#nordics x reader
milaisreading · 3 months
Hetalia AU:
Denmark: Say what you will, Yn had the most fun with me growing up.
Sweden: Really now?
Denmark: Really! Right, Yn?!
Yn, looking away from the picture she took of Switzerland: Hm? Yeah, sure!
Finland: I am afraid to ask, but what shenanigans happened between you two.
Norway: I am curious as well. The Dane never spoke about it.
Yn: It was nothing special or huge. Just normal things...
Iceland: Normal?
Yn: As normal as they can be with Denmark-
Denmark: I will gladly tell you guys! So first, there was that one time when I nearly got her arrested by England's guards-
Finland: What?! How?!
Yn: He was messing around with them...
Iceland: I am afraid of what else happened...
Denmark: Well, we also built snowmans. Then, there was that time when I snuck onto an enemies ship, and Yn had to look for me for 2 weeks. We also would eat out a lot when we visited different countries. Oh! There was also that one time Prussia nearly kidnapped her and I had to save her.
Yn: See? Completely normal things.
Sweden: Good God...
Iceland: I need therapy after this one
Finland: I am surprised neither of you died
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woahhhgwendolyn · 1 year
Being Married To Ivar Would Include...
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-Ivar being really protective over you in every single way possible. He would fight anyone who tries to mess with you or try and take you away from him.
-Him wanting to make sure that you are safe no matter what and always has someone go with you in the village does not matter if it is him or some other warrior going with you.
-During feasts he always has you sit with him. He does not want you to feel alone or have to sit with another man. So, he just wants you to sit with him.
-When you both are in bed, he loves to cuddle with you and be with you all throughout the night. Sometimes, he lets you cuddle him from behind but his most favorite is when he is laying down on his back and then you just lay your head on his chest.
-You both always having fun no matter what is going on. Everyone always notices that you both are always smiling around each other and making each other laugh at any time possible.
-Him always being super gentle with you. He is always gentle touching you. He always makes sure that when he hugs you or even when you both cuddle that he is being gentle and soft with you.
-His brothers have had a small crush on you at some point but have let it go because they had realized that you were staying with Ivar for a long time.
-His brothers liking you and thinking that you are a good fit for him and could handle all of his crazy tendencies.
-Ragnar and Aslaug liking you as well and treating you as if you are their own family and talking to you as such as well.
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starleska · 5 months
rolls into here.... do you happen to have any headcanons or ideas perhaps on how nordic would treat his s/o. this is totally not for oc/canon / f/o reasons (lying)
the only idea i have so far is that he's like, 100% a little clingy even if he tries to cover it up
hell YEAH I DO!! oh my gosh i was hoping so much that someone would send in a request for our favourite sexy guitar man 🙈💖 he shows off so much character in such a short space of time...tell me what you think of this 😉
Nordic Bunny x Reader headcanons 🤘🎸
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🎸 Nordic Bunny is the very definition of devoted to you. he's a man of deep insecurity and impossibly high energy, and when that's put in combination, you're in for a whirlwind of a romance!! he's always doting on you with unique, delightfully embarrassing (and LOUD) compliments, declaring you things like, 'The Awesomest Partner in the Galaxy!' and 'A Paragon of Beauty and Intellect!'. he simply doesn't have an ounce of shame in his body, so he pretends not to hear you when you try to get him to hush. in fact, you suspect that he rather likes the way his words make you squirm and blush! 😳
🎸 clingy doesn't even cover it - Nordic Bunny borders on separation anxiety. he's forever touching you in ways he tries to play off as casual: light touches on the waist, fingers curling around the shoulder...but Nordic always seems so disappointed when you finally break away. when the two of you are alone, he'll sometimes drop the bravado to ask you in a small voice, "You're not...planning on leaving any time soon, right?" at night he's insistent on being the big spoon, and curls around you like a latex blanket, tail wrapping over your thighs and strings tickling the back of your neck. he's forever terrified that you will find a reason to move on...so you know the best way to reciprocate is to be vocal with your love and generous with your attention 🥰
🎸 lucky for you that you have such a powerful villain for a partner...if anyone so much as looks at you wrong, they'll be wiped from existence. you bet if someone throws a harsh word your way, Nordic Bunny is there to clap back instantly, with a, "You kiss your mama with that ugly mouth?!" or a, "I know you are, but what am I?!" the rebuttal is soothing, but just for show...because as soon as you're distracted, Nordic's going to send an army of Battle Crabs to pinch the offending person until they're seafood. make no mistake: Nordic Bunny would die for you, but he'd kill for you first 😉
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yawujin · 3 months
texting with the nordics
type | light hearted , fluff , platonic , short read
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denmark/matthias køhler ♡
random and hyper 3am texts
is the type to screenshot funny messages from a groupchat and post them to social media
definitely sends people brainrot humor ig reels ironically
also sends super up close pics of himself out of nowhere to strike up a conversation
his most used emojis are: 😁 😳 😜 👀 🤸‍♂️
norway/lukas bondevik ♡
he double texts but like not
as in he'll type two different things but space them out using the enter button
so it ends up being one text
it's on purpose too (he's weird i love him)
likes to send pictures of his meals
alot of one word replies ("mhm" , "sure" , "k")
the type to like a message to signify the end of a convo
sweden/björn oxenstierna ♡
sends gifs to react to messages
doesn't use any other abbreviations unless it's like, 'LOL'
most used emoji: 👍
doesn't use his phone that much
only really texts anybody if it's a holiday
iceland/emil steilsson ♡
his phone is almost always on 'do not disturb'
unlike sve, he mostly uses abbreviations
types in all lowercase letters (autocorrect is his worst enemy so he had to turn it off)
if someone asks what he's doing, he'll send a picture of his surroundings accompanied by a simple "just here" text.
