#that stuff looks like it came straight from a nightmare
leonenjoyer69 · 1 day
hiiiiiii i demand you drop everything you have on Elias like uh this instant (he’s so silly i love him ahajajsbdbsha)
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BUT, Since you asked so nicely I suppose I can deliver 🤭, lucky for y'all, @dustmint and I had an awesome discussion on Elias in the Mindscape (primarily on Mind Jekyll, hehe), all stemming from a drawing y'all will probably get to see quite soon (is this one :33). Once again, these are all messages from discord, so I'm sorry if the formating is weird but I really don't know how else to scribe these 😭 Mints messages are the indented green ones, and mine are the orange :3
(FIRST THO, Mint and I also came up with the ship names DayBreak (Jekyll and Elias) and NightFall (Hyde and Elias) bc we were feeling a little silly teehee (TYSM MINT FOR SUGGESTING SHIP NAMES ILY!!) but, also ofc there's Hydas (kinda reminds me of Midas, which I think is cute since they're both blond) and,,,, most the ones for Jekyll don't really flow as well, but Jekyias is pretty good :3)
Anyways, onto the discussion:
does a Mind Hyde exist in Lanyon's mindscape?? Or does Mind Jekyll just has some like characteristics that make him look a bit like Hyde 👁👁??
I think Mind Jekyll would just have some odd/intensified characteristics from Hyde. since Lanyon was able to see bits of Jekyll in Hyde before he even knew of the split, I think his mind would very quickly just connect Hyde back to Jekyll and skew his perception of Jekyll. Plus, I just don't think Hyde by himself has made enough of an impact on Lanyons life that he would get his own mind person, Lanyon barely knew anything about him and everything he learned about Hyde just kinda fed him more on Jekyll, and that's who he actually cares about. (Sorry if any of that is confusing jekvkksf english is hard rn) but!!! Mind Jekyll, right? Yeah, he would probably dislike Elias, Just like how Mind Lanyon dislikes Hyde. Mind Jekyll would probably think he's helping Lanyon (especially with how much *Lanyon* dislikes Elias) by either getting rid of (or at least keeping control of) Elias in the mindscape
Oooo, yeah, I think I understand :0 (dw! I understand that) Also, poor Elias, he already has some doubt about the real Jekyll liking him, and the Mind version of him just dislikes him 😭 would Mind Jekyll ever try to get rid of Elias in a similar way to what Mind Lanyon did? (Trying to cut off Elias's head) Also, how would Elias feel about Mind Jekyll disliking him and stuff?? ((Also, maybe Mind Jekyll tries to lock Elias in the mindscape or something like that 👁👁??)
.. I may be listening to Chonnys Charming Chaos Compendium in order, which *may* be swaying my ideas a bit, but I think Mind Jekyll would kinda play "nice" for a bit mayhaps? Like, he certainly doesn't act like he likes Elias, more so making it obvious that he just begrudgingly tolerates Elias's presence. As it goes on for a bit tho, Mind Jekyll would probably start getting worse, being much more open about his dislike and actively trying to lock Elias away in sections or rooms of the mindscape (maybe sometimes even with/near one of Lanyons stray nightmares?)
Elias has a *very* complex view of mind Jekyll, bc on one hand, it's *mostly* kinda the guy he loves, plus, having to deal with Mind Jekylls hatred is still better than going crazy all by himself in silence (at least at first). On the other hand, Mind Jekyll does hate him quite strongly and hurts his feelings quite often, making Elias even more likely to spiral. Mind Jekyll is probably one of the main reasons Elias absolutely detests the mindscape. Elias has certainly left the mindscape absolutely hysterical a good few times, going straight to Lanyon, because even *he's* better than having to deal with everything in the mindscape (when he's not simply forced into the mindscape and kinda trapped for a bit, of course. He basically stops going in willingly after a couple of Mind Jekylls schemes (and perhaps meeting his dad, or seeing the ballroom?))
👁👁👁👁 ~~Elias is really going through stuff, damn–~~ Imagine if maybe Elias only ever saw the ballroom but like very vaguely, from the corner of his eye sometimes, and just decided "I'm never going there" because it just gives him some bad vibes and stuff, and just, Mind Jekyll locks him/forces him to go there, and it's Elias just wanting to go away the whole time, not having a fun time while Mind Jekyll is just refusing to let him leave, dragging him by the hand and stuff– ~~(I'm sorry but I can't help but imagine maybe Elias telling what happened to Lanyon later, and Lanyon just like: "😨😰")~~
OWHROWHDOWHDK 👁👁 Maybe Mind Jekyll is like first sort of talking to the faceless people, maybe flirting with some of them, while Elias is just awkwardly standing behind him, feeling very out of place, and at one point he just decides he's had enough of this, and tells Mind Jekyll that he wants to go, he wants to leave. And Mind Jekyll sort of teases him with an overly sweet tone, and says something how they can't leave just yet, to at least let him have a waltz before that and then them just waltzing and stuff. And maybe at one side it just feels very nostalgic because it makes him think of back when ~~he~~ Lanyon and Jekyll had their affair, or when Lanyon was teaching Jekyll hoe to waltz. But those memories keep getting drowned out by everything else that's going on. AND WHAT IF ELIAS FEELS AS IF THE TICKING OF THE CLOCK IS GROWING LOUDER AS WELL AND ADDING ONTO EVERYTHING ELSE, AND MIND JEKYLL JUST KEEPS TAUNTING HIM BUT AT THAT POINT ELIAS CAN'T DISTINGUISH WHETHER IF ALL THOSE THINGS ARE HIS THOUGHTS OR WHAT SOMEONE ELSE IS SAYING. And then after somehow getting away from that ((and probably having a breakdown)) he just decides that he's never coming back there, and that he refuses to ever go into his mindscape ever since, and that he'll stay outside even if he or Lanyon are sick of each other because anything is better than that?? (Also, what if at one point they just. Lock him somewhere nearby the ballroom, and so Elias can still hear what's going on out there but he's locked and can't do anything except try to get out and listen to everything going on, and maybe he eventually gets out just because Lanyon drank the potion??)
PQBDOQHDQODB, IMAGINE IF MAYBE IF THE REASON WHY HE WENT OUT OF THE MINDSCAPE WAS BECAUSE OF LANYON TAKING THE POTION. IMAGINE JEKYLL WAS WITH HIM, AND ELIAS JUST SORT OF GETS SCARED AT SEEING HIM CAUSE HE CONFUSES HIM FOR MIND JEKYLL FOR A SECOND, AND LIKE FLINCHES AND TELLS HIM TO LEAVE HIM ALONE AND GET AWAY FROM HIM MAYBE?? But also, Lanyon degrading him just making his meltdown worse, and then just Lanyon maybe eventually trying to help him?? ~~(also, what if at one point Elias just, for some reason *has* to go into his mindscape, and runs into Mind Jekyll after what happened at the ballroom)~~
BONUS POINTS!! Elias ends up running off to get away from Jekyll and Jekyll genuinely has no damn clue what to do and just sorta stands there super awkwardly for a while before looking for him. In that time, Elias has already hidden himself away somewhere, now stuck with just Lanyon as he absolutely melts down, drowning Lanyons words out with babbled explanations and questions and apologies. Eventually, Lanyon *does* in fact start feeling kinda bad and awkward and actually starts helping the best he can
If Elias gets forced into the mindscape after the ballroom fiasco he would definitely tread the mindscape more carefully. He'd probably hide in rooms and such, deciding that the loneliness was better than dealing with all of that (or something worse) again, and if he does come across mind Jekyll, he'd probably try to run off and hide, or at least try to lose him.
Mmmm, Elias angst 🤭🤭 also!! Mind Jekyll would probably also be a poison enjoyer. I feel like Lanyon would be slightly scared of real Jekylls poison cabinet, bc why tf does that man need so many poisons, and have an underlying fear of taking any sort of potion from Jekyll. That's also probably intensified after he, ya know, takes one that splits him in two? But yeah, Mind Jekyll definitely encompasses that, lmao
But yeah, Elias does NOT get to have fun in the Mindscape. But hey, at least his clothes are comfy! And when he's in shadow/mirror form, he usually can't hear the pocket watch ticking, unless he's alone.
