#noel is a dilf
south london forever
noel fielding x reader
you and noel spend an evening on the roof together (kinda)
inspired by the song by florence and the machine
The world moved so fast. A cliché, but so very true. It felt like only yesterday that you were sixteen, sitting atop the roof of your family home in the night's late hours, thoughts racing much too rapidly for sleep to even have crossed your mind. It was calming and provided a type of clarity that comes with the awareness of being the only one awake in the household, watching the slowness of a slumbering suburb. A few straggling cars making their way home; the irregularities in the flicker of the lamp post; an occasional cat bounding through the bushes.
"Can't sleep?"
The voice shook you back to reality; here, to your shared flat, in Shoreditch. So caught up in your nostalgia, you failed to notice your housemate (and good friend) standing before you. You were slouched back on the couch, a worn-out vintage thing, empty cup of tea resting on your lap, a blanket wrapped around your shoulders.
You shook your head, placing your cup on the coffee table and stretching your legs.
"Me neither."
"You've got a gig tomorrow, haven't you? Shouldn't you be getting your beauty sleep?"
"Nah. We canceled. Well... resheduled." He sat down beside you.
"Canceled, my arse." You stifled a chuckle; you knew full well Noel relished his time onstage with his best mate, especially when it was followed by a wild night on the town. Hell, he caroused with Amy Winehouse.
"No, really, we did. There's no gig tomorrow. We've got the next few weeks off in fact."
"What, did the BBC finally come to their senses?" When Noel didn't laugh, nay, respond, you grew concerned. "Oh shit... you're not actually canceled are you?"
"Oh no, no! Not that. Ju's just gotta go sort some family stuff out. And they're all in Leeds, so..." He trailed off. "Someone's not well, I think."
"Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that. Poor thing. I hope he's okay."
"He'll be right." Noel's upper body shifted to face you. "How about you?"
"What about me?"
"Are you okay, Y/n?"
You shrugged.
He sighed.
Silence. For a few moments.
Before he spoke once more.
"I've an idea." Noel stood up hastily, holding his hand out for you to take. "Well, come on then!"
You smiled softly as you took his grasp in yours, and suddenly, you were so very aware of him. The minimal contact between the two of you sent sparks up your spine - like that of your first teenage crush when he smiled at you in the schoolyard. Did Noel feel that way too? No! Of course, he didn't, you twat! You told yourself... even if you slighty... slighty... fancied him... you were just mates. Besides, you were pretty sure you saw him snog Courtney Love at that party last week. Didn't you?
"Where are we going?" You questioned, trying to distract yourself from your internal dialogue.
"Surprise." By this point, Noel had grabbed both your coats off the coat rack, and chucked you yours, along with a pair of boots. You donned them both, as did he, and then he took your hand once more and dragged you into the garage and into the car.
"Can I put the radio on?"
"Go for it. But make sure it's something good! I can't stand that poxy, popular shit." He reversed the vehicle, pulling out onto the road. "And no Coldplay! God, I fucking hate Coldplay!!"
You chuckled to yourself, as you fiddled with the buttons, switching channels until you struck aria gold; bingo! The Passenger by Iggy Pop. A perfect song for a midnight drive through the streets of Shoreditch.
"Fuck yeah!" Noel began to sing along to the lyrics, a happy camper. "We'll ride through the city tonight-"
"See the city's ripped backsides-" You joined in.
"We'll see the bright and hollow sky-"
"We'll see the stars shine so bright."
"The stars made for us tonight..." Noel's voice faded out, and he took his eyes off the road for a split second, grinning at you. You couldn't help but smile back, until he averted his gaze once more to the dark road ahead. There was little traffic out at this time... a few people on their way home from parties, work shifts, or concerts maybe?
"What are you gonna do without Julian here?" You asked, turning the volume of the radio down.
"Hmm. Work probably. Try write some jokes." His hand raked through his hair scrunching it between his fingers as he always did. "I dunno. Me and Ju are a power team; not sure if I'll be able to come up with much without him."
"Don't put too much pressure on yourself, Noel. But believe in yourself. You'll be able to."
"Thanks, Y/n."
Noel indicated left, and pulled into an empty car park, in front of the little sleeping art museum. It was strange to see it at this time; usually bustling with people, the building looked quaint... humble... as though the paintings and sculpture were all tucked away in their little beds.
"Besides, I think I hear a calling coming from the general direction of Camden."
You laughed, as you exited the car, shutting the door softly behind you.
"What? You'd be welcome to join me... but I'm guessing the atmosphere of good old Camden town isn't really your thing-"
"I'd love to." You cut him off.
"It's a date. Now, come with me." Noel grabbed you by the hand and ran towards the back of the building. There was little illumination, but Noel located a ladder within seconds, propping it up against the wall.
"We- We can't climb up there! We'll get caught! We-"
"Simmer down! We're not gonna get caught. The view from up here is well worth it." He began to scale the rungs, climbing higher and higher. "Now hurry up! Get your little arse up here! What have you got to lose?"
You rolled your eyes and gave in. "You know, I wish you weren't so profane!"
To which comment, he simply responded with a playful 'up yours' gesture.
"Proves my point!"
And then you climbed the rickety, wooden ladder.
Soon, the two of you were sitting on the roof of the museum, feasting your eyes upon the world around you. The lights twinkled, like thousands of artificial stars that had fallen to the earth, mimicking the sky above. The wind was cold on your neck, so you adjusted your collar and did up the buttons on your coat; Noel wrapped an arm around your shoulders, and once more, you withered under his touch.
"Look at those two, having a snog against that window," he pointed his free hand over to the left, and you spotted the loved-up couple. "Oh... wait actually..." Noel leaned over, his breath warm against your cheek, and whispered in your ear. "I think they may be shagging."
You burst out laughing, catching a glimpse of your companion's smirk. "They'd better be careful not to break that glass during their little session of lovemaking."
"Wouldn't that be a fun anecdote though, hey? 'Smashing couple smash gallery window!'"
As your laughter petered out, you sighed, meeting Noel's eyes. Even here, in near-complete darkness, you could make out their icy cerulean tinge. He had the most beautiful countenance too.
"...Noel?" You questioned.
"Do you ever just... feel not good enough. Like... when you're a child, you don't worry about the future, you have so much confidence, you think there's nothing you can't do... you're fearless. But then you grow up... and you realise... you'll never live up to expectations. You'll never be talented enough, or you'll never be successful, or... you'll never meet someone who loves you for you-"
"Is that how you feel? Like you're not good enough?" His voice was solemn, serious, having lost its usual comic, flirtatious quality.
You turned away from him, nodding slightly, your eyes glazing over, as your focus revolved inward. It's true. You bit your lip, in an attempt to hold back the sudden urge to weep. Every day, you play it like you're okay, but deep down, you know there's a dark void... a void of loneliness.
As if on cue, you feel Noel wrap his arms around you, pulling you into his embrace, his chin resting on your shoulder. He rocks you gently, rubbing your back in an attempt to comfort you.
"Shhhh. It's okay. You're okay."
"I'm sorry. I'm just scared this will be all I'll ever be."
"...then you are perfect. Exactly as you are."
"What does that mean?"
"It means..." His eyes met yours, and time seemed to stop in its tracks. "I fancy you."
And then he kissed you. He simply pulled away from the embrace and pressed his lips to yours. As if he'd done it a million times before. It was candid, raw... sincere. And then he pulled away, as though regretting letting his impulses get the better of him.
