#none of these characters were properly developed i swear but i love them
the-ever-humming-girl · 3 months
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manicpixiefelix · 5 months
head, heart, hand. {Felix Catton/Reader/Oliver Quick}
Part 6.
Summary: Felix learns about what happened between you and Oliver at the club, and some jackass makes assumptions about you and Felix and your intentions towards Oliver. The interaction gets you worked up enough that you feel the need to repay Felix as when he'd defended you. With sex.
{ masterpost }
Need to Know: They/Them. Explicitly NB Reader. FWB!Reader/Felix. Reader is from a well off family but has pretty much been adopted by the Cattons.
Warnings: SMUT; AFAB!reader, d/s dynamics, felix being a chatty brat, assume the reader is on birth control, unprotected sex.
A/N: 4782 words. cannot go two chapters without having a felix/reader moment it seems. bare with me i swear we get more oliver as it goes on, but he's just watching through the blinds right now and collecting information. also forgive me, not only is this unedited, it's also the first actual, explicit smut scene i've written in years, and even longer since i've been intimate with someone with a dick. i also dont read smut so this might be weird pacing wise at the end. honestly the smut is just a backdrop for character development. have at ye, and please lemme know what you think!
TAGLIST IN COMMENTS!! // TAGLIST ALWAYS OPEN ! (just message or comment to be added)
Summer creeps in almost insidiously, days getting longer and warmer, humidity forcing it's way into every single facet of your lives. Afternoons outside of classes are spent doing not much of anything, hoping that when night falls, the temperature will fall with it.
This afternoon is the coolest you've had in several weeks, laying on Felix's floor, listening to him play the guitar while Oliver was draped over the foot of his bed, gazing at Felix's bookshelf. There's a sweet breeze through the open window and you hum along to the tune you recognise your best friend playing, letting yourself soak in the moment.
The quiet spell breaks as Oliver moves, reaches out for something on Felix's bookshelf.
"That's cute," he muses, "baby Felix." It must be the photo of Felix and his childhood dog, the you'd only met once or twice as a kid before he'd passed, before you'd been properly friends. But Oliver puts the photo back almost as fast as he'd picked it up, "there aren't any pictures of me as a kid," he muses.
"You and Y/N have that in common," Felix says idly, surprising both you and Oliver, though for different reasons; you hadn't even realised he'd remembered that about you. Your vapid, jet-setting, philanthropist parents had always been incredibly image conscious, and a child was never part of that image. Born out of obligation to their own parents to produce a grandchild to make eventual inheritance easier, they longed to distance themselves from the very idea of you unless they desperately needed to.
And they hadn't for as long as you've been alive.
"If there were baby photos of me, that'd prove that my parents had a child," you laughed, but there was no real humour in it, "and none of us wants that."
The invisible heir.
"I'm sorry to hear that," Oliver says faintly, an unfamiliar, unreadable look in his eyes as he gazes over at you. You give a blithe shrug.
"It means I got to find a home in Felix," you say easily, the wording sappy enough to make Felix himself laugh.
"You're such a sap, that's so much nicer than what I was going to say."
"Go on then, out with it," you prompted him, despite his faint, playful protest.
"I was going to call you another ward of the Saltburn Estate," Felix grins at you, "for better or worse."
"At least you had a family who loved you," Oliver turns away again, pressing his cheek to the duvet as his gaze focused back on the photo of Felix and his dog, "even if they weren't yours." There's a distinct discomfort in the air now, a reminder of how vastly Oliver's life differs from your own.
"I was lucky in a lot of ways," is all you can think to say. Felix starts playing guitar again.
These long days turn into long nights, parties, girls and boys and everyone in between, hazy chats and drinking games and hands on you - holding you, dancing with you, brushing past, tapping with excitement, always hands on you. The quiet way Oliver goes through these strange situations may be read as awkward to everyone else, but you're no longer under any such illusions.
"You're desperate to feel needed."
There was no hesitation in his voice the other night, his hands on you, his mouth on you.
"Then need me, want me."
How easily he'd made you flustered in the club, you didn't realise he had it in him. Honestly if you hadn't experienced it yourself, you wouldn't believe it if someone else had told you. There's been a change, however, a subtle, unnoticeable one to anyone looking in from the outside. Every so often, on nights out, you'll catch him watching you with that same hungry look in his eyes, but will never act on it, however much you wish he would.
"I do, but not like this, not now."
What the fuck was he playing at? You never knew how to bring it up, even when you were alone together. But he never stopped reached out for you, he never shied away from your touch. Apart from this one thing, it was the exact same as before.
If only that one thing didn't have the potential to change everything.
"Has Ollie seemed any different to you lately?" You go to the only person you know you can trust with this. Felix frowns at his hand of cards for a long moment before looking back up at you.
"Sorry, what was the question?"
"Ollie," you go a little slower, rearranging your own hand of cards, "does he seem... I don't know, different to you?" Then, as Felix was considering, "got any fives?"
"Go fish." You should both be studying for an upcoming exam.
"What do you mean? Has anyone said anything to you?" Felix momentarily put down his cards to relight his cigarette, fixing you with an intense gaze, "did something happen?"
"Did someone say something to you?" You pivot for the moment, still looking at your cards.
"About her birthday thing."
"Are you taking your turn or what?"
"Oh, right," he's still frowning, picking up his cards with his free hand, "threes?" You swear as you hand over two threes, as he quietly cheers.
"Anyways, what about Annabel's birthday thing? Does she has a problem with Ollie?" At your question, Felix ums and ahs, and avoids eye contact, "yes then?"
"No-one else in the group is a huge fan of him," he even sounds guilty admitting it out loud, "everyone else can kind of feel how out of place he is and it makes things awkward. I know we think he's lovely," Felix tried to quickly placate you, or perhaps his own conscience, "but the man's got zero chat." This does, however, make you snort.
"Ollie's got chat," you smirk down at your cards, only realising what you'd said when you're met with a shocked silence. Looking up, Felix is staring at you with utter surprise.
"Does he now?" He sounds downright scandalised. You can feel yourself growing flustered, both under Felix's delighted, intrigued gaze, and at your own memories from the club, "so something did happen?"
"Nothing happened!"
"Something definitely happened!"
"I didn't fuck him."
"Between nothing and fucking there's a whole lot of somethings that could have happened," card game completely forgotten, Felix is enraptured as you begin to briefly explain the interaction at the club -
"- and well then, he starts calling me out while aggressively making out with me," you take a deep, final breath, finally looking Felix in the eyes, "and I desperately wanted to fuck him because of it." You sigh, and give Felix plenty of time to process the story and recover.
"But you didn't?" Finally, he speaks, and you groaned, throwing your head back to look at the stars.
"No," you sulked, "he disappeared into the crowd and I had to get myself off twice before I could sleep that night. Fucking tease," but you're heart's not really mad at Oliver.
"Always fascinated to learn what turns you on," Felix is desperately trying to hold in his laughter. It's not working, "many of them baffle me."
"That's not the point here, Fi," you rolled your eyes, leaning back against the gravel roof finally, laying back. You hear the pebbles shifting, and moments later Felix joins you, hands behind his head, "I don't know how to talk about it with him," you say softly. Then, tone much lighter, "and it doesn't surprise me that Annabel thinks he has no chat, he just doesn't want to fuck her, and she can't fathom a world where anyone doesn't want her."
Felix laughs, but unfortunately isn't able to offer any real advice to you about your Oliver situation.
Oliver Quick was an anomaly in your life, you should maybe have suspected his friendship to bring on further anomalous occurrences.
"Leave Oliver Quick alone," like the voice in the library that greets you harshly whilst you're hunting down a textbook. Spinning to see who it is, you lay eyes on a blonde man in dreadfully practical clothes; he's glaring at you like you've done him some personal offense.
"Excuse me?"
"You heard me," he says sharply, gaze as unwavering as his tone, "you vapid -" he stops himself for a moment, face turning red with anger, "pricks," he settles on, "leave Oliver Quick alone, for his sake."
"Is this a joke?"
"Oh I'm not one for jokes, especially not with the likes of you; I know how you and Mister Catton operate. Selfish," he hissed.
"Do I know you?" Its genuine confusion, and for a moment the man's expression turned annoyed, his righteous indignation turning to faint disappointment as you refused to take him and his request seriously.
"Michael," like it should mean something to you, "Michael Gavey;" still nothing, "I was in the year below you at high school for four years."
"Well, Michael," you start slowly, bordering on condescending, "Ollie's a big boy -"
"I know you; you'll get bored, you two always do," Michael cuts you off with a sneer, some of that anger from just earlier returning, "he deserves more than to be a footnote in your frivolous little lives."
"Fuck off, Mikey." You say it as a warning.
"Michael," he corrects through gritted teeth, "Felix is a slag, which makes you the sensible one, so I thought you'd actually listen -" but the realisation hits you, right as you start to see red.
"You've already tried talking to Ollie," immediately, your tone ices over, humourless, cruel little smile twisting the edges of your lips. Noticing your change in demeanour, the fight seems to drain out of Michael before your very eyes, "and he ignored you, didn't he?" You asked, already knowing the answer from the way he was trying to stammer through an answer.
"Now, Michael," you tell him with a poisonous smile, taking even, measured steps towards him, as you turn his name over on your tongue with as much malice as you can manage, "Michael Gavey, I think I do know you," you're playing with your food, drawing out his discomfort with every slow word; you weren't cruel by nature, not unless someone found which button to press, "first year," you drop your voice low as you get into his space. He starts to shrink backwards, but you're practically on his toes until you're crowding him against the bookshelf, "math genius, shouts in the dining hall -"
"I didn't- just once-"
"If you ever," there's a furious look in your eyes behind your sinister smile as you stand toe-to-toe with Michael, "and I mean fucking ever, breathe the word slag in Felix's direction, or any other insult for that matter," you wet your lips, "I promise the only job you will ever get for the rest of your life will be that of a high school English tutor," you pet his cheek condescendingly, "for students with dyscalculia."
Michael actually shudders.
"You know I can do it too, don't you?" You press, and he nods, looking both furious and ashamed where he can't look you in the eyes, "we went to high school together, Mikey, I know where you came from, I can dictate where you will go." Stepping back, you clear your throat. Nodding to him, you turn on your heel to head further into the library, to continue searching for your book.
Trying to move past it doesn't work, it still irks you, you still can't stop thinking about his weaselly little face, the bitter sneer he wore, and the cruelty with which he spoke about you and Felix. It haunts you. The audacity.
Textbook in hand, you immediately head for the patch of greenery and trees near Oliver's dorm, where you know Felix and the rest of your friends will all be spending their afternoon.
"Ooh~ Y/N coming in hot," Farleigh called, spotting the metaphorical cloud of thunder above you before anyone else.
"What are you doing now?" Ignoring everyone else, you only have eyes for Felix. He grins up at you from where he was using Farleigh's thigh as a pillow.
"I assume whatever it is you're about to ask of me," he says blithely, while the others watch the interaction with amusement.
"I need to rant," was all you said, and Felix held out his hand for you to help him up.
"You're so sexy when you're angry," he says teasingly for the whole group to hear, "has anyone ever told you that?"
"I'm not kidding," you scowl, and his grin widens.
"I know, that's the best part, I could listen to you yell for hours, I usually never get to hear it." The banter continues on the way back to your dorm. The others know it's probably a cover, though none of them, apart from Farleigh of course, know the truth. Most assume you're moments from a breakdown and would like to have your best friend there for support.
The minute you're back in your room, you slam the door shut and toss the textbook to the side. Felix asks you what's wrong, tone still light, and you can feel that protective anger flaring up in you.
"If you don't hold me back I might start getting into scraps," you tells him with seriousness, stalking up to him with intent, planting an almost bruising kiss on his lips as you fumble with the buttons of your shirt. It's not often that you're the one getting riled up; Felix is more than enthusiastic.
"Don't fight on my behalf," he laughs, frantically pulling off his sweater. Pausing for a moment to help him with the pullover, the minute it's off and tossed to the side, you're unbuttoning his shirt with one hand as best your able, as he's trying to tug your shirt off in the chaos. The two of you are moving to the bed, and he actually gasps when the back of his legs hit, when you take a beat to raise your eyebrows at him, silently asking permission.
He's already letting himself fall back with a wicked, delighted grin as your hand finds his bare chest.
Then he's breathless, with you braced over him, gazing down at him with a furious determination that you don't usually allow yourself to build up. Felix looks up at you with pure extasy in his eyes, like you hang the stars in the sky. His hands on your ass, his grip is firm and secure, but he doesn't move; he's letting you lead.
"Felix Catton, I ruin lives for you," you practically snarl; a breathy laugh escapes him, caught up in the moment, in the mood that's been building within you, "doesn't feel like enough sometimes -"
"You're so fucking hot," he groans like he can't even help himself, can't hold himself back, can't help but close the gap to your lips, kissing you with that same intensity you're giving him.
"If I hear-" you punctuate your words with rough kisses, "another word-" biting at his lips, "against you, I'm -" fumbling with his belt, "I'm gonna start cutting people -"
"Yeah?" Felix prompts breathlessly with a sharp grin, not even waiting to get your fly all the way down before his hand is in your pants, fingers at an awkward angle in your jeans but still finding your clit. It's like you're feeling everything tenfold with the earlier outrage still burning in your veins -
Vapid pricks. The likes of you. Slag. Watching Felix's hands on the girl in the club. The venom in his voice and fury in his eyes when he'd pinned Farleigh to the wall to defend you - Our Felix; Oliver's voice like honey in your ears, tempting that jealous creature in your chest that you'd gone for years ignoring -
"My Felix," you'd purred as your hand found his cock. For a moment, his breath came out as a stutter, eyes going wide as they meets yours. He looks almost incredulous, then, after a moment, hungry, wanting. It's captivating; he's captivating, like he's desperate to devour every part of this moment and you in it, barely holding himself back.
"One more time for me?" He requests, voice low and pleased, before he changes tactics, indicating for both of you to actually take off your pants.
"Everyone's fucking wrong about you," you tell him, kicking your jeans to the side, watching for a moment as he shimmies with his jeans, looking like he's made of ninety percent limbs. Still, your intensity holds.
"Even the people that like me?" Felix laughs, finally getting himself free of the jeans. Before he can remove his boxers, however, you're on him once more, thumbs hooking into the waistband and pulling them down slowly as you speak.
"Everyone else has these versions of you in their head," you begin to plant kisses along his inner thigh as you work your way up, looking up at him through your lashes, "where you're either an angel who can do no wrong," Felix is already hard when you begin to slowly work your hand up and down the shaft of his cock, "or the absolute devil who's a scourge on the female population," your lip curls for a moment, a derisive kind of amusement at their imagined expense.
"I can't look at you right now," he half chokes out, head falling back against your duvet, "fuck," he gasps. It's enough to bring you back to the moment, and you apologise -
"No, fuck, don't stop anything; the ranting, the -" he gestures to where your movements had slowed briefly, "any of it, I just literally," he laughs a little awkwardly, almost a little self-deprecatingly, "will not last more than a minute if I look at you right now."
Oh! This is good!
"What's so different," he prompts through shaky breathes - you can't quite believe how much he's effected by you in this moment, how enthusiastically, how desperately he responds to your dominant intensity - "about the version of me in your head?"
After a beat, you climb off of him, already reaching for your drawer.
"Everything okay?" He asks, eyes opening as he tilts his head to look at you. Pulling out a tube of lube, you focus on opening it up, rather than Felix himself. You should be using protection, you know you should be using protection, but you want to feel all of him, only him.
"I can't talk with my mouth full," you told him, still maintaining that steely intensity, "so we're skipping foreplay." Felix, immediately understanding where you were going with all this, looks back up at the ceiling with a wide smile.
"Fine by me; right now I'm inclined to say that you can do whatever you want forever, honestly - cold!" He announced with shock, jerking up a little as you glided a generous amount of lubricant over his cock. There's a faint look of betray in his eyes, but you just gave him a thin, mean smile.
"Felix, stop talking."
The commanding tone is enough to get him back on board, groaning, arching into your touch as you once again were working his shaft, now so slick your hand glided easily up and down the impressive length.
"My Felix," voice once again low, you use some of the excess lubricant on yourself. Since leaving the library, however, your anger had known it's outlet; just the idea of fucking Felix in a righteous fury had gotten you going, and you were already wet, wanting, desperate for him.
"Don't make me beg," he all but whimpered as you finally straddled his thighs, "fuck, I'll do it for you, but -"
"Shut. Up. Felix." You leaned down, chest pressed to his lips inches from his, whispering, "I won't make you beg," as you sink down onto his cock, swallowing his moan with a kiss.