Additionally!!! I have a playlist for Elias, which if anyone wants to check out, is here. (It does have some unplayable songs tho, which is very sad bc I feel like they're the most accurate for him jekvkdk but!! I offer thee the links to listen to them on YouTube 😌 --- Love Psalm, Hole in the Sky, and Hell Frozen Rain)
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eversea143 · 1 year
They’re really cranking up the cosmic horror in Splatoon’s new DLC, huh?
Nintendo, buddy, my main man. It looks cool as freaking heck but... This seems like it’ll genuinely give people anxiety attacks! Love the style but all that white? It’s a little overpowering. Just a smidge too sterile for my brain to enjoy.
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cipher-fresh · 7 months
💬 suffering-academy-student Follow
does anyone else wish u could regenerate but not change and not use up a regeneration. just like do a hard reboot
#i'm gonna call myself The Sufferer
💫 constellationon-kasterborous Follow
what is it even like to not be a time lord do you like get impaled by rebar at 45 years old and just die. couldn't be me
🚀 silvertraveller Follow
_____👶 timelordtoddler Follow
_____playing with a roentgen radioactive brick in the nursery rn
🔉 gallifreyballifreyshmallifrey Follow
i love this website because its the only place you can say you have interfered with the natural flow of time and you won't get investigated by the CIA
😉 winkles-wonderland Follow
who up lording they time
#no I don’t need to add any extra tags thanks I trust my audience will find it
👦 theresponsibilityavoider Follow
I was skipping school hanging out in a clearing and some guy exited a portal from a CONFESSION DIAL 😭 and he was like “Go to the city. Find someone important. Tell them I’m back. Tell them, they know what they did. And I’m on my way. And if they ask you who I am, tell them ‘I came the long way round’” 😭😭😭 what the hell
💬 oneofthegreathouse Follow
if you have a fetish for people being born through bodily reproductive systems KEEP IT TO YOURSELF!!!! nobody needs to see that on their dash
__♻️ callmeweaver Follow
__Ok Puriteen you need to get on my level. sexualize looms OR ELSE!!!!!
💫 thecurator Follow
the high council of gallifrey: got some straight gas 🔥😛 this strain is called “the timeless child” 😳 you’ll be zonked out of your gourd 💯
Me: yeah whatever. I don’t feel shit.
5 minutes later: dude I swear I just saw some pre-Hartnell doctors
My buddy the Master pacing: the Time Lords are lying to us
🏠 somegrandolgallifrey Follow
I heard some kid crying himself to sleep in a cabin. COULD not be me
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Went to a museum today! I saw a lot of really cool stuff but something I couldn’t stop thinking about was this horrifically busted up Type 40 TARDIS that literally looked like it was held together with duct tape, chewed gum and prayers 😵‍💫😵‍💫 girl kill that thing I’m so sorry….
#i think it was even still alive. please put it out of its misery for the love of rassilon
🥽 howsitgoinghowitgoes Follow
Bruh my best friend and I tried to play a prank on my brother but it went wrong and he hit his head so badly he REGENERATED i need to go into hiding
😐 the-hybrid Follow
Who am I
#please for the love of god help me
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Koschei and I skipped school today and went stargazing. We agreed to visit every single one together when we leave this stupid planet. I love them so much. We're going to be together forever.
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Why do I keep having nightmares about Gallifrey being destroyed in like 5 different ways, that could literally never happen
🤖 pompousandstuffy Follow
I literally hate children soooo much like today some ninety year old tried to speak to me. KILL YOURSELF THIRTEEN TIMES ‼️
👽 cheapandnastytraveltime Follow
For a Time Lord I have such a bad sense of time. if chamelon arches were real i would make myself literally any other species
😍 starstartwinkletwinkle Follow
I have to stare into the untempered schism tomorrow. Any advice?
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slayfics · 7 days
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You tend to Katsuki.
1k words
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You sat in the common room of the dorms making yourself busy at one of the tables studying. Absentmindedly you turned the pages of your book and scanned the materials, not actually digesting any of the information.
Secretly, you weren't concerned with studying. Your actual reason for hanging around the common room was to wait for Katsuki to come back. It was Saturday, which meant he was with Shoto at their supplemental classes to make up for not passing the provisional licensing exam.
Finally, after what seemed like too long, Katsuki came bursting through the door. An annoyed expression on his face as he turned to yell some obscenities back at Shoto.
Shoto followed him through the front door and Katsuki turned sharply away from him. It was apparent that Katsuki was eager to get away from the two-toned-haired boy.
Katsuki glanced over at you briefly but kept making his way through the common room. His cheek had a large bandage that was already turning crimson from whatever wound was on the other side.
You watched as the two boys split ways, Shoto made his way over to talk to Hanta and Katsuki vanished into the elevators to go up to his room.
You waited a moment before texting Katsuki.
[You]: That looks like a nasty cut. What happened?
[Katsuki]: I hate texting. Just come up.
You happily shut your book and rushed over to his dorm.
Knocking gently, you heard Katsuki's irritated yell on the other side, "Told ya already- just come in."
You opened the door and were met with the sight of him putting away the belongings he brought to the extra classes today. The bandage on his cheek being in better view, you could see that it was in desperate need of being tended to.
"That looks even worse up close," You stated.
"Tch- It's not even a big deal," he replied, downplaying the injury.
"How did it happen?" You asked.
Katsuki grunted as he finished putting away his stuff and sat down on the edge of his bed, "Some dumb ass training where we couldn't use our quirks. What the fuck is the point of that?!" He said irritated.
"Sounds like your worst nightmare," you laughed trying to lighten his mood. You fixated your eyes back on the bandage and the blood stain that now soaked through. "Why don't you let me change that for you?" You offered.
"HAH? I can do that myself idiot," he said being stubborn.
"I know you can but- I need practice. Tending to wounds is a part of hero work too, right? So- let me practice on you," you suggested, hoping that excuse would change his mind.
Katsuki thought for a moment before shrugging his shoulders in agreement, "First aid is in the bathroom cabinet," he said gesturing to the bathroom.
You rummaged through his cabinet to find another bandage and antiseptic ointment. "I don't think I've ever done this for someone else before," you stated as you came back into the room and sat next to him on the bed.
"It isn't hard," Katsuki huffed. Resting his elbows on his thighs as he kept his gaze straight forward giving you better access to his cheek.
You scooted closer and crossed your legs onto the bed to tend to his wound. "These classes have really been a pain for you, hu?" You asked, gently peeling away the soiled badge on his cheek.
Katsuki clicked his tongue annoyed by your comment, "It's nothing I can't handle!" He barked, eyebrows furrowed, and nose scrunched.
You giggled at his response, "Such a tough guy," you teased and squeezed some of the antiseptic ointment onto your finger. "You know- it can be both things. Something you can handle and a pain at the same time."
Katsuki opened his mouth ready to make another snarky comment when your finger met his wound. Any snide remark he had ready, vanished at the gentle way your finger grazed over his cut. Eyebrows softened, and shoulders dropped he let out a sigh.
The ointment stung, but he wasn't focused on that at all. Instead, he was focused on the way his heart rate increased the second you made contact with him. He hated it- but wanted more at the same time.
"What? Going speechless on me now?" You asked teasing his sudden muteness. You prepared the new bandage and got it ready to place over his wound.
"No," he grunted, voice lower than before. Another moment passed before he spoke, "The classes are a pain. God dam Icy Hot gets on my nerves. Acting like we're friends now just because we're in these shitty classes together. He makes everything a hundred times worse." Katsuki explained as you gently pressed the new bandage on to his cheek.
You smiled at Katsuki's honesty and decided to tease him further. "Wait- you mean he isn't your best friend? That's strange he's been telling everyone that."
