#nosho drabbles
ian-galagher · 6 months
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Three fucking weeks.
Three weeks of being lost in the thicket. Three weeks of thorns in his skin and mud soaked clothes. Three weeks of lights in the corner of his eye that always vanished without a trace when he so much as turned his head.
Twenty-one days of thinking he was going fucking insane.
A frustrated growl slipped through Mickey's lips.
Enough was enough.
"Where are y- … fuck, man, I don't even know your stupid name."
He barely had any time to register the gentle breath ghosting over the shell of his ear.
"That's because you never asked."
--- and if you wind up in the dark again (just turn and call my name)
story by Nosho @creepkinginc
art by Alice @darthvaders-wife --- Twitter Redbubble Instagram Patreon BuyMeACoffee Commissions info  Ao3 Boosty
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aus under #noshos au vault. headcanons under #noshos hc vault. fanart under #noshos fanart vault. drabbles / writing under #nosho drabbles or #nosho writes. creations of all sorts under #nosho creates.
> master post: alternative universes.
> master post: headcanons.
> master post: drabbles / writing. > masterpost: trans!mickey x will-o'-the-wisp!ian. > masterpost: mirrorworld au.
> master post: creations.
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transmickey · 1 year
hi, i'm obsessed with your url, please let me know what's your personal trans!mickey headcanon of the day, thank you, complimentary wheat field-
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helloooo!!!!! i have been thinking about t4t gallavich So much lately (t4t gallavich truthers assemble). i just think they they do their testosterone shots together its basically date night. every week they get their dose of man juice, get cosy nd watch movies the rest of the evening. just being happy + free together ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶
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heymrspatel · 9 months
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will you accept this as compensation for the emotional damage? 👀🌾🍏
ok….. fine. i accept. how could i not? i want to hug one so bad. pleaaasse 🥺
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galladrabbles · 17 hours
hello, hello, galladrabbles crew - excited to have my turn again, the time flew by FAST.
anyway, throwing some more music on everyone's ears,
crystals by of monsters and men
shall be your prompt.
have a complimentary apple 🍎🍎🍎 to get the braincells running, see y'all on the other side 👋💚
Thank you, dearest Nosho!
For sliding in last minute and for being our prompter this week. And for the apple, of course!
Have fun with this musical prompt, dear Galladrabble peeps:
Crystals by Of Monsters and Men
Happy Drabbling Everyone!
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softmick · 12 days
Super Special Thursday Tag Game
thanks for tagging me, Gigi!! @sgtmickeyslaughter <3
How did you get into the fandom?  I came to tumblr to find gifs and stumbled into fic and an active fandom.
How long have you been here? One year today!!! I made this thing on June 6th and posted two drabbles the first day. A @galladrabbles for "Still Into You" by Paramore and a drabble based on @darthvaders-wife art!!
What’s the first fandom channel you found? (Youtube, Reddit, Tumblr, Insta, Twitter, FB, other?) Tumblr! I'm not looking anywhere else.
what’s your favourite now?  Tumblr.
Which mutual have you known the longest in the fandom? I'm not sure? I think it took me a week to insert myself into Nosho and Cameron's trans Mickey thoughts. That's the first interaction I remember, anyway.
Which tumblerino’s did you have your first fandom crush(es) on and wanted to get to know? Let me be for real for a second. I have too many tumblr crushes to name! If I've ever tagged you or replied to your post or written elaborate embarrassing tags on your stuff, it's probably you! I spend 97% of my time feeling awkward and/or depressed but we're all friends in my head.
First Gallavich fan fic you read (or that blew you away that you remember) I accessed @thegallavault really early on and I think Cooperative Gameplay was the first long fic I read and I really enjoyed it.
First fan art that blew your mind?  I am very much not an artist so I kind of have my mind blown all the time and I could list so many but @harukanaaaa's baby Ian makes me feel INSANE. I found it kind of soon after becoming active and idk man, something about it just melts me inside.
