#Just wanna make it clear that I’m not in any way mad
warden-melli · 2 years
Why don't you like Melli x Ingo? Not trying to be rude, just curious. You don't have to answer if you're uncomfortable.
I’ve been asked this question before, and I’ve been a bit hesitant to answer because it’s a complicated, and likely a much longer answer than you’d probably expect. I also know that a lot of people are likely to disagree with me/my interpretation, and I’m really not interested in conflict, or arguing with anyone. I also don’t really see much value in spending time on things I don’t enjoy, or that make me uncomfortable.
I also want to make it clear that I’m fine with people who do like the ship, I just want to avoid it.
I guess the biggest thing for me is a perceived age gap, and that makes me very uncomfortable.
I know this is up for interpretation, but I see the Ingo that appears in PLA as being much older than he was in the Black and White games. Despite many assuming that Ingo came to Hisui at a similar time/method that you (the player character) did, there is no canon proof/information that confirms this. There’s also many hints that this is likely not the case, with quite a lot of evidence that he may have lived in the Hisui region for quite some time (at the point you first encounter him during the events of the main story)
His slouched posture, facial lines, and receded hairline (all of which he didn’t have in previous games) are visible signs of aging, and indicate that quite some time has passed between his first appearance (BW), and his most recent appearance in PLA.
The offical guide book also hints that he has likely been in the Hisui region for quite some time. As seen below, there is an illustration of Ingo being discovered by a member of the Pearl Clan with the caption “XX years ago”. It can be assumed that the “XX” (X being a widely accepted method of marking a document in lieu of an actual signature/name/information) is being used in place of/to obscure the actual numbers as to preserve the mystery of how long Ingo has been in the Hisui region, yet the two marks would indicate that it was at least a decade ago. It could also be interpreted as being Roman numerals, which in that case would indicate that ingo was discovered 20 years ago. At the very least the word “years” confirms more than one, making it very unlikely that he came to Hisui at the same time as the player character.
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Also, his title as Warden within the Pearl Clan (who like all clans in Hisui are notoriously suspicious/slow to warm up to outsiders) also points towards Ingo being in the Hisui region for a long time, as it would have taken him time not only to earn the position, but to have gained acceptance as a member of the clan in the first place.
His outfit (which as we can see in the above illustration) looks mostly intact upon his discovery, yet is very tattered, and even rusted by the time you encounter him in game. This implies years of wear and tear (maybe sneasel assisted?) between the first illustration (when he first came to the Hisui region), and his current design.
Melli on the other hand, despite his size, is actually one of the youngest members of the Diamond Clan. Mai confirms this during the events of the daybreak update when she informs us that he is younger than Adaman.
This would, as far as my interpretation goes, put a significant age gap between the two characters, and this makes me incredibly uncomfortable.
There’s also a few other factors as to why I don’t like the ship ranging from minor things like it being completely out of character, and conflicting head canons, all the way down to more serious issues/conversations around consent (due to Ingo’s memory loss), but the age gap (perceived or otherwise) is a big ick to me, and I’d rather avoid it at all costs
(Again, this is my interpretation and I’m not claiming anything above to be “correct”. Nor is my intention to judge, create any conflict, or to generate any discussion regarding the above topic in any way. I’m also not interested in anyone else’s interpretation, or counter arguments in any way shape of form. If someone gains any perspective, or finds any value in what I’ve written, then that’s great!, but I have no wish to ever address, or engage in discussion about the topic further)
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sturnwh0re · 4 months
*- jealous -*
( this is a quick fic. )
Contains: angry sex, p in v, unprotected it (wrap it then tap it folks), pet names, overstimulation, yelling, jealously (duh), whining/whimpering, begging, commanding, dirty talk.
description: You decided to be petty to Chris. You and Chris weren’t dating yet and you always liked to tease him and pretend like you were with another boy. You had posted on your Snapchat story
“Me and him r hanging out again!”
Knowing you weren’t hanging out with any boy, you just wanted to rile up Chris.
I was sitting in my bed and refreshing the story views just to see if Chris was going to look at it. I had gasped when I seen his account pop up for the views. My heart had skipped a couple of beats and I waited for Chris to text my phone.
10 minutes had gone by and no text or even sign of Chris being bothered by this. Maybe—
my own thoughts were interrupted by 6 hard knocks on my front door. Fuck. I trembled myself to my front door and prepared myself for when I opened it. I opened it and Chris basically there himself at me.
He walked in then closed and locked the door behind him. “You like making me jealous, huh?!” He said pushing me back into my room, to where he locked the door behind us. “Do you like it?!”
He said angrily. He grabbed my face and made me look at him “tell me. FUCKING TELL ME.” He growled. I couldn’t help but feel myself get wetter at his jealous. ugh. Why was I liking this so much.
“I— I didn’t mean too..!” I mumbled. It was clear I knew what I was doing because I’ve been doing it for so long. He put one knee on the bed. “Oh really?” He chuckled. He clearly didn’t believe me.
He had started to undo his pants as he pushed my flat down on the bed “you always want to make me fucking jealous. I’m done with it.” He had sprung his cock free quicker than a blink of an eye.
Before I knew it he had snatched my shorts and panties off and thrown them to the other side of the room. “How many times do I have to fucking tell you?! YOUR MINE.” He said slamming into me, his length rubbing against my pussy walls. He had given me no warm up to adjust to his size, so his thickness was stretching me out around him.
“say it. Say your mine.” He said grabbing my neck and continuing to slam into me without mercy. Fuck.. I couldn’t help but love the way he fucked me like he hated me. “I’m— nghh..” I had struggled to get out.
“Tell me y/n say it. I wanna hear it from your dirty little mouth.” He said pushing and holding his cock deep inside of me. “Say it. I’ll give you 3 seconds.” He growled again.
“I’m— I’m yours.. please..” I whined out. He had chuckled again. “And you think I’d believe you?” He said. He started to slam into me again, making the headboard hit the wall. “Who the fuck were you hanging out with?!”
He said continuing to punish my insides. My breath was hitching and it felt so miserable but so damn good. His grip tightened on my throat as he brought his mouth up to my ear. “tell me y/n. I’m not gonna ask again.” He vibrated through his throat
“N—nobody.. nghh..” I moaned. The way he used his length as a weapon got me even wetter right there.
“Nobody? Yeah?!” He said continuing to slam into me. I had felt my legs start to shake and that knot in my stomach build from this almost repeated beating in my tight cunt.
“don’t start fucking shaking on me.” Chris growled holding my legs open. “You like making me jealous?! You like making me mad?!” He growled into my ear again.
The knot in my stomach slowly was getting tighter and tighter. “N—no.. fuck..” I whimpered as I held the wrist of the hand that was holding my throat. “I—I don’t..” I mumbled again.
“Good.. good fucking girl.. and who do you belong do again?— who does this tight little cunt belong to again?” He said bringing his hand on that holding my leg, down to my clit to start rubbing it with his finger.
I felt the knot get really tight as the over stimulation built up. I let out a long and loud moan as he started to rub my sensitive clit furiously. It was too hard to let words out. I simply just brushed my hand on his shirt and poked at him.
He chuckled and kissed my neck as he slowed down his pace. “Good.. you know..” he said. He was preparing to go faster before he felt something unleash onto his tip. I had came. The knot in my stomach broke and I unleashed my cum to coat Chris’ dick.
“Done already ma?” He chuckled as if he hadn’t fucked the sense out of me. “Don’t try that shit with me again. I fucking love you.” He said kissing up my neck again.
“I— love you t—oo..” I said panting and whimpering. But fuck.. he knew how to make me feel good..
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Mad Season 1
Warnings: non/dubcon, social anxiety, chronic illness, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
Character: Bucky Barnes, Peter Parker
Summary: a class project gets messy. (short!reader)
Note: you can't stop me from giving a tiny reader to these two and I will not listen to anything ever.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging ❤️
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You can't focus on one thing. Your eyes flit around. Shining tables, floating screens, metal tools and gadgets, cabinets with glass doors house endless supplies, Stark-branded emblems from wall to wall...
The lab is extraordinary, well above the shared spaces at the university. A dream come true for any but especially for a student used to ramen and a used single mattress. 
"You... you really get to come here whenever you want?" You rasp as your throat tickles. 
"Yup!" Peter answers at twice your volume. You wince. You tend to mumble and you're just not good with loud noises. He pauses to measure his voice, "uh, yeah, so I figured we could do our project here, study buddy." 
"Oh, mhmm," you hum as you fold your hands over your chest and sway. As awesome as it will be, that usual dread comes over you. What if you break something? What if you get in the way? 
"Pretty cool, right? Mr. Stark is so awesome." 
"Mr. Stark? Yeah, yeah..." you cough and lower your hands over stomach. "Thought it was a rumour..." 
"Yeah, he helped me out in high school after I won a robotics tournament. He's chill." 
You nod, almost frantically, as your eyes skitter around without focus. Your chest starts to tighten and you blink big. Peter shifts away from you. 
"Hey, you need a minute?" He asks. 
You look at him and keep nodding. It's why your happy you got him as your partner. He checks in. Not to mention, he's never annoyed by you. 
"I'll be here, wanna take a breath in the hall?"  
You squeak but don't quite get out a yes please. You spin and scurry to the door. You flinch and jump back as it slides open on it's own. Peter laughs and a small smile curves your lips but you're too nervous to laugh. 
The hall is empty. You bask in the solace, calming yourself against the wall. You just get a little worked up in new places. Or loud places. Or crowded places. Then it makes it so you can't breathe and then... 
You pull out your reliever inhaler and take a careful puff. You close your eyes and lean your head back as you wait for your heart to slow. In, out, in, out. 
You grip your inhaler as you stay unmoving against the wall. Your ears prick, listening for any sign of life, as you retreat behind your eyelids. Another breath and you'll be okay. 
"Um, miss?" A rocky voice jars you away from the wall and your eyes snap open. You nearly collide with the man before you. How did you not hear him coming? "Are you alright?" 
You bat your lashes and reach to play with plastic bow clip in your hair. He watches the motion as you nod, "yes, sir. Sorry. I..." Your mouth is sticky and parched, your surprise balls on your tongue. You clear away the lump, "you're... the Winter Soldier." 
His brow twitches, "Bucky." 
"Sorry, sorry, er... Buck...y," you trail off. You swing back and forth, "sorry... again, I..." 
You're embarrassed and lost. You give a sheepish look and turn away. You hurry back to the door and hit the keypad. It blares back at you in rejection. You don't know the code and you don't think your fingerprint will work. You stare at it helplessly. 
"Here," Bucky approaches and presses his thumb to the pad. "You new here?" 
You shake your head. Your chest wracks. You bring your puffer up and suck without thinking.  
The door slides open and you flit through. Peter leans on a table over his phone. He looks over as you enter and stands straight, tapping his fingers on the metal. 
"Hey, you found Bucky!" He grins. 
"Kid," the man follows you inside. Wait, why? Is he going to tell Peter on you? You didn't mean to call him that. You didn't know he wouldn't like it. 
"We're just having a look around," Peter explains, "we're both in engineering. Classmates." He introduces you by name, "Mr. Stark won't care too much if I'm doing homework." 
"Mm," Bucky grumbles as he goes to a far table. 
Peter shrugs and faces you again. "He can be a bit grumpy. We can get outta here." 
He comes forward as you hear metal tinking behind him. You glance over as Bucky works on his metal forearm with a thin tool. His vibranium fingers seems to work on their own as he wiggles the tip in a groove.  
"Grumpy and has super hearing," Bucky snipes as he keeps his attention on his arm. 
Peter's brows pop up and he rolls his eyes, "come on, let's get outta here before he gets his arm calibrated." 
You turn and go back through to the hallway. The door shuts behind Peter and he sighs. He points you down the hall as you shuffle aimlessly. 
"This place is sweet but you know, some of the regulars can be a bit much," he jokes. "You'll get used to Buck. He's never in a good mood. Better when Sam's around but... well, he's grown. Shouldn't need a chaperone, right?" 
You tilt your head but don't say anything. You don't know much about them. You learned about Captain America and The Winter Soldier in history back in high school. Your knowledge of the Avengers and their current roster is extremely lacking. Other than the Spidery one. Everyone on campus talks about him. 
"Mmhmm." You drone. 
"Gee, sorry, I know it's a lot, huh? Didn't mean to overload you!" He chimes. 
You shake your head, "I'm okay." 
"I know, I know. Kinda nice having someone quiet around. Ned is a chatterbox and the worst project partner. He just wants to talk about girls or lego." 
You dip your head to show you're listening. You glance at your inhaler and yuck is away in your crossbody bag. You drop your arms straight and continue next to Peter to the elevator. 
"Wanna get a slice? I'm starving," he says. "My treat." 
"Oh... you don't..." 
"Nah, don't worry about it. I just want pizza without May telling me not too," he chuckles. "Trust, I know a great place." 
