kek44k4mzg9hth · 1 year
Big ass black milf atlantis bahamas casino phone number Ikkitousen Scenes Sexy Girl Lesbian Dallas gay fisting and nude male first time Punch Fisting Bo Esposa lingerie com plug anal na internet para os amigos do corno A sexy stepmom helps her stepson handle a sexy love tunnel Pinay Teen Gf sarap kantutin ng joga at talsikan ng tamod Fervid kitten opens up spread honey pot and gets deflorated Sarrando o macho Daddy Dirty talk
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vixvaporub · 6 months
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The King's Beast | Ou no Kemono: Enpei no Arcana by Rei Touma – Chapter 3
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quietwingsinthesky · 25 days
fun fact about me is the reason i’ll sometimes unnecessarily append “mr/miss” to the beginning of names here on tumblr.com is that in high school i had to write a “letter” to ayn rand about her book and my teacher thought it was very funny that i kept repeatedly addressing her as miss rand while eviscerating atlas shrugged.
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nymphilily · 1 year
Fully convinced that if TFA Sentinel and Rodimus where to interact on screen, this would be the outcome
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ciaran · 2 years
i miss media with the high-tech noir aesthetic. sleek smooth high-rises and neon and grungey smoke-filled rainy streets at the same time. any recommendations?
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mariafraniayu · 9 months
Prompt tulisan harianApa kata favorit Anda?Lihat semua tanggapan Pertanyaan yang diajukan blog kali ini sungguh memancing jiwa guyon. Kata favorit, well, saya memiliki banyak. Tetapi, ada satu kata yang sangat sering saya gunakan, dan merupakan kata yang mengandung cukup banyak arti dan makna. Kata yang saya maksud adalah, “bangke!.” Saya tidak ingat, dari mana saya belajar untuk menggunakan…
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zbfnchwjsnfp7 · 1 year
Horny Wife sucks cock & rides dick at swingers party Lesbian Angelina Valentine and Brittany Harper Seductive chick tricked her studying friend into having sex The simpsons : headscissors neckbreak British grandma toys chubby lesbian Teen Twinks Enjoying Hardcore Anal Sex bust down fucking my ex girlfriend best friend Big black and in charge she gets gooned Free gay porn boys big dicks Post Fisting Session Jerk Off cute chinese girl riding cock
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iwontsayittwice · 1 year
Sekilas Komparasi
Bagusan tulisan gw di sini atau di sana? Kayaknya bagusan di aplikasi anonim ya, karena ada komentar langsung dari user lain mungkin yang bikin gw nulis lebih spontan.
Baru sehari stop aja udah kangen. Nanti deh, kalau situasinya udah lebih baik. Jadi gw bisa sedikit mempertanggungjawabkan keberadaan gw dengan kejujuran.
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stiridinromania · 2 years
COMUNICAT DE PRESĂ privind demararea proiectului ”Educația outdoor - un pas spre viitor”, cod SMIS 154296
