#phew now i can progress when i get the chance
tuiyla · 1 year
Buffy season 6!
Okay I finally have a moment to write this out and it’s now or never so here goes, beginning of Buffy season 6 thoughts. Seen up to episode 6.
I knew going into it that it was a controversial season and obviously I’m yet to see most of it but I really enjoyed the tone the opening three episodes set. It was dark and ominous but not in the “for the sake of it” kind of way. BtVS got more saturated, if not substantially tonally more jovial when Angel the Series started but the start of season 6 almost felt like the Wishverse, what with gangs ransacking Sunnydale and Buffy nowhere to be seen. When I first accidentally found out that Buffy would die once again and return yet again, I didn’t think much of it. In that, she has died once and sure, we got an episode long PTSD and Kendra and Faith as a result (sigh, Faith) but the world didn’t feel fundamentally different. Due to many different factors, including the excellence of Buffy’s sacrifice in The Gift, this time it felt different. The Scoobies, while not quite a shell of their former selves are markedly different. Life went on but the absence of Buffy is felt in every corner. Everyone is effected but standing out the most is Willow, now leader and powerful, perhaps too powerful witch.
Willow’s development has been fascinating to follow and though she didn’t have the most to do in season 5, her not so quiet progression was all too clear when she took on Glory. And Willow’s game face when faced with the loss of Buffy is as serious as it was with Tara’s, such is the depth of their friendship. Alyson Hannigan, newly promoted to the special last but least position of the credits portrays Willow as beautifully as ever and brings a whole new dimension to her. This isn’t the same Willow Rosenberg who was too afraid to talk back to Cordelia in the pilot. She knows what she wants and what she wants is Buffy, alive and well and back with her family. Her path this season is set, even if I didn’t have vague (and not so vague) ideas of what’s yet to come. And Willow’s hardened determination is only highlighted when juxtaposed with her more relaxed self after Buffy returns. Hannigan taps more into the old Willow when Buffy’s back: her smile, her jokes, as if the weight has been lifted from her shoulders now that her friend is back. Now that the chosen one is back. But all is not well with Willow, and part of that is all being far from well with Buffy.
When it clicked what they were going for with Buffy at the end of episode 3, I felt a special kind of delight. The one you get when you know you’re about to witness something great. In this case, a fascinating journey and conflict for Buffy. They can never know but they will. Her friends will eventually have to face the fact that they ripped her right out of heaven itself. I wasn’t sure about her initial shock at first, in that I wasn’t sure it was going to be appropriately serious but also adding to her as a character. But the revelation that she’s not just startled, she’s resentful is delicious drama. And already in season 6 we have what I can only logically conclude is the build-up to Spuffy. Buffy is now so emotionally distant from her friends and even, to a degree, from Dawn. This enormous secret that she has to keep comes with having to pretend she’s grateful for something that she actually resents and tries so hard to wrap her head around. And here comes Spike, someone she doesn’t have to pretend with, someone who, if in a twisted and remote sort of way, is the closest to getting it. What an interesting way of building up Buffy’s side of the relationship, how refreshing that they’re putting the storytelling effort in instead of just catering blindly to what would be aesthetically pleasing. Granted, I still cannot yet say whether I will be satisfied with the way Spuffy unfolds but colour me intrigued at this point in time.
I had a few more thoughts after the first six episodes but really Willow and Buffy in the first three was the bulk of it and what excites me most about this polarizing season. I will say three gripes I’ve had just to let it out. One is the coffin of it all, obviously, Buffy’s friends being skilled enough to pull a resurrection off but not thinking to actually dig her body up before returning her soul into it. Also on the topic of the resurrection, why is everyone fully convinced that Buffy, saviour of the world on several occasions, defender of the innocent, hero to all went to hell? Or a version of hell, anyway. I get that so far in the Buffy lore there wasn’t much about any sort of heaven, just the different kinds of hell, but surely Giles or someone would stop to think, gee surely Buffy would have gone to heaven if there was one. I’m fine with the concept of them wanting to resurrect her regardless, fits very well with Willow’s story and of course their grief would be stronger than any notion of Buffy possibly being at peace. But still.
And finally, I really hope the Trio are just a decoy “Big Bad” and will soon be shoved out of the way to introduce... anyone else. They’re played for laughs so obviously they aren’t the actual Big Bad but I don’t think their comedy is funny, at all. Jonathan just pisses me off so much, someone who has SO MUCH to be grateful to Buffy for being a little shit. And as a group they’re just pathetic, not amusing. I don’t see how them messing with Buffy was played for comedy when girl is suffering enough as it is. She was ripped from nirvana and put back into the wheel, and we’re going to spend an episode, potentially more on some little shits inconveniencing her? No, please, get rid of them asap. Continue what the first three eps were building to and I’ll be happy.
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vilf-lover · 2 months
i’m not one of those cool fanfic writers so don’t expect greatness and i’m idk how to make a title and fancy specifications but
this is how i imagine darlin getting everyone kicked out of the club because of them fighting went down ⭐️
1400 words 😭😭😭 certified yapper
“I LOVE THIS SONG!!” angel shouted into darlin’s ear while an intense edm rendition of ‘baby’ by justin bieber roared from every crevice of the club
they were wondering if anyone was going to be able to hear after tonight, but they didn’t care because of how much fun they were having. though, they were questioning angel’s taste in music…
“OKAY I AM GOING TO GO GET A WATER AND GO SIT DOWN WITH MR PARTY POOPER OVER THERE” obviously darlin was referring to their wonderful mate that just happened to come to the club again- even after last time ;))
he claimed he came again for safety reasons but they knew it’s because he had a blast, even before their “dance lesson”. sam may not be a dancer, but he always talks about how music makes him feel truly alive, how he felt when he was human. a reminder of his livelihood.
darlin ends up sitting next to their mate the rest of their night as they both enjoy shirley temples and nice cold waters.
as the night grows older, the pack decides they’ll stay for 30 more minutes before leaving.
about five minutes before they plan to leave-“darlin’ i’m gonna use the restroom before we head out. don’t get in any trouble without me.” he chuckles as he jostles out of his seat and makes his way to the back.
about a minute passes before a man, about 6’0, shoulder-length hair, one full sleeve of tattoos sits on the chair next to them; in the seat sam was occupying.
“so gorgeous, you leaving here with that guy? because i know something that would make you much happier” he smiles smugly as the words leave his lips
they’re a bit taken aback. while this was not their first rodeo, no cowboy pun intended, they now felt way different when being hit on. as though it was an insult to them and sam.
“oh really.” they say in such an unenthused tone that most people would stand up and walk away right then and there.
it seems as though he takes this as a challenge. “yeah hun, i’m sure i could treat you better than he could. tenfold. how about i prove it?” you can hear the smirk on his face.
this is when darlin’ decides to stop being civil. there is nothing they hate more than a person that won’t take no for an answer. they would know after being in a relationship with one for way too long. boundaries are boundaries.
“listen. i am trying to give you the chance to leave this conversation right now. rejection is hard, i know. i’m sure you’re horny and lonely, but i’m not. so leave me alone.” they scoff and turn their chair back to the bar
“well didn’t know you were such a fucking bitch who didn’t know how to have fun but whatever” he starts mumbling to himself as he walks off, head hanging low
sam appears in the crowd of people, making his way back to his seat. “phew- sorry, the line was so long. how’re you doin’ darlin?”
“well- other than a guy poorly hitting on me, i’m doing okay” they scoff thinking about the interaction
sam is puzzled. “who did what? i left for like two minutes and you’re being ambushed. what am i going to do with such a fine specimen of a mate”
he leans in for a kiss as they both laugh and get up from their seats to meet everyone at the front
darlin and sam are walking out of the club with ash, milo, david and their mates when they hear something behind them
an agitated voice yells at the group, “oh so you have a little posse. and there’s your little boyfriend too. cute.”
confused, they all give glances to each other before darlin’ says to just keep looking forward and walk.
soon it would become obvious that this was not the end of the interaction.
“ignoring me? it’s good to know they’re all fucking bitches! just like you!” the man slurring his words and getting progressively louder as his sentences drag on
darlin’, upset, turns around and approaches the man while still keeping a good five feet of distance to try and maintain some civility. “can you leave me and my friends alone. you are obviously tipsy so i’m giving you this last warning”
they go to turn around before getting kicked in the stomach
“i’m not scared of you or your little friends! and i won’t take a pathetic ass threat!” he says, now screaming.
everyone is in shock- a person they don’t know is now attempting to hurt the person they all know won’t take shit.
“holy shit!” milo gasps, possibly for dramatic effect
david sighs while rubbing his temples, “this is not going to end well for him”
darlin is now standing up after falling into the ground, brushing the rubble off of their hands. there’s an annoyed look on their face as they walk over to sam. “i really did not want to do this tonight but can you take my bag and my rings?”
the man is standing there distraught, wondering why they are acting so leisurely after getting kicked.
darlin’ gives sam a kiss on the cheek and looks at the pack, “enjoy the show, i guess” they roll their eyes before turning back to the man
“what the fuck do you think you’re doing, you think this is some kind of jo-“ he tries to mutter a sentence, before getting punched square in the face
usually, darlin likes making fighting a game. something they can drag out and feel some adrenaline before ending it. but tonight? no, not tonight.
the man looks up, his nose is bleeding immensely. he looks terrified, skittering back on his feet and hands as darlin’ approaches them.
darlin’ is now towering over him, the dim illumination of a streetlight overhead creates a silhouette of their figure thats spine-chilling, they look menacing as ever
“i’ll let you stand up once.” they say under their breath, “give you some dignity. so it won’t be so embarrassing to remember tomorrow.”
they walk back as he very slowly gets up
the man laughs, “giving pity? not a good idea. i can destroy you hun. i just wasn’t prepared.”
he goes to throw a right jab after swinging his left leg in between their feet to knock them over.
in theory, it’s a good idea. make them unstable then hit them when they’re not excepting it. unfortunately for him- that’s not how it went…
darlin is not affected by the leg, and instead squeezes his leg in between their feet. making him stuck- falling directly on his side. a painful landing to say the least
as the pack is watching, they’re also making full commentary. not loud enough for them to hear, as that would be a detrimental mistake.
“do you think they’re going easy?” david asks
“oh absolutely” sam chuckles, “this is nothin’”
asher laughs, “yeah i think they’ve thrown a punch harder than that at me!”
the man is now in fetal position on his left side, wincing in pain.
darlin’ leans down to a crouch, frightenly close, and whispers, “next time, know. no means fucking no. don’t do this ever again. prick.”
the emphasis of their words would’ve been enough to make him topple over in the first place
he does nothing but nod as they walk off.
with impeccable timing, the security guard from the back of the club walks up to the group.
“i’ve been asked to escort you and your party off of the premises.” the man had a deep voice and is quite taller than anyone in the group.
darlin’ chuckles, “are you joking? i mean- this dude was harassing me and then my “party” this whole time and you didn’t feel the need to interject.”
the guard seems to give a glance that says “yeah, i know. i’m just doing my job” which everyone in that group has given before.
“okay. we were just leaving anyway. thanks sir, have a good night” david seems to be the only peaceful one at the moment. at most moments actually.
there’s silence in the pack as they continue walking away from the club until a overly-enthusiastic “wow! that was awesome!” spouts from asher
i am not a fic writer to say the least but i have a very active imagination and i hope this lives up to standard in one way or another
i hope you guys enjoy :>>
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shina913 · 2 years
Stalemate, Part 1 | MYG
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Stalemate (Mini-series)
Definition:  (1) Chess. a position of the pieces in which a player cannot move any piece except the king and cannot move the king without putting it in check. (2) any position or situation in which no action can be taken or progress made; deadlock
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Pairing: Woodworker!Yoongi x Fem!Reader
Rating: M 🔞; NSFW
Genre: breakup!AU; toxic relationships; angst; fluff; smut; heavy drama
Summary: "The truth is, I'm not afraid to take that gamble anymore...in the off-chance that I get lucky again and feel the way I felt when I was with you. I'd happily make that bet over and over."
Word count: 8.9K+ words
Warnings (more written in individual chapters): problematic exes; relationship insecurities; alcohol consumption; cussing; miscommunication; past infidelity (reader had an affair with a married man but not detailed); vulnerable confessions; protected sex; oral sex (F-receiving); breast/nipple play; dirty talk; jealousy; multiple orgasms; verbal confrontation; a terrible joke about wood 😑
A/N: Phew! What a way to break my month-long writing drought/limbo...jumping from one unfinished WIP to another. As I mentioned on the series masterlist, this is a nonlinear story so you'll see multiple time jumps. I tried to map out the timeline using "Now" and "Then" headings so I hope that helps!
I was also going to straight-shot this but Part 2 is still missing a couple of scenes so I hope to post that in the next day or two. Until then, here's some smangsty-angst!
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Yoongi pushes the button of his key fob to lock his car then walks across the street toward an alleyway. Over a decade ago, this area, at this time of night was always questionable at best. But the neighborhood was changing and old warehouses like these were being converted into some tech start-up office, a pop-up restaurant, or sometimes, the occasional modern art gallery.
His friend, Namjoon’s voice boomed through the loud chatter and house music. He rushes to greet him by the entrance with a hug.
“Hey, glad you could come out tonight!”
Yoongi scans the surroundings and nods in approval. He gasps, “Wow–this looks great, Joon!”
“Thanks, man. Do you like how we styled all of the light fixtures?”
Both men look up at the ceiling and marvel at the decor. “I think I might run out of adjectives tonight,” Yoongi laughs. “I love what you did with them. They look awesome!”
“Great to be friends with the supplier, huh?” Namjoon grinned, elbowing Yoongi playfully.
“Yeah, yeah,” Yoongi answers wryly. “Only for you, Namjoonah.”
“Listen, I’d love to hang out and chat but there’s a lot of people here tonight. Lots of people to rub shoulders with, you know?”
“Aish, go ahead, man–it’s your night. I’ll be fine,” Yoongi smiles.
“Alright well, there’s an open bar set up in the patio and we’ve got people walking around with finger-foods. Just help yourself and have fun, yeah?”
After Namjoon walks away, Yoongi starts to walk deeper into the building and sees doors leading to an outdoor area to where a makeshift bar is set up. While he waits for the bartender to bring him his drink, he turns around to admire his friend’s place once more.
It had been a while since Yoongi had gone out on a weekend–by choice. He mostly preferred to stay in and be a recluse or occupy his time by working.
“Sir, your drink?”
Yoongi turns back toward the bar to take his beer. “Thanks,” he nods at the bartender, then drops a dollar in the tip jar.
As he starts to turn and walk away, he pauses while his vision lands on one corner, next to one of the multiple mobile sculptures installed in the space.
He watched from a distance as you carefully gazed at the exhibit, trying to find some deeper meaning or metaphor that it was trying to convey. Once you were ready to move onto another section of the gallery, your breath catches–and your eyes lock.
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“Dude, where the hell are you? I’ve been waiting for over an hour,” Yoongi grumbled while he stood in a quiet corner to make a call. He’d been at the bar waiting for his friend, Namjoon to show up. It’s been a stressful week for him at work and he wanted to unwind and have a few drinks.
“Sorry, Yoongi. I sort of…ran into someone and now we’re talking about heading to her place–”
“Her?” Yoongi repeated, “Wha–you already hooked up with some chick?”
“I mean, I don’t know how it will turn out yet, Yoongi,” he chuckled on the other line. “We’re just talking. But if you want, I can still meet you? It’s just going to take me a little while,” Namjoon sputtered.
Yoongi groaned, knowing full well that once Namjoon had been roped in, it would be like trying to pull him out of quicksand. “You know what bro–just…don’t worry about it,” he concedes.
“A-are you sure? I could still–”
“It’s cool, Namjoonie. We’ll link up next time. Have a good night.” He signs off as sincerely as possible before hanging up.
Yoongi huffed, downed the rest of his beer then trudged back over to the bar. He motions to the bartender, who moved closer so he could place another drink order.
“Can I get a scotch, three fingers, no ice?”
It’s nearly 10:30 at night and you and your friend, Hyejin were still feeling the club’s vibe. It was a long weekend and you were intent on making a casual hookup or two.
“Anyway…we decided that things weren’t working out,” Hyejin shrugs. “We’re good though.”
You eyed her suspiciously. “Oh sure,” you say sarcastically, “Is that why you’re still fucking him?”
She giggled, clearly not planning on denying it. “I mean, he’s a nice guy and we started out as fuck-buddies…” she trailed off.
You rolled your eyes. “You need to start setting better boundaries, girl,” you say before taking a sip of your drink.
She shrugged, “I’m just living life. You should try it sometime!”
After you snort at her comment, she nudges your arm, bobbing her head toward the bar’s direction. “He looks yummy,” she remarks. You turn your head and made a quick assessment of the lonely patron she was gesturing at.
To your surprise, he turns his head in your direction. You met his gaze for a brief moment before he hastily turned away.
“He’s hot but a little too broody-looking,” you say dismissively even though you felt a flutter in the pit of your belly.
“So? You know what they say about those quiet, broody types…” Hyejin leans into your ear and whispers, “They’re freaks in the sheets!”
Your eyebrows knitted comically at her. “Who the hell said that?”
She clicked her teeth. “Me, duh!” She threw her head back in laughter, the music drowning out her drunken cackles. “Go get him–or I will,” she threatens.
Just then, he glances in your direction once more. But he’s unnerved by you and Hyejin staring straight at him so he turns away and looks down at his phone screen instead.
“I think he looked at me,” Hyejin said.
“Shut up, he looked at me!”
“You said he was too broody–”
“That didn’t mean that I was disinterested,” you cocked a warning eyebrow at her..
She laughed. “Well, what are you waiting for?” She dared.
You started to back away from her and grinned. “Slow your roll, babe…I’m going!”
You turned away from her and walked up to your target, his shoulders hunched over while he scrolled through his phone and alternately took a sip of his drink.
You ordered yourself a cocktail even though you technically already had one that you conveniently left behind where you previously stood.
You parked yourself on the seat next to him, pretending to scroll through your own phone while you gather up the courage. You see him from your peripheral view sneaking more glances at you.
When the bartender brings you your drink, the hottie to your left speaks out.
“Put her drink on my tab.”
The bartender’s eyebrow quirked. He looked at you then back at him. He gave him a small smile, nodded in acknowledgment, and walked away. You took it as your cue to finally start a conversation.
“Thanks, that’s nice of you,” you said, swiveling your seat in his direction, crossing your leg over the other.
“You’re welcome.”
The bartender serves your drink. As you pick it up, you raised your glass toward him. “Geonbae.”
“Geonbae,” he says as he raised his glass to tap it against yours. 
After you both take a sip, you ask him straight away, “Are you here with anybody?” You were not wasting any more precious time.
“Well, I was waiting for a friend but he ditched me so I’m on my own tonight.”
“Oh no,” you feigned regret. “I hope you don’t mind if I keep you company for a bit? It’s the least I can do to thank you for this drink.”
Your boldness made him smile. “I’m Yoongi.”
“Nice to meet you, Yoongi. I’m YN.” He reached out for a handshake but you gave him a hug instead. It takes him by surprise but it’s a welcome one.
“So, you build furniture?”
“Yep. I design them and I build them,” he explains while you scroll through his company’s social media page.
“By yourself?”
He laughed. “Sometimes, if I can’t find reliable help,” he remarks, his laugh growing louder. “I mean, I do the designs by myself but I usually have a team who helps me with the production and assembly. I have my own workshop.”
“Wow,” you marveled and continued to scroll through his feed. “Your work is really good–and unique!”
“Thank you. I work with a lot of local suppliers–small businesses as well, like mine. It’s a great community,” he explains. “And by the way, your work looks great, too,” he says while he scrolls through your own social media feed.
“Oh, gosh–most of my moodboards are from random Pinterest concepts,” you respond.
“Ehh…I think you’re being too modest.” He zeroes in on a recent contract–one that you were really proud of. It was for a local restaurant chain that used to have a bland color palette and aesthetic until they hired you to liven it up for their first location expansion. Three locations later, they’ve been one of your most lucrative clients.
“You have a great eye,” he says before handing your phone back to you. You smile at his compliment while you return his phone.
“If you think my work is good, we should get together sometime.”
His eyebrow quirks at your remark, but he holds back his response thinking you might have misspoken. You smile at him and after taking a sip of your drink you say, “You know, I’m always looking into connecting with new vendors to partner with.”
He chuckled. “You think we can be partners?”
“Why not? I see a lot of potential for us. I work in design and you are a potential supplier...what’s the worst that can happen?”
He narrowed his eyes at you. “Our visions might not line up,” he responds with a hint of doubt.
You shrug. “Ever heard of compromising?”
He chuckled softly. “My work tends to come off too old-fashioned to some. It takes a different kind of audience.”
“So? Sometimes all it takes is a dash of old-fashioned,” you smile, raising your glass containing the same drink.
You lift a shoulder. “You need a little bitterness to balance the sweetness out.” You giggle at the cheesiness of that line.
“Point taken,” he says with a gummy smile, holding back his laughter.
The last thing you remember was Yoongi asking if you wanted to go to his place or yours–before everything went dark.
Your eyes flicker up to the ceiling. 
As you adjust to the brightness of the room, you instinctively reach over by the nightstand to retrieve your phone to check for the time. It was a quarter past 8AM…and you were home…alone, as it seems when your head whips around to see the other side empty.
What happened?
You slowly pad your way into your living room. Maybe he was just trying to be polite and crashed on the couch.
Except, he wasn’t.
Did he just drop you off and leave? You clutch at your throbbing forehead. I’m getting too old for this shit, you thought to yourself. Still, you were worried about what happened to Yoongi.
You pull his number from your phone–at least, you think that you have his number.
“Aha,” you gasped when you find his name in your contacts list.
You realized it might still be too early but you thought you could just give him a call and leave him a voicemail just to make sure that he got home safely.
You open up your blinds to let get some more daylight in the room. By some twisted way, you found that it helped with your hangover.
While the other line trills, something catches your eye when you look out the window.
“Oh shit–” you say under your breath.
You approach his car and unsure whether to knock or let him be. He looked exhausted but you couldn’t just leave him out here.
You tapped your knuckles against the window and he immediately flinched.  He looks around, seemingly surprised at his surroundings until his eyes land on you.
You gesture to open his door. When he does, you ask him, “Good morning. Would you like to come in for some coffee?”
He declines at first but you managed to convince him to come in. After a few sips of coffee, he insisted on cooking you breakfast.
You hadn’t gone grocery shopping yet and didn’t have much in your fridge except for some eggs and cheese. You had a couple of slices of bread in the pantry so he makes the most out of it. He is appreciative of the effort and continues to tell you that you didn’t need to go out of your way.
“So, do you always make breakfast for girls you pick up from the club?” You joke.
“Not really,” he laughs. “I also don’t fall asleep in my car after I’ve dropped them off.”
“You know you were welcome to sleep on the bed or the couch,” you say casually. “I wouldn’t have minded.”
“Nah, you were passed out and I didn’t want you to think that I was taking advantage of the situation or anything like that,” he reasons.
You smiled at how respectful and thoughtful he was. “I appreciate that. And…thank you for bringing me home.”
“You’re welcome.”
Days later...
“Bro, are you sure you can meet the deadline?”
Yoongi glanced at Namjoon, then scratched the back of his neck to think before he gave him an answer. He was feeling stressed with this client because they were fussy about the design. It took at least a dozen iterations of the collection before they finally approved it.
The deadline was fast approaching and Yoongi had fallen behind with the work. He’d have to pay his guys overtime and maybe even work on some of the pieces himself in the evenings to cover more ground.
“Tell them not to worry. Besides, when have I ever missed a delivery date for them?” Yoongi walks away and back into the workshop to check on how the other projects were progressing.
Namjoon nodded at Yoongi’s logic. No matter how stressful it got for him, Yoongi always managed to deliver the goods, and clients were satisfied each and every time. ”Alright, I’ll let them know.” He types a text to the client and sends Yoongi’s response.
After sending it off, he turns his attention back to Yoongi. “Hey, so–how’d you make out last weekend? Are we cool?”
The question seems to take Yoongi by surprise. “Huh? Why wouldn’t we be?” 
Namjoon laughed. “Bro, this is me apologizing for abandoning you for a girl.”
“Oh.” Yoongi suddenly recalls the events leading up to how the night ended. “Uhm–nah, we’re cool. Besides, I did just fine,” he adds casually.
His friend’s mouth spread into a Cheshire cat grin. “Oof–you hooked up, didn’t you?”
Yoongi’s face scrunched in confusion. “Naaww…”
His laughter boomed from his chest. “Bro, I know you’re lying! Lemme see! Is she on social media?”
Yoongi clicked his teeth and groaned. “It wasn’t even like that.”
“So you did meet someone!”
He sighed, exasperated with his friend’s teasing. “Fine, I did. But nothing happened! We just hung out and I took her home.”
Unconvinced, Namjoon’s voice rose a few octaves. ”Whaaatt? Wait–so this the first girl you’ve hooked up with since–”
Yoongi waved his hand in mid-air to stop Namjoon from finishing his thought. “For the last time–she and I did not hook up,” he clarifies firmly. “We just had a nice conversation over a few drinks. Then I drove her back to her place…where I made her breakfast.”
Namjoon doubles over in laughter. “And you’re telling me that nothing happened?”
“Swear to god! After giving me her address, she fell asleep on the way there and I just carried her in. I slept in my car.”
“Wow…” Namjoon breathes out. “Look at you being all chivalrous!”
Yoong snorted at the comment.
“So–are you gonna see her again or what?”
Before he could answer, Namjoon’s phone buzzed with a text from their client. He reads the message to Yoongi. “She asked if you can squeeze in a prototype for barstools?”
“Aish,” Yoongi says under his breath. “I mean…that technically wasn’t even…” he stops short. Instead of arguing, he drags out a sigh and relents. “You know what, fine. Tell her I’ll include it and bill her later.”
Namjoon types up Yoongi’s response, to which the client replies almost instantaneously. “Is he absolutely sure?” He read the text out loud, a wry look on his face.
Yoongi looked up at his friend and let out a grunt of annoyance. “Just fucking tell her ‘yes’.”
Namjoon nods and sends the response again. “I don’t know why I need to be your middleman here–”
“Well, you brokered this deal. And from the jump, they preferred to communicate this way, so…” he trailed off. After ensuring some quality control on his employee’s work, Yoongi walks back into his living space and flops himself onto the sofa. He leaned his head back and closed his eyes.
Namjoon walks toward his friend and sits on the adjacent seat. “Is that really all there is to it?” His voice had a hint of concern and worry for his friend.
Yoongi turned his head and opened one eye to look at him.
“It’s been over a year. She’s moved on–”
“Clearly,” Yoongi deadpanned before closing his eye again.
Namjoon shifted uncomfortably and scratched the back of his neck. “Well…aren’t you back in the dating scene? Can’t we all be grownups here?”
He let out a deep sigh, then opened his eyes again to dig his phone out of his back pocket. He didn’t think Namjoon’s question required an answer so he just scrolls through his screen.
Talking about his past relationship was a sore subject…even for Yoongi, whom his other friends thought to be typically aloof about these kinds of things. But sometimes, whatever one showed on the outside actually ran much deeper on the inside.
Shrugging, Namjoon takes Yoongi’s reticence as his cue to leave.
When the door shuts, Yoongi pauses his scrolling through his social media feed as his vision lands on a particular post. Damn algorithms got him again. He clicks on the account’s page and follows it.
Next, he types up a message and then hits ‘send.’
After work, you head over to a pub close to your office. You offered to meet Yoongi halfway from wherever he was coming from but said that he was happy to head over closer to where you were at.
He was already at the bar when you walked in, looking more relaxed than when you first saw him over the weekend. You weren’t much for guys with long hair but something about his hair being pulled back in a half-up/half-down bun became a contributing factor that held your attention.
You greet him with a hug, which he reciprocates. He asks what you want to drink. You glance at his whisky and decide to order an old-fashioned.
“You know, when you texted me this afternoon, I was a little surprised.”
“And why’s that?” He asks you.
“I don’t know. I wasn’t sure if you thought our night ended kind of weird.” You sat on the stool next to him, your legs crossed in his direction while you turned your glass on the bar’s surface with your fingers.
He laughed. “I’ll admit, I don't remember having a night like that…ever, I think?” Your eyes drift to his fingers that dance over the rim of his glass of whisky. 
“Is that because you always score?”
He caught his lower lip with his teeth and inhaled. “I’ll tell you right now, if my best friend were here, he’d already fallen off his chair laughing.”
His comment made your eyebrows lift in surprise. You both took sips of your drinks. After you swallow, you ask, “On that note, how many serious relationships have you had?”
He nearly chokes on his drink, laughing awkwardly. “Oh, we’re at that level of comfort now?”
You lifted a shoulder. “Seemed like the conversation was headed there anyway. Might as well get there sooner!”
He laughs, then pauses to consider his answer. “I’ve had one.”
“One? That’s it?” You were incredulous. You found him attractive–and not in a novel way. He spoke calmly and even sagely at times. A good conversation these days was rare and often overlooked or easily forgotten. But he was someone you enjoyed talking to...and someone you hadn’t been able to get out of your mind in the last few days.
“Yeah. Just the one,” he replies. 
“Yep. We were going to get married and everything. But,” he let out a sharp breath, “She changed her mind.” He sighed, picked up his glass, and swirled the liquid in it. “She broke it off the day before…told me she couldn’t go through with it.” 
