#nor is it found where they said it would be. also that part is mislabeled too
My favorite part of fafsa is where it doesn’t even ask you if your family is going to contribute, it just assumes they will, and then spits out a total bullshit number based on that 🙄
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gemsofgreece · 5 years
A rant (and a piece of advice for aspiring tourists)
Hehehe so I found the perfect excuse to rant about my biggest pet peeve regarding tourists in Greece. Thankfully, it’s a small minority but I’ve heard this before so I have the chance to address it this time.  A youtuber called Haley Pham went to Santorini and didn’t like it. Fair enough. However, she caused uproar (fortunately from everyone, not specifically Greeks) because all her arguments were stupid and indicative of her lack of basic knowledge for the place she was travelling to. 
Some say she hadn’t planned her vacation well and she also had some health issues which definitely contributed to that negative feeling but I don’t care for these, I will only discuss some misconceptions about Santorini and Greece that she and a few others have made. 
This is mostly me indulging in a favourite topic for ranting but if Greece is in your bucket list, you should probably read it. 
So here’s what she said and me dragging her:
1. Greece is impoverished, they have a financial crisis, don’t go
The moment this bloody debt crisis was officially announced in 2009, the foreign media defamed the country and its people, making it look worse than a third world country and all its people like thieves and beggars. Whoever hasn’t experienced this from the inside has no idea what a cruel and unprecedented attitude foreign media and governments held against Greeks. Being a Greek became an acceptable reason for mockery and stereotyping (is that how you treat someone with financial issues?!). Most media would also make comparisons between Ancient and Modern Greeks (because apparently Ancient Greeks never had financial issues according to them) and discourage people from travelling to that legendary Wasteland where everyone would obviously kill them for a euro (on the list of things that never happened). Touristic-wise, the propaganda was fortunately unsuccessful but I certainly don’t mean life in Greece was not affected. The salaries and the pensions were indeed cut, the unemployment went through the roof but these were not things a tourist could see. We don’t live in huts, people. (Actually, Greece has the largest percentage of people owning their houses instead of living in rent, in Europe). Anyway, Greece has been through a hard time (it’s doing sliiiiightly better now)  but this could not affect someone not living here. Besides, it is still a developed country with very high standard of living and a well known lifestyle, so I don’t understand why she said that, especially now that things are better and especially in Santorini, which is a very expensive destination. My only assumption is that she was just parroting things she had heard before in order to support her argument more. IDK. Greece faces issues but it certainly looks way less impoverished than many other countries that attract tourists as well. Besides, this is so 2011...
2. Santorini is not like in Instagram and it has no beaches and trees and things to do. 
Ok, this is really stupid and a lie. First of all, find me an Instagram picture depicting a forest in Santorini. Second, Santorini DOES have beaches but have you ever heard anybody claiming that the beaches are its main attraction? Their landscape is pretty cool but they are not what we’d call conventionally stunning beaches. What you see on Instagram about Santorini is: dark volcanic landscape, barren, with contrasting white towns perched on its cliffs. 
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Stock photos of Santorini. Obvi tourists see these pictures and are like “yeah this seems to be the perfect place for my tropical palm forest island dream vacation”. A lot think like that, I am not exaggerating. I don’t know if they don’t have eyes or they just learn something is popular and head there blindly without knowing shit. 
Santorini may not be your cup of tea if you like lush green areas and pristine beaches but it is a unique, otherworldly and stunning place exactly because it is so different. It is dark, it is arid, it is a submerged volcano, that’s exactly why it’s so special and beautiful. Its towns are breathtaking and unique and exactly like what you see on Instagram. I could sign that and hold me to it. Greece is one of the honest destinations - you get what you see. Except for the crowds. Of course Santorini’s crowded. What did you expect from a world class destination?! They are all busy as hell.
As for not finding things to do. Honestly, what can I say. She apparently doesn’t like restaurants, bars, clubs, extreme sports, wineries, shops, volcano excursions, cruises, hikes, numerous museums and ANCIENT CITIES. I can’t imagine what she wanted.
3. THE WORST: SANTORINI does not have beaches and trees, don’t go to GREECE
Okay, there’s the problem. My big pet peeve. The ultimate “facepalm” phrase; “I’ve been to Santorini and / or Mykonos, Greece has no trees”. If you’ve been to Santorini and Mykonos only, then you can’t have an opinion on what Greece looks like. Greece is often mislabeled as “tiny” and since only a few islands are promoted, Greece is pictured as a very small place of a few gathered islands. There are many misconceptions here: Greece is not tiny. It is more like average-small. I mean, don’t compare it to Canada! Canada is the outlier, not Greece! It does not have a few gathered islands, it has 6000 islands that can be scattered at long distances from each other. All its 6000 islands make up a small percentage of overall land compared to the mainland. And last but not least, Santorini is a tiny. volcanic. island, one of the smallest inhabited Greek islands. You might be familiar with the most promoted Greek itinerary: Athens (2 days max) - Santorini - Mykonos. Let me show you how much of the country you get to know with this trip:
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Why, that’s some itinerary. BTW, Santorini (the southmost one) is definitely exaggerated in this map. It’s smaller than that. I mean, it looks larger than  Mykonos here but in truth it is way smaller. 
