#nor do I judge anyone or want to change their mind. this is just my interpretation and it is what it is
warden-melli · 2 years
Why don't you like Melli x Ingo? Not trying to be rude, just curious. You don't have to answer if you're uncomfortable.
I’ve been asked this question before, and I’ve been a bit hesitant to answer because it’s a complicated, and likely a much longer answer than you’d probably expect. I also know that a lot of people are likely to disagree with me/my interpretation, and I’m really not interested in conflict, or arguing with anyone. I also don’t really see much value in spending time on things I don’t enjoy, or that make me uncomfortable.
I also want to make it clear that I’m fine with people who do like the ship, I just want to avoid it.
I guess the biggest thing for me is a perceived age gap, and that makes me very uncomfortable.
I know this is up for interpretation, but I see the Ingo that appears in PLA as being much older than he was in the Black and White games. Despite many assuming that Ingo came to Hisui at a similar time/method that you (the player character) did, there is no canon proof/information that confirms this. There’s also many hints that this is likely not the case, with quite a lot of evidence that he may have lived in the Hisui region for quite some time (at the point you first encounter him during the events of the main story)
His slouched posture, facial lines, and receded hairline (all of which he didn’t have in previous games) are visible signs of aging, and indicate that quite some time has passed between his first appearance (BW), and his most recent appearance in PLA.
The offical guide book also hints that he has likely been in the Hisui region for quite some time. As seen below, there is an illustration of Ingo being discovered by a member of the Pearl Clan with the caption “XX years ago”. It can be assumed that the “XX” (X being a widely accepted method of marking a document in lieu of an actual signature/name/information) is being used in place of/to obscure the actual numbers as to preserve the mystery of how long Ingo has been in the Hisui region, yet the two marks would indicate that it was at least a decade ago. It could also be interpreted as being Roman numerals, which in that case would indicate that ingo was discovered 20 years ago. At the very least the word “years” confirms more than one, making it very unlikely that he came to Hisui at the same time as the player character.
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Also, his title as Warden within the Pearl Clan (who like all clans in Hisui are notoriously suspicious/slow to warm up to outsiders) also points towards Ingo being in the Hisui region for a long time, as it would have taken him time not only to earn the position, but to have gained acceptance as a member of the clan in the first place.
His outfit (which as we can see in the above illustration) looks mostly intact upon his discovery, yet is very tattered, and even rusted by the time you encounter him in game. This implies years of wear and tear (maybe sneasel assisted?) between the first illustration (when he first came to the Hisui region), and his current design.
Melli on the other hand, despite his size, is actually one of the youngest members of the Diamond Clan. Mai confirms this during the events of the daybreak update when she informs us that he is younger than Adaman.
This would, as far as my interpretation goes, put a significant age gap between the two characters, and this makes me incredibly uncomfortable.
There’s also a few other factors as to why I don’t like the ship ranging from minor things like it being completely out of character, and conflicting head canons, all the way down to more serious issues/conversations around consent (due to Ingo’s memory loss), but the age gap (perceived or otherwise) is a big ick to me, and I’d rather avoid it at all costs
(Again, this is my interpretation and I’m not claiming anything above to be “correct”. Nor is my intention to judge, create any conflict, or to generate any discussion regarding the above topic in any way. I’m also not interested in anyone else’s interpretation, or counter arguments in any way shape of form. If someone gains any perspective, or finds any value in what I’ve written, then that’s great!, but I have no wish to ever address, or engage in discussion about the topic further)
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kisseobie · 5 months
hi I absolutely adore your writing!!! who do think amon piwon is a more love st first sight kinda a guy?
love at first sight
pairings: ot6 p1harmony x reader
warnings: none!
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a/n: in my fantasy world they all fall in love with me at first sight but i’m gonna be as realistic as possible based off of their personalities and things the members have said themselves .. i hope u enjoy <33
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𓈒ིུ keeho
i think i remember that on kyo and jiung’s radio show they mentioned this topic once and keeho was a firm believer that love at first sight doesn’t exist, that attraction can definitely be sensed straight away but love is only something that you can experience as you get to know the ins and outs of someone. that being said, for keeho, i would say that although no, he doesn’t fall in love with you at first sight, he does feel a gravitational pull towards your energy and approaches you right when he sees you, internally passing it off as just “wanting to meet new people” when in fact, his subconscious is telling him to introduce himself to you. love at first sight is non existent with keeho, but he knows that it feels right to be around you, which later may blossom into something more than just a “pull”.
𓈒ིུ theo
doesn’t have a set opinion on love at first sight, but i do think he’ll experience it with the right person. doesn’t know if it’s your smile, your beauty, or your charisma that has been on his mind since his first encounter with you, but he knows that it was meant to be. i can see taeyang being frustrated with how he feels after just meeting you, because “love at first sight” doesn’t even occur to him as an option to consider, but as he gets to know you in your future encounters, he begins to understand that that is exactly what he felt. i can envision theo as completely shifting from someone pretty indifferent about relationships to someone who constantly daydreams about seeing you again. so yes, in my opinion, i think theo would experience love at first sight!
𓈒ིུ jiung
no, but just like keeho, the attraction is definitely there. when he first laid his eyes on you, he could place you in his mind as both intelligent and beautiful, and that intrigues him. ji is not a risk taker, nor is he someone to believe in cliches, so he would rather opt to get to know you as a friend at first with no other intentions until he eventually does fall in love with you. but i’m gonna say that jiung is the most difficult to imagine “love at first sight” with. he’s a thinker that needs to analyze all parts about you before allowing himself to open his heart to you. i don’t see this as a bad thing though! i think jiung, as a deep thinker, is definitely the type to value personality the most, so when he does fall in love with you, there isn’t any doubts in his mind, and he knows it was meant to be.
𓈒ིུ intak
intak is tricky but i’m going to say no, only because he’s a social butterfly and feels the need to make a connection with anyone he meets. i don’t think that would change as it comes to you, and like jiung, he wouldn’t have any other intentions than becoming your friend (that doesn’t mean he doesn’t get nervous around you due to your beauty!! but he doesn’t quite perceive that as love). however, i do see intak as someone to fall in love quite quickly, so even if it wasn’t “love at first sight”, it happens very fast. he’s a forward man!
𓈒ིུ soul
as a great judge of character, i think shota would! but the idea of that definitely intimidates him, and frustrates him more than anything. he can tell when he’s drawn to someone and when he meets you, he feels something deeper than his usual desire to get close to someone. it isn’t how he felt with someone like keeho, who he automatically sensed comfortability with in a platonic sense. the butterflies in his tummy scare him, and he doesn’t know what to do with them. however, his infatuation with you definitely forces him out of his comfort zone, which leads to him seeking out your presence wherever he bumps into you, and what happens after that is for you to decide :p
𓈒ིུ jongseob
yes yes yes! and i’m not just saying that because he’s my ult lol in my crush headcanons i also mentioned this but i think seob is so beyond his years that love at first sight is definitely something he could experience. i believe that he wouldn’t be aware of this himself, so he probably would try to downplay how he felt when he first laid eyes on you as just mere attraction to a pretty girl, but it begins to click in his head when he can’t get you off his mind for the rest of the night, despite never holding a conversation with you. confides in shota because he thinks soul is the only one who wouldn’t tease him for how he’s feeling. shota eggs him on to get your number eventually, and he comes to realize after texting you that you might feel the same way about him too <3
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taglist: @woozixo @hearts4chanhee @kyokopi @astro-doll-the-star @soobiary @kyaaramello @t3ssamoodboard @angelcbf @idontknow-1s-world @vivienne-sim @elissasimp @imjustayapper @ihatewreckingballmains @sosaverse @seobing @www90kitsch @khfviq @barbiekh86t @bbyjjunie @taeyangi @fullsunstrawberry @jihnyah @intheemptymirror @watamotee33 @dreamer1299 @jixnnsie @wonootnoot @yukx-x047
© kisseobie, please do not repost my writing!
° . ❀
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lains-reality · 1 year
Once a young woman came to Hafiz and said, “What is the sign of someone knowing God?” And Hafiz became very quiet and stood in silence for nearly a minute. Lovingly looking deep into the young woman's eyes, he then softly spoke: “My dear, they have dropped the knife. The person who knows God has dropped the cruel knife so often used upon their tender self and others.”[source]
please give yourself the grace of forgetting, of being sad, of failing, of fearing. you are allowed to. all is Self. you are okay now and here.
allow yourself to look at the insecurities, shame, guilt and fears.
give yourself the chance to respond, not react.
let vanessa be. vanessa is just a person like anyone else. thinks they are born and will die. every vanessa, no matter how well off they are, is scared shitless. but you treat your vanessa so badly.
you hate it. you want it gone. you see the body and mind as a cage without a key. it hurts. you curse it and nothing changes. you try to convince it and nothing changes. you curse it more.
It is not a matter of enduring, it is a matter of you being so crude to Vanessa, and expecting so much of her when she has no power. Do you feel the same way about the homeless man on the street corner? Do you constantly chastise him in your head, blame him for his circumstances? Even if you are the kind of person to judge based on appearances, you do for a moment and move on with your life. That's because you never thought he was you so how could you feel pain on his behalf? You may do the opposite and feel bad for his situation for a bit, but you still leave the matter alone as he's none of your business and you have your own things to worry about. - post source
vanessa is doing the best it can. it sings, dances, loves! it bleeds, it shudders, it hurts. all is the wide expression of Self.
and yet you hide from the pain, from the hurt, from the thoughts, the feelings. this is not the fullness of Self.
forgive yourself. let go of the shame and guilt. stop shaming vanessa for exsiting just like any other person in the street. stop carrying all responsibilities of the world. it's already taken care of.
you breathe with no help, you shit with no help, you eat with no help, you sleep with no help. and even if you do need help, the inability to do so, happens without your help. your amazon package comes through, your sibling grows 2 cm, the sun rises and falls, the seasons pass by. all by itself. what's orchestrating it all? Self. what other reason have we given ourself the world, other than out of love?
Leave poor Vanessa alone and stop assigning her the responsibility and accountability of everything that the dream shows. The entire dream is all an expression of the Infinite Being, not hers (the ego) which she is just one more creation of. And it doesn't have to be your (the Self's/I AM's) dream anymore when you stop identifying with it. - post source
its already out of vanessa's hands. vanessa can't do anything. let that be a celebration: all is taken care of. unconditonally.
"why is it all taken care of?"
"why not!"
"but why should *i* get the world?"
"why not?"
its already all here for you. its already as it is. what is vanessa gonna do to change the infinte? why would the infinite need changing anyway?
Treat it with compassion, stop bullying it, it's not its fault you're not where you should be. You think he's in the way so you get mad, you get frustrated it's not following instructions or refuses to step aside. But the ego is not the problem, nor in the way. Your attitude toward it is the problem. Let it be, it doesn't know any better! - post source
give yourself the permission to exist as you are. give yourself permission to be as you are, right now. start asking 'did i give permission for this?' you'll find how much stuff is not even your choice. as ada said its just tolerance and endurance of the forced vanessa.
now you realise you don't have to be a forced vanessa. so you go completely the other direction and try to (forcefully) change the vanessa. you're still holding up standards, ideas & roles to yourself. the things that made you hate vanessa in the first place. just maybe, for this moment hold nothing. drop the knife.
“Stop trying to heal yourself, fix yourself, even awaken yourself. Let go of letting go. Stop trying to fast-forward the movie of your life. It gets so exhausting, doesn’t it, always trying to get there, chasing futures that never seem to arrive, living on second-hand promises. Instead, bow deeply to yourself as you actually are. Be here. Honour this present scene in the movie. Your pain, your sorrow, your doubts, your deepest longings, your fearful thoughts, are not mistakes, and they aren’t asking to be healed. They are asking to be held. Here, now, lightly, in the loving arms of present awareness…” — Jeff Foster
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brooooswriting · 1 year
Could do a tara carpenter x fem reader
the core 4 finds a lost dog near Tara and Sam’s place
*Everyone but Mindy is against the idea keeping the dog because this dog is massive and it’s a mastiff breed*
They put found dogs flyers and post it on social media see if this dog belong to anyone and are just waiting to see if they the owner comes and are taking care of the dog
*Poor tara who drew the short straw and she has the task of walking the dog and got dragged all across the park*
Mindy who witness the whole thing recorded the whole thing
*you could hear her laughter in video and tara yelling “don’t just stand there🤬!!!! HELP-“ before falling into the lake*
Everyone was about to ask what happen seeing her completely drench and leaves in her hair but she like “😤😑 don’t ask” while Mindy was in the floor dying of laughter and show them the video
But for some reason this dog is strangely attach to Tara and choosing to stay by her side. In a cute moment imagine tara having a nightmare then the dog trying to show comfort to her. And she sleep hugging his head🥺. They all start warming up to the dog*
That until a girl appears with a flyer and is like “hi I believe you found my dog” and tara is flustered at seeing this girl
Fast forward when Ghostface show up ay tara and Sam apartment *it backfires because they werent expecting a dog nor r to be there. R just look at her dog “sic them boy” 👹😈
so in a way, everyone who isn’t ghostface survives. Anika deserve to live damn it!!!!Everyone looking at the dog and praising him because he’s a good boy 🐶
In my head I can imagine Quinn calling Ethan “😨😨😨abort mission!!!!! I repeat abort mission!!!!!!”
*Because their dad got badly mauled by the dog and they don’t want to risk getting caught without a plan but yk dogs are a great judge of character and can sense a bad person and he never like Ethan, Quinn or her dad, always snarling and nipping at them*
R would even question if Quinn was truly dead because her dog kept growling at her when they put her in a body bag. Like how the hell didn’t you notice ghostface in your room? She would trust her dogs more than people. They have a closer bond with r
In my mind I was thinking “it’s bad enough/embarrassing that ghostface getting beaten/outsmarted by the main protagonists, imagine them being defeated by a dog” and this was inspired by the Spider-Man miles morales game. In the game there a side quest and if you complete it you can fight crime with a cat as a sidekick and the bad guy getting his ass handle by Spider-Man then you see a cat come out of his backpack. Imagine that same guy in jail and everyone asking how you got beaten by Spider-Man and question you why you have claw marks on your face 👀👀
That’s my dog
Tara carpenter x reader
*disclaimer: changed storyline*
Word count: a lot
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“Naww, look at him. He’s so cute” Mindy yelled as she saw a dog sitting in front of Sams and Tara’s apartment. The dogs ears perked as soon as he heard the voice talking to him, looking at the group of four.