will be constantly checking his phone and reply immediately if a person he really likes is chatting with him
finland/timo väinämöinen ♡
when he's comfortable enough with the person he's talking to, he'll start to send voice messages
gives random updates about his day via text
prefers calls tbh
sends a bunch of pics of hanatamago
the type to text someone "good luck!" , "have a good time ❤️" , "hope it goes well!!" and other words of encouragement when they have to do something/go somewhere
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˚✧ ₊˚ allies headcanons | more nordics headcanons
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oddballwriter · 4 months
Nordic Bunny x Reader HC
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Warnings: none really, but if there's anything that needs a warning feel free to mention it or contact me via inbox or DM 
Author’s Snip: I watched the Shred Force pilot yesterday and I'm in love with this nerdy loser. If anyone is interested in me writing things for Nordic Bunny then let me know and feel free to send something to my inbox!
I’ll shut up now. Enjoy! And don’t be afraid to request.
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Nordic Bunny is an interesting boyfriend to have, that's for sure
He's very loud and vocal about everything, his happiness, frustration, disappointment, joy, and probably much more if we got the chance to see it
All the minions know who you are because he announces you, with a fancy pants title that he made for you that he makes all the minions call you, and if he sees someone so much as scoff at the mention of you then they ARE getting zapped
Nordic is clingy, so you are around him all the time both during his scheming and planning, but also when he just wants to hang out
Actually hanging out with Nordic seems like a very intimate thing, he seems to want to maintain his big bad grand imperial emperor and most extreme barer of awesomeness persona and wouldn't want someone to see him not performing that persona. But with you as his partner, he would gladly let you see such parts of him
He rants and vents about everything that is bothering him. Minions not doing as told or doing things right or the Shred Force foiling him again. Just listen to him, that's all he wants, just an ear to listen. You can rant and vent back to him so that you both can hear each other's troubles and be able to release them
Physical affection is interesting too
He's a robot alien rabbit cat bat thing so he's made of metal and built very uniquely, so cuddling may be weird at first, but with enough times, you'll be used to it
Kissing is funny. His cords are in the way so you can't really sneak a kiss, but he definitely wouldn't mind a regular kiss that isn't hidden. You can just push his cord out of the way and give him a smooch, and vice versa
He has a cat-like tail and I have declared that he has cat-like behaviors
He purrs, Nordic Bunny purrs, he purrs when he's happy and content. When you guys cuddle it's just purr city
His tail movements also mimic that of a cat, so he does the little tail flick that cats do when they're happy
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elenamegan14 · 8 months
Yandere One Piece - Irish/Nordic Fae Folk Myth X F!Reader - Pookah!Luffy
PROLOGUE Pookah - a mischievous yet friendly fae, capable of shapeshifting into any form as they please - malevolent ones included. Legends have told that anyone lucky or unlucky enough to get a ride from Pookah will experience the wildest travel of their lives. 
You barely have the time to calm yourself when the Pookah circles you around like a wolf waiting for its prey to move. You’ve been here for a few minutes and already you encountered a fairy folk! Fortunately, luck seemed to be on your side - Pookahs are not relatively dangerous unless you treat them with care. 
However, Pookah’s personality is proven to be quite a challenge,  considering this one has the childish personality of a hyperactive boy, drunk with too many candies. Also, he seems to be the talkative type too, jumping around whenever you tried to side-stepped him. 
“A human! Sweet! Haven’t seen a human for a while! I mean, on my side anyway. My brothers saw humans all the time because they got permission for it, but I don’t!” The Pookah grumbled, “They said that I need to practice more on my human transformation, but I think it’s perfect!” He gestured towards himself, forgetting about his longish furry ears and tail. 