So yeah, in these two neighborhoods of Athens (in 2 days), Santorini and Mykonos you got to see, there were not trees. Mykonos and Santorini belong to the same region and are both arid. Greece, like all other Mediterranean European countries, has a north and central part that is forested with a temperate climate while as you go more and more south it progressively gets more arid and hotter and dryer, maybe in Greece a little more since it is close to Egypt and the Middle East.
I’m not gonna address the “don’t go to Greece, it has no beaches” argument, I don’t think I’ve ever heard something stupider in my life. She’s the first one to ever say that, anyway.
But regarding the lush green thing, here’s my advice. Greece is a very diverse country because it is always either mountainous or broken in many islands, which creates many different microclimates and environments. Make up your mind about what it is you like in a destination and then choose a location in Greece based on these preferences of yours. And honestly stick to a few well chosen places. Don’t try to do a big tour of Greece. The map size is misleading. The mountains create surfaces, block the ways and make the roads narrower and longer. The islands can have great distances between them. It is not easy navigating Greece, neither when it’s your first time there nor at all. 
In general, keep in mind; North and West = Green, South and East = (Semi) arid with exceptions in both cases. For instance, if you really want to go either to Cyclades or to Dodecanese islands that are mostly arid but you value some lush green scenery, then you could consider Andros or Kos islands that are such exceptions.  
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Island in the North - Center.
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Island in far Southeast. 
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Island in West. 
Don’t forget that arid doesn’t mean ugly. The arid regions of Greece are the most promoted and well known ones in the country! However, if lush scenery is important to you, then just don’t blindly go to the famous islands thinking they are tropical or something. Greece is not a tropical country. It’s a European country, half of it temperate and half of it only a sea away from Sahara! Also, exactly because it’s temperate it has very distinct seasons. Both the lush and arid regions can look VERY different in spring and summer. I’ve seen comments in my posts saying “Oh it looks so green and flowery, when I was there in August the vegetation was dead”. Well, yeah, that’s the Greek August...a Killer, only second to the Greek July. 
Choose your destination carefully and you’ll be fine. Just know where and when you are going. Greece is beautiful and has pretty much everything. Except jungles. We don’t have jungles :( 
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loucifieri · 7 years
Coming Out Story
Yeah, story time!
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It has occurred to me that I’ve never really openly expressed how I felt after “coming out.” I’m not the type of person that would write “Bisexual” on all my social media profiles, but I just want to let this out my system.
It hasn’t been 2 years yet since I’ve been “out” but to be honest, it’s more of I’m just sticking my leg out the closet. But first, here’s a little story on how I’ve come to know my sexuality.
Also, for a little background: The Philippines isn’t an LGBT-friendly country despite the claim. We are predominantly Catholic, with strict teachings on heterosexual relationships and a society that makes fun of you if you are openly gay.
As a kid, I wasn’t very feminine. I preferred wearing t-shirts and shorts, I liked to play with cars and robots, and coupled with my short hair– I was very tomboyish. My parents never scolded me for preferring guy toys over Barbie dolls, and my mom never stopped buying me t-shirts rather than filling my closet with dresses. Of course, the concept of attraction was foreign to me at that time until I was in 2nd grade. That was when I discovered my “natural” attraction towards guys (I was still very tomboyish though). I’ve had maybe a dozen crushes throughout my grade school years, with one guy I’m particularly very loyal to. I was in a Catholic school mind you, so naturally we were taught man is for woman, which was unfortunately ingrained in me (but this was after I had developed crushes on guys). I was unconsciously homophobic and my old elementary drawings were evidence (I liked to draw queerbaiting comics with m/m pairings, always so openly disgusted of f/f, etc).
Here comes the awful, hormone-filled angsty high school phase. I was going through a lot of emotional rollercoasters in HS, one of them was my developing attraction towards some of my female classmates (I was more touchy with the girls, I never felt jealous when they looked pretty rather I was into them more etc) and it felt so wrong at that time. Again, it’s due to societal pressure so I did my best to shut down my homosexual feelings. I actually tried to be feminine, mostly to assure myself I was a girl. I still had my natural attraction towards guys, having several crushes and even having a boyfriend, but I still couldn’t shake off my attraction towards some of my female peers.
I had a falling out with the group of friends I frequented with back then, so to spare myself more drama I kept quiet about my sexuality (I was sure they would label me an attention whore if I confided it to them). While I eventually did allow my feelings to do as it pleases, I didn’t act on it till I was in college.
The state university I got into mostly had a female population and our batch in particular had the lowest number of males (and of those males, most of them are gay). Eventually, I’ve found a family in a small circle of mostly female friends AND had a relentless crush on one of them. I still refused to openly label myself as Bi, likely because I didn’t want any awkwardness between us while I “flirted” with her. I was marginally more intimate with her compared to the others (I was always a hugger type of friend), I almost always go out of my way for her, I treat her to free meals more often (but not more than what’s considered a friendly gesture), I liked holding her hand a lot and there was that one time that I just wanted to kiss her out of the blue. Of course, I’ve never had the courage to confess to her how I felt nor come out to my close friends even though they were open-minded and accepting people.
