Holiday ficlets: Hitaka snowball fight on Starkiller base.
“Thank you for agreeing to join me here,” General Hux said in formal tones that still made Dopheld shiver.
‘Here’ was Starkiller Base, more specifically the ‘gardens’ just outside the General’s office where they were talking a walk before dinner. Dinner in his private quarters. Alone.
Even after six months of dating Dopheld still got a thrill from that idea, and from the careful formality of rank that he knew Armitage only maintained to get his heart racing. Behaviour that played merry hell with his blood pressure on the bridge, but certainly made their private time all the more satisfying.
“Of course, Sir,” he replied with a smile.
His General rolled his eyes, just as he always did. “How many times do I have to tell you to call me Armitage when we’re alone?”
Dopheld looked pointedly around at the dense cover of trees. He had no way of knowing if they were alone for sure.
“At least once more, Sir.”
Armitage sighed and strode towards a parapet topped with a thick white layer of what Dopheld understood to be snow. He’d done some research before they arrived but reading hadn’t prepared him for the real thing. Knowing the planet was this cold was different to experiencing it.
“I understand you were born in the fleet?” Armitage asked as he dipped one gloved finger into the stuff. Apparently it was soft because the digit sank in easily.
“Yes, two years after the evacuation.”
“Have you ever served on a planet? Any training?”
“No, Sir, my areas of expertise didn’t require it,” he said cautiously. He was being waved over to where the General was standing.
“Here, touch it, it’s quite safe,” Armitage offered with a smile that was slightly more predatory than was reassuring.
It was soft, and intensely cold though his gloves. As he pressed down the snow made oddly satisfying crunchy noises under his fingers. He could see the appeal.
“Fascinating stuff, this,” Armitage went on, “We didn’t have it on my planet, never quite got cold enough. But look, you can form it into shapes and it holds it’s structure for a while…”
Dopheld looked up to observe whatever Armitage was demonstrating, and shrieked as he suddenly received a face full of cold wet fluff. He shook his head and blinked to get his eyes clear just in time to see Armitage grabbing another handful of snow.
Well, two could play at that game, and Dopheld had taken one of his specialities in melee combat.
His first attempt disintegrated as soon as it left his hand, the second faired a little better, but the third caught Armitage a glancing blow on the shoulder just as another lump of snow hit his nape and slithered wetly down his collar.
That was unpleasant enough to motivate him so that soon he was striking his target more often than not, both of them ducking and weaving as they each sought out the best materials.
Most shocking and wonderful of all though was the laughter. He’d never heard Armitage laugh like this, an adorable nose crinkled snorting giggle that took all the sting from the frequent headshots.
Finally they both leapt for the same snow drift and thrown snow became a wrestling match that Dopheld won by virtue of shoving a handful of the cold powder up under Armitage’s dress uniform.
Armitage had the last work by dragging him into a kiss and then rolling them both over into a snowbank, but Dopheld knew for sure he’d won.
❄️Holiday Ficlets ❄️
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huxandthehound · 6 years
Mashup 10&100 kylux?
Thanks for asking!
10. Airport/Travel AU100. Accidentally Saving the Day
Let’s see. Hux is traveling for work, as usual. He’s also ridiculously early to the airport. As usual.
A jerk with entirely too much alcohol on his breath sits right next to Hux, of all places. He’s quiet at first, but maybe he notices how Hux is dressed—to the nines—or the incredibly subtle rainbow-colored luggage tag on his carry on. Either way, as the crowd starts to fill in and the gate gets louder, the jerk starts harassing Hux under cover of the noise. Hux tries to deescalate the situation as discreetly as possible. He doesn’t want to make a scene, especially in the airport. If security has to be called, he’ll definitely miss his flight. He’ll just try to talk his way out of it like he always does.
Meanwhile, Kylo strolls up to the gate five minutes before boarding call, glances around the seating area until bright red hair catches his eye. Kylo just sees an uptight businessman in a heated discussion—and it’s hot. And if there’s an open seat next to him, well that’s even better.
