rose-teeth · 2 years
like sorry to say, blair white may be a conservative, but if most trans ppl nowadays were like her/him, we wouldn't have all these fucking issues
we can say hes still trying to play on stereotypes of womanhood to fit in, but at least hes trying to fit in, not make it all about himself, and doesnt feel entitled to sex segregated spaces, isnt delusional abt his bio sex, and regularly stands up for lesbains and detrans ppl, and doesnt die of offense at the smallest thing, and doesnt promote experimenting on children because theyre gender non conforming jfc
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sophieinwonderland · 5 months
Hey uh.... Are those mod posts in systemscringe about you supporting p3d02 real?/genq
Unsurprisingly, it's another smear.
Most of it is taking my host's personal post about having complex feeling about his own grandfather out of context. I think anyone who was raised by an abuser knows how messy feelings can be towards family members. And unsurprisingly, being raised in the home of a convicted former abuser, and the former victim who is willingly living there, is equally as complicated.
There is no excuse for abuse. But could there have been things that could have prevented the abuse? That post was my host suggesting that maybe the abuse could have been prevented by societal factors. Maybe if someone with severe PTSD from a war he didn't sign up for had been given proper mental health treatment on returning, things wouldn't have ended up the way they did.
I don't think it's wrong to believe that there could have been realities where someone who was sick was able to recognize that early on and felt comfortable seeking help. And maybe in those realities, some of the victims of abuse wouldn't have been abused.
There's no way to turn back the clock and undo the damage that's already been done. It's too late. But I think it's fair to believe we can work to prevent abuse like this in the future.
My host's comments were about the complexities of growing up with someone you love while knowing they did something horrible to someone else you love, and feeling that society as a whole let both of them down. That since his grandfather wasn't offending later in life, maybe that means his mom wouldn't have been harmed had his grandfather gotten help he needed before he hurt her. That this was a tragedy that could have been prevented.
I feel there's something really gross about using that as a gotcha for a syscourse talking point, but sysmeds never have had much in the way of morals.
To be crystal clear, my position is that pedophilia is a mental disorder, and nonoffenders should feel safe seeking treatment so that they can hopefully live happy, healthy lives without ever offending.
To me, it's also important to differentiate between people with paraphiliac disorders and child molesters. Not everyone suffering from a harmful paraphilia acts on it. And not everyone who molests children suffers from a paraphiliac disorder. Many are opportunists who just target victims who are most vulnerable, and don't have any particular attraction to children. While overlap exists, these are not the same things.
(We have no idea where my host's grandfather falls on this.)
I believe that if you isolate people with paraphilias, make them feel like they can't seek help, they end up with nowhere to turn and will be more likely to offend. Like with most illnesses, you'll get better results from treatment the earlier the intervention is. And ideally, early intervention means fewer children will be harmed.
Because that's the most important thing here. Protecting children from abuse.
This is what I support. Early intervention for nonoffenders to protect children. I don't believe in stigmatizing people just for having a disorder.
With the distinction between people with paraphiliac disorders and child molesters made, can we also talk for a moment about how the r/systemscringe mods are just straight-up supporting accused child molesters?
If you've seen their recent bot posts setup on the sub to try to disprove RAMCOA, it links to articles written by The Grey Faction, an ableist branch of the Satanic Temple aiming to deny the experiences of trauma survivors.
Much of the "research" on that page is coming directly from the now-defunct False Memory Syndrome Foundation.
For those of you who are unaware, Jennifer Freyd, the psychologist behind theories of Betrayal Trauma and DARVO, accused her parents Pamela and Peter Freyd of sexual abuse in the 90s after recalling her trauma in therapy.
Her parents responded by not only denying it, but setting up an organization called the False Memory Syndrome Foundation which was created to prove trauma memories were being implanted, and to take legal action against trauma survivors and their therapists.
If you've ever heard of DARVO as a tactic used by abusers before, know that Pamela and Peter Freyd's founding of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation were the inspiration for DARVO.
It is impossible to overstate the damage this evil organization inflicted on survivors of CSA in shielding their abusers from consequences
So while r/systemscringe desperately tries to paint me as some pedophilia defender, they're aligning themselves with actual child molesters and abusers, spreading the arguments that those same abusers used to discredit their victims.