"Shit! I am so, so sorry! I shouldn't-"
But before he could utter another word, you gripped his shoulders, and pulled him towards you filling in the space between your lips, with a series of messy, breathless pecks, growing more intense with each touch. You had never imagined this would actually happen, and yet you'd waited for it forever. His hands gripped your skull, his black painted nails entangling in your hair.
"Your hair's so soft. But..." he mumbled. "Not as good as mine."
"Shut up, Noel."
You felt his lips curl into a smirk against the skin of your cheek. And you couldn't help but giggle, turning your head slightly to meet his touch. Your insides doubled over as his cheeky mouth lavished yours, tongues dancing in the most passionate, most intimate of first unions. And yet his arms held you close with such care, such devotion, such fondness, his thumb absentmindedly caressing your shoulder.
Slowly, the kiss began to soften, gradually petering out, until Noel's nose rested against your own, taking a moment to catch his breath.
"I fancy you too." You gently pulled away, meeting his gaze. Somehow, his face seemed even more beautiful than before; he was so very... pretty - the way his cheekbones jutted through his skin; the sharp, yet vast plane that sat atop the bridge of his nose; the lustre of his blue irises, so bright they almost seemed out of place, what with the sable blackness of his hair.
Noel smiled at you, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear tenderly.
"I rate that an eight and a half." He exclaimed, fingers now raking through his own hair.
"The kiss. Solid eight and a half."
"I'm offended, Noel. Only an eight?"
"Ah-ah, don't forget the half!"
"Piss off."
"Well..." and back was that cheeky smirk plastered on his face. "I never said you couldn't try again, did I?"
"You'll have to catch me first." You swung your legs back and over the edge, feet skimming the ladder rungs, as you practically jumped from the roof and started running to the car.
Noel followed suit, chasing after you. "I think you forget-"
You could hear his footsteps getting closer and closer, and so you ran faster, giddy with nerves; he truly made you feel like a teenager again.
"I-" And he lunged forward, wrapping his arms tightly around you. "Used to play football."
"Yeah, but you gave it up to go to art college, you nonce!"
Noel released you from his grasp, keeping one arm around your waist, as you embraced his shoulders. You strolled back the rest of the way to the car, as you caught your breath.
"Imagine if your old chavvy football mates saw you today." You said, "All jazzed up in your silver boots strutting about the country in your chelsea boots and 70s heels."
"They'd be fucking jealous of me."
"Would they?"
"Yeah. Cause I just kissed a pretty girl on the roof." Noel leaned over and gave your cheek a quick peck. "And that you're in my company, not theirs."
"I don't think I'd be their type."
"Well then, they're just missing out aren't they?" He stifled a chuckle.
"Nothing. I just like saying your name."
"Y/n... Y/n... Y/n! Y/n! Y/n!!! I like shouting your name," he continued. "Y/n! Y/n!!! Y/n!!!!!"
You giggled. "Shhh! Julian will hear you all the way in Leeds!"
Noel grabbed your shoulders and pulled you into his embrace.
"Ahhh. Come on, let's get back."
You piled into his car and drove back to the flat, windows down, screaming your lungs out to Bowie.
‘and we climbed on to the roof, the museum and someone made love in the glass. and i forgot my name...’
44 notes · View notes
telephone-junkie · 3 months
is this a safe space…
4 notes · View notes
chxxrybxxmb · 9 months
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: ̗̀➛ Met the professionals
Synopsis: after winning the U-20 match, Ego starts planning the third phase of the project and you were requested to come back a few days earlier than the players for a quick briefing and to introduce you the new people that you would be working with.
Reader is 18.
Warnings: fem!reader, English and Japanese honorifics, swearing, reader has a little brother, suggestive comment, reader wears a dress and has makeup on, flirting, hottest dilfs alive and Micheal Kaiser.
Ego in his sugar daddy era???
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“How’re you, Ego-San? I hope that you’ve been eating well for the past two weeks since I wasn’t here to cook for you.” You grinned kindly at your boss, entering the high tech office. Placing your handbag on the table, Ego doesn’t look at you and continues to immerse himself in important data.
“What’re you my mother? I don’t need you to look after me.”
“If I don’t look after you, who’ll make Japan win the World Cup?” You sassed. Approaching the table the looked at the holographic data floating mid air. You still wonder to yourself how much money went into this and how high tech this all was.
“Anri-San told me over the phone that I should come back a few days earlier than the players, when I tell you that those boys-”
“Ah, ah.” He raises his hand over to your mouth, stopping you from saying anything and you huffed, sitting on the tables edge. “Alright, tell me-” A holographic screen slides to your direction, revealing the information before you.
“The third phase of this match is called the Neo Egoist League. Where players pick a team that matches their skills. This phase will introduce a variety of investments, including high salaries, various offers from different teams all over Europe to play in their leagues, and so many more,” you click on the icon, Germany and saw the familiar face of the one who beat Messi in a match from three years ago.
“Noel Noa…?”
“Oh, yeah. The teams the players will choose are England, Germany, Italy, France, and Spain. Each European team is an S-class team led by the most exceptional strikers…I think you already know them.” Cue for the familiar faces of famous football players to come into the screen. Chris Prince, Lavinho, Noel Noa, Marc Snuffy, and the familiar face of Julian Loki.
“After the players pick their respective teams, they will be separated into different stratums or buildings. Anri-Chan will be sending you the rest of the details. Don’t embarrass yourself when you’re up close with them.” He says, giving you a side eye as you stare at a picture of Snuffy. You immediately snapped back to your senses and swiped away the image of the Italian footballer.
“I-I won’t! What makes you say that?!” He huffs and pushes you off the table.
“Unpack your things and help the other staff with room preparations. You will be preparing for five teams with twenty plus players. Go away.” You huffed at him and fixed your clothes. “Can’t you be more gentle?! Geez!”
“What’s this?” You looked at the white box, wrapped with a black bow that Anri handed to you, she looks very excited you took notice. She beams at you as you placed it on the dining table.
“Open it! Ego-San got it for us.”
“That Vector look-a-like got us something? Are you sure he’s alright? Should I call a doctor?” You worried turned to the older woman. Cue for Ego to smack you on the back of you of your head with a file.
“Be grateful, you waste of talent. I’m pretty sure you don’t have anything decent to wear.” He hissed, pointing at your working clothes and you gasped dramatically.
“These are my working clothes, asshat! I can’t run around working in a mini skirt.”
“Oh, come on, Ego-San. (Name)-Chan just got back and you’re already picking a fight with her!” Anri scolds the two of you, pulling both her boss and colleague apart before they tear each other apart. “Just open the gift and tell me if it fits. Don’t approach me if it isn’t your style.” Ego spoke, going into the kitchen to prepare himself yet another instant ramen packet.
“If it fits?” You thought a bit confused. Did he buy you clothes? Or maybe it’s a new staff uniform, either way, you pulled on the strands of the ribbon, making it come undone. You then lifted the cover and saw some white paper covering, Anri was squealing excited next to you. Moving away some of the wrapping, you soon realized that Ego had bought you a designer dress.
You took out the dress from the box and looked at it with eyes peeled open. Ego, your harsh boss, had bought you a dress that was totally your style and in your favorite color? Is the world ending?
“Omg, Ego-San, it looks beautiful on her, definitely (name)’s style!” Anri gushed at the man who didn’t respond. As you continued to admire the dress and its intricate appearance, Ego cleared his throat.
“Do the two of you have any jewelry?”
“I only brought a few earrings with me, nothing special.”
“The ones that I’m wearing, I don’t change into anything different unless it’s a special occasion.” You and Anri answered. You wondered why Ego bought you an expensive dress and asking you about jewelry, all he ever talked about was football not fashion.
