#nohrian siblings
zinexander · 6 months
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The leftover sale for Crowned Paragon: A Xander Zine is open until January 15th! This project celebrates Xander in all three paths of FE Fates, featuring the gorgeous work of 35+ artists and writers.
As this is a leftovers sale, our books and merch are already produced and ready to ship! Photos of our items can be seen in our retweets on our Twitter here.
This is a for-charity project, we will be donating to the World Resources Institute.
DM us if you have any questions! Thank you! ⚔️
SHOP LINK: zinexander.bigcartel.com
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cynical-gamer-media · 1 month
Fire Emblem: Fates, Xander & Nohrian Siblings (including Azura and Corrin), chapter 2/5
Five times and scenarios in which a young Xander makes his impressions on his younger siblings, and how each case involves him wishing to form genuine loving bonds with them: like how siblings should be.
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glorfinniell · 2 years
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Vampire Nohrian royalty is an excellent concept
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randomkposts · 1 year
Rinkah's is a precog or something 
Rinkah first shows up in the game in Nohr alongside Kaze. 
Why is she here? No really, Kaze makes sense to turn up in Nohr due to both being a Ninja, and having a connection to Corrin. 
Why is a foreign and prominent figure like the daughter of the chief of the flame tribe tagging along on his mission? What even is his mission? A local would have made more sense, like some insider guide. Like perhaps giving more narrative nuance to Shura. Anyways,
Clearly, Rinkah is not here to check out Nohr, given she uses the phrase "Nohrian Scum". She also claims to be a Hoshidan warrior, and tells Corrin  they will pay for the humiliation of freeing her, and that Corrin is naive, and the world will surely have shown them darkness by the next time they meet. 
Ok then. 
Then we have chapter 3, where Corrin ends up in combat on the Intel gathering mission via Hans. That their siblings checked in didn't surprise me too much, as I imagine it went something like this. 
Elise:- I hope Corrin's mission is going well. 
Xander:- I feel very mixed about that. Hans is there. 
Leo:- that's not good. 
Camilla:- everyone pack up, we're going to check on Corrin. 
What did surprise me, was that Corrin got pushed off a cliff, and Camilia who has both a flying mount and Is very protective of Corrin, did not save them, but their dragon sister did. 
When dragon sister gets struck by lightning, Corrin gets taken to another dimension, and when they get sent back, Rinkah is there. Why is she there? Picnicking? Cloudwatching? I don't know? Shes just there.
Rinkah then kidnaps Corrin to take to Hoshido, where she then proceeds to hang around and join in battles.
Despite her earlier words, she is reluctant to fight Corrin if Conquest is chosen, considering Corrin her savior. She doesn't really have any further relevance in Birthright, but does get one more moment in Revelations. 
In chapter nine, she intervenes against Fuga to announce her belief in Corrins ideals, and comes in the nick of time just as he decides the best course of action is to decimate Corrins Army.
So she deff comes in to move the plot, but narrative wise she has no real reason to be in any of those places. So I chalk it up to her being a precog. She wouldn't be the first precog in Fates storyline, and is probably one of the more proactive ones in it, if so. In reality , its probably that she has more narriative movement then most of the other characters who are royals and retainers. But I would like to have more reason then that.
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cindysnuts · 11 months
Xander- Xander handpicked both of his retainers because he thinks they’re beautiful (canon btw. Okay well it is for peri but cmon). He of course could only marry a woman, and one of high standing at that, because of his duties as crown Prince, but he spends a suspicious amount of time with his retainer, taking “dance lessons.” Closeted bisexual. Camilla asked and knows and Leo surmised it. It is a secret to everyone else, including Elise and even Corrin (though only for a matter of time for them), as it is a scandal that could rock the nation.
Camilla~ Camilla is a lesbian. She ALSO picked out her retainers because she loves them and wants to dominate them. Well. Selena at least. She is a brat in need of taming frfr. Beruka is just a feral cat she’s trying to show love to. Technically Camilla is bisexual but she just loves women so much and only has female partners rn anyway so. Everyone knows though, she hardly makes a secret of it, much to Selena’s embarrassment. Technically an open secret due to Nohrian high society’s general intolerance, but it’s only spoken of in whispers, since no one wants to be on the bad side of the wyvern riding princess.