When Kylo approaches, Hux gets concerned. Perhaps the jerk has a friend who’s come to back him up. But the large man takes a seat and flashes a crooked smile at Hux and utters a deep, lighthearted “hey.”
The drunk asshole nearly falls over trying to scramble out of his seat and grab his luggage, mumbling things like don’t want any trouble and you should have said your boyfriend was a fucking giant.
Kylo is confused. Hux is embarrassed but unbelievably grateful. Do they join the mile high club? Or does Hux find a more dignified way to show his gratitude?
Trope Mash Up List
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cosleia · 6 years
Ooh fic request: Kylo and Hux each on blind dates set up by Phasma. They both think they’ve been stood up because there’s no way Phasma would have... would she?
He didn’t mean to say anything, but at the sight of that riot of shining black hair, the word is spitting past his lips before he can stop it.
Ren turns his head to look over his shoulder, his distinctive nose coming into profile. He lets out a huff. “Hux.”
“I suppose you’re here to ruin this for me as well?” Armitage can’t seem to shut up. He glares as Ren turns to face him.
“It’s none of your business what I’m here for,” Ren says, leaning back on his elbows against the bar. He narrows his eyes. “What are you doing here?”
“Nothing,” Armitage says, which is the stupidest thing he could possibly say, but it’s not like he practiced any comebacks in preparation for the evening. All his scenarios had involved small talk and/or sexual innuendo.
“Feel free to get the fuck out, then,” Ren says.
“No. I’m meeting someone.” Armitage steps up to the bar and waves for the bartender. “Stop talking to me so I don’t miss them.”
“You started it, asshole.” Ren turns his back to Armitage. His extremely broad back, which is straining the rich purple button-down he’s wearing. His slacks are better fitting, loose in the legs and just tight enough at the arse. Ren is apparently dressed to impress.
Armitage rolls his eyes, but a creeping sense of doubt begins curling in his gut. What if the blind date Phasma found for him sees Ren first? What will he think of Armitage after seeing that?
Armitage orders a drink.
They’ve been standing at the bar, two seats away from each other, for thirty minutes now. Armitage refuses to look directly at Ren. He won’t.
Whatever Ren’s doing here, at least it doesn’t seem to involve Armitage. Ren’s been shifting around restlessly, checking his phone, glancing at the entrance to the bar, and completely ignoring Armitage’s existence. Armitage will extend him the same dubious courtesy.
He’s glancing surreptitiously in Ren’s direction for the umpteenth time when Ren says suddenly, “Can you meet whoever it is somewhere else?” Armitage can’t help but look at him at that. Ren’s face is troubled, in turns angry, frustrated, and pensive.
“No,” Armitage says. “This is where we’re supposed to meet.”
“Fucking shit,” Ren says. “You complicate everything.”
“I complicate everything?” Armitage splutters. “What about you, always ignoring proper procedures and making messes I have to clean up?”
“Your ‘proper procedures’ are a waste of time, and you make plenty of messes I have to deal with,” Ren says.
“I’ve never made a mess in my life,” Armitage says.
A laugh barks out of Ren’s throat so suddenly even he seems surprised. “I’m sure you believe that,” he says.
“It’s true.”
Ren rolls his eyes. “Who are you meeting, and why the fuck aren’t they here yet?” he demands.
“I don’t know,” Armitage answers without thinking. He adds hastily, “I mean, I don’t know why he’s late.”
“The guy I’m meeting is late too,” Ren grumbles. “I don’t want you around when he gets here.”
Armitage blinks, affronted. “I don’t want you here when my date gets here either.”
“So it’s a date,” Ren says.
“Who the fuck would ever go out with you? Wait, don’t tell me, it’s that suck-up Mitaka from marketing.”
Armitage presses his lips firmly shut.
“Thanisson? Opan? Peavey, maybe?”
“Oh, do shut up,” Armitage snaps.
Ren sighs dramatically and orders a beer.
It becomes a game—who’ll give up and leave the bar first? Hours pass as they stand there staring daggers at each other, patrons coming and going all around, no one ever approaching either of them. And then, suddenly, last call has come and gone, and the bartender is shooing them toward the door.
