anastasia Gimazetdinova (1980) Uzbek - figure skater.
Saida Iskandarova (1980) Uzbek - swimmer.
Yuliya Borzova (1981) Uzbek - canoer.
Zarrina Mihaylova (1982) Uzbek - rower.
Ekaterina Khilko (1982) Uzbek - trampoline gymnast.
Yelena Usarova (1982) Uzbek - rower.
Iroda Tulyaganova (1982) Uzbek - tennis player..
Natalia Ponomareva (1982) Uzbek - pair skater.
Aida Khasanova (1983) Uzbek - fencer.
Anastasiya Korolyova (1983) Uzbek - swimmer.
Olga Akimova (1983) Uzbek - figure skater.
Akgul Amanmuradova (1984) Uzbek - tennis player..
Olga Drobysheva (1984) Uzbek - cyclist.
Irina Shlemova (1984) Uzbek - swimmer.
Marina Aganina (1985) Uzbek - pair skater.
Natalya Mikryukova (1985) Uzbek - taekwondo practitioner.
Zinura Djuraeva (1985) Uzbek - judoka.
Irina Kaydashova (1985) Uzbek - taekwondo practitioner.
Natalya Mamatova (1985) Uzbek - taekwondo practitioner.
Mariya Bugakova (1985) Uzbek - swimmer.
Kseniya Grigoreva (1987) Uzbek - alpine skier.
Olga Umaralieva (1988) Uzbek - canoer.
Natalya Koneva (1989) Uzbek - basketball player.
Vlada Ekshibarova (1989) Uzbek Jewish - tennis player.
Evgeniya Karimova (1989) Uzbek - taekwondo practitioner.
Olga Gnedovskaya (1989) Uzbek - swimmer.
Makhliyo Sarikova (1990) Uzbek - footballer.
Djamila Rakhmatova (1990) Uzbek - gymnast.
Ulyana Trofimova (1990) Uzbek - gymnast.
Gulnor Sulaymanova (1990) Uzbek - kurash practitioner.
Darya Elizarova (1991) Uzbek - gymnast.
Luiza Galiulina (1991) Uzbek - gymnast.
Albina Khabibulina (1992) Uzbek - tennis player.
Marina Sisoeva (1993) Uzbek - weightlifter.
Ganna Pustovarova (1993) Uzbek - weightlifter.
Ranohon Amanova (1994) Uzbek - swimmer.
Nigina Abduraimova (1994) Uzbek - tennis player.
Sabina Sharipova (1994) Uzbek - tennis player.
Victoria Kan (1995) Uzbek, Korean - tennis player.
Dilnoza Abdusalimova (1995) Uzbek - gymnast.
Polina Merenkova (1995) Uzbek - tennis player.
Luiza Ganieva (1995) Uzbek - gymnast.
Elizaveta Nazarenkova (1995) Uzbek - gymnast.
Zarina Kurbonova (1995) Uzbek - gymnast.
Gulnoza Matniyazova (1995) Uzbek - judoka.
Yodgoroy Mirzaeva (1996) Uzbek - boxer.
Ekaterina Knebeleva (1996) Uzbek - cyclist.
Anna Nagornyuk (1996) Uzbek - figure skater.
Marta Rostoburova (1996) Uzbek Jewish - gymnast.
Ida Mayrin (1997) Uzbek Jewish - gymnast.
Alina Khakimova (1997) Uzbek - cyclist.
Arina Folts (1997) Uzbek - tennis player.
Guzal Yusupova (1997) Uzbek - tennis player.
Mariya Shekerova (1988) Uzbek, Russian - judoka.
Renata Baymetova (1998) Uzbek - cyclist.
Samira Amirova (1998) Uzbek - gymnast.
Anora Davlyatova (1999) Uzbek - gymnast.
Fotimakhon Amilova (1999) Uzbek  - paralympic swimmer.
Nigora Tursunkulova (1999) Uzbek - taekwondo practitioner.
Komola Umarova (1999) Uzbek - tennis player.
Emiliya Kalehanova (2000) Uzbek - ice skater.
Madinabonu Mannopova (2001) Uzbek - taekwondo practitioner.
Sevil Yuldasheva (2002) Uzbek - tennis player.
Nargiza Abdurasulova (?) Uzbek - footballer.
Aziza Ermatova (?) Uzbek - footballer.
Zebo Juraeva (?) Uzbek - footballer.
