#s6 here i come
tuiyla · 1 year
Buffy season 6!
Okay I finally have a moment to write this out and it’s now or never so here goes, beginning of Buffy season 6 thoughts. Seen up to episode 6.
I knew going into it that it was a controversial season and obviously I’m yet to see most of it but I really enjoyed the tone the opening three episodes set. It was dark and ominous but not in the “for the sake of it” kind of way. BtVS got more saturated, if not substantially tonally more jovial when Angel the Series started but the start of season 6 almost felt like the Wishverse, what with gangs ransacking Sunnydale and Buffy nowhere to be seen. When I first accidentally found out that Buffy would die once again and return yet again, I didn’t think much of it. In that, she has died once and sure, we got an episode long PTSD and Kendra and Faith as a result (sigh, Faith) but the world didn’t feel fundamentally different. Due to many different factors, including the excellence of Buffy’s sacrifice in The Gift, this time it felt different. The Scoobies, while not quite a shell of their former selves are markedly different. Life went on but the absence of Buffy is felt in every corner. Everyone is effected but standing out the most is Willow, now leader and powerful, perhaps too powerful witch.
Willow’s development has been fascinating to follow and though she didn’t have the most to do in season 5, her not so quiet progression was all too clear when she took on Glory. And Willow’s game face when faced with the loss of Buffy is as serious as it was with Tara’s, such is the depth of their friendship. Alyson Hannigan, newly promoted to the special last but least position of the credits portrays Willow as beautifully as ever and brings a whole new dimension to her. This isn’t the same Willow Rosenberg who was too afraid to talk back to Cordelia in the pilot. She knows what she wants and what she wants is Buffy, alive and well and back with her family. Her path this season is set, even if I didn’t have vague (and not so vague) ideas of what’s yet to come. And Willow’s hardened determination is only highlighted when juxtaposed with her more relaxed self after Buffy returns. Hannigan taps more into the old Willow when Buffy’s back: her smile, her jokes, as if the weight has been lifted from her shoulders now that her friend is back. Now that the chosen one is back. But all is not well with Willow, and part of that is all being far from well with Buffy.
When it clicked what they were going for with Buffy at the end of episode 3, I felt a special kind of delight. The one you get when you know you’re about to witness something great. In this case, a fascinating journey and conflict for Buffy. They can never know but they will. Her friends will eventually have to face the fact that they ripped her right out of heaven itself. I wasn’t sure about her initial shock at first, in that I wasn’t sure it was going to be appropriately serious but also adding to her as a character. But the revelation that she’s not just startled, she’s resentful is delicious drama. And already in season 6 we have what I can only logically conclude is the build-up to Spuffy. Buffy is now so emotionally distant from her friends and even, to a degree, from Dawn. This enormous secret that she has to keep comes with having to pretend she’s grateful for something that she actually resents and tries so hard to wrap her head around. And here comes Spike, someone she doesn’t have to pretend with, someone who, if in a twisted and remote sort of way, is the closest to getting it. What an interesting way of building up Buffy’s side of the relationship, how refreshing that they’re putting the storytelling effort in instead of just catering blindly to what would be aesthetically pleasing. Granted, I still cannot yet say whether I will be satisfied with the way Spuffy unfolds but colour me intrigued at this point in time.
I had a few more thoughts after the first six episodes but really Willow and Buffy in the first three was the bulk of it and what excites me most about this polarizing season. I will say three gripes I’ve had just to let it out. One is the coffin of it all, obviously, Buffy’s friends being skilled enough to pull a resurrection off but not thinking to actually dig her body up before returning her soul into it. Also on the topic of the resurrection, why is everyone fully convinced that Buffy, saviour of the world on several occasions, defender of the innocent, hero to all went to hell? Or a version of hell, anyway. I get that so far in the Buffy lore there wasn’t much about any sort of heaven, just the different kinds of hell, but surely Giles or someone would stop to think, gee surely Buffy would have gone to heaven if there was one. I’m fine with the concept of them wanting to resurrect her regardless, fits very well with Willow’s story and of course their grief would be stronger than any notion of Buffy possibly being at peace. But still.