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LICEUL TEORETIC ”ALEXANDRU IOAN CUZA” IAȘI (S), în parteneriat cu ŞCOALA GIMNAZIALĂ "GHEORGHE I. BRĂTIANU" IAŞI (P1) și ŞCOALA GIMNAZIALĂ "IONEL TEODOREANU" IAŞI (P2) implementează proiectul EDUCAȚIA OUTDOOR - UN PAS SPRE VIITOR, ID proiect 154296 finanțat în cadrul Programului Operaţional Capital Uman 2014 - 2020, Axa prioritară – nr. 6, Educație și competențe, Prioritatea de investiții – 10.i. Reducerea și prevenirea abandonului școlar timpuriu și promovarea accesului egal la învățământul preșcolar, primar și secundar de calitate, inclusiv la parcursuri de învățare formale, nonformale și informale pentru reintegrarea în educație și formare, apel de proiecte POCU/987/6/26/Operațiune compozită O.S 6.3,O.S 6.6/26/Operațiune compozită O.S 6.3,O.S 6.6, Contract de finanțare nr.  POCU/987/6/26 Obiectiv general al proiectului îl reprezintă dezvoltarea și implementarea pe o perioadă de 18 luni a unui set de măsuri integrate menite să asigure îmbunătățirea participării în învățământul primar și secundar și reducerea și prevenirea abandonului școlar timpuriu pentru un număr de min 321 elevi din învățământul preuniversitar, ISCED 1-3, în special elevi din grupurile vulnerabile, inclusiv măsuri destinate îmbunătățirii competențelor în domeniul educației outdoor pentru min 36 cadre didactice/personal de sprijin din învățământul preuniversitar, ISCED 1-3, în vederea promovării unor servicii educaționale de calitate orientate pe nevoile elevilor și ale unei scoli incluzive. Grupul țintă al proiectului este constituit din: - 321 elevi din învățământul preuniversitar obligatoriu, ISCED 1-3, în special elevi aparținând minorității rome (min 10%) și elevi din mediul rural (min 15%) - 36 persoane personal didactic/personal de sprijin din învățământul preuniversitar obligatoriu (ISCED 1-3) Principalele rezultate așteptate sunt: - 321 elevi care beneficiază de sprijin pentru participarea la programe de educație (învatamantul primar si secundar), din care: - 33 elevi aparținând minorității rome - 49 elevi din mediul rural - 36 persoane (personal didactic/ personal de sprijin) participante la programe de perfecționare în domeniul organizării și furnizării educației nonformale în sistem outdoor Durata de implementare: 15 luni Valoarea totală a proiectului este: 1,729,093.23 lei din care 1.694.510,00 finanțare nerambursabilă și 34.583,23 contribuție proprie. Proiect cofinanțat din Fondul Social European prin Programul Operațional Capital Uman 2014-2020 Detalii suplimentare cu privire la activitățile proiectului pot fi oferite de: Manager de proiect: Prof. Ariadna Cristina Maximiuc Telefon: +40 723 620 221 Email: [email protected] Read the full article
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LOKASI !! WA : 0821-3227-0520 (TSEL), Produsen Tas Anyaman Nonformal Magelang
LOKASI !! WA : 0821-3227-0520 (TSEL), Produsen Tas Anyaman Nonformal Magelang
Produsen Tas Anyaman Nonformal Magelang, Grosir Tas Anyaman Palstik Cilacap, Pusat Tas Anyaman Pasar Purwokerto, Pengerajin Tas Anyaman Plastik Jepara, Lokasi Tas Anyaman Plastik Buwuhan Purbalingga, Jual Tas Anyaman Plastik Hajatan Solo, Produsen Tas Anyaman Plastik Jali Semarang, Grosir Tas Anyaman Plastik Kecil Yogyakarta, Pusat Tas Anyaman Plastik Kekinian Klaten, Pengerajin Tas Anyaman Plastik Mewah Kudus, Lokasi Tas Anyaman Plastik Model Terbaik Magelang.
