nomadthor · 3 years
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this is part two! click here to read the first part
prompt: the reader and bucky try to escape a sticky situation, bucky protects the reader at every available opportunity words: 1734 warnings: mentions of death, violence/gunfights, blood, angst, hurt/comfort notes: gender neutral reader
if you have any ideas or requests please send them to my ask so I can write them!
What you judged to be approximately a quarter of an hour, you apprehensively sat with Bucky’s hand cradling yours: you both awaited in strained quietude until you presumed the coast was clear after a stretch of secure silence. Despite his hesitant and disquieting demeanour, he seemed indifferent yet the elusive curl in the corner of his flushed lips told you the contrary. “We should get going now,” Bucky hoarsely commanded as he let your grip slip from his before he toiled to stand on and support his own body weight but he contrived with a throaty growl nonetheless. He briefly glanced at his bullet-ridden phone as its technical innards blistered from the globular apertures which still had fragments of the shrapnel embedded in the splintered plastic; how if only luck would have been on your side you could’ve called for help.
“Do you need a hand?” He softly questioned with delicate eyes as he presented his hand once more, you’d be being dishonest to yourself if you affirmed that you didn’t relish his solicitous, protective and balmy hands that made you feel secure and rid most of the anxiety and fret. You felt guilty and disinclined to acknowledge these feelings since ultimately you were just coworkers. “I’m good,” you muttered and heaved yourself from the floor, abruptly being reminded of the absence of room as the pair of you were now rubbing shoulders. The close proximity you both shared both filled you with satisfaction and compunction as you were anticipating the early arrival of sprouting feelings that would soon doubtlessly become unrequited; it was bittersweet. Something changed in that room and you don’t know what it was.
Frailly, he twisted the knob of the door and cautiously pulled it towards you both after becoming a human blockade as he shoehorned himself between you and the expanse of dubiety. He carefully peered around the corner with an attentive survey making sure to detect any almost imperceptible movements. With a swift flex of his head, he motioned for you to follow him as the set of you immediately scanned the conflict tarnished building for any means of self-defence: crimson stains and defunct cadavers besmirched the shattered debris rooted floor. Bucky trounced the pain from his laceration as his stagger shifted into a succinct strut with an acute limp. He hurriedly strode towards an adrift pistol with scarlet blemishes coating the finish before he checked the magazine to authenticate the unconsumed ammunition. “Take this,” he instructed unwittingly appearing abrasive but you were habituated to his inflexion and his adventitious gesture of compassion countermanded his sternness.
Hesitantly you took the weapon from his hand unsure whether you should have been first priority due to the circumstance of you not having profound wounds daubing your limbs. Bucky quickly discerned your concerned delay before he reassured you, “I’m a super soldier, I can manage,” he dryly quipped with a minute grin as he failed to find another weapon with any bullets left before he lead the way down the unsettled and dismal corridor, “besides, I trust you more than I trust myself.” Evidently, he was being sincere but you were taken aback by his forthright commendation as your conversations were plainly incisive and condensed; he was slowly unravelling to become exceedingly personable, he was just restricting this part from you whether it was deliberate or not.
He continued to escort you throughout the building acting as a human shield to protect you from any unexpected oncoming bombardment, although you didn’t refrain from keeping a close eye on your six. Bucky regularly and consistently checked on you throughout the whole ordeal and although admittedly, it was growing to become increasingly irritating it made you surge with appreciation and feel deeply indebted towards his consonant trouble. “I can handle myself,” you jested lightheartedly as you both approached a doorway and began to descend the concrete steps. “I know, that’s why I gave you the gun.” He retorted wittily as his heavy lumbering footsteps echoed through the towering washed-out stairwell. The descent was unnerving, to say the least, it put you at a monumental disadvantage due to anyone who would waylay from the upper floors would have a quality vantage point; they would metaphorically and quite literally have the higher ground. Despite this, your venture was thankfully undisturbed and you set forth to the final few rooms before you could evacuate the building and retreat to definite safety.