Leo- oh boy. This guy. The complexes… SO. Leo is very sharp. He’s very private, but very observant, and analytical. Being away from the spotlight of being the crown prince, he was able to privately deduce that he was gay very early on. Right? So like that’s it that’s the answer. So why doesn’t it feel quite right? And why doesn’t he fit his role exactly??? Must be something about being the second prince, yeah that’s it. Right? I mean he’s trying to be the man he has to be. I mean it’s weird being called a prince?? But that’s not right I mean he WANTS to be a royal so. Huh. Weird anyways he NEVER looks at the box in his mind marked “Gender” that’s rattling and SNAPPING at its lock and chain. Leo is the biggest egg this side of the bottomless canyon and everyone around him with even a hint of what trans people are know he’s a girl including all of his loved ones who already accept her for who she is. As soon as she realizes it. Camilla keeps trying to get Leo to wear dresses (while she wears the sharpest suits of all time, of course) but he just gets really weird and sweaty everytime she suggests it and always chickens out. Odin and Niles are NOT helping they’re both too insane to help (affectionate). Elise has the coming out party PLANNED on LOCK it’s in the CHAMBER ready to fire the second she gets the message. They’re all just lovingly waiting for her to crack.
Elise- Elise is ultimately straight. All of her closest, most meaningful relationships throughout her life are with women, but that’s a love that doesn’t run romantic, really. She is the STAUNCHEST ally tho!!! She isn’t really privy to many of the family secrets, not for a while at least, and is a bit oblivious when she’s younger, but she gets it eventually! And she loves her family so much you guys. She wants to throw them ALL huge coming out worries (even if they have to be private) no matter how they may object. Ultimately though, she loves boys! All kinds really. Later in life she even falls in love with a commoner boy, and they have a beautiful life together! The most normal and well adjusted of the Nohrian siblings, funnily enough, since she has the least pressure to succeed and has plenty of examples to lead from.
That’s it for now, I may do Hoshido + Corrin/ Azura or the Nohrian retainers later on, if there’s demand lol.
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emblemxeno · 1 year
What I don't like about Corrin's naivete is that it isn't treated as a flaw they need to overcome, it's treated as admirable.
Ehhh, I don't agree, mostly because I don't consider their naivete as something that's treated as a strength. Rather, it's their trust.
Naivete itself encompasses multiple aspects, and it's mostly due to inexperience leading to lack of pragmatic judgement, wisdom, and of course, trust and belief in people when it's unearned.
But for me, Corrin's naivete is developed into something that seems similar in theory but is different in practice. The war between Nohr and Hoshido is itself inherently unreasonable and fought based on nothing but routine, culture even. The two kingdoms have always been at odds, sometimes with more dire instances than others. And the excuse is that "that's just the way the world is, Nohrians are this, Hoshidans are that, it's reality, you gotta deal with it."
Corrin, however, being inexperienced and locked away from the world, is raised away from the inherent and unreasonable hatred-a sort of side effect of Xander's and Camilla's selfish desire to shield them from the Nohrian court in order to ensure a sibling who wouldn't stab them in the back-and because of that, they see the war for how unreasonable it is and reject it immediately. In spite of the fact that they were prepared for being a part of the war effort alongside the Nohr sibs, they firmly say no to something that doesn't make sense. It's naivete in the sense that "they just don't know how the world works and it'll come back to bite them" but again, since the war between the kingdoms is unreasonable, well, why not reject it? Why is rejecting it a bad thing?
Corrin's naivete develops into "experienced but authentic" imo. They're exposed to how the world works and how people navigate it, but still remain true to the idea that there's little sense behind the war. They're shaken by Zola's betrayal in BR, but are still encouraged to place trust in people because that's being true to themselves and it's why people follow their orders in the first place. It's the same case with the Anthony situation in Rev, using actions and words in tandem to convince people that Nohr isn't evil in CQ, and in general with showcasing how authenticism may have drawbacks, such as having unflapple belief in the good of people getting taken advantage of, but in the same vein, it means as a person Corrin is trustworthy. After all, why blame the person for being too trusting, instead of the people who misuse that trust for selfish and evil deeds?
In short, I don't think Fates story treats being naive is admirable, otherwise that whole point is defeated when Corrin is let out the tower and assigned a mission for the first time. Rather, it treats remaining true to their ideals and unflinching when met with 'harsh reality' as something admirable and respected, especially by their siblings who no longer have to accept that said 'harsh reality' is the only way things are gonna be.
