#not changing my url this time cuz i dont feel like it. but i might stick with this icon for a bit.
tamaharu · 1 year
i really hope none of you were expecting a non pjo post from me for the next 24 hours
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hopefullyababe · 3 years
been tagged by @crit20lesbian!
1. Why did you choose your URL?
when i was 14 and made this blog i had started using the phase "[so-and-so] is a BABE" (which had eventually evolved into calling everything that i liked a babe (this coffeemaker is a babe)). i didnt think very highly of myself at the time- i did not know i was a stone cold Hottie. so when i was coming up with a new blog name i put 'Hopefullyababe' cuz im like. Hopefully a babe. but i dont know!
ive thought abt changing it a couple times but i dont have anything cool lined up. if i come up with a good username i like better i might change it.
2. Any side blogs?
oh quite a few. if you can manage to find my aesthetics blog, my unused homestuck blog, my two url holder blogs, my Very Bad Posts blog, and my unlinked art blog that i rarely use, ill
well. ill be. really embarrased. but you can have like. 4 dollars.
3. How long have you been on Tumblr?
ohhh uhh. on This account its been. ppprobably 3 years?
but i had a sherlock blog back in 2016-17 called For-the-love-of-kittens which i deleted :( i wish eternally that id kept it up so i could see all the shit i reblogged :(
4. Do you have a queue tag?
i do actually! though i dont queue things often :/ its #u r a queue t.
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place?
i wanted to post about sanders sides. and id had a blog before but i never used it as a. like. Actual Blog. i just kinda reblogged without any tags and never interacted with anyone. and i wanted to do more of that. so i made this one for a fresh start.
6. Why did you choose your pfp/icon?
it all started with a breakdown and a picture of a horse i drew during it. i fell in love with his Frightened eyes and his shitty hair. i decided no one could stop me from being a horse. i made him my profile picture. his name is humphrey. hes getting a degree in biochemistry. he practices meditation to deal with the stress of a stem degree. he looks a Leafs. i do a new humphrey whenever i get tired of the old humphrey pfp
7. Why did you choose your header?
i wanted to change it up and do a fall theme! so i made these blobby leafs that fade into the blog color. i like having my headers fade into the blog cuz i think it looks Cool.
8. What’s your post with the most notes?
[this post] about middle aged gay couples in podcasts, and a. close second being [this one] for some reason????? i cant imagine why.
9. How many mutuals do you have?
ohhh let me count
thirteen! very lucky number. love yall alot <3
10. How many followers do you have?
238 followers! love yall a whole lot also <3
11. How many people do you follow?
i follow 97 blogs. i honestly perfer the calmer more empty dash it gets me. makes sure i can see most all the posts.
12. Have you ever made a shit post?
god have i ever
13. How often do you use Tumblr each day?
id say an average of about 4-5 hours off and on? i probably visit it about 4 times a day maybe more
14. Did you have a fight/argument with another blog once?
i had an argument with a troll once when i was having a bad day. im not very proud of it.
15. How do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
i. dont really like them. they make me feel bad and deter me from reblogging the post. cuz i dont want my followers to be guilted into reblogging it too. i mean sometimes ill reblog it if i feel like its important but. it always makes me feel bad and weird no matter if its a good message that needs to be spread. that just my Weird tho.
16. Do you like tag games?
yes! i love being tagged in them and answering questions or doing picrews- theyre very fun!
17. Do you like ask games?
yes!! i do like ask games. i like talking a whole lot and theyre perfect for that.
18. Which of your mutuals do you think is Tumblr famous?
ummm. somehow i ended up with@ mcwebby of tma fame as my tumblr mutual (they are Very Cool) and id consider them pretty tumblr famous. they might disagree tho o-O
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual?
uh. ha. um. ehehe. uh. well. um. ehhe. uh
tags! @solareidolon @cherry-pie-bi @trashpremium @milomeepit @purplexiasphinx (no presh yall ;))
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queencryo · 4 years
hm. i should start over on that tumblr post saver. now that i actually know [literally anything at all] about webdev and web apis and shit, i bet i could do a WAY better job than my previous 'reblog 200 posts to another blog' attempt, because franlly that script sucks dick, is worthless, and i never even bothered to set it up such tjat it ran continuously (had IDEAS to run it off an rpi, but never even got ariund to figuring THAT out. jeez...)
