#non ew
pantakichi · 1 year
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Kichi in the Purge
Alternate version
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sunderwight · 4 months
Thinking about an SVSSS AU where, after Shen Qingqiu self-destructs, Luo Binghe does successfully resurrect his dead shizun.
But it's the wrong shizun.
Shen Jiu doesn't remember anything after his actual death, so the last thing he knew, Luo Binghe was his much-loathed teenage disciple, Liu Qingge hated his guts, and his reputation was maybe not the best in the cultivation world but he certainly hadn't been outed as a mass-murderer or embroiled in some twisted, perceived love affair with his least liked student, who it turns out is also some kind of over-powered demon. He doesn't adjust well to the developments that occurred while he was out of operation.
Meanwhile Luo Binghe at first thinks it's reverse amnesia or something, that whatever memories SQQ lost before have been regained, but also that he's lost other memories in the meanwhile. Struggles a bit with the idea that he apparently became the new traumatic thing that his shizun wanted to forget. And then he starts to think that it might be worse than that, and that his shizun has Come Back Wrong, because he does know what Shen "Qingqiu" is like when he's stressed out and furious and struggling, and it's still not like this vitriolic snake of a man he's somehow ended up with.
Eventually, Luo Binghe pieces together that something else must have happened when his shizun qi deviated all those years ago. That this soul is just flat-out not his shizun's soul, but it is also clearly Shen Qingqiu's, which means that Luo Binghe's actual shizun was some kind of spirit that took possession of Shen Qingqiu's body for a while. This is intensely distressing news, although not for any of the normal reasons -- how can he resurrect Shizun if he can't even use this body to call back his soul?!
Meanwhile Mushroom Shen Yuan is trying (and failing) to talk himself out of going to just like, check on Binghe. Quickly. Before he finalizes his whole disappearing-into-the-horizon thing. Which he is definitely absolutely going to do. Once he's just, y'know, sure that Binghe is okay now.
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moodyvoid · 2 months
Here… take my cringy Tomura x Reader fic.
(aka Tomura gets hit with a quirk that makes him expose his true feelings for you in a physical way not like that)
Tomura is hit by an enemy’s quirk during a mission. You run up to him and lean down to check on him. “Tomura, are you okay?”
He opens his eyes, looking at you. His expression was blank for a moment before there’s a mysterious intensity in his eyes. He suddenly pushes himself up and grabs you, pushing you down to the ground.
“Uhhh, Tomura?!” you ask, startled and confused by his actions as he presses you against the ground with a force. The other league members start to approach, “Stay back! Something isn’t right!” you warn them.
Spinner grabs the enemy, “What did you hit him with? Some kind of deranged murder quirk?” he demands to know.
The enemy shakes his head, “No! My quirk only accentuates pre-existing feelings! If he wants to kill them, that’s on him!”
Twice tilts his head to the side, “Tomura wouldn’t want to kill them—“
Tomura grabs you by the throat, a single finger lifted. He gazes down into your eyes.
“Tomura wants to kill them!” Twice says, about to intervene when Toga stops him.
“No, he doesn’t!” Toga says.
Tomura leans down and presses his lips against yours. Everyone freezes as they definitely weren’t expecting him to kiss you.
“Awww, see?” Toga smiles, “Tomura has a crush!”
“Ew. I would have rather he killed them.” Dabi says.
“Turn it off.” Spinner says.
The enemy rolls his eyes, “I can’t just turn it off. I’d have to be knocked unconscious—“
Mr. Compress uses his cane to place a firm, sharp whack to the back of the enemy’s head, causing him to pass out. Spinner lets him fall to the ground with a loud thud.
Tomura’s eyes widen and he quickly sits up, breaking the kiss and pulling his hands away from you. His expression is one of shock, then concern. He looks you over, trying to make sure that you’re alright; afraid he may have hurt you.
“It’s okay, Tomura. I’m alright.” you say to him, trying to help calm him.
His lips part as if he wanted to say something, but nothing comes out.
The enemy groans, rubbing the back of his head. Tomura sets his sights on the man and stands up, walking towards him. The enemy immediately starts trying to talk his way out of the situation, but Tomura doesn’t spare a second before grabbing his face and decaying him.
Tomura looks back over to the group and his eyes settle on you. He feels a twinge of guilt twisting in his stomach. He walks back over, holding out a hand to you. He wouldn’t blame you if you refused it, in fact, he expects your refusal. To his surprise, you take his hand and he carefully helps you back up to your feet.
“Are you okay?” you ask him.
He nods. He’s perplexed that even after what just happened, you’re still concerned for him?
“I’m sorry.” he says, finally speaking the words he wanted to say earlier.
You shake your head, “You weren’t in control of that. It’s not your fault.”
“I know, but I don’t want you to think I’d ever hurt you.” he speaks with a softer, more vulnerable tone than you’re used to hearing from him.
“I know you wouldn’t.” you say. “I trust you. Even when you were completely out of control, you still made sure not to decay me.”
He looks away, taking your words into consideration. He notices your hand is still in his. You really do trust him. He looks back up at you, the two of you catching eyes.
Toga speaks up, shouting from across the field, “Are you gonna kiss again?!?!”
Tomura looks away from you, “Shut up, Toga! Can we turn our focus back to the mission? We’ve already wasted enough time here!” he argues, going back to his normal tone. His voice trails off as the two of you walk back over to meet with the league.
