#nosy tag game
Nosy anon 37 18 34
goddamn, okay let’s go
18. Traumatic experience
ok i don’t really wanna talk about what takes first place but in 2020 i got really really sick and it got better but also it might not… so i would say that fucked me up a decent amount lmao. i hope that i’m over the worst of it tho
34. What do you find attractive in women?
god what don’t i. if they’re taller/stronger than me, like i would love to be picked up and slammed into the counter. willing to put up with my insanity and loves cuddles. neck fetish. anyways-
37. Insecurities?
if there’s anyone out there who says they’ve never had a thing about their bodies they’re fucking lying lmao. i don’t really love my jawline or hairline but i love my figure so i guess i’m okay with that. i also feel the older i get the more i get weirder and normaler simultaneously. so.
thanks for the ask!! keep them coming please 🙏
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29:A reason I’ve lied to a friend
To not hurt their feelings. I really used to hate feeling like I made someone sad or mad with me.
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aoseul · 9 months
your top 3 (or 5) ult biases :D
heeseung (enhypen)
yunjin (lesserafim)
yeonjun (txt)
tagging! @boyfhee @soov @seongclb @hanniluvi @hoonvrs @redm4ri @myonos @hyhees @hysgf @sngvhs @okwonyo @sjyuns @haknom @dollikis @hoonvrs @shuveri @shooyua @aernx @byhees @yeomha @yeokii @yenqa @weoris @luvistqrzzz @eumpapas @enmayz @enhastolemyheart @jaeyunverse @jaylver @soobnny @rkvriki
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queerdiazs · 9 months
wip wednesday ♥️
happy wednesday friends <3 i was tagged by @wikiangela, @exhuastedpigeon, and @rogerzsteven to share something so thank u all mwah
this is from eddie vs the hoa because he and buck made a pallet of blanket in the living room floor to sleep on and i think it was cute so please enjoy 🫶🏼
“I know,” Buck says, a little drowsy. And he does know—Eddie’s told him everything. There’s no secrets between them. “It’s big enough for you and Chris to grow in.”  “I think it could be a forever home.” It’s a whisper because anything louder might disrupt the moment. “Mine and my son’s and yours, too.”  Buck blinks, slow and sleepy. He’s less than five minutes from falling asleep; he worked so hard today. He deserves to rest. “Mine?” he repeats, voice pitched high like he doesn’t quite believe it.  Eddie’ll make him.  “Yours.” He reaches out, picks at a dark eyelash resting on Buck’s cheek, and holds the tip of his finger near Buck’s mouth. “Make a wish.”  Buck’s eyes cross, twin blobs of blue in the flickering light of the laptop screen, and he puckers his lips to blow a bit of cool air. The eyelash drifts off somewhere over Eddie’s shoulder, but he doesn’t care to know because the color of Buck’s eyes is the same shade of blue the sky was the night he stayed up with his abuelo.  “What’d you wish for?”  Buck chuckles. “If I tell you, it won’t come true.”  Eddie hums. “I’ll make it come true,” he swears, and he thinks Buck’s cheeks tint red, but it might just be from the light of the laptop screen. 
no pressure tagging @honestlydarkprincess, @giddyupbuck, @eowon, @eddiediaztho, @wildlife4life, @watchyourbuck, @thewolvesof1998, @alyxmastershipper, @jeeyuns, @fortheloveofbuddie, @hippolotamus, @ladydorian05, @callmenewbie, @nmcggg, and anybody else who wants to share something!
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vera-king-hrfl · 5 days
WIP Wednesday! Yeah, I'm doing it this time, because I eagerly await every wonderful offering from you beautiful people. Absolutely no pressure, but I am burning with curiosity regarding what you’re working on! As usual, it doesn't matter how nonsensical the titles are or if it's only an idea, but if you want to share, others can ask about a particular title and you can explain a bit if they're interested.
Tagging! @lazyjellyfish300 @dark-and-kawaii @drizztdohurtin @dutifullylazybread @faerunsbest @ziggyztarduzt @cinnasalmon @alixgracchus @reverieblondie
Here are mine.
1. More than a kiss
2. Waterdeep
3. Comfort in the Dark pt 2
4. Redemption
5. Gortash prequel
6. The devil you don't know
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chappelroans · 2 months
tagged by @deankarolina and @lesbianlotties to share my last listened to song
tagging: @madeline-kahn @lesbiandanvers @chappelroan (no pressure!)
