#non req
puphyo · 10 months
around 1.4k words || cw nursing /// wanted to b sure that everyone knew it was in here in case someone doesn’t want to read that
hyo was not having a good day.
she woke up without her mamas in bed with her, her plush had ended up not in her arms in her sleep, her breakfast was cold and didn’t feel right, and then to find out that her unnies had left to go to the park without her broke her heart. thankfully her mamas were still home, not wanting to leave their baby, but hyo was upset.
when she walked into the living room where her mamas sat on the couch, side by side, hyo sat on the floor, right in front of her and dahyuns’ toy box, and the waterworks started. she was upset, she didn’t know how to fix it. a fit started, slamming her hands and feet against the floor, and now loud sobs wracking her body.
jeongyeon, was the first to move, and despite jihyo kicking and thrashing, jeongyeon managed to get the smaller in her lap, and then restrain her hitting, though her thrashing stayed. the older started to rock them, humming a melody that always calmed hyo, her own tears building up in her eyes at her little girl being so distraught, unable to communicate her emotions and what she is feeling.
the longer jeongyeon rocked and hummed, the more the thrashing slowed, until it eventually stopped entirely, and she sat in jeongyeon’s lap listening contentedly to jeongyeon’s humming. she thrashed around again, though because she wanted to turn, and jeongyeon cautiously let go of her little girl’s hands, until she settled herself against jeongyeon’s chest again. her hands played with the neckline of the t-shirt jeongyeon wore.
“i think she wants to nurse,” nayeon calls, recognizing how it looked from when momo is small and wants to nurse from how she picks at sana’s or mina’s shirt and nuzzles against her chest.
jeongyeon’s head whips around to nayeon, with wide eyes. “from me?” jeongyeon looks down at jihyo, who is now pulling more at the hem of jeongyeon’s shirt. “she usually nurses from you, wouldn’t she want her mama to?”
“she’s in her mommy’s lap, you’re the one she’s trying to communicate with.” nayeon scooted forward to get off the couch and sit next to jeongyeon. nayeon grabbed hyo’s attention with a little sound, her eyes wide, but still sat firmly against jeongyeon. “hey princess,” nayeon smiled, her heart breaking at the sight. hyo’s face was red, her eyes puffy from her sobbing and her nose running. “mama’s going to go get a towel to clean your face, what can we do to help you, hmm?”
jihyo shrugs then pulls at the chest of jeongyeon’s shirt. “wan’ mommy.”
jeongyeon cocks her head to the side, then pulls jihyo’s attention when nayeon stands, with a finger under hyo’s chin. “what do you want from mommy? i just need to make sure i understand, hyo, i promise i’m not upset.”
hyo pulls at jeongyeon’s shirt with a whine, and jeongyeon understands that’s the best hyo can do. “can mommy move you into the bedroom? we can sit all comfy and have your unicorn, hmm? sound nice?”
hyo nods, and jeongyeon makes moves to stand up, and instead of hyo allowing jeongyeon to stand and then lift her up once standing, hyo wants to be carried even as jeongyeon stands. jeongyeon has to think for a second, trying to find the best way around this, and then decides that the time she’s spent going up and down the stairs at her sisters’ has to be enough to help her be able to lift her baby as she stands, which it is, though it is a little sketchy, a little wobbly.
once into the bedroom, jeongyeon closes the door behind her, heaven forbid that the other members see her topless as she sits jihyo on the bed with little fight behind her when jeongyeon hands her the unicorn that she absolutely adores, a gift nayeon and jeongyeon had gotten her when jihyo decided she wanted nayeon and jeongyeon to be her permanent caregivers.
it takes jeongyeon a few moments to decide how she wants to do this, then deciding to take off both her shirt and bra, pulling the covers down from the bed, then sitting down and getting comfortable just in time for hyo to collide with her at a speed that would be dangerous had jeongyeon not been sitting.
“careful, honey, we don’t need my precious little girl being hurt, hmm?” jeongyeon says, her tone soothing and motherly, the same tone that reads jihyo her stories at nights that puts her right to sleep. hyo nods, looking up to jeongyeon then down to her chest, then back up. “eager little baby, yeah? are you sure you don’t want mama to do this with?” jeongyeon double checks, never having done with with jihyo before, not wanting it to be too different and make jihyo have another fit.
hyo nods again, “wan’ mommy!” hyo decides, and jeongyeon chuckles. the elder decides to scoop the baby up, cradling her against her right breast.
“let’s wait for mama to get back in here and clean your face, okay? then i’ll nurse you and we can watch cartoons on mama and i’s tv, yeah?” hyo nodded, nuzzling into jeongyeon’s bare chest, something that she wouldn’t had thought before hyo wanted to be nursed by her would be as comforting as it is. this little girl depends on jeongyeon enough to need to feel her bare skin, it warms jeongyeon’s heart.
nayeon opens and closes the door, carrying a wet rag, and walks over to the two, sitting on the edge of the bed, then wipes jihyo’s face down. “there, honey. you feel better?”
jihyo nods gratefully and huffs, nuzzling against jeongyeon’s chest.