“That dog is giant” Chad said taking a small step back causing Tara to laugh. Sam kept quiet for a moment while Mindy decided to walk up to the dog, much to the groups dismay. There were several calls for her to stop but she obviously didn’t.
“Look guys, he’s somebodies. He has a collar but the tag is broken. We should take him in” she said as she crouched down in front of the dog to be eye level with him.
“Mindy, no. Who knows what he’s capable of and if somebody owns him they can’t find him in our apartment” Sam argued while Tara made her way to look around the corner, trying to see if there was somebody looking for a dog. The moment Tara walked past the corner forward the corner tho dog stood up and followed her. A relieved sigh left Chad and Sam as they thought that he was going to leave. But instead, he stood behind Tara, scaring the poor girl when she turned around.
“Sam, there’s a storm tonight. We can’t leave him outside! Come on have a heart” Mindy argued as she watched the dog look up at Tara. There was a moment of silence before Sam nodded, a small one but a nod nonetheless. A squeal left Mindy as she clapped and called the dog over who happily strutted next to her, following her upstairs into the apartment. “Ok, maybe he’s a bit big for the apartment but you know” Mindy grinned sheepishly as the dog accidentally threw down some books.
“Mindy, Tara, you guys upload some pics online, on social media, maybe somebody recognizes him while Chad and I print out some flyers and hang them up around here. Make sure he doesn’t destroy anything” Sam ordered after taking some pictures of the dog, including his collar and the half of the tag that was still attached. Uploading pictures takes way less time then printing flyers and hanging them up, so Mindy and Tara were on dog duty. Which, to be honest, wasn’t as hard as they thought it’d be, the dog was well trained and nice.
Around evening he started to scratch on the front door, whining while doing so. After a bit of a discussion the group decided that the dog had to go outside and that whoever drew the shortest stick would have to take him.
“Come on guys, this is Ridiculous. Mindy wanted us to take him in, so she should have to go with him!” Tara complained after it turned out that she lost. The dog was massive and while he looked nice and seemed to be friendly she was sure that he wouldn’t even feel her holding the leash.
“You lost Tara, fair and square. But due to the fact that I’m the nicest person ever, I will come down with you” the brunette explained, a proud smile on her face as she opened the door for Tara. The first few minutes were fine, the dog immediately sniffed the side of the building to pee. “Let’s go to the park a bit” Mindy said and took off.
It took one second of Tara being distracted for the dog to see something an start running towards it growling. Even when Tara tried to pull him back with her whole body weight it was useless, he pulled her along. She was stumbling over her own legs, screaming at the dog and Mindy to do anything. But Mindy was only laughing and, unknown to Tara, filming the whole thing.
“HEY!HEY NOOO” the small brunette screamed when she saw a small pond in front of her, small enough for the dog to jump over it but for her? It took one last step for her to land face forward in the water, letting go of the belt they used as a leash when she touched the ground underneath the water. She could still hear Mindy wheezing and the dog barking as she stood up, water dripping from everywhere. The moment she stood the dog was back at her side nuzzling his head into her wet hand.
“You’re an idiot, we Are going back Home” she scolded the dog as she picked up the “leash” again pulling him past her friend, glaring at her. “And you, you’re the worst” she growled as she walked past her, hitting her shoulder and walking back to the apartment.
Even Sam and Chad couldn’t hide their laughter when they saw a completely dripping Tara walk into the room, unclipping the belt and walking towards her bathroom. Even without the leash the dog quickly followed Tara, never leaving her sight. Save to say that Tara wasn’t really in the mood to socialize anymore and it was rather late anyway, so she decided to settle on the bed with a book. She was silently enjoying her book when suddenly the other half of her bed dipped down, the dog climbing on top, taking up so much space that she nearly fell of the edge.
“Bro, I think you’ve got something twisted. Get off the bed” she scolded him lightly pointing at the ground. The dog just happily panted when she tried to push him off, barely scootching away. There was no point in trying to pick him up so she decided to settle on the small part of the bed that he hasn’t conquered yet, turning off the lights to sleep.
His panting annoyed her, he smelled like dog and he was constantly watching her which made it hard for her to fall asleep but at one point the tiredness of the day did get her and she fell asleep facing the dog.
The next day when she woke up the dog was in front of her, curled up leaning on her stomach. He was still sleeping until she moved to get out of bed, he was immediately following her. Everything was fine until Quinn came to close to Tara making him fletch his teeth and bark causing the redhead to jump away and Tara to pull him away.
There was a bit of silence but in the end everybody decided that it was probably just a coincidence and kept doing whatever they were doing. Anika had brought over some food, a leash and some toys as they didn’t know how long the dog would stay.
It was afternoon when everybody, except Quinn and Ethan had warmed up to the dog, they called him Freddy after Freddy Krueger, which was Mindys idea. The group was sitting on the couch watching TV, Freddy sat on Tara’s feet with his head on sams leg who scratched his head. It was nice, Sam and Tara walked the last round with him at night, he stopped pulling the leash and didn’t even move away from the two.
At night time he slept with Tara again but this time he decided to settle in front of the bed. The brunette fell asleep with one of her arms out of the bed to scratch the giant dog. Sometime during the night she started to turn and twist, a whimper leaving her mouth making Freddy wake up. He quickly climbed onto the bed with his first two feet and nudged her until she woke up. Tears were streaming down her face and her breathing was quick and shallow. While she tried to calm herself down Freddy laid his head onto her stomach, licking her hand closest to him, trying his best to comfort her. A small smile came onto her lips as she rolled onto her side and hugged his head, leaving a kiss on top as she fell back asleep.
The next morning she woke up to somebody hammering on her front door. “T, wake up. Somebody is coming for the dog” Sam called out, knocking one last time before she heard Tara grumble. The moment she stepped out of her room, finally dressed and ready for the day, there was a knock on the door. Freddy immediately ran to the door, his tail waggling from left to right as if he knew who was on the other side.
“Hi, I believe you found my dog” you said as soon as the door opened. The mastiff quickly running to you, nearly throwing you over when he body checked you, making you giggle. Tara just stared at you for a moment, her cheeks coated in a light blush before she looked down at her feet to hide it.
“uhm, yeah. We found him two days ago, he sat in front of our apartment and due to the storm we didn’t wanna leave him outside” she explained, smiling at the sight in front of her before taking a deep breath. “Do you wanna come inside for a bit?” She asked, already taking a step further away so you could see into the apartment.
You gave her a nod and made your way into the apartment. “Come on Dook” you called out to the dog who was still standing on the other side of the door. He quickly made his way towards you.
“Dook?” Tara asked as you settled down on the couch, the dog between you two. You chuckled lightly as you petted his head before turning to her.
“Well, yeah. The Babadook is my favorite horror film but I didn’t wanna call him Babadook, that would have freaked me out on the long run so I decided to call him Dook. It’s weird I know” you mumbled the last part as you uncomfortably scratched the back of your neck but the pretty girl next to you only chuckled before turning further to you.
“No, it’s actually pretty awesome. The Babadook is such a great movie and the name Dook is pretty cute actually” Tara said smiling at you.
“Yo, I’m Mindy and that’s my twin brother Chad” the brunette introduced, waving at you.
“Hey, I’m y/n and this is Dook but you’ve already met him huh” you grinned as you waved back.
“How did he get lost anyway?” Sam, who you’ve already met, asked as she sat on an armchair next to the couch.
“My stupid brother was supposed to look after him while I was out of state but he lost him 5 hours after I’ve been gone and didn’t tell me” you explained, an annoyed look on your face. They giggled at your eye roll before taking off.
After a small while you’ve decided to go too, much work to do just like emptying your suitcase from your trip. “It was really nice to meet you, you are a great person. And thanks again for looking after Dook” you bid as a goodbye, a smile grazing your features as you looked at Tara.
“Well, If you ever wanna come over and watch the Babadook together, I wouldn’t say no” she smiled at you and took your hand in hers, writing her number on your hand.
“Naww, Tara is in loooovvveeee” Mindy sang from the kitchen.
Ever since then you and Tara have been inseparable. Everywhere the core four was you were too, even at that frat party and the dinner later. Sam trusted you and Dook, Mindy and Chad thought you were pretty cool, Anika loved your style and taste, Ethan didn’t like you because he was scared of the dog and Quinn was constantly flirting with you.
“I knew you were sleeping with cute boy” Tara laughed out, leaning on your shoulder. A giggle leaving you too as you watched the group, Dook laying on your and Tara’s feet. Just as Sam was about to say something all your phones dinged, Dook suddenly jumping up.
“Shit” Sam cursed out, all of you jumping up. It wasn’t long ago that the siblings told you about what had happened to them in their hometown. Everybody, except Tara ran to get further away from the door, so you quickly grabbed her and pulled her to you. Dook standing in front of you barking and snarling at the door.
“Get out of here” you screamed at them, trying to push them away but before anyone could move the door opened and a dead Quinn fell on top of Anika throwing her to the ground. Dook, just as he was trained, stood beside you, barking at the intruder but not moving. You were frozen for a moment, overwhelmed with the situation until you heard Anika groan and Tara call your name. “Dook, sic them boy” you looked down at the dog who immediately took off attacking the costumed person who was currently trying to Stab Anika. The 32” tall dog jumped against him throwing him off of her, Sam immediately pulling her away and pushing her into Mindys arms.
By now Dook had pushed the intruder into the corner furthers away, Chad and Tara were gone while Sam and Mindy helped Anika into the bedroom, where Danny was waiting for them with a ladder. You knew that you had to fight him off until the police showed up because you wouldn’t take the ladder and leave dook behind.
You were slowly backing up into the bedroom, “Dook, attack”. The moment the words left your mouth he didn’t just bark anymore but was about to charge at him full speed, making the ghostface run outside forward the police sirens. So you called him back to you, deciding to not put him into further danger. You sat on the ground with him, petting his head and kissing the top of his head as you praised him, thankful that nothing had happened to him.
“Are you alright?” You quickly asked Tara when you came outside, the dog running to her and licking her hand.
“Yeah, I’m good. I’m sorry I left you up there, I-I” she started to stutter, her eyes becoming glossy as she looked around. You decided to interrupt her.
“Hey, it’s alright. I told you to go, after all I had Dook. It’s okay, we’ll get thru this. We are here for you” you told her as you hugged her, her head resting on your chest, tears leaking through your shirt making your heart break. An elder man came into sight making Tara pull away and excuse herself, Dook snarling at him. “Dook, psst” you scolded and made him come along as you went to talk to Sam.
“Sam, can we talk for a second?” You asked, pulling her away from Danny. It’s not that you didn’t like him or didn’t trust him but you didn’t wanna Worry anybody if not necessary. “I think it has to be someone we know, someone I know too” Sam thought for a moment being totally quiet.
“What are you on about y/n?” She asked slightly annoyed and scared, making you sigh.
“Dook was quiet the whole time, if somebody came in or had already been inside he would have barked or something but he didn’t. Which means he knew whoever was inside“ the explanation made sense and it made sams stomach hurt too. She had prayed that this wasn’t going to happen again, that her sister could now lead a normal life.
“I hate the fact that what you just said made sense” she groaned, looking around to check her environment. You just gave her a tight lipped smile and a pat on the arm. It was hard to comfort Sam, at least as a human, because as soon as Dook stood in front of her nudging her hand she knelt down and patted him, thanking him for Saving them.
You left the mastiff with Sam as you made your way to Tara, Mindy, Anika and Chad. The boy stood infront of his sister, eyes sad as he watched her taped arm. The girls other arm was wrapped around her girlfriend who was also patched up, a lot more than Mindy. You wished you could go up to that like Tara, the weird tension between you two kills you and the fact that there seemed to be some kind of tension with Chad too made it even weirder. So instead of standing between them you settled down between Anika’s legs, she had become a great friend of yours, maybe even your best. You guys were extremely comfortable with each other and could tell the other everything, she knew of your feelings for Tara and you knew of her fear of abandonment. When you settled down, Anika rested her arms on top of your shoulders, keeping you close trying to give both of you some comfort.
Just as you settled down, Ethan came around the corner confused about what had happened. “You” Chad screamed taking by the collar and throwing him against another ambulance. “Where the fuck were you? You’re not with us and suddenly my sister almost dies” he screamed, lifting him away from the car just to push him against it again.
“Chad, I had Econ, you know that. You can ask all the other students” the boy pleaded, kinda stuttering. But he didn’t struggle against chads hold, not that it’d do anything anyway. You decided to step in, not because you were a hundred percent convinced that Ethan was innocent but because this wouldn’t lead to anything.
“Come on, let him go. Econ would be a stupid excuse to use, he wouldn’t be able to get everybody to lie for him so let him go Chad” you explained, laying a hand on his shoulder to kind of push him back a bit. He didn’t immediately let him go but when you squeezed his shoulder he folded and let the boy down, disappearing to his sister. The moment you stepped closer to the boy Dook was at your side, snarling at him almost making you chuckle at the way the boy backed up. “I hope you learned a lot at Econ”.
*later that night*
“How didn’t you even kill one fucking person?” Wayne screamed at his kids, the vein on his forehead popping out. He kept walking back and forth as he scolded them.
“How was I supposed to know that y/n and the dog would be there? That thing would have killed me if I would have stepped closer” Ethan whined, holding his arm where Dook had bitten him. He had always been afraid of that monster.
“Ethan is right dad, that dog is massive and dangerous” Quinn said trying to support her brother. Her hair wet from the shower to get rid of all the fake blood she was covered in.
“Well we need a new plan” he mumbled.
“Y/n, Anika, this is Gale and this is Kirby” Sam introduced you. Kirby was closest to you so you shook her hand first before going to Gale but stopping shortly before your hands touch.
“Uff, that’s one hell of a bruise, what did ya do?” You asked pointing to her left side under the eye. You couldn’t help but be suspicious of somebody you didn’t know. Especially with the way Dook stood in front of you instead of how he normally stood next to you.