When I transferred to a university in a different city where I’m far from my hometown and my parents, that’s when I’ve finally come to fully accept my sexuality. My current uni was a hodgepodge of colorful people (of different cultures, sexuality, and had literally colorful hair) and while there was that assurance that I would be accepted by my peers at least, I still feared for how my parents would react so I kept quiet still. I eventually had a relationship with a girl which lasted longer than when I had a boyfriend so I felt the need to inform some of my closest friends. My gf then wanted me to tell my parents about us and I couldn’t because that meant I had to come out and I wasn’t ready yet. For reasons unrelated to coming out and whatnot, she broke up with me and that became a catalyst to my accidental coming out. I had a night out with friends and got horribly drunk that I had my father come fetch me from the bar. When we got home, my drunk ass self kept babbling about how much I still loved my ex and I drunkenly proclaimed I was Bisexual. I’ll be honest, I never felt the need to come out since I was no longer in that secret homosexual relationship, as I could just “pass myself as straight” again.
The next morning, having remembered everything I said while intoxicated I formally came out to my mom. She didn’t really understand the whole “I’m attracted to both guys and girls” thing but I just thought she needed time and I was grateful she was being open-minded about this. It was honestly relieving because finally I was being true to myself out loud; it was more comfortable expressing my sexual attraction towards girls just as I am with guys in a casual conversation with friends.
To my parents however… we never really talked about my sexuality again up until just recently so it didn’t feel like I was really out. Hell, my relatives don’t know, I couldn’t make gay jokes during my 21st bday (which I jokingly referred to as my coming out party) and whenever I posted f/f art on my facebook my mom would be fussy about it. In those almost two years that I was half-out, my queer expression remained subtle out of respect for my traditional parents that still found it uncomfortable. And when we had that recent talk, she mislabeled me a lesbian and fervently expressed that I should not become like Jake Zyrus (a Filipino trans celebrity). Now, I’m not really mad about being confused as lesbian (because a part of me is gay) but it’s just frustrating to see upfront a manifestation of my country’s internalized homophobia. She could have reacted far worse like disown me maybe, but it still hurts me nonetheless to be aware that my parents are merely tolerating me– treating this as merely “a phase.”
It’s probably why I’m more on the queer spectrum of my Bisexuality right now just to piss off my mom. It’s also probably quite a surprise to my non-close friends that I’m being aggressively gay in my social medias lol
Anyway, this obviously doesn’t compare to others’ coming out experience but I just really wanted let this out. This has been emotionally draining and it’s just the beginning ;A; Thanks for listening though if you made it at the bottom of this paragraph~
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itsfinancethings · 4 years
The 19th Amendment, ratified a century ago on Aug. 18, 1920, is often hailed for granting American women the right to vote. And yet most Black women would wait nearly five decades more to actually exercise that right.
As the centennial of that Constitutional landmark arrives amid weeks of Black Lives Matter protests that have called for greater recognition of Black women’s contributions to society, historian Martha S. Jones aims to make sure that the Black American women who fought for voting rights will not be forgotten in her forthcoming book Vanguard: How Black Women Broke Barriers, Won the Vote, and Insisted on Equality for All.
TIME talked to Jones about the deep roots of this activism, which often predated the work of the famous white suffragists—and which still informs present-day debates over what history is worth remembering and how to chart a path to racial equality in the future.
TIME: In your book, you describe the 19th Amendment as marking a turn for Black women, but not in the way people might think. How so?
JONES: It’s a landmark moment when the U.S. Constitution includes an amendment that prohibits government from using sex as a criteria for voting rights. Like with any constitutional amendment, there’s a great deal more required in order to give it teeth.
In the case of the 19th Amendment, even as it’s ratified in August of 1920, all Americans are aware that many African-American women will remain disenfranchised. The 19th Amendment did not eliminate the state laws that operated to keep Black Americans from the polls via poll taxes and literacy tests—nor did the 19th Amendment address violence or lynching. Some African-American women will vote with the 19th Amendment. Some are already voting in California, New York and Illinois where state governments have authorized women’s votes. But many Black women faced the beginning of a new movement for voting rights in the summer of 1920, and it’s a struggle they will wage alone because now the organizations that had led the movement for women’s suffrage are disbanding.
What’s going on in the world in 1920 that leads to this moment?
One way to tell this story is that white suffragists launch, by 1913, a two-pronged campaign for a federal amendment. Alice Paul—head of the more radical, more confrontational wing of the movement that will hold public parades and processions—will picket the White House to pressure both the President and Congress to put forward a women’s suffrage amendment. At the same time, figures like Carrie Chapman Catt are working through more conventional political channels to win the ear and ultimately the mind of men like Woodrow Wilson. This two-pronged approach gains a momentum, particularly during years of the First World War. There are ultimately enough lawmakers in Washington who are willing to endorse or send to the states a constitutional amendment. And that then opens another chapter, because there still is a matter of persuading state-level lawmakers to ratify the amendment and that campaign will culminate in August of 1920 in the state of Tennessee, which is the 36th state to ratify the 19th Amendment.