You watched him throw his head back and polish off the rest of his drink. Your heart hurts for him and you didn’t have a smartass joke to say to lighten the mood.
“Anyway!” He sighed deeply, desperate for a subject change. “That was a long time ago. It’s all done and over with. She’s off doing her own thing, I’m doing mine. What about you? How many serious relationships have you been in?”
His eyes widened. “Nine? Those were all serious?” He asks carefully.
“Yes,” you say confidently. “Why is that hard for you to believe?”
He scoffed. “I mean…you don’t look that old and you’ve been in nine serious relationships?”
“What does my age have to do with it?” You laughed.
“Well…usually, relationships span years–”
“That’s what you think,” you countered. “You think that in order for a relationship to be considered serious is the amount of time you’ve been with that person. I mean, couldn’t it just be the depth of connection with that person?” 
That stopped him in his tracks. He let that thought sink in, then nodded gently. Meanwhile, you’re watching his facial expressions–the wheels turning in his head.
“I can still feel you silently judging me,” you chuckle.
“I’m not,” he says simply. “I’m certainly in no place to judge. You’re an adult, free to make your own choices. Besides, we’ve only just met.”
You smiled. “Fair point.”
“Although…I’m curious, if you don’t mind me asking.”
You shook your head and prompted him to continue.
“Out of all of those relationships, which one was your worst heartbreak?”
“Damn!” You laughed. “And here you are questioning whether we’ve known each other long enough to discuss these things?”
You both laugh at the thought. When you calm down, he says, “Touché. I was just curious, that’s all. You don’t have to answer.”
“It’s fine, I’ll answer.” You downed the rest of your drink and turned your attention back to him. “The one that really did a number on me was my last relationship. We were together for about six months…” You paused to clear your throat, “until I found out that he was married.”
“Married? So you were someone’s mistress?”
“Unknowingly!” You contest. “Besides, I ended it as soon as I found out. I didn’t want to get tangled up in all that.” You winced at the memory. Not your finest moment but since then, you tried to be more vigilant about red flags.
“Well, like I said–it’s all in the past, right? The point is, we both got our hearts broken. End of story.”
You nodded in agreement before he switches gears. “Don’t you ever get scared?”
“Scared of what?”
“Repeating the whole process. You know, as someone who’s been in all of these relationships…don’t you ever get tired of starting from scratch every time? The whole getting to know each other, falling in love…then being faced with the possibility of things not working out.”
“I wonder about people who are afraid to put themselves out there again after getting hurt by love. I really don’t get that,” you say in jest.
He shrugs. “Who likes getting hurt? That’s not something rational people consciously wish for themselves.”
You sighed wistfully at the thought. “You know, I never understood why some people think of it that way. You know, trying to rationalize falling in love. Isn’t that counterintuitive? Love in itself is all about being spontaneous, irrational…reckless, even. The feeling of being completely wrapped up in the emotion and the moment–all because of one person. That includes all the fear, uncertainties…even the possibility of getting hurt. The experience of love isn’t complete without all that.”
He chuckled with his gummy grin. “Sounds like a huge gamble to me.”
“But if you never take that gamble, how will you ever experience the joy of winning big? How would you ever know what your heart is capable of taking if you’re always afraid of losing?”
He eyed you for a few seconds, letting your words sink in. “So you’re telling me that you’re willing to go through what could possibly be twice the amount of hurt–just to fall in love again?”
“Absolutely!” You declared with confidence.
You took another sip of your drink, then looked him straight in the eye. “I mean…you’re not thinking of hurting me, are you?” You ask him cheekily.
His eyebrow quirked in response. “Y-you’re asking me?” He chuckled nervously.
“Calm down! It’s just a rhetorical question,” you giggled.
You both laugh it off. Afterward, he pursed his lips and eyed you again. “But just so we’re clear…I don’t plan on it.”
His answer made your heart skip. You didn’t have any smart-ass quips to lob back at him.
After what seems to be an eternity of staring at each other in tense silence, he asks, “Do you wanna get out of here?”
He showed you around his modest place, where he had a full and, judging by the fresh sawdust on the tables, actively functional workshop. It was attached to a one-bedroom living space with a kitchen, a cozy living room, and a full bathroom. But by your assessment, it looked more like the living space was attached to the workshop.
“You sleep where you work?” You ask while looking at the work surface next to you.
He notices you looking at it so he leans over to swipe the sawdust off the table. “I didn’t see the point of going back and forth between places.”
“Yeah but it must be hard to live where you work and work where you live?”
He chuckles. “On the contrary, it’s more convenient for me. When I’m tired, I just lay on the couch. If I have trouble sleeping, I just come over here and tinker with stuff.”
You eyed him silently as he stood over the table, his hands spread wide while he supported his weight on them.
“I don’t know if I can do that. I need clear boundaries.”
“Don’t you bring work home from time to time?”
You shrugged. “Sometimes, if I’m on a tight schedule. But I try not to do it if I can help it. I prefer the idea of drawing that line where, once I walk out that door, that’s it. I’ll come back to it in the morning. Once I’m off work, I’m off work.”
He hummed. “That’s fair.”
You carefully move a small container of wood stain to the side then hop up on the table. After giving his studio another once-over, you turn your attention to him.
“What are you currently working on?”
He seems hesitant at first but decides to share a little bit. “I’m…trying to create a prototype for this light fixture,” he says vaguely.
“Really? Can I see?”
He chuckles, then paused to check if you were actually serious about looking at his designs. When your expression remained unchanged, he decides to reach past you to pull his sketchbook toward him. He flips through a few pages until he lands on a specific one.
The page has a rough sketch of a multi-tiered looking chandelier with what looked like wooden fringes, instead of what would typically be glass or crystal.
“So, I’m trying to focus on more natural materials like rattan, bamboo…I don’t know, maybe my friend, Namjoon, has been hanging around my studio too much,” he says in jest.
Your fingers brush the pencil lines on the page. His ideas were beautiful. They were modern yet had an old-world feel to them. His pieces didn’t look like something that was mass-produced. Each one had its own personality but all of them were crafted with artisanal care.
“You think you could work with these?” He asks quietly, his face an inch away from you.
“Oh, definitely,” you smiled. “My mind’s already buzzing with ideas.”
He looks down from your eyes to your mouth…then back up to your eyes again. “Yeah?”
“Yeah,” you whisper then take in his scent. “You smell nice. What is that?”
“Uhm, I don’t know…pine?” He answers before you close the gap between you to kiss him. You taste faint traces of whisky and citrus flavors in his mouth. His lips were soft and melded into yours, making you sigh into him. His kiss was as calm and gentle as his usual demeanor.
He presses his body closer to yours, making you tilt backward on the work table, spilling the can of wood stain on you. You gasp, startled at the feel of it on the side of your leg, and hastily hop off the surface.
“Fuck…I’m so sorry,” he says.
“I-it’s okay,” you stammer, grabbing onto your dress to assess the damage.
“No, it’s not. I ruined your dress.”
“Yoongi, it’s okay,” you say nonchalantly. “I can take it to the cleaners…” You inspect the stain while he goes to grab a paper towel. Who were you kidding? This was varnish. The dress itself was cheap but it was beyond salvageable.
You looked up to see him hovering over you. “Or we could just take it off?” 
With his breath fanning your face, you fist at his shirt and pull him into you again. This time, his lips didn’t feel tentative–they were more ardent…hungrier. He lifts you off the worktable and you both stagger out of the workshop and toward his living space. The closest comfortable surface was couch so he lowers you both there. 
You reach back to lower the zipper of your dress while he pulls his shirt off. When he tosses it to the side, helps you undress the rest of the way through.
His fingers laced around the back of your neck urging you closer to him. He moved from your mouth down to your neck, gently sucking the skin on your collarbone.
You felt a gush of moisture soak through you…you let go of every ounce of control that you hung onto because were desperate for him now.
With one swift move, he unclasps your bra and moves his mouth to your chest while he lowered you further until your head hit the armrest.
Your breath hitches as he wraps his plush lips around an aching nipple. You swore right then that you’d orgasm from the feeling alone…but he was just getting started.
You reach between both of you and undo the button and zipper on his jeans, pushing them down.
He hooks his fingers onto your panties and you arch your back so he can slide them off. You were completely bare for him now, hypnotized by his desire for you at this moment.
You kept your eyes at him, unable to look away as pulls your legs apart and gave your inner thighs gentle kisses. He locked eyes with you and kept contact while you watched him sink his mouth onto your cleft.
You sucked in a harsh breath while he tongued you. You felt every lick and every suction of his mouth onto your moist, swollen lips.
Your walls clenched achingly at nothing while he continued to eat you out. Your breath began to stutter as you shamelessly bucked your hips against his mouth, desperate for a release.
You felt him dip two fingers into you…pulling them in and out lazily while his tongue fluttered over your clit.
Your body bowed when he alternated licking and sucking at your clit. It wasn’t long before your orgasm built up to a fever pitch. Your throat tightened, desperately trying to suck in air while your body tensed.
“Aaahh…gonna cum–fuck…”
You cried out hoarsely further as he got his last two licks in before you came down from your high. You were about to pass out from the pleasure when you saw him fish out a foil packet from his wallet.
You sat yourself up, meeting him halfway as he lined himself up between your thighs. You kissed him senselessly, your tongue fighting his for control.
Your mouth stilled as you felt him slowly enter you. You sucked in another breath while you felt that delicious stretch.
He urged you to lay back down while he pushed the rest of his length into you.
“Fuh…,” was all you managed to breathe out while your eyes rolled to the back of your head as shivers coursed through your body.
You looked back at him, a pained look on his face from how tight you were for him. You gave him a small nod of assurance to let him know that you were okay.
He started to move his hips slowly until he found a consistent rhythm.
He lowered himself further against your body and wrapped your leg around his waist. He thrusted in and out of you at a steady pace while your core tightened further around him along with another orgasm building up.
“Fuck, YN…feel so good,” he choked out in between breaths. He sealed his mouth onto yours, moaning in pleasure.
Your nails raked his back–from his shoulders and down to his hips that relentlessly railed into you.
“Fuck, don’t stop…don’t stop…” you gasped as you felt yourself edge closer to another orgasm.
Your muscles clenched around his cock while he repeatedly hit you deep into your core. You buck your hips into him, meeting him at every thrust while you both moan into each other’s mouths.
The next thing you knew, he had tipped you over the edge again.
His palms cup your ass, raising your hips to him. A few more thrusts and he was arching his back, pressing his forehead to yours as his own climax coursed through him.
The next morning, you wake up to the smell of coffee, that he brought to you, bedside. 
After that night, you spent many more going back and forth between his place and yours.
You went about both your days but talked all the time. You always made time to see each other–he’d work around your schedule and you’d work around his. Things were going so well and stress-free.
You didn’t feel the need to change the way you were around him and neither did he. Everything just came naturally to both of you.
Some days, you were unaware of how much time you spent together. Some weekends, you would just laze around and never leave the room. It was bliss.
“Jagiii!” You yell out from his bedroom, hoping he’d hear from the loud, grinding noise of his industrial sander.
He turns the machine off, flips his visor up, and pulls his earplugs out. “Yeah?” he bellowed from his workshop.
“Could I just have five minutes for a phone call?”
He gestures to his workshop assistant, telling him that he can take a break. “Alright, we’ll take five!” he says. 
“You’re the best! Love you!”
“You owe me,” he teases.
“Just put in on my tab, jagiya,” you tease back.
Weeks later, you finally signed a lease for your new condo. Yoongi was on hand to help you move and get settled. You’d gone back and forth your old place to pick up smaller things that you didn’t load up in the big truck. The most important things were your larger furniture anyway.
Yoongi was tinkering with the internet connection in the second bedroom while you stood quietly in the midst of the expansive space, surrounded by boxes. It was getting dark out but you hadn’t installed your blinds yet so the moonlight illuminated the room. You stared out the window and into the glittering city lights. 
“Why are you standing out here in the dark?” Yoongi flicks the light switch on.
“No, no–turn it back off.” He does so tentatively. “Is everything okay?” He approaches you carefully from behind, wrapping his arms around you. You lean your head back against him and sighed. “I’m perfectly fine, thank you. Just…trying to take it all in as everything calms down again.”
“Are you tired?” He nuzzled his nose into your hair.
“Mm-hmm,” you nod.
“Yeah, I can smell the dried sweat from your forehead,” he says before you poke him in his side, making him laugh out loud.
“I’m kidding,” he smiles, grabbing onto your waist and turning you around to face him. “Are you happy?”
“I am.” You plant a soft kiss on his lips. “Thank you for helping me today.”
“Of course. Even if you didn’t ask me to, I still would have done it.”
“I know but this is a huge deal for me. After all these years of hard work, I’m finally upgrading my home.”
“That’s great. I’m very proud of you for doing that. And you know,” he glances past your shoulder and jerks his chin at your windows. “I can totally make you some custom blinds, too. None of that plastic, vinyl shit. I can use bamboo so it’s cooling but also great for insulation. Very sustainable, too.”
You giggled and kissed the tip of his nose. “Mmm…keep talking eco-friendly to me, Mr. Min…” 
“Well…” he brushes his lips against yours, “If you like that, wait ‘til you hear about the reclaimed wood we’re using for this new commission.”
You threw your head back and moaned. “Ooh…yes…keep going.”
Chuckling, he dipped his head and leaves a trail of kisses down your exposed throat. “Why don’t we take this back in the bedroom and I can show you what else we can do with some wood.”
You start cackling at his comment and before you know it, he picks you up off your feet and you stumble into your room and stayed there until the sun came up.
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In a panic, Yoongi heads to one corner of the gallery to search for his friend. “Namjoonah!”
Namjoon’s head whips around to see Yoongi headed for him. He excuses himself from the current conversation he was having. “Hey, Yoongi–”
Immediately, Yoongi pulls Namjoon right by the bathrooms to scold him. “Bro, that’s not cool. I wish you told me that YN was going to be here.”
 “If I had told you, would you have come out tonight?”
Yoongi scoffed, “Of course, I still would have,” his voice went up a higher register, making Namjoon snicker. “I just…I wish you would have given me a warning so I could have been, I don’t know, better prepared!”
“Prepared for what? You guys have been broken up for years. Besides, you’ve always known that she and Hyejin are friends. You should have at least expected her to be here so I don’t know why you’re all bothered. Unless of course you not over her yet?”
Yoongi remains adamant. “Dude, of course, I’m over her! I just got caught off-guard, that’s all.” 
“Are you sure you’re not still thinking about her?”
“Fuck no! Are you kidding? You know I can’t stand her! She’s too loud, a terrible cook…not to mention that she has way too much drama in her life.”
Namjoon snorted. “And you didn’t?”
Yoongi shakes his head dismissively. “Whatever, dude–I’m just not all about that. My new motto in life is to stay drama-free, you know?”
He gives Yoongi a skeptical smile. Just then, the bathroom door opens behind them.
The color from Yoongi’s face drains as he gets the shock of his life when he sees you emerge.
You stood there smirking while Namjoon and Yoongi exchanged looks.
“Uh, sorry, guys–I think I need to use the bathroom.” Namjoon says, stifling a laugh while he cuts in between you two and shuts the door.
Yoongi remained standing in awkward silence, trying to will the ground to open up and swallow him whole.
“I thought you liked it when I was loud for you?” With that, you walk past him and disappear into the crowd.
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“I can’t hear you, baby…come on…let me hear how good I make you feel.”
“Ahhh…f-fuck…” You cried out loudly, body stiffening, with your fingers grasping Yoongi’s hair at the roots while his tongue teases the last pulses of your orgasm.
“There you go…good girl.”
You and Yoongi were planning to have a quiet night in but Hyejin invites you out at the last minute, saying that you haven’t had a proper girls’ night in a while. Thinking about it now, it’s been over a month since you met up with her. Most of your nights were preoccupied with Yoongi these days.
When Yoongi couldn’t convince you to stay in, he asked if you needed a ride there and you decline, saying that Hyejin offered to pick you up.
When you stepped out of the room and he sees you in your outfit, a dark cloud overcomes him. He grabs you by the waist, lifts you onto the kitchen counter, and moving your panties aside, dives right in.
He helps you off the counter and you smooth your dress. You glance downwards and see the bulge in his pants.
“Hey, let me take care of that.” You reach out to cup him but he catches your hand and lifts it up to his lips to kiss it.
You’re suddenly torn between walking out the door and wanting to stay to suck him off…deep. The latter option sounded more appealing as you felt your mouth water at the thought of him fucking your mouth. 
He pulls you in close and presses his hard-on against you. You let out a small whine of protest. His tongue grazed his lower lip before sinking his teeth into it.
He tutted. “Come home to me later and I’ll give you what you want.” His voice made it sound like a warning…a warning that you were tempted to ignore just to find out what he would do to you for ignoring it. The idea excited you so much that you felt heat pooling between your legs again.
“Are you sure? I still have a few minutes before I’m supposed to meet Hyejin,” you smile sweetly, your lips brushing against his jawline.
“I’m sure. Now go before I change my mind,” he says in jest.
“Okay,” you acquiesce.
Right before you walk away, he takes your mouth and kisses you hard. You couldn’t help but lick traces of your arousal from his lips.
When he pulls away, you are breathless and weak in the knees–more so after that orgasm that he gave you minutes ago.
You hadn’t noticed that Hyejin stopped mid-sentence to eye you as you giggled at your phone screen while you exchanged spicy texts with Yoongi. You finally look up and meet her gaze.
“What do you mean ‘what’,” she says in a mocking tone. “I’ve been blabbing up a storm here and you’re all heart-eyes, drooling over your phone there.” She tilts her chin up to get a look at your text screen and you immediately pull it close to your chest.
She scoffed then laughed. “Oh my gooood…you are so whipped for him!”
You roll your eyes at her. “I am not!” 
She laughed even louder at your response. “Oh come on, YN! How long have we been friends? I can tell whether you’re just feeling a buzz between your legs or if you’re really into someone. And right now, I know that you are so down bad for him,” she declares.
You feel your cheeks ignite. It wasn’t because of the alcohol but because you knew she was right.
You sighed in defeat. “Okay, fine! So we’re a little obsessed with each other, big deal.”
You started to gush over your relationship. “I just love how much he cares. He checks in, asking whether I’ve eaten yet. He cooks for me…then, he tells me when he misses me. It’s nice. It feels nice to feel needed, you know?”
Hyejin nods. “Well, that’s all because you guys are still in that honeymoon phase!”
You scoff, dipping your fingers into your glass and flicking droplets of cold water at her. “Bitch! You’re so negative!”
She throws her head back in laughter. “I’m kidding, babe! You know me. Seriously, I’m happy for you. Now…” she cleared her throat. ��Does he have a single hot friend that you know of?”
The following weekend, you convince Yoongi to come with you on a walking tour of a museum exhibiting gothic renaissance art. You were looking for some inspiration for your next project. You saw an ad online and decided it couldn't hurt to go exploring for a bit. It was also a nice excuse to pull him away from his workshop.
“Uhh…” Yoongi croaks tentatively. “I don’t know exactly what it is we’re looking at,” he laughs while cocking his head from one side to the other, trying to decipher the exhibit in front of you.
“Neither do I, jagi,” you giggled, glancing at the museum brochure. “I don’t know, I’m just trying to get some inspiration for this restaurant revamp. They currently have this old western theme…which is strange because they serve pizza and pasta.”
Yoongi laughs. “That concept doesn’t even make sense!”
“I know! But the owner’s daughter is a bit more modern and she’s totally up for a theme change.” You’ve talked to Yoongi about this new contract for weeks now and it’s finally happening. He was excited to bounce ideas off you to the point where you pulled him in as a supplier for the rebrand.
Even though the daughter was pushing for a more modern twist, her father, the restaurant’s current owner, wants to keep some traces of that classic feel to it.
“So, no saloon doors?” Yoongi says sarcastically.
You threw your head back in laughter. “Definitely not! The daughter would fire me. I was thinking we can bring in your natural concepts with that wooden fringe chandelier sketch that you were working on.”
His hand linked with yours, bringing it up to his lips to kiss it, making you grin like a lovestruck teenage girl. “Sounds good to me.”
You walk out of the museum and stood on the sidewalk, intending to walk a block over to a theater, not to see a show but to look at the architecture. The theater had a classic art deco design that would come in handy for your moodboard. You convinced Yoongi to make it part of your chill date before heading back to your place for dinner.
As you approach the end of the block, you are nearly run over by a man pushing a stroller that rounded the corner.
“Hey, watch it,” Yoongi exclaims protectively.
“Oh, I’m sor–YN?”
You suck in a breath. “Soonyoung, h-hi.”
“Hey! Wow…it’s been a while. Uh…h-how’ve you been?” He asks.
“Uhm…g-good,” you stammer. “You?” Then your eyes flick nervously over to the stroller that had a sleeping baby in it. “Congratulations!”
“Thanks,” he smiled. “Uh–so–”
You whip your head around to see a woman come out of the restaurant that you were standing in front of. She walked towards Soonyoung and the stroller.
“Hi,” she greets you and Yoongi, then turns to Soonyoung waiting for him to introduce her.
“This is my wife, Naeyeon. Yeobo, this is YN. She’s an old friend.” She smiles at you then her eyes shift to Yoongi.
Somehow, your brain lurches forward. “This is Yoongi,” you say to both of them while you stood across from them. “My boyfriend.”
“So great to meet you both!” She says with a warm smile.
“Anyway, we should go before we miss our reservation, Nae. It’s good to see you again, YN,” Soonyoung says in a hurry before he and his family walk around you and into the restaurant.
Since that awkward run-in with Soonyoung, Yoongi has been uncharacteristically short with you for the rest of the day.
When you get back to your place, he sets the grocery bags on the kitchen counter. Afterward, he picks up the to-go bags that contained your dinner.
You watched him quietly lay out the containers on your dining table, along with the disposable utensils, setting place settings for you and him.
He sits down and pulls his chopsticks apart. “We should eat before the food gets cold,” he says without looking up at you.
You wordlessly take the seat adjacent to him. He immediately puts a dumpling on your plate before he serves himself.
He pauses as if remembering something. He rose from his chair and moved toward the kitchen.
“Do you want a beer?”
“Just water is fine,” you answer blandly while staring at the lone dumpling on your plate.
He returns to the table, setting a glass of water next to you, and immediately takes a long swig of his drink after he sits back down.
He grabs so more food and puts it on his plate, pausing to offer you some but you decline. All this time, he still hasn’t made eye contact with you.
Unable to withstand it anymore, you push your plate aside to finally ask, “Something the matter?”
He doesn’t answer and instead continues to chew his food quietly.
You let out a frustrated sigh. “You’ve been acting weird all afternoon.”
He swallowed his food only to say, “Not now, YN.” He takes another bite.
You pursed your lips and gently press him again. “Look, if we have a problem here, we need to talk about it. We’re both adults here–”
“YN, I said, not now,” he says more sternly. Catching himself, he leans against the back of the chair, throwing his head back and rubbing his eyes. He regrets snapping at you. With a heavy sigh, he finally meets your gaze. “I’m sorry I…” he hesitates but finally gives into that nagging feeling in him. “Was that him?”
You give a small nod. “Yeah.”
“Fuck,” he says under his breath. “You should have introduced me as your boyfriend sooner!”
You scrunch your face in surprise. “Why does the timing even matter? The point was that I introduced you, right?”
His voice grew louder. “If you introduced me sooner, he'd take it as a sign not to make stupid small-talk or-or...even think about trying to start shit with you again!”
“Geez, Yoongi. Why would you even think like that? Clearly, the man was right there with his wife and kid. It was a short, very random run-in that will probably never happen again.” You maintained a calm tone.
“That’s what you think.”
“Excuse me?” You started to grow irate at how unreasonable he was starting to sound. “Yoongi–I’m with you, not him. I love you, not him. I don’t understand why we’re making a huge deal out of this!”
He stood there silently, his hands on his waist, nostrils flaring with every breath he took. The seconds tick by and before you try to reason with him, he huffs and walks into the bedroom, the door slamming.
After you store the takeout containers in the fridge, you enter the bedroom to find him lying on the bed with his back toward you. He doesn’t turn to face you or say anything so instead, you shower and get changed. When you get under the covers, you turn on your side so you faced the opposite direction.
A few minutes of silence and staring at your nightstand, you hear him let out a deep sigh before speaking. “I’m sorry for acting the way I did earlier.”
His apology pinches your chest but you keep your back toward him. “You know, just because I hooked up with a married man before doesn’t mean that I’m itching to do it again. So I froze when I saw Soonyoung, but that’s only because I hadn’t seen him since I broke it off and to add to that, his wife was right there. What did you expect me to do?”
“I know, I’m sorry. I got jealous and–I don’t know, I wasn’t thinking.”
It was then that you rolled over to face him.
“Look…I made a stupid mistake a while ago but as soon as I was aware of it, I walked away and I grew from that. I thought that my being completely honest with you from the very beginning was a way to build trust between us…and that I had nothing to hide. But…” Your voice started to waver, “If you’re only going to use that against me, then I don’t think–”
“No, no–” He engulfs you in his arms immediately. As the warmth emanating from his body coursed through you, you couldn’t help but cry into his chest.
“Aw, baby…I’m sorry. I love you. I won’t question that again. And I do appreciate your honesty.”
You lifted your head and tilted your chin up to him. “I love you, too, Yoongi.” 
There was nothing you could do to change the past but as he rocked you to sleep, you wondered if you were right to be open and honest with him from the beginning …or was it a careless mistake? Should you have put your best foot forward first and pretended to be perfect instead?
At your age, you learned that being up-front with your relationship expectations prevented less hurt if things went south. If either party decides that any of those expectations was a dealbreaker, you moved on, and no harm was done.
You only hoped that Yoongi felt the same.
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Tags: @internetjunkdrawer @itdoesntmatterwhy @yoongukie-ff @deepseavibez @miksancheese @shesoldbutcute @yu-justme @joonschocochip
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Part 2 ◥ | Main Fic Masterlist
Thank you for reading! If you loved it and/or curious to learn more, please comment, reblog, or send me feedback! 📩. I love hearing from readers! If you didn't like it so much, I would still like to hear about it 💜
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kpchrs · 9 months
Hiii! First of all, thank u so much for the continuous snowbaird content in my dash. Now, you're one of the reasons that I keep coming to this app. Since I'm a sucker for what ifs, and I enjoy your thoughts about snowbaird, how do you view their relationship progression, if they never went to district 12, aka, coryo didn't get punished and Lucy gray stayed in the capitol? Do you think that was a possibility? Also, unrelated, but I really enjoy the ff list recommendation, thank u for that. And I think it's so funny that in some FF it's portraying snow's virginity lost, it's so refreshing to see the guy in this position, not the other way around. Also, the sexual tension and physical contact is such a big thing in their relationship, I like when people don't overlook that
Hi, Anon, I'm sorry this took sooooo long. I'm afraid I got lost on the path of life. I'm just kidding. I was just thinking too hard about something new I can add to this lmao (None, and I give up finally.) Happy that my...shitposts(?) can entertain you. Thank you.
Because you are asking about the possibility, I think it's not really a possibility, unless some miracles knock people's heads, that they would just dismiss or not notice him cheating. But for the sake of the AU, let's forget about that.
Let's say after winning the Games, instead of his mum's poison compact, his dad's Lucy Gray-perfumed handkerchief, and the jaded, bitter Highbottom, he is greeted by Lucy Gray.
Goodness, how romantic. I'm sure it will be a so-tight-you-can't-breathe hug. A rib-cracking embrace. A tear or two or three.
He did it. He just saved his girl. Oh, she's really his girl now, right? Lucy Gray. His girl. (He also gets the Plinth Prize, yes, the Snows will return to their glory days now. Snow lands on top.)
[Coryo's mind will wander far into marriage. I mean, he's a teenage boy high with happiness at this point and I think his mind would go there so.]
Finally. Life is looking up from here.
Lucy Gray just got out of her doom. She thinks the world of Coryo. He just risked everything to save her life! Lucy Gray is very grateful and maybe Coryo can get a few days with her staying in the Capitol (with the reason so she can recover). It will be a lot of sweetness before Lucy Gray drops the bomb by saying she wants to go home.
This Coryo has no reason to go to the District. He won't want to.
Districts, he thinks with...disgust (and fear he swallows). ...Maybe to meet Lucy Gray it's worth it anyway. But it will be better and the best scenario if she can stay in the Capitol. With him.
What will Coryo do? Well, he can try to convince her to stay.
The Capitol loves you.
Coriolanus, Capitol is not for me.
I love you. He weaponises confession without being sure of his own feelings. (I think in this stage, he is still wondering.) Don't you want to stay with me? With the Plinth Prize, I can provide for you.
Coriolanus, I must go back to the Covey. They need me. (I'm not sure if she will reciprocate the confession. I think, in the book, Lucy Gray feels more comfortable with her feelings and the relationship because Coryo following her to Twelve confirms his sincerity for her.)
Coryo can keep trying, but I don't believe he will win the debate lol Sorry, bro.
In one fanfiction I read (and still haven't continued), Coryo 'convinced' her because he's backed by Dr Gaul. He lied to her that 'the Capitol is endangering your life' to keep her in the Capitol.
Without Dr Gaul, nah. No chance.
Unfortunately, Coryo, nope, she doesn't stay.
"Goodbye, Lucy Gray, I'll see you in letters." After sharing a last kiss in the train station, there she goes. In this universe, at least she leaves on a good note. Phew.
