#not a bad litmus test
otaku553 · 4 months
Something funny for your spy x family ASL au
Luffy took ONE look at loid and internally went 'oh sweet. He's a spy like sabo' and never brings it up while anya just stares at him horrified and like with ace and sabo, he just never brings it up.
This also happens with yor and anya makes a funny noise
(As i am typing this my dog has the zoomies and is running around like a maniac)
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I think loid’s a good enough actor that luffy wouldn’t figure it out immeditely from like just a few seconds of meeting him but give him a minute or a few and he’ll figure it out on vibes alone
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salt-baby · 6 months
caught my younger sibling walking around with numb hands for weeks like that was normal so PSA theres some weak evidence that the following are common in POTS:
B12 Deficiency
- characterized by numb (pins and needles) hands and feet, which is persistent for days no matter what position your limbs are in
- take dissolvable B12 tablets once daily by holding them under the tongue for a couple minutes
- ideally those should be the like 2000000% DV ones, since B12 is water-soluble and near impossible to take too much of
- B12 shots can be prescribed for very severe deficiencies
- if this doesn't go away in like a week, See Your Doctor! these are peripheral neuropathy symptoms and that's something 1000% worth checking out ASAP
Magnesium Deficiency
- characterized by a tight kind of muscle soreness (for some reason always in my calves) that doesn't go away with rest
- others report tremors or being unable to keep the legs still
- either take a supplement daily or epsom salt baths
- be warned that oral magnesium works as a laxative, so start low and work your way up
Vitamin D Deficiency
- can cause fatigue and the "seasonal depression" kind of mood
- this is just really common in the general population, not just in people with POTS
- oral supplementation works fine, most daily vitamins have it
- in more severe cases your doctor can prescribe higher dose supplements
Also if you keep getting these symptoms all the time or it doesn't go away within a couple days of supplements, you probably need to see a doctor
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vigilskeep · 3 months
astarion loves attempting to be convincing by being drenched in blood and saying things to morghaine that could have come out of their worst nightmares
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lichensbian · 11 days
everyone please watch i saw the tv glow if you have the chance. for me
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vaugarde · 2 months
i think its always worth thinking about how women are portrayed in certain stories, from fictional narratives to reddit posts presenting themselves as true stories. is every woman in the narrative either antagonistic or shallow? are most or all of the men portrayed as sympathetic and competent, moreso than the women, even if they commit the same crimes?
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tchaikovskaya · 3 months
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elephantbitterhead · 10 months
Long-suffering readers know that we do a lot of work on this house. You may recall Jonathan's mother saying 'I don't know why you even bought that house -- you've changed everything about it.' (Hi Pauline! If you're still snooping here, you should stop -- but you already know that.) We've just received another winning comment in this vein, this time from his father: 'By the time you finish all the DIY, it'll just be time to start it all over again.' To this I say:
A) How would you know? You've never lifted a finger to do any significant home maintenance or repair in your life. I understand that this refusal is a British tradition of some kind, but I actually care about the condition of my home & want it to last.
B) What are you talking about? The DIY we do is not about fashion. It's things like redoing the pointing, replacing floors, and insulating & rebuilding walls, none of which should need redoing in my lifetime. We do this work well & if future owners take good care of it, it should be there for the long haul.
I just . . . why look at a project in which someone has clearly invested time & effort and say 'I don't see why you bother with that -- it's pointless.' ? So incredibly rude & unnecessary. Feel free to make snide remarks to other people, but why would you say them to me? I would never dream of saying anything like this to someone working hard on something, even if it was not something I personally valued or wanted to do myself.
Mind you, these are the same people who told me RIGHT TO MY FACE that my exquisite taxidermy triceratops head was 'weird,' so they obviously don't know what's up & should probably simply be ignored. If only I had the self discipline to do that.
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generic-sonic-fan · 1 year
listen to me girl I am the only correct one about omega he is not cold and "robotic" he is hot-blooded and emotional and alive!!!
He walks into the kitchen, sees Shadow threatening to guzzle a bottle of tabasco, and he does not shake his head and say "illogical meatbag"- he stomps in and yells "DRINK IT, COWARD".
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scarwasright · 10 months
Pls tell me Scar & Ed are going to interact more at some point oh . My God I loved that entire exchange it was so TENSE ur dialogue is always so good .. also forgive me if this is incorrect but did Ed imply that he thought Scar & Lust were Fuckin(tm) .. “shacking up” “benefits” hm .
Ed and Scar have deeply opposed worldviews, and a big centerpiece of that conflict is who is granted personhood in their eyes. Ed treats homunculi like alchemic byproducts, in large part because most of his stubbornly held beliefs are the ones that maintain what few comforts he still has: If Sloth is a mistake that must be corrected, she isn't his mom, even if she is his responsibility.