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PUSAT PENGRAJIN – WA 0821-3227-0520 (Ibu Nurul) - Kami Jual Kerajinan Tas Belanja Anyaman Plastik Solo, Jual Tas Anyaman Belanja Cilacap, Jual Tas Anyaman Bulat Yogyakarta, Jual Tas Anyaman Elastis Cantik Murah Jepara, Produsen Tas Anyaman Kekinian Semarang, Pusat Tas Anyaman Lokal Cantik Murah Klaten, Produsen Tas Anyaman Model Formal Purwokerto, Pusat Tas Anyaman Model Hantaran Purbalingga, Grosir Souvenir Tas Anyaman Plastik Di Indonesia Yogyakarta, Produsen Tas Anyaman Elastis Hajatan Purbalingga, Tas Anyaman Plastik adalah tas serbaguna khususnya untuk kalangan ibu-ibu rumah tangga, adapun funsgi dari tas anyaman plastik ini untuk menaruh barang barang ketika belanja ke pasar dan masih banyak kegunaan lain. Namun tidak perlu khawatir bagi pecinta fashion, Tas Anyaman Plastik juga dapat dijangkau oleh kalangan muda mudi dengan berbagai desain dan motif yang tak kalah modern dan unik, sangat cocok untuk melengkapi style fashion jaman sekarang. Ada banyak sedikitnya alasan mengapa harus membeli Tas Anyaman Plastik di : 1. PRODUK DENGAN BAHAN PREMIUM Tas Anyaman Plastik yang kami produksi menggunakan material premium dengan jaminan awet tidak mudah sobek, dengan anyaman yang super rapi dan kuat. 2. BANYAK PILIHAN MODEL DAN MOTIF YANG UNIK Kami memproduksi Tas Anyaman Plastik dengan berbagai model dan motif yang dapat di jangkau semua kalangan,mulai dari ibu-ibu rumah tangga untuk ke pasar, grosir untuk souvenir hajatan, buwuhan, sampai ke fashion modern. Di produksi dengan desain dari yang sederhana, elegan, hingga unik. 3. HARGA YANG SANGAT TERJANGKAU Untuk memiliki tas yang keren tidak perlu mengeluarkan biaya yang banyak karena kami menyediakan grosiran dengan harga yang sangat murah namun dengan kualitas tinggi. 4. SELALU UPDATE STOK Tidak perlu khawatir kehabisan stok Tas Anyaman Plastik, karena kami selalu update stok dengan berbagai model dan motif terbaru. 5. SIAP KIRIM KE SELURUH INDONESIA Berbagai produk Tas Anyaman kami dapat menjangkau hingga ke pelosok Indonesia dengan berbagai kurir pilihan. Informasi dan Pemesanan segera hubungi kontak kami : (Ibu Nurul) Telp/WA : 0821-3227-0520 (TSEL) Atau langsung klik http://wa.me/6282132270520 http://www.pusattasanyamanplastik.com/ #TasAnyamanPlastik #TasAnyamanPlastikModern #TasAnyamanPlastikTradisional #TasAnyamanPlastikFashion #TasAnyamanPlastikUnik #TasAnyamanPlastikMurah #TasAnyamanPlastikPremium #TasAnyamanModern #TasAnyamanTradisional #TasAnyamanFashion #TasAnyamanUnik #TasAnyamanMurah #TasAnayamanPlastikHajatan #TasAnyamanPlastikSouvenir #JualTasAnyamanPlastik #ProdusenTasAnyamanPlastik #TasKeranjangPlastik #PengrajinTasAnyamanPlastik
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ineylesian · 1 year
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— WORD COUNT | 1.2k
— WARNINGS | smut, mentions of wounds, fem anatomy used, penetration (f), cumming inside, overstimulation, biting (you see those fangs), blood kink (??), oral asphyxiation, light choking.
— SUMMARY | you often find yourself waiting for miguel to come home.
— AUTHOR’S NOTE | posted nothing on my to do list bc ATSV has taken ahold of all of my thoughts. miguel is actually so fine i just had to hop on it
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You knew the deal. Nine words spoken in a nonformal contract to you the first time Miguel clawed his way into your apartment, bloodied and bruised.
“I cant promise you I’ll come home, mi alma.”
And you knew the words after that, too.
“… but I can promise you that I will die trying, with you in my thoughts, always.”
That night, he sat you down. Made you swear that you would never get too attached. Being a superhero in New York was a lethal deal, and you had to be prepared for anything— everything. Miguel wouldn’t stand the thought of breaking your heart, at least without warning, so he forced you to seal it, everything you loved about him buried away in the depths of your mind.
Yet, human emotion was the victor concerning the inner workings of your heart. And, when he comes home, every little detail of that contract you made shatters.
Miguel treads the glass of your longing heart with fatigued steps, focused on nothing but the sweet capture of your embrace. You feel as if he is a gift sent from the heavens themselves, gazing upon shades of brown that reflect tawny in the light. The light stubble he grew scratches against your jaw as he draws thick sighs of relief, and you feel as if you’re in a fever dream, hands tiredly fumbling for your belt as you sing your praises of his return.
And still, nights like those are a rarity. The words he uttered to you years ago float through your head like a lost prayer, and you’re left lost in the shadow of his absence.