She sighed and looked at Tara before speaking up. “Tara hit me because I did something I told them I wouldn’t do” she explained making your mouth open in shock. You turned to Tara with your mouth still open.
“You did that?” You asked her still shocked with your eyebrows raised. She timidly nodded at you making you grin and raise your hand for a high five before wrapping your arm around her shoulder and pulling her into you. “Damn girl, nicely done” you told her, clearly proud of the fact that she was protecting herself.
Seeing that made Sam smile too, her head slightly turned to the side as she watched you two. Her sister was happily giggling into your chest, her cheeks slightly red and her eyes lit up while you grinned down at her, your eyes were full with love and admiration. As a bigger sister, she was happy that you could protect her and loved the fact that she could protect herself.
When everybody started to follow Gale to whatever she wanted to show you, you fell behind due to the fact that Dook was still a dog, wanting to mark like every corner. As soon as Tara noticed she left Chad and fell behind too, walking with you in silence. Everybody was already going inside when you two rounded the corner. “You alright?” You asked her as she stood in front of the door, suddenly not moving anymore.
“Yeah, I’m just, I don’t know” she mumbled out looking at her feet as her hands messed with the fabric of her shirt. She looked even smaller than normal.
“It’s going to be okay, I’m here for you” you told her with a comforting smile before you gave her a nod as a start sign. Just as you were about to go inside a hand slid down your arm into the pocket of your trouser where it found yours making you tense for a second. You pulled both of your hands out of the pocket and intertwined them before carefully pulling her along. The place was full of old ghost face things, masks, robes, a TV and more. Tara suddenly stopped at one Vitrine, her mood dropping before her hand suddenly let go of yours.
“I-I need a second” she mumbled and walked off towards Sam. You heard them fight before Tara stormed off, alone. “Dookie, follow Tara. Go” you told the dog who ran off to follow her making you smile a bit. You felt more comfortable when somebody was there to protect her and when you saw a Kirby follow her too you decided to keep roaming the place, finding Mindy and Anika.
After some time and some explanation from Mindy, Kirby found you. “You should go to Tara” she told you with a tight lipped smile. You were about to go when she spoke up again, “very cute dog by the way” you grinned at her before walking off to find Tara.
The moment you turned the corner she was on you, her arms wrapped around your neck as she stood on her tippy toes and pressed her lips against yours. You needed a second and even though you wanted to kiss her back with every bit you carefully pushed her away. She immediately started to stutter when her lips detached from yours. “I’m sorry, it’s just- this is a hard time for you and I don’t want you to regret anything” you told her as your hands caressed her waist in a comforting manner.
She smiled at you, her hands playing with the baby hair at the back of your neck. “I won’t. Come on, I still gotta tell you something” her hand slipped in yours as she pulled you to sit down on a step and then she told you about Amber. About how they were always flirting and how there was this tension that was between you too, and how she then killed her friends and how she sometimes thinks that if she had made a move Amber maybe wouldn’t have went crazy and that she wouldn’t have lost her best friend. She didn’t wanna make the same mistake again and she didn’t wanna lose somebody because she was scared of living. “Kirby opened my eyes. Just because Amber was crazy doesn’t mean you are crazy too right? We can live a happy life together and love each other even though the thing with Amber fucked me up right?” Her eyes were teary which made your heart break.
“We will live the happiest lives ever, after we caught that motherfucker” you said making her giggle. You stood up and pulled her with you to go with the others but not before kissing her. Your heart exploding at the feeling of her lips on yours, only to be interrupted by Dook who seemed to be jealous as he went between you two. Both of you laughed before going back to the group, hand in hand with Dook in front of you. Sam looked at your hands before glaring at you, hiding her small smile.
“So what to we have on these people?” Kirby asked looking into the group, eyes fixated on Sam.
“Y/n had a point. Dook didn’t bark which means we knew whoever was inside” you gave everybody a tight lipped smile before deciding to add something.
“I have a really stupid thing, or maybe it isn’t stupid, I don’t know. But Dook constantly barked at the body bag which made me suspicious. He wouldn’t just bark at a dead person and I mean, there wasn’t even a scream, who doesn’t notice ghost face in your room?” You rambled on until Chad decided to interrupt you.
“So you guess what? That Quinn is still alive and a part of the whole thing?” He chuckled slightly clearly not believing you. You rolled your eyes looking at Tara for help.
“Well, I mean that does sound very unrealistic. I’m sorry but how would that even work?” She was apologetic about not being on your side, Ethan who you hadn’t noticed until now nodding along with what she said. You rolled your eyes again looking at Kirby who just shrugged.
“Whatever. Do we have any other thoughts, ideas?” You asked a tad annoyed, parting from Tara to follow Dook around.
“I think we should do the tracking the call thing” one of them suggested, a discussion immediately breaking loose. You just watched your dog sniff around, focusing on one of the masks that seemed to have fallen down hoping that he’d pick up on something.
The next time ghostface attacked was when they did the call thing but there was nothing you could do, he was too far gone. Gale barely surviving. It hurt Tara a lot, she was clinging to you like a koala, whispering how sorry she was that you were in this, that she’d never forgive herself if you got hurt. You just pressed her head into you in a comforting manner, rubbing her back and letting her cry.
You were also heavily against the idea of them playing bait but here you were in the weird ass old cinema kinda thing. “So y/n, I got a K9 kennel for Dook” Kirby told you which was a great thing even though it sounded weird. But you were scared that they’d do something to him and with a K9 kennel you could get him when you needed him but they wouldn’t get inside to hurt him in case they found him.
“Thank you so much, I’ll put him in and then come back” you told them petting your leg for him to follow, Tara quickly walking up next to you to follow you. You wrapped your arm around her shoulder as you walked to the hidden place.
“I feel sorry putting him in that thing, he’s always such a good boy” the smaller brunette mumbled as she crouched down to cuddle him, wrapping her arms around his head. Your heart was exploding from the cuteness of the scene no matter how shitty the actual situation was.
“I know me too. But at least we know that he’s gonna be safe isn’t that right love?” You said pointing at the kennel making him go inside and sit down. “Good boy, I love you and I’ll get you soon” you smiled at Tara before taking her hand and walking around the building.
“If something happens tonight, I want to thank you for finding dook and taking care of him and taking me in and showing me how it feels to really be with someone” you told her as you pulled her closer to kiss her.
Suddenly someone appeared behind her trying to stab her making you push her out of the way. You punched their face before grabbing her and running towards the main room, running past a stabbed Chad. “Shit Chad” Tara screamed and stopped running to bend down to him.
“T, we cant Save him if we die ourselves. Let’s go, we need to find Sam and figure out where Mindy is” the mentioning of Sam did it for her making her stand up and keep running for you. In this moment you were happy that Anika was too hurt to come along, one person less to be scared about. When you stopped in the main hall Sam stood there completely shocked and out of breath.
“Oh god, there you are I was looking for you. Wayne called me, he told me that Kirby went crazy and got fired. He believes that she’s ghostface” she explained ushering the two of you closer to her. “Mindy got stabbed on the way here, in the subway. I-I don’t know where Chad is” she added making Tara flinch at the mentioning of her friend.
“He got stabbed, we left him we couldn’t do anything. It’s better if they think he’s dead” you told her.
The next things were too quick for you to comprehend. Kirby appeared and was suddenly knocked out by someone in a ghost face costume, and then another one appearing. Turned out they were Wayne and Ethan, father and son. And then, a third one appeared. A scared ‘Mindy?’ Leaving Sams mouth, tears welling up in Tara’s and you were tensing. But then the mask was pulled of and revealed Quinn making you jump and fist bump the air.
“I fucking told you. I told you she wasn’t fucking dead motherfuker” you then quickly turned quiet again, realizing that this wasn’t the right moment. And then Wayne started talking about something with their past and weird ass stuff, you kinda zoned out trying to find a way out while protecting Tara. At least until you hear a certain name.
“And then there was Dook, he was rather easy to take care of after you put him in a kennel where he couldn’t do anything to us” Wayne said, Ethan and Quinn giggling making you even madder. They started to circle the three of you, Tara and Sam grabbing a stone. Sam quickly turned around signaling you to run and look for your dog once there was an opportunity and you did. They distracted them long enough for you to run off to where dook was hidden, constantly clicking the button that was supposed to release him but nothing. He was nowhere to be seen making you panic.
When you arrived at the kennel he was laying on his side, eyes closed and the kennel still closed. You pried the door open, once you got it open you crawled inside, tears already spreading in your eyes. “Dook?” You mumbled just for him to open his eyes and stand up, licking you across the face. “Not cool dude, i thought you were dead” and then your eyes fell to some kind of dog treat that you didn’t put there. Picking it up to smell it you quickly figured out that there was something wrong with it. “You’re such a smart boy” you cuddled him for a moment before remembering why you were even here.
When you came back to the siblings Sam was upstairs, holding Tara who was hanging over the upper part of the theater, Ethan under her fumbling around with a knife. “I’ve always wanted to stick something in you Tara” he said making you gag and more aggressive than you already were.
You saw Quinn and Wayne coming for Sam upstairs, “Dook, go protect Sam” you told the dog and got yourself ready to tackle Ethan just in case Tara needed the help.
“Sam, you have to let me go” Tara’s voice was desperate making Sam sigh and do let go of her, she fell and landed in his arms. She grinned as she stuck the knife into his throat pulling it down and god she looked good. She landed on her feet when he fell over and made her way towards your open arms.
Upstairs Sam shot Quinn in the head and then tried to shoot Wayne just for the gun to be empty. In that moment Dook jumped on his back knocking him to the ground, giving Sam the opportunity to kick him in the face and knocking him out. She came back down with the dog next to her. “I have a plan” she told you and quickly explained what you were supposed to do while scratching Dooks back, Tara scratching his head.
You were just a back up and a protection in sams plan, so you stood behind Tara with Dook, feeding him some treats. “What’s your favorite scary movie?” She said into the phone, holding the voice changer in front of it, a grin spreading across your face. She kept talking for a bit until you heard a scream through the phone which was when she hung up. “God, I just wanna go home” she mumbled as she leaned against you waiting for Sam to get you two.
Sam and Tara sat on the steps while you stood a bit further away to give them their privacy. They talked while you sat on the ground with Dook in your lap, zooming out until Sam called out for you. “If you hurt her I’ll hurt you. Even worse than I hurt Wayne” you gave her an upside down smile, and an awkward okay before Tara came running towards you making Dook and you jump up. She jumped into your arms and kissed you making you twirl her around.
That night you laid in Tara’s bed, cuddled up with Dook next to your legs. You wrapped your arm around her waist and pulled her even deeper into you. “Thank you for everything y/n, you’ve been here for us. You and Dook, you’ve been protecting us as if we are your family. I’ve always wanted somebody like you” she mumbled into your chest making you smile.
“Dook and I will never let anyone hurt you or your family. Tomorrow we will pick up Mindy and Anika and then we will visit Chad, Gale and Kirby. Now, stop talking so we can watch the movie” you grinned as you pressed play on the Babadook before pressing soft kisses on her lips.
It may have been to early to say I love you but god, you loved that woman more than anything. You loved her just as much as you loved Dook.
So this is like the longest thing I’ve ever written and I’m not sure I like it. But I took forever to write and I hope you guys enjoy it.
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miasmaghoul · 2 months
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I just, I don't even know what to say
Ok, serious chat for a moment. Warnings for mentions of an ED and medical mistreatment.
It's so frustrating to still see shit like this when I grew up in the days of fat free everything and Weight Watchers ads every 5 minutes on TV.
Why is it fat people that everyone agrees to dogpile on? We're bullied incessantly for something that a lot of us can't even fix or help, because people who AREN'T fat assume we're just lazy pigs. Like yeah, please just disregard my physical debility and MULTIPLE hormonal issues and just assume that I just shovel food into my mouth constantly. Oh, you say I can't have an eating disorder because I'm fat and "those people" are skinny? BOY DO I HAVE NEWS FOR YOU!
It's bullshit, full stop. I still struggle with my ED, but the older I've gotten the more open and honest with myself I've become. I've never sought treatment for it because, again, I'm still fat. The one time I did bring it up to a doctor, he said "well if you do have an eating disorder then you aren't doing a very good job." I wish I were making that up.
Fat is in my genes, and there are so many other contributing factors it isn't even funny. It's so pounded into our heads that we NEED to be thin (mostly targeting women, let's be real) in order to have value, and I'm so fuckin sick of still hearing about the latest severely unhealthy fad diet or what fucking celebrity is on ozempic.
Which, by the way, I did have pushed on me a couple years ago when regular people could still get their hands on it. It made me feel so much worse. Every dose would trigger a binge, and I would feel horrible for days afterwards. I told my doctor (different from the other one I mentioned) this, and she told me that it was just something I was going to have to deal with because look, you've lost 20lbs since your last visit!
I felt worse than I had in YEARS, but it didn't matter because my body was becoming more socially acceptable. Do you want to know how many times doctors have tried to shove weight loss surgery down my throat? Countless. No matter how many times I say I'm not even there to talk about my weight, and that those surgeries are NOT for me, someone always brings it up. It's crazy how hurtful being ignored for knowing your own body is, because someone else thinks you need to change.
I wish this was something I had figured out when I was younger, but alas. I wore a hoodie over my clothes for 6 years straight, regardless of how hot it was outside, just to try to hide. I made myself miserable, ate barely anything (which would just trigger a binge, of course) and had it beat into my head constantly that my weight was the most important thing about me.
Here's the thing it took me way too long to learn:
You know what the number on the scale is? It's just a number. Your weight, high or low, is simply a tiny part of who you are as a human. If others choose to judge you based on it, that's not a failure on your part. It's on theirs. Being fat is not a crime, nor is it deserving of the insults and sneers we get in public spaces. People will always find a reason to stare, to whisper and giggle, and the best thing you can do for yourself is not give them the time of day.
I realize that's not easy. It's taken me 30+ years to reach a point where I've realized that going out in public is a necessity, and that the only reason I think people are staring at me is because advertisements like this punched the concept into my fragile little mind as a kid. At the end of the day, this is the one thing all fat people need to know:
Being fat is not a moral failure.