“Ego-San, what’s with the dress? I don’t think I can wear this to anywhere and this must’ve been expensive!”
“Is that really what you have to say…?” You shut up and looked at Ego and his unusual behavior. He sounded a bit disappointed as he slurped on his noodles. You grinned at the realization and brought the dress to your chest.
“Thank you, Ego-San, truly.” You could’ve sworn you saw a smile on his face. “Are you smiling, Ego-San-?”
“Being delusional has its fucking limits, kid.”
“I may be delulu but my eyes aren’t lying, c’mon admit it, boss!” You continue to tease as he continues to deny your claims. Anri smiles at this interaction. For once you weren’t spouting insults at each other or trying to kill each other.
“Shut the fuck up and take this.” Ego had enough and tossed you and Anri small bags of yet again designer, products. You then looked at Ego and then at Anri. “In all seriousness, why’re you gifting us these and where did you get the money of all of this? Last I remembered, we ran out of funds cause of the second selection.”
“After winning the match, sponsors came flooding in to support the project. Hence the brands and how we’re able to afford those teams to collaborate with us.” Anri explains. Looking at the Selim Mouzannar box in her hands with bulging eyes. You had a similar reaction as her as you look at the Azlee brand necklace on your hands.
“You didn’t really have to buy us so much…”
“I wonder how much of this costs…”
“I only bought you both heels. The dresses, jewelry and makeup were gifts from the coaches.”
“…are they looking for a sugar baby?” Anri and Ego smacked you on the back of the head.
“You look so beautiful, (name)-Chan!!”
“Have you seen yourself, Anri-San? You look like you’re going to the met gala!” The red-haired woman blushes as your compliment. She wore a red satin floor length dress with off shoulders. You looked at yourself in the mirror and saw a different person. You looked even more beautiful with the makeup on with lips were colored in lipstick. Your dress hugged every curve of your body and the jewelry made you look mature and expensive.
All in all, you look like you were going to a ball. Like a Princess.
“You look like you’re going to throw up.”
“I… I’m scared I’m gonna ruin this dress, like, what if I accidentally spill food or drinks on me?!” You continued on with your nervous rant about possibly ruining the dress, she sighs and grabs you the shoulders, pushing her face closer to yours. “(Name)-Chan, nothing is going to happen to you or the dress! They gave you this dress and it’s your choice what to do with it.”
She reasons and you nodded tentatively. She smiles and picked up her handbag, so did you.
“I’m amazed Ego-San wanted to host a welcome party of the teams.”
“I was actually the JFU who arranged this occasion.” You looked at Anri as if she grew a second head and laughed uncertainly. “Ahaha… really?”
“Like… really, really?” She nods and you scoffed. “Now that he lost our little bet, he’s sucking up to us? Serves him right for doubting us.”
“Oh, you should’ve seen how Ego-San reacted when the president told him about hosting a welcome party!” Hand in arm, the two women were immersed in their conversation as they walked down the dystopian-core hallways of blue lock and exited the premises where a wagoneer jeep waited in the entrance.
“I think Ego-San is indulging himself a little bit too much.”
“That car was sent by the JFU, dumbass.” Ego sighs as he walked out from the glass doors, clad in a navy blue suit with a bolo football tie. He didn’t look all that much to different from his usual getup. The suit was reminiscent of the one he wore in the U-20 match.
You immediately noticed at the bolo tie was a little loose and went in front of him, taking a hold of the tie. Ego seemed surprised at the sudden closeness and pulled away.
“What the hell?”
“Stand still, your tie looks sloppy…” You murmured, tightening it. Ego sighs and lifts his head a little to give you space, Anri smiles in amusement at this rare moment between the two of you. Like a daughter fixing her fathers tie before he goes off to work. It was adorable in her opinion.
You pulled away and looked pleased with Ego’s appearance with a smile. “Let’s go?”
You looked at awe at the building where the welcome party was taking place. You initially thought it was going to be at blue lock but apparently JFU didn’t deem your building fancy enough and held the welcome party at a five star hotel. As you wrapped your arm around Anri’s forearm, you peered through the city of Tokyo from the glass window of the elevator. It looked like a sparkling jewelry box from up there. The doors open and Anri pulls you along with her.
Anxiety emptied your stomach as your hands grew sweaty around Anri’s plushy arm. The older woman looks at you with a gentle smile that made your worries go away. You then looked Ego who had his hands on the large doors in front of you three, he looks at the two of you and you nodded confidently.
Ego pushes the doors open and you were welcomed by a flood of overlapping chatter, elegant women dressed in designer clothing and men stood tall and erect in their identical-looking suits. The hall looked massive with a balcony on the right side of the room.
Everyone stopped with what they were doing and bore their eyes into the three of you. Now you felt like you were going to throw up if they continue to stare at you any longer.
“If it isn’t the mastermind behind this amazing project!” You heard a boisterous voice boom your ears. You looked up and saw the fat rodent that is the president of the JFU waddling his way towards your direction. The feeling of nausea was replaced with disgruntled feeling as you held on Anri’s arm a little tighter.
“Chairmen, thank you for arranging this welcome party for the teams.” Ego thanked the bloated tanuki. He was uncharacteristically polite. Your brows furrowed deeper and the corners of your mouth tilts down as he glanced at you and Anri, he gulps and looks back the bull-cut-haired man.
“I-it’s the least we can do. Because with blue lock, I know we can win the World Cup with your guidance!” He spoke and the others in the room erupted in praises and applause.
“We’ll be doing our best to do so. Thank you for financially supporting our project.” Anri replied with a light bow and so did you, “I’ll be supporting the players as best as I can since I’m the manager and all of that.”
The chairmen then usher the three of you to the rest of the JFU members for some reason. You didn’t talk all that much and looked around the banquet hall, “tell me, (name)-Chan. How the players generally act?”
“Generally act?”
“What’s their behavior towards the other players? I’m quite curious.” One of the members asked. You tried to think of an answer without revealing the fact that everyone is at each other's throats, “well, they remain respectful to each other, off and on the field,” that was a bit of a lie considering Isagi calling Baro a donkey mid-game.
“They work hard and dedicate themselves, body and soul to the sport. They accept defeats to grow better not only as a player but as a person.” You replied truthfully this time, fiddling with the fabric of the dress. They took your word for it and seemed intrigued by your answers with nods and hums.
“And how do they act towards you? Since you’re one of the many female managers after all.” They smirked with suggestion. You sucked in the corner of your bottom lip to avoid snapping at him. What was even going through their sick heads? Do they want this project to end with just one sexual speculation?
“Respect… we maintain a distance that is manager and player. We don’t have a rather close and intimate relationship with each other.” That was a bit of a lie. The players acted relatively close to you but still maintained a respectable presence with you.
Aryu runs his hands in your hair while complimenting your makeup and outfit. Chigiri would ask you to play with his hair. You were terrible at it, but he didn’t mind. Otoya would constantly flirt and ask for your number. Karasu and Yukimiya would save you from him. Baro, Kunigami, and all the other boys would try to pitch in to help you. Bachira would always hug you whenever you entered the room. Nagi trails behind you like a lost puppy, along with Reo, who would talk your ear off about the stock market and ask you to go out on a date with him once he’s out of blue lock.
And so many more, the boys acted like you were friends at school which made you feel comfortable with your stay and you really appreciated the boys and their behavior towards you.
“Is that so? Nothing-?”