"I am under no illusions about you, Felix," you begin to murmur, hips rolling at a deep, consistent rhythm, "I don't have a version of you in my head, I just have you; I just want you, as you are."
Pace picking up, you sit, rake your nails lightly down his chest, watch as he pants and groans beneath you. When he holds your hips, your thighs, you can feels his nails digging in, burying himself deep inside of you with each rhythmic thrust. There's something primal and triumphant roaring in your chest, pushing you to sink your nails into him, your teeth -
"I don't care who you fuck," you tell him through gritted teeth, picking up your pace, thighs burning.
"You're a fucking liar," tumbles from Felix's lips as he looks up at you with a smirk.
"I don't, I'd be a hypocrite -" very suddenly, Felix sits up, and you go still with him still inside of you, adjusting to the change, wrapping your legs around him.
"Then you're a hypocrite," he smirks, gaze hazy, heady, euphoric in this moment, "and a liar," and he wraps his arms around you as he kisses you, pulling you back with him as he lays back down on the bed.
"I'm not jealous," you start again, softer this time, but still aiming for stern.
"I'll say I believe you," there's mischief in Felix's eyes as his hand snakes between the two of you, fingers rubbing circles against your clit as you pick your rhythm back up again, slower this time.
"Fi," for the first time all afternoon, your voice softens, and you let your stern demeanour break, instead looking over him, glowing with sweat and endorphins, in your bed, in you, looking up at you with nothing but love in his eyes, "I don't care if nobody knows it's me, but -" you wet your lips, wicked little smile on your lips, "I want everyone else you ever fuck to be jealous of the way you let me fuck you."
Something about your words, your request, perhaps your tone, sets him off again; you rake your nails lightly down his chest again and he arches up, swearing, almost breathless.
"Yes, fuck, yes," comes out alongside a breathless moan, "my Y/N, anything you want - please."
You paint him blue and purple and the deepest, prettiest red with hickeys, leaving him looking absolutely scandalous. Of course he returns the favour in the form of scratch marks up your back and his teeth almost drawing blood from your shoulder. When he comes it's with your mouth on his neck and his cock deep inside of you, holding you close, holding you steady, whispering incoherent praise into your ear. Always diligent, he doesn't move, doesn't pull out or away from you before his focus is on you, making sure you get off, delighting in watching you unravel on top of him.
In the afterglow, amid the sharing of a cigarette and catching of your breath, you apologise softly.
"What are you apologising for?" He immediately cracks a grin, "in fact, any time you ever start to get all worked up and mean like that, have me on speed dial -"
"I - no, Fi," you sighed, amused at his suggestion, though it was fading fast, "I just... try not to be jealous," there's faint notes of guilt now that you've come down from the adrenaline and endorphins of it all. Sitting against the headboard, you draw your knees up to your chest.
"I know," Felix says easily, sitting up beside you, resting his head against your shoulder, his hand on your knee, "I try too... I don't think I'm always that great at hiding it." Then, after a moment, his tone lightens, "I think this is why I don't want to tell people about us, I don't think I could begin to explain it in a way that makes sense." It gets you to laugh, leaning into him, tension and guilt easing.
"I thought it was the rush of sneaking around and lying to people."
"There's that too," he agreed with a chuckle. The two of you fall into easy silence as he takes a drag on the cigarette and hands it over. The afternoon is sticky-hot, especially in your room, curtains still half open but window shut. As you go to open it, not caring about potential onlookers in the twilight, past the sliver of your curtain, Felix speaks up.
"There's no version of me in your head? Not even a little bit rose-coloured-glasses tinted?" He grins at you, and you lay out on the bed, looking up at him through your lashes. After a moment of simply taking the moment in, you shake your head with a soft smile.
"I told you, I'm under no illusions about you, Fi."
"I think you're too good to me for that to be true."
"I want you as you are, dude," you shrug, as if it's the easiest truth in the world.
"As I am?" He wants to be sceptical but his tone and the look in his eyes betrays him. You've never heard him quite so soft you think, eyes wide and glassy and full of conflict and love; everyone wants him, everyone loves him, everyone wants to be him or be with him, he's reckoned with his reality a long time ago, even if he wasn't entirely conscious of it. Felix's life had been picked apart by everyone around him at the surface level for as long as he could remember, perhaps he'd thought that no-one would ever care to look deeper. Perhaps he'd gotten so used to it that he'd forgotten there was anything deeper.
"I want the Felix who can't keep a girlfriend for more than two months, and who's cheated on every single one of them with me," you start, wearing a grin despite his sudden frown, "I want the Felix who hugs and kisses strangers after just meeting them because he's bursting at the seams with affection, I want the Felix who won't admit that he sleeps better with someone next to him at night, and the Felix who recaps the books he's been reading to me like they're gossip. The Felix who uses people, and breaks hearts, who says he doesn't know he's doing it but I know you do," you laugh, sitting up on your knees and letting the blankets slide down your back as Felix looks up at you now with a fond kind of reverence, "I want the Felix that lights up every room he's in without even trying, who makes everyone around him feel like they're the only person in the world, and that same Felix who still shifts over, mid conversation with someone else, for me to sit down beside him without having to even ask, because you know we'll always come back to each other," you lean down, lips inches from his, burning intensity in your gaze as you take in the reverence in his eyes, "the Fi who fights for me, the Fi who loves that I'd ruin lives for him, my Felix -" You see the moment he can no longer hold himself back, arcing forward, moving from the headboard to be by you, capturing your lips in a tender kiss. For a long moment it's your mouth fitting perfectly against his, faint, desperate groan being pulled from the back of his throat as he takes your face in his hands, firm, warm, wanting, deepening the kiss.
"Some of those things were pretty shit," he laughed a little self consciously after the kiss breaks, both of you breathing heavy. In his eyes you can see the barest hint of conflict.
"People have said worse."
"And you got them expelled," he reminded with a faint smile, but again there's that conflict, "and they aren't you."
"You're my best mate," you laugh easily, "that shit, the good and the less good, makes you my Felix. Be pretty shit of me to want to chop and change who you are, you know?"
For a very long moment, you watch the way he slowly begins to smile, to take all your saying in drinking in this sun-drenched moment. Reaching out, he carefully touches your cheek.
"Say it again then," he prompts, sounding almost giddy, feather-light touches as if mapping your delicate features in this moment. For a brief second you're confused, barely angling your head to indicate as such before you can see his faint blush beneath his golden skin, creeping up his cheeks. When he laughs, almost self conscious, you realise, and grin back.
"You're a sap."
"Don't make me beg."
"My Felix."
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soapyghost · 1 year
Firefighter Price x Fem! Reader
I honest to god did not expect this to get the love it did?? So thank you??? I’m blown away. Also this chapters kindaaa short- and its the epitome of slow burn and I am not sorry. It will get more- angsty soon ehehe. Also I did my best to try and remember everyone who wanted to be added to the tag list and I am so sorry if I forgot anyone! Let me know if you want/ed to be added!
Warnings: hinting at a super gross manager being gross - Mostly fluff. Swearing. Character developments babyyyy
Taglist: @330bpm-whiplash @blueoorchid @deadbranch @sofasoap @c0wb0yenthusiast @emmmmmmmaaaaaaaaaaa @fruitymoonbeams-blog @averyyreads @lostmypopsicle @jxvipike @moonlighting87 @amatis-gray
A week had passed since the fire in your apartment complex. It had taken a couple days before you were able to go back to your apartment to search for any belongings that may have survived. Luckily your phone somehow managed to survive the inferno, lord knows you didn’t have the money to replace it.
After about 2 days of staying at the hotel, your best friend April was generous enough to let you stay on her couch until you could get enough money scraped together for a deposit on a new place. As nice as the hotel was, you felt terrible about the possibility of racking up a bill for Price. No matter how much you begged the receptionist she would not let you pay a dime for the room, stating that John had given her strict rules to not let you.
The images you managed to squirrel away in your mind of the egnima known as John Price would not stay hidden back there. You weren’t ready for a relationship- not after your ex. And yet, you still woke up every morning in his jacket, the smell of him was vaguely noticeable underneath the overpower scent of smoke.
You had just moved out of your ex boyfriends house and into your apartment, on the opposite side of the state. Well, your ex apartment now. The idea of having to start all over brought tears to your eyes. You had been here less than a month and already things were turning into a shit show.
Today was your first day back at work after the fire, your new manager, Sheppard or Shep for short, was surprisingly kind about the situation. He completely understood and let you take some time off to get your things together. You didn’t understand why the other waitstaff disliked him so much. They always whispered about how cruel, rude and dirty Shep was.
As you rushed into the restaraunt to start your first shift back you were taken aback to see none other than John Price and the entire crew. As you made your way passed his table your eyes locked- and that perfect smile crept upon his face. His smile felt like rays of sunshine. Like a breeze on a summer day.
“Well if it isn’t Y/N” Price bellows, drawing the attention of the whole restaraunt to you. Soap looked at you and waved, “glad to see you alive lass!” You smiled weakly back at him before glancing over to the paramedic who wrapped your hand. “Hows that hand looking” he asked, nodding at your right hand which was now bandage free.
“It’s much better. Thanks” you say, holding it up breifly. You’re positive your face is about as red as the tomatoes on the omelet Soap had infront of him. Your blood runs a cold as your eyes glance over the party and see the man in the balaclava- except this time it has a skull on it.
Who the hell wears that out in public! A shiver runs through you and Price seems to notice. “So Y/N what brings you here” he says, taking your attention away from his terrifying counterpart. “Oh uhm well. I work here” you reply, ”and if I don’t get back to clock in I might not have one much longer. But I’ll be back out!” “Good. Because you haven’t been properly introduced to the 141 house” he beams, gesturing at the men at the table with him.
With that you slip through the kitchen door and back towards the lockers. You press your forehead onto them to help cool your face down so maybe it won’t give away your embarassment. Why is he here? Does he know you still have his jacket? Oh fuck.
“You alright Y/N?” Sheps voice booms, pulling you from your daze. He drops a hand on your shoulder and looks down at you with concern in his eyes. “Yeah yeah. Sorry. I just.” You sigh, trying to collect your thoughts. Did you really want to trauma dump on your boss? His hand raises to cup your cheek, causing you to flinch.
“That crew was the one who saved me from the fire” you say, turning your face away from his hand. Something flickers in his eyes, just for a second, anger? Jealousy? Rage? You’re not sure what it is but before you can place it his eyes change back to concern. “Oh. Well. What a coincidence!” He forces a chuckle and a smile that doesn’t quite reach his eyes. “I’ll see you out on the floor in 5” he states, before turning curtly and walking out.
You blink a bit, startled by his sudden change, the rumors about him being a piece of shit seemed a lot more plausible now. Shaking your head, you open your locker and stuff your purse in it before throwing up your hair into a ponytail and heading back out to the front.
Lucky for you, the 141 were not in your section today. But that didn’t stop you from stealing glances over at their table in between taking care of your own guests. When you had finally taken care of your section, you decided to venture over to be introduced to the whole “squad”.
“Hey yall didn’t have to wait for me guys” you say, noticing the empty plates.
You sauntered over, catching the Captians eye before flashing a small smile, “sorry for making you wait boys” you say, noticing they had long since finished their breakfast. “Oh luv’, you ain’t gotta apologize to these muppets” Price replies, his accent thick. “Hey who you callin’ a muppet, Cap?” Gaz questions, his eyebrows furrowed in mock anger.
Price laughs and you swear that must be what heaven sounds like. “But I wanted to introduce you to everyone. That as you already know, is Gaz. Best paramedic this side o’ the town” he says, voice full of pride. “That shaggy man is Soap. Don’t ask” he quips, before you could even open your mouth. “Strange name for a strange guy” you giggle. Soap brings his hand up to his chest feigning pain, Price let’s put a small chuckle at that. “Those two are Alejandro and Rudy. They keep us well fed at the house and are pretty decent at their jobs” John says, gesturing to the two men at the other side of the table from him. Both men wave and flash you big smiles. “And this,” he says, gesturing to the terrifying man in the skull balaclava, “this is Ghost.”
Ghost simply grunts, “can we go now captian. We have shit to do” and begins to stand. “Ghost. You need to learn to relax once ‘n a while.” Price reprimands him. Before you have a chance to say anything or greet the team, Sheppard voice booms, “Y/N what are you doing? Get back to your section”. You whip your head around to see the face of your extremely angry boss.
“Shep, cut her some slack eh?” Price retorts, his face contorting into anger. What happened between the two of them? “No no he’s right” you smile weakly, trying to alleviate the obvious tension in the room. “Go Y/N” Shep says, before coming up behind you and putting his hand on your lower back and pivoting you away from the table.
“Sheppard. You don’t need to move her” Johns voice rises slightly, “she was going”. The temperature in the room was rising. “Boys it’s fine. Really. I’ll see you around yeah?” You say, voice quaking. “Of course luv” Prices says, relaxing slightly, “Cmon boys. We have shit to do back at the house.”
At this, the 141 house gathers their stuff and begins heading towards the door. Price and Sheppard exchange a death stare from across the room, causing goosebumps to form all over you. Now you had to know what happened between them.
You smile, feeling your heart slam in your chest at the thought of them leaving. Would you ever see them again? This is stupid. Just because John Price saved you from a burning building doesn’t mean he wants anything else to do with you. It’s his job. Just like it’s your job to serve them food. “Alright boys, you have a good rest of your day alright?” You say sweetly. Desperately trying to cover up how nervous you are.
The boys all give you a wave goodbye as they head out the door. John flashing you a smile before saying “it was good to see ya again, Y/N”. Now your heart feels like it’s about to smash through your ribs, he’s glad? To see you? You nearly melt as you whisper “you too John”. His eyes crinkle as his smile widens ever so slightly before heading out the door.
Seeing the boys climb into the fire truck and head out of the parking lot you felt a bit giddy. It wouldn't be the last you would see of John Price, if he knew your manager it had to mean he frequented your restaurant. A small smile crept on your face at the thought, but it was quickly wiped away by the shouting of Sheppard telling you to stop standing around.
You return to their table to help your coworker clean it up when you see it. Written on the back of the receipt in probably the worst handwriting you’ve ever seen, was a phone number and a simple message:
"Incase you ever want to return that jacket- John Price"
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sleepyjuniper · 2 years
What are some headcanons you have for Gregory? I've never thought too much about him so I think it'd be neat to hear what you have
Aside from Gregory being left handed? I'll see what I can come up with. I'll include some reasoning for my headcanons with each one I list, starting with the left handed theory.
1. Gregory is left handed
Every item Gregory holds in game— the flashlight, the fazcam, the fazerblaster, the fazwatch— he uses with his left hand. There are other games where player characters hold items, and some of them are held in the character's right hand, which is why I'm led to believe Gregory is just left handed. It doesn't carry any importance, really, and the devs probably didn't do it intentionally, but I like looking at him that way, since he's already such an oddball. It just makes him all the more endearing.
2. Gregory is sometimes nonverbal
This one is honestly me projecting a little, because I'm prone to being nonverbal at times too, but there is some game evidence to back it up. This is, once again, another example of a likely oversight when the developers were making the game, but there's several instances of scripted moments in the game where Gregory has no voicelines— namely the daycare sequence and all of the boss fights (except Afton's). This also makes him look a little bit insane, when he's interacting with a creepy daycare robot or being chased by a blind Roxy, and has nothing to say about it. But I like to imagine that based on his circumstances (whatever they may be) he hasn't talked to other beings a whole lot, so when he's by himself, he's usually silent. And he's so used to being silent because of how much he's alone, that when he IS with someone else, he'll sometimes fall into those nonverbal trances and have to be coerced out of it. This could also be combined with general antisocial behavior or shyness/awkwardness, because why wouldn't he have that problem, if he didn't have a standard, loving and safe childhood? He didn't get a chance to develop the social skills a kid his age would normally have.
3. He's a lost child, or an orphan
If you're asking me what *I* think his backstory is in regards to the game, that explains how he could end up in the Plex by himself, never mention his parents, and end up sleeping in a box in one of the endings, *I* think it's because he doesn't have parents, or has been separated from them for a long time. He would've had to be on his own for a while to have such an attitude of "I can handle myself, all I want to do is get out of this damn mall." Not trusting adults like Vanessa implies that he either has an uncanny sense for underutilized villains, or he's been evading adults and hiding in alleys and stuff for months, maybe years, though it's a painful thought to consider. He's clearly way tougher than he ever should have had to be.
OR— and this is much darker, something happened to his parents the day of him arriving at the Plex, which is why he fled and hid inside of Freddy, and then in the "leave" ending, wound up sleeping in a box. He wouldn't know where to go after escaping, just that he wanted to leave the Pizzaplex. Whatever happened to his parents, it's likely repressed, because he hasn't properly processed it and grieved.