With his family and money secured, also because he feels safe enough (unlike in Twelve), Coryo won't be as desperate as he is in the book, which is why I don't think the worst scenario will happen...
In this AU, I think the story can continue when the Capitol invites Lucy Gray back to sing in the 11th Hunger Games. The drama will start depending on the mentor system (victors/academy senior students), if Coryo interns in the Hunger Games (maybe, who knows, he will justify it all for power), and if Lucy Gray wants to go back at all. Well, I do think Lucy Gray will come back, it's the Capitol's demand, she wants to be safe after all, but maybe she will sing in defiance of the Games. She can write a vaguely(?) rebellious song and...well, the Capitol's and Coryo's reaction will be so interesting and that's how the drama starts!
It all depends on the plot, baby!
TLDR; if everything goes smoothly, the less desperate and more secure Coryo will let her go. After all, power is his priority and it's in his grasp, though I do think he will keep in contact with her. After that, it depends on the gods (the writers).
I'd love to hear other opinions. This is fiction, after all, everything is possible if you justify enough.
And about the fics lmao! Coryo's virginity's loss! Okay, let's not pretend that he got some experience, yeah? XD This guy admits it himself in the book so unless it's a time skip he will remain inexperienced pfft (even though I don't really see him as a guy who sleeps around even with Livia after Lucy Gray. If he does it, it's to gain something.)
Much like the popular fanon, I do think Lucy Gray is more experienced than him. My previous fandom also has this popular trope in the fics, so I think this trope is very attractive to many people. Fumbling men are cute PFFFT.
With Anne, we think physical touch is one of their top love languages. Judging from the amount of book kisses the film omitted, in our opinion, that's why physical touch is prominent in fics.
About the sexual tension, let's face it, the book doesn't go there because it's a YA, but if it wasn't it would absolutely go there. It's just the CERTAIN vibe from them. Everlark is purer and Snowbaird is filthier LOL (And also because of the simple reason that it's hot.)
I love it too! It's cute :P
Thank you for the ask,
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newbiespud · 24 days
"I Don't Wanna Be This Jerk's Rival!!"
Random story idea that's been stuck in my head and needs exorcism so here goes:
Isekai progression-fantasy story. Main character has already been in the fantasy world for a number of years, has become a hyper-competent warrior largely on their own, has helped bring peace to the land through both strength and diplomacy, has forged strong relationships with regional leaders.
Then another person gets isekai'd into that world. Turns out they have the backing of the gods as a "destined hero," immediately start assembling a party/harem of colorful misfits, and start wrecking the tentative peace of the world by disrupting monster ecosystems and picking unwanted fights for petty reasons.
When confronted, one thing becomes abundantly clear: In this blatant anime story come to life, our main character has been set up as the "rival" character that the destined hero is meant to be measured against and ultimately overcome. What's worse, the destined hero is selfish, greedy, prejudiced, doesn't give a second thought to the orders coming from their patrons, regularly pervs on their party members, and is imbued with unbelievable amounts of plot armor - chance and contrivance itself prevents this person from being stopped.
So now our main character, the "rival," the Vergil to their Dante, must figure out: Can the destined hero be stopped before they destroy everything the main character worked hard to achieve? What was the true nefarious purpose for both of them being brought here? Can you defy your destined role in the narrative of life, or will you inevitably be swallowed up by tropes?
...Phew, okay, got another one out of my brain. Tell me if this has already been done before.
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bitchimasnake-sss · 2 months
bitchimasnake-sss presents: 2k event!
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the one piece AUs
featuring: monkey d. luffy; roronoa zoro; vinsmoke sanji; portagas d. ace; trafalgar d. water law [coming soon.] set-up: your favourite men in the modern settings [with a dash of my cringey humor, ofcourse.] what more can you ask for? a/n: i have literally no excuse. i just wanted to do these haha, and i hit 2k!!! so this was perfect timing!! jokes aside, ilysm you beautiful baby who decided to give my writing a chance. one day, i'm gonna hunt you and feed you your favourite food. but for now, have these stories instead hehe. (don't tell anyone i told you this, but i'm obsessed with all of these men. ) a/n [part 02]: all of these fics are gonna be long long (>5k)! and if you have any more ideas for AUs, you can send in your suggestions! if it inspires the filth in my brain correctly, i'll write those stories down (though... how long that might take, who knows?) that being said, i would ask you to send in the suggestions un-anonymously through your id instead (if you're comfortable), so, that even if i cannot write your idea down, then we both can chat away our delusions on dm. i hate leaving people hanging :') but anyways, again, tysm pookie for 2k,,, ily <3
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E V E N T S:
🍒monkey d. luffy [coming soon]:
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01. dumb and dumber [coming soon] synopsis: jesus fucking christ, the education system is fucked. coming to college was one thing, but paying for college, though? a whole 'nother. burdened with the duty of trying to pay off your student loan debt — and enlightened by the idea of scamming the rich by your friend, nami — you decided to give babysitting a try: a young, overtly-pampered child to a newly-wed couple in the rich neighbourhood. how hard can it be, after all? well, hard enough for them to keep a second babysitter: monkey d. luffy. cw: sheer tomfoolery, fluff, asl brothers, friends to lovers. i love luffy sm. best boy. smut. (genuinely dumb shenanigans coming your way.)
🍀roronoa zoro [completed]:
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01. i serve! (my ex's head on a platter) three part series. synopsis: you've worked your ass off; early mornings, late nights, diets, workouts, everything. only to still to fall in the shadow of the current badminton world champion and your ex: roronoa zoro. bitter, agitated and absolutely exhausted, you had decided to never see him or even think of him again. but when an email from his coach dracule mihawk finds you, proposing you and zoro team up for the upcoming mixed doubles champion's cup, can you refuse? wc: 20k [both parts included] cw: crack, angst, enemies to lovers/fake dating trope. zoro is a pain. smut.
🪻vinsmoke sanji [in progress]:
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01. (don't) let 'em cook! two part series. synopsis: when you heard the words cooking competition, you only heard two things: cooking and competition. you only had one thing in mind: to get the cash prize and open your own bakery. sounds easy enough, right? then, why the fuck was management telling you to play lovers along with that blonde, heart-eyed freak who was supposed to be your competitor? vinsmoke sanji. risking your heart and cooking skills, all in the name of "increasing viewer ratings"? what could ever go wrong with this? cw: crack, vinsmoke family trauma, close proximity, sanji is a flirt. smut. wc: 8.7k [thus far]
🦋portagas d. ace [coming next]:
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01. save me, firefighter! firefighter... save me! [coming soon] synopsis: coming out of break-up is never easy on it's own, but imagine burning down your fucking kitchen because you were stress-baking. fuck. how did you do this? somehow, the only good thing about this situation is the fact that you caught the eye of the suave firefighter that saved your apartment complex from burning down. but now he wants a favour, and he wants you to accompany him as a plus one to a wedding. the wedding of your ex's sister. what the fuck?! will you survive this? (maybe it'll be worth it just to climb that firefighter like an exotic tree, phew) cw: relationship angst, fluff, a tiny bit of angst, asl brothers. just ace and his smug, sexy self. smut.
🌙trafalgar water d. law [coming soon]:
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01. oh my, think i need an appointment with the doctor! [coming soon... i hope?] let me be so fr guys, this part will take forever because i cannot write law for the life of me [i make him too ooc 🤡😭]. so, have faith in me and pray for me. synopsis: it was a friday night, you got drunk, your friends drove you back home, you stumbled through your apartment and crashed on the couch. then, why did you wake up in the-doctor-who-lives-next-door's apartment? now it's dawn, and turns out you had stumbled through the hot doctor's door, crashed on his couch, gave him a cheek kiss and bid him goodnight. oh my god, how are you ever gonna meet his eyes again? quick, maybe change apartments! cw: avoidant, touch-starved law, shitty healthcare system, close proximity. law, marry me. smut. (yes. yes, i thrive off tomfoolery. can you let me, please?)
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a/n: for the millionth time, thank you so much for entertaining my dumb ideas! it means the world that you guys like whatever stupidity i spew forth. again, feel free to drop suggestions (un-anonymously, if possible 🤭) and i'll try my best to get to that! thankyouuu again <3
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steadybelieverpersona · 2 months
Ch.48: Those Who Yearn for the Gods' Gaze
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Paimon: This should be the place. But Sangonomiya was right, it doesn't look like anything suspicious is going on... Could they be hiding? Let's see what we can find. These Electro Monuments look a little suspicious...
Y/n: Aether use your Electro powers!! (Who's that Pokémon? :D)
Upon lighting up all three Electro Monuments
Paimon: Yikes! A huge lawachurl! Was it drawn out by the Electro energy?
Y/n: It's tall!!!!
Aether: Y/n that's the least of our concerns!!!
Upon defeating the Thunderhelm Lawachurl
Paimon: Phew... glad that's over. As monsters go, that one was pretty tough. But what's such a huge Thunderhelm Lawachurl doing here in the first place? It doesn't make any sense... Also, the atmosphere here gives Paimon the creeps. Anyway, the good thing is that it's over now. We should probably get going... *noticed Teppei* Huh, Teppei? What are you doing here?
Teppei: *cough* ...Wow, this is a surprise. Didn't know you were the ones investigating here. I just got back from delivering some supplies to the front line. I figured I'd stop by and clear any threats in this area on the way back. *cough*...
Paimon: Are you alright there buddy? You're looking slightly the worse for wear.
Y/n: "Coughing and Grey hair?, These symptoms look familiar to me but where?" You sure you're alright? Your not stressed or anything similar?
Teppei: I'm fine, it's nothing. I must've caught a cold a couple days ago while I was out at sea. On my way past, I heard that someone had just arrived on the island to investigate, so I thought I'd come and take a look. If there'd been some real danger, I might've had the chance to be the hero... Heh, shame it was just you guys. Guess I came here for nothing.
Paimon: Teppei, don't you think there's something strange about this place?
Teppei: Hmm... now that you mention it, there is something a little off about it. It could be that the Tatarigami is more palpable here, I guess. We're not that far away from Orobaxi's remains.
Y/n: Orobaxi? Who's that?
Teppei: A god. Look, there's the corpse over there. *points at a snake skeleton*
Paimon: Aah! It's a gigantic snake skeleton. It looks terrifying!
Teppei: Orobaxi was the one who brought our ancestors from Enkanomiya up to the surface. That's the origin of the Watatsumi Island you know today. Our ancestors regarded it as a guardian deity, but during the Archon War, Orobaxi invaded Yashiori Island. The Raiden Shogun came out in person and slew Orobaxi with the Musou no Hitotachi. That same slash also formed what later became known as Musoujin Gorge.
Paimon: The Raiden Shogun created Musoujin Gorge in one slash? Wow, that's pretty incredible...
Teppei: Yes. But the Archon War was brutal... *cough* and Yashiori Island was completely destroyed during that battle. They say the shogun lost something very dear to her along the way too. Since Orobaxi's death... *cough* there has always been some animosity between Watatsumi Island and the Shogunate. But our different beliefs have nothing to do with why the resistance was formed. We only rose up to fight against the Vision Hunt Decree. When Orobaxi attacked civilization, the shogun stood up and put a stop to it. But now that the shogun is stripping people of their ambitions with the Vision Hunt Decree, it's time for someone to stand up and stop the shogun... *cough* Alright, I'm heading back. I was just dealing with some of the Shogun's elite samurai, so I think I'm gonna take a quick breather, then it's onto my next assignment. You should report back to Sangonomiya as soon as possible. Don't stay here longer than you need to — being around the Tatarigami too long won't do your health any good... *coughing*...
Y/n: Take care of yourself.
Teppei: Hey, don't worry about me. Peak condition... *leaves*
Paimon: Teppei's sure made some big progress if he's already dealing with Shogunate Samurai. Paimon can hardly believe it. Let's report back to Kokomi.
Paimon: Kokomi, we're back— Oh, look, Gorou's here too. What happened? They look so serious...
Y/n: Something doesn't feel right...
Sangonomiya Kokomi: Approximately how many people are exhibiting these symptoms?
Gorou: I haven't had the chance to do a full count yet...
Paimon: Kokomi, Gorou... what's going on?
Gorou: Recently, Aether, Y/n, some of our soldiers started showing symptoms of accelerated aging. I called them in for questioning and found out that they'd privately acquired some secret weapons from our sponsor. Most of them are highly ambitious types, vehemently opposed to the Vision Hunt Decree. They've been using these new weapons secretly since getting hold of them.
Y/n: "Accelerated aging!?! Weapons!?! Could it be...."
Sangonomiya Kokomi: So that's why the war has been going unusually well... But risky secret weapons are not the answer. We must put a stop to it immediately. Gorou, have you managed to acquire one of these weapons?
Gorou: Most of the officers refused to hand them over. Still, I did manage to get one... *shows the weapon*
Aether: Oh dear...
Y/n: This is...
Sangonomiya Kokomi: Aether, Y/n, do you guys know something about this?
Y/n: It's a Fatui Delusion.
Gorou: So that means our secret sponsor is the Fatui?
They nod their heads
Sangonomiya Kokomi: But why would the Fatui do this... Forget that, there's no time. Right now, we need to inform the whole army to cease using their Delusions immediately. All soldiers who have shown symptoms are to be taken for treatment. I just hope we'll be in time to save them.
Paimon: Wait a second... speaking of soldiers with symptoms...
Y/n: Teppei.... *immediately runs off*
Paimon: Wait, Y/n!!! Uhh, let's go check on him!
Paimon: Teppei!!!
Teppei: Oh... *cough* Hey, guys. What're you doing here? Just a moment, lemme get up... Oof, it's weird, I don't know where all my strength's gone...
Y/n: Teppei, you have to tell me. What's been going on with you?
Teppei: Hmm? Oh, right, yeah, I haven't had time to give you both the full details. Well, I've made a lot of great contributions to the war effort lately. Fighting the Shogun's Army at sea, taking on Shogunate Samurai all by myself, rescuing my comrades fr—from an ambush... things I never would have dreamed I could do when you guys first met me. *cough* If only I were stronger still. The stronger I am, the more I can do for the resistance... Wait a sec, where's my secret weapon gone?
Y/n: Tell me about this weapon. When did you start using it?
Teppei: *cough* It wasn't long after you and Aether were made captains of Swordfish II. I met these mysterious people, and they said they were with our supporters. They gave it to me and said that as long as I have the will to become stronger, this secret weapon will answer my call. Haha... *cough* It's just like a Vision, isn't it? Of course, I've never used a Vision, so I wouldn't know the difference...
Aether: This is... a Delusion.
Teppei: Delusion? *cough* Oh god, that doesn't sound very good... So... what's the difference between a Delusion and a Vision?
Y/n: *shakingly breathes* A Delusion drains the user's life force.
Teppei: *cough* Gosh... Well, I suppose it's not too surprising that a mysterious weapon of unknown origins would come with its risks. I've been getting more and more tired over the past few days, and I have this... strange sense of dread. At first, I'd find I was a little more beat than usual after a battle. Didn't think anything of it. But today, I got back, and suddenly, my vision was going blurry. This is a real shame... There I was, thinking I was catching up with you both, haha... Guess I didn't receive the favor of the gods, after all...
Y/n/Aether: ...
Teppei: Hey, Aether, Y/n, would you guys do something for me? When our uniforms are ready, grab mine for me... bring it back here, and we can change together...
Y/n: *feeling her tears welt up*
Aether: *has a serious look*
Teppei: What's that look for? Don't worry, partners. As soon as I've rested up, I'll be right as rain. Right as rain, I tell ya... soon as I've... rested up... *closed his eyes*
Paimon: Teppei...
Aether: The Fatui... *leaves with Y/n*
Paimon: Hey, Aether. Y/n, where are you guys going? Heyyyy... *follows them*
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diorjadore · 2 years
y/n meets her celeb crush (jack harlow) at a concert and vinnie gets jealous at the way y/n is acting. and at the end, she comforts him and reassures him that she only loves vinnie
“Jetson came in with an FN, two girls with him told me he ain’t got a preference!” You shouted at the top of your lungs, tip toeing and holding onto your boyfriends arm as you sang one of Jack Harlow’s songs.
To say you’re a fan would be an understatement, you want to jump in this mans arms if given the chance. Your obsession with the rapper got so bad that you had to sit down and talk to Vinnie as you discussed with him that if ever you both meet the other curly man in your life, your actual boyfriend has to pretend to just be your friend. Of course you took your statement back when you saw Vinnie pouting and burying his head on your neck. Your chances of meeting Jack is slim to begin with. Plus, you were kidding, well maybe half kidding. No, you were totally kidding.
“You having fun, baby?” Vinnie said to your ear as he pressed a kiss to your temple, enjoying your excitement more than the actual concert.
“Yes! Thank you, I love you and your gift!” You beamed as you jumped up and down, your smile infecting Vinnie. When he caught news that Jack has a show in LA, he pulled all the strings to get you two tickets just for the fun of it.
“Jack, I fucking love you! Marry me! Have my babies!” You shouted and you gasped out loud when the rapper looked at your direction. That did not just happen. He flashed his pearly whites and held multiple eye contacts for the rest of the show. You literally feel like Y/n right now.
As the night progressed, Vinnie got awfully quiet after you caught Jack’s attention. All he could think about was if he just played himself by bringing you here, did he? Is he actually losing you to the cutest rapper in the game? Oh my goodness, do the tickets have meet and greets included in it?! He even double checked the e-ticket and when it didn’t have M&Gs, he almost kissed the ground he was standing on. Phew, he dodged a bullet.
You were both on your way to his car as you snaked your arms around his. “Thank you again, Vin. I had so much fun.” You said as you looked up at him wondering how you got so lucky with a guy like him who pays attention.
“Of course, my love, anything for you.” He smiled but it barely reached his eyes.
The both of you finally got home and were all cozied up, ready to sleep until Vinnie spoke up. “Did you mean what you said back there, Y/n?” He asked, looking up at the ceiling.
You turned to face him and brought your hand to his face as you made him turn to you. There was a solemn look in his eyes that you couldn’t figure out. “What do you mean, Vin?”
“When you said you’d marry him and have his babies.” He sighed and looked down on the bed, that pout decorating his face again.
“What?! No, baby. I was just trying to get his attention. C’mere.” You cooed the last sentence as you brought his big ass head to your chest as you threw your legs over his in an attempt to pull him closer.
“Are you for real?” He nonchalantly asked as you kissed the top of his head as you hummed, telling him you’re for real.
“I can never love someone as much as I love you. Even if it’s Jack Harlow or Prince Constantine of Greece, I’d pick you, okay?” You kissed the top of his head again.
“They can never amount to the feelings you make me feel. They can tell me I’m pretty but that’s nothing compared to when you call me beautiful. You make me feel like the only girl in the world and I’m sorry I made you feel bad, you can never lose me, babe. I’m yours, always. For-fucking-ever.” You pulled his head up to look at you.
“You’re the one I want to marry and have babies with, not someone who I’m sure has a lot of hoes in every city. You don’t have hoes, right?” You tried to enlarge your eyes, trying to be serious, but it just made Vinnie laugh.
“No, I don’t have hoes. And do you mean it when you said you’d marry me and have my babies?” He asked, teary eyed.
“Yes, my love. In this lifetime and a whole lot of others.” You pressed a sweet kiss on his lips and when you pulled away, you saw a tear streak down Vinnie’s already red cheeks.
“Aww, baby, don’t cry! You’re gonna make me cry.” You laughed as you peppered his face with more kisses.
“I love you, I love you, I love you.” You repeatedly said as you gave him even more kisses until he was smiling and laughing. He then wonders how he got so lucky with a girl like you and he thanks the heavens every single day for bringing you to him.
“You have a type, huh?” He smirked.
“Oh, shut it. I do not, Vincent Cole.” You rolled your eyes, trying to dismiss this teasing.
“Yes, you do. You like the curly haired guys!” He said as he slightly tickled your sides.
“Yes, okay. I said it. You’re lucky you’re curly or else I wouldn’t even look in your direction.” You said as you buried your face on his chest as you huffed in annoyance because he totally caught you.
Hello! I’m back and I hope I get to publish more works lol. Also i missed d part of d req where it said y/n meets jack oeoedodkdkddk
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jokertrap-ran · 3 years
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(光与夜之恋 Light and Night) Charlie’s 5✩ Inspiration: Daytime Spiritualities [昼日疑魂] Date Translation (Prologue)
“An eligible fiancée should always be prepared to make some sacrifices in the name of love.”
*Light and Night Master-list | Charlie’s Personal Masterlist *Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut *Join the Light & Night Discord (^▽^)~ ♪ *5✩ Inspirations have 5 Endings!! *CG Image used with permission from 蓝咕咕 ☆ *Charlie’s tag will be #For Night, For Paradox
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Even the unluckiest soul in the world will one day meet a stroke of good luck at some odd point in time.
For example, I'd gone out to purchase some batteries last week, only to somehow win a chance to try out a new model of Home Projector. All I had to do was to give them feedback about it afterwards, and the projector was mine.
What a rare stroke of good luck! Shouldn’t I share some with the exceptional “Mr. Perfect” as well?
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Setting my mind to it, I dialled the number I knew by heart.
Charlie: How rare it is for you to be the one calling me.
MC: Cut the crap. I'm here because I need something from you.
MC: Are you free this Saturday, Charlie?
Charlie: I… probably don't have any shifts on that day.
Charlie: Ah, I know now. You're asking me out for a date? Please tell me it's not for a Saturday candle-lit dinner.
MC: Dream on. Dinner's a stretch and candles are a no-go.
Charlie: How dull.
Charlie: But, yes. You do have a point there. My presence overshadows any candlelight before me, so long as I am around.
MC: I'm starting to regret ever calling you.
MC: I'm not going to tell you what we're going to be doing so just wait till Saturday and you'll know.
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Saturday arrived much faster than I thought. I went out grocery shopping early on Saturday morning to give Charlie, "his highness", a grand welcome.
I passed the hospital on my way home when something extravagantly gold suddenly caught my attention.
A gold leaf-painted car. One with extremely showy butterfly doors. There, it stood; sticking out like a sore thumb amidst the calm serenity of the hospital.
This grandiose display of extravagance was something all too familiar to me…
Who else would do this, but Charlie?
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MC: But… Why's he at the hospital today?
MC: Didn't he say that he didn't have any scheduled shifts?
Unable to restrain my curiosity, I decided to head into the hospital and have a look for myself.
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Hurried footsteps sounded inside the IPD (In-Patient Department) as people came and went. Medicinal bottles clinked, and soft murmuring came from the Doctors and Patients down in the Wards. The IPD’s corridor was already abuzz with life this early in the morning.
Yet, the door to Charlie’s office was shut tight with nary a sound.
MC: How quiet. Is he not in his office?
I gently pushed the door open, only to be stunned speechless by the scene that greeted me inside his office…
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Charlie was lifelessly sprawled on the floor. His eyes were closed, and it was deathly silent.
The fridge by his side was wide open. The enzyme drinks and the fruit and vegetable juices within were exposed to the open as the fridge expelled cool air. White sheets of document paper were scattered all over the floor.
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MC: Charlie?
Said person sprawled on the ground didn't move a finger, much less make a sound.
"An Employee's Sudden Death In the Early Morning", "Inside the Medical Industry: Why Work Crazy Overtime Hours". Possible headlines started running through my head, causing my mental alarm bells to start ringing.
MC: Hey? Hey! Are you okay!?
I flung my shopping bag to the side, quickly reaching out to place my finger under his nose to check if he was breathing.
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MC: Phew… At least he's still breathing.
Just as I was about to turn tail and ask for help, I felt my fingers get caught in a soft and warm hold.
Charlie: Wait.
MC: !?
MC: Are you okay?
The person on the ground reached out to pinch my trembling fingers, shaking them twice in what was supposedly affirmation.
The heart that had leapt to my throat upon finding him settled back down, but doubt still remained.
MC: How… How do you feel now?
Charlie raised his head in a daze, looking like a right mess with tired black circles under his eyes.
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Charlie: %#*$&...
MC: ???
MC: Wait, were you just asleep earlier!?
Charlie was just like a lion who’d awoken from slumber. He leisurely rubbed his eyes sleepily, the action itself seemingly giving you the answer to your question.
MC: ……
I started to replay everything I’d seen earlier in my mind… Steady breathing, warmness, and even the ever so faint snoring that came out from his parted lips...
Looks like I'm truly the one who’d jumped to conclusions here.
Recalling how I’d totally been frightened out of my own wits upon finding him earlier, I suddenly felt my cheeks grow hot.
MC: But, why are you sleeping on the floor? Are you that tired that you just crashed on the spot?
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Charlie: As if. I purposely chose to sleep on the floor.
Charlie paused for a second, gathering up all his documents that were scattered all over the floor before rightening himself and walking over to bask under the morning light that filtered in. However, the expression he wore was still a little out of place.
Charlie: Once you’ve tried out all of the high-end beds in the world, you’ll soon come to realize that the bed is actually a pretty inferior piece of furniture to be sleeping on.
Charlie: It is only by staying in tune with nature and reverting to primal nature that you can get the highest quality of sleep.
Charlie: And the ground is the one thing closest to nature.
MC: ...We're on the second floor here.
Charlie: I have my own manner of thinking.
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MC: ……
Although it did sound ridiculous, Charlie was someone who could even the most absurd things miraculously come true. I think I've pretty much been… rendered speechless.
As I was rendered speechless, the initiator of this entire farce had settled back in front of his desk as if everything was as per usual.
Charlie: I'll have to congratulate you first, (Y/n).
Charlie: For taking the initiative to find my workplace; and advancing us a step further in our progress towards making it onto the "Guangqi City's Model Married Couple List".
MC: Sorry, but we don't seem to be married yet. So, there's no way we'll be up on that list.
Charlie: Keep at it and we'll soon qualify for it.
MC: You've got some thick skin…
Did I really need to worry about this man earlier? He has such thick and impenetrably hard skin that I don't know whether I should be pitying him or the floor his face smashes into.
MC: Still, what are you doing here on a Saturday?
MC: Didn't you say that you didn't have any scheduled shifts today?
I leaned over and stared at him with narrowed eyes.
His eyes were a little dodgy. And when paired with the dark eye circles under his eyes, it was a rare sight on this "pricelessly perfect face" of his.
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Charlie: I came to the hospital today to… Ahem. To wait for my assistant to deliver the blood test report.
Charlie: Last week's report; dragged till today. I'm not one to say this, but the young doctors all have serious procrastination issues.
Charlie: If all doctors are like that, then who dares be their patient?
Charlie had his brow furrowed into a particularly deep crease at that. He turned his gaze outside the window with eyes as dark as the old senior director of the hospital, who had a head full of grey and ever so grave.
And when I moved closer to peer at the stack of documents on the table and the crooked and askew words… His face morphed into a look warmer than that of welcoming neighbours.
However, the problem here was that… Wasn't that "Ward Round Medical Records" written on top of those documents?
MC: This doesn't look like a blood test report.
Charlie: You can actually tell?
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MC: If I squint at it… Your scrawl is most certainly…. Erm… Unique.
His face slightly changed at that. He swiped the document from my hand and shoved it under the table.
Charlie: Enough of that. There is no way that this can ever be my handwriting.
Charlie: My calligraphy was already level 8 out of 10 in middle school.
Charlie: This is clearly someone else's handwriting!
He purposefully angled his body so that his back was facing the documents and propped his hands on the table.
Charlie: And, back to you. Why are you in such a rush to see me?
Charlie: Come on then; let's hear it. Just where are you asking me out to?
My eyes moved to look away, the fluttery airiness in my voice no longer carrying its lilt.
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MC: My house.
Charlie: ...That quickly?
There was an odd hint of hesitance in his tone, something different from his usual overwhelming confidence.
However, this minuscule hesitance of his was gone as soon as it came. Soon, the corners of his mouth lifted up as high as they could go.
Charlie: Tsk, tsk, tsk. Never thought you'd be more proactive at this than I.
Charlie: There's no need to refuse; no need to feel shy. I know.
Charlie: But still, just us alone… together? Don’t you think that’s a little too rushed? Shouldn’t you do this more romantically, at least?
MC: ...Are you still half-asleep?
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Charlie raised his eyebrows before shooting me an overly enthusiastic wink.
Charlie: What do you think?
MC: If you're awake, then stop spouting nonsense.
MC: Long story short, I won a trial run of a new Home Projector model last week…
Charlie: So, you’re inviting me to your house to watch a movie with you?
I never thought that Charlie would understand what I was getting at so quickly. I hurriedly nodded.
MC: Yup!
Charlie suddenly perked up. He crossed his fingers in thought.
Charlie: I suppose that makes sense. First, a movie; and then slowly, step-by-step.
MC: ……
He “knowingly” quirks his brows at you, his lips curled into a satisfied smile.
All traces of sleepiness on his face had been wiped clean from his features. Charlie stands up from his desk, seemingly having been suddenly imbued with a burst of energy.
With a faint smile on his face, he stretches his slender fingers out to hook it around the handle of the leopard-print mug on the table.
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I was caught off guard as an oddly familiar sense of deja vu overcame my senses…
It was as if a lively, yet oddly out-of-place saxophone piece had started playing in the background of his deserted office.
And there he stood, slowly coming into the view of the lens, panning forth in slow-motion. Golden sunlight filtered in from the windows, kissing the contours of his face and highlighting his profile.