Armitage will not say a word to Ren. He will not. He won’t give Ren the opportunity to gloat.
He spins on his heel and marches to the exit, flinging the door open, gasping at the hot summer humidity. Ren’s right behind him, cursing the heat. They glance at each other, scowling. Then they turn and stalk off in opposite directions.
Continued here.
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nosecrinklewrites · 6 years
first lines game
RULES: List the first lines of the last ten stories you published.
Look to see if there are any patterns that you notice yourself, and see if anyone else notices any! Then tag some friends.
I was tagged by @nofootprintsinsalt
#1 – The day had been as long as they ever were. Hux pulled his keys from the pocket of his coat while approaching the door to his flat. As the lock clicked, a peculiar feeling settled at the base of his spine. (Shelter)
#2 – ”Mr. Hux?” (ficlet)
#3 – ”You’re not supposed to tuck in your thumb.” (ficlet/wip)
#4 – They had danced around each other for ages. Everything they did was painfully slow. When they finally began interacting, Kylo was elated. They spoke more and more often. Hux finally agreed to go on a date. (Dye)
#5 – Hux had begged his father to postpone the move. Hux had never, in his 18 years of life, begged his father for anything. (wip)
#6 – ”Steve? Do I know how to knit?” (Blue)
#7 – Posture bad as ever, Kylo was bent over the counter, pen clutched between his fingers, checking the contents of a package with the delivery note, making sure nothing was missing from the order. He had no awareness of the space around him, the sounds of customers and colleagues alike fading into a hum at the edge of his consciousness. (Human Disaster Kylo (tumblr))
#8 –  Kylo came to slowly. He blinked owlishly at the ceiling, the fluorescent lights doing a number on his already pounding head. (cantina fill)
ok, so a couple of things; the first line is always the hardest for me. i know it often sets the tone for the rest of the piece, so i'm always freaking out over it. the first line/paragraph is usually the part that i edit the most. most of the time, i write a big chunk of the fic, before i go back and write the opening lines.
having the lines listed like this – i didn't notice that i use dialogue as an opener as often as i do. it does make sense though, because i love when you watch a film and the first few seconds is a blank screen with someone speaking, whether that's a narrator or a character speaking.
the final thing i wanna touch on, is that they're all kylux, except for #6. i don't know if i'm happy about this or not. kylux is one of my absolute favorite pairings, so i'm happy that they're there, but it doesn't really show how many pairings i actually i like and write for. i'm a bit sad about it, because i have a lot of stories with a lot of different pairings that i would love to share, but i haven't been able to finish anything for a while. (i have close to no confidence in my writing and feel the need to apoligize all the time; everytime i get a positive comment/tag, i'm reduced to tears - mental illness is real, y'all.)
(i haven't published 10 fics, so you're getting 8 (only 5 of them are "proper" fics, if you wanna get technical))
i don’t know who to tag, so if you wanna do this, you can list me as the one who tagged you ♡
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kyluxcantina · 6 years
You said you were teaching me a lesson. Just what lesson do you think I learned?
Please reblog with your response to the above prompt, or submit your response to the kylux cantina!
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tokyotheglaive · 7 years
32 In a way I can’t return
32. In a way I can’t return.
(going for kylux, let me know if you had a different ship in mind~)
Hux has never had intrusive thoughts before, so he has no basis of comparison, but he imagines his predicament is similar. He asked Mitaka, not long after it began.
“Sir?” Mitaka had said, unsure if he’d heard correctly.
“Intrusive thoughts,” Hux had repeated. “What are they like?”
Mitaka had explained in broad strokes that it was as if a thought had come at you from nowhere. He offered a personal example–unprofessional, to be sure, but welcome–of a moment where he, while working on the bridge, had the sudden and vivid notion that Captain Peavey quite resembled his aunt. He pictured the Captain in her signature floral-print dress and everything. Peavey hadn’t even been on the bridge and his aunt was long dead.
Hux had left the conversation with a slightly better understanding, which was dwarfed tremendously by his inability to see Peavey without remembering Mitaka’s amusing anecdote. He’d looked up the aunt, just for fun. The resemblance was uncanny.