Also, Gregory didn't have a guest profile, but he was still in the mall, so maybe he was with his parents and none of them had entry passes, then his parents got captured by authorities, but he escaped/got separated from them, and didn't know how to get back to them after the events of the game? Honestly I'm just spitballing here at this point, I have no clue LOL.
4. He knows swears, but doesn't like to use them
This is mostly inspired by that one scene in my fic where I had him say "shit" cause— I mean, the situation called for it. It was appropriate at the moment. I imagine he's heard swears, and probably grew up (at a very young age) being told not to swear, so he's got all these effective words in his head that he doesn't ever utter unless they just slip out. (He also probably doesn't know what all of them mean.) They're probably not even in mind normally, and are just tucked away somewhere in his memory. He does use a lot of soft swears, or more tame swears, (like the "oh crap!" We hear him say in game) because a kid swear can convey the frustration just as effectively. Could also be an attempt to make himself more palatable, because it helps his chances if he's not some scruffy lost kid who also swears like a sailor.
In general, I think whenever he does say a more adult swear, he'd be instantly ashamed, because he knows he's not supposed to be swearing. (Like, he definitely felt this after he swore in chapter 3 FFGSHDHDHH fun fact. Like, he was NOT making a good first impression with his new savior.)
5. That's All, Folks!
These turned out more rambly than I was planning, and I actually had a lot more fun writing out some of these thoughts than I was expecting. Even though I'm sure some of them just sound like nonsense. I hope you enjoyed reading nonetheless, and thank you so much for sending the ask, Ren! <33
I'm sure there's way more I could add to this, but for the sake of time, and me being tired as fuck boi, I decided to end it there. If you all want to see more of this though, feel free to send more asks like it, or ask about details you want talked about further!
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aroaceaaah · 1 year
Mehn, síd, áŕá͡úyê͡î!
Writer ask thingy: 3, 8, 15, 20 !
Dia daoibh, fucker.
3.) What is that one scene that you’ve always wanted to write but can’t be arsed to write all of the set-up and context it would need?
Everything I want to write for the WIP is Coming So Help Me God. If it doesn't fit but is still Mass Effect it's going in a supplimentary little oneshots catch all thing. That's been most of the brain atm, I've got some DW WIPs but I'm totally gonna get back to them I promise.
That Does Not Mean I have Never had half assed ideas I didn't write.
I wanted to make my DBH fic longer, I wanted it to be a whole thing about Connor getting super overwhelmed with being a Deviant and everything that entails and it was all a super thinly veiled metaphor for autistic burnout. I also briefly thought I would recreate the whole of DBH as a text-adventure that was naive hah.
I wanted to write a She-Ra fic focusing on what if Adora just let Catra come with her when she sneaked out of the horde to go find the sword in the first episode. It was gonna be a big long AU and basically everything would be different if that one thing changed. They were gonna be gay way earlier
I have a whole original thing I have never written much of at all but I do have ideas!! I also have Assignmence and Autism Special Interests which take precident a lot of the time.
8.) Is what you like to write the same as what you like to read?
This is a fun one because mostly no? Depends on how specific you get. I write fanfic, I read a lot of fanfic. In terms of genre, I love writing angst, if I do not feel 1000% confident that the angst will be held properly (no big dramatic plot twists or OOC stuff for drama or fuckin cliffhangers, dickhead) then I will just simply not read it. No. I do like when it's funny and nonsense and I write a lot of that, but I also like when random americans write about fucking Calculus man idk what I like that's between me, god, and a team of psychologists.
15. Which is harder: titles or summaries (or tags)?
I am simply built different these are all easy hahhaa. I am shit at suggesting titles for others writing but for me I just title everything either a joke or a song lyric and wham done. Idk if they're catchy or enticing I have no idea I just want it to all line up so you can scroll and sing a really weird disjointed version of a song weeee
20.) Tell us the meta about your writing that you really want to ramble to people about (symbolism you’ve included, character or relationship development that you love, hidden references, callbacks or clues for future scenes?)
WELL!! You are gonna read this and be like "none of this was new information to me" but idc I'm saying it anyway (SPOILERS FOR MY MASS EFFECT FIC LOL)
ROBOT SHEPARD. I adored that as a concept, it literally wasn't my goal with Tis Grace I have notes from the beginning trying to focus on the, like, social implictations of being dead for a while but it wasn't holding water and then I was like what about the physical implications and then I was like WHAT IF SHE'S AN AI
it was great and there is SO much coming for that, there's stuff in my ME3 one that revolves around that and I'm so excited for. It's all foreshadowed and set up and it's fun because a lot of it happened almost accidentally. In terms of relationships, I obviously love the title lesbians, I swear I do even though they have been together for maybe 15 minutes in the fic but look. I wanted an explanation for why Liara isn't with you in ME2 and I could not think of a cheery one for that. I also didn't expect to be as obsessed with Jack as I am but honestly herself and Shepard genuinely having a close friendship? Miranda gets roped in for dramatic tension? They should have let me write the games idc that I was 10 years old
Anyway if you want a clue as to what happens next listen to the playlist it's. Fairly explicitly stated tbh.
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toweroftickles · 3 years
UNCATEGORIZED FILES: Completely Random Ticklish Character Examinations
Exploring the multiverse for ticklish test subjects is surprisingly tedious sometimes. There’s so much data to sift through, tons of organization, and you’re often stuck with the same popular victims.
It’s fun to go after underutilized, unknown, or obscure entities. As of yet these personality profiles cannot properly be sorted within existing folders.
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Mary Smith (Mary & The Witch’s Flower)
Most Ticklish Spots: Arches, Belly, Knees
A kind but proud witch student…skillful, protective of own image. Can’t stand being tickled - considers it humiliating and frustrating. Post-release, will immediately curl up into a ball, or cover her stomach with her arms and pout.
Sad-sounding laughter that really lers you know that she hates it. Helplessly begs for it to stop.
Will react with fury, and fight back.
Tickle Talk: Playful teasing with plenty of giggles, if she’s the one who starts it. If enacting revenge, however, she taunts aggressively and angrily to embarrass her playmate as much as possible.
When allowed the use of magic, imaginatively utilizes tickling finger spells, as well as object manipulation and stasis.
Teased about how ticklish she is by her boyfriend Peter. Tickle fights common.
Add. Notes: Comparisons to (her contemporary) Kiki are all but inevitable - not quite as ticklish but much less open to enjoying it. Direct side-by-side comparison may be beneficial for studying the impact of magic on sensitivity.
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Razor Lemay (Starlink: Battle for Atlas)
Most Ticklish Spots: Feet, Abs and Belly Button, Upper Ribcage
This no-nonsense metal band pilot is highly resistant - use stronger restraints in future. A violent thrasher. Headbanging skills came in handy when freeing herself.
Never ceased to let me know that I’m a “sick weirdo.” Consider this possibility.
Though toned and muscular, her skin is surprisingly soft. Weak to any kind of tickling.
Most effective tool: backscratchers
Has an airy laugh that is mostly gasps and wheezes; runs out of breath quickly.
Used the phrase “oh my god” more than any other subject studied so far. Offered up nonstop torrent of swearing, violent threats, and begging for mercy.
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Jojo McDodd (Horton Hears A Who)
Most Ticklish Spots: Sides, Feet
Hates it. Becomes embarrassed and angry when tickled. Will frustratedly sulk rather than fight back or seek revenge.
Usually groans through teeth but can’t prevent the odd chuckle from slipping out. Skilled at holding his voice in. Press the matter further.
Involuntary reflex - noodly arm flailing if not restrained.
Very responsive to poking and light, fluttery touches.
Often depressed. His mother, Sally O’Malley (who, according to him, is also quite ticklish - investigate) used to tickle him in attempt to cheer him up, but abandoned this years ago upon realizing it bothered him.
When his younger sisters want to pester him, tickling is a go-to option.
Add. Notes: With their long, fuzzy, highly-animated fingers, natural mischievous mirth, and piano-playing aptitude, the Who species has evolved anatomy well-suited for tickling others.
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Schell The Spacewitch (Yooka-Laylee)
Most Ticklish Spots: Belly, Armpits
Considers tickling to be her “one true weakness” - doesn’t hate it, but it renders her utterly incapacitated.
Has one of those hearty laughs that carries well over distances.
Feathers are very effective.
Will eagerly return the favor - once used feather tickling as an interrogation method on a fellow spacewitch.
Interplanetary adventures have put her in conflict with various alien plants and monsters, some of which accidentally tickled her with tongues or tentacles or the like - take samples for further lab testing.
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Sphinx (Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy)
Most Ticklish Spots: Belly Button, Feet
The adventurous and heroic sort, he’s a little bit cocky….tickling is a good way to make him slightly less so.
A surprisingly effective technique is to tickle his stomach with his own tail. Good results.
He himself occasionally uses his tail this way to flirt with girls.
Not excessively ticklish, but ticklish enough. Will at least squirm and try to pull away.
Doesn’t show much strong emotion…more vaguely weirded out by this than anything else.
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Pipirika (Magi: Adventure of Sinbad)
Most Ticklish Spots: Toes/Balls of Feet, Ribs, Inner Thighs
Unusual Ticklish Spots: Inner Elbow
Loud and rough, unrefined. But also very friendly, excitable, and loves to laugh.
Like all Imuchakk people, huge in stature and musculature. Between her large size and insistence on always going barefoot, she’s a tempting target.
If you ask if she’s ticklish, or for permission to tickle her, she’ll gladly say yes and volunteer with a big smile on her face.
That said, she frequently seems to find herself much more ticklish than she remembers.
She likes it but she’s a kicker. Hard to pin down and will not hold still. Tough restraints essential.
Will always seek playful vengeance or start a tickle brawl. Loves to tickle her brother and friends. Often giggles and laughs more than the people she tickles.
Hearty, rumbling belly laugh. Very cute.
Can’t keep a secret; will tell others if you like tickling. (Not out of malice - she thinks it’s hilarious.)
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Fire (Adventurers: Masters of Time)
Most Ticklish Spots: Feet, Lower Tummy, Belly Button
Self-described as “a total tickler. You better watch out!”
Her default attack when trying to escape an enemy’s grip is to tickle them. Has done it more than once. It’s canon. So there.
Claims to have used her school’s time travel computer specifically to visit and “play tickle pranks” on famous historical figures. Seemed very excited by the multiversal capabilities of the Tower.
Spunky and playful. Very energetic. Tickle Talk: mean, merciless, and will make fun of her victims for being so ticklish and weak.
Apparently aware that her constantly-exposed belly invites tickling. Will dare others to start a tickle fight with her “because you’ll lose.”
Most vulnerable to rough tickles (especially brushes).
Always laughs wildly and tells her tickler to stop, but seems to enjoy it at less-intense levels.
Add. Notes: I like this girl. She could be very useful.
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Saki Amamiya & Airan Jo (Sin & Punishment/Smash Bros.)
Most Ticklish Spots (Saki): Feet, Belly, Lower Ribcage
Most Ticklish Spots (Airan): Toes, Sides
Virtually inseparable couple. Could not tickle one without the other.
A highly skilled gymnast and gunner, Saki will jump out of his skin when tickled. Airan will lash out physically or curl up into a defensive ball.
Saki is the more ticklish of the two. He’s a live wire of sensitivity; a poke can cripple him. Has a high-pitched giggle.
Airan has a low, wailing laugh. Quickly tears up and complains about how much her tummy hurts when tickled.
Airan sometimes tickles Saki awake in the morning and teases him when he squirms.
Both hate being tickled: feel it’s a silly, embarrassing vulnerability.
Neither are particularly touchy/physical and never really tickle each other. Don’t think about it often.
Saki eventually develops Ruffian physiology after an experiment with his blood - effects of this on ticklishness unknown.
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Tess Darrett (Pole Position)
Most Ticklish Spots: Arches, Armpits
Unusual Ticklish Spots: Upper Back, Under Chin
Rarely far separated from her stunt rally cars and spy technology. Exceptionally difficult to apprehend.
Resourceful and skilled in combat. Exercise caution.
Once captured by a criminal organization and interrogated with feathers to make her reveal the access codes to her stunt car computer AI, Wheels. Strong willpower - laughed and laughed but refused to talk.
Otherwise is only ever tickled by her younger sister Daisy (who reportedly is also very ticklish, and has also been interrogated to force her older siblings’ hands).
Not usually a tickler. Avoids going after her younger brother, because he’s not ticklish and would definitely get her back.
Typical sibling relationship: her brother used to pin her down and tickle her when they were kids. She hates it.
Add. Notes: If a woman who is deeply entrenched in the seedy underworld has big 70s/80s hair and often wears a jumpsuit, just assume that she’s tough but with a soft side and also very ticklish. (See also: Fujiko Mine, Carmen Boom, April O’Neil.)
I might indeed be a sick weirdo. This merits further study.
Breaking character…yeah, IDK what the hell this is and I’m assuming none of you care. Just kinda wanted to blow off steam. I like weird characters that nobody else really cares about.
And why the hell do I even write some of my blog entries this way? Deliberately making things “less fun” seems kinda like a bad idea.
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buckysbabygorl · 4 years
They’re Playing Our Song (Part 1)
Summary: Y/N has no idea how to dance, and Bucky insists on teaching her
Warnings: None
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word Count: 2,387
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Bucky stood alone in the kitchen, his hair settled nicely in a low bun as he stirred the boiling pasta, Duke Ellington playing softly in the background.
He finally had the compound to himself, with the rest of the team out at one of Tony’s fancy galas to promote a new invention he’d whipped up; something to do with his micro-technology.
Bucky hadn’t listened very well to the details, excited at the idea of having time to himself. Since his therapy in Wakanda had concluded, he’d been bombarded with team exercises, missions, and press conferences discussing his recovery and being one of the team’s newest additions. Bucky had grown to love the team as if they were his own family, and after a long process; reconciled with Tony to the point of civility, even going as far to say develop a friendship.
Yes, he’d loved all of them dearly, but my god were they overwhelming. They were boisterous and energetic, it reminded him of the Howling Commandos from all those years ago…
But as of late; with things like press, adjusting to the team, awaiting the public’s full acceptance of him, as well as Tony’s… it was all a bit too much. Bucky just needed some time to himself; cook some of his mother’s recipes and listen to his Dad’s old records. Though he didn’t have the actual records, Spotify was just as good. He reminisced as he listened and cooked; thinking of his father twirling his mother in their kitchen while the radio played, his sister and him watching from the dinner table. They had both passed away when he was very young, but it comforted him to remember how happy they’d been in the time they had.
Bucky had been adding some spices to his sauce, when he heard the slow shuffling of feet coming down the hallway. He’d thought everyone had left, and was surprised to see Y/N sleepily entering the kitchen.
“Oh, hey Buck. I didn’t know you were here.” Y/N was just as surprised to see him, expecting everyone to have left by now. Bucky looked over her figure, her clothes rustled from sleep and hair slightly messy.
He smiled, “Hey Y/N. Isn’t it a little late to be getting up?”
Y/N grinned tiredly at his teasing, “Took a nap, little tired from today.”
She yawned as she recounted to Bucky the day’s events; she and Nat had returned from a mission in Barcelona. Clearly the time difference hadn’t affected Nat as much as it had Y/N, as soon as they got off the plane Nat had been buzzing with excitement for the gala. She pleaded with Y/N to come, but she wearily declined.
“-Besides, I’m not much of a party person anyways.”
Bucky nodded in understanding, “I get it. But I'm surprised you didn’t go, this could’ve been your big debut kid.”
Y/N had recently joined the team, only a short time before Bucky. With his new arrival, she had been somewhat washed over as the press became focused on Bucky. Not that she minded of course, Y/N wasn’t one to beg for the spotlight, content to be doing the work she needed to do behind the scenes. 
Y/N scoffed at that, “I think I would’ve got a little lost in the crowd.”
Bucky laughed, and Y/N raised her eyebrows in question. “What? You don’t think so?”
Bucky continued stirring his sauce, “You? Never. You light up a room, doll.” 
With his back turned from her, he didn’t see Y/N’s reddened cheeks as she laughed. Bucky had always been one to playfully praise and flirt, she knew there wasn’t a heavy tone to it but she couldn’t help but be flattered by his remarks. He often complimented her in small ways; in fine details about her character. An ovation of her laugh, a regard of her kindness.
Y/N always wanted to return the favour, but she didn’t know how to approach it as casually as he did; she couldn’t with how seriously she meant them.
But what Y/N took as ‘pats on the back’ from Bucky actually held much more admiration than she was aware. Bucky was completely infatuated with her. And to everyone else, he was transparent in his affections. But he knew Y/N; she was shy, soft-spoken, and completely oblivious to any attention that ever came her way. 