Charlie: ……
He hooks his fingers onto his tie, tugging gently at it. His collar loosens, revealing his collarbones that peek out from beneath his shirt.
The knot of his tie rested next to the third button of his dress shirt. It was undone, yet not quite.
He pushed back the stray strands of hair that had fallen out of place by his sideburns.
Charlie: Does something seem off?
MC: What do you mean?
I lifted my head to peer into his cup. I could only see his reflection reflected in the waters.
MC: Not really…?
Charlie: As it should be.
MC: ?
Charlie: It appears that I am still as glamorous as always.
MC: ……
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If Narcissus, the God of Narcissism who turned into a Narcissus, were to be reborn; then his reincarnation will be none other than Charlie.
In just a mere 2 seconds, Charlie was back to his usual pompous self.
Charlie: I'm going to get changed. Please give me a moment.
With that, Charlie briskly turns around and heads into the dressing room. He muttered lowly to himself as he went, the sound trailing after him as he disappeared into a corner of the room…
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Charlie: Charlie, I don't want to be the one to say this; but what’s the matter with you today?
Charlie: Passing out in the office! Your perfect image was almost ruined!
Charlie: Thankfully, I reacted fast enough.
Smiling, Charlie shakes his head helplessly at his own mirror image.
Charlie: Still, my posture is still so very charming, even if I did pass out cold on the floor.
Charlie: Oh, perfection; your name is Charlie.
Meanwhile, I was blissfully unaware of these small theatrics going on inside the dressing room as I waited for him outside….
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Since Charlie was out, I decided to take the chance to survey his office.
The multitude of silk award banners and certificates of merit displayed on the cabinet stupefied me. I couldn’t believe the fact that all these awards belonged to Dr. Zha, who was currently piecing himself back together in the dressing room.
Suddenly, my attention was drawn to the work calendar that hung at the door. It had Charlie’s familiar handwriting scrawled on it.
MC: Is this…
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The door to the dressing room opens with a thud as Charlie appears by the window, now casually dressed.
I ended up blurting out the question that was festering in my heart.
MC: Charlie, were you… working overtime overnight yesterday?
MC: Just so that you could make time for me on Saturday?
I looked at Charlie, attempting to gauge the answer from his eyes. That was when I realized that his eyes were bloodshot.
Charlie freezes for a moment. Something clicked inside his brain as he realized that he’d unwittingly overlooked a small detail. His high spirits immediately dampened.
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Charlie: Do you have to say it out loud for the entire world to hear? How unromantic.
His honesty confirmed the disbelief I’d felt upon the revelation. It finally made sense now.
Charlie: No need to feel overly moved by this. An eligible fiancée should always be prepared to make some sacrifices in the name of love.
Charlie: Of course, I have to be willing to make said sacrifice as well.
He faced me with utter confidence. The sincere look in his eyes made me think that maybe this was only right.
Looking at the childish chicken scratch on the calendar, I can’t help but suspect that this might just be how he is when he was actually being serious for a change.
Charlie: Stop standing around. Let's go.
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Charlie led me out of the hospital. The engine of the flashy golden sports car roared as it brought us to my place.
I took my keys out and moved to open the door.
Suddenly, I recalled that it had been a long time since I last cleaned my room. I feel like I should say something about it first…
MC: I’ll warn you beforehand. My room is a little messy, so I’m sorry if it offends you, your highness.
MC: Express your distaste, and today’s session will end here.
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Charlie: That's all?
MC: ...That's all.
Charlie: And here I thought that you were going to say something like, “Close your eyes, I’m going to blindfold you.”
Charlie: Or, maybe ask me for the right password before granting me entry.
Charlie: What’s wrong with a messy room?
He laughs, leaning down to place his hand upon mine, which was gripping tightly onto the doorknob. He gave it a small push. My hand moved along with the doorknob under the pressure he exerted, and the door creaked open.
Charlie: I can always help you move into our new apartment if you want a bigger room to place your things in.
Charlie went around me and walked straight in.
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The lights weren’t on yet, but I could hear his voice in the dim room.
Charlie: Where's the mess?
Charlie: It’s pretty good; enough to house another person.
The embarrassment that had yet to completely set in was soon washed away by his teasing words. Relieved, I left the bag of snacks by the door and ran into the room.
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Charlie was seated on the loveseat, his hands casually resting against the back of it.
MC: Your arms are stretched so far out. Made yourself at home, I see.
I patted the hand that he’d stretched out to lean against the sofa with a smile.
MC: I think distance makes the heart fonder between us.
Unfazed, he withdrew his hand without a word.
Charlie: And this is how you treat the evaluator you specially invited?
MC: Yeah.
Charlie: Can't you be a little more professional?
MC: Of course I can. But, I’ll also have to ask this evaluator here to kindly up his professionalism as well.
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MC: Don’t get any funny ideas from your own fantasies during the movie.
Charlie knowingly retracted his “I own the world” sitting posture and moved further out.
Charlie: I can obviously do that.
Charlie: But, what if the person picking out the movie has their own selfish motives and chooses to watch some romance flick?
MC: No need to worry about that. We’re watching this today.
I sat down and turned the projector on. A shockingly red movie poster flickered onto the screen. Charlie's smile immediately froze in place.
Charlie: What… What is this?
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MC: "Massacre of the Spirit". This is what we're going to be watching today.
Charlie: Massacre of… the Spirit? A horror film?
Charlie: Seriously, (Y/n)?
MC: Absolutely. My hard disk died not too long ago, so this horror movie is the only thing left in my cloud storage.
Charlie didn't reply, only mutedly leaning back against the loveseat.
His lips were pressed into a thin line, and he looked a little… nervous.
MC: Charlie? Are you scared of watching it?
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Charlie: ...How absurd.
Charlie: The word "scared" doesn't exist in my dictionary.
Charlie: Don't go clinging to me in fright when the time comes.
With that, he casually pulls the blanket over our laps as if it was the most natural thing to do.
I peered up at him, but he cut me off before I even had the chance to thank him.
Charlie: No need to thank me.
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Charlie: I can most definitely lend you this warm chest of mine if you get so frightened that you get the chills.
MC: Heh, there's no need for that.
MC: But, thank you for the blanket.
However, just as I was about to hit the play button, Charlie held my hand down.
Charlie: Wait, wait!
He reached over my lap and quickly smoothed over all the wrinkles on the blanket. He was very swift, almost as if he was handling white mice.
Charlie: Okay. You can start now.
Why's this man acting so strange today?
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I lowered the blackout curtains and the room darkened.
The screen before us flickered twice as screams and the sound of something tearing reverberated through the room.
The movie showed an autopsy room that was lit up as bright as the day with a withered human chained to the operating table. And hidden within the darkness, was a deathly sharp bayonet that was fatally poised.
It was then that Charlie brought something up. His low voice cut through the movie's colourful sound effects and entered my ears.
Charlie: Are you not afraid to see scenes like this?
Charlie looked at me, awaiting my reply…
How should I reply to him…?
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✥ Choose your Ending:
END 1 | Choice: Do Nothing [都不做]
END 2 + 3 | Choice: Approach [亲近] ⊹Touch⊹
END 4 | Choice: Listen [倾听] ❖ASMR
END 5 | Choice: Heart-throb [心动] ★Night★ 
❖☆————— ⊹ For Night, For Paradox⊹ —————★❖
56 notes · View notes
bts-teaspoonff · 3 years
Distance pt. 3 | FINALE
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Genre: Romance, Oblivious Mutual Pining, Operation:Jealousy, College!AU, eventual smut
Pairing: Jimin x reader
Rating: 18+
Synopsis: You adore Jimin but you’ve kept it a secret from him despite being so close to him. Jimin turns out that he feels the same. Would you be able to erase the distance between you and Jimin when mountains of obstacles come both your way?
Warnings: NSFW, lots of makeout sessions, slight angst but not significant, unprotected sex, creampie, vanilla sex, lewd words, cum eating
Word count: 10.4k
PARTS: 1 | 2 | 3
A/N: Their story has finally found its conclusion. It’s my first time to write smut and phew, I found myself breathing so heavy by the end of it. Anyways, I hope you loved Distance as much I do. I would love to hear what you think of the finale 💜
You didn’t get to go out on a date with Jimin the next day.
 Hoseok drove you home after the movie ended and felt bad because you were almost silent the whole way back home. You just blurted out a lie that you didn’t feel good, which maybe you really are after witnessing Jimin having a date with another girl. Why are you even jealous? It’s not like you have a right to be, and you’re also out on a date. If anything, you’re not giving Hoseok a good time. Later that night, you texted Jimin that you feel sick and it might be better if both of you cancel your plans to visit the café. You feel awful for cancelling but you absolutely don’t want to see him at the moment.
 You try to avoid Jimin when you got back to school. Luckily, you barely have any classes together but Taehyung and Jungkook would always ask you to eat lunch with them, which was already a habit for anyone in the group but seeing as you’ve been avoiding them, they started to ask you almost every day if you’ll eat with them. You would text anyone from the group that you got hold up by an errand from a professor or a meeting with your fellow classmates, which were all excuses just to avoid Jimin.
 You continuously try to bury yourself in your books to take your mind off Jimin. Taehyung and Jimin started to hang out every day with Jungkook at your house to study and practice for the Gala Night, so you did your readings in the campus’ library until late evenings. The more you see Jimin, the more it reminds you that he may be in a relationship already with some woman you don’t even know. Soon, he might introduce her to the group and she might start hanging out with everyone. You rather avoid him than see that every day.
 Jimin knew that night you texted him after your date with Hoseok that it has something to do with what transpired at the movie house. He was also worried that you’re sick. If he could allow himself to take care of you when you’re sick, he absolutely will in a heartbeat. He’s determined to get a chance to explain to you what happened when he sees you around campus. However, he noticed that you are always in a rush to go somewhere whenever the two of you see each other. You barely eat with them during lunch. You would always reply to his text that you’re busy.
 He convinced Taehyung to study with Jungkook at your house to get a chance to talk to you but on the second day that they went to your house, Jungkook told him that you started doing late night studies in the library. That’s when he realized that you were really avoiding him. Just when he thought he was already doing a good job in his progress with you, the both of you are back to having a huge distance between the two of you.
 It doesn’t help that the girl you saw with Jimin in the movie house suddenly appeared alongside Jimin and Taehyung in front of your house just when you were about to go back to the school’s library on one particular evening. Taehyung was about to get the doorknob when you suddenly opened the door. Taehyung and you gasped at each other in shock, in turn surprising the girl and Jimin too. Your eyes quickly landed on the girl beside Jimin and recognized her.
 “If you don’t mind, we brought another friend here.” Taehyung gestured to the girl. She smiled back at you and you did too. In your mind, the sight irritated you but not at her. Jimin stood quietly beside her. You don’t want to be rude since she is a guest in your house. She looks beautiful. Compared to how you look, tired and drained from all those nights burying yourself in your books. It irritates you that she’s now starting to be part of the circle, a circle where you’re grateful to spend a lot of time with Jimin.
 “No, I don’t mind. Make yourself at home.” You hid your emotions and just smiled as you took a step forward. “I’m sorry but I really have to get going.” The girl bowed at you as you walk past them. You continue to walk away from your house when you heard Jimin call out your name.
 “Do you really have to study in the library? You could just stay today. We can order takeout if you like.” Jimin quickly catches up to you. You turn around and saw from the porch that Taehyung and the girl must have already entered the house.
 “It’s okay. I prefer to study alone… in the library. If that’s okay.”
 Jimin was quiet. You saw him hesitate as he opened his mouth as if to say more. “We okay?” He slowly took your wrist, surprising you. Your eyes widened as you felt his touch. Your throat felt parched and your chest tightened. His eyes softened as he continues to stare at your wrist. It felt significantly thinner around his grasp. He remembers you slightly healthier than this moment and with this, he realized that you must have lost a bit of weight after all that late night studying for your final exams. He knows how hardworking you are but it concerns him that maybe you’re overworking yourself.
 You slowly retracted your hand away from Jimin, losing the contact between the two of you. “Jimin, don’t worry. We’re okay.” He looked at you as you smile, but he knows when you are faking one and this is it. Something hidden behind your smile. He feels hurt that you’re not happy and hopes that he could comfort you. Hoping that you will run to him to help you with whatever’s bothering you.
 You walked away without saying another word, leaving him standing in front of your house. Despite telling him that the two of you are okay, you most definitely are not. You would constantly drift in and out of studying, bothered with the thought of Jimin and the girl. You would find it difficult to breathe whenever his face would appear in your mind. A tug in your chest constantly troubles you, so tight that it felt like someone’s stabbing you repeatedly and squeezing you. You didn’t notice that you sighed so loud when a few people nearby shushed you.
 Rain started pouring heavily outside just as you were about to go home after the library has closed. You felt stupid remembering to forgo bringing your umbrella because it’s heavy in your bag. You fished out your phone in your bag as you stood under the shade of the building’s entrance. A few students holding their umbrellas were rushing out of the building, chatting alongside their friends, as few lights in the halls were starting to turn off.
 You were about to call Jungkook when you heard someone call your name. You lift your head and saw Jimin in front of you under an umbrella with your umbrella that you forgot at home in his other hand.
 “You forgot this.” He tries to hand you the one thing you need. You were frozen. It took you by surprise that Jimin is now here in front of you. It was only a few seconds but it felt like this was the longest you’ve seen his face this week. You slowly extend your hand out to take the umbrella from him but when your fingers were about to touch the umbrella, he pulled it away.
 “Aren’t you giving it to me?” you gave him a puzzled look.
 “I will but not before I get to talk to you first. If I give you this now, I’m sure you’re going to run and avoid me again.” It hurts you to see Jimin look this sullen. Sure, you did avoid him but you don’t want to hurt him in any way.
 “Why bother coming here just to give my umbrella? I could get home fine, and I could buy on from the convenience store. I’m sure you’re also busy, you didn’t have to bother at all. Besides, shouldn’t you be with your girlfriend and not here in the campus?” You pushed your phone back in your bag and you squeezed the straps tightly as you mutter the word ‘girlfriend’ out loud. When you finished your sentence, Jimin’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
 “She’s not my… Wait, you thought she was my girlfriend?” He takes in your surprise and stutter as you try to answer him but nothing is heard out of your mouth. His pout now replaced with a shameless smirk. “Are you avoiding me because you thought she was my girlfriend? Is that it?”
 You felt like Jimin was pushing you off a cliff. It was true though. You did avoid him because of her, but now that it’s coming out of his mouth, you felt ashamed. You try to be silent for a few more seconds as he push for an answer from you a few more times. “Yes! What am I supposed to do instead, huh? I avoided you because seeing you reminds me of the two of you! I can’t stand it, that’s why I avoided you!” you shouted in one breathing, as if a balloon slowly being filled with air with no one stopping to fill it and it finally popped with a loud pang.
 Seeing Jimin surprised at your sudden outcry, you felt as if an ice cold bucket was poured on you. You didn’t mean to let it all out. Maybe it was the constant stress of studying or the reminder of the girl with Jimin pushed everything out of you. “I was jealous, okay? So… just leave me alone and let me handle my emotions in the meantime.”
 You walked past him, faster than you ever did before. You don’t mind the rain pouring down on your head, slowly soaking your clothes. The smell of the rain soaking the ground filled your nose as you pant for air. All you want is to just walk away from him because you just made everything awkward between the two of you. Your legs felt heavy as you try to realize that you’ve just admitted to him that you’re jealous. It was just barely hours ago that you’ve admitted to yourself that you were jealous, and you shouted it in front of his face.
 His hand caught your wrist and pulled you back to him. He spun you around, crashing your body into his chest. He lets go of his umbrella and proceeds to creep his hand unto the back of your head while he continues to pull your wrist with his other hand. His plump lips crashed into yours. As rough as he first landed his lips, he quickly begins to be gentle as his mouth slowly danced with yours. He takes in a deep breath, as if trying to savor your scent all in one go.
 You were taken aback at first but quickly gave in to his touch. It was everything for you. It feels as if the longing between you and Jimin that lasted for so long was finally satiated. He lets go of your wrist and lands his hands on your waist, gripping so tightly that you could almost feel the end of your shirt riding up from being tucked in your pants.
 His utter sincerity from his kisses. The passion. It was burning you. It was like someone finally opened the door and he just let himself go. You were gladly responding to his every action. You placed your hand on his back, slowly creeping up as the kiss goes on. Jimin felt it as you slowly try to accept his kisses, smirking so slightly while letting himself unto you.
 You pulled away first, gasping for air. The uncomfortable knot that occupied your chest for almost a week, now replaced with a burning desire for more from this man. He nudged his forehead to yours. You look up and saw him gazing and longing for your lips. “If I had known kissing you felt this good, I wouldn’t have hesitated this long.”
 You were still heaving for air. That kiss nearly took all the oxygen in your lungs. You want more.
 “I’m sorry if I made everything awkward between us. I really needed to avoid you or else, I could’ve made everything awkward between you and that girl.” You put your head down realizing that he must have been hurt when you avoided him this whole time.
 “What did I tell you? She’s not my girlfriend.” He lifts up your chin to let you look directly at him. He flashes a smirk and laughs in amusement. “She’s my cousin, here in town for a week. I guess you could say I’m her favorite that’s why she doesn’t hesitate to hug me. If you just let me explain then you would have spared yourself the burden of being jealous.” He gently rubs his thumb across your cheek as he adores how you look so flushed after the kiss. Despite having less light to illuminate everything around the two of you, he sees you as if you’re the brightest one.
 “I’m not jealous!” you pout your lips as you blatantly lie, blushing at the truth being pointed out by Jimin.
 “You just said so a while ago. No takebacks.” He giggled as he pulls you in closer to him. “Besides, there’s no need for you to be jealous. I’ve always been yours, baby.”
 He slowly takes your lips back into his again. His hand on your waist gripped tighter as the hand on your neck combs through your hair. Once again, everything took your breath. This Jimin was different from the Jimin you were used to. You loved it as you bask at the intimacy you two are now sharing. You could definitely feel his carnal desire. You let yourself go.
 “Finally done with exams!” Taehyung sighs as he slumps his back against Jungkook, who was eating his lunch in peace.
 You were sitting across the two while Jimin is sitting beside you, arms around your shoulders. The four of you are back in the cafeteria, enjoying your victory after a week-long exam marathon. All of you are physically and mentally drained. The three of them more so since they have been practicing a lot every night this week. Gala night is this weekend and they’re supposed to perform an original song on top of their planned setlist.
 The boys clearly expressed to you that there’s no chance you could hear their original song ahead of the Gala Night. They want you to hear it for the first time along with everyone else. You feel lonely that Taehyung and Jimin told you that they’ll work on the song on their own, despite asking for your help a month ago during Hoseok’s party. You let them do what they want since you also want to hear the product of their combined minds. Anticipation from you has been building, waiting to finally hear their music away from the touch of Namjoon’s and your’s. This will be the first time that the three of them will be making music on their own.
 “You know that I’m still here right?” Jungkook asks as he chews his food. He glares at you and Jimin as Jimin tries to smooch your cheeks. “She may be your girlfriend now but I’m still her brother. Don’t do it in front of me.” He chuckles as he tries to hit Jimin’s shoulder.
 Taehyung and Jimin exchanged laughs as they try to tease your brother. You laugh at them being so silly, missing the dynamics between everyone. Despite spending less time with them when you tried to avoid Jimin, everything was still the same when you got back. Now that you’re in a relationship with Jimin, everything stayed the same between you and the other boys.
 Actually, it went by so fast. That night that you two kissed, Jimin asked you to be his girlfriend and you accepted without batting an eyelash. It was quick. Now that you think about it, you never imagined that Jimin likes you back and would ask you to be his girlfriend. Even before you noticed your feelings for him, you have always imagined that someone would ask you to be their girlfriend in a more romantic way. Not that you want to be choosy but the way you two got together was so quick and lackluster. The kiss was definitely something but after that, he just asked you. Something feels lacking.
 There’s no need for you to dive deep into how he asked you to be his girlfriend. The fact that he’s finally yours, you’re happy with it. There’s no need for you to be choosy.
 “Have you been receiving any emails back from the companies you’ve applied to?” Taehyung addressed the question to you and Jimin. Seniors, which includes you and the two troublemakers, have sent their applications last month to various companies where they’ll have their training and if lucky, will eventually work there as well. This week, everyone will receive replies from those companies. As the dread from the exams has ended, another has taken its place.
 “None yet but I’ll inform everyone for sure if I receive any.” Your boyfriend confidently tells Taehyung and you. He turns his head to you, arms tightly gripping your shoulder. “You?”
 “Same. Still waiting.”
 “We’ll all still be together after college, right? All the companies I’ve applied to are just here in the city.” Taehyung grins as he try to disturb Jungkook from his lunch. “Jungkook still needs us to bother him.”
 Somehow, a tight rope in your chest started to tighten after hearing Taehyung. The three of you haven’t discussed each other’s plans after college. Maybe Jimin and Taehyung have already did but you haven’t informed them of yours yet.
 You went to the library that afternoon to return the books that you have borrowed for your readings. The library surprisingly feels a lot friendly today, compared to the other days where it has this heavy atmosphere from all the student who were cramming their notes in their brains. A lot of students were also returning heaps of books like you. Like a heavy load was taken off their back, your fellow students felt relieved that exam week is done.
 Gala Night will be this weekend. Everyone will have the chance to finally unwind and relax, with the music relieving them of their worries. Seniors will have their last chance to party in college before the pressure and burden of adulthood creeps in.
 As you were handing out the last book back to the counter, you felt your phone vibrate in your pocket. You thanked and bid goodbye to the person behind the counter and turned around. You take out your phone and the sight of the notification stopped you in your tracks. An email notification clearly occupied your screen saying that it’s from the company that you’ve been waiting for a reply from the most. You held your phone against your chest as you look around as if you’re trying to hide something. You quickly walk and hide behind the bookshelves and leaned against it as you try to breathe in deeply.
 You try to calm down your nerves, clearing your anxiety at what could the email contain. It could say that they have rejected your application and you’ve lost your chance to work in your dream company. It could also say that they accept you and that would definitely be in the list of your top moments of this year, second to having that kiss with Jimin of course.
 You try to inhale deeply once more before slowly lifting the phone off your chest. You open the email and read it. Everything became so silent around you. Your focus is all on reading the contents of the email. You carefully read each words as if reading it twice can make your comprehension with the language even clearer.
 “Fuck!” you shriek as you take in what you just read. You slapped your hand against your mouth when you remembered you’re still in the library. You giggle under your hands as your heart continues to pound in your chest.
 Your dream company just accepted you. You’re finally getting the fruits of your labor. You celebrate in the small area behind the bookshelf in the library as you throw punches in the air.
 You rejoice in your victory for a few more minutes before remembering the thing you’ve been holding off for a long time from Jungkook, Taehyung and Jimin. As if strapping bricks on your feet, you stop in your place as your heart begins to get heavy. This company you’ve applied to is in another country. “Fuck.”
 It’s Saturday, supposed to be everyone’s rest day but everyone at your house is busy. Jimin and the boys are down practicing non-stop for their performance for tomorrow’s Gala Night. You still haven’t informed Jimin about the email as you haven’t found the right moment to tell him of your news. A part of you is also torn whether to consider it as a good news or bad news. Just when everything is finally falling into its right place between you and Jimin, your dream will be the force pulling you both apart from each other once more.
 After their practice that had lasted the whole morning until afternoon, Jimin quickly took a break and excused himself away from his bandmates to spend some time with you. He ran to your bedroom, stopping in front of your door. He knocked but heard no answer from you. Once again, he knocked and called your name. When you didn’t answer, he slowly opened the door, catching a sight of you napping on your beanbag. He admires how adorable you look, curled up like a ball under your fluffy purple blanket as you tightly hold your phone while you sleep.
 He kneels down in front of you as he stares at your every feature. He never felt this lucky now that he knows that he’s finally got you. You’re his girlfriend now and nothing can keep you apart. He’ll do anything just to stay by your side.
 He saw a stray strand of your hair across your face and tucked it behind your ear as he carefully take your phone off your grasp. Once he successfully pulled your phone away, he wraps his hand under your legs and behind your back to carry you off the beanbag. You look so precious around his arms as he continues to stare at you when he walks towards your bed. Gently laying you down, it’s taking everything from him to resist kissing you. He wants to respect you by taking it slow and although you two have kissed once, he still respects your consent.
 He roamed around your room, observing every little detail. He hasn’t been in your room for so long. Now that the two of you are in a relationship, being alone with you seems more intimate now. He ingrains in his mind every cute item decorating your personal space. His eyes darts to the wall plastered with lots of Polaroid of the boys and you. He reminisces every moment depicted in each photo especially those with Namjoon and Hoseok. He deeply misses his older band members now that they’re busy working away from the four of you.
 He felt slight jealousy when he saw a photo of you squeezed in a hug between Namjoon and Hoseok. He remembers it taken by Taehyung after hanging out with everyone on the beach last year to celebrate their graduation. If it wasn’t for Taehyung and Hoseok’s help, he wouldn’t have the courage to make further moves on you.
 “I guess we’ll hang out here until the rain stops then we’ll head home.” Taehyung turns to look outside the window as the sound of the rain against the house gets louder by the second. Jimin was busy heating up the pizza slices in the kitchen when he heard Taehyung. Jungkook was busy teaching Jimin’s cousin the guitar across Taehyung in the living room.
 “Shouldn’t she be home by now? It’s getting late.” Jimin asks as he worries about you going home in this ungodly weather.
 “She must be on the way home right now. Don’t worry, she’ll get home fine… if she didn’t forget to bring her…” Jungkook turns to the shelf beside the door where you usually place your umbrella. You have a habit of forgetting your umbrella which is why you made it a point to have a designated place for your umbrella near the door. “…and she did. I’m not surprised.” Jungkook excused himself from the guitar lessons with Jimin’s cousin, standing up to put his guitar away on the couch as he walked back up the stairs to get ready to pick you up.
 “Jungkook, don’t pick her up. Let Jimin do it.” Taehyung changes the channel on the TV from the remote as he tells Jungkook. Jimin, taken aback by Taehyung’s suggestion, walks out of the kitchen and to the living room to question his best friend.
 “Can’t you see she’s avoiding me? Besides, we don’t know if she’ll be calling Jungkook to pick her up. She might call Hoseok, now that they’re dating.” Jimin points at Jungkook and back at Taehyung.
 Taehyung laughs. “Okay. We’re not supposed to tell you this but seeing as the situation between you and her is getting worse, might as well tell you.”
 “Tell me what?”
 “It’s all just an act with Hoseok. We planned the confession just to rile you up. To make you jealous. We’re getting so impatient between the push and pull dynamic between you and her. No one’s making a move despite your obvious feelings for each other, it’s frustrating me and Hoseok. That’s why we made a plan to make you jealous.” Taehyung leans back against the couch, staring at his best friend.
 “Wait. What? They’re not dating?” Jimin is so puzzled that he kept on glancing back and forth to Jungkook and Taehyung.
 “Yes.” Taehyung slowly reiterates as he rolled his eyes at Jimin. “I’m so frustrated at seeing the two of you be oblivious with each other, so I tried to interfere. Your best wingman, at your service! You can thank me later.”
 Jungkook was already back at the front door, unnoticed by Jimin. He pulled out your umbrella from its designated slot inside the shelf and threw it to Jimin. “He complains to me non-stop about you guys, so get on with it to make him stop. As her brother, you have my blessing.” Jimin caught the umbrella as he sees Jungkook grin and gives a thumbs-up as green light.
 Never have Jimin moved so fast, intent on seeing you as soon as possible. Taehyung threw his car keys to Jimin as he opened the door. The two boys that were left back in the house smiled warmly at each other as they saw Jimin’s swift exit.
 Your eyes felt heavy as you try to pry it open after your afternoon nap. All the fatigue from your all-nighters caught up to you as you regain control of your body trying to get up from the confines of your bed. Your vision was still slightly hazy but you recognized a figure standing near your desk. Jimin. You recognize his back anywhere, no matter how hazy or unclear your vision is. You call his name out with your sleepy voice still warming up from being awaken. He didn’t turn back to your call so you try to call him again.
 He slowly turns to you but something felt wrong. You try to wonder why he’s not reacting fast to your call as if he’s busy with something. You recognize something familiar that was in Jimin’s hands as you were getting off your bed. Both of your eyes met and immediately, you felt unable to speak further. Words choked up in your throat as you regret not cleaning up your table to hide the item that Jimin is now tightly gripping with all his might. It was subtle but you could see that his hand was slightly shaking. Unsure whether if he’s angry or afraid of what he might’ve read.
 “I can explain…” Slowly, you take a few steps forward towards him as if you were on high alert with how to handle the situation.
 “What’s this?” you could feel his sadness just from the few words he let out as he gaze upon you, holding the letter out to you. “Why does it say America? Why didn’t you tell me this sooner?” The small piece of paper, now trembling in his hands.
 “I do plan to tell you but I haven’t found the right timing yet.” You took one step closer but you noticed he took a step back as well. You’re scared. You don’t want him to think that you’re hiding something from him which you really aren’t. You just don’t know how to break it to him gently. “I applied for a job and I got an email from them that I got accepted. The letter just arrived yesterday.” Your hands were starting to get clammy and your throat felt dry as well.
 “Why didn’t you tell any of us that you were planning to leave town and work there?”
