#does this octopus never get a break?
eversea143 · 1 year
They’re really cranking up the cosmic horror in Splatoon’s new DLC, huh?
Nintendo, buddy, my main man. It looks cool as freaking heck but... This seems like it’ll genuinely give people anxiety attacks! Love the style but all that white? It’s a little overpowering. Just a smidge too sterile for my brain to enjoy.
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soursturniolo · 6 months
sfw alphabet • matt sturniolo
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
shows you affection in a lot of ways. he holds your hand often, his thumb rubbing the back of your hand softly. He loves hugs and cuddles. He also tells you often, whispers of I love yous and various compliments throughout the days. he’s also the type to get you little gifts, sometimes he’ll see something when out shopping with his brothers that makes him think of you, or he’ll make a little gift basket of your favorite treats and a cute handwritten letter. He shows you love in many ways, to make sure you never doubt it.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Both of you would be kind of quiet and shy at first around each other, until you have more time around each other to feel each other out. As the friendship develops there’s lots of silent shared looks and inside jokes no one else understands, his brothers standing there lost as you and Matt are crying from laughing so hard at a little inside joke or memory.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Loves cuddling sm. He’s an octopus, as soon as you’re close to each other on a couch or in bed he’s latching onto you, wrapping you in his arms and pulling you close. He’s usually the big spoon but in bad days or when he’s not feeling the best he lets you be the one holding him, his head on your shoulder or chest as he relaxes into you.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
He dreams of living off in the cabin somewhere, and now that dream includes you. He’s not the best at cooking, but he’s good at cleaning especially laundry since he’s used to doing his and sometimes his brother’s chores.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
It wouldn’t be an easy choice, but if you’d both benefit from some time apart he’d start the conversation. It would definitely be a face to face conversation, you deserve that.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
He’s fully committed to you, but isn’t in a rush really. It’s in the back of his head, sometimes he’ll find himself looking at rings when he’s shopping for a new chain or earrings and his mind will drift to the day he comes in with just that ring for you in mind. He knows that day is coming but he doesn’t want to rush anything. He wants to enjoy your relationship as it is but he does look forward to your future together.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
always so gentle with you, physically, verbally, emotionally, in every way possible. he was raised to respect and care for women and it’s something he takes very seriously. he never wants to be abrasive or careless with you.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Such warm and strong hugs every hour of the day. He just loves holding you fr. His hugs feel like home in the best way, you just feel so cherished and at peace.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
He fell and fell really fast for you, and knew he loved you a couple weeks before he made the jump to saying it. I feel like once he realized how deeply he felt for you, he’d think about it and write about it and maybe even write you something like a cute little handwritten letter telling you about the moment he realized and how much you mean to him
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Jealousy isn’t an issue in your relationship, even though he has been hurt in the past. He trusts you wholeheartedly, because if he didn’t or felt like he couldn’t there would be no relationship.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Kisses vary. Some are innocent and quick and sweet while others are sultry and slow and lingering. The latter version are only ever in private though. He loves kissing your lips the most, your kisses make him weak in the knees fr but he knows it’s because he’s such a goner for you. But he wouldn’t have it any other way. He likes when you’re standing and he’s sitting and you lean in and kiss him on the forehead or nose. It’s innocent and cute but it makes him feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Mans got a SEVERE case of baby fever at all times. Loves seeing the cute little onesies and outfits (especially at Halloween, he once saw a little boy in a fluffy bear onesie and almost died from the cuteness overload)
He loves little kids and think they deserve all the best things in the world. Kids just gravitate to him and feel safe in his presence. He’ll be an amazing and very attentive dad.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Mornings are either sweet and slow or begin very early and are very productive. Sweet and slow mornings involve sleeping in and spending the morning together, sometimes door dashing food from you favorite diner and sometimes going out to breakfast while still in your pjs together. Early and productive mornings are spent getting ready for the day and working together to get chores and work done so you both have the rest of the day free for whatever you both want to do.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Nights are quiet and relaxing. Your favorite nights are spent in his room, the lights dim as he sits at his desk journaling and you sit on his bed reading or working on your own things. It’s peaceful and calm and everything you both need especially after some stressful or busy days.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Open book from the beginning. He lays it all out there, no matter what the question is. He’s never liked hiding anything from people he cares about.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
He usually had a lot of patience, but on days where he’s really having a hard time mentally or with anxiety he does tend to get snappy easily. On those days he takes a lot of deep breathes and reminds himself that nothing is worth treating you any less than you deserve. If he ever does snap at you, he’s quick to apologize and acknowledge that it’s not fair to you and talk to you about what’s bothering him instead of continuing to snap.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Remembers so much, sometimes more than you do. I think he’d definitely be the type to have a little list on his phone all about you and your favorite things so he always knows.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
The night he told you he loved you for the first time, he took you stargazing. His favorite memory was just looking at you and watching your awestruck expression at all the stars, marveling at something so simple and natural. He looks back on that night very fondly and it’s a memory he cherishes.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Very protective of you, which is why I think the relationship would be kept under wraps for quite awhile. He knows how fans could be and never wants you to get hurt because of who he is. Once you both decide to make it public, he is very quick to shut down disrespectful fans and stupid rumors about you. He doesn’t play around when it comes to you and if someone tries something, the mattitude™️ is out in full force.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
It’s important to him that you feel loved and cherished always so he gives everything his all. He plans, recruits his brothers and your friends for help when needed, he really goes all out for big days. But even day to day, he’s always saying or doing a little something just to let you know how much he cares. Your relationship is something he puts a lot of value in and it’s worth all his effort.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Overthinking. He worries a lot about being too much or not enough for you, but some kind reassurances help him greatly.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
He likes looking good, it helps him feel good, but he knows looks aren’t everything. He likes dressing up and looking nice for you and himself but he can also feel just as comfortable and good in some old flannel pj pants and a hoodie.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
When a couple days have passed without seeing you, he really feels it. He finds himself constantly wanting to turn to tell you something or just hold you and is sad when you’re not there with him. Especially when on tours if you can’t come along, he is counting down the days until he sees you again.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
He loves making you laugh, especially when he knows you’re having a rougher time. He gets really goofy, making dirty jokes that sometimes don’t make complete sense, or picks on his brothers. Anything to make you get that little grin on your face.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Anyone incredibly messy or unorganized, it would stress him out. And any hint or joke of cheating, because he’s been hurt that way before and it still is a bit of a sore spot.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Wears fuzzy socks to bed in the winter time. He has a whole collection of different ones that you tease him about. He also is a blanket hog, but then complains when he wakes up in the night because he’s too hot and meanwhile you’re half on top of him because you’re freezing. It just means you get cuddles though.
tag list members; @secret-sturniolo @sturniolopepsi @christinarowie332 @mangosrar @cupidsword @st4rswrld @biimpanicking @bernardenjoyer @lovingsturniolo @loveesiren @sturnphilia @mxqdii @oh-toseewithoutmy-eyes @its-jennarose @fionaheartswomen @hedgehogperalta @lea0518 @lxvlysworld @mattsd0ll @urmyslxt @thetriplets3 @lilsxo10 @recklesssturniolo @meg-sturniolo @flowerxbunnie @mlimmm @querenciasturniolo
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⭑⌗ 𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐋𝐄𝐑 𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐄 𝐇𝐂𝐒 + 𝐟𝐞𝐦 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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✶ let's go ahead and clear that idea that ellie wouldn't be like. immediately obsessed with you and giving you secret discounts on the weed.
✶ she met you five seconds ago and she was like. why would she ever pay for anything?? she's literally my reason for breathing?? (ok babe 😭) so you're getting that stuff for lowest price she can possibly make it. and if you flirt a little?? she's wondering why she's not just handing you the bag for free.
✶ when you guys get closer, she notices you're kinda into pink so when she sees pink papers???? she's SLAMMING that card, best believe. when you're freaking and like HOWD YOU GET THIS she's trying to pretend to be all cool like oh idk just found 'em and thought it'd be funny but if you like 'em you can have them ... i guess 😒
✶ if you're a little inexperienced with it she's a little protective and is like oh i don't think you should try that this one's way better and gives it to you on the house like?? you're trying to pay for it and she's like noooo it's for you just take it even though that was some of her good weed and she never gives that out. but you're nice and sweet and her bestest customer so who is she to charge you??
✶ when y'all are closer she literally just starts buying shit for you. you're like oh my gosh this bracelet is literally so pretty and next time you come over she's like so.. guess what and there's the bracelet in a box under two pretty pre-rolls (that she's also not letting you pay for btw)
✶ n you're so worried about breaking her bank when she does it but she's literally living lavish because she's everyone's dealer and no one with weed isn't getting it from her. (charismatic queen tbh)
✶ plus if you think this is gonna kill her wallet just wait until you guys start actually dating. she's not even waiting for you to ask for shit, she's telling you to put your cart on public so she can surprise you all the time.
✶ you're like babe how am i gonna pay you back and she's like just .. be pretty for me, yeah? 's not hard for you at all. (just flustered myself give me a minute)
✶ and some random things i just think she'd do:
✶ texting you high out of her mind about dinosaur facts because she just knows too much and needs to get it out immediately (she's such a nerd I love it 😭)
✶ trying to shotgun with you but she sees your face lookin' all pretty n dazed, chokes on the smoke, and just simply never does it after that. (give her a week, she'll be back)
✶ reading a shit ton of sci-fi. she compulsively reads savage starlight all the time but she's actually obsessed with the whole genre n can't exist without it atp (she DEFINITELY owns a few space cowboy books and before meeting you she would always imagine she was the lead guy with the hot love interest who was definitely some kind of alien. don't question it.)
✶ if you're a plushie girlie (me fr) she's ALWAYS buying you plushies. but she always buys one that matches yours for herself so you guys are "always together" or something. idk she's a little bit of a loser.
