#norisu clan
brvtvus · 7 months
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Day 14: Norisu Nine
YES I’m behind NO we don’t need to talk about it
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The Promised Neverland x RC9GN
So, since I am on a temporary break from asks- I decided to go ahead and post some more coherent thoughts on the crossover literally no one except ONE person was interested in (/lh). I didn't expect the post to gain even the slightest bit of traction, so seeing someone with the same type of rotting interest actually made my day-
I actually wanted to focus on what came before Randy had even been born (aka what the deal with 'the Ninja' is because this idea barely makes an ounce of sense), so without much further ado- let's continue!
The First Ninja is meant to parallel William Minerva/James Ratri. He was a descendant of the original founders which had been involved in 'the Promise' and originally he didn't fully question their behavior, it was more so along the lines of "if I pretend everything is fine, I won't have to acknowledge how I feel about it", but as things kind of escalated- he couldn't bring himself to just sit aside and ignore it. At some point, he flat out rebelled (not that anyone was aware of what he'd begun to do-) and was leaving behind evidence to alert the farms orphanages about what was going on.
Now if you've been following my content at all, you know I talk about the Norisu 9 every so often- I like to think they were also involved and contributed in different ways to the first wave of resistance. The First Ninja is still a warrior in this crossover and I like to think he supplied weapons, things that would harm the demons but going against their leader was a lot harder than he thought it would
(The leader who, of course, is the Sorcerer)
Finja fought bravely, but as punishment for his disobedience- he was subject to watching his entire clan die before his eyes. Forced to live with the guilt, he broke off from the resistance (at least that was the agreement- he would continue working for the demons until someone else took over his role upon death) and went back to the life he held previously. However unbeknownst to the Sorcerer, Finja had left behind something important: the Nomicon.
A tome that contained tunnels and maps of the Demon World, the key to paradise. It held the bunker with a supply of weapons and arsenal, and everything- Finja had entrusted a demon known as “the Messenger” to hand it down, but there was one problem to this plan: who would carry on the mantle?
A decision was made for it to be left in the least likely of locations: one of the farms.
The Messenger had unique powers- allowing them to find the next “Ninja”, someone who possessed specific traits and could carry on what Finja had started. Years came to pass, each with varying levels of success (a few managed to cause a new wave of resistance, one unfortunate kid got adopted- and the rest, well, who knows what became of them). First Ninja’s name was forgotten over the years and the book would continue to be handed down.
The First Ninja is bound to the book- whether this makes in the original Promised Neverland canon is irrelevant, because well, I make the rules (/lh). I like to think he has the ability to communicate with the current holder of the book, but unlike the RC9GN canon- things work a little differently.
He communicates with the current ‘Ninja’ via dreams- sending ominous signs and continuing to hand them lessons but there isn’t any ‘shloomping’ into the Nomicon. Things just work a little differently, if anything-
The book is eventually left in the hands of Randy, but that is a story for another day.
Finja was left with immense survivor’s guilt- knowing he had failed his siblings, he had failed the children, everyone who wanted the nightmare of the Promise to end. He lost the hope things would ever right themselves. His actions came with unfortunate consequences, and in the years leading up to his death- he isolated himself from everyone. Though his allies attempted to honor his wishes, even if he didn’t know about what they had done.
(I might tie Rei Izumi into this, but we’ll see-)
His legacy continues and for one particular boy, and the people he cares about, everything is going to change. Sooner than they think.
Written as a partial gift to @thesoundofmadness! Also because I am just fixated on this universe lol, but these are my thoughts for now! More will be dropped eventually, hope you enjoy the rest of your day loves!
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 8 months
please tell me about the headcannons for the First Ninja 🙏
!!! ;D Since you asked so nicely! ;3 uuuuhhhhhh lets see...some of my personal headcanons for First are:
He is baby of Norisu Clan, aka the Youngest child.
He barely remembers his parents, for they died when he was young (courtesy to Sorcerer and thus one of the many reasons Norisu Clan sought to defeat him), so he was mostly raised by his Oldest Siblings.
When he was younger (toddler-ish age), he was dotted upon by his older siblings, so he was kind of a brat, since he was used to being center of attention and being taken care of (tho he grew out of it pretty fast).
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When he was younger (more teenager years) his hair used to be longer and he wore it in topknot (think Samurai Jack style).