"The fuck? Are you serious?" Katsuki asked, turning to you, his eyes catching yours. Noticing for the first time how close you really were to him, his cheeks flushed.
You smiled and a giggle escaped you. Immediately he recognized the amusement on your face. If it was anyone else, he'd blow a fuse but- with you, he was distracted by the way your smile lit up your eyes and the way your laughter forced him to smile too.
"Tch- brat. Don't mess with me like that," he said and playfully shoved your shoulder, causing you to laugh even harder.
"I'm sorry- I couldn't help it," you said in between giggles.
If you weren't laughing so hard maybe you would have noticed the soft smile Katsuki had or the way his cheeks warmed slightly.
"Whatever-," he said brushing off his emotions. "You eat yet?" He asked.
"Nope," you answered laughter subsiding.
"Good- let's go downstairs I'll make us something." He offered.
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sinners: @queenpiranhadon @unofficialmuilover @maddietries @fiannee @i-heart-carlisle @derangedmango @matchat3a @bakugouswaif @reneinii @peachsukii @pastelbakugou @abadbitchblogs @deluluforcarlos55 @b134ch-m4h-ey3z @pinkpurpledreams @that-one-fangirl69 @dreamcastgirl99
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sanguineterrain · 7 months
savior | jason todd
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Summary: Red Hood is the stuff of nightmares. Red Hood is no hero. Red Hood is your best friend.
Pairing: Jason Todd x gn!reader 
Word count: 1.4k
Warnings/tags: angsttt, reader is afraid of red hood and they discover that he's jason, injured and kidnapped reader, emotional hurt no comfort.
A/N: hey guys! i didn't know what the hell to write so. this is what i came up with. hope ya like it :) if you like this fic, lmk through comments and reblogs!
the divider
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“You fucked up!”
You wince at the shouting and the ringing in your ears. You try to sit up but that makes things hurt, so you lie still and listen. 
"What? You said pick a civilian!”
"I don't give a fuck what I said; obviously, you screwed up! He's not coming!"
You close your eyes, trying not to throw up on your gag.
Batman? Batman isn't coming?
No, that can't be. Batman knows everything that happens in his city. He wouldn't abandon a civilian in need.
You try to take a deep breath, but your chest tightens instead. Jason's probably tearing his hair out if he's home from work. He always stresses safety, to the point of paranoia.
Lock your doors. Don't walk down this street. Did you get home okay? Text me when you get home.
You hope Batman's out there, somewhere. Or any of the Bats. You don't want to die. You really, really don't want to die.
Something hits the ground. There's a shout.
“You fucking shitheads! You were supposed to check the—”
Gunfire erupts suddenly, and you tuck your head between your knees as best as you can, with your hands and ankles bound.
Thump! Thump!
More bodies hit the ground. But Batman doesn't do guns.
"What the fuck is this?" comes a distorted voice. 
Your blood chills.
"H-Hood!” one of the kidnappers squeaks. “Sh-shit. What’re you doin’ here?”
“Protecting Gotham,” Hood says. “What’re you doing, McKelly? Thought you were on the straight and narrow. Thought the Bats taught you what happens to people who lose their way. Did the lesson not stick?”
“It’s not what it looks like, Hood! We just needed some extra cash and Black Mask—I swear, we weren’t gonna do anything to—”
“Was it worth it? He’s got my attention now.”
“It was meant to draw out Batman! Not you, honest! Aw, Hood, please. I’ll be good after this, I swear!”
“You assholes just don’t learn your lesson, do you?”
He turns and locks in on you. You freeze, tensing up.
“You hurt them," he says, voice like steel. "You hurt them. And you would've hurt them more, wouldn't you?"
"I’ll kill you all.”
He shoots McKelly in the chest. You scream through the gag. Red Hood looks at you, and it seems to rekindle his anger tenfold.
He shoots the two remaining guys in the head. McKelly writhes, screaming. You shut your eyes and turn away from the bloodshed, stomach rolling. The crunch of bone and muscle makes you sick.
"Hood, please! This ain’t your s—”
The next shot silences the room. Your heart rate skyrockets; is this a rescue or a massacre?
As the footsteps get closer, you press yourself into the wall and quiver. Red Hood is terrifying. He's merciless, bloodthirsty. You know the stories. You don't even know why he's here in the first place. This isn't his territory; you live far from Crime Alley. What is he doing all the way out here?
You peek one eye open. Red Hood freezes. He's about two feet away from you. His jacket and helmet are splattered with dark blood. Tears prick your eyes.
"Hey," he says roughly, like he’s not fully present. "’S okay. Y’alright?” 
You nod rapidly. In reality, your ankle throbs, you might be concussed, and you’re sick with fear. And you don't want Red Hood anywhere near you.
"Okay. I'm gonna remove the gag."
You can't really protest; Red Hood's a big guy, and he has a lot of weapons on his body. All you can hope is that he won't decide to pick up where your kidnapper left off.
He removes the gag. Then he pulls out a blade. 
"Please don't hurt me," you say.
Red Hood stills. His voice is thick when he speaks again. The modulator doesn't soften his words. 
"I would—I would never hurt you. I don't hurt innocents. I... I came here to save you.”
It still doesn’t make sense in your mind, Red Hood being so far from the Bowery. You press your cracked lips together. You don't want to throw up. If you throw up in front of Hood, he might change his mind about saving you. 
“Hey,” he says. “It’s alright. I’m gonna remove the zip ties now, okay?”
You don't have a choice, so you watch the blade whisper past your skin. It would be so easy for Hood to cut more than the restraints. It's all you can think about, frankly.
He makes quick work of the binds. His hand lingers on your wrist. There’s blood on his sleeve. Your heart pounds in your chest.
He finally lets go and you pull away, scooting to the side. That puts pressure on your ankle, though, and you can't hide your wince.
"Your ankle," he says. "Let me see.”
You shake your head. "No, I'm f-fine. I just want to go home. It'll heal.”
Hood seems to make a decision then. He reaches for his helmet. It clicks and he pulls it off.
No. No, it can’t be. It can’t.
“Hey,” Jason says, smiling a little. “‘S just me. Just Jay. You’re safe.”
Your eyes dart between Jason and the bodies. This time, you can’t swallow your nausea; you throw up. There’s tears in your eyes. Your face is hot and sweaty. 
“You–you killed them,” you whisper. 
Jason’s smile fades. “They hurt you. I… I saved you. It’s okay. ‘S just me.”
You clench your hands, willing them to stop shaking. He watches you for a long moment. Then he puts his hand out. You flinch. 
Silence stretches. Then Hood—Jason speaks.
"You're scared of me.”
You shake your head. "Please, I just want to go home—”
"You want Batman instead?" He sounds choked. “You want Batman to come save you? Or Nightwing? Or Robin? You want a good guy?” 
This feels like a trap. You know better than to fall into it. This is the Red Hood.
"No! No, I-I don't have any problem with you, Hood, really, I'm just—"
“It’s Jason!” he shouts. “You’ve known me for three years! Jason! You know me!”
The night is catching up to you; tears begin to spill from how overwhelmed you are. You wipe at your cheeks quickly, trying to calm down, but it's too much.
Jason creeps forward like he wants to touch you. You press against the wall without thinking about it.
“Fuck, you’re—you’re terrified of me,” he rasps. “You think I’m a monster.”
Your panic has reached a peak now; you lose track of time and space, hyperventilating through your cries. Jason shoves himself backwards, tearing a hand through his hair.
“I’m good, I’m a good guy. You know me, you know me. I would never hurt you!”
You could've died tonight. The Red Hood is Jason. The Red Hood is no hero.
You don’t look at him, curled up and cradling your ankle. You’re afraid you’ll get sick again if you open your eyes.
Then someone's hand holds your shoulder. You flinch hard, expecting cold, glowing eyes in a red helmet.
Instead, you see white lenses. Nightwing smiles sadly at you, squatting to your level.
"Hey, there," he says. “I’m—”
"Hood’s here," you blurt. "Watch your back."