✶ she's so bad at keeping up with skincare but now she just weaponises that and makes you do it for her. literally rolling her eyes and pouting if you do yours without her, mumbling shit like "oh yeah, just forget about ellie, huh? that's what they all do" until you're like babe what??? 😭
✶ also i know that everyone says this but she really does own some weird ass shirts 😭😭 she'll get high and buy weird shit like that shirt that just says tomatoes it's so wild going through her closet lmaoo
✶ and because of her high shopping she also has some weird ass bongs like. seriously. there's a an astronaut one with octopus legs for sure, i can feel it.
✶ high ellie tweets>> she's actually so out of pocket sometimes 😭 some of her greatest hits would probs be
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✶ also she was so nervous around you and wouldn't look you in the eye for too long because she didn't wanna scare you but then she got a little bold when she found out you liked girls and then was just straight up cocky when she realised you liked her, too (that blunt flick when dina said she wanted her to kiss her .. yeah that ellie)
✶ she's just the bestest, silliest, nerdiest girl ever and the best girlfriend literally anyone could ask for 💞💞
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hey guys back with another banger hope you guys enjoyed make sure to like follow and subscribe‼️ no but seriously give me opinions because i love hearing you guys have little convos and the reposts are always so wild 😭😭 thank you new jersey, and goodnight (also don't look at the tags im shy) as alwaysss creds to @ cafekitsune bc these dividers are so mf cute
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pspaura27-blog · 2 months
Uncle Sukuna!
Feat. Teacher!
After his graduation, Yaga asks if he wants to be a teacher, citing that he is strong and all, but Yaga actually prays that Sukuna will get a bratty student so he can suffer, too.
Sukuna doesn’t want to live in Sendai, Jin’s PDA with the damn woman and all, so he agrees.
Then, he meets his Karma, the triple S: Satoru, Suguru, Shoko. Urgh.
He is late 3 minutes to the first homeroom class and Gojo breaks the window in a damn fight with Geto.
“Now, who the fuck did that?!”
“Sensei, I—”
“Fuck, you know what? I don’t give a shit, go run laps, all of you brats!”
Gojo Satoru is very bratty, confident in his own strength, and he likes to flip Sukuna off. So, the two duel it out in the training ground.
Sukuna is old and he also wins(?) in canon, so he knocks Satoru to the ground and mocks him.
“Ha! So this is all the Six Eyes holder can do, huh? I guess you are fucking overrated, brat. Now, get your ass up and go do the fucking report!”
He regrets it later when Satoru wouldn’t leave him alone, determined to win against him one way or another.
Satoru seems like the type to knock his room at 3 in the morning for a round.
And he has to clean up after their mess.
The Star Plasma in particular. Sukuna knows it. Geto Suguru is as fucking reckless as his buddy, that’s a fucking apartment he blows up! And who deals with paperworks and those fucking elders? Him!
[[Sensei, it wasn’t me—]]
[[I’ll chop you into damn pieces, brat! Better be prepare for an F!]]
God, does this mean he fight with Toji?!
Sukuna is waiting at the gate for his students to return with Riko. Then, he lets Gojo get stabbed because—
“You didn’t see that, huh? That’s pathetic. You better train harder if you wanna call yourself the strongest.” Sukuna scoffs and throws him to Geto. “Get out of my way, brat.”
“…” Riko thinks she knows where Gojo gets his attitude from!
After wrecking buildings, Sukuna wins and gets Megumi..?
He feels his veins throb, does he look like a charity person or something? Hello, he even has a face tattoo! Take care of your own damn brat because he will not do that!
Probably heals Toji so he doesn’t have to take Megumi.
“Our teacher might look like that but he is a softie.” Suguru smiles softly. “When he told us about this mission, he said that—”
“Do it, brats, if you’re so weak that you need another brat to protect you. I dare you!”
“And the elders—”
“I don’t take order from those weaker than me.”
“Oh, I didn’t— expect that.”
Suguru hums. “He likes kids, actually.”
Sukuna goes to visit his bratty nephew that month. Yuuji is 3 but he runs to tackle his leg like a little octopus.
“Un-cal Kuna!” Yuuji squeals. “Whoa, me misses you s’a lot! Kuna, you bwing me owange candies?”
“Are you missing me or candies, brat?”
He grumbles but still pulls out a bag of orange candies for his toddler nephew. He doesn’t spoil the brat. He just doesn’t want to listen to him complaining.
“Oh, dear, how are you here?” Kaori walks out to greet him with a surprised smile. “I thought our elders fried you alive by now. It was Master Tengen after all.”
“Like those wrinkle bastard can do anything to me.”
That star brat is, like, 10 years older than Yuuji. Deep down, he thinks it’s just wrong, it could have been Yuuji, but he will never admit it.
Yuuji chews on his candy, mumbling a new word under his breath. “Bash-tard.”
“Don’t repeat that, brat!”
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yurinaa-world · 10 months
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Characters: Housewarden x Gender Neutral Reader
Synopsis: Housewarden With flirty S/o
Warnings: fluff, spelling mistakes, might be ooc
Notes: I am writing for twisted wonderland now!
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𝑅𝒾𝒹𝒹𝓁𝑒 𝑅𝑜𝓈𝑒𝒽𝑒𝒶𝓇𝓉𝓈
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Who knows how you both got together and how you started dating each other?
He cannot handle your comments at all. like how you say all that and not be embarrassed while he, on the other hand, is all red in the face while lecturing you not to use such words in the land of the queen of hearts.
In return, you tell him, "I don’t see any type of rule that stops me from complimenting the Queen's beauty. You grin ear to ear while he just goes silent. The boy was left speechless.
As you decide to push your luck more than you already have and grab his hands and kiss his knuckles, Ah, what have you done after awhile? He calmed down, but don’t think you're not going to get a lecture after all; he must set an example so you don't do it in public.
But did you listen? Of course you don't want to make him uncomfortable, but he never told you not to flirt in private, and when in private, you do so much more to tease him, something like giving him kisses all over his face or blowing in his ear; such simple things get him so riled up!
𝐿𝑒𝑜𝓃𝒶 𝒦𝒾𝓃𝑔𝓈𝒸𝒽𝑜𝓁𝒶𝓇
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He’ll definitely go along with what you're putting out; if you think you can fluster him, you can dream, but it’ll never happen even if you try your hardest.
But who knows if you don’t try? You did many things to see him get all red, but nothing... Nothing; he just returns the energy you gave him, tells you he’s tired, wraps his arms around you, and falls asleep—not the things you wanted out of him.
Well, if words won’t get you the reaction you wanted, then your actions might, so you start to kiss his hand or intertwine your hands and give him a direct kiss on the lips.
He just smirks and somehow makes you go red instead! Leona just laughs at your gaping mouth and your rose-coloured cheeks, but you’ll keep on trying! Since nothing is impossible!
𝒜𝓏𝓊𝓁 𝒜𝓈𝒽𝑒𝓃𝑔𝓇𝑜𝓉𝓉𝑜
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Well, if he can deal with Floyd, then he can definitely deal with your flirtiness.
But once you saw his octopus form for the first time, you knew you had something. Well,  you of course asked him if you could see him in his octopus, and after a lot of convincing, he did!
Well, he was pretty increure about showing this side of himself; he looked so red, and you told him that there was no need for him to be embarrassed; he looked so cute. He told you not to stare, but how could you not?
Azul doesn’t believe you at all, but you really mean what you said; he looks cute! You ask him if you could possibly touch his tentacles; they look so soft and squishy.
𝒦𝒶𝓁𝒾𝓂 𝒜𝓁-𝒜𝓈𝒾𝓂
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He’d be pretty chill with your flirting.
not really flirty back, but he doesn’t need to since he’s always making you break with his bright smile and how he calls you beautiful; he does gushes to Kalim about you and how you're so pretty and how lucky he was to get to date you, and Jamil just listens (Jamil's totally Kamil’s wingman).
When you kiss him, he’s on cloud nine; you can see a little blush on his cheeks. He wanted to repay the favor but wanted to make it special, so he took you a ride on his magic carpet and gave you a kiss, which surprised you but you liked it.
𝒱𝒾𝓁 𝒮𝒸𝒽𝑜𝑒𝓃𝒽𝑒𝒾𝓉
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Of course he loves your compliments; now he doesn’t blame you for being so madly in love with him; he is the fairest.
He’ll take anything you throw at him, no matter how flirtatious, since he’s a celebrity, but he likes to see you get flustered instead since you look so cute when you get a taste of your medicine.
He’ll grab your chin with his thumb pressing on your lips (if that makes sense). How needy you are to want his attention so badly. He is so generous to do so, but don’t get too greedy.
𝐼𝒹𝒾𝒶 𝒮𝒽𝓇𝑜𝓊𝒹
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You like SSR in a gacha game where odds are like 5% chance of winning, but he was able to get lucky in just one ten pull.
He can’t handle you; even the most lighthearted comment gets him on his knees and has his fiery blue hair turn pink, but when you tease about it, he’ll mutter about how you're wrong, and he would never be flustered by a normie!
He’ll forgive you if you say sorry, but do you stop? No, what's the point in that? So you keep on going, like distracting him from his games with kisses on his neck. He’s muttering with a bit of blush on his pale skin that you're distracting him, but you want to spend time with him, plus he can play his games anytime.
𝑀𝒶𝓁𝓁𝑒𝓊𝓈 𝒟𝓇𝒶𝒸𝑜𝓃𝒾𝒶
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I see Malleus understanding your flirting and going along but also getting confused by some of the things you say since he’s been sheltered for a lot of his life (like the man doesn’t know how to use a phone).
How bold of you, child of man, to say things like this to him without any fear! Call yourself lucky since Sebek isn’t there to scream his head off about indecent behavior in THE Malleus Draconia.
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if you liked this, consider tipping me on ko-fi! it'd mean a lot!
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merakiui · 4 months
Any captive octo trio crumbs? 🥺
The trio with their very pretty singing voices, who use it to their advantage to trick others or get things from you. You’re their favorite human out of all of the labcoats they’ve encountered at this facility. You have a tendency to work late into the night, typing away at your desk while they look on from the confines of their enclosure. They think you’re so cute, treating them like they’re not dangerous predators unlike the rest of the humans here. You even talk to them sometimes. Even though they don’t reply, they listen to everything you tell them, comprehending most of it.