You purse your lips and push your shoulders up again. You give a silent surrender with a tilt of your head. Even if you feel a bit guilty, you won't say no to free food. 
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agaypanic · 7 months
Regina's Barbie Part 2
Request Something!
Summary: After giving you a makeover, Regina takes you to a party. She hates the attention you’re getting and decides to make it clear that you’re not available.
A/N: sorry for not posting in a million years (4 days). my first regina fic got a lot of love and some people wanted a part 2, so here it is!
You had been to a few high school parties in your life, but you had never been to one thrown by one of the most popular kids in school. So you weren’t too surprised to see everyone throwing you looks when you walked in, especially when Regina George was clinging to your arm to make sure you didn’t stray too far from her. You may have been dressed in the girl’s clothes with stellar makeup, but everyone could tell you were an outsider.
“Relax,” Regina whispered in your ear, and you had to keep yourself from shuddering at the chill that ran down your spine. 
She pulled you over to a counter that was filled with different drinks, figuring you wouldn’t be able to stand this party sober any longer. You didn’t ask Regina what she had put in the cup she handed to you; you were too busy gulping the strong liquid down.
“Oh my god, I’ll be right back,” Regina said, seemingly distracted as she looked across the room in disgust. “I think Gretchen’s trying to hook up with Jason, that skeez!” 
Then you were on your own. It pissed you off a bit, Regina dragging you to this party just to leave you alone. But you decided to brush it off, pouring yourself another drink and gravitating towards a wall. Soon enough, she’d be back for you, and you could get through this night.
“Hey there!” Some guy appeared next to you, making you flinch in surprise. You recognized him from hallways and assemblies but didn’t know his name. “Don’t think I’ve seen you around before. Are you new or something?”
“Nope.” You laugh, putting the cup to your lips as you thought of something else to say. “I usually don’t have time for parties, but a friend wanted me to come.”
“Well, whoever your friend is, I’ll have to thank them.” Anyone else in your position might have giggled at the attention this objectively attractive guy was giving you. But in all honesty, you were too busy wondering when Regina was coming back to you. “Wanna dance, hottie?”
“No thanks.” You respond, eyes darting to the other side of the room, where Regina seemed to be reprimanding and chasing away the boy that Gretchen had been talking to. You wondered if she’d turn around to face you if you stared at her hard enough. “I’m kind of with someone here.” It wasn’t entirely true, at least not in the way he might’ve taken it. But you were trying your best to get this stranger to back off.
“Did this someone give you that kiss mark?” You flinched when he touched your cheek, smudging the lip print that Regina had planted on you just an hour or so before. It made you mad for some reason, and not just because this man touched your face without asking. “I bet I can give you a better one.”
“Oh my god, get away from her, Travis!” A venomous voice sounded, and you were grateful to see Regina standing next to you, giving Travis a sneer that almost made her perfect face seem not so perfect. “Can’t you see she wants nothing to do with you?”
Travis took a step back, throwing his hands up in surrender. Then he squinted, eyes darting between your face and Regina’s lips before he let out a small chuckle.
“Lemme guess…” He said, turning back to you while pointing at the blonde. “Is this who you’re with?”
Regina answered before you could even think of a response.
“Yeah, she is. So go find someone else to try to blow you; she’s taken.”
With that, Travis left, cheeks reddened with slight embarrassment and drunkenness. You were still stuck on Regina’s last sentence when she grabbed your chin, turning your head to face her. She inspected your cheek, seemingly disappointed at the state her once pristine kiss mark was now in.
“You’d think that he’d see this and take a hint.” She muttered, not letting go of your face.
“And what hint would he be getting from it?” You asked, feeling shy. Even more so when Regina’s eyes started staring into yours. “Asking, you know, just out of curiosity.”
“Are you serious?” She asked, raising a brow. You gulped down the rest of your drink so you wouldn’t have to respond. But even when you were done, and your cup was thrown into a nearby trash can, Regina seemed to still be waiting for a response.
“Just a bit…” You replied.
Regina scoffed, stepping closer to you. If that was even possible. You gulped at the extremely close proximity, trying to not look down at her lips.
“Guess I have to make it clear to everyone that you’re mine.” 
Regina used both hands to cup your face and pull you towards her. You made a slight noise of surprise as she pressed her lips to yours, but you were quick to return the kiss after the initial shock wore off. People must have been watching Regina George kissing some girl they’d probably never seen before. But for a moment, it felt like only you and Regina were in this hot and crowded room. 
When she pulled back, Regina smirked at your stunned expression, clearly still reeling from the kiss.
“Everyone, including you.” She said, kissing you once more before grabbing your hand and pulling you into the living room to show you off some more.
Regina George Taglist: @wedfan2
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jeoncopi · 2 months
• — wednesday — •
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GET INTO IT: I’m not really sure what is this but I saw this jungkook again and so this came out lmao. (jungkook is kind of an asshoolee here tho..)
PAIRING: jungkook x reader
THIS IS A: drabble.
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“it’s not fair! babe. let me make it up to you, hm?”
“let me go.”
“please, please, please listen to me.. babe, please.”
jungkook doesn’t seem to understand that what you feel is beyond upsetting.
how many times is he going to promise something he can’t even achieve?
“it was so simple. so, so simple jungkook.” you’re clearly upset.
“I know but—“
his arms are no longer around your body.
“that’s your excuse. ‘I know but’. everytime you say that, I know there’s some bullshit coming.” you pause. “just how many times you’ll keep this game coming up? am I some sort of game?”
“no! never!”
“so why you keep failing me like this? don’t say you’ll meet me in some place and not go. it’s your 5th time doing this shit and to be honest I even gave you too many opportunities to bounce back but you never do. only doing worst by each time. it’s embarrassing! I can’t even make plans even if it’s short with my boyfriend ‘cause he doesn’t wanna show up? embarrassing!”
“I do want to show up!”
“then why the fuck do you fail me each time?” your pierced gaze showing nothing more but annoyance with a bunch of mixed feelings. anger, sadness, disappointment, embarrassment, you name it. it couldn’t get any worst. “oh, are you gonna say ‘it’s for work’ each time I say why do you keep meeting this new girl? you think I don’t know?”
“baby I will never cheat on you if that’s what you’re implying.” tone so serious. jungkook really doesn’t want to mess things up. more so.
“fucking explain.” as sharp as you say it, you just want to know the truth.
“I.. um. agh! I don’t even know why I’m nervous, I ain’t doing dumb shit so why—“ mumbling more to himself, he clears his throat. “anyways.” careful of touching your hands in case you slap them away, he approaches you very slowly. surprisingly, you let him.
“you know how badly I want to say you’re the only girl in my eyes and that I could never love or devote to anyone the way I do with you. believe me when I say you’re the only woman in this whole world who has seen me like this and whom I treat like this.” eyes so clear, you could say he really meant this but still, you couldn’t just give in like this so you just let him speak only looking at him with the same pierced eyes. “but I hate cliche things and I know you already know all of this even if you’re mad at me so I’m just gonna say that the reason why I have been meeting this new girl is because of my manager.” he desperately pauses. “he does know I’m taken and baby,” he gently squeezes your hands onto his. “believe me when I say I make it fucking clear that I am dating YOU. like there’s no one there that doesn’t know I’m dating YOU.” he pauses. eyes glistening pleading for forgiveness while he continues to speak. “but somehow my boss wants me to get closer to her. I wasn’t even gonna speak, even look at her but he wants me and her to get close.”
“of all people?” you take his hands off of yours but he takes them back.
“I think he wants to fuck her if I’m being honest.” it’s his response.
“and that has something to do with you because…?” you still can’t believe he’s saying this shit.
“by his own words, he knows I’m the best at persuasion with people. he wants her to work with him in this big upcoming project we have and the best way to get her close is.. by talking to me.”
you’re silent. no words coming out of your mouth and that gets jungkook to plead even more.
“I swear to god say something.” anxiously biting his lips he gets closer to you but you just keep on staring at him without a word. “..babe.”
“how does that explains you dipping each we have plans?” he’s silent. “am I not your first priority? like I thought so! as YOU claim.” sarcasm wasnt out of this house.. was it?
he sighs. “you are.”
his eyes.. they start scanning your entire body. up and down as you want to know what’s going on inside of his head.
“wanna fuck you right now.”
“what?” you just made the most disgusting face that could ever be created. “the fuck are you saying right now?! I can’t with you. i’m fucking done.” getting away from him, you head towards your room until..
he stops you by holding one side of your wrist. “no! babe- wait! l-let me just—let me show you okay? just—“ at this point he thinks he’s the most stupid man on earth. “let me show you why you’re always gonna be my first priority.”
“by fucking me?” you did a quick pause. “that’s not how you’re gonna show it! are you playing dumb? you literally can demonstrate that by fucking showing up to our supposed dates!” eyes becoming watery with anger. “if you wanted to fuck me so bad, then you’ll fucking be good to me and actually listen to me! — I won’t be giving any fucking sex right now or ever! I’m done.”
..and those were your last worst before slapping his hands away from him and smashing the door in front of his face.
jungkook knows he fucked up, he also recognized after thinking for a long time that he needed to grow up. also, that not all problems can be fixed with sex! just.. who the hell he has become to? to leave his girlfriend hanging there, paying less attention to her when he thought the relationship was so fine.. his wrong doing here apart from the many failed dates and promises, was… believing that she could forgive him anytime.
they weren’t kids anymore, they’re literal adults with responsibilities and as much as he was busy, she also is. the difference being, that she could make time for him while he focused way too much into getting his boss to hook up with this new girl.. he thought about how fucked up it was, but even when he didn’t agree with it at all, he still continued to help..
jungkook himself didn’t even know the answer to it only that he just continued to act on literal command..
was this also too much for him? many things needed to get fixed.. but still, he hoped that his pretty, number one girl could ever come again and forgive him.. give him another chance.
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blackelysian · 8 months
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Duke Dennis x Black! Fem! Reader as Makena
Word Count: 1,449
Warnings: 18+ smut, fluff, toxic relationship
Summary: Tired of this situationship between you and Duke you decide its just better to end things. Duke wants to make it right.
Makena POV
A sigh escaped my lips as I aimlessly scroll through my phone. It was now 3 am and Duke still wasn’t here yet. I sent a text to his phone for the one hundredth time.
                                                                       It's late, don't even worry about coming anymore… Sent.
No reply. Once again.
I watched his story and saw that he posted something 30 minutes ago. He was out with his friends at some party or function with some bitch grabbing his face. At that point I was fed up, annoyed and kinda hurt. I throw my phone to the side and sit up. He’s been blowing me off all night after he told me he was coming over so we could spend some time together. One stop and I'm on my way, I Love you”  was the last response I got from him. Tears streamed down my face. Not only was I mad at him I was mad at myself for even allowing my feelings to get wrapped up in whatever you wanna call this. Duke and I have been messing around for almost a year now but he never officially asked me to be his girlfriend. He helps me with my bills, buys me whatever I want, fucks me good, but there was no actual commitment. He uses the excuse of he doesn’t want to hurt me, but this hurts way worse. My thoughts were interrupted by my phone dinging, indicating I had just got a text. I hover my face over my phone revealing the message from him. 
Im outside
I layed back down on the bed ignoring his text. Next thing I know I hear my front door unlocking.
I groaned annoyingly. I need to get my key back from this nigga. I can hear his feet making their way to my bedroom before he slides my door open, stumbling in. He casually makes his way over to me leaning down to peck me on the lips but he was met with the palm of my hand.
“So you just goin walk in here late as a motherfucka and act like nothing's wrong??” She raised her voice at him.
“Come on boo don’t start that, i'm here now right? That's all that should matter'' He asks nonchalantly, going back in for another attempted kiss. I quickly jumped up and moved around him.
“You know, I don’t think I wanna do this anymore Duke..”I say looking away from him.
“Do what Makena?”
“THIS” I raise my voice again, pointing between the two of us. “This is getting old and I'm tired of sitting around waiting on you to see how good of a woman I am..tired of waiting on you to respect me! I’m done.” I snapped. 
“What do you mean you're done?”
“I'm done, We are done! And you need to give me back my key!” He chuckles at me.
“You trippin’ im not going any fucking where” He simply says, slideing his shoes off.
“Why don’t you just let me go Duke?” I questioned. “Why continue to string me along huh? You don’t want to be with me at this point so what's the point of keeping this going?”
“Makena,You know I love you. I just don't want to hurt you” He states, pulling me in front of him.
“You don’t think this hurts already?” I hold my hand up. “You know what, I just want you to go, i'll give you a minute to get whatever stuff you have here and leave my fuckin key” I turn my back to him not even giving him a chance to respond, heading for the bathroom to take a long, hot shower. I needed to clear my mind and hopefully by the time I got out that asshole would be gone for good.