Maria Moiseeva (?) Uzbek - footballer.
Kamola Riskieva (?) Uzbek - footballer.
Makhfuza Turapova (?) Uzbek - footballer.
Tanzilya Zarbieva (?) Uzbek - footballer.
Yulduz Kuchkarova (?) Uzbek - swimmer.
Turgʻun Azizov (1934) Uzbek - actor.
Ari Babakhanov (1934) Uzbek Jewish - tanbur player, rubab player, and dutar player.
Stahan Rakhimov (1937) Uzbek / Russian - singer.
Ali Hamroyev / Ali Khamrayev (1937) Uzbek - actor, director, producer, and screenwriter.
Yoqub Ahmedov (1938) Uzbek - actor.
Bakhtiyor Ikhtiyarov (1940) Uzbek - actor.
Farrukh Zokirov (1946) Uzbek - actor, singer, pianist, and composer.
Sherali Jo’rayev (1947) Uzbek - actor, singer-songwriter, screenwriter, and poet.
Rustam Sagdullaev (1950) Uzbek - actor.
Vladimir Soultanov (1960) Uzbek - pianist.
Stanislav Ioudenitch (1971) Uzbek - pianist.
Tohir Sodiqov (1973) Uzbek - actor, singer-songwriter, and guitarist.
Yehezkel Lazarov (1974) Uzbek Jewish / Bulgarian Jewish - actor, director, and multidisciplinary artist.
Ozodbek Nazarbekov (1974) Uzbek - singer.
Eldar Nebolsin (1974) Uzbek - pianist.
Jahongir Poziljonov (1978) Uzbek - actor and singer.
Ulug'bek Rahmatullayev (1982) Uzbek - singer.
Michail Lifits (1982) Uzbek / German - pianist.
Otabek Mahkamov (1984) Uzbek - actor.
Alisher Uzoqov (1984) Uzbek - actor, singer, footballer, and director.
Shoxrux / Shohruh / Shohruh Shodmonov (1986) Uzbek - rapper and producer.
Talgat Batalov (1987) Uzbek / Russian - actor and director.
Farruh Yusupov (1987) Uzbek - actor and model.
Jasur Gaipov (1988) Uzbek - singer.
Aziz Aripov (1988) Uzbek - model.
Behzod Abduraimov (1990) Uzbek - pianist.
Roman Samoylov (1990) Uzbek - model.
Shakhboz Makhmudov (1990 or 1991) Uzbek - model.
Daler Ametist / Daler Makhumudov Ametist Ulfatovich (1991) Uzbek - actor, rapper, director, producer, screenwriter, and designer.
Sukhrob Zavqiyev (1991) Uzbek - model.
Davron Abilov (1991) Uzbek - model.
Amri Madiev (1991) Uzbek - model.
Oskar Tuychieva (1991) Uzbek - actor and model.
Jawani (1991) Uzbek - model.
Daler Yusuf (1992) Uzbek / Kelantanese Malay Malaysian - actor.
Model Sadish (1992) Uzbek - actor and model.
Ismail (1992) Uzbek - model.
Alem / Batyrkhan Malikov (1993) Uzbek - singer.
Sanjar Khalikov (1993) Uzbek - singer.
Bobur Vakhobov (1993) Uzbek - model.
Sherzod Yusuf (1993) Uzbek - singer and model.
Nikita Vasilchenko (1994) Uzbek - actor.
Gulomjonov Khakhraman (1994) Uzbek - singer and pianist.
Sardor Otajonov (1994) Uzbek - model.
Timur Khodjaev (1994 or 1995) Uzbek - model.
Amirkhon Oribjanov (1995) Uzbek - model.
Joni Obidov (1995) Uzbek - model.
Rimas Astrauskas (1995) Uzbek - model.
Bekzod Ziyayev (1995) Uzbek - model.
Saidakbar Ramankulov (1995) Uzbek - model.
Faruh Jon (1995) Uzbek - model.
Yoosoofjanof (1995) Uzbek - model.
Vladlen (1995) Uzbek - model.
Nurbek Khaydarov (1995 or 1996) Uzbek - model.
NAIM (1995 or 1996) Uzbek - model.
IS (1995 or 1996) Uzbek - model.
Arteezy / Artour Babaev (1996) Uzbek - youtuber and twitch star.
Shakhboz Ibodullaev (1996) Uzbek - model.
Chivu Khamraev (1996) Uzbek - model.