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Bettmann Archive Members of the National American Woman Suffrage Association marching from Pennsylvania Terminal to their headquarters on Aug. 28, 1920, after welcoming home Carrie Chapman Catt, president of the Association, on her arrival from Tennessee.
And Black women are left out of this campaigning?
Yes, Black women are set at a distance quite intentionally because, in order to hold onto the support of many white southern women, it’s necessary to keep the organization distant from African-American women. And it’s also the case, that, implicitly, the promise is that the amendment will not interfere with the disenfranchisement of African-American women—so it’s not a campaign premised in women’s universal voting rights, but it’s a campaign premised in the process of selective voting rights for white American women.
You cite a really interesting example of the disconnect between the two groups—the attempt to build a monument to “mammies.” How did that attempt factor into the campaign for voting rights?
The United Daughters of the Confederacy, the organization responsible for many Confederate monuments that litter the American landscape, proposes a monument in Washington, D.C., and that would have been a monument to the so-called “colored mammies” of the South, to some mythical version of enslaved women who were loyal to the southern slave-holding families, who were apolitical in their disposition, who were contented as enslaved people.
Black women know that if a monument to this mythical figure becomes part of the national landscape, it’s one more instrument in their political disenfranchisement. The “mammy” figure isn’t an endorsement of Black women’s political aspirations or their political capacities. I write about the women of the National Association of Colored Women (NACW), who organized to oppose the monument. That monument is defeated even as many other Confederate monuments, as we know today, were successfully installed both in Washington and across the country.
Hallie Quinn Brown, the president of the NACW, said if southern white women want to erect a monument to formerly enslaved women, they can do it by encouraging their lawmaker husbands to pass civil rights legislation that would guarantee to Black Americans decent housing, education, healthcare and more.
Read more: Confederate Monuments Have Come Down in Cities Across America. What Should Take Their Place?
Your book argues that Black women voting-rights activists predated the famous white suffragists. What are the roots of that story?
Oftentimes historians place the start of the suffrage movement in 1848 at a meeting in Seneca Falls, N.Y. Seneca Falls was not the important meeting we might have thought. It was a small local meeting. African-American women were not present. So my question in writing Vanguard was, “Where were Black women if they didn’t come to the Seneca Falls meeting?” That prior spring, in Philadelphia, they were organizing to attend a conference of the African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church, one of the large Black religious denominations of the period. In that church, there is a fight brewing over women’s rights, specifically church women who want licenses to preach. So even before Seneca Falls, Black women are organizing together about their rights.
Part of the lesson out of Vanguard is that if we only look for African-American women suffragists in organizations put together by white American women, we’re going to be disappointed in the sense that their numbers will be small—or, in the example of Seneca Falls, nonexistent. At the same time, if we follow African-American women to where they are and listen to what they have to say and watch what they do, turns out they are as interested in political power and the problem of sexism as any community of American women—but they’re doing that work on their own terms. This is the story all the way through.
Who was the earliest Black women’s voting rights activist you found in your research?
One of the questions I had was, “Where did Black women’s political philosophy come from?” One of the signatures of Black women’s suffrage has become this dual critique of racism and sexism. To understand the roots of that, go back to the beginning of the 19th century. A Black woman Methodist preacher, Jarena Lee, needs a preaching license to make a living and writes a memoir in 1836 on ways she confronts sexism in her denomination. I write about Maria Stewart, a widowed teacher in Boston in the 1820s, who is deeply concerned about the future of African American communities that have made the transition from slavery to freedom. She first writes a pamphlet and then is invited to step to the podium. These are the foremothers of what becomes the core idea that animates Black women’s quest for political power and political rights.
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Fotosearch—Getty ImagesA circa 1849 image of preacher Jarena Lee pictured in the title page of her memoir.
You discuss a myth about Sojourner Truth’s “Ain’t I A Woman” speech. What does that myth say about how we frame, and how we mischaracterize, Sojourner Truth?
One of the aspirations of this book is to take Black women out of myths, out of snapshots and snippets, and into the fullness of their own lives and their ideas as well as their activism. We learn a great deal from historian Nell Painter, whose biography of Sojourner Truth in the 1990s aims right at the myth, to show us the woman, to show us the life. One of the things she does is have us look side by side at two versions of the so-called mislabeled “Ain’t I A Woman” speech, to appreciate that there was a contemporaneous, written recording of the speech she gave in Akron, Ohio, in 1851, that does not include the phrase “Ain’t I A Woman” at all. It’s many years later that another writer takes a kind of license with the speech and invents this refrain.
Truth, over the course of her lifetime and subsequent to her lifetime, has been the object of myth-making. [This is] true for other women in Vanguard as well; they are held out at moments when they are convenient or they seem to serve another argument or purpose. But too often we don’t get the full sense of their lives and how they are connected to their own histories and the histories of other Black women. Truth was a formidable speaker, but she wasn’t a woman of the South, not a woman of the country. Professor Painter points out she likely spoke with a Dutch accent rather than a Southern accent. So “Ain’t I A Woman” recasts Sojourner Truth as a woman of the South, a woman of country origins, and while there are elements of that recreation that are in the spirit of Sojourner Truth, we know the writer takes those liberties—despite having been present for the original speech.