But. This is something else. It has a source, for one thing, and it isn’t Hux’s imagination.
“Supreme Leader,” Hux says, drawing out the vowels in a way he knows grates on Ren’s nerves. “What a surprise.”
Ren doesn’t roll his eyes, but the twitch of his cheeks tells Hux it’s a near thing.
“General,” Ren murmurs. He stands just this side of too close to stare out the viewport alongside Hux. “I was under the impression you were working. Am I interrupting your leisure hours?”
As if I have any, Hux wants to spit. Instead, he says, “Interrupting? Not at all.”
He is, and Ren knows it. Hux had locked the lounge for good reason. He doesn’t want company right now. Leave it to Ren to disregard all signs and warnings and press on to do precisely what he wants.
“Good,” Ren replies. “I wouldn’t want to disturb you.”
As if, Hux thinks, but then, that’s uncharitable, isn’t it? Until this precise moment, Ren has been nothing if not cordial.
“How may I assist?” Hux asks. Ren doesn’t reply immediately. Hux can see his reflection in the transparisteel. Ren’s not looking at him, isn’t looking at much of anything. “Supreme Leader.”
“You never call me by my name anymore,” Ren says. His voice is soft. Hux doesn’t sigh, though he wants to.
“You’re the Supreme Leader,” Hux says, as if that explains everything. To him, it does.
“Not to you,” Ren says. Hux looks down.
“You’re the Leader of the Order,” Hux replies. His voice is dropping to match Ren’s before he can reconsider.
“In name.”
There’s something in Kylo’s voice that gives Hux pause. It’s not sadness, exactly, more–resignation.
Ren sighs. His reflection relaxes, and there it is–the thought.
I love you.
It’s not Hux’s. He knows it’s not from him. It’s not the first time, but it feels...
I love you. I love you. I love you.
“Ren?” Hux asks again.
“Shh,” Ren says. His eyes are closed and he’s listing to one side. Hux fights the urge to steady him until he doesn’t.
“Ren,” Hux says, surer this time. He opens his eyes.
“Well?” Ren asks. Hux doesn’t understand. “Do you?”
“Do I what?” Hux asks. Ren doesn’t reply. There are whole systems reflected in his eyes.
I love you.
Hux shudders.
“Yes, Ren,” he says. “I do.”
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moonwalkingcrab · 6 years
nofootprintsinsalt replied to your post “��”
I once had a student who had just moved to my part of the midlands from Glasgow. When we spoke to one another the rest of the class was like... wot? Talk English, miss.
I hope you informed them that it is English, just a different variety, although admittedly most of the folk I know speak a mixture of SSE and broad Scots and I’m not entirely sure where the line between them blurs.
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katherine1753 · 7 years
kylo ren, luke skywalker from ANH, Lando Calrissian
• get randomly assigned as your lab partner for a whole semester: Lando Calrissian. I think it could be an interesting semester!
• get trapped with on a broken elevator for ten hours: Luke Skywalker. I really like Luke and he’d be pretty chill in a broken elevator I think 
• get as my employee trainer for my new job at McDonalds: Kylo Ren. He really really wants to teach someone hahaha, plus Kylo in the elevator would be a bad idea, same with potentially dangerous lab chemicals
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batnbreakfast · 6 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Amilyn Holdo/Leia Organa, Amilyn Holdo & Leia Organa Characters: Amilyn Holdo, Leia Organa Additional Tags: Fluff, Friends to Lovers Series: Part 1 of How to say „I love you“ Summary:
There are a lot of different ways to say ‘I love you’… lets explore some of them.
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backtothe80scolors · 6 years
Tumblr media
“ Kylo Ren has been asked to do a prestigious fashion photoshoot in a stately home when the original photographer cancels at the last minute. Hux jumps at the chance to help out. But there’s something there that makes them feel less than welcome, especially when Hux is careless with the previous owner’s precious book collection” Commission to @nofootprintsinsalt  =] Open commissions !
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Kiss prompt 40 - kylux please if you feel like it
[40. …because the world is ending.]
