#not after Cordelia. Kendra. FAITH
coraniaid · 4 months
There's an interesting symmetry in the pattern of Faith and the Watcher's Council appearances on Buffy.
It's perhaps worth noting that neither Faith not the Council are ever quite as integral to the show as fandom likes to suggest.
Faith only appears in twenty episodes across the entire show (plus six more in Angel), and is only mentioned in just over a dozen more. That means she appears in fewer episodes of Buffy than Daniel Osbourne, Riley Finn, Jonathan Levinson or Andrew Wells, all of whom can also boast of having somthing something Faith never had during her time on the show: a last name. ('Lehane' is a post-Chosen reveal to support a tie-in RPG.) She never appears in the opening credits, suggesting she has less of a claim to be a major character than any of Buffy, Willow, Xander, Giles, Spike, Anya, Dawn, Angel, Cordelia, Riley, Tara or Oz. Faith isn't the first Slayer other than Buffy we meet, and she isn't the last. There is a run of over forty episodes in a row (starting from Blood Ties in Season 5) in which Faith's name is simply not spoken by anybody on screen.
It would be very easy for a casual fan of the show to completely forget that Faith ever existed. Pick a random episode of the show and there's a more than 75% chance she won't be mentioned in it.
The Watcher's Council are first mentioned by name in Season 3's Faith, Hope & Trick (the first episode in which Faith herself appears), though there were occasional references to Watchers other than Giles before that. We hear about Giles's father and grandmother having been Watchers before him in Season 1's Never Kill A Boy On The First Date; we're told about Kendra's Watcher Sam Zabuto in Season 2's What's My Line?; and we briefly see Buffy's unnamed first Wacher during a flashback in the same season's Becoming.  (Perhaps most notably, when she hears the prophecy of her own imminent death in Season 1’s Prophecy Girl, Buffy wonders what the Slayer after her will be like and asks Giles: “will you train her, or will they send someone else?”.) But the Council themselves, as a group capable of giving Giles orders, are only mentioned in a total of twenty episodes, and (other than Watchers like Giles and Wesley), representatives of the Council only appears in six of those twenty episodes. Buffy quits the Council in Graduation Day (the same time that she tries to kill Faith), and they never really feature much in her life after that.
It would be very easy for a casual fan of the show to completely forget that the Council ever existed. Pick a random episode of the show and there's a more than 85% chance they won't be mentioned in it.
And yet, if you pick an episode with Faith in it, the odds of the Council being mentioned increase from less than 14% to exactly 60%. If you pick an episode with the Council in it, the odds of Faith being mentioned jump from under 23% to over 83% (the only episode to feature the Council which doesn't mention Faith is their last appearance in Never Leave Me). This isn't just because both of them feature heavily in Season 3, either.
Giles refers to the Watchers' Council by name for the first time when he tells Buffy that "the Council has approved our request" for Faith to stay in Sunnydale. Faith does not appear in Helpless (she couldn't, or the episode wouldn't work) but unlike in previous episodes where she isn't around her absence is noted. Giles convinces Buffy in part to spend time staring at the crystals he will use to hypnotize her and drug her by favorably comparing her to Faith: "since Faith is not interested in proper training, I must rely on you to keep up with yours". The Council come to Sunnydale in Consequences and This Year's Girl and Who Are You? to abduct Faith and either kill her or take her away to England. The one time Buffy says Faith's name in Season 5 -- the one reason that run of forty episodes I mentioned earlier isn't a run of fifty-two episodes -- comes when the Council visit again in Checkpoint and she remembers that "when I was Faith" the Council tried to kill her. (Buffy also brings up the Cruciamentum for the first time since Helpless in this episode; another time that the Council tried to kill her.) The Council's last ever mention on the show comes in Dirty Girls, which is also the episode in which Faith returns to the show.
None of which, of course, is a coincidence. While the show doesn't care about Faith or the Council as much as the fandom does, they do both have a very clear and deliberate metaphorical meaning. Faith is Buffy: the Buffy we see in When She Was Bad and in Anne and the Buffy we later see clawing her way out of the grave in Season 6. A Buffy with no friends or family, a Buffy who desperately wants some sort of parental figure in her life but refuses to listen to anyone who she thinks might be trying to control her or stop her enjoying being a Slayer. And the Council are an embodiment of all the worst parts of Giles we see in the first two seasons: Watchers who only see Buffy as a weapon and refuse to let her have an ordinary life, who risk her life and her mother's life for no good reason, who give her orders and offer scraps of information but are revealed ultimately to be hollow and powerless.
(I've complained a lot before about fandom trying to pretend there isn't this sort of complexity to Buffy and Giles's relationships in the early season -- that Buffy doesn't have nightmares about her Watcher secretly being one of the monsters who wants to kill her, or that he doesn't make unjustified and hypocritical attempts to contol her personal life while shutting her firmly out of his, or that Joyce isn't justified in being angry at Giles for what he's been putting her daughter through for years -- but it's only fair to note that this is something the writers do too. The Cruciamentum of Helpless becomes, in Buffy's later retelling in Helpless, something that "the Council" did to Buffy, as if it wasn't Giles who drugged her and lied to her face about it; as if Giles really had made the conscious decision to choose Buffy over his career as a Watcher and not been forced into it by being fired. But remember what Giles says in Helpless: how he justifies the need for Buffy to study the crystals he shows her -- to undergo the preparation for the Cruciamentum in other words. This is a part of a Slayer's "proper training", and since Faith is "not interested" in that he has to rely on Buffy.)
Faith is the part of Buffy who stubbornly rebels against all authority and the Council exist to be an authority that Buffy is justified in cutting all ties with. No wonder then that the Council spend so much time trying to capture or kill Faith. No wonder that their fates are intertwined so thoroughly.