Omniscient POV
After about 20 minutes, Duke enters the bathroom. He sees Makena’s naked silhouette through the foggy glass shower. He looks over to see her music softly playing from her bluetooth speaker. He quickly strips out of his clothes and slides in the steaming hot shower. The breeze runs a chill down Makena’s spine as he slides the door back closed. 
She quickly turns around. “I thought I told you to go?” She asks, rolling her eyes.
“We not done talking yet” He wraps his arms around her, bringing her body close to his.
“Duke, please don’t do this to me right now. Just let me go and leave” she says, trying to unwrap his arms from around her. He holds her tight.
“What do you want? Whatever you want I’ll give it to you. Just don’t leave me baby” 
“He can’t be serious..” She thought. But with the look on his face she knew this was far from a joke. But she couldn’t give in. What would he think of her if she just took him back so easily? Why now did he want to do the right thing? 
“It's a little too late fo-”
“Be my girlfriend?” He cuts her off, looking in her eyes with adoration.
“Wow really?” She asks sarcastically. “ Now you want to ask me? It's only because I'm telling you I'm done with you that you want to act right now” She says disgustingly, rolling my eyes and pushing him away from her. 
“Baby I'm serious!” He exclaims, grabbing her again. “I can’t lose you, whatever you want me to do I'll do it. I want to make it right, I have to make it right. Give me just one more chance and I promise we won’t have to have this conversation no more”
“I don’t know what to say Duke…” She says lowly, looking down and away from him. He drops to his knees in the oversized walk in shower, grabbing onto her waist. He places gentle kisses along her stomach trailing down to her womanhood. 
“Say yes” He says softly, placing a kiss right on top of her clit. Her breath hitches in her throat. 
“Say yes baby..” He throws her left leg over his shoulder and places a few more kisses on her wet center before completely devouring her. He made sure to take his time pleasing her. He wanted to show her that he meant what he said.
“Duke..no” She trails off, throwing her head back as he lapped her up like a thirsty dog. His thumb finds her clit drawing small circles on it. 
“Be my girlfriend baby” He says again, looking up to watch her love faces. She begins to feel her orgasm build in her stomach as she grinds down on his face. “Shit i'm almost there” She gasps. He stops immediately, getting up and turning off the shower before picking her up and walking her out the shower. 
“You don’t get to cum until you say yes.” He wraps a towel around her wet body, bending her over the sink, the two making eye contact in the mirror. She could see the lust and longing in his face. He rubs his member up and down her slick womanhood before roughly sliding into her in one swift motion. 
“Fuck” she groaned out as he starting to deliver rough,delicious strokes. 
“You goin be my girlfriend baby?” He asks yet again, brushing some of her curls out her face. Her mouth falls open but nothing comes out. He delivers a smack to her ass. “Answer me baby” He groans, going deeper bottoming out. 
“Oh shitt, Yess” She moans out blissfully.
“Say it” He says, pulling out and sitting on the side of the tub, pulling her back on him and sliding in again. He starts to work her up and down his member.
“Say it Makena” He states firmly.
“Ima be your girlfriend babyy” She blurts out.
“Yea?” He says with a smile, kissing you along the side of your face and neck as he still bounces you on him. Makena starts to throw it back on him, pulling out her best moves to show him that it doesn’t get any better than this. 
“Oh fuckk mama” He grunts, grabbing the back of her neck turning her to face him. 
“Gimme kiss” They lean into each other and give each other the sloppiest kiss ever. 
“Hmmm baby im cumming” She cries out, picking up her speed.
“Cum on your dick” His words were like a catalyst for her orgasm, which rips through her like a tornado. He finishes right behind her, pulling out and releasing on the rug. She turns to kiss him once again.
“Mm we not finished yet. I still have a lot of making up to do.” He says with a lustful grin on his face.
A/N: Makena definitely DID NOT stand on business 😭😭
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totheblood · 2 years
hii love can you write hcs of ellie williams in protective gf mode
a/n: of course! thank u for the request <;3 p.s little bonus ai audio at the end (ellie yelling at u lol, ellie telling u to drink up, ellie asking u whats wrong)
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protective gf ellie
it’s no secret that ellie is extremely protective of the people around her, but when it came to you it was a whole other story
she’s protective of you out in the world, if you’re on patrol together she will always enter new areas before you, scoping it out before giving you the okay to come in
“it’s safe to come in, babe.”
“you’re ridiculous.”
“and you’re still alive, so where’s my thank you?”
she would definitely try not to baby you since she’s positive you can hold your own (it’s very hot to her how badass you are on patrol) but sometimes she just can’t control it
she knows she’s immune so she would much rather take her chances than have you be bit, but you don't know that so you get into little quips about why she doesn’t let you fight infected
“i don’t see why i can’t clear out the area with you ellie, i feel like i’m not pulling my weight.”
“it’s not safe, you could get bit.”
“but i won’t.”
she will always check the sturdiness of the floor before telling you to follow her (she’s fallen through too many floors to take her chances with you)
when you do end up getting hurt on patrol she gets mad
like unreasonably angry at you… she’s working on it
“what the fuck were you thinking?! going in there gun’s blazing, you didn’t know how many of them there were!” she would scold you while tending to your wounds, it was honestly very confusing
“i’m sorry, i jus-“
“don’t do it again.” she would say it in her sternest voice before kissing the gauze where she patched you up
when it comes to protecting you from other people in jackson ellie was known for being ruthless
a guy hitting on you at the diner? she would slide into the booth next to you and wrap her arm around your waist with an exaggerated, “hey baby.”
someone who won’t leave you alone when you’re obviously uncomfortable? she would immediately step in between the two of you with her finger pointed in the guys face, “hey back the fuck up!”
if she ever saw you crying, all hell would break loose
inside her rage would be boiling, but on the outside she was running up to you, putting your face in her hands, scanning your body for any injuries, and asking you with the most tender voice, “what’s wrong, baby?”
“these guys would not stop making fun of me on my way home.” you would explain in between sniffles “just got so overwhelmed, but i’m okay.”
“who? what did they look like? what were they saying?”
“ellie, don’t do anything.”
“i won’t, just tell me. wanna make sure those assholes shovel horse shit for a month.”
after you would tell her she’d press a kiss on your forehead and stay with you until you fell asleep
after she would go out and find the guys who made you cry and beat them up (violence isn’t the answer but this is ellie and she’s a sucker for revenge)
ellie’s actually not above punching anyone for you, she just would never let you see that side of her
a part of her also wants to protect you from herself and what she’s capable of
so whenever she’s not doing mentally well she would seperate herself from you so she doesn’t lash out at you
she hates the look on your face when anyone yells at you and she knows she wouldn't be able to live with herself if she was on the receiving end
she also always walks you home, she likes when you call her a gentleman and kiss her goodnight
she’s also protective of you when you’re not feeling well, absolutely ignoring her own health to make sure you’re eating, sleeping, and getting enough water
“c’mon baby, drink up.” she would coo as she gently sat you up in your bed, her protective hand resting on the small of you back while you drank
she would stroke your hair as you slept, constantly checking your body temperature as she waited for your fever to break
on the flipside, whenever she was sick she wouldn’t let you around her
you would be banging on her door with homemade soup being like “ellie, open this goddamn door!”
and her sick ass would say “no! don't wanna get you sick!” through her stuffy nose
“fine, but i’m leaving the soup outside your door, please make sure you eat it and drink water!”
“thank you.”
“okay, bye, i love you!”
“i love you more”
she’s always doting on you, making sure your happy and satisfied
if you’re eating together she would make sure you are full before she finishes her plate just in case you want more
at community events her eyes would always return to you even when she’s in conversation with someone else
“she’s fine y’know? just the spring dance.” jesse would say after her looking over at you for the tenth time in their 15 minute conversation
“i know. i just like looking at her.” it wasn’t a lie, but she was still just making sure you were okay
ai audios:
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holylulusworld · 4 months
Indecent Proposal (19)
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Summary: Your boyfriend wants to be part of their empire. You are the pawn he’s willing to sacrifice.
Pairing: Mobster!Stucky x fem!Reader
Warnings: established Stucky, caring mobsters, pregnant reader, polyamory, fluff, romance
Indecent Proposal (18.2)
Indecent Proposal masterlist
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“I must inform you, that this is a commitment ceremony, with no legal backing. It’s not a real wedding,” the celebrant clears his throat to get your attention.
You’re busy staring at your men, a big grin on your face. They mirror your smirk and chuckle as you ignore the man in front of you.
“It’s a wedding as we say so,” Bucky grunts. “Legal or not, Y/N will become our wife. Period. Now do your job. We pay you a fucking lot of money for it.”
“Aw, you made Bucky mad,” you grab Bucky’s hand and squeeze it. “You look very handsome today, Mr. Barnes.”
“What about me?” Steve flashes you a stunning smile. His heart flutters exactly the way it did the day he married the love of his life, Bucky.
“You’re always stunning, Mr. Rogers,” you wink at Steve. “Today, you are even hotter.”
“Uh-huh,” Bucky purrs your name and wiggles his eyebrows. His playful mood makes you giggle. “This scream for a hell of a wedding night.”
“I bet you can’t wait to get me out of the dress,” you giggle and slap Bucky’s chest when he tries to kiss you. “Not before you said yes.”
Bucky quirks a brow. He smirks and pounces on you to cup your face. Mouthing ‘Yes’ Bucky smirks against your lips. “Now, you must say yes.”
“Yes,” you breathe against his lips. “I want to be your and Steve’s wife and do dirty things with you for the rest of my life.”
“How about we focus on the ceremony now,” Steve looks down at his body. “I didn’t choose to wear a tuxedo today for nothing. I want to marry our beautiful bride.”
Bucky wraps his arm around your middle and kisses your ear. “What do you say, doll? Do you want to make Steve happy and marry his sexy ass?”
“I think I can do that,” you smirk at Steve. “Come here, big guy. I wanna get a better look at you, Stevie. You look so handsome today.”
“All for you, doll,” Steve cups your face to press a kiss to your forehead. “You look beautiful yourself, Y/N.”
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“We came here together to witness the union of James Buchanan Barnes, Steven Grant Rogers, and Y/N Y/L/N. They love each other dearly and want to take the next big step in their relationship.”
You almost giggle at the celebrant’s serious expression. He continues his speech while you can’t wait to wear their ring and dance with your husbands.
It doesn’t matter to you that your marriage isn’t legal or that your ceremony does not provide any special rights or privileges for you and your men.
All that matters is that the men you fell in love with hold your hands and whisper sweet words in your ear while the celebrant bores you with his speech.
“Steven Grant Rogers. James Buchanan Barnes. You are already a loving couple and share a profound bond,” he continues. “Do you want to take Y/N Y/L/N to your wife and let the love you planted months ago grow?”
Bucky suppresses a snort, but he squeezes your hands. “I do.”
Steve is less subtle. He rolls his eyes. This is the worst speech he ever heard, but he doesn’t want to ruin the ceremony for you. All that matters is that you are here with him and Bucky.
“I do,” Steve says after a short pause. You held your breath for a second, fearing Steve would change his mind.
“Phew, I feared you want to play runaway bride,” you joke and wink at the celebrant. “All is good. He’s all in.”
The man huffs and drops his eyes to his notes. This is the least romantic ceremony he ever witnessed. You’re a sassy brat, and your soon-to-be husbands are horny bastards staring at your grown tits.
“Y/N Y/L/N, you are their third, the missing piece they finally found. You’re more than they ever wished for. Do you want to join their bond and become their wife?”
You sniffle. “I do.”
“Aw, baby doll,” Bucky coos and wipes your tears with his thumb. “Don’t cry.”
“It’s just…I’m so…happy…and” you choke on your tears. “I’m having your babies, and your cocks are so good. How can a woman not cry knowing you will dick her down for the rest of her life.”
“Naughty as always,” Steve laughs. “We should come to an end, don’t you think.” He looks at the celebrant.
“Yes…yes,” the man says. “James Buchanan Barnes. Steven Grant Rogers. Y/N Y/L/N. You came a long way and decided to go the rest of the way together. I’m honored to be the one declaring your husbands and wife.”
You choke out a sob.
“You told me before the ceremony that you have prepared a speech, miss Y/L/N. Please speak now.”
You nod and take a deep breath. “I…when you stepped into my life I was at my lowest. I couldn’t believe what happened to me, and my life. But you Steve,” you look at Steve and smile, “and you Bucky,” you turn your head to look at Bucky, “showed me what love, and devotion mean. I promise to love and cherish you, and to support you in all of life's ups and downs, today, tomorrow, and always.“
Steve and Bucky sniffle. Bucky barely can hold back the tears as you continue.
“I carry your future, and you are holding mine in your hands. I hope the feeling you give me will never fade. I love you, and the wonder you helped me create.”
“Fuck doll,” Bucky sniffs. 
“Same,” Steve tries to keep it cool but fails. 
“Oh, and I want to do dirty things for the rest of our lives with you…”
Now they laugh, and you join them. You giggle and snort, and even the celebrant joins your laughter.