“Do you ever wonder,” Hux began with surprising calm over the roar of the fire and destruction around them. “What could have been?”
Kylo turned his head, expecting Hux to be looking at him but the Grand Marshal still had his gaze fixed on the battle beyond the viewports. Sweat was beading on his brow but otherwise he looked better than he had in days- perhaps the certainty of death was the only thing that could truly free him from his worries.
“If we’d had different childhoods you mean? Parents who cared?” Kylo asked. He could taste the bitterness of his own words. Or perhaps that was the coolant leaking from the console to his left.
The habitual lines of stress reappeared, ageing Hux by decades for a moment before they vanished again.
“My mother cared too damn much - that’s why Brendol had her killed... no.” Hux sighed. “No, I don’t mean that far back. Whoever we would have been with a different start we wouldn’t recognise ourselves. I meant... us.”
“What?” Kylo had to turn back to the viewport, dodging the X-wing he couldn’t shoot down with the weapons system already blown away, but he tried to keep the corner of his eye on Hux anyway. “What ‘us’?”
“Don’t you ever wonder what would have happened if you’d accepted my invitations?” Hux said. Desperation seemed to drip from his words. ‘If we’d worked together, lain together, been more to one another than the rivals Snoke made of us.”
“What invitations?! Lain together?!? WHAT?” 
His concentration well and truly broken Kylo missed the approach pattern of a nearby corvette. Their shuttle shuddered at the impact but neither man seemed to notice.
Hux was staring at him in horror. “Do you think every officer invites their co-commander into their quarters while they’re wearing nothing but a robe? Brandy is a level zero ration, do you think I’d share that with anyone else?”
Kylo- who had grown up in the Republic where everything was shared and uniforms were a formality- felt the icy cold grip of regret across his heart.
“Hux, I had no idea.”
Behind them something ripped free from the back of the shuttle. The cockpit plunged into darkness. Every single electrical system was gone. 
“We’re both idiots,” Hux said half to himself. He’d released his harness and, with one hand gripping the back of his chair to counter the sudden lack of gravity, he pushed himself across the narrow space.
Kylo caught him without a word. Amazing how well they fit together in this moment, Hux straddling his lap, fingers tangled in one another’s hair, lips pressed together saying everything they should have said over the last five years...
It was bliss.
Without the guidance system the shuttle sank into the orbit of the planet below. Kylo could see the fire of atmospheric reentry illuminating the edges of Hux’ hair but he hadn’t even the energy to feel afraid. 
They could have had this feeling all this time if only they’d said something to one another. 
Kylo dropped a hand from Hux’ hair to hold him closer, bracing for an impact they couldn’t possibly survive but fiercely unwilling to give up what he’d only just found.
The roar of the burning ship was abruptly replaced by silence. A lack of gravity became another kind of weightlessness. Yellow white flames the cool green of sunlight filtered through water.
For a moment they stared at one another in shock, then Hux’ hands were scrabbling at his harness and Kylo was pushing them up, through the ruined viewport, up towards the light, towards possibility, towards hope... if they got out of this alive he’d never miss another opportunity again....
They broke the surface, gasping and laughing, not caring what world they were on because they were alive and together and nothing else mattered than that. 
The war would be over for them, they better things to do. 
Kiss Prompts
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wyomingnot · 6 years
26, 28 & 45 please
26 - favourite city?  Is it lame to say I don’t have one? I do have an idealized town though. Iola, Kansas.  I’ve never been *to* Iola, only gone *through*. 
28 - favourite article of clothing?  My ratty red acrylic cardigan sweater. I keep it at school in the winter. The cuffs are slowly unrvavelling.  It’s got nubbies. But it’ got pockets in the right place, is comfy, and I can just toss it in the washer. It’s old. I have no idea how old. Remember when Lane Bryant had their “Venezia” brand? Yeah, that old.
45 - what fictional characters do you identify with?  EEYORE. Only I don’t have a bunch of friends to do things with. And while I adore various Star Wars characters, I don’t actually identify with them. :(
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cosleia · 6 years
“That’s way thicker than I expected.”