No wonder that Buffy's early Season 2 nightmare of being murdered by her Watcher ("I mean, I've killed you once: it shouldn't be too difficult to do it again") becomes, by Season 5, a memory that "when [she] was Faith" (or When She Was Bad, you might say...) "the Council" tried to kill her. No wonder we never see Faith go through the Cruciamentum: Faith does not have anyone in her life she trusts enough to be betrayed like that. No wonder that, since Faith is the part of Buffy who refuses "proper training" from the start, Buffy is forced by the Council -- and by Giles -- to symbolically undergo the Cruciamentum in her place.
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faith-thee-slayer · 4 months
it's really strange that even after knowing what happened to kendra, the scoobies treated faith so callously. they're initially impressed with her, which led buffy to feeling like her friends cared about faith more, but really everyone (giles and joyce included) was kind of treating her like a novelty. like "ooo isn't this cool, there's a new slayer now and she's charming and sassy and self-assured." and sure, faith presented herself as confident and self-reliant, but... so did kendra? kendra's whole thing was that she grew up in isolation from friends and family, which made her vulnerable... everyone knew that faith was alone in sunnydale? and no one actually thought through the implications of what it meant to have A New Slayer. cordelia mentioned it offhandedly like "oh faith is here because kendra died" and like... everyone moved on from that. no one seemed to realize that faith could've died just as easily as kendra. when kakistos showed up, that's when buffy recognized faith's reality, but after that? only saw her as another slayer, until bad girls. then later on everyone realized how precarious faith's mental state was but by then it was too late
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thechosenthree · 4 months
I am back with more Kendra haunting the narrative thoughts after watching Helpless.
This episode is all about slayers and tradition, it’s about the Watcher’s Council treating the slayers as expendable and disposable. Giles says “It's a test, Buffy. It's given to The Slayer once she— if she reaches her eighteenth birthday.”
This episode is about Kendra.
Even though the episode refuses to say her name, Kendra Young is everywhere! Not even a full season before this episode aired, we were shown— for the first time but far from the last— the tragedy of a slayer dying too young in the line of duty, another slayer rising from her grave and then her being seemingly forgotten about.
The show tries to forget Kendra the same way the council does. I’ve already talked in the post I linked above, about how Faith’s existence ensures that we don’t. But it’s more than that!! The tragedy of the slayers and what Buffy and Faith go through, the entire premise of the show, continues to remind the audience of the slayer who didn’t make it as far as them.
Buffy is going through an identity crisis this episode, she has lost her slayer powers and she doesn’t know why. Giles is in no big rush to figure it out, he doesn’t actually seem all that concerned, and Buffy grows increasingly adrift. She realizes she doesn’t know who she is if she’s not The Slayer.
She’s very aware of who she was before. She brings up Cordelia to make this comparison— her ex shadow self who is a representation of her childhood, of the Buffy she was before she was “Buffy, The Vampire Slayer”— and she seems ashamed of who she was then.
She doesn’t want to go back to being that person. She literally CAN’T go back, and she knows that. She has been changed by her experiences, even without her slayer powers, she is a different person than she was. Buffy says “I’ve seen too much. I know what goes bump in the night. Not being able to fight it— what if I just hide under my bed, all scared and helpless?”
She can’t return to the naïveté of the life she lived before she knew what was out there. I mean, she already tried that!! Buffy spent much of s1 trying to hold on to who she used to be, not wanting to let it go, not wanting to acknowledge that that girl and that life were already gone. Her death in Prophecy Girl goes hand in hand with her accepting that she can’t outrun her destiny, she can’t NOT be The Slayer.
Much of s2 was about accepting that being the slayer was a part of her life now. But Buffy continued to treat it like it was a job, one that had been chosen for her and that she’d accepted she needed to do, but a job nonetheless. She was at war with these two sides of herself, unable to see how they could possibly fit. Kendra played a big part in helping her along that journey. “You talk about slaying like it's a job. It's not. It's who you are,” Kendra tells her in What’s My Line.
Kendra who identified as “The Vampire Slayer” before identifying as Kendra. Kendra who never had a childhood or the chance to try and figure out who she was as a person. She was a weapon and a tool forged, used and discarded by the council (and the show). Being the slayer was not only who Kendra was, it was all she was allowed to be.
I can’t imagine the writers were unaware that writing an episode like this would remind people of Kendra. After all that same Buffy speech I quoted earlier includes the first mention of Kendra’s stake since it’s introduction in Becoming. “… Or what if I just become pathetic? Hanging out at the old slayer’s home, talking people’s ears off about my glory days. Showing them Mr. Pointy, the stake I had bronzed.”
Buffy is able to imagine living long enough to grow old IF she doesn’t have her powers. That isn’t the life of a slayer and she knows that, has seen the consequences of this life first hand. She herself has already died young, and a year later she watched her friend die. She goes from being unable to imagine any kind of future at all for herself to spiraling about the possible reality of a powerless one.
Buffy talks about all this while name dropping the stake a 17 year old slayer gave her just before her death… A slayer who didn’t even live long enough to be forced to endure this cruel test.
Reminding the audience of Kendra seems intentional. Which makes them refusing to say her name even more infuriating.
But she IS there, whether truly intentional or not, the show continues to remind me of her. She’s nowhere and everywhere all at once.