id defijitely also want to get/make a viewer, too. because, frankly, exporting a shitton of xml or json or whatever the fuck? not even helpful at all. lame!
though, hm. i have... no idea, how to make working webpages (cuz if u cant get stuff of a certain tag whassa point)
maybe a self-contained exe that runs both the server and the client? that might not be a terrible idea
viewer levels:
literally just xml
generate a basic html file that contains all da posts
make it have css too (how?) (i dontnknow right now fuck off)
allow tag filtering based on runtime arguments (postviewer.exe -tags 'honk, fuck, kill' -reblogs false)
allow tag fiktering from within the viewer, by clicking on tags. like tumblr does jow, kinda.
search up tags, too.
would also wnana be able to capture pictures. other media forms would be good, but pictures are franjly mandatory. (i dont feel thatd be super hard tbh. download image, rename it according to the post id, have that be accessible in the folder. append a cointer for multiple images in a post)
multiple post types is a potential worry. how are dialogues handled? has the way tumblr stores / encodes posts changed since the strt (surely, right)? how are reblogs hanxled, in the code?
would probably be helpful to find or make a test blog. fkr experimentation, and testing. on a blog.
i like this idea, i feel ike its smth i could actually do AND that is actually useful. maybe i could start over christmas break. plus, if i getthis working good and reliably, maybe i could let other ppl use it, too^_^ (for showing off to irl ppl, include one of the sandsverse blogs as an example. nice and weird, but so weird it works imo? plus iirc a nice variety of post types. not so good with taghing though iirc. check that later, maybe one is betterthan the other ones.) (yeah just went and checked sandsvendor. no damn tags. cmon seymour.)
anyway. might be a good idea to slot all the posts into a database? could sort by notes and shit, that way... but it also kinda implies rails (cuz thats tje only database-oriented stuff i interact with...)
doing thus in rails feels kind of stupid. plus, load time on start? should NOT be long, prederably under thirty seconds imo. idk hlw achievavle that is with rails or an sql darabase in general, since i know my blog for example has like 30000 posts or more if u include everything. which wasnt the initial plan, but... meh.
hm. okay. so.
initial plan: save all posts on a tumblr blog with one/more of a given set of tags. eg, the set [blog, saved, later] would catch posts woth tags [blog, i hate you, five dogs] and [later, saved, i love this so much] but not [aaaaa, you you you you, two] or []. Images (and possibly other media) attached to such posts are to be saved as wrll, in a format in which they can be retrieved at time of viewing. This process must be enactable with minimal user input, beyond choosing the tags and the blog url. Posts must be saved in a non-volatile format, ie they must be retrievable not just by this program. (bare minimum)
A viewer should be included, which is capable of rendering the posts in a manner that is human-readable. Posts must have all text, tags, timestamps, and images (possibly other media) as when they were on tungle.net.
Optionally, posts ij the viewer should be sortable and filterable. Users should be able to filter by tags (and possibly also timestamps, and whether the backed-up blog is the OP of a post). Users should be able to sort by timestamp both ascending and descending (if u need to sort by anything else well nyeeeeh)
okay! so. i THINK that really the main thing that rails kr another web framework would be needed for is tgat last point, and maybe the formating. i have no idea how hard/easy adding css formatring to straight html is (probably hard lol<_<)
hmmmmmm. okay. ill be real w u here. doing this in rails feels... dumb? Im not here to build a web app.
then again, filtering by tags, sorting? those are practically what databases were MADE to do. so if i want those (and, franjly, i do!), then it may be wise to resign myself to needing to use something of that nature.
maybe i could look into what those homestuck viewer people did? thats basically the platonic ideal of what i want this to be: a familiarish interface used to sift through the wreckage of the past.
hm. well, if any of yall have any ideas, feel free to chime in! hopefulky i end up actually doing this, so any tips would be super appreciated! (esp on how to handle the iewer part <_< thas the psrt that turns this from a script to a real projext imo)
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emorishh · 5 years
this sounds like a shitpost but it’s not:
IF your very first draft is NOT SHITTY, you are DOING IT WRONG!!!
you have no spelling errors? INCORRECT. do not go back to edit anything! ANYTHING! when you’re writing your first draft.