Perhaps a colleague is giving you trouble. Perhaps they’ve started staying late as well to supposedly help you with your workload, but all they do is pester you for a date or to go home with them. You’re obviously not interested. The trio watch from the shadows of their tank, hating that human with every passing second. If they vanish and are never seen again, don’t pay it any mind. They’re just doing a favor for their favorite researcher. Besides, even mers enjoy midnight snacks.
You think the three of them are so fascinating. They let you get close to the edge, a special privilege granted to you and only you. If they wanted to, they could drag you in the minute you dip your hand or foot into the water. But they’re patient, coming up to the surface to nuzzle your palm or pet your leg with fond curiosity. You see the eel mers most days. The octopus prefers quiet solitude at the bottom of the tank. Sometimes, if you’re working late and happen to look up at the glass, you’ll find him there, watching you. He disappears in a cloud of ink every time you lock eyes, but one day he’ll warm up to you and won’t be so evasive. You give him time.
Mating season rolls around. The timing is a little different because the enclosure they’re kept in, no matter how much it may simulate the ocean, will never be the ocean. Still, in spite of this, biological imperative prevails. You’re working late again. No one’s seen much of the mers since, but they’ve asked you to stay late to check in on them before going home. As usual, you work on typing up reports while waiting for one of them to show himself. He does. Somewhat. It’s the song you hear first, soft and lulling. It’s a beautiful, enchanting melody. Hypnotizing, almost. Your fingers halt on the keyboard, and you peer up at the winding staircase leading to the mouth of the pool. The song persists, but now it’s pulling at you. For some odd reason, you feel compelled to investigate.
By the time you’re standing at the edge of the pool, leaning over to peer into the dark depths, you’ve already forgotten why you even came up here. With waning, hazy consciousness, you dip your arm in the pool. A tentacle slides around it, holding gently. And then more are reaching up from the darkness to coil around you and pull you in. It’s not harsh or impatient. It’s gentle. You let it happen, if only because you can’t think of anything but wanting whatever this is. That song is stuck in your head, soothing and silencing any warnings your brain might be trying to send.
The octopus is beautiful. He smiles like he’s just met you for the first time. Hopeful and sweet, excited and loving. You search through the water for the eels, who come up behind you with sharp smiles. Claws tear through your clothes. They’re mostly patient, if only because the octopus glares at them. It’s your first time. You have no idea what’s going on, but you’re leaning in to press your mouth to the octopus’s. Your brain blanks out after that and, hours later when you finally break free of that spellbinding song, you find your belly much rounder than it once was. :)
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starboy-sirius · 27 days
may 5 | surface | @jegulus-microfic | 2327 words (this is so not a microfic i do apologise lol)
Regulus is known to be icy cold, his temper like a storm rolling in over the ocean, like rain pelting the ground in frozen bullets. He’s calm and collected, never without a sarcastic remark or a scathing insult. He’s the top of his classes, always found to be studying within the library in a secluded corner surrounded by his snarky friends. Does he get annoyed that Barty messes around, flirting with Evan and asking them bizarre questions and still manages to score Outstandings on all his exams? Yes. Does he show it? No. 
(Maybe in the privacy of their dorm he’ll bitch at Barty, who will pull him into his bed and cuddle him like an octopus, arms and legs wrapped possessively around him, until he calms down. Then Evan will join them, he and Regulus on either side of Barty, the latter’s arms around them both as Evan twists his leg to intertwine with Regulus’. Once they’re situated, curled up in the small single bed, Barty’s vowing that he’ll kill for them, defend them until his last breath, and Regulus will tease the shit out of him, whilst Evan smirks and trails his fingers teasingly up and down Barty’s stomach.)
Regulus eats in the Great Hall like everyone else, but his manners are impeccable. He eats all his meals with the correct cutlery, making sure not to take too much on his fork at any time as to appear greedy or slovenly. He chews his food an appropriate amount so that it will digest properly and he never speaks with his mouth full, no matter how much Evan ribs at him to make him break the habit. 
He speaks politely to his professors and amicably to those he has to work with in lessons. He always completes his homework on time and sometimes he even asks for extra work, taking on advanced topics typically taught to those in the year above. 
He’s the model student and the perfect heir to the Noble and Ancient House of Black, far better than Sirius would have ever been, or so Walburga spits at the dinner table, Regulus eating his food quietly like the dutiful son that he is. 
He’s the perfect heir, indeed. Never going against the wishes of his parents and doing everything he possibly can to fit in with the image of pureblood heir. 
Until he sees James Potter down by the lake, an arm thrown carelessly around some Gryffindor halfwit that Regulus recognises as one of the twins. He hates him. Potter hasn’t seen him. No, he’s too busy laughing and teasing the blushing boy sitting next to him, far too distracted to notice the way Regulus’ eyes burn into him. 
Barty, Evan, Pandora and Dorcas are at his side, all watching him with varying levels of amusement on their faces. 
“Why, that’s an angry face. Something the matter, Regulus?” Evan teases, following his eye line to where Potter has now placed a hand on the twin’s thigh. 
“You know, I think it might have something to do with Potter over there. Just a guess though,” Dorcas snarks, a grin as sharp as a shark’s on her lips. 
“I hate him,” Regulus swears, never taking his eyes from Potter and the bumbling twin. 
“Of course you do,” Pandora says kindly, patting Regulus on the shoulder with eyes full of doubt. 
Barty moves around so that he’s standing behind Regulus, bending down a little so that his mouth is by Regulus’ ear, one hand coming up to rest on the curve where his neck meets his shoulder. “Go do something about it, Reg.”
Regulus is silent for a beat before he quietly mumbles, “I can’t.”
“Why can’t you?” Barty asks, just as delicate. 
“You of all people know why I can’t.” 
He’s not wrong, of course, Regulus rarely ever is. Barty has the same expectations loaded onto his shoulders as Regulus does. Be the proper, respectable heir and marry some other proper, respectable heir and make proper, respectable heirs of their own. And do so all while maintaining their good name. 
It’s bullshit, if you ask Barty. Regulus silently agrees with him. 
“You want him?” Barty asks, turning Regulus to him. 
Nodding subtly, Regulus whispers, “More than anything.”
Barty gestures to Potter with his head. “Then go get him.”
Regulus’ eyes turn pleading and desperate, a rare look for him who is always collected and firm. “I can’t. My family will never allow it. They’d sooner kill me than let me be with another man, you know this.”
“So would mine,” Barty confesses before looking at Evan and confessing some more. “But I’m starting to realise that what my parents want isn’t what I want, and that I deserve much more than that. And so do you.”
Regulus looks between Barty and Evan, the latter of which is grinning slyly at Barty with a pretty blush on his cheeks. Barty winks at him before returning his gaze to Regulus. Pandora is cooing, skipping over to Evan to wrap her arms around one of his, congratulating him. Dorcas rolls her eyes, muttering an about time before the pleased grin breaks out on her face.
“They’ll kill me.”
Thunder rolls over Barty’s face, a dark shadow casting over his expressive eyes. They promise pain unlike anything anyone’s ever known. “I won’t let them. I didn’t lie to you when I told you I’d kill for you. If you want Potter go and get him, but you better do it quickly because it’s getting a little too comfy over there.”
At that, Regulus snaps back round to face Potter and his irritatingly blushy companion. He’s removed his hand from the other boy’s thigh but they’re sitting a little closer together than they were previously and Regulus snaps. 
You see, Regulus is a performer. Yes, to anyone else he’s the perfectly calm and dutiful heir and model student, but those who know him best know that it’s all a front to hide the beast that lurks beneath the surface. 
Regulus Black is a powerful and forbiddable wizard, with a tongue as sharp as a razor blade and a mind that’s proficient as it is deadly. He has a fiery temper so hot that it burns bright blue and sears through everything he gets too close to. He’s a Reducto blasting through the walls of the castle, he’s the master of his sail, and at this moment he’s going to bring the tide up the beach to strange James Potter. 
So he storms the distance between them, eyes solely focused on the boy with the messiest godsforsaken hair he’s ever had the displeasure of seeing, ignoring the stares and shocked chatter from those watching him. They’ve never seen Regulus Black look so out of sorts, so furious, and they’re about to see so much worse. 
Sirius looks up from where he’s sat playing with Remus’ hair, conjuring daisies to put in his caramel brown tresses as his boyfriend reads a book Regulus presumes is Muggle from the way he doesn’t recognise it. Some lady called Jane Austen. 
His brother’s eyes light up as he looks at him, waving a hand in greeting but Regulus ignores him. Sirius rolls his eyes and waves him off, but he glances wearily between his little brother and James, whom Regulus hasn’t stopped glaring at. 
“Oh, boy,” Peter winces. “He doesn’t look happy. What the fuck have you done now, Pads?”
“I haven’t done anything!” Sirius protests, placing the last daisy in Remus’ hair and beginning to roll a cigarette. 
Remus, intrigued by this, puts his book down with a smirk as he watches Regulus advance towards them like a storm, moving with care as to not jostle his boyfriend’s work with his hair. “Oh, this should be fun.”
Sirius turns an accusing look towards him as he licks the paper to form the roll up. Remus watches his tongue move skillfully, his eyes darkening and his mind wandering elsewhere. Sirius smirks. “What do you know that I don’t?”
Remus’ eyes flicker from his mouth to those grey-blue eyes and grins. “Oh, I know so many things, sweetheart. You will soon, just wait and watch.”
Regulus, unaware of their conversation and frankly not giving a fuck, storms past them and up to Potter and his companion. He coughs loudly and waits for him to turn around. When Potter does, his face lights up in a blinding smile. “Regulus! Hi.”
Regulus ignores him and casts a scathing look at the twin. “You’re done here.”
The boy flinches but doesn’t back down. “Excuse me?”
“Yes, you’re excused. Leave us.”
Potter looks between the two of them, eyebrows furrowing as he tries to decipher what the hell is going on. “Um, Reg? Is everything okay?”