You often find yourself waiting for Miguel to come home. Through all four seasons, the same spot on the couch awaits you night after night, TV static spitting dull reflections of the world outside as you stare up at the ceiling. Some nights, you wonder if he’s finally met his maker and run short of luck.
You still wait. Days turn into weeks, and weeks turn into months. Just as you’re about to lose hope, he returns, just the same as you remember. Suit roughed up, gashes and cuts adorning his skin. He’s nonchalant to the fact, sultry eyes staring you down— a look that you know is just for you. Your fingers find homage in the roots of your hair, brushing thick, unruly strands from his gaze. A little longer than you remember.
“Qué bueno verte, tesorito.” He mumbles, tracing his teeth against your neck as he picks at your skin. “Te extrañé.”
You hum, eagerly latching around the collar of his suit as he pulls your shirt off. Heat trails along your thighs as his bare hands run along them, dipping his head to kiss you while his index finger loops around your panties. He tastes lightly of cedar and pine, and you smile against his lips as the familiarly of him settles deep within your chest.
“I’ve been thinking about you, day and night.” His voice is just above a whisper, fingers dragging along the slick folds of your pussy. “Couldn’t wait to come home and…”
His sentence trails off into a hitch in his throat, blinking slow at the sight of you, practically drooling for him. His fingers swipe lazily at your bud, kicking the rest of his suit off before snaking over you. You’re panting lightly, face tinted in a dusted pink as he strokes his cock, teeth lightly tugging at his lips as he does so.
“Don’t tease me, Miguel.” You complain, softly pinching his arm. “I want you, now.”
He huffs in amusement, lips perking up in a smile.
“You haven’t changed a bit, cariño.”
The shift of his hips is sudden, and you gasp at the sudden intrusion of his cock filling up your hole. A heavy breath escapes you as he struggles to push his way fully inside, hands planted firmly on your sides, head just inches from yours. Sensing your discomfort, Miguel peppers kisses over your lips, seemingly making the way he bullies his way into your walls more bearable.
“So pretty, mi alma.” His words are soft, flowing in both ears as he draws himself back. “Sé que puedes tomarlo, breathe.”
You do as he instructs. Tears prick at your eyes as he thrusts in and out of you, cock heavy with lust, dragging against your tight walls. With each slap of his balls against your pussy, you can see Miguel’s gentle nature slowly escape him. His breathing becomes rugged and hot, panting against your neck in rough takes. Tiny beads of sweat collect at the base of his forehead, and he grips the headboard above you to stay grounded.
“Mmh- feels so good Miguel.” You whine, hands clawing at his scalp. “Don’t stop.. please.”
Your words toy with his self control, twisting a knot deep in his abdomen that furrows his eyebrows tightly together. The growl that emerges from his throat is nearly animalistic, and you bite your lips as he lifts your neck up with his nose.
“Need to taste you, por favor.” His words are strained, mouth hanging open to flash the canines rooted into his gums. “I’ll be gentle, ah- I promise.”
His pace is unrelenting, in sync with the fangs that sink into your flesh. Miguel moans against your skin, sending a deep vibration to your nerves that makes you squirm. Blood drips from the puncture when he releases himself from you, lifting a thumb to stifle the bleeding.
The taste of your own blood fills your mouth as he kisses you, and you feel a wave of heat flash over your body. Your stomach tightens, and you cry out against his mouth, faintly gasping as he presses down harder on your throat.
It’s all too much— yet not enough. Miguel groans your name, pace stuttering as spurts of cum paint your insides white. His hold on your skin lightens at the feeling of you gushing over his cock, thrusting sloppily against your spent pussy a few more times before pulling out.
He fully snaps back once his dick flops against your stomach, thick strands of hair messily coating his eyes. You pant in synchrony, chests heaving, blood slowly flowing from your cheeks. He looks so pretty like this— glassy eyes fighting to stay open, fangs prodding against his mouth, slightly ajar.
Such a sight reminds you of why you wait for him to come home, no matter how long it takes. After all, you knew what you signed up for, and his return only made you yearn for him further. Never could you imagine putting your life in anyone else’s hands.