There is nothing wrong with you just because you need bigger clothes, mobility aids, or help from others. I don't care what anyone says - your weight is no one's business but your own. You want to lose weight? Go for it! More power to you, you'll get nothing but support from me. But there's nothing wrong with not wanting to do that either. That's really what it comes down to - the assumption that there's something inherently wrong with us because we're bigger than other people.
That's the part that needs to stop. And if anyone ever needs a reminder, my asks are always open. You're beautiful, I promise. 💜
Thank you for coming to my TED talk lmao
(I'm sure some asshole anons will come at me for "glorifying obesity" or "promoting unhealthy lifestyles". I assure you I am not. I am simply trying to help normalize a different mindset. If you're upset that fat people exist and that I'm saying they deserve the same care and compassion as anybody else, then you need to do a little bit of internal examination there. I promise fat people have not hurt you by virtue of existing in larger bodies ♡)
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honeyfizzly · 6 months
Posting my spicy scarlet hollow hot take.
I will warn this is gonna be about me not liking reese romance so if you don't wanna read that, just skip this post and don't click the read more.
Okay just to clarify I don't think the reese romance is bad or badly written nor do I think people who romance reese are bad or whatever, it's just really really not my thing tbh. I think my biggest problems are A. How sheltered he is and B. How quickly it can go toxic.
I'll elaborate a bit more- with A reese barely gets human interaction so like of course he'd latch on to the first person to show him romantic interest and kindness.
And idk I just feel like he deserves to go out in the world and explore and figure out what his actual type is instead of settling for the bare minimum of kindness and interest?
For B I'm uncomfortable with how much potential the relationship has for toxicity. Like I get some people like their fictional toxic relationships and I get that, I'm not judging, its just once again- not my thing.
It made me very uncomfortable once reese starts talking about how he needs to protect me, and when you click something like "I don't need you to protect" he completely disregards that!
And this isn't to say I hate reese, I adore him as a character he is my second wet cat- but this is to say I don't like how overly protective he is (and before anyone says anything- I don't like Wayne romance either).
Reese, after the routes where he kills his mom, is in a mental state where I don't think he's properly ready to be in a romantic relationship imo. Like that guy just killed someone who was incredibly important in his life and now it's changed forever, I think he belongs in a therapist's office to discuss these feelings not in my bed 💀
Sorry if this was just ramblings and hard to understand 😭 I just wanted to get my thoughts out here. Feel free to disagree with me lol I don't mind, just don't like uhh tell me I should die or something EUWBWHEUQ hopefully this fandom is more mature than that. Hoped yall enjoyed reading and have a nice day :D
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fandom-imagines · 1 year
Best friend
Fandom: Until Dawn
Pairing: Josh Washington x Reader
Words: 857
Warnings: None
Is the Until Dawn fandom dead? Potentially. Will I write for it anyway? Absolutely!
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Josh Washington, for as long as I could remember, had always been my best friend.
We met in third grade when my brother, Chris, also met him. Chris introduced us both and we instantly clicked, something that never went away, even as we aged. He was, for lack of a better word, my soulmate, or maybe that was just my crush on him talking.
He was charming, cute, and overall, just a genuine person; could anyone blame me for catching feelings for him? I didn’t expect nor want it to happen, but as we grew into teens, I couldn’t help it. Of course, my friendship with him extended to a friendship with the twins who were also close friends of mine, and also with Josh and Chris’s friends who I now called my own. I loved them all, but none as much as I did with Josh.
My parents were never particularly fond of the man, saying that he was a bad influence with all his pranks, doing the same with Chris, but neither of us cared. He was a good friend, and nothing could change that, even if he did prank us at least twice a month.
In fact, that leads us to where I was right now: covered in water after I was bombarded by water balloons from my brother and my crush.
“You idiots!” I laughed, clearly not meaning the words, despite me being drenched head-to-toe in freezing cold water. They soon joined in with the laughter, growing louder and louder as they stared at me. “I’m freezing.” A pout on my lips was evident as I spoke.
Josh shook his head, still chuckling as he tossed me a towel. “There you go, you know where the bathroom is, go get cleaned up.”
“I didn’t want to give you a towel, but Josh thought we better,” Chris smirked, something which only grew as he noticed the blush quickly darting onto my cheeks; it was clear that he knew of my feelings for the man.
“Screw you, Chris. I’m going for a shower.” I said, shaking my head as I left the room, leaving the pair laughing behind me.
Soon after my shower, I was seated beside Josh and opposite Chris with a warm drink in our hands. It was nice, sitting with the two people I held dearest to my heart whilst we chuckled at a bad movie Josh had put on, a horror, I think.
Chris was soon to fall asleep after finishing his drink, clearly not interested in the movie, either that, or he was exhausted which was also quite possible with the blonde.
“You okay?” Josh whispered to me, trying his best to not wake Chris. “You’ve been quiet all day. Did the prank upset you?”
I smiled slightly, turning to face him. “No, Josh, I’m fine. Just thinking.”
“About what?”
I didn’t want to tell the truth, I couldn’t. How was I supposed to tell him that the reason I was so distracted was because of him. The way he smiled, laughed, even cared for me, despite pranking me earlier on. It was all becoming too much for me to handle and I wasn’t sure how much longer that I could go without exposing my feelings. Chris already knew and he was often oblivious to others feelings, especially with his mutual crush on Ashley.
“A lot of thing,” I admitted, keeping it vague and hoping he wouldn’t ask for more information. However, it wasn’t my lucky day and he raised an eyebrow in a questioning manner.
“You can tell me,” he said.
No, Josh, I can’t, was the first thing to go through my mind. Not about this.
Sensing my silence, he did the typical Josh thing that he knew would get me to cave: puppy eyes.
With a sigh, I spoke. “Promise you won’t judge?”
“I promise,”
Another sigh, “I… like someone,”
Josh’s eyes widened, only for a moment. “Oh…” His voice had an underlying emotion, one I had never heard from his before and something that I couldn’t quite put my finger on. “Who is it?” He asked, seemingly pleading once again.
I simply remained silent, all whilst my head screamed his name.
“I won’t judge, I swear,” he pleaded again. “Even if it is someone really stupid.”
“Depends if you’re stupid,” the words left my lips before I could stop them, my eyes immediately widening as I realised my mistake.
“Shit, sorry,” I sighed, pulling away from him, only to have my hand grabbed, preventing me from moving.
“Don’t move…. Please.”
“Are you sure?”
“Never been surer of anything in my life.” He said, face leaning forward towards me. “Stay still.” He whispered, pausing for a moment before pressing his lips against mine.
It was as though my body went into autopilot, immediately kissing him back as my hand landed on his neck, his going to my waist. I could have stayed like that forever, and perhaps I would have had a voice not broken the moment.
“Finally!!” Chris laughed.
Josh and I pulled away from one another, a blush on both our cheeks.
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its-a-me-mango · 7 months
By saying that support shouldn’t be given to glitch rn, does that include not watching newer SMG4 episodes and other Glitch related stuff? (I’m trying to know whether i should continue to watch them for now)
If you don't support what Glitch is doing in regards to the Tari's VA situation right now, then yes not watching what they produce is how you can show that you don't support them, that also includes not buying their merch for now (I know they just released a bunch of TADC merch which they've been promoting like crazy since this whole situation started (also you don't need to get rid of anything you've already brought, this is about buying their stuff currently)). Striking is one of the best ways to show a company that you don't support their actions, if done en mass it can send a very powerful message.
Withholding your support until accountability is given is how it should be done for companies like Glitch, they're a company after all, they're not gonna read your callout posts in a 83 part twitter thread lol. Obviously openly harassing Glitch and singling out employees to harass ISN'T the right thing to do and doesn't show anything other than you're a hateful person. If you don't agree with what Glitch is doing, I'd suggest striking.
However if you choose to keep watching SMG4 or anything else Glitch make, then that's your choice to make, its up to you to decide if this situation is worth ceasing your support towards Glitch over. I'm not gonna sit here and tell you what you should be doing, nor am I going to judge anyone who isn't doing the same thing as me and neither should anyone else. Ultimately, I don't care whether you watch Glitch productions or not, its my personal choice to stop supporting Glitch by not watching SMG4 and its up to you if you want to do the same.
I think it's most important to stay up to date with everything that's happening and to keep talking about it, we can't just let this be forgotten about because it may cause it to happen again. Keep informed and keep spreading awareness about it until something is done if nothing else. Don't be afraid to change your mind later one once new information is revealed or even admit fault where needed, this is still and ongoing situation so people's views will change as time goes on.
Anyway take care, remember it's up to you to decide how you handled this situation, do it in whatever way feels best for you and for the people you want to stand with.
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loveysmoke6998 · 2 years
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This is my first fanfic so plz be nice (long one at least for me)
Lo’ak was always insecure, insecure about his body, his skills, his worthlessness. He loathed everything about himself, and now that his brother is gone he must not only live up to his fathers name but his brother too. It was all too much he was overwhelmed. He didn’t want to be near anyone, but he wouldn’t mind you right now.
He meet you on the sinking ship, you were standing on the very small area left afloat, shaking. You were scared, if not terrified, you were young. Just around his age at the time, but that wasn’t all he noticed. You were chained up, in cuffs, you looked injured and run down. Yet just as he was getting close from behind he noticed you were branded. You can even say dehumanized, how could humans do an act so horrible, so dehumanizing, so torturous?! That was when he felt something touch him.
His father was behind him also looking at you. “Son do what your heart tells you” he says looking at his son solemnly at his as he understood the conflict in his sons head. With that Jake left, and Lo’ak saved you. Petrified of the Navi you were hesitant to accepting his offer, but you figure it would be better than drowning. As he took you with him as soon as you reached the village you passed out from exhaustion, due to the overwhelming you faced as the boat was sinking and your people were dying. To be honest you didn’t consider them your people. They did in despicable things to you, using you a just another experiment; a lab rat. That’s what they considered you nothing but a waste of space, someone to take their anger upon. Those bastards would torture you, violate you, rid you of your dignity, the only good thing they ever did is adjust your lungs to breathe the air on pandora. Just invade they’d use you as bait and didn’t wanna waste money on a mask especially made for you.
You never wanted to go through that again, but as you were riding with Lo’ak you weren’t scared, nor petrified. You were content, tired but nonetheless content, he was warm, comforting, kind. He was making sure that you were still there behind him as you were too scared to hold onto him. The inevitably changed the moment he went slightly faster now forcing you to latch onto him to stay on. You were struggling to stay awake since he was so warm. That was the last thing you remember since you passed out the second you were inside the village. Jake and Netiri were waiting for him.Jake knowing about his “guest.” However he could let you be alone with his son because you were one of the sky people, so you slept with the Sully family. As you awoken from your sleep you were surrounded by the Sully family. They said they would teach you their ways as long as you stayed loyal to the Navi, and that’s exactly what you did.
(7 years later)
You’ve adapted to their way of life now, adjusted to their ways. However their was one person you never quite got adjusted to Lo’ak. Over the years you guys grew closer and you’ve developed a crush. I know 20’s a little old for a crush but he was the only one who truly acknowledged you as part of the Navi. You were an outsider, no one wanted you there, you were treated as if you were just a dog. Yet you’d rather be treated with discrimination then an experiment. Out of everyone in the Sully family he was the only one who wouldn’t look at you with those eyes. Eyes that knew you weren’t their kind, eyes that knew you weren’t supposed to be here. That’s why you went out with Lo’ak more these days. You gained their trust enough to be alone with him, and the days you spent with him were the most fun. Unless you got on the ikran (the dragon) you were petrified of falling especially at this height that you knew you wouldn’t survive. He was slowly trying to make you less scared of heights but it never worked he’d always need to land mid flight because you’d start having a panic attack from the altitude. He never judged you for that, instead in his head he’d punish himself for making you go through that. Even at 20 years old he still had problems with self worth, and self love. Yet even if he saw you at your lowest he never let you see that part of him. That part that was covered in self loathing, the part that was under so much pressure that he didn’t even know what to do. The only thing he was 100% sure of in his mind was that he wanted to protect you. He didn’t want you to be know as the freak, the outcast, the demon. He knew what it was like to go through that and he’d never ever want you to go through that.
But there was one thing he’d do to soothe his aching head from his thoughts. When you were asleep he’d tell you everything, his self consciousness, his thoughts, his insecurities, he’d tell you everything that plagued his mind. However today was different today was the day his brother died. He felt like a coward, a useless, ridiculous coward. He didn’t even have the courage to tell you this even if you were asleep. Well at least he thought you were. You were a very light sleeper so you’d hear everything he’d tell you, keeping it as a mental note to praise him the next day. But tonight he didn’t do that, everyone was asleep but he was no where to be found. With that you got up and went to the only place you’d think he’d be at… Eywa. The only part that scared you was the swim over there. Of course you’ve swam on his Ilu but never alone. Yet you figured the llu would have a connection to you. But there you stood confused was Lo’ak really that mad at himself that he swam all the way over there alone. You couldn’t tell, but you took the llu that thankfully recognized you and was happy to see you. With that you two swam to Eywa. Seeing his there tired from swimming and looking like he was about to drown. With that you gave the llu to him as he sat there gaining his breath and questioning why you were here. Reluctantly you told him that you’d hear him vent to you every night but since you didn’t hear him this night you went to go look for him.
Damn he never felt more guilty then at that moment. You heard everything! He felt so bad because that wasn’t your baggage to carry, not you guilt to have. With that he broke, the walls surrounding his heart faltering as he sobbed into your shoulder. You’ve never seen him like this before he was so vulnerable, so broken. You understood him so you let him take it all out. You guys were there until sunrise just allowing him to be vulnerable and take it all out. After he finished sobbing and started to relax a little. He realized that he felt safe with you, like you were his rock. So he decided to tell you why it was tonight that he was like this. He told you how his brother was the mighty warrior of the family and took a bullet for him to survive. Saying that it was his fault. When he said that you pulled his hair, him hissing at you until he heard those words com out of your mouth. That he “wasn’t at fault for any of that shit” and that he was “ so fucking important to you because you loved him…” You… what?! You loved him he couldn’t fucking believe it. Out of all people you loved him a freak and a failure, but before he could say anything he felt you grab his hair and make the bond on your heart. That’s when he felt it all the love you had for him, how your heart was beating, how you were breathing. That’s when he finally decided to take the hint and kiss you. Until he heard something or better someone whistle at him it was his father. Both of you were alarmed until his father told him that he was proud of him for doing that, and that he approved you guy’s relationship. Now that was you guys happy ending.