Regulus turns the glare on him. “I don’t know, Potter. Why don’t you use those eyes of yours, as blind as they may be, and tell me if everything looks okay to you.”
Potter, clearly taken aback, rushes to stand and place both his hands on Regulus’ cheeks. The younger boy bats them away instantly and brings one of his own hands to clasp around Potter’s throat, the other one down by his side toying with his wand. 
Potter lets out a strangled groan. “Regulus.”
The twin stands up and looks at the two of them with outrage all over his face, red splotches forming as he splutters. “Hey! Let go of him! We were in the middle of a conversation.”
“And now that conversation is over,” Regulus replies shortly without ever taking his eyes from Potter. 
The twin, whose name Regulus will never bother to learn, clumsily reaches for his wand and Regulus is hitting him with a Everte Statum before the boy can blink. He’s thrown backwards with an alarming amount of force, crumpling in an undignified heap on the floor a good few feet away. 
Regulus never takes his eyes away from Potter. The latter whines softly at the display of raw power. “Oh, fuck.”
He jerks Potter forward by his throat, relishing in the way the older boy’s eyes go hazy as he looks at him and no one else. He hasn’t even bothered to look to see whether the twin is okay and victory snakes itself around Regulus’ gut. 
“You listen to me very carefully, Potter,” Regulus says the words softly yet firmly onto Potter’s lips. “You are mine. No one else’s and certainly not that sorry excuse of a wizard’s, got that?”
Potter is nodding before he can finish his sentence and it makes Regulus feel warm, the way the older boy just gives in so easily. “Yes, Merlin Regulus, yes.”
“Say it for me,” Regulus whispers, his lips caressing Potter’s as he squeezes his throat gently. 
“Yours,” Potter whispers back. 
Humming, Regulus brings his lips to Potter’s, biting at his bottom lip and curling his tongue into the other boy’s mouth when he dutifully opens it for him. Potter groans and grasps at Regulus’ hips, his grip bruising as he brings Regulus closer towards him so that their bodies are flushed together. Distantly, Regulus is aware that people are gasping and talking furiously to one another about what they’re witnessing. They’re no doubt wondering how the strict and uptight heir of the House of Black ever got involved with the school’s resident popular boy and general sunshine, and Regulus doesn’t care. He only slides his hand into Potter’s hair and brings the other one up to his jaw. 
When they pull away Potter is looking at him with wonder. “Reggie? What about your parents?”
“An incredibly dull and mostly stupid person told me that I deserve better than them,” Regulus says, ignoring Barty’s protest in the background. “Better than what they’re trying to force me into and I agree. What I want is you, James.”
The smile that breaks out on James’ face is breathtaking and Regulus can’t help it when a matching one lights up his own face. James is pulling him into another passionate kiss before he knows it and he goes willingly. 
“Godric, I think I’m going to throw up.”
“It’s not that bad, Sirius. You’ll get over it.”
“Moony, I love you but this is the worst thing ever. They’re going to be so gross now. I can’t believe you orchestrated this.”
Remus looks at him with wide eyes full of affection and disbelief. “You do realise you just told me you love me for the first time?”
Sirius, determined not to let the impromptu confession throw him off balance, huffs and says, “Yes. I love you, Moony, and I thought it’s about time I told you.”
Smiling coyly and feeling stupidly happy, Remus pulls Sirius closer to him on the blanket, the boy now leaning back on his elbows as Remus, situated on his side, leans over him. “And you thought this would be best said as we watch your brother snog our best friend?”
“Oh, I’m sorry, Remus. Would you rather I blast a spell at someone and then possessively declare that you’re mine?”
“Well,” Remus considers. “Maybe not—”
“Sorry, Pete,” is all Sirius says as he casts Everte Statum and Peter goes flying backwards towards the water. 
Remus fails to smother his laughter as he brings a hand up to Sirius’ cheek and caresses it. Sirius is grinning as he leans into the scarred hand, eyes going soft as Remus whispers, “I love you.” 
The two are kissing, Sirius pulling Remus into him as they lay on the blanket, wrapping one of his legs around Remus’ waist. He hums and bites possessively at Remus’ lip. “Mine.”
“Salazar, they’re actually disgusting,” Regulus wrinkles his nose, he and James sitting back down, Regulus in the spot the twin had so ungraciously vacated. James rolls his eyes at him and pulls him into his chest.
Leaning into Remus’ body as his boyfriend gropes his arse, Sirius mumbles to his brother, “You’ll get over it.”
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Could we have platonic yandere octotrio with dwarf octopus merchild Mc
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You’re their baby now 
No Questions about it
You probably can’t control it very well 
But in your world no one has a problem with it so when you finally get invited to Octavinelle 
You immediately change your form because your so happy it's so much like water
Their surprised but really happy
Your theirs now 
Making you an away-from-home tank that sits within each of their rooms
No question about it
And as a part of their family your apart of business
So with your tiny tot body they give you a uniform 
And make sure you take a good nap after service
Of course the whole school already thinks of you as everyone’s little sibling
So think about the foot traffic to cheer you on while you struggle with your single cup
“Make sure to keep your back straight. And keep your arms level.”
“O-okay um big brother Jade?”
“I want to go in my tank now, can I?”
“Yes you may.”
Floyd loves having a little sibling 
he’s used to being treated like an equal in the sharing of information and work
But with you he’s a big brother
“Ne~baby octo, do you know how to squeeze the boring seafish?”
“Then watch this!”
Some poor student, who probably failed a deal with Azul is being squeezed by Floyd
As he sends you a proud smile
And of course not knowing any better you cheer him on
He loves having an impressionable little octopus to follow his lead
Certainly never leaves him bored
Around Azul you’re probably more likely to change 
just cause its fun
“Puuuhhhlleeaase Zully! I wanna see your tentacles! See! I’ll show ya mine.”
“Fine, fine but you have to finish your counting first okay?” 
He waits until he has to take his pill that he lets himself go usually in the tank or in the surrounding water of the dorm
And when he does your so happy
You might squirt a little ink
“I-its okay.”
He’s nervous at first but then when he sees you fawn over how much bigger his tentacles are to yours 
He’s swooning even more
You have to be protected your just too sweet
He decides to keep you forever abruptly taking you with him when the next extended break comes along
And when the teachers ask he’s just going to say that he would no best anyway
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miss-nandini · 9 months
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HC: Break-up Prank
"Let's break up."
Riddle: Almost spits out his tea. He is horrified at first. But then he is hurt. Of course, you want someone better than him. Who will want a guy like him? He isn't as cunning as Leona, he is not charismatic like Malleus, he isn't handsome like Vil either. He is saddened to think that you— the only person who loves him truly, his rose is leaving him. 
When you tell him that it's just a prank he will be so angry. How could you joke about something like that?! Then he will just burst into tears. He is relieved that you aren't actually leaving him. Please give this baby some hugs and never do that again.
Leona: He scoffs. Of course, you want to leave him too. Everybody does in the end. What will keep you then? He is angry, no at you but at himself for not trying harder. Fine, you wanna leave? Then go. Just so you knew you are his treasure. He should've known anyways.
Tell him it's a joke and he will growl. How dare you?! For the whole day you are going to be his pillow, your duties can go to hell.
Azul: Literally bursts into tears. Of course, you don't want to stay with a stupid, ugly octopus like him. You deserve better. He did try but no wonder that wasn't enough. He wants to crawl in his octopot and die. Where did he go wrong?—right, his whole existence is wrong.
When you tell him it's a joke, he will throw himself in your arms and sob louder. Shower him in love for the next week and please refrain from doing that ever again.
Kalim: Heartbroken. Another one who is going to sob. Please don't leave him! He will do anything you want! You are gonna regret this prank (Y/N). Jamil is ready to throw hands.
Immediately tell him you are not serious and assure him that you love him. You aren't planning to leave him. Give him lots of hugs and kisses please.
Vil: He sighs. He just kinda accepts his fate inside. Outside, He will still scowl. Oh, you will realize soon that you made a mistake. No one can take care of you the way he does. No one can put up with your antics. Nobody else can love you the way he does... Why? Is he really not enough for you? 
Tell him it's a joke and get scolded. He will surely scold you a bit for joking about a serious thing like that but, don't let his appearance fool you. He is relieved that you aren't going to leave him.
Idia: I mean, do I even have to say? He wants to crawl in a hole. Why can't the ground shallow him up? Obviously you want to leave him. Who will want a gross, pathetic, shut-in, coward, ugly good for nothing otaku—
Well, you get the point.
When you tell him it's a joke he will be angry for a bit and sulk. But he can't really be mad at you, ya know. After an hour or two he will start badgering you for attention. Please don't do that again!
Malleus: You would've sworn you heard thunder crackling. The dragon-fae prince looks at you like a kicked puppy. He is so hurt and sad. Why? What did he do wrong? Did he hurt you? He is ready to do whatever you want. He doesn't want to lose you!
Please tell him it's a joke. He will pout and look away from you. How can you be so cruel to him? Your adorable dragon is going to be huffy and puffy for awhile. However, give him some love and he will be a happy dragon again. Please never do that again child of man!
Thank you for reading!
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octo-hyacinth · 2 years
Ah ah! Your writing is to die for I loved the 'Pomefiore's Reaction to Receiving a Flower' and I was wondering if you could do Riddle,Ace,Azul and Rook reaction to you giving them a stuffed animal/plushie♡ I just think their reactions would be neat<3
OOH ABSOLUTELY. This has fantastic potential i can smeel it >:3
anyway i love this ask, enjoy~
TWST Boys Being Gifted a Plushie
Characters: Riddle Rosehearts, Ace Trappola, Azul Ashengrotto, Rook Hunt Content Warnings: Fluff, slightest bit of angst(?) (just a smidge), Rook possibly sounding ooc (POSSIBLY) A/N: I wanna smack Ace sometimes. Also my first time seriously analyzing Riddle's personality.
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Riddle Rosehearts
He would be stunned into silence for real.
He'd never had one of these as a child, and by the time he was in NRC and could technically have one without his mother confiscating it, he'd grown out of them, and saw no point in them anyway
But you got him a little bear with a red bow around its neck... and he was immediately attached to it, even though he didn't show it
It's... so fluffy?? And he could keep this in his room, with no judgement???