You push at him lightly, gesturing to the open wounds on your neck. Miguel scrambles once he sees them, hurriedly returning to you with a large wrap of gauze and a bottle of rubbing alcohol.
“Lo siento, cariño.” He mutters, gently sticking a few thick layers of bandaging against your skin. “I should’ve controlled myself, I’m-“
You cut him off by pressing your index finger to his lips, smiling as his mouth slowly falls shut.
“Don’t worry, Miguel. You’ll let me get you back, won’t you?”
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bamsara · 2 years
#49. “Is somebody jealous?” If you feel like it 🤙
Sun-Centric, Moon at the end. | Wordcount: 1,763 | A03 Version
Taking advantage of the fact that my Sun cannot lie, so he either deflects or avoids the question, while Moon is more blunt. Takes place in ARC 2 (Moon reinstated as DCA, restrictions taken off Sun)
(Also, consider this a draft crumb for a future chapter of Solar Lunacy, so, spoilers. You may see a similar scene in the actual fic later.)
He's the father of one of the children; the boy who's got a obsession with Monty, even shares the same hairstyle and sunglasses as the animatronic, although his parent is a bit duller as you'd expect: Confident guy, cleaned up and usually wearing dull sweaters with dark hair. Used to wear glasses but just wears contacts anymore, and he's got a arm tattoo of a skeleton riding a motocycle under his sleeves hidden by the clothing so it's not an issue at his job.
You don't learn this things of free will, by the way. The guy just really likes to talk to you past departure time whenever you're the one checking the kids out at the door. He's a rabbler, that one, and it goes quickly from a refreshing casual conversation to a realization that he was staying at touch over his welcome.
Sun usually comes to your rescure, in the oddest of ways, sometimes.
Sometimes he'll come up behind you, shoo you off to go collect some other child for another parent while he 'verifies' the parent's identity (which you know is bollocks, since the father picks up the same boy every day he's dropped off and the little troublemaker never had an issue recognizing the guy)
Other times he'll yell something about children knocking over a tower, or throwing ballpit toys or pool noodles, and despite knowning damn well he can handle them well enough, you'll excuse yourself to go take care of the scene without coming off as rude to the customer.
Really, you don't want to come off rude to a Pizzaplex guest. You're not exactly sure where you're job stands as it is. You're not going to take any risks of a complaint.
It takes a little bit longer this time. A child is currently sobbing over a skinned knee they got from rough housing in the pizzaplex while you're at the doors checking out the troublemaker and the twins to their respective parents. The mothers of the twins collect their boys, bid you a good day and leave well enough. The father of the troublemaker, as usual, lingers even after his name is marked off the list.
"Gettin' pretty cold out, aint it?" He says, pulling a small phone out of his pocket and handing it to the boy. His son takes it, and is busy with a mobile game quicker than you can blink. "Not gonna be much longer until Christmas."
You smile. Sun is busy comforting the child in the back end of the Daycare, so you'll have to navigate this conversation on your own. "Yep. Look's like we'll be as busy as ever."
It's carefully chosen words, and you watch the reaction in his face as you say them. It seems to be the correct choice, because something in his face steels. "Yeah, yeah. Say, you got any hobbies outside of this place?"
A casual, nonformal shrug. "I spend most of my time here, actaully."
"Oh, I gotcha." He chuckles. "Getting tired of hanging around robots yet?"
"Not really." Still smiling, gotta keep up apperances. "They're actaully great friends of mine."
Something shifts in the man's expression. Not in the way that makes you think he'd suddenly think less of you to like hanging around robots, but like he's just unlocked some sort of secret backstory lore for his favorite character in a video game, and you're the npc. "Oh, really? That's pretty cool of you. You know, I work with a couple robots myself. Over at the office." He talks like he's bragging you have something in common. "Takes out the trash and gets the coffee. Like interns, but you don't have to pay em."
Your smile stretches a bit thin. "They do good work. My friend Sun might need my help in a moment."