 “I was not sure they’ll accept me. I just took my shot. I don’t want to disappoint you guys if I tell you then it turns out I got rejected. Applying there was a long shot.” You once again try to take a step closer and pressed on, when you saw Jimin accepting your concern to remedy the situation and not stepping back. “Believe me, I don’t intend it to be a secret from all of you.” You slowly try to place your hands on his quivering wrist that is tightly holding the letter.
 “So you’re just gonna leave us here? I thought we all talked about staying here in the city. Find jobs here.” you could hear a slight tone of anxiety and sorrow from his tiny voice. His black hair slowly clouding his face. A shadow looming over his face. You felt his sorrow as well just by looking at him. This was not your intention.
 “I know we all talked about it. I’m sorry if I haven’t told you guys but…” you gently rub your hands along his arms to at least try and comfort your boyfriend. “This has always been my dream. I’ll regret it if I didn’t let myself take the shot no matter how impossible it may be. There has never been a day where I’m not grateful for the memories and company you guys gave me. The thought of leaving town and living alone on the other side of the world scares me. It’s all thanks to you guys that I was able to go out of my comfort zone and was able to make a lot choices that makes me who I am today. Thanks to you, Jimin. You’ve always been there for me, encouraging me when I was unwilling to take a step forward. Now, I am taking that step and I hope you’ll let me.” You place your hands on his cheeks as he still kept his longing gaze on you.
 You felt his warm hands occupy your cheeks, wiping what seems to be tears flowing down on your warm cheeks. You didn’t notice it. You were occupied with the thought of pacifying the situation and the thought of leaving Jimin was now real. You just started a relationship with him and you were unsure what your new job would mean between the two of you. Jimin leaving you is definitely not the thing you want. If you could reject the job, you could but you’ve been dreaming for this even before you’ve met and liked him. You truly wish for him to understand and support you, and if he won’t, you tell yourself that you’ll accept where he wants your relationship to go. If he’ll break up with you for this, you’ll accept it and let him leave however painful it is.
 He pulled you for a hug, still silent and not saying a word. You were still trying to grasp on what he’s thinking right now but you won’t push him further. He grips you tightly into the hug that you’re sure his fingers would bruise your skin but you reciprocate the tightness. You don’t want him to let go of the hug. You don’t want him to let go of you, not when you just got him. The distance between you just started to close but now, it felt like its back to being miles away from each other. It frustrates you that probably something celestial is intent on keeping you apart.
 You were now sniffing and crying in his arms, unaware of the mess you’re making on his shirt. He rubs his hand on the top of your head and he pushes you away from his chest to look at you and the mess you’re making. You admit that Jimin being hush makes you even more anxious and nervous. You prefer to just bicker with him at this point since that would make yours and his thoughts vocal to each other. You lift your head up to look at him with eyes beaded with tears.
 He takes in your beauty as he watched you. He inched closer to you and next, you’re feeling his plump lips taking yours. A kiss so different from the first time you had with him. This was filled with yearning and ache. As if the words you were waiting for him to say, he expressed it with this kiss. He closed the distance with you in mere seconds. You understand what he felt as he ravishes your lips. He doesn’t want to let you go but he wants to support you as well. Every fiber in his being wants to pull you back to him but he doesn’t because he doesn’t want to deprive you of your happiness.
 He walks you back to the direction of your bed while continuing to pour out his feelings to you through the kiss. You wrapped your hands around his neck as you both drown in the intimacy of the moment. A few moments later, the back of your knees hit the end of your bed causing the two of you to crash on your bed. You gasped at the sudden weight of Jimin crashing into you while he continues to stroke his hands through your hair, unbothered by the change of position.
 “Jimin?” You ask as you try to get a word out of him. He whined and continues to shower you kisses. You felt his tongue brush your lower lip, causing the heat beneath your legs to further warm you up. His hands were all over your body and you didn’t complain. You want this too. Heck, you’ve been dreaming of this too. Nights filled with thoughts of Jimin were too frequent.
 The sudden contact of his cold hands on your skin under the end of your shirt shocked you. The intense heat of the moment and from your body completely contrasted his icy cold hands. It almost burned you but you continue to savor the moment. The intense touches he’s giving you. His kisses were now crawling from the sides of your lips to your neck. Goosebumps appeared behind your neck and on your arms as you felt him mapping out your skin with his warm lips. You let out a whimper and this further pushed out the desire he’s been keeping for so long caged inside Jimin. He slowly nibbled your ears and let out a groan.
 It took your breath away, further driving you wild. You stroke his back harder, careful not to scratch him. The frustration of wanting to touch him for who knows how long was clouding your mind. You want more. You both surrender to each other when a knock disturbed the two of you. Jimin scoff internally inside his thoughts at whoever decided to cockblock him from having you.
 “Hey, is Jimin there? We need him for another practice. Jungkook still needs to polish a few parts in the setlist.” Taehyung carefully whispers through the door without knocking, unsure if you’re taking a nap or not. Everyone knows by now how precious your afternoon nap is. They could tease you anytime but not when you’re taking a nap.
 Jimin and you were both looking at the door, lips still on each other. You part your lips from Jimin and answered, telling that Jimin is indeed in your bedroom and will return to practice as soon as possible. You felt Jimin groan against your lips and also heard Taehyung answer, his footsteps slowly getting farther from your bedroom.
 You and Jimin stared at each other for a moment and giggles erupted from the two of you after realizing what just happened. He caressed the side of your face, scanning your face. You returned the gesture as you place your hand on his cheeks. You place a peck on his lips, shocking him. It was the first time you initiated intimacy between the two of you.
 “We’ll talk more about it, okay? I promise.” You smile at him as you express your sincerity. He adored you being under him looking so flushed and he couldn’t resist you looking so enamored with him. He nods and gave you back a peck before parting his body from you, getting off the bed and walking out of the bedroom.
 You plan to talk to him more but of course you didn’t get to since your parents called you for an errand to get some groceries. By the time you got back, Taehyung and Jimin already left. Jungkook told you that Jimin had to drive his cousin somewhere urgent. You lost another chance to remedy the situation between the two of you. Although the two of you can talk about it on the phone, nothing beats being in front of him to talk about it. Tomorrow’s the Gala Night so you figure it’s best that you both talk it out after. Also, it bothers you that Jimin hasn’t said a word to you yet. Even when you were making out, he wasn’t saying anything. Maybe it’s better to trust him and not further drown yourself with anxious thoughts.
 You were part of the technical crew in charge of the sound system for the Gala Night. Despite your urge to rush in front of the crowd to get a closer look at the stage, you prefer your peace at the sound booth at the back of the auditorium elevated higher than the audience almost at the same height as the stage. The audience started to make some more noise as they see Jungkook, Jimin and Taehyung take their place on the stage.
 It felt funny seeing few girls getting giddy and blushing at the sight of the three. You remember all the moments when they used to perform with Namjoon and Hoseok and it would increase their fans twicefold the next day. Majority of the screaming fans among the audience were girls from Jungkook’s batch and freshman students. You laugh at the sight of those three goofballs be heartthrobs and be adored by everyone.
 Soon, they start performing some of their old songs that were loved by the audience. Jungkook breezed through the songs, belting out as the main vocalist. Jimin would have guitar solos, making the girls fall over for his charms at every strum of the strings. Taehyung would make every beat of the drums hypnotize the audience as if a flower was calling every bees to come forth for its honey. You would sway your head and sing to their songs in your seat. Closing your eyes to let yourself be absorbed into the music.
 The next song would be their new original song. As Jungkook was introducing the song, Jimin walks up beside him. Everyone in the auditorium were focused on Jungkook as he expresses that this song was made by Jimin and Taehyung and is sort of a parting gift for everyone since they’ll be graduating soon, granting groans from the audience. He also told that he wouldn’t be the one leading the song. Everyone was surprised when Jimin took Jungkook’s place in front of the mic. You were also surprised at the turn of events. This would be the first time Jimin would be taking over a song as the vocalist. Yes, he sings a few parts and belts out adlibs here and there but you haven’t heard him perform a whole song.
 “This song is slightly personal. I put out my heart and all my thoughts into this song.” He turns back to Taehyung and Jungkook, who’s now holding his guitar. They nod at each other and Jimin turns back to the audience looking for you. When he did find you at the back, he smiled and held the mic tightly. “This is Distance. I hope you guys love it.”
 You shot your entire attention at Jimin, never leaving him. The music started slow. It was an entirely different kind of music from what they put out before. This is almost like a sensual RnB genre complimented by the sounds of Taehyung’s drums and Jungkook’s electric guitar. The audience grew quiet as they felt the mood change, listening intently to the strumming of the guitar lead by Jungkook. You watch Jimin as he starts to sing out the lyrics.
 You listen intently to the lyrics. He sings about a person haunted by his feelings, unable to fully express what he wanted. The person felt that the main force holding him back was himself. He cares deeply for another person, willing to do anything for her. Ready to fight battles alongside her, no matter how much sacrifices he’s asked to make. He reaches out again and again but there’s like a dark and ominous figure holding him back. Just as he was about to give up, the person that he loves reaches out for him. The hand reaching out for him, upon contact, lit up everything around him. He takes it and everything he hid inside his chest comes bursting out. Everything around the both of them blossomed and was painted with different hues of color. He expressed all his fears to the person he adores. The fear of being left behind, being rejected, being abandoned and being thrown away. He kept this confident persona in front of everyone to hide his true feelings. He loved that person with his entire being.
 Jimin ended the song by singing the question, “Do you accept me? Because I offer myself to you.”
 You felt Jimin’s passion as he sang the song. Jimin was panting, clearly heard through the mic. His stares were burning you. You soon realize that Jimin was singing about the two of you. He expressed his feelings about you through the song. The words you were longing for ever since that rainy night were all poured out for you through his song. Your cheeks were burning so hard that you felt so flushed even up to the soles of your feet. You try to fan yourself to cool down but his eyes were still on you, burning you further.
 The screams and roar of the audience shook both of you away from the unspoken burning desire blooming between the two of you. Jimin smiled as he take in the audience’s warm response for his song. You two may have been at the opposite poles of the auditorium but you two understood each other completely. You heard his confession and you answered back with complete surrender to him.
 Jungkook gave you the tightest hug he could give as he quietly hide his head in the crook of your neck while he sob. You see Taehyung and Jimin standing behind him, smiling at the two of you. Jimin was holding your luggage as he pushed Taehyung to take Jungkook off you and proceed to say his farewell.
 Taehyung gently pulled Jungkook’s shirt, laughing at the youngest band member as Jungkook comically wipes his nose after pulling away from you. Jungkook quietly walks back to Jimin, and Taehyung was now hugging you. Taehyung was the clingiest one out of the bunch, especially to the other band members. He doesn’t shy away in hugging you, as well. You would always oblige since it always warms your heart whenever you would welcome his hugs.
 “Take care of yourself. Eat a bit healthier. Don’t follow any strangers. Always guard your drinks when you go partying. If any of your coworker bullies you, tell them you have a friend who is a master of martial arts.” You laugh as he rambles while still hugging you. He ends the hug and faces you.
 “Yes, mom, I will.” You pinch his adorable cheeks. You look at him for a few seconds before asking him to come closer. “I forgot to thank you. Hoseok already confessed everything to me. You’re the best wingman Jimin could have.” Taehyung, surprised that you know their secret, pulled back to look at you with huge eyes. You giggle as you try to put your finger on your lips, assuring him that you’ll keep mum about it.
 “Anything for you two.” He walked back as he smiled warmly at you.
 Jungkook and Taehyung waved and stayed back, as you and Jimin walk further inside the airport. You two were silent as you tread along the building, knowing that each passing moment means that you’ll soon be spending so much time away from him. You want to run away with him but you hold yourself out from acting your desires. A small sacrifice for your happiness. He did tell you again and again that he would wait for you no matter how long it takes. You place all your trust in him.
 Jimin squeezed your hand inside his, stopping you in your tracks. “I love you, y/n.”
 It was the first time he put his feelings into words that is directly addressed to you. You may have heard and understood the lyrics of his song and for whom it was addressed to but hearing your name coming from his mouth tickles your heart. You love this person. Everything about him is amazing. Every moment spent with him is magical.
 “…and I love you, too.” Jimin also didn’t expect you to reply. “Wait for me, okay? I promise I’ll come back and I’ll be yours always. I’ll always be waiting for you too.” You cup his face with your hand. Jimin leans his face further into your hand, closing his eyes at the warmth and gentleness you’re providing. He tries to remember your touch, your warmth, and your scent.
 “I won’t be long.” You didn’t understood what he meant but not for long, he lifts your chin and proceeds to kiss you. A kiss so gentle that your heavy anxiety of parting ways with him has been lifted off you. A kiss so precious as if time stopped around you, blocking the sound of people rushing to get to their check-in gates and luggage wheels rolling on the tiles of the airport.
 Lips parting, you both gaze at each other as Jimin nudged his nose to yours.
 It has been a month since you left. You’ve adjusted well in your new environment. Luckily, everyone in the company has been generous in giving you a warm welcome. It didn’t take long for you to adjust to your workload and perform brilliantly. You also met a lot of new friends outside the company, common friends of your workmates. Everything was going swell, except for the moment when you would be alone in your apartment. You would quickly do video calls with Jimin if yours or his schedule matches. Most of the time, you leave video messages or voice recording if you catch him sleeping already or him with you. It frustrates you but you always remind yourself that it’s a small sacrifice for your happiness.
 One day, Jimin was leaving all your messages on seen. You want to scream at him and the anxiety creeped up on you the longer he left your messages. You were obviously in a bad mood the whole day. Your friends at work also noticed this and you would just reassure them that you’re fine. A male friend of yours offered to drive you back to your apartment as everyone was walking out of the building to go home. You politely decline when a voice abruptly disturbed the both of you. You both look at the direction of the voice and was surprised to see your boyfriend. Surprised by the unfamiliar blonde locks on his head as he stood so proudly a few feet away from you.
 Words caught in your throat, all you could say was “Jimin?!?”
 He smugly walked up to you as he glare at the man beside you. The man quickly understood the situation and bids you goodbye. Jimin slowly walks beside you as he placed his hand around your waist. He sees you, mouth agape and still can’t talk at his surprise appearance. “I missed you!” He kissed your cheeks, taking you by surprise.
 “Why…but how?...When?” You stutter as you try to take in the fact that your boyfriend is now in front of you, in America. Miles away from his home and he didn’t bother to tell you about it.
 “Let’s go to your apartment. I can tell you all about it there.” As if in a rush, he pushes you by the waist to hurry and go home to your place.
 However, when you arrived at your apartment, Jimin didn’t hesitate to devour you by the entrance hallway of your apartment. He pushes the door close with his feet as he take your lips. No matter how many times you two have kissed, you can still differentiate each kiss. Today, it’s burning with desire for you. He latches onto your mouth like it’s his lifeline. You let yourself overdose with the taste of him, and so does he. His plump lips felt divine that has you moaning under him.
 Your heavenly moans had him wanting more. Both of you stayed latched against each other’s bodies as you try to remove any accesories that you can while directing him to your bedroom. He pushes you back unto the mattress when you were surprised at the force your back met the soft linen.
 He unbuttoned a few buttons of his shirt and pulled the sleeves higher before he dove back to you. Not wasting any moment, he writhed his hands behind your nape and gripped your waist. Your eyes shutting close at the brush of his lips and the taste of his tongue on yours. Kissing him felt so natural to you as you indulge in his presence and touch. He now dives his lips on your neck, crumbling your last bit of self-control. You let go and wrapped your hands behind his head and through his now-blonde locks. You felt goosebumps as he sensually pepper your neck with kisses.
 You realize how much you’ve put yourself in critical position, you gently push him away before this gets any further. You didn’t want to ruin the mood but you’re still very confused at the sudden appearance of your boyfriend. You haven’t said any words to him but he quickly understood what’s painted on your face. “I’ll explain later, I promise.” You both stay gazing at each other and taking in the close proximity between you. “Can I please have you tonight?”
 You nod, understanding what he meant. “Please Jimin.”
 He quickly closes in the distance between the two of you and placed his lips above your collarbone, earning a sensual groan from you. This has urged Jimin to further surrender to his carnal desire for you, no longer holding back. As you felt his hand gripping the sides of your waist, he laps his lips to nibble on your ear.
 “Ah Jimin!”
 He growls, “Fuck I missed you”. His hands quickly finds it place under your breasts to fondle it and you grow even weaker. Your moans making the tent under his pants grow even harder at every touch. He marks you purple and red behind your ear as he noticed how you moan loader as he teases your ear.
 You tightly grip his hair as he continue to kiss your neck and his delicate hand found its way to the buttons of your shirt, removing each piece as he unravels you half-naked before him. You quickly lift up your back off the bed, helping him by removing your shirt and bra off of you. He worships at the view of your nakedness before him. He proceeds to fully unbutton his white dress shirt and attempts to remove it completely when you stopped him.
 “Don’t take it off. You look good in corporate attire. It turns me on.” Jimin sees you scanning him as you display a fucked out face despite not yet having been fucked. He finds himself further in danger of losing himself to you.
 He leans back to you, now rolling his tongue around your nipples while his other hand fondles your other breast. Insatiable, he alternates between your breasts as he tastes you more. You submit entirely to him after having been deprived of his touch. It takes him by surprise when you pushed him, rolling onto his back and now you’re on top of him.
 You crawl south, pulling down the zipper of his pants and his cock sprung out to greet you. Big is an understatement. If he went inside you with this, you would definitely be sore and limping later. You grab his big hard erection and flicked your tongue at the tip, earning a very sensual groan from Jimin. His hands quickly landed on either side of your head. You looked at Jimin and found him staring at you, etching the sight of you sucking him forever in his mind. Seeing him enjoying your touch as you ravage him turns you on.
 It only takes a matter of seconds before you start sucking his length, bobbing your head up and down. You work on his cock capably with your tongue and mouth, and stroking the remaining length which can’t fit your mouth with your hands. You didn’t notice that he held your head and further pushed you down on his cock. You slightly gag as you felt the tip hit the back of your throat. The remaining length that you were stroking was now being occupied by your mouth as your nose met his skin. Something about it felt so naughty that you let your hand fondle the heat between your legs.
 Jimin concentrated on your lips wrapped on his cock as he try to pull his underwear and pants off his legs. He lift his back off the bed as you continue. His hands now unzipping your skirt and prompting you to remove it. You did what was asked of you and also removed your underwear.
 There’s this strong desire between the two of you and you both know you’ll bask in it tonight.
 He looks at you as you lay down naked on the bed. You crawl up towards the headboard and he kneels at the end of the bed. You could almost feel yourself dripping wet as he stood there with his cock in full display. “Spread your legs for me.” His commanding tone suddenly made you hot and limp before him. Soon, you find yourself displaying everything for him. It didn’t take long before his lips found its way on your pussy.
 It felt like electricity is coursing through you. He savors your taste as you grip his hair, careful not to tug too tight. It felt bizarre looking at Jimin with blonde hair but he looks even hotter with his new locks. You let your head back as you moan and shout his name. He further wiggles his tongue on your clit, wanting more of your reaction to his touch. You grab whatever you can to try and control yourself in shouting from pleasure. He enjoyed your struggle so he soon pushed one finger inside you. You were so wet for him already that his finger didn’t meet any resistance so he quickly added another finger.
 “Your pussy tastes so good.” He pushes his tongue inside your pussy along with his two fingers. Defeated, you lean back, grinding your hips into his face. You felt something and so did Jimin. Your walls are starting to throb and close in on his fingers so inserted one more finger. You scream at the stretch of his three fingers and looked at Jimin. “I have to prepare you well so that you can take me.” He lets his other hand play with your clit, circling it around. It was too much. The stimulation from his hands further pulling you into a strong orgasm. You shiver under him as he fucks you with his fingers through your orgasm. Once you were done, he slowly pulled out.
 You pant, limp on the sheets as you try to remember that you’re not yet done. He still haven’t fucked you. You anticipate the stretch that his cock will bring when you turn to see Jimin stroking his cock as he crawls between your legs. He lines the head of his cock against your entrance, rubbing it up and down. He looks at the contact of his member on yours as he spreads your wetness even further around your pussy.
 Eager for him to start, you wiggle your hips closer to him. He laughs at your impatience as he lifts your waist closer to him. “I won’t hold back tonight. I can’t promise to be gentle all the time but if you want me to stop, I will.”
 “Fuck me senseless until tomorrow, Jimin. I want you.” With this, he thrusts his entire cock inside your pussy. Soon, you both progress into an amazing rhythm, bodies intertwined against each other. Your hips pushing back and forth to meet each of Jimin’s strong thrusts. In unison, you release sounds of exquisite pleasure and scream each other’s names.
 He rolls you, your face meeting the pillow. You were completely laid flat on the bed when his cock quickly found its way to enter you once again. He pushed your legs to close while he rides you. He pushes you further into the bed as he fucked you into oblivion. Jimin felt like a beast. He stayed true to his words by not holding back and you loved it. You ask him to be rougher and it would further edge him on. You could feel the tip of his cock almost opening your womb.
 Another orgasm is pending to overwhelm you and Jimin could now feel it around his cock. He continues to pound you in the roughest manner you’ve ever experienced. It felt like heaven as you let your orgasm take over you. “Where do you want me to release it?” Jimin didn’t let his rhythm falter through your orgasm but anymore and he can’t further prolong his orgasm.
 “I want everything inside. Cum inside me, Jimin!” You screaming his name eventually pushed him to cum inside you. As he paints your walls white, he pushed inside you even further. He slumps his body close to you as you hear his lips moaning your name beside your ear. Both of you moaning and reveling in each other’s touch.
 He pulled out after making sure that he let out every drop inside. The sight of you dripping of his essence made him groan. He quickly stood off your bed to get you a glass of water. He hands you the glass of water from your side table. You took a quick sip and felt Jimin heading below you, wiping his cum dripping out your pussy with a tissue. You let your other hand to crawl down your pussy and inserted it, scooping out any cum that was left. Jimin froze at the lewd sight of you inserting two fingers inside your pussy while busy sipping from your glass of water. You let his cum accumulate before pulling your fingers to your mouth, swallowing his cum. He swallowed at how hot you are right now, drinking his cum and tasting yourself. You giggle under your fingers, seeing that teasing him worked.
 “Such a naughty girl.” He smirked and it made you laugh. He laughs at you as well. He took your blanket and covered both of you, cuddling under it.
 “Are you going to tell me now why you’re here?” you pulled him closer to you as you wiggled your head across his chest. He laughs at how quickly you turned this adorable after witnessing what a storm of a seductress you were a while ago.
 “I’m going to live with you now starting from today.” You froze and quickly sat properly beside him, pushing yourself away from his chest. He takes in your confused look before further explaining. “I did tell you at the airport that I won’t be long. I arranged everything and now, I’ll be working in the same city as you. We’ll be in the same time zone now.” He rubs his hand across your cheek.
 “You did...what… for me?” Your tears now starting to pool around your eyes and fall. He takes in each drop in his hand and rubs it off. “I love you.” You sob quietly as you rub your cheeks back onto his hand.
 “I know. I love you too.” He pulls you closer. “We’ll reach for our dreams together without ever being apart.” He slowly takes your lips once more. Your love for Jimin felt stronger. You never felt happier to have him finally beside you.
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randomfandomimagine · 3 years
Love’s Worth Running To. Chapter 5: Hero Work
Pairing: Barry Allen x Stephanie Williams (OFC)
Fandom: Justice League / DCEU
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A/N: Another chapter! I think this one as very interesting stuff, and it’s finally starting to move on to my favorite part of the story, I can’t wait to post the few next chapters!
Also, and as always, remember to give this some love! Please reblog and leave feedback if you’re liking it, it would help me out a lot and it’d mean the world to me!! 🙏 Thank you so much to everyone that’s supporting this series 🥰💜
With the excuse that she needs to face it sooner or later, Stephanie starts trying out her powers. She promises herself that it means nothing, only a way to ensure they won’t become something dangerous because she can’t control them. It doesn’t mean she will recklessly go out trying to be Wonder Woman. But the improvised hero outfit still lays on the ground. She hasn’t put it away. Keeps glancing at it.
Meanwhile, as her eyes are fixed on the costume, a light crackle of electricity hovers over her palm. Stephanie sighs and focuses her attention on it, watching how the small force field slowly grows. The semi-transparent sphere, at first as small as marble, has reached the size of a football ball now.
Stephanie tells herself that big progress has been made, as at least she is now in control of it even if the force field isn’t big enough to really protect anyone. Its surface is also irregular and unstable. She grits her teeth, frowning in confusion, but the very best she can do is maintain the current state of the force field.
“Ah!” Stephanie suddenly yelps when her phone buzzes. The force field in her hand crackles, creating a mild disturbance in the air, before completely fading.
Promising to keep working on her newfound abilities after checking her phone, she picks the device up and looks at the screen. Her heart halts in anticipation as she reads the text. It’s from Ben.
While it isn’t the person she was expecting, it still warms her heart that Ben is reaching out and checking on her. For that reason, she proceeds to read the message and a small smile finds its way to her lips when she does.
Good morning, Stephanie! How are you feeling? I hope you’re well and recovered. There is no rush to return to work, but I must insist that you rest and properly look after yourself. I’m your boss, so you have to do as I say.
Best regards, Ben.
Stephanie chuckles, endeared by his thoughtful message and amused by the fact that he signed it like he would a written letter... despite the fact that the phone already showcases the sender. Grinning, she starts typing to reply to him.
You may be the man in charge for the project, but shall I remind you that you’re not my boss?
Best regards, Stephanie.
However, and despite the lighthearted interaction, a void settles in her chest.
For a moment, Stephanie had hoped it was Barry contacting her, only to remember that she had been ignoring his many calls and messages. He has probably given up on talking to her, figuring she will do so when she feels comfortable with it. And she misses him. For that reason, she dials his number while Ben types back.
Barry takes a few rings to answer, but when he does his warm and familiar voice is filled with excitement. It makes Stephanie smile as soon as she hears it.
“Steph?!” He answers. “Oh my gosh, hi! How are you feeling?”
“Hi, Barry” The girl can’t stop smiling now, while at the same time wondering how she had survived so many days without him. “I’m feeling better, thank you”
“That’s great, I’m so glad to hear it!” He sighed from the other end, as though a weight had been lifted from his shoulders. “Um… did you need anything? Or did you just call to chat?”
“Well…” Stephanie awkwardly chuckles, feeling embarrassed for isolating herself. But now that she has her powers mostly under control after that long week, she feels like she can talk to him again. “Actually, I wanted to apologize… I know I’ve been very distant, but…”
“Hey, no” He gently interrupts her. “Steph, you don’t have to apologize, don’t say a word. I understand that you needed some time, anyone would after what you went through!”
Stephanie pauses for a moment while the nerves suddenly stir in her stomach. In the end, noticing his silence as well, she pipes up once more.
“I’m sorry for worrying you, Barry”
“I’m always gonna worry about you”
She smiles to herself, knowing that he means that in the best way possible. The nerves disappear, replaced with a wave of warmth that fills her. Suddenly, all those negative emotions she has been experiencing for days are gone. All thanks to his magic.
“Listen, I’m in a hurry. I’m so sorry, I really can’t talk more” Barry mumbles. “But, uh... how ‘bout we meet this evening? I’ll take it easy on you, I promise, I just want to hang out with you for a bit”
“Sure” Stephanie chuckles. “I’d love that”
“Cool!” She hears him happily chuckle as well. “Pick you up at 7?”
“Yeah, see you later” And Stephanie hangs up, unable to erase the smile from her face.
When Barry arrives to the place of reunion, he heaves a big sigh. The sky suddenly looks bluer, the birds are singing louder and the sun shines brighter. Everything is okay.
“There you are” Clark pats his shoulder, warning him of the team’s presence. They had been waiting for him. “How can a speedster like you be late?”
“Right, sorry about that” Barry grins instead of taking his words as a scolding.
“You look happy…” Diana tells Barry, kindly nudging him a little.
“Yeah, well” The boy suddenly feels slightly flustered by everyone’s gazes on him. “I talked to Steph”
“Your friend?” Bruce pipes up, the hint of a smile peeking in the corner of his lips. “We told you she just needed some time”
“She doing okay?” Arthur asked, frowning slightly in concern.
“Yeah, she’s fine… she’s fine” Barry sighs like that again, feeling lighter. “Phew, it was such a relief”
“Sorry to burst your bubble, Barry” Victor gravely tells him. “But we have work to do”
“You’re right, I know” The boy nods to himself. “I’m ready, let’s go”
The silence settles for a moment. Overlooking the city from their high spot at the top of the skyscraper, the six pensively observe the atmosphere beneath their feet. There is the usual busy sound of traffic, of the crowd’s murmuring and the occasional ambulance or police cars sirens in the distance. Other than that, there are no signs of an imminent threat.
“What are we doing here again?” Arthur pipes up. “Everything seems calm”
“Too calm” Bruce grimly replies, glancing at the rest. “I know something’s wrong”
“I can feel it too” Victor adds. “The electric devices feel erratic, like a virus is slowly poisoning the city”
“What we can do about it?” Diana stares at the cyborg, whose eyes are fixed on the city underneath.
“Can you do something to stop that virus?” Barry suggests to him. “Get into their systems or something?”