And all of his Siblings were gone, he cut his hair off to honor their sacrifice and make a promise to finally defeat the Sorcerer (think sorta that Zuko scene from ATLA lol).
So, when we see First in Flashback of Ultimate Lesson, with his tiny ponytail, its (canonically i think?) several years after inprisonment of Sorcerer, that little tuft is what managed to grow back. (cause i think its interesting that we never see First out of the Ninja Suit in 13th Century Ninja episode)
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Speaking of 13th Century Ninja episode(I both love and hate that episode so much man): I headcanon that most of First's behaviour can be explained by stress and despair he started to feel after loosing his siblings (also probably mild sleep deprivation from nightmares and ptsd). Which was why he seemingly 'gave up' so easily (like ??? ugh).
The other contributing factor is First being confronted by unrelenting dumb optimism/hope of Randy and suddenly strongly reminded First of himself, when he was younger and still believed his clan could defeat the Sorcerer and how he was that same ray of hope for his older siblings who were becoming weary from the battles. But he is older now, and no optimism or hope helped to save his siblings from the ultimate sacrifice, so he understands that darkness his family tried to protect him from much better now.
So basically I like to think younger First was a lot like Randy in many ways, especially in that assurance/confidence that any mistake can be fixed.
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First is a great sea farer! Canonically, Norisu clan followed Sorcerer across the sea (according to Secrets of the 9 i think?), so they would have spent months/if not years at sea. And if First was young, it would have left a great impression on him, that expierence and time on the open waters.
That man can not cook to save his life, and he lost most of his appetite after his family's sacrifice, that's why he is rather scrawny.
First is not the best Ninja of Norisu Clan. He grew up in the protective shadow of his more talented and powerful Older Siblings, who in turn taught him everything they knew. So he might not be the most powerful of his Norisu Siblings, but he is the most rounded in his abilities and the most balanced one. ;)
hmmm i think im done for now ;D ask me later for more, maybe i'll have some more concrete ideas ;)
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semisomnosres · 16 days
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I'll try to throw in a little bit of lore
A mysterious disease that only the Norisu clan could resist at the cost of their lives. Unfortunately, it was not possible to completely eradicate it and it terrorizes the city to this day, and only a ninja, thanks to the mask, can fight monsters without being absorbed by this filth. The disease is called the “Sorcerer’s Curse”; in ancient Japan it was believed that all illnesses and misfortunes were the fault of demons/yokai/punishment of the gods and other evil spirits. It all started with the fact that one of the first infected was mistaken for an evil sorcerer who cast a curse on everyone, which was completely wrong, but rumors spread like wildfire, and somehow, imperceptibly, this name stuck. (The First already has a shitload of things to do, he is one of those people who, if he could, would not blink so that he could work more, but coming up with an adequate name and then accustoming people to it is clearly not what he wants to spend his time on.)
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Mutated beasts appeared just as unexpectedly along with the infection. Ugly, evil, hungry creatures, wreaking chaos and eating everyone they find. They usually live and hunt in their own territory, but at the same time they have the audacity to sneak into the city to hunt. The curse had a strong impact on the environment, poisoning the land for years and changing it over so many years so that some places resemble nightmares. (For example: Trees that look like a trypophobic hell, boiling swamps where even the steam burns to the point of pain, living pieces of meat growing straight from the ground and other delights that an adequate person would not want to see in person)
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It’s relatively safe within the city, except for moments of monster attacks (which a ninja can handle) and shitty weather: hail of icy needles, acid rain season, etc. This is already common and people have adapted to such conditions over so many years. But there are also truly dangerous places where only a ninja or a complete idiot would go. (the level with the swamp from Dark Souls says hello)
From time to time, Randy has to go there voluntarily (forcibly), because only there can he get ingredients for some drugs (like those cones for creating smoke bombs) Infected people - It is quite easy to distinguish from animals - by preserved human features, personal belongings, hair, and the ability to speak humanly (but usually it turns out something incoherent, or the infected person repeats the same word) Over time, their consciousness and body will change more and more: they will begin to forget about themselves, become more aggressive and experience constantly incessant pain from body deformation and insatiable hunger (The speed of development of the virus depends on the person, some can retain their sanity and control over their actions to the last, while others They immediately break down and begin to attack those around them)
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Although there are difficult situations, it will be possible to reverse the transformation, but there is an exception. - if they eat a person, or simply taste blood, then they are immediately classified as beasts and belong to extermination. (there is another point of infection, which I will talk about a little later). As in the canon, they are also called Abominations, but for a slightly different reason. In origa, their breath simply stinks, here the unpleasant odor appears due to the decomposition of cells by parasites. They smell like rotten meat in swamp soil and metal.