“Hey, shithead. Do you think it’s a good idea to ask a girl who's 18 if she’s having intimate relations with a bunch of guys who are 18 and below? That’s fucking disgusting.” Ego spat in a whisper to the man as he pulled you by the wrist and hid you behind him. Your eyes widen as well as the JFU member, and he stammers out an apology that Ego didn’t take so kindly.
You looked up at Ego as he glared in disgust at the man. With your heart beating against your chest as if it wanted to break free, sweat pooling into the palm of your heads, you pulled on Ego’s cuffs, and he turned his attention towards you.
“Ego-San, let’s not cause a scene…” you whispered lowly, gesturing to your side. Spectators were turning their heads at the three of you, who were drawn to what you were discussing. Ego looks at you, then back at the man. There was an unreadable expression on his face before he clicked his tongue and gestured for you to follow him.
“Don’t show your putrid face to me or my staff.” He hissed before walking away from the man with eyes following your every move like owls, but one look from Ego, and they returned to their conversations.
“Ego-San… thank you for doing that. I greatly appreciate it.” You spoke, pulling on the mans wrist. He stops and looks at you before flicking your forehead. “The hell?!”
“Be more careful next time when you encounter nosey pigs like him-”
“So you do have a heart in there, Jinpachi Ego.” You heard a voice state amused from behind. You couldn’t understand what he was saying. It sounded like German. You whirled around and saw the mystery man.
It was Noel Noa. Clad in a suit and bow tie. He had a stoic and serious expression with an ever-present frown on his lips, gold eyes dull into Ego’s obsidian pair of eyes before he shifted his focus to you and then back to him. When both your eyes met, you felt your heart rate go faster than ever before.
It was the Noel Noa. In the flesh! The greatest striker in the world, standing in front of you!!
You have seen this man in your television or phone but seeing him in the flesh was whole new experience.
‘Omg, omg, omg, omg, omg, omg-’
“What’s that supposed to mean, you stoic robot?” Ego hissed in German. You looked back and forth between the two. They seemed to know each other, you observed as they casually conversed with each other. “Seeing how you stood up for your female employee is out of character. I thought you weren’t Ego when I saw you.”
“Do you know each other, Ego-San?”
“In a way. Wear these. You’ll need it when communicating with the other coaches.” Ego fished out a small black box that had Blue Lock’s symbol on it. You took it from his grasp and opened the box. There were black wireless earbuds.
“Reo Mikage’s family had decided to sponsor Blue Lock and give us one of their products. That being translator earbuds, it’s light and won’t come off no matter how much you move around, and it’s hardly noticeable.” You wore it, and it almost felt unnoticeable. You then turned to the striker and slight bow.
“What is Ego Jinpachi like at work, Ms.Manager?” You were a little shocked, hearing him speak so clearly in Japanese with a believable accent. These earbuds are something else.
“O-oh, well. He can very harsh and would constantly criticize you for the littlest thing.”
“That’s accurate enough.”
“You damn brat.”
“I’m (name) (last name), Mr.Noa. It’s an honor to meet you.”
“I’ve heard many things about you from Ego.”
“Good or bad?”
“A bit of both.” You sighed hearing his quick response.
“Although, he often notes how you go above and beyond with your work despite being so young,” Noa mentioned—taking a sip of his champagne. You worked up hearing his statement and looked at Ego, who didn’t meet your eyes.
“Ego-San sometimes shares with me his instant noodles and such.” On occasion, when you would be busy with your work, Ego would always make you some instant noodles for a snack to go with your work. It touched your heart as he did care for you after all. (Before he berates you for doing absolutely nothing)
“How… amusing.” Noel glances at his friend, whose eyes softened by a fraction. The striker was quick to take a champagne glass from a waiter's tray and hand it to you.
“Ms. (Last name), you wouldn’t mind if you left your boss and me alone for a while? So we can talk a little about this passion project of his.”
“Of course, have fun.” You whispered before walking away from the two men, placing a hand above your beating heart, and your lips formed a shaky smile—excitement and adrenaline running through your veins. You did your darn best to keep your smile under wraps in favor of showing a calm and professional side of you to the man himself.
“I need to tell Anri-San about this—!” You spun your head from left to right to find the red-haired woman, but you saw her surrounded by sponsors, with Anri conversing seriously with them.
You decided to calm your excitement down and walked around the ballroom. You had to admit, this was something you would see in a movie. The piano was playing in the middle room; you were drawn to its alluring melody, and before you knew it, you were in front of the grand piano while admiring pianist playing.
“Are you into classical music, Miss?” A man purrs into your ear from behind. You recoiled away upon feeling a person's hot breath against your ear. “Haha! Didn’t mean to scare you there, lovely.”
The man had short, curly blond hair, sapphire blue eyes and a mole in the corner of his right lip. He had a well-built body, the suit fitting snuggly in his body. He was taller than you, your head level with his chest.
“I don’t think it’s good manners to suddenly whisper into someone’s without even introducing yourself.” You retorted lightly at the man, and he raised his hands in a playful gesture. “Sorry, miss. I thought I saw a diamond in the corner of my eyes.”
He confessed with a lazy grin. You sighed softly at his attempt at flirting, and you looked back at him. He seemed familiar like you’d seen him before.
“Maybe it’s because of my necklace.”
“I wouldn’t think that if I were you, lovely.” He winks at you, you left a bit uncomfortable with him. “Umm, I just turned 18, I’m not that to comfortable with someone older by a few years older than me…”
“Ahahaha!! Just wait until the fans see this, Chrissy!” A boisterous voice boomed from across the room. A man with tanned skin and wild blond hair, swung his arm over to Chrissy. He wore a black suit with a gold blouse, some of the buttons undid to reveal his chest tattoos.
“You were the one who told me to do it! Miss, I am truly sorry.”
“No, he’s not. He was, like ‘dude, check out that girl with in that dress, she super fine, ‘m gonna go talk to her and hold my drink.’ Basically.” The man matter of factly. Chrissy’s jaw dropped and looked at you who was trying to process this information.
“Lavinho, you’re this worst!”
Wait, Lavinho? As in that famous Brazilian dribbler? Whose representing the Spanish team Barcha?
“You’re… Lavinho?” You spoke and the man turns to you before grinning ear-to-ear. He took your hand and bowed.
“In the flesh, pretty lady! Man, am I lucky to have gorgeous woman like you to know my name. It’s an honor.” He boasts to himself before he grabbed his friend by the arm.
“By the way, this is Chris Prince! But call him Chrissy, though, it’s cute right? Chrissy, Chrissy~”
“Oh my gosh, can you stop? You’re embarrassing me in front of her!” Chris Prince, commonly known as worlds no.2, whispered harshly into Lavinho’s ear, who blew raspberries into his face.
“Oh my gosh, are you immature!” You couldn’t help but laugh at their shenanigans. You never expected them to be this carefree in person. It was fun!
“Let’s calm down now.” You cooed at them, trying to stop Chris from pulling on Lavinho’s collar. “What the lady said, Chrissy. Calm down.”
“I am calm!”
“Says who?”
As Chris was about to strangle Lavinho, you hurriedly took him by the arm and tried to anchor him down with your body weight.
“Let’s calm down! We wouldn’t want to attract too much attention now, do we?” You stammered nervously as the crowd’s eyes were on the three of you. How many times has it already been since the attention was suddenly focused on you.
“You heard the lady, Princey-”
“That includes you, Mr.Lavinho.” He looks at you with shock and Chris glanced at Lavinho with a victorious smirk.
“He’s such a wild person, isn’t he, lovely?”
“A little bit.”
“But not in a bad way.”
“I knew I could trust in you, pretty lady!” Lavinho laughed as he slamming his palms on your shoulders making you wince.