Jakhongir Abdumalikov (1996) Uzbek - model.
Temur Akramov (1996 or 1997) Uzbek - model.
Rakhmatullo Numonov (1996 or 1997) Uzbek - model.
Bobur Abdukadirov (1996 or 1997) Uzbek - model.
Sarvar Turdibaev (1996 or 1997) Uzbek - model.
Shavkat Sabitov (1997 or 1998) Uzbek - model.
Muhammadali Mamadaliyev (1997 or 1998) Uzbek - model.
Khurshid Sayfiev (1997 or 1998) Uzbek - model.
Mukhammad Jon (1997 or 1998) Uzbek - model.
Sardor Abdumajitov (1997 or 1998) Uzbek - model and dancer.
Axmedjan (1998 or 1999) Uzbek - model.
Umid (1998 or 1999) Uzbek - model.
Allan (1999) Uzbek - model.
Kamoliddinbekzod (1999 or 2000) Uzbek - model.
Utkirbek (1999 or 2000) Uzbek - model.
AMIRKHAN (1999 or 2000) Uzbek - actor and model.
Mirabdullokh Mirsalikhov (2000) Uzbek - actor and model.
Yuri Andryushkov (2001 or 2002) Uzbek - model.
Daniel Rakhimov (2002 or 2003) Uzbek - model.
Jamik (2002 or 2003) Uzbek - model.
Islam Gaynutdinov (?) Uzbek - model and Face Of Uzbekistan 2018 (instagram: islamgaynutdinov).
Jahongir Otajonov (?) Uzbek - singer.
Imran Usmanov (?) Uzbek - model.
Khalid Bukhari (?) Uzbek, Iranian - actor.
Bek Vlogs (?) Uzbek - youtuber (Bek Vlogs).
Young Zapik (?) Uzbek - rapper.
Qahramon G'ulomjonov (?) Uzbek - singer.
Bobomurod Hamdamov (?) Uzbek - singer.
Akhmed Bek (?) Uzbek, Unspecified - actor.
Shavkat Tashmatov (?) Uzbek - singer.
Islam Duysenbayev (?) Uzbek - model.
Jakhongir Danaev (?) Uzbek - model.
Alisher Madumarov (?) Uzbek - musician (Dado).
Sherzod Madumarov (?) Uzbek - musician (Dado).
Rustam Madumarov (?) Uzbek - musician (Dado).
Vitaly Popeloff (?) Uzbek - singer and guitarist (Fromuz).
Albert Khalmurzaev (?) Uzbek - singer and bassist (Fromuz).
Evgeniy Popelov (?) Uzbek - singer and keyboardist (Fromuz).
Vagif Zokirov (?) Uzbek - keyboardist (Bolalar).
Timur Gaynutdinov (?) Uzbek - guitarist (Bolalar).
Anvar Salohutdinov (?) Uzbek - bassist (Bolalar).
Tofik Morduxayev (?) Uzbek - drummer (Bolalar).
Victor Nazarov (?) Uzbek - singer (Night Wind).
Robert Burhanov (?) Uzbek - bassist (Night Wind).
Dmitriy Korotkov (?) Uzbek - drummer (Night Wind).
Alex Gustov (?) Uzbek - guitarist (Night Wind).
M - Athletes:
Sergey Konov (1948) Uzbek - swimmer.
Nikolay Anfimov (1950) Uzbek - boxer.
Gennadiy Belkov (1955) Uzbek - high jumper.
Boris Budayev (1957) Uzbek - wrestler.
Mustafa Belyalov (1957) Uzbek - footballer.
Sergey Kot (1960) Uzbek - shot putter.
Farkhad Magametov (1962) Uzbek - footballer.
Dmitry Solovyov (1963) Uzbek - judoka.
Djamolidine Abdoujaparov (1964) Uzbek - cyclist.
Usmon Toshev (1965) Uzbek - footballer.
Orzubek Nazarov (1966) Uzbek / Kyrgyz - boxer.
Stepan Atayan (1966) Uzbek - footballer.
Azamat Abduraimov (1966) Uzbek - footballer.
Rustam Durmonov (1969) Uzbek - footballer.
Ivan Kireyev (1967) Uzbek - canoer.
Vitaliy Khozhatelyov (1967) Uzbek - hammer thrower.
Anatoly Tyurin (1968) Uzbek - canoer.
Ravshan Bozorov (1968) Uzbek - footballer.
Dmitry Polyunin (1969) Uzbek - javelin thrower.