Of course she was strong, powerful. She was a part of the team after all, but the hero you are on the battlefield doesn’t always reflect the person you are at home. She was clueless.
So he’d patiently wait and once she took notice of what had been blatantly handed to her all this time, he would let her decide what to do with it. The day she took notice, if it ever came, he would go from there. And if by any chance she liked him back, Bucky would be the happiest man in the world. He just had to be patient.
“Well, even if you’re right,” she started, “I don’t know if I’d really fit in there. The talking, the loud music, and I’m not much of a drinker… two glasses of champagne and I’d be done.” Y/N hopped up onto the kitchen counter as Bucky cooked, swinging her legs back and forth over the edge.
Bucky shrugged as he poured the sauce over the pasta, “You get used to it.” He admitted. Back in his day, he had been a social butterfly but it hadn’t come easy. His family had been fortunate enough during the Great Depression, and he followed his father along to crowded events with big wigs and party goers. After many introductions to strangers by his father, Bucky had to learn to socialize. He picked up the conversations, he poured drinks, he took girls out to dance. He became a true charmer.
“I had to learn when I was younger, it’s kind of like acting. Before you know it, you’ve learned to play the part perfectly.”
Y/N hummed in interest, “Then why didn’t you go tonight? Seemed like it’d be right up your alley.”
Bucky thought a moment as he prepared their plates, that had all been then. The bright eyed kid from Brooklyn, before the war. This was now, after everything he’d been through…
“Just not ready yet doll,” he responded honestly, “But someday, just you wait. I’ll shmooze up to all the suits, I’ll fit right in. Maybe you’ll be lucky enough to get a dance out of me.” Bucky winked as he handed Y/N her plate, chuckling as she rolled her eyes.
“God I hope not.” She said, hopping off the counter and moving to the table. 
Bucky feigned offence, “What? Scared I’ll step on your toes?”
He sat down, handing her a knife and fork as he joined her.
“Not at all,” she said. Y/N twirled her noodles with her fork, raising it to her lips, “truth is; I’d probably step on yours.”
Bucky chuckled, “You a bad dancer?”
“Not necessarily, just don’t know how.”
Bucky set down his own fork and looked at her in disbelief, “Whaddya mean you don’t know how?”
Y/N giggled at his outburst, “I’ve never danced before! Why is that so surprising?”
Bucky exhaled in frustration, “The people of today, I swear… how do you not know how to dance? That was the first thing my Mama ever taught me how to do properly!”
Y/N had grown up on a small farm in Iowa, any leisure time was spent running errands or helping out her parents. Dancing had been the last thing on their list of priorities; not that they’d had many dances in town. Though there was the Annual Hot Dish Tuna Fish jamboree, but Y/N often found herself too busy to go. Or dateless.
“I never had the time!” She admitted, “Wasn’t exactly on the top of my ‘to-do list’ Sarge.”
A soft trumpet had announced itself from the speaker, shortly after followed by Louis Armstrong’s scatting. Bucky smiled, wiping his mouth with his napkin before standing.
“Then I’m going to teach you.”
He stuck his hand out to Y/N as she looked at him, surprised.
“What, now?”
“Yes, now. No time better than the present” He reached for her hands, gently tugging her to rise and join him in the open space. 
He felt Y/N tense a little as he placed a hand on the small of her back, other hand curling up into hers as he raised their arms together. “This okay?”
Y/N nodded, shyly looking down to her feet as Louis’ sung. “Uh, yeah. Yeah! I just, I dunno I feel silly.”
Bucky smiled as his brows furrowed, “We haven’t even started. You can’t look stupid not doing nothing.”
Y/N giggled, “Careful, your Brooklyn’s slipping out.”
Bucky shrugged slightly as he adjusted his hands on her, “Music brings it out of me I think.”
“Well, it’s quite charming. I can see how you’d get girls to dance with you back in the day.” She admitted.
Bucky thought back to the dive bars in the 30’s, the church dances, the jazz bands; and all the pretty girls he dipped and twirled to each and every song. Bucky had never been without a dance partner; but he couldn’t recall one he’d enjoyed having in his presence as much as her.
“I did have a number of gals to practice with, yes. But I’m tryna focus on this girl in front of me.” He teased.
“Right, right,” Y/N shook her head of her thoughts, “Sorry, continue.”
“So,” Bucky pulled her in closer to his hips, “I’ll give you some breathing room, but you’ve gotta get a little close. Helps me lead you.”
“Okay…” Y/N nipped her bottom lip in concentration, nearly halting Bucky’s thought process all together, “Now what?”
“Right, um,” Bucky rolled his shoulders to relax himself, “Don't be so stiff. Remember this is fun, just let loose.”
“You’re telling the wrong person to let loose.” Y/N remarked.
“Oh c’mon, I’ve seen you drink with Wilson, I know you can let loose.”
He slid his arm against her, curving his right elbow beneath her left arm. Y/N could feel the heat of his hand through her cotton shirt, and felt herself tense again.
“Relax, I’ve got you.”
She didn’t realize how close he’d been, the low rumble of his voice echoing in her ear. She felt herself shiver.
“I know you do.”
He smiled softly, “Place your left hand a bit higher. Now you just move with me.”
He guided her to the left, their feet shifting slowly with the beat of the music. As Y/N realized that there wasn’t much more to it than that, she felt herself ease into him more, into the soft music… they stayed that way awhile, comfortably swaying.
“See, it’s not that bad.” Bucky comforted, gently spinning them to the lyrics.
Y/N bit the inside of her cheek, “I guess not. It’s easy with you at least, I couldn’t say the same if I had a different partner.”
Bucky watched as her lip pulled into a soft grin, and a feeling of boldness grew in his chest.
“I guess you’ll just have to keep all your dances for me, then.”
Perfectly timed, the trumpets picked up and Bucky clutched her tightly, dipping her down with his strong arms.
Y/N’s eyes lit up as she happily giggled. She held on tightly but knew he’d pick her up with ease. 
His became confident then, as he pulled her back to him before lifting her into the air. He started spinning as his strong hands rested against the skin of her thighs, holding her up. She couldn’t help but laugh as she looked to the ceiling, hands firmly gripping his shoulders. He was in awe then, over the moon to know that he was the cause of the happiness in those eyes. She looked back to him as he lowered her, feeling lighter than she had in months. She hadn’t had a moment like this in a long time; doing something new and fun, in the arms of someone she… trusted.
“Feeling good, doll?” He asked.
Her laugh was more melodic than the brass instruments, she was at a complete loss for words; fair too lost in the moment to give him a proper response.
“Again!” She exclaimed.
Bucky happily obliged, lifting her again as they both laughed. 
They weren’t sure when the trumpets died down, or when the next song began. Or the song after that, or the song after that. They could’ve danced for hours, and maybe they did. They only separated when the team drunkenly stumbled in from their gala.
No one took note of their closeness, too disoriented from their own night of dancing and drinking.
They all talked about nothing important; remarking over the night's moments that Bucky and Y/N wouldn’t really understand unless they had been there. 
But, neither of them really minded. They had shared moments of their own that had been worth missing the silly party.
They didn’t say a proper goodbye, Y/N mumbling a quick goodnight to him as the team settled in the main room.
“Awe c’mon, you’re not gonna say?” An inebriated Banner called out.
Y/N smiled sweetly, shaking her head. “Not tonight, I’m still pretty beat from Barcelona. But keep the party going for me.”
A chorus of disappointed groans filled the room, as well as a few joyous ‘goodnights’. Bucky watched as she exited, wanting to call out, wanting to do something. It didn’t feel right ending it like that. He felt like the moment was fleeting him now; like he was losing something special.
Defeated, he turned back to join the others.
A soft voice called out, forcing Bucky to turn back. Y/N peeked around the corner, hand raised to wave slightly. “Thanks for tonight, I needed that.”
Bucky smirked slightly, but before he could respond, Y/N had already turned away and started down the hall.
It hadn’t been tonight, but maybe next time Bucky could say more. Maybe next time, he could say what he really wanted.
Author’s note: SO! I literally suck at finishing series, I know I have so many others to write as well as requests (I haven’t forgotten dw), but I’ve been wanting to write this fic for so long, I wanted it to be perfect and I think I’ve finally gotten it right with this one. Hoping to update my other fics soon! Let me know what y’all think, and let me know if you want to be added to the master list and/or list for this series xoxox
Songs referenced are:
The Gal from Joe’s by Duke Ellington
When You’re Smiling by Louis Armstrong
Master list: @babyblue-07 @pinkdiamond1016 @fandomsfallnomore @elliee1497
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eobard-thawne · 3 years
Flash Fandom!
Favorite character: BARRY MY BELOVED OFC <3
Least Favorite character: *a moment of courage* the whole west family (yes wally included and even daniel too bc why did he ever exist im sry vdasökdv)
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): oooh ok barry/patty, barry/fiona, wallinda, eobarry anddd coldflash (i had to)
Character I find most attractive: i don’t think ppl realize how good looking eobard really is like i blame artists for that a lot pls draw him as the sexiest man alive past present and future that he is. i love this post by @lokescurse i think her description is 100000/10
Character I would marry: deffo barry skjdskmfv
Character I would be best friends with: idk i can’t do self insert that well but i’d say avery bc i think our ages are closer and she is so cool
An unpopular opinion: hmm...... might sound harsh but i think tornado twins should never be brought back to life. you know those character types that only exist to be dead-- i can’t explain properly but yeah. also i think they’re just unnecessary lol i know they died as adults so i don’t feel that bad for saying these and as cruel as their deaths were i still can’t bring myself to care about them letbarryhavebetterkids2021
ALSO I’M GONNA SAY THIS: Why does everyone think pre-Reverse Flash Eobard was so obsessed with Barry and was so inspired by him and he loved him so much etc but it was only on his part??? Barry and Eobard were friends before, they worked together like Eobard k n e w Barry on a very personal level so are you telling me that whatever Eobard was feeling for Barry, it was only one sided?? Barry didn’t feel the same at all?? They were very good friends and friendships are usually with mutual affection I think Barry was just as gay for Eobard sfjkdjf Like I’m sure he’s written a letter or two for Eobard as well. One of the mains reasons I ship Eobarry bc it’s not the creepy dark version NO ma’am they used to be in love (this deffo needs more explanation this was so half assed but One Day i promise)
My Canon OTP: barrypatty i just loooove them so much. i’ve read a bunch of SA issues again goddd patty always loved barry i Swear she’d always look out for him <333
My Non-canon OTP: can i say ColdFlash?? one of my top 3 canon/noncanon OTPs for sure i love them soooo much
Most Badass Character: they’re all bamf but i really like avery also bc she deserves more love.
Most Epic Villain: i wrote Eo right away at first lol but i think Rogues are epic too. And Rogues are way underrated so i’ll go w them this time.
Pairing I am not a fan of: umm westallen but is water wet at this point i’m never gonna be a fan of westallen (i like them in SA but... it’s silver age cmon asfjsfs)
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): I feel like if you're a speedster in DC you are doomed to be screwed over at one point. It's like a rule. So many speedsters/flashfam members have been victims of that. Eobard is literally dc's #1 scapegoat and it's so damn frustrating bc it's outright LAZY AND CHEAP WRITING i hate it so much. So yeah, I’d say Eo, Barry and Hunter deffo are the worst victims
Also a special mention for our sweet baby child Thad-- who’s been a victim of geoff “i love killing child characters i don’t care whose character development i have to destroy to do it” johns
Favourite Friendship: wally and hartley and bart and jesse. i like avery and wallace’s friendship too tbh i think avery would be great friends w anyone she’s that awesome. so yeah mostly underrated friendships. i also love-- despite agreeing with some of the criticism-- august and barry
Character I most identify with: none they are all so much better than me kdfjka also again. i can’t rlly do that (would ‘insert’ be the right word idk) w fictional characters very well
Character I wish I could be: i guess none?? but if i was a fictional speedster in a fictional world i’d be a great ally to flashfam but i also would hang out with the rogues and then i’d die bc i’d ask Eo if he ever had sex with a human person and he’d kill me. but yeah i’d love to be the type of character who’d have the guts to ask Eobard a stupid dumb question like that we’d have that sincerity klfjakf idk what i’m saying ignore me pls fcjksjdg
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I finished watching Loonatics Unleashed and I have Some Thoughts. I guess this is like a part 2 to the other post I made about the show so yeah.
I swear I don’t intend for everything I write to be an essay but whatever. It’s all under the cut. No massive story spoilers, but I will talk about episodes and will warn accordingly. (But who actually cares about being spoiled on the plot of Loonatics Unleashed?)
Alright so I finally figured out why Ace has laser vision. ...It’s kinda dumb but it’s because rabbits eat carrots(in cartoons). It’s... a reason at least. Still kinda sucks that it’s his only power when everyone else got 2 and some change. Kickass swords don’t count, even if they are magic. Seriously; Transformation. Duplication. Imitation. Tons of other “ation”s. They could’ve leaned into his trickster side but no. He eats carrots... so he got laser vision. Also he only ate carrots like three times in the show so wtf...
Okay so the pacing... improved somewhat in season 2. Don’t get me wrong there were still problems in some episodes but at least they learned how to build the stakes until the climax. They still sometimes went from zero to eighty after the opening credits, but at least it wasn’t zero to a hundred. Much less whiplash was had is what I’m saying. 
I don’t think I really mentioned the villains before but they’re uh... generally not very good. They’ve got cool gimmicks but most of the time they’re just two stereotypes and a cliche in a trench coat. Season 2 brought back classic anthro characters to be villains a few times, and while they still weren’t well written and just referenced old bits half the time... at least they weren’t dehumanized humans. 
I also don’t think I mentioned the animation so... it’s fine. It’s got cut corners but all cartoons do. Sometimes fight scenes look cool, sometimes they’re stiff. Sometimes the slapstick is well timed, sometimes it’s not. Sometimes the facial expressions match the voice acting, sometimes they don’t. Speaking of voice acting, it’s good. There’s not really anything stand out to perform in the first place but everyone does a good job with what they have. 
Okay random note before getting deeper into things... the intro themes were... not good. I swear the first song ended on a note that it wasn’t supposed to. The second song fixed that but added people announcing the characters which... is just worse to me. Not much else to say because I skipped them after the first few times. 
(Very mild spoilers for the general plots of episodes past this point.)
Ace and Lexi improved a little in the second season, but I still find them kinda bland. Ace still just feels like zero calorie Bugs Bunny. His wit is confined to being the leader, snarky comebacks, and some decent sleuthing skills... and that’s really it. He doesn’t really play around with the villains the way Bugs would. Ace was also supposed to have an arc learning to use his magic sword which... didn’t really happen. Lexi’s defining trait outside of her powers is still that she’s “the girl” which... sucks... Uh... she upgraded to Gamer Girl in the second season which while neat, amounted to nothing outside that one episode. At the very least she was never kidnapped for more than 5 seconds?(That “honor” goes to Zadavia) They also never really brought up their backstories in a meaningful way again, which sucks. 
I still like the rest of the team. Slam got an episode about wrestling that built on his backstory and was fun to watch. Duck discovered that his egg powers work differently in water which was neat and matched him being a waterfowl.(Lexi’s powers work differently in water too but it’s never brought up again). Rev is still Rev and I still love him. He got an episode about his family and struggle to impress them(specifically his parents) despite his career choice which was also neat, but I will be coming back to this episode later. Tech is also still Tech and I also still love him. But uh, every character and also me wanted to see him get out of the lab more, and then he got like a nibble of an episode to get out of the lab, and then the show was over. Oof.
Speaking of Tech, it might be for the best he hardly ever left the lab because his powers are... possibly way too effective against all the robots and machines the team fights. Now, him being “overpowered” could’ve been used as a fun writing challenge. Robot goons aren’t a good option for villains anymore. Fighting against him in a city filled with metal is harder. Villains can’t rely on simply killing him thanks to his regeneration. Fight scenes including Tech would have to be handled in a fun and interesting way. But... no. In a team with two tech guys, the one with super speed and flight comes with while the one who can control metal and literally can’t die stays behind. Oh well. Doubt they could’ve added him into more fights without accidentally dumbing him down anyway. 
Oh crap I forgot to talk about Zadavia! Uh... she exists. She’s the team’s boss who sends them out on missions. Uh... I can’t talk too much about her without spoiling what little overarching plot this show has, but just know that she’s neat, but affected by the usual sexism going on in the show’s writing.
(Character and episode spoilers past this point.)
You know, for being The Loonatics the main cast wasn’t very loony. You know who were though? Basically all the villains. Yeah I don’t wanna go there but oops here I go anyway. It’s pretty messed up that all the main characters’ zany traits were dialed down, while the defining feature of practically every villain (besides their stereotypes)is that they’re insane. I mean, if you’re looking for good mental illness rep in The Looney Tunes you’re gonna be disappointed, but at least in the shorts almost every character was a little unhinged and a bit of an asshole, making none of them stand out for those traits specifically. 