Nightwing glances behind him; Jason is across the warehouse, as much distance between you as possible. He has his knees to his chest. The corpses lie between you. Your eyes widen and you turn into Nightwing’s shoulder. He rubs your back.
"It’s okay. I know him. He works with us a lot these days."
“I would never hurt you,” Jason says quietly, voice cracking. “Never.” He doesn’t try to approach you again.
You squeeze your eyes shut.
"Please don't make me go with him,” you whisper. “Please, please…”
It hurts to breathe. Nightwing puts your hand on his chest and tells you to follow his breathing. It lasts a lifetime, it seems: Nightwing crouched to your level, exaggerating his breaths until you're no longer gasping for air. 
"Alright, it's alright. I'll take you home," he says. "It's okay. You're safe. I won’t make you go with him.”
Nightwing helps you stand, and when you stumble through your injured ankle, he catches you, bracing you with his arm around your back.
"Let's wrap your ankle first, okay?”
Nightwing guides you to a lone chair so he can tend to your injury. When you look up again, the Red Hood is gone.
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peachyloveswriting · 1 year
What would Vash, Wolfwood, and Knives do about sick reader? Like reader knew they had been getting sick for a few days but saying stuff like "I sneezed from the dusty sand" or "I choked on my spit. I wasn't coughing. " they keep coming up with stuff to say till they have a fever and collapse.
YES. MORE FOR KNIVES. I actually really enjoy writing for knives. He's such a complicated character to get right because he hates humans and more often than not the reader is portrayed as human. His feelings are so contradictory but I love it.
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You're Only Human (After all)
SUMMARY: Vash, Wolfwood, and Naï, find out that you've been hiding a sickness from them. The outcome feels like a nightmare come true.
NOTES: Vash and knives parts are very long. There's a shit ton of angst but there's also hurt/comfort. I'd say it took me 16 hrs total from start to finish and that's partially because a huge part of Kives original part got deleted and yeah... I couldn't remember some of it. Enjoy tho lol.
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Setting up camp for the night was no easy task, getting up to gather what everyone needs to sleep comfortably while helping Meryl set up her own tent. Yours always comes last and before you can even finish Roberto is asking you to help him cook. You never stop working and seize every opportunity to stay on your feet, the restlessness that comes with stagnancy kills you. Through constantly throwing yourself into work is painful and tiring, it's been even more so than usual.
"Hey kid. Come and help with this roast."
You ignore Roberto's request, too tired to even think straight much less give a coherent thought, only curling further into the backseat of the truck. In the back of your throat has settled an itch, one that's not quite there but prominent enough to make you force down a cough. It bubbles up suddenly, making you gasp for air in-between coughs. Your throat burns in pain and tenses as it stops.
Soft foot steps pad up to the open door. Meryl peeks in at you with worry before she fixes herself right. "Uh... Sorry if I'm bothering you but could you help me with my tent again?" She clasps her hands together, eagerly waiting for your answer.
Nick watches from the outside of his own tent, gazing at your still form while his hands blindly settle the cross firmly into the sand. He doesn't decide to speak until Meryl extends a hand to tap you. "I'll do it." He offers.
Meryl turns to look at him with a disgruntled smile. "Thanks?" He scoffs. "Yup. Don't mention it. And close the door while you're at it."
Meryl looks at your limp form, not wanting to close any limbs in the door she checks just to be sure before she carefully closes the door. Just before walking away she takes one last peek inside to see if she disturbed you but you haven't moved an inch. Taking a deep breath she turns to stand beside Nick while he puts her tent together.
The night carried on and with it came Vash. To everyone else the night went on as usual but to Vash, a part of him was missing. When he looked for your tent he was sad to find that it hadn't been set up at all. This only worried the blonde further. His stomach would churn with unease the further he looked around. There was no sign on you anywhere. Just as he was about to peek around the truck, a soft finger tapped his shoulder. He turned to find Meryl gazing up at him.
"If you're looking for them..." She points to the truck. "They've been there all evening."
Hia gaze follows her pointed finger to the backseat of the truck. Offering her thanks, he rushes over to the truck and pulls open the door. You lay curled up on the farthest side away from him, your face hidden and tucked away in your arms. Face softening, Vash climbs into the empty space by your feel and closes the door behind him, ensuring privacy.
"Mayfly?" He leans over curiously, his hand slipping under your chin to lift your face into view. You grimace, your head swimming in agony and dizziness. "Are you okay?" His cries crease in concern.
Lazily, you lift a hand to swat him away. Setting your head back on your arms he lifts the back of his hand to your forehead. "You feel hot. Maybe you should get out of the car. Get some fresh air." His hand brushes over your head in a soothing manner.
"I'm fine." He smiles at your half-hearted grumble.
"If you say so..." Swiftly grabbing your shoulder, Vash scoops you up into his arms with ease and scoots to press his back to the door. He spreads his legs and leans back just enough for you to lay comfortably on his chest. You're just lethargic enough that you flop against him, no resistance whatsoever.
He stayed with you until the morning, upset when he kept waking up to you practicing choking in your sleep. Every time he raises a hand to your forehead it burns his skin. You were certainly running a fever of some kind or at the very least sick, he's never seen you so lethargic before. You've always stayed on your feet, working yourself to the brink, till' your legs won't carry you anymore. This might just be one of those spells but you never left the truck. Even when he got out to help everyone pack up you didn't move.
When everyone gathered inside the truck, you didn't move, allowing yourself to get shoved around to make room for Wolfwood and Vash. As Vash climbed in, he scowled at the priest who shoved you about as if you were some object he could just discard. Gently scooping you far enough to slide in. he laid you back down in his lap and held you close, allowing you to get some rather comfortable rest. Hours later, you woke up in a daze. The heat consuming you from head to toe is unbearable, breathing comes harshly.
You can see legs moving through the sand below you as you wake up but very quickly realize they're not yours. You begin to feel hands under each of your knees and your body pressed against another. Below you, Vash's coat flaps into view, the edges of it tugging about with each step.
You groan, dizzy from the heat and disoriented. Your head is reeling about, begging to go back to sleep and crying at the same time. Every part of you aches and your throat feels like it's been grated like fine cheese.
"You're awake!" Vash turns his head to look at you nuzzled into his shoulder. Swallowing harshly, you lift your head to glance at him. "Where are we?"
You cringe at the sound of your own voice, sounding like a decrepit frog that smokes cigarettes. It feels like you haven't drank in forever and your stomach rumbles angrily. Suddenly Vash jumps to keep you up on his back, you whine at the sudden jolt and dig your hands into the chest of his shirt. He grimaces at your painful response.
"You okay?" Forcing yourself to right yourself, you begin to wriggle in his hold. "M' fine. Put me down."
Vash's brows creased with worry. "Are you sure? You've-"
Pushing from his hold you fall into the scorching sands. Hissing in pain, you jump to your feet jostling your brain into a wave of vertigo. Your hand shoots out to find purchase while your vision grows dark. Tingles flood your body as a low dull pain pulses in your head. Two arms scoop you up into security, keeping you from falling back into the hot sands. "Whoa!"
Vash steadies you as you lean against him limply for help. "Slow down. You're not well." His hands move to your shoulders. A long drawn out couch slips from your lips. You shake away from his hole to walk towards the group, they're way ahead of you occasionally glancing back to stop and wait. "I'm fine."
You trudge forward at your own discretion and Vash follows closely behind. "Let me carry you Mayfly." A hand comes to rest at the small of your back. Beneath you, your legs shake horribly, threatening to lose your balance. It's hard just to push forward in the sand without wincing from the sore ache that settles into your bones. "I'll be fine, Vash."
The desert becomes distant, a cold covering your whole body like ice. "I'm..." The sky began to darken, blotting out the light from the suns and the sand beneath you.
"oh!" Slipping forward, Vash stretches an arm over your chest to stop your falling body from collapsing in the sand. The over exertion is obvious and your body makes it hard to deny. Vash can see it clearly, the bleary look in your eyes as he scoops your bridal style in his arms. Gazing down at you with an unreadable expression, he shakes his head. "How long has this been going on?"