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yzeltia · 17 days
FFXIVwrite2024 8. Wedding Vows
Characters: U'rahn Nuhn, Postmoogle
Expansion: Endwalker(Timeline Wise, Otherwise Irrelvant)
Rating: G
Summary: U'rahn practices for his big day with his biggest antagonist.
Notes: Freeday prompt given to me by @beyond-mortal-limits
*Based on Shakespeare's Sonnet 18
**Based on George Michael's Father Figure
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“Alright! Have we started? Now remember, only write the stuff down that I’m saying for the vows. You don’t have to write it all down…you better not be writing this down…Augh. Anyway. My Vows….My vows….Let’s try:
“Nyx, I’ve loved you since you first took your hand and led you to go do all the stuff Zoissette didn’t want me to do with me…-
“Yes it was a date for someone else? Why? What do you mean that’s lame. Don’t you kupo at me! I’m paying you to write stuff not give me dating advice! Let’s try again. …Maybe traditional?”
“I, U’rahn Nuhn, take you, Nyx Blackmoon, for my eternally bonded spouse, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do…well, until death do I part. I will love and enrich you all the days of my life.
“How’s that? What do you mean ‘lame, kupo?’!? It’s traditional! …Okay …Nyx is not a traditional bride but that doesn’t matter cause they’re going to be the most beautiful and special brrride there’s ever been. Don’t ‘Sure, kupo!’ at me! It’s trrrue! But you’re right…Nyx loves me for my orrriginality and that I enrrrich them…Maybe poetry? I can be poetic! Urianger taught me sonnets after Nyx taught me Haiku!!…Can too! Oh yeah!?
“Shall I compare thee to a Summer’s Night?
Thou art more um…lovely and temperature
Rough winds do shake my darling buddies in May
And Summer’s heat hath all too short a date,
Sometimes too hot the eye of Nidhogg shines
And often is gold and complex and I’m dimmed,
And every faerie from faerie sometimes decides
By chance of nature’s changing course to their whim…d
But thy eternal Summer shall not fade
Nor lose possession of thou wanderer’s shade
When in eternal bonds to time thou grow’st
So long as Nuhn can breathe or eyes can see
So long lives this one, and he gives his life to thee-* Stop laughing!
“I swear, moogles are nothing but trouble. That was really good! Yes, I recited it perfectly from the book that Urianger gave me! No I didn’t guess! Just keep your comments to yourself and help write down my vows or I’ll feed you to a sandworm!
“Now…if poems won’t work. How about a song:
“That's all you wanted
Something special, someone enriching 
In your life-
Just for one moment
To be warm and naked
At my side-
Sometimes I think that you'll never
Understand me 
But something tells me together
We'd be happy, oh-oh, baby
I will be your Nuhn figure
Put your tiny hand in mine 
I will be your preacher teacher
Anything you have in mind-”**
“What? That off key? …Yeah, I’m not very good. Maybe if I asked Big Bro Erick or Big Bro Thancred to back me up in the vocals? No? Yeah…no. I can even admit I’m not the best singer. Alright. Fine…What do you think I should do? … … … Ah…I can try that…:
“Nyx…When I’m around you I feel invincible…Not like my normal invincibility, but like, y’know, that I could do anything and everything I put my mind to. Even the stuff that I’m super bad at. I know I’m not the smartest or wisest guy out there but you never hold that against me and when I meet something that I can’t overcome, you let me try until I ask for help. You never judge me or put me down. I feel so seen and loved around you. 
“And…well, it’s no secret my family is super important to me. You’ve fit right in with us in your own Nyx way. I know that if something ever happened to me, you’d be there to watch over them where I cannot. I named my first daughter after you ‘cause I don’t know anyone more strong and beautiful that I would want her to look up to. 
 “So uh, what I’m trying to say is that I’ll always love you…And I promise, as long as I draw breath, to keep enriching you and making every day be filled with new, fun experiences when we are together.
“Why are you crying? Me? I’m not crying? I just got stuff in my eye! It was good though wasn’t it? Let’s stick with that version….C’mon, I’ll get you a kuponut.”
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zoomercath · 1 month
Questions for Alterhumans:
I don't wanna bother you, but i need to ask.
I wanna start this out by saying that my understanding of the concept, looking at it from outside, is that it is an effect the new age movement had on spirituality, so i understand it as a religious experience (i know being an alterhuman is not a religion by itself, but it is very tied to religious beliefs, like the multiverse theory, which can be though of in a religious way, just in a new age type religion, and reincarnation).
I've already researched the alterhuman community, but i wanna make sure we're on the same page about what you guys actually believe. I haven't spoken to any alterhumans, so i don't know if i may have some misconceptions of alterhumanity, plus i dunno if believe every single person on the internet that calls themselves alterhuman to be the norm in the community.
Finally, i want to clarify that i ask this questions to gain a better understanding of this community. Bear in mind i won't share your responses with anyone, nor make a video or commentary, nor judge you in any sort of way, this is merely out of a desire to understand your community better. Your responses will not change the fact that i respect you all as persons (by that i mean as beings with rights that deserve respect and are free to do what you want with your life), nor will it change the fact that i think your experiences are valid, so you don't have to worry about making a good impression. You don't have to answer but i would really appreciate it if you did, it would help me a lot.
Also, some of this questions i do because i'm still trying to figure put somethings about myself, that's why they get specific.
My questions are:
1. Let's start with the basics: What label of alterhuman are you? (Example: otherking, therian, otherlink, otherhearted, trauma non human, etc. Specify if that's okay, if not it's fine)
2. Do you have any sort of religious belief? Like being part of an organized or disorganized religion. (Example of organized: Christianity. Example of disorganized: Paganism)
3. Do you think you are actually the thing you identify as? (As in denying your physical and biological humanity.)
4. What do you believe to explain your experience as an alterhuman? (Whether it is the multiverse theory, a religious belief, a psychological expirience like trauma, etc. Maybe you don't explain it as anything, you just are, if so state it.)
5. What do you think/know of trauma non-humanity, and do you think it's a valid way to experience alterhumanity when it's not tied to any form of belief system (like religion, the multiverse theory or reincarnation).
6. Is it valid for an alterhuman to not actually believe they are (insert thing they identify as/relate to) and still use the label? Do you have to honestly believe you are that thing to be alterhuman? (For example: would it be unvalid for a person to feel like a fox, but know logically that they aren't actually a fox).
7. Would you justify the emergence of the alterhuman community as an affect that the new age movement had on how we view spirituality? (With this question i'm trying to answer whether i'm correct to view alterhumanity as a new form of spirituality, although i know that it can also be just a psychological experience.)
8. Would you consider it offensive for a christian like me to consider your beliefs as religious/spiritual as a way to explain it and understand your experiences?
Thank you all who read and responded.
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honeycombmunson · 1 year
Kinktober Day 1 | Somnophilia
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Eddie Munson x Steve Harrington
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TW: somnophillia | smut, anal penetration (male receiving), anal fingering (male receiving), slight consensual non-con, slight daddy kink
Word Count: 1.6K
Taglist: N/A (Message me if you want to be added!)
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Sleep. A state of reduced mental and physical activity in which consciousness is altered and sensory activity is inhibited to a certain extent. And in Eddie’s own, humble opinion; a state in which Steve Harrington looks his prettiest. His most,, well, what’s the word for it? Relaxed! His most relaxed. Most nights at least. When there are no furrowed brows plaguing his features, no frowns that might warrant any signs of aging, ones that Steve would only fret about later; and the cycle continues. A state in which he doesn’t have to worry about all of the problems of the world outside of this bed. No parents, no kids getting themselves into trouble, no inter-dimensional monsters reigning down on Hawkins. It was just him, and Eddie. And blissful slumber. And the best part; Steve looked absolutely delectable like this.
Dressed in nothing but his stupid little green basketball shorts, and one of Eddie’s shirts (one, very loved, very worn Black Sabbath shirt, cut tastefully into a crop top). His lips parted, and puffy, and is that— is that drool? It was! Glistening at the corner of his mouth and pooling on his pillow. He looks dewey, flushed. Ethereal. Eddie could write novels about him. He just might change professions and do so.
Steve’s brows pinch at the bridge of his nose. His lips turn downwards into a soft little frown within seconds, and Eddie’s big brown, doe eyes watch as he rolls over to be on his tummy, rather than on his side, and facing him. His head is turned away, and he hikes a leg up. The mattress squeaks the slightest bit underneath them, and the sheets fall delicately from his body with his movements. And Eddie would surely be ostracized if anyone ever found out the filth that runs rampant behind an innocent gaze. He couldn’t help it though! Not with Steve’s ass on display like that. Luckily for Eddie though, his counterpart wouldn’t mind all that much. After all, Steve was the one to bring up this whole idea. He was the one to confess that he’d dreamt of being played with, ogled over during his sleep. By Eddie. Came to him with a whole, huge spiel about it actually.
“So— I mean,, you don’t think I’m some total freakshow for it? Because like— look, man, I totally get it if you do. It’s not everyday some guy,, some guy asks for something like that, right?”
Like that. Hesitant, as if Steve can’t even begin to even think about what he just asked for. Like it was embarrassing. Something that shouldn’t even be spoken, lest he be outed as some kind of kinky freak in the sheets. And to be fair, he was.
“Steve,” Eddie can’t help the smile that spreads out across his cheeks, and god, help him when he snorts trying to choke back a laugh, only to receive a warning in the form of Steve exhaling rather hastily through pursed lips, crossing his arms in front of his broad chest. “Stevie, darling, light of my life, please tell me you’re joking. Take a look at who you’re talking to. If anyone should be judged here, it’s me, really!”
Steve isn’t convinced. Nor, is he amused. That look on his face doesn’t falter in any capacity. In fact, it deepens. Those pursed lips turn into a scowl, and he huffs yet again, but before he can retaliate— Eddie can hear him now! ‘Come on Eddie, can’t you ever take me seriously?’— he jumps in.
“Look— I’m just saying… you don’t have anything to worry about, man. Not with me. I’m into much worse shit, and you know it, baby. Plus,,” And Eddie smiles. Bashful in a way because Steve is the expert at that, his eyes twinkling as he climbs up onto his knees to inch his way closer to the brunette tucked into the corner of his bed. Their noses brush, and he hums. One of Eddie’s ring clad hands finds Steve’s cheek. “I think it’s cute. Honorable even. I shouldn’t waste my time just watching you all night. Not when you just want to make yourself useful, even in sleep,, isn’t that right, sweetheart?”
That finally gets a smile. The corners of Steve’s pouty, pink lips quirk up, and his skin burns under Eddie’s touch. “Right.”
Right. Of course, deeper, more in depth conversations were a must before they could’ve gotten to this point, and they’ve had them, multiple times over but if anything, Steve’s been waiting for this. He was very specific too in his request. He didn’t want to know when Eddie might do it. He didn’t want to be warned. He just wanted to be woken up, stuffed full. Or better yet! He wanted to wake up in the morning with cum dripping down his thighs. Having been completely unaware of what happened while he was unconscious. Eddie wonders what outcome they’ll get tonight. He guesses he’ll have to just wait and see.
Now though. Now, he’s reaching out. His hand, large with calloused fingers finds the span of Steve’s back, and rubs lightly as he coaxes himself into a new position, propped up on an elbow. He runs it down the curve of his spine, and lifts up the hem of his crop top. Fingers tread carefully over olive toned, mole-kissed skin. He traces over them for a moment, his breath shaky as he connects mole to mole, as if creating little constellations with every single little mark. And then his fingers dip down further. Dipping past the waistband of those shorts, and tugging them down, slowly as he can possibly bear to go. Further, and further, until… there we go!
“Oh, Stevie,,” Whispered, gentle words, as if this was some sort of sight to be marveled, completely awe-struck. If there was one thing about Steve that Eddie couldn’t get enough of, it was the hair that covered nearly every crevice of his damn body. His chest, his ass, his tummy, his thighs,, that iconic head of hair. He wasn’t called Steve ‘The Hair’ Harrington for nothing, right?
He groans. Watches with intent as he lets the tips of two— yes, you heard it correctly, two— fingers massage the entrance of his hole, and really, it’s criminal the way they slip inside so easily. Stretched out already from that morning, with residual cum coating the pads of his fingers already. He didn’t need any of the extra help, but it wouldn’t hurt right? Just in case. It gets Steve hard too. A half chub bulging, and still enveloped in nothing but green shorts as they’ve just been pushed down to reveal what’s needed. Eddie leans in closer, and pushes his lips against Steve’s shoulder. Places kiss after kiss to the broadness, until his fingers have sunk in down to the knuckle, and just as he does, it gets a soft gasp in response. A little shift in movement, Steve rutting his hips backwards. Eddie halts.
It turns out to be a false alarm. Always such a deep sleeper, this one is. Thank god.
He begins to move. Fingering Steve slow, but deep, until he begins curling them. Pushing against plushy, searing hot walls, sinking them in, and bringing them back out in fluid motions, over and over again, until all of those little intricate subtitles of an oncoming orgasm begin to sprinkle their way into Steve’s body language. Squirming, heavy breathing, furrowed brows, a rosiness to his skin. He can’t help but wonder if he’s dreaming. If Steve was just the slightest bit aware of what was happening right now. His fingers slip out.
“You ready, big boy?” He teases, rhetorical, of course because he isn’t looking for an answer here. No, Steve was to stay asleep, but Eddie couldn’t help but run his mouth, even when the situation didn’t call for it. He reaches blindly for the lube in his bedside drawer, and snaps it open with an ease you can only really achieve with pure muscle memory. His other hand pushes down his boxers until his cock bounces out from its confines, and in seconds he’s lubing it up. He hisses when it makes contact with his skin, cold to the touch as it squirts out of the bottle. With that tacky bottle discarded somewhere on the bed, he scoots over, one hand on his cock as he spreads the slippery lubricant over it, fully, lining up with Steve’s hole. Gaped open, and ready for the taking. “You’ve been so good for me.”