This wasn’t the most romantic ceremony, but you wouldn’t want to change a thing. To you and your men, it was perfect.
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“Phew…yeah. That was the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen…” You nod to yourself. “Do it again, Stevie. Give it to him good.”
“Doll, this is dancing, not sex,” Steve tuts while you pout at him. “Come here and join us.” He holds out his hand. 
“My feet hurt,” you whine and hop off the couch. Steve, Bucky and you danced for half of the night. Now you only want to crawl into bed and cuddle the hell out of your newlywed husbands.
“One last dance,” Bucky licks his lips as you kick your shoes off. He looks at your bare feet when you slowly walk toward them. “Fuuck…” He imagines you barefoot and heavily pregnant.
“Okay,” you take Steve’s offered hand. “One last dance…”
Part 20
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nivisdreaming · 2 years
i have a request 👉👈 what do you think aftercare with dom!eddie would look like if reader used their safeword, but they were really upset about having to do that? maybe they’re feeling a little unsafe and don’t know what to do, cause they just wanna take care of eddie 🥺❤️
anon you look into my brain. i literally fell asleep thinking about this the night before i got this request??? anyway. i can’t resist doing a full thing for this i have many thoughts for you sweet flower child.
Summary: Overstimulated and panicked, reader has to safeword during a scene. Feeling guilty for cutting it off midway and scaring Eddie, they desperately try to make it up to him in what they believe to be the only way possible. Eddie puts them back in their place in the sweetest manner possible.
Tags: smut to hurt/comfort, tooth-rotting fluff, overstimulation, choking, safeword use, anxious!reader, gn!reader, soft dom!eddie, entirely excessive use of petnames and praise by author
WC: ~900
“Just one more baby, come one more time for me. You can do it, be good for me.” Eddie picks up his pace for what you’re convinced must be the sixth or seventh time at this point as he leans forward to growl in your ear, “You want to make me feel good, right? Then come all over my cock, do it, obey me.” His hand juts out to wrap around your throat, leaving your head spinning, and not just from the overstimulation. Between his grip around you and his thrusting you can’t catch your breath, can’t slow down the pounding of your heart, can’t move, can’t take it anymore, can’t take more.
Fuck. This is when your supposed to safeword, right? This was one of those scenarios, where the scene is too real and the adrenaline searing painfully instead of pleasurably. The word exists for a reason. It’s not bad to use it. Right? Eddie won’t be mad? He always said you could use it no matter what. Friend’s don’t lie. You would still be good. Still be good enough.
“Metallica!” The word jumped from you in between gasps for air, and the squeezing around your throat ceased, making it so much easier to think already. Your vision came back into focus, and the thumping in your chest slows enough to lower the ringing in your ears. Thoughts become clear enough to process the situation just as you make eye contact with a panicked Eddie, who has pulled out and stopped touching you altogether, his hands raised in front of his bare chest as if to show surrender. You can’t suppress the pang of guilt that spreads through you at the fear in his eyes.
His jaw simply hangs open for a moment, as if he can’t quite get his bearings, but the tears that well in your eyes spring him into action. “Honey, honey, don’t cry baby, what’s wrong? I didn’t hurt you, did I? Let me see your neck, I didn’t squeeze the wrong spot, did I?” He lunges forward once again and reaches to inspect your throat, but you flinch backwards instinctively. The twist of guilt hurts so much worse than the soreness in your core from how hard he had fucked you. “Baby, please talk to me, was the ‘obey’ thing too much? You flinched away from me, did I scare you?”
You shake your head no and scoot back towards him with a sniffle, grabby hands raised to cling onto his bicep. You hide your face in his shoulder and muffle your words as you speak, “I’m sorry Teddy, it wasn’t your fault, promise. ‘M so sorry…” His mouth flies open to scold you for apologizing, but quickly shuts again when you begin to kiss up his chest and onto his neck. “Please let me make it up to you, Eds, can still be good, promise I can still be good. Can use my mouth, sir, do all the work and take care of you, or let you rough me up and fuck my throat. Whatever you want, I’ll give, Eddie, I’ll be so good for you, please let me help,” He finally cuts off your rambling by capturing your lips in his own for a split second, only to pull back immediately and fill up any potential space you could use to continue groveling.
“None of that, little one, thought I’d taught you better than that, hm?” He presses a kiss to your forehead. “I will never, ever, punish you for using your safeword, or ask you to keep going after safewording unless the problem is resolved.” Another kiss is delivered to each of your cheeks. “You are my good baby because you are you, sweetheart. You don’t need to do anything extra to be absolutely perfect for me. You could say I could never touch you again, and I would still look at you like you created the moon and the stars, hun.” One more sweet kiss to your lips, like taking a full breath for the first time all night.
When he pulls away this time, tears are fully streaming down your face, and a few have even started to pinprick to the surface of his own eyes. You resist the urge to wipe them away. “Not mad at me? Even though I didn’t listen?” Your voice comes out breathy and soft, mumbles cutting down your words and making them sound childish.
“Sweetheart, you listened so well. You listened to your own body, and to the love of your life, who wants nothing more than for you to stop any situation in which you are not comfortable. I could never be mad at my good little baby. Never.” He pulls you in for a tight hug, both of you squeezing each other tight until both yours eyes start to droop in exhaustion. Eddie gives you a sleepy smile and hauls a blanket over the both of you, “We can talk more about what happened in the morning, okay little one? It’s bedtime for my good baby now, gotta let you get all rested up and feeling better. I’ll hold you all night though, okay? You need anything, you wake me, don’t try to get up, you know how shaky your legs get. Let me take care of you, now. You’re safe in my arms, love. Have sweet dreams, I love you so much.” You’re asleep by the time he’s a quarter of the way into his talk, but he can’t bring himself to mind. Your sweet snores make great background noise anyway.
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breadbrioche · 1 year
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so mun x reader
➳ summary: after telling mun to take better care of himself, he ends up taking care of you instead
➳ warnings: description of treating wounds, mention of guns/gunshot wounds, self deprecating thoughts, season 2 episode 3-4 spoilers
➳ word count: 1.5k
➳a/n: my offering to the tuc tumblr fandom haha fyi the reader is also a counter but was not with mun during the scenes mentioned
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As you hunch over your desk, trying to get as close as you can to your mirror, you become aware of how pathetic your situation is. Blood soaked cotton balls litter the surface of your desk from your attempt to clean the injuries inflicted on you just hours ago, though you’re doing a pretty horrid job at it because every time an alcohol swab just even brushes against the open wound, you flinch away from your own hand and hiss at the pain.
You sigh regretfully, thinking about how you could’ve avoided all this, been fully healed and pain free hours ago, if you just didn’t cause such a scene earlier.
You bursted into the base, shoes slapping against the floor loudly as you made a beeline towards the table where all the counters were waiting to be healed by Ms Chu. Stopping right in front of Mun, who was looking worried at your apparent injuries, your scowl deepened as your gaze landed on his shoulder and the perfectly circular openings in it.
Frustrated and thinking of no other way to express this, you slapped your palm against the offending shoulder. Mun jerked back with a yelp and looked at you in disbelief.
“You’re an idiot, did you know that?” You began, not beating around the bush.
“Let me expla-“
“Explain what? That you let yourself get shot?” You cut him off quickly. “Us counters may be stronger than average humans but at the end of the day we’re still humans! And humans aren’t bulletproof like how you apparently like to think!”
Words were spilling out of your mouth without a second thought, your voice getting louder with every angry confession.
“Do you think of yourself as someone who can just die whenever they want? Evil spirits aside, did you even think about how your death would impact everyone!”
At this point, you couldn’t remember how the rest of the confrontation went down apart from that when you finally finished your rant he looked at you with an expression incomprehensible to you at the time - maybe he was shocked or mad or sad, either way you didn’t stick around long enough to find out as you finally gained back your sanity and dashed to hide in your room.
Maybe you’re the idiot, and not Mun.
He didn’t get shot for no good reason; he saved the chairman’s life! And you had a go at him for doing what was right. So on top of being a pathetic coward, you were also an idiot who blamed innocent people. What an amazing turn of events.
Before you could wallow in your pity for any longer, knocks on your door pull you out of your thoughts and make you turn towards it. You come eye to eye with So Mun, who’d left himself inside your room before you could even get up to open the door.
“Hey.” He begins awkwardly, probably trying to gauge your reactions to see if you were still angry at him. “You missed dinner.”
“Oh. Sorry, I didn’t realise” you say dumbly.
“I just wanted to let you know that I saved some food for you, its in the kitchen if you ever feel hungry”
You smile slightly; grateful for Mun’s thoughtfulness, even if after your tirade on him earlier.
“Thanks, Mun-ah. I’ll go eat in a sec once I’m done with all of-“ you gesture to the mess of medical supplies on your table “-this.”
Taking note of it, Mun frowns before approaching you and leaning down to assess your injuries. He immediately picks up an alcohol swab and gently cleans the cuts on your face. Instinctively, you jerk away from the sting but Mun keeps you still with a hand on your cheek.
“You know that Ms Chu can heal these for you.” He says gently, though the close proximity of your faces makes you hear it loud and clear.
“They’re not big… I don’t wanna be a bother for a few cuts here and there” you murmur in defense.
Mun’s hands pull away from your face for a moment to reach for a band-aid on your desk but you grab his wrist to stop him.
“I can treat myself, you don’t have to do it”
He huffs shortly before pulling out of your grasp and shaking his head stubbornly.
“I want to. Please?” He asks with a classic So Mun smile that makes it hard to remember why you were ever mad at him. You reluctantly nod, allowing Mun to put the bandage on your face.
It’s quiet as he repeats the process of cleaning and wrapping the rest of your wounds.
“Uh-“ You speak up suddenly, unable to handle the suffocating silence. He perks up and faces you fully, attentive.
“Sorry about what I said to you earlier…you did what you had to save the chairman and I blew up at you for no real reason but when I heard that you’d gotten shot, I guess I started spiralling and assumed the worse so…” you trail off and lower your head in shame, eyes focused on the scrapes on your knuckles that Mun is currently working on.
His hands clasp yours and intertwines your fingers together with his, then pulls you up to your feet which forces you to maintain eye contact with him. He’s smiling at you calmly, eyes creasing ever so slightly.
“Don’t worry about it. Honestly it’s okay.” he says in a reassuring voice. “I’m sure I worried all of you so I would’ve gotten an earful from someone eventually.”
You laugh slightly at his comment lightening your mood. Being around Mun is addictive - his warm presence pulls you in and his positivity infects you, putting a small smile on your face too.
Though, part of you couldn’t let go of your guilty thoughts and you still feel apprehensive. Mun must have sensed it because he squeezes your interlaced hands tight, stroking your hand with his thumb.
“You had every right to be mad at me. I don’t regret what I did but you're right about the fact that I didn’t think about how my actions would affect everyone else. So I guess that was pretty selfish of me.”
Mun rests his head down on your shoulder, face nuzzling into your neck slightly. His breath tickles your skin as he exhales which makes you squirm slightly.
“Could you forgive me?” He whispers into your ear.
Since he entered your room, all of his sweet actions were slowly piling up, making you feel flustered and heartbeat speed up, but this was the tipping point. You try to push away from Mun, feeling far too overwhelmed, but he effortlessly pulls you back in, his eyes twinkling.
“So~?” He insists you answer, dragging out the last syllable. You roll your eyes, feeling heat rise to your cheeks.
“Fine. I guess I could forgive you” you huff out. “But only because you’re annoying and you won’t stop until I do.”
Mun chuckles and brushes away hair hanging over your face to get a clear view of your reactions.
“You’re so cute.” he points out teasingly. He watches your nose shrivel when you scowl at him.
“And you are a little shit.”
“Hey! Is that any way to speak to your cool and amazing boyfriend who patched you up?” Mun grabs your bandaged hand and shakes it in front of your face to emphasize his point.
“I told you that you didn’t have to do it”
“And I told you that you should’ve seen Ms Chu!”
“It’s too late for that now anyways, she’s probably sleeping. I can just have it done tomorrow” you defend yourself.
“But knowing you, you’ll definitely forget!”
God, Mun could be so stubborn sometimes. You sigh before flopping onto your bed, bouncing slightly as the springs in the mattress resist against you.
“If you’re so bothered, maybe you should just sleep with me tonight so you can remind me in the morning.”
Mun gasps dramatically as if your suggestion was something obscene. You roll your eyes at his act, your point from earlier being proven - he is a little shit.
“You’re welcome to go back to your room then” you point out, gesturing to your door. Mun shoots you an offended look before pulling your blankets open to climb onto your bed quickly.
“I never said no!” He complains as he worms his way to get closer to you.
You shuffle about for a second before getting into a comfortable position, with your face pressed against Mun’s chest, head laying on one of his arms. A silence envelops the two of you again but it’s not the awkward tension from before.