“I… see. That’s very nice, but I have to go.” 
Frustratingly, Luffy seems to follow you around, not giving you a moment of rest. It did not help that he had no sense of personal space, always coming in inches close to you - a new toy that he had never seen. 
“By the way, my name is Luffy! What’s yours?” 
You are about to instinctively answer but a particular warning from your parents hit you on the head. An iron-clad superstition rules that any good children must follow to survive Grand Line if they happened to stumble upon it. 
Never tell them your real name, Y/N. That’s how they control you - words have more power in the fairy world than in the human world. 
Frowning, you turned your head away from Luffy, “You don’t need to know.” 
“Aw, you’re no fun! What am I supposed to call you then? Seaweed? Meat-girl? Oh! I can call you… ‘Wet Blankie’! Because, you know-” 
“Alright, I got it! Call me any way you like but you’ll never find out what my name is!” You boldly asserted, keeping to yourself that you can endure the humiliation of being weirdly dubbed for now. 
“Fine!” Luffy stuck his tongue out, “...wet blankie.” he added the last part with a laugh, earning him a scowl. 
Hurriedly, you walked at a faster pace, hoping to leave the Pookah to his ministrations 
“So, whatcha doing here? Are you going somewhere?” “No, I’m lost! I don’t know where I am, what time is it…” You trailed mournfully, “I even started to lose my way around this place.” 
“Oh well, Grand Line can be a maze sometimes. Heck, even my friend, Zoro got lost here plenty of times… and he’s a native!”
A certain name from Luffy’s speech puts you into a standstill horror, “Grand Line? As in… THE Grand Line? I’m here in THAT Grand Line?” 
“Dang, no need to say three times. But yeah, you’re in Grand Line! You’ll love it! There are so many fun places here - there are so many interesting things happening around here-” 
A shudder of panic courses through your body, “No, no, no, no, no! I’m not supposed to be here! My parents told me to stay away from this place! That’s where the fairy folks live, I’ve heard stories of what they’ll do to humans! I have to get out of here!” 
Unbeknownst to you, Luffy studied you a little more carefully than the first time he met you. As if he can sense something beyond your appearance. 
“That’s… an interesting way to put it,” Luffy droned, “Somehow, you felt different than other humans who fell here.” “You mean there are other humans besides me here?” “Great!” You raised your hands exasperatedly, “I’m lost in this god-forsaken forest,  I can’t find my classmates, and I’m supposed to be home right now! But I’m stuck here! This sucks!” You sobbed
“If you like to… I can give you a ride,” Luffy smiled gently, “I know my way around Grand Line, I can take you to the entrance.” You gasped indignantly at his idiocy, “Are you mad? I can’t trust fairies - that’s the third most important rule that everybody knows!” Luffy’s eyebrows raised in confusion, “Really? Then what’s the second one? I mean, you did tell me the first rule is-” 
“-not to reveal my real name to a fairy, I KNOW. You KNOW,” You repeated the rule as if you were schooling a first grader, “The second rule is not to eat and drink anything that the fairies offer.” 
“What?!” Luffy jumped in horror, “That’s a terrible rule! You can't do that! Everybody has to eat! Who made that? This is the first time I’ve ever heard it!” 
You rolled your eyes in irritation, “Not if you’re a human. They’ll be bound to the fairy world forever if they eat anything in here, and I still want to go home.” 
“Not if I can ask the bigwigs to change it!” An optimistic grin burst from Luffy’s face, “I mean, I managed to change a few rules after causing some trouble from time to time again. Which reminds me - I need to hide from my grandpa - he is so pissed off after I destroyed the palace’s garden the other day.” 
“You do that while I’m searching for any entrances here,” you murmured, slipping by Luffy.
“Alright, suit yourself!” Luffy shrugged nonchalantly. 
Time passed, and you still need to find an entrance. You felt as if the forest was keen on making you even more lost on your path - each shrub seemed to change, pebbles moving out of your marked gaze, not giving you the slightest hope of any exit. What makes matters worse is that you estimated that the sun will set soon. The risk of falling under the clutches of the fairy folk increases with each second you have wasted. 
Just as you circled anguishedly around the rock for the fourth time, Luffy popped back again, keeping his irritating grin at your hopeless attempt. “You know, I still can help-”
“Oh, alright!” You snapped, realizing that it’s futile to rely on your own… for now, “But be warned - I have ways to kill you if you break your promise. Got it?” 
“Sure thing! I can still take you on if you do! Shishishi!” Luffy innocently chuckled - you felt tempted to smack his head at his indifference. 
In just one breath, Luffy transformed himself into a creature that wasn’t a horse but not a mammal either. It was more of like… a rabbit-horse. You were hesitant to approach him but Luffy casually grinned again, lowering his back before. 