It's definitely big enough for him to hug at night when he's feeling lonely and missing you
Sometimes he'll talk to it at night, saying the things he wishes he could say to you but can't.
To your face, he could only be formal and reserved, but to the bear he could spill his true thoughts and feelings about you
Maybe one day, he could tell you what he wants to say, and finally break down the wall of his own making.
Ace Trappola
Immediately gives you a smug grin once you hand him the stuffed fox
"Ooh, what's this, Prefect? Don't tell me you're getting soft for me?"
He shuts up after you whack him on the arm
He keeps it in his bag for the rest of the school day, but once he gets back to his dorm, he gently sets it on his bed, and decides to name it after you.
It sits next to his pillow as he sleeps at night, and lets him have a bit of comfort, almost like you're there with him
He never speaks a word of that, though. He'd never admit he loves it as much as he does.
This gift you've given him only makes him like you even more. Maybe if you think about him enough to give him a sappy stuffed animal, he should be showing his affection for you even more.
Azul Ashengrotto
Of course, you had to give him a lil octopus plushie! One of those flippable ones, too, with different colors and expressions on each side :)
He immediately goes entirely red, right up to his ears, but he’s desperately trying to stay cool and refined. He’s trying so hard. So don’t tease him too much, he might actually explode.
“Ah, I-I see, how thoughtful of you. You have my gratitude.”
And then he retreats to his office to silent-scream.
You got him an octopus?? This little guy??? Was for him???? Does this mean that you really like octopi?? But not him, right? Unless-
Man, his thoughts spiral so damn fast, you have to reassure him that you do indeed like him, and that there’s no reason to think otherwise <3
He keeps the little guy perched on his desk, and often flips it inside out and back whenever he’s exhausted or needs a break, just to give him something to focus on
He really loves it, though. He’d never admit it to your face, but Floyd has slammed the door open (without knocking) and found Azul just, gently holding or admiring the little octopus way too many times. Floyd may or may not have been bribed to keep his mouth shut about something he may or may not have witnessed, so don’t ask. (Or do, you can probably get whatever info you want from Floyd if you play your cards right.) But it always reminds Azul of you, and he treasures that. He’d much rather be holding you, but for now, this must suffice.
Rook Hunt
Rook is absolutely delighted you bestowed upon him such a thoughtful present!
He took the little stuffed leopard and immediately gave it a big hug, and his eyes just lit up when you told him that the leopard, being such a good hunter, reminded you of him.
“Merci, ma chérie! I truly do love this with all my heart.”
It gets a special place on a shelf in his room, where all his most prized possessions and trophies go.
And that leopard is the centerpiece.
And as a hunter, he now wishes to retrieve a trophy for you to treasure, as much as he treasures this.
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redrage71890 · 1 year
Mafia GN Yuu! x TWST
I watched Vincenzo and now have been inspirited to do Yuu in Twisted Wonderland, but they used to be from the Mafia
Warnings : Cussing
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To put things into gear, this Yuu was from the Mafia but recently left and when they were about to flee their country that's when they got like isekaied to Twisted Wonderland.
Breaking out of the coffin with ease and still scaring the shit out of Grim and Crowley with Yuu pointing a gun at them both.
Threatening Crowley to tell them where they are as Crowley fearfully spills out.
With the new information, they let Crowley lead them to the mirror chamber but he is still fearing for his life with being put at gunpoint.
The same chaos still happens but with the addition of Yuu easily capturing Grim with pulling his tail and Riddle collaring him.
And with being let in to Ramshackle dorm, and unwillingly adopts Grim in their care.
‘I never asked for a fucking pet to look after….’
How does Mafia Yuu interact with the students?
This goes without saying that word of them formerly being from the Mafia spread like wild fires throughout Night Raven College.
Many students fear Yuu for that reason, students from Savanaclaw honestly try to assert their dominance over Yuu for being magicless.
But they are quickly and quietly taken cared of and now fear to make contact with Yuu.
With the ADeuce duo and Grim, it’s the babysitting job that they never asked for.
Every time the three get into trouble, Yuu always gives them a death glare and a pure scolding of annoyance. (The three hold onto each other and shiver jut from the glare)
They’re cool with Jack, even if Jack himself was suspicious when he heard that Yuu was part of the Mafia and wields guns and small weapons on their body.
Riddle, Trey and Cater were at first put off with them meeting someone formerly from the Mafia, but with some give and take questioning between the group they’re okay with this fact now.
Ace: So why did you join the Mafia?
Yuu: Survival at a young age while in a country not of my own.
Deuce: Did you have to kill anyone?
Yuu: Various times yes, majority of them were for revenge or a performance of power from my group.
Cater: Are Mafia in movies and shows accurate to what you’ve done?
Yuu: I find them okay, some things are inaccurate to the reality of it from my experience but it can be more accurate depending of origin.
Trey: Do you have any family doing your job?
Yuu: I didn’t have any family to begin with, abandoned and taken into a Mafia family that were hard and tough on me since I was young.
Riddle: Do you ever want to see your biological family?
Yuu: (sigh) At this point….. I don’t even know if they’re alive, I may have connections throughout the world to find them. I…… don’t think I’m ready to hear or see them yet.
Grim: Why did you leave the Mafia?
Yuu: Change of pace…….
Their relationship with Malleus is much more calming and mind clearing for Yuu, with Malleus asking about their life before to Yuu asking about the lands and society in Twisted Wonderland.
It’s very wholesome.
The students that made a larger impression was the Octavinelle trio.
With dealing with Azul's entire contracts honestly brings back memories and old techniques Yuu used while being in the Mafia.
Yuu: So Azul is basically an octopus mafia with Jade and Floyd being the bodyguards/right-hand men.
Riddle: Yeah......
Yuu: Aish.... I might have to bring out some old techniques then...
Lets say that Azul tried to recruit Yuu into joining Monstro Lounge but they declined.
Azul: Say Yuu, how abo-
Yuu: No.
Azul: Ah haha... excuse me?
Yuu: I'm flattered but no, I don't desire to join Monstro Lounge.
Azul: But if you join then we will be generous and give you discounts and you'll be payed handsomely.
Yuu: Thank you but no, I am quite okay as of now and repairing Ramshackle is going smoothly now.
How Yuu gets money to repair the dorm? No one knows.
Workers from town come in and help repair the dorm with Yuu giving instructions and requests for how they want the dorm to look.
Crowley did not allow this initially but after confronting Yuu about it (and being threatened promptly) he ended up allowing the workers to come in as long as Yuu paid them.
How does Mafia Yuu deal with the Overblots?
Pull out the guns and tactics and now we got it coming!
With Riddle's Overblot, Trey thought Yuu was gonna kill Riddle with their gun but they were aiming for the creature behind Riddle which definitely made Trey sigh of relief.
Honestly, its best not to ask where and how Yuu got a bunch of guns at home along with many different knives.
Grim doesn't know, the staff don't know. And heck no one is allowed in Yuu's stuff.
The one time Grim peaked at Yuu's things, he froze out of fear and promptly left.
They create every plan for every battle by pure observation of the attacks being thrown their way.
*Attack of Leona's Overblot*
*Pulls out a gun from their waist*
Yuu: I knew this shit would happen again! Be glad I came prepared!
Jack: Where did you get the gun from!??!