This silence was cozy. Relaxing.
“Thank you, Mun-ah” you whispered, cuddling against him more. He pressed a kiss on the top of your head, silently answering you. Gently he stroked your hair, lulling you to sleep.
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lowkeychenle · 1 year
The Last Straw [ZCL] (M)
Description: Chenle has been your best friend for as long as you can remember. Being in love with him isn't easy, until you find out he reciprocates those feelings (thanks to Cockblocker!Jaemin).
(This was requested!! Thank you for the request and I'll respond to the ask with this link <3)
Genre: Fluff/Smut
Content Warnings: Explicit (protected) sex, I have a thing for Chenle saying pretty girl so excuse that in almost all of my Chenle fics rip me, Chenle is just perfect okay but also sassy
Word Count: 3,742
Pairing: Zhong Chenle x Reader (feat. Cockblocker!Jaemin because he's a mess)
Juliet's Masterlist
(also I made a moodboard for this one instead of using gif and i think the moodboards are so much more fun so I'll prolly make these from now on! Disclaimer: I don't own any of these photos!)
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“Respectfully, if you don’t knock that off, I’m gonna swat you upside the head.” You give Jaemin a pointed look from your spot on Chenle’s couch. “You’re just mad that he beat you again.”
“He cheated.” Jaemin crosses his arms over his chest, returning your glare with ease. “No way he’s actually that good at this shit.”
“I think I’m pretty good at everything, honestly.” Chenle shrugs, leaning back against the cushion and resting his arms along the top, fingertips brushing your shoulder.
You and Chenle have been best friends for years. Longer than he’s known Jaemin, that’s for sure. No way would you take Jaemin’s side over Chenle’s, even if he so happened to be in the wrong.
You look at him with a smile, which he returns, brow quirking in response. Jaemin grimaces at the two of you.
“At least let me leave before you start making out.” He scrunches up his nose. “Disgusting.”
The tips of your ears burn as your attention shoots over to Jaemin. At the same time, Chenle launches a throw pillow in his direction, leaning forward as if he’s about to stand up. Jaemin holds his hands up in mock surrender as he swats it away.
“Don’t shoot the messenger,” he says, running his fingers through his faded pink hair. “And don’t have too much fun by yourselves.”
When the door closes behind him, it leaves you and Chenle in awkward silence. You can’t lie and say you’d never thought about kissing him, but not recently. If ‘recently’ is only the past few days. There’s something about the general confidence Chenle has that makes you curious.
“Um.” Chenle clears his throat, pressing his lips together in a thin line. “Wanna pick something to watch? I’ll make popcorn.”
“Absolutely.” You give an exaggerated nod, lunging forward to grab the remote off the coffee table.
You think everything will go back to normal after he returns with a bowl. He sits next to you, putting his arm over your shoulders again and shifting until he’s pressed comfortably against you. This isn’t abnormal, but for some reason, it has your heart racing much faster than it should.
The show plays for maybe two minutes before he clears his throat. You think nothing of it until he does it again, pulling your attention to his face. The lights inside the house are off, but the sun is resting just above the horizon, painting an orange glow on his skin.
“What’s wrong with you?” you ask. “Do you need some water? You haven’t even had any popcorn yet.”
He blinks. Once. Twice. His eyes even flutter across your face.
“This is weird. What’s going on?” You frown at him.
“Have you ever thought about it?” He quirks an eyebrow.
You chuckle. “Thought about what?”
“Nevermind. Forget it.” He shakes his head, leaning back with a slight pout to his lips.
“No, tell me.” You gently smack his chest. “Don’t do that.”
“Fine. Just remember you made me say this,” he grumbles, sitting up again. He’s only inches away from you like this. “Have you ever thought about kissing me?”
“I mean…yeah.” You shrug. “We’re around each other all the time. I’ve literally seen you kiss people before. Nothing wrong with a little curiosity, you know?”
“Why haven’t you asked?”
“Asked what?” You laugh before you stop yourself. “To kiss you? Are you insane?”
“You just said you wanted to,” he points out, shifting closer. “Why wonder when you can know for real?”
“You want to?” Your eyes widen as they dart down to his lips unintentionally.
You watch his pupils dilate, his eyelids threatening to flutter shut as he nods. He’s so close to you, you feel his short, choppy breaths. What the hell are you doing? This is the last thing that should happen—in no world is Chenle kissing you a good idea. You’ll fall into a rabbit hole and probably accidentally admit how you want more than that.
No way in hell you’re going to stop him when he’s looking at you like that, though. He hesitates, meeting your gaze one last time, a thousand questions moving from his mind to yours. There’s only one you need to answer, and you do. Slowly, you nod.
The initial brush has sparks igniting along your skin, and you instinctively grip onto the sleeve of his T-shirt. Usually, he’d tease you for something like that. He’d say something about how you’re trying to strip him down, but he doesn’t seem to have any other thought besides kissing you right now. This is the most attractive you’ve ever seen him.
When he really kisses you, his full lips pressing gently against yours, you swear electricity courses through the two of you, the sparks enough to make you gasp. You’d imagined this plenty of times, but never did you think it could be like this.
He sighs, bringing his hand up to weave it through your hair. You push yourself closer to him and wrap your arms around his shoulders.
The second his tongue runs across your bottom lip, you let out a short, quiet moan. Instead of taking a moment to tease you about it, he uses the opening. The two of you battle for dominance, but when his thumb rubs against your scalp, you know you’re no match for him.
Everything around you heats up, and as much as you hate to deny it, you feel your panties dampen. Your body tingles with excitement as he guides your back down against the couch, finding the spot between your legs he fits in perfectly. No matter what, you don’t dare open your eyes or pull away right now. If this is a dream, you sure as hell don’t want to wake from it.
As he settles on top of you, you gasp when you feel him semi-hard through his shorts. Before you can psych yourself out of it, you reach for the hem of his shirt and start sliding it up. He takes the hint, pulling away to tug the fabric over his head. Unfortunately for you, you don’t have time to admire him before his lips are on yours again.
“I was almost all the way home when I—what the fuck?” A familiar voice from the doorway has Chenle launching away from you.
The trance is broken, the moment is gone, and all you’re left with is burning cheeks and instant shame under Jaemin’s scrutiny.
Chenle scrambles for his shirt, and instead of putting it back on, he puts it over his lap in a poor attempt to hide his arousal. You can’t bring yourself to sit up, your palms still flat on your face.
“I didn’t know you guys actually did that.” Jaemin grins, placing his hands on his hips and smiling widely. “Good job, buddy.”
“We don’t.” Chenle rolls his eyes. “What did you even need?’
“I left my jacket here.” Jaemin points over to the kitchen, where it’s draped over one of the dining room chairs.
“Okay…so how about you grab it…and you go?” Chenle glances up to the ceiling, as if he’s asking for strength, and then blinks rapidly at Jaemin. “Like, now.”
You still haven’t moved, only spreading your fingers apart to look at Chenle. 
“Right. Yeah, duh.” Jaemin rushes to get it, not acknowledging either of you again until he’s at the door. He stops, reaching into his pocket for his wallet before he tosses something at Chenle. “Make sure you’re safe! Bye!”
He leaves, and when you finally get the courage to look up, Chenle has his head in his palm. A condom is about a foot in front of him, sending another wave of embarrassment to your face.
“So…” Chenle trails off. “Maybe we should rewind the show.”
Disappointment flutters around your heart. “Uh, yeah. Sure.” You gulp and grab the remote. Regardless of how much you wish you could yell at Jaemin for interrupting, the urge to continue doesn’t subside.
“(Y/N).” He sighs, brows furrowing. “I need to tell you something.”
“I want to do that again.” He leans his head back on the couch, and this time, you pay close attention to the expanse of his neck. The two of you don’t hide things from each other, so nothing is off limits—you’ve heard all about the things he likes, and neck kisses are one of his weaknesses. Your mouth waters at the thought of it.
“Me too.”
“But I need you to know it’s not just…it’s not all I want.” He closes his eyes, cringing at his own words.
Your brain doesn’t compute what he means at first—you assume something completely different. “Are you saying you want to have sex?”
His attention shoots to you. “No! Well, yeah, but that’s not what I meant by that. I have feelings for you, dumbass."
“For me?” You snort, half-choking on a laugh until you realize he’s serious. “Why?”
“You’re an idiot.” He rolls his eyes and groans. “Why wouldn’t I? Have you seen yourself? Met yourself? You’re everything I’ve ever wanted, but if you even try to repeat that to anyone I will vehemently deny it until the day I die.”
“Do you know how long I’ve been waiting to hear you say that?” Your brain whirls at the sight of him, and your entire body yearns to be close to his again.
“It’s the truth. I’ve liked you for a while now, but I’ve never had the courage to say anything.” Chenle chews the inside of his cheek, pondering. The thought of Chenle’s confidence wavering when it comes to you has your heart tumbling in your chest.
“You know what this means?” You quirk an eyebrow at him.
“Your mom is going to be so excited.” You bite back a smile, but it breaks through anyway when you see him glare at you, narrowing his eyes.
“Why would you bring my mom up right now? Are you trying to make me go soft?” His words send heat to your cheeks, and it takes everything in you not to tap them to snap yourself out of it.
“You’re still hard after Jaemin came in here like that?” You push his shoulder.
“I was on top of you, dude. There’s only one way I’ll be able to get this thing down, and hopefully, it’ll be with you and not my hand.” He takes a deep breath. “Whatever you decide is good with me.”
Leaving Chenle to his hand is the last thing you’d even think about doing right now. You don’t want to move too quickly, but when he looks away from you briefly, you use that as an opportunity to straddle his lap. He gulps and shifts beneath you, immediately gripping your waist.
“And now you’re on top of me,” he mutters. “I’m gonna have so many dreams about this.”
Before your nerves can overtake you, you dip your head down until you're mere centimeters from him. He wasn’t lying about how hard he is, his bulge pressing beautifully against you. At this point, you curse yourself for wearing denim shorts. You’d be feeling it so much more if you were in something softer.
“You should know,” he says, right hand trailing up to cup your cheek. “We can take this slow if you want. I don’t want to rush you. Everything needs to be done right.”
“Kiss me, dumbass.”
He grins softly, only for a moment before his beautiful mouth is on yours again, working magic you’re sure only he’s capable of. You live for the sounds the two of you make, your lips moving together in harmony as if you’re made for each other.
At this point, you think you just may be.
You sit still on top of him, not quite wanting to elevate things yet, and he doesn’t push you. He lets you take everything at your own pace. Eventually, your tongues meet again, but you don’t fight him this time. You allow him to explore your mouth, sighing at how skilled he is at it. When he pulls away, his teeth gently digging into your bottom lip to tug it, you groan, your hips finally moving on their own accord. His smug look quickly fades as his breath shudders. You grind down on him, his hardness gliding along your clit through way too many sets of fabric.
“Chenle,” you groan. “I need you.”
“Patience, pretty girl,” he hums, moving along to your rhythm. “Need you to keep going, okay? Don’t stop.”
You didn’t intend to. Instead of waiting for his next move, your lips connect with his neck, nipping and licking along the skin you know is sensitive. You feel his soft moan before you hear it, and something inside of you snaps.
“Damn it, Chenle, I need more.”
“Do you?” His gaze darkens when he meets yours, fingers still weaved in your hair.
“I need you.”
He wets his lips, Adam’s apple bobbing in his throat as he nods. “We should go to my room.”
Doing your best to keep grinding down on him, you reach down to the bottom of your T-shirt, making quick work of it so it can join Chenle’s on the couch. He stares at you, attention everywhere.
“I lied,” he breathes out, shaking his head. “I don’t like you. I’m in love with you. Let me take you to my room.”
The confession sends you reeling for half a second, and then you’re sliding off his lap to allow him to get up. You’re already weak at the knees thinking of all the things about to happen between the two of you, but you don’t dare say anything else as he bends to grab Jaemin’s condom from the ground, intertwines your fingers, and practically drags you toward his bedroom.
Right when you step foot through the threshold, he closes the door behind you and pushes you up against it. His lips work harshly on yours, leaving you to whine into him. Without wasting another second, his fingers pop the button on your shorts, and he pushes them down your thighs. They slide to the floor, leaving you in your bra and panties. You almost get self-conscious at the way he’s looking at you, but his hand starts ghosting along your inner thighs.
“I wonder how wet you are.” His voice is dangerously low, sending all sorts of shivers up your spine.
“Why don’t you feel and find out?” you taunt him, rocking your hips toward him.
With one quick movement, he unclasps your bra, leaving your top half bare as his head dips down. He nips at the flesh, and you swear you feel your heart pounding in your throat. Taking your nipple into his mouth, he swirls along it. He tweaks the other, and a moan escapes you before you can even try to hold it back.
“How about I make you cum on my face?” he mumbles, nipping as his mouth trails downward.