“Hop on! Don’t worry, I’ll make sure that you won’t fall!” 
“I’ll make sure of it too.” You murmured, climbing onto his back. 
Luffy is proof that all legends about Pookah giving their passengers the wildest ride of their lives are true. As you let yourself settle in, Luffy sprints at a breakneck speed - so fast and rough that you must hang onto his neck for your dear life. You didn’t even try to utter a scream, only small whimpers in fear of biting your tongue. 
So many thoughts ran through your head. Is it a mistake to trust Luffy? How much time had passed - hopefully you would only miss a day or two. And will you make it out of here? You can almost imagine yourself running through the exit out of Grand Line, ignoring any of Luffy’s farewells and just stomping straight to Stelly and Sarie, giving them the beating of their lifetimes at the dining hall. There was also a huge hope that you would be reunited home again with your parents, maybe you could explain why you had lost your iron earrings and being in the Grand Line in the first place-
Luffy suddenly came to an abrupt stop. Before you can recollect yourself, Luffy turned back into his default form, unaware that he let his occupant fall behind his back. 
You quickly rose to your feet, nursing your sore arm, “W-Wha? Why did you stop-?” 
Luffy’s eyes grimaced, “Someone’s in our path. Look.” Luffy pointed towards a figure in a near distance. 
It was a male fairy - an intimidating one at that. Build impressively in a visage fit for royalty, but contains plenty of rebelliousness on the side. Freckles adorn his face like stars and black, wavy hair frames his fiery visage. Behind his back are a pair of transparent, fiery wings that almost resemble that of a hawk. By mortal standards, he is… magnificent.
Your blood ran cold. You recognize the mark on his wings from the illustrations that your mother once drew. She is an impressive artist, painting one bestiary after another with near accuracy. There was no doubt that right in front of your mortal eyes was the son of the Fairy King himself, Portgas D. Ace.
The very same one who thinks burning mortals who pissed him off can be considered normal in Grand Line. 
“Wha- what is he doing here? H-H-He’s not supposed to be here-” You stammered. 
“Who’s not here who?” Luffy stared at you in question.
“That fairy! Ace! I heard stories about him - he’s dangerous! We have to go!” You furiously shook your head, already searching for a hiding spot. 
Upon looking at the fairy in question, Luffy’s face lightens up, “Oh, yeah! You’re right! That’s my brother! OII! ACE-!” 
You felt your heart drop at this revelation. Brother. He just has to be Luffy’s brother - why not? It didn’t help that Ace’s attention was stirred by Luffy’s ruckus. Rushing to Luffy’s side, you grabbed his arm as tightly as possible. 
“No!” You pleaded, shaking, “Don’t let him see me! I can’t be seen by a fae folk, especially him!” 
“What? Why not? I know Ace very well, he won’t hurt-” 
“Luffy, please.” 
There was a slight hesitation when Luffy analyzed the fear in your voice. It was a gamble, whether or not Luffy would listen to you. Pouting always works, that’s how you got a leeway from the authorities if you happen to be in any sort of problem - like that time you accidentally broke Mayor Woodlsap’s window for a lighter punishment from him. You put your best one yet, coupled with a doe eye that made you seem helpless and innocent. 
A few seconds later, Luffy solemnly nodded, “Okay, I won’t tell him that you’re here. Just hide wherever you can, alright? I’ll come and get you when he’s gone.”
You didn’t think twice and made a run for the nearest bushes and rocks that concealed your entire body. Your head peered out upon the two fairy brothers conversing after Ace made his way to Luffy. 
Everything about Ace is breathtaking. His beauty is every bit as true as the stories told by swoony-eyed village women. You also have to remind yourself - thanks to your father’s stern warnings time and time again - that Ace is also well-known for his trickery. He is a fairy that would burn humans into a pile of dust or turn them into trinkets if he fancies. 
The fact that Ace is unpredictably harmful.
It felt like forever when you counted until five minutes passed by, trying to make out what Ace was saying to Luffy. He seems to whisper something into Luffy’s ears, but the distance is far too wide for you to listen. So you rely on your eyes instead, observing Luffy’s face slowly form into an enthusiastic expression as Ace conversed excitedly with his brother. 
You silently breathed in relief when Luffy waved goodbye to Ace, gently coaxing you out of the hiding spot, “He’s gone, don’t worry.”
“What are you talking about with Ace?” You brushed off the dirt in a hurry and climbed to Luffy’s back once more. 
“Noooo….thing?” Luffy innocently answered - you rolled your eyes. 
“Okay, fine. How far are we to the edge of the entrance?” 
“Won't be long now. We just need to make a BIIIG dash straight there…” Luffy pointed straight at a cluster of trees. 
“Alright,” you nodded, “Let’s go.” 