Logically, I decided to make changes in the approach to battles. (combat medics) They also use weapons/magic, etc., but in the original the ninja has a choice of how hard and how deep he will push the nunchucks into someone’s insides, there are more choices of poisons and types of heals.
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Another idea is that it depends on the character of the ninja whether the treatment will be painless or even the feeling of an injection will be the same as being hit with a knife
And I will mention a person who has an important role in the city - McFist. As a true smart-ass capitalist, he managed to make money from the epidemic. (And more precisely, selling all sorts of devices for home protection, umbrellas against acid rain, alarms, etc. And his second profitable industry is the funeral home) Not to say that he is a straight-up villain here, he rather has the vibe of an annoying neighbor. It infuriates him that a ninja, in the heat of fulfilling his duties, can (accidentally) ruin some of his stores, and the ninja is annoyed that it’s up to him to clean up the consequences of some of his awesome ideas (for example, he will build a plant right near the borders of the city, where in the end the pipeline became for monsters highway directly to the city sewer system.)
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qianqiancandyjar · 3 months
Struggle of the Caged Bird (Yokai Ninja AU Chapter 8)
Warning: a little blood and killing.
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Some explaining:
I should probably mention Mac is 20 while Randy is 14 in this AU. Mac has stayed in Norisu Clan for six years (reference to the canon). He's like a jerk brother to Randy. Also, he got some inspiring talking skills like in the canon (which I have no idea what he said as well).
When Randy recalls something he shouldn't, Nomi's mind-wiping thing will give him a headache as warning. He will black out for a second.
I didn't forget Howard, of course. I mean, how could I? He'll be mad. :P
Some questions are also what I want to ask about the canon, such as: what had happened before First Ninja know there's a way to turn people back? Yep, I'm so curious that I stuff them in the comics.
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missadmyre · 8 days
Sorry for the slightly stupid question, but could you explain to me the concept of MoV in general terms (no art part, just text)? In order for me to have more specific questions, of course...
I see that this AU is significantly different from MIS, and I want to get rid of the feeling that I don't know/understand something when I see your work in the list of works for this tag. This feeling... confuses me.
If you have any deep psychoanalytic thoughts about MoV, feel free to share them. I love this <3
Oof, deep psychoanalytical thoughts huh...
I do have thoughts about how complicated both First and Chase's relationship would be, especially with their clashing ideals, just can't explain it with simple words.
Imma try to explain it though, but beware, it might cause more confusion since I'm not really a native English speaker.
By concept, you mean how MOV au works or started as a whole? Imma roll back to the start of this au and then we delve on what specific details this au has on both First and Chase (both the obvious ones and the ones I still haven't discussed about).
STARTING DETAILS (BACKSTORY) OF THIS AU - First and Chase first met during 1213, after First had trapped the Sorcerer.
- Chase purposefully planned this meeting for fact that he knew what First is capable of after getting the knews from one of his fallen warriors
- First is absolutely confused at the creepy guy that keeps disturbing him when doing work, he tries to shoo Chase off while Chase tried to offer mortal greed to him
- Chase then knew that normal methods of convincing wouldn't work so why not get the Ninja to join him through competitiveness, aka battles.
- which escalated to when Chase had messed with First's villagers, which pissed him off, causing a fight and a deal to not mess with the villagers but not including him.
- ofc, Chase would be intrigued since this is a guy that can go toe-to-toe with him, which is special bc Chase had lived for 200 years and had lots of experience yet somehow a mortal can equate him in a fight?
- as playful teasing and sparring with sexual tension began to earn meanings, they both started to be conscious about the feelings they harbored towards each other, they both find ways to justify that it is NOT what they think it is.
Now, here's the part where I just really don't know how to translate into text, so bare with me with my explanations.
- See, they both know they are in love with each other BUT they are afraid of changing themselves just to be able to love each other.
For First, he's afraid he has to change his morals, his beliefs, everything he stands for, just to believe in Chase, to think it's okay to love Chase for what he is, actually evil with no way of changing. It feels as though he is staining the family name, the Norisu Clan, as he has fallen in love with a man who is the polar opposite of what he stands for, he feels guilty about it.