“I can’t” Victor gravely says, locking eyes with the speedster. “That’s how I know something’s wrong”
“I can feel it too” Clark admits. There are no traces of his usual smile. “Maybe it’s just an intuition, but-”
Before he can even finish his sentence, a loud ruckus startles them all. Something has changed right under their field of vision. An automated train, moving on its own and filled with thousands of innocent passengers, is violently wavering and making the people inside it scream and panic. It moves at a vertiginous speed. More strange noises ensure that the train isn’t the only electronic device malfunctioning there.
“You wouldn’t be doing that, by any chance?” Barry asks Victor, who slowly shakes his head.
As on cue, everyone moves at his denial. The six seem synchronized as they throw themselves down the rooftop. Diana uses her lasso to soar through the air, Bruce glides with his cape and Barry speeds leaving behind a faint blue tail. Clark flies, followed by Victor with his propellers, and Arthur throws his trident and rides it like a surf board.
In the blink of an eye, the six have landed on top of the train. More panicked screams fill the interior with the loud thud of their landing. They struggle to maintain balance in the speeding train. Moving quickly, Clark tears the metallic top of the train open and so everyone drops to the inside.
“Please stay calm” He kindly says to the terrorized passengers.
“We’re here to help” Bruce assures them with his deep voice.
“We’re saved!” A blond woman exclaims. “It’s Superman!”
“And Wonder Woman!”
“And The Batman!”
Although a warm welcome, the Justice League focuses on the mission ahead: saving those people. They exchange quick glances between them and get to work. There is no time to lose.
“Barry” Bruce lowly tells him. “Get rid of all the electronic devices as soon as possible”
“Before they overheat and explode” Victor urges him, his red eye seeming to recognize the extent of the danger they present. “They’re malfunctioning just like the train”
“Copy that!” And with that, the speedster is gone in the blink of an eye. With shocked gasps, the people find that their phones, tablets and any other electronic devices are taken from them. Some explode as soon as they’re thrown out the window, causing an even further outrage.
“I’ll try to stop the train” Victor closes his eyes, focusing his mind on the electric system.
“I’ll do that too” Clark nods, helping the cyborg by flying to the front of the vehicle. As soon as he disappears, the train produces a strident creaking as it drags along the rails. Carefully. Very slowly, it starts losing speed. He can’t risk harming the people inside with a violent halt.
“We’ll get the people safely off” Diana taps Bruce, who doesn’t lose one second to go with her.
“And I’ll help you out” Arthur throws his trident to the doors, breaking through them to allow them an exit.
Soon after, Barry has returned and instantly goes with Diana, Bruce and Arthur to help them move the passengers out of the speeding train. Clark seems to continue his part of the rescue, because it loses speed by the second. Slow and safely.
While Arthur breaks open all the doors he can to create more exits, the rest gets ahold of as many people as possible. The train hasn’t quite stopped yet. Bruce carries three grown men, using his grappling hook to swing to safety. Diana has picked up a group of four children while Barry puts their parents to safety. Perhaps they can’t quite understand and solve what is happening in the city yet, but in the meantime they can always protect the people.
Seven o’clock can’t come soon enough. Time passes slowly, and Stephanie’s eyes keep landing on the discarded outfit on the ground. She bites her lip. Knowing she is meeting Barry later seems to fill her with courage. Hope. Maybe she can be like their heroes, like Wonder Woman and Superman. At the very least, she can try.
“Maybe I’ll just try it on…” She mumbles, trying to get rid of her impatient energy, and as though they outfit would have changed sizes during those few days she hasn’t touched it.
Telling herself that it’s only a way to stay distracted and busy while she waits for Barry to arrive, although that isn’t for two more hours, Stephanie gets changed. The tight leggings slip on easily, like a second skin, like they’re the right thing to wear. After she puts on the tank top as well, she stands before the mirror once more. The same sense of excitement and wonder settle in her stomach, taking the form of butterflies that take flight inside it.
The look is almost complete. Just when she is applying the eye shadow like the other day, a sound interrupts her. Several police cars pass by her apartment at top speed, illuminating the streets with their blue light. A test. A call to adventure. Will she answer?
“I can do it” She whispers to herself. “I want to help, I can do it”
Anxious as the police cars wail in the distance, Stephanie nods in resolution. After such a long time of inactivity, her muscles complain at the sudden energy bursts. Ignoring the light aching of her body, Stephanie runs. She leaves her apartment, leaves behind her building and runs in the direction the police cars took. After days if inactivity, she feels alive again. Her lungs urgently fill with air, her heart begins beating so fast that it throbs in her ears.
Stephanie doesn’t stop running, chasing the call to heroism and smiling widely.
She gasps for air as she watches the scene before her in confusion. The streets are total chaos. Even the few policemen that have stayed seem to have lost their minds. All the people, from ordinary bystanders, to service workers that have left their establishments, are running aimlessly and screaming in a panic.
“HEEEELP!!! He will kill us all!!” A shrieking voice gathers her attention upwards. A man is teetering at the very edge of a ledge, at the top of a building. He seems about to jump. Stephanie can’t get there in time to save him. Where is the Justice League when you need it?!
Trying to make herself audible among the shouting of the panicked people around her, she focuses on the man whose life is in immediate danger.
“Stay where you are!” She shouts at him, but he only dedicates her an absent glance.
Stephanie frantically looks around, searching for something that can help her. Nothing of use is in sight. What can she do? An idea suddenly pops up in her brain. Wiggling her fingers, she tries to create a force field around herself. If it’s stable enough, maybe it can lift her off the ground and transport her to him.
But it’s all for naught. It’s too late. Her heart skips a beat.
The man has walked off the ledge.
“NO!” Stephanie screams, so violently that she hurts her throat.
On an instinct, she reaches out in his direction despite the big distance that separates them. Her head fills with uneasy thoughts, all of which are focused on helping him. Saving him! Her first attempt can’t end like that, she needs to do something!
Just as the man is about to step into the air and commence a free fall of several stories high, a bubble creates around him. The man gasps, suspended in the air by a wavering force field.
Realizing it is her doing, Stephanie clenches her jaw and focuses all her might on it. Although it quakes with her effort, the bubble carefully glides downwards until it touches the pavement. As soon as it does, the man looks around in a daze and begins to walk away.
Stephanie finds that such small deed was too great for her. All her energies abandon her and she suddenly falls to the ground. She sits there helplessly. Her heart has recovered that unforgiving pace and she breathes heavily again, even worse than after her dash.
In a daze, feeling how her brain slowly fills with fog, Stephanie watches the scene. Two men are fighting close to her, shouting as they’re convinced the other is a threat. A woman and her baby run aimlessly, wailing as each make more noise than the previous. All around her reigns absolute chaos. Panic. Terror. The reason? She doesn’t know. She doesn’t understand.
A man runs for his life, anxiously looking over his shoulder as though something or someone is chasing him. Stephanie can’t see anything behind the man. Just as he passes her by, she weakly holds on to the leg of his pants.
“Sir, sir!!” She calls out, trying to get through to him. Fighting his panic, he nervously turns to her. “What is happening?!”
“T-The scarecrow!” The man gulps. “We’re all going to die!”
And with that her breaks free from her grasp with one simple jerking motion and continues on his escape from an invisible foe.
Stephanie frowns under her eye mask. There are no signs of any scarecrow, and even if it was… what would a scarecrow be doing in a city? Why would an inanimate object be a threat? These people seem to be frightened of an imaginary foe. The only thing different aside from the panicked people is a strange ambiance. Although slightly similar to the way her force fields change the air, this once it feels heavy. There is a mild odor of something burning, like popcorn that has been on the microwave for too long.
But… there is no fire. Stephanie suddenly gets an urge to leave. She makes to stand up, but she remains too weak to move. Anguish overcomes her. Something is happening in that place, something that she cannot comprehend but that is starting to take over her too.
She doesn’t know what, but something is wrong. Something is about to happen. Something bad. Something terrible. She can’t stop thinking about it. A feeling of dread overpowers any other rational thoughts. Now Stephanie understands how all those people feel. Panicked She does too.
Her eyes frantically travel all around her, expecting hidden enemies in every corner. Her powers are useless, even if she could use them. She can’t protect herself, or anyone else.
Static-like void fills her brain, causing her to push her hands against her ears when it feels like her head is about to explode. Her temples throb. Her heart thumps. Her breathing quickens.
Just as she feels herself about to completely lose control, a figure appears in front of her as though it has fallen from the heavens. Stephanie yelps and whimpers, shielding her face with her hands and leaning backwards to get away.
“Hey” A deep dark voice approaches her. “You okay?”
Stephanie dares to peek through her fingers, only becoming more frightened when she actually sees the person… the… creature? It looks like a man, but her panicked mind can only see an enormous bat standing on two legs with its wings wide open.
“Ah!” She screams, so the figure folds the wings and cautiously approaches her. She still doesn’t trust him. “Please don’t hurt me!”
He can hurt her. He will. Anyone can. Anyone will.
“I’m not going to hurt you” He slowly crouches down to be at eye level with her. She can see his worried brown eyes through the mask that covers his features. “Look at me”
“You’re… you’re…” The world seems to spin around her, and Stephanie is out of breath. “You’re The Batman”
“That’s right, I’m here to help” He reminds her, offering her his hand. “What’s going on?”
Stephanie gulps as he pulls her to her feet. It comes to her attention that he looks her up and down, reminding her of the outfit she’s wearing. A hero… she failed. The reason why she went there on the first place was because she wanted to help those people, but… reality becomes a little more stable as she realizes… not even the police stuck around.
“Can you hear me?” The Batman tries again. “What is happening?”
“I don’t know… I don’t know” All her thoughts are scrambled, too fast to stop as they slip through her lips. “Something… is wrong… I can’t explain it...”
A sudden urge to cry causes her to stare at him, begging for help. Maybe he knows what strange occurrence takes place in that street, or how to stop it, or how to end it. He doesn’t seem to, but his eyes are filled with compassion.
“I assume you wanted to help, but you can go” He tells her, supporting her as she feels herself swaying. “Don’t worry, everything will be alright”
Stephanie slowly nods, taking a deep breath and making an effort to fight through that strange trance of terror. No one has attacked her yet, despite her irrational conviction that they would.
“Go, get to safety” The Batman insists, gently letting go of her. “I’ll take care of this”
She opens her mouth. To warn him. He doesn’t know. Since he has just arrived, he has no idea what he will soon experience. But Stephanie can’t speak up. She barely has the strength to stand.
Stumbling and in a daze, she takes a step. She needs to get away from there, breathe a different air. Clean air, not contaminated with whatever is hurting her so. For that reason, she takes another step. And then another. Little by little, she gets away from there. The safety of her home has never felt so distant.
When she wakes up, Stephanie can barely remember how she clumsily plopped on the bed and fell asleep. She had nightmares that are impossible to remember. The fact that she is still wearing her hero outfit is proof that it really happened. She still feels feverish and exhausted from her attempt. Something out of the ordinary was happening there. She can only hope The Batman helped those people, and that he himself was safe after all of that.
Remembering she is supposed to meet Barry when he texts her a quick ‘omw’ that lets her know he will arrive soon, Stephanie gets up. She gets changed and stumbles through her own house as though the ground is shaking under her feet.
Her mind seems to clear up as the minutes pass. When she is done getting ready, she goes to the door where she is supposed to meet Barry. He isn’t there yet. At least, her thoughts feel more coherent and ordered now.
Even after that strange effect has passed, adark feeling stays with Stephanie, like a black cloud that stays with her. At first she assumed it was the rare burst of adrenaline traveling through her veins. Now she’s not so sure. Her heart hasn’t stopped beating erratically ever since then, and although there is no more danger she feels on edge. Frightened. She wonders if she really wasn’t as brave as she though she was, or that she abused her still recovering body too much, or if the experience was too harrowing to easily leave behind. Whatever the case, a sudden presence forces her away from those thoughts.
“Hi!” Barry jumps into place in front of her, bearing a wide grin that seems to brighten up the subtle darkness that has clouded her heart. “I’m here”
“You’re late again” The girl only says, even if she’s already smiling. Barry’s feeling has a healing effect that cures her lingering restlessness.
“I know, I’m so sorry” He dramatically sighs, although he does look a little tired. “Busy day”
“What did you do today?” Stephanie asks, trying to start a conversation while at the same time distract herself from her unease.
“Uh….. you know...” Barry shrugs. “Run around, do some errands, save the world…”
Stephanie laughs out loud at his joke, and he grins widely in return. However, the gesture vanishes from his face immediately after. He is staring at her with his brow knitted in concern.
“Steph, you look pale…” He whispers, rubbing her arm. “You okay?”
“Y-Yeah” She chuckles, internally panicking at the mere thought of him finding out about her powers and her little adventure. “I just… went for a walk to kill time… Guess I’m a little tired”
Barry pauses. She can almost see the wheels turning in his head. He is about to tell her that she should rest and take it easy, but he doesn’t. Instead, he dedicates her his best encouraging smile.
“I’m gonna spoil you today” His hand lingers on her arm. “You’re still recovering and you deserve to be spoiled”
“So it was a trap” Stephanie smirks, playfully rolling her eyes at him. “I should have known”
“There’s no escaping now” Barry offers her his arm, which she links with his. He then playfully arches his eyebrows. “Shall we?”
The pair smile at each other as they begin to walk. Barry immediately goes on about what they can do. They can get some snacks and take a little walk. Since she’s been locked inside for so long he wants her to get some air, but he’s stern on letting her rest, so maybe they should sit at a terrace. She doesn’t care what the plan is, she’s just happy to be with him. His presence is reassuring, silently reminding Stephanie that there is nothing to fear.
It has returned. That feeling of dread, of imminent danger. It isn’t nearly as strong as before, it merely feels like a shadow of its former self. Nonetheless, it is barely enough to make even breathing exhausting. Stephanie can’t focus.
Night is slowly falling as the sky turns a slightly darker shade of blue. It has orange and purple tinges as the last traces of the sunset erase from the horizon. The early night breeze envelops them, gentle like a caress.
Barry has been talking almost all evening, but Stephanie is no longer answering him. She is absently playing with the paper that the hot dogs they ate came in.
“What do you say?” Barry is saying then, but she’s not listening. “Steph?”
Stephanie is so out of it that she can’t answer. She grits her teeth, trying not to wince, when her temples begin throbbing. Her entire body is giving her signals. All she wants to do is rest. Sleep. Sleep for a really long time.
“Steph” He sternly calls her, taking her free hand when she feebly leans on him. “W-What’s wrong?”
“Nothing…” She gulps, avoiding his gaze as she lowers her head in the hopes that the stillness can level her dizziness. “Just got a bit light-headed”
“You sure you’re okay?” When she doesn’t answer, he continues. His voice carries a hint of panic. “You’re still recovering, maybe you should have stayed-”
“I’m okay” She rushes to say, trying her best to smile at him. “Just a bit tired”
“Steph, you almost died not that long ago” Barry gravely says, subtly sinking his fingers into her arm. “And you don’t look so good”
“Barry” She begins to say, tiredly tilting her head as she peers at him. Her vision blurs, but she tries to fight through her unwell. “I’m just… a bit weak…”
He doesn’t reply, only furrowing his brow and feeling a pang of concern in his chest. He had been scared enough to find her after the accident, it only makes it worse to see her in that state still. He doesn’t think he could take the idea of her not being alright.
“And…” Stephanie gulps, wobbling slightly. “V-Very dizzy…”
Barry wraps an arm around her. His heart is racing in unease. Just as he supports her, Stephanie falters. The breath hitches in his throat as he tightens his hold on her and presses her against his side.
“Steph?!” His voice breaks as the concern completely takes over him.
For a few seconds she doesn’t reply, only limply lying against him. Memories of finding her after the accident return to Barry, and he grimaces at the mental image. Luckily, she reacts in time to pull him out of those dark thoughts.
“I’m… okay…” She tells him in a daze, voice weak.
Still firmly holding on to her, he presses his free hand against her forehead. Stephanie’s skin feels warm, confirming his suspicions that she was still sick.
“I’m taking you home” Barry states. “No buts, you need to rest”
Stephanie babbles, opening and closing her mouth. If only he knew the true reason behind her state. But he can never know. In any case, she doesn’t feel lucid enough to speak. The mere idea that she has a secret identity feels far too surreal at the moment, even to herself.
“Can you walk?” Barry tenderly moves the hair away from her face, trying to take a good look at her. She only shakes her head, frowning as she tiredly puts her head on his shoulder. “Okay, up you go”
Straining a little, he grunts as he sweeps her off the floor and into his arms. Stephanie suddenly feels incredibly safe and comfortable in his embrace, and the deep unwell lessen slightly.
“You’re strong…” She chuckles, and she briefly wonders why she’s tilted to the side even though her head is still resting against his shoulder.
“See? You’re clearly delirious” They peer at each other for a moment.
The slight motion of picking her head off his shoulder sends a wave of vertigo through her. She whimpers, closing her eyes tight and gingerly resting her head on his shoulder again. Then, a sudden change of position startles her. When she opens her eyes, they are already at her place. Baffled, she feebly glances around. A moment ago they were… and now… she must be really delirious...
“We’re here” Barry carries her inside. “Do I need to take you to the hospital?”
“No, I just…” She starts to say, but her voice then becomes urgent. “Put me down”
Confused, Barry does as she says. When she is on her feet again, Stephanie presses her hands over her mouth. The wave of nausea soon passes, much to her relief. However, everything else does too.
Barry exclaims as he throw himself forward to catch her. Stephanie drops down, falling limply to the ground. His arms break her fall and he nervously scoops her into them again.
“Oh my gosh…” He mumbles as he rushes her to the bed. “Oh my gosh, oh my gosh…”
He shakily sighs to himself as he carefully lies her down. The girl’s arms stay locked around his neck even when he lets go of her. Barry stops to intently watch her. She now looks peaceful, as though she badly needed that rest. She’s resting, he tells himself. Yeah, just resting. Her chest softly moves up and down with her calm breathing.
“She’s okay” Barry assures himself, although he begins pacing up and down her room.
Thousands of terrible thoughts battle in his brain. She’s sick again. She hasn’t recovered. She’s dying. The accident was too much for her, she will never fully recover.
“Okay, calm down, Barry” He takes a deep breath, even if he still paces. “She’s fine, she’s gonna be alright”
He tells himself that all those thoughts are lies. They are just fears, not reality. Interrupting himself, Barry stops and looks at her again. Stephanie lies motionlessly in the bed. She is still pale, but she doesn’t look terribly sick. He sighs and resumes his pacing.
“She’s not as bad as she was in the hospital” Barry whispers, trying not to wake her. “She looked much worse then. Besides, Steph’s strong, she’ll be fine, she’ll be-”
Barry’s phone rings, startling him so much that he yelps and jumps in place.
The boy finally quits his pacing for good. His hand flies to his forehead. He had totally forgotten he was supposed to return to the Batcave after being with Steph. Things had seemed to gotten worse. After their rescue on the train, panic had seemed to reign on the streets for several hours. There was no explanation, but they knew it had something to do with the rest of strange events. And maybe a villain was behind it all.
But now… Stephanie needs him. She is sick. Now he can’t leave her.
“Bruce! I’m so sorry” Barry rapidly says. “I know I should be there, but Steph got really sick and…”
“Is she alright?”
“Y-Yeah, yeah… I think so…”
“And you?”
“I’m fine, I just got scared…” He sighs, settling his nerves. “Really freaking scared”
“So you can’t make it?” Bruce asks him, but at least Barry is relieved that there is no anger or annoyance in his voice.
“I’m afraid not… I’m really sorry, I just…”
“I understand” The man replies. “But we have to check that out”
“Sure, yeah!” Barry nervously ruffles his own hair. “You guys be careful out there, okay?”
“We will” Bruce gently says. “Take care of your friend”
“Yeah” The boy absently hangs up, turning to her once more. She is now lying over her side, having turned slightly in her sleep.
Barry watches her, wondering how he can contain such an immense amount of fondness for her. Just the sight of her pale face was enough to break his heart. If he could, he would hold her tight and never let go, protect her from everything.
When he slowly walks closer to her, a board of the wooden floor creaks. Barry freezes, but it’s too late. Stephanie groggily turns around, opening her eyes moving her head to look around her.
“Barry?” She mumbles, looking around, disoriented. “What…?”
What is Barry doing there with her? However, she quickly forgets about him when her eyes fall on the window. It’s almost dawn. An alarm blasts in her head as her usual routine occupies all her thoughts. She needs to get ready!
"I gotta go to work!" Stephanie makes to stand from the bed, but Barry is faster. He pushes her by the shoulders and forces her to lie down again.
"What?” He exclaims, feeling that anguish that he had just gotten rid of creeping up again. “Are you… are you serious?"
"Barry, I’m gonna be late! Our investigation is very important, it will help so many-"
“Oh my gosh, Steph!” He exclaims, in a surprisingly loud and exasperated voice that instantly silences her in astonishment. “Can you stop thinking about everyone else and take care of yourself for one minute?! Don’t you remember what happened to you?!”
And suddenly, with his words, Stephanie does remember. The accident, the hospital, the heroic attempt, the inexplicable dread in the air… Everything. She relaxes, forgetting about work. She now remembers she hasn’t gone to the lab in a week. But it’s too late for Barry.
Stephanie gawks at him, having no words to retaliate. His sudden outburst is so unexpected that she is utterly speechless. A second after he finishes his sentence, however, his eyes widen in surprise as well. They silently stare at each other.
“I’m so sorry” He utters, averting his gaze in shame. “I shouldn’t have yelled at you, I just…”
“You’re right… I just got a little disoriented” Stephanie reaches out to delicately take his hand, which he reluctantly allows. “I’m going to lie down, okay?”
The boy nods his head, and he doesn’t move at first even as she insists. When Stephanie tugs at his fingers, he starts to move slowly. Barry turns, hesitantly facing her. Stephanie only pulls a little harder, inviting to sit with her as she returns to her previous spot. Exhaling all the anguish in a shaky breath, Barry joins her in the bed.
No more words are spoken for several seconds. Stephanie doesn’t let go of Barry’s hand. His eyes are watery. Even as he looks away again, she knows, and that is why she tugs at him until they’re both lying down. Resting on their sides, they’re now facing each other. They just rest there for a moment, letting all the tension in the air to vanish and lingering on their positions until Stephanie’s soft voice breaks the silence.
“Are you okay, Barry?”
“Yeah...” He takes a deep breath in. “Just a little shaky”
“I’m sorry…” She mutters, and her hand is delicately pressing against his cheek before she can stop herself. “I really hate to worry you”
“You can’t scare me like that again, okay? Ever” Barry replies, taking her hand off his face and clutching it between both his palms. “Just when I thought you were out of danger you faint on me like that and…”
“I’m okay, Barry” Stephanie assures, chuckling a little when his eyes fall upon hers in a skeptical manner. “I’m better now, really, I just need some rest”
“I can assure you, you’re getting some rest” Remnants of that exasperated tone linger in his voice. “I’m making sure you get some sleep even if I have to lie all day here with you!”
“Is that a threat?” She tenderly smiles, and the callback causes Barry to chuckle.
He pauses, taking a moment to sigh and calm himself.
“Are you really feeling okay?” He lovingly presses her hand against his chest. His heart is drumming underneath it. “Don’t lie to me, Steph, I’ll know”
“I am, I promise” Stephanie snuggles closer to him, embracing his warmth and comforting presence. “Just a little tired”
“What happened to you?” He whispers in concern, even if his arm automatically falls over her frame. “I thought you had rested a lot, that you were recovered. Did I overdo it today? I really tried to…”
“No, no, it’s not that” The girl locks eyes with him, biting her lip as she wonders if she should tell him. In the end she partially does, thinking that he doesn’t need to know the true reason behind her little adventure. “When I went for that walk earlier I… I don’t know… Something affected me… It was like the air was contaminated… It made me feel scared and horrible”
“What was it?”
“I have no idea… I just know there’s something strange going on in this city”
“Yeah, I know…” Barry somberly mutters. After a brief pause, he feels his shoulders relaxing the closer she is. “Try to get some sleep, okay? I’ll watch over you”
Stephanie breathes in, just at the same time that Barry does, and peacefully exhales with him. She hasn’t been feeling safe ever since that awful experience from before. Now, next to Barry and enveloped by his arms, she feels the safest she’s ever been.
Tag list: @scared-to-be-lonely345​​ / @ocfairygodmother​ // Ask to be added to be notified when I post for this series!!
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hikari-writes · 4 years
Fluff Headcanons
Pocky Day Special
↬ Playing pocky game with them
Pairing: Yamaguchi Tadashi, Akaashi Keiji & Yaku Morisuke
Warning: Tiiny bit of swearing and tooth rotting fluff 🥺🥺
Words: 2.6k
- GN!Reader
Taglist: @ssucrose @laylahoran @whootwhoot @mirakeul @sunacity @hajibee @luv4kiyoomi @tamaguchi @cadenceh2o @yamagucji @ynainnit @tsukisemi [Join my taglist here!]
A/N: i know im 2 days late,, but whatever, better late than never >:( and you bet i did research on the pocky flavours for this 😎😎 and yes, i may say this is pretty self indulgent since theyre all my husbandos but shuuussh 🙄🙄 this got longer as it progressed and idek why--- istg its not bc of favouritism or anything okay 😣😣
↬ Yamaguchi Tadashi
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『Cookies & Cream flavoured Pocky』
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➳ It wasn't such a bad idea to play around once in a while
➳ So you bought a pack of Cookies and Cream pocky to play with Yamaguchi
➳ He wasn't too big on the idea at first, since you two are just FRIENDS after all
➳ Not for long though 
➳ But you managed to convince him, saying that it'll be fun and stuff
➳ He reluctantly gave in eventually
➳ You gave him the advantage of biting his end first, and you scooted closer to bite yours 
➳ When I tell you you could feel the heat radiating from his face
➳ The both of you started the game after you counted to three
➳ You started off pretty slowly, then you sped up after noticing Yamaguchi's pace slowing down
➳ You were nearing the middle of the pocky, when all of a sudden Yamaguchi picked up the pace and reached the middle of the pocky
➳ But he didn't stop there
➳ Instead of moving away and claiming his victory, he continued biting until he reached your lips
➳ You were shocked, obviously, so you just sat there and stared at Yamaguchi's closed eyes as he continued to kiss you
➳ After what felt like an eternity, he finally pulled away and looked at you. As soon as he noticed you're a blushing mess, a small smirk formed on his face
➳ “Well, wasn't that fun?”
➳ Your blush darkened and you narrowed your eyes at him
➳ “You sly little….”
➳ “You should've expected that coming though~”
➳ “Well, you sped up all of a sudden!! How was I supposed to see that coming?!”
➳ You grabbed the pocky box and took another stick out
➳ “Let's do it again. I won't lose this time.”
➳ Let's just say that this went on for a pretty long time and at the end of the day, you decided it'd be best to just confess your feelings to him 
➳ (Which was also "coincidentally" the sole reason you wanted to play a pocky game with him)
↬ Akaashi Keiji
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『Matcha flavoured Pocky』
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➳ Unlike the matcha pocky, your first kiss with your boyfriend was, minty 
➳ You and Akaashi just started going out and one day, during a sleepover that was held at Bokuto's house, all of you decided to play pocky game since it was the 11th of November 
➳ Of course, as a new (and also the only) couple in the group, the both of you were targeted as the ones to play the game first 
➳ You felt a bit conflicted about this matter. Of course, it would be a dream come true to get to kiss Akaashi (who would even let that chance slip by) but you're also not sure if you wanted your first kiss to be because of a party game
➳ Akaashi noticed your reluctance and figured that you might not be ready to kiss him yet, since you two just started dating after all 
➳ (Not gonna lie, he was pretty dejected but he valued your feelings first and foremost like the gentleman he is so he won't force you if you don't want to.)
➳ “I'm sorry, but can we pass this one up? I don't think L/N is ready to--”
➳ “We'll do it!! I mean-- I'll do it! I'm totally okay with doing it!”
➳ You quickly interrupted Akaashi and grabbed the Matcha pocky box from the table before taking one pocky stick out
➳ “L-let's do this…”
➳ You bit one end of the pocky and moved closer to Akaashi to make it easier for him to bite his side of the end
➳ Kaori and Bokuto both whistled at your boldness which made you blush even harder. Akaashi sent a silent glare their way in an attempt to make them shut up, to which they did (but not without smirking and grinning like cats at the sight of you and Akaashi)
➳ The game started and you could feel everyone's stares digging a hole inside you
➳ The two of you started at a pretty slow pace, and it felt like the pocky was kilometres long given how long it took for you to reach the middle
➳ As the both of your faces started to get closer, your heart thumped louder and louder, making you worried that Akaashi would hear it
➳ You took a glance at his face, and just as you did, almost as if he noticed your glance, he looked back at you
➳ Seeing Akaashi's beautiful eyes staring back at yours in such close proximity made your brain stopped working for a moment and in a state of panic, you accidentally snapped the pocky in two and stumbled backwards 
➳ Akaashi blinked in confusion at the whole situation, which just made your brain short circuited and steams started to escape from your ears
➳ You became a stuttering mess and you couldn't sit back up until Akaashi held out a hand to help you
➳ As soon as you got to sit up straight again, you immediately buried your face in his chest and murmured “It's my lost….”.
➳ Akaashi finished biting the leftover pocky and held you closer to him
➳ “That was a good game,” he whispered back
➳ Everyone started to give you two lovebirds teasing grins and laughs 
➳ The game continued with you still buried in Akaashi's chest, with you occasionally giving curious glances to see exactly what was happening
➳ After some time, everyone started to get sleepy and decided that it was time to sleep
➳ After what just happened, you honestly didn't really feel like sleeping
➳ So instead you whispered Akaashi's name and gestured for him to come closer after you two were ready to lay down on the futon
➳ “What is it, L/N?”