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thepunkmuppet · 1 year
a comprehensive list of all the Implications (TM) of the WishVerse that were never explored. enjoy.
so in case you forgot: buffy never came to sunnydale in season 1. the master took over sunnydale and made xander and willow his deranged vampire sidekicks. buffy fights the master and her, cordelia, angel, willow and xander all die. almost all these points are going off the branching timeline where giles didn’t destroy anya’s pendant and the wishverse kept going.
larry is a “white hat” working with giles, oz and nancy. he has dyed black hair. I think it’s safe to assume that larry is out in this universe, and apocalypse or no apocalypse I love the idea of these three being a found family friend group just like buffy and the scoobies. also love the idea that oz and larry were in love but that’s just because I am insane lmao. anyway larry is out as gay and friends with oz with surrogate father figure giles… yeah that just makes me happy. I would love to see his season 1-3 growth in coming out and becoming a better person / not a bully similar to cordy. and shittily dying his hair black.
were spike and dru there during the season 2 period? did the master kill them? did the white hats kill them? did they leave? WHAT HAPPENED TO THEM????
the mayor, adam, glory and the first would likely still happen on top of all the vampire apocalypse stuff. the trio could be dead or vampires and dark willow obviously would not be able to happen. does giles fight these threats, collecting various child fighters over the years?? no idea. do they succeed?? no idea.
dawn doesn’t exist because buffy is dead. I wonder who the key would have taken the form of, perhaps she would be faith’s sister…???
what’s the status of jenny calendar?? joyce?? tara?? amy?? no one knows!! I just hope they didn’t meet too grisly of ends. the idea of leather-clad apocalypse vampire versions of all these badass women intrigues me though…
did anya remain a demon?? destroying her necklace would reset the timeline back to normal, so I guess she must have done. my anyiles heart says giles thought “I could fix her” and fell in love with a vengeance demon who doomed reality but that might just be wishful thinking (no pun intended).
angel investigations simply doesn’t exist. angel and cordy are both dead.
connor would not exist because darla would not be brought back (I wonder if jasmine would find some other way to bring about her birth??)
lindsey would have both hands intact and he and lilah would likely stay at wolfram and hart, and neither would die unless they were caught in the crossfire of vampire apocalypse stuff.
gunn would stick with his crew in LA and would likely fight the master at one point, not to mention even more vampires than usual, and without superpowers would likely die eventually.
angel investigations would never run wolfram and hart, meaning illyria would have to find a different host body. if it was lindsey or lilah that would be awesome.
pylea would stay the same and suck forever because cordy would never go there.
lorne is flourishing and loving life running caritos. he’s probably better off for it tbh. the wishverse says gay rights!!!!
in terms of wesley, faith and doyle, I recommend this amazing fic. it really speaks for itself, it’s awesome!!
its unclear as to who would be called after buffy. is it a person to person thing or simply a timing thing?? would it be kendra, faith, or someone else entirely? as I said this is explored in the fic I linked, but still interesting to discuss.
season 7 would be very different. we don’t know what slayer is currently around and we don’t know if that would change the first’s plan or the ending with all the potentials becoming slayers. no idea. kennedy would not be important thank god.
fred is still in pylea.
if you can think of anything else, please do share in notes!!
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sunnydaleherald · 5 months
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Friday, April 26
WOMAN: (holds out her hands, Buffy hands over the scythe) You pulled it out of the rock. I was one of those who put it in there. BUFFY: What is it? WOMAN: (admires the scythe) A weapon. A scythe. Forged in secrecy for one like you who - I'm sorry. What's your name? BUFFY: Buffy. WOMAN: No, really. (Buffy shrugs in response.)
~~End of Days~~
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Someone explain to me the Xander/Willow/Oz situation in Becoming Part 2. by theredpharaoah
The officer just shooting at Buffy in Becoming Part 2….very on brand. by theredpharaoah
so not only did cordelia and xander break up (not exactly a shocker) but she's STILL in buffy's weirdo gang? by sunnydale-high-school-rumors
They fumbled Xander’s lie so bad. Xander’s lie should’ve drove a wedge through the Scoobies. by theredpharaoah
Becoming Part 2 is so funny because Buffy’s only losing to Angelus because... by theredpharaoah
I think Faith punishing herself by doing time in prison was really dumb. by theredpharaoah
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I am pretty excited about this new Buffy book, with the Cordelia from the alternate universe where she was the Slayer and not Buffy.
After Boom did the comic where Willow ended up a Slayer because of shenanigans, I always wanted a Cordy story explored in some way (especially since we also have that Angel comic where Fred's a Slayer: so it almost seems like making AUs where Buffy wasn't the Slayer, but some of our other girls were, might be a thing now).
I'll also admit that I'm also of the mind like many are, that canon Cordelia seemed like a Potential for some reason.
But it's also pretty fitting for another reason, too: In the Buffy tie-in book "The Book of Fours", in order to beat the Big Bad in that, they need a Slayer tied to each element in order to do so: Buffy was air, Faith was fire, Kendra was earth, and India (the Slayer before Buffy) was water... But since Kendra and India have died, of course, they had to possess Cordelia and Willow respectively in order to manage this.
So, it just seems like the next step for Cordelia would be to make her a Slayer in one universe, if she was possessed by the Spirit of one in another one: kind of like how I'd felt that way about Willow, too, when that one Boom comic came out.
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tuiyla · 1 year
Buffy season 6!
Okay I finally have a moment to write this out and it’s now or never so here goes, beginning of Buffy season 6 thoughts. Seen up to episode 6.
