#nonmember witch
lunarcovehq · 9 months
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Amrita Singh is a witch that currently resides in Shadow Lake and has been a Lunar Cove resident for 1 week, searching for their long lost sibling. If only the Pendulum wasn't currently under construction..
DATE OF BIRTH: August 28, 2000
OCCUPATION: Florist at Just Bloom & Volunteer at the Historical Society
FACECLAIM: Rebecca Ablack
INHERENT ABILITIES: Duplication, Earth Manipulation & Animal Telepathy
Trigger Warnings: Abuse, Neglect, and Gaslighting.
(start of tw) Amrita Signh grew up in a house that shook underneath each step her mother, Savitree Deen, took. All throughout her childhood she heard from her step father and family that her mother was a kind person, and that Amrita was simply misunderstanding her mother’s intentions. “You’re being ungrateful,” the young witch often heard the few times she voices concerns of her mother’s behavior towards her. For young Amrita, it was clear that there was a distinct divide in how she was treated versus their sibling. Her mother’s tone alone differed whenever she spoke the name Amrita. She spewed spiteful words as she condemned Amrita’s father for never showing up, never picking her up, never being a father. Amrita’s mother received empty promises by Naresh Signh, he promised he would be there, he would not make the same mistake as he once did. Still, every summer, no one picked Amrita up and when he did it was for merely a week. He picked up the young witch and took her to different cities outside of Quebec.
Each time Naresh failed Savitree, Amrita heard the same expression, “I shouldn’t have had her” in reference to her own existence. Amrita knew from a young age, she was never truly wanted, neither father nor mother truly sought her out. Her step father, however, did care for her. He taught her how to read, he made sure to bring sweets for Amrita whenever he went on a trip or seminar. In her step father, Amrita found solace, but never for long, for as soon as Amrita voiced any desire for her mother to be more loving, for her to come to school meetings, for her to include her in family pictures, her step father dismissed each worry, asking why those things mattered so much. Why did she need such petty signs of affection? Her step father would ask, Amrita conceded. It must have all been in her mind. Her step father always spewed lies and excuses as to why Amrita’s mother couldn’t make it to her recitals. He mentioned how they were both so proud of her, and yet each time she attempted to practice at home, Savitree would yell at her, telling her to quiet down with that abhorrent noise. The lies were meant to comfort her and for a while they did. From a young age, she learned to not ask for much. She learned to envy other kids in silence. She learned that it wasn’t ever her mother’s fault, it couldn’t be. She was just being ungrateful. When Amrita developed a liking to classical music, she begged for months for a violin or cello, so she could learn and participate in the school recitals. It was the first time Amrita had ever asked for a gift, for something specific with such drive. She knew better, but she had seen a recital performed by older kids in her school and she thought they were so beautiful. The way each individual came together to perform as a cohesive whole. Her mother merely tsk’ed and scowled, and asked if Amrita was sure she wanted such a thing. Savitree belittled the young child stating how expensive those instruments were, how they would be wasted on her, was she even certain that she won’t grow bored of them? With tears in her eyes, Amrita pleaded her case, and to calm her down, her step father intervened to say “We’ll see what we can do.”Almost at the end of the year, for Christmas, Amrita received a violin. She took a liking to string instruments and by the time she was a teenager, she knew how to play both the violin and the bass electric guitar. Two distinct instruments that filled her with joy.
In her teenage years, her mother’s neglect turned into something else. The insults, the reminder of her worthlessness came accompanied with physical violence. It escalated quickly especially given that her mother and step father had a bit of a tough patch during those years, and her step father went to live elsewhere for a bit. Hospital visits became more and more frequent with the same excuses. People suspected, however, and showed up at Amrita’s house one day. Everything appeared to be well though. Her mom played it like Amrita was just clumsy and that she carried her violin everywhere. “She’s bound to fall given the weight of her backpack and violin combined! I tell her to be careful.” Not much could be done after the visit. It continued until one day, after Amrita’s abilities started appearing and she started asking questions, her mother threw a glass vase at Amrita, and Amrita used earth manipulation to deflect the hit. The dirt underneath her came up and became a wall, a shield of sorts, to evade that hit. Her mother screamed at the top of her lungs and hurried Amrita inside the house. “You’re never to do that again! Never! Forget you can do that.” At that, Amrita questioned whether her mom knew all along. “Of course, I have them, but I don’t use them! It’s dangerous.” The fear in her mother’s eyes scarred Amrita. It was then she realized how her mother never had to touch objects to throw them at Amrita, how sometimes she began to struggle for air when she was too loud. Could those be her abilities?