As he pushes in, he’s met with no resistance. Steve is supple, and warm, tight around him, and it takes all the effort Eddie can muster not to live the rest of his life as a one pump chump, but miraculously, he doesn’t cum. Yet. First the tip. Then he sinks in halfway. He has to stop again there, one hand, lubed covered on Steve’s hip, and the other positioned above his head. He wrings his pillow between his fingers with a groan, a strained nose that he tries to hold back. Holy shit. Closer, closer. He eases back in, just a few more inches, until— Jesus Christ.
“Eddie.” Hazel eyes snap open, frantic, just for a moment, though they’re clearly glazed over with a certain sleepiness. A hand finds Eddie’s hip, weak, and fingernails dig into his skin, but Steve doesn’t push. He doesn’t voice any sort of want for it to stop. “Daddy. Oh, s’full. S’so,, shit. M’tired.”
Eddie smiles. Let’s out a breathy excuse of a laugh, and leans in. He noses at Steve’s jaw, his breath hot and damp against his skin. He ruts his hips forward, knocking out another gasp from the boy beneath him. Oh, Steve was so perfect wasn’t he? So pliant, and by the looks of it, seconds away from letting Eddie fuck him right back to sleep.
“Oh, you poor thing. Just rest your head for me, Stevie,, daddy’s got you.”
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d1g1tal-d1ary · 18 days
Ex‘s // Alex Turner
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Summary: After yet another late night call, y/n finds herself in the studio once again with her ex boyfriend Alex Turner. So of course they‘re ought to fuck, aren‘t they?
Warnings: smut, cunnilingus, sex, blowjob, f!reader, p! in v!, ex smut, unprotected sex, oral sex (m! and f! receiving)
Wordcount: 2.7k
‧₊˚🖇️✩ ₊˚🎧⊹♡ ‧₊˚🖇️✩ ₊˚🎧⊹♡ ‧₊˚🖇️✩ ₊˚🎧⊹♡
Breaking up seemed funny to me. You'd spent so much time with the other person - shared the most vulnerable or emotional moments with each other that you started to forget how to live on your own. Sure, I still knew how to do the laundry and how to cook without anyone watching me intensly with so much adoration that my lungs were filled with anticipation but I forgot how to feel loved on my own. I didn't know how to feel wanted alone; without him whispering sweet nothings into my ear while taking me from behind.
That's why I wasn't the one to blame for all this chaos we left behind. Our break up was one of those that all of our friends had expected. They'd been watching both of our souls push themselves from one another only to come back sooner than later so often they eventually grew tired of it.
And the day we finally had the guts to cut things off, my friends were happy for me. They finally felt like they could talk freely to me again about him; how bad he treated me and what an awful narcissist he had always been. But even though they thought I was finally listening and changed my mind about him, I never actually did.
I was still addicted to him - to his touch that still lingered all over my body and to his voice that was still humming softly everytime I could't fall asleep and to the way he made sure I knew just how much he longed for me when he took each piece of clothing off my body.
Each "God, you haven't lost anything with letting that shit go" and every "You're better off without him" made me cringe internally as I knew I wasn't honest about what exactly had been going on ever since we broke up and I moved into another apartment.
I would have never dared to be honest with them; I knew they would have judged me. But they should've understood, they should've realized that no matter how many times I tried to get away from him - I was quickly pulled back by him every single time again.
And that night wasn't any different. I snuggled myself into a blanket on the couch with some sweets and some wine. I was mentally drained - work had been pulling all the energy out of me recently and I needed nothing more than him whispering everything's gonna be okay a glass of red wine with a reality TV show. And I knew by the way my phone was lighting up; by the way the only person who would ever text me this late at night that I was in deep.
>> Missing u <<
I hated him. I hated him for breaking my heart so many times I stopped counting, I hated him for still calling me up every once in a while and I hated him the most for putting me into the position to be the one coming to him.
Or maybe I was the one I hated. Maybe I was angry with myself for still looking into the mirror, making sure I was looking as good as I possibly could at midnight and leaving the comfort of my apartment just to feel something again. To feel him again.
And when he opened the door of the studio, I realized that I'd travel the world if he asked me to. His half lidded eyes met mine as he was leaning against the door slightly, taking in the sight of me. I shifted the weight from one foot onto the other when I got a little bit insecure about my odd outfit choice - a white top with one of those mini skirts.
"Took you a bit longer than usual," he murmured before stepping aside to let me in. I complied the unspoken demand and walked straight to the room where his guitar layed. Meeting up at the studio made me feel not as bad as I'd usually feel because it wasn't his nor my apartment. The studio wasn't that intimate; it was mostly used to simply record songs or sometimes even throw a little party.
I didn't notice that Alex had been spending nearly all of his time in the studio ever since I moved out. I guessed he always wanted to meet me there because of the same reason as I justified it.
"I walked," I simply replied as I sat down on the black leather couch. "It finally cooled off a bit outside."
"It did?" he curiously asked and took the seat on the opposite side of the couch. "How have you been, love?"
I shrugged off the way my heart started pumping quicker at the so simple four letter word and answered:" Y'know, as always. Work has been killing me lately."
"You have to quit," he shook his head while toying with his guitar a bit. "You haven't been happy a single day since starting at that company."
"That's not as easy as you make it sound like," I sighed. "Besides, they pay me more than the other companies would pay a woman. So I'll suck it up and continue."
An appreciated silence fell upon the room while I began watching him play soft tunes on the guitar. I even caught him hum a few times to one of the songs; making my heart melt at how easy and normal his company felt like.
"Are you starin' at me or the guitar?" he asked after a while and smirked in my direction.
"Both," I wasn't lying; I was staring at his hands fiddling with the guitar. "I want to know what it all means."
He exhaled sharply and gave me a look before speaking up:" Not all things or actions have to mean something, y/n."
"So you invite me to the studio nearly every night just to have a shag?" I shot back, clearly not satisfied with his answer. "You confuse me so much."
"I confuse you?" he huffed. "If anything, you're the one confusing me. You're in my mind all the time. Not once has your face left me alone since we broke up."
I didn't - couldn't believe his words. There was so much between us that was still unspoken from that night we broke up. He was the one who seemed happier after the break up; at least that's what my friends had been telling me.
"So that's why you always call me?" I mumbled and my own voice sounded drained because all I wanted to do was to reach out and hold the boy I fell in love with. "Because you can't fuck someone else without seeing me?"
"If you're here just to throw those lies against my head, you can go," he said without looking at me. "I thought you might understand me. Because no one else does. I can't be without you and no one else understands because they don't know what it feels like to be with you."
I wanted to cry right then and there. Finally, those words I craved the most during the last weeks finally stumbled past his lips and left a tingeling feeling in my body.
"Alex-" I tried to say but I was cut off by his low voice:" Have you any idea what you did to me, y/n? I dreamt about you nearly every night this week and it's driving me insane. You're driving me insane."
He stood up and walked to where I was sitting, coming to a stop when he could easily gaze down at me. I gulped when I saw him; his eyes were filled with so much longing that I was practically undressed just with the look of his eyes.
"You're everywhere I go," he continued and slowly sank down on his knees. His fingers gripped my thighs and spread them; making me gasp. "I can't get you out of my head. I can't fall asleep without you by my side and I don't ever want to live in a world without you."
When those final words escaped his lips, he pulled my skirt up and discarded my panties while I had lifted my ass up just a bit, so they could easily slide down. Without wasting any more moments, he gripped my ankles and pushed my heat towards him.
"You're so beautiful," he whispered before pressing a kiss on my inner thighs, his arms clutching to my legs so they were resting on his shoulders. "I never want to taste anyone else on you. I can't bear the thought of anyone else having this and not appreciating in enough."
I whimpered at the light touch and at his words and leaned my dripping cunt towards his mouth; silently pleading for him to finally lay his tongue upon there. And when I finally felt his mouth sucking on my clit, I moaned aloud.
"I love when you sing for me, sweetheart," he mumbled against my wet slit before returning to fuck me with his tongue. A shiver spread across my spine as I felt him slurping my juice like I was his last meal; occasionally rubbing his nose against my clit. Before I knew it, I had already been a moaning and whimpering mess beneath him.
"Fuck, right there!" I cried out loud and squirmed while my hands had gripped his long hair tightly. "Alex- yes! I'm.. cumin'!"
I knew I was over the edge when he added a finger to work on my clit - I came with a loud moan and I could've sworn I never had a more intense orgasm from a man's mouth.
Alex stood up and his sight gave me so much arousal; his deep eyes gazing down at my cunt while I could see the bulge in his jeans made me clench around nothing. Once my breathing was almost evenly again, I sat up on the edge of the couch and grazed his clothed cock with my hand.
"You're so fuckin' hot, d'you know that?" Alex mumbled as my hands slowly unbuckled his belt. I didn't answer, though I smiled up at him before I pulled down his jeans as well as his boxers. That sight was far from being new to me - remembering this had been the third time we met up just that week - but everytime my eyes layed upon his hard cock, saliva collected in my mouth. I'd never found dicks beautiful nor did they ever turn me on but something about his so perfect sized cock with those perfectly placed veins paired with his unshaved groin made me crave him being in me so desperatly.
Without wasting precious time, I spat onto his already throbbing cock and spread it with a few strokes. I looked up at him one last time; meeting his turned on gaze before taking him into my mouth slowly. His hands immediatly found its way into my hair and pulled it out of my face so he could see me taking his cock so well.
"Fuck.." he groaned and threw his head back. "Turn around."
I didn't hide my disappoinment that he clearly didn't want to cum from the blowjob but only used it as a way to collect enough moisture when I turned around on the squaking couch - giving him the perfect view on my arse while my arms were propped against the back of the couch.
"Don't look at me like that," Alex murmured. I could feel his hand push the skirt upwards so he could see my drooling pussy. "Thought I'd make you feel especially good tonight."
A shiver ran through my spine when his finger slid into me; just to check if I was ready. But fuck, I was desperate for his cock.
"Fuck me, Alex," I whimpered and wiggled around towards his hand. "Please, just fuck me."
I heard a chuckle from behind me before he guided his cock to my entrance. With a swift, yet slow motion he began pushing himself further and further into the warmth of my pussy. We both moaned in relief when he was all the way in and after a few seconds of adjusting, he began moving.
It was not long until the room was filled with the sound of him thrusting into me and the air got so hot and sticky that both of us began sweating. Every once in a while, he would completely bottom out; leaving me with the emptiness inside of me before thrusting into me so deep I swore I saw stars.
"You're fuckin' perfect," he breathlessly moaned and his fingers digged even deeper into the flesh of my waist - surely leaving marks. "I wanna hear you moan my name."
I couldn't help but cry out when he hit that bittersweet spot deep inside of me before I mumbled:" Fuck, just like that, Alex! Please, don't stop."
"I wanna see you, darlin'," he pleaded and his lips grazed my top that was still on. "Turn around, please."
As quickly as I possibly could, I had turned around and watched him sink into me once again; this time hitting a completely different side from within me. I didn't know where to look in my cockdrunk state - I wanted to see his beautiful face grimace in pleasure but I got so hot watching him disappear into me again and again. Luckily he took that choice from me when he leaned even closer to me and pressed his lips against mine hastily while thrusting into me slower but deeper.
"God, you don't know how fuckin' much I miss you everytime you're away from me," he gasped as I clenched around him tighter and our eyes met in that very moment. The way he bit his lips while his hair stuck messily to his forehead because of the sweat and his hands were practically everwhere on my mind - I felt like everything was slowly becoming too much.
"I'm- mhm.. I'm close, Alex," were the only words my foggy brain could form and my hands gripped his biceps for support.
"I can't look at myself in the mirror," he confessed while pounding into me. "Because everytime I see myself, I see the idiot that let you go. The fuckin'- ah! Idiot that didn't know how to treat a girl like you."
Those words were enough to send me over the edge, finally. I gasped and moaned and arched my back as a wave of pleasure rolled over me and hit me like a bus. With a few last thrusts, I had ridden out my orgasm and motioned Alex he had to pull out.
"Where do you want me to cum?" he asked and I sat up quickly while he stood tall in front of me. I began stroking him as quick as he had thrusted into me just seconds ago and when I could feel him twitch inside of my hand, I opened my mouth and let him cum all over my face. Alex's loud moans made me feel so hot and attractive that I licked the cum that was near my mouth off and swallowed it.
"Fuckin' hell, love," he said, his one hand cupping my face and forcing me to look up at him. I leaned into his touch when his thumb began caressing my cheek. "I don't deserve you. I know I should let you go, but I'm a selfish bastard and want you all to myself."
"Was it true?" I asked. "That you regret we broke up?"
The room was silent for a few moments. The air was still hot and smelt like sex but neither of us had the urge to move in any way. We both took our time; we both observed the other one and tried to remember all the features.
"Yes," he finally confessed which made my heart pound faster. "All of it was true. I crave nothing more than you. Sometimes I believe I only exist to love you because every minute I can't love you, is a wasted minute. Singing songs I wrote for you feels awfully wrong when I can't sing them to you."
(Omg!! I kinda love it?? Especially the smut 😜)
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Imagine being the one who releases Morpheus. - Part 6
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] [Part 5] [Part 7] [ENDING] [ALT. ENDING] | Sandman-inspired playlist
The day was only becoming more bizarre as knocking on your front door resounded throughout the house. Simultaneously, Morpheus and you looked at each other as if trying to ask the other person if they, too, felt danger lurking. Then, you looked towards the front door you could slightly see from the living room as if staring intensely at the dark wood would make it possible for you to see through it.
"I wasn't expecting anyone," you spoke up quietly as if it wasn't already obvious by your anxious attitude. "Truthfully, I was hardly expecting you."
The knocking repeated but this time it sounded more impatient. Hesitantly, you stood up from the sofa and walked towards a window close to the entrance. Pushing your cheek against the cold glass, you could see a strangely familiar silhouette at your door: short, chubby, dark skin covered in dingy clothing. There was only one person who fit that description and who would want to see you.