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laiostoudenn · 2 months
tagged by @miradelletarot <3
✦ Last Song I Listened to: Super Graphic Ultra Modern Girl by Chappell Roan, currently OBSESSED with this song, it always makes me dance and just get pumped up
✦ Currently Watching: I'm watching like 5 things tbh but I think the last thing was an episode of My Hero Academia so I'm FINALLY getting into it
✦ Sweet/Savory/Spicy: Sweet 100%, I have a huge sweet tooth. THEN spicy.
✦ Relationship Status: Engaged 2 years now, waiting to graduate grad school to have the wedding
✦ Current Obsession: Baldurs Gate 3 (duh), Gale of Waterdeep, Halsin, my own OCs (mainly Othello), gif making has me in a chokehold, and Chappell Roan's ^^^ album (its SO good), oh and Soapghost (John "Soap" MacTavish & Simon "Ghost" Riley) from COD have me pinned
tagging @bastardcompany @losersimonriley @jennathearcher @waterdeepwhiskey @dr-demi-bee @selkiewizard and whomever else wants to do this
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kingdomvel · 7 months
New fic tag game!
No one has tagged me bc I'm starting this. If you are tagged, post a picture or write out the names of your fics/WIPS as they are in your computer/phone. (Explain the names if you think it's necessary)
Mine are:
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Obikin is Returning Hope and obikin modern is the physiotherapy au. I'm... not good at names.
Honorable mentions (not fic):
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Tag as many people as you like. I tag (no pressure): @tideswept @grapenehifics @virahaus @ineffable-snowman
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skz-maybe-incorrects · 5 months
Here's A Little Get-To-Know-You Tag Game!
Tagged by: de wonderfulest ppl @noonaracha @straykidsgallery and @itsstraykids thank you sm!!! (go appreciate their cool point stories!)
Name(s): juni! is what i decided. some friends on this hellsite also call me solar so wtv u prefer. atp i just have a bunch of nicknames bcs i also have a Weird Name, A Weirder (Family) Nickname in real life
Pronouns: he/she/they/it<3 when i say feel free. pls and thank u
Star Sign: libra, right when it starts (and just a day after seungmin's!)
#of Siblings And Fun Facts About Them(if u have any): one (1) younger gremlin brother, and the funnest fact abt them is that he has been a walking directory of telephone no's since he was 4 and now can be relied upon to calculate large numbers inside his head in point seconds. Still hates physics(and most things theory)> by which, he also stores insane and inane amount of stats info (abt all types of things, but mostly sports) inside his head ready to be flourished at a moments notice, which is mildly impressive when ur 6 and debating with college students the scores of a game that happened 15yrs before u were born but not now when ur 17 and ppl are more focused on your test scores rather than ones u know, so</3 also has his birthday on changbin's but he doesnt know abt that
#of Pets: there's a history there. with fishes that my ma deceived me with on my 12th birthday(when i asked for a pet, i imagined smth i could hold) and then liked too much herself that we had them for 5yrs. three times; birds, but my brother kind of freed them while singing a lullaby with only me as an unbelieving witness. a dog (belovedest of em all) my dad picked from street as a puppy and who, then, had to be given away after 3yrs bcs of Stupid Reasons im still mad abt. now i just have street cats showing up at my front door to safekeep their babies on my staircase's isolated nooks till they grow up and vanish and street dogs who believe i have endless supplies of treats and show me sad faces when i dont. i really want a pet</3 but for now im contending with pictures of kitties whose moms operate on strict 'see-dont-touch' policies and sweet sweet strays who like to befriend u too easy.
Fandoms: many, but rn im active mostly in skz and mxtx. id love to be in other stuff i read and watch but since Capitalism hates me dearly,,,
Favorite Color: darker shades of all and any colors(esp blue green and red)!!! can be relied upon immensely to look warm and pretty always
Favorite Song: picking favorites for anything is out of my capabilities. also am just listening to my favorite bollywood playlist a lot these days.