hey! STOP looking up synonyms! *hits you with a wooden spoon* BAD! BAD! just write the word you’re overusing way too much and come back to it AFTER you’re finished. and i mean FINISHED, you fool!
i am. trying to save your life here. DONT EDIT AS YOU WRITE. you’ll end up deleting whole sections of edited writing because it doesn’t fit with the plot, and it’ll feel terrible. don’t waste your time! please i’m BEGGING YOU—
hey. HEY! I SEE YOU BACKSPACING! N O ! you don’t have to absolutely limit yourself to NEVER backspacing, as i know it can be hard. but cut down the use on the delete button! try and train yourself to only delete when it’s necessary, like when you want to add an important detail that you might forget if you don’t do so. still, try not to backspace. that’s the same as editing, lads.
can’t think of the word? write a different word; a word that would never come up in your actual story. like iphone if you’re writing a medieval fantasy. then when you’re done and you’re ready to edit, highlight “iphone” throughout your entire work. Go through and edit as the context demands.
you should probably know some of the names of your characters, and maybe general age and a vague background. but keep it vague (for some of them, if you don’t want to do all), so their past can shift with your plot as the need arises.
additionally, if you can’t think of a character name, just write something stupid as hell, like bitchboy or idiot mcgee. then do as you do in #5.
it’s ok to interrupt your own writing here. write notes to yourself as to why you wrote a specific thing, what could change, etcetera.
an extension to the above is summarizing, but try not to use it too much. yes, you can summarize, but try to keep large blocks of summarizing off your actual writing draft.
stop reading here if u don’t want to hear abt a plot exercise i do! vvv vvv vvv
lastly, because this one is less about first drafts and more about plot: i don’t know how helpful this might be for y’all, it’s not super mega amazingly fantastic for helping me write... but it’s fun as hell, and it does help a bit with my own understanding of my story!:
write ur thought process!! pretend you’re explaining the plot to someone! but write it out! interrupt urself! things don’t have to be in logical order here. it’s just what u want to have happen, and important points you plan to include. here’s a very fucking long medium sized excerpt from my own thought process exercise, because i have no shame and i want to talk abt my writing...:
“ok so basically this fuckin story is about uhhh. magic n shit!! we love cliches in this house. anyways there’s sixteen mages and they’re all spread out across the land. it switches perspectives between them and they r basically trying 2 Not Die because some of the main kingdoms think magic is evil. fuck u cliches are fun u can’t tell me what to do. there’s one kingdom that’s like. “magic bad!”. cuz this one dumbass angstyboy had a Tragic Past and therefore decided to be buddy buddy with the king (who’s an idiot) to outlaw magic. if u use magic ur either executed or sentenced to jail time, where u will disappear before ur sentence ends. wack af. some of these mages live in this kingdom, which means they gotta hide their magic stuff. some of the mages tho, actually don’t have magic yet (it can develop later in life). and a lot of them don’t live in that kingdom, so they’re at less risk. but magic is technically illegal in all six kingdoms (w/ varying degrees of punishment severity), so they gotta b careful. what kicks off the start of the adventure? well, in the heart of the main yikes kingdom, one of the head knights discovers she has magic. throughout the story, each character meets up w/ each other until they’re all together in one group (which might not even happen in the first book lmao). there are other cool characters who contribute to this sexy ass plot...” (cont.)
(btw i have a blog for this wip, the url is magicandmages and it’s literally the worst and i never post but if u want to follow it u can. and honestly, if u show interest in it, it’ll give me motivation to write. so if u want to, go ahead,,)
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Mega Oof. So apparently I was nominated by @shiny-armin to do the people they would like to know better
Here goes nothing
Name: I prefer not to say my name. So Turtle. (Given by close friends)
B-day: Feb. 1st.
Zodiac: I don't really look into that stuff. But I'm an Aquarius, and I'm pretty chill and calm most of the time but if you interrupt my music... You're officially dead. I don't get angry at people most of the time and you can see at school Im that chill kid in the back also im kind of competitive. But other than that im on the quiet side and I don't say much. I don't do feelings or get crushes and I only stick in a group of me and a few people I know very well. But I do have a lot of other friends that I also talk to. ( why did I add this but I have resting bitch face so by the looks of me, you won't want to mess with me)
Height: Im 5'1 or 5'2. (Im still growing)
Hobbies: Bike riding. Going on peaceful walks. Listening to music ( to block out all of my problems and relax). Reading Webtoon and digital painting. Also im not very good but I doodle and draw a lot.