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shamisense · 2 years
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I just realized something. We know about the concubine wars and how they killed the other concubines and their children for status. Whenever I thought about it, I thought about what the Nohrian royals half siblings were like. But thinking about it more, who says none of them had full blooded siblings? That just makes it hurt so much more. Not because half siblings are less than full ones, but because the children wouldn't be able to spend a lot of time with their half siblings with all the murder going on. I know nobody was allowed around Azura because she was the king's step daughter and the people hated their new queen, but I'm not sure if it was confirmed or not that the half siblings were able to spend a lot of time together. I would assume not, and that they only truly got to bond after the wars ended as why would the concubines allow their children to play with the children the were actively trying to kill? So what if the royals had full siblings, the only siblings they were allowed to be around and play with and bond with, and they were killed? What if Leon has memories of a younger brother who he used to read to or an older sister who protected him? I know Camilla's motherly smothering is a result of the trauma from the war, but what if it was deeper than just her watching other children she didn't know well get murdered? What if she saw her own siblings whom she actually knew and loved die? What if Marx wasn't even the first born of Katarina and he has to carry the weight of the knowledge that he will take on the title that should've belonged to someone else?
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ai-wa · 20 days
To bounce off that one person's Xander comment and as a Xander and Nohrian sibling lover in general thank you so much for keeping the tag alive. It is a lovely thing to do it for Xander
Thank you so much!! He's my second favorite character so I'm really glad to be able to do something for him!
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zinexander · 7 months
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The mod team for Crowned Paragon: A Xander Zine is happy to announce we will be running leftover sales in the new year, January 1st through 15th! This will be your last chance to grab the zine & merch items, so be sure to mark your calendars! ⚔️
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cynical-gamer-media · 2 months
Fire Emblem: Fates/Fire Emblem: If, Xander & Nohrian Siblings, Chapter 1/5
Five times and scenarios in which a young Xander makes his impressions on his younger siblings, and how each case involves him wishing to form genuine loving bonds with them: like how siblings should be.
First time writing a Fire Emblem: Fates fic!
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It is funny how even though Fates is totally stacked against Nohr with the far less evil kingdom and more traditional family and plot in Birthright, the Nohrian siblings are more popular.
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tacitanis · 29 days
[ Water ] - The liquid of life, the quencher of thirst. Served in crystalline glasses. And what’s more dramatic than throwing water at someone’s face!
Elise glares slightly behind her mask as she approaches one of her (apparently) professors, feeling slightly more confident in said approaching with her new mask. Sure it doesn’t have the same effect as it does in the zone the masks are actually for, but whatever. It still makes her feel safer.
She rushes forward, glass in hand as she tilts it forward as if to splash him, swiftly picking up her dress to turn and run. “HAH! THATS WHAT YOU GET!”
She sticks her tongue out with a small ‘bleh’ as she scurries away, despite how childish it may be. And despite the fact the glass was actually empty so nothing happened. She was making a STATEMENT, not a safety hazard. She would’ve felt bad if she made a mess.
my, but the nohrian royal family is acting out at this party. can not one of this set of siblings demonstrate appropriate behavior for a social setting? perhaps it has something to do with the subpar parenting they all received...
hm, such a shame.
young elise is the one he finds most amusing, though. in fact, she comes the closest to getting a desired reaction out of him, for when she tilts the glass in his direction, he even flinches, mistaking it for full.
when it becomes clear it is not, he calls after her, "brava, young lady! you almost had me! but be careful, not everyone will take such an outburst as kindly as i."
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fushigidane · 7 months
various fe fates premise/worldbuilding rewritey ideas i've been pondering...
since i've been replaying conquest recently and am once again frustrated with this game's writing
first, as a way of making garon non absolutely definitively evil AND bake anankos's involvement into the game's base premise, having garon NOT kidnap corrin intentionally. corrin is separated from sumeragi on that business trip after their party was attacked by vallite soldiers as anankos wanted to either kill or retrieve his child. corrin is found by nohrians and brought to windmire when they are found to have dragon blood... POWERFUL dragon blood. they suffer the same memory loss like canon. hoshido asks for corrin back, garon refuses since their draconic blood isn't that of the dawn (or even dusk) dragon and he is concerned hoshido wants to use them as a weapon or otherwise does not have their best interests in mind. garon does not believe that corrin is hoshidan because they don't even LOOK hoshidan
corrin still going to the northern fortress but not out of malevolence. it's genuinely for their own health. the attack on sumeragi awakened corrin's dragon form for the first time, but without a dragonstone, they were unable to control it as in canon. they CONTINUE to be unable to control the instincts, which were often triggered by the stressful environment of the concubine wars, so garon sent them far from castle krakenburg to avoid more incidents for their and other's safety. visiting was restricted for a while, but as things settled they were seen often by garon + their siblings.