You barely notice a sliver of Luffy’s dark grin as he runs with all his might towards the clearing. You ignored all the branches, the leaves, and the force of the wind that blinded you - all you care about is reaching the end - to home. 
A bright light blinded you at the end of the path. When Luffy stops and lets you off his back carefully, you slowly adjust your eyes to the new surroundings. 
But it wasn't the entrance as you might have hoped. 
It was a lakeside. 
A lakeside that is also full of various fairy folks - bathing and playing and hanging around one another. 
It dawns on you that Ace had persuaded his brother to lead you to a trap. 
“Hey, guys!” Luffy shouted, dragging you towards them, “I brought a new friend!” 
A green-haired demon-like fae folk sighed exasperatedly, getting out of the water, “Luffy. How many times do we have to tell you not to bring any more weird people-” 
That’s when his eyes landed on you. 
Everything went quiet. Several eyes gazed upon you in interest for a few seconds. 
And then it exploded into elated chatters. 
Oh no. 
“Luffy…” A blonde nymph-like man with swirly eyebrows eyed you as if his birthday came early, “You didn't tell me that you caught a human girl.” 
His statement brought an ominous wonder to the rest of the occupants in the lake. 
“Somehow, you know how to lighten our day, Luffy.” A fae with a top hat chuckled, already getting up from his position, and making his way carefully around you. 
“Come little human, would you like to join us…?” A pretty maiden with long dark hair and piercing blue gaze, a Huldufolk, she recognized, put down her book, and extended her arm at her. 
“Listen up, I want her first.” A large troll with red hair quipped, taking in your fearful form. 
“Mind your turn, Eustass-ya,” Another fae, dark and attractive, scanned your visage, “It’s been a while since I have a human to play with. The last one didn’t last long on my table.” 
An overwhelming sensation flooded your brain - the fae folks sauntered towards you closely, each with every step you took back. Luffy’s reckless decision had earned you a cold, hard target from every fae folk on your back. In a split second, you did the only thing you could think of.
You ran. 
Several cries of “Come back!”, “Play with us!” rang all across the field. But you did not listen. No, not when every mere form of danger is right by your footsteps. 
Hurt. Sickened. Betrayed. These are the only things that are in your mind. Oh, how foolish you are - no matter how good his intentions are, Luffy is still a fairy who plays tricks upon humans - and now you are his next victim. 
Your mind is made up in determination when Luffy springs before you again, trying to explain something. By now, you have already pulled out the cross from your bag and brandished it upon Luffy who backed away. 
“I shouldn’t have trusted you,” You growled dangerously, hovering the cross like a weapon.
“Wait! What’s-your-name, I can explain-!” 
“Oh, you have already explained enough! Now begone!” 
Luffy drew a wicked grin, “Yeah, I was planning to take you back…” Luffy circled you in a predatory manner, “...but my brother Ace had better plans.”
Luffy effortlessly dodged the cross that you had swiped at him, “GET AWAY FROM ME! I wasted enough time with you around! I’ll go home myself!” 
“I like you, you’re interesting. Join my pack.” You gasped - Luffy’s arms started to stretch like rubber, coiling onto your other weaponless arm. 
“I refuse!” You hissed, trying to escape from his bond. 
“Then I refuse your refusal!” Luffy starts to lose his calmness, and he holds you even tighter, “Please Wet blankie! What’s-your-name! I promise you, they are not going to hurt you-!” 
“Go away!” You screeched with all your might, pushing Luffy away and hoping that your cross might make a nick on him. You kept running, you could care less if Luffy begged you to stop, you can't simply look back. Perhaps you assumed that Ace summoned himself right next to Luffy, his eyes boring at your running form. He grabbed Luffy by his shoulder, in a regality fit for a king.
“Don't let her go, Luff,” Ace spoke, honeyed and full of dark intent, “All of us had waited years to have her back. We can’t lose her now.” 
“No…” Luffy nodded, “I won’t. We’ll get her.” 
There is nothing worse than to run from fairies and get lost again in their forest. Exhausted as you are, there is no willingness from you to yield from their relentless pursuit. You are going home, and that is final. 
Then your nose picked up a salt-like scent. The ground is becoming more coarser as well. You finally realize that as you are busy fleeing for your life, you end up on a sandy beach. Not too distant from you is an ominous cave on the seawater, far too eerie to enter. 
And yet, as if curiosity overrides your logic, you decided to take a closer look at it instead. 
“Come here…” You jumped. There was a faint voice coming from the cave. So you know how to play this game. You firmly planted your foot into the sand, ignoring the voice that keeps persistently trying to coax you inside. 
You crossed your arms and looked away.