➳ He came closer to you but was surprised when you suddenly pulled the collar of his shirt and tiptoed just enough to reach his face before planting a kiss on his lips
➳ The kiss smelled and tasted a bit like mint, since you two just brushed your teeth and all, but you honestly weren't complaining at all. It was refreshing 
➳ Right after you parted your lips, you tried to look at him straight in the eyes (keyword: tried) and explained your actions
➳ “S-sorry I suddenly snapped the pocky….it was an accident...well, kind of. Besides that, I wanted our first kiss to be special so uhm…”
➳ Akaashi understood your intention now and he couldn't help but to give a soft chuckle at your flustered self
➳ “W-what's so funny??”
➳ “Nothing, it's just…..you were too cute so…”
➳ You silently screamed at him and lightly punched his arm as he continued chuckling. The both of you were still careful so as to not make any noise and wake up the others though
➳ (Kind of useless though since they were just pretending to sleep and already witnessed your lovey-dovey couple moments)
↬ Yaku Morisuke
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『Tsubu Tsubu Strawberry flavoured Heart Shaped Pocky』
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➳ It all started with a stupid dare by Kuroo 
➳ Of course, how could you chicken out and refuse if that was the case?
➳ Apparently, Kuroo’s older sister bought too many boxes of pocky and gave him some. He thought of sharing them with the team and brought them to school
➳ After practice was done, however, he got a brilliant idea
➳ He distributed the boxes to everyone but when he got to you, he got a different way to give them
➳ “Here you go, Y/N. A heart shaped pocky, special just for you, the manager. Tsubu tsubu strawberry flavoured.”
➳ “Oh, I’ve seen this type of pocky on the internet before. They look so cute! But I didn’t manage to find them anywhere. Thanks--”
➳ Just as you were about to take the box from him, he retreated back his hand and held the box higher and out of reach from you 
➳ You looked at him with visible confusion, and he smirked down at you
➳ “Well, this is a special type of pocky you know? It feels like a waste to just give it to you like that.”
➳ “Didn’t you say that I got the special one because I’m the manager?”
➳ You’re starting to get annoyed at his attitude but you tried to cover it up with a forced smile
➳ “Still, this is the only heart shaped pocky I got from my sister…..Hmmm what should I do~?”
➳ You tried to grab the box from him, but he only held the box higher and on top of that, used his other hand to push your face away from him
➳ You finally ran out of patience and started to go full on feral mode at him
➳ This is why no one messed with you regarding the subject of candies and sweets
➳ It was quite a scene, and Kai had to step in to ease the fight
➳ Kuroo finally lowered his arms and you took that as an opportunity to snatch the pocky box 
➳ But he used the same trick again and moved his arms away before you could reach it
➳ “I’ll give you the pocky, under one condition.”
➳ You looked at him with extreme irritation. His name’s going to be in your blacklist for sure now
➳ “What?” You said, rather begrudgingly.
➳ Kuroo smirked in victory. He turned away from you and faced the direction Yaku was in.
➳ “Yakkun! Come here for a sec!”
➳ Your heart literally jumped out of your chest at that moment. Kuroo’s planning something, and whatever it was, you’re not gonna like it
➳ “So here’s the thing. I’ll give you the pocky, but only after you complete a pocky game, with Yakkun. How’s that?”
➳ Your face turned dark red at his proposal. 
➳ “Are you crazy?! There’s no way I’ll do that!”
➳ You whisper yelled at him so as to not raise any suspicion from Yaku.
➳ “And why won’t you, hmm?”
➳ Seeing his teasing grin and narrowed eyes, you knew at that moment, that Kuroo knew of your crush on Yaku. 
➳ “W-what-- how do you--? Don’t tell me you knew?” 
➳ “Knew what? Are you hiding something perhaps?”
➳ You gritted your teeth in frustration. Oh, he knew alright. And he’s gonna pretend as if he doesn’t
➳ “Whatever, and why should I even do this?”
➳ “To get your desired special heart shaped tsubu tsubu strawberry flavoured pocky?”
➳ Phew that was a mouthful
➳ He swung the pocky box in front of you, tempting you even more
➳ Just as you were about to agree to play the game, a realization struck you
➳ “Ha! Nice try there, Kuroo. What makes you think Yaku would even want to play this game with me?”
➳ “Play what game?” 
➳ You literally jumped from your position in shock when Yaku’s voice suddenly came up behind you, earning a snicker from Kuroo
➳ “I dared Y/N to play a pocky game with you, and if they did, they’ll receive this special pocky as a prize.”
➳ You internally screamed and tried to keep yourself from murdering this rooster head but Yaku’s unexpected reaction made you forget about the murderous instinct for a moment
➳ “Oh, okay. Sure, let’s play it then.”
➳ “W-wait, are you really, REALLY sure you wanna play it with me??”
➳ “I don’t see anything wrong with that. Besides, you’ve helped us -me especially- a lot by being our manager already. Helping you with something this trivial is the least I can do.”
➳ You tried to hide the blush that was creeping up your face and Kuroo, noticing your heating face immediately nudged your arm while displaying a much wider grin than before
➳ You excused yourself for a moment and took out your phone before googling “Can you stay friends with someone you just kissed?” in the case of you two kissing after the pocky game
➳ “Well then, here you go. I’ll give you mine since I still have some more at home.”
➳ Yaku took the box of pocky from Kuroo after he fished it out from his bag and opened the packaging. He took one out and bit the end without the coating
➳ Noticing that Yaku's ready for the game, you put back your phone inside your uniform pocket. You gulped once and tried to calm your nerves as you moved closer to him to bite your side of the pocky
➳ When you scooted closer to him however, he didn’t notice your presence until you were directly in front of him and biting the pocky with a heavy blush on your face
➳ Yaku stared at you with his wide, brown eyes for a moment before snapping the pocky into two out of reflex and fell on his back
➳ All of the others stared in shock at Yaku who’s now on the floor, covering his face with one hand. It was pretty obvious that he was blushing, even if he tried to hide it. His reddening ears gave it all away
➳ “Yaku, what’s wrong?”
➳ Kai was the first to break the silence. You were still shocked at his overreaction so you were just standing there with the half broken piece of pocky still in your mouth
➳ “Wait--I-- I just--- Uhm--- I thought we were playing a pocky game???”
➳ You had probably never seen Yaku this flustered before in your entire life. It was certainly a sight to see, but it just made your blush grew darker on your face
➳ “And you were….Wait, don’t tell me, you don’t know how a pocky game works?”
➳ Kuroo guessed with a snap of his fingers, as if he just made a great discovery
➳ “Don’t each person just take a pocky for themselves and it’s a game where you compete on who can finish their pocky first?”
➳ Kuroo covered his mouth to prevent any laugh from escaping and your soul had probably left your body at this point. The second-hand embarrassment you were feeling was no joke
➳ Kuroo tried to explain the rules of the game to Yaku, which just ended up making the libero blush even harder than before
➳ “Who even invented this game….”
➳ He whispered underneath his breath after Kuroo’s explanation. He looked at you who were surrounded by the first years poking their fingers at your arms and asking, “Are they dead?” with a troubled sigh
➳ “Okay….let’s do this again.”
➳ He finally got up and took out another pocky stick. Your soul finally returned to your body when he was in front of you and holding out the pocky with his mouth 
➳ “It’s okay if you don’t want to do it, Yaku! I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable or anything….”
➳ Yaku silenced you by grabbing both your shoulders firmly, but not so much with force, as if he’s treating a fragile thing
➳ “It’s okay. I really don’t mind if I’m playing this... with you.”
➳ You bit the other side of the pocky and tried to focus on eating without thinking too much on what he just said, which just ended up in a total failure by the way
➳ The both of you went on a steady pace but when you finally almost reached the middle of the pocky, you both simultaneously stopped and stared down awkwardly, trying to avoid eye contact with one another
➳ Many thoughts ran through the both of your heads, and all of it were more or less the same
➳ “What if I accidentally kissed him/them? He/they probably wouldn’t like that….”
➳ “He/they would probably even hate me if that happened…..”
➳ After several seconds had passed, you two finally decided to continue biting on the pocky. And simultaneously once again, might I add
➳ This just resulted in the both of your lips to brush against one another in the end, and you swore your heart just escaped from your chest when you felt the sensation of Yaku’s lips brushing against yours
➳ You and Yaku both moved and turned away from one another, too embarrassed to face the other
➳ “Well, you’ve cleared the dare, so here’s your prize.”
➳ Kuroo casually put the box of pocky on top of your head and left the gym to head back home, followed by the others, intentionally leaving you and Yaku alone in the gym
➳ Okay, maybe you can at least lift Kuroo’s name from your blacklist after this. After all, he did help you get closer to your crush…..kinda
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ramuoto · 4 years
if anything good came out of 2020, it’s my discovery of manhwas. 
well, it’s not like i’ve never read a single manhwa in the past 15+ years but tbh, the ratio of manhwa:manga i consume on a weekly basis has jumped exponentially this year. previously it was like 1:99 and now it’s like 90:10 LMAO. 
so, just to remind myself that the world is still full of good things, i had to make this list. which i will probably edit in the future, if i can be bothered to. :) 
anyhow, this list was not made in any particular order, just whichever came into mind. it’s loooong so be prepared! (I’ve read way more titles than mentioned but just included the ones worth checking out)
for whoever stumbles across this list, i hope some of these resonate with you and i hope they make you as happy as they made me. 
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pic credits: https://geekculture.co/geeks-guide-to-transmigration-novels-avoid-death-at-all-costs/
1. Ebony
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Bahahah omg he looks evil there! But our dearest archduke is hardly that aww. Soz, I just ripped off the covers of the manhwa cos I can’t find a panel I liked more than another. I mean, this manhwa is a GEM. I can’t even begin to describe this because everything about it blew me away. This is not something you read when you are craving for fluff, or just wanna have something brainless after a hard day at work or if you just wanna have some eye candy lol. This is something you pick up on a weekend, when you have time, because you need those hours to digest, appreciate, clutch your chest, tear a little because you find yourself falling in love with these characters. It doesn’t have any of that cliche isekai, romance, revenge themes going on. It has a solid plot, backed by incredible characters, beautifully woven by the authors and artist with incredible pacing that keeps you on your toes and keeps you looking forward to the next chapter. Maybe I would have been happier if I found it after it was completed lol. HAVE I CONVINCED YOU ENOUGH TO MAKE YOU WANNA READ IT?! like, idk, just go. JUST GO READ IT GDI. 
p.s. it says there romance but naaaaaaah, dont go in with that expectation. :) this story is so much more than that. 
2. Bring the love
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This...this!!! THIS MANHWA NEEDS MORE LOVE. If you need a lot of fluff, a little, ok maybe quite a bit of sadness and tragedy, sweet sweet romance, cutie pies, please, look no further!!! Again, pacing, character development are so important to me and this manhwa aces it. I love the 2 MCs very much. And the side characters too. :)
3.  A Stepmother's Märchen
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When I first read this, i fucking cried. like please don’t ask me why. it’s not like its an absolute tragedy but I was just rooting for the MC so much and I really want for everything to go her way. That’s how much I adore this MC!!! I LOVE HER. I LOVE HER MORE THAN YOU DO NORA! HAHAHHA. okay soz. I need to keep this spoiler-free.
Anyhoo, there is nothing typical about this time travel plot. Sure, she goes back to try to undo the stuff that went wrong but phew, she certainly changed things so much everything that comes her way have made it so her previous experiences can hardly help aaaaaaand that’s what makes it fun! I sometimes wish the pacing could be a little more consistent, and there could be more characters I could love a little more wholeheartedly (so i wont have to be in so much despair when i read this sometimes lol) but omg the art, isn’t it pretty?! I’ve re-read this soooooo many times but the art blows me away all the time. And have I already mentioned how much I love her?! I LOVE YOU SHULI! AND I WANT YOU TO BE HAPPY!
4.  Lady Baby
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I literally LOL-ed when I saw this cover. WHO THE HELL ARE THEY. WHAT LADY BABY?! ehehehe. okay anyway, uhm, this is already incredibly popular. im not sure if i need to elaborate but yes, it’s adorbs!!! i dont think i like the MC as much as i love her family lol. and everyone else who adores her. im looking forward to when they get older. :) actually not really. please stay cute for as long as yall can! but yeah, i do wish the plot can move a lil faster. i want to see more character development in the other kids too COME ON! 
5.  Death Is the Only Ending for the Villainess
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am i allowed to reveal how shallow i am rn? like the previous choices were all like ‘wow-deep-plot’, ‘wow-character-development’ and this one i just included cos of AESTHETICS ALONE?! the novel covers are breathtaking!!! the manhwa art is amazing as well. and the harem is great! LOL. as for plot... uhm... it’s alright. it’s pretty engaging and i quite like the MC, she’s smart and independent and i love how she views them all antagonistically at all times HAHAHHA. her past is kinda... weird though and i do wish they’d stop referencing it. cos... girl why do you wanna go back to reality!!! stay here! it’s way more exciting! 
i love the whole isekai/reincarnate/transmigration theme and this is honestly one of the better, not-so-cliche or cheesy ones HA.
6.  Beware of the Villainess!
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do you already see the whole villainess theme?! am i suppose to start feeling embarrassed about my choices?! NO! cos this one is AWESOME!
again, another wildly popular title. for good reasons. it’s hilarious, our MC is as real and candid as it gets and LOOK AT THAT BLUE HAIRED BEAUTY. DO YOU SEE HIM?! IMPLANT HIM INTO YOUR MEMORY NOW!
it’s highly entertaining and breaks all isekai-reincarnation-villainess plot stereotypes. definitely one of the titles i look forward to every week.
7.  Who Made Me a Princess
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what? why did i choose this?
BECAUSE OF CLAUDE OF COURSE. ahahaha. okay aside from the amaaaaaaazing art and the beautiful people, the plot is not too bad. a little extreme at times but it’s interesting enough to keep me going. it’s currently on hiatus though and i was highly annoyed by how the first season ended. (YOU WANNA KNOW WHAT HAPPENED? NOTHING.)
i hope the plot can move faster in the next season! and that our dearest MC athanasia can you know, finally be a little more useful... like omg just tell lucas already!!! and tbh girl, no matter which guy you choose, i approve. :D 
8.  The Flower That Was Bloomed by a Cloud
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i featured this before, mostly out of frustration HAHAHA. do you see why i chose this cover?! yeah, i support this (unpopular) pairing okay! the other one is doomed!!! no matter what the author is trying to do now!! I DONT SUPPORT IT!!! lol.
anyway, i had to feature this cos the art is unique! and the story is great. :) and i looooooove listening to the ost while i read it. it starts out kinda slow but as the pace picks up, you won’t be able to stop. and you find yourself conflicted at various points. it did win an award for a reason. 
no matter what, i still think dowun is best for her okay. it’s dowun or nothing. he’s devoted to her, we all know that! he just needs to ditch that annoying female guard!!! ok yknw what, maybe nothing is better. :/ *cries*
9.  Solo Leveling
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why do i even bother? this manhwa is popular enough. 
the art is great. the MC is great. i use him and his gang as my wallpaper. 
im just not sure i like how this season’s plot is progressing. :/ but i guess it brings us nearer to solving the mystery in the first leg of the manhwa. i just enjoyed the whole part of him leveling up and now that he isn’t really leveling up anymore... idk. am i hoping for more plot shit like bleach (oh wow now u quincy?)... idk man. anywho, no regrets starting on this series and marathon-ing it to death. 
cross fingers the plot picks up and doesnt get too complicated for its own good.
10.  The Reason Why Raeliana Ended Up at the Duke's Mansion
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okay, tbh, by the time i reached 10, i still have like 15 other series i was considering LMAO. i even considered lengthening this top 10 to top 15. but that would just be more of me and my nonsense. so... why did i choose this?
COS I LOVE THE 2 MCs!!! they’re adorable. the plot is again, kinda far-fetched at times (i literally laugh my head off at some parts) but it’s isekai-reincarnation okay! anything is possible in whatever magical crap country you end up in! lol. and i like how straightforward it is... in the sense there’s no 2nd lead. like okay i mean they are there but we all know they have no chance. oops. sorry!
and cos i can’t give up on the other titles i have, imma just list them down, without pictures... cos im tired. HA. 
11. Doctor Elise 
Kudos to the huge improvement in art style lmao. The good... lovable MCs, engaging plot. The bad... sometimes lengthy, incredulous medical moments (i work in the medical field so i... idk. sometimes this borders on iryu LMAO and i need to remind myself this is romance) otherwise, this is a highly highly entertaining read.
12.  Seduce the Villain's Father
This is another of my ‘father-love’ whims. MC is adorable and ML is handsome. enough said.
13.  The Villainess Lives Twice
This is like a lesser version of Ebony and Bring the Love combined HAHAHA. The plot and premise is great and it’s awesome to marathon! I don’t find myself loving the MC as much as I should but the ML is a darling! I just find her a little toooooooo gloomy. Like come on girl, be more spunky! 
14.  The Stereotypical Life of a Reincarnated Lady
I dont know why I like this so much HAHAHAHA. It hardly has a plot. I just find the MC and ML amusing i guess lol. 
15.  I'm Stanning the Prince
Sometimes I wonder if I should be ranking this higher but I kinda feel this manhwa is trying to achieve too much with an underpowered MC. I love her... but I just don’t like how she’s just a pawn of everyone else and I dont know how she can change this situation of hers. It’s cute though. the MC and ML.  and the ML reminds me so much of american/jap Mackenyu. 
16.  The Villainess Reverses the Hourglass
I HAD TO. the art is so pretty! but girl, dont use the hour glass so much! you look a little too old! i would appreciate it if MC stops basing too much of her moves on the “past” tho like idk you are gonna sound unoriginal soooooon like develop your own thoughts soon okay? <3
17. Inso's Law
ANOTHER ONE. omg. im a lil on the fence regarding this but i like MC too much. and her harem LOL. i dont see where the plot is going either but i just hope for a happy end... ):
18.  Why Are You Doing This, Duke?
HAHAHA. this is sooooo sooooooo cute, i would have ranked it top 15 if it wasnt licensed by tapas tho cos they are a joke. WHY NOT TAPPY GDI. 
19.  Miss Not-So Sidekick
Uh-oh. Is this a top-20 list now? anyway, the MC for this series is GOLD. im not liking where it’s currently heading tho thus the lower ranking.
20.  IRIS - Lady with a Smartphone
omg IVE NEGLECTED THIS FOR TOO LONG. lemme go buy more chapters hahahaha. it’s a tad too lengthy... otherwise i like the MC and yummy ML!
still not enough?
Special Mentions - Okay, these will be unranked cos I don’t think these are that good but probably still worth a read.
I've Become the Villainous Empress of a Novel - this is new, im looking forward to how it progresses wheeeee.
Lady to Queen - It’s a ruthless manhwa. There was a point i started reading all sorts of sadistic content (i was running out of content i swear) and this was one of the better ones. I appreciate the MC very much. the plot now is a little weird and im a bit wary of the MC’s sister... hopefully the ML can be more useful. he’s pitiful though. but dude come on, dont rely on the wrong gal.
Goodbye, In-law - I’m not sure if i like the current progress buuuuuuut MC and ML are cute so who cares.
The Duchess' 50 Tea Recipes - plot is still engaging. MC and ML are cute. i dont know where the plot is heading towards though. 
A Falling Cohabitation - this is interesting and fun but a lil lengthy.
Light and Shadow - the sequel is out!!! i highly enjoyed this entire series!!! i would have probably ranked it a lil higher if i did this post earlier but too many series have overtaken this in my heart lol.
This Girl Is a Little Wild - is the hiatus ending yet? i would add it back to top 20 if it came back LOL. it’s highly entertaining tho. ML is adorable.
The Duchess With an Empty Soul  - pretty nice. MC and ML are a little boring. i think it can end soon. LMAO.
A Capable Maid - it’s amusing how she gets her powers for all sorts of situations lol. the prince is creepy tbh. and im secretly rooting for the other king hehe.
Beware of the Brothers! - it’s cute and heart-wrenching at the same time! not too sure im digging the latest plot development but okay... i’ll take it. they’re all cuties.
Living as the Tyrant's Older Sister - hehehe. it’s cute. duke is kinda silly but the latest chapter made me squeal!!!
The Evil Lady's Hero  - idk where the plot is going but MC and ML are adorable!!!
The Dragon Next Door - HAHAHA. it’s hilarious.
The Youngest Princess - she’s growing uppppp noooooooooooo
Virtues of the Villainess - ginger is hilarious. i dont see where the plot is going tho... and cant say i like the ML yet. i dont even get to see him much, hello?!
The Justice of Villainous Woman - pretty wholesome... i like the MC! (the ML is fine. no one else to contend with so...) can u end already?! lol.
Amina of the Lamp - hey, what happened to this? it’s pretty inconsistent but i do like the MC and ML... and the art...
The Villain's Savior - this is some sadistic shit. i reserve it for when i feel sadistic. i pretty much wanna see MC happy but idk if she’s making the right choices. :/
I Don't Want to Be Empress! - HAHAHAHA uhm it’s getting interesting. i just want ML to step up more... 
La dolce vita di Adelaide - I FINISHED THIS! and it’s wholesome, feel-good and cute. some parts felt a lil extra but ah whatever.
The Black Haired Princess - plot. move. faster!!! otherwise the MC and ML are pretty cute.
The Abandoned Empress - im a lil on the fence but i know how popular this series is. it started out HORRIBLE. i hated the ML so much. and then i found the green hair boy creepy. like MC, you need better taste in boys. it’s certainly getting more interesting now though. so please, continue to make my money’s worth!!!
Lucia - i. am. not. guilty. of. anything. *smut warning* anyway go read the novel. it’s better. hehehe.
What's Wrong with Secretary Kim - i do not need to elaborate any further. 
Past loves 
I created this section just to remind myself, that what i could like one day, i could hate the next LOL.
The Monster Duchess and Contract Princess - I know this is wildly popular. but i lost interest in it once she grew up. i dont think she’s particularly lovable. soz.
Survive as the Hero's Wife - another popular choice. I find the plot kinda boring now. MC and ML are cute though. 
Sincerely: I Became a Duke's Maid - another popular one. again, boring plot. like cant it end yet? oh you mean we need to wait for the real female lead to show up? dont need luh.
I Am a Child of This House - wow. the plot is shit now. and i do not support the MC and her guard. soz. she’s OVERPOWERED tbh. 
This Is an Obvious Fraudulent Marriage - idk what happened but my enthusiasm for this died.
Charlotte and Her 5 Disciples - i don’t get it. i dont get their obsession for her. 
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badedramay · 3 years
I’m about to say something very, very unpopular and that’s that Obi cannot act.
PLEASE before you guys throw anday at me, try to hear me out!
I think he’s the most progressive celeb and he’s a phenomenal dancer/choreographer, a great writer and he has an eye for quality content. I think he’s overall the most well-rounded male celeb in pakistan.
That being said….I truly think he cannot act. At least from what I’ve seen of him on TV, and I think I’ve seen all of his TV projects ever.
I think he has chemistry with some people. Maya of course comes to mind and recently Ayeza, but he definitely does not have chemistry with everybody. I also think people confuse chemistry with acting sometimes. Being able to go back and forth with another actor whom you have chemistry with is not necessarily good acting.
I think what obi does is use the same voice in every drama and then when he has to be stern/sarcastic, he uses his trademark change in emphasis on certain syllables and calls that acting. I’ve gone back to watch my favorite scenes of DeD, Chupke Chupke, Aunn Zara, I even watched scenes of Sanam and I don’t think I’m wrong. I think his chemistry with his leads has carried him through this lack of acting abilities. Out of every project he’s done on TV, there has never been a scene where I went “wow, OKB’s acting blew me away”. Any scene of his that I’ve been impressed with was more the entire gestalt of the scene: the background, the music, the cinematography, the chemistry, but never just his acting.
We all have difference of opinions and I totally respect that. This has been something I’ve been keeping to myself for several years because I really do overall respect him as a celebrity and think we need more people with his mindset in the industry.
Mind you, I’m not saying Maya or even Ayeza are like Meryl Streep or anything, but I do think their abilities have grown over the last decade whereas he stays the same.
I’ve never planned on discussing this with anyone but with an anon recently asking you about obi and how you mentioned to someone else that Pakistani actors always get applauded for minimal effort compared to female actresses, I just thought now was the time to say something. Again, I know I’m in the minority but im not very surprised that he doesn’t get more projects.
Ngl the first time i read the anon my jaw was on the floor. this legit came out of nowhere for me xD contemplated ignoring it, gave it some thought, then went all eh..fuck it.
this is so unfair on Obi though. i don't agree with this at ALL. it's just so so so unfair to reduce his work to him just having "chemistry" with co-actors considering how acting is largely all about the give and take. him being able to have a brilliant give&take with his co-actors IS a mark of a good actor.
okay phew! you are entitled to your opinion and I fully respect it. is Obi a phenomenal actor? that's a debate I don't want to get into cuz I am not qualified enough for that. for me an actor has done a great job if they can convince me to simply care for the character they are playing. and Obi does that for me. be it the kameengni of Aunn..the complexity of Wali..and my precious ghoda-killer Shahzain! i have not watched Surkh Chandni but the scene of Amaan screaming in pure anguish for Aida gave me goosebumps!
and as I said..this is SO unfair on him! 11. he has done only eleven dramas in the 9 years that he's been in the drama industry. eleven dramas is barely anything in an industry where his contemporaries and peers are getting projects pe projects to polish their skills. it's what Minal Khan had said when Jalan was getting her praises for her acting - chance toh do.
in dramas...the gestalt does matter. toh once again..unfair to take away from his performances as being only good because falana falana supported it.
sigh. nonetheless! i dont want to change your mind and I dont think i even put any effort to do so. it's just..i like him. i like seeing him onscreen. and i truly wish he got more and better opportunities that he's deserving of. ek toh lol he's a picky actor and i'm a picky audience so our Venn diagrams rarely connect xD he is so much better than so many of the currently active actors and again..i do feel its unfair to him to not acknowledge that :(
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llogllady99 · 3 years
We’ll meet again
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CHARACTERS | Levi, Erwin, Gabi, Falco
GENRE | Angst, Characters death
IV | Characters death, talks of reincarnation, mourning, angst, heavy angst i think, Erwin’s grave
SUMMARY | It was the 14th of October and Levi had just come to visit his late lover’s grave: Commander Erwin Smith, dragging Falco and Gabi with him.
Droplets sharp like knives rained down relentlessly against the jagged and worn out headstones in Paradis’ graveyard, further eating away at the already damaged and weathered rock. Puddles have formed in the depressions of the little allies that snaked in between the graves, gravel and dirt mixing with the glacial downpour of mid October. Trees, specifically three or four oak trees and five pine trees that were placed in acute measured intervals, were dripping with water, their leaves ruffled violently by the gale that accompanied the rain. The clouds and sky were a dark grey, occasionally splitting when lightning broke through, immediately followed by the roar of thunder, silencing and drowning out every sound present in that moment in the valley and everything in its vicinity. When such events did not occur, the high pitched squeaking of a wheelchair and its occasional bumping into small, misplaced bits of gravel could be heard, accompanied by short and light footsteps following it closely could be heard.
In the terrible weather, that had decreased the visibility exponentially, three figures could be distinguished making their way through the alleys of the graveyard: the owner of the wheelchair, a man in his forties with onyx black haired and with an enormous scar deforming his once perfect face, and two children: a girl with chestnut brown hair the same colour as her eyes and a boy with blonde hair and hazel golden eyes. Their destination was still unknown as the boy had trouble following the instruction the man in the wheelchair voiced, his tone growing more aggressive by the minute, his excitement and eagerness starting to show. But as time progressed, their destination seemed to be at the far back of the cemetery, where a massive white marble head stone laid, seemingly unaffected by the furious torrent around it. It was the 14th of October and Levi had just come to visit his late lover’s grave: Commander Erwin Smith, dragging Falco and Gabi with him.
Seven years had passed since Erwin’s death but it still felt like it was yesterday. The pain, regret, and love were still as intense as they were when the man took his last breath, abruptly raising his hand up asking that damned question again before inhaling and exhaling shallowly. It was a cruel world they had lived in back then and certainly letting Erwin rest had been the best decision and one of the greatest gestures of love Levi had done for him. They all suffered so much, him most out of them all. There was no point in bringing him back and let those regrets and guilt pile up even more. Sometimes, selfishly Levi would allow his mind wonder and wish his lover would be there again with him, if only for a little bit, enough to witness the world they were in now. A world with no more wars and hardships. He would also imagine their life together: buying an apartment together in the centre of Mitras, raising a few pets together, getting married for real, adopting, and taking him to the ocean, a wonder which Erwin never had the chance to experience. Levi would have shown him all the weirdly shaped shells that Armin was so passionate about, the colourful fishes that swam where the water was deeper, and the way the sun rose from the water, painting it in vibrant yellows, oranges, and reds.