Favorite Color: I like dark colors like Red or blue or black or green. It changes a lot but i dont have a specific favorite
Favorite Books: Ive been reading this book called All American Boys it's about racism in the present. Number the stars is good. The Giver. The Tiger Rising. Six Of Crows (in progress) The Leven Thumps series
Last song I listened to: Sugar Lips by Midnight in April. (They are very talented)
Last movie I saw: The latest one was Spider-Man Far From Home (Gosh Diddly Darn Mysterio. Jeez) and before that was Steven Universe the Movie (my favorite show. I very highly recommend it)
Dream Job: A chef because I like to experiment with new things. Also an actor because I thought maybe when I make it big i might have money so I could provide for my (future or present) family.
Meaning behind my URL: I don't really know what that means so im just gunna say it's my blog...... Idk I just made this cuz why not. There are memes and funny stuff and cool art about things I like so why not I pitch in.
So how did do...
Also I want to nominate some people too. So 8 people I would like to know better are... @drinkyourfuckingmilk @ackerbang @ruthfigueroa19 @byallmeans1 and @spectral-ink @guccibootyellow @incorrectkuroshitsuji @incorrect-assclass
(it's fine if you dont want to.)
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r1ku · 5 years
@notchy tagged me! 🤗
🎂: May 28 !
Zodiac: Gemini ♊
Height: 5'3
Last Song I listened to: Gurenge - LiSA
I woke up thinking of this song today lol, because I'm still shocked Brendan Urie from Panic! At the Disco sang to it and watches the show lmao
Hobbies: talking to gaming pals on discord, playing mobile games, working on that webtoon recommendation document on Google doc, playing toontown rewritten, day dreaming, always typing down ideas and dreams to write or draw ONE DAY, in Google notes on my phone.
Favorite color: Purple ! 💜
Favorite Book: Coraline by Neil Gaiman
Tis the only book I have read a few times for sure. You know, I often thought I'd love to be a bookworm and wholeheartedly have several favorite books, but I'm not. I like the idea of it tho, I haven't read books in a long time. I mainly read manga and webtoons.
Last film I watched: The Grand Budapest Hotel by Wes Anderson
My friend and I have a lot of movies to check out, mainly horror flicks of korean or japanese films or martial arts films to watch. But that day he dropped this film to watch and I was able to and had never watched before actually. And we enjoyed it, it's very whimsical and comical.
I almost debated putting the last episode of kanata no astra, since it was like an hour long finale and One can watched several hours of 30 min episodes and not think of it as a movie, but when u think of an episode longer than 23 or 27 minutes, it FEELS like a movie lol even if its not 2 hours long. But nah lol
Dream Job: I haven't really, really thought about it. I've seen a few inspirational, thought provoking posts and tweet threads.
About how for some people you shouldn't make your passion your job, cuz you might end up hating your passion.
Or the one post that said they admired the character, Garry Gergich from Parks and Rec, for choosing a job that's decent pay and few but full hours, that allows him to spend time with his family.
Or the one tweet that talked about you should have several passions to look forward to like boxing or some other activity so you can spread out your feels and not be in a pit of negativity.
That said, I find myself to be a jack of all trades kind of person, I adapt well and if taught well, learn quickly to do just about anything right.
If anything, I will not think of the chains of reality and honestly answer this question focusing on dream part of dream job.
And thats to be a CEO of my own company that I made and create an animatiom company that can revolutionize the animation industry and crack the hammer of justice in various places that mistreat and mismanage and poorly pay hardworking animators and give them the lifestyle they deserve and lift people up and support them and not become a gate keeper. Da Drem *drops mic*
Meaning behind my url: I've had various urls, this url came from my bestfriend cat, who wanted the namine url, when i got her into kingdom hearts, but it's in limbo hell, I remember she waited 9 months for its release but its still like unavailable to obtain, idk now tho, that was a year ago.