For Chase, he's afraid because then he would have to change to be able to fit into First's ideals, to be good, just so the man couldn't leave him. He's scared of attachments because he doesn't know if he can let go of said attachment without it being seen as an obvious weakness, a vulnerability. He has been manipulated once when Roy Bean had offered him to drink the Lao Mang Lone soup because of his attachment to power.
Yes, power, even if lost, can be regained once more with time, but what about loved ones? Death and being forgotten is something Chase is afraid of imo, and those fears can and will happen on a mortal, so what happens when that comes to a certain mortal that he loved? The deep feeling of experiencing such loss is far more scary than any monster in the world.
When Chase and First had done the dragon bonding, that fear increased to a hundred, because there is no going back on this. So when First disappeared from the face of the earth, he was relieved, because yes, he can confirm that First is still alive, but now that his weakness cannot be found, he feels safely secured because no one can take advantage of him. Still doesn't stop him from almost tearing out mountains just to find his man.
Yeah, that's all I got, it's still incomplete as I don't know how to put it into text, but I'm sure I can, one way or another. I'm really sorry if this isn't enough info, I'll try to be more lore-heavy but I can't really blurt out info that I can't even explain in my own terms.
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gsstories · 3 months
Kunoichi of Norrisville
As the title says, I have had an idea for a female ninja, a Kunoichi! I told this idea to my good friend @ikari-shinsei and we have had so much talking about the relationships between the Ninjas and their respective Kunoichi!
I know this has been done before, not exactly full on original but I love how much we have developed the idea so far. So, like in most stories, the Kunoichi is the Ninja’s partner, the ying to his yang, the water to his fire, the moon to his sun, you get the idea. The Kunoichi did not originate from Norrisville nor was it involved with the Norisu clan since the beginning. In fact, before the Kunoichi came to be, they were a trio of sisters who happened to be witches, all specializing in different magical aspects: the eldest, spirits and souls; the middle, magical artifacts and weapons; and the youngest, potions and spells. The eldest and the youngest ended up passing away after an attack just after creating the Kunoichi mask. Its purpose was to let the sisters use the other sisters’ specialized magic since they had a hard time doing so on their own. Now, the middle one, the First Kunoichi, was out and about traveling, taking out any monster that came her way. Next thing she knows, she has her knife to the throat of a man in black and red ninja attire.
The Kunoichi has powers similar to the Ninja, although they are usually more spiritually connected. They have a book similar to the Ninja Nomicon called the Kunoichi Codex (I did not come up with this, it was a writer in Quotev who I shall name later!) The Codex is a bit more direct to whoever has it, considering its writer was not as cryptic as the writer of the Nomicon. The Kunoichi uses war hand fans as a primary weapon and uses a sickle as a secondary one. She has knives hidden in most of her persona and the shoes she got? They are made of metal that can cut through almost anything. (Yes, I was inspired by Carmilla Carmine from Hazbin Hotel, is it obvious-?)
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This is the current Kunoichi, whose name is Gin Rose (my persona). She is in the 9th grade and while she is smart academically, she is very dumb when socializing. There is a Yokai in the stone with the Tengu called a Bakeneko, a type of cat demon. Once it was sealed away, she gained a new ability called ‘Neko Moon Strike’. Her type of fighting style is one that resembles dancing, specifically ballet, which is a thing that comes with every Kunoichi, they always incorporate dancing in their fighting. It makes them look graceful and can be extremely useful. Their legs are their most lethal weapon.
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First Kuno was a stubborn, anger issues yet quite emotional woman. She was untrusting of people for a long while up until meeting First Ninja. She was… very hostile when they first met, they did not like each other at all. But as time went on, they found themselves getting closer. Eventually, they became friends and soon enough, lovers. They became engaged and cared for each other dearly, First Ninja being the one showing the most affectionate which was usually just headpats or hand holding when they were not in their suits. First Kuno would always blush! F!Kuno used to call F!Ninja a ‘fool’, and now she calls him ‘my fool’. F!Ninja calls her ‘Moonflower’ due to it being a flower she really likes and the symbol she uses in her person when she in Kunoichi form. Sadly, not long after the fight with the Sorcerer and sealing him away, she fell ill and passed away in her beloved’s arms. A tragic end to the original Duo. But death is not the end, no, it’s merely the door to a new life.