It's a light excuse, one that doesn't seem likes it's going to work because you don't hear a child crying anymore, and Sun isn't anywhere to be seen from a glance around the Daycare. The father interjects again. "Oh, yeah. Lanky guy, isn't he?"
"He's probably getting things ready for naptime." You turn to step away from the door. "I should go get the blankets-"
Your step away seems to activate something in him. "Oh, wait! Before you're busy. Didn't mean wanna impose, but would you-?"
A flash of yellow, reds and oranges comes into your vision rather quickly in the corner of your eye, and Sun is there (thank god) with a toddler curled up in his arms. She's already sleeping, and he's careful the beads in her hair don't press inbetween where her head rests against his chassis, and talks in a whisper-yell. "Heelllooooooo, there!"
The father looks a bit startled to seem him for a second before his composure returns, and you try not to look visably relieved. "Everything under control?"
"You betcha!" Sun manages to be loud and quiet at the same time, a feat only he can achieve, and turns to the father and his son standing in the doorway. "I'm sorry, but the Daycare will have it's naptime soon, so we'll be turning off the lights and trying to keep to our inside voices." He talks calm, assertive. "Is there anything else I can help you with before you go?"
This seems to work, the father blows air through his nose in semblance of a sigh, and shrugs. "Ah, nah. We've got it here." He turns to you to say the goodbye, though. "See you around."
You and Sun speak in unison as the pair leaves. "Have a Faztastic day!"
The door shuts behind the man and his son, and you feel the tension leave from your shoulders. Children are already getting into their mats and blankets on their own (save for two that are trying to fit into one sleeping bag so they can nap together, but you don't break them up or else they have nightmares) and you don't see much else for you to do other than to turn the lights off.
Sun holds the sleeping toddler in one arm, a hand coming up to gently cover her ears with the other. "Bit of a talker, that one."
"It's not like he's doing anything wrong." You shrug, setting your clipboard on the security desk. "Just chooses the worst time. I mean, like, c'mon. I'm at work here. I can't chat with people at the door."
"Would you prefer outside the Pizzaplex?" The animatronic asks. He doesn't look as nervous when you approuch the light switch anymore. Well, usually. "I'm sure he'd like that."
You don't reach for the light switch yet; doing so mid conversation would be rude, but you still raise a brow. "Sounding a little suspisious there, Sunny."
"Suspisious." He repeats, scoffing. "His intentions are plain as day! And I'm the day! Look at me! I'm telling you. Right now."
It's playful behavior, and the way he sounds when it's flared up is a little funny, so you cross your arms and lean against the wall next to the light switch. "Okay? What if I like the attention?"
Sun's smile thins. "Oh, we doubt that."
"But what if you're wrong? Would it be so bad?" You're teasing him, obviously, that much is clear. You can tell by the look on your friend's face that he's two seconds away from rolling his eyes (or maybe he is already, and you just can't see the pupils) but you're allowed to poke at the Daycare Attendant every now and then. "Maybe we'll never know because you keep chasing him off."
"I would gasp right now, dramatic and awful, but the childern are trying to sleep." Sun sounds incredbably deadpan. "And I'm not going to entertain your theatrics-"
"My theatrics?" You give a short laugh. "The last time he was doing this, you pretended to fall and break a leg so I could excuse myself to 'repair' you."
Sun holds up one finger to you. "And yet you still came running!"
"There will be no 'booing' in the daycare-"
"Oh, boo. You just don't want me to get a date cause you'd miss me." You snort.
Sun looks like he's about to say something, then goes quiet, face static. You grin. The girl he's holding hasn't stirred yet, but knowning him, he's probably holding back for her sake to defend himself. He only does so after a moment. "Teasing and bullying is not allowed in the Daycare either, or do you think you're always excluded from rules?"
"So you would!" You laugh, and cover your mouth with your hand so it doesn't make so much noise. "And please, you let me get away with so much-"
Sun looks esasperated. "Against our will."
"What are you, jealous?" You continue, and miss the visible stillness that takes over the animatronic when you talk. White pupils deadpan at you and you snicker. "What? Nothing to say? Is somebody jealous?"