I knew going into it that it was a controversial season and obviously I’m yet to see most of it but I really enjoyed the tone the opening three episodes set. It was dark and ominous but not in the “for the sake of it” kind of way. BtVS got more saturated, if not substantially tonally more jovial when Angel the Series started but the start of season 6 almost felt like the Wishverse, what with gangs ransacking Sunnydale and Buffy nowhere to be seen. When I first accidentally found out that Buffy would die once again and return yet again, I didn’t think much of it. In that, she has died once and sure, we got an episode long PTSD and Kendra and Faith as a result (sigh, Faith) but the world didn’t feel fundamentally different. Due to many different factors, including the excellence of Buffy’s sacrifice in The Gift, this time it felt different. The Scoobies, while not quite a shell of their former selves are markedly different. Life went on but the absence of Buffy is felt in every corner. Everyone is effected but standing out the most is Willow, now leader and powerful, perhaps too powerful witch.
Willow’s development has been fascinating to follow and though she didn’t have the most to do in season 5, her not so quiet progression was all too clear when she took on Glory. And Willow’s game face when faced with the loss of Buffy is as serious as it was with Tara’s, such is the depth of their friendship. Alyson Hannigan, newly promoted to the special last but least position of the credits portrays Willow as beautifully as ever and brings a whole new dimension to her. This isn’t the same Willow Rosenberg who was too afraid to talk back to Cordelia in the pilot. She knows what she wants and what she wants is Buffy, alive and well and back with her family. Her path this season is set, even if I didn’t have vague (and not so vague) ideas of what’s yet to come. And Willow’s hardened determination is only highlighted when juxtaposed with her more relaxed self after Buffy returns. Hannigan taps more into the old Willow when Buffy’s back: her smile, her jokes, as if the weight has been lifted from her shoulders now that her friend is back. Now that the chosen one is back. But all is not well with Willow, and part of that is all being far from well with Buffy.
When it clicked what they were going for with Buffy at the end of episode 3, I felt a special kind of delight. The one you get when you know you’re about to witness something great. In this case, a fascinating journey and conflict for Buffy. They can never know but they will. Her friends will eventually have to face the fact that they ripped her right out of heaven itself. I wasn’t sure about her initial shock at first, in that I wasn’t sure it was going to be appropriately serious but also adding to her as a character. But the revelation that she’s not just startled, she’s resentful is delicious drama. And already in season 6 we have what I can only logically conclude is the build-up to Spuffy. Buffy is now so emotionally distant from her friends and even, to a degree, from Dawn. This enormous secret that she has to keep comes with having to pretend she’s grateful for something that she actually resents and tries so hard to wrap her head around. And here comes Spike, someone she doesn’t have to pretend with, someone who, if in a twisted and remote sort of way, is the closest to getting it. What an interesting way of building up Buffy’s side of the relationship, how refreshing that they’re putting the storytelling effort in instead of just catering blindly to what would be aesthetically pleasing. Granted, I still cannot yet say whether I will be satisfied with the way Spuffy unfolds but colour me intrigued at this point in time.
I had a few more thoughts after the first six episodes but really Willow and Buffy in the first three was the bulk of it and what excites me most about this polarizing season. I will say three gripes I’ve had just to let it out. One is the coffin of it all, obviously, Buffy’s friends being skilled enough to pull a resurrection off but not thinking to actually dig her body up before returning her soul into it. Also on the topic of the resurrection, why is everyone fully convinced that Buffy, saviour of the world on several occasions, defender of the innocent, hero to all went to hell? Or a version of hell, anyway. I get that so far in the Buffy lore there wasn’t much about any sort of heaven, just the different kinds of hell, but surely Giles or someone would stop to think, gee surely Buffy would have gone to heaven if there was one. I’m fine with the concept of them wanting to resurrect her regardless, fits very well with Willow’s story and of course their grief would be stronger than any notion of Buffy possibly being at peace. But still.
And finally, I really hope the Trio are just a decoy “Big Bad” and will soon be shoved out of the way to introduce... anyone else. They’re played for laughs so obviously they aren’t the actual Big Bad but I don’t think their comedy is funny, at all. Jonathan just pisses me off so much, someone who has SO MUCH to be grateful to Buffy for being a little shit. And as a group they’re just pathetic, not amusing. I don’t see how them messing with Buffy was played for comedy when girl is suffering enough as it is. She was ripped from nirvana and put back into the wheel, and we’re going to spend an episode, potentially more on some little shits inconveniencing her? No, please, get rid of them asap. Continue what the first three eps were building to and I’ll be happy.
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bespangeled · 2 years
Every Argument About “Buffy” On The Internet, From 1998 Until Now
Joss Whedon: Inventer Of Feminism Or Literal Hitler?
Joss  Whedon invented feminism. Before Joss Whedon, every female character on  television was crushed to death under the weight of her male co-stars’  heavier paychecks in the second-season finale.
Every female  character Joss Whedon ever wrote was forcibly impregnated by a demon and  brutally murdered, because Joss Whedon hates lesbians.
But Warren And The Trio Were –
Joss Whedon Doesn’t Understand What Bisexuality Is
Willow Identifies As Gay And You Are Robbing Her Of Self-Determination Because She Doesn’t Have A “Gold Star”
I’d  Feel More Comfortable With Willow’s Lesbianism If It Weren’t Sometimes  Equated With Drug Addiction, Literal Vampirism, And Megalomania
But She Was Clearly In Love With Oz
Who Are You To Say What Love Is
Dark Willow Was Pretty Hot, Though
Yeah, Dark Willow Was Super Hot
I’d Watch Dark Willow And Doppelgangland-Era Willow Hook Up If It Weren’t A Patriarchal Fantasy
Spuffy Is Problematic
Bangel Is A Child’s Delusion Of What Love Is
Spuffy Is Literally Assault
Okay But He Felt Really Bad About It And Didn’t Have A Soul
Waif-Fu And Thermodynamics: You Can’t Violate The Law Of Conservation Of Momentum
Season Six Felt Like Watching My Friends Get Murdered In Slow Motion Right In Front Of Me
It Was Worth It For Once More, With Feeling, Though
No, It Wasn’t
Doublemeat Palace Cancels Out Once More, With Feeling
Doublemeat Palace Cancels Out My Childhood
Xander Is The Only Character Who Retains Their Humanity On The Entire Show
Xander Is A Greater Monster Than Angelus And Invented “Nice Guy” Syndrome
Buffy Started To Falter After Angel Premiered
No, Buffy Started To Falter After Firefly Premiered
No, Buffy Has Never Faltered And Is Still On The Air
Buffy Started To Falter When Angel/Faith/Buffy Came Back
Buffy Was Better When It Was A Movie With Kristy Swanson
What If Evil?