I’ll let you figure that one out :)
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Have a RC9GN ish art style First Kuno!
If anyone wishes to learn more about this AU or has any ideas or headcannons, I would love to hear them! Who knows, perhaps some of those ideas can help me develop the Kunoichi role even more!
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enter-the-nomicon · 13 days
If Nomi had alcohol, how did they get it? Wasn't them a book? How old was them when they taste for the first time?
In my AU and fic (ETN), Nomi was always a human before they got cursed and bound to the Nomicon. (They get cursed during a battle against the Sorcerer.) While Nomi can't permanently leave the Nomicon (or leave too far away from it), they can still walk around as a human. The only reason they don't do it more often is to avoid being discovered by the Sorcerer and because they prefer staying in the Nomicon. It makes training ninjas less painful if they don't become attached :’) Additionally, it's pretty hard for Nomi to maintain their human form for more than a day.
Onto how old Nomi was when they first drank and how they even got a hold of alcohol— I swear I'm not trying to promote underage drinking or anything, but Nomi came from a time where there wasn't a solid legal drinking age in either Japan (where their parents and much of the villagers of their old home were from) or America (aside from the local natives, the Norisu colony, according to RC9GN’s weird history, were the first to settle in America). There likely wasn't serious regulation or enforcement on what age you could drink, and it probably rested on individual clans and families to decide for themselves :0 So, yea,, , I don't have an exact age for when Nomi first drank alcohol. They could have been somewhere between 15 - 18 years old (their current biological age) when they first had alcohol. I never decided ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
And where or how did Nomi get a hold of alcohol? They pretty much just bought it themselves 😅 At least, before Americans made underage drinking a more serious concern and established a legal drinking age, but by that point, Nomi wasn't really drinking alcohol anyway.
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nadaespecial2 · 1 year
I had this kinda stupid au where randy was one of the last decedents of the Norisu clan. That could be why the tegu canny take full control of randy unless he is in emotional distress.
Imagine this:
It could be that for generations they were trained to hold and control their emotions, making them a perfect vessel in case the Tengu needs to be contained.
That would be one of the missions for the Norisu, in addition to containing the Sorcerer.
I love that.
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mai-mai-lim · 2 years
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Randy Cunningham
Title: Versatile Ninja Allegiance: Norisu Clan Rarity: 5 Star Weapon type: Sword Element: Pyro
In-game description: A young boy who is more known to the public as the “Norisu Ninja”. Despite being a ninja, he tends to make a loud entrance.
this was done in like February 2021 when i was fresh into Genshin Impact and played a lot and the idea of my fav characters being in genshin were stuck in my head. i realized i never posted this here and im still kinda proud with the result so here it is heh
this was also done before i started designing an outfit for him hence he’s wearing the canon ninja outfit
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eddo-tensei · 1 year
Companion AUs: Ninja of Paris and Miracles in Norrisville
While I'm on hiatus, I actually ended up making up some AUs with a friend of mine. I wrote these premises so far, but if you guys like it, I can try and post more of what was thought up.
Miracle in Norrisville: Long ago, Norrisville was nearly destroyed by a mad Sorcerer. However, thanks to the efforts of the Norisu Nine, they were able to put the Sorcerer under the town and ensured that he would never escape. With that, the clan moved beyond Norrisville, sensing evil beyond the place they called home. Thus, thanks to the combined efforts of the Norisu clan, the Sorcerer laid dormant under the town for centuries. Legends of Ninjas going throughout the world were spread to the point and it all traced back to the town they started in, making it a hotspot for tourists. However, it led to commercialism dominating the town and eventually leading to the gradual takeover currently being set in place by McFist Industries. This rampant corruption has been taking an effect on the town and eventually, it began to reach the long-dormant Sorcerer who is now trying to make his move to escape. However, around the same time, an old man with nowhere to go by the name of Wang Fu took residence in Norrisville only to start sensing the evil that is trying to unearth itself. While he doesn't know what this power truly is at first, he knew that he had to make sure Norrisville would be saved for while he was old, he was not unarmed. In his possession is the Miracle Box and as its Guardian, he must find warriors that would aid him in his quest to save Norrisville from falling to chaos. Through, he ended up finding some...rather interesting individuals in the high school he lived near.