“I hope you can forgive me for that initial greeting, miss?”
“Oh, right. I never introduced myself! My name is (name) (last name) and I’m the manager of Blue lock. It’s a pleasure meeting you both, Mr.Lavinho and Mr.Prince. And it’s alright, Mr.Prince. You didn’t do anything if offense anyway. You briefly introduced yourself with a bow and a smile.
“Oh~! So you’re the woman glasses mentioned we would be working with! Nice to meet you too. Hope we can work together soon!” Lavinho grinned as did Chris.
“Are you a model by any chance? I mean, you have the potential one.” Chris asked curiously. Your posture and beauty were very much similar to models. He would know as he posed with some female models in the past.
“I actually did some modeling jobs when I was 16. Although I’m currently on a break.”
“Ha! I knew it! A beautiful girl like you would be scouted sooner or later. Hey, how about we do a shoot-?”
“She told you she was taking a break from the cameras, Chris.” Another man reminded to the English man with a sigh as he came from behind you and smiled at you apologetically. He had short blond hair and large emerald green eyes with a very well defined nose.
“I’m so sorry about him, Ms.(name). Please don’t let him bother you.”
“It’s alright. I don’t mind doing a shoot with him.”
“See?! It’s almost impossible to say no to this handsome face.” Chris laughs. Pulling out a hand mirror and admires himself, smiling at the mirror and winking at himself.
“Is he… usually like that?”
“You seem to know me.”
“I happen to overhear you introducing yourself, my name is Marc Snuffy. Call me Snuffy. It’s a pleasure meeting one of Blue Lock’s beautiful managers.” Snuffy grinned kindly at you making your heart skip a beat.
“Beautiful? Now, I think that’s a stretch!”
“Not what the posts say about you.” He laughs lightly, pulling out a phone to reveal screenshots of a Tiktok comment section filled with compliments and love towards you.
“I must say, the media quite likes you after those little videos with you and Pablo Cavasoz dancing.” You glowered in embarrassment as you remembered the famous baby-face Argentina player, who was mysteriously drawn to you and dragged you to Harajuku with you to film Tiktok dance video’s in the middle of the street or inside the stores and to go shopping.
Never again were you going to be bribed with food and a promise of manicures.
“I-I’m honestly flattered that you think that way, Mr.Snuffy. Thank you. You’re Uber’s coach, right?”
"Correct and I hope my team wouldn't be too much of a trouble to deal with." He jokes lightly making you laugh.
"Have you seen my players? They would be at each other's throats if I look away for a couple of seconds! Like my Rin and Isagi for example."
"Considering the fact that your no.10 dodged a hug from 11... I'd say that their relationship is..."
"Rough? Absolutely."
"We all have those friends." You and continues to conversed at one another about your teams along with his. Snuffy is quite the gentleman you noted. Very polite and respectful.
"Yo, Snuffy. When're we gonna go back to the dorms, 'm tired." You heard someone complain. A man with messy black hair with purple tips and dark purple eyes, laid his head on the Uber's captain's shoulder with a sigh. You rubbed your eyes to wear off any drowsiness as you thought the man had gold teeth for a second.
"It's only 10 pm, Lorenzo and button up your shirt." Snuffy scolded Lorenzo who groaned but stopped midway as he saw you. "Who's this pretty lady, Snufs?"
"Her name is (name) and she's Blue Lock's manager. Be kind."
"Isn't she on the news one time? Like people thought she was Pablo's girlfriend or stuff." You sunk on the floor in embarrassment, remembering the countless news articles that you were his girlfriend. You even got a call from your father who was pissed at you for keeping your not-boyfriend a secret.
"Erm, I'm actually not his girlfriend... hehe, it was an misunderstanding."
"Huh, really?"
"Yup, the media assumed that we were dating just from a few videos of us dancing and doing some sightseeings around Harajuku."
"I see. So yer gonna be our new manager?"
"As far as I know, yea."
"Let's be friends then! Snuf, 'mma borrow her real quick." Lorenzo immediately went towards you and wrapped his arm around your shoulder and waved goodbye at Snuffy who told the two of you to have fun.
"Names Don Lorenzo but just call me whatever you want since we're gonna be friends and all."
"Alright, Mr-"
"And no Mister and all that title shit, just call me Lorenzo or whatever- oh! Snuffy does call me Donny at times."
"So is Lorenzo alright with you?"
"Totes." Lorenzo was quite the character. He's friendly and a laidback type of guy, you felt at ease just by being with him as you started to slip from your professional mode. You were enjoying yourself with Lorenzo as the two of you conversed with other topics other than football.
"By the way, are this gold grills on your teeth?" You asked curiously. The two of you were seated a couch with a plate of crackers, cheese and caramel popcorn. He stops eating the popcorn and pulled on the corner of his mouth to give you a full view of his gold teeth.
"These babies? Nah, before all of this, i was some homeless kid on the streets of Italy, begging and robbin' people of their money until Snuffy came into my life askin' me if I wanna play football with him,"
"I was like, 'what's up with this dude? He crazy as fuck,' so then I was like 'replace my rotten teeth with golden ones' and do you know what he did afterwards?"
"He immediately dragged you to the nearest dentist and had it replaced with gold teeth?"
"Exactly! You're so smart." Lorenzo praises, throwing popcorn in the air and caught some with his mouth while also missing some, which you then picked up from the couch and ate it so it won't go to waste.
"Who knew that Mr.Snuffy is such a kind man."
"Kindest in the world. He's the type of person to not give up on others just cause." The player says fondly. You grabbed your champagne glass and felt it was unusually light, you then saw that it was empty. "I'm out of champagne. I'll go grab some more."
"Nah, I'll do it. You sit your pretty self here."
"Thanks but I can handle it, Lorenzo." You pat his shoulder before taking off with your empty glass and towards the bar for a quick refill.
You arrived at the bar and leaned against the counter. "Excuse me but can I get a refill in champagne? Non-alcoholic if there is."
"In a second."
"Can I get a martini?" Someone ask beside you. You glanced at them saw the familiar fluffy hair of brown to purple beside you.
"Are you... Alexis Ness from Bastard Munchen, by any chance?" The man beside you perks up upon hearing his name and turned to you with a nod and a kind grin.
"Yes and you're?"
"(Name) (last name). One of Blue lock's managers. It's nice to see you this evening, Mr.Ness."
"Please no need to call me Mister, just call me Ness and the pleasure is all mine.”
“Ness it is then. About that match with (club name), you did a good job out there.” You praise the player. You watched his match with (club name) a few weeks ago and was amazed at Ness’s clean assist and passes to a star player in his team.
“Really? I didn’t do all that much, it was all-”
“Why would you say that? Your assists were clean and quick. Not even the other players knew you would do it.” You interrupted Ness, and you meant every word you said. He looks at you in shock before red soon blossoms on his cheeks.
“You really think so?”
“Yea, although… I do have a tiny teeny problem…” Ness frowns upon hearing your last words. He had hoped he would gain a fan after all his hard work, but it seemed his efforts-
“That you didn’t score any goals!” Now that left him confused.
“E-excuse me?”
“You’re obviously a great player with amazing dribbling and passing skills, so why don’t you use it score your own goals? I mean, seriously, I hoped you would score that last goal before you passed to number 10.” You went on a little rant, and Ness stood there in awe with your words.
You weren’t focused with Kaiser but instead your attention was on Ness and even wanted him to score goals!
His heart started to beat even faster when you were praising his work and sets of skills. Ness looked up and got a good look at you, he had to admit, you were very beautiful in that dress.