The following day, she asked her mother about her abilities, but her mother refused to speak on it and attempted to confuse Amrita. “What are you talking about? You must have imagined it!” Amrita waited a week, asking her mother everyday about it, refusing to give up for the first time in her life. Her mother’s reaction on day seven of the interrogation confirmed to Amrita that she had to leave. “I should’ve given you up like I did before! Stop with your stupid questions! Do you want us killed? What is wrong with you?” Each sentence came delivered with a swift blow. She couldn’t stay there longer especially if she wanted to harness the abilities, if she wanted to grow stronger, if she wanted answers. So, after another terrible beating, Amrita ran away from her home, knowing she wouldn’t be missed, at least not by her parents. She stayed with some high school friends until their parents asked questions, and until her mother appeared at school for the first time, then she left the city entirely. Her dad, who she had seen from time to time, heard of this and reached out. Asking Amrita to stay with him at least until she finished high school, she conceded and a few months after she was in California with her father, Naresh Singh, a renowned Film and Sound editor in Hollywood. (end of tw)
Amrita confronted him about whether he had any abilities or not, his face grew stern at her questions. He explained that they couldn’t talk about it much, not where they were, but slowly Amrita broke down that barrier until one day, her father admitted he had abilities like her. He told her that it was far too dangerous for the likes of them to use these abilities freely, they came with a cost, with persecution. Still, with her father, she found a few answers. She learned that he could manipulate technology, something that was handy on his job, though he insisted that she didn’t try to use her abilities in public. Something she ignored. Duplication was handy for the young witch especially when she started saving up for college. Working two shifts at the same time became possible and her savings started growing rapidly. She didn’t stay in jobs too often, merely a year or six months then moved on, so people didn’t find anything suspicious. She eventually left California and started hunting for a university, something cheaper that she could afford. She applied for the branch in Lunar Cove and was rejected, but her curiosity got the best of her. So, she settled out in Rhode Island.
Something called her to that branch, maybe the fact it was a classics focused school. Could there be hidden truths about witchcraft in the scholarly communities? She sought out and arrived merely a week ago, settling into her rather shabby apartment. Amrita is steadfast in her quest to apply for the university again, as a double major focusing on geology and history. She craves answers, and she’s going to find them. Her mother slipped up one day and mentioned that Amrita had another sibling. A detail that Amrita hasn’t forgotten. She asked her father about it and he told her that all he knew was that her sibling had grown up in Castine, Maine. While Amrita isn’t actively seeking them out, she knows they are out there, and she assumes that they possess magic. Part of her hopes that they cross paths, would her sibling have the answers she’s looking for? Or could they find them together?
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moonshincs · 10 months
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trigger warning :  death / harm to others + self / drugs / blood.
BIRTH NAME:    Anna Hyde AGE:   30 DATE OF BIRTH:  April 6, 1993 ETHNICITY:   English-British GENDER:   Cis Woman  PRONOUNS:  She / Her  SEXUAL ORIENTATION:  homosexual, biromantic OCCUPATION:   dealer of drugs & vampire blood SPOKEN LANGUAGES:   English, french, bits of dutch, german and spanish. SPECIES:  Witch COVEN POSITION:  Nonmember ABILITIES:  Catoptromancy, Technological Manipulation, Fire Manipulation
FACECLAIM:  Jodie Comer HAIR COLOR AND STYLE:   A little longer than shoulder length, blonde EYE COLOR:   Hazel  HEIGHT:   5FT3 / 173 CM WEIGHT:   58kg  BODY AND BUILD:  Short, she denies this, svelte. TATTOOS:   None PIERCINGS:   Ears only. SIGNATURE SCENT:   viktor&rolf bonbon. (mandarin, orange & blackcurrant, peach, jasmine & orange blossom, cedarwood, guaiac wood & caramel.) 
POSITIVE TRAITS:   extroverted, outgoing, observant, confident, studious, intelligent  NEGATIVE TRAITS:   blunt, sarcastic, paranoid, self centered  LIKES:   travel, learning languages, fruity cocktails, sweet foods, colour yellow, autumn.  DISLIKES:    being alone, snow, bitter tasting food or drinks, studying without music  GOALS AND AMBITIONS:   her life has mostly been about survival, anna would like to travel more of the world and experience it rather than feel like she’s running through it.  BEVERAGE:   pumpkin spice latte or toffee latte, extravagant cocktails FOOD:    millionaires shortbread, crème brulee, sweet crepes, french toast 
FAMILY, RELATIONSHIPS, ETC.  MOTHER:   Meave Hyde - no contact   FATHER:   Nathan O'Connor - no relationship / don't know of each others existence.  SIGNIFICANT OTHER:    None currently. EXES:   Open  SIBLING(S):  WC. CHILDREN:    none. 
Anna Elizabeth Hyde was born to a human named Nathan O’Connor and a witch named Meave Hyde. Her parents had a very unstable relationship before Anna was born, if you can even class it as a relationship. Nathan was married already with a child of his own, and Anna was the product of an on again/off again affair. When Meave fell pregnant she knew she couldn’t tell Nathan, after all he didn’t know about the existence of witches. Nathan never knew of Anna’s existence and Anna never knew anything about who her father was.
