norvicensiandoran · 2 years
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I'm legit contemplating printing and framing this.
Achievement unlocked I swear. 😂😂😂
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sanctaignorantia · 7 months
Thanks to @lensky-polonium and @norvicensiandoran for correcting me on which lullaby this is. It's actually Rock-a-bye Baby, also known as Hush-a-bye Baby.
The rhyme exists in several versions. One modern example, quoted by the National Literacy Trust, has these words:
Rock a bye baby on the tree top, When the wind blows the cradle will rock, When the bough breaks the cradle will fall, And down will come baby, cradle and all.
The rhyme is believed to have first appeared in print in Mother Goose's Melody (London c. 1765), possibly published by John Newbery, and which was reprinted in Boston in 1785. No copies of the first edition are extant, but a 1791 edition has the following words:
Hush-a-by baby on the tree top, When the wind blows the cradle will rock; When the bough breaks the cradle will fall, Down tumbles baby, cradle and all.
The rhyme is followed by a note: "This may serve as a warning to the proud and ambitious, who climb so high that they generally fall at last." x
I particularly didn't want to think too much about this song because it also has a meaning for me as I own a string doll that plays the same lullaby I got as a baby. So I'll basically let Kojima surprise me with it, unless he quickly puts Higgs in charge of singing it to someone on a future occasion. But in my quick research I realized that there are several stories behind the meaning of its creation and now that we know the exact name, it's easier to look it up.
Sweet dreams :)
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blackbirdie1022 · 1 year
Tagged by @thatdamnokie
were you named after anyone? Real name: after friends of my parents . Name I use on here: Dream
when was the last time you cried? Two days ago
do you have kids? no; don’t want any.
do you use sarcasm a lot? Not a lot . Sometimes
what's the first thing you notice about people? Idk
what's your eye color? Blue-ish
scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings
any special talents? not bad at music
where were you born? midwest United States
what are your hobbies? Reading, writing music and poetry
have any pets? None
what sports do you play/have you played? None
how tall are you? 5'2”
favorite subject in school? Art, creative writing
dream job? I no longer dream of labor
Tagging : anyone that wants to play but especially @norvicensiandoran @graveyarddirt @mexistuck
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fierceawakening · 2 years
norvicensiandoran Idk what that means and I'm almost afraid to ask. 😂
It's "all will be one" in Phyrexian, which is a conlang invented for a fantasy/sci-fi race. Basically, think Borg expy with more body horror and genetic/ancestral memory. Their goal is to turn everyone in the Multiverse into them (with the exception of a small minority who seem to think it's weird not to want to join the collective, but that people should nonetheless get a choice.) Hence this motto/phrase.
I've been studying said conlang and know a little of it (there's no public official dictionary, just some translated phrases that people have deciphered and extrapolated from.)
This is one of the phrases we officially have written out in Phyrexian and English.
It's pronounced something along the lines of
kapa sh'iimashak
and roughly translated (we're not sure of the particle or the exact translation of the verb) is grammatically more like
(will) + (into?/all? + one + we unify?/merge?)
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litheriel · 4 years
31, 40
31. 3 random facts - The village I currently live in has a memorial for the well over 20 people that have been executed during the witch trials in the 17th century - It also has a museum which I haven’t gotten around to visit yet because,, well,, Covid - It’s my brother’s birthday this week and he turns TWENTY which feels wrong because he’s my baby brother and not allowed to be an actual adult
40. favourite memory Gonna go with my current favorite memory bc I have a lot of memories I’m very fond of and not just one “ultimate” memory lol A memory I’ve been holding near and dear for the past couple of weeks (bc summer) is the roadtrip through England I went on with @wildermouse and @sunfl0wer-spirit . I miss these guys, the beautiful landscapes and old buildings so much Thanks for the asks!
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thoradvice · 4 years
The Fool, Justice. (Re: tarot asks)
thank u !
the fool: do you have any nicknames?
my girlfriend calls me ev + my best friend calls my evvy !! (my name is evan)
justice: favorite color of rose?
red !
tarot asks !