Georgi Georgiev (1970) Uzbek - footballer.
Sergey Shayslamov (1970) Uzbek - canoer.
Soslan Fraev (1970) Uzbek - wrestler.
Ruslan Khinchagov (1970) Uzbek - wrestler.
Shukhrat Maqsudov (1970) Uzbek - footballer.
Oleg Tsvetkovskiy (1970) Uzbek - swimmer.
Vladimir Shayslamov (1970) Uzbek - canoer.
Sergey Andreyev (1970) Uzbek - footballer.
Anvar Kuchmuradov (1970) Uzbek - sprinter.
Nariman Ataev (1971) Uzbek - boxer.
Konstantin Sarnatskiy (1971) Uzbek - long jumper.
Shermukhammad Kuziyev (1971) Uzbek - wrestler.
Grigory Pulyayev (1971) Uzbek - wrestler.
Rustam Abdullaev (1971) Uzbek - footballer.
Timur Mukhamedkhanov (1971) Uzbek - judoka.
Igor Khalilov (1972) Uzbek - weightlifter.
Bakhodir Kurbanov (1972) Uzbek - wrestler.
Roman Poltoratsky (1972) Uzbek - discus thrower.
Igor Dzyuba (1972) Uzbek - cyclist.
Fevzi Davletov (1972) Uzbek - footballer.
Vladimir Kazantsev (1972) Uzbek - canoer.
Rafayel Islamov (1972) Uzbek - canoer.
Armen Bagdasarov (1972) Uzbek - judoka.
Andrey Shturbabin (1972) Uzbek - judoka.
Alisher Mukhtarov (1973) Uzbek - judoka.
Vladimir Shmakov (1973) Uzbek - judoka.
Aleksandr Urinov (1973) Uzbek - weightlifter.
Akram Yurabayev (1973) Uzbek - canoer.
Konstantin Yashin (1973) Uzbek - canoer.
Vladimir Alimdyanov (1973) Uzbek - canoer.
Ramil Islamov (1973) Uzbek - wrestler.
Muhammad Abdullaev (1973) Uzbek - boxer.
Karim Tulaganov (1973) Uzbek - boxer.
Yury Aristov (1973) Uzbek - hurdler.
Rafkat Ruziyev (1973) Uzbek - boxer.
Erkinjon Isakov (1974) Uzbek - middle distance runner.
Andrey Shilin (1974) Uzbek - canoer.
Kamol Muradov (1974) Uzbek - judoka.
Farkhod Turayev (1974) Uzbek - judoka.
Yorqin Nazarov (1974) Uzbek - footballer.
Abdumajid Toirov (1974) Uzbek - footballer.
Nikolay Shirshov (1974) Uzbek - footballer.
Ravil Nachaev (1974) Uzbek - swimmer.
Aleksey Cheglakov (1974) Uzbek, Russian - wrestler.
Vyacheslav Skoromnov (1974) Uzbek - sports shooter.
Oleg Pashinin (1974) Uzbek - footballer.
Ikrom Berdiev (1974) Uzbek - boxer.
Viktor Ustinov (1974) Uzbek - hammer thrower.
Ruslan Agalarov (1974) Uzbek, Dargin - footballer.
Ariel Mastov (1974) Uzbek Jewish - kickboxer.
Ruslan Biktyakov (1974) Uzbek - wrestler.
Utkirbek Haydarov (1974) Uzbek - boxer.
Yevgeny Astanin (1974) Uzbek - canoer.
Evgeni Sviridov (1974) Uzbek - skater.
Yevgeny Yerofaylov (1975) Uzbek - wrestler.
Nikolay Yeroshenko (1975) Uzbek - sprinter.
Rustam Khusnutdinov (1975) Uzbek - long jumper.
Yevgeniy Petin (1975) Uzbek - triple jumper.
Bakhtiyor Nurullaev (1975) Uzbek - weightlifter.
Michael Kolganov (1975) Uzbek Jewish - sprint kayaker.
Aleksandr Popov (1975) Uzbek - canoer.
Oleg Pukhnatiy (1975) Uzbek - swimmer.
Aleksandr Agafonov (1975) Uzbek - swimmer.
Mansur Zhumayev (1975) Uzbek - judoka.
Timur Ibragimov (1975) Uzbek - boxer.
Ulugbek Ibragimov (1975) Uzbek - boxer.
Alisher Tuychiev (1976) Uzbek - footballer.