“You can’t even wrap your hand all the way around it, can you?”
“Oh, stop exaggerating, it’s not that---well, I’ll be damned.”
“You wouldn’t be able to get it in, you know, there.”
Armie’s hand flew to his mouth to stifle a giggle. “Oh, Ben,” he said, “you haven’t seen my collection yet, have you?”
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solohux · 6 years
there's been lots of love going around today so I'd like to give shoutouts to my favourite writers! you're all amazing and bright people who inspired not only me but an entire fandom!! keep doing what you're doing because what you're doing is incredible (in no particular order!) ❤️
* @callmelyss
* @omega-hux
* @redcole
* @groffiction
* @centurytwitch
* @sinningsquire
* @embershx
* @kylo-is-my-bad-bae
* @thez1337
* @cosleia
* @ballvvasher
* @vadianna
* @verybadhedgehog
* @longstoryshortikilledhim
* @magnetvrs
* @agoodflyting
* @maplelantern
* @kylux-trashpile
* @nonsensicalsoliloquy
* @agent-nemesis
* @cowboykylux
* @jinxedambitions
* @minzimpression
* @boredbyreality
* @pangolinpirate
* @emperor-huxxx
* @cut-off-the-grain
* @fic-inferno
* @first-disorder
* @h-uxed
* @moonwalkingcrab
* @symphorophilian
* @theearlgreyalpha
* @theweddingofthefoxes
* @creepycreepyspacewizard
* @cracktheglasses
* @deluxekyluxtrashcan
* @kyluxtrashcompactor
* @bitch-hips
* @katiesghosts
* @ragdoll-hux
* @glass-oceans
* @nofootprintsinsalt
* @rosensilence
* @bubbaknowlton
* @snap-ginger
* @epselion
* @darktenshi17
* @huxjedi
* @petalouda85
* @reluctantly-awesome
* @spacewitchqueen
* @anonymousblueberry
I'm certain that I've forgotten people!!!!!
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kyluxcantina · 6 years
What if everything you have learned is wrong?
Please reblog with your response to the above prompt, or submit your response to the kylux cantina!
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tokyotheglaive · 7 years
Kylux please, and “That’s not how the force works!”
This was going to be fluffy and but then it wasn’t? And I didn’t know how to end it? So have a little ficlet.
Send me prompts!!
“You say that so often,” Hux said, grinding his teeth, “that I’m starting to wonder if you actually can do anything useful with the Force.”
“Shut up,” Kylo said softly. He sighed, and Hux only knew because his cheek was smushed against Kylo’s chest. It wasn’t by choice; the broken-down escape pod they’d taken shelter in wasn’t designed with roominess in mind, much less for two occupants. It was a small miracle Kylo had been willing to share the space at all, given how less than half a day ago they’d fought spectacularly. Kylo had bloody scratches somewhere on his arms. Hux’s own arms were bruised. They’d screamed and cursed and thrown things. They’d said it was over. They’d said things that couldn’t be taken back.
Outside the rusted doors, Hux heard the furious footfalls of their pursuers and the dim, distant sounds of the ongoing barrage. Kylo’s hand tightened around Hux’s shoulders, and Hux stiffened. He could almost feel the neurons in his brain firing randomly, frantically, when Kylo’s thumb moved in circles at his arm. Was this an attempt at comfort? Was this--
“Hush,” Kylo murmured. His breath was hot against the crown of Hux’s head. “Most of them have passed.”
Hux didn’t dare move a single muscle. He heard nothing outside, but perhaps Kylo could sense something with the Force that supposedly couldn’t get them out of this damned embarrassing situation.
Kylo squeezed his arm, then continued to rub small circles. Hux shut his eyes and focused on Kylo’s breaths--seven in, eleven out. Meditative breathing. Hux had learned the pattern in a yoga class. It seemed a lifetime ago.
“It’ll come again,” Kylo murmured into his hair. “When--we get back. It’ll come again.”
Hux closed his eyes against the dark of the escape pod and allowed himself to pretend it was the day before, that he was waking in Kylo’s arms, happy and sated and safe. It should have been harder.
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