Also messed up is that a lot of the villains are disfigured and made fun of for it by the main cast. Hot take of the century, but I think making fun of people for having a big head or only one eye is... bad. Oh and if they’re a woman then they’re also judged on how hot they are. Actually all women in the show are subjected to sexist writing. I remember like one episode where women were treated with a sliver of respect for a split second and that was in the obligatory “the cast comes across an island of amazon women” episode. However since most of the time was spent painting them as villains until the “actually sexism is bad” ending, there was hardly a moment of reprieve from the bullshit if a woman was on screen. 
I’m not the best person to speak on this but uh... it’s fucked up that since literally every notable human is a villain, all the people of color are bad guys, right? Like, obviously it’s not as bad as some of the shit the old shorts pulled, but that’s like saying getting punched is not as bad as getting stabbed. It’s true... but I’m sure most people would prefer neither. 
And here’s where I bring up that Rev episode I mentioned earlier. Rev’s parents are racist against coyotes (cartoons sure love to make carnivores allegories for black people don’t they?) and obviously with Tech E. Coyote being his close friend, that causes trouble. ...Right? Uh, no. They say some racist crap to Tech, and that’s it. There is not even an attempt to correct their behavior from anyone. It’s just treated as some unfortunate quirk. In fact the episode’s conflict actually revolves around Rev’s brother, Rip. Honestly, I doubt that they could’ve handled a decent “racism is bad” episode anyway. But they could’ve also... just not brought up racism if they couldn’t handle it? I’m sure having no racism topic at all would be better than having Tech just take the parents’ racist bull crap lying down and then help Rev impress them with an invention he doesn’t get credit for. Also at one point Rev says if Tech wasn’t a coyote and a guy he’d kiss him, which has two uncomfortable implications, but this section is already too long. 
(Spoilers end here.)
Overall... yeah the show’s not very good. Of course it wasn’t. It was always going to be a little garbage. And no not because of the darker style or strange setting or any of that superficial crap. Team dynamic shows are popular and with Teen Titans doing so well WB probably thought they might as well shove out a 2 season Looney Tunes version to grab a little more cash, probably minimizing the budget to squeeze out as much profit as possible. If anyone working on the show was passionate about it, I doubt they had the budget or time to act on most their ideas. 
Still, there were things to like. There are some funny jokes throughout the show, a few of which even managed to come out of Ace’s mouth. Danger Duck was literally just Daffy and he’s always great. Ironically, Rev and Tech were the most fun to listen to, and also to watch interacting in general. Slam didn’t do much but was a sweetheart who deserves success. There managed to be some decently twisty twist villains, if only because Disney ruined my brain with their ceaseless and lazy attempts at them, and I wasn’t looking out for them in this show. And, while almost nothing was properly developed, at least the concepts and characters are fun to think about?
I can’t say I’d recommend this show to everybody, but uh... if you’re a Furry with low standards and too much free time like me, maybe you’ll like it? Just go in with low expectations so when nice things happen you’re decently surprised. 
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dukeofonions · 3 years
I already sent this ask to youtuberswithalex, but I wanted to see if you had something to say too. Also it just feels like you’d get it. It’s an onion. A painfully big, smelly one.
Seriously, I’m starting to wonder how much of the series is even truly planned out. Thomas says that it’s all-so-carefully meticulously planned throughout season 3, but he just keeps putting off solving the biggest non-surface-level issues and adding more drama each episode. Plot thread on top of plot thread keeps getting thrown onto the mix, and it doesn’t seem like there’ll be any time to properly resolve them all in only one season. It’s almost as if each new one is meant to distract you from the unresolved ones.
And then it comes out that the writers are literally getting huge plot threads and the story written for them by fans rich enough to have the Patreon?! Even though they said it wouldn’t happen that way?!
I just... don’t know how much I can trust them with their story anymore. I want the characters to have fully resolved, satisfying, complete arcs and become a better family, but all I’m seeing is more examples of Thomas and the team creating more drama and brushing unresolved issues under the rug.
Heck, does anyone remember that there seemed to be a plot thread building up where Logan and Roman seemed jealous of Patton in the earlier episodes? Where did that go? It’s like it was just forgotten about once more causes for drama were thrown on top of it.
And are we ever gonna know why Virgil was also mad at Patton during the first Asides episode? Or was it just another pointless piling of drama, and they’re hoping that some fan theory will write the story for them so they can brush it under the rug and move on with the Janus plot?
And what happened to Virgil becoming, honestly, kind of a bully to Roman after his acceptance vids? He was never confronted about his moments of unnecessary cruelty. But suddenly in FWSA none of it ever happened? Did... did Thomas even understand that the way Virgil was treating Roman, with the uncalled-for mocking and attacks in moments of vulnerability, was wrong? Or did he think Virgil was just being a cool emo character? Roman seemed to react with discomfort... but it seems like the team decided to pretend that it was somehow fixed offscreen for FWSA. Like they expect another fan theory to explain the drop in tension between the two. Which is just... lazy.
I just don’t know if I trust them with their story anymore... I want to believe it’ll be okay, because I love the characters, but I’m starting to feel like I need to look to some random Patreon fans to wrap up the story properly.
Alright lets peel this onion open... 
I agree about questioning how much planning they’ve actually done for the series. With every live stream, I attended I always hear about how so many things were just added in at the last second. I’ve also heard that they know where they want the series to go, and while I do believe this it feels like they’re not entirely sure how to get to those points and that’s why everything is so confusing. Not only that but Asides has shown up and completely thrown a wrench into things because now they’re taking priority over the main series. Why do we have to have these Asides before the season finale? They said they had a plan but now they’re throwing in all these extra unnecessary plots when the main issues presented in season two haven’t been resolved yet. Slow down and pace yourselves people! 
As for the writer’s room I’m still iffy about that. I’m in the tier that gets you the writing room and from what I’ve seen so far it really doesn’t seem like a good idea because yes, they are taking ideas for the episodes from the fans. Yet there’s no guarantee that anyone will be properly credited for the ideas they contributed. And of course they’re being paid to help write their scripts but I’m not gonna go into that right now. 
I’m really worried about the characters too. I’m afraid Roman’s arc is just going to revolve around everyone else instead of just dealing with him personally. (I swear if Remus suddenly gets accepted I’m gonna scream) already Janus’ development is being rushed through and I’m worried the pay off just won’t be satisfying. Even Virgil revealing himself as a “dark side” just seems empty when you think about it and I’m starting to wonder why it needed to be a thing in the first place. Thomas is warming up to Janus pretty fast and even Remus isn’t as big of an issue, so why is Virgil suddenly admitting to be something that was actually pretty obvious be so shocking to Thomas? Like, there aren’t actually any dark sides! Roman made the name up! I’m gonna move on before I go into a rant but yeah the current character development is very wonky. 
I don’t remember any plot thread of Logan and Roman being jealous of Patton. Probably because I wasn’t really invested in the earlier episodes but I think they weren’t being jealous as much as they were just dismissing Patton as the “goofy dad character” and had to learn that it wasn’t the case (as we see in Growing Up) I don’t think it was really them being jealous but hey I haven’t watched season one in awhile so what do I know?
As for Virgil being angry at Patton in Asides, I assume it’s just carried over from the whole “Virgil doesn’t like being babied by Patton” plot but that entire plotline is kind of a mess and Virgil is just coming across as unnecessarily mean to Patton but I’m going to get into that in a future post. 
Yes I am waiting desperately for the series to finally call out Virgil’s behavior because literally he’s been insufferable lately. I wouldn’t have a problem with this if the series did literally anything to show him in a negative light but he is always having excuses made for him and he is never blamed for anything. And again this just brings up more issues with Asides because in FWSA it’s like they all just forgot the events of POF happened? Roman is suddenly chill with Thomas and I guess Virgil isn’t ashamed of his “dark past” anymore. I honestly don’t know if Thomas (real Thomas) recognizes Virgil’s behavior as bad seeing as Virgil is beloved by all. But I seriously hope he does and is planning to finally have Virgil be put in check later because my gosh I am sick of seeing this character act like a piece of shit and having it justified because “well he’s a good guy now” or “but we have to be nice or else he could do something worse to us” yeah definitely no red flags there.
I understand all of your concerns, but really all we can do is wait and see. Honestly, I don’t know how much influence the patreon writers (that sounds so weird) will actually have on the main story. All we can do is wait and see. 
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oh-for-fic-sake · 4 years
I Didn't Know This Was A Date
You end up on a date unknowingly.
Warnings:Adult situations +18 ,Smut ,Masturbation ,Swearing
A/n: So I'm basing Clark's confidence issues on my own, I'm either overconfident and cocky or have absolutely none whatsoever and can got from one to the other in seconds. I have nothing against Lois as a character but I do think she is spoiled and a little selfish I don't want to make her mean and turn her into the typical rival, but at the same time I could see her getting a little too wrapped up in the whole hero thing and I am 99.9% sure that if they broke up she would find it hard accepting him moving on.
Taglist: @two-unbeatable-beaters​
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I Didn't Know This Was A Date
You quickly cut across the field to your little blue farm house, heart racing as you replayed his words over and over. Squealing girlishly. Wow he was hot, soo hot and sweet he seemed shy but he definitely knew he was attractive. Shit this was so crazy but you trusted him. Martha had told you lots about her Clark, that he was shy and been raised a true gentleman, he was kind and it sometimes caused him problems smart, gentle and loving a true catch by the sound of it.
He had seemed all these things and more, you scaled the steps to your house running straight to the master bedroom pulling out a pink medium sized suitcase before gathering clothes you'd need, then your essentials pajamas underwear, make up bag and a hair kit. Finally you came to the dress you would wear on the night you smiled you would look stunning if you did say so yourself. After deliberating packing then repacking you looked up at the clock nine pm sighing you decided it was time for a shower then bed. Making your way to the bath room you were flooded with thoughts anticipating what was to come.
You debated on weather to epilate, honestly you couldn't be bothered but decided it would be best to just in case anything did happen between you a the blue eyed hottie. You quickly washed your hair epilating your legs then shaved tidying up the apex of your thighs a little not that it needed much doing to it, it was your legs you never bothered with. You couldn't help but moan as you used the shower head to rinse yourself,rocking forward as the spray hit your sensitive clit biting your lip as you imagined him there with you, a burning hand pushing you back against the cool tiles pinning you with one hand on your ribs fingers splayed almost covering your whole rib cage, you size kink was well and truly activated by the hulk of a man you hummed imagining how he would use his size and strength to hold you still ,use it to man handle you, manipulate you into any position, to fuck you anyway he saw fit weather you liked it or not.
You thought about how he navigate the shower head between your open legs forcing the spray on your heated core, angling it to graze you swollen clit. FUCK. You grunted head falling back to the wall widening your feet letting the warm water hit your bundle of nerves mouth open panting as you lost yourself in the fantasy, he'd tease you moving the water in small circles the back and forth letting it caress you from your ass all the way up to your tender clit leaning over you, crowding you with his huge form.
You shivered you wouldn't be able to escape, not even if you wanted to, his piercing blue eyes would be all you saw as you managed to open your eyes mewling softly , he'd have to audacity to still look a little shy as he toyed with you. Finally he'd let his hand slip down your body dragging the pads of his heated fingers in slow patterns, your hand followed as you held your eyes close imagining he was there instead, he would ghost them along your seam slow, prying your lips apart, but once he opened you up he wouldn't waste time spearing you with one then two digits stretching you, tormenting your walls as his thick fingers easing their way inside you crooking them forward scissoring them trying to prepare you for his cock, he would move slow at first then fast forcing you into a sudden climax.
"AH OH FUCK YES C-Clark shit hah!~" you cried out his name as you came across your own hand bucking and twisting as you held the water firm on your erect clit the whole time panting hard as you came down finally pulling the water away for a few moments the cursing as you returned it to wash away your mess that still clung to you.
Clark laid in bed his jaw clenched growling trying to keep quiet not wanting to disturb his mom, erect cock in hand furiously pumping it, he'd been at this now for nearly half an hour, the same as you. In this moment he didn't know if his super hearing was a gift or curse. He could hear you, crying out for him as you fucked yourself in your bed across the field, he could even hear the fucking vibrator be turned up a notch as you cried out high and desperately for him once again panting and groaning.
Fuck that was good but something tells you that once you get to bed you’d be forcing another few climax's out of yourself over him tonight.
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He grunted as he closed his eyes concentrating on the soft whimpers he had half a mind to go over there and fuck you properly, pin you down and force feed you his cock....not that there would be any forcing from the sounds of it you'd be happy to oblige. That toy wouldn't compare to anything he could Would do to you, fuck you'd be so tight for him, even with how wet you'd be he'd have to be careful not to hurt you, that's not to say he would be gentle. No. He would be delicate enough not to break bones or tear you but that was about it.
He grunted tightening his fist until, it was slightly painful, just the way he liked it. He always put his pain kink down to the fact he couldn't ever really get hurt, he was indestructible, the man of steel, but when he first discovered this as a teen he thought he was weird for enjoying it so much, strange that he would get off faster if his sensitive erect cock was pinched and pulled at or squeezed painfully tight.
It then developed into a size kink, wanting to find the smallest woman he could that would give him that delicious pain and pleasure mix that he craved. He grunted biting his other hand as he panted harshly hearing you begin to come undone again moaning out for him, thinking about him.
He groaned throwing his head back hearing you finally come down from your high panting laughing a little hoarse from your screams, you'd be more than hoarse when he finally finished with you, you'd loose your voice completely after he hung your face off the side of the bed and plowed your throat he gave one final harsh pinch with the side of his thumb and pointer finger imagining breaching your cervix and came the hardest he thinks he ever has jerking his hips seeing stars for a second, he was so lost in his orgasm he thought he was going to fall out of bed.
He wondered what you was imagining, if it was the same as him, he could see it now him standing up right with you folded in half before him, hooking your bent leg over his arms as he pulled them up to your sides knees nearly at your armpits as he pulled them back, facing away from him as his hands threaded together cupping behind your neck holding your entire weight on his forearm as he pulled and pushed Into you pounding away
You'd cry and moan for him, begging him to slow down as it was to much, he wouldn't tho he'd just tell you to enjoy the ride and fuck you until you felt him for days, stuffing your tight little cunt full until you'd struggle trying to get away from him, it'd be impossible tho, you wont get away until he decided to let you which was unlikely, not until he floods your tiny pussy, even then he knew it wont be just the once, no it normally took four or five rounds to empty his balls and you'd be getting the full dose each time, weather it was down your throat, in your cunt or across your tits if he played his cards right he hoped he could spend himself in that prefect peach of an ass either way you was getting all of it.
"Oh-fuck yes yes fuck baby so tiny and tight for me fuckfuck fuck that's it ugh!"He came in thick powerful ropes, thankfully he had angled himself up towards his chest when he finished not getting any on the sheets cumming across his stomach and chest instead, he was a little shocked as a few drops had made it to his collar bone.
He was frustrated and hurt when he came here today, wanting his moms advice on how to get over Lois and now he was happy and for the first time in a long time hopeful, he could definitely see himself with you but didn't want to rush, he was finding peace with the fact that he had been falling out of love with Lois for a long time, all she seemed to go on about now was the next article she could write about Superman even going so far as to 'accidentally' fall out of a moving car into oncoming speeding traffic so she could,write about how she was saved. That particular one had made him very angry.
He panted resting an arm across his closed eyes catching his breath as his cock finally seemed sated for now, he listened he could hear the relaxed heartbeat of his mother he hadn't woke her which was good, he was embarrassed being caught as a teen and he would hate it even more now. He turned his head a little listening out for you he was greeted with you moaning drowsily about drenched sheets then a few moments later light snores you was out like a light.
He chuckled you'd fucked yourself into a coma just for him. He smiled moving his arm from his eyes a relief flowed through him. His mom was right you did like him, he might just be good enough for you after all, he was going to try and win your heart over the next week, determined to make Saturdays party you first time together he exhaled content tucking himself back into his boxers then made for the bathroom to clean himself up flushing the toilet roll away when he finished making his way back to bed hands behind his head.
Bottom line she wanted him to be superman day and night,she even started calling him Kal when not in the office. Then there was the sex now he wasn't against role play in the bedroom, quite the opposite but it would be nice to hear his name every once in a while, his human name the one he has grown up with and as for using his powers he didn't mind occasionally but they aren't toys or party tricks, it got exhausting, he sees being superman as a job in itself, but it was a job Lois never gave him time off of, he drew the line when he found it hard to relax and just be himself that was when he new he had to call it off.