corrin knows their vague origin, that garon isn't their actual father, but still acknowledges him as such (and garon acknowledges them as their child). they also remember how bad things were during the concubine wars and are both accepting of why they were sent there and somewhat hesitant to leave
more general things of garon being a semi decent father. the manga had a really good part where garon recognised leo's mother in him for an instant and called him that. more please
because of garon being less definitively evil, the hoshidan Throne Of Truth being a way to purge anankos's influence and expose garon's TRUE self i.e. save him rather than expose anankos as in canon. this may be an idea raised by corrin/azura but perhaps even better would be for it to be GARON HIMSELF'S plan as he tries to rid himself of possession without anankos catching on. this being his plan in all three routes but only coming to fruition in conquest... where the throne doesn't work as planned and garon is killed when anankos is brought to the surface
garon being possessed by anankos in the first place as he tries to research what was going on with corrin. he reached many correct conclusions but unfortunately walked right into anankos's grasp. he doesn't want to be possessed, tries to resist the possession (directly and in more subtle ways as in above) but as time goes on, the more his condition degrades
fun idea => awakening trio being accepted so easily by garon as they are a) informed of valla etc., able to steer xander/camilla/leo from the same trap garon fell into with anankos and b) POTENTIALLY able to slow down anankos's possession of him?
an exploration of what the 'skies changing' mentioned in revelations even IS. it is the act of hoshido's sky becoming dark and nohr's becoming light (or vice versa). canon states it happens 'once every few decades', but nobody really knows when it will occur as there is no way of predicting it
the skies changing defining the way both nations act.
nohr, deprived of fertile land and harvest, conquers other nations to gain the resources they need to survive. inequality and poverty is rife as its citizens scramble for the limited available sustenance. even the royal family does not live in luxury and are themselves well-acquainted with not being able to secure food
hoshido, with bright skies and plentiful harvests but knowing that no matter what they do their prosper is temporary, stockpiling resources in preparation for their oncoming long night. its citizens are satisfied but on guard, particularly the older ones that recall its former famines. the royal family, understanding the duty it has to its own citizens when night falls, is reluctant to send aid to other nations. a particular incident is when mokushu had an outbreak, hoshido refused to send medical supplies despite them being allies, which is what caused mokushu's current disdain towards hoshido.
the skies changing is why the two nations have never been able to coexist. even though hoshido currently exists with a surplus, and there could well be enough resources at any given time to adequately support BOTH nations, there is no precedent for either country ever sharing their sustenance when they can access it. neither country will make the first step because there is no guarantee that the favour will be paid back when the skies change again.
garon and mikoto's rule being equally informed by past precendents and desire to survive/fear for the future respectively
garon, as alluded to in canon but never shown, is-slash-was a very good ruler that did a very good job maintaining order in the country, ensuring nobody least of all the royal family is permitted to hoard while others are left to starve. things have only degenerated in recent years as anankos's possession has taken its toll on his ability to rule and food shortages continue to worsen. YES he conquers nations but certainly in the past only when trade deals failed or were unviable => nohr had plenty struggles with these as it is currently unable to offer much except manpower and protection, which not all nations need or appreciate. nohr's view is that they would rather conquer others than allow their own citizens to starve, and for a long time garon has been appreciated by his citizens for doing what must be done
mikoto being cautious above all else, very aware of and fearing what's to come as described above. further, her coldness towards other nations being informed by corrin's kidnapping and sumeragi's death--which she believes was done by nohr. azura, by the way, was still kidnapped in retaliation for nohr's alleged actions.
mikoto also should not die in the prologue. just saying. she should be allowed to stand equally with garon as a good yet flawed ruler that is unable to see past the present and make the necessary first step to a better future
lots of general themes about smaller nations on the continent always being pushed around by the two superpowers' squabbles over resources
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emblemxeno · 3 months
I really like how Corrin is an outsider in multiple senses, but especially in relating to his presence in the stories.
Corrin's abnormal. He's a sheltered prince despite the Nohrian siblings routinely going on missions. He fights with moves that aren't necessarily powerful like his older brothers and sisters, but they're so wild and unpredictable, that he's a very talented fighter in his own right. He's able to take a dragon form, but the initial reaction from Hans and the Hoshido siblings are that he's a freak from the former, and utter shock and surprise from the latter. He routinely gives others the benefit of the doubt, and has an infinite well of trust and kindness, provided you don't take advantage of it.