You roll your head into his chest, shielding your eyes from the suns. Breathing in to speak you choke out a cough, you can hardly catch a breath in-between. When you finish, your head falls back softly. "A few weeks ago." You mumble weakly.
A frown settles upon his lips as he looks ahead at the horizon, the glare on his shades stops you from seeing his eyes. Those are always a dead give away for how he's feeling. Those shades work wonders for him.
Taking a shaky breath, you relax in Vash's arms. "Don't worry. I'll take you to a doctor. You should rest until then."
You shake your head. "Won't you get tired of carrying me?"
He looks back down at you smiling softly. The smile reaches up to his eyes, softening his gaze and wrinkling the corners of his eyes. "I will. It's okay, I'm supposed to take care of you Mayfly. Just rest." His voice is so soft he's almost whispering. It makes a heat swirl in your chest as you close your eyes.
"I'm sorry Vash."
He chuckles. "It's alright my love."
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Sweat beads along your forehead as you follow the giant wandering cross in front of you. Your wavering pace slows you down even more the longer you push forward. It's so far away now. When was the last time you even had water? God, you can't remember. Trudging through the sands makes the ache in your already sore leg grow worse, you can barely lift your feet from the ground.
Breathing is a labor, it burns your lungs with each breath you take, the longer you go without calling for Nick's help the more dire this starts to become. The dull ache in your head is pounding with the intensity of the suns and your body grows weaker. You regret lying to Nick before he ran out of gas, you knew them you should have said something but the situation was bad enough. You thought saying something then would only cause more worry to settle in Nick's mind and you didn't want to burden him.
Suddenly, searing hot pain blossoms on your exposed skin and sand hugs your body as it lands. Your mind is foggy and blank, you watch Nick grow smaller in the distance not even bothering to look back at you. You rasp his name but your throat doesn't allow you to call any louder than a simple talking tone. After traveling with Nick everywhere, you never thought it would end like this, laying in the sand pathetically sick because of your irrational fear and Inability to ask for help.
Suddenly, in the distance. The space between you and Nick closes in. He runs towards you, tossing the cross all about on his back. Distantly you can hear him call your name for the first time ever, he's only ever called you by silly nicknames. You don't give much care to mutter a response and sink into the sand.
Panic squeezes in Nick's chest and he drops his cross beside him to tend to you. Grabbing your shoulders he turns you over and sits you up in his lap. "C'mon. Don't fall asleep." He begs.
You cough up a laugh. The concern in his face grows even more severe with your seeming obliviousness to the situation. "I'm fine..." You want to shrug him off so bad but even moving feels like hell.
Heart pounding in his chest, Nick swallows harshly "You haven't been fine since we got stranded, have you?" The back of his hand feels freezing as he presses it to your forehead. You grimace with discomfort and whine. "I'm not stupid." Carefully, he stands with you in his arms.
As he turns to walk away you spot his cross on the ground. "Your cross..." Nick acknowledges it with a hum. His face is stern, pointedly staring straight again with his lips pressed into a thin line. "I'll get it back later. You need medical attention first."
You smile. "So you're saying you care?"
His grip on you begins to tighten. *Of course I do! Don't fucking scare me like that again." He growls.
"Sure." Sleep tugs your eyes closed, pulling at your weight the less conscious you become. Nick glares down at you, squeezing you tighter against him. He feels your body grow limp in his arms, heart dropping to his stomach.
"What did I say? Don't fall asleep." You're jostled awake with a groan. "Just let me sleep. Please."
"And if you don't wake up again?" He's become eerily nonchalant. "What then?" The edge in his voice shakes with worry, tracing the thoughts of what might unfold after your death. His chest aches at the thought of losing you and he won't say it but he's scared of losing you. "It'll kill me..."
Nick will never admit it but you do more for him then he lets on. Your company alone could last him a lifetime, your smile, it could make him happy forever. Everything about you fixes everything bad about him and he's not ready to give that up. Especially not over some silly illness. Hearing his words and understanding what he means, you coo quietly and rest your hand over his heart. Your touch quells his fraying nerves.
"I drag you down Nico." Your heart weighs heavy in your chest. "It might be better if you leave me behind."
Stomach clenching wearily, Nick grunts. "No." Venoms laces his tongue. "You idiot. I love you too much to do that." You gaze at him in surprise. "Don't look at me like that. I said what I said. You should just be quiet and conserve your energy."
Hesitant, you gaze at him for a few moments longer before letting your head rest carefully against his chest. "I'll get you help. Just hang in there."
Millions Knives
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Sitting beside Naï, he plays the piano. Quietly, you watch his fingers dance over the keys as they belt out a dramatic yet familiar melody. It strikes the soul as misunderstood, you know it well. Many times has Naï played this song in your presence. You've heard everything he plays, as his words command you stay by his side under his watchful eye. Many of his followers take this as a sign of mistrust, a show that the human race will never take his attention. Naï has said to you before: "Hear me and believe my word. My trust in you is not misguided, I only wish to protect you from those who wish to harm you."
Despite hating humans, Naï knows his fair share about the ways they operate. He understands the delicacy of your body and handles it with immense measure and meticulous care. He keeps you near to prevent his followers from making a move to take your life. For him, he even strives to understand more about you, to protect you. His care for you and your well-being runs deep, although Naï doesn't quite understand why it's you he's so careful about, he understands that you make him feel something.
Naï, even in his own strange way, shows that he cares for you. He appreciates the company you keep him and he's not foreign with thanking you. Just the same your appreciation runs deep, he offers you friendship, safety, food, and a place to lay your head at night. Above all else, his friendship and company you find the most rewarding, to know so much about him is to see under his facade. Knowing that underneath all of those sharp blades, a gentle, and caring man resides. Only sparing himself to his closet confidants.
Beautifully, the keys fade into an epilogue, an ending to the story it once opened with. You find that as you watch with a smile your lungs begin to burn. A cough tries to bubble its way past your lips, it takes your breath away and chokes you on the way out. Turning away to cover your mouth, you find it hard to catch your breath and tears blur your vision. The melody that had once carried through the room now falls silent in the stead of your sputtering.
Worry tingles in Naï's chest as you gasp for air beside him, he's unsure of what to do or what this is. His knowledge might be expansive but he still has so much to learn, about sickness, potential threats, the many causes of death. His lack of awareness makes his heart quell with concern and his mind reel is fear.
"Are you alright?" His voice carries through the harmonious room. Tentatively his hand hovers over your back.
You wipe the tears from your eyes to see his angelic face clearly. "It's okay Naï, just choked on my spit."
Cautiously, he looks you over with care checking for abnormalities along your external appearance. Your eyes are dark and lightly sunken, despite noticing this fast Naï goes along with your word and nods in earnest. You feel scrutinized under his gaze, like he's judging every part of you without ever saying a word.
"Choked?" He queries. "Is this choking, dangerous?" His brows crease with worry.
"Well..." Recalling gasping for air, the onslaught of coughing as it keeps you from breathing in deep enough to catch your breath makes you choose your next words with ease. "Yes. It can be, depending on the circumstances. But it can also be prevented"
Intensely focused, Naï nods. "How can this be prevented?" His absolute attention is always divulged onto you anytime you talk, it's endearing, the way he listens to every detail. Nothing you've said has ever been forgotten by him, he remembers everything, making it a point to bring it up when useful later on. It tells you that he cares about what you have to say, knowing that makes your heart soar.
"Drinking a glass of water, or anything of likeness, then there's the heimlich. You should ask Con'rad about that if you want to understand it." Although many of the things that Naï knows about humans have been acquired through you, there are many things you can't find the energy to explain. Best someone else with more knowledge explains it to avoid any confusion.
"I'll go visit him then." Naï stands. "Come. I'll escort you to the room." Gently, you hold his outstretched hand, letting it guide you to your feet. He holds it gingerly as he pulls you alongside him. His hand is soft and warm, inhumanely so, you find comfort in his warmth.