At around one year old Meave gave Anna to another witch named Isabella to raise her. Although Meave was still in the picture she was a cold and bitter woman who never wanted the child and was far more obsessed with power and used dark magic in wicked and cruel ways for her own selfish gain.
Anna thought of Isabella as an aunt, and grew up confused by why her mother never showed her any love or attention. Most of Anna’s magic was taught to her by Isabella in the early years, and as Isabella practised dark magic too, so did Anna. However, Anna hated the rituals that caused harm to others, and when she was entering early teenhood she took it upon herself to abstain from dark magic and practise light magic only. From then Anna taught herself everything she knows, from communicating through mirrors to manipulating fire and technology.
In her late teens Anna parted ways, travelling across the UK and exploring Europe, but unfortunately hunters were seeking out witches in many of the places she visited and she knew that it wasn’t safe for her to be alone.
Although Anna is very independent, she found family with a couple of fae - the Selvi sisters. She worked with them often, making a living through crime, but Anna’s main source of income became drug dealing. Nothing too out there, she kept it all very low key until coming to Lunar Cove where she sought out Aaliyah Rose with her connection to the black market so Anna could up her game and increase her income. 
Now, Anna is building her connections in town with the vampires, selling blood as well as drugs. So if you’re looking for something to satiate your blood lust or simply looking for something to mellow you out or pick you up, Anna is the one to go to.
Other links: Here
gif credit : here and here
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moon-kissed-witch · 4 years
If a coven doesn't let you practice individually, that's not a coven, it's a cult. If a coven demands your money without telling you why(everyone should contribute to supplies, many covens donate to various charities, etc. so there are reasonable explanations, it's not inherently a red flag if they ask members to contribute financially to the group practice) or giving you the right to decline, that's a cult. If a coven isolates you from nonmember witches/pagans, that's a cult. If a coven has a single leader who holds all the power, that's a cult. If you're discouraged from asking questions, expressing opinions, or speaking up, that's a cult.
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lgbtsheep · 6 years
my aj characters
buckle in pardners cause this is gonna be a looong ride
ya this is gonna be a really long post lol
i finally got a membership!!!!!! so i can make a post with all my characters!!!! which ive been wanting to do for AGES
i’ll put my Main Kids here and then put a read more for those who are interested!
so get ready folks because this is like a big dysfunctional family
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the “main” boi, the face of the whole group
usually manages stuff like den stores and trading
genderfluid, will go by any pronouns
very friendly and sociable! he’s the one you see and think “i should talk to them”
lives in peck’s den, but needs to redecorate it
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he loves his bedroom, even if desert went a little crazy decorating it...
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this is his pet, Mumbleimus:
he’s a star and he knows it
will probably strike a pose for u
gender roles whomst? he only knows fashion
occasionally makes bad puns
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secret mira fanboy
kind of edgy
tries to act mean or secluded but he’s not really that mean
he/him but he isn’t totally a binary dude
his sexuality is a mystery to everybody, even himself
his bird tendencies are. through the roof. he is just. so very bird.
wants to become a therapist stationed in the basement of secrets
lives in peck’s den or the treehouse
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he......... lov his bed................
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this is his pet, Musicalfrost!
desert’s PRIDE AND JOY, he would kill for this little gal
punk rock
might try and attack you
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me, but cooler
Hip With the Kids™
starts celebrating halloween in august
probably a demon
cryptid and space enthusiast
lives in any of the dens, but most primarily peck’s den and the enchanted hollow
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what a nerd.
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this is their pet, Oddpebble!
a little fucking rascal
very good at percussion (he has many hands)
definitely a demon
lovable weirdo
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very first animal, ever
literally just me
has anxiety issues
tries very hard
huge nerd
lives with greencloud in the default den, but is putting together another den to move into
one of the nonmember kiddos
goes on the land missions/adventures
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they really like plants
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this is his pet, Windowbee!
kind of creepy but aesthetically pleasing
a lot like onion from steven universe
those feathers he’s holding are what remains of his enemies
Magical loves him
that’s all the main kiddos! the rest are under the cut!
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was going to be a tertiary, but he complained so much he became a primary
the cooler Magical
probably cooler than you
also hip with the kids
unmedicated ADHD
kind of annoying
acts like he isnt trying, but he really is
lives in the default den
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this is his pet, Silverysky!
quiet, tiny punk
kind of shy
is actually pretty cool when you get to know him
likes metal and screamo
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kind of freaked out by all the other animals
lives in the default den, but is rarely ever seen there
always weirded out but tries to go along
heterosexual (or... attracted to women?? idk) aromantic
the other nonmember kiddo
never talks to anybody
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this is his pet, Misscrystal!
the mom friend
all of the animals adore her
she loves u
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goes on the water missions/adventures
isnt lgbt but is a very enthusiastic ally
lowkey a softie
lives in either the treehouse, the lost ruins den, or the sky kingdom
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this is his land pet, Microbook!