As you approached the final room a rogue bullet whizzed past your head, the brisk air skimming your head. The crack of the bullet as it became lodged in the wall beside you was devastatingly loud as it immediately pummeled your eardrums inevitably causing them to ring overwhelmingly. Bucky grabbed your arm and impulsively pulled you behind a counter for cover, unintentionally yanking too hard albeit with good intention. Nevertheless, you had worse things to worry about. “Where was that from?” You questioned as you clasped the gun firmly in your hands ready to tug the trigger if need be. The pair of you winced at the bullets that proceeded to soar just inches above your head as they became fixed in the now splintering walls, plastering chipping off and sinking to the floor. “On our six.” Bucky relayed as the gunfire paused which signified they’d either taken cover or needed to reload their magazine. You took this chance to peer over the ceramic tile countertop as you just barely caught the glimpse of a figure before the appearance and the shine of a metallic assault rifle instinctively cause you to duck before the bullets continued to rain once more.
The incapacitating sound of the bullets pummeling the walls and any surrounding surface ceased just about any communication as you couldn’t hear his voice over the resounding extermination. Systematically the gunshots stopped periodically as you peeked once more to return the fire which ultimately led to a drawn-out scrimmage where the winner was the one who eventually could land a shot. Alas, your gun eventually dry-fired as it choked due to the preordained fact it had run out of bullets. All that left your mouth were a string of curses as you angrily threw the futile firearm to the ground out of frustration. Your attention soon turned to Bucky who impetuously looked you up and down with dismayed eyes.
Dense and prolonged footsteps traipsed closer, sending jolts of panic through your body with every step. You couldn’t help but just stare at each other out of sheer panic and confessedly the thought of him being there with you was comforting and slightly eased the tension. He nervously bit his lip as he pondered, scrambling to think of a plan so you didn’t both become victims of the barrel of the gun that was leisurely parading closer. Bucky was already incapacitated with an injured leg so this was a major disadvantage but coming face to face with sudden death: anything was worth a try. He gave you a final longing look before hoisting himself above the counter with a struggle and promptly hurling hefty punches as the opponent made triumphant attempts at blocking them before powerfully pressing the butt of the gun between his eyes. Bucky’s neck contorted backwards as his whole body painfully and forcefully propelled to the floor headfirst with a belligerent thump. What could’ve easily knocked someone unconscious merely left him with obscured vision as he crawled backwards towards you.
The vermillion began to seep from his head as it left a sizeable gash on his eyebrow. Bucky’s head swayed as he barricaded himself between you and the formidable stranger who was glancing down the iron sight with a wicked grin, only doing it to savour the fear and panic, he elongated the process. Bucky looked absolutely woeful presumably thinking you were disappointed and displeased with his final efforts. The eye contact you made was beyond intimate and familiar. It was too late to do anything with the barrel of the gun pointed right at you, any sudden movements and you were unmistakenly dead. Bucky hopelessly and desperately embraced you as he used his hand to cradle your head into the crook of his neck. Exposed to all danger, his back was facing the gunman as he was willing to catch any bullets for you.
A sudden bang caused you to jump in your skin but was attenuated by Bucky’s secure and caring clutch. Staying nestled for a few seconds longer, the quietude became eerily bemusing as you pulled back from his embrace but arms still lingering on you. His eyes were wide and bewildered but relieved, they immediately scanned your body for any punctures before he even gazed down at his own body. He swivelled his cricked neck to witness the gunman face down and a bullet wound centred in his chest. A thud of a door being booted open as it slammed against the wall with force, you’d never felt so grateful in your life to see the familiar face of Sam who examined the room, panic-stricken, to find you both. He stared for a while at your clutched bodies, “come on love birds we’ve got to go,” he jested completely destroying the tension and morbidity in the air. Bucky gently turned his gaze back to you as he examined your face looking for any reaction out of Sam’s statement. Maybe he was looking for your revulsion or a snide remark but your silence spoke volumes as you slipped out of his arms and helped him up.
“Let’s get you patched up,” Sam composedly stated in regards to Bucky’s blood-engulfed leg, and the streak of red that flowed down his forehead. “How did you find us?” Bucky confusedly questioned as he approached Sam, bolstering his neck which probably was going to accompany an agonising concussion. “I traced your signal before it went offline, sorry I couldn’t get here sooner.” Sam apologised as the pair continued to the exit of the building as you followed, lingering just behind. Completely ignoring the words that were being spoken to him from Sam, Bucky turned around and shot you a gentle gaze, his eyes soft and tender as he tried to analyse you again. Ambiguous as to whatever he was looking for he surely was going to get his answer sooner or later. What brings people closer than desperately hugging each other at death’s door?