Almost tripping over your own feet and the old carpet in the hall, you run to unlock the door and let the guest in as quickly as possible. It was rude to let any guest wait too long but this one particular visitor deserved all the respect you were capable of giving them.
The door swung open and you swore your heart grew in size upon seeing that round, slightly wrinkly face. The kindness you learned to recognize as motherly love was still beaming from those tired eyes. Looking at them, you noticed that the left eye was bruised. A few strands of coily brown hair slipped from the white bonnet. She looked much older than she really was but singlehandedly raising three children that weren't her own could do that to a woman.
"Yasmin, what are you doing here? Are you alright? Come inside, you're just in time for tea."
"I can not stay long, my dear," she answered. Despite her statement, she followed you into the house. "Your father, he's... forgive me for speaking ill about him but I'm afraid 'mad' doesn't describe his state anymore."
"Did something happen at the mansion? What of Alex, Yasmin? Is he alright?"
"Younker Alex is fine, dearie," she assured you as she was taking her gloves off. Yasmin had a habit of speaking in a slow, mild way despite neither you nor Alex not being toddlers anymore. "At least as long as he doesn't defy your father. He's a bright boy but still afraid like a child. A lot has changed since you left. Master Rodrick became all the more desperate to save his health and life. But his anger... my dear child, I have never seen a man so full of rage! I'm telling you, some demon took a hold of your father's soul. I and a few other workers decided something needs to be done. I came here to give you this."
Frantically, Yasmin began looking for something in her coat pockets. Finally, she pulled out a small, lightweight bag made of dark material. It could be leather, actually. The textile seemed to be worn out as if the pouch had been used many times or it was ancient. Only then, seeing the enigmatic dark bag, did Morpheus show any kind of interest in the guest and your relationship with her. He made his way to you and Yasmin in quick strides, only to snatch his belongings from her hand. Judging by her face, she was unpleasantly surprised by his rude action but you had other things in mind that lecturing an actual king on netiquette. Alright, the pouch did belong to him but it didn't mean he had to behave like an emaciated weasel.
"How on Earth did you get this?" you asked.
"It wasn't my sole effort, do not flatter me in such a way." Yasmin tried her best to focus on you while answering but it was obvious that Morpheus himself interested her. Up until now, she only heard about the god-like creature kept in the mansion's basement. "Master Rodrick was planning to sell this pouch at a secret auction. In a small group of housekeeps, we managed to swap it for a fake. It has gone unnoticed, so far."
"Yasmin!" You couldn't believe that the softspoken and sympathetic woman who raised you became a sort of a criminal mastermind. Yes, desperate times had fallen on anyone who was in any way related to Rodrick Burgess. "What if my father finds out?"
"Do not worry about me, dearie," she said with a dismissive wave. "I'm old and I have lived a wonderful life. I accept whatever fate the Lord has planned for me. It is up to you, youngsters, to make sure this blasphemous madness does not continue. I came to you because I thought that Master Rodrick was unlikely to look for it here. If I may be honest, dear child, he wishes not to see you ever again. Shortly after you left, he began to keep a loaded rifle next to his bed! He never spoke of a reason for such a drastic decision but we figured it out ourselves."
"What about my letters?" you coaxed her. Morpheus was still dwelling on the mention of a firearm but it seemed as though it wasn't important to you, at least at the moment. His hand clenched tightly around the sand pouch but he was hardly aware of that. "Yasmin, tell me, what happened to the letters I had sent to Alex? I never got any response."
Yasmin furrowed her eyebrows. She stared into the distance for a moment, her vision somehow both blank and intense. Then like a symptom of enlightenment, she raised her eyebrows and looked back at you. Her stare wasn't blank anymore - it was sad. "I saw once master Rodrick throwing correspondence into the fireplace. I'm sorry dearie, I'm afraid your brother knows nothing about it."
A dreadful emptiness wove a nest in your mind. There was only one thought of utmost terror echoing in your head: He knows nothing. All those years... Alex never once was told that you think about him. That you continue to care. Did he feel abandoned? Was his young heart broken in too many ways to ever be fixed? And what of his spirit? If you met him now, would you even recognize the man he was forced to become?
"I musn't linger, dearie." Yasmin placed her old hand on your shoulder bringing you back to the present moment. She used to do that whenever one of the kids was leaving the house. "I can not risk Rodrick finding out where you are. Farewell, my dear child. I will always love you like my own. And you," she turned to Morpheus who appeared surprised at his sudden involvement in the conversation, "keep an eye on her, will you? God looks after his angels and so should you."
Only when Yasmin disappeared behind the now-closed door did the weight of her words fully strike your heart. You hid your face in your hands as you felt gut-wrenching sadness beginning to shake your body. "Dear God, little Alex! He must think I have abandoned him. And father... I'm afraid to wonder what wickedness he had bestowed upon my brother."
Upon hearing you sob, Morpheus's hand instinctively raised like it did once before. This time he, too, stopped it from reaching its destination. It was like an itch, a primitive urge that shouldn't exist within a creature of his sort. Clenching and relaxing his jaw repeatedly, battling his indifference and truly regal ego, he forced his palm to gently lay against the fabric of your clothes, between your shoulder blades. His breath hitched in his throat as if Morpheus himself was surprised that he was, in fact, capable of genuine intimacy.
Unable to keep your misery in check, you leaned into Dream's chest and sobbed against his dark coat. His hand, once shyly resting between your shoulder blades, moved to encircle your shoulders, keeping you closer than one might have expected him to want. The outside world may have continued to spin despite your desperation but it felt like your reality had collapsed in on itself. There was something comforting in the strict seriousness he wore all the time as if it was a reminder that something aside from your anguish existed. Or, perhaps, it was an unbearably lonely experience - that you were the only one in the entire world feeling something so insufferable, that there was no one to cry with you. What a terrifying thought it was: heartache unseen, without a person to acknowledge its existence, only grew in severity, slowly eating away at the wretch.
Taking in a deep, shaky breath you leaned away from Morpheus. He looked at you in his usual stern way, making it even harder to speak your mind even in times of dire need. Strangely enough, his arm remained around you but you didn't pay it much attention at the moment.
"Morpheus, perhaps I am in no position to be asking this, you are an Endless being, a king, after all. But if you find some altruism inside you, could I ask for your help in aiding my brother? My heart breaks for the suffering he had to endure."
"Am I not indebted to you?"
You looked at him with a confused grimace. "No, my dear, you are not and you never have been. If your kindness is repayment, I do not want it."
"What would you have me do?" he asked right away. Truthfully, you were too shaken up to think reasonably. Your head was filled with horrifying scenarios of Alex's fate that you never knew of. And how it broke your heart to think how lonely his misery was, how abandoned he must have felt after all those years without hearing from you. Morpheus took a few steps towards you and leaned close to your face - perhaps a little too close for people who were not married. "Watch your words," he whispered in a shaky voice. You saw his Addam's apple move as he swallowed before continuing. "If you ask me to kill Rodrick, I will."
In all of its macabre, it was a confession of endearment. Hate, perhaps, was a love unspoken, unlived; love that, never having seen the light of day, rotted, not recognizing its decayed-out face anymore. Contempt is but a scream, a whine of all almost-lovers, who with time forgot why they were crying. Maybe only as hate this unconfessed love can prevail, maybe in any other form, it would be a pleading for death.
Your hand anxiously touched the side of his face and, to your surprise, he did not wince. Morpheus managed to surprise himself even: he leaned into the warmth of your palm. Perhaps the love rotting inside of him was making him tired and complacent. "I know," you whispered. "But you deserve better than to be an executioner's axe. You are better than that, Morpheus. I could never ask you to belittle yourself so much and for such a dishonourable deed."
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Tagging people who were interested in a follow-up: @rosaren2498 @jessiboobdbdb @chantzmar @lexi-anastasia @bisexualunicronrunningloose @farintonorth @oo0lady-mad0oo@all-bi-myselfs-blog @piperstofu101 @magic-magnoliaa @kotonei-molyneux @wheresmyboo @supermegapauselouca @sloanexx @rockergirl57 @aizawa-emma @ruyi-years @commanderfreethatdust @sapphireonline @izzicle @mxxny-lupin @shadowluna25
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cheetahspy · 1 year
Ledger!Joker x Diabetic Reader Headcanons
Warnings: Medical stuff, needles/injections (it’s not very descriptive though), slight NSFW mention (labeled at the bottom)
A/N: Heya! I’ve never posted something like this before haha…Kinda new to it and very nervous so don’t judge me too harshly. I actually write quite often but rarely post it, however I really wanna start trying to put my work out there more. Keyword try. 
Anyway, fun fact about me, I have T1 diabetes. I haven't seen anything about that with J so I decided to make my own headcanons and such :) Sooooo here’s that lol…enjoy??
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You had been diagnosed with T1 diabetes three years ago. You hated it. The needles, the upkeep, the blood, the appointments. It’s scary, a living nightmare for you.
You were still in your…adjusting phase, and didn’t like talking about your diabetes to anyone. Joker was no exception
So, naturally, J took matters into his own hands and did his own research, learning as much as he could about diabetes (without you knowing, of course). How it works, the high and low blood sugar levels, how to manage it, he even figured out how the insulin pump that you have operates. 
You were shocked the day he offered to change the infusion set for you and knowing how to do so. He ignored you when you asked him how he knew.
You were hesitant but quick to give in and let him inject the cannula into your stomach. He hugged you from behind as he did so; you melted into his touch and your fears were comforted. From that day on you opened up more and more about your medical life to J and allowed his help. 
He enjoys being the one to inject the cannula and dexcom, however he still forces you to do it yourself at times, as to make sure you aren’t getting too used to being dependent on someone else. You’re a strong and brave bunny, he wants to remind you of that. 
He will tease you about your dexcom and infusion sets, saying you must be part machine. 
“I’m uh, still convinced you’re a cyborg.” “J!!”
He also forces you to stay on a healthy diet and keeps track of your sugar intake carefully. He’s definitely not a hypocrite. He rarely lets you eat junk food, even though you’re allowed to and tried explaining that to him
“The doctors told me it’s okay if I eat sugar now and then, as long as I have the insulin for it. It’s the sugary drinks I need to avoid more.” 
J doesn’t buy it, nor does he trust your doctor's input. “Mmm. Nuh uh. Can’T have my little bunny go falling into a coma, hm?” You know he’s just concerned about you (even if he’d never outright admit it), so overtime you stopped arguing with him and avoided junk food to ease his mind. Just don’t let him catch you eating it behind his back.
J absentmindedly fidgets with your insulin tube. Rubbing along it, flicking it around, twirling it around his finger, even constantly feeling the cannula end of it against your stomach as if to reassure himself you that it’s still on and doing its job. Don’t worry, he’s only accidentally ripped it out once or twice, and he certainly makes it up to you when that happens. 
Having a low, but forgot sugar to combat it? Not to worry! Joker keeps a juice box or two in his suit juuuust for you. He’s even stacked packages of juices in your pantry so you’ll have plenty. (Don’t ask whether he bought or stole them, you already know the answer)
The low blood sugar episodes hit you hard, but you’ve found curling up on J’s lap and cuddling against his chest while sipping on juice is very comforting. He’ll stroke your hair and rub your back, holding you closer whenever you shake and cry.
“Shhhh sh sh sh. It’s nothin’ you haven’t beaten before. It’ll pass, angel.” 
You hate looking at your stomach and seeing the previous holes and scars from constant injections. J will run his thumb over them and kiss each of them to comfort you. 
Whenever you have a headache or any symptoms, J will immediately interrogate you about your blood sugar level
“Not every pain I get is caused by my diabetes.”
“Shuuuuush. What’re levels right now? Let me uh, lemme see your pum-p. Give. Right. Now.” 
If you’re low on insulin and the pharmacist is late to sending you new vials, J will meet with them personally to have a little chat. 
He’ll then come home and plop the bag of new vials theatrically down on the counter. “Tadaaaa! More insulin for my sweet little sugar cube.”
“Oh, thank you J! Wow, they gave me a lot this time…” 
During the ✨devils tango✨, J will occasionally rip the cannula out by accident. He’ll immediately put a pin in your lovemaking session to get you a new one. Even if you insist you could go an hour or two without it, he’s not taking any chances. After all, where’s the fun in sex if your partner is dying from a seizure??
“J, I promise it’s okay! We don’t have to sto-”
“Now now gumdrop. I know you’re, heh, eager for me, but my patient needs her medicine first.” 
You’re grateful you don’t have to deal with your disability alone anymore. Who knew the Clown Prince of Crime could be such a good caretaker?
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strawwritesfic · 2 years
Kyoya Ootori x Female!Reader: Soul
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Summary: It was supposed to be the best day of your life.
Rating/Tags: All (The Glorious War of Sisterly Rivalry; older sister!Reader; Reader & Original Character; Kyoya & the Host Club; established Kyoya/Reader; Ouran High School Student!Reader; breakup; no honorifics; Kyoya/Reader/Original Character)
Challenge: “160 Collective Drabbles” challenge by BobaPop on Lunaescence Archives.
Tag List: @imaginesfire​​
It was supposed to be the best day of your entire life. Admittedly, that wasn't saying all that much, since you were only in high school, but you still awoke with a flurry of excitement the moment your mother's maid slipped into your bedroom to pull the curtains back. From that moment on, everything went just as it should have: your favorite tea delivered before you could think of getting out of bed, the sun shining bright in a cloudless blue sky straight into your bedroom, and bird song drifting inside with the flower-scented breeze. You had nowhere to be and nothing to do until that evening, and spent a delightful day watching the world prepare for you to take center stage.
Two hours before that happy time, you finally slipped into your bathroom to get yourself ready for that night.
"I don't see why they're making all this fuss about you," your younger sister observed sullenly from her perch on the (obviously closed) toilet.
Normally you did not allow Kita in to watch your makeup routine, but after her fifth fight with your mother that day, you'd practically been assigned babysitting duty. This was not an ideal situation for the best day of your life. A glance in your mirror showed you Kita's usually dour expression directed toward you. Well, it was your day, not hers. She was understandably jealous. You decided to be magnanimous, rather than let something like her attitude ruin your mood.