I forgot what my url was before, maybe it was hong-seol and I finally, after 8 years, moved on from the spiel I had in firmly loving the character Sul, I still and always will even tho I dislike the comic's last season and how heavily the author suddenly gave us flashbacks all at once.
I told cat that KINGDOM HEARTS IS LIFE, I LOVE RIKU SO MUCH and she said "oh i was typing around and found r1ku is available" and i was like WHAT and i typed it and surely enough, it was available to my great surprise. And I am forever grateful for her and her mind. I ain't letting this go, as such its a personal blog and riku appreciation blog, I'll reblog all that I see and like.
I recently updated the mobile look, desktop look is perfect so i wont change that, but i had destiny islands gif from khnyctophiliac and that riku icon, that I have sources for in my about l sadly dont have time to update my about pages.
But I updated the icon to this destiny islands trio that has amano's kh3 manga art since it has riku in it and i love trios, from the khinsider website that posted icons ro choose from.
The bg is Phoenix Ikki from the Netflix Saint Seiya adaptation's ending, I love how dramatic that shot was with the song. I wish it could be longer, but I have no idea how people edit out credits for gif segments. I only used a quick gif making website that requires the video and can make cuts and speeds.
As for my sideblog, pink4walls, I am still, to this day enamored by f(x)'s - 4walls and especially their pink outfits in their live performance. This blog ia dedicated to hopefully making a thorough navigation system to find specific posts that inspire me to create. A creativity blog, if you will with things that caught my eye and references I want to use.
Thank you Notchy! A well deserved break from routine, helped me try to get more reblogs put there from my enormous 22k drafts, and gives people an update of sorts of me.
I tag @antheiafemme @ughliegirl @alfiethesnip
You may if you choose to, and its okay if you don't ! But first three mutuals to tag off the top of my head.
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dibidibidismol · 5 years
do em all, coward
on the one hand: yay! i get to do the ask game! on the other; @acutest-angle, i’m so sorry for doing this to you. i aint gonna fill nobody’s dash, so the qna is under the break. these are like really undetailed. ill be more specific for individual numbers
1: How tall or short do you wish you were? im pretty happy being 163
2: What’s your dream pet? (Real or not) i love my lil baby so much. i wouldnt trade my pupper for the world
3: Do you have a favorite clothing style? i wear a lot of black, and generally dress such that i would be good to go for any job interviews/public speaking events. this is in large part to make up for the fact that my go-to shoes are heelys. like i wear my heelys during professional presentations that count for a large part of my grade. my teachers think im “something else”
4: What was your favorite video game growing up? idk. we didnt do all that media shiz. maybe pvz.
5: What three things/people do you think of most each day: my doggo, my child(useless friend needing guidance) and my tumblr-famous friend. hmu for her url. 6: If you had a warning label, what would yours say?absolute weirdo, but like in a socially acceptable way. can and will debate you into submission.7: What is your opinion on [insert person/thing here]?i support gays.8: What is your Greek personality type? [Sanguine, Phlegmatic, Choleric, or Melancholic] 
Tumblr media
9: Are you ticklish?a bit10: Are you allergic to anything?some cats, all homophobes11: What’s your sexuality?ace, homoromo12: Do you prefer tea, coffee, or cocoa?tea babe. like i have so much. like a cubic yard. its a problem.13: Are you a cat or dog person?im multifandom(not a furry)14: Would you rather be a vampire, elf, or merperson?elf15: Do you have a favorite Youtuber?amber liu16: How tall are you?160cm17: If you had to change your name, what would you change it to?my chinese name18: How much do you weigh? [Only ask this if you know the user doesn’t mind!]102-105 i’m smol.19: Do you believe in ghosts/spirits?normally no. when im home alone….a lil.20: Do you like space or the ocean more? i have a large fear of the ocean. 