Davron Fayziev (1976) Uzbek - footballer.
Zafar Kholmurodov (1976) Uzbek - footballer.
Bakhtiyor Ashurmatov (1976) Uzbek - footballer.
Sergey Krushevskiy (1976) Uzbek - cyclist.
Dmitry Tsutskarev (1976) Uzbek - swimmer.
Konstantin Zhuravlyov (1976) Uzbek - sprinter.
Egamnazar Akbarov (1976) Uzbek - judoka.
Sergey Mihaylov (1976) Uzbek - boxer.
Dilshod Yuldashev (1976) Uzbek - boxer.
Damir Zakhartdinov (1976) Uzbek - wrestler.
Artur Tavkazakhov (1976) Uzbek - wrestler.
Adkhamdzhon Akhilov (1976) Uzbek - wrestler.
Komil Urunbayev (1976) Uzbek - alpine skier.
Elvir Rahimić (1976) Uzbek - footballer.
Rafael Nuritdinov (1977) Uzbek - cyclist.
Alisher Rahimov (1977) Uzbek - boxer.
Spartak Murtazayev (1977) Uzbek - footballer.
Zayniddin Tadjiyev (1977) Uzbek - footballer.
Vitaly Anosov (1977) Uzbek - canoer.
Rashidjon Gafurov (1977) Uzbek - footballer.
Vadim Kutsenko (1977) Uzbek - tennis player.
Tulkunbay Turgunov (1977) Uzbek - boxer.
Rustam Saidov (1978) Uzbek - boxer.
Pavel Andreev (1978) Uzbek - devathlete.
Asror Aliqulov (1978) Uzbek - footballer.
Ulugbek Bakayev (1978) Uzbek - footballer.
Anvar Berdiev (1978) Uzbek - footballer.
Aleksey Babadjanov (1978) Uzbek - canoer.
Danila Turchin (1978) Uzbek - canoer.
Umid Isoqov (1978) Uzbek - footballer.
Vyacheslav Ponomarev (1978) Uzbek - footballer.
Anvarjon Soliev (1978) Uzbek - footballer.
Hayrulla Karimov (1978) Uzbek - footballer.
Bakhtiyor Hamidullaev (1978) Uzbek - footballer.
Murat Kalikulov (1978) Uzbek - judoka.
Andrei Karyaka (1978) Uzbek, Russian, Ukrainian - footballer.
Aleksey Shevtsov (1979) Uzbek - wrestler.
Ilkhom Muminjonov (1979) Uzbek - footballer.
Yury Vitt (1980) Uzbek - wrestler.
Sherzod Husanov (1980) Uzbek - boxer.
Botir Qoraev (1980) Uzbek - footballer.
Vyacheslav Pereteyko (1980) Uzbek - judoka.
Ruslan Kudayev (1980) Uzbek - fencer.
Hamza Karimov (1980) Uzbek - footballer.
Artem Knyazev (1980) Uzbek - skater.
Ramil Sarkulov (1981) Uzbek - ice skater.
Sergey Borzov (1981) Uzbek - canoer.
Petr Vasiliev (1981) Uzbek - swimmer.
Tulashboy Doniyorov (1981) Uzbek - boxer.
Mikhail Tarasov (1981) Uzbek - canoer.
Andrei Vlasichev (1981) Uzbek - footballer.
Oleg Normatov (1981) Uzbek - hurdler.
Bekzod Khidirov (1981) Uzbek - boxer.
Abdullo Tangriev (1981) Uzbek - judoka.
Vladimir Chernenko (1981) Uzbek - rower.
Oleg Shamaev (1982) Uzbek - alpine skier.
Dmitry Strykov (1982) Uzbek - canoer.
Sherzod Abdurahmonov (1982) Uzbek - boxer.
Sherzodjon Yusupov (1982) Uzbek - weightlifter.
Shuhrat Mirkholdirshoev (1982) Uzbek - footballer.
Sergei Karaulov (1982) Uzbek - basketball player.
Akmal Irgashev (1982) Uzbek - taekwondo practitioner.
Igor Alborov (1982) Uzbek - boxer.
Sergey Voytsekhovich (1982) Uzbek - swimmer.
Oleg Lyashko (1982) Uzbek - swimmer.
Dilshod Mahmudov (1982) Uzbek - boxer.
Ramziddin Sayidov (1982) Uzbek - judoka.