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nomadthor · 4 years
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prompt: bucky helps the reader through a panic attack words: 578 warnings: cw // panic attack, otherwise fluff notes: gender neutral reader  |  i wanted to write this for solace, for those to find comfort from their comfort character.
Despite how many times this has happened, it still didn’t become any easier. Your heart was using your chest as a punching bag and the sensation that was consuming your nerves had you almost certain you were dying. With a thud, your back slammed against the tiled bathroom wall as you slowly slid down unable to stand with trembling legs. The onset of nausea and overwhelming fear devoured any logical thought process as you sat curled doing nothing but hyperventilate.
“Are you okay?” Bucky queried innocently as he peered around the wall and down the hallway guilelessly assuming that you’d stubbed your toe or dropped something. However, his somewhat interested smile dissipated once he glanced over through the open bathroom door and noticed your fragile state gasping for air as it felt like someone had weighed your chest down with an anvil.
He immediately dropped what he was doing and bolted towards you; the sheer panic and concern inevitably becoming more evident as he approached you. “It’s okay, I’m here now.” He reassured you despite being panicked himself. He knew how horrible it felt and wouldn’t dare to wish the experience on his worst enemy.
Bucky knelt down and firmly clasped your hands in his instantly noting the clamminess from your shaky hands as he tried to center you. “Deep breaths,” he instructed with a gentle tone before starting a breathing exercise that the pair of you would practice whenever either of you would succumb to this state. He guided you with deep inhales through your nose and exhales through your lips.
He didn’t care how long he was knelt beside you on the cold ceramic floor for as long as he knew you were okay. With a doe-eyed expression, he longingly stared at your distraught and emotionally drained face before wiping away the damp trails the tears had left on your cheeks. “Did you need anything?” He tenderly and dubiously asked.
“Just don’t leave me,” you managed to croak out before biting your quivering lip which soon made a compassionate frown develop on his face. “Then I won’t,” he consoled you which was followed by a loving squeeze of your hands he still had in his hold. “I’ll always be right here for you whenever you need me the most,” he continued to comfort you, guiding any stray strands of hair that were draped over your face towards your ear as he tucked them behind it.
Your ambiguous silence wasn’t uncomfortable and either of you could have easily sat in without feeling uneasy but despite this Bucky lay with his back against the bath and one of your hands still in his. He mindlessly caressed his thumb over the back of your hand as he began to confess some embarrassing stories from his youth in an attempt to lighten the mood and rid the atmosphere of any negative energy.
“I never did tell my mom that it was me, I passed the buck to my sister,” he chuckled to himself as he reminisced, vividly reliving the scenario in his head as his eyes glossed over temporarily as he retreated to his memory, savouring it. He was brought back to reality by a brief exhale of air from your nose soon before he turned his attention to you and was delighted by the inconsiderable smile you were displaying. Even if it wasn’t the biggest smile he could get from you, you were smiling and that’s all he wanted.
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nomadthor · 3 years
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prompt: bucky is unsure about his self worth and wants the best for the reader words: 839 warnings: angst/whump, lack of confidence notes: gender neutral reader
To say the atmosphere was uncanny was a slight minimization; it felt as if time was proceeding at an abnormally slow pace and everything felt nothing short of stagnant and morbid. The aura was exceedingly influenced by Bucky’s typically dull and quiet manner, but it was much more of the uncertain simmering of emotion that was bubbling like a boiling pan of water beneath his detached, expressionless face. He isolated himself in your shared bedroom as he brooded, sat on the bed with his eyes glossed over whilst he ruminated at the blank wall.
You were occupied for the majority of the day as you focused on work but nonetheless, Bucky’s direful silence let consternation and dread vehemently eat you away before you decided to take action. The storm brewing outside left your windows stained with hail as the lightning flashed and raucous thunder rumbled throughout the motionless apartment, startling you with every reverberating bang. Long and hesitant steps towards the bedroom felt agonisingly prolonged moreover the fact that it was mentally enervating to approach the parameter of uncertainty.