The more time chugs along the more you begin to realize you've fallen I'll, coughing spells out of nowhere, extreme fatigue, loss of appetite. The coughing grows worse with intensity, burning your sore throat, your body wastes energy faster, and waking up in the morning becomes a difficult task. For longer times you would lay in bed seeking the comfort of your companion, Naï, despite hiding your growing illness from him. He's buying into what you told him, though it won't last for very long. If he's really that worried he'll seek the knowledge of Con'rad once again.
He knows your habits even down to the smallest details, including your sleep schedule. Though sleep is the only time he lets you spend alone, that's only in his room, the only ones allowed inside are you and him. As far as his knowledge goes, since you last went in about a day ago, no one has bothered to enter. Not even Naï himself would go to see you. He figured you only needed a little alone time before you might come out again to grace him with your company. The time rolled around for you to come out but the door never opened, Naï waited in anticipation, trying to stace off the minutes to spare you time.
The paranoia got to him before you could.
The whole time you've been inside he's only let the door out of his sight once, for only a short amount of time. Very few people would dare enter knowing what punishment would await them if he ever found out but just the thought of someone going in and hurting you... It makes his blood boil. He paces just outside with worry and frustration beginning to build just beneath the surface. He has to know you're okay, he has to hear you speak... No. No, he needs something more... He has to see you physically. Otherwise, he might just lose his mind wondering what awaits him inside.
Eager to finally see your face again, to hear your voice and feel your touch, he pushes the door open. Eyes scouring the darkness for your form he finally spots you laying still beneath the covers of his bed, you make no sound as the door closes and you stay still even as he says your name. In his chest, his heart begins to pound wildly, sending the rest of his body into a frenzy of feelings.
He rushes to the bedside, a singular blade extending to turn the lights on. The darkness cowers away at the flick of a switch and your form is revealed amongst his mattress. Almost stripped bare of your clothes you lay unmoving, almost as if the life from inside you has been drained. Chest straining, Naï climbs over top of your body lowering his head to your chest, your skin feels cold against his ear as he listens for a heartbeat.
Just underneath your delicate skin beats the rhythm of your life, it beats on even as you lay utterly still. Naï can feel his shoulders relax, the sound of your heart telling him that you're indeed still alive, but as he pulls away to further examine you he knows something's not quite right. it makes his stomach churn with unease. Your skin tone seems off, like something's not quite the same as it was before.
As softly as he can, Naï shakes your body. After the first movement he expects you to come to life with a groan but you don't move. If your heart is still beating, why won't you wake up?
"My flower, wake up. You've slept long enough. I need your company by my side." He shakes you harder this time. "Petal, wake up. I demand it." He tries to sound like he normally does when addressing everyone else but he can't seem to find it in himself to truly yell at you, to demand something of you. Especially not when you're stripped of your freedom at this moment.
Naï's throat tightens, his brows creasing with worry and fear. He's so confused, you usually wake up when he calls for you but now he's got nothing. It scares him, knowing just how fragile you really are, it aside now that he rushes you to Con'rad.
Before he parts to the lab, he envelopes your exposed body in his cloak and carries you in his arms. Nothing like this takes more than the blink of an eye, Con'rad barely even has time to process his master's sudden appearance. Everything is thrust at him at once, the fear and confusion that riddles Naï's face when he presents you to Con'rad, how he begs for him to find out what's wrong, to fix you.
Con'rad frowns at your unconscious body as he takes you from his master's arms. "Careful! Don't hurt them." Naï warns.
Con'rad can only cast him a glance before he sets you down on a table, he collects his supplies needed to check you over and watches as Naï retracts the cloak that is wrapped so tightly around your body.
To plants, a decade is only supposed to feel like a day. So why did Naï feel like it had already been years when it was only minutes. He stared at you intently, waiting for you to wake up, willing you to do something. But you didn't move at all. Naï was anxious from tip to bottom, so to quell his nerves Con'rad began explaining things to him.
"Like we discussed, humans are susceptible to many things, illness being one of them. Should a person go an extended amount of time without medication or medical attention, it can cause death. This happens to be the case with your friend. You're lucky you found them when you did Knives. I can still run this IV to get the right fluids in check. After, you can take them back to your room, the IV has to stay in until it's empty though." He eyes the bleach blond from the corner of his eyes as he tapes the IV to your arm. "Again. You're lucky. They should recover soon. But they'll need plenty of rest."
Naï steps away from the wall he had leaned on, the blades slither out from behind his back and circle you carefully until they meld into his cloak once more. Content, he carefully picks you from the table with ease, using another metal appendage to grasp the IV bag.
"Thank you." Naï bows his head to Con'rad in thanks. Before he can reply Naï is gone again just as fast as he appeared.
Returning back to the privacy of his room, Naï gently sets you at the edge of the bed where he could rest the IV bag beside you. Leaving you swaddled in his cloak, Naï climbs up the bed behind you. For a moment he's hesitant to touch you, like it's the wrong thing to do but he pushes forward. Softly laying an arm over your waist, he pulls you flush against him, his face tucked into the back of your neck. He would lay here until you woke, until then, Naï would relish in the feeling of your body against his and find comfort in your presence by his side.
He might lecture you when you wake up, or inspect you thoroughly for any other sickness, but he also might enjoy your waking company for a moment before he does anything else.
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bigification · 3 months
I drift away to sleep laying on the hot sand and bathing in the sunlight. I feel relaxed for a moment until I'm thrust into a nightmare. I find myself at my desk, wasting away for a job that I hate. The only reason I went on this vacation is to escape, but no matter what I do I end up back in the same place. This nightmare seems different to the rest, it's so loud. Usually all I can hear is keys tapping and clocks ticking, but now there is another noise. It's... screaming. It's getting louder and louder, the sound of people screaming.
I jolt awake. The screaming was coming from real life. I sit up and see dozens of people running away from the beach. What the hell is going on. Some part of me wants to just go back to sleep, but if this many people are running maybe I should too. I begin to grab some of my stuff and get up to leave, but I'm stopped by what feels like an earthquake. I turn to the shoreline and see a giant beast emerge from the water. It looks human, but unless my eyes deceive me, he must be at least 50 feet tall.
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The beast approaches the beach, I know I should run but my body won't let me move. I also notice I'm the only one left on the beach, everyone else has run. He steps onto the beach, the closer he gets, the more I realize how massive he actually is. Soon he's standing right in front of me, and I have to look straight up just to see his face. He reaches down and grabs me, holding nearly my entire body in just one hand. I try to scream, but there's no use now, all my screams will be muffled in the beasts hand.
I can't see much, so I spend the next few minutes trashing about until I have no energy left. It doesn't seem to be making a difference anyway. After what feels like a couple of minutes, the beast stops moving. I get gently laid down on the floor, and get a chance to look around at the expansive room around me. It looks like a normal house, just massive. It makes me feel like a tiny ant. As I'm taking in the scenery, I bump into something soft. I turn to see a massive leg in front of me. My eyes drift upward to see a massive man standing in front of me, he must have been the height of the man that brought me here, just a lot fatter. I shield my eyes from the man's massive cock, and look past his round gut to see the man looking down at me.
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"Watch where you're going pipsqueak!" The giant says in a deep voice. I lost my balance as his receding steps shook the ground below me.
"Don't mind him, he's always in a bad mood." The giant who brought me here kneeled down to talk to me.
"Does anyone wear clothes around here?" I ask in return.
"Were not savages, we try to if we can come across clothes large enough. I know this might seem frightening, but you and I are more similar than you think."
"Why did you even bring me here?" I say confused.
"Come, walk with me, I'll explain." He says as I start to follow him, though it takes me a few minutes to cover the ground he can in one step so he walks slow.
"My name is Yusef, by the way." The giant says.
"I'm Jack." I reply.