Fanfic trope that you were sure wasn’t for you but now you low key (or high key) love? I was about to say ABO and realized that's a LIE. I still don't really like it. But there are specific fics in this fandom that I've enjoyed. And Sports AUs. Loving them a lot, surprisingly.
What surprised you most about this fandom? I felt super welcomed right from the beginning which I didn't expect at all. It's also more diverse in some ways than I've seen before.
Moment in the show (or YT vids if you’re one of those) that you fell in hyperfixation with Gallavich? The first was probably "take your hand off the glass" where I was like okay, yeah, these two. But the 5x11 fight is peak for me.
Ian or Mickey? Ooof. It's Mickey, but really this is just a rude question.
Which Gallagher or Milkovich are you? Oh man. I think the reason I love the show so much is that I can relate to parts of all of the Gallagher/Milkovich kids and there's no way I could pick one. In the past I've said Fiona, but it doesn't feel very accurate atm.
I just tried tagging two people and they didn't pop up as taggable so please please please if you want to do it I'm tagging you and you can tag me back!!!
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darlingian · 4 months
chani, you sweet human, how about 6, 12, and 24 for the fandom asks? 🍎💚
hey Nosho! 6. something you see in art a lot and love: Ian's big paws wrapped around the back of Mickey's head. It's very good.
12. compliment someone else in your fandom: @creepkinginc I adore your whole magical vibe. The drabbles you make are so lovely. That's not even going into how encouraging and kind you are to everyone! You're a pleasure to know, Nosho! <3
24. how has fandom positively impacted your life: how hasn't it? Fandom is always around to come back to like a warm hug. Gallavich fandom specifically is so welcoming and sweet. The friends I've made here and the kindness I've been shown has quite literally helped me keep going. I know it sounds dramatic and slightly silly but loving the character Ian Gallagher has been life saving.
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creepkinginc-au-vault · 11 months
master post: drabbles / writing.
no78: zipper.
horror movie au.
no79: truce.
no80: "revel in your time" by gunship.
no81: "love is insane" - gayassnatural.
no82: "if you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything".
forest spirit: birthdays (gift for @/flamingbluepanda)
no83: end of the world.
no84: perseverance.
no86: dream.
no87: control.
no88: a leap of faith.
no89: let me.
no90: sworn enemy.
trans!mickey x will-o'-the-wisp!ian. > pt1 / no91: childhood comfort. > pt2 / no92: caught up. > pt3 / no93: chore. > pt4 / no94: you know this guy? > pt5 / no95: haircut. > pt6 / no96: you never asked. > pt7 / no97: boobs. > pt8 / no98: "crack the shutters" by snow patrol. > pt9 / no99: "hey" by the pixies". > pt10 / no100: two-year anniversary / artwork by @/suzy_queued. > pt11 / no101: secret. > pt12 / no103: "habit" by louis tomlinson. > pt13 / no104: "ring of fire" by johnny cash. > pt14 / no105: long live. > pt15 / no106: room for more. > pt16 / no107: bareback. > pt17 / no108: "21 questions" by waterparks. > pt18 / no109: cold shower.
ten and two. (gift for @/surviving-maybe)
no110: petrichor.
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galladrabbles · 7 months
hey there people and mystical beings - the creatures of the forest and i would love to hear your stories for our musical prompt this week:
speak soft by as it is. (youtube // spotify.)
excited to get bewitched by everyone participating 🌾🍏
Hey, Nosho! Thank you, Nosho!
You read it here first, lovely creative Galladrabbles Crew. Our favourite goblin gives us a song prompt this week:
"Speak Soft" by As It Is.
So get your earphones and writing utensils. Breathe in nature and fresh air and Happy Drabbling Everyone!