The Ninja of Paris: For centuries, the Norisu Clan had opted to spread its efforts to protect people across the world and while they know they will not last long, they decided to create a tradition among its members. Every four years, they must find those with a strong heart and will to bear their masks to protect the world from chaos. Those warriors would then move and pass on the masks to the next generation, no matter where they lived. This resulted in ongoing legends of the Shinobi that transcended borders. These masks, along with their own tomes, would eventually find their way into Europe. The last Shinobi to bear the Ninth Mask of the Norisu would end up in Paris before they would be forced to give it up. At the same time, however, a mysterious individual had started to put out cursed butterflies known as Akumas in hopes of finding a power strong enough to grant a wish. At this point, the tome and mask would find itself being placed in the room of a young girl. The daughter of bakers, Marinette Dupain-Cheng would be shocked to find a box that held these items as she had been granted the Shroud of the Tengu. Putting in on, Marinette now found herself with the responsibility to save her town from evil. However, as time went on, she would find that her destiny would intertwine with so many people. Even those beyond the limits of her home.
What do you guys think?
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RC9GN: Thoughts Post-S2 Finale
this show had no right- a cliffhanger?
I have so Many Thoughts on the would’ve-been season three and the other stuff that might have come to be (keeping my paws crossed on the idea of it coming back-)
Now, here’s another set of rambles;
It took me way too long to realize about “the cowboy” in the series- before realizing his importance, I honestly thought he was sort of like, a nudge to the creator? But no, oh my god. I’m genuinely curious on the recurring characters that are meant to be immortal, because there’s also Plop Plop, but specifically about “the Creep” - he’s a messenger, and he clearly knows more than he let’s on. We know he doesn’t really pick the next Ninja, but I feel that he also knows- somehow- who might be a good fit. Randy wasn’t chosen just because
(The outlier is Mac Antfee which… doesn’t make sense to me-? But then again it’s a cartoon- it doesn’t always need to make sense)
Another thing! I seriously wanted a bigger battle between Ghoulian/Evil Julian, the Sorcerer, and Randy- like hello? Also, just- Randy’s such a dumb kid, but to be fair, he’s also fourteen. I kind of learned to read between the lines of what the Nomicon means, though not all of it is that obscure. Randy’s just a little bit dumb /lh (although we all know that boy has ADHD-)
Anyway, back to the battle- I know it’s just a cartoon but honestly, Randy tag-teaming Evil Julian with the Sorcerer was such chef’s kiss, and holy- instead of just returning the Sorcerer into his prison, like I genuinely would’ve loved to see Randy uncovering a new power and the battle lasting longer; getting more and more intense, lowkey Randy getting cornered and then a final defeat- I know this doesn’t make sense now oof but still! I wanted more
I seriously really thought that Julian might’ve been clued in on Randy’s identity as the Ninja but ig I was wrong-
Okay, this- this is actually something I wanted to comment on;
After learning about Secrets of the 9, there’s not just one but nine other realms out there- and I don’t know about you,, but getting a chance to explore what they could’ve been would be amazing.
It’s also interesting to note that, well, we have the Norisu 9 and we don’t really know a lot about them- I’d seriously love for there to be a connection back? Nine seems to be a recurring theme, and I’m sure the logo/symbolism on Randy’s shirt also has its part to play, but anyway- this is mostly my self indulgent thoughts-
(For starters, the nine realms being trials that get harder and harder for the Ninja- like, that would be so interesting and fun and cool to mess around with; like, we have the Land of Shadows - which still has the Sorceress? Could she possibly come back? - but then we could have like, Land of the Embers, or something connected to fire- again, don’t pay me too much mind right now but still, I-
The other thing is the following: hear me out. What if the rest of the Norisu 9 are in the other realms? They’re somehow going to be influencing Randy, because I’m pretty sure he’s got to be connected to them somehow- I’ll cover this better later)
I know there’s not really much of an identity reveal with Randy, nor is it as important as it would’ve been with say, Danny Phantom- but if like, Julian or Theresa knew or somehow Debbie remembered, I think it could add a whole lot more drama. A lot more that I think could be a moving part of the show- and the other thing!