He nearly lost who he was to a symbol of hope, he knew if that happened he would have grown to hate superman and everything it stood for which could only end in disaster. The whole situation had been weighing him down for the best part of a year as he tried to deny it, putting the break up off willing her to change and when she didn't he finally called it quits and has felt guilty ever since, until today that is.
After meeting you today and getting them nervous flutters in his stomach again he felt nothing but relief over it, he knew it was the right thing to do, this is what it should feel like, light and happy, care free and warm. For the first time in what felt like years he fell asleep with a smile across his face.
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All day there had been casually flirting on both parts which gave him hope that you was interested in more then just a quick fuck still tho it was torture watching other men giving you looks and not being able to do anything ,you laughed a little nervous as he leaned in over the table as you waited for your food.
The next evening you found yourself in a quaint little diner near Clark’s apartment for dinner after spending the day exploring the city. Clark couldn't take his eyes off you, you were stunning dressed in a floral print button up shirt that you had tied in the front showing a small patch of skin of your tummy and high waist light blue jeans showing off your curves , he groaned inwardly the jeans were like a second skin cupping your ass perfectly your hair was down and you had spent most of the day tucking it behind your ears, a nervous habit he assumed.
"So Ma said you moved here four months ago bit of a jump what ,made you decide to come all this way?"
"Well my parents were separated , my mum was well-to put it bluntly she was like Lois, she wanted my dad to be something he's not and she destroyed him constantly chasing her version of perfection without any care to how unhappy she was making him in the end it drove him into a deep depression. One day he had a wake up call and threw her out he tried divorcing her but she wouldn't sigh the papers she kept trying to make his life worse didn't want him to move on she used me as an excuse to keep hanging around...Dad was well off I think that's the reason she wouldn't leave. When he passed away mum was left hardly anything even our housekeeper got more then she did, he really fucked her over for the hell she put him through. After the will was settled she kept harassing me for money and the house each week another sob story and another amount. One time I felt sorry for her and let her in she got me drunk and tried to make me give her the deeds for safe keeping that was the last straw after that I started searching online and after about a week I found the farm house It needed a lot of work doing to it but I liked that... I fell in love with it and put in an offer straight away. Three weeks later I was on the plane" he blinked it was a little sad you ran to the other side of the globe to avoid your mother.
"Wow did you ever tell her?" You shook your head
"No she came over when the the day before I left I let her in and she lost her shit screaming about where all the stuff was and I told her it had been packed she asked why and I told her that I was moving  she thought i was just moving across the county she flipped when i told her I was coming to America and never coming back, she asked where but I wouldn't tell her it ended in an argument she called me a thief and said some shit then left she was just angry that I like my dad had figured her out." He looked shocked how could a mother do such a thing, but then again money is the root of most evil.
"That must have been hard"
"No not really she hadn't been in my life since I was seven when my dad threw her out and I knew what she had done to him fuck I was the one who found him when he tried-I mean it wasn't a big loss" he picked up on the correction but decided not to push it.
"So you came over here to get away?"  You nodded sipping your pepsi
"Yeah in a way I should thank her its the best thing I've ever done, its strange and I still get a little confused at times as you saw with the whole,chip incident earlier but I  really like it over here, smallville is wonderful and much more laid back" he smiled biting his lip as your face lit up.
"Well I for one am glad you made the move" he winked at you you giggle blushing. Busying yourself fiddling with the straw in your drink.
"So my mom? When did you meet her?" You looked up quickly.
"Oh she came over the day I moved in, I was lucky she did i was freaking out it had just sunk in that I was over here completely on my own and didn't have a clue what I was supposed to do, I had nothing to eat the trucks were held up and I couldn't figure out how to turn on the electricity I just sort of sat on the porch with my carry on luggage and broke down she came over with a peach crumble and a bottle of wine and we spent the morning on the porch eating it from the tray and she showed me the fuse box in the basement which I didn't even know the house had to turn on the electricity then went back home coming over with more wine my stuff showed up at lunch time by that time we were both a little tipsy and we have been friends ever since, she helped me sell the fields on the property to the local farmers in return I gave her the small paddock on your side of the road that came with the house. Every time I get confused, need help or if I'm bored I'll pop over to bug her" he laughed not exactly sure what to expect but honestly he didn't know what he was expecting but you getting drunk and eating crumble together wasn't a scenario he could ever have imagined.
"Yes just nice to see a girl with a healthy appetite ,don't get that much around here" you giggled a little
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You were interrupted when your food arrived. He watched as you closed your eyes moaning a little at your fully loaded burger grunting at the sound a little, fuck did you have to make them noises he though as he twitched a little, you stopped looking at him staring at you
"What? Is everything okay?" He snapped out of it
"Well I've never heard him referred to like that before!"
"Yes well the bigger I get the bigger the boobs" he blushed unconsciously glance at your chest you snickered catching him as he started to eat, he enjoyed your company as you spent the time flirting and getting to know each other, you were easy to talk to and laid back, full of funny stories about your home and the differences you'd noticed being here.
He was enamored with you the whole time. He told you about his work and the different articles he had written then just out of curiosity he brought up the topic of Superman wanting to hear your views
"Superman? He's the flying one the lycra and bed sheet right?" He bellowed a laugh slapping his thigh a little.
"I'm not wrong tho am I? I suppose I think he's cool  I think people should cut him some slack I mean he is doing more for others than most, leave the man alone you know?" He smiled nodding he found it refreshing to hear something other then the same old 'he should reveal himself' or the negative 'he's an alien and should go home'
"Yeah I agree, so you wouldn't want to know who he was? Or for him to reveal himself?" You leaned back in your seat then shook your head
"No honestly I'm not that interested, he saves people and that should be enough, he don't have to but he is and that shows that he is a better person then me but then again I’m lazy, as for revealing himself I think we owe it to him to let him have a bit of normality, I mean he was here his whole life, living just like one of us then suddenly one day he had to step up and kick the shit out of that other fuck nut. I feel a little sorry for him" you sighed he frowned that he hadn't heard before
"Sorry for him?" You nodded offering him some of your chips that he had been eyeing up.
"Yeah he was never really given a choice was he? One day he was normal like you and me living his life the next being called out by the freaky one with the buzz cut and lisp" he leaned forward stealing more chips fries off your plate.
"Well he did have a choice he could have stayed hidden" you scoffed
"With them holding the world as hostage, he had to think of his loved ones he must have a family and friends you can't live your whole life without having people you want to protect" he smiled wide his eyes soft, you were the complete opposite to Lois she felt like he should tell everyone who he was believing that if he proved he was one of you people would accept him more, not that most didn't but a few still held him responsible for what happened.
"So you wouldn't mind if he swooped down and took off with you?" You laughed
"To our first date?" you blushed at him not realizing he had classed this as a date but was ecstatic trying not you squeal in excitement.
"Depends, if I'm falling to my death I'd appreciate a lift, but if he did it for shits and giggles.... well there'd be more shitting then giggling I tell you that much I'm not one for heights" he roared up unable to stop the bellowing laughs from escaping
"You think I'm joking I threw up once because I wore heels.....okay I was a little drunk and the stairs were glass but that's not the point I am just uncomfortable with heights I don't even wear high heels anymore kitten heels only" he smiled shaking his head
"Gotcha no heights" he said stealing more fries off your plate making you roll your eyes.
Once you'd finished your food he lifted his glass to you, you followed suit raising your glass.
"Date? I didn't know this was a date Mr Kent?" He smiled sheepishly then cleared his throat nervously his voice wavered a bit.
"Well that's only if you want it to be?" You stared at him making him squirm a little then smiled nodding
"Yes I would like that But for the record if you'd asked me I wouldn't have turned you down" then tapped your glass with his
"R-really you would have said yes?" You smiled at his flustered expression it was strange how one moment he was confident then the next a sweet shy teddy bear, you knew it must be something to do with his ex but you was patient enough to wait it out, he has had his confidence knocked and you were determined to build it back up.
"Clark would you like to go out to dinner again tomorrow? Make it our second date" He stuttered flushing as you held on to his hand across the table then nodded smiling.
"Yes I-I'd love that" you smiled at that.
"About what?"
"So what do you think? Seriously?" He asked walking down the road as you left the diner you tilted your head a little staring up at him he squeezed your hand.
"Well we only met yesterday and you only came here to help me with my ex ,I just wanted to know what you really think about all this? About me?" He tried to keep his nerves at bay as he asked you, he wanted to know straight away what your thoughts were, as soon as the question left his mouth he wanted to take it back dreading your answer.
You felt a little sorry for him, what ever his ex had done had really knocked him, you hummed lightly, wanting to pick your words carefully, you had to get across that you really did like him and wanted to pursue him and not just for his looks either.
"Really? You really want to try? And not just be friends?" He said in slight disbelief you nodded
"Fine enough dicking about I like you, really like you, I'm really attracted to you Clark, not just your looks, your sweet, kind and I've had a brilliant time today laughing more than I think I ever have on a first date, it true we have just met but I'm not someone to waste time or beat around the bush, I like you a lot if I thought nothing would come of this I wouldn't be here...I know that you've been hurt but I-I do feel there's something between us, something has just sort of clicked and would like to explore it if you would like to." His heart soared at your words and his shoulders relaxed letting out a breath he didn't realize he was holding.
"Like I said I felt something  and I definitely want to carry on and see where this takes us." He grinned wide tucking you into his side
"Good I was so afraid you didn't feel the same!" Silence fell over you, you could feel there he was thinking to hard, he took a deep breath and turned to you smiling then leant down ever so slowly,tentative and nervous giving you every opportunity to back away but you didn't leaning in closer to him wanting him to make the decision,  he made a slow decent licking his lip lightly,you braced yourself your breathing hitched as he descended towards you shifting a little, you cautiously rose to meet him but he hovered lips just above yours breath fanning across your lips unsure he was thinking to much you could see it you made the decision for him standing on your tip toes pressing your lips to his in a sweet kiss, moving in sync he melted into the kiss before opening his mouth wrapping his arms around you pulling you flush against him groaning as he grabbed your ass in his huge warm hands tugging you towards him leaning down so you could plant you heels back on to the floor.
You mewled winding your arms around his neck locking your fingers together playing with the hair at the nape of his neck. He licked at your lips coaxing them open once you did you whined as his tongue wrapped around yours twisting and licking dominating your mouth then he slowed his movements relishing in the kiss holding you tighter to him afraid you'd leave, you grunted softly then pulled back for air before gasping then dragging him back this time more desperate you dove straight in running your tongue across the inside of his mouth moaning fucking his mouth with your tongue trying to taste him as much as you could grinding against Him slowly making him shiver before biting at his bottom lip sucking it harshly. Then pulled away panting. His face glowed a bright red no doubt your did to, you stood by his side and he pulled you in under his arm squeezing your bicep reassuringly.
"So we are dating now then?" He asked still trying to calm his heart beat, yours was racing to which didn't help.
"I would say so yes." He smiled down at you resting his face on your Head kissing it every now and then unable to stop now.
"Good, I couldn't stand everyone looking at you today unable to do anything about it" you faltered as he growled the words out. You flushed, the possessiveness in his voice was enough to make a girl swoon.UGH.Panty dropping you all but melted at his words clenching.
"This" it was the only warning you got before you squealed he lifted you up wrapping your legs around his waist pinning you to the nearest wall grinding slow against you making you moan into him, your clit erect almost instantly as he rocked across it threw your jeans, the cotton of your panties becoming a damp.
"Oh really and what are you gonna do about it then?" You asked a cheeky grin he raised an eyebrow
He laughed a little as you wriggled against him trying to get away not wanting to seep threw onto your pale jeans his hands merely held you firm as his cock throbbed against you, you could feel it hot and twitching he rubbed harder moaning into your mouth as he took your breath away, kissing you deeper than before, almost trying to devour you as he licked into your open mouth then coiled his tongue around yours caressing it with a thrusting motions making you groan lightly.
He began sucking yours into his mouth pulling away he trailed a few light kisses down your neck then licked at your neck just below your ear nipping it before opening his mouth wide biting down and sucking heavily, you cried out arching into him pressing your core firmly onto his very eager cock making him hiss and pull away he grunted keeping your rocking hips still looking at his work a dark bruise forming on your neck high enough that it wont be getting covered any time soon he puffed out his chest a sense of pride then leaned forward kissing it softly making you sigh then ran his nose across it before speaking lowly into your ear.
"Oh my god Clark I'm so sorry! that is so embarrassing!" You panicked and felt like you could cry covering your crotch and ass looking around for something to hide it with he smirked a little he couldn't help being smug, that was just a little taster and you’d soaked yourself through.
"There we go now everyone will see that your all mine" you whimpered as your pussy shuddered he hissed feeling it. Then set you back down chuckling lightly as he spotted the wet patch on your jeans you followed his gaze and gasped mortified
"Nothing to be sorry for its very flattering! But here use this" shrugging off his jacket you accepted it gladly pulling it over your arms and holding the neck breathing in his scent, he groaned in his chest. It drowned you, the hem falling to your knees ,You looked perfect. He will definitely be putting you in his clothes more often, he cleared his throat tugging on his jeans rearranging himself then took hold of your hand walking towards his apartment. Yes today had been good but something tells him this week would only get better and better.
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hubblebubblehub · 4 years
yona 197 thoughts
Firstly, behold. I am alive. This chapter honestly made my brain malfunction for a good minute or so, I legit had something akin to a stroke. I honestly believe this chapter encapsulates what has gone wrong with Yona’s storytelling. I understand this is a ‘memoir’, but even backstories whose existence is to deliver exposition require decent consistent characterisation, and a balanced mixture of ‘show don’t tell’ mixed with foreshadowing to result in something... bearable. This chapter was legitimately almost unbearable to read because I think Kusa herself has lost the plot.
To organise my thoughts Imma just put some lil subheadings.
You know what? Ever since chapter 190 I realised that Yon-hi didn’t have much of a character other than that of an exposition clown. So this lame wrap up on her character was bearable to read, because it’s not as if she had the potential to be anything more than a ye old exposition dump. It’s still frustrating to read her ‘acknowledge’ her own faults, which also make no sense since we haven’t seen a proper build up in a change of thoughts. Yes, she acknowledged her husband was a brute to a certain extent, but apart from this chapter I don’t see her recognising the IMPORTANCE of her position and how her passiveness is stopping her from wielding more influence to prevent tragedy that so clearly hurts her. Sure, she notices that as a country bumpkin amongst nobles she stands out, but even 10 years after the genocide of the priests she never once confronted her husband about it. Or anyone really. Why the change of heart now? The excuse that her husband and Kashi (whom she wasn’t really friends with in the first place?? Honestly I think she was just attached to her out of guilt for what happened) are dead doesn’t explain why she would suddenly have the urge to take some sort of action since the past decade proves she thrives in complacency.
Additionally her relo with her son... I don’t even understand it anymore. She claims she loves Soo-Won but then she writes a letter to her brother-in-law basically asking him to ‘watch out for him’ like MA’AM HE IS YOUR SON. What happened to the role she devoted herself to, as a MOTHER?? I honestly give up trying to understand it.
Oh boi. I thought Yon-hi and Yu-hon had an awful characterisation but Il really takes the cake. I thought I could accept Il’s cowardice since it his duality has been hinted at throughout the whole manga, but honestly it makes close to no sense here. I’m surprised no-one decided to assassinate him the first few years into his reign. I would’ve done it tbh.
This chapter just brings more questions into his passive nature. Why the HELL did he just sit and wait around for something to happen after hearing about the future? Yes, as a religious devotee, he probably accepted the future as fact, but why didn’t he do ANYTHING about it? It seems like he banned weapons out of guilt of his murder, not to actually stop Soo-Won (since he ‘accepted’ that destiny of dying by his nephew’s hands). 
If he knew that Yona would not only face hardship from her position as a reincarnation, but her own freaking family, why didn’t he take counter measures? I don’t understand why he wouldn’t try to empower her so that when he would eventually leave her, she would be able to take care of herself. His attitude to Soo-Won also makes no sense too. If he already accepted he would die by his hand, why didn’t he ban/prevent him from visiting the castle? And if he already accepted his fate, why didn’t he just let the marriage go through anyway? He could clearly see that Soo-Won didn’t detest Yona and would care for her, Yona would be happy with him (provided the murder wouldn’t happen lmfao).