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soursturniolo · 7 months
sfw alphabet • chris sturniolo
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safe for work content! just fluffy and cute💞
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Chris’s love language is definitely physical touch. He’s always got a hand on you. On your waist or hips, holding your hand, rubbing your arm, resting on your thigh; somehow, some way this man is touching you. it’s not even a sexual thing, it’s just a comfort thing, like reminding him that you’re right there with him and that you’re his and he’s yours. He also loves getting you little gifts randomly. If he’s somewhere and sees something that he knows you’d love or makes him think of you, he’s immediately grabbing it for you. He loves the cute little smile he gets to see when he comes home and tells you he got you something. He’s not the best with words always, so physical touch and gifts help him out to make sure you know he loves you and you’re always on his mind.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
One word: goofy. He’s just so funny and has next to no filter at all times. Yall would probably meet at a party or randomly at a restaurant or store and just hit it off really well, making each other smile and laugh and Chris would know immediately he needed to get to know you more.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Y e s. This man is an octopus with cuddling. He’s sprawled all over you. He loves laying on top of you with your limbs all wrapped around each other and his head resting on your chest. and he eats it tf up when you play with his hair and scratch his scalp a little with your nails. He’ll never admit it to anyone if they ask him but he secretly loves being the little spoon too.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
I think at first things would be pretty casual. He’s afraid of committing at first, he’s been hurt before, but I think once he realizes that you’re in it with him and you’re not planning on going anywhere, he’d get so domestic and cute. Fr wanting you over all the time. Cooking with you, baking with you, making cute little blanket forts for movie nights. However, cleaning is still not his strong suit and he knows it, so he just nods and listens when you tell him to clean up.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
It would be really hard for him. I feel like he’d be the type to sit down and really try to work it out with you first. Breaking up would be a last resort, and not a decision he’d come to lightly.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
It scares him a bit how invested he secretly is. He says he still feels way too young and it freaks him out to think about, and it does, but he’d be lying to you if he said he hasn’t thought about it. He’d definitely wait a couple years at least before popping the question to you, and I feel like he’d be the type to have a long-ish engagement before the wedding. Not necessarily putting it off, but just wanting everything to be smooth and have plenty of time to plan and work together on it all.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Very soft and gentle with you both emotionally and physically. He’d never want to hurt you, intentionally or even accidentally. His touches are always so soft and sweet. Sometimes arguments get heated, but he’ll put stuff on pause and take a moment to breathe before he’d let himself say something to intentionally hurt you.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
His hugs are warm and strong, his arms holding you snuggly to him while he rests his head on yours. Also he never lets go first, he lets you decide how long it lasts.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Was really cautious about it. He knew he loved you pretty early on, but it kind of scared him at first. He’d never fallen for someone that fast before. You said it first, and he looked at you shocked for a moment before a big goofy smile came over his face and he said it right back.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Doesn’t really get jealous. He did when you guys were just talking but once you established your relationship, he’s not worried. He knows you and your heart and knows you’d never cheat on him, just like you know he’d never do that to you. The only time he gets bothered is when it bothers you, like a guys glances and advances making you uncomfortable. Any time that happens and he notices he’s wrapping his arm around your waist and pulling you into him, kissing your head while he glares at the dude bothering you. It’s not so much jealousy in those moments, it’s more him being protective of you.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
So gentle but firm at the same time. He loves kissing your cheeks, the corner of your mouth when you smile, the top of your head. He just loves innocent and random little kisses, like he’s telling you “hey, just so you know I love you” without having to say anything. He loves all your kisses. You tend to kiss him on the lips or jaw the most, and they never fail to make him smile.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Kids love him. They love that he talks to them like little adults and doesn’t baby them a lot. All the little ones in your family LOVE when Chris comes to visit. They eat up his attention. He loves playing games and anything sport like with them, helping them and encouraging them while also taking care in making sure they’re being safe and careful. You just know he’ll be the best dad.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Slow and sleepy. Chris lives for sleeping in, and when his schedule allows it he’s always asking for more sleep while he pulls you closer to him.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
It depends. Sometimes you guys go out together for the night, either to dinner or a movie or top golf or sometimes even a party if you both feel like it. Most nights are spent home together, him playing video games while you lay and watch or read.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Once he met you he quickly trusted you and felt he could tell you anything, but he did take his time to open up just because of who he is and where he’s at in life. there’s a lot of fake people out there who want to take advantage of influencers and he couldn’t let that happen to himself or his brothers. He was guarded at first, just telling you little things here and there. Slowly over the course of a couple months when you guys were just talking he learned that you really were a down to earth and good person who genuinely cared about him as a person and not his connection/connections. He opened up to you pretty quickly after realizing that and you knew nearly everything by the time you guys established your relationship as a couple officially.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
He has a short fuse at times with people, but not with you. His brothers he can yell at and fight with and that’s fine. But with you? He can’t do that and he truly never wants to. Usually if he’s upset with you it’s because he’s worried about you, like you getting hurt emotionally or physically. But even then, he takes a deep breath and calms himself down so an adult conversation can be had.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He’s the type of guy to have a cute little list of things about you in his notes app. He remembers really well on his own, but he doesn’t want to forget so he types it in there to be safe. Your birthday, your middle name, your hometown, stuff about your family, your favorite foods, favorite things, favorite movies, are all in there.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Probably the first night you stayed the night. Nothing sexual happened, it was all innocent. You hadn’t planned to stay over, but a rare thunderstorm happened that evening and Chris was too worried to let you drive home in that. You had borrowed a shirt and some sweats from him and showered in his bathroom. He just remembers you stepping out of his connected bathroom into his bedroom, hair wet and face bare in his clothes. He felt like the grinch when his heart felt like it literally grew three sizes just looking at you. In that moment he realized he wasn’t afraid of committing to a relationship anymore, instead he was afraid of not being with you. It was that night when you guys talked and he officially asked you to be his.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
He’s very protective of you. He watches out for you in little ways, like watching when you bend down to pick something up, making sure you don’t bonk your head coming back up. He always is the one walking closest to the road if you’re walking on the sidewalk. He always tells you to drive safe, and asks you to text him when you get where you’re going. One time you forgot and were quickly met with him blowing up your phone because he was worried something happened.
He doesn’t really feel the need to be protected by you. They’ve got security when necessary and him and his brothers are always cautious. However, one night filming a car video there was a creepy ass car following them and him and his brothers were all worried. He texted you about it and immediately you called him and had him and his brothers drive to your place, worried the creepy people were fans who’d follow them home and leak their address. They all came to yours and you met them outside with hugs and apologies. He watched as you gave his brothers some clothes Chris had left behind at yours before, getting them all cozy on your couch to stay the night. It warmed his heart that you cared so much and worried so much about him and his brothers.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Most dates are laid back and casual, even on big dates, he’s always been the type to show someone he loves and cares all days of the year, not just those ‘special holidays’. However, on occasion he really goes all out. Buying you a new outfit and jewelry, taking you to a fancy restaurant that books out months in advance, planning just a beautiful day or evening for you both. He does it all.
Regularly he gets you little things that show you how much he really listens to you. A purse you mentioned you were saving up for, a record from your favorite band, candy you told him you were obsessed with, a shirt that’s your favorite style and color, little trinkets from each state when he’s on tour. He just loves how smiley you get when he does stuff for you.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
He burps. A lot. But he’s working on it.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
in the middle tbh. He likes to look good but it’s not everything to him. A lot of times for events or special things he’ll FaceTime you half naked in his closet asking you what pants goes with his shirt the best. He turns to you when he needs help or reassurance.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Being without you feels like it does when he’s without his brothers. It’s really rare, and sometimes that space is welcomed, but when it’s situations like a month long tour when you couldn’t come he hates it. Constantly feels like he’s missing something, and it’s you. He calls and texts all the time, trying to make up for it.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
So quiet and nervous first meeting your family. He wanted them to like him so desperately but at the end of the day he didn’t even need to try, they loved and accepted him immediately just seeing how gone he was for you.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Anyone who can’t trust him. Like people who want access to their partners phone. He can’t stand stuff like that. If you don’t trust him, you have no business being with him in his opinion.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
He used to really struggle with sleep paralysis and nightmares and never being able to sleep in his own bed. He now sleeps best when it’s you and him in his own bed. You just help him feel comforted and at peace. He thinks the calmness you bring him helps keep those weird dreams and sleep paralysis away, and he’s so thankful.
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thebisexualdogdad · 1 hour
Headcanons for dating Felicia Hardy without knowing she's the notorious thief Black Cat.
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Felicia Hardy x Male!reader
● you're just a normal guy living in new york city, with a normal job and a normal girlfriend
● (well, at least you think you have a normal girlfriend, you've seen plenty of headlines about the notorious thief Black Cat but never could you possibly imagine that her and your girlfriend Felicia Hardy were one and the same)
● Felicia doesn't talk about her “finance” job much, she says she doesn't want to bore you and prefers to separate business from pleasure anyways
● but you know it's gotta pay well by her luxurious apartment that overlooks the city along with her closets full of expensive clothes and jewelry
● she goes on “work” trips a lot
● most of the time she's still in New york but after you showed up at her apartment one night to surprise her with dinner and wine as she was climbing back through her balcony nearly catching her in her black cat suit she thought telling you she was going out of town for a couple days was safer
● but sometimes she actually does go on trips for heists to change things up and you get pictures from her hotel room saying ‘wish you were here’
● no matter how long you've been together she still flirts with you like it's the first time you met
● and it's become a bit of a game that when you go out she tries to pick you up like you're strangers
● it's how you discovered she is very much a fan of roleplay
● Felicia enjoys romance
● she loves when you plan spontaneous dates around the city
● or bring her flowers for no reason
● but cooking together is her absolute favorite thing
● the kitchen always ends up a mess because she'll toss flour at your shirt to start a food fight
● or put sauce on your lips to lick it off (which usually ends with you making out on the kitchen counter)
● you're out to dinner with Felicia when you notice a guy at another table staring at her
● “do you know that guy? He hasn't stopped staring at you since we got here”
● she looks over her shoulder and knows exactly who it is, “oh that's Peter, he's an old friend and that's his girlfriend MJ”
● “really? We should invite them to join us”
● Peter is super awkward when they do and is trying to figure out if you know about his and Felicia's alter egos or not
● “so Peter how do you and Felicia know each other?”
● “Oh uh- we… you know-” he rambles and Felicia has to save him
● “we used to work together back in the day”
● and MJ kicks him under the table to get it together
● at the end of the night you're walking Felicia home, “Peter and MJ were nice, we should go out with them again sometime, it would be fun to have more couple friends”
● “I'm sure they would love that too” she laughs
● you're watching tv on the couch one lazy afternoon, her legs thrown over your lap when a breaking news story comes on about a priceless jewel going missing with the number one suspect being the black cat
● “it's impressive”
● “what is?”
● “that after all these years spider-man still can't catch black cat, I mean it's not like she's causing any real harm to the city like green goblin or doctor octopus but still, it's impressive”
● she smiles to herself and puts her head on your shoulder
● she wishes she could tell you the truth but for now it's safer for you to not know that the black cat was sitting right next to you
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anti-katsuki-lounge · 7 months
The MHA Fandom and How Minoru is written in Fanfics:
So today I wanna talk about a somewhat controversial topic. Let me preface this by saying that I am no means a Minoru Stan. I’m pretty neutral about his character but I completely understand the hate he gets due to his actions.
However, a pet peeve of mine is how people write Minoru in such a negative light that it becomes OOC, especially when they write Katsuki in an extremely positive light when both of them have done extremely shitty things. Let me break down some stereotypes that fanfic writers fall into when writing Minoru:
Homophobic/Quirkist Minoru: Something that is constantly done in MHA to villainize a character they don’t like is to make them either homophobic or quirkist when they aren’t in canon. Focusing on the homophobia part, Minoru’s a victim with this alongside other characters such as Neito and Inko. A lot of authors will write Minoru as this homophobic asshole who sprays out slurs and will bully whichever character(s) has come out. With Minoru, the idea that he’s homophobic comes from him being a sex obsessed person who’s always lusting after women. The thing is, Minoru displays absolutely no homophobic tendencies whatsoever in canon. You know who does? Katsuki. In one of the light novels, he asks Ejiro if he’s ‘into that’ with a disgusted tone when it was revealed Ejiro wore a dress once. Minoru on the other hand has never said anything negative about the LGBTQ+ community. For fics to have Katsuki be the one to defend the LGBTQ+ community and have Minoru be disgusted by it screams “let me villainize Minoru so Katsuki can look good”. In regards to whether he’d be quirkist, that’s also a resounding no. In fact, he apologizes for calling Mezou an octopus after hearing how he’s been discriminated against and tells Izuku that it was his bravery that inspired him rather than his quirk. Minoru also canonically has self confidence issues with his own quirk not being as flashy as other people’s so he’d be more empathetic towards someone who doesn’t have a quirk. Katsuki meanwhile bullied and suicide baiting someone who didn’t have a quirk because he saw him as beneath him.