Dark Willow Straight-Up Flayed a Dude!
Extremism In the Pursuit of Love Is No Vice
If a Dude Had Flayed Willow, Would We Be Cheering?
Everyone Was Too Hard On Dawn For Being A Regular Human Being
Don’t You Dare Try To Retroactively Justify Dawn
Oz vs. Tara
Oz Was Boring; Tara Was Too Good For This Sinful Earth
Tara Was Boring; Oz Was The Greatest Love Interest In Television History; Remember That Animal Crackers Monologue
What About Kenned–
Jenny Calendar And Race-Bending
Is It Important That Buffy Is Decidedly Not Book Smart?
Not Everyone Is Book Smart, That Is Elitist
Buffy is the Lady Channing Tatum of being Body Smart and That Is Sufficient
It Is a Tremendous Problem and Girls Should Not Watch This Show Or They Will Not Take College Seriously
I Shouldn’t Have To Watch Angel In Order To Appreciate Cordelia’s Growth As A Character
Shaming: Everyone Is Shamed
“Beer Bad” Is Slut-Shaming
“Beer Bad” Is Substance-Shaming and Preachy
“Beer Bad” Is Just a Terrible Episode
Angel Losing His Soul After He Has Sex With Buffy is Slut-Shaming
Was It Irish Sometimes, Or Was That Just Me?
Her Accent is Perfect, and Not To Be Questioned
Activating All Potential Slayers Was An Act Of Patriarchal Violence
Slaying Is Empowering
No, Slayers Were Literally Created When A Woman Of Color Was Forcibly Invaded By A Demonic Essence
Oh, Right
But Then They Get To Beat Up Everybody
Dark Willow Straight-Up Flayed a Dude
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chasingfictions · 2 years
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I posted 15,696 times in 2022
That's 3,009 more posts than 2021!
1,893 posts created (12%)
13,803 posts reblogged (88%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 10,266 of my posts in 2022
Only 35% of my posts had no tags
#btvs rewatch - 761 posts
#ask - 333 posts
#<3 - 247 posts
#btvs meta - 247 posts
#yellowjackets - 147 posts
#btvs script - 105 posts
#hi - 102 posts
#prev - 94 posts
#so true - 88 posts
#yeah - 70 posts
Longest Tag: 82 characters
My Top Posts in 2022:
will never stop being emo about how Buffy’s relationship, structurally, to her shadow selves and narrative foils shifts entirely after s2. the way that compared to Cordelia and Kendra she’s the freak and the wild one and the loose canon and then compared to Faith and Spike she’s the conservative and repressed and careful one and thinking about how her entire emotional landscape is forever altered by the angelus trauma and the loss of kendra, how she never gets to be that young and untroubled again :)))))))) and I feel FINE about it why do you ask :))))))) thinking abt how by mid series she’s so far away from being integrated with her own innocence that her innocence now lives in an externalized figure, dawn :)))))))) thinking about how there’s something about how buffy dying and returning in the s1 finale gives her this buoyancy, this power, this strength, this ultimate final girl narrative energy, and then her finding kendra’s dead body in the s2 finale is this narrative mirror to that. because that’s her, that’s a part of her, that’s not the only freak / not any more and how can you look at someone who is a part of you, dead on the ground in the same library where you gloated over the master’s bones, and not go a little bit hard inside, not curl up and retract and try to protect yourself because it’s not safe otherwise ….