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replied to your
Ableism in Star Wars: Why Deformity as a Shorthand...
Because Luke wasn’t missing a hand???
Yup. Absolutely stellar representation for blind people. Because all disabilities are exactly the same thing, right? I learned ASL to communicate with my wheelchair using friend, aren’t I so progressive?
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theemperorsfeather · 6 years
norvicensiandoran replied to your post “Knee-jerk wasp hatred irritates me, especially when it comes from...”
I mean, I just would like a summer to go by without 5 of them getting stuck in my attic space per day and repeatedly trying to figure out if *I'M* the food
Eurgh, yeah, that’s not a good time.
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pnw-chaplain · 7 years
Two readings, one night... this time I'll be more specific. I got another financial kick in the head today, and need advice on which goddamn rock that's in front of me to turn over and look under. For fun, I'll give the spirits of the green cloud a few code words for options - "creative," "slow," "questionable," "YesMan," "???"
I lit another candle for you bby. That’s not a euphemism, it just felt like a smart thing to do.
Oy. What I’m getting from this right off the bat is that sometimes, that shit is just life and your job isn’t so much to find out why as to ride through it. Luck is a bitch.
However, the PAGE OF PENTACLES has made an appearance too, as like an influence exerting some of its energy onto the Wheel. The way you encourage you luck to right its course in this situation is to really get to the nitty-gritty pactical shit. Become a student of pragmatism, and know what it is that is within your control. Get curious, you may be surprised.
I’m sorry things are rough, bud. The Wheel of Fortune will come back with good things in due time.
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callmeblake · 3 years
@language15 and @norvicensiandoran
I appreciate your interest in my old post!
I have just found a re-blog from April, of a re-blog from 4 years ago, of a very OLD version of my tumblr tricks post. This is the new one.
Post theory hasn’t been functioning for a very long time as a tag cloud, and you’re right, it only went 7,000 posts back. The current tag could only goes 2,000 back. But it is better than nothing. https://drunkonschadenfreude.com/
They’ve since fixed the issue with ‘s (such as a tag like frank’s hair) - but thanks for the info on it originally being the sparser!
Though to be fair unless you search for the tag with tag search most times you won’t find it still, especially on older blogs. Cut that apostrophe off if it’s for example a place like mcdonald’s (to mcdonald) and you will have much better luck IF they happen to have ones with text and then you can go to the tag (IF they tag) and all’s good.
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norvicensiandoran · 2 months
Probably the social media where people know me best... at least outside of Facebook and oddly that's not my first thought.
So uh... my mom's in the hospital. She's used to me throwing up prayers to other deities on her behalf too, so if anyone wants to go to Eir for her that would be okay too, or Jesus since she's Christian herself anyway...
But uh.
She had a spider bite from a brown recluse back in January. She reacted badly from the treatments too, it got a secondary infection, and... she went septic. As in, even the blood is infected. She can't manage to sit up and is on ice chips and fluids even though she's clear to eat (and honestly she hadn't thought of asking for the ice chips until I mentioned them, only that she couldn't sit up to sip water properly).
So yeah. Uh... prayers plz.
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blackbirdie1022 · 2 years
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I posted 10,711 times in 2022
That's 603 more posts than 2021!
60 posts created (1%)
10,651 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 499 of my posts in 2022
#long post - 38 posts
#nudity - 27 posts
#long reads - 21 posts
#lol - 20 posts
#full moon - 17 posts
#artistic nudity. - 15 posts
#let me know if i need to tag this - 12 posts
#perelandra - 10 posts
#snake - 9 posts
#!!! - 8 posts
Longest Tag: 122 characters
#iirc one of the characters in the holy mountain was called the thief and i think he was supposed to be like the fool card…
My Top Posts in 2022:
now crossing the border from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of light
4 notes - Posted March 20, 2022
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8 of pentacles
4 notes - Posted January 5, 2022
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Tarot of the Saints
5 notes - Posted September 24, 2022
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Mysteries of the Black Madonna Tarot
27 notes - Posted January 15, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
got tagged in a game by @thatdamnokie
“rules: spell out your url with song titles, then tag as many people as there are letters in your url.”