Then he’s on his knees in front of you. Never in your wildest dreams had you ever imagined a man like Chenle on his knees for you. His fingers hook in the hem of your panties, and he glances up at you.
“Are you sure this is okay?”
You nod, but it’s not enough for him.
“Say it out loud,” he commands. “I need to hear you say it.”
“It’s more than okay. Please do something.” Your head thuds against the wood of the door.
He smirks, tugging your panties down to the floor. Hoisting your leg up on his shoulder, he leans forward to lick a broad stripe up your core. You’re not sure where to grab, but you can’t find anything to hold onto except for the door handle.
Pausing, he reaches upward, guiding one of your hands to his hair. You take the hint, grasping onto him for support. Your one leg keeping you standing is already shaking, and when his tongue prods at your slit, you shudder.
His nose nudges your clit, and you push him further between your legs.
He pulls away, mouth shining with your arousal. “My pretty girl has such a pretty pussy. I could fucking eat you forever.” And just like that, he returns to his ministrations, wrapping his lips around your sensitive bud and flicking it with his tongue.
You cry out his name like a mantra, grinding into his face while he doesn’t dare let up for even a moment. Knots form in your stomach—the kind that have your hips bucking wildly—and suddenly, the repeated ‘Chenle’s escaping your mouth start to taste so, so sweet.
And then you crumble, hardly able to stay afloat. He slows down, helping you ride out your high before placing one last kiss on your clit and standing up.
His lips meet yours, and the taste of you doesn’t do a thing to bother you when you’re so dazed from your orgasm. He moves down to the sensitive spot by your ear, and you gasp, tightening your grip on him.
“Chenle.” You pull him up to look at you. “I love you, too.”
His breathing shutters as he spins you around, mouths connected harshly, and walks you back toward his bed. The glow of the sun has faded, the night sky surrounding the two of you in delicate, gentle silver light as he lowers you onto his mattress.
He pauses, eyes trailing over your body slowly, as if in appreciation. Neither of you moves until his hands move down to his sweatpants. You’re barely able to see him as he grabs the condom from his pocket and before pushing them and his underwear to the floor. He steps closer to you, gripping your thighs and tugging you to the edge.
“Are you sure?” he whispers. “We don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.”
You sit up and take the condom from him. Once you rip the wrapper open, he gulps, watching as you reach down. A small sound escapes him when you wrap your fingers around his cock and stroke it a few times.
“Yes,” you say. “I’m sure.”
You roll it on him. He barely gives you enough time to finish with it before he crushes his mouth to yours with every ounce of feeling he has.
Scooting back on his bed, he climbs on to join you, stopping only when he hovers over you. His face is so close to yours, you almost moan at how swollen his lips are. He lines himself up with your entrance, making sure to brush against your clit a couple times.
And then he’s pushing inside you, stretching you slowly while he waits for your reaction. Your eyes roll and you lift your hips to get him deeper. He pauses, nuzzling against your shoulder, shuddering breaths fanning across your skin.
You close your eyes, letting your head fall back against the mattress as you adjust to the way he fits. He starts slow, pulling out only a bit to push back in. You weave your fingers through his hair, stroking his scalp in encouragement as he picks up his pace. His hips roll against yours, each thrust pulling sounds from you.
“God,” he mumbles, running his tongue along your collarbone.
“Kiss me,” you say, tugging at him. “Please.”
His lips are on your seconds later, surprisingly gentle. Your heart thuds in your chest. He swallows every moan, reaching up to intertwine intertwine your fingers together. With your hand pinned next to your head, you get lost in his rhythm. Everything around you is unbearably hot, skin sticking to skin while sounds of your wetness fills the room with each of his movements. Your brain whirls and you swear you’re going crazy the longer he’s inside you.
The pleasure is so intense, you doubt you’ve ever felt this way before. Your body shakes from his movements, and you do your best to match him. You feel knots forming in your stomach, but you don’t want it to be over yet, you want to be in this bed with him forever while he makes love to you.
He shifts closer, and you cry out when he slides right into your spot. His mouth rests against yours, gazes locked as he repeats the action over and over.
Releasing your hand, he reaches between the two of you, fingers connecting with your clit. You’re unashamed of your loud moan, especially as your orgasm hits like a tidal wave. Arching into him, you grip his shoulders.
He curses, face contorting in ecstasy as you clench around him like a vice. With a low groan, he snaps his hips into yours, sucking in a breath as he reaches his climax. He pants, setting his forehead on yours with his eyes closed.
“Good fucking God,” he mutters. “You’re amazing.”
Your mind is so shattered and overwhelmed, you can’t do anything but giggle. He’s shocked for a moment, but he joins you, kissing you once more before gently pulling out of you. You slump into his mattress, staring up at the ceiling fan.
“I’ll be right back,” Chenle tells you, rolling off of the bed to dispose of the condom.
Sweat sticks uncomfortably to your skin, but not even that can wipe the smile off your face. When he returns, he finds his place next to you, and regardless of the heat, he pulls you to his chest.
“You okay?” he asks.
You nod slowly, eyes fluttering shut. “Mm.”
“Holy shit, I fucked you dumb.” He laughs, squeezing you.
You give him the best glare you’re able to muster, but it must not be that great, because his smile doesn’t fade.
“So.” Brushing your hair behind your ear, he raises an eyebrow at you. “I think we should go out on a date. Or something.”
“Right now?” You stare at him, dumbfounded.
“No, not right now.” He shakes his head. “Soon, though. Like tomorrow.”
You grin, nodding. “I want that.”
“Good. Me too.” Chenle cradles you closer to him.
Grabbing the small blanket folded at the foot of his bed, he brings it up to cover both of you and hums when you throw your arm around him.
“I love you,” he says, voice so soft it’s almost lost in the night.
“I love you, too,” you reply with ease.
With his steady heartbeat as your lullaby, you have no problem falling asleep in his grasp.
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Sit - Soldier Boy x Reader Oneshot
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Summary: Y/N finds herself in trouble when she doesn’t listen to her boyfriend’s instructions. 
Rating: 18+
Pairing: Soldier Boy x plus sized!Reader
Tags: angst, self worth issues, body image issues, oral sex (fem rec), face sitting, face riding, biting, p in v
WC: ± 2.2K
A/Ns: This smutty little fic was commissioned by someone who doesn’t have tumblr, but wanted me to share it with you guys anyway! Hope you all love it! <3
The Boys Masterlist
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“We need to talk.” 
Y/N’s eyes widen slightly as she looks up at her boyfriend from her place on the couch, and then a small frown begins to crease into her forehead as she sees the darkness in his green eyes that tells her that whatever this is isn’t good.  
“Okay…” she hesitantly replies, sitting up straighter. “Is everything okay?” 
No, it’s not, he’s had enough of you and he’s leaving. He’s finally realised he can do better than you, that he is so far out of your league you’re barely a spot in the distance.
“No, it’s not actually,” Soldier Boy replies, confirming to her that her inner monologue is right. He crosses his arms over his chest and stares down at her, making her only grow more and more uncomfortable. 
Just get on with it, she begs him silently in her head.
“What’s wrong?” she asks, timidly. 
“When I tell you to sit, I mean sit,” he explains. 
Only it’s not an explanation at all, and the frown creased into Y/N’s forehead only deepens, as she glances down at the way she’s currently sitting and shifts her weight slightly, wondering what’s wrong with the way she sits and why her boyfriend suddenly has such a big issue with it. 
“I don’t get it, Ben,” she admits, still shuffling in her place. 
“You hover,” he adds, clearly irritated by the very fact. Y/N licks her lips, opening her mouth to reply, but no sound comes out to begin with, and so she clears her throat and then frowns deeper yet. Now she’s completely lost, because she has no idea what Ben’s talking about. “When I tell you to sit on my face I mean sit not hover,” he concludes. 
Y/N’s eyebrows raise, and then a smile begins to curl over her lips, and suddenly she’s giggling to herself. She really thought this was going all wrong, that maybe he was trying to find some ridiculous excuse to break up with her because he didn’t want to just tell her the truth; that he could do better. But now she’s realising it’s got nothing to do with the way she sits on the couch. He’s talking about sex. Of course he is. The thought only makes Y/N giggle harder as the relief floods her entire body. 
“What’s so funny?” he asks, frowning himself now that he’s the one that’s confused. 
“Jesus, Ben, I thought you were seriously angry, then!” she scoffs, shaking her head and relaxing a little, so glad this was just some joke. Jesus, the guy’s a good actor. 
“I am,” he replies stubbornly. But she’s not falling for his teasing any longer.  
“Oh c’mon, it’s no big deal,” she brushes him off, laughing again. “Besides, I don’t wanna crush you, I’m hardly lightweight,” she points out, gesturing to her body.  
Ben’s frown only deepens at her words, and he huffs a breath, staring her down until the smile has faded a little more from her face, and she starts to second guess if he is only teasing, or if he’s actually mad about this. She’s never known the supe to be a huge joker, so maybe she should consider the fact that he’s actually annoyed.
“Are you seriously mad about this?” she checks, just to be sure. 
“Yes,” he confirms with a brief nod of his head. “What’s the matter, you think I can’t handle it?” he challenges. 
“Look at me, Ben, I’m not going on magazine covers any time soon,” she scoffs, shaking her head. “Last thing I need is to suffocate the world’s first superhero to death with my fat thighs.” 
“You flatter yourself too much,” Ben argues back. “You think that’s all it would take to kill me? You just said so yourself, I’m superhuman, I’m sure I can handle it.” 
Suddenly, it all clicks into place, and Y/N realises just why Ben is so upset about this. He thinks that she’s going easy on him, he thinks that she thinks that he can’t handle it. He’s a very proud man, she should’ve known something like this would annoy him. But that doesn’t mean that she can’t point out how ridiculous he’s being. He knows exactly what she thinks about him and his powers. It’s never hurt to call Ben out on his ego trips now and then. She likes to think it keeps him grounded. He does seem a lot more level headed since they started dating. 
“Oh, I see,” Y/N smirks slightly, crossing her own arms over her chest. “I’ve bruised your ego,” she points out. “Ben, it’s nothing personal. It’s just all my exes never meant sit when they said sit,” she explains briefly, not seeing the big deal. 
“Yeah, well until now you’ve only dated boys,” he counters. That’s when he uncrosses his arms and leans down over her, his hands resting either side of her head as he brings his face closer to hers. “You’re dating a man now, honey, so next time I tell you to sit, I expect you to sit.” 
“Yes sir,” she replies sassily, smirking once again before rolling her eyes, but the supe doesn’t smirk back, and she realises he’s once again not messing around. Just the thought actually begins to make her sweat a little. The fact he wants her to stop holding back is quite the turn on. The darkness in his eyes adds to that too, of course. “Next time I’ll sit,” she confirms, with a lot less teasing in her tone. 
Soldier Boy reaches up and grabs her chin softly, kissing her lips briefly. “Good girl,” he husks, before walking away, leaving Y/N dazed and flustered. 
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Soldier Boy’s POV
The supe is feeling just a little better that evening as he relaxes back on the bed and amuses himself with the Soldier Boy comic books that had been released during his time away. Though, he’s not too fond of the way he gets portrayed sometimes, like he’s a big baby that runs and hides at the first real sign of danger. Maybe that’s added to his stress, because while he’ll never admit it, Y/N had been right that his issue this morning had mainly been an issue because of a bruised ego. Of course it was a little insulting that Y/N might think he can’t handle a woman sitting on his face. When really, he could think of nothing better, especially when it comes to a woman like Y/N. 
At the thought of her, he hears her humming quietly to herself under her breath as she emerges from the bathroom in nothing but a towel. She smiles over at him softly when she notices him looking, and then proceeds to head over to her dresser, opening her drawer and pulling out her pyjamas. Ben can’t help but notice they’re the silky ones he likes most, and just the thought of seeing her in them starts to get him going. But the thing that really sets him off is watching her slowly remove her towel, using it to dab herself dry slowly, exposing more and more of her perfect naked body. 
He can’t help the soft moan that escapes his lips as he appreciates his view, and Y/N glances his way at the sound. 
“What?” she asks coyly. 
“You know just what that body of yours does to me, honey,” he hums, unashamedly. Y/N rolls her eyes and turns her back to him, but he doesn’t appreciate the view any less, his eyes dropping to her perfect, full ass and her thick warm thighs, and he imagines his face trapped between them and has to reach down to palm over his thickening cock. “C’mere,” he commands with a soft grunt. 
Y/N slowly approaches his side of the bed, still clinging to her towel as she attempts to cover up part of her body with it. The supe is quick to reach out and tear it from her grasp, throwing it to the floor so she’s got nowhere to hide. His eyes rake hungrily over her curves, and he realises it doesn’t matter how many times he sees her, he’ll never grow tired of seeing her. 
“Remember what we talked about earlier?” he asks, peeling his eyes off of her body and looking up at her face instead. 