Coward Minoru: Now, in canon, Minoru is more fearful than his classmates. However, fanon would have you think that he’d abandon his classmates to save his own skin. Canon once again disproves this. During the USJ, he was panicking, for a good reason mind you, but inspired by Izuku taking action even when he was afraid for his own life, he ended up aiding Izuku and Tsuyu in stopping the villains. During the Final Exam, he did initially cower against Midnight. A few moments later, he gathered the courage to not only go against Midnight, but to save his partner Hanta from her clutches. This proves that despite his fear, he wouldn’t leave someone as a result of it. You know who would leave someone? Katsuki. In the Final Exams, Katsuki refused to work together with Izuku to the point of admitting that he’d rather fail. It took Izuku sucking up to him to actually convince him to work with him. When it came time to rescue Katsuki, Izuku knew that he hated him so much that he’d never accept his hand, so he had Ejiro reach out to him instead. I don’t know about you, but I’d rather have Minoru as a teammate than Katsuki.
Now, does this mean I think fanfic writers HAVE to write Minoru in their fics? Absolutely not. Are fanfic writers not allowed to expel him? Again, no. Alongside Katsuki, Minoru’s the easiest character to expel. He’s constantly groping and harassing the female students. All an author needs to do is have one of the girls become so fed up with him that they report him to a teacher. Boom! Problem solved, and it didn’t even involve jumping through hoops to make a character look worse than they actually are. Another way you can remove him is have Shota expel him during the Q.A.T. Minoru, despite his fantastic score in the side step test, scored below the guy whose electricity based quirk can’t help him with any of the exams, the girl with an earphone jack quirk that faces a similar problem, and an invisible girl who struggled to do a pull-up. Shota could look at this, somehow notice him being creepy to one of the female students during the exam, and expel him for these reasons alone. If you wanna remove him from the story later, you can either have one of the girls get the teachers involved or you can say that Minoru decided to drop out of the hero course after experiencing the War Arc or something along those lines. Seriously, it’s not hard.
In conclusion, while I’m not a fan of Minoru, it bothers me how much people will butcher his character just to have a reason to shit on/expel him where there are perfectly reasonable ways of which they can shit on/expel a canon accurate Minoru. It also annoys me when people choose to make Minoru a worse person while simultaneously making Katsuki a better person despite both characters having done some shitty things. While it is Fanfiction and people can do whatever they want, it’s bad writing if you have to change someone’s personality to make them look bad to prop up another character, especially one that isn’t a good person. There are better ways of writing a Katsuki positive story that aren’t lazy and/or cliched.
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daisynik7 · 1 year
A Bento For Kento
Chapter 1: The Very First Bento
Pairing: Nanami x f!reader
Word Count: ~2.7k
cw: mention of a tragic accident (does not go into detail)
Summary: You make the very first bento box for your dear brother, Ren. You also find out some surprising news. Nanami hasn't found a new bakery to buy his typical ham and cheese sandwich. He eyes his new student's bento box with envy.
Notes: The first bento box is inspired by this: Cute Octopus Sausage Bento! I mean, how cute is this?! Let me know in the comments, chat, or in a private message if you'd like to be tagged in the next chapter(s)! And thank you for reading! Likes, reblogs, and comments are always appreciated :)
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A Bento for Kento Masterlist
White rice, check. Chicken gyozas, check. Spring mix salad with a side of creamy miso dressing, check. Hot dog pieces shaped like little octopi, because why the hell not, check. All in the bento they go, you think, in a sing-song voice. 
It’s the beginning of summer and the temperature is finally starting to warm up. This season always puts you in a lazy mood, more so than usual. Hearing the neighborhood kids play joyfully outside makes you wish you had a mandated break as well. But no, you are an adult! Almost thirty in fact. Unfortunately, you haven’t had a vacation in years, so you will continue to flow through the mundane cycle of adulthood until you’re retired or, fingers crossed, win the lottery. None of which you predict will happen in the near future.
Thankfully, your job allows you to work from home most days of the year. This is especially nice because this summer, your dear younger brother, Ren, is living with you. Your parents originally planned a long family vacation overseas with him, having never had a chance to travel before. You were excited for him to see the outside world, explore his horizons. Since you couldn’t go because of your responsibilities to your 9-to-5, you were planning to live vicariously through him as he enjoyed the sights, sounds, and most importantly, the delicious food.
When he decided last minute that he did not want to go on the trip anymore, you were shocked. Your parents, being the saints they are, waved it off casually, not even attempting to convince him to reconsider. You questioned them to discover the reason for the sudden decision. They simply said, “He has his reasons.” No further explanation. After pestering them a few more times, only to receive the same answer, you stopped, leaving everything up to your own speculations. 
Maybe it was cold feet? Anxiety? An awkward phase? Overseas trips can be stressful, you can understand that. Still, you can’t help but wonder. It’s probably a hormonal teenager issue that you can’t comprehend, but your parents can, so you leave it at that. 
Because your parents couldn’t get out of all the deposits they made, they chose to go on their big trip without Ren. Not wanting your brother to be alone, you offered your place for him to stay, which he was just as excited about as you were. You’re happy for this opportunity to spend time with him. It’s been years since you moved out and you missed hanging out with your family. You also feel guilty about putting minimal effort into visiting them, despite being less than an hour train ride away. This is your chance to make up for lost time, especially with your brother, who you’ve always felt a special bond with. Before they left, your parents made it a point to tell you, “Take care of him while we’re away.” As if you needed to prove to them, and yourself, that you are capable of being the best older sister you can be. 
Truth be told, it’s been lonely living on your own, a revelation that you sense more and more each year you get older. Having Ren here, someone in your life who loves you unconditionally, is a welcome change. This summer is going to be exponentially better than the last five since living alone. You’re sure of it. 
The first Monday of vacation, fueled by a single coffee’s worth of caffeine, you greet your brother happily in the kitchen. “Good morning, sunshine! Look what I made for you!” You cradle a precious bento box in your hands, slowly lifting it up like Simba, imagining “Circle of Life” playing in the background. 
Ren, fresh out of bed and still drowsy, stands in front of you, rubbing his eyes sleepily. “Huh?” He yawns and stretches his arms out. “What is it?”
“It’s a bento box!” You lower it and open the cover delicately. Your eyes sparkle as you imagine a golden light shimmer from within. “I put this together myself! TikTok has a plethora of bento box content, so I took a lot of ideas from there.”
His eyes widen, gazing at the food as if it’s valuable treasure. “Gyozas! And hot dog octopi!” A bright smile on his face, he takes his phone out to snap a picture. “I’m putting this on my story, this is too cute.” 
You almost tear up hearing him praise your creation like this, but it’s too earlier for those shenanigans. Calming down from your excitement, you say, “I’m still practicing. And I’m sure I’ll run out of ideas soon, so if you have any special requests, let me know.”
Closing the bento and setting it back down on the table, you ask, “What do you want to do today? If you’re hungry now, you can dig into the bento. But I was thinking we can go for a walk at the park before we eat! What do you think?”
His smile slowly turns into a small pout as he shifts his feet guiltily. “Well, actually, I forgot to tell you. I start summer school today.”
“Huh? Summer school? But your school is so far from here! It’ll take us at least 45 minutes to get there!” Is this the reason why he didn’t want to go on the trip? All because of summer school? And if he knew that, why would he agree to stay here, when it’s so far away? You start to panic slightly, taken aback by this sudden news. 
“It’s not exactly for regular school,” he begins to explain. “It’s…uh, for this other program I’m applying to.”
You stare at him, brows furrowed, arms crossed, waiting for more of an explanation. 
He speaks a little faster now. “It’s a summer program for this school called Jujutsu High. A big opportunity came up and I took it. The lessons are three days a week for the next two months. That’s the reason I didn’t want to go on the trip anymore. I have to attend these lessons so I can officially get in next semester. I want to go to this school from now on.”
Pausing to take a breath, he continues. “Mom and Dad know all about it. I explained it to them. They support me 100%, which is why they didn’t make a big deal when I backed out of the trip. They know this is important to me.”
Your mouth hangs open slightly, still confused, waiting for it to make sense. Jujutsu High? Why is this the first time you’re hearing of this? And Mom and Dad know all about it? Why didn’t anyone tell you? 
Ren walks towards you and puts his hands on your shoulders, giving you a firm squeeze. When did he get so much taller than you? Weren’t you supposed to be the adult here?! “I know this doesn’t make sense, but it’s important to me. I’m sorry for not telling you sooner. It’s just…hard to explain. And I can’t really tell you everything yet. You just have to trust me.”
He’s being weirdly cryptic, but you start to realize how odd your parents were also being the other day. 
He has his reasons. 
Take care of him while we’re away.
Is there something they all know about that you don’t? And why are you the only one being kept in the dark? 
You snap out of your thoughts when he starts speaking again. “I’m sorry, I know I’m being strange about this, but I don’t know how to explain everything right now. Just trust me. It’s not sketchy or dangerous, I promise.” He flashes you a reassuring grin. 
After contemplating for several seconds, you sigh. “You promise it’s not some creepy cult, right? I’ve indulged in my fair share of true crime podcasts. I can see the warning signs!”
He laughs. “If it is a cult, then I’m already screwed, right?”
You roll your eyes. “Okay, fine. I’m going to pretend that this is perfectly normal. I trust you. And I trust Mom and Dad. If they’re good with it, I’m good with it too. You don’t have to tell me everything right now if you don’t want to.” You pause, then reiterate, “I trust you.”
He wraps you in a big hug, “Thanks sis. You really are the best.” 
You return his embrace, still concerned, but ultimately deciding not to worry so much about it. It can’t be anything too nefarious, right? “Anyways, Jujutsu High. Is it close by?”