he’s very old and kind of kooky
has embraced the pirate aesthetic
wants to be a pirate just like his dad
gets very excited about adventures
loves adventuring w Pear
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this is his ocean pet, Summershell!
he loves her to death
isn’t necessarily fond of the pirate aesthetic but doesn’t mind it
she especially loves when Pear gets excited about dressing her like a pirate and coos over her
loves attention
was the product of a crappy trade but Pear didn’t want to get rid of her
not as enthusiastic about being a pirate
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an absolute ray of sunshine
very carefree and friendly
there’s a running gag between the animals about Apple and Pear being a duo called “the fruit bowl”
doesn’t talk very much but will make sure u know he loves u
asexual aromantic
lives in the lost ruins den, but they really need to decorate it
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this is their pet, Uberimus!
he’s pretty spooky but actually very friendly
needs more friends. he scared all his old ones off
just wants to be loved
gets lots of cuddles from Apple
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avid australian
very adventurous
tomboy aesthetic
loves all the freaky animals out there. the more exotic, the better
wants one of those shows where they go to australia and do a lot of dangerous stuff with the wildlife
“that over there is the most venomous animal in the world!...”
“...I’m gonna poke it with a stick.”
she/they (usually they)
lives in the treehouse
the only time they’d be seen without their aviator’s hat is if they were dead
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Desert got to decorate the bedroom, and, uh... yeah.
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this is her pet, Macroimus!
she would kill for this “dapper little fellow”
used to have a top hat and monocle
recently went into an anime phase
loves adventures
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loves pink
has a very masculine build that he is very happy with
loves flowers and cute things and everything girly
lives in peck’s den
sexuality? who has time for that? i only have time for fashion.
probably asexual homoromantic (but he’s never really looked into it)
total fashionista
fuck gender roles
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this is his pet, Toyturtle! (sorry for the bad picture oops)
very pampered
the sweetest little turtle
loves her little beetle friend
friendly but a little airheaded
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is an artist
a nervous nerd
likes anime
grey asexual panromantic
lives in the enchanted hollow
shy, but once you get to know her she never shuts up
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this is her pet, Sircrystal!
very much like King George’s depiction from Hamilton the musical
probably plotting your murder
he is the best. everybody else in inferior.
thinks he’s an actual king, higher then the alphas
“i’ll kill your friends and family to remind you of my love”
Lilac is kind of terrified of him but she still loves him
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obsessed with nature
an actual child
has to be closely monitored or else she’ll probably make stupid decisions
ridiculously friendly
a mildly annoying ray of sunshine
she’s a literal child she doesn’t know romance
the equivalent of like an 8 year old
lives in the mushroom hut with her brother (she needs to decorate it though!!)
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this is her pet, Gummyturtle!
can kick ass
kind of like a tiny bodyguard for Sunny
loves being dressed up
essentially teaches Sunny how to take care of her and properly treat pets, since Sunny does behave much like a child
kawaii as fuck
big,, floppy ears,,,,,,,,
likes spicy food
from Japan
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DJ Kawaiimoon
demands you call him by his full name while staring him in the eye
tsundere type
secretly soft
likes screamo bands
bisexual but still figuring it out
the equivalent of 13 years old
Sunny’s brother
lives in the mushroom hut
relatively quiet, but usually complaining if he’s talking
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this is his pet, Jellyninja!
DJ Kawaiimoon LOVES him
is like the only person DJ Kawaiimoon is nice to
friendly and boyish
really likes sweets
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still figuring out what the hell her look is supposed to be
frenemies with Lilac
the bad kind of weaboo
pretty problematic
probably posts edgy things in hopes of getting attention
probably fetishizes “yaoi” (ew)
calls herself bisexual to look “cool” but is actually straight
lives in the enchanted hollow
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this is her pet, Snowytitan!
love-hate relationship with Juniper
absolutely loves everybody (except Juniper sometimes)
if you feed him he’ll keep you in his heart until he dies
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is a witch
very very creepy
takes the hyena laughter trope to heart
freaks everybody out
not as mean or scary as everybody thinks she is
they’ll still hex your ass if you wrong them though
demisexual aromantic
lives in the sky kingdom
not many of the other animals understand her; only really Mellow, Atom, and Magical
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this is her pet, Puppyfrost!
also very creepy
spooks everybody
probably posessed
River’s loyal assistant
can receive prophecies and communicate with spirits
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just trying to get by
nonchalant and just sort of accepts all the weird shit that happens with the group
mildly edgy
bisexual demiromantic (has a preference for dudes)
lives in the volcano den
gets along with Bean
sometimes helps River with their magic
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this is his pet, Mirrorfrost!
he adores her
sometimes mischievous
quiet and very intelligent
from China
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is a dj
“yooooo that’s radical dude!”
surfer dude personality
very leisurely and kind of lazy
bisexual, but the type of person you wouldn’t expect to be lgbt
lives in the volcano den and needs to decorate it
very friendly
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this is his pet, Zippynote!