“Kaiser is Bastard Munchen’s Ace so we dedicate all of the goals towards him.”
“But isn’t that letting your own skills go to waste? You’re hindering yourself just so that your number 10 can win. How about this?” You grabbed Ness by the arm and sat him on the stools, and you sat across him. Leaning towards his shoulder, you narrowed the distance of your lips to his ears. Ness’s heartbeat grew increasingly erratic as you drew closer. He felt your hot breath against the shell of his ear and smelled the perfume in your skin, blending with the champagne you were drinking.
“Your ace knows that you would be passing to him for every game, no?”
“And I’m also sure that the rest of your team along with Mr.Noa would be aware of this fact. What I’m trying to say is that,”
“When trying to pass to your beloved Ace, change course and score the goal for yourself. I’m sure the opposing team would also know about your play style. Therefore, they would surround your ace to prevent a successful pass from approaching him.” You explained with a mischievous smile after seeing Ness’s shocked expression. Gone was his ear-to-ear grin as it was replaced with an open mouth.
“B-but Kaiser-”
“So what about him? He can score his own goals if he’s your so-called ace. Ness, you’re an amazing player, but you lack the independence of one or, rather… the ego of one. Omg… I’m starting to sound like Ego-San.” You pulled away from Ness and seriously contemplated your words. Ness, however, was silent as he let your words sink deep into his consciousness. You looked at Ness’s blank face, and yours swelled in embarrassment.
He probably didn’t understand your rambling. Even when you thought you sounded cool saying it!! You stood hastily after the bartender finally refilled your drink and cleared your throat.
“I probably wasn’t making any sense. This is more on Ego-San’s department. Forget I said anything, Ness-”
“No… I was hoping you could explain more about this ego. Please… I want to learn more about it, Ms.(name).” Ness took hold of your wrist and slightly tightened his grip on you. His tone… it sounded like he was begging you.
You stared at the B.M player with a conflicting mindset as you looked between your drink and Ness.
“So this is why my drink has been taking a long time. I didn’t know you were busy flirting with a girl, Ness.” A man purrs condescendingly as he struts towards you both. Ness reluctantly lets go of your wrist and looks shamefully to the side. “So-”
“And who is this lovely lady keeping you company, hm?” The man in front of you grinned at Ness. He had blond hair styled into a long mullet with blue fades. He wore a dark blue suit and matched it with a tie. Something was peeking from his collar, but you couldn’t determine what it was, probably a tattoo or something.
“(Name) (last name), one of the managers of Blue Lock, and I take it that you’re Kaiser?” His smile grows as his name rolls out from your tongue, and he takes your hand, fluttering his lips over your knuckles before he firmly presses his lips on your knuckles.
“Micheal Kaiser, das Fräulein. Star player of Bastard Munchen.” The Ace says matter-of-factly with a grin, and you smile at him uncomfortably, looking at the area where he kissed.
“Ew, ew, ew, ew, ew.” You repeated in your head as you tried to pull back your hand, but Kaiser gripped you as he incoherently conversed with Ness.
“I take it that you know Blue Lock’s Ace: Isagi Yoich? That plain looking guy.” Your lips turned into frowns hearing him describe your friend.
“Yes. Is there something you wanted to ask him?”
“Oh no, I was just making sure that you were his specific manager. After all, I would want him to look at your face once I humiliate him.”
“Excuse me?” You honestly expected Kaiser to be a prideful person. That was for sure. But for him to straight up admit his intentions in front of you? Now, that was a bold him.
“I think you heard me, (name). I plan to make Isagi Yoichi, the hero of Blue Lock, an obstacle for me to overcome. Make sure he’s worthy of that title.” Kaiser requested you like it was a normal thing to ask. As your glare towards him hardened, Kaiser couldn't care less. You slowly exhaled, placed your glass gently, and pushed yourself towards him.
“As you wish, I’ll make sure Isagi Yoichi will be an impossible obstacle for you to overcome.” Now it was his turn to be annoyed as he took his vacant hand and roughly grabbed your upper arm to pull you closer. His face was nearing yours with a cocky snarl.
“Is that a threat?”
“A promise, rather.”
“To think that Blue Lock would have such a feisty manager, I wonder how Jinpachi Ego leashed you.”
“Leashed me? Do you think I’m some kind of dog?!”
“Oh, I know! You’re the character who blindly placed her fate into the clown who thought of himself as the main character, but that’s going to change once I step into the field,” he removes his grip from your upper arm and clasps his hand around your jaw to pull your face even closer to his. You instinctively tried to tear away, but his strength proved greater than yours.
“I could just imagine what dear Isagi’s face will look like once I humiliate him in front of his pretty manager.”
“As if that would happen.” You rasped, trying to pry his hand away from your face. As Ness was about to intervene finally, Lorenzo came into sight, taking hold of Kaiser’s wrist with a deadly grip, his gold teeth shining against the light, and the Italian let out a whistle in amusement.
“Damn, Kaiser… never you would act like a dick if a girl don’t wanna be with ya.”
“Where did you come from, you damn zombie?”
“Wonderin’ where (name) was at, said she was goin’ to refill her drink. Didn’t know you were holding her hostage.” The two-star players glared at each other in disdain. Kaiser started to feel the blood being cut off from his hand and he rips away his grip from your face. You stepped back and massaged your jaw.
“Are you alright, (name)? I’m sorry I couldn’t-”
“It’s alright. I expected he act like this. Fucking prick.” You huffed, drinking your champagne as Ness looks ashamed.
“Honestly… I should’ve intervened when he grabbed you by the arm. I’m so sorry-”
“Ness, Ness, baby, love.” You sweet-talked and grabbed his jaw gently. (Unlike someone) “It’s alright, I get it. We all freeze sometimes, even I do. So you don’t gotta worry about it, okay?” You smiled. Expecting him to agree with you and let all of this be over with. He tentatively nodded, and you let go of his jaw before turning to the bartender. “Actually, can I get the bottle?”
Before the bartender could hand you the bottle, Lorenzo snatched it from him, took you the waist and led you away from the bar, making a mocking face at Kaiser.
“See ya in the field, naked emperor!” The Italian player laughs as he waves and pours you a drink. You turned to Ness and gave him a smile and wave, which he returned. You met Kaiser’s glare and returned it with a glare and a middle finger.
“Is he always so arrogant?”
“24/7, babe. 24/7.” Lorenzo sighs, patting your shoulder. “Hey, your lipstick… Kaiser must’ve smudged it.” He stares at the colored streak nearing your jaw. You placed your finger on it and saw the colored stain on your finger. You hissed at the sight and covered the lower half of your face.
“Damn that rat. Lorenzo, I’ll be back. Need to fix myself.”
“Sure, I’ll be on the couch!” He removed his arm, and you speed-walked through the crowd towards the hallway where the servers were going in and out. You swiftly dodged the waiters that’s were carrying snacks and drinks, you saw a waiter who seemed to be on break, seeing that she was on her phone.
“Excuse me, miss. Where’s the bathroom?” She looks up from her phone and points at the direction where to go.
“Second to the last door on the left.”
“Thanks.” And with that you immediately took off.
During the trip toward the bathroom, you recalled your rather eventful evening. A JFU member asking disgusting questions, Ego saving you, meeting Noel Noa, Chris Prince flirting with you, Lavinho laughing at Chris, Marc Snuffy appearing, Don Lorenzo whisking you away from the night, meeting Ness and getting harassed(?) by Micheal Kaiser.