Favorite Author: have a working list of favorite poets that does not end at 1. have not read a book seriously in four years of exam/prep-locking. but even if i did, idt ill be able to pick any favorite bcs, yk. good things in many things. (tldr; its roald dahl) (and ruskin bond who i read when i was 5 and still read when im so tired bcs his stories inspire me to write always)
Hobbies: I dance(perform) sometimes? I write??(←derogatory, dubious) make stuff, mostly poems and stories and tinker with free things i can do, both online or craft. analysis of things with friends is a beloved activity. i liek yoga and stretching (rn in an ongoing war with 3° winter mornings to drag myself out of bed and go to class at 6) cooking when i have time but mostly, always, reading (or! watching) stories, poems and learning abt cool nonfiction things (does crying abt fiction count)
Favorite Holiday: none of the above its the trips and getaways u make for yourself. all my beloved memories are always mostly from when our family makes a trip to someplace my mom insists or there's a non-worrying emergency to go somewhere. just family getting together under some pretense, even tho it is stressful as fuck.
Do You Have Any Partner(s): persuading my best friend atm but sadly she's straight</3(no lmao)
Fun facts about you/anything extra you wanna share!: since im having it rn- coffee doesnt keep me up or sometimes even makes me nod off, a fact i discovered after my 14yr old brain had the brilliant idea to try out the cool, forbidden drink after dinner knowing i wasnt allowed to. this is not fun to my ma but growing up in a sort of restrictive household, im also just weirdly good at sneaking and doing stuff im not supposed to without getting caught. i also do not know how to talk in lesser words. this is an absolute curse, yes i have tried. beware</3
this^ is a mess but thank u i had fun!! lemme tag: @winterfloral @syannie @hyunhomoons @quokki @chogiwow @agibbangs @rainknow @lixence @hyunebear @straykidsgallery @jerirose @ambivartence @hongjoongpresent + anyone who wishes to! apologies if tagged already!
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kazoologist · 2 months
15 Qs for 15 friends!
I got double tagged by @sebsrainbowbicycle and @mossistyping (howdy!)
Are you named after anyone? Yes, actually! I can't say which famous old movie star I got named after without exposing my birth name which is hella fem, so if u wanna like ask for deets, u can! but we stan classic movies in my family's house and I am named after a pretty famous actress from the classic movie era, which is...cooler now that I've made peace with it, but still deeply funny for the success i was set up for from my fam.
When was the last you cried? Probably a few months ago when I was really stressed about being sick and a bunch of other stuff going on.
you have kids? No!
What sports do you play/have you played? Played volleyball as a little kid (terrible at it), but I did shoot archery competitively from about the time I was...like. 11 or 12?? to about the time I was 15.
Do you use sarcasm? Yes, debatable on how good.
What is the first thing you notice about people? Height/Hair/Voice.
What is your eye color? Green
Scary movies or happy endings? As much as I love my happy endings... Scary movies my beloved.
Any talents? ... I mean I was a pretty solid shot when I did archery? I did pretty good at a lot of contests. I'm a pretty good photographer, I think. Also a good researcher and pretty solid writer. I can hold my breath for about two minutes when I'm in the habit of swimming I guess. Otherwise, I'd just say im pretty good at handicrafts like embroidery and crochet.
Where were you born? The wonderful state of Missouri in the US! We are the Cave State!
What are your hobbies? embroidery/cross stitch, crochet and knitting, reading when I can, I used to be a theatre lighting tech and I miss that so badly but it's not really a hobby since its been so long. Playing card games and hanging out with friends, and going on walks and swimming (i miss swimming SO MUCH). technically also dnd and other ttrpgs but i havent played in like eight zillion years (i miss being a dm SO BAD)
Do you have any pets? My family has a cat named Poppy who is about fifteen years old and a nightmare and I love her a lot.
How tall are you? 5'1, and i think im somewhere in the 155cm range
Favorite subject at school? English/History/Art
Dream job? Research librarian
okay tagging with no pressure and also much like the people who tagged me, minimal confidence in my ability to count to 15.
@atinystraykid @the-wonderful-jinx @nautical-nasa @bobaheadshark @honeyboyfelix @duelbraids @grimreaperchic @valleyforgewriters @sporest @two-tyred-problems @truehauntings @callmeclementinee @skull-in-a-jar @planet-useless @cottagehowell
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sportsthoughts · 3 months
Sorry if I missed this lore drop previously, but how'd you get into the Pens? I love your gifs and positivity that you bring to the lb!
Buckle up anon. I thought about one line answering this but I enjoy the phrase 'lore drop' so much I think you deserve the deep dive. It'll take a while to get to the pens but you asked for lore so...