And his abnormality is important, because it challenges the norm of Fates' setting. Why is he kind to strangers, including enemies? Why does he see the good in everyone? Why is he averse to taking lives like his duty demands? Why doesn't he just learn how the world works?
Corrin challenges Ryoma's views on what being a leader is and what they should accomplish and challenges Xander's views on justice and to work against the unacceptable no matter how painful it is. He doesn't lay down and accept that animosity and hatred between Hoshido and Nohr is the way of things and won't ever change. He never falls into a neat box of black or white.
Corrin challenges the status quo of the Fates world by being himself, and having the resilience to keep being himself no matter what threatens him. He falters when he begins believing the doubts and poisoned words of his enemies, and flourishes when his loved ones support his personhood and character to the fullest. He gets proven right at the end of all three routes, that you don't have to just embody what Nohr and Hoshido or even your family wants from you; just remain authentically yourself and refuse to back down, and others will start to respect your resolve and put their faith and trust in your actions.
I just think that's dope!
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I keep forgetting to write down this FE Fates AU I dreamed of the other night:
About a year after the end of the Conquest route, Kaze - who’s married Corrin, lives in Nohr at the castle with her and her siblings - wakes up… and he’s being held prisoner alongside Rinkah, about to be dragged out to fight Corrin in front of Garon. He’s got all his memories of the future, but he’s back at the start of the plot, and at this point, he’s got two to three weeks to try and fix things before Mikoto is killed and the war breaks out.
Then once I was more awake, I had some more thoughts elaborating on it:
Saving Mikoto is obviously the first thought. It probably wouldn’t be all that hard for him to convince someone that Corrin should not be keeping her weird creepy sword with her. Like even if Ryoma and Mikoto firmly believe that Corrin won’t do them harm, Kaze really could just put the thought in Saizo’s head and then Saizo steals it from her in the middle of the night and throws it in a river. Problem solved!
…it probably wouldn’t be that easy. The limitations/mechanics of Anankos’ invisible soldiers are not well-defined (or…defined at all…) but even if they needed the sword in Hoshido as an anchor point, then even if it’s not at Corrin’s side, Anankos could still send Sumeragi to grab it and then travel to the capital, and the result is still the same.
The best plan would be to toss the sword in the Bottomless Canyon right after Rinkah captures Corrin in the border skirmish, but I don’t think Kaze is thinking that far ahead because. He doesn’t know about Valla. He knows that Garon was a goo monster and Takumi got possessed and Corrin’s sword was cursed and that there’s invisible assassins but he does not know where all of these things overlap. He’s missing critical information.
Like, maybe him being forewarned that an invisible assassin with an exploding sword is trying to kill Mikoto would be enough that he manages to save her. But then that spins this off into a wildly different AU that I’ve got to build from the ground up. And that’s an interesting story! But I haven’t built it from the ground up yet.
So assume Mikoto still dies. Obviously, not something Kaze wants. Something he’s probably be willing to die to prevent. Maybe something he’s trying to plan for anyway. Or at least, he recognizes even with her alive, Corrin’s still going to face a choice. He tries to get closer to her during her initial time in Hoshido - not really sure that he can influence her choice, or even what the best choice would be, but just. trying. something. anything. He already worked through his guilt about her kidnapping and Sumeragi’s death his first time around, so he’s not keeping his distance from her for that reason. It’s weird, because he’s a stranger to her and she’s his wife to him, and she’s pretty confused about why he’s asking her about her life and siblings in Nohr and such, but hey, she thinks, maybe he’s just curious about why Leo and Xander went along with her insistence that he and Rinkah be spared.
So assume Mikoto still dies, and Corrin is standing there facing a choice between her families. And so, three possible paths for her, and for Kaze, who’s already seen one path:
1. Birthright:
Whatever conversations she had with Kaze this time around, whatever thoughts he got her thinking, she doesn’t want to return to Garon. She stays in Hoshido. Kaze probably feels some relief. He doesn’t have to see her kill her brothers this time. He doesn’t have to kill his brother again. Her Nohrian siblings are furious and betrayed, of course, but Kaze has some hope that she can convince them and things can work out - he knows them well. They’re his siblings-in-law. They’re his comrades-in-arms and friends. Corrin, he’s sure, can sway them, and they’ll face down Garon together and it - it will turn out better. Surely.