Be Thou My Vision
Let It Be (Beatles)
And Now I Can Write On Both My Arms (Aiming For Aurora)
Crazy In Love (Beyoncé)
Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door (Bob Dylan)
Beautiful (Christina Aguilera)
I Told You I Was Freaky (Flight of the Conchords)
Roxanne (the Police)
Deborah (T Rex)
It is Not Meant To Be (Tame Impala)
Everywhere (Michelle Branch)
I’m not doing the #s
@cocofetti @artheauxofficial
@tinybongfaerie @norvicensiandoran
@graveyarddirt @queerxican
@thedumbbrunette0-0 @inquietstrength @the-hierophant-satyr
180 notes - Posted September 14, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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fierceawakening · 3 years
@norvicensiandoran The idea is that you try to keep people safe and guide the person into reconciliation with the law and other humans simultaneously. Until you’ve done the latter they still don’t get full freedom to walk around and hurt more people. If the latter can’t be done, you still try to split that difference between helping them be the best least harmful person they can and keeping others safe. Or such is my understanding anyway.
(I’ve seen the movie in your other comment. Too tough to paste two replies into One post. Kind of wish they’d ax the feature or hugely limit size)
Oh, yeah, that makes sense to me. That does seem ideal. I just… the Trump administration and its lasting effects have made me more convinced than I ever used to be that some people… well, not necessarily that they’re born bad or totally unreachable, but that reaching them may be more effort than we’re capable of.
Like Mitch McConnell, say. Is it possible that steadily treating him decently over years and years might shift his outlook and make hi less greedy? Yeah, but… I hate to be rude about this but how long does he have? Vs how long he’s spent being treated like his way of doing things I’d okay?”
I dunno. I just feel sometimes from my own experience flailing around trying to do social services that… some people really don’t seem to change, and to keep hoping they will is to sunk cost fallacy over and over and over again.
Most people do, and I think that’s important. But I feel like people on both the left and the right try to make this less complicated than it actually is.
Right: Throw the book at em! They rejected the social contract and deserve society’s iron fist right in the place it’s most uncomfy!
Left: Anyone can change 😁😁😁😁 though oddly, not an establishment Democrat running for office
And I just I dunno, I imagine a fresh faced young male social worker (cos a female ones prob a Bad idea) meeting with Epstein in the alternate universe where he’s still alive, brightly smiling and asking “okay but have you considered masturbating instead? 😁🌟✨💫🌈🌈” every day for years, wondering in an adorable Pure of Heart but Dumb of Ass way why he doesn’t seem to get it yet.
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pastorwitch · 6 years
Hey there. I suddenly felt a very deep call to Mother Mary and was wondering if you had any favorite ways of honoring her? I’ve got the usual candle and prayers thing covered but it doesn’t feel like enough right now.
Hello! I don’t actually work with Mary, though I’m glad to hear your are taking time to honor her. Does anyone else have suggestions? @rikkalorelei? @norvicensiandoran?
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pnw-chaplain · 7 years
This is a callout post for @norvicensiandoran for not sending me an ask yet when you are clealy into what I’m doing
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norvicensiandoran · 2 years
So if anyone remembers way back when I started this blog, I was still processing my divorce. Loki helped me do that.
My ex husband, as I mentioned in my deconstruction essays, wound up an Odin worshipper. (And no, not a racist one.)
He passed away recently. I am still seeking more info on it, but what I do know is he was given a Catholic funeral and Burial.
He was Heathen. He had left Catholicism.
I don't know if prayers or rituals for him from me will be welcome, but as a friend pointed out... they'd HAVE to be more welcome than that bullshit.
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