“Yeah,” she replies hesitantly, seemingly only growing more timid. 
“Good,” the supe grins, shuffling himself further down the bed and throwing his head back. “Then sit.” 
“Right now?” she checks. 
Soldier Boy only has to turn his head and look at her to prompt her into action as she bites down on her bottom lip and begins to climb onto the bed. He can tell she’s still hesitant, slowly and carefully lifting her leg to begin straddling his body, and the supe grows impatient and grabs her thigh, tugging her down almost forcefully as he makes her squeal and giggle slightly. Instantly, her sex is pressed against his mouth, and Ben wastes no time opening up, extending his tongue to push through her folds as he begins to taste her sweet juices. He hums in delight, feeling the full extent of her weight pressing down on his face, feeling utterly suffocated by her and loving every second of it. This is what he’s been craving. 
He laps up every drop she gives him; and she only gives him more and more the longer he toys with her clit, or fucks her opening with his tongue, and while her voice is muffled thanks to the warm, soft flesh of her thighs pressing against his ears, he can still hear her hums and moans of pleasure above him, and he can hear the slight groans and creaks of the mattress and headboard as she holds on for dearlife and rocks her hips to aid him. His arms wrap firmly around her hips, holding her down tighter against him, wanting to struggle to breathe in anything but her and her intoxicating scent, and it works, his cock desperate and throbbing between his legs at the very sensations flooding him. 
When he begrudgingly pulls back for air, he turns his head and begins to bite and suck on the soft flesh of her inner thighs, making her gasp for air and tense them either side of his face, only making him feel even more wrapped up in her. 
“God you taste so good, baby girl,” he growls against her skin, once again encouraging her pussy back onto his mouth, already missing the sweet tang of her juices. 
He feasts on her once more, not stopping until her legs are shaking either side of his head, and she’s trying to speak coherent words, but the only sounds falling from her lips are in broken english and near enough gibberish, until he can feel her walls pulsing inside her, her thigh muscles quivering. 
He moans himself as he pushes his way out from underneath her, leaving her on her knees, supported by the headboard she’s still clinging to for dear life, and he’s quick to kneel behind her, pulling out his throbbing erection and finally giving it some of the attention it’s craved. He places one hand on her hip, his fingers digging into the soft, supple flesh, and keeps her in her place as he shuffles a little closer and teases her pussy with the tip of his cock. She moans, rocking her hips back seemingly instinctively, and Soldier Boy wastes no time teasing the two of them for a moment longer. 
He thrusts forward, feeling her pussy still pulsating from her orgasm, sucking him in perfectly, and he moans, his eyes beginning to roll as he hones in on the rapid speed of her heartbeat. 
“Fuck, honey,” he hums, folding himself over her, “you almost feel as good as you taste.” 
He presses his face into the side of her neck, dragging his teeth along her delicate skin, biting and sucking occasionally, knowing how much she loves that as he starts fucking into her from behind, wrapping his one arm around her front to keep her elevated just right. Y/N moans, reaching to hold onto his arm rather than the headboard as she fucks back into him too, her nails digging into his skin everytime he gets deep enough. 
“Did that feel good?” he asks breathily against her ear. He can feel her nod, but she clearly can’t reply with words, which only makes him feel even more smug. “Good, so next time I tell you to sit, you better fucking sit,” he growls, his cock throbbing at just the thought of next time. 
“Oh fuck,” she gasps out, her eyes fluttering closed. “Whatever you want, baby.” 
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witchhazelevesque · 18 days
I’ve talked about Hazel and Nico picking up stray cats in Rome and about Leo having a shop cat and I’m gonna squish all that together.  
These three are prob the most secretive ones on board and they would prob by default hide any pet. So there’s just three secret cats on board. The cats know about each other obviously and thankfully for everyone involved like each other. 
They hang out together in little hiding places which leads to some run ins with their people when they’re trying to find their cat. Sitcom level stilted conversation and side eye. 
Anyway Leo figures it out first since he’s always squeezing his way into obscure places on the ship to do repairs and work.
He’s rebuilding Festus inside the wall one day and looks up to see this pile of way more cats than he knew about and his first thought is- “Did you have babies and how fast did those babies grow up?”
The cats decide to be funny and lead Leo to Hazel’s cabin, but Nico’s the one that opens the door to find Leo and his cat and two other cats that Nico doesn’t recognize and his first thought is “Did you invite your friends without telling me, and now the ship captain has found all these unwanted guests?”
He considers playing dumb but his cat comes up and starts weaving around his ankles and purring and reaching up to be held and Nico- he can’t ignore her obviously.
So they’re just standing there holding their respective cats, this other third one sitting between them unconcerned and licking its paw and then Hazel comes around the corner to find this scene and her first thought is “What spies has Hecate sent now and put these boys under thrall?”
Three pointing spider man meme
The truth comes out and they’re like, oh cool.
When Nico’s  leaving with the statue he passes by Leo and a pair of eyes peeks out from his partly unzipped backpack and Leo spots them and shouts  “I see you Frank!”
Because the thought that made the most sense to him is that Frank got swept up in the praetor duty thing and wanted to clear his camps name but didn’t want to disappoint the rest of them by leaving. 
This is of course not the case, and Nico jumps and the cat jumps and yowls and scratches her way out of the pack and takes off down the hill.
Where Hazel and Frank are standing looking at this scene. 
Leo tries to help Nico find the cat but gets distracted by Frank asking if Leo actually thought he’d leave the quest like that.
“I don’t know man! It was just the first thing that made sense! I see an unidentified animal hanging around, I assume it’s you!”
As Leo explains the very scientific (but not at all possible) theory that popped into his head in that split second that maybe Frank turned himself into one of those starfish that could regrow their entire bodies from one leg- “That’s not an actual thing, Leo.”- and then regrew himself and then turned back human and then one of him turned cat, he manages to get Nico’s attention and tosses him a bag of cat treats.
Maybe this doesn’t work and because of the timing of the shadows Nico has to leave without his cat, so Leo promises to find her before the Argo leaves. Which yeah in the long run staying on the ship is the safest option, but Nico’s still peeved about it by ToA and that’s why he’s mad- though it’d be more like annoyance at that point- at Leo.
Or maybe it works too well and all three cats appear, and this isn’t the most opportune time for that. They see how attached the cats are to each other and Nico’s like 🙄 fine whatever, she better make it out of this without a scratch, Leo.
Which she does, obviously.
Just imagine Hazel doing witchy business with the shadows of three cats hanging around her, she feels very badass and very adored. Arion is displeased at his person’s attention being divided from him but they’re cats so of course not even he is going to win anything against them. They sometimes just ride around on his back and he trots around slow enough to be comfortable for them. 
If you wanna be sad and yearning about it then Nico taking care of Leo’s cat after his death and all those Associated Feelings and then being peeved all over again when his letter arrives and muttering to the cat(s) at like every opportunity, “When your father gets home-“ just to have a reason to talk about Leo.
(Percy does confirm at some point that those regenerating starfish do in fact exist and Frank is Not Happy about losing that debate)
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crxzytogether · 3 days
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Lol I wanna address this even tho nobody asked because I’m mad. Like ship whoever you want as yk this person said but leave it out of our tag-💀 my problems more with the fact that they tagged byler for this post than what they said but yk since they tagged us might as well respond.
Firstly, “ideas planted by your community”? Huh? Girl what- you mean our evidence? You mean our analysis and perceptions and ability to interpret what we’re watching beyond surface level? And honestly after season 4 even surface level melodramas not looking too good- Secondly, what harsh truths were brought up? The lies? Your perception of montauk? which idk sounds a lot like mike and wills relationship to me but to each their own… “they’ve been together since pretty much day one”, “they have a deep connection”, “four seasons of character development”?? Do I even need to explain? Who’s been together since day one? Right mike and will, in the beginning of episode 1 before any of the upside down shit even happens we’re shown that their relationship is different from their relationship with the other party members. A fact that’s proven time and time again throughout season 1 where we see how much more Mike is affected by Will’s disappearance(not tryna negate everybody else’s feelings or reactions but it’s clear that we’re supposed to notice Mike cares slightly more or in a different way). As for the deep connections? Season 2 shed scene ring a bell, the first one of Mike’s monologue that’s an attempt to help someone he cares about that actually works and is completely honest, deep connection boom. And that connections emphasized again in s4 with Will being able to encourage Mike and make him feel better and we already know why it’s special on Will’s side and their whole plot-line that season. Next, “four seasons of character development” im sorry what?, season 1 and season 3 maybe are the only seasons I’d consider they had that meanwhile season 4 I’d say they had character regression because tell me how Mike goes from being able to comfort El about her feeling like she’s a monster but then does a 180 not only unable to comfort her but also make her feel worse-(I’m talking about she didn’t look fine in case you didn’t catch that). Back to s1/s3, s1 where they were friends for the most part is the healthiest their relationship has ever been the entire show- like😭😭it literally just goes downhill from there. Season 2/season 3 their codependency I’m- and season 4 El feeling like she has to lie to Mike about her life and Mike unable to comfort her and also hiding his own interests from her. Like sure the bullying thing I get why she’d hide that maybe not really but El lies about so many things😭😭 she feels like she has to lie to keep up the relationship. THAT 👏 IS 👏 NOT 👏 HEALTHY 👏. Like maybe after they’ve both grown separately I’d consider it but as of now? No sir. Also let me remind you how El confronted Angela and asked her to help El keep up the pretence- SHE STILL DIDN’T FEEL SAFE OR COMFORTABLE ENOUGH TELL MIKE THE TRUTH. That’s not healthy for either of them. My byler agenda aside I still don’t think Mike and El should be together. Lastly, “the fact that Mileven IS endgame”, again I’m sorry what? Have you watched season 5? Have you read the scripts or been on set or talked to anybody working on st5 or work on st5 yourself? No? So then how is that a fact- it’s a prediction, an assumption but it’s not a fact. If after season 5 comes out and it did end up becoming true then you could use that phrase but as of now when you have no idea how season 5 is gonna go you can’t call that a fact. Also rip how are you so confident when Mike and Will are literally attached at the hip so far from what we have seen besides the rooftop convo and if that is enough to convince you then yikes- bc we’ve got like 10 of those to convince us so good luck watching season 5 and have a good day ig
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ramenthroughthe6 · 2 months
Moment 1: Brunch
Note: I hope I was able to service with this one, folks! It's on;y slightly longer than the intro and I feel like it's a good starting point. The ones later on are probably gonna be longer, but for now ENJOY!
That following day, after everyone helped find Jeremy, the Kings invited both your families to brunch. Mom had gone on a few brunch excursions with friends in the past, and you’d gone to brunch at the Cypress Country Club when you were younger, but
> All you knew is you didn’t wanna see Jeremy again
> You were mad about having to wait later to have breakfast 
> You were confused about why the Kings would host brunch at a house that wasn’t theirs
> You didn’t think much of it 
Surprisingly, at the promise of free breakfast, Elizabeth even opted to tag along. You went through your morning routine but got stumped when it came to changing out of your pajamas. Moms told you there was no need to be in your Sunday best for something so casual, so you and your family opted to wear their regular clothes.
The June afternoon sun beat lightly against the skin of your back as you made the trek across the street to check on the Holdens and Kyra. You knocked out of habit, despite knowing the door was always unlocked, and before long Mr. Holden popped open the door. 
“Hey, Kiddo! What can I do you for?” 
“My moms wanted to know if you wanted to walk to brunch together?”
Mr. Holden barely put any thought into the question before tossing a thumbs up, “Sure, sure! I’ll get everyone ready.” 
Before Mr. Holden could even close the door, he nearly bumped into Cove who was right there to catch it. He was waiting for you. 
> “Good morning” you said calmly
> You waved at Cove
> “Hey Cove!” You cheered excitedly
“Hey.” Cove smiled happily at your presence before closing the house door behind him. 
For a minute or two you and Cove chatted in the middle of the street like you always did; he told you about a dream he had last night, and you told him about the show you watched this morning. It felt like you and Cove were in your own little world for a while until the door to Cove’s house opened. 
“Well, good morning! I see everyones ready to get their brunch on.” Kyra greeted you and Cove happily before reaching out to smooth over Cove’s long, choppy hair, much to his chagrin. Moments later, your house door opened. Ma patted herself down, ensuring she had her phone, wallet, and keys, before allowing Elizabeth to close the door behind moms. Though it felt more like a slam. 
“Alright so its a 242 address so we’d go…that way.” Mom said, turning towards the shopping district as she read the address off a torn piece of old envelope. As a unit, your and Cove’s families began walking the familiar route with anticipation of stopping way shorter. 
As you walked side by side, Cove leaned to you in a whisper, “I wish we were walking to get pretzels. I’m so hungry right now.” 
> “I hope so, you’re a growing boy.” You joked
> You jokingly told him to be patient
> You seriously told him to be patient
> You laughed at his comment 
At your response, Cove let out a chuckle, it was clear he was only partially joking.