I have been sportsthoughts on tumblr since 2015 ish - maybe slightly earlier - and this has always been a sportsblr/sports rpf-y type blog in various iterations.
This blog was originally used for liveblogging UK Premier League and La Liga football matches. I have always been a huge football fan (my childhood team is Arsenal - north London forever ❤️ etc etc) and when I moved away to university at 18 none of my new friends were into sports and I really missed watching games with my family.
Finding other likeminded fans online who were also watching games and liveblogging them was such a beautiful experience and I have amazing memories of 2015-2018ish when I was a very active football blog, spent a lot of the time in the Arsenal/FC Barcelona communities here and had some beautiful trips to Barca.
I do have a sideblog where I still dabble in that space but in truth I very rarely liveblog football anymore because nowadays it's returned to being something I watch with friends and family so I'm not on my phone during games.
Here's where the pens come in - sort of. I've scrolled back through my AO3 bookmarks and can see in 2015 I also got into sports RPF for the first time. There are some incredible football RPF fics out there (let me know if you'd like some recs!). Somehow - probably through raiding people's bookmarks - in early 2015 I ended up reading a Sid/Geno fic called And Never Been Kissed and I was absolutely hooked. At the time of reading this I had:
1. Never watched a game of hockey in my life (side note, I don't think I can understate how little hockey coverage there is in the UK. Even the most ardent sports fan would probably not be able to name a single NHL player or team. Not even Sid! Not even Gretzky!)
2. I had no idea, nor any desire to look up who these people actually were. It was just like reading really well written original fiction.
For the next 7 years I thoroughly enjoyed hockey RPF and created (in my mind) entire personalities and appearances for Sid and Geno, along with all the other 'characters I came across regularly in hockey fic. Sid, I got pretty close to the mark. Geno, not so much. One day I will try and find some reference pictures for what I thought they looked like because it’s quite hilarious. When I re-read fics I love from during that time I laugh because I remember my Sid and Geno and how different they were from reality.
So, hockey was sort of in my life from 2015 but exclusively in the form of fics. I would scroll through the actual hockey bits of works because I didn’t understand the rules and why every single fic was an AU where professional sports people were allowed to fight each other mid game.
At this point I’d left university, and because I no longer liveblogged football games, I found I really missed sports fandom. Another sport I grew up watching and loving was Formula 1 so when lockdown hit in March 2020 I started liveblogging F1 races to pass the time (and still do sometimes - now over on @vroomlive). I loved/still love F1blr, but it didn't quite fill my fandom itch because:
1. We joke about it, but F1 is a deeply unserious sport run by a dire organisation (Liberty Media). They change the rules every week and it's managed badly to the point of being comical. There have been a few major cock ups over the years (including the 2021 championship literally being taken away from the rightful winner and given to someone else. To put this in hockey terms: imagine a completely valid goal being overruled in the last 5 minutes of the Stanley Cup final and then the ref deciding to give the other team a 5 on 3 powerplay Just Because) all of this is quite disheartening for long term fans - and has resulted in quite a fractured and angsty fandom.
2. There are only about 20 F1 races a year - so it's just not a sport that's on regularly. I love sports, and I want to watch sports all the time - so a sport that only gave me content every third weekend or so just wasn't really enough for me.
At this point, when I was feeling rather sports fandom bankrupt, the wonderful work of Sid/Geno writers and the influence of the tumblr dashboard converged. I worked this out by scouring my AO3 bookmarks - in April 2021 I read a Sid/Geno fic called Game Plan that I fell head over heels for. I’m still not quite sure what about this fic grasped me so deeply but I started reading a lot more hockey RPF.
Around the same time an F1 blog I followed started posting about Mat Barzal All. The. Time. I had no interest in this man and did not know he was a hockey player but over the course of about a year I became vaguely exposed to hockey content on Tumblr through that blog, and at some point in early 2022, saw Sid on my dash for the first time. I don’t remember the exact post but I remember seeing the name, doing a double take and thinking oh Shit! That’s Sidney Crosby from fanfiction! I was flabbergasted because in my mind Sid was in his early 20s tops, so seeing this early thirties, bearded, fat bottomed man on my dash and realising that that was Sid was such a shock. 
My hockey lurker era lasted from mid 2022 to early 2023 and I spent a lot of time, um, lurking. That sounds so creepy. I suppose I had never thought about actively joining a fandom before because my fandom engagement (one direction > football > f1) had all happened really organically so actually choosing to join a space as an adult was quite an interesting process.