And finally, I really hope the Trio are just a decoy “Big Bad” and will soon be shoved out of the way to introduce... anyone else. They’re played for laughs so obviously they aren’t the actual Big Bad but I don’t think their comedy is funny, at all. Jonathan just pisses me off so much, someone who has SO MUCH to be grateful to Buffy for being a little shit. And as a group they’re just pathetic, not amusing. I don’t see how them messing with Buffy was played for comedy when girl is suffering enough as it is. She was ripped from nirvana and put back into the wheel, and we’re going to spend an episode, potentially more on some little shits inconveniencing her? No, please, get rid of them asap. Continue what the first three eps were building to and I’ll be happy.
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criminalflower · 3 months
This is the face of a man who's mentally going through all of his exes to figure out which one he got pregnant.
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tornoleander · 4 months
Nya has the best writing out of anyone in skybound an I will not hear otherwise
(this is just a rant but I will finish my argument with evidence soon but I was feeling like yelling at phone)
Just watched a video completely butchering her character.
I’m fuming about Nya’s treatment in general like RRRRR SHE IS LIKE THE BEST WRITTEN. Most people I see talk about her never tried to see Nya’s motivation.
And because she’s grumpy and won’t take bullshit treatment. And a large part of the audience Treat her like she’s a brat for it like…
Her ark against all odds is great. The only reason so many people don’t get that is ALL because of the awful framing and them focusing on Jay at all the wrong times I PROMISE YOU.
The audience is made to focus on Jay’s feelings in moments that should’ve been about her.
Nya always thought she would end up with Jay like she said later on. She always loved him She wasn’t trying to hurt or play with his feelings but she had bigger problems, and she simply didn’t want to be dating him. Because she hated how that would make her be perceived. Which was the issues that she overcame by the end.
She is frustrated by way she’s perceived by the city. They only see her as her gender. A self insert of sorts. (There’s a scene about it first ep subtle but boils my blood) Not a person. She HATES IT.
Nya has A lot more going on like it was never her Job to walk on eggshells around Jays feelings. She was having a lot harder of a time that first episode but more screen time was dedicated to Jays moping about her.
Just AAA ggghg
LIKE EVERYONE REWATCH SKYBOUND AND FOCUS ON NYA Specifically. Ignore how much the narrative drags you to look at Jay. I swear Nya’s struggle is shockingly the most well written bit
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raayllum · 7 months
this isn't how i'm writing it in fanon s6 bc i can pace things however i want with zero time constraints but this is something i could see s6 doing + i like being self indulgent so
They'd been stupid to trust the Celestial Elves.
It was the only thought running through Callum's brain as he stared in horror, the corona sealed back glass, the Nova Blade a weapon no mortal could wield, and Rayla—
On her knees, the leader holding an ordinary but no less terrifying blade to her throat, his face still a bit scraped up from his and Rayla's earlier scuffle. She'd been the one to catch the elf reaching for Callum's bag when they slept that night; she'd be the one to draw her sword first and engage him, quickly overwhelmed by the time Callum and her parents had arrived.
They were all talented warriors, but rusty after two years in a coin—Runaan unable to draw his bow with only one arm, and something long range was needed here. Some way to kill the leader and give Rayla time, even if he held her in a vice grip, pressing down hard enough on her throat there was thin, scarlet line growing.
"You have something we need, boy," the leader hissed, breathing heavily through a broken nose. "You know what it is."
Runaan's voice broke through, sharp and demanding—"What is he talking about?"—but Callum couldn't tear his eyes away from Rayla. She was struggling to breathe, let alone speak, but gave her head the barest shake. No.
"What are you going to do with it?" Callum says as neutrally as he can, stalling (there has to be a spell or a way out of this) even if he already knows the answer.
What else could they hope to do with something called the Key of Aaravos?