DJ thinks he’s such a weird little fellow
and he is
very quiet
kind of just there?
relatively friendly
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moved from India
think’s he’s the “chosen one” picked by Zios to defend Jamaa
wants to be part of “the fruit bowl”
self-proclaimed air-bender
lives in the sky kingdom
doesn’t really know anybody
heavy accent
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this is his pet, Starrymantis!
he ADORES her. he thinks she is the absolute most adorable thing
he still needs to dress her up though
very sweet and friendly
loves cuddles
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Mister Wonkybuddy
literally just. a dad. he is dad
lives in the volcano den to “keep track of those rascal teenagers”
really likes mythologies
used to be an adventurer and even got to meet sir gilbert
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this is his pet, Gummypeach!
quiet and kind of creepy
it’s probably just because of his outfit though
Mister dressed him up when he was really absorbed in a book on Egyptian mythology
loves his dad and Mister loves him
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the newest member to the family!
like, she is BRAND SPANKIN NEW. she doesn’t even have a pet
soft pastel nature aesthetic
clumsy due to her masculine frame
socially awkward
heterosexual (shes been experimenting with girls though)
lives in the treehouse
i really hope you love my kids as much as i do!!!! if you like them please reblog them!! i’ve put so much energy into these kiddos. my children. i love them
if you’ve made it this far, holy shit thanks this took me a really long time to put together
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meanwhile i’m highkey struggling to make a halloween look with the nonmember items and i’m crying because witch hats are members only like....aj let nms be witch bitches too please
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Fall is here in Memphis, and that means it’s time for pumpkin patches, Halloween parties, haunted houses, corn mazes, ghost tours, and plenty of costume contests. Here are a bunch of ways to celebrate this time of year in Memphis. – Historical Haunts Memphis (ongoing) Historical Haunts hosts ongoing spooky tours, haunted pub crawls, and ghost hunts at various downtown locations, plus the Woodruff Fontaine House. This goes on year-round, not just during this spooky season. – Backbeat Tours (ongoing) Backbeat hosts walking Ghost Tours downtown on a regular basis as well as a haunted pub “crawls” where you pedal the Sprock ‘n’ Roll pedal bar to three stops with a side of haunted history (Wednesdays and last Fridays). – Mid-South Corn Maze (Sept. 15 – Nov. 4) Get lost in the annual corn maze at the Agricenter September 15 through November 4. It’s open Thursdays through Sundays in September and Wednesdays through Sundays in October. It is HAUNTED on September 30, October 6, 7, 13, 14, 20, 21, 27, 28, 31 and November 3 and 4. Check out their website for exact hour. It’s $7 for adults, $5 for kids 6-12, and free for kids 5 and younger when it’s just corn. When the maze is haunted, it’s $15 for everybody. My pro tip is to go early because the line when it’s late and haunted can get long. – Zoo Harvest Fest (Sept. 23 – 24) Head to the Once Upon A Farm exhibit inside the Memphis Zoo for some old-fashioned fun. You can “learn from local craftsmen, hear folk music, churn your own butter and even stamp your own leather”. This is included in entry to the Zoo, but I imagine the vendors’ stuff might cost extra. – Priddy Farms Pumpkin Patch (Sept. 29 – ?) Head out to Priddy Farms (4595 N. Germantown Rd.) opens on September 29. You will have to contact them directly to confirm exactly the prices and activities available, but in years past they were open Wednesdays through Sundays with pumpkin patch, train, and hayride. It’s been free to enter, but $1-$5 for activities and $1 – $12+ for pumpkins. – Falcon Ridge Farms  (Sept. 29 – Oct. 31) It’s a 1.5 hour drive from Memphis, but Falcon Ridge in Toone, Tennessee, has a Fall Festival that will be open September 23 – October 31 every day of the week (click here for hours) with a pumpkin patch, pre-picked pumpkins for sale, a hayride, pony rides, petting zoo, corn maze, and more. It’s $10 general admission plus extra for pumpkins, rides, food, etc. Details here. – Dia De Los Muertos Parade & Festival Preview (Sept. 29) Get a taste of what to expect at the October 7th parade (see below) at this Preview Party from 7 p.m. – 9 p.m. at the Tower Courtyard at Overton Square. – Wicked Ways Haunted House (Sept. 29 – Oct. 31) I’m no haunted house aficionado, but I hear this one’s the scariest in town. They make it clear that it’s NOT for the faint of heart. It’s in a warehouse at 160 Cumberland Street near Wiseacre Taproom. Tickets, as far as their website says, are $20 for adults or $13 for kids – or pay $35 to skip the line – and some proceeds benefit St. Jude. They’re open on select days (mostly Wed. – Sun.) from September 29 through October 31. Hours here. – Second Baptist Church Pumpkin Patch (Sept. 30 – Oct. 31 + Festival on Oct. 