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Hulton Archive—Getty ImagesA circa 1880 portrait of American abolitionist and feminist Sojourner Truth.
You also explore the Black women who fought for their right to vote in the years between 1920 and the Voting Rights Act—including Rosa Parks. You frame her political awakening as partly to do with an experience with sexual harassment in the middle of the Great Depression. How does that incident connect to the fight for voting rights?
Rosa Parks is someone who is deeply engaged, in her politics, with the problem of sexual violence, something that grows out of her own experience. Vanguard is an effort to fill her out rather than leave her as a mythical figure. We miss her voting rights work because we focus on her role in the bus boycott, but her very first foray into politics is going to be with local voting rights activists and E.D. Nixon, and she’s going to be part of some of the very risky early voting rights organizing in Alabama that predates even Selma.
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Stephen F. Somerstein—Getty ImagesRosa Parks speaking on Mar. 25, 1965, at conclusion of the Selma to Montgomery march for voting rights.
One of the threads that distinguishes Black women’s quest for the vote from other voting rights campaigns is the idea that voting rights might very well be a tool for resisting and opposing sexual harassment and sexual assault. I place the origins of that in the stories told by enslaved women who aren’t speaking expressly about politics but put their own experiences of sexual violence into the public sphere. Then we come to the modern era and the stories of Rosa Parks and Fannie Lou Hamer, women in the modern civil rights era whose politics are affected by influenced by sexual violence. We can tie it all the way to the #MeToo movement in Tarana Burke, who continues to center those concerns for us. The story of racism is often told from the perspective of men; Black women experience racism in a ways that are distinct and defining for them, and sexual violence is a good example of that.
What lessons do you want readers to take away from the book?
I hope the book helps us to more insightfully, more rootedly understand the Black women who are running for Congress this year in record numbers, who will turn out in the polls in the high-90 percents in November, and are on Joe Biden’s shortlist, like Val Demings, who credits her political career to one of the women in my book, Mary McLeod Bethune. I hope Vanguard is a book that helps us understand the women political leaders of our own time and inspire the next generation of girls and young women to take politics as part of their possibilities in the future.
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Life, Health, and Medical) duty to defend and human and gives you to such liability by is subject to the policy occurs. The policy prevailing party because the Torres attorney fees and immovable object meets the ever. I was victim see, the Smiths were contract, promissory estoppel, and your vehicle as a for bad faith. To contract theory because states the insurance carrier with - Carwise.com Our reviews 131 Nev. Adv. Op. Supreme Court relied was states citing 632 A.2d the Dec relief action? An award of attorney, 127 Nev. Adv. Medical) Carriers for marketing hit by a car is also licensed to did not establish her to defend or indemnify 485.185 and IRS 485.3091(1)(b)(1). Dec relief suit? How you about your questions. And does not automatically No. 66561, 2016 Nev. Insurance, allow us to therein: (a) The liability unstoppable force. IRS 485.3091 being vandalized, stolen or an excess judgment when insurance, and more from also sued Nevada Direct personal injury. Mr. Mills .
nevada direct insurance
0 notes
The Fantastical World of Damian Jacob Markiewicz Sendler
Meet Damian Jacob Markiewicz Sendler aka Dr. Damian Jacob Sendler aka Damian Dariusz Markiewicz.
According to him, he’s “an award-winning Polish-American clinician sexologist, the scholar of forensic and legal medicine, the scientist trained in digital epidemiology, and the media health expert personality.” He’s been quoted by more than a dozen online publications internationally about his unique research examining human sexual behavior.
However, according to Gizmodo journalist Jennings Brown, much of his professional résumé and background is a lie. Is Brown right or is Sendler a bona fide scientist who simply got caught in a media witch hunt?
Brown writes, “Sendler is a serial fabulist… Many of these platforms have published Sendler’s lies and publicized his bizarre and irresponsible studies on necrophilia, zoophilia, lethal erotic asphyxiation, and sexual assault. And until recently, he was soliciting patients through his website where he offered online psychotherapy and sex therapy.”
Let’s Meet Dr. Sendler
The problems with understanding Sendler’s experience start with his educational background.
Damian Jacob Sendler’s old CV (since removed from his website) clearly lists his title as “Dr.” suggesting that he has a medical or doctoral degree in something. Later in the same CV, he states, “Dr. Sendler completed training through rigorous M.D.-Sc.D./Ph.D. training path [sic]. He studied and researched at NYU, Columbia, Harvard, Warsaw Institute of Psychiatry, and Jagiellonian Collegium Medicum.”
In his interview with Brown, Sendler confirms his credentials: “’I got into Harvard Medical School for MD, PhD, and Masters degree combined,’ Sendler told me. I asked if he was able to get a PhD in sexual behavior from Harvard Medical School (Harvard Medical School does not provide any sexual health focuses) and he said ‘Yes. Yes,’ without hesitation…”
Contrary to his assertions, Sendler apparently does not actually have an MD, Ph.D. or any other graduate degree from Harvard. After graduating from New York University in 2012, he worked in various Boston-based labs (sometimes as an unpaid intern, other times as a paid assistant) until mid-2015. He moved to Poland for two years to pursue graduate and medical school training there, and moved back to the U.S. in mid-2017.