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kienansidhe · 4 months
i really appreciate your breakdown of lolisho and why it doesn't equate to actual pedophilia. being a survivor on the internet right now is such a terrible and harmful place because unless you have a savory coping mechanism you're essentially lumped into the same group as those who have abused you
youre super welcome, my lifes goal is to make sure as few children as humanly possible go thru the same things i and my abuser did and also to give us survivors space to breathe and heal.
gentle reminder tho that its also important to distinguish between pedophilia (the attraction) and child rape (the action). most child rapists are not pedophiles, kids are simply the the easiest targets in their immediate vicinity. rape is about power and opportunity, not attraction. persecuting nonoffending pedophiles only makes it harder for them to access help and makes them (many of them minors themselves!) more vulnerable to grooming and lovebombing from actual predators when no one else will treat them like human beings. we should be stigmatizing rape, not attractions that no one can control.
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dumbass-rodent · 11 months
Seeing some people start to say it's ok to be a pedophile, zoophile, or necrophile again. I would just like to say that though it is true, thought crimes do not exist, if you or someone you know is experiencing attraction towards real animals, children, or dead bodies, that is not ok. and though nonoffenders do not deserve to be vilified, they are infact not well and do infact need help.
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callousdegenerate · 1 year
Who are each numbers favorite/ least favourite of the doctors?
Generally a few of them actively hate all the doctors But if it was more of a "who do I hate being with less"
Most: Probably Gale purely because their "visits" were more psych sessions than the usual visit.
Least: Milos because of the rampant violent abuse
Most: His own doctor, just because he isnt mean
Least: Mom, because creepy
Most: She hates her doctor, but he's at least nice
Least: Milos would give her a heart attack
Most: Jon/Nat
Least: Milos or Jude. Old guys icky
Most: Jon/Nat. She's softer and probably prefers the softer treatment
Least: Her own doctor
Most: Her doctor. Insufferably prying, but at least they take care of her and keep an eye on her emotional state
Least: Milos, for being abusive to her girlfriend and for being a general shitbag
Most: Nat - romantic roleplay when she needs a break from her own doctor's weird and physically straining antics
Least: Would be Milos if she saw more of him, but she absolutely cannot stand her doctor
Most: None, all are on the same level of terrible, just different flavors
Least: Lilah, for obvious reasons
Most: Jon/Nat aren't terrible compared to some others, probably
Least: Jude/Sven. Sick of those guys
Most: Monica's weird but nonoffending
Least: Mom really really freaks him out
Most: No
Least: Everyone
In conclusion, fuck Milos
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cassyapper · 1 year
I want to ask about your OCs!! let’s see… what’s one interesting thing about each of them that you don’t often get to talk about? (or more than one thing! go wild!)
adalia for sure is that she gets the hots for the princess theyre supposed to be fighting for. the princess isn't a very major character (for now) so i don't talk about her a lot and as such i don't talk about adalia's pining but she is soooo gay for her. hold on i have OLD art about it:
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(that's an old old version of ai in the second panel)
as for ai herself hm. oh she used to jsut be a side character! and originally her arc was gonna end hapilly with just finding her brother. someone else (i won't say who) was gonna be the main character at first but i shifted gears when i realized im. more interested in ai LOL. as such i also muddied things with the finding of her brother
qiu is aroace! but im thinking of adjusting this to make him aroallo like me grins. i know it kinda carries the stupid joke of "ace ppl like dragons more than sex" but that wasn't the intention 😭 also he wasn't gonna always practice magic but as the story evolved it was like. he literally lives with drgaons why wouldnt he. so yeah
arha's modern depiction is VERY different from how i first conceptualized her. in fact she used to be a very minor character who was a MERMAID if you can believe it. her name also used to be lucia. one thing that's consistent though is that she's always been similar to kakyoin (she's polite and nonoffending but she doesnt have friends she kinda refuses it until, well, the story). i have always known him he has always existed in my mind
william is a relatively new character that i came up with so he doesnt have a lot of details yet. he's been in the army for probably 10-20 years and was probably a merchant's son. i think of him as kind and also fairly naive which is funny given his age. despite everything he isn't ai's father figure but they do come to be family
uhh yeah <3 thanks so much for asking EEEE ur so kind
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nomapsupport · 21 days
I kind of disagree with ACNOMAP being redundant and anti-contact being the same as nonoffending, because I’ve seen nonoffending but pro-contact MAPs, like they don’t personally offend but they support others who do (not saying that’s good lmao, just what i’ve seen)
good point...