"A long time ago, a settlement of humans came across a forest while hunting. This forest contained food with mystical properties that provided the humans with far more energy than they needed. The humans obviously took advantage of this to prevent their people from starving. Over time, their bodies started to grow larger than that of normal humans due to the food. Eventually they became a whole new species called 'Giants'." Yusef monologues. "The only problem is that only the men of that settlement grew, the women remained normal humans. This meant that the Giants could not reproduce. So out of desperation, they would find other humans and turn them into giants to keep their species alive. We are what's left of those giants."
"So... You want to turn me into a giant?" I ask, still trying to process the entire story.
"Yes." He responds bluntly.
We both walk in silence for a moment as I process the situation.
"Ok, I want to be a giant." I say confidently.
"What? Humans usually aren't so eager." He questions.
"My life back home sucked, I have nothing , I have no one. At least here I'll have something."
He smiled before pointing to the room beside us. "This is the most recent giant before you, Antony." Yusef points to a man sleeping on the couch.
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"He's been asleep for a while now. The last feast really took a toll on him." He states.
"Feast?" I ask.
"You need a lot of calories when your body is that big, so we fatten up the Giants as much as we can."
"Well what about you, you're not fat."
"I stay fit because I am the one who has to get new giants like you, I need to be a bit more nimble than the average giant. For the rest of us, it's better to keep a hefty store of energy. You should have seen Antony here when he was human. He was built like me, big shoulders and skinny waist, washboard abs. He's only been here three days and now look at him."
As he's talking, I look down at my own body. Now I'm no Yusef, but I've worked hard for my body. Maybe I could be like Yusef and stay skinny. As I'm thinking, I notice Antony's hand move. "Are you sure he's asleep, his hand is moving." I ask.
"Oh he's asleep, he's just getting used to having the sex drive of a giant." He responds.
I notice that his hand is moving back and forth over his dick. "That kinda sucks for a species that can't reproduce." I say.
"It's not so bad, we like to have fun with it." Yusef turns to another giant and winks at him. "Lookin good Pete!" He shouts at the giant. Pete looks back and smiles before going back to checking himself out in the mirror.
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I fall silent again, coming to another realization. I didn't think about it before but, if there are only male giants, then who do they fuck. Well I just got my answer, they fuck eachother. What do I do if I'm not gay. I mean with the amount of men they turn into giants, there's no way I'm the first straight guy they get. Maybe they just get so bored that they fuck eachother because there's nothing else to do. It's no big deal, I could just not have sex, it's like I was having much sex back home either. Besides, I'm sure they still have porn here, I won't be completely out of luck.
"And we've made it." Yusef says as he stops and turns to me. "This is where you become a giant."
I look around the empty room. "Why this room?"
"It's empty because the transformation can be quite jarring, so it is safe to be in an empty room."
"Jarring?" I ask, concerned.
"Well we'll give you a concentrated version of the food from the mystical forest I mentioned earlier. It speeds up the transformation to happen in mere minutes rather than months. Not all parts of the body grow at the same pace."
Before I can even process, Yusef grabs me and shoves a large green pellet into my mouth. "Swallow." He states. I swallow it, trying to ignore the disgusting taste.
It doesn't take long for the food to take its effect, and it's not subtle. It starts with my arms. My biceps become massive, growing larger than my head. Next to transform was unfortunately my dick. The pressure in my pants builds until they burst open, leaving me naked. My dick quickly grows out of proportion with my body, growing to the point that it hits the ground. It is even thicker than my legs, making me look like I have a third leg.
"I told you it could be jarring." Yusef said with a slight smirk on his face.
"Don't fucking look." I yell out.
"Oh don't be so uptight, I'm just enjoying the show." He laughs.
I can feel myself growing tall as my perspective gets higher and higher. Soon I can feel my ass grow massive as my stomach grows into a muscle gut, making it hard to keep my balance. The next few minutes are completely insane as different parts of my body grow out of proportion. Soon enough, I see that my eyes are at about the same height as Yusefs, meaning the transformation must be over soon. I finally feel the transformation stop as I'm a few feet taller than Yusef. I'm completely naked, tired, and my body is covered in sweat.
"Here dry off." Yusef throws me a towel. "Oh, and I'm glad you're happy to see me." He winks at me before looking down at my crotch. I look down and see that my dick is fully hard, sticking straight out. I jump and cover my crotch, he just chuckles and walks away.
I dry up and walk out of the room where I find a pair of cargo pants. I slip them on and they fit surprisingly well, I try my best to tuck my boner into the waist of the shorts, but it's not doing much to hide it. I walk around, getting used to the way my body moves. It's much harder to move at the same pace I did before, everything is so heavy that it takes more effort to start and stop moving. And it feels like the air is holding me back, almost like walking in water.
I make my way to the balcony and sit down. The view is quite beautiful from here. In one direction there is a lush swamp and the other is a forest. It's weird that the trees look so small, the tallest ones look like they would barely reach my waist. As I'm enjoying the view, Yusef approaches me. As he's talking to me, it's going in one ear and going right out the other.
"My eyes are up here buddy." He says, snapping me back to reality where I notice I was staring at his chest. I look up and make eye contact with him.
"Have this." He hands me what looks like a phone. "It's a smart tv. Jerry's quite good with electronics and whipped up some phones made from old smart TV's."
"Thanks." I say as I hold the tiny tv in my hand.
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"It can do basically anything a phone can other than texting, but we use WhatsApp anyway." He says before turning and walking away. I catch myself staring at him as he walks away, but quickly turn my focus to my new phone. It feels just like a phone, with a touch screen and everything. It has a few apps installed, including twitter and it gives me an idea. I log into my account and scroll through the porn I had saved on it. I scroll and scroll, but I feel nothing. Not until I get to a clip I had saved from pornhub. That got me going. My legs tensed and my dick pulsed. Within seconds I shot my load into my new cargo shorts. As I continue to watch, I notice something. I haven't looked at the woman in this clip once, I have been fixed on the man the entire time. But I've never been gay. I scroll through the many videos and images of women on my twitter and I still feel nothing. Out of curiosity I decide to search for pictures of men. Who's a guy everyone seems to like, oh Chris Evans. I search him up and go to photos. Oh my god. My stomach sinks and my dick rises the instant I look at the photo. What happened to me? I look at all the half naked Giants that walk past the balcony, and it confirms the way I feel. Even weirder is my fixation on their fat. I can't stop staring at their guts and they man tits, or their asses as they walk by. Suddenly the thought of growing like the rest of the Giants doesn't seem so bad.
"You okay?" I'm interrupted by Yusef.
"Ya I'm fine." I try to cover the stain in my shorts.
"Well that didn't take you long." He chuckles, "There is someone you need to meet.
"Oh ya sure." I say while paying no attention to what he is saying. The pecs on that man are unreal, how does a man get pecs that large.
I follow Yusef to what looks like the kitchen and he sits me down. "This is Saul." Yusef says as a man in a bathrobe approaches me. He leans over the table in front of me and gets a closer look at me. He looks older, with salt and pepper hair and wrinkled skin. His robe is loosely tied, letting his hairy gut spill out and allowing me to see his soft chest.
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"You always bring me the skinniest ones." Saul says. His eyes drift up and down my body as he pokes and grabs me. "I know exactly what you could use." He says as he walks into the pantry.
"What is he doing." I ask Yusef.
"He's our cook. Just eat whatever he gives you, he has been cooking for us for hundreds of years, so he knows what he's doing." He responds.
"Hundreds of years!?" I yell out in shock.
"Oh ya, I forgot to mention that. We live for centuries, and the food he gives you is essential to that."
Saul comes back with a full platter of food and places it in front of me. "Eat." He tells me as he stands there and watches. I think back to when I was sitting on the balcony, watching all of the fatass giants walking by. I want that. I started stuffing my mouth with all the food on the platter he gave me. His food tasted amazing. You'd think I was starving with the way I was ravaging this food. Before I knew it, the platter was empty. I lean back and pat my bloated stomach with one hand and rub my crotch with the other.
"I like this one." Saul says before running off to the pantry again.
"That was so good." I turn to Yusef.
"Good, there's a lot more to come. You may think you're full, but you can fit a lot more food in you than you think." He responds.