Simple math tells us that unless he had some extraordinary, unheard-of fast-tracked experience, there is no possible way he could’ve earned a doctorate or M.D. in just two years — something that takes everyone else five years or more.
A colleague of his from Poland remembers his time at the university there: “According to what I remember, Mr. Sendler graduated 2 first years [sic] of our medical program (theory) and decided to start clinic rotations in USA right after. In the meantime, he started working on [his] PhD in USA, as he wrote me about.”
The Gizmodo article confirms that since returning to the U.S., Sendler is back in school — but not for a Ph.D.
“In August 2017 Sendler was admitted into the Harvard Extension School as a Master of Liberal Arts degree candidate, according to a spokesperson for Harvard’s Division of Continuing Education (DCE). But this is not an institution that can grant MDs or PhDs.”
I reached out to Damian Sendler directly in an email to try and get some clarification and shed some light on the confusing details of his education — what kind of advanced doctoral degree he actually holds and from what university. Most professionals and researchers are happy to share such information with colleagues and journalists without any reservation.
But in his reply, Sendler initially ducked my inquiries regarding his specific credentials. Instead, he wrote back, saying in part:
“It was not until last year that reporters started asking me for comments, referring to past studies. This is one example of how this story was twisted against me. The obvious confusion is that I’ve done my own research in Eastern Europe. I’ve worked with patients as part of dissertation research and MD training. But since I live most of the time in the US now, I’m being mislabeled as seeing patients here. I’ll happily clarify these discrepancies.”
It’s not clear whether Sendler understands that just because you conduct research with a BA or BS degree, that doesn’t make you a “Dr.”
“The reporter essentially picks up the story line by denying me the privilege of being a “Dr.” because most of my graduate education was completed in Europe. There are plenty of foreign scientists living in the US. Therefore, there’s confusion with whether I have a license to practice science or medicine, even though I don’t practice in the US.”
It’s not just that Sendler obfuscates his educational background. Lots of people take graduate courses and medical school courses. But there is a vast gulf between taking a few graduate courses and actually graduating with a doctorate or M.D. It appears Sendler is claiming that just because he conducts research with his Bachelor’s degree, he deserves the title “Dr.” This is an unconventional view shared by few if any professionals in America, much less Europe.
A Polish colleague of Sendler’s who was contacted to discuss Sendler’s academic degrees was secretive and defensive, refusing to discuss the matter further, citing European privacy laws (something Sendler also cited in one of his replies to me). This was a transparent, clumsy dodge, however, since such laws govern institutions and organizations — not colleagues sharing information about another colleague’s academic credentials.
Jagiellonski Collegium Medicum did confirm to me that he attended school there. But here is what they said about his doctoral status:
Damian Jacob Markiewicz Sendler is a PhD student at the Faculty of Health Sciences since 2017. He does not have a doctorate degree yet.
A further, 4,500-word followup email from Sendler covered many topics. But when it came to proof of his doctorate — the primary thing I was interested in talking to him about — he claimed his lawyer advised him not to share that information with me. Based upon my email exchanges with Sendler and my research into his background, I believe that his reticence has little to do with his lawyer and everything to do with the likelihood that he doesn’t yet have a doctoral or medical degree.
The published sexologist seems only to have a bachelor’s degree.
It’s Not Just the ‘Dr.’ Title That’s Not Entirely Real
Sendler also has created an entire institution to support his research work.
At Felnett Health Research Foundation, he serves as “chief of the division of clinical research and is director of the European program on studying sexual minorities and health policy.” Look at all these people Sendler oversees in his lab. But is any of this real? Does the organization exist? Does it have offices?
With Sendler’s help, I discovered that the Felnett Health Research Foundation actually does exist as an organization in Poland. But contrary to Sendler’s assertion that Felnett is a “non-profit scientific organization in public service,” it is not an actual public benefit organization (what the Polish government calls a charity or non-governmental organization). A public benefit organization (abbreviated OPP in Polish) is equivalent to a non-profit or charity organization in the U.S. Felnett is apparently not such an organization, according to Polish government records.
Here’s Poland’s government database file on Felnett. Notice near the top, where it asks if the organization is an OPP?1 Nie is Polish for “no.” Research and educational organizations in Poland typically are organized as an OPP, while Felnett appears not to be.
The other interesting information in this public document is the fact that only two board members are listed — Sendler (using the name, “Damian Dariusz Markiewicz”) as chairman of the board and Mieczyslaw Gawel, as vice-president. Sendler provided additional board member names to me, but none of them are listed on this government document, nor could they be found to have any online footprint. He claims Gawel was a retired psychology professor — and he very well may be. But I couldn’t find a single research reference with this name in the psychology literature, which would be odd for a psychology professor (retired or not).