Eventually, you reached the open door and peered into the doleful room that Bucky quietly sat in. If one wasn’t so informed on his mannerisms and habits he could have simply been mistaken for meditating due to him being outwardly vacant. However, your sudden appearance beckoned him back to reality as his eyes twitched towards you taking note of your fretful and concerned presence. “I just wanted to make sure you’re okay,” you gingerly admitted causing Bucky’s brows to furrow slightly. His unhurried blinks and frigid indifferent expression was a clear indicator that he didn’t have any conceivable energy to mask his dejection, and was just utterly exhausted from battling himself.
“Talk to me, please,” you helplessly yet tenderly requested as he continued to stare at you with a glassy expression before tears started to well at his waterline. His sudden appearance of emotion caught you off guard and you felt unequivocally dismayed and surprised. Bucky was undisputably emotionally shut off and would rarely give you an insight into his feelings unless he was showering you with his affection; you’d never seen him cry before. The tears gradually cascaded down his cheeks before rolling, bulging on his chin prior to it plummeting and leaving nothing but a damp mark on his shirt. 
In all honesty, you didn’t know what to say or whether to say anything for that matter. The silence felt heavy and the melancholic ambience was as prevalent as ever. He sniffled before breaking the dismal stillness. “I can’t do it anymore,” he admitted with a quiver in his hoarse voice, “I don’t deserve you and it pains me that I can’t give you everything you deserve,” he stated as he turned away from you; ambiguous as to whether it was from the fact he was crying or just looking at you felt like someone was twisting the knife that had already impaled his heart. You couldn’t do anything but shake your head in disbelief unsure as to whether you should approach the splintered soul crumbling away in front of your very eyes. “You mean everything to me, Bucky,” you compassionately reassured him before he winced at your words, “I love you more than anything.”
“Do you regret it?” He asked with a painfully despairing falter, stuttering trying to find his next words as he stumbled on his tongue. “I don’t like myself so how can you?” The final words hit you like a brick wall as you felt your stomach drop causing an overwhelming surge of misery to envelop you before you instinctively and haphazardly threw your arms around him as his head soon became nestled in the crook of your neck. Your fingers brushed through his hair and removed the stray strands that had become glued to the thin trail of tears that lined his skin. “Don’t say things like that, you’re breaking my heart,” you whimpered, almost on the verge of tears from witnessing the state of the person you loved most. “You’re the last thing I think of before I sleep and the first thing I think of when I wake up in the morning. I couldn’t be any happier, I don’t need anything more than you,” you stated as he finally mustered the courage to look at you. His eyes swollen and red whilst they deeply reflected his sorrow. “I promise,” you stated as you cupped his chin, delicately rubbing his dampened cheek with your thumb.
Bucky placed a delicate grasp on your hand that was cupping his face as he nestled closer to your touch, gently closing his eyes and completely ridding them of any tears that were left. You placed a chaste and gentle kiss on his lips to console and hearten him further. “You mean so much to me,” he uttered with a delicate tone, “I just want what’s best for you.” “You are what’s best for me,” you responded with a tender smile giving his cheek a loving squeeze.
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nomadthor · 4 years
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prompt: reader goes on a date with bucky words: 548 warnings: fluff notes: female reader
Despite working the whole week and being nothing but exhausted he never let you down; turning up to the venue on time with appropriate attire and a delighted demeanor. The wooden chair made an almost inaudible grating noise along the buffed walnut flooring as he ever so gently pulled it back for you out of courtesy and chivalry. If there was one thing for certain, it’s that his mother would be proud.
You seated yourself before your spouse followed suit and sat himself opposite you. The ambience was immaculate and you felt as if you were the star of your own romantic movie: gentle clattering from cutlery from other diners, tender conversations accompanied with light jazz that was being orhcestrated live whilst the whole room fell under a dim yet intimate warmth from the numerous candles that dotted each table. It was lovely to be able to look out the window beside you, rain droplets racing down the glass as it softly showered outside in the night shrouded city of New York.