Levi had also told Gabi and Falco about Erwin, telling them about the greatness of his Commander, their relationship, and about his last moments. The children had been surprisingly understanding, Gabi’s prejudice’s long forgotten, and had offered him great comfort telling him they wanted to know more and actually meet the man, well what remained of him. Levi reckoned that there would only be his bones, if they had not turned to ashes those seven years, and maybe a phew strands of his infuriatingly beautiful golden hair, a feature of his which the raven adored. Therefore, here he was, looking down at the white marble headstones, emotions and memories flooding back in again. He briefly showed the children the headstone and then asked for a little privacy. With sympathy, they obliged and walked off in a random direction through the cemetery, each equipped with a black umbrella, shielding them from the torrential rain.
Now alone, Levi readjusted his umbrella so it sat upright without his support, then reached for the bag that rested against one of the armrests. It was a brown leathered sling bag which he took from Erwin a while ago. He had found the bag while gathering his things from his office when they came back from the expedition. Back then it had brought back memories of secret picnics in flowery meadows on their days off. Erwin always had to drag him by force because Levi didn’t know how to let go, comfortable in his routine. Looking back now they should have done that more often. He missed the whispered I love yous, make outs with flowers in their hair and dirt on their clothes, half-assed sandwiches stollen from the barrack’s kitchen. Now, besides Erwin’s cloak that was neatly folded and handled with the utmost care in his apartment back in Marley, the bag was a reminder that Erwin had indeed lived among them, that he was not some figment of his imagination. Inside it he had stored a mini wooden and golden gramophone. It had been a gift from Onyankopon, because the man had noticed his enjoyment and fascination with music. After carefully placing it in his lap, next he took out a small record that he gently placed on the gramophone. Looking back at the headstone he tried to imagine that Erwin was there, in his Survey Corps uniform with a warm smile on his face staring back at him. Levi lifted his chin, looking into his lover’s eyes, but to an outsider into pure nothingness. Now in a wheelchair, he was even shorter than him, albeit at his one meter and some hope, he didn’t have much to compare to Erwin in the first place. But now it seemed as if their faces were miles away.
“Listen carefully now big guy, I’m about to play you my new favourite song.” Levi smiled then proceeded to gently place the tonearm over the disc record. The disc started rotating, then the sound of trumpets sounded through the horn and into their surroundings. After a short intro, it sang:
We'll Meet Again
Don't know where, don't know when
But I know We'll Meet Again
Some sunny day
Keep smiling through
Just like you always do
'Till the blue skies drive the dark clouds far away
So will you please say hello
To the folks that I know
Tell them I won't be long
They'll be happy to know
That as you saw me go
I was singing this song
We'll Meet Again
Don't know where, don't know when
But I know we'll meet again
Some sunny day
We'll Meet Again
Don't know where, don't know when
But I know we'll meet again
Some sunny day
Keep smiling through
Just like you always do
'Till the blue skies drive the dark clouds far away
So will you please say hello
To the folks that I know
Tell them I won't be long
They'll be happy to know
That as you saw me go
I was singing this song
We'll Meet Again
Don't know where, don't know when
But I know We'll Meet Again
Some sunny day
As the song came to a stop, the disc record spinning slower and slower, a stray tear found its way on Levi’s cheek, streaming down fast at first but as it reached his jawline, it faltered for a little then fell on his shoulder, colouring almost imperceptibly the grey suit a darker grey. The gramophone, now ceasing to emit any kind of sound, was tucked right back to its fateful place in Levi’s bag. Rearranging it so that it rested again comfortably against the armrest, the raven turned his attention to the imaginary Erwin that stood motionless on his own headstone, staring back with the same vibrant cerulean eyes and soft smile. Usually, Levi would have felt unnerved by his stare, always reprimanding him with a “What you looking at, creep?”, but now he missed it dearly, the longing clawing at his chest and making it hard for him to go through with what he had to say next. So, ignoring the lump forming in his chest and the tears that threatened to fall, Levi opened his mouth and began to talk:
“Do you know why I like this song, Erwin? Because it reminds me of all of you. You, Hange, Mike, Petra, my squad, the brats.” Stopping to regain his composure, he inhaled and counted to three as Gabi had once told him, then continued his speech. “Do you wanna know what I did in the three years I wasn’t allowed to come to Paradis? I travelled. Like a lot. All over the world. I finally got to live for real. Getting to see all those place, the people, and cultures had been fascinating. However, one thing had struck me deeply: Buddhism. Such a strange name for a religion. And guess what, it has nothing to do with the walls or bad or wrong. It just is. One central belief of this religion is reincarnation. The concept had comforted me greatly. Life after death. Death is a natural part of the never ending cycle of life. Death leads to rebirth. It also claims that a person’s spirit remains close by and seeks out a new body and a new life.” Levi gulped then wiped away a few tears that had fallen. “But I don’t want you to find a new body. I don’t want any of you to find a body yet, I want all of you to wait for me. Wait for me, Erwin! Wait so we can start fresh together. Tell the others to wait for me too. Wait for me!” Levi had started to shout, desperation making its presence known.
He wanted to meet Erwin again, to fall in love with him all over again, to hold him, to be together again. If Erwin had reincarnated again, there was no way for Levi to meet him now, to fulfil all of his heart’s desire, and when he died, there would be no after life with Erwin. The only way was for them to wait for him so they can start fresh again.
“But who am I kidding? I only believe in this shit because it’s the only way to cope.” Levi brought a hand to his temples and massaged them, as another headache began to throb through his head. It had started to darken outside, they needed to get going, otherwise they would miss the ferry back to Marley. Hesitantly he called for Gabi and Falco to come get him. While he waited for them he told his lover one last thing:
“I have followed every order of yours, completing it. I chased Zeke for four years, all because I promised you. So, I also want you to promise me one last thing. Promise me we’ll meet again.”
The figure of Erwin standing on the grave vanished, leaving Levi alone. The raven rubbed away one last tear and greeted Falco and Gabi that were patiently waiting next to him. The three of them made their way out of the cemetery, Levi not sparing a look back. If he knew Erwin as well as he thought he did, he was confident they we’ll see each other again
They will meet again, one sunny day.
Notes :
The song for this fic is Vera Lynn - We'll meet again. I also posted it on Tumblr. Thank you for taking the time to read it! As always, I do not own Attack on titan or any of the characters that are in it. This is just a fanfiction inspired from the show! Thanks again and notes and comments are always welcomed. The gif was originally posted by @vialesana​ and Tumblr showed it to me.
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razorblade180 · 3 years
Twin Snowflakes 27:Hill climbing preparations
Part 26 here!<-
Rehearsals were going well. With Darren out of mind and no further incidents, students had gotten back into a steady blow of progress. The band was a little shaky at first but Summer had learned that Nick had a point about her being a bit strict in the beginning. With that hurdle jumped, Summer felt comfortable enough to take a short break. Her feet swung from over the stage's edge like a kid on a swing while she took a moment to call Oscar. It had been a few days since their last check in date. The fact that he didn’t blow her fun up meant his own hands were full. Fortunately, two rings was all it took before his face popped up on her screen, covered in what was hopefully seawater.
“Hi Oscar! Ummm sea life treating you will? You look a little…”
“Wet? Sigh, I can’t believe I’m saying this but I miss the cold of the tundra. All the storms and aquatic grimm yanking me off the boat is getting annoying. Anyways, Penny told me you had a little scare recently? Everything okay?”
“Yes, I think.” Summer rubbed her face. “Well…as okay as things usually get. I do feel better than usual. I’ve gotten to perform quite a bit the last couple days.”
“Really? Did you take my advice by any chance?”
A guilty smile found its way on Summer’s face. She couldn’t help but chuckle. “Nah. I’ve just been singing a couple of covers and a few originals that anyone with a radio has heard. The lyrics in the journal are just that, in the journal. I actually wanted to talk to you about a trick Nick got me to try. You’ve actually mentioned it once before early on.”
“Is that so- woah!” Oscar yelped, nearly falling from the rock of the ship crashing through a wave. “Hehe. Sorry about that!”
“Everything okay over there? I can call later?”
“No it’s fine; just rough seas. That’s good though. Challenging waves and other harsh weather factors have been swelling for quite some time. You’re too young to remember this but Atlas was actually a bit warmer. Hot places were cooler and sailing wasn’t as wild.”
“I’ve heard about that in class. Don’t scientists think it might have something to do with magic being back?”
“Or the gods roaming through Remnant.” He smirked, confident about the latter theory. “Harsh conditions mean it’s difficult to press forward. As if the world itself is trying to keep things away. With a little luck, passing these hurdles are all the answers we need.”
Answers. Summer couldn’t begin to imagine having those. It was more terrifying than reliving if she had to be honest. She wouldn’t know what to do if the gods themselves didn’t know what to do. The only thing worse is them saying she couldn’t do anything.
“Let’s cross our fingers you aren’t on a boat for nothing. Speaking of Shiva, Nick talked me into entering my headspace willingly. I was even able to manifest a shovel in it!”
“A shovel?” Oscar quirked his head.
“Yeah it wasn’t the usual blue empty space. It waslake; the lake as a matter of fact. I chucked a shovel at Shiva and told her to start digging her grave.”
“Nick told you to do that!?”
“Weeeeeeell… he only told me to confront her with unwavering resolve in a way Veronica would. I’m pretty sure that meant being cut throat but I may have defaulted to cock intimidation. Pretty sure I stoked the flames of war. But it felt good!”
The cheerfulness in her tone was genuine. While manifesting and confrontation was something Oscar had tried to get her to do early on, there are ways to go about it. Headspace or not, poking at a beast was always risky. “I’m glad you’re feeling good, but exercise caution. I wouldn’t try that alone. There’s a lot we don’t know about that space. I doubt you can actually die there but if that really is your mind you're traversing then serious backlash might happen if things go wrong. Remember, Shiva has an edge. Don’t let her play you in your own head.”
“Believe me, that’s the last thing I want. I’ll be careful Oscar. Thanks for worrying about me. Couldn’t ask for a better therapist”
“I wouldn’t go that far. Ruby and your dad give some pretty solid motivational speeches.”
Hehe, don’t sell yourself short. I should probably get going. Good luck! Watch the gods tell you to perform an exorcism or drown me in sacred water.”
Oh if only it was that easy. “If she had any signs of a soul I would’ve tried that already. Take care Summer. Call me when you need me”
“You know I will.” She hung up and looked over at Nick. A few of the girls had taken the opportunity to strike up a conversation with him. In typical fashion, Nick just let them fawn in vain. “Geez, take a hint ladies.” She mumbled.
“Oh my gods! I wasn’t aware you could sing!”
“So talented!”
“Can you sing for my birthday!?”
All the back chatter and compliments made it hard to focus on one person. Nick did his best to calm them all, giving a faux laugh and smile. “Hehe, thanks. I can hold a note, I’m not as good as my sister, and I’m way too sheepish to sing at a birthday. Now we should probably get back to working maybe? Practice is almost-” his eyes caught the door entrance before he finished. Valerie had walked in.
As if by will, her head automatically turned to meet his eyes. Valerie couldn’t help but give some kind of disarming smile, giving a small wave that was quickly rejected when Nick went back talking to the people around him. Not even Valerie could deny that burn. She put her hand down before she felt anymore like an edit, walking over to Eliza to get what she had to do over with.
“Hey soldier.”
“Huh? Well look who finally decided to show! I expect more from a representative of this school.”
“Oh brother…” Val couldn’t help but roll her eyes. “I’m not even gonna pretend that I’m sorry like I usually do. Look, at least I did what was asked of me. Boiler is fixed for now and there should be no problem getting hot water when the big day arrives.”
“Keep a keen eye on it just in case. I don’t have any time to deal with tiny problems during the tournament.”
“Yeah you and everyone else in this room. Now if you excuse me.” Valerie pointed both thumbs back and tried backing up slowly.
“Hold on…”
“Uuugh. Yes? I got plenty of practice to work on. Make this quick.”
Eliza narrowed her eyes. “Wow, someone is more aggressive than usual. If that’s how you’re going to be then I’ll spare you the lecture. Just know you better be careful or I might pull the rug out from under you this year.”
“Hmph, bold words. You gotta make it to the top of the hill before challenging the ruler. Though you’re more than welcome to kick Nick around and take his spot for all I care. See ya. Just text me the meeting information. Got things to do.” Valerie turned around and headed off. On the way out she saw Summer staring at her with a raised eyebrow from afar. To make matters worse, the cheerleaders moved by the exit. Veronica being among them. Valerie was ready for some kind of sly comment but to her surprise Veronica briefly acknowledged her, nodded, and then went back to what she was doing.
Eliza looked at the time and figured everyone made enough progress for one day. “Alright everyone! You can all start wrapping things up. I’m sure all of you have things to-” the sound of everyone packing their belongings overpowered her voice. “Do.” She finished. At least she could trust everyone to clean up on time. “Nicholas, get your butt in gear.”
“Oh thank goodness!” Nick wasted no time squeezing his way through the girls that lingered around him. “Sorry! The VP calls! Let’s go Summer!”
“Right behind you.” She turned towards the band. “It would be a good idea for you all to practice a little longer. Not because you may or may not need it but because I’ll finally give you room to experiment. Just no funny ideas about adding drum solos.” Summer hopped off stage and headed off, quickly catching up to Nick, Eliza, and Veronica. “Well aren’t we an interesting looking bunch?”
“An idol, witch, heir, and fashion designer. This is the beginning of a bad joke I’d say.”
“Bold of you to call someone a witch when they’ve agreed to help you train.”
“Would you prefer magical girl, or maybe sorceress?” Nick nudged her.
“I prefer my name. However…sorceress is endearing, I suppose.”
“I could call you that while you teach me?”
“Don’t be ridiculous!” She said in a shrill voice. “I’m already regretting this.”
“Well while you two train to death, I’m finally going to get some real shut eye. I can hear my bed calling my name already.”
“Not so fast.” Veronica interjected. “Since we ended up being free at the same time and I have to work a little more diligently…”
Summer didn’t like where this was headed. “Veronica, my hot headed designer, I’m well aware of what it’s like to be a perfectionist. However, please don’t rope me into this.”
All three of them looked at her at once. “It’s your dress!”
“I know that! No need to remind me! I am tired though. It’s Monday, the weekend was crazy, and I just put in a full day of school with extra curricular activities. Allow me two hours at least!?”
“Ugh, ever the whiner. Fine but I don’t want to hear any complaints about design. Most would be thrilled to be heavily involved with their clothing.”
“Well consider this a show of good faith towards your skills.”
The four of them continued to talk all the way to the manor. Eliza tried to stay on important topics while Nick did his best to keep things casual. It never really worked out considering Summer's insistence to not help her dear brother and Veronica’s curiosity about events to come. It was only when the girl’s feline ears twitched by the gate did she begin to quiet down.
“Hmmm?” She stopped immediately.
“Huh? What’s wrong Vee-”
“ACHOO!!!” The girl yelled. The sneeze was so strong Veronica lifted off the ground slightly. “Phew…sorry about that.” She sniffled her loss and continued walking like nothing happened, leaving everyone confused. Veronica was the first to enter with everyone lagging a bit behind. Her eyes looked around until they spotted her mother, Blake, coming down the stairs in casual clothes and wet hair.
“Hey everyone! Finally home I see? And with a friend?”
“Uh classmate. I wouldn’t exac…ummm that’s not important. Hehe, I’m Eliza Marigold.” She stammered. It didn’t really dawn on her that she’d be meeting Mrs. Belladonna herself today. “You look lovely. Though…you look a little red? Are you sick?”
“Oh it’s nothing! Just umm got out of the shower is all.”
Veronica’s eyes narrowed. “Where’s ma?”
“Out back with Jaune.”
“One hundred perfect!” Blake said, unusually preppy. “Well I don’t keep you kids held up. I’ll be in the living room. Nick, Summer, I think your mother is in the garden.”
“Cool. She must be setting up the candle test already. Follow me Eliza.” Nick took her hand and guided her.
“Think I’ll get lost or something?”
“No, I just don’t need you judging every inch of this place until you find something to criticize.”
“……It’s too bright in here.” She heard Nick snicker at her attempt. “You suck.”
With those two out of the way it was time for Summer to mosey to her room. “Finally, nap time!”
“Don’t you wanna practice too?”
“What they’re doing is something I already know. Besides, Nick and I do most of our practices separate. He’ll get me when he needs me. Wake me up if you need anything.”
Veronica waited for the girl to get out of sight before giving her mom a look meant to inspire shame and embarrassment. “Really? We’ve been out all day ya know? You had plenty of time.”
Blake put her hand over Veronica’s face. “Shush your face. It happens sometimes. Thank you for the heads up.”
“Y’all are gross but that’s nothing new. I won’t mention it again if you could bring dinner up to my room. I’m gonna be spending quite some time in there.”
“Even across the world I guess some habits don’t change. Deal.”
In the garden, Weiss stood on the balcony with a cup of coffee. The sound of footsteps behind her caught her ear. She was more than a little surprised to learn that they belonged to not just Nick. “Eliza?”
“Mrs. Schnee. Thank you for allowing me in your home.” Eliza gave a curtsy.
“How’s your father?”
“Oh you know him, always up to something.”
Weiss wasn’t sure if that was good or bad considering his track record. “I see. Well make yourself comfortable. Nick, everything is already set up. Never would’ve thought this is how you’d try to get this done. Don’t push yourself.”
“Heh, push myself? Me?”
Weiss playfully rolled her eyes and left the balcony, ruffling Nick’s hair on the way out. Nick looked at Eliza confused. “You know you don’t have to be so formal around her, right?”
“Let’s not focus on my speech and pay attention to why we’re here. Anyways, how does this training work exactly?”
Nick walked to the railing to point at the fifteen candles spread throughout the garden. “The goal is to light all the candles at once without burning anything. It’s harder than it looks. It requires timing, speed, accuracy, and control above all.”
“Never took you for one who cares much for traditional methods of fighting. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you use your glyphs to manipulate the elements.”
“Yeah, because I suck. Summer on the other hand…” He hunched over in defeat. “Not so much.”
Eliza couldn’t help but scan the area multiple times. This couldn’t be all there was to it. Could it? The five candles in the actual hedge maze looked a little challenging, but Nick was…Nick! Despite her reservations about his attitude, he was smart and knew how to work.
“Do you increase the candle amount as you go?”
He nodded. “That’s the natural progression. Summer can do thirty without thinking much about it.”
“Meanwhile you can’t even do half that amount. You sure you’re the older twin?”
“I don’t see how that’s relevant.” He pouted. Nick grabbed his sword and got into his low stance.
“So I’m just supposed to observe you?”
“No. I’m going to need help with the fires too.”
That’s not something she wanted to hear. “Tsk, alright. But first, let me see if I’m able to do it. Wouldn’t be that good of a teacher if I couldn’t.”
She climbed on top of the railing to get a better look. She raised her right hand to the sky and took a breath. Five flames ignited her fingertips as she thought of the best approach. Moments later, Eliza launched all five with a downward swing, another five swing left, then the final five to the right. Each flame danced on the winds below them before finding their targets.
Amazed, Nick’s jaw dropped for a second before saying anything. “First try!?”
“Not exactly. You did say all at once so that may have been cheating. Let me try again.” She wrapped both arms around herself then swung them out, causing a gust of wind that blew out the candles.
Nick watched closely. Breathing, posture, line of sight; anything he could to gain knowledge. Eliza cuffed her hands together. A small flame flickered into existence and grew slowly until it was the size of a baseball. Eliza threw it over the garden underhanded. The moment it reached max height she pushed her hands downwards like if she closed a lid. This made the flame split apart into embers that fell quick enough to reach each candle. Nick couldn’t believe she was two for two.
“Seems I got the hang of it.” Eliza blew the candles out and hopped off the railing. “I’d do it while off the railing but I’m positive we know the results.”
“Yeah no kidding. While I’m lucky I picked the right person to help me, doing that so easily kinda stings. Not gonna lie. You really are a sorceress.”
“Tsk, flattery gets you nowhere. Assume your stance.” She ordered. Eliza kept a close eye on Nick. He opted to square his feet with his shoulders, a sturdy stance for sure. “So far so good.” His blade pointed up and outwards. A red glyph began to form at its tip, conjuring a ball of intense flame that was as big as a softball. Eliza’s eyes narrowed. She could not believe what she was watching. “You’ll miss.”
“Huh?” Nick said, trying to focus.
“If you shoot the fireball then you are going to miss.” Eliza channeled a silver orb in her palm that bursted into shimmering light. Nick’s glyph suddenly vanished and took the fireball along with it.
“Hey! Don’t just negate my semblance out of the blue! I didn’t even shoot it yet!”
Eliza wasn’t sure what she had expected from this training. It was clear now why a talented person like Nick was fumbling. Frankly, it was annoying. Down right inexcusable. Eliza folded both her arms. “You’re so idiotic in the strangest ways possible, you know that right? To think you’re stronger than me?”
Nick huffed. This wasn’t constructive at all. “You gonna actually help, or continue to insult me? If I knew how to do this on my own then I wouldn’t ask for help.”
Nick ran his hand through his tangled hair and let out a sigh. Eliza could tell he genuinely had no idea what was wrong. It kinda got to her. “Sorry, I shouldn’t be picking on you like that. You weren’t wrong to ask for help.”
“Normally I have an inkling of how to progress but I’m hitting a wall. All of this is just…”
“Too much?” Eliza leaned over and thumped his head. “Because it is. That’s exactly your problem. You are doing far too much at once. Why are you trying to do so many steps at the exact same time?”
“What do you mean at the exact same time? All I did was make a fireball.”
Eliza could feel her eye try to twitch. “Okay. I should’ve expected that from you. Guess I’ll teach by showing.” She stood beside Nick and made a flame. “See? Now this is as basic as it gets, just straight up fire. A fireball requires controlling the shape of the flame;maintaining its heat as well.” The flame swirled around itself to make just that.
“Okay? I’m following you so far.”
“If a fireball was all you were making then no big deal. However, I just saw you attempt to make a fireball that has to keep its shape, burn hot enough, long enough, and must be aimed at multiple targets at once. No mind can do all that on a dime. It’s simply too much.”
Nick watched Eliza move behind him, putting her arms right on top of his, guiding his movements as if she was holding his blade. Her chin rested on his shoulder to get a clear line of sight. Nick was no stranger to being led through an attack, but man was it weird to have Eliza this close!
“Bear with it and focus.” She uttered, trying not to yell in his ear. “Make a flame. Just a flame. Let it heat swell and dissipate in sync with my breathing.”
“Shouldn’t it be with my own?”
“Not when your heart is beating like a drum. To think Nicholas Schnee would lose composure from a girl touching him?”
“Can’t hear you, focusing.” He was trying anyway. Eventually he managed to slow his heartbeat. He could tell Eliza was taking deep breaths on purpose to help. In sync, he made another fire glyph as she ordered.
“Good, now make it as hot as you want, then make it into a ball.” The flame shaped into the size of a baseball this time. Eliza smiled. “See how easy it is to control the size after you’ve completed the previous steps? You’ll save dust this way.”
“What’s next?”
“Aiming. You already know where your targets are but you also aren’t in a rush. If you need time to make a shot then all you have to do is make the time.” Eliza raised Nick’s sword higher in the air. “Launch it into the air, confirm where you need the fire to hit, then guide the flames to it.”
Nick took a deep breath and launched the fireball ball in an arch over the garden. He waited for it to reach the middle and fall briefly before making it burst into smaller flames that hit the candles. Eliza finally let go so he could pump his fist into the air.
“Don’t celebrate yet, but good job. A moving target would be harder but not impossible. Repetition will allow you to eventually group certain steps together without having to think about it. You’ll get used to making fireballs that are a certain size and speed as long as you allow yourself to process each step as you are now. I noticed you let the fireball fall. Why?”
“I always end up not lighting them all because the fire dies too quickly. I realized the flame wasn’t hot enough the moment I shot it, so I let it get closer to the candles before having to split it up. Good thing you told me to aim higher or I may not have noticed.
“He can process things like that but not realize breaking the steps up will make things easier? How does his brain work!?”
Another gust of wind blew the candles out. “I’m willing to help you further but I think it’s time you held up your end of this bargain.”
“Antsy, aren’t we? Fair enough.” Nick put his sword down and sat on the railing. “What I’m about to tell you is going to make your tournament life a hundred times simpler. This is your second King of The Hill. Remember the rules?”
“Of course I do.” She followed his lead and sat down as well. “All previous tournament and combat skills leading up to the tournament are calculated so they can rank you compared to the other contestants. In order to progress higher you must defeat the person directly above you in the rank to switch places. Those who win are rewarded a reprieve from being challenged immediately to decrease rematches, but the loser can be challenged by whoever is directly below them. Conversely, if you challenge a person and lose, then you have to wait a set period before trying again while defending your current spot. The entire tournament is on a time limit that tests endurance, strategy, and the skills you’ve used all year. The winner is whoever is ranked number one by the end; the king of the hill.”
“Correct! It’s pure chaos. However, you forgot an important thing. You’ve participated once and managed to get third, so that’s automatically where you start.”
Eliza’s eyes lit up. “That’s a rule!?”
“Yep. As long as you still participated in prior tournaments this year, which you have. Congratulations on skipping the taxing part. Now you’re in the grueling section. The only way you go up is through me and Valerie. A slip up could cause you to waste too much energy and that could drag you out of third if you lose or even win against me immediately, because if I get challenged and win, then I can challenge you again before you challenge Valerie or after you hypothetically lose to her. Let that sink in for a moment.”
Eliza could feel her heart drop to her stomach. If she were to beat Nick and lose to Valerie then at best she’s at a third of her strength for a rematch she doesn’t want. Beating Nick was a goal but she didn’t need to do it twice in a day! The worst part is she is at his mercy in this scenario; getting a reprieve only if he needs one. He could very well best her and then she’s even more tired defending third place.
“Is it sinking in? Third place is its own special hell. Let’s knock Valerie into it.” He smiled.
“And how do we manage that exactly?”
“By knocking me into it! I want to take a dive in our match. A good one. The two of us will put on a spectacle to show our might that ends with me losing. This will throw everyone off into thinking you are exceptionally strong and-”
“Are you saying I’m not!” She folded her arms.
Nick chuckled nervously. “Let me finish before you get upset. Yes, you're strong, but will think you’re stronger than me by a decent margin. This is where the mind games kick in because the two of us haven’t actually used that much energy, but the other contestants don’t know that.”
Eliza rubbed her chin. “You…want them to fight you?”
“Exactly. No one's gonna pass up the opportunity to get a leg up on me. You know that better than anyone. Unfortunately for them, I’ll actually be trying against them and I fully intend to go end them quickly. This does multiple things. It makes the gap between the top three look bigger, allows me to stir the lower ranks rotation, keeps you rested, and makes Valerie anxious because you will not immediately challenge her. We are going to burn time until it gets to a point that once she’s knocked out of first, getting back up will be nearly impossible.”
“I fail to see how that’s possible. If she’s rested-”
“That’s just it, she won’t be. You can challenge her freely and not worry about me for most of the tournament. Use the time to learn how to fight her then I’ll challenge you again and win, then immediately go fight her. You’ll briefly be back in third place but fourth place holders will be exhausted and think twice about challenging you, Eliza Marigold; the person who beat Nicholas Schnee.”
“You made a safety net for third”
“I made a safety net for you! I will beat Valerie so she’ll fall to second place and that’s where you jump in to knock her to third. By that point she’ll have to wait and losing twice in a row is gonna give people ideas. Even if she beats them it’ll be a race against the clock and you can challenge me to avoid fighting her if it comes down to that. Boom, guaranteed second place for you with a potential at first place.”
The plan was insane, daring, and yet clearly thought of. “This is…a lot. Not to mention not full proof. What if I actually don’t need you to weaken Valerie and can take first place for myself?”
“Then by all means take it. I’ll knock Valerie to third myself and then fight you. Careful though. If I win you’re stuck with her and plenty of time you have to stall.”
She didn’t like the sound of that. “What if I refuse this off altogether?”
“That’s fine. We’ll just all have to do our best.”
“Your entire plan hinges on you beating Valerie. What if-”
“I’ll win.” He deadpanned. “I can take her this year. No questions about it.”
He started giving that same exact look he did a few days ago. “Not that I’m not interested but this feels a little unlike you.”
“Is that bad? People are always saying I’m too soft around Valerie. This is a tournament and there’s no rules against teamwork. You in?”
He hopped down and extended his hand. Nick did his best to seem casual about all of this but it was clear to Eliza he was pretty frustrated at Valerie. It wasn’t her place to pry. If he was willing to go this far then she might as well keep an eye on the entire thing. A chance to progress, and a good event. As long as those two things happened without incident then she had no reason to object. Then there was the other problem. She already helped him train…Eliza shook his hand.
“Glad to do business with you. I guess it’s only fair now that I give you the choice to stop training me. Wouldn’t want this to feel like I’ve gained so much tangible progress while yours relies on-”
Eliza tossed him his sword. “Quit with the chivalrous act. If I don’t train you to my standards then I’m positive your plan is bound to fall apart. Helping you here can only benefit me, or did you already forget I could teach you a thousand ways to improve your glyphs and still even the playing field?” She made another silver orb.
Nick gulped. He actually did forget how big of a pain in the ass it was gonna be fighting her. Semblance training doesn’t mean much if you can’t use it. “Have I ever told you that you can be terrifying and comforting at the same time?”
“Nobility should be just that. It’s why people like your face so much whenever you look like you beat the crap out of somebody.”
“People like my face because I’m handsome!!!”
“Less chitchat. More candle lighting.”
Nick hunched over in defeat. Marigolds, what can you do with them?
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