Oleg Juravlyov (1982) Uzbek - sprinter.
Muradjan Khalmuratov (1982) Uzbek - cyclist.
Dilshod Mansurov (1983) Uzbek - wrestler.
Vladimir Tuychiev (1983) Uzbek - cyclist.
Oleg Sidorov (1983) Uzbek - swimmer.
Shokir Muminov (1983) Uzbek - judoka.
Roman Dronin (1983) Uzbek - cyclist.
Olim Navkarov (1983) Uzbek - footballer.
Ilhom Suyunov (1983) Uzbek - footballer.
Kamoliddin Tajiev (1983) Uzbek - footballer.
Ikboljon Akramov (1983) Uzbek - footballer.
Utkir Kurbanov (1983) Uzbek - judoka.
Sanjar Zokirov (1983) Uzbek - judoka.
Leonid Andreev (1983) Uzbek - pole vaulter and decathlete.
Mansurbek Chashemov (1983) Uzbek - weightlifter.
Bakhram Mendibaev (1983) Uzbek - weightlifter.
Sergey Bogdanov (1983) Uzbek - rower.
Magomed Ibragimov (1983) Uzbek - wrestler.
Gayratjon Hasanov (1983) Uzbek - footballer.
Jasur Hasanov (1983) Uzbek - footballer.
Islom Inomov (1984) Uzbek - footballer.
Temur Juraev (1984) Uzbek - footballer.
Ildar Magdeev (1984) Uzbek - footballer.
Ilyos Zeytulayev (1984) Uzbek - footballer.
Kayrat Ermetov (1984) Uzbek - alpine skier.
Ruslan Naurzaliev (1984) Uzbek - rower.
Erkin Boydullayev (1984) Uzbek - footballer.
Jasur Matchanov (1984) Uzbek - boxer.
Murad Inoyatov (1984) Uzbek - tennis player.
Navruz Jurakobilov (1984) Uzbek - judoka.
Anzur Ismailov (1985) Uzbek - footballer.
Azizbek Haydarov (1985) Uzbek - footballer.
Shavkat Salomov (1985) Uzbek - footballer.
Soslan Gattsiev (1985) Uzbek - wrestler.
Andrey Morkovin (1985) Uzbek - swimmer.
Dilshod Choriev (1985) Uzbek - judoka.
Bahodirjon Sultonov (1985) Uzbek - boxer.
Khurshid Nabiev (1985) Uzbek - judoka.
Adiljan Tulendibaev (1985) Uzbek - judoka.
Ivan Efremov (1986) Uzbek - weightlifter.
Abbos Atoev (1986) Uzbek - boxer.
Farrukh Dustov (1986) Uzbek - tennis player.
Sergey Tsoy (1986) Uzbek - swimmer.
Elshod Rasulov (1986) Uzbek - boxer.
Shavkat Mullajanov (1986) Uzbek - footballer.
Vokhid Shodiev (1986) Uzbek - footballer.
Timur Yafarov (1986) Uzbek - footballer.
Nikita Polyakov (1986) Uzbek - swimmer.
Aziz Ibragimov (1986) Uzbek - footballer.
Ruslan Karimov (1986) Uzbek - cyclist.
Rishod Sobirov (1986) Uzbek - judoka.
Andrey Petrov (1986) Uzbek - long distance runner.
Sherali Juraev (1986) Uzbek - judoka.
Ruslan Makarov (1987) Uzbek - weightlifter.
Mirali Sharipov (1987) Uzbek - judoka.
Vadim Menkov (1987) Uzbek - canoer.
Sakhob Juraev (1987) Uzbek - footballer.
Vagiz Galiulin (1987) Uzbek - footballer.
Gerasim Kochnev (1987) Uzbek - canoer.
Kamoliddin Murzoev (1987) Uzbek - footballer.
Bahodir Nasimov (1987) Uzbek - footballer.
Vadim Afonin (1987) Uzbek - footballer.
Vadim Afonin (1987) Uzbek - footballer.
Odil Ahmedov (1987) Uzbek - footballer.
Orzubek Shayimov (1987) Uzbek - boxer.
Marsel İlhan (1987) Uzbek / Turkish - tennis player.
Gleb Sakharov (1988) Uzbek - tennis player.
Vaja Uzakov (1988) Uzbek - tennis player.
Soyib Kurbonov (1988) Uzbek - judoka.
Sergey Pankov (1988) Uzbek - swimmer.