21) Purchase your flowers, hay bales, and pumpkins (prices vary) at 4680 Walnut Grove this fall from September 30 through October 31. It’s open Mondays – Saturday from 10 a.m. ’til sunset and on Sunday from noon to ’til sunset. There’s also a free-to-attend Pumpkin Festival on October 21. – Shadowlands Festival of Fear at Jones Orchard (Oct. 6 – 31) For more than ten years, Jones Orchard has turned their picturesque farm into a scary Halloween horror story. They have a creepy corn maze ($13) and a haunted hayride ($10) – $21 for both – open on Fridays and Saturdays in October only, plus on October 31. – Dia De Los Muertos Parade & Festival (Oct. 7) The Brooks Museum, Cazateatro Bilingual Theatre Group, and Danza Azteca Queztalcoatl will host a parade and fest in midtown this year to mark Dia De Los Muertos. The parade begins at 10:30 a.m. in the Tower Courtyard and makes its way to the Brooks Museum for a fest with face painting, art-making, music, dance, theatre, and more. It’s free. Click here for details + parade route. – Shelby Farms Fright-Day the Thirteenth Outdoor Movie Night (Oct. 13) Shelby Farms will host a movie night on October 13 and screen Hocus Pocus at 6:15 p.m. and Friday the 13th at 8 p.m. on the Great Lawn. It’s $10 per car for non-members or free for members. Bring your chairs and blankets, buy food/popcorn, and leave your booze at home. If you keep your kid there for the rated R movie at 8 pm. they might get scared or hear a swear, so keep that in mind. – Elmwood Costume Twilight Tour (Oct. 14) Tour guides dressed as Elmwood Cemetery’s residents take you on an all-walking tour of the historic resting place with groups departing from the Cottage every ten minutes starting at 3:30 p.m. You must buy your ticket ($20) online ahead of time; there are no gate admission – also, this event will sell out if it hasn’t by the time I publish this post today. – Creepshow Peepshow Burlesque (Oct. 14) Sock-It-To-Me Burlesque hosts a tribute to George Romero and scary movies with burlesque, song, and dance, at the RockHouse Live on Raleigh Legrange. GA tickets are $12 and VIP seats are $20. Music at 9 p.m.; burlesque begins at 10 p.m. – Cerrito Trivia Halloween/spooky themed nights (Oct. 17 – ?) Cerrito Trivia will host a couple of spooky-themed trivia nights: The Walking Dead (+ costume contest) on Oct. 17, Friends Halloween on Oct. 19, The Office (+ costume contest) on Oct. 24, Stranger Things (+ costume contest) on Oct. 25, Hocus Pocus (+costume contest). Check out his website for more details and locations, or to reserve your team’s spot. – Zoo Boo (Oct. 20-22, 27-31) Take the kids to a Halloween-inspired Le Bonheur Zoo Boo visit after regular hours on October 20-22 or 27-31. They’ll have a “frightening” forest trail, haunted hayride, singing pumpkins, crafts, trick-or-treat, straw maze, kiddie rides, magic shows, and more. Advance tickets are $13 non-members; day-of tickets are $15 non-members. Members get discounts. There are additional fees for some of the activities. Keep in mind that most of the animals are asleep at night. The Zoo recommends that you go the first weekend or avoid Saturday nights to skip some of the crowds; or get there right at 5:30 p.m. – Haunted Happenings at the Woodruff-Fontaine  (Oct. 27) Take a guided tour of the Woodruff-Fontaine House and enjoy Victorian-themed fun like fortune telling, a paranormal investigation, and treats. Costumes are welcome; tickets are $25 for adults and $10 for kids. – Elmwood’s Spirits With The Spirits (Oct. 27) If you’re looking for a fancy soiree in a cemetery this fall, this event – on Friday from 7 p.m. – til is for you. Dress is casual black and white or costumes; expect food and drink, tarot readings, music, wagon rides,  a silent auction and more. Tickets are $70 “per body” or $125 per couple, which includes drinks. – Festival of Fun and Fright (Oct. 27) Put the kids in costumes and head to the Bob Hailey Athletic Complex in Germantown for the Fairy Tale Trail and/or the haunted Trail of Terror from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. There will also be concessions, games, and moon bounces. Tickets are $4 per trail. – Day of the Dead Fiesta (Oct. 27)  This fall festival is a celebration of Latino culture, food, and fun, held this year at The Columns from 7 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. on Friday October 27. Your $50 advanced ticket gets you entry, apps, and plenty of live entertainment. You can also purchase a $10 or $20 bar pass for beer, wine, and liquor. Don’t wear Halloween costumes; this isn’t a Halloween party. Do wear your snazziest black and white getups. 