By summer of 2023 my husband’s job changed again meaning he works away from home most weeknights and suddenly my late nights were extremely free because I’d hang out with friends and then go home at 10/11 to an empty house which I hated. I really found myself wanting to make fandom friends and have an at home hobby I could do late at night before going to bed so taking on a sport that happened 12am-2am (timezones!) seemed like a good fit. 
Alongside this on a totally separate track was my longstanding interest in fandom - most of my professional work/research is pretty standard psychotherapy stuff but I’ve done a little bit of work over the last few years looking at sex therapy (not as sexy as it sounds) and I have a real interest in the role that fandom and especially shipping/fic plays in shaping and expressing sexuality. It’s a bit of a back burner research topic for now but I suppose over the years researching fic and expressions of sexuality via fandom and shipping has just made me fall in love with fandom itself a little bit.
Plus having lurked around the edges of hockeyblr for a while I was just like, yeah, I really want in on this, this seems like an awesome community. The reason why I chose the pens was pretty straightforward - I felt like I knew Sid and Geno and after exploring the real life hockey, I, like most of us, was quite struck by who Sid is as a person and was just completely enchanted. Another side note - hilariously, when my husband first saw a picture of Sid last year he immediately said “Oh, he looks like me!” - do with that information what you wish. 
I really eagerly awaited the start of the 2023 season and without sounding too soppy, had already fallen in love with you guys before I ever watched a live hockey game. Every fandom has its difficult corners (pensblr included!) but I can honestly say - especially after the chaos of spending my teenage years knee deep in 1D fandom and my early and mid twenties in various parts of sportsblr - being part of this space has been the most lovely, fun, friendly, lighthearted, positive and beautiful fandom experience I’ve ever had. I feel like it’s the goldilocks zone of all the previous fandoms I’ve been in and I love it.
So yeah! That is the extremely long winded answer to your question, anon. I hope this is the ‘lore drop’ you were looking for lol
TLDR: I stumbled my way through sportsblr until I accidentally ended up here and I’m never leaving.
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ceresoktavia · 4 months
I'm bored, sleep deprived, and could use some good vibes; so let's start an OC Tag game, shall we?
Here's the idea: Name your OC(s) and a song that describes them and/or fits them best. Doesn't matter if they're from your original work, a single fandom or your alround fandom slut.
Tag as many people as you like once you're done
Here are mine 😀
Fandom OCs (without fandom named):
Marlianken de Lafitte - Fury oh Fury by Nico Vega
Hanna Takajima - Nichts ist für immer by Subway to Sally
Kirimi Takajima - Strong by Amaranthe
Katharina Schwarz - Küstenkind by Versengold
Serenity Moreau - Just Feels by Jihae
Hope Moreau - Take Control by Old Gods of Asgard (aka Poets of the Fall)
from my original work:
Diane O'Neill - Not Gonna Die by Skillet
Delilah Jones - Löwenherz by Saltatio Mortis
Vanessa "Sparks" Valentine - the Reckoning by Within Temptation
as for the tags 😎 @apocalypticromantic666 @kawaii-pigeon @rocketupduck @silverserpent @blazewatergem @datsonyat
no pressure of course 😘
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space-writes · 7 months
OC picrew tag!
tagged by @eccaiia, thank you! gonna gently tag @foxboyclit @sarandipitywrites and @zmwrites with this one
Rules: Show off your OC using this picrew. The picrew has lots of options for skin tones and horns so if you have a non-human OC, join in the fun!
It's once again modern AU Renegade Prince kiddos time. Not everyone because that would be...so many people. But I did Lucian, Aliyne, Sorrow, Vren, and Aspiration!
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Valloroth taglist: @cherrybombfangirlwrites @memento-morri-writes @foxboyclit @lawful-evil-novelist @at-thezenith @morganwriteblr @fayeiswriting @serenanymph @sam-glade (ask to be +/-)
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heartual · 5 months
tagged by @tr1vialove to shuffle my playlist and list the first 10 songs that come up <333
1. get a guitar - riize
2. like - bts
3. kaikai kitan - eve
4. everybody wants to rule the world (alternative single version) - tears for fears
5. famous last words - my chemical romance
6. never goodbye - nct dream
7. bad chemical - xdinary heroes
8. daría todo por ti - la adixión & perdidos de sinaloa
9. habit - seventeen
10. shout - tears for fears
tagging beloveds in my notifs ! : @sailermoon @ashmp3 @pinkhairdye @secondhandlovers @wayvmp3 @fruitz @itsays @misandrygalore @catgirlpurgatory @xumoonhao
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dayeongi · 6 months
15 Questions for 15 People
I was tagged by @hesmiledlikeaweatherman (thank you!💖)
Are you named after anyone?