“Yeah, it’s walking distance from here, about 10 minutes. But I’m doing my lessons at a nearby office building. I actually have to head over there now to meet my teacher. Our first lesson is today.” He scrambles to pack a few items into his backpack.
How strange, an office building? This really might be some weird cult thing. You grab the bento from the table and hand it to him. “Well, take this. You’ll need food. Are you skipping breakfast?”
He packs the bento carefully into his backpack. “Yeah, I’ll just save my appetite for this. This looks so good. Thanks for making it.” He zips up his bag and swings it over his shoulder. “Well, I’m off! I’ll see you later.”
As he walks towards the door, you yell out at him, “Be careful! See you later!”
You take a deep breath and look around, sighing. All alone once again. 
“Nice to meet you, Nakamura. My name is Kento Nanami. I’ll be your mentor the next few weeks.” 
Ren Nakamura, aged 16. Gojo recruited him when they found him wandering around the abandoned building they were investigating outside of Tokyo. This is a trial run before officially offering him a spot as a student in this upcoming schoolyear. He has no history or knowledge of Jujutsu Sorcery, having been raised by a family of non-sorcerers. However, according to Gojo, he seems to have an eye for curses, having the guts to take them head-on with no experience whatsoever. And clearly, Gojo has his own eyes on him for a reason. 
“He’s adopted. His parents were killed in a tragic, mysterious accident and these family friends took him in.” Gojo gave Nanami a brief background last week. “It seems like since then, he’s had a habit for exploring haunted houses and chasing curses.” 
Gojo paused, then smirked. “The kid’s got guts, that’s for sure. He was taking on this ugly looking grade 4 curse with just his skateboard as a weapon. Luckily we found him before he could get hurt.” Gojo laughed and said happily, “He’s pretty twisted, so he’ll fit right in.”
That’s how Nanami ended up here, his summer dedicated to guiding this rookie. He still owes Gojo a favor, so they settle on this as a way to pay it back. Nanami actually doesn’t mind training young prospects in Jujutsu Sorcery. Teaching is one of his hidden passions in life. It gives him purpose, something his last job couldn’t fulfill for him. Plus, it’s fun and he’s proficient at it.
Him and his new student spend the first few hours going through the history of Jujutsu Sorcery and the school, Ren interjecting often to ask questions expected from someone who’s life suddenly changed upon realizing this unique ability. Gojo even made a surprise appearance to check-in, adding a bit more chaos to the mix.
After Nanami feels like he’s overwhelmed him enough, he decides it’s time for a lunch break. He looks at his desk and remembers too late that he did not pick up lunch for the both of them, which he intended to do. The local bakery he frequents stopped selling his favorite ham and cheese sandwich. He had put off finding a replacement for a while now. After running errands all morning, the thought of providing lunch slips his mind completely. 
“Nakamura. I’m sorry, but I did not bring lunch for us. I’m just going to make a hot tea for myself, but if you give me a few minutes, I’ll run out and quickly buy – ”
“Hey, no worries, mentor! I actually brought a lunch.” He pulls out a bento box out of his backpack and opens it. 
Nanami’s eyes widen behind his thick glasses as Ren removes the cover. It almost seems as if a dazzling light radiates once the food is revealed. Gyozas, white rice, salad, even hot dogs shaped like little sea creatures. He would never admit to anything being “cute”, but that is the first word that pops into his head, seeing this charming work of art. Ren stares lovingly at his meal, rubs his hands together, and begins to eat.  
As he digs into his gyozas, Nanami heads to the breakroom down the hall to make himself a cup of hot tea. Damn, that looked good. Need to remember to find another bakery that has ham and cheese sandwiches, he thinks to himself, waiting for the hot water to dispense into his mug.
He comes back to the conference room, freshly brewed tea in hand, and finds Ren pointing at his bento, mouth full as he muffles, “Want some?”
Shaking his head, he declines. “No thank you. I’m fine with my tea.” He pauses to think. Then he adds, “Looks good, though.”
He swallows before proudly announcing, “My sister made it! It’s something new she’s trying.” He hums happily as he bites into one of the meat octopi. The salad has been skillfully avoided, causing Nanami to smile for a fraction of a second before he catches himself.
He watches his student, all while taking a few sips of his tea. “Do you live with your sister currently? I heard that your hometown is outside Tokyo.”
“Yeah I do. She lives 10 minutes from here, so it’s convenient. I know I’ll have to move into the dorms on campus, if I get accepted that is. It’ll be nice to have my sister nearby, though. Even if she doesn’t know about any of this.” Ren frowns slightly. Perhaps it’s guilt? Nanami assumes that his sister is a non-sorcerer, based on what Gojo told him about his family situation. He also assumes that she isn’t fully aware of what her brother is now involved in. 
He takes another sip of his tea, unsure how to respond since he has little experience explaining Jujutsu Sorcery to non-sorcerers. In fact, he’s made sure to keep his personal life completely separate from his work. That’s how it was when he was a salaryman, that’s how it is in his current profession. He even swore to himself that he wouldn’t get married while he is still working as a Jujutsu Sorcerer. Maybe this is also an excuse to avoid the awkward dating scene that he finds so tiresome.
“Are you sure you don’t want any?” Ren asks, pointing at the remainder of the meal, which is just leafy greens. 
Downing the rest of his hot beverage, Nanami replies, “No thank you. I’m fine.” He looks at his watch. “Actually, let’s call it a day. I don’t want to overwhelm you on your first lesson. We can continue tomorrow.”
Ren stands up from his seat and rubs his belly. “Sure, sounds good! I’ll review my notes tonight and ask any other questions tomorrow.” A burp escapes his mouth, and he looks nervously at his mentor. “Sorry,” he mutters.
Nanami rolls his eyes, still hidden behind his spectacles, ignoring the crude belch. “I’ll see you tomorrow at 9 AM. Please don’t be late.” He remains seated as Ren stuffs his belongings into his bag and waves goodbye out the door. 
Removing his glasses, he leans his head further back on his chair and closes his eyes, rubbing the bridge of his nose with his left hand. It’s been a while since he’s taught a lesson, and he’s not accustomed to talking so much. Human interaction can be just as exhausting as fighting off weak curses. Frankly, it’s overwhelming for him at times, being a man of few words on a regular basis.
He opens his eyes and sighs deeply, looking around at the empty room. All alone once again. 
Tag List: @liliorsstuff-blog (appreciate you! ❤️)
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estrellami-1 · 1 year
Okay so I have Thoughts and I don’t know if they’re accurate but. Anyways
(Also @steddiealltheway if you want to chime in you’re more than welcome, you’re like my only consistent source of Steddie stuff 😂)
They’re not dating, per se. They’re not dating in the way that they’ve never said it, never even thought it.
They’re just comfortable around each other. Eddie knows the slight pinch of Steve’s eyebrows, the slight wobble, the slight squint, means a migraine is coming on. He knows ice helps, he knows dark and cool and quiet helps, and he’s moving before he even realizes, herding Steve off before it becomes a full-blown migraine.
Sometimes he even manages to stave it off. Not forever, never forever—but God he would if he could, he’d take them onto himself if he could—but for long enough. Most times he can’t, but he’s there. Rubs Steve’s hand even as he feels like his is breaking from how hard Steve’s squeezing it, murmuring, “Breathe, Stevie, c’mon,” as Steve practically whines in pain.
He doesn’t think before he moves to Steve’s right side in a loud, crowded room, touching his hip to get him to lean in, murmuring as clearly as he can in Steve’s better ear so he’s got the best chance of hearing anything at all. Sometimes it doesn’t work, so he tries again. Never gets upset, never says, “Never mind, it’s not important.” Simply repeats himself however many times he has to so Steve can hear him.
He grits his teeth in anger the first time he sees someone say, “Never mind,” when Steve doesn’t get it the second time. He puts away the anger for later, touches Steve on the hip, and repeats whatever they were trying to say.
Eddie knows how it is to be lost, to feel like everyone in the room is speaking another language.
Steve knows when Eddie’s having a Day. He knows when it’s a Bad Day versus when it’s a Weird Day. On a Bad Day, he’ll climb into bed and octopus on top of Eddie, cling as tight as he can until he’s sure Eddie can feel him shaking with it, and stick his head in the crook of Eddie’s neck, because he knows the soft breaths on Eddie’s collarbone do more to ground him than anything else could. On a Bad Day, he’ll take Eddie out to an abandoned part of the woods where no one will hear. He’ll hand Eddie the nail bat and incline his head at the nearest tree. “Let ‘im have it,” he’ll say, and watch as Eddie shoulders the bat, moving further into the woods until he finds a tree to his liking. Steve doesn’t ask why any one tree is different. He just hugs Eddie after he’s done, covered in sweat and trembling from exertion, before driving him home to shower.
On a Weird Day, they’ll stay in and keep the TV on God-knows-what on the lowest volume they can still hear. He’ll lay on top of Eddie, or Eddie will lay on top of him. Not squeezing, not like a Bad Day, just existing. Eddie might drift off, or he might just drift, into a different plane of existence. The day Eddie tells him is the day Steve will need to know. It hasn’t come up yet, and that’s normal.
There’s not a lot of words between them. They don’t need them. Just empty air, empty sound. A touch does more. A look does more. An inclination of eyebrows, a slight nod, and Steve knows Eddie’s okay, doesn’t feel like he’s drifting away. A slight furrow of brows instead, and Steve moves over, delicately dragging his fingertips up and down Eddie’s inner forearm until he takes a deeper breath and brings his other hand on top of Steve’s, halting his path. A jerk of the head, and sometimes they leave, sometimes they stay.
A slight tap on his right hip, and Steve is leaning in before he realizes it, inclining his head so he has the best chance of hearing what Eddie’s about to tell him. Eddie taps him on the arm once, and he doesn’t react. A second later there’s a tap on his hip, and his cheeks flush even as he leans in. Eddie doesn’t try to tap elsewhere after that.
The kids don’t question it either. Not in as many words. There’s whispers and nods and smiles, but no one points it out.
They’re not dating. Except in all the ways they are.
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