#not cosmis horror
that-homoerotic-blouse · 10 months
Gaze into the abyss and the abyss will gaze back into you is possibly one of the best genres of Doctor Who
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nerendus · 4 months
Trying to find new music via Spotify is so annoying, because 90% of all playlists for any given subject will have the teenage absent father music like Cavetown or Lemon Demon. Which, nothings wrong with that, I kinda like Lemon Demon, but not every theme ever can be represented by those bands.
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canary-song · 10 months
Me and half my Noir mutuals, suffering through Finals.
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vileborne · 2 years
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this book is so pretty??
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sketchy-galaxy · 1 year
the state of my wips is so funny dkjsdkj 'Here's a nice fic about my s/i. Here's an au! Here's a character study for one of my favs. Here's a fic where Mandriod consumes the flesh of a god and faces the consequences. Here's a little fluffy oneshot!'
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eversea143 · 2 years
They’re really cranking up the cosmic horror in Splatoon’s new DLC, huh?
Nintendo, buddy, my main man. It looks cool as freaking heck but... This seems like it’ll genuinely give people anxiety attacks! Love the style but all that white? It’s a little overpowering. Just a smidge too sterile for my brain to enjoy.
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albireonic-lustre · 1 year
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The Laconia gate drew closer, a handful of stars burning solid and clear on the other side of it, and growing as they came near. The exhaust plumes of the fleet vanguard glowed brighter as they passed through. There would be new constellations there. A different angle on the galaxy, like a whole new sky.     "Approaching the ring, sir," Keller said from the navigation controls. "Passing through in three. Two..."
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    Keller fell apart. No, that wasn't right. Keller was where she had been, sitting as she had been sitting. But she was a cloud now. All of them were clouds. Sauveterre held up his hands. He could see them so perfectly: the ridges of his fingertips, the spaces between the molecules, the swirl and flow of his blood beneath them. He could see the molecules in the air—nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide all bouncing madly against each other, obscuring some more profound space between them. A vacuum that penetrated them all.     I'm having a stroke, he thought. No. Something else is wrong.
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   He turned and saw something move. Something else, not another cloud like himself, like the others, like matter. Something solid but obscured by the emptiness of material like a shape in the fog. Many shapes, neither light nor dark, but some other thing, some third side of that coin, passing through the spaces between the spaces. Rushing towards them. Toward him.     Sauveterre did not notice his death.
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∟ Daniel Abraham & Ty Frank (James S.A. Corey)
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that-within · 1 year
That’s not how Jane Austen works…
There’s something deeply amusing to me about how fundamentally wrong Aziraphale is regarding the function of balls in Jane Austen’s novels:
“People would gather and do some formal dancing and then realize they had misunderstood each other and were actually deeply in love.”
No ball in any Austen novel works like this. Not one. You know how they actually work? They build tension (dramatic, romantic, sexual, and/or other). But in all of her six novels, there is not a single ball where everything suddenly clicks between two characters, all misunderstandings are cleared up with just a glance and a touch of a gloved hand, and everyone lives happily ever after.
Since Pride and Prejudice is the novel repeatedly cited in the show, let’s analyze the functions of its two main balls:
The first ball is where our protagonists meet. They lock eyes, they get introduced—and almost immediately he calls her a 5/10 and she runs off to drag him with her gal pals. Rough start. We haven’t even gotten to the plot’s true misunderstandings yet (“I meant you were tolerable in a nice way!”), but this ball is the crucial setup for how those misunderstandings will develop throughout their relationship. Tension established.
So far we’re 0/3 for dancing, clearing up misunderstandings, and deep love realizations. Bummer.
The second ball is The Big One. So how do our protagonists come together to reconcile in the candlelight? Spoiler: they don't. Instead, Darcy musters up all his introverted mettle to grind out a dance proposal and Lizzy only says yes because she can't think of a polite way to say “I’d rather eat glass.” 
And not only does the dance itself not clear up their misunderstandings, it actually cements those misunderstandings through a series of progressively passive aggressive barbs. It’s wonderfully charged, but in a HIGH-VOLTAGE FENCE: DO NOT TOUCH kind of way. 
(For those keeping score, we’re 1/6 because they did actually manage to dance this time. Woot)
And that’s it. No, literally. There are no more balls in the whole novel (at least attended by our protagonists). So how doth our heroes fall in love without the eldritch horrors making them do it delicate pluck of a fiddle in a crowded room?
Well, first there’s the catastrophic marriage proposal where Darcy basically negs Lizzy for a solid minute before Lizzy spends a solid five minutes telling him where to stick it. Divine. 