Mirzohid Farmonov (1988) Uzbek - judoka.
Anvar Rajabov (1988) Uzbek - footballer.
Lutfulla Turaev (1988) Uzbek - footballer.
Ibrahim Nazarov (1988) Uzbek - swimmer.
Ivan Zaytsev (1988) Uzbek - javelin thrower.
Rafikjon Sultonov (1988) Uzbek - boxer.
Serik Mirbekov (1988) Uzbek - canoer.
Danil Bugakov (1988) Uzbek - swimmer.
Abbos Rakhmonov (1988) Uzbek - wrestler.
Kamil Agalarov (1988) Uzbek, Dargin - footballer.
Alexander Petrovsky (1989) Uzbek - cyclist.
Vladimir Broun (1989) Uzbek Jewish - footballer.
Yakhyo Imamov (1989) Uzbek - judoka.
Ivan Demyanenko (1989) Uzbek - swimmer.
Jasur Hasanov (1989) Uzbek - footballer.
Shukhrat Mukhammadiev (1989) Uzbek - footballer.
Islom Tukhtakhodjaev (1989) Uzbek - footballer.
Kenja Turaev (1989) Uzbek - footballer.
Akbar Turaev (1989) Uzbek - footballer.
Sherzod Karimov (1989) Uzbek - footballer.
Abduqahhor Hojiakbarov (1989) Uzbek - footballer.
Muminjon Abdullaev (1989) Uzbek - wrestler.
Hurshid Tojibaev (1989) Uzbek - boxer.
Ikhtiyor Navruzov (1989) Uzbek - wrestler.
Dmitriy Kim (1989) Uzbek - taekwondo practitioner.
Ulugbek Alimov (1989) Uzbek - weightlifter.
Artem Dyatlov (1989) Uzbek - hurdler.
Petr Romashkin (1989) Uzbek - swimmer.
Uktamjon Rahmonov (1990) Uzbek - boxer.
Sherzod Azamov (1990) Uzbek - footballer.
Murod Kholmukhamedov (1990) Uzbek - footballer.
Bobur Shokirjonov (1990) Uzbek - javelin thrower.
Aleksey Mochalov (1990) Uzbek - canoer.
Sergey Dementev (1990) Uzbek - shot putter.
Bekzod Abdurakhmonov (1990) Uzbek - wrestler and mixed martial artist.
Utkirjon Nigmatov (1990) Uzbek - paralympic judoka.
Elmurat Tasmuradov (1991) Uzbek - wrestler.
Sardor Mirzaev (1991) Uzbek - footballer.
Shahzodbek Nurmatov (1991) Uzbek - footballer.
Farrukh Nurliboev (1991) Uzbek - footballer.
Farrukh Sayfiev (1991) Uzbek - footballer.
Sardor Rashidov (1991) Uzbek - footballer.
Eldorbek Suyunov (1991) Uzbek - footballer.
Dilshod Turdiev (1991) Uzbek - wrestler.
Shohrux Gadoyev (1991) Uzbek - footballer.
Akbar Ismatullaev (1991) Uzbek - footballer.
Fazliddin Gaibnazarov (1991) Uzbek - boxer.
Shohjahon Ergashev (1991) Uzbek - boxer.
Azizbek Abdugofurov (1992) Uzbek - boxer.
Navruzbek Olimov (1992) Uzbek - footballer.
Davron Khashimov (1992) Uzbek - footballer.
Dilshod Juraev (1992) Uzbek - footballer.
Sherzod Namozov (1992) Uzbek - paralympic judoka.
Timur Gumerov (1992) Uzbek - cyclist.
Shakhram Giyasov (1993) Uzbek - boxer.
Jamshid Iskanderov (1993) Uzbek - footballer.
Sardorbek Dusmurotov (1993) Uzbek - weightlifter.
Jaloliddin Masharipov (1993) Uzbek - footballer.
Hasanboy Dusmatov (1993) Uzbek - boxer.
Shokhrukhbek Abdulazizov (1993) Uzbek - boxer.
Shakhobidin Zoirov (1993) Uzbek - boxer.
Ruslan Kurbanov (1993) Uzbek - triple jumper.
Diyorbek Urozboev (1993) Uzbek - judoka.
Suhrob Khodjaev (1993) Uzbek - hammer thrower.
Artem Voronov (1993) Uzbek - alpine skier.
Qudratillo Abduqaxorov (1993) Uzbek - boxer.