Oh and also, if he knew all these shitty events were going to happen? What was his excuse for not taking care of the country, leaving more than hundreds to starve, live in poverty and die? ‘I’m a placeholder and my brother must not become King. Also I leave everything to the gods’ divine will because I’m a really great religious follower uwu’. Not ‘I’ll properly communicate with my brother, nephew and court to make this country a better place while I’m here to prevent the mistakes of the past.’ He acknowledges he’s not a great King. Why doesn’t he acknowledge and humble himself asking for advice from his advisors. Like whAT
Il & Kashi
Poor Kashi lmfao. Kusa in this chapter really trying to convince us they had a loving relationship and Il was simply just trying to avenge his wife. Sure, let’s say Il did love Kashi. He did a really awful way of expressing it, to the point Kashi genuinely believed he only married her to make the designer baby that is Yona. And I don’t see proof of otherwise tbh. I guess you could argue that Il  & Kashi had some chemistry during the garden scene with Ik-Soo... but also Kashi was a ‘kid’ apparently so call the FBI lmfao. There are honestly no scenes or buildup that convince me that Il loved Kashi without the involvement of the divine. Kashi, maybe. I think she admired him but I see none of that from Il. Even when he flat out murders his brother, his defense isn’t ‘YO THAT WAS MY WIFE YOU JUST MURDEREDDD’ It was ‘THAT WAS THE MOTHER OF THE RED DRAGON’. I think these are self explanatory.
Also to that anti-Soo-Won translator who was saying how this line by Il basically disproves everyone who thought he didn’t love Kashi- it really doesn’t. If anything it just shows how terrible the writing has been for this arc because it’s nowhere near believable enough to accept as truth. Show me scenes where Il is actually.... showing affection and being in a loving and equal relationship with his wife smh
Il’s reliance on ‘love’ also makes no sense as well, and also highlights how problematic romance is in this series. Considering how ‘girl power’ this series is with Kouren, Lili & her bodyguards, Yona and even Kashi to a certain extent, it makes no sense that Il would choose to leave everything to a man who simply ‘loves Yona and will never betray her’. Like,,, did the events that transpired TEACH HIM NOTHING?? 
Sure only men can become Kings but it seems Queens have a significant position as well. And since Yona is the red dragon... wouldn’t like,, everyone know and respect and hold her on a higher level regardless lmfao like WHAT IS IL THINKING?? He knows that Yona ended up as a superficial spoilt princess as she grew older, but what did he do to rectify that?? n o t h i n g, except attempt to throw another man (Hak) to help solve the (future) problem.
A great grey point this manga has made since the beginning of the series is ‘Prioritising one individual will cause an entire Kingdom to fall to ruin’. So this is why I don’t understand Il’s actions. Yu-hon committed genocide for his wife, whom he loved (also a really poorly built up romance but this chapter ain’t about them), and APPARENTLY murdered Kashi too (dang it... such a weak and predictable outcome, I’m disappointed in you Kusa). Il killing Yu-hon caused Soo-Won & all the Yuhon stans to seek vengeance (although he also did kinda murder him for the sake of Kouka, but nonetheless her adored his father). SO WHY ON EARTH DOES IL THINK LOVE FROM ANOTHER PERSON IS GONNA SAVE HIS DAUGHTER. MAYBE FOR SOMEBODY ELSE BUT CERTAINLY NOT THE ROYAL DAMN FAMILY.
Also just because Hak clearly was devoted to and had affection for Yona, did not mean that Yona would feel the same way, which is arguably is ANOTHER IMPORTANT FACTOR IN A RELATIONSHIP. It seems like Il doesn’t give a damn about his freaking daughter honestly. But maybe who knows, Il has 500 IQ and decided to be passive so Yona would develop feelings for Hak. It was all part of his master plan, while he left most of his kingdom to suffer, no biggie.
This was such a painful arc to read. I swear Kusa tried to engage her fanbase by constantly making plot twists every chapter. Yu-hon is a good guy. SIKE he’s not. SIKE Il is kind of worse. SIKE Yu-hon bad and should never be one the throne. Il is an okay guy. SIKE he’s borderline religiously fanatic. SIKE Yuhon the crazy one. SIKE Il weird af because he marries Kashi to have baby dragon Yona. SIKE he actually loved Kashi he just DiDn’t MAkE HiS FeElings KnoWn.
Honestly that doesn’t even cover how inconsistent other characters like Yon-hi are either. Bleugh
Predictions for 198?
Maybe Yona will take it upon herself to rectify the wrongs done and pull herself together. Perhaps also do something more substantial than have a deus ex machina bunch of books deliver to information right into her hands. Also maybe show what Soo-Won thinks of this memoir? Surely he’s read it... if he hasn’t then like bye. This series is honestly breaking my heart with every monthly update I swear.
///might rant more later
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repentantsky · 3 years
5 Franchises That Should be more Popular
Hello, I talk about games a lot, and while I always seem to mention at least one or two series on my lists that aren’t the most well known, I haven’t yet made a list comprised entirely of less popular than they deserve to be titles, so I thought I should maybe do that. No, the irony of a damn near nobody talking about video games that should be more in the public eye isn’t lost on me, but I like a lot of things that aren’t as popular as they should be, so at the risk of making a list that falls completely into the void, here are 5 game franchises that should be more well known. 
5. Yo-Kai Watch. 
We’re starting off with a kid’s game, don’t worry, I swear it will get better for those looking for some of their favorites, or at least I hope, but Yo-Kai Watch as a series is truly fantastic. Not only had it at one point managed to out-popular Pokemon in Japan, and for good reason, that reason being it actually took place is town’s that look like Japan, and the cultural references everywhere make it a joy of a series to play, but there’s a dang good lot of content in these games. While the base games will probably only run you about 25 to 30 hours, which is not long for an RPG, their bonus content, and the collection aspect, will give you more to do than Pokemon. Extra dungeons, stronger versions of the final bosses, and the ability to grind your favorite Yo-kai, and there are a lot of cool designs, was and still is, far more enjoyable than most other games of it’s kind have ever been, and to top it all off, it’s actually pretty funny, which is rare for games to do. The charm of Level 5′s games is also on full display here, and oh man, the whole series is just a treat, and we really need to have Level 5 properly back in the West. 
4. Naruto games.
Now wait, I hear you saying, Naruto games are all really popular, the whole series only barely lost out to One Piece for several years, but no, you’re not right in that assessment, the only games in the series that reached true high level success were it’s leading 2D fighting games, and the series has a lot more to offer than that. Ever heard of Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Impact? What about The Path of the Ninja 1 and 2, what about Kizuna Drive, or the entire list of exclusive Naruto RPG’s in Japan? Yes, that’s right, I’m talking about handheld Naruto games. Did you know there were actually a whole ton of them, and they varied in genre’s from RPG’s, is side scrollers, to Beat’em ups, and yes, even fighting games, some of which were not just ports of the console versions. Naruto’s handheld adventures obviously did something for the series, or there wouldn’t have been so many as there are, but none of them reached the hype and the Ultimate Ninja Storm series, even if they were just as good, if not better, and it’s honestly sad. Naruto got a lot of out of it’s fans, and it still does even now, but it could have done so much better if only those handhelds had reached the numbers they deserve. 
3. The Asphalt series. 
It’s not often that I talk about racing games, but I do like a number of them, and my favorite that I swear I’ve never seen a sole talk about, is Asphalt. They aren’t the best games ever, but they do what most racing games should do, they come at you fast, with great cars to race, and they are also the only series of racers I’ve ever played a handheld version of that didn’t have me crying in pain because how awkward they were to on a handheld device, seriously have you ever played Mario Kart 7 for more than an hour? Never again I promise you. But seriously, the Asphalt series is a lot of fun. My favorite are the Urban GT games, but if whatever reason you can’t play those, 3D and Injection are also a lot of fun, and while the series doesn’t reinvent the wheel, and yes I understand how that joke will be taken by many, it’s still just a series you can sit down and enjoy without getting cramps. Seems like a series that’s underrated to me. 
2. Shin Megami Tensei
Some people after playing Persona 5/Royal and now possibly Strikers, are apparently super hyped for Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne, and that’s great, it really is, but the problem is most of those people only aware of mainline SMT, and have either never experienced it, or are have only played something like SMTIV Apocalypse, which is a great game, but also an incredibly easy one. I hope you all enjoy finding out how hard the series can be. The SMT name, which has been dragged around a lot in the West since it’s more notable to Western fans, has several spin-offs, including just Shin Megami, The Last Bible, Majin Tensei, Devil Children and Devil Summoner. To be fair, a number of those games, or entire series, haven’t come to the west, and several are left on old platforms, I mean who collects for Macintosh these days, but that’s the problem. If the series was as popular as it deserved to be, we’d be getting those games on more modern platforms, and people who think they are hyped for May 25th in the west, might already know what they’re getting into. SMT has been around since 1987, that’s 34 flipping years if you can believe it, and the series has never gotten to the level of popularity it deserves. Persona being it’s most popular spin-off helps, but we’ll have to wait and see if the hype this year, really translates to what the franchise is long overdue for. 
1. The Legend of Heroes. 
You know ones series I really like, it’s Kingdom Hearts, and if you’re wondering why that matters, you probably haven’t played a Legend of Heroes game before. The series has become over the years, similar to Kingdom Hearts in one very specific way, that being that it’s all about over-arching stories, and every sequel mattering. It is true that not every game is connected, there are five previous entries that are two games long, and three games long as their own series respectively, but the franchise is turning 30 years old next year at least for the West, and it’s shameful that we still don’t have three of the games from the mainline releases, and neither of the two spin-offs that weren’t gatcha games, both of which are fantastic if you play them in their original Japanese with fan subtitles. Most of the Trails series can be found on Steam, which is great, accept that two crucial games are missing, because the series isn’t seen to be as important as it is. I love games with continued stories, and as far as I’m concerned, The Legend of Heroes Trails series is absolutely the best of them all, because it takes it’s time developing all of it’s characters and it wait it avoids trying to create hype moments for fans just for the sake of it. It can be a slow burner of a series at times, which can turn some people away from it, but man when it goes, it goes so much harder than almost everything else, that it’s a massive shocker that it’s not more popular. Sure, it’s not visually all that impressive, even when it first becomes 3D, but if you can get past the looks, it truly is something to marvel at. 
And that’s my list. Did I miss anything that you think it underrated? Let me know in the notes below, reblog this list if interested you, and have a wonderful day.    
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a9saga · 3 years
I wanna make one thing clear. Nobody killed Jenny Schecter. Nobody. Not even herself.
The L Word was the most sloppily written, most lazily dramatic show, and it never cleaned up any of its undeveloped sub plots that they began once and then suddenly dropped entirely and pretended never happened. I swear to God the writers must have never revised a damn script. And this wasn't the type of thing that you only noticed if you're really hypercritical of shows you watch. Very little in the show happens subtextually. It's not a subtle show. Its on fricking Showtime.
Jenny herself over the course of seasons is an example of how the show would just create drama without reason. In season one she and her boyfriend just moved into west Hollywood next door to a couple of lesbians and through one experience with Marina at a party hosted by some of the neighborhood lesbians, she begins to understand she is really intensely drawn to this woman and her boyfriend is at this point still seemingly necessary to her new life, but he doesn't hold up to her interest in this woman no matter how guilty she feels. This makes sense as a plot point. This is how you begin a show about a bunch of lesbians in proximity to one another. The new girl in the neighborhood wants to ditch her fiance for a woman she just met. And after all this Marina stuff subsides eventually, Jenny is a decently developed character. She has flaws and good traits alike. She's messy but she's passionate. She's a drama queen but she cares about people. For instance, Max? Jenny is the main support system for Max in his transition at first, she's really like the only one enthusiastic for him about the whole thing besides that Scottish guy who does drugs in Kit's restaurant and has a couple of otherwise completely unacknowledged sex scenes with Max that dont develop into anything else and don't matter in the future to the show at all. Again. It's a Showtime show. You get the quality you should expect.
And Max is another great example of a sub plot the writers lose interest in! He's a priority to the show for basically just that one season. Honestly they treat Max like shit and lose all interest in him until they get him pregnant in the last season and even then he's only in like every other episode for a few minutes. That was mean. And so was Jenny. Jenny has like, anti-character development throughout the show which is not normal for writers to do to a protagonist. She goes from Jenny Schecter, aspiring writer and newly out lesbian in a new neighborhood to Jenny Schecter, two faced bitch with princess syndrome. They just start writing her in being obviously mean and wrong. And when Max gets pregnant suddenly she's misgendering him on purpose left and right and to my memory maybe the shittiest person to him about his pregnancy? Except of course for Tom, Jodi's interpreter and the guy who got him pregnant who was all on board for parenting the baby until for no reason he gets up in the middle of the night and leaves Max's room and never comes back. Oh and immediately changes his phone numbers apparently, and I guess cuts off contact with everyone on the show or something. That was also just a sudden, uselessly dramatic thing the show threw in that you didn't want it to, that was not justified other than to fuck over a character in a vulnerable situation, and which isn't even in character of the guy who did the thing.
But anyway. This is all to say that no member of the main cast killed Jenny Schecter. You know why? Because the writers are too fucking lazy and careless to make you want to point the finger at anyone, again, including Jenny herself. They don't give you one particularly good reason why anybody might've done it or how they were possibly tied to it. They don't give you reason to think anybody is more likely to have killed her than someone else. They give you nothing to work with in your mind's eye besides your ability to understand who in the main cast hated Jenny the most already. Jenny up and died for no reason because you aren't properly made to raise an eyebrow at her death. Jenny's death is another undeveloped subplot that the show isn't interested in seriously developing, except it is meant as the dramatic series finale to leave you at the edge of your seat so they want you to think it's *mysterious* except that's actually just a recurring fault of the show. Half assed undeveloped melodramatic subplots that get dropped and written out well before your mind forgets them. Don't let them trick you into thinking this was clever of the writers. It's not. It's so consistent with the headache inducing and lazy writing of the show it's absurd. Nobody killed Jenny Schecter. Mark never recorded Shane and Jenny in their own home. Papi was never falling in love with Kit. Etc etc. Ultimately none of this shit happened because they were unfinished and dropped entirely, and the whole murder mystery of Jenny's death ended up being less important than everyone being interrogated by police and explaining their personal history in the show like it's fascinating when weighed against this sudden death. Alice sighing and explaining "the only person I ever loved as much as Tasha... was Dana 😔" is just the investigation being a substitute for therapy. The murder mystery is an afterthought to the cast's final reflection on their relationships to each other just to stick in your mind after the show ends the way the writers want them to. And then they're like. Oh no but who killed Jenny? Nobody. God killed Jenny. Big Bird killed Jenny. The old rescue dog Jenny adopted to put down and then seduce the vet she took him to came back to life and killed Jenny. I killed Jenny. Your mom killed Jenny. The Joker killed Jenny. No one in the main cast killed Jenny. The writers just want you to think they did enough to make you think one of them did. They didn't.
Now that we've established the absurdity of the l word, why did I watch the entire show? Because I was a senior in high and a newly realized lesbian of course. That was more than 4 years ago now. I finished just before Showtime announced they would be bringing it back. I haven't watched generation q so I can't tell you anything about that. But my confliction for the original show as well as my really weird and intense love for Shane are both documented on this blog. I can't believe watching the l word in senior year and falling way too deeply and all-encompassingly in love with Shane is not a universal or even common experience. What were you guys doing senior year? Haven't you watched the l word?
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eliicries · 3 years
This is my first time ever writing a proper fanfic and also my first time posting it online. Criticisms are very much welcome. This is my alternative ending to the cartoon series "Clone High" (you guys should check it out, it's pretty great!) I love this pairing so much but I hated how they ended up sleeping together because I've always believed in character development and the ending felt like it wasted a good opportunity to do so.
Enchanted (a joanfk fanfic)
How did it come to this?
Two bodies pressed against each other, one of which is hovering above it's counterpart, hot and eager to make contact. Then the other, whom lies beneath them writhing in discomfort yet somewhat obvious pleasure.
Never in Joan's life had she imagined herself being the latter in such an obscene situation.
Well atleast not with somebody else other than her bestfriend and absolutely not, emphasis on the word "not", with the certain campus playboy she used to avoid like a plague.
Heck, if someone told her last night that she would end up sleeping with JFK, she would've laughed her ass off for solid 10 minutes! Then proceed to sock their teeth off for even suggesting such an absurd idea.
But as she felt his breath fan against her bare neck, she felt her own hitch.
His lips met with her flushed skin and in their wake, left along little trails of pleasure of which accumulated into an emotion something else entirely.
It seeped into her flesh and gnawed upon her being.
Yet the feeling of betrayal against one's morals only increased tenfold when she made no protest to stop the male from completely lifting her shirt off.
Oh God, She actually moaned.
The himbo was not to be blamed of course. His previous advances had always been outright rejected, so as ecstatic as he was, her sudden change of heart confused him. An even bigger surprise to the both of them was when it was her who initiated the idea.
It's not like her to act like this. Was she really that frustrated beyond rational thoughts?