The cave lets out a guttural growl - something comes out. You kept your fingers clenched onto the cross as a creature, a merman-like being, swims out, and reaches near you. Aside from his long hair, a striking feature of him is his strange triangle-shaped eyebrows that frame his sharp eyes. 
“Must you be so stubborn, child? I know what was going on here, and I am here to help.” He drawled. 
Basil Hawkins, the Marmennill, is here to lead you.
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aubrey-plush12 · 4 months
Give us some Nordic bunny x reader romantic headcanons please!!!
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Nordic bunny x reader
🎸˚。𖦹☆°‧⋆ 🎸˚。𖦹☆°‧⋆ 🎸˚。𖦹☆°‧⋆
-you better believe he likes to wrap his guitar tail around your legs when you’re both cuddling,hugging,or even when he’s standing right next to you.he is a sucker for attention,especially yours.
-don’t think he won’t shout out loud how much he loves you and how amazing you are.giving you titles and telling you that nobody can compare to your beauty.also loves to carry you,and show how strong he is.
-loves giving you hand kisses,kissing you up your arm and your neck and face.his strings get in the way,but you can kiss his strings as well or just move them out of the way.
-he will melt in your hands if you give him any praise and he will definitely give you praise in return.besides praise he loves cuddling and holding your hand because he’s very clingy.
-he will come up with rather corny and sweet nicknames to give you.he will also wipe out any minion that doesn’t agree that you are stunning.
-I feel like her also love to build a pillow fort with you.or maybe a sleepover with you and you two end up sleeping in the fort cuddling each other in the piles of blankets surrounding you.
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orangecarton · 4 months
Pt 2 Nordic Bunny x Reader WP (W.I.P.)
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Part one:
Here you are sitting in a sad break room chowing down on a bag of cool ranch doritos, because for some reason they didn't seem to have any other flavors. As you're munching Nordic Bunny tries to fit himself into one of the small break room chairs. They were obviously not meant for him but he seemed insistent on trying to sit there.
After a while he got himself awkwardly squished in the chair and triumphantly looks up to you.
"So huuuman, seeing as we are now friends AND hanging out. It is my right as your BESTEST BUDDY IN THE WHOLE UNIVERSE!!!... to be asking you some... bonding questions!"
He laughs off to the side and mumbles something about being so clever and tricking us into handing over our "planetary secrets", whatever that means.
"Oh yeah sure man, shoot." You reply between chews. Nordic Bunny grimaces then shakes his head.
"First question! What are Shred Force's weaknesess?"
You ponder that for a bit. No one really knew anything about the two rascals that called themselves "Shred Force". They kinda were just... there. Every now and then there would be some sort of monster and then they would show and blow up half of the city you lived in. But you really didn' know anything about what they dealt with and who they were, being more preoccupied with your own life and problems.
"Hmmm, I don't really know. I've never really interacted with them."
You shrugged, grabbing another chip from the bag.
"Wha- You gotta know SOMETHING! Ugh... Ahem, well then what, pray tell, is the weakness of EVERY SINGLE HUMAN? AND DON'T YOU DARE THINK OF LYING TO ME!!!"
"Uhhh... Well, everyone is kinda different so I wouldn't really be able to say..."
Nordic Bunny scowled at this. Trying to save face you make something up on the fly. Those improv classes you took during highschool better not fail you now.
"Buuut, most humans are weak tooooo-" You look around quickly looking for "HuManIty's gReatEst WeakNess".
"-uhhhhh ranch?"
"... Liste-"
"You humans have MOUNTAINS of that stuff! You just can't live without it! OH, how did I not see it before?!"
He abruptly stands up, knocking over his chair, and grabs you by your arm. Dragging you behind him once again.
"What scheme?"
He laughs to himself, and you can't help but smile along with him. He has quite a nice laugh, in your opinion.
Walking back down the halls to his strange war room, the reality of your situation sinks in. You are stuck in space with a crazy 10ft tall guitar man who wants to take over the Earth... Hey, we'll at least you aren't hungry anymore!
You both make it back to the "war room". This time you get a good look around. It was filled with all sorts of tech, including a medium holo-Earth that Nordic Bunny seemed to gravitate towards. Towards the back end of the room was a huge window that made up most, if not all, of the wall. Around the sides were extra doors, lights, and tubes that you had no idea what they went to.
"Muahahahahaaa, oh yes I can see it now! We can even make little ranch stealing ROBOTS to do our bidding. AHahahahooo!"
He pulls you aside and starts rambling on and on about his plan, and you listen intensively. He just seems so passionate and creative! You can't help it!
A couple minutes later he calls over some of his minions to bring over blue print paper and a table. When they arrive they are heaving over a big metal table with some paper and pens on top. The two minions let it down with a bang and Nordic Bunny rushes over to it enthusiastically. They seem out of breath, how long have they been carrying that?