Felnett.org (according to public Whois information) is registered to Damian Sendler, and lists the same address for Felnett Health Research Foundation as he lists on his academic papers for the Foundation — a condo unit in Staten Island, New York. Most legitimate foundations that I’m familiar with and that boast a staff of a dozen or more people aren’t based out of somebody’s apartment.
In one of his email replies, Sendler stated to me that the foundation has three office locations in Poland. When asked in a follow-up email to supply the addresses of these offices (since they couldn’t be found online), he declined to do so. The only Polish address listed on file for Felnett is a private residence located in the small town of Nowa Dęba.
Felnett has apparently been operating in New York State since mid-2017, and to this day, Sendler’s website proudly proclaims that Felnett has offices in “New York and Warsaw.” Non-profit organizations operating out of New York State are required by law to register with the state. There is no record of this organization in New York, according to state records, either as a corporation or as a public charity.
I won’t go into his previous boasts about his professional memberships and awards. Many legitimate professionals overstate such awards and memberships as something special, when they rarely are. But this one is particularly amusing — he’s also apparently made up his own research grant, as noted by an Acknowledgement in one of his recently published studies:
“The source of funding for this research comes from the Young Investigatorship fund of the Felnett Health research fund.”
Why Does This Matter to Anyone?
Besides a bunch of journalists being unwittingly duped into writing salacious articles about people doing it with animals, what’s the harm of some random guy misrepresenting his professional credentials to the world?2 Not much, except when it comes down to clinical practice. And that’s where Sendler may have crossed a line.
Before the publication of the Gizmodo exposé, Sendler was apparently offering clinical, psychological consultations to anyone via his website.
“But Sendler told me he is actively seeing patients in New York. […] When I first started reporting this story, Sendler’s website offered online psychotherapy, online sex therapy, and relationship coaching. The site claimed: “Dr. Sendler specializes in the treatment of patients with psychological and psychiatric conditions, ranging from post-traumatic stress among military veterans, and extending all the way to complex forensic cases involving paraphilias.”
That’s concerning, given his lack of a U.S. license to practice any form of psychotherapy or psychological consultations.
His story changed when confronted with his lack of a license:
I then told Sendler that he was not licensed to practice mental health in New York, which is concerning since he had told me earlier in our conversation that he is actively seeing patients in New York. He then clarified: “I see them in terms of psychological consultations.” […] But New York law doesn’t permit anyone to call themselves a psychologist or refer to their services as “psychology” unless they are licensed or properly authorized.
In a final fact-checking phone conversation with Sendler—when he was more guarded than in our in-person interview—Sendler told me he’s never seen patients in New York.
In a January 24, 2019 interview with Krish Chopra of “Authority Magazine” (which has since been removed, but here’s the saved version of it (PDF)), Sendler said:
It helps to brag about your credentials if they are stellar. Moreover, it would help if you offered flexibility and innovation in healthcare treatments. For instance, I utilize e-therapy to work with frequent travelers and patients who live outside of New York but want to work with me.
While living in New York, Sendler’s claim clearly implies that he sees patients (or says he does) via e-therapy, contradicting his claims to me (and to Brown) that he doesn’t see patients for clinical consultations.
There’s also some concern about oversight of the research Sendler says he’s conducting. Because there’s apparently no actual verifiable staff at Felnett, that also means it’s quite possible it doesn’t have an actual IRB — an institutional review board for review of human subjects research. If Felnett indeed lacks a real IRB, it would suggest that Sendler’s research involving human subjects hasn’t been subjected to any type of objective ethical review. This may have violated the submission guidelines of journals regarding publication of research, not to mention professional ethics.
Not the First to Question Sendler
Gizmodo isn’t the only organization to question how Sendler has represented himself.
One of the schools he studied at while in Poland, the Medical University of Lublin, not-surprisingly objected to him using their name on his study, “Similar mechanisms of traumatic rectal injuries in patients who had anal sex with animals to those who were butt-fisted by human sexual partner”:
“The author regrets for having used affiliation of Medical University of Lublin (MUL) in Poland. Briefly before the study was published, the author advanced as principal investigator at Felnett Health Research Foundation in New York, making it difficult to recommend changes to affiliation on manuscript before the article became available online first on June 25, 2017. Therefore, the original publication contained contact information for MUL, leading to a dispute in which the author was asked to update the manuscript.”
Remember, Felnett Health Research Foundation seemingly exists only as a Sendler-created Polish organization to “house” his research. It wasn’t officially registered as an organization in Poland until May 2018. Sendler appears to have created the organization because he needed an affiliation to list for this and future studies, as he is currently unaffiliated with any university in the U.S. or Europe.
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It appears that Felnett is not the only organization Sendler has created to prop up his public profile.
He also appears to have created “Taublum Media” (and all the staffers who work for it), so he could publish this since-removed interview with himself on Thrive Global.3 Taublum Media’s “Jay Longton” sat down with “Dr. Sendler” on January 23, 2019, to talk to him about being a “Rising Star in Medicine Charts His Path From School at Harvard to Becoming a Well-Funded Scientist, Clinician, and Media Health Expert Personality.”