Crucially though, this is where the “realize they had misunderstood each other” stuff actually begins. It’s only when one of them is pouring their heart out to the other that the giant gaps in information, misinterpreted actions, and fundamental differences in worldviews start to make themselves known (anything here ringing a cathedral-sized bell?).
And of course, this still doesn’t magically make everything better. They both go off to lick their respective wounds for a while, but, slowly, they begin to process this paradigm shift and change their thoughts and actions accordingly. 
There are many reasons why Pride and Prejudice has lasted the test of time, and a big one is that it never pulled a “ball” deus ex machina. Lizzy and Darcy both put in actual work to improve themselves and to reconcile their differences. It’s slow, it’s imperfect, it’s messy. And, very importantly, it takes them being brutally honest with themselves and each other.
It's only after all of this that they finally get to the "were actually deeply in love" part.
Aziraphale must know this. He’s read Austen. Hell, he probably read Pride and Prejudice the year it was published. So where is he getting this bizarre idea about balls being a magical cure-all for everything? 
Maybe it's as simple as an angel who's spent 6000 years teetering on the edge of something with a demon devising a cunning plan to teeter them just a little bit closer. 
Maybe it’s as complicated as an angel who can convince himself that if a human relationship might be “fixed” by a ball, maybe a cosmic relationship might be “fixed” by undoing a fall. 
And, to quote Crowley, “now, that’s unbelievable."
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foervraengd · 1 year
Anyone else ever have nightmares of the sky (especially the sun and moon) shifting and changing in a fucked up way?
Like the moon will move around the sky really fast, get way too close than it should and then recede back in a taunting way. What first looked like northern lights shift into a kaleidoscopic pattern with colors you only see in an oil spill on the pavement. Ppl in these dreams dont see any issues with the sky except me. Ive had these dreams occasionally through my whole life ever since i could remember.
I absolutely hate them, they are some cosmis horror type shit of nightmares that leaves me uneasy when i wake up.
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cosmikazie-arts · 9 months
Hello! I'm Cosmi.
I made this art blog because I figured there's a better way to go about this whole artist thing, and I figured that, seeing as how a few of my mutuals started doing this, I shall too.
Welcome to my dedicated art blog! I will use this blog for re-uploading old pieces, as well as posting new ones. I'll also probably do some other stuff on here as well.
Main blog: @cosmikazie
Reblogs > Likes
This blog may contain:
Body horror
Potentially suggestive content
Other smaller stuff that could be worth mentioning but they are small and I am tired so I can't remember
Overall rating for this blog: TV-15
Main blog DNI applies to this blog as well, FYI
Note: If you see art you like, please remember that reblogs > likes! They help artists out a lot more than you think!
That's all for now! Enjoy the blog!
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Thinking about how pathologic classic sets up this concept of gameplay as the player entering this world as a part of it and not automatically as a 'hero' character and then if you do well enough in it as a 'hero' character would then you are shown that everything you experience in the world is just two children playing in a sandbox with dolls, and that nothing you have experienced is real or true, but for that time you were playing as that character it was real and true.
Which adds another level of gameplay, as while some might call the idea of 'oh but it all wasn't real!!' some kind of cop-out, in reality you as the player are also acting as the children that created this world. Whatever is real for you as the player is the reality for that character. In the Bachelors route the logic of science is the reality and it works, everything else fails and the Bachelor 'wins'. In the Haruspex route, traditional medicine and cultural practices are the reality and that works, you 'win'. In the Changelings route this abstract idea of magic and fantastical concepts is the reality, and again you 'win'. Another character can only 'win' when you the player accept the others realities upon yourself and heal their bound, who fell ill only because you were not in control of them.
The more you play the game the more you are reinforcing this idea that the progression through those 12 days are as a result of you the player manipulating the world around you to make it more likely for that character to 'win' based on how they have interacted with the world through your control. You are doing the exact thing those children are doing, over and over, a game of make believe where you know its not real, but no one else seems to (besides Clara) and the knowledge of this causes the characters to despair at their own insignificance. It's very cosmis horror when you think about it. Clara is probably the only character to acknowledge this because she is still a child, she still is able to suspend disbelief and accept the fantastical nature of things, just as the player does when they boot up the game, which is also why her route is so out there and weird. Yes it has a lot lacking, but it also gives the player the feeling they have wanted, to be the 'hero' who is chosen to do all these wondrous things that no one else can that aren't based in reality, albeit at the cost of also being a child in the given world and therefore virtually completely defenseless and vulnerable.