After they collect themselves one of them turns over and sees you. They turn back around and nudge their partner whispering to them, they both are now just staring and talking to each other.
Nordic Bunny takes notice of this and spins around, looking back and forth between his minions and you. You honestly could care less about what anyone thinks, but you don't really want to get caught up in whatever space drama is going on right now. So you're feeling, reasonably, a small bit uncomfortable at the moment.
Before your eyes the two are blasted away by Nordic Bunny's hand and are now nothing but feathers.
"Wha- What the HELL?!"
You look incredulously at Nordic Bunny.
"Oh not to worry my dear compatriot! They are simply clones. Of MY design, might I add!"
He poses pridefully, looks back over to you then looks away awkwardly.
"Huh, uh cool."
Taking a breath in you walk over to the work bench he had been working at before to see unfinished sketches of what looks to be robot eels designed to steal... ranch. It does look super advanced though. At least more advanced than you could understand.
"Wow, you did all this?" You gesture to the blue prints and look up at Nordic Bunny.
"W- Why yes! I did!"
"Geez, this is some high level stuff. Super smart, and it looks so wicked!"
He appears to be taken aback by the compliment, donning a shocked expression on his face, then replacing it with a look of smug satisfaction.
"Of course it looks cool! Only the best made by yours truly!"
You snicker a bit at that and he grins then perks up. Grabbing you by the shoulders and pushing you towards the huge windows you saw before.
"AND! AND! The robots will be produced over there! In my very own factory!"
Your eyes widen at the sight before you. Through the windows you are greeted by a production line of sorts, all kinds of machinery moving rhythmically and in pace with each other. You squint and look past the factory and can somewhat make out... a city?
"Impresive!... right?"
You look over to the validation seeking guitar and nod, stars in your eyes.
"This is so freaking cool, dude."
You turn back towards the window to keep gawking at the machines. Unbeknownst to you, the overlord beside you doesn't look at his factory, but at his new partner in crime. With just the same amount of fascination.
(I will be crossposting this on ao3 here's a link:
(Here are some doodles B))
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melchiordommik · 4 months
The lack of Nordic bunny content is awful I cry
Some Nordic Bunny stuff
My thoughts at least
>Nordic Bunny is a cuddler. After he finds out what they feel like, he's addicted
He will grab his s/o and demand they cuddle with the great leader of the galaxy (he will ask nicely)
>He also started enjoying kissing, too, although his tongue might be too long for when he gets too into it - s/o might choke
>Nordic Bunny shows off his s/o like they're an absolute treasure, and god forbid any of his minions don't treat them like he thinks they should be treated
>His tail movements mimic one of a cat's, he also likes being scratched (even if he's a guitar yk)
>He's so talkative, and loud, all the time in every single situation. Bro is the yapper
>Likes picking his s/o and just transporting them like that. He's very tall, so, pocket partner!
>Nordic's body feels a bit cold, takes a bit to get used to
THIS SUCKS ASS (I'm not a writer) but I rlly need more content about the he
Requests, maybe? Maybe, maybe?
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koriyokai · 5 months
good evening guys, I’m here out of boredom while preparing for an exam, I was drawing something about boredom and here’s my snot about the fact that these freaks are sexy, I’m just not normal, I’m trying not to show that I’m in love with them, but I can’t stand it anymore
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ikissroaches · 4 months
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Okay so after reciprocating for about an hour, I'm on the verge of falling into debauchery. I'm heavily tempted to write a fanfic with this dude. SHOULD I? It would be on wattpad😭
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milaisreading · 9 months
Scenario where Denmark introduces (C/n) to other nations after forcing her out of isolation
Finland: So, you two are close now?
Sweden: Like friends or something?
Norway: Hmm?
Denmark: Of course! We are best friends now! Right, (C/n)?! *asks while patting her on the back*
*1 minute later*
C/n: Right. We are.
Iceland: So... she is held here against her will?
Denmark: No, she is not!!
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woahhhgwendolyn · 1 year
Ivar Having A Crush On You Would Include...
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Ivar having a crush on you would be so obvious to everyone. Everyone would always bring it up to him and make fun of him for having this crush on you because they thought that he would never be able to pull you. He would always fantasize about you and the things that you both could do together. He would always get really nervous around you and try and talk to you but could never make a full conversation with you because he is so nervous around you. He eventually gets over this and starts to make conversations longer with you and even gives you gifts quite often.