631 notes - Posted January 14, 2022
it’s never too late to achieve your dreams. spike btvs died a virgin at age 27 and went on to become one of the sluttiest vampires of all time <3 dream big <3
734 notes - Posted February 25, 2022
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i love her so much i love them so much i love them so much i love her so much
1,696 notes - Posted August 19, 2022
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when the girlies are really eating it up
13,181 notes - Posted April 1, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
ideal ship dynamic
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61,875 notes - Posted April 4, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
…., vibes insane in here ……
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illek00 · 2 years
BTVS This or That:
Spike or Angel
Faith or Kendra
Stake or Crossbow
Sunnydale High or UC Sunnydale
Oz or Tara
Pilot or Series Finale
Before Dawn or After Dawn
Once More With Feeling or Hush
Harmony or Drusilla
The Library or Magic Box
Cordelia or Anya
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cabeswaterdrowned · 2 years
for the ot3 your top4 ships
Spuffy ehh I could go for Spike x Buffy x Faith only in the context of Spike and Faith are platonic Faith is a lesbian edit: oh and I could get on board with Buffy x Spike x Angel. I have read a couple fics (I could only find BA tolerable if either Spike or Cordelia was involved ot3 wise Cordelia would be better)
Fuffy I have two Ot3’s with them I actively love and they’re Buffy x Faith x Willow and Faith x Buffy x Tara the former has so many layers to it I’m obsessed with the way it’s played as a little like a love triangle on all sides in late s3, I’m a Faith x Willow truther i love the way their arcs parallel each other and they have a fun antagonistic chemistry (I was also all about Glitra on Spop and their dynamic is very similar so lmao ) and while it’s not as high as other dynamics on my buffyverse femslash list I have grown to quite like Buffy x Willow and find it interesting romantically especially circa s3 (I never felt that way about Adora and Glimmer though I was solely there for Catradora and Glitra Glitra slightly more than Catradora at a certain point but only slightly. And truth be told a lot of that is because I see both those dynamics as analogous to their Btvs counterparts but as much as I love Catradora it isn’t Fuffy / doesn’t hold a candle to my love for them while Glitra canon development and arc actually nailed my ideal Willow x Faith dynamic I would have liked to see if later seasons were as interested in it as I was so it was like a little treat just for me…anyway off topic). Basically a lot of messy fun to be had with that ot3 meanwhile I think Tara x Buffy x Faith would compliment each other really well like I love Buffy x Tara they’re so lovely together my best girls and Tara and Faith have interesting parallels both being from abusive family situations being lesbians being othered for different reasons, Tara is so non judgemental which is why she gets along with Anya and Spike so well and that could be really lovely for Faith and Tara liked gutsy women too . I think Tara as a third part of that relationship would really help along the aspect of Fuffy post series where they’d have to put in a lot of work to have a romantic relationship and trust after the events of canon so. I just think it’s a great idea. I would also be very here for a slayers4slayers4slayers pairing in Buffy x Faith x Kendra. I’m sure I wouldn’t be opposed to other Fuffy f/f/f Ot3’s either
Literati I could see Jess x Rory and Paris x Rory while Paris and Jess are simply best friends. But you’ll notice I have a lot less energy for this than I do for my #2 list
Andreil well I love Kandreil ofc!! No explanation needed
Thank you! <3
Send me an OTP and I’ll tell you who I’d ot3 them with
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coraniaid · 5 months
Made a list of some various ways in which Kendra could have continued to appear in the show after Faith. Sorted roughly both in order of increasing impact on the plot and increasing suspension of disbelief required on the part of the audience:
Kendra stays dead, but somebody (ideally somebody who actually met her, but failing that just about anybody) brings her name up, in any context, after her last canonical mention on the show (by Cordelia in Faith, Hope & Trick). This is ... the baseline, surely. (Do you know nobody but Cordelia mentions her by name at all after Season 2? Or that there are multiple conversations in early Season 3 in which it's discussed that Buffy was wanted for murder but has since been cleared, but not one in which it is acknowledged that the person she was wrongly accused of murdering was her friend and fellow Slayer?)
Kendra stays dead, but the First takes on her appearance at any point (either in Amends or in Season 7). There's a lot of talk about how the writers were hoping to bring back Xander's friend Jesse for Conversations With Dead People, but I've never seen anything about them doing the same for Kendra, despite the fact that Kendra appeared more times on the show (and more recently) and clearly mattered far more to Buffy. And given that the writers insisted on recasting Nikki Wood this season (despite her original actor wanting to come back!), I'm not exactly inclinced to give them the benefit of the doubt here.
Kendra stays dead, but for some reason only known to the writers, Amy Madison casts a spell to make one of the Potentials look just like her for an episode. It is never made clear why Amy would do this beyond a vague desire to mess with Buffy, how she knew about Kendra in the first place, or what consequences -- if any - Amy ever faces after casting this spell. Somehow it's still only very slightly less stupid than the actual canon plot of Season 7's The Killer In Me (which, to be clear, this would not replace in my vision; randomy-evil!Amy does two very similar spells back to back, ideally in consecutive episodes).
Kendra stays dead, but -- in classic Star Trek Mirrorverse fashion -- the writers use some sort of magical contrivance to allow the Kendra from the Wishverse (who was, presumably, Called as a Slayer the moment that the Master killed that reality's Buffy Summers) to visit 'our' reality. (This isn't really within the rules as presented in The Wish, but if Vampire Willow can do it....). Imagine a version of Season 6's As You Were when Buffy doesn't have to try to justify herself to her shitty ex -- the man who left her to fight a god and die so that he could go and make Belize safe for missionaries -- but instead she has to come face to face with the perfect, by-the-book Slayer who died as a direct result of Buffy's last relationship with a vampire.
Kendra stays dead ... until Bargaining. Willow messes up her resurrection spell a little bit and accidentally brings back more than one dead Slayer. Kendra hangs around for the rest of the show and is understandably very confused throughout (in particular, she could have sworn that Buffy didn't have a little sister four years ago...). Maybe the Watchers show up again, after Kendra tries contacting Sam Zabuto for advice. Maybe Kendra reacts just as badly to being brought back from the dead as Buffy initially does (and, look, if she wants to follow Buffy's example and start a relationship with one of the monsters she's meant to be Slaying, Anya will be newly single in just a few months' time...)
Kendra stays mostly dead, but a certain academic at UC Sunnydale with ties to the US military has been hearing rumours and myths about "Slayers" from captured demons and vampires for a while now. Long enough to become curious, and to pull a few strings at the local morgue when the rumour mill tells her a vampire somehow managed to kill a Slayer. Said academic has been funneling government money to work on her own "perfect soldier" project for a long time, and what better test subject to demonstrate this work on than a Slayer of her own? It turns out that most of Kendra's memories are still intact, after a little bit of not-exactly-ethical post-mortem surgery gets her heart working again, and as luck would have it she's even been trained for years to follow orders and never question authority. She's perfect. Realizing that the name "Adam" was a bit on the nose anyway, Professor Walsh starts a new project in Room 314...