None of this is even touching the various themes the game lays down for you (of which there are a lot) but when you add that extra layer on top it adds a new feeling to the playing experience. I was thinking about the opening theatre sequence and the line 'if we ourselves are to suffer deception, our hands are no longer tied' and what that means, and I felt that it meant that when you, the player, are decieved into believing that none of this is real, by treating it as a game, then you are free to do anything, there is nothing that can stop you from doing anything or even just, doing nothing. When you believe that everything is real (like the game wants you to, as that is the point of a 'game'), that this is a world, you feel you are bound by the laws of that world and therefore can't do what you need to or want to do because the world is expecting something from you. You can't steal or kill people because in the context of the world that is bad, but, theres also nothing really stopping you from doing that anyway and treating the worlds given consequences as just another obstacle to overcome, and Clara is the only one aware of that. That's my reading of it anyway.
The more I play pathologic the more I think about and read into the smaller things, or even things that might seem pointless to look into, but it makes me appreciate the game more and what it has going for it.
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starsdies · 2 years
I loooooove cosmic horror Anakin so much I love it when others experience just how much control he’s exhibiting I love when he’s awe-inspiring and terrifying I love how he understands the force completely differently and uses it not only effortlessly but also subconsciously
GOSH SAME. immediately i think about obi-wan’s scene where he describes what the Force feels like, and i often wonder how anakin would describe it if asked. because there isn’t anyone that experiences it the same, and he’s constantly talking about it in his inner monologue in a way that fascinates me. 
one of my favorite things EVER is how karen miller writes his relationship with the Force specifically when tinkering with mechanical stuff, and how he is so drawn to it because it’s not as complex as humans. he doesn’t have to really control himself the way he might otherwise, and it just comes to him so easy, like he’s just riding the current. but in general i love the idea of anakin just so attuned with the Force that even obi-wan is overwhelmed with his connection to him through their bond. 
matter of fact i do need more fics and meta that deal with this specifically - because anakin is just such an intense person that i absolutely refuse to believe that obi-wan isn’t seriously dealing with the effects of it. i mean, anakin feels everything tenfold. he sees the Force in a way that even some jedi can’t comprehend. i want to see anakin so overwhelmed with his own power that his human body is pushed to the brink. 
i read a fic once where anakin had the power to like... almost possess obi-wan? give him his power, sometimes see out of his eyes, even control parts of him. i think this could be a fun concept to explore with cosmis horror anakin in some way. i do believe their bond is 100% capable of that if they really tapped into it.
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queersrus · 1 year
Horror theme
general horror concept
tagging @bpdxhoardic
horra, horrora, horroret/horrorett/horrorette, horrorel/horrorell/horrorelle, horrel/horrell/horrelle, horret/horrett/horrette, horroretta, horrorella, horrina, horrorina, hruza, horreur deimos, dread, dismay, distress, dehşet agi, agh, aghi, afraid, alarm, atrocity egil, entsetzen medo, metus ove, orrore panic/panick, phobia, phobes, phoebus, pelko, phoebe, paranorm, paranormal, pan, pavor, przerażenie scare, slasher, splatter, shock, strava fright, fear, formido, fríki, fasa bhao nightmare quaver terror, tremble, thriller, trepidation, torment, tension cosmic, cruel, cruelty, chill, chiller loath/loathe rædsel, redsel verschrikking kauhu zhakh uzhastik groază
1stp prns: i/me/my/mine/myself
ho/horror/horrors/horrorself hirr/herr/horrors/horrine/horrorself hi/horror fri/fea/frights/fears/frightself fri/frigh/frights/frine/frightself fi/fea/fears/fearself sla/slash/slashers/slasherself co/cosmi/cosmics/cosmicself thri/thrill/thrillers/thrillerself dri/drea/dreads/dreadself pi/pani/panics/panicself o/orr/orres/orroreself
2ndp prns: you/your/yours/yourself
ho/horr/horrors/horrorself fri/frights/frightself fe/fear/fears/fearself slash/slasher/slashers/slasherself co/cor/cosmirs/cosmicself tho/thrir/thrillers/thrillerself drea/dreader/dreaders/dreadself pi/panicker/panickers/panicself o/or/orrs/orroreself
3rdp prns: they/them/theirs/themself
ho/horror/horrors/horrorself hor/ror, horror/horrors fri/fright/frights/frightself fri/ight, fright/frights fe/fear/fears/fearself fe/ar, fe/ear, fear/fears slash/slasher/slashers/slasherself slash/sher, sla/sher, slasher/slashers co/cosmic/cosmics/cosmicself cos/mic, cos/cosmic, cosmic/cosmics cosmic/horror thri/thriller/thrillers/thrillerself thill/thriller, thri/ller, thriller/thrillers drea/dread/dreads/dreadself dre/ad, drea/ead, dre/ead, dread/dreads pan/panic/panics/panicself pan/ic, panic/panics orr/orrore/orrores/orroreself orr/ore, orrore/orrores