When this worldview is projected onto Scar, nothing about him and Lust getting along in any capacity makes sense. Ed genuinely can't conceive of a reason Scar would want an abomination of alchemy to remain alive because he has also internally villainized Scar's hatred for alchemy. He chooses to see Scar in bad faith because it's the path of least emotional resistance, and it never dawns on him that Scar might feel elevated sympathy for people who have been mutilated by alchemy, even after everything Scar has done for Al. Even after he has been told that killing Nina was an act of mercy. He assumes an exaggerated REPULSION OF THE UNHOLY, and the only potential explanation left is that she has to be slonking him silly style on the side. Because he knows there's Weird Emotional History, obvious presumptions an uncritical teenager would make about Lust, and Scar breaking the expectations Ed has written for him.
This is a characterization choice I partially pulled from fandom's perception of Scar, btw. If Scar and Lust were acknowledged as being of remote importance to each other at all by fandom, it was always denoted that he saw her as some kind of Foul Sex Monster, which is just patently not supported by canon. It's fandom projecting how they think a religious brown man would react to his sister in law turning into a goth zombie. He doesn't have a bad word to say about her in the show until she tries to coax him into letting an innocent kid LITERALLY explode lmao
Ed and Al will definitely continue to Be Around. I've got some stuff going with them.
Also thank you I'm glad you think my dialogue is good ;_;
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trapdoornumberthree · 7 months
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got set up over here, using it to post miscellany and occasionally sketches and project wips ^^ I'll probably do some crossposting of finished art there too :)
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cancrizans · 2 years
the thing about kny that really pisses me off is like ALL of the bad writing in general but specifically how terribly nezuko’s character is handled because her role in the story ties together all my beef with this series. for every other girl you can be like “oh there was no chance/time/whatever to flesh them out” which is another can of worms but it’s at least some semblance of an excuse.
with nezuko it’s just crazy bc like. this is an anime that will dedicate 6 minutes of an already-drawn-out battle arc to hand a random one-off demon villain a sympathetic backstory and internal monologue complete with tanjirou gay smiling over them and wishing them peace in the afterlife AND YET it can’t be assed to give any of that to nezuko, despite her supposedly being a main character and also conveniently our female lead. like i don’t know how you can do that. there were like 4 episodes in a row at some point where they just straight-up did not mention her and it was like. is she fucking dead??? when she’s the reason for the shonen journey in the first place. she has no agency, no internal thought process. you could replace her with a superpowered beloved family dog and nothing would change in her character arc bc she doesn’t have one!!
the other demons can talk. they talk soooo much. but nezuko can only communicate with grunts and noises and she has no voice or say in any of this. she is tanjirou’s goal but has no goal of her own, and we rely on him to interpret for her. and we don’t even know what was lost when she turned into a demon because all we knew about her from when she was human was that she loved her family <3 which is hardly a personality trait and certainly not one anywhere near Defining. what Defines nezuko is her relationship to tanjirou, and she is not a character, but a concept. some concept of the feminine ideal in its most valuable state: a little sister but with the potential for later courtship, which we see with zenitsu (who also does not see her for who she is or who she was or who she can become, but as a cute girl who he wants to marry for Some reason. he doesn’t even know her).
i don’t think i’d be so uppity about this if she had just been relegated to damsel in distress but she’s only a damsel when it’s convenient and otherwise it’s like wow here’s miss deus ex machina coming to save tanjirou’s ass again!!! she still doesn’t have any narrative agency though. or thoughts. like the closest we get to nezuko having something that is Hers and not just some extension of tanjirou is when she realizes that her family is gone in the red light district arc and starts crying and reverts into the form of a child. and then it never deals with it after the fact and she gets shipped off Yet Again until it’s time to save tanjirou and show that’s she’s human again ^_^ and everything is hunky-dory ^_^
kny is just shoddily written in general it’s your average shonen and this extends to the characters. so none of them really hold water but it’s just so Obvious with nezuko because she is the center of the story. she is The Main Girl. the de facto mascot. she is the question and the answer. she’s right there! but the problem to me is that she isn’t really there. or at least not in execution
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soldier-poet-king · 1 year
I'm only allowed to be a perfectly curated safe amount of gross and emotional and vulnerable and folks I have NOT been staying on the proper side of that boundary lately
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esta-elavaris · 1 year
Love getting through something I was dreading all month without anything going wrong, then getting home and watching 90% of my mental illness disappear afterwards x 
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multiscales · 2 years
Rogers Craig Smith’s “Amy…is that you?” absolutely lives rent free in my head.
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coyoxxtl · 2 years
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im sorry but are you fucking stupid
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jennathearcher · 1 year
I am so not ready for the excellent gifmakers on this site to start giffing Smile, I am a grown ass adult and that movie taps into fear modules in my brain I didn’t even know existed before 
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