And okay, no, her Nohrian siblings still don’t seem any less angry the next few times they cross paths - but once they’ve fought their way deep into Nohr, Leo stands down. Elise joins them. Camilla stands down. Kaze is, at this point, feeling pretty hopeful—
—and Xander accidentally kills Elise and then lets Corrin kill him, and Corrin is devastated, and Kaze is devastated and has to swallow that grief because he is not supposed to know them in this timeline. He has not spent a year living with them and repairing Nohr with them, rebuilding relations with Hoshido with them. In this timeline, he’s only known Elise briefly. Xander should be a stranger. He’s mourning them and he has no justifiable reason, to the others, to mourn. So he can’t.
And then they fight Garon and Azura sings herself to death. Dissolved into water and mist. And Kaze realizes: Azura vanished after that fight with Takumi. She left and never came back. Everyone assumed she just walked away, for whatever reasons of her own. But she used the powers of her song and her pendant in that battle, just as she did here, with Garon. Azura, he realizes, a year and a fucked-up time travel adventure later, died while their backs were turned. Azura probably snuck off around a corner to die alone, quietly, out of sight.
Mikoto is dead. Garon is dead. Two of Corrin’s siblings are dead. Azura is dead. Saizo… survived. Fewer innocent civilians were murdered by the Nohrian army. Two victories for Kaze.
2. Conquest:
Everything is playing out the same way that Kaze remembers. It would take a lot for him to stop himself from immediately defecting and following Corrin back. But he refrains and uses his time still in Hoshido to immediately try to convince Yukimura, Ryoma, Hinoka, anyone, that they need to launch an invasion of Nohr. They can’t be caught on the back foot. Even if they don’t do it immediately, Nohr will invade, and they will slaughter surrendering soldiers, slaughter civilians - Hoshido has to go on the offensive. There’s a burgeoning resistance in Cheve. Link up with them and start from there - but Kaze heard what happened in Cheve last time. Don’t expect that their guerrilla tactics will survive the might of the Nohrian army brought down on them. Hoshido has to bring everything it has, as soon as it can. That’s the best chance they have.
And then he defects to Nohr.
Well. Before that, I think he’d probably have to attempt to convince everyone that he has some amount of precognition to get them to listen at all to his insane plan. But we know Mikoto had visions of the future, Orochi is a diviner - these powers exist. It’s weird that Kaze is insisting he’s suddenly developed them, but it’s not impossible.
(“So if we don’t invade, who of us is going to die?” Orochi asks.
The look on Kaze’s face is enough to convince the skeptics that he is very, very serious about this, and that he has seen something that is very real to him, if nothing else. “You… I think you die in Cheve,” he says. “Reina as well. Princess Sakura and her retainers survive - Yukimura - Princess Hinoka and her retainers - you are crowned queen, Princess Hinoka.”
“I don’t think we need to hear more of this,” Subaki says.
“I’d rather die than surrender,” says Takumi, missing - or ignoring - the look already on Sakura’s face.
“You do,” Kaze says.
“Well, then I’d better have died with him,” Oboro says.
“You do,” Kaze says.
“Enough,” Ryoma says, and that is that.
Azura believes Kaze. She knows enough about the strangeness that lies hidden in the world to believe his visions. “And what of me?” she asks him later.
“I don’t know,” he admits. “You… you fight with Nohr, in the end. You’re kidnapped by Hoshidan soldiers who don’t trust you, dragged halfway across the continent - Corrin rescues you. You stay with her. But you… I don’t know what happens to you.”
“Oh,” says Azura, who can assume what this means. She knows the curse of Valla. She knows the consequences of her pendant and her powers. She can assume one of those devours her.
After a moment, Kaze adds, “I defect too.”
Maybe if they’re lucky, Azura will ask him something else about this future, and he’ll say something that makes her realize she can, and should, confide in him. Maybe she’ll realize that her knowledge of Valla can help him interpret his vision of the future. They’ll better put the pieces together.
Maybe, rather than waiting for Azura to be called a traitor for her supposed Nohrian birth, the two of them defect together. Stop at the Bottomless Canyon before they make their way to Corrin’s side.)
3. Revelation:
Kaze does not stop himself from defecting immediately. He hears her proclaimed a traitor, sees her, Azura, and Jakob fleeing the battlefield, and says “fuck it” and immediately cuts and runs after them. Fuck it.
Going to Valla clears up a lot of questions he had about everything that happened with Garon, and Takumi, and everything else, and raises several other questions. But everything’s so goddamn weird already, he might as well spill what he knows. Visions of an alternate future aren’t any weirder than the cursed land they traveled to by jumping off a bridge.
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