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starleska · 5 months
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been wanting to try a looser style with my sketching, so have a WIP with Nordic Bunny and Anon 😉 attention-starved though he is, i think he'd be absolutely insufferable if he learned you're a fan…! 🤘🎸
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yawujin · 2 months
Could we get more intimacy (domestic or otherwise) with Iceland most especially?? But also Norway if you don’t mind ♥️ love ur posts
thank you anon <3 and thanks for the req, here you go!!
request | domestic headcanons for iceland & norway
type | headcanons , domestic life , intimacy , established relationship , fluff , gender neutral reader , romantic(ish)
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iceland/emil steilsson ♡
likes to rest his chin on his partner's shoulder to look at whatever they are doing on their phone/what they are reading in a magazine or book. if his partner is taller than him and standing up, he will give a hug from behind.
he will offer his partner an earbud/airpod so they can listen to music together (he's putting on björk there's no question about it)
he likes seeing his partner slowly befriend his pet puffin, he's happy to see the two get along
if he is going a little stir crazy at home but doesn't exactly want to go out where there will be crowds, he'll ask if his partner wants to go hike a small trail with him
he likes to hold his partners hand A LOT. whether it be walking together while they are all alone, or even when they are just relaxing on the sofa...he wants to hold their hand (and do the thumb rub thing) (he's touch starved a bit, yes)
finds it relaxing to listen to his partner hum if they like to hum a lot, or if they use it as a vocal stim
norway/lukas bondevik ♡
if his partner likes coffee in the morning, he's got them covered. the scent of coffee is usually the first thing his partner smells in the morning
prefers to sleep on cold sheets, when his partner comes in to have a "sleepover", he'll find it amusing how easily they get cold. not to worry though, he doesn't mind cuddling them so they can stop shivering (for both their sakes lol)
much like his younger brother, he likes to rest his chin or cheek on his partner's shoulder. he likes this because he is able to breathe in whatever scent his partner smells like
he's a noticer, he notices when his partner looks tired, so he'll tell them to take a break/nap. if they look sick, he'll make some warm soup. if they are shivering again because of the cold, scandinavian winter outside, hot cocoa will be made instantly for them. he would rather do things instead of talk about them, especially since he can read expressions and body language well.
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˚✧ ₊˚ my other headcanons post | thank you for reading!
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oddballwriter · 4 months
(I apologize in advance if this is does not land in ur inbox, I have not used tumbler in a few years)
I think a short fic with Nordic being overly clingy would be cute, like his partner needs to leave to do something but he doesn’t feel like letting them leave quite yet
What is this Exam?
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Summary: Basically what the requests says.
Warnings: None really, that I can think of 
Author’s Snip: I wrote this down in a sort of haze, so sorry if it's bad.
I’ll shut up now. Enjoy! And don’t be afraid to request.
Word Count: 543
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Ah, Nordic Bunny. What an interesting boyfriend you managed to score. I mean, he's a guitar-robot alien who plans to take over the galaxy and is currently working on taking over Earth, with varying degrees of success. But you love him from tail to strings and you've managed to find s place under his big bad imperial emperor of the galaxy and extreme barrier of awesomeness persona.
Clingy is a word that could definitely be used when describing one aspect of your relationship. You don't put it past him too much since he's apparently never had a friend before, something that you were sure came with being dead set on domination of the galaxy. However, he's very... insistent that you be around him all the time. That's how you end up spending a lot of time at his base, which actually has a breathable atmosphere, to your surprise. Nordic Bunny has made an effort to make his base more homey for you whenever you visit, at least as homey as he can make it considering most of it is a factory-like setting, but a corner of his office and a place for you to sleep is good enough for you.
But much to his dismay, you have things to do back on Earth that would cause you to have to leave every once in a while, something that Nordic hates but has come to understand as more of a you-thing than a him-thing. That doesn't mean he doesn't try to object though.
"And what exactly is the importance of this exam? What are you examining?" Nordic questions, earning a laugh from you. "Well, I'm not the one examining. I'm the one getting examined." you clarify. "What?" Nordic exclaims, "There's nothing wrong with you? You seem in perfectly functioning order to me?" Nordic explains. "No, not that kind of exam," you mention. "It's an... intellect exam. It's to test how much I know about a certain topic that I've been learning. So I need to take it to see how much I've retained and have it measured on if I know an acceptable amount." you explain.
"Well, what happens if you just don't take it?" Nordic asks in a tone that makes it clear that he wants you to try and opt out of it. You try to explain what would happen if you did that but you figure that it would be hard to articulate how a grade and college system works to your robot boyfriend who's probably never heard of a college so you settle on just saying that you don't have the option to skip it.
"I'll come back." you promise, "I always do, you know that," you mention. "I just need to leave so that I can study to have enough knowledge for the exam and then take it. When I have my grade I'll have you come get me so that I can come back here. Okay." you say. Nordic crosses his arms and grumbles before saying "Well why don't you just study here and then you go take the exam?".
"Because you're very distracting," you flirt with a wink, Nordic gasps and then smiles.
"Oh, and no creating a plan to get my exam day canceled," you warn.
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