To make things even worse, it wasn't only the disappointment she has towards herself that's weighing on her mind but also of another person very much important to her.
They've known each other since like forever.
Now, what would be a better way to ruin a good natured friendship other than one of them developing feelings for the other?
Just to her luck, she had to be the one who does the falling, whilst her companion seemed less than eager to catch her.
As if it's the universe's way to spite her, Abe suddenly decided to date someone else.
And of course, it just had to be none other than Cleo-fhking-patra.
Seeing them together at the school campus in a daily basis was already bad enough, now living under the same roof as her and all---she also had to suffer listening through the sloppy noises they make whenever they're eating their faces off.
She swears to god everytime cleo glances at her with that look of victor in her eyes, her blood boils so much. Oh, if only she was given an opportunity to poke them out with a fork.
Then, in a final attempt to win him over, Joan had to walk around wearing those god-forbid clothes and laugh in that shrill god-awful tone.
Yet to no avail, her feelings are still unreciprocated.
In the end even as a giggling vapid slut, Abe still chose Cleo over her.
Just like he always did.
He even seemed supportive with her hookup with JFK.
Another fuel added to the fire.
Now she felt really silly exerting all those efforts just for his approval.
She always berates Cleo for being such a slut but is she really better after how desperate she acted?
Maybe if only she'd been straight forward with him from the start, things would've ended in her favor.
Or perhaps it was wrong of her to seek reciprocity. Love, after all should be unconditional.
Either way, it's too late now.
She's so pathetic.
Suddenly a voice called out to her, a sudden ripple in her stream of thoughts, breaking her out from of her stupor.
Looking sideways, her eyes met with familiar droopy ones.
She hadn't even noticed that he had stopped moving a little while ago.
"Are you er, uh, alright?"
Oh. That's right.
She was with JFK, and they were about to have sex with each other.
"You were-uh, crying."
Immediately, she brought a hand to her cheek and felt the said liquid trailing down her cheeks.
Shuddering as she finally realized she was not only physically bare, but now also emotionally.
She atleast expected an expression of dissatisfaction from him, but the male said nothing and merely looked at her. Probably dumbstruck by the sudden turn of events.
The room was quiet except for her soft sniffles.
He seemed to fiddle with the bedsheets for a while before finally deciding to move closer to her.
"Can I er, touch you?"
Expecting him to continue on where they left but too tired to even protest, she made no movement whatsoever to stop the male. They might as well finish what they've started even tho the thought made her want to shut her eyes.
She was surprised however, when she felt his arms wrapping around her, securing her into a hug.
She turned to look at him, perplexed by the sudden act of affection that he is displaying.
"Did it not feel good?"
Ah, there he is.
Of course, It was just about his ego. How foolish of her to think that he, even for a bit, cared about her.
She tried to squirm away from his grip, her fists meeting with his chest. The male took this as a sign to loosen his hold of her but not as much to completely let go of her.
"I did something wrong didn't I?"
Her body suddenly ceased it's erratic movements. She turned to look at him, searching through his face for any signs of deception which instead, only offered a genuine expression of worry.
He was blaming himself.
He actually thought it was his fault that she was crying. That's why he stopped.
"I, er, um sorry.."
If she was already crying before, then she was definitely bawling her eyes out right now.
"N-no! It's not your fault i--why did you stop?" She exclaimed in between sobs. His hand settled itself on her waist while his other one made it's way to her hair, combing them in a way that's supposed to be therapeutic.
"There, there.."
"I wanted this, Kennedy! Isn't this what you also wanted?"
"Sure I do, but not when you're uh, like this." She lets out another sob. "Besides, If I do make you cry it's going to be for an entirely different reason, if you get my meaning."
"S-shut up.."
He suggestively wiggled his eyebrows at her causing her to roll her eyes. Normally, she would've been irked by his usual comments like this, but tonight must be a different case. They seemed to give her a weird sense of normalcy, and that somehow comforts her.
Her sudden movement made the male flinch, as if anticipating another punch for his pesky remarks, he was relieved however, when Joan just readjusted her head to lean into his chest more properly.
She found this actions of his comical, cute even if she dares, and she couldn't help the chuckle that escaped her lips.
"Have you calmed down now?"
"Yes, thanks Kennedy."
Silence enveloped the both of them for a while before Jfk decided to speak again.
"You know, this suddenly reminds him."
She hummed in acknowledgement.
"Uh, Lincoln."
JFK didn't fail to notice the weak croak in her voice.
"Yeah, it was around that time poncey died. It was just kinda like this, except ya' know, we weren't both naked."
She felt his chest rumble as both of them let out a chuckle, hers a bit stiffled from burrying her face into them further. Muttering, "That sounds just like him.." In a barely audible voice.
No words were exchanged afterwards. Silence embraced the room once again, the same way his arms did around her body. Warm and in contrast to the air outside---inviting.
The moon illuminated the dim room seemingly to say it's hello.
So she took the opportunity to get a good look at his face. There she could makeout the subtle movement of his nostrils as he breathes.
Inhale, exhale, Inhale, exhale, Inhale..
Till she found herself unconsciously moving to the same rhythm.
His eyes she noticed, are now droopier. As his upper lashes seeked to meet with his lower ones but never actually closed them as they were fixated onto her. Only now was she able to acknowledge the kindness she failed to notice that they seemed to always have.
Then his lips, which in contrast to the usual smirk he parades around campus, lost all it's cockiness and is now ghosting a faint smile.
He looked so endearing right now that she could only sigh.
Was this really the same guy who used to shove other kids into lockers before? The same one who used to view women as mere objects meant to gratify sensual pleasure?
I guess grief from Ponce's death did change him in ways even he is not aware of.
Or maybe, he's just not a complete asshole as she thought him to be.
It could also be that she's just lonely and desperate for any act of kindness so she clung into them when given. That would explain how she got into this situation in the first place.
But whatever the answer may be, there are two things that Joan is now sure of:
One, no one is irredeemable.
And two, the male never looked as much enchanting to her right now as he ever did before.
#joanfk #joan #JFK #Clonehigh #himbo #goth
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clovis-enthusiast · 4 years
Lotsa Clovis headcanons that you can pry from my cold dead hands
Keep in mind that these are just MY HEADCANONS! None of this is canon unless specifically stated! Feel free to agree or disagree. I juts rlly love my boy and his cabin and will gush about them for hours if given the chance.
Since there is a lot, I’ll put them under the cut so as not to clutter ur feed with my rambling! So uh click ‘keep reading’ to see me babble about my all time favorite character! Hope u enjoy if u read em and always feel free to send me a message about ur own headcanons! (I’m always thinking of more, so this post might be updated every once in awhile!)
He is very French. He was born in France and lived there for a short while before he and his mother (the reason I say mother instead of parent is because it was hinted at in canon that he has a mother. my go to name for her is Camille) moved to the US due to monster related problems. (He has a French last name. Something like Valois is my go to.)
French is his first language but because he moved to the US when he was quite young, he is very fluent in English. He often switches between the two languages when he’s EXTRA sleepy without noticing leading to a lot of confusion (and you can bet that he DEFINITELY swears in French because not many people at camp can understand him when he does. Those who do have a newfound respect and fear for him.)
He was initially a longtime member of the Hermes cabin even though pretty much everyone could guess who his godly parent was.
Was DEFINITELY a part of Luke’s army at one point due to the fact that he looked up to Luke as the older demigod had always treated him like a little brother, AND his godly brother Morpheus was also on Kronos’s side of the war. However, Clovis did not stay with them for long once things began to get bad and returned to Camp Half Blood with time. (Morpheus and Clovis now have a strained relationship.)
Best friends with Lou Ellen Blackstone of the Hecate cabin. They were both temporarily on Luke’s side of the war and were held with suspicion and distrust when they returned to camp, so they tended to stick by each other while the other campers warmed back up to them. Because of this, they are now very close and are always goofing around (much to the annoyance of the other head counselors aside from the Stolls, of course.)
Definitely had a thing for Nico di Angelo in the past. As the two boys are both the sons of underworld gods, Clovis had already felt a certain tug towards him. When he heard Nico’s story from the camp’s rumor mill (thank Lacy and Mitchell for that one) he became utterly infatuated. Over time, his curiosity turned more into a little crush which then became a BIG crush, but as neither Clovis nor Nico are really all that great with normal human interaction, the son of Hypnos’s flirting techniques sort of went unnoticed. That’s why Nico seems to be the only one being pulled into Clovis’s dreams at any given time despite Clovis being a ‘very strong dreamer.’ The truth is that Clovis has full control over who enters HIS dreamscapes. He tries desperately to impress Nico and help him out wherever he can, but when Nico eventually chooses Will to be his boyfriend, Clovis, though a bit sad that his first crush in a long time didn’t share the feelings, is VERY supportive. He loves to tease Nico about how hopelessly head-over-heels the broody teenager is over his sunshiney boyfriend. And if the two were ever to break up for whatever reason in the future? Well, Clovis is definitely still up for a shot.
Clovis and Nico are still VERY close. Clovis is one of the only people that Nico feels comfortable enough to be himself around and often confides in him whenever his negative thinking gets the best of him. Clovis also plays a big part in Nico regaining the memories of his past when he’s ready which he will forever be thankful for. The two obviously spend a lot of time together in dreams and greet one another in a warm fashion whenever they come across each other by chance at camp. This confuses literally everyone because literally no one has ever seen them interact before?? How are they friends?? 
Has HISTORY with Drew. No one is really sure what kind of history (it seems as if there was a little bit of memory erasure throughout the camp on the situation... hm...) but most people speculate that the two shared a romantic relation at one point in time. Turns out, they were NOT compatible, and the whole thing went up in flames. Drew still holds a huge grudge against Clovis who acts as though he could honestly care less. He still treats her politely though there have definitely been some not-so-subtle nasty looks cast across the campfire towards her direction before.
Also very close with Lacy and Mitchell from the Aphrodite cabin. Lacy feels terrible about Drew’s trash-talking and rumor-spreading and eventually works up the courage to say hi. They became fast friends, and Lacy definitely has a bit of a puppy-dog crush on him, but she is much too young for Clovis. He sees her as a little sister and allows her to put makeup on him, do his hair, and even tries on dresses and such just to make her smile. Mitchell, on the other hand, became friends with Clovis out of spite in all honesty and ended up liking the sleepy blond a lot more than he thought he would. He might have a teeeeeny tiiiiiny crush on him. Don’t tell Lacy.
Close with Pollux of the Dionysus cabin. Pollux sees a lot of Castor when he looks at Clovis which is a huge comfort to him. The two counselors have a lot of deep talks late at night, and Clovis always makes sure that Pollux is sleeping well without being haunted by nightmares. Dionysus would never admit it, but he is very thankful that someone cares that much about his only son.
Good friends with Rachel Elizabeth Dare surprisingly! He helps her out often, and the two like to sit and chat about mythology, artwork, and prophecies in the big house and at the campfire.
Has allies and friends in high places. Due to his powerful dreaming, he’s been to quite a few strange places and met quite a few strange people... or you could call them the gods, I guess. He knows a lot of the gods and goddesses from all kinds of mythologies (though obviously more of the Greek ones than anything) and they seem to like him well enough for some reason. (Probably because he’s one of the only demigods who doesn’t want to strangle them and doesn’t mind listening to them complain about petty godly things.) He often has little chats with them where he keeps them updated with the going ons of Camp Half Blood and they keep him updated about... godly drama. He kinda lives for it tbh. It’s part of the reason why he’s so informed about the gods.(Annabeth is maybe just the tiniest bit jealous.)
He’s a year round camper because it would be much too dangerous for him to go back to living with his mother. He stays in contact with her via dreams, letters, and Iris messages though!
MUCH more powerful than he lets on. He just doesn’t like conflict. 
One of his most frightening abilities is the ability to summon terrible creatures from people’s nightmares and use them to fight. He doesn’t like to do this as it can be very traumatizing for the people he uses it against, AND it’s not always a guarantee that the nightmare creatures will obey him.
His other more battle-ready powers are the ability to put an entire battle field into a deep slumber and memory alteration/erasure. He can use his memory alteration/erasure on monsters of weaker defenses AND demigods (though he feels much more comfortable using it on monsters.) He uses these powers to alter how monsters/enemies perceive demigods. Because of this, there are quite a few friendly hellhounds and scythian dracanae wandering about the camp. All of his powers are VERY draining and take a lot of concentration in order to work as intended. He will often sleep for days after a battle because of this.
He is also capable of fighting whilst asleep. In fact, his senses are heightened, and he tends to perform better this way. He also heals much faster while he is asleep. 
It is speculated that he will either grow wings from his head or his back, but it will not happen until he grows older. It’s a rare trait that few Hypnos kids (and Thanatos kids) develop, but due to Clovis’s power level, everyone is pretty much waiting for it to happen.
He can change his appearance at will in his dreams, but his aura is still the same, so he can still be identified pretty easily by people who know him personally. (As a side note, his eyes pretty much change color on their own to reflect the mood of the dreamscape he’s currently in. Gold, emerald, and violet are the most common colors. His true eye color is blue.)
Doesn’t really care about gender all that much. He has absolutely no problem with people referring to him using any pronouns (she/he/they) and is quite comfortable with himself in general. Many demigods who are questioning their gender comes to talk to him about it, and he’s always open to hearing them out and giving them advice.
VERY bisexual. Likes girls, guys, literally anyone who can keep him awake and interested for more than five seconds.
The unofficial official camp therapist.The role used to belong to Will Solace, but the truth is that the son of Apollo is much more comfortable dealing with physical ailments and problems he can fix medically than he is with dealing with feelings and mental ailments. Clovis is a very good listener despite the popular belief that he’s too busy nodding off to actually hold a conversation with properly and has a very calming aura that helps people feel safe enough to be vulnerable with him.
The go to babysitter of camp. Due to his Hypnos kid vibes, he is able to keep even the most rambunctious demigod and satyr children under control. His nap times are legendary. 
VERY big on respecting people’s privacy and boundaries. He tries his best not to enter any dreams uninvited, and he never talks about what goes on in people’s dreams ever. He also NEVER looks into people’s memories without their permission. He makes sure his siblings follow these guidelines strictly.
He literally lets anyone come into the Hypnos cabin at any time to get a good rest. The cabin has an open door policy.
New campers are often allowed to stay with the Hypnos cabin if they’d rather not face the chaos of the Hermes cabin.
Contrary to popular belief, his cabin is actually NOT the messiest cabin. The Hermes cabin wins that one though they’re followed closely by the Ares and Hephaestus cabins.
He and his siblings are some of the closest in the camp. They meet up and hang out in each other’s dreamscapes and have family nights. Clovis is the oldest AND is a head counselor, so he is very protective and responsible when it comes to his siblings.
Gives AMAZING massages. Leo and the entirety of the Hephaestus and Ares cabins are regular customers. Fight me. 
Actually a very good strategist when it comes to battles and such given that he’s awake enough to actually communicate his ideas. If you get them on your Capture the Team game, you’re already doing good. Annabeth and the Athena cabin love the competition, and they’re nearly unstoppable when they work together with him.
Clovis suffers from TERRIBLE narcolepsy, even for a son of Hypnos. It’s gotten him into a lot of bad and dangerous situations such as falling asleep mid battle, mid conversation, and even in the bath once when he was little. He has developed a fear of heights and water due to his condition.
Holds a lot of frustrations towards himself. Frustrated that he ever turned against the camp that offered him a home, frustrated that he couldn’t help Jason restore his memories, frustrated that couldn’t help more in the war against Gaea, just... frustrated. He tries to sleep off these negative moods because he doesn’t like to bring people down.
Absolutely not opposed to cuddling with people who are okay with it (he always asks first!) It’s a surefire way to get a good night’s rest since you’re so close to him, plus he’s very soft and warm!
Has a good singing voice, but just isn’t confident enough with it. He pushes through his insecurities to sing lullabies to those who really need them though. His lullabies are unmatched. 
Adores cats with all of his heart due to their lazy and relaxed nature, but he knows that he could never be able to care for one well enough. 
ALWAYS wears pajamas. Like all the time. Chiron has given up on enforcing the dress code. He also made sure to have custom made camp bracelets instead of necklaces to be sure that none of the Hypnos kids are choked/strangled by them if they happen to fall asleep in a bad place or position.
Lives in the past. Old movies, old music, old slang, you name it. I mean, he practically sleeps for the majority of his life, so it’s not all that surprising that he’s a bit behind the times. He thinks the modern age moves much too fast for him to keep up with.
The demigods of camp take turns making sure Clovis and his siblings are taking care of themselves. Walking them to the showers and dining pavilion, making sure they get a little sunlight each day, and the bare minimum of training.
He is the best boy.That is the only FACT that I do not accept criticism on. Thank you.
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