“A bottle of red, please,” Bucky smiled towards the waiter who nodded in return and sauntered away towards the kitchen which once he opened the door allowed an amalgamation of aromatic food scents to waft towards you, promptly causing you to salivate. “You look as beautiful as ever, doll,” Bucky admitted with an amorous smirk lingering on his lips as he shamelessly looked you up and down but taking a considerable amount of time to study your face, ultimately leaving your cheeks flushed and hot. His smoldering cerulean eyes were half the reason why your heart was beating as fast as it was. “Well, I’m just lucky a girl like me could have someone as handsome as you,” you flirted back as you watched him try to hide a bashful smile that accompanied his blushed complexion.
The waiter finally returned with the wine and two glasses, gently placing the glasses on the clothed table top alongside the chilled bottle. He promptly took both of your orders making his best efforts to accomodate the both of you as he cracked a few jokes here and there. Whilst Bucky tried his hardest to fixate on the waiter whilst they were conversing, he couldn’t help his wandering eyes that would always fall on you and gratify himself with your being with a smirk before returning his attention to where it needed to be, not where he wanted it to be.
He tenderly held the recently opened bottle of red and poured the glasses with a generous amount and yet surprisingly not spilling a single crimson droplet on the white linen. The pair of you clinked your glasses with a light chuckle before taking a delicate sip and allowing the zesty opulent flavours to coat your tastebuds before placing your glass down, the garnet alcohol sloshing around in the glass as you did so. Bucky gingerly reached his hand over to yours, grazing his thumb over the back of your hand lovingly before taking your hand into his with a delicate squeeze. “You really are the best thing to happen to me, Y/N,” he stated hushedly with a sincere state of contentedness on his face, “I know I tell you this every day but I really need you to know how much I love you, doll.”
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nomadthor · 3 years
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prompt: after a bad day, bucky invites his neighbour in for a few drinks words: 1485 warnings: some swearing, drinking, kind of steamy but sfw notes: gender neutral reader | i’m also aware bucky can’t canonically get drunk but let’s ignore that for this scenario
if you have any ideas or requests please send them to my ask so I can write them!
Finding an eviction notice on your door was just the perfect embellishment to an already monotonous and substandard day. You grumbled and expelled any remaining air from your lungs although being out of breath from clambering the several flights of stairs to reach your floor. The dreary and frigid stairwell echoed your frustrated, mumbled cursing whilst you bitterly fumbled for your keys in your jacket pocket which now only seemed to feel like a bottomless abyss. 
“Shit day?” A recognisable voice investigated the situation, pivoting your head to notice your next-door neighbour standing in his doorway with a sympathetic frown. Admittedly, you were apathetic and lacked any discernable energy to continue the conversation, sleep was undoubtedly enticing but every interaction you’d shared with him was affable so ignoring him would only burden you with guilt. “Something like that,” You stated with a wry expression as you took a brief break from finding the keys that resided in your void of a pocket to point to the note on your door.
He gave you a pitying look before briefly looking to the floor to avoid eye contact as he proposed a question, “I mean, did you want to come in and have a few drinks? Our landlord’s an asshole, we can talk shit about him together,” he fumbled a smile as he awkwardly scratched the side of his head, wincing at the sentence that had just escaped his lips. His uncertain and somewhat charming tone remarkably procured a smile as you couldn’t help but become giddy that maybe today wasn’t going to be as bad as you thought; wallowing in self-pity nor crying for the rest of the night was as satisfactory as this unexpected offer. “Actually, I think that’s exactly what I need right now,” you huffed with an unfeigned grin. It was a struggle to not become hilariously captivated by his stupefied expression, presumably stunned that you had accepted his offer. 
Your neighbour stumbled on his words before inviting you into his apartment, gently shutting the door behind you in a flustered manner. “What do you drink?” He asked with masked nervousness. “I’ll have whatever you’re drinking,” you replied nonchalantly to the man who was now lingering beside the fridge that was emitting a muted static buzz. “Make yourself at home, by the way,” he added, the sound of bottles clinking together as he grabbed a green bottle and traipsed towards you. 
“I don’t want to sound rude but I’ve completely forgotten your name,” you chuckled as you grabbed the bottle and finally took a seat on his notably tidy and cushion speckled couch. He snickered in response before taking a swift gulp of the beer from his seaweed coloured bottle, “I don’t think I’ve told you actually,” he admitted whilst comfortably reclining into his seat, “the name’s James but you can call me Bucky.” 