"I'll tell you what we're going to do your elf girl unless you give it so us," the Celestial elf snarls. "On the count of three, I'll slit her throat. One—"
Two hadn't even left his lips, Callum having an excuse to look away from Rayla's glaring, tearshot eyes now as he digs the cube out of his bag. It feels like it weighs a thousand pounds as he holds it up.
On Finnegrin's ship, at least he'd been able to hide what he was doing—what he was willing to do—in the shadowy depths of the ship. Here, in the light, there's nowhere to hide.
Callum holds it out, taking a few steps closer. "Lower the sword first," he says.
"And have her wriggle free? I don't think so."
"Callum," she wheezes. "Don't—"
"Fine then," Callum snaps. "At the same time—an exchange. On my count of three. One—" He looses his grip on the cube, the ring of celestial elves watching eagerly. "Two—" It's not ideal, him and Rayla in front of where any of her parents could join the fray; there will have to be distance before anyone can fight either way. But then, he's not doing this out of the certainty he'll get the Key back, that it won't end in disaster.
Just for her safety. Just for himself, because he can't live without her.
This was his destiny, what Aaravos was banking on. And he was right.
The Celestial elf takes his blade away and shoves her forward at the same time Callum tosses the cube over. It's caught in one shiny blue hand, the elf towering over him as Callum slides to his knees, catching Rayla as she careens forward before she can hit the floor. She coughs weakly in his arms, bleeding at the throat, but it seems shallow.
The celestial elves make it maybe five five away with their prize before her parents leap into action, swords clashing, but Callum grabs his staff and constructs a funnel of wind around him and Rayla, a thick enough wall of air to keep anyone else out momentarily, as he helps her sit up.
"Callum." She's crying, but alive.
"Let me look at you," he murmurs, lifting up her chin. He uses his scarf to wipe away the blood, relieved when more doesn't follow. A shallow cut just to scare him, but it'd worked. He pulls her into his arms next, just needing a moment to feel her heart beating against his.
She takes a second to hold him back and then does so, tightly, and his heart settles as they sit there shaking. She hasn't forgiven him for it yet, maybe—but she will.
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kradogsrats · 2 months
Fic: Closer to the Stars
a/n: me? co-opt a philosophically significant rayllum moment for my favorite sad wet cat man? surely not, how dare you
The waves of heat that staggered him as he walked the balcony are nothing, once he begins the spell. He can feel the fire in his chest, how it boils his blood and chars his flesh. It eats the air from his lungs as he fights for the breath to speak the incantation, his own heart burning in an agony of desperation so others' will not.
He can barely stay upright. He might not be strong enough.
He has to be strong enough. He thinks of Lissa, of Soren, of Claudia—how he wishes he could see her, just one more time. Tell her, like he told her brother—
The flames around him spit their hungry sparks up into the smoke-dark sky, little clusters of false, fading stars against the choking blackness. They multiply, his own blurring vision doubling and tripling them, again and again until he's shrouded by a vast, sprawling cosmos as silent as it is beautiful. As beautiful as it is silent.
Time slows. Some part of him is still fighting to form the spell—he can distantly feel his lips moving, the tears that slide down his face—but the stars command his gaze. Each one stares back at him, a thousand eyes piercing his soul. Looking inside and through him. Demanding that he see, as they do.
He doesn't want to look. He has never wanted to look, not since—
It doesn't matter, anymore. He looks. He sees.
And he finally, finally understands.
It's the thing he'd always sought and yet always refused to see. What he'd been unable to accept, even as his every move had howled with grief and rage and desperation for it. It's the purpose he was meant for, before the sucking, starving darkness inside him swallowed it down and clamored for more.
His wife. His children. His king. His kingdom. His race. His world.
All of it. The truth. His truth.
The dragon's fire burns around him, but for a moment he burns brighter—he's full of light, his heart no longer crumbling to ash but blazing like a star that pulses with life and love. The hollow darkness cowers before it, shrinking and fading until not even a shadow remains.
He can feel that he's dying, but there's no pain—only the deep, wonderful ache of love and longing. The regret that he didn't understand earlier. The grateful awe at understanding, now.