Kendra was left for dead by Drusilla, bleeding out and unconcious on the floor of Sunnydale High School library, but it turns out that modern medicine is a bit better than it was in Drusilla's day and Slayers have this whole enhanced healing deal that the canon show sometimes forgets about. Yeah, her heart stops a couple of times in the ER, which is enough for a third Slayer to be called as in canon (and Buffy might not know that Kendra is going to make it when she goes to fight Angelus or when she leaves town), but by the time Willow is up and walking around again, so is Kendra.
Kendra is alive at the beginning of Season 3, filling in for Buffy in Sunnydale while the other Slayer is living as 'Anne' in LA. After Buffy comes back, Kendra leaves town for another Hellmouth but still regularly makes cameo appearances every season. Faith is also there, just like in canon, and the fact that Faith should only have been activated as a Slayer if Kendra died is simply never addressed. (I mean, let's be honest, it's not like the show particularly cares about continuity anyway.)
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takaraphoenix · 2 years
Everyone who reblogs my bi!Spuffy GIF set and tags it with something along the lines of “isn’t this canon?”/”counting AtS/the comics it’s canon” has me close to tears. I wish, fam, I really really wish.
We all know Buffy’s been queercoded since season 1 and it is a canon fact that Spike has had sex with Angel at least once.
However. The comics go out of their way to have Buffy sleep with a woman. Not once, but twice. And still vocally deny any bisexuality. They give her a sexuality crisis that has her settle back into “yeah no definitely 100% straight”. Even though making her have sex with a woman would be a wonderful opening to actually make her canonically come out as bisexual, after spending seven seasons queercoding her every chance they had.
As it stands, canon went outta its way to declare her heterosexual, even though you, me and everyone who’s ever watched this show know better.
And that behavior is why I take canon bi!Spike with a grain of salt too, because if asked point blank or if given a chance to bring it up again - in more than a one-line-throwaway joke - I’m fairly sure Whedon would also go out of his way to establish that Spike is 100% absolutely heterosexual (hahahahaha) and that Drusilla and Darla dared them to or whatever.
Again, we all know better. Nobody who dresses like that and behaves like that (and sleeps with a man like that) is a CIShet guy. Spike is incredibly queer in layers, both in his sexuality and his gender.
But canon adamantly refuses to give genuine confirmation and if asked with a gun to their head (let me repeat: they put that gun there themselves by making Buffy have sex with a woman), they will still loudly proclaim heterosexuality where no heterosexuality can be found.
So, sadly, based on actual canon, they’re headcanons. Even if we all know better. Spike and Buffy are two bisexuals in love.
(To clarify: This post is not to say “I mind your tags” or to wag my finger at the people tagging it, like some “ha, gotcha there! It’s not canon”, it’s honestly mostly just me venting my frustration that it is not canon and just how poorly canon handled Buffy’s sexuality in particular. This franchise literally made unicorns real before it made a bisexual character real.)
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things i would have liked to see in season 7 as resolution to character arcs
gonna start by saying i genuinely don't dislike season seven. sure i find the potentials annoying, which is a universal emotion everyone who's ever seen the show shares, but I really do like it overall. aside from the potentials and that one english accent that poisons my dreams every night, there isn't much i'd remove but there is stuff i'd love to add to make the season three times as long. including:
- i'd like to see buffy reading or doing something casually academic. after dropping out of college and not being able to rejoin in season six, it wasn't realistic or necessary for her to rejoin college in season seven, but i'd have liked to see something. buffy was clever and loved learning when she didn't have pressure on her or other places to be, and in a season about her growing up, learning how to balance putting pressure on herself and knowing her strengths, one scene of her losing herself in a book or enjoying signing up to a casual evening class could have been such a nice tiny moment. an older, mature verison of buffy could read for fun and not always be running late for a test or failing to do homework for other people.
- willow makes practical amends in some way. i love willow's character arc but i'd have liked to see more than her visiting tara's grave once and learning a lot in england. i'd like for this to include magic now that she knows magic has to be a part of her life going forwards, maybe she does some good works in tara's name magically around the city she tried to destroy.
- characters other than willow mentioning tara, and tbh willow mentioning her more. tara was both an important person in everyone's lives and a powerful symbol of what so many characters were lacking in season six and aiming for in season seven. she's all of your patron saints. acknowledge her.
- something with xander's family. not a neat bow on it but some kind of resolution to his relationship with them, either a positive moment with some member of his family in some way or him divorcing himself from them and confidently approaching becoming his own person. i don't want hells bells to be the last word we got on his relationship with his family.
- chat about other characters who have died or left. in a series about understanding your place in the world and going full circle, we needed to talk about more than just joyce. i want to see poignant conversations about kendra, ms calendar, oz, cordelia, faith (before she turns up, like they weren't expecting her soo).
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dontwarnthetadpoles · 3 years
Unpopular opinion of the day
Thinking about all the women of color that could have been added to Btvs even as secondary characters and haven't been because Whedon chose to not do it.
Even if the network was against casting a black actress for Cordelia, it always seemed to me that this racist rule concerned the main characters essentially. Because there has been (a limited number of) Poc actors playing supporting characters but they lasted 3/4 episodes at best, and except for Olivia and Robin Wood never played love interests for the leads.
Look at what we lost: the possibility of Kendra surviving and getting Faith’s arc, or the possibility of an asian/hispanic Faith, a black/asian/hispanic Tara, a black/asian/hispanic Glory, a black/asian/hispanic Anya, a black/asian/hispanic professor Walsh etc...
Don’t mention the chinese slayer Xin Rong or Nikki Wood in season 6 who were both killed (by Spike, a white man: such a surprise!) almost immediately after their introduction, or the chinese  potential Chao Ahn in season 7 who was reduced to a comic relief that nobody could understand because she had the boldness to not speak english. To think about them only intensifies my frustration.