And here you thought you would be the loner who escaped from the party to the safe haven that was the balcony. So much for that, at least. As you wiped the stain away, you were quick to reapply a new batch on your skin but before you exited the bathroom, you took a few photos of yourself for good measure and sent a few to your brother to let him decide which ones should you post as you were indecisive.
[You sent 15 photos]
You: which one of these do I look the prettiest?
Little demon: none
You: what if I tell Ma and pa?
Little demon: Your alrd pretty tho but for me 1 4 9 and 13 are the best ones
You: I know I’m pretty. I’ll be positing these soon after party
Little demon: don’t post. Dress is revealing. I can see your BOOBS
You: only a little :(
Little demon: what if I tell Ma and pa?
You: I hate you
Little demon reacted: 👍
You huffed seeing your younger brothers weak response and before you could text something back, you bumped into someone’s side.
“Sorry- (name)?” The man spoke, and you looked up to find the black French player in front of you wearing a suit paired with a bow tie. You lit up seeing the player and tucked away your phone to give him a big hug.
“Loki!! Oh my gosh, how’re you?”
“I’m fine. It’s good to see you again after a couple of weeks. Mr.Pablo has been bombarding me with texts asking for your socials. That man won’t give up.” He sighs as he pulls away from you, and you laugh.
“You might have you endure that for a little while longer, Loki dear.” He sighs again and you took him by the arm and dragged him down the hall.
“I heard we’ll be working together again. Good luck to us then.” Loki says, patting your hand before giving you a kind smile, which you return. The two of you reentered the ballroom and went your separate ways. Loki said he couldn’t leave his team alone as they would likely cause a scene without him there.
“I’ll see you at work, peace maker.”
“Have a fun evening, (name).” Then you went back to where Lorenzo was sitting, spending the rest of the evening with the Italian, joking, judging other people, talking about your respective counties and your experience with football.
This only took me 3 weeks to finish what a record 🙏
I hope you guys enjoyed this long ass fanfic, this was originally gonna be like 2 parts but then I decided to publish this a whole rather than separate parts.
Reblogs are much appreciated!! I love you all I hope you guys have a great day!
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geniousbh · 2 months
pra vocês que são vidradas em dilf!esteban fiquem sabendo que ele seria CANONICAMENTE o maridinho e pai que se veste de papai noel no natal pra entreter as crianças e dar uma memória afetiva pra elas😘 e digo mais, safadas, vc se vestiria de mamãe noel - porque as fantasias vinham juntas no pacote - e ele iria te sussurrar pr você não tirar porque tem um presente muito bom pra te dar mais tarde!!!
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akimojo · 8 months
Just wanted to thank you because it's thanks to you that I've bought FF13-2 (and finished 13 a while ago) and I'm currently LOVING IT I don't understand how some people can call it the worst FF game like !!!
The game is so much fun, Iove Serah and Noel, I love the combat system and if I talk about the osts I am never shutting up ever again (also I fell in love with Caius at first sight but that's just me falling for every FF villain).
Also I love your art !! The one with Caius patting Yeul's head made me laugh a lot, I literally thought the same while watching the cutscene lmao
RIGHT??? My favorite part about xiii-2 has to be watching serah and noel interact with each other, like it gives me life
Caius is so fine btw, idk what possessed square enix to give us this half-insane deep voiced dilf with a tragic backstory but I sure am grateful bc WOW he's beautiful
And thank you!!! I need to draw more xiii-2 art istg I love this game to death
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politicaldilfs · 3 months
Rhode Island Governor DILFs
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Donald Carcieri, John Chafee, J. Joseph Garrahy, John A. Notte, Bruce Sundlun, Lincoln Chafee, Dan McKee, Christopher Del Sesto, John Pastore, Dennis J. Roberts, Lincoln Almond, Frank Licht, Robert E. Quinn, Norman S. Case, Theodore F. Green, J. Howard McGrath, Edward D. DiPrete, Philip Noel
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karnakthegreat · 2 years
Some facts about me the fanfiction nerds call ‘headcannons’
Virgil and I are very much in love
We (mainly I) have adopted some members of the Saint Cassian School Choir (mainly Noel Ocean and Jane)
I have a dadbod and I’m a ‘dilf’
I have my favourite children
I am a transgender man who is ginger
Virgil and I have plans to move into a cottage together
Anything else you wish to know please ask
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you've heard of "assign ur moots (as) om! swd characters" now get ready for:
Assign your mutuals as twtptflob/roxana characters!
Cassis @nyrwve ( Come on, you saw this coming, your the love of my life 💕 )
Sylvia @lady-navier0357 ( Sooo..uh- my brother has been kidnapped but Roxana is kinda fine ngl. 😳 ; Fruity vibes) Your og! female lead congrats
Jeremy @rouecentric ( You both need to grow tf up 😋/ jk ) Your a headache to Roxana
Lante @dxmoness ( Bet you weren’t expecting that huh?? I just did it to annoy you lol )
We all know the real Lant is @d10nsaint  and @giyuus0nlywife
Dw dw nobody’s taking your roles
Maria - @blvckryx ( Insane vibes from you, but also girlboss, like how dare someone breath the same air as you?? They are unworthy of such perfection😛 )
Sierra - @jeweledflowers ( You seem like the sweet type tbh, but novel Sierra was just>>> She was a girlboss, love that! You may be sensitive but your extremely compassionate and ily 🥺)
Roussel - Idk any dilfs help, anyone here with daddy issues??
Deon - @d10nsaintsaint( I just see it 😏 , don't kill me, I'm too beautiful to die )
Luzak - @meenasmagic ( Your chill, just get nervous around pretty girls but thats okay! ) Don’t all of us homosexuals??
Noele - @manicmagic1 ( You both get a nosebleed near hot women congrats!! 🤗)
Fountaine - I’m not doing none of my moots this dirty 💀💀💀
Grizelda - @loekas (Your the chill older sister, just vibing 🎶 because life did you dirty )
Ashil - @giyuus0nlywife ( Siri play ‘I am dead but pretty’ nah but your both sweethearts, Roxana misses you come back to her before she kills everyone and burns her mansion down  😗)
Charlotte @sidra-29 ( Roxana may hate you but she secretly cares about you 😘)
No Roxana because she is the MC ;)
And I like torturing y’all
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supersonic1994 · 12 days
Maybe Noel will stop asking to explain fan signs after that time he asked what dilf means lmao
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god i hope so
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telephone-junkie · 5 months
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ng / 2023
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meveispunk · 1 year
Celebrity Crush Game: Make a List of all the celebrities you had a crush on or still do.
- Keanu Reeves
- Sandra Bullock (my speed era)
- Josh Hartnett
- Joshua Jackson (my boyfriend actually looks a lot like him. Even more now that they are getting older)
- Timothy Olyphant
- Kristen Bell
- Jeffrey Dean Morgan
- Norman Reedus
- Rahul Kohli
- Danai Gurira
- Noel Fisher (specifically as Mickey Milkovich in Shameless)
- Mads Mikkelsen
- Misha Collins
- Greg Graffin (lead singer of Bad Religion)
- Pedro Pascal 💜
- Sarah Paulson
Tagging / @avenging-fandoms @aidaronan @absurdthirst @br0ck-eddie @coulsons-fullmetal-cellist @dilf-din @dreamymyrrh @frannyzooey @ghostly-wisp @gnpwdrnwhiskey @i-own-loki @imaswellkid @starbrandedispunk @jokersfangirl84 @peterhollandkait
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austronauts · 1 year
ryan o’reilly is a dilf of 3 kids whose favorite video game is call of duty
noel acciari has a happy lil dog named after a deity and eats cookies before games
u know what that means for mitch marner
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fflickermann · 7 months
🎅���Santa: What do you want for Christmas this year?