His knees hit the stone. There are tears on his face, again. None of it matters.
His truth still glimmers within him, a tiny star to guide his way. He speaks its name, words he'd said before, but never allowed himself to believe. It falls with him.
The foundations of the world crumble, but he looks up, unseeing, to the empty sky.
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funguy-not-fungi · 1 month
what difference does it make by the smiths is hilsons song-----you cannot convince me otherwise
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chillbean-427 · 3 months
Gee, I wonder what ship Callum is talking about here 🤨🤨
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majorpepperidge · 11 months
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"What did ancient humans know anyways? Those morons wiped themselves out and nearly took the whole world with 'em. None of those pricks would know a real prize if it came up and slapped 'em in the mouth."
yeah I've been playing Sandrock for the last coupla days but I still do be thinkin abt ZekiRay baybeee
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arsenicpanda · 1 year
Riverdale season 7 should have been about Tabitha going through different timelines, maybe with Jughead as her assistant (very Jughead’s Time Police), as she tries to untangle things, and as she does, she takes everyone with her through various decades of Archie Comics, not just the 50s
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zannolin · 5 months
to be real with you i honestly hateeee getting into fandoms for media that's still actively coming out (not like, star trek or whatever that doesn't count; long-running stuff with different eras and installments is in a different class than, say, a single book series or netflix show) because i was there gandalf i was in the voltron fandom in 2018 when s8 aired and it felt like the entire fandom collapsed overnight. and it rebounded eventually (or like, i don't really know the extent and activity of the voltron fandom today, okay, it's been a LONG time for me, but i see stuff kicking around occasionally) though never to the same level of engagement and activity, and i hate that. i hate the looming feeling of "if they really drop the ball on this last season or canonize some ship people hate or don't canonize one people love, the entire fandom will just up and leave and chances are i'll be left behind all sad and still attached with no one to talk to." it's a bad feeling!! and it wasn't JUST voltron this happened to either. (not to mention so many shows these days just have like Bad Fuckign Endings man don't get me started on death of the ending in the name of franchise) and it keeps happening also because apparently nowadays a show has to be actively airing to have a fanbase but once it ends and the popular gay ship isn't canon god forbid we ever talk about it again. y'know. i hate the content culture and like planned obsolescence invading fandom these days. it wasn't always this way <- crochety grandma voice but like. it hasn't always been like this! surely not!
it's why i'm so much happier and secure writing for stuff like idk, national treasure. or beyonders which is a wildly niche series that came out over a decade ago and still has a dedicated little fanbase kicking around. or star wars. established franchises or niche media where you don't have to worry about the rug being pulled out from under you (either because of an established, dedicated fanbase, or because the fact that the rug never existed in the first place) are so much easier to hang around in. and i wish more current media could have that kind of fanbase more often. i wish things stayed in the current consciousness more than, like, a year without a new season every year or two to boost them. you know?
okay enough being existential. back to reblogging gifsets you can go home now.
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jackshiccup · 1 year
where hiccup goes, we go
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raayllum · 5 months
would be so cool and funny if Callum had a moment of Anagnorisis about Aaravos/the celestial elves in s6 i think
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amorisland · 1 year
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So she was mad at me for kissing Ozzy after they basically broke up but she tried to go for Elliot before he coupled with me?
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cloneslugs · 9 months
prefacing w the fact that like yeah the quality is superb, some of the strongest lore/narrative stuff (specifically for monarch crew), i understand why people love them (esp s6) but like. so telling me and emil do not care for them at all . our last rewatch we wrote a review for every episode as we watched and even the like. nothing or even bad eps it was like yeah heres something to say but s6 it was immediately like. yeah i do not care enough to write anything anymore
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dylanconrique · 10 months
wine drunk and squeezing in one last watch of episodes 2x10-2x12 before the night officially ends. ☺️🥂
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lesbiradshaw · 2 years
hypothetically how many times do the actors and verified movie/show accounts have to make remarks about a fanon ship being real before i’m allowed to consider it canon .
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