"It's a celebration," you answered, without remarking upon how her expression would prematurely wrinkle her features. After all, you were the one that would need to remain "dewy and youthful" for as long as possible.
So far, judging by your reflection, you were managing just fine, though your hair could use some work. For once, you were out of your gaudy Ouran Academy uniform, and you wanted to radiate beauty from every angle--something all the easier to achieve when your only competition was Kita's scowl.
She did not answer, which you counted as a point in your favor. If she was done pouting, perhaps you could get some work done. You pulled open a drawer to reveal a painstakingly organized rainbow of makeup products inside. The decision of what foundation to start with was just forming in your mind when Kita decided to interrupt again:
"Yeah, but what are we supposed to be celebrating?"
Your eyes shut as you gave in to temptation and let out a sigh. Then you turned, hands on your hips, to explain to her what she ought to already have known: "We're celebrating," you answered in tones of forced patience, "because my new makeup line has outsold all of Father's since it was released."
This only caused her to draw her knees to her chest and glare at the floor. She looked like some disgusting, puffed-up bird that made its home in toilets, and somehow she didn't care. You would never understand your little sister.
"Still don't see what that has to do with you," she muttered.
Another sigh escaped you, this one not so well hidden. "I designed it."
"So? I could do that. I have done that. Not that anyone around here cares what I do."
You shook your head and returned to the mirror to apply your selected foundation. Kita's argument was not one you wanted to have again, not that day.
Your family business was makeup--high-end makeup, though you hoped to change that soon. As the eldest child, you would inherit the company upon your parents' deaths, while Kita got…well, money enough to get by, you supposed.
It wasn't a situation you could change, nor would you if you could have. You liked putting things together, liked figuring out solutions to problems, liked figuring out the best lighting to show off a model's cheekbones. There was no use listening to your sister whine about it all night. Hopefully she'd get over it before the guests arrived.
"Besides," Kita went on, so quietly that someone that didn't know her well might have thought you weren't supposed to hear, "your success has nothing to do with you. I could sell a ton of mascara, too, if I had your boyfriend."
You gaped at her reflection. "Kita, how can you say that? I've worked so hard to--"
"You have not. It's all Ootori's doing. Everyone knows it. You couldn't even get Mom to try your stuff before you got him to do your work for you."
Now it would be impossible to apply your blush properly, your body was making so much of its own. "Just because you're jealous-"
"Jealous? Of what?" Kita demanded, hot-faced herself. "You not being able to do anything without hanging off Ootori?"
"That isn't true, Kita!"
"Yes, it is! I don't even see what he sees in you, you're so useless!"
Tears threatened to undo what work you had done on your face. Up until recently, you and your sister had got along well. Then she had started at Ouran and, like all the girls there--including yourself, you couldn't forget--had fallen head over heels for the Host Club. A particular member of the Host Club. Your member of the Host Club.
Ever since she'd met Kyoya, Kita had done a complete one-eighty. Now she refused to help you with figures or advertisements, barely talked to you at family events, and had even started following your boyfriend around whenever he visited. Your parents told you that she was young and that you shouldn't take it so personally, but it was hard to be understanding when she talked like this.
"Get out of my room," you said.
Kita scrambled to her feet only to get right in your face. "I won't! I'm tired of giving up everything just because you're older!"
"If you don't get out of here, I'll tell Mom."
"Go ahead! You're the favorite, aren't you? You got your boyfriend to make sure that Mom and Dad love you most!"
But it seemed now was the time she had chosen to say everything that had been on her mind since the day she stopped talking to you except to make snide remarks about the state of your clothes. "Mom and Dad love you. The teachers love you. Ootori loves you. You think you're so great. Well, I could do everything you do if someone gave me the chance. You get everything, and I get nothing!"
Now Kita was crying in earnest, her tear-streaked face as blotchy as yours felt. Despite everything--her constant hogging of Kyoya's time whenever she visited the Host Club, her attempts to embarrass you in front of your friends, even her constant asides about your average grades--you felt for her. Before you could attempt to say anything to patch things up, however, someone outside the bathroom cleared their throat.
Both you and your sister looked wildly around. There, standing in your bedroom a few feet away from the open bathroom door, stood Kyoya Ootori, the love of both your lives. He looked particularly dapper that afternoon in the suit he'd put on for the party. Of course, Kyoya always looked dapper.
Kita froze, but you remembered your manners.
"Kyoya!" you said brightly.
"[Name]," he said, then nodded at the mortified girl at your side. "[L Name]."
Kita made a very short, high-pitched sound in response. You suspected that she, like you, was wondering how much of your argument he had overheard. Fortunately, Kyoya was a gentleman. He said nothing as he extended one hand toward you.
"Would you join me for a walk?" he asked.
As usual, Kyoya's attention to you caused butterflies to explode into being inside your stomach. "I'm-I'm not quite ready," you said, torn between embarrassment at Kyoya seeing your natural features exposed like this, and your desire to follow him anywhere--even to the ends of the earth, so long as your sister didn't follow.
"I'll go," she said eagerly.
Kyoya did not spare her a glance, his gaze steady upon you. "I'll only keep you for a few minutes," he promised. "I'll have you back in time for the party."
"O-Okay,” you said.
You stepped away from the mirror and into your bedroom to take Kyoya's hand. With your arm in his, the two of you left Kita behind. Her glower followed you all the way out the door. What, did she expect you to let her occupy your boyfriend all night? He was far too mature to deal with a first year dragging him around for hours.
Kita and her bad manners were behind you now. Once Kyoya had led you out into the nearly-finished garden, you took a deep breath. The heady scent of hundreds of flowers made your head swim pleasantly. A walk with your boyfriend was just what the doctor ordered. You were happy enough to bob along at his side until it struck you how quiet he was being.
"Kyo? Is something wrong?" You leaned forward a little to frown up at him.
His dark eyes slid away from one of the chefs setting up a plate of otoro and onto you. "Why should anything be wrong?" he asked, and followed his question with one his rare smiles.
You could still remember the first time he had graced you with one of those smiles. Not a hoard of fellow students requesting his time at the Host Club. Not at some public event where your two families had to make nice. No, he had stopped you after arithmetic one day outside of class. Far at the end of the hall, you could see the heads of all six of his friends poking around the corner, the twins grinning as usual while the rest attempted to hide. You hadn't thought anything of their presence until Kyoya said:
"What would you say to getting dinner with me this weekend?"
You had laughed. “You mean for some Host Club event?"
“I don't see why I should ask by myself if I meant to bring them along. They'll likely show up anyway, but I intended the invitation to be for you alone.”
The blood ran from your face, then flooded back into it. You stole a glance toward the other hosts to see Hikaru (or was it Kaoru?) snickering openly. "Very funny, Ootori.”
"Well, if you aren't interested…" He turned to leave, but your curiosity got the best of you.
"Wait!" You had almost had the audacity to grab his shoulder. Luckily, Kyoya turned around first, a politely disinterested look upon his face. "Why me?"
"False modesty does not become you." You opened your mouth to protest that there was nothing false about it, but Kyoya went on, "Your family business has potential that I am interested in. You always request me during your visits to the Host Club. If it benefits both of us, why not spend more time together outside of school?"
You had not been able to speak. The Ootori family's system of companies was much bigger than the one your family owned, and yet Kyoya saw potential in it. He saw potential in you. After a moment, you nodded.
"Good. I'll pick you up at seven this Saturday. Here's my number, in case you need to cancel."
Wordlessly, your fingers wrapped around the scrap of paper he held out. Your heart beat like the wings of your pet canary. He offered you a shallow, chivalrous bow, then headed off to his friends, all of whom hastily ducked out of sight when they saw him coming.
You had not truthfully expected Kyoya to show up that Saturday, so you had not told your family to expect company. He was not the kind of boy to play heartless jokes on young women (especially regular patrons of the Host Club), but he could easily change his mind about being seen in public with one such as you. Show up he had, though, and since then, you had been in a whirlwind of dinner dates, weekend trips, and late nights of working on one company project or another.
Once such late night, you had awoken to find your head in his lap, his fingers gently fiddling with your hair while he frowned at some scrap of business. Kyoya was not the most openly affection of boyfriends, but you were over the moon. Outside of Kita's open jealousy and your having to share your boyfriend with every girl in school during Host Club hours, you couldn't have been happier.
"[Name]?" his voice came from afar.
"Hmmm?" you said dreamily as you returned to the present. It didn't take long for you to remember that you were supposed to be worried about him. "S-sorry. Did you say something?"
Kyoya didn't miss a beat. "I was saying that your sister was very accommodating this afternoon."
"Accommodating?" You threw him a look.
Kyoya's eyes remained on the garden path. "Yes. She offered to keep me company while I waited for you, then graciously allowed me to steal you away from her."
Now you looked behind yourself, half-expecting to see Kita lurking somewhere inside the house with her face pressed to the glass to watch your walk.
"She can be very accommodating," you said with forced civility, "when she has the incentive." That incentive being to steal your boyfriend, which wasn't something she would be able to manage anyway.
"It was quite kind of her, and she's very civil when she requests my time at the Host Club."
You were sure she was. Seeing as you could not buy up all of Kyoya's time with your allowance, you spent most of your own in the Host Club reading--or rather, pretending to read while watching all the girls swoon over what was rightfully yours. Kita especially made sure you were watching whenever she fawned over him. Knowing his job was to be polite and charming was the only thing that got you through. You'd never have expected him to notice those other girls, especially not your baby sister.
"I don't want to talk about Kita," you announced, tugging him closer. "It's not her day. It's mine."
"Speaking of your sister's admirable qualities does not diminish your own."
You eyed him suspiciously. That line was one you'd heard him use on dozens of girls throughout the years, but never on you. "Let's talk about something more interesting. Like the announcement that we're making tonight in front of my parents and everyone."
The emphasis on we're did seem to get Kyoya's attention. He loved business propositions, after all. This time, you noticed, his reaction was not the same as usual. Rather than launch into his plan to make sure the announcement went off without a hitch, he stopped right there in the middle of the path. Before you could ask again what was wrong, he finally looked at you.
"I won't be making any announcements tonight," he said.
For a moment, all you could was stare at him. Then you giggled, and stepped in front of him to take his hands. "What are you talking about? It was all your idea! They're sure to take the idea of selling makeup to peasants well if you bring it up."
"You'll have to tell them yourself."
He fell silent for a while before he slowly looked away from you again. It seemed as though whatever he had to tell you was very difficult for him--and you had never seen Kyoya have difficulty with anything before, except in dealing Tamaki's flightier ideas.
"I will not be involved with [L Name] Cosmetics anymore. Not officially." Though you did not understand why, your heart beat tremendously in your chest. His eyes flashed behind his glasses even as his hands sat limp in yours. "For the past eight months, I have done my best to see your company grow. Now I realize that all that has been a waste of time. It will never grow to its full potential with you at the head."
Your eyes burned with the effort of holding back tears. Wildly, you shook your head in the hopes he wouldn't notice how close you were to breaking. Had he heard Kita's accusations from earlier? Did he believe them?
"That's not true! It has grown. That's what tonight is all about! And I know it will continue to grow if you're still here to help me," you said.
His voice was flat, void of all emotion, when he replied, "The head of a business should be able to run her own company."
You were upset, that much was clear. Nevertheless, you weren't quite crying yet. Kyoya wouldn't say these things to you and mean them. He loved you. He'd told you so. You refused to believe that he really thought you were that stupid because of something Kita had said in the heat of anger.
"Why are you telling me this?" you demanded, voice shaking.
"Because it is true," he answered, but as he did, he continued to look away.
That caused you to snap. You let go of his hands and rushed over to shove yourself right in front of his eyes.
"If you think that I somehow tricked you into this because of what Kita was shouting earlier today, that's ridiculous! You asked me out. I—I admit that I still have a lot to learn, but I can learn when you're with me. Please don't do this.” Not that Kyoya had come to the point of breaking up with you, but no matter what certain individuals thought of your intelligence, you could see what was coming a mile away.
His eyes remained staring at something beyond your shoulder for a long time. Then they met yours, and he answered coldly, "this was only ever a business arrangement. I was under the impression that you understood that from the beginning. There will be no future for [L Name] Cosmetics underneath you, so I am no longer interested in you."
You gasped. A parade of images flooded your mind: Kyoya smiling at you over the heads of a gaggle of Host Club girls; Kyoya taking your hand to move a pencil inside it across the page; Kyoya kissing you on the lips for the first time the night he met your parents. He could be cold. He could be distant. But he was never cruel. You felt as though he'd slipped a dagger into your very soul.
"Tell me the truth!" you shouted, hands balled at your sides. Your temper did not faze him.
"Believe what you want." He pushed his glasses up his nose and turned back toward the house. "Your company's future is no longer of any concern to me, and I suppose it was foolish to think it ever was." He fell silent again, this time staring at his feet. Then he spoke again, his voice quiet, "It has been suggested that your sister would be a more prudent match for a third son such as myself.”
Your mouth fell open as your stomach dropped. "Who-"
Just like that, his manner changed again. "I happen to agree. I don't think I will have much trouble convincing her to date me in your stead, do you? After all, she was so accommodating this afternoon."
Kita? You gazed at Kyoya's back with an expression of absolute horror. This couldn't be happening. Any day of the week, you wouldn't have believed him capable of breaking up with you in such a manner, but on the best day of your life? Moreover, so that he could date foul-mannered, ill-tempered, conceited Kita of all people?
"You can't!" you said, running after him. This time, you did grab his shoulder.
"I can and I will." His blank features faded somewhat as he looked back at your stricken form. "Goodbye, [Name]. I suppose I'll be seeing you again shortly."
He bowed once more before he left. You stared after him, aghast. Kita, your sister, your rival, would find nothing wrong in accepting your ex as a suitor. She'd see it as some sort of karmic payback for you stealing her spotlight. If she could not have your company, she would at the very least have the man you loved.
From behind you came the swelling of the orchestra signaling the start of your party, but it was not to your bathroom to finish getting ready that you ran. No, you sped away to hide yourself deep in the most distant topiary to cry. Kita had said you had everything and she had nothing, but just then you would have given up everything promised to you just to have Kyoya back.
It was supposed to be the best day of your life.
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