21: Are you religious? no22: Pet peeves?poor work ethics/mansplaining/poor hygiene.23: Would you rather be nocturnal or diurnal [opposite of nocturnal]?diurnal24: Favorite constellation?orions belt25: Favorite star?shinee26: Do you like ball-jointed dolls?not particularly27: Any phobias or fears?germs, the dark, men, large non-pools bodies of water, spiders28: Do you think global warming is real? yea, but “climate change” is more accurate29: Do you believe in reincarnation?no30: Favorite movie?tangled, the lorax, shawshank redemp. , hairspray, legally blond, mulan, mama mia, in that order.31: Do you get scared easily? yea32: How many pets have you own in your lifetime?3 fish 3 dog33: Blog rate? [You’ll rate the blog of the one who’s asking.] im gunna rate @acutest-angle cuz she did mine. 10/10 would be 11 but she aint stannin shinee.34: What is a color that calms you? purple35: Where would you like to travel and/or live? oregon suits me fine36: Where were you born? oregon37: What is your eye color?brown38: Introvert or extrovert?idek. im really good at people, but idk abt energy gaining or wtv.39: Do you believe in horoscopes and zodiacs?no40: Hugs or kisses?hugs41: Who is someone you would like to see/visit right now?my doggo.42: Who is someone you love deeply? see above43: Any piercings you want? i already have doubles. might get belly button in the future.44: Do you like tattoos and piercings? hnngg45: Do you smoke or have you eiver done so? hell no. i take drugs/alcohol v seriously.46: Talk about your crush, if you have one! gorl. so beautiful, so smart, so utterly perfect. also taken.47: What is a sound you really hate? the whit boi in class mansplaining shit to me.48: A sound you really love? pitter pat of paws on hardwood.49: Can you do a backflip? no.50: Can you do the splits? no51: Favorite actor and/or actress?idkrn52: Favorite movie? see 3053: How are you feeling right now?tee hee54: What color would you like your hair to be right now? i really like my hair as is.55: When did you feel happiest? talking in front of many peeps.56: Something that calms you down?tea57: Have any mental disorders? [Only ask this if you know the user doesn’t mind!]  none diagnosed. ask me about my brain later for more deets. 58: What does your URL mean?that i smol and i luv shinee59: What three words describe you the most? witty, caring,quick.60: Do you believe in evolution?yes61: What makes you unfollow a blog?too many posts/mediocre content/no longer aligned interests.62: What makes you follow a blog? posts63: Favorite kind of person:girl64: Favorite animal(s):dogs/cats65: Name three of your favorite blogs. @lolfunnykpop @acutest-angle @27-umbrellas66: Favorite emoticon: thumbs up67: Favorite meme: ive connected the dots68: What is your MBTI personality type?pic69: What is your star sign?my wut?70: Can your dog roll over on command, if you have a dog?yes71: What outfit out of all your clothes do you like to wear the most?its black, its formalish, its a pushup bra, dress, and heelys.72: Post a selfie or two?i like dont have any, and im in no statye to be taking them rn.
73: Do you have platform shoes?no?
74: What is one random but interesting fact about yourself?i forgot a wholeass language75: Can you do a front flip?no76: Do you like birds?y77: Do you like to swim?ew78: Is swimming or ice skating more fun to you?no79: Something you wish didn’t exist:homophobia80: Some thing you wish did exist:universal translators81: Piercings you have?double in each ear82: Something you really enjoy doing:read83: Favorite person to talk to:dog84: What was your first impression of Tumblr?no rules here.85: How many followers do you have?all together, a thousand or two?86: Can you run a mile within ten minutes? idk87: Do your socks always match?no88: Can you touch your toes and keep your legs straight completely?ill cry89: What are your birthstones? the lite blu one90: If you were an animal, which one would you be?i aint no furry.91: If a flower could aesthetically represent you, what kind would it be?a rose92: A store you hate? chick fil a93: How many cups of coffee can you drink in one day?  i got addicted, so ive been coffee free for 3 yrs now94: Would you rather be able to fly or read minds? fly95: Do you like to wear camo? no96: Winter or summer?winter97: How long can you hold your breath for?40sec98: Least favorite person?trump99: Someone you look up to:amber liu100: A store you love?office depot101: Favorite type of shoes? heelys102: Where do you live? oregon103: Are you a vegetarian or vegan? If so, why?vegetarian, environment/animal right, eggs for health.104: What is your favorite mineral or gem? sparkle105: Do you drink milk? yea, calcium.106: Do you like bugs?i respect their existence but stay tf away107: Do you like spiders? no108: Something you get paranoid about?spiders, water, germs109: Can you draw: sure110: Nosiest question you have ever been asked?do you shave ur vag?111: A question you hate being asked?whos ur boy friend?112: Ever been bitten by a spider?no113: Do you like the sound of waves at the beach?yea, from a distance114: Do you prefer cloudy or sunny days?sunny, from a distance115: Someone you’d like to kiss or cuddle right now: doggo116: Favorite cloud type:cotton candy?117: What color do you wish the sky was?this is fine118: Do you have freckles? like two.119: Favorite thing about a person:personality120: Fruits or vegetables?fruit121: Something you want to do right now:crochet122: Is the ocean or sky prettier?sky123: Sweet or sour foods?sweet124: Bright or dim lights?dim, i have oddball vision issues.125: Do you believe in a certain magical creature?love126: Something you hate about Tumblr:no dates on anything/ALL THE FREAKING PORNBOTS THAT ARE STILL FOLLOWING ME REGULARLY127: Something you love about Tumblr:shitposts128: What do you think about the least?i feel like this is a paradox129: What would you want written on your tombstone?list of my achievements in life(born:xxxx died:xxxx)130: Who would you like to punch in the face right now?ice131: What is something you love but also hate about yourself?how my brain occasionally forgets to filter132: Do you smile with your teeth showing for pictures?sometimes133: Computer or TV?computer134: Do you like roller coasters?ew, all that sweat and vomit baked into the seats.135: Do you get motion sickness or seasickness?no136: Are your ears lobed or attached?lobed137: Do you believe in karma?idk, i like to be nice but secretly with passive aggressive motives.138: On a scale of 1-10, how attractive would you say you are?7139: What nicknames do you have/have had?dictionary, lee, tumblr girl, dibi, mom, my child, heely girl (i have a reputation at school)140: Did you have any pretend or imaginary friends?yea, i dont remember them, but apparently i invented myself a butler.141: Have you ever seen a therapist/shrink?way back in the day142: Would you say you are a good or bad influence to others?good143: Do you prefer giving or receiving gifts/help?giving144: What makes you angryamerica145: How many languages do you speak fluently? 1146: Do you prefer boys, girls, and/or non-binaries? girls147: Are you androgynous? no148: Favorite physical thing about yourself: figure/hair149: Favorite thing about your personality:   i think im funny150: Name three people you would like to talk to right now in person. my friend’s mom/my coach, my rolemodel/friend, my past self.151: If you could go back into time and live in one era, which would you choose? all the eras sucked for people like myself152: Do you like BuzzFeed?love/hate153: How did you meet your spouse/girlfriend/boyfriend/partner? [If you have one.]sexy free and single154: Do you like to kiss others’ foreheads or hands for platonic reasons? o yeah155: Do you like to play with others’ hair?yessss156: What embarrasses you?my mouth157: Something that makes you nervous/anxious:the internment camps158: Biggest lie you have ever told:so many159: How many people are you following?153160: How many posts do you have on your blog(s)?10000+161: How many drafts do you have on your blog(s)?1000+162: How many likes do you have on your blog(s)?how do i find this?163: Last time you cried and why: today. latest superstore episode.164: Do you have long or short hair?long165: Longest your hair has ever been:2.5 ft166: Why do you like, dislike, or have neutral feelings about religon?like the community it provides, dislike a lot of values taught, dislike the exclusivity, dislike the way religion is treated as a default. 167: Do you really care how the universe and world was created? only in regards to what we can do to save it.168: Do you like to wear makeup?i like sparkly eyeshadow n mascara. but dont wear regularly.169: Can you stand on your hands or head for more than thirty seconds? no170: Did you answer the questions you were asked truthfully? yea sure.