McFist and Viceroy. What’s going to become of them now that the Sorcerer has been defeated? I’d honestly still love for them to be reoccurring characters- not exactly as much foils to the Ninja anymore, but let them be kind of… allies? Or at the very least, I want someone to make the connection that the Ninja’s not literally 800 years old, that they’ve been fighting a literal high school freshman
Honestly maybe it’s just me being self indulgent with the idea of Viceroy adopting and/or lessening full on destruction of the Ninja because again, Randy’s fourteen. (He’s a literal teenager tasked with protecting a whole city from forces of evil that technically exist in another plane of existence- that’s so much for him to bear)
I want Randy to kind of reach breaking point and convince himself he’s not fit to be the Ninja, that he’s got to face off a monster or something that is too strong at first- but please, give me more scenes between the First Ninja and Randy. Giving them parallels would be so, so interesting- and maybe I just want more connections between the pair. Either the First Ninja sees himself in Randy, or- Randy’s a descendant of the Norisu 9
(The same way I’m fully convinced that Howard is a descendant of Plop Plop)
Okay, but also- I want more lore on the Norisu 9? Like, you’ve got this group of ninjas that were meant to take on the Sorcerer, and then slowly got picked off until one of them remained- who exactly were they? They definitely were a clan, and the First Ninja specifically mentions “the ultimate sacrifice” which means there was a major battle and somehow he survived- I’m going to traumatize him so much if I’m going to explore this; and also would there be creatures that are part of Japanese mythology? I honestly want to connect this idea back to the Kitsune OC I made for a previous prompt. I could use this to delve more into the relationship between “Finja” and the Kitsune- and if they knew each other in the early days
Additional Under-the-Cut Information
~ nine realms: different trials and new monsters/villains that the Ninja has to face; more specifically Randy since I imagine the other Ninjas didn’t directly have to face the Sorcerer
(possible connections to the Norisu 9, I like to think that there’s a curse but we’re getting off topic here- this is a story for another time)
~ the history behind why McFist seems to have it out for the Ninja- other than you know, being promised a superpower by the Sorcerer- based on creator details, McFist and Mac Antfee could’ve been friends?
~ other people getting possibly involved with the Ninja- leaning to it being Theresa or Julian, but Debbie remembering and/or figuring it out again could also be fun (provided she doesn’t go blabbing again-); I like to think each of them has specific qualities that would add depth to Randy- you know, if the show bothered to give him development (like Fowlham was supposed to be endgame- and Julian knows a lot more now, hello?)
~ if the Sorceress comes back- Randy and her would have to face off again, and I’m weirdly eager about that-
~ I’m going to stop here- for now. I think I might honestly write a fanfic for this? I’d draw it but since I can’t, well- this is the next best thing
- Mod Danny
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 3 months
What’s your input/theories on the Cowboy/Creep from rc9gn?
I don't have too many solid headcanons/theories about him tbh ʅ(◞‿◟)ʃ
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There are a few basic ones that i like to toy around with, like:
he is an immortal from ancient times, tasked to observe Norisu lineage/successors (perhaps as a punishment from the gods? or because he was bored?)- mostly based on Secret of 9 comment that he existed before First Norisville Ninja.
he was a time-traveler that was sent back to record Norisville's Ninja heroics. - Secret of 9 comment about how he is not of this time and also because cowboy hats werent around 800 years ago.
he is a being from another dimension, but came to this world to observe First Ninja and all future Ninjas (a bit of isekai trope is always fun!).
he was human, but after meeting/being saved by Norisu Clan, he somehow gained immortality and decided to serve their line.
he was a spirit guardian of Norisu family that took physical form after the demise of most of the clan, in order to assist First in keeping Ninjanomicon safe for future generations. (its also why he is the one evaluating future ninja candidates, because he continues to do his duty to Norisu clan).
The first and last ones are my favorites. ;D
But otherwise I'm content not to put him in a neat mental box of who&what! In my opinion, sometime a little bit of mystery is good for the soul. ;)
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azthedragon · 3 years
Oooh, any details you care to share on that unwritten RC9GN time travel fic? (Me, like a moth to flame: ooh, time travel!)
(ohhhh, time travel indeed!)
But... Hmmm... you mean "The Ninth", right?
Hmmm... I do have some chapters already posted, but it hasn't gone past that in quite a while, hm?
Well, the idea is me taking the last episode of season 1 and... further developing it. Including the entire Norisu clan rather than just First Ninja. I had plans to make this some sort of... trilogy... BUT! I've learned my lesson about making long fics without a smidge of a plan first. Not cancelled, but on hiatus until my wayward brain stops jumping around all these fandoms and decides it's time to finish some old stuff (and by the time that happens, I might revisit old chapters and clean them up. And make some sort of general outline than just outright pantsing...)
