#not a Good Time™ for him so he verbally says no despite his body language saying something else.
crying-tears-for-dc · 2 years
This might be a controversial opinion, but I'm not always the biggest fan when people write Cass as the Perfect Child™ while also writing her as someone who uses her skill in reading people against what they say they don't want and telling everyone when they are lying.
For example, if she knows someone is lying, she just tells everyone around that they are. I don't enjoy reading that all the time if it isn't written in a way that is useful to the plot because it's just intrusive and non-consensual. People lie for a lot of reasons. If she's always written as someone who constantly outs someone, it's eventually going to build resentment and be detrimental in relationships. Also, it's just rude? Idk I get that it's fanfics but it just makes me feel weird, and why wouldn't anyone around her teach her not to do that?
Also, using her ability to read peoples body language in fanfics often lead to her convincing people to do what they "actually want" and that just puts me off sometimes too. Again, that's non-consensual. If someone says they don't want to do something verbally, even if their body language is telling her they want to do something she shouldn't be trying to force them. They have reasons for saying no and even if those reasons aren't always good or healthy, no still means no and she shouldn't be trying to force that? I often see her written as pushing by asking over and over, using puppy dog eyes, acting cute, calling them out on the lie, etcetera and it's just off putting from the consent thing sometimes.
I see this a lot and it's just a whole problem for consent and being rude, in my opinion. Also baffling how no one calls her out on it.
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