“alright, my needy princess.” jeongyeon chuckles, guiding hyo’s mouth to her nipple with a gentle finger. as soon as hyo was latched, a deep sigh left the little girl’s body, and it brought tears to jeongyeon’s eyes. she’d watched hyo do the same thing to nayeon many times before, while nayeon nursed her, jeongyeon would often watch, looking at the loves of her life with a happiness that only a mama could share, but feeling jihyo nursing from her? it brought a new meaning to being jihyo’s mommy, a feeling of fulfillment that jeongyeon never knew she needed until she had jihyo attached to her.
her eyes watered without her approval, and hyo’s eyes peeked up at her mommy, and one little hand, the one not holding her unicorn to her own chest, reached up to jeongyeon’s face, clumsily brushing away jeongyeon’s tears. “mommy’s not crying ‘cause i’m upset, hyo, i promise,” jeongyeon started, her voice wavering. her hand that wasn’t holding jihyo steady against her chest went up to hang onto to jihyo’s. “mommy’s just so happy.”
hyo made a happy noise, and her eyes closed again. her suckling was rhythmic and soothing, her fingers clumsily rubbed and felt jeongyeon’s face, but nothing in jeongyeon’s mind was upset or even a little distraught at hyo’s movements.
nayeon looked to jeongyeon and then to hyo, and placed a kiss on hyo’s forehead, then gently turned jeongyeon’s head towards her own, placing a solid yet swift kiss on jeongyeon’s lips.
at that moment, everything was right again. hyo no longer felt that she wasn’t having a good day, not when her mommies would drop what they were doing to hold her and take care of her, not when she could feel the amount of love that jeongyeon had for her through the way the elder held her and talked to her, and definitely not when her mama kept placing kisses on her forehead and promising to their little girl that her mamas will always have her, always take care of her.
the dull roar of the tv in the background lulls jihyo to sleep, and she thinks she feels her mama settle in to hold her too, but she can’t tell. she’s too sleepy, too happy, and she can’t think of anything that would make this better. especially not when her mama smooths down her hair, and then scratches at her scalp, just the way she likes. just before jihyo falls asleep, she knows that this is her safest place, though she’s out like a light before nayeon and jeongyeon have barely even finished a single episode of their tv show.
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poorly-drawn-cats · 10 months
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oregano-gremlin · 10 months
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crossistent · 3 months
what art program and brushes do you use?
what inspires your mesmerizing color palettes? i love your batjokes 🦇🃏🎉💓 very cute and charming 🌹🌹
I'm a Clip Studio user! And ttoba's works are a huge inspiration for me <33
Thank you for liking my batjokes artttt I'm not normal abt them to this day..🥺
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staticevent · 9 months
#124 madotsuki for the palette challenge?
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cerb-daily · 11 days
i have 70+ asks. if yours isn't showing up please be patient 🙏
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swordsmachinedaily · 1 month
FINISHED MY EXAMS i can draw more swordsmachine now 🫶
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paxthepuppycat · 1 month
White-Backed Vulture Outline Art!
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For me <3
Added the baby bc I miss them so much
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dyke-stuck · 11 months
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FREAKS. i love them dearly. was meant to be a redraw of this, but evidently i got a bit carried away.
please use she/her for jake and she/her or he/him for erisolsprite on this post, they are both transfem & erisol is trigender!
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cinnamonsly · 3 months
i wanna try taking an actual art class at my uni but they’re either all locked behind pre reqs or literally have “this is NOT a FUN art class so if you want to have a good time GO SOMEWHERE ELSE” in the course description so like. puts head in hands
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poorly-drawn-cats · 10 months
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vertyd · 1 month
deletin this later but any fallout drawing requests? i wonna draw but idk what
i have an ask box talk to me baby (ring-a-ding)
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oh-gh0st · 1 year
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cheesburgirl · 6 months
can you draw Dawn from td roti?
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For the lovely mysterious anon
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toothlesstdm · 8 months
hey. (leans on nonexistent wall) wanna hear about my SB rewrite . uhm
me again. hi. i am sorry for not shutting up about my Security Breach rewrite all of the sudden I prommy I still have other content upcoming too but . FNAF <3
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here is a snippit of my rewrite!! specifically on vanessa!! can you tell who im fixating on right now!! (head in hands) (expect a lot of stuff abt her :')) sorry its a bit rough; it's my first time tackling something that's like a whole rewrite so i'mm still working on things!! if people are interested i'll maybe write a doc or just do frequent updates here :] Think it'd be fun to start staring more story related stuff here (be it like, rewrites, OCs, AUs, ect!!)
if anyone has any questions abt stuff or has any doodle reqs based around the au, do let me know! this is an invite to talk to me abt FNAF . its my biggest fixation alongside PKMN/TLOZ/WOF/OW rn..
Here are some doodles I did a while back too!
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They're a bit rough too since I did these on impulse/very quickly and when I first started off the rewrite.. I mentioned this in my design post but i'm also working on a video talking about my rewrite! (I have never done a video talking abt stuff before!! ive only done animations on my channel so.. :'D)
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jgracie · 2 months
shoutout anon who requested leo and poseidon girl ur a real one for that 🙏🏼🫡
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