the horror, the horrible, the horrifying, the dread, the dreadful, the dreaded, the scare, the scary, the scared, the fear bringer, the terrible, the terror, the terrifying, the terrorized, the terrorizing, the terrorizer, the feared, the fear, the fearful, the fearing, the slasher, the panicked, the panic, the panicking, the panicker, the fear spreader, the doomed, the cosmic horror, the bringer of fear, the being of horror, the incomprehensible horror, the killer, the hunter, the haunter, the hunted, the haunted
(prn) who brings fear, (prn) who slashes, (prn) who panics, (prn) who brings dread
(name) of fear, (name) of horror, (name) of unimaginable horrors, (name) of the horror films, (name) of the horror genre, (name) of cosmic horrors
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moonsfantasyworld · 1 year
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its a bit outdated, but is to have an idea on how tall she can get bcs of it (this was back when i was still figuring out how to draw the last phase and i think she didnt have her lil dress yet) to have an idea of the height of the last phase, gonna use cosmi's sozo as an example as she can get as almost as tall as him the following may be a bit kinda horror but its the current way the last phase is drawn
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lets ignore the stuff around it, too lazy to remove it
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naggingatlas · 1 year
i think people's takes on jev being this like thousand year old creatura are fascinating and fit even my interpretation of his character and place in the story (as like. a representation of the setting at large. an archaic force being shoved into a simulation/loop/machine. cosmis horror kinda shit) but i also think it's 1. funnier 2. scarier 3. more emotionally scarring to imagine him as like. a 30, 40, 50 year old man. just a quirky little guy. he had a childhood, maybe he got picked up by seam as an urchin and they were a travelling magic act and clownery and judy n punch duo and they stole apples from the market and he climbed trees w his little paws before someone made him wear shoes. he was a brash teenager and he played the accordion and kept all of his trinkets in a little chest he used to sleep in. seam made his suits, from his own crayon drawings. he was a middle aged man disenchanted with his work and he sought shelter from the boredom in bothering others. and he ran away so many times and he slept outside and he helped seam make their own beer and mead and they still played the accordion and the hurdy-gurdy together. isn't it scarier to make him a normal man? who turns into what we see? doesn't that hurt more doesn't that make his character even deeper. he was just like you and this means That can happen to you too, grounding stuff like that is like one of the basic rules of horror. and then he just goes to jail they straight up lock a mentally ill guy with all those horrors in the basement - not an old-as-time-itself demon, not a savage beast, but. a man. jevil russian sleep experiment au.
again im not calling anyone out its just an interpretation ive NEVER seen anyone else come up with and i genuinely wonder why and if my other jev readings continue to be weird as fuck to other people
#jevil#its kinda like. a reverse dc joker situation. the jerker does get like. INSIDIOUSLY scary and mind-fucky when#you turn him into. i wouldn't say satan himself that takes the edge off. but something completely unknown.#im casually writing a batman script in my own continuity and i could never keep up w All The Lore cuz thats not what batman is abt to me#and i took most of my inspiration from a serious house on serious earth and. those intermission strips in snyder's endgame#where people from an asylum or a nursing home i can't quite remember that had encounters w joker#describe him as all sorts of things but not human. and not in like oh he's a monster but like That Is Not A Homo Sapiens#and they're not listened to because they were all suffering from delusions and hallucinations before that but#yea. i hate jerker origin stories i hate them with my whole entire heart. make him the unknowable. not even a demon not satan#nothing of folklore or religion not even a lovecraftian something-something. just an entity. maybe not even an entity. he's an scp to me#not even a character. just a concept with a design. an apparition made to teach humans a lesson#you dont know how he got here you dont know why you wont ever know when he'll be gone.#give me judge holden but even more amorphous and. not scarring me for life. but u get the idea#im tryyyiinnnggg to write joker like an apparition of a schizo psyche like my dreams.#my favorite song to 'write' j to is freefall by rainbow kitten surprise. and he's just a figment of bruce's imagination here#just a little more tangible. vague and wrong but it's j. probably. and it's bruce's pov. it's a couple lines of dialogue#that's j. jevil is the opposite.
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magicalgirlpropaganda · 4 months
I love how dungeon meshi implies deeper, darker lore but the characters are like "oh that sucks. Anyways we're making cosmis horror cutlets and dragon hamburgers :)"
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