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namujoonz · 5 years
22 Q‘s
I was tagged by @vin-taege , my lil artist 🥰🥰 Rules: Answer the questions then tag 20 people
1 - Name: Linette
2 - Nickname: im either called nette or nettey by anyone and everyone
3 - Star Sign: Cancer 🦀♋
4 - Gender: Female
5 - Sexuality: sTrAIGhT im straight fr
6 - Favourite colour: any shade of yellow!! i'm starting to like brighter colours now
7 - Time Right Now: 1318
8 - Average Hours of Sleep: lol im a college kid, there is no sleep
9 - The last thing I googled: 'can your nipples be ripped off when waxing'
10 - Number of Blankets: 0?? its too hot in SG lmaooo
11 - Favourite Fictional Character: Hermione Granger
12 - What are you wearing right now: fbt + oversized team shirt
13 - Favourite Book: of all time?? HP and The Sorcerer's Stone
14 - Favourite Musician: Bangtan uwu. I've been w/ them from the start and you can't deny the fact that their music actually helps w healing and makes you feel loved
15 - Dream Job: Cabin Crew
16 - Number of followers: more than enough :-")
17 - When did you create your account: uH somewhere in 2017
18 - What do you post about: i honestly dont know,, but i reblog and post memes from time to time lmao,, sometimes i rant but this acc is an all-in-one ;)
19 - What made you get an account: my friends actually intro-ed me to tumblr in 2014,,, so i had my fetus tumblr acc way back then. But i decided to create a new one recently cuz my old one was getting too cringey to work with LOL
20 - When did your blog reach its peak: i think it was last year?? i was on a roll w/ the memes but its really dead rn
21 - Do you get asks on a daily basis: nopeee,, but ask away!! anyth and everything is welcome
22 - Why did you choose your url: i used to be once-you-jimin-you-can-jimout for the longest time and i wanted 'cant' but apparently that was taken so i had to use 'can' lmao. but i changed to my current url recently,, cuz i am airplane pt.2's HOE and i just added chim @ the end cuz its jimin how can i not and my middle name is Maria, it was fitting so might as well hEHEUEHJE
im not sure who to tag but im gna tag whoever pops up in my notifs, only if you want to :-)) : @eatnim (hi i’ve seen u around alot 👋🏽) @damn-hoseok @moonlight-madness-xoxo 
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dappergh0st · 7 years
im incredibly late doing this (by like many months) but i thought i might as well!! i was tagged by my good friend and qpp @pinche-pendejo as well as my other amazing friend @angellsprout ——– rules: answer the questions and tag 20 blogs you’d like to get to know better ——– nicknames: Spooky, Edgelord, Ghost, and probably others i cant remember atm (yes edgelord was a thing i was actually called)
time right now: 1:26PM
last thing i googled: cosplay robot arm
fave music artist: sooo many??? i like patd a lot tho
song stuck in my head: kill the lights by patd
last movie i watched: shit uh….what movie did i watch??? probably The Lego Batman Movie. its the most recent one i remember, at least.
last tv show i watched: Superstore (its a rly good sitcom tbh u should watch it)
what i’m wearing right now: avengers pajama pants and an old oversized tshirt
when i created this blog: shit it was so long ago??? and the names changed a ton of times. probably like….sometime in 2011 or 2012?
the kind of stuff i post: a lot of things, usually focused on my current interests, with the occassional vent, memes, or relateable content
do i have other blogs: yeah. i got a vent blog and an nsfw one, as well as hoarded urls and a few blogs i co-run with other ppl
do i get asks regularly?: nope. wish i did.
why did i choose my url: this one is cuz i needed a good brand-name kinda thing? rather than continue to change my url based on my current interests i wanted to have one that would stick bcuz i never lose interest in ghosts. this way i wont have to keep changing it, cuz its me. it matches all my other social media now, too. plus i rly rly like ghosts??? and theyve always resonated w/ me. and being dapper is good. i had to put in the 0 cuz the original dapperghost url was taken.
gender: transmasculine demiboy
hogwarts house: hufflepuff i guess??? idk thats what the test said
pokemon team: mystic whaddup bruh
fave colors: all shades of blue, and black
average hours of sleep: god it varies. anywhere between 3 and 11 tbh. i dont get an average. my sleep cycle is fucked to hell
lucky number: 8
Fav Characters: too many to count. currently its focused on borderlands and tftbl ppl tho.
dream job: at one time i wanted to be a musician, but i kinda gave up on that cuz u gotta make it big or be a teacher to make any money. ive also considered going in to forensics? honestly i just want a job i dont hate and can make a decent wage out of.
how many blankets do i sleep with: i sleep with 1, 2 if u count the sheet. the blanket is a comforter tho so its never not kept me warm. but if its super duper cold ill sleep with an extra blanket
heck idk who to tag rly??? i guess @e-gon if you wanna do it, and basically anyone else who might enjoy doing this! u dont have to but feel free. ^u^
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