The house was relatively easy to find once your group reached the right row of addresses. It had a light blue and white exterior with a quaint blue door. 
> You thought it looked better than your house
> You thought your house looked much nicer
> It looked like a regular old house on the beach
Mr. Holden took the initiative to leave firm raps of his knuckles on the door. Barely a moment passed before it swung open, making the non-seasonal shell wreath on the door jingle and clank. 
“Oh! You’re all right on time! Come on in!” Mrs. King said with a large smile and a wave of her hand. 
The interior blasted you with the crisp air of the central AC, making you realize just how hot it was outside. The interior also held a blue, vaguely-beach theme, and it made all the furniture look almost too pristine to sit on. Mrs. King greeted everyone, even being introduced to Elizabeth, as her husband waited shyly behind her. 
“The more the merrier, especially with the feast we’ve got!” Mrs. King led everyone into the wide kitchen and dining room. Spread along the table was home-made pancakes, bacon, and eggs, pre-cut fruit, meat, and cheese trays, and store bought club sandwiches.
“Oh my, with a spread like this I feel like we should’ve brought something.” Mom said somewhat guilty. 
“Please, you’re our guest! And we owe you one, truly!” Mrs. King seemed overjoyed to be the sole host for the meal, and you could tell mom felt a little less tense about the whole thing.
 Mr. King shuffled aside to hand everyone a plate they could load themselves, before swiftly moving to the second story of the house. Kyra cocked her head to the side, scrunched her brows, and opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out. Mrs. King waved it off with a laugh.
“Sorry about my husband. He’s a little shy so he doesn’t say much. But don’t let it distract you, feel free to dig in!”
With her prompting everyone did just that, filling their plates with desired portions all while chatting about the food spread and where to sit and continue the conversation.
“It’s a little warm out right now, but a nice breeze should come through around this time. Why don’t we sit outside?” Ma was always one to enjoy the ocean breeze, it was the most obvious suggestion she’d make.
“That’s a great idea,” Mrs. King paused momentarily biting her lip, “but I know Jeremy’s gonna hate the sun.”
“I think it’ll be a good chance for the kids to have their own conversations with out the grownups there to drag them down.” Mom said jokingly. And so it was agreed: You, Cove, and supposedly Jeremy, where set to sit at the dinner table inside, while the adults and Elizabeth sat outside. Of course Mom promised you that you weren’t barred from coming outside if you were uncomfortable, but it would be nice to stay inside and make friends she supposed.
>You hoped you could be friends with Jeremy
>You did not want to be friends with Jeremy at all.
>You didn’t care either way
Mr. King finally came downstairs. His once neatly rolled up shirt sleeves where messy and uneven, as he scooted a fuming Jeremy into the dining room. Though, it seemed there was rarely a time he wasn’t upset. Jeremy gave his dad a death glare, causing him to back away slowly.
“H-have fun, kids.” Mr. King spoke so fast and so quietly it was hard to hear him before he swiftly closed the sliding glass door. Jeremy immediately turned to you and Cove, a menacing glare in his eyes.
“You people…again.” He said ‘again’ like it was the most disgusting word in the world.
>”Good morning, Jeremy,” you said.
>You didn’t say anything to him.
>You glared back at him.
Jeremy looked seemingly unimpressed before turning away to get a glass of orange juice from the fridge and a small plate of pancakes and bacon, seating himself at the table with it. Far, far away from you and Cove. 
The three of you ate and drank from your respective plates for what felt like ages before anyone said anything. 
“Remind me why you’re here?” Jeremy cocked an eyebrow, still with a stale look on his face. 
“You’re mom invited us as a ‘thanks’ for finding you the other day," You said taking a sip of your drink. Jeremy made a scowl at that too.
“Of course she did! My parents are always getting into other people’s business! If they wanted to find me so bad they should have done it on their own!”
“Maybe they needed help because they were worried about you?” Cove questioned, though it sounded more like a statement. 
“Shut the hell up.” Jeremy retorted blankly, making Cove wince under his icy gaze. The silence persisted momentarily between the three of you, before Cove, likely to fight off the awkwardness, spoke again. 
“Why’s your dad so,” 
“So what?” Jeremy answered sharply
“Nervous?” Cove shrugged as though ‘nervous’ wasn’t the exact word he was looking for. You could tell he was scared to ask the question in the first place. 
Jeremy rolled his eyes, “He’s always like that,” he paused for a moment to adjust his large glasses that were slipping down his nose, “probably more so than usual since I bit him yesterday.”
You felt your jaw drop as you looked over to Cove at neck-breaking speed to see if he heard the same thing you did. Cove was making the same face at you before turning back to Jeremy.
“YOU BIT YOUR DAD?!” Cove was just as gobsmacked as you were.
“Yeah, and?”
“Dude, you can’t just bite your parents.” You said barely above a murmur.
“Says who? You aren’t the boss of me! He was holding me and I told him to let go, he didn’t so I bit him. I’ve bit dentists, doctors, I’ve never been able to catch my mom though.” Jeremy said all this with closed, almost proud, eyes as he listed off each bite victim on his fingers. 
“Why?” It was the only response you could muster. 
“If you were shorter than everyone, getting picked on everyday, being forced to talk to hicks in the middle of nowhere, you’d be mad too! You’d wanna go crazy. It’s kinda relieving honestly.”
>You thought Jeremy was a hell child.
>You found Jeremy kind of funny.
>You had no opinion on what Jeremy just said.
“What is your problem.” Cove grimaced at the idea that biting anyone could be considered a healthy outlet for anger. 
“Wah wah, what’s your problem,” Jeremy mocked in a high voice, boring holes into Cove, “Grow up! Sometimes you get bit, that’s just how the world works.”
Shifting somewhat uncomfortably, you could tell Cove was just about ready to stop talking with Jeremy, the same way you’d probably want to stop talking to a dangerous prisoner. He half-way got out of his seat before sitting back down again and opting instead to twiddle his thumbs and look down. 
There was another break in conversation. All plates had been picked clean, so there was nothing to fidget with anymore. Jeremy had occupied himself by cleaning off his glasses, while you and Cove tried your best not to look the ticking-time time bomb across the table. The swishing of an open screen door broke you all out of your trance, as Ma peeked her head inside.
“You kiddos doing alright in here?” She smiled so sweetly; she had no idea of the horrors you and your neighbor were forced to bear witness to. Cove gave a thumbs up with a fake smile that was far too wide. You,
> Also gave a strained fake smile
> Cringed silently while shaking your head ‘no’. You wish she’d take you home. 
> Gave a light smile and a thumbs up. You were handling your own well enough. 
Ma’s cheer was semi-washed away, like a sand castle in a tide, and she tensed her eyebrows a bit. 
“Well, I just wanted to make sure everyone was okay. Let us know if you need anything.” The tail end of Ma’s statement sounded more like a question than a suggestion. You felt you heart sink a little as you watched your Ma slide the glass door shut, once again locking you indoors with Jeremy. As the door closed, Jeremy turned back around sinking into his seat and crossing his arms. He seemed to be more bored rather than aggravated by the whole situation, and left out a hefty sigh. 
“What do you two do out there all day anyway? Sit around?” Jeremy looked flatly at you and Cove, a silent judgement. 
“I mean, we go to the beach mostly. Or hang out at my house or Cove’s house.” You said trying to avoid eye contact. That made Jeremy scoff.
“Thats it?! No wonder you two seem weird, you live in the middle of nowhere with nothing to do!” 
“We’re not weird! We go other places too,” Cove lurched forward in his seat, a feeble attempt to defend himself. Jeremy didn’t flinch. 
“Name one place.” 
“I-“ Cove stopped short in his sentence, his mouth pulling into a taught frown as he blanked, “uh. The park?” 
“Oh okay. So that’s all you do then? Play in dirt? Real stimulating there, dumbass.” Jeremy snorted rolling his eyes. Cove’s frown only deepened as his aquamarine eyes went downcast. You could tell he was getting ready to cry, only pissing Jeremy off further. 
“We don’t have to take that from him, Cove. Come on, let’s go outside.” You offered him a hand as you got up from the table and together you went opened the sliding glass door.
“Running from the truth isn’t gonna get you anywhere!" was all you could hear before Jeremy’s voice was muffled by the glass door. Once outside you took the time to check on Cove who was still trying to compose himself, but you could tell he was beyond grateful for you saving him from the situation. Just like you always had, and always will. 
You family seemed pleased to have you join them outside, and it had cooled down significantly since the peak of the morning. You both joined the adults at the table, and learned lots about the Kings; like how they owned their own local business and were originally meant to stay in Sunset Bird for a few days, but decided to make it an extended vacation for Jeremy, despite the fact he was having none of it.
As late afternoon turned the sky into a vibrant orange and blue ombre, rife with clouds and the barking of seagulls, your families concluded it was time to go home. Your moms shook hands with the Kings, as did Mr. Holden and Kyra, thanking them for the amazing chat and wonderful brunch. Just as you and Cove walked past the kitchen, you noticed the seat Jeremy had once occupied was empty and the plates now removed. Your mind was taken off the empty table as you felt a tap on your shoulder, it was Mr. and Mrs. King. 
“Thank you both so much for coming over,” you looked to your side to see the ‘both’ Mrs. King was referring to, to notice Cove had joined your side, “I know today probably could’ve gone better, but Jeremy is a really, really sweet kid once you get to know him. I hope we’re not asking too much, but if your parents are okay with it, would you two wanna hang around Jeremy a little more this summer? He could use some friends.” Mrs. King looked back and forth between you and Cove with pleading eyes, and Mr. King looked just as desperate as he adjusted his thick glasses. You were hit with the strongest deja vu, and nodded ‘yes’ involuntarily. This made the Kings light up with overwhelming joy.
“Oh thank you both so much! You won’t regret it, you’ll all have so much fun!” 
You sincerely hope she meant that.
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pinkeoni · 1 year
TW for child abuse
Been thinking about this moment lately where Lonnie is hammering over the hole in the wall that Joyce axed to try to get to Will—
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He’s literally trying to rebuild his home by shutting Will out.
If you pay attention to Lonnie’s dialogue, you’ll notice that he actually does want his family back. Now I’m not trying to give him any credit, this isn’t come from a genuine place of love.
Lonnie tells Jonathan that he wants to see him more. Again, not coming from a genuine place, as Jonathan points out, but I also don’t think he’s lieing.
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When Lonnie comes back to the Byers’ residence at the end of ep 4, he immediately starts calling Joyce babe. And to be honest, if Joyce hadn’t kicked him out in ep 5, he probably would have tried to stay.
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But if Lonnie does miss his family so much, why leave them? And if so, why not stay in town? Why move out to Indianapolis?
It’s pretty clear that Lonnie hated Will. When Joyce get’s mad at Lonnie in the flashback for not showing up, it was specifically about not bringing Will to the baseball game, not about visiting Jonathan or Joyce.
Now, from a base level, it looks like Lonnie was just them in order to get money out of Will’s death. If they were filing a lawsuit, using the broken family angle to get more sympathy in court, and making sure that he’s included in the payout.
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And maybe that’s the only angle. But if you wanna get conspiratorial (like me) then there may be more behind Lonnie’s action then we are being shown.
If Lonnie was just in it for the money, why did he say that he wanted to see Jonathan before he knew that Will was “dead?”
I made a post awhile ago that pointed out some of Lonnie’s fishiness, indicating that he may possibly been working with the lab during his dissapearance.
Think about it, if Lonnie was working with the lab to cover up Will’s dissapearance, then doing a payout through a fake lawsuit would be the perfect cover. If Will died and Lonnie suddenly came into a lot of money, that would look fishy to people. But if Will died, and Lonnie sued the quarry and got settlement money, people wouldn’t bat an eye. If we already know that the body is fake and that the guy who found his body was instructed by the lab, then it wouldn’t be too hard to believe that they could be behind the settlement as well.
When Joyce finds about Lonnie’s plan to sue, we get this shot of Lonnie in the shower—
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Now, narratively he had to be out of the room so that Joyce could go through his stuff, but figuratively, he is rinsing himself clean of his crimes. Will is “dead” now, he’s in the ground, and he has the perfect cover. He was can wash his hands of what he’s done.
Let’s take a step further and consider Lonnie’s past abuse of Will. If Lonnie was abusing Will when he was younger, and was nervous about Will remembering and telling, then it would make sense for him to skip town and stop visiting Will. And if Lonnie wanted to get his family back, he would have to get rid of the problem, which to him is Will.
Now, obviously Will is the victim here and not to blame, I’m just speaking from Lonnie’s messed up point of view. Lonnie is the one fault here, not Will, but to Lonnie, Will is the one who in the way of his perfect family.
So now the perfect opportunity arises for Lonnie to not only get his family back, but he gets a big payout whatever terrible thing he did to Will dies with him. It’s perfect.
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