You follow along with the group as Tomura leads you all forward. Both of you still feel the kiss lingering on your lips. Both of you want to feel it again— on your own terms.
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mxttellion · 3 months
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hi. it's artfight month
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cupcakeslushie · 3 months
I’m thinking about pulling some real confusing ass shit. I honestly don’t know how you guys stand me.
I did eet
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20genderchild · 5 months
he is SO real (transcription under cut) (also so people know RJ is very much playing an asshole interviewer character here like this is a comedy interview show)
RJ: You have said that you are on the spectrum and you're proud of it.
WILL: Yes.
RJ: I'm gonna read you a quote. "All of us autistic kids were so much better than regular normal people."
WILL: Yeah man.
RJ: "We can lock into s*** and do it. To all my autism kids out there, we're top."
WILL: Yeah buddy.
RJ: Are you shaming people without autism?
WILL: F*** yeah I am. [laughs] Yeah. Have you not got autism?
RJ: I don't have it, and now I feel bad about it!
WILL: You should. You should.
RJ: Why are we ascribing values? We're all unique in our own special ways!
WILL: Nah, nah, look, look. No, because in the school system, like, I didn't find out a lot about my, I didn't find out a lot about myself until like, after I left. So like, I wasn't afforded any of like, the extra time or like, extra, like... There were so many things in my education that I really needed help on, and I didn't get that help. And it's not just me, it's a f***in' wide bunch of people. So finding out all this s*** about myself, I just wanna show people that like, y'know, like, yeah I've got autism, I've got ADHD as well, I'm super dyslexic, I can't read, I had to have someone f***in' read my contract out for me. So like, it's super embarrassing man, it really is, but like, I feel like I've got to the point where I am because of all these things that I, that make me who I am, and I wanna inspire people. So like, a lot of people like, don't take risks on people that do have like, autism around my area, and like, I would like to hope that seeing me doing all this stuff, it does inspire other people.
RJ: And that makes you better than me?
WILL: Yes.
RJ: This isn't the neurodivergence Olympics...
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daily-pat · 17 days
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Post-Cloudberg, circa 201x
Been really into cool palates lately.
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ct-bunny · 3 months
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EW Non-human AU comic pt.3
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baconcolacan · 4 months
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Im really sorry to those who sent in asks a bit too late though, I can see that some of you wanted to have longer conversations with Tom buuuuut this event IS on a time constraint and ask limit so I had to cut it short. [Though who knows?? Maybe Tom can come over and answer your questions again one day :3c]
AGAIN THANKS SO SO MUCH FOR PARTICIPATING IN MY SILLY LITTLE EVENT!! I had a lot of fun puppeteering Tom and interacting with yall!! Love you guys <3 mwah mwah!! <3 <3 <3
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pantakichi · 1 year
New halloween pfp
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yoinkschief · 5 months
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Strip/Mafia Tord !!!
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lockandkeyhyena · 4 months
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there should be something to be said to how some people go out of their way to use gender neutral language for trans people even when their pronouns are very clearly available and pinned to their profile. i know for a fact this person has seen my tumblr and thus knows what pronouns i use. but since i’m trans i guess it doesn’t matter 🤷‍♂️
normally i don’t like assuming bad faith, but this person was perfectly happy to assume the worst of me, so i’m perfectly happy to assume the worst of them.
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20001541 · 2 months
What do you think about afo being touch starved and having depression?
well afo decided to only let one person be close to his heart and treated everyone else like disposables so I would say he is both touch starved and depressed, but acts as though he's not lol. it's what happens when you decide to put all your needs onto one person and close yourself off to everyone else.
I don't headcanon afo to be super affectionate, an unpopular opinion, but humans do desire touch from other humans so he would feel the ache of that absence of touch in his life which is why getting yoichi back is so important as that's the only person he feels that could fulfill his emotional needs.
I do think yoichi felt suffocated often because of this and felt an obligation to stay with him when he was alive as without him who else would afo have? of course after afo goes too far he decided to leave, but I think not wanting his brother to be alone was a contributing factor for yoichi staying with him for so long as it's never hinted at that he wanted to leave before the vault incident.
the depression didn't kick in until after yoichi died and was at it's worse during the time from the sewers to where he's sitting alone and realizes a part of yoichi is still out there. it improved once he got his hope renewed that he could get some form of yoichi back, but it never truly leaves him.
the fact that he changed tenko's name to tomura is the biggest piece of evidence of this to me as the name tomura it means "to mourn". knowing how afo had intended to take over his body I think it's fitting he gives his vessel that name as his whole life has been defined by grieving. with grief being his main motivator for majority of the story to how much grief we see him inflict on others throughout it.
so I do think he's touch starved and depressed and it affects him deeply, but he did dig his own grave in that aspect so he has no one to blame but himself for that so I'm going to bonk him on the head for it
get bonked idiot
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 10 months
Absolutely love it when scenes work out better than expected.
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marzipanandminutiae · 7 months
wow Kr*sten St*wart's "gym fuckboy: Woman Edition" photoshoot is the least sexy thing I've ever seen another sapphist do, visually speaking
(I'm aware this is purely subjective, obviously)
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lavendersartistry · 6 months
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NOTE: non-canon reality!
Space Riders AU - @onyxonline
POV: You sneak into the queen's house at 2 am while she's in true form and she's plotting whether or not to kill you
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