21+. It’s $65 at the door and online tickets sales end on Oct. 26. The Witch’s Dungeon Halloween Party (Oct. 27) The Mystic Krewe of Pegasus hosts their third annual Halloween Party at 1819 Madison Avenue from 9 p.m. – 1 a.m. Tickets are $30 and include food, open bar, and entertainment all night. Costume contest at midnight; proceeds benefit The Metamorphosis Project. – Whatever Dude’s Halloween Rocktackular (Oct. 27) Murphy’s pub hosts a Halloween party on Friday night from 10 p.m. to 1 p.m. – Millington Farmer’s Market Fall Festival (Oct. 28) The market at 5152 Easley St. in Millington hosts a fun day with yoga, bouncy house for the kids, food truck, vendor booths, crafts, storytelling, and a cornhole tourney. – Elmwood Scandals & Scoundrels Tour (Oct. 28) Learn about Elmwood Cemetery’s most famous and infamous residents in an all-walking guided tour. Advanced registration ($20) is required. The tour is 90 minutes, starts at 1 p.m., and is for grown-ups only. – Flick-or-Treat at the Botanic Garden (Oct. 28)  This not-so-scary movie night is in My Big Backyard at the Memphis Botanic Garden and includes activities related to the Big Bugs exhibit and screenings of “It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown” and “Hocus Pocus” starting at 7 p.m. Gates open at 5 p.m., event ends at 9 p.m. Tickets are $8 for nonmembers and $10 for members; reservations are required. They’ll have food and adult spirits, etc., for sale. – Alice in Daisyland Halloween w/ The Crystal Method (Oct. 28) The New Daisy hosts a Halloween bash feat. The Crystal Method, DJ Tree, Scotty B, and Defcon Engaged from 10 p.m. until 3 a.m. Ages 18+ only. Tickets are $10 + about $5 in fees if you buy ahead online. Just read the details here. They’re also have a costume contest where the prize is $500. – Spaceface Halloween at the Hi-Tone (Oct. 28) Throw down at the Hi-Tone on Saturday night (doors at 8 p.m.) with a half dozen bands including Spaceface, China Gate, Love Bomb Go Go, Harlan T Bobo, and Louise Page. Tickets are $10, this event is 18 and up. – Sinners For Saints III (Oct. 28) Throw down with half of Memphis at this year’s Sinners for Saints at 345 Madison, featuring tunes from AQUANET, Charvey Mac, DJ Superbrad, DJ Lil’ Eggroll, and more. The party is from 9 p.m. ’til 1 p.m., is 21 and up, and proceeds benefit the Church Health Center. Tickets are $50 in advance or $60 at the door (they sell out/reach capacity every year though) and include open bar (beer, punch, JELLO shots, more), photos from Amurica, costume contest, and some food while supplies last. You will be the only person not dressed up if you don’t wear a costume. – Vine To Wine Spooky Spirits (Oct. 31) The Memphis Botanic Garden hosts a costume-friendly wine tasting event on Tuesday evening from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Get your tickets here. Did I miss something? Add it to the calendar. Are you a home owner in Memphis, with a broken garage door? Call ASAP garage door today at 901-461-0385 or checkout http://ift.tt/1B5z3Pc
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lunarcovehq · 10 months
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Rachel Ellen Su-Jin Park is a Witch that currently resides in Downtown and has been a Lunar Cove resident for about a month, keeping an eye on things for a certain dark coven leader coming to town.
DATE OF BIRTH: March 20, 1994
OCCUPATION: Clerk at Broken Record
FACECLAIM: Adeline Rudolph
INHERENT ABILITIES: Audible Inundation, Earth Manipulation & Tracking
COVEN ABILITY: Water Manipulation
Trigger Warnings: Violence, Death, Allusion to self-harm 
Once upon a time, there were two witches who met and fell in love. Park Jin and Grace Barkman were young, ambitious, passionate witches who wanted to be something greater than they already were. Together, they joined an up and coming coven headed by one Silas Chamberlain. Together, the two of them wanted to help change the world. If not for the better, then at least for the betterment of themselves and their new little family. 
This isn’t their story, nor is it a fairytale, but it’s important to get things set up. Jin and Grace got married, and it wasn’t a year later that they had a daughter, Rachel Ellen Su-Jin Park. They were young parents, but good parents, and they wanted a good life for their kid. As age brought experience, they started to wonder if Silas’s coven was best for them. Jin wondered if they should move back to his hometown of Lunar Cove, but there was also worry So they move back to Grace’s home of New Orleans, distancing themselves from the coven mile by mile. They wouldn’t pull out immediately; they’d give it time. With luck, by the time Rachel started to grow and become her own little person, they’d have pulled out completely. 
That didn’t happen because this isn’t a fairytale, and things are never easy. Something happened. Something terrible. There was a vampire attack, random and cruel, just as fate always is. Jin was killed, and Grace ended up being turned. This wasn’t something she knew how to handle on her own, and it wasn’t something she could just bring to her family. They’d welcomed her and her new husband back, even after they strayed, because of Rachel, now affectionately called Rae or Rae Elle. Grace knew, as a newly turned vampire, they’d take her kid. Maybe with good reason, but she couldn’t handle that. She’d just lost the love of her life, her magic, even her own life in a way; no one could take her kid from her, too. So Grace did the one thing she didn’t want to do: she went back to Boston, Rae in tow, hoping that she could get help for her new condition while keeping her daughter. 