You chuckle as the Daycare Attendant stares at you, smiling but silient. It's fun to tease him, but it's about time you let him get back to work before you waste time, and you reach for the light switch, still leaning back agaist the wall. "Alright, alright. I'm done. Let's get-"
A hand reaches out over yours, pressing it against the light switching flipping it off as your fingers are locked underneath it's own. You pause, gaze dropping from the lightswitch and traveling back in front of you towards the animatronic as the lights in the Daycare go out.
The switch happens differently each time, but better times like this, it's a blink, and the Daycare Attendant went a far cry from hiding away each time to this; unwaving eyecontact, leaning int a little too close for comfort as colors change and the pressure on your hand feels a touch sharper.
"Yes." Moon says, deadpan.
You blink. "Uh."
"Blankets." His hand drops from the light switch, from your hand, and adjusts his grip on the still sleeping toddler in his other arm.
The small-talk of an animatronic leans away from you, and casually, turns the opposite direction towards the children who were either half-asleep on their mats already, or quite excited to see him. You watch as the animatronic finds a open mat to tuck the toddler into, mummering quiet hushes to the children around him as he busies himself with his duties.
Well, you might have lost that one. You retrieve the blankets from the supply closet, using your hands to scrub at the warmness in your face when he's not looking.
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astroismypassion · 4 months
Hello there! What are your thoughts on mars opposite jupiter in the natal chart?
it's hard to stay focused, but even more so motivated. These people get motivated easily, yet they have a hard time staying motivated. They could have more of a subconscious fear of committment in romantic partnerships. They want the ideal romance, partnership, yet they fear it won't be enough or they will get bored of it. They also are masters of self improvement, so they want a partner to grow and expand with them. And I'm not gonna lie, this is hard to find. That's why they are single for a long time. Because they find stagnant partners who won't want to grow with them. They like someone who is on the same self evolving, self improvement journey. They also marry or partner up rather late, even after 30 or they jump from one person to another due to searching for the one that would fit more to their personality, habits. They also are constantly learning in new nonformal ways, the type to read a book per week, watch educational video and read educational resources on any topic of their choice. They actually strive for education, yet have the most intense time, stress time during it. These people get easily stressed out when in higher education, their energy runs out quickly, that's why a lot of these people love education, yet still find it stressful.
A lot of these people will say that they absolutely love acquiring knowledge and information, but don't enjoy the process of studying, learning, going to the lectures, writing thesis, writing research papers, because they get easily stressed out during those times. It impacts their health directly too.
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shizucheese · 5 months
I just found out about JoCat and my heart is broken.
If you're one of the people who harassed him, you can go rot in hell.
If you're not one of the people who harassed him, but you're still celebrating, laughing about, or otherwise don't see anything wrong with this, you can also rot.
JoCat is one of the most wholesome people on the internet. He's dedicated to LGBT rights, a huge supporter of the arts who did multiple charity streams/ events to support artists in situations where they were out of work, and this whole thing was because he did a cute little video to a parody song he made celebrating that he liked girls of all shapes and sizes. He absolutely did not deserve to be bullied off of the internet someday.
Jo was dedicated to creating a safe space for the people needed it, and we've lost that now. (We can only hope it's only for now, and he'll come back some day, but if he decides to make that indefinite hiatus permanent, that's entirely his right.
Also, those of us who are straight and cis but still somewhere on the gender nonforming spectrum have lost one of the very few (only???) representations we had out there.
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transmutationisms · 22 days
do u have a kofi or something where i can like give you 5 bucks in exchange for book recommendations bc id love for nonformal "academic" advice but i dont want to burden ur inbox too much
i don't lol but you can feel free to send it here. usually i enjoy answering that type of question and if it's a topic i don't have good recommendations for i just don't
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wardhanikusuma · 2 months
Pergi hilang dan lupakan.. ,seperti lirik lagu dangdut yang sedang trend saat ini dan memang seharusnya itu yang dilakukan. Pergi dari tempat yang sudah saatnya untuk di tinggalkan, menghilang dari segala sesuatu yang akan terjadi jika masih disitu saja, dan lupakan semua kejadian yang tidak menyenangkan hati. Teorinya memang mudah tapi fakta atau kenyataannya sangatlah tidak mudah atau bisa di bilang sulit sekali.