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softmick · 8 months
hey tag games are back! thanks for tagging me friends, Nosho @creepkinginc , Ling @lingy910y , Kat @mybrainismelted , Krystal @krystallouwho , and Jess @jrooc
Name: meagan
Age: thirty-four
Favorite color: today it’s baby blue like the shirt my guy is wearing and his pretty eyes
What emoji best describes your current mood? 😴🥱 capital F fatigued
What season is it where you are right now? fall
Were you up before or after the sun this morning? we woke up together but that is a RARE occurrence
Are you currently in possession of a pumpkin? nope, i’m gonna gone for halloween
Do you prefer to carve or paint your jack-o-lanterns? i like carving, never tried painting one
Do you have a favorite pumpkin-spice flavored treat? the lattes are not good anymore imo, they fucked with the syrup or something. i like pumpkin chocolate chip cookies and pumpkin bread and pie though.
What's your favorite season and what's your favorite pie that you associate with it? summer, mixed berries
We're having a pot-luck, what are you going to bring? no clue. 🤷‍♀️ ziti, pasta salad, charcuterie?
It's chilly outside and you need a hot drink in your hands, what are you drinking? irish breakfast tea or a latte
Will you be wearing a costume for Halloween? Is it ready? nope! i haven’t dressed up for halloween since like 2008?
Finally, what's something you've made or done recently that you're proud of? i finished my drabble series even though i didn’t want to. also i got good feedback in my yoga teacher training last week 🥰
i think a lot of people have done this or have been tagged so ya know, ignore me if i missed yours and also do this if you haven’t and i didn’t tag you. @sam-loves-seb @m4ndysk4nkovich @flamingbluepanda @pilwsy @swiftfootedachilles
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ian-galagher · 1 year
Thank you for tagging me! 🥰🧡 Nosho @creepkinginc Julia @juliakayyy Evie @energievie and Auds @auds-and-evens
Not tagging anyone cause I'm super late and I don't know if people like horror or not, but if you see this and want to do it, please do! It's super fun!
@michellemisfit 😁you might like this 😁
Rules: use this quiz to find out what role you'd play in a traditional horror movie group, then write a drabble about a character of your choice in that role!
I got.... 😁
the comic relief you're the jokester, the prankster, the funny little guy who has the meta quips to ease some of that delicious tension the narrative's been building. you're there to lure the audience into a false sense of security so they don't see the next gruesome kill coming. you're probably pathetic and weird but your friends love you. unfortunately, you probably die in the end or you fake everyone out only to die for real in the sequel.
That's me! 😂
He was in real trouble now.
Ian couldn't possibly sink further into the wall but even if he could, would it have done anything to stop the vampire currently leaning over him?
He'd close his eyes to avoid having to watch his own demise but damn it if this wasn't the sexiest vampire he'd ever seen.
Just his luck, getting a boner as he was about to get killed.
Blue Eyes got frustrated when Ian didn't seem as scared as he clearly expected him to be.
"The fuck's the matter with you?" he barked, his fangs shimmering in the moonlight.
"Nothing, please proceed," Ian said, craning his neck to give Blue Eyes better access.
The pressure increased when the vampire leaned in closer but nothing happened.
What was he waiting for?
"Do you need me in another position?" Ian asked, though he was unable to move with the vampire keeping him pinned to the wall. "I can turn around if you prefer to take me from behind."
"No thanks," Blue Eyes said, quirking an eyebrow. "You gonna offer me some napkins next?"
"Would you like some?" Ian asked, thinking of the diner he'd past by earlier. It looked like they did good burgers in that place.
"You carry napkins on you?"
"No, but I do have some condoms on me, actually."
"Oh, so that what's in your pockets," the vampire said, his eyes moving down. "I was wondering what that bulge was. Seemed too big to just be your cock."
"The condoms are in my back pocket."
"Oh." The vampire seemed to rethink his decision to have Ian as a starter tonight. "How about you invite me back to yours and you show me everything you've got hidden away in those pockets, huh?"
"Deal," Ian said, happy to fuck his way out of a sticky situation. "And maybe I can be the vampire and you be my victim?"
"Only if when you bite me, you do it from behind, fire crotch."
"I wouldn't want it any other way."
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heymrspatel · 10 months
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NOSHO!! HI HI!!! that's us! on our little picnic blanket 🥰
how are you, my sweet? can i tell you that i did a happy dance when i saw your drabble tags? i'm just so happy for you and i'm truly sending you so much love! 💙
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