Rustam Djangabaev (1993) Uzbek - weightlifter.
Shakhzodbek Sabirov (1993) Uzbek - taekwondo practitioner.
Nikita Rafalovich (1993) Uzbek - taekwondo practitioner.
Jahongir Abdumominov (1993) Uzbek - footballer.
Artyom Savatyugin (1994) Uzbek - badminton player.
Bakhodir Jalolov (1994) Uzbek - boxer.
Elnur Abduraimov (1994) Uzbek - boxer.
Khurshidjon Tursunov (1994) Uzbek - swimmer.
Nikita Pavlenko (1994) Uzbek - footballer.
Diyorjon Turapov (1994) Uzbek - footballer.
Murodjon Akhmadaliev (1994) Uzbek - boxer.
Ikromjon Alibaev (1994) Uzbek - footballer.
Husniddin Gafurov (1994) Uzbek - footballer.
Sanjar Fayziev (1994) Uzbek - tennis player.
Temur Mustafin (1995) Uzbek - footballer.
Temur Ismailov (1995) Uzbek - tennis player.
Vladislav Mustafin (1995) Uzbek - swimmer.
Eldor Shomurodov (1995) Uzbek - footballer.
Andrey Sidorov (1995) Uzbek - footballer.
Javokhir Sokhibov (1995) Uzbek - footballer.
Zabikhillo Urinboev (1995) Uzbek - footballer.
Doston Yokubov (1995) Uzbek - weightlifter.
Odiljon Abdurakhmanov (1996) Uzbek - footballer.
Bektemir Melikuziev (1996) Uzbek - boxer.
Odiljon Hamrobekov (1996) Uzbek - footballer.
Rustam Ashurmatov (1996) Uzbek - footballer.
Jamshid Boltaboev (1996) Uzbek - footballer.
Shakhboz Kholmurzaev (1996) Uzbek - rower.
Javokhir Sidikov (1996) Uzbek - footballer.
Jasurbek Yakhshiboev (1997) Uzbek - footballer.
Rustam Vazitdinov (1997) Uzbek - footballer.
Komiljon Tukhtaev (1997) Uzbek - alpine skier.
Rustam Normatov (1997) Uzbek - footballer.
Farkhodbek Sobirov (1997) Uzbek - weightlifter.
Ömer Yurtseven (1998) Uzbek - basketball player.
Niyaz Pulatov (1998) Uzbek - taekwondo practitioner.
Jurabek Karimov (1998) Uzbek - tennis player.
Azizjon Ganiev (1998) Uzbek - footballer.
Artyom Kozlyuk (1998) Uzbek - swimmer.
Khumoyun Sultanov (1998) Uzbek - tennis player.
Akbar Djuraev (1999) Uzbek - weightlifter.
Adkhamjon Ergashev (1999) Uzbek - weightlifter.
Shamseddin Khudoyberdiev (?) Uzbek - wrestler.
Jasurbek Latipov (?) Uzbek - boxer.
Oybek Mamazulunov (?) Uzbek - boxer.
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madinanigmatullaeva · 5 years
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Bugun- O’qituvchilar kuni munosabati bilan barcha muallimlarni tabriklayman🕊 Hususan, 195-maktab, boshlang’ich sinf ustozim Hamida Yusupovna💐, Katta sinf ustozim Nodira Haydarovnani 🌸 Maktabdagi, Toshkent Yuridik kolledji, @almazpro o’quv markazi Direktori Ilhomaka Azizovni va Singapur institutidagi barcha ustozlarimni muborakbod etaman🥳 O’quvchilaringiz baxtiga hamisha sog’ bo’ling! . #Holiday #TeachersDay #1October https://www.instagram.com/p/B3C_dAzHioZ/?igshid=u2vkp17pzign
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universal-machine · 4 years
A memorable CS graduate
from The Universal Machine [email protected] (Ian Watson) February 11, 2020 at 09:21AM http://universal-machine.blogspot.com/2020/02/a-memorable-cs-graduate.html
Computer Science graduate Nodira Khoussainova is the co-founder and CEO of Focused, a Silicon Valley startup that helps people accomplish undistracted work for a couple of hours in a study hall-type setting. This isn't that unusual, many of our graduates start companies. I remember her because she graduated in CS, with Honours, when she was just 16 years old! She then went to study for a PhD is in Computer Science at the University of Washington. She was recently interviewed on Radio New Zealand and you can listen to her interview here.
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