Eu vi uma bolsa... não sei quem estava usando, acho que aquela lá de Chantemer. Ela é linda! Prateada, tem uns brilhinhos roxos. Ia combinar com o meu look de Dilf Noel.
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femmascthing · 1 year
im in the process of writing a fic centering about my carnoel fankids (dont ask how idk either) and my girlfriend and i just . cannot get over the very idea of noel joking about caron being a dilf . its too funny ( also! oscar and fugo are uncles to athena and carter and they often take the kids to the zoo, aquarium or amusement parks when their parents are busy . oscar and fugo best uncles 2023 )
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tsuki-sennin · 1 year
Episodes 39 and 40 of Delicious Party Precure! Together! In a double feature! Like fat juicy burger and a crispy chicken sandwich! It's epic!
First one's Yui focused? With her Dad? And the second Takumicchi focused? With HIS Dad? It's a double DILF special! Very cool.
I've been putting these both off so Spoilers, I guess... for two~!
-Oh yeah, we went back in time. That's a thing Kabuto did too, Yuin!
-Oooooh, Inari wrap, huh?
-So you WERE the narrator all along! ...wait, does this mean you've been hanging out with me the whole time?
-Ah... Yone-san... you really were watching over her all this time, huh?
-Dad's comin' back! The fisher man!
-How delectable.
-No need to cook!?
-Oh shit, Yuin's got sports ball power, I kinda forgot.
-See, with Ikki Igarashi, it's pretty informed in his fighting style, but Yuin's been sluggin' bitches so much... you very pointedly don't use your hands in soccer, so.
-Wakana Tamaki? Like Go Tamaki?
-Skort skort, Kome-Kome!
-Skort skort, Koko-neechan!
-Alright Mari-chan, what've you got for us today?
-We met Ginger! In the ancient past of 2002!
-Left on read.
-Sorry, Mari-chan.
-Black Pepper!
-Papa Ginger's just... like that, huh?
-Oh shit, Cerfueil.
-You will become perfect! ...that so, green lady?
-Snacc time
-Damn, Wakana-chan! Your dad's cool!
-Oh hello, Mashiba-san.
-Ooooooh, you're totally wiped!
-Damn dude, you okay?
-Dinner Time.
-Inari zushi!
-Oh, Jesus! Yuin, your room looks like it's covered in strawberry frosting! You don't even need that lamp, it's so bright already!
-What a hard-working man Mashiba-san is. You're super lucky to have a dad as based as he is, Wakana-chan.
-Grandmother once said... "No matter what condiment, no matter what ingredient, there is something greater and that's love of the person creating the food."
-Damn, going to a boarding school, huh?
-Not everybody gets it, I guess.
-She's in a mood, Ranchi.
-Well Kokone, I suppose we could reduce the preptime of their food with a bit of thinking...
-It's okay Yuin. I'm running low on Grandma Tendo quotes too.
-Yuin's gonna need to waterboard herself with mouthwash to get all that inevitable plaque outta her teeth.
-Oh shit, Seccy's got a backstory.
-...oh, you've got issues.
-Tell her, Ranchi!
-Yuin, are you sure you're not gonna die?
-Maybe sit this one out, Yuin.
-Yeah, Precious is dyin'!
-Go time, ladies!
-Yum-Yum! Hyakuretsu Ken!
-Goddamn Seccy, you're very sad.
-Nobody's Perfect! My favorite W insert song!
-"Secretoru! I have to thank you! It's because of your very adult wisdom that I realize how much of a fuckin' sad soy princess cuckquean you are~!"
-Take the Baton! Convey your own genius!
-Oh but first, some bread.
-Whoop they ass!
-Ass they whooped.
-Two Egg.
-Not even happy to do your job, huh Seccy?
-Help her out, hell yeah!
-Busyness for his business.
-Seems like something stuck with Wakana-chan!
-Power Lunch!
-Come up with your own food-related aphorisms, Yuin-san!
-Ranchi and Amai-kaichou. Linguistic scholars.
-Ohhhhhhh, Takumicchi!
-Yeah, your Dad's totally Cinnamon.
-Ohhhhhh, Takumi's mom's in on it.
-Oh sure, hit me with this catchy-ass pretty outro. I need that.
-Yep, two Dads are back!
-Takumicchi's retiring!
-Yep, the DILFs are back in town!
-Cinnamon... Shinada Monpei... Shina Mon...
-Ohhhh, that's
-That's very clever.
-Hug Him!
-Sad Prince Mari-chan.
-Ah, went somewhere to the Middle East, huh?
-Takumicchi! You have been discovered!
-It's okay though, I know a guy! I just need you to call this number, and ask for a new dust filter for a Hoover Max Pr-
-Oh yeah, it's Christmas next week. Ah.
-Buche de Noel..
-You really wanted to help out your girl, huh Takumicchi?
-Them slippery Bundoru.
-Not a Cook Fighter or a Pretty Cure.
-That's gotta sting, huh buddy?
-Good job, Fennel.
-...I uh... kinda find you a little sussy, but okay
-Aw, Takumicchi :(
-Ranchi and Koko-neechan seem to be jazzed for the
-Thinkin' about Seccy, huh?
-Ever the supportive type, huh Takumicchi?
-Chrimbus Party!
-I have to admit Takumicchi, I didn't think very highly of you when we first met, but you've definitely become a real reliable guy.
-Man, if only literally every PreCure capable of retrieving them Pipis didn't live in Japan, huh?
-Then nobody can cook anymore.
-...goddamn your glasses are hot, Seccy.
-Bundoru, Bundoru!
-Chringus Time is here!
-Whoa! Big money!
-"Ah? Takumi, you didn't do anything bad as Black Pep. Why on earth would you ever want to hide it from Yui?"
-"Noooooooooo reason..."
-"Aaaaah, got it."
-Burned tongue!
-Bitch took my cake, my dog, my fox, and my dragon!
-Oooh, Mari got the moves!
-Oh, she caught him!
-"Gimme that fuckin' thing! I'm kicking that bitch's teeth in!"
-Black Pepper! Make her sneeze!
-You go, lad!
-Looks like you got caught in the act, buddy.
-Alright ladies, from the top! Delicious Standby!
-Kome! Tasty! Wonton! ...and Parfait noises!
-She's got a fuckin' command pad.
-Why didn't you DOOOOOODGE!?
-Smack that thang!
-Go talk to the green lady, Yuin.
-Yeah, get through to her, Yuin!
-Guess Spicy's bread wasn't hard enough.
-Oh damn, a two prong attack.
-Neither Cook Fighter nor PreCure. He is but Black Pepper! The token boy!
-Yeah, this is pretty good.
-You still can't join in on the finisher though Takumicchi. That's a girl thing, you see.
-Delicious Victory.
-Maing a girl cry like that!
-Absolutely abhorrent!
-See, Amane agrees with me!
-Rice ball!
-Cure Precious's beloved sidekick. Black Pepper!
-Oh shoot! Master Ginger...
-Let's go learn some more about them rocks, eh?
-Learn from a master fighter, eh?
-"Cake later, okay?"
-Hello, Godatz-sama!
-Oh come now Amane, don't sound us off like you were the star of this episode /j
-Very fun pair of episodes. Takumi really shined today, he's pretty epic.
-Christmas party~!
-Not quite on Christmas from my perspective, but hey! Should be a holly jolly celebration anyway~! And we get to learn more about Fennel~!
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