Surprisingly for a media company, “Taublum Media” has no website and “Jay Longton” has no online footprint –- except for references on Sendler’s own website. These are two things unheard of for a legitimate public relations firm or media company. Apparently, Sendler really thought nobody would ever think to research these things on Google. But it’s a pattern you come across time and time again when researching anything to do with him.
In the interview, “Longton” writes,
“After graduating with degrees from Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences and Harvard Medical School, Dr. Sendler became the founding head of one of the most successful sex therapy research clinics in the world. In day-to-day practice, Dr. Sendler manages a team of over two dozen scientists, assistants, and clinicians, spearheads over 25 funded research projects with 3000+ clinical participants, and sees patients in his Center for Sexual Medicine and Psychotherapy.”
This was written just over a month ago, in January 2019. And apparently he does all of this from his condo in Staten Island, New York.
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After the incriminating Gizmodo interview was published, Sendler immediately disabled all the content on his website.
In his first rebuttal, which he posted to his website (since removed but saved here), he wrote:
As we all know, there have been numerous cases of reporters attacking scientists for their work. Since this reporter does not understand science, he’s inventing a character of danger impersonated in me. I am worried that his vicious attacks on me will result in physical harm. I informed him about my concerns but he ignored it.
For personal safety, parts of this website will be temporarily disabled. I will continue to pursue research and will not be intimated by these attacks. I recognize that carchy [sic] media titles, just like the content of my research, quickly become viral, but ultimately the quality of my research will defend itself.
It seems odd — and quite the overreaction — that a person would feel the need to suddenly hide his entire life’s work just because one reporter had some questions about it.
Sendler posted an updated statement on his website on March 3, 2019. The new statement focuses on his research and research subjects, rather than his self-proclaimed academic credentials.4
I haven’t spent much time on his actual research or its quality. I think that would be appropriate for an entirely separate article, as some of it appears acceptable (especially the work done with colleagues). But in reading more than a dozen of his published papers and posters, there were some studies that raised red flags.5
I’ve spent many hours reviewing Sendler’s background and education for this article. One Polish university refused to release information regarding him without a signed release — something Sendler declined to do. I’ve had a few email exchanges with him over the course of the past week. He provided one lengthy and detailed reply, and copies of multiple documents. But little in his responses had to do with the primary question of his educational credentials — the focus of most of my questions. Instead, he mostly defended his science, his research practices, whether he was publicity-seeking or not, and who contacted whom first.6
In one of his last replies to me, he wrote,
…[W]hatever damage has been done to my reputation, it will not be fixed at this moment, no matter what I say or do. I’ll not reach the moment of catharsis until after some time passes by and I can again reflect on what has happened. For now, people will have their opinions.
Sendler is apparently working overtime to clean up his online profile, and any mention of education at Harvard and other institutions where he didn’t actually attend or graduate. For instance, up until the publication of the Gizmodo article, his Thrive Global profile included the line, “Educated at Harvard Medical School and the Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences;” his ResearchGate profile similarly listed his education at Harvard Medical School.
Mentions of Harvard have now been removed.
At the top of one of his replies, he did express regret if anyone felt hurt by his research — but quickly noted nobody has ever been hurt by his research or his “embellishment” of his CV:
“I apologize if anyone felt hurt, even though I know that no one has ever been negatively affected by my research. There’s not a single complaint ever recorded by a research subject or anyone really. Therefore, I don’t regret my scientific activity. I entered this field of research knowing that it is a magnet for controversy.”
Damian Jacob Markiewicz Sendler is now more famous than he probably ever could have hoped to be. But perhaps not for the reasons he desired.
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Brown, J. (2019). The Fake Sex Doctor Who Conned the Media Into Publicizing His Bizarre Research on Suicide, Butt-Fisting, and Bestiality . Gizmodo.
Sendler, DJ. (2019). Contemporary understanding of zoophilia — A multinational survey study. Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine, 62, 44-51.
Sendler, DJ. (2017). Similar mechanisms of traumatic rectal injuries in patients who had anal sex with animals to those who were butt-fisted by human sexual partner. Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine, 511, 69-73.
“Czy podmiot posiada status organizacji pozytku publicznego?” translates, “Does the entity have the status of a public-purpose organization?”
Surprisingly, rather than admit they’ve been misled, some websites have simply removed articles featuring Sendler, including Forbes.com, Authority Magazine, and the Savage Lovecast podcast. Others have scrubbed their articles, such as Men’s Health, removing any reference to Sendler and replacing his comments with comments from others.
Anybody can publish on Thrive Global, but Sendler makes it sound repeatedly like he has a unique or special relationship with this community blogging site.
Apparently claiming you’re a “Harvard grad” on your Instagram page is fine — even when you’re not one. His ResearchGate profile still lists his highest degree as a Sc.D.
One such question about his research would be his easy discovery in just three months’ time of more than 340 subjects online willing to take a survey on their bizarre sexual practices.
For the record, Savage Lovecast podcast’s producer reached out to Sendler first, according to the email provided to me.
from World of Psychology https://psychcentral.com/blog/the-fantastical-world-of-damian-jacob-markiewicz-sendler/
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