Whoever owns the rights, if they really want to make up for the racism, they should think about making a prequel about Nikki Wood, tell the story of the second most badass slayer in the history of the Buffyverse and how she managed to survive and raise her son as a single mother for few years. 
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sunnydaleherald · 3 months
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Sunday, June 23rd
GUNN (yelling): —I'm not happy! (throws him into a rack of comics) THWACK CLERK (to Angel): Jeez! He gonna hurt me? GUNN: Think Daredevil 181. I'm Bullseye, you're Electra. One wins, one dies. Get what I'm saying? THWACK CLERK: Yeah, but we're kinda crushing the dark horses.
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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One, Two, Three by harlow_turner_chaotic_ace (Buffy/Faith/Kendra, T)
When the Morning Comes by harlow_turner_chaotic_ace (Buffy/Riley, Riley & Graham, T)
I come bearing a poem (made of Seasonal Spuffy creators' notes) by thenewbuzwuzz (Buffy/Spike, T)
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Rumor Has It by charlottenewtons (Buffy/Faith, T)
Strawberry Jam by Ashmaenas (Buffy/Spike, Buffy/Faith - fantasy, Explicit)
nothing novel, nothing strange by myrmeraki (Spike, Fanged Four, M)
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The Sound of Silence by Joan963z (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
All a matter of acceptance by onlyone87 (Buffy/Spike, PG)
Buffy’s fevered knight by Lilacsandorangeblossoms (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
Her Hero by Lilacsandorangeblossoms (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
When Two Souls Fall In Love by Lilacsandorangeblossoms (Buffy/Spike, PG)
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Shockwaves by Grief Counseling (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
His Heartstrings (Are So Thin) by Harlow Turner (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Incarnate, Ch. 8 by Sigyn (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Fixer Uppers, Ch. 7 by Melme1325 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
The Degradation of Duality [Series Part 2] Ch. 9-10 by Ragini (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Spiked, Ch. 3 by Maxine Eden (Buffy/Spike, Adult Only)
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With Sprinkles, Ch. 41 by dogbertcarroll (anime crossover, Xander, FR15)
Psyer Ch. 6 by JoshuAB (Psyren manga crossover, Xander, FR15)
Dawn Before the Sun: The Doomsman’s Daughter, Ch. 6 by Luna (Lord of the Rings crossover, Dawn, FR15)
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So It Goes... Ch. 7 by scratchmeout (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Bruises, Ch. 27 by hulettwyo (Buffy/Spike, Adult Only)
Perfect Clarity, Ch. 27 by VeroNyxK84 (Buffy/Spike, R)
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Spuffy Sticker Design & Speedpaint by fancyflautist (Buffy/Spike, worksafe)
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Famix: Fool for Love by agentkikirogers (Buffy/Spike, cover art somewhat NSFW)
Drusilla calligraphy: Do you love my insides?... by driven-to-abstraction (worksafe)
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Vid: Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Cinematic Teaser Season 1 by Tony Webster (bigbadllama) (ensemble)
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She-Mantis - digital ink by Josh McGary (Natalie French's bug form, worksafe)
Willow and Tara Chibi Style by yellownicky (Willow/Tara, worksafe)
[Reviews & Recaps]
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Out of Mind, Out of Sight; E01E11 by ravenya003
Buffy season 5 is fucking genius by spookylij
[Recs & In Search Of]
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Brideofcthulhu is promoting her fanfic (stories largely inspired by the Dark Horse comics)
[Community Announcements]
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Otherworldly Chemistry (btvscrackships.livejournal.com) Opens its Dreamwidth Community (otherworldly-chemistry.dreamwidth.org)!
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otherworldly_chemistry | Posting Guidelines
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Wrestling with your Demons: a new twitch series whose creators will review episodes of BtVS while playing WWE 2k24
[Fandom Discussions]
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I've always taken it for granted that... Spike and Drusilla will eventually reunite by lilatara, aphony-cree
i wish cordelia and fred had been better friends but also... by moistvonlipwig (with a vid rec by cobalt-knave)
can’t stop thinking about willow sleeping in buffy’s bed while buffy stays awake all night... by lesbianmarrow
the season of buffy that feels the MOST dated is actually s7 by moistvonlipwig
mental illness on this show is portrayed in such a weird way. by abitch-in-the-matrix
buffy in Two To Go saying to jonathan "if she kills you two, she crosses a line" by earhartsease, draculasstrawhat
if the Mohra Demons can make vampires human… by zorilleerrant
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What happened to Eve after "Not Fade Away"? hosted by OptionNo1672
Do you ship Faith/Gunn? by LightBlueSky55
What happened to the gallery? (s5 spoilers) by bumbleonyx
Housing questions by SafiraAshai
An Amends theory, Angel spoilers! by TastyApple2023
In each season, which episode really embraces the season's theme? (not a finale or premiere) by Cailly_Brard7
what’s your favorite buffy outfit? by nana6ee and others
Alternative names [for BtVS and AtS]? hosted by debujandobirds
What should Oz have done in “Wild at Heart?” by Neat_Apricot9706
Younger viewers: what's your take? hosted by Background-Roof-112
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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Amber "Tara" Benson Scheduled to appear at Midsummer Scream Halloween and Horror Convention on July 26-29 in Long Beach, California
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2024 Supanova Perth Kids In Perth Interview with James Marsters
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Sydney Supanova Expo 2024 Reports, Pics & Videos (James Marsters) via jamie_marsters
James Marsters' next scheduled con appearance is Perth Supanova Expo Jun 29-30 - via jamie_marsters
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