This was how the first few years of Rae’s life were. She didn’t remember much of her father, and her memories of those few years in Boston were hazy, but things weren’t bad. She knew that much. Her mom was the best, and sometimes she got to play with kids her age, and Rae was still so young. It didn’t take Grace long to figure out how to control her vampiric urges, though the damage was done. She’d gone back to the coven, and now she needed them. Rae Elle was little, but she was already showing an aptitude for magic that had the capability to be incredible. Grace couldn’t teach Rae anymore, not in a practical way. So there would be no leaving the coven. 
Even still, once Grace had control, she and Rae Elle moved back down south. Grace wanted to be closer to home. Rae was still young, so the move wasn’t too bothersome. Rae grew up traveling through the south, from New Orleans to the Mississippi Delta to Memphis to the Smoky Mountains.She played in swamps, climbed mountains, swam in creeks and oceans. Every year, Rae got older, and every year, her mother didn’t. For anyone else, it might have been strange, but this was the only life Rae ever knew, and she was happy. Long stretches of peace were punctuated by the occasional visit to or visit from members of Silas’ coven. Sometimes, it was to help with Rae’s training. Other times, it was to test her abilities. Throwing rocks with her earth manipulation, controlling the quantity and volume of the voices from her audible inundation, and, occasionally, using her tracking abilities to help find someone. Grace allowed it, but only because there was no way she could avoid the coven. She owed them, now, and that was her debt to pay. No one had tried to force Rae into joining, and that was all that mattered.
As Rae Elle got older, she decided to spread her wings. She loved her mom, but she also wanted to experience life on her own. Visits from the coven became fewer and farther between, especially after Silas’ arrest, until eventually Rae wasn’t bothered anymore. That was just fine with her. She was making her own path in life. Her mother always said she was like sand: solid enough to stand strong but still capable of movement. She loved traveling, the wandering nature of her childhood becoming a staple for the rest of her life. She never considered herself a scholar, but she loved learning, and she loved growing things. She loved music. She enjoyed being around people and being kind, and life was beautiful. She’d wander around the country, staying in one place for a few months, working in plant nurseries or record stores, singing in coffee shops, making friends and falling in and out of love like it was breathing. People thought Rae was odd but sweet, eccentric but fun to be around. Every few months, she’d get back together with Grace, who she had grown older than, and it was bittersweet, but it would always be like coming home.
Until home was taken away from her. The entire supernatural community was under attack in February of 2023. The first thing Rae Elle did was get in touch with her mother. Grace was fine. Rae was fine. They agreed to meet up, regroup, and figure out where to go from there. They’d meet back in New Orleans. It should have been quick; Rae drove all through the night, her fingers clenched around the steering wheel. She was so close. She should have made it in time.
She did make it in time to watch hunters kill her mother. The last thing Grace ever told her daughter was to run, and Rae, feeling like a coward, ran. She regretted it ever since, but what else could she do? She felt alone in the world, a new kind of bitterness taking root in her. Her mother had never wanted Rae to go back to their old coven, but she didn’t know what else to do. She needed help. She wanted to make the people that hunted down supernaturals hurt. So, Rae Elle joined the coven. She didn’t know how to feel about it; there wasn’t any sort of connection, any sort of kinship or found family that settled into place. It was just a means to an end. And Rae tried to keep up appearances, tried to cling to the happy woman she’d been, free and easy-going and always ready to help someone struggling to smile. 
But she was struggling, too, and she couldn’t find a way to help herself. She thought getting more involved in the coven would help. She thought helping Silas would help. She thought killing hunters, bleeding herself and them and causing pain and feeling it, all of it, would help. God, she wanted it to help. If she just kept trying, dammit, maybe it’d help. 
Rae did as she was told for the next few months, a model coven member. So, when she was told to head to Lunar Cove, to watch after Jasmine Chamberlain, no longer a Chamberlain, and wait for Silas’ next order, Rae made the move. She found a job, a place to stay, and started making herself at home. Lunar Cove was a nice place. Perhaps, if life had been kinder, she’d have ended up in Lunar Cove before, joined the coven there, and been a contributing member of society. As it was, Rae Elle didn’t see herself as bad. Dealt a bad hand, maybe. Having to do bad things, definitely. But she saw it as a means to an end. The world was full of terrible things. At least she wasn’t doing anything with terrible intentions. She just wanted the world to be a better place, one where folks weren’t killed because of who they were. Joining Silas’ coven was the most proactive way that she knew how to do that. It might have been the wrong choice, but Rae didn’t feel like she had a lot of options. Now, as the world seemed to be caving in, it still felt like that.
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