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nyxitycatboy · 1 year
"I, a nonoffending loli/shotacon, did a 'free candy' van as a halloween scary joke, but some twins were really insitent and I actually kidnapped them now please help ;("
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bootheng · 2 years
i think the hatred and malice and murderous intent towards terfs is actually completely justified. idc if youre ‘nonoffending’ youre supporting the movement and advertising it, promoting racism and transphobia and misogyny, you deserve to get decked and kicked on the ground till bloody
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mouthfullofsxnd · 5 years
hi sorry @ anyone who saw the absolute mess that was my blog by about 1 am - i deleted all of the offending asks my ask box is currently still off (i'll probably change it to just anons being off if i go on my laptop later)
thank you to those of you who sent me nice messages, means the world to me 💕
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moonlightcookie · 6 years
.........anyway heres my monthly Pedophiles Kill Yourselves Challenge post
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foulserpent · 7 years
d.nt rebl.og
if i found myself attracted to children id just fucking kill myself like flat out. and if i couldnt manage to do that, id get help and never go anywhere near children again even if i Did recover bc i couldnt live with putting them anywhere near someone like me. i would hate people like myself just as much. i wouldnt get mad at “antis”.  i would condemn those asking for positivity and support bc i have fucking morals and id know that it isnt deserved
thats the thing like these people claim to be “non offending uwu” but no human being with any decency whatsoever would put themselves on a blogging platform with kids in it and make positivity for other pedos and act like they deserve to be proud for trying to recover as if that Isnt the only possible moral response to realizing youre attracted to kids besides just ending your life
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fagrackham · 3 years
tumblr the site is like the one millennial coworker who says shit like "adulting" but theyre otherwise nonoffending so you still hang out w them
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unbakehisbeans · 3 years
Yeah if you want to be a prison-abolitionist you really do have to actually grapple with what to do with people that you actually want to punish
I think there’s this whole, pretty reactionary and performative, thing that happens where people say “kill all rapists/abusers/pedophiles” and I regret to inform you that that doesn’t really cut it or make sense. You don’t want drug dealers or thieves to go to prison bc obviously they shouldn’t and you’ve reasoned out alternatives, but you fail to extend that reasoning to people you find truly heinous and that’s a problem.
Here are somethings you should probably know and think about:
Domestic abuse often happens when there is a power imbalance in a relationship (like a financial power imbalance) and somebody abuses their power, it would take a complete restructuring of our society to truly address this
In the meantime, we can help by being more involved in our communities, giving victims safe places to go, implementing reforms like UBI so that people are not financially dependent on each other, removing the stupid rule that limits how much money disabled ppl are allowed to have before we take their benefits away, etc.
Child molesters are not always pedophiles, they’re people who are taking advantage of their power over a child, they’re usually people the child knows. We need to give children more autonomy as well as appropriate education about consent and how to recognize and talk about abuse (using specific terms like penis and vagina) as well as the above reforms
We need to give better access to mental healthcare for so many reasons, but also so that pedophiles (most of whom are nonoffending) can talk to a therapist and get help safely to prevent them from offending or hurting themselves (the latter is more common)
Most cases of rape are perpetrated by someone the victim knows, often someone who has power over them, see the above reforms for potential ways to mitigate this. We also know that educating people in general about consent and healthy sexual practices helps.
“Sex offender” is a broad term that includes a lot of people, most of whom have not been sexually violent. They have low rates of recidivism and can be reformed, they aren’t people you should be scared of and isolating them only causes more harm.
Incarcerating or killing the people who commit these crimes isnt particularly useful and also allows for more abuse to occur, it runs the risk of people who are innocent getting hurt
The goal should be to rehabilitate harmdoers and hold them accountable, support victims and ensure their safety, and to prevent future harm from happening.
Harmdoers can be reformed and rehabilitated and it’s worth trying to do so.
Harm prevention efforts should not include isolating harmdoers from their communities or permanently shaming them, this only causes more harm.
We can’t really hold harmdoers accountable in many senses, accountability and rehabilitation are PROCESSES that the harmdoer has to be willing to undertake.
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wait l*ct*r was arrested? hell yeah!
He got charged for cp, no idea if the trial happened yet or not but lol so much for him claiming he was nonoffending
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tenitchyfingers · 5 years
ohhh you know about the "near 70% of child molesters actually aren't attracted to kids but however have a thing for power and kids are the easiest target" stat ! nice. well, here's a few others. +90% of "pedophiles" (let's call them MAPs) are estimated to be nonoffending (neither touched CP nor molested) and their average first suicide attempt is at 14. also +75% are CSA victims. stomach turning, huh ?
Yep. These are things you know when you actually do your research, which antis not only actively don’t do, but discourage each other from doing by basically claiming “I know the facts, don’t listen to people who bring up the science” to each other. 
Also it’s easy to notice how they always go the hardest after queer people, women and CSA victims specifically. You literally don’t ever see antis go after powerful people or men in general. 
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