Nyatanya pergi begitu saja dari tempat yang sudah bertahun - tahun ditempati, amatlah sulit dilakukan, banyak kenangan yang terjadi di dalamnya, baik suka-duka, bahagia, sedih, menyenangkan, memilukan, semua membekas di memori otak dan tersimpan rapi. Menjadi kenangan dalam bagian hidup ini, sebagian akan menjadi kenangan yang ingin selalu diingat dan sebagian lagi cukup dikenang sebagai pengalaman hidup yang luar biasa. Menjadi bekal agar esok hari tak melakukan kesalahan yang sama.
Menghilangkannya memori ingatan untuk kejadian-kejadian yang memilukan, tentunya membutuhkan waktu yang tak singkat, jangankan menghilangkan, menerima dan mengikhlaskannya saja juga tidak mudah, awal mula nya menerima suatu kejadian yang dianggap tidak sejalan dengan pikiran kita sangatlah tidak mudah, kita yang terbiasa berada di zona nyaman, tiba-tiba dihadapkan dengan situasi yang tidak biasa, belum pernah dialami dan tidak tau bagaimana cara menanganinya. Namun kejadian di luar kendali kita ini harus di selesaikan, baik dalam waktu singkat atau lama, tergantung bagaimana kita menyelesaikannya, apakah akan berlarut-larut dalam kesedihan atau bangkit segera menemukan solusi akan masalah tersebut.
Pergi hilang dan lupakan, semua tidak mudah sama halnya dengan pergi dan menghilang, melupakan kejadian tidak enak di hati, juga sama susahnya, butuh waktu untuk menerima kejadian itu, butuh waktu untuk menyelaraskan pikiran dan hati serta kenyataan bahwa kejadian yang di alami saat ini adalah yang terbaik.
Tidak mudah memang, merespon dengan bijak, dalam setiap kejadian yang menurut kita mendadak dan buruk, karena alam bawah sadar kita terkadang sudah terbiasa dibentuk sejak kecil untuk merespon dengan cepat yang terkadang tidak akurat.
Inilah mengapa pendidikan anak sejak dini menjadi salah satu faktor penentu sikap anak saat dewasa, apakah menjadi pribadi yang arif bijaksana atau pribadi yang emosi dan arogan. Pendidikan usia dini pada anak, terutama pada usia nol bulan sampai dua tahun lah yang secara tidak langsung akan tersimpan di dalam memori anak dan menjadikannya sebagai sikap dalam merespon setiap kejadian kelak nantinya.
Hal inilah yang menjadikan peran penting pendidikan sebagai calon ibu dan ayah perlu digali lebih dalam, bukan hanya pendidikan formal tetapi pendidikan nonformal juga tidak kalah pentingnya, karena kesiapan menjadi orang tua pada era sekarang perlu ditingkatkan dan perlu dipelajari lebih dalam, mengingat situasi dan kondisi era sekarang jauh berbeda dengan kondisi era dahulu.
Kemajuan teknologi yang ada membuat otak anak lebih cepat berkembang dan membuat pertumbuhan anak juga semakin cepat, didukung dengan nutrisi yang baik. Pengetahuan tentang nutrisi yang baik untuk anak, juga mengalami masa transisi yang berubah, dari era dulu empat sehat lima sempurna, kini berubah menjadi menu gizi seimbang, yang di dalamnya terdapat penjabaran dan menu akan penunjang kebutuhan nutrisi anak semakin beraneka ragam. Disini peran penting kedua orang tua dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan jasmani dan rohani pada anak, merupakan daya dukung utama dalam masa tumbuh kembang dan kesiapan anak pada saat dewasa kelak. Hingga setiap kejadian dalam proses hidup dapat dilalui dengan semestinya sesuai dengan petunjuk dan ajaran dalam kepercayaan masing-masing.
Sehingga pergi hilang dan lupakan dapat di tempatkan dengan semestinya dan sewajarnya.
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