I was named after my father!! eugh!! But my middle name: my sister was a nightmare until my mother picked what she wanted, so that's my favorite name.
2. When was the last time you cried?
This past weekend!! Stress >:((((
3. Do you have kids?
I don't!! I want to have them in the future! one or two. Preferably both at once so I'm only pregnant once lmao. In the meantime i'm doing therapy and researching parenting methods for whenever. I'm only 28 so I want to wait a little longer
4. What sports do you play/have you played?
When i was a kid I did tae kwon do, karate, ballet, and swimming but they always ended up taking me out. I can't do team sports because I taste blood and I'm so ruthless and intense it scares me a little. But I love swimming!!
5. Do you use sarcasm?
It's taken me a LONG time to understand sarcasm; even now I sometimes don't get it. I think I just take people at their word. Whenever I've used sarcasm I always do it with this very over-the-top lilt, because I want to make sure my words are coded as that and not as me meaning what I said....
It's exhausting honestly, but if i get it right, it's funny
6. What's the first thing you notice about people?
Their voice! I don't really register people's faces until i'm more acquainted
7. What's your eye color?
I have very very very dark brown eyes! you can only see that they're brown if the sunlight hits them right (and blinds me lmao)
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Both!! i feel like they serve different purposes
9. Any talents?
Languages! Once I find the cheat code for how they work , they unravel. It's very exciting!
I've also been told I'm really good at crafting, and singing. (I've won a few contests) I also have a very good long-term memory, but i recall things in pictures.
The other thing i'm good at is problem-solving. Once i stop freaking out that is lmao. One time I got mugged in south korea, was left with no cash, lost, and not able to speak the language, cried a little then traced my steps till i found the nearest metro station, then went from there.
TL;DR - i'm very good at learning and adapting!
10. Where were you born?
11. What are your hobbies?
I collect pretty things like a crow. I like reading, doing art both digital and traditional, sewing, sculpting, home renovation, building, writing, singing, doing my make up, swimming, watching anime and movies, traveling, and hanging out with my pets
12. Do you have any pets?
Two cats and a dog!! Coco, a lynx point siamese (5 y old), Joy (4 y old), a siamese, Choco, my 14 y/o mixed breed dog.
Surprisingly I never ended up asking for them Pet distribution system at its finest.
13. How tall are you?
I'm 170 cm!
14. Favorite subject in school?
English Language has always been my favorite class! I was the most excited about my Sociolinguistics class in university but it was taught by a nasty tool so he ruined that. Also Korean language class. Language classes in general.
15. What is your dream job?
Right now? Being rich enough that I don't have to work so I can write. I'd love to be a successful published writer. Singer, and also fashion brand owner. Oh well. Trying to be realistic
Tagging but no pressure! @shipmistress9 @powerful-niya @shrimparmy @backgroundcharacterno5 @lalanaranj-a @nandosango @ruejanerue @keroppri @chaosnojutsu @rapa3llah @fictionalnormalcy and anyone else that would like to do it!
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carcrash429 · 9 months
Answer the questions and tag 9 people you want to know better or catch up with!
Tagged by: @im-95-not-dead
Last song listened to?
Siúil a Rún by Seo Linn (this one's always a funny question imo cause it takes me multiple songs-lengths of time to answer these lol)
Currently reading:
Gods of Jade and Shadow by Silvia Moreno-Garcia
Currently watching playing:
trying to finish Tears of the Kingdom so we can finally start Baldur's Gate ^_^
Currently obsessed with:
you have caught me at a weird transitional stage where I am mostly at loose ends right now. but also I just spent the weekend hiking in Acadia and am already plotting what national park/forest/etc to drag my partner to next so. ~the great outdoors~ I guess lol
no pressure tagging: @cherlawa-panna, @trashkingtater, @blubblesandink, @betrayedbycinnamon, @artaxlivs, @therealjambery and the first three untagged people who see this :)
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