I'm not sure I should share more because what I have is... plot sensitive.
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qianqiancandyjar · 9 months
Ninja Drama AU Summary
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Status: Discontinued and abandoned
Introductions/Story summary:
Randy is the last of Norisu, a cursed ninja clan with many secrets and magical arts. With nowhere to go after his sensei died fighting the Sorcerer, Randy turned to Leo, a Hamato Clan ninja he met when he was 8 (purely by accident).
Leo met Randy when he was practicing his ninpo by accidentally opened a portal to Norisu dojo. He thought he finally had a friend of like mind, until their senseis found out and forbid them meeting each other again. Leo started to dislike his family since then.
After all these years, the two friends came together again. With the Foot clan plotting something related to the fallen Norisu clan, the Hamatos must stop them from... whatever they were up to. What's more, Randy found he didn't know his own clan as much as he thought...
List of comics:
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Body-swap shorts
Ending pages
Something about this au:
I was really into the two ninjas back then, and wanted to see them interacting with, especially fighting alongside each other. That's why other characters show up little, Sorry.
Lately I am kinda running out of ideas.(Not that I don't have any, it's just difficult to get them together into a logical story)
The most OOC part of my comic is that they probably never tell jokes...I really can't think of any. TvT
More settings or how the story will go in my head:
Hey, this story is about two goofy teenage ninjas. They need to learn how to be responsible, right? However, that's my original thought. Now it's more like a selfish attempt to let them hang out.
Randy knew little about Norisu curse and the secrets behind it. It's because his sensei never told him. And that's quite a lot to tell...
The Sorcerer was defeated so he won't come out again...probably. Instead, the Sorceress will be Randy's main concern in the future.
The Hamatos fought the Shredder once already. Instead of a human spirit trapped in the dark armor like in the show, this Shredder really is a demonic leader of an evil ninja clan.
The Foot even knew more about Norisu than Randy. Those knowledges mainly came from Mac Antfee the traitor.
The Box of Shadow(like Pandora's box?), obviously, is a combination of the Land of Shadow and the Sorcerer's prison, containing evil things and dark secrets...
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missadmyre · 2 months
The Norisu Village Children Asks...
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In the peaceful village of Norisu, lives the First Ninja, the ruler of said village. Loved by all of the citizens, he was hailed as the strongest and the wisest by the people.
He often helps the village to keep it up and running, doing hard labour as any of them were and stopping fights from breaking out. Because of his efforts, many seek of his knowledge of certain things.
"And that's why we should ask him about everything he knows! Come on now, most of the elders don't really know how to open up to us, I'm sure he's way more knowledgeable than them!" A kid in a blue kimono said.
"And that's why we don't ask him useless questions when we see him, remember? It would waste his time-" "Look! He's here!" a girl in an orange kimono was cut off by the sight of the First Ninja.
The kid in blue kimono ran up to him, his friends catching up as the kid began to fire questions at the heir of the Norisu Clan.
The First Ninja, while shocked at the sudden questioning, replied calmly at the kid, which in turn, made his friends comfortable enough to also ask their own questions.
Eventually, they had to stop, either due to them being called back to work or because they have other places to be.
"Bye First-sensei, we'll be back again tomorrow! And Scary-sensei too, I guess."
The kid in blue kimono softly whispered the last part, after which he got hit in the back of the head by the girl in orange kimono who scolded him. The kid with orange hair held hands with the meek girl in yellow kimono, opting to say their goodbyes with respect and grace.
"Those youths would come back to bother you again by tomorrow, and surely everyday if you let them keep this up." Chase looked at the First Ninja.
"They are at the age of curiosity, besides, if these youth are keen to know more about the world and village we live in, I suppose I could grant them the knowledge I have and let them pass it down to future generations." The lizard hybrid spoke no word, thinking of no comebacks.
"And surely you aren't offended by the fact that you were labeled as 'Scary-sensei', are you?" First chuckled, earning him a prideful denial from Chase, continuing their walk as the warlock began to pester the First Ninja for his accusation.
And yeah, I'm open for ASKS! You can ask anything about my MIS au, which is now called as Meaning of Vow AU. Thanks for reading.
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