“Y/N,” you stated with a raised brow before you followed suit and took a substantial swig of your drink. Bucky nodded in acknowledgement, “the name suits you, it’s a pretty name,” he gave a wry smirk whilst the lip of the bottle loitered near his mouth for a few staggering seconds before he continued to chug his drink with the corners of his lips still curved. 
“Do you flirt with all of your neighbours that you invite over?” You inquired, not being able to conceal the smile that would not abandon your lips. Bucky’s eyes widened as he let out a composite of a laugh and stifle of cough which was a result of the beer going down the wrong way as he deeply inhaled in response to your statement. “I’ll try to be a bit more inconspicuous next time,” he joked as he draped one of his arms over the back of the couch to make himself more comfortable. 
“It wasn’t a complaint,” you plainly stated before sipping the beer in an attempt to keep up with the same pace of drinking as him but you were unfeasibly outmatched. Bucky nodded slowly with a countenance that could only be described as the textbook expression for touché. With ease, he polished off the bottle with a satisfied groan as he placed it down on the coffee table. The atmosphere had completely shifted in the short time period that you had been sat down but you certainly didn’t have any grievances. 
“Want another?” He generously asked whilst he was already beside the fridge once again. Hurriedly you swallowed the last few drops that eventually cascaded from the bottom of the bottle before eagerly nodding which elicited a soft chuckle from the man before he grabbed as many as he could curl between his fingers. “What made you get an eviction letter if you don’t mind me asking,” Bucky interrogated, snapping the metallic cap from the bottles which provoked a hushed hiss to effuse from the bottle top. 
“In all honestly, I couldn’t tell you. I think he’s just had it out for me the day I moved in,” you disclosed. “Well then let’s celebrate,” Bucky smirked, which resulted in a confused expression to immediately form on your face, “let’s celebrate you finally being able to move out of this shit hole,” he continued as you both tittered before clinking your bottles together and simultaneously swigging the contents of the bottle. 
From what was originally proposed as a few drinks eventually and evidently turned into a quantity much larger but you could not recall as you had carelessly lost count halfway through. Empty bottles scattered the coffee table alongside tacky stains from where you had both haphazardly managed to spill the beer. Bucky had music resounding from the speakers that would get him in trouble with the aforementioned landlord, not due to its volume but because the walls were so thin sounds travelled tremendously. Over the course of the night, you had both ultimately wound up seated closer than you were when you arrived; you had somehow ended up tucked between him and the arm he had resting over the couch. It was so you could hear him over the music, or so that is what you told yourself at least. 
“I’m just glad I could at least make your night a bit better,” he smiled as he longingly stared into your eyes. His gaze was slightly glossed over from the alcohol consumption but he was still present, just slightly tipsy.  “I just needed to forget about how shit today was. And it was nice to have some company,” you noted as you gazed back, “your company,” you added in an attempt to fan the flame of the sexual fire that had engulfed the room. His head shot back with a fervent grin as a short exhale of air left his nostrils, “I’m flattered,” he sarcastically jested.
You were surprised at the excitement that was beginning to course through your body as his gaze fell nothing short of soul-piercing, but not in an unsatisfactory way. It made you feel giddy like you’d never felt before and the flutter of your heart and nervous yet excitable shortness of breath were just some of the symptoms. 
Bucky’s attention flickered between your eyes and your lips discernably. He subtly ran his tongue along the surface of his lips before he ever so slightly trapped a portion of them between his teeth. It was unclear whether he was just dragging everything out to tease you as it was probable that your willingness and enthusiasm were palpable or maybe he didn’t want to ruin the moment. “Just hurry up and kiss me already,” you stated with a smile as you marginally leaned towards him, placing a delicate hand on his lap. The smile that you had completely become enamoured with over the past few hours returned. His hand found its way to your chin as he softly cupped it, he inched closer and pressed his soft lips to yours as they glided together unhurriedly. It was a perfect combination of affectionate yet indulging in desire. Bucky shamelessly swayed closer to you as the vigour of his lips briskly became more intense, his thumb was now resting on your cheek whilst his fingers curled along your face and by your ear.
The pair of you only pulled away so you could catch your breath but you still remained in each other’s vicinity as you steadily opened your eyes to be greeted with unyielding lechery and hunger. Assuredly, it wasn’t desperation and it was clear that he was anticipating this moment for a while. He was fervent and had become starving from waiting for so long that it had almost completely overcome him. Yet he was complaisant and was shamelessly overjoyed when a smile soon appeared on your face. Nothing was said when he gazed into your eyes once more but it said a thousand words as you both leaned in to pursue what you had started.
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nomadthor · 4 years
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prompt: reader does a puzzle with bucky to pass some time words: 787 warnings: fluff notes: female reader
A power outage probably wasn’t the worst thing that could happen but it was an inconvenience to say the least. His apartment was enveloped in darkness but a tinge of cold indigo from the night sky that slithered through the thin curtains, fluttering slightly from the open window. The light was cosy and tranquil. Naturally, he silently emerged from the cabinet he’d been rummaging through and stood blankly with a disintegrated cardboard box with its imagery peeling off. “We can do this to pass some time,” he suggested with a rigid smile as he stared down at you, buried beneath a few blankets on the couch almost wedged between its cushions.
“What is it? I can’t see,” you whispered in an attempt to not disturb the quietude before he shook the box as all the cardboard pieces rocked back and forth, resulting in consecutive tumultuous thuds as they thrusted towards either side of the case. “It’s a jigsaw,” he excitedly answered then watched you nod in approval which only made his smile grow wider. It came as a surprise to many but he really did love puzzles, mainly for the nostalgia but partly because it made his brain work and it was distracting.
Bucky ambled towards the dining table and gently placed the box down as if he’d slammed it, it would have collapsed in on itself. He seated himself and began to remove the lid, “you coming or are you just going to watch?” he softly jested with a smirk as he noticed that you hadn’t budged from your blanketed nest, “I’m too tired to move,” you admitted and yet despite it being dark, you could still see him jokingly roll his eyes as he pulled himself up from the dining chair with an almost inaudible groan before meandering towards you with a smile. The muscles along his legs and back were noticeably more defined in the darkness, his whole body flexed and on display as he wore nothing but some black sports shorts and his dog tags dangling from his neck.
“You’re lucky I like having you in my arms,” he tenderly spoke with a rasp, scooping you up and clutching your body close to his. You simply replied with nothing but a giddy laugh as you rested your neck in the nook of his forearm and bicep, staring up at him intently. Bucky would often feel diffident when he’d catch you admiring him so you’d have to steal a glance when he was unaware.
He sat you down on his lap as he seated himself once more, holding you tightly with his nonmetal arm because he enjoyed the physical sensation of your contact which he would never be able to obtain through his vibranium shell of an arm. Since you were now able to get a closer look, your eyes immediately noticed the dilapidated state of the box and you chuckled, “did you keep this growing up?” Bucky gently laughed, “you’re a comedian.”
The pair of you eventually worked your way through most of the puzzle whilst Bucky let his head rest on your shoulder for the majority of the problem solving. His soft breaths beside your ear were comforting and not disruptive. His hands were always resting on a part of your waist or your thigh. Bucky isn’t clingy but he definitely savours every single moment he has with you, and your company deeply satisfies him.
“See, I told you it would be easier if we started with the corner pieces,” you smugly retorted with a smirk as you picked up the pace from a straggled beginning. “You did, doll,” he tenderly kissed your shoulder as he just held you, your presence being more entertaining and enjoyable to him than the puzzle in front.
A sharp inhale billowed through your parted lips as you stared down at the half complete puzzle and it’s pieces, Bucky’s grasp tightened and he pulled you closer to his chest before a speedy slew of concerned questions darted from his mouth.
“There’s a piece missing,” you dryly spoke with disappointment, slumping back into Bucky’s torso. You juddered slightly from his contracting stomach as he laughed. “I’m sorry,” he sympathetically spoke, “I can try and find another one.” “No,” you cooed which was accompanied by a yawn, “I should probably go to sleep soon,” you admitted as the sudden wave of drowsiness hit you, you’d managed to fight it off whilst being concentrated but now with no motivation left it won you over. “Come on then, doll. Let’s get you to bed.” He uttered with a delicate kiss to your shoulder once more.
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