Rounds and rounds of food go by, and I just keep going. I don't even know how long it's been, I just keep eating. I eventually lean back in my chair, defeated. My eyes start to close as I fall asleep.
"He's eaten the most out of any giant I have even seen." I hear Saul say as I'm passing out
"You think he's gonna be bigger than Grant?" Yusef responds.
"Much bigger." Is the last thing I hear before passing out.
- Many days later -
"This is the giant before you." Yusef says.
"Am I gonna be that fat." I hear from an unfamiliar voice.
"No he's the biggest we've ever seen."
I slowly open my eyes and try to lean up, but I feel like I'm being held down. I look down and see a massive mound of fat. Wait, that's me, that's my stomach. I reach out my hands and see the fat sagging in my arms. I cup my pecs in my thick hands, though I'm not sure you could call them pecs anymore. They're so fat that they sag onto my stomach. Speaking of my stomach, I grab it, sending ripples through my body. I can feel it spilling out onto my legs.
"Jack, you're finally awake." Yusef says. "This is our soon to be giant."
I sit up as far as I can and look down at the tiny human. I can't help but wonder what I look like from his perspective.
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Once they leave, Antony approaches me.
"Damn you got fat." I say to him. Since the last time I saw him sleeping on the couch, he's gained a ton of weight. His modest belly turned into a full blown beer gut and his pecs are now soft man tits like mine.
"Coming from you fatass." He laughs at me. "You're the biggest slab of meat we've ever seen."
He continues to approach me, and I can see his bulge grow in his tight ass jeans.
"All the Giants here are so boring, they never want to fuck. But I know you feel different, don't you." He sits on my lap, spreading his legs around mine and resting our guts against each other. "Think about what we looked like just a week ago. Strong, with big biceps and washboard abs, now look what they've done to us." He almost moans while saying it. "Isn't it so hot." He pushes me into my back, making me feel the full weight of my own body pinning me down. He starts kissing my chest, sucking on my new fat. He kisses down my hulking gut, leaving a trail of hickies. He lifts up my belly and sticks his head underneath, he pushes my fat pad and wraps his lips around my dick. I let out a loud moan, slightly embarrassed when I realize everyone in the house could hear that. It doesn't matter, I turn my attention back to Antony. My knees buckle from the pleasure as I hold his head against my crotch. I let out another loud moan as I pump my load into his mouth. He looks up at me, "my turn." He says with his mouth dripping with cum. He spreads my legs and sticks his dick inside me. My body almost repels at the feeling, but I quickly accept it. I never thought something up my ass could feel so good. He starts to speed up, becoming more and more aggressive. I can see the ripples run through the fat in our bodies and I can hear the couch groan under our combined weight. It doesn't take long for a warm feeling to fill my insides. Antony lets out a satisfied sigh as he sits back onto the couch.
"You know I was kinda scared about this whole 'becoming a giant' thing, but now I'm a lot more excited." He says as he rests his hand on his gut. "You know being a fat ass is a lot better than I thought it would be."
I chuckle, "ya it ain't so bad is it." I lay back on the couch and relax, having no worries to stress me out.
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queenofallimagines · 18 days
Alexis ness x witch reader
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TAGLIST: @priv-rose
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Alexis Ness:
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- I am SO excited for this🗣️
- First of all fuck Harry Potter and fuck JK rat ass Rowling
- Good now That’s that’s out of the way
- He would literally be star struck like he def wouldn’t tell you he believes in stuff like that bc of his childhood
- But like when he sees your so chill he might joke around with superstitions
- But when you know more of them than he does,,,,?
- “Don’t forget! Salt over your left shoulder!”
- “Plant rosemary by your garden gate,lavender for luck and blow cinnamon into your house on the first of the month.”
- “I- what?”
- Putting some sigils for focus and luck in the shoes
- In the inside of the compression suit
- Reading incantations before a game to help(aka mumbling them while pressing kisses to his face)
- Putting a hex on the other team or players you don’t like (Kaiser)
- Kisses as a good luck charm
- Kissing isagi eyelids and forehead so he can smell his goals😔💕
- Charming a necklace he wears during games
- Putting something in his phone case for good measure so he can accidentally not respond to his family or kaisers texts💕
- You could put a little soccer ball charm on your altar for him🥺
- Alexis ness: Love please don’t hex the opposing team I want to win on my own
- Also ness: so like if you COULD hypothetically make isagi twist his ankle,,,,,
- He’s so funny and silly
- Asking you to turn people into frogs
- “It doesn’t work like that beloved”
- I like to think he would go to haunted places and drag you along
- If this is before he knows you’re a witch
- He pretends he just wanted to see the location and he don’t belive in ghosts n stuff
- Even tho he researched like 600 ghost protection methods before yall got here
- The two of you go in, joking around and having fun in the worn down building but the two of you stop dead in your tracks as you hear something?Footsteps...that aren't yours or his.
- Ness clutching you like a damn lifeline
- Your hearts are both pounding in your chests as you walk through the halls, unsure of what is making that noise that doesn’t sound like it’s coming from an animal…
- Mama ain’t raise no Bitch
- So you just straight up yell💀
- “Fuck off! go bother someone else!”
- Poor baby Ness quickly clamps his hand over your mouth, his eyes wide at your outburst. Whatever was making noise in the abandoned hospital immediately stops making noise tho 💅🏿
- Ness gives you the “you’ve lost your damn mind” look
- “Hey! Maybe don’t make whatever it is more pissed off-!”
- “That’s how you banish ghosts! so unless it’s something more dangerous you can tell them to kick rocks! We’re technically on their territory but like same thing I guess. They can’t do much but scare us and I’ve got like 10 protection charms they can’t really do much.”
- Pause
- Rewind
- Excuse me?
- “Y’all got about three seconds to get the fuck up out my way and two of ‘em are already gone because I don’t count shit but money so get to stepping Casper!”
- He’s going to propose to you
- “ Wait! You’ve got protection charms-!?”
- Ness is side eyeing you hard asf rn😭
- Not in a bad way but a “when was this??” Type of way bc he knew nothing of this
- “Ok then…but what about those ghost hunting shows! like there’s those that say that if they get pissed off they can hurt you for being on their ‘property’ if I remember correctly..”
- Like he’s pulling out his ghost busters encyclopedia lmao
- “Those are fake and I’m a witch they can’t fucking touch me. I’ve talked to demons🙄Some old grumpy spirit can’t do much but give me nightmares and even then they’ll have to box me about it”
- Lmao he’s like full stop staring at you wide eyed
- Kaiser baby you’ve been dethroned I fear
- A new emperor about to spin the block😔✊🏿
- Oh! And not let him hear you WORK with deities
- He will be like a kid in a candy store
- Like trauma suddenly gone lmao
- His ugly ass momma saying all that vile shit to him as a baby suddenly never happened
- He’s living his Peter Pan dreams!!
- Ness’ jaw drops to the floor as he hears you list out the demons you’ve worked with.
- Kinda thinks you’re making fun of him at first so he bristles at you but when he sees you’re not even smiling about it he’s even more shocked
- “So..you made a deal with them or something-? If you did that’s like….your soul is basically his now, right!?”
- “Not really? I just had to ask nicely.”
- Lmao he’s like trying to rewire his brain right now
- Nagging voices at the back of his head telling him
- Magic isn’t real and there’s probably a logical explanation for all of this like you’re so clearly kidding
- “Y-You’re like…a legit witch? Like you can do magic and summon stuff!?”
- “Yep”
- He stares for another few seconds before a smile creeps onto his face, his eyes going wide with amazement?
- Like you can actually see the stars
- “Dude this is SO COOL! You’re like a bad ass witch! Wait…CAN YOU DO MAGIC RIGHT NOW!?”
- Dragging you through the hospital as suddenly he done forgot about the shorts or whatever
- You flinch at something dripping but he don’t even turn around to look at it he’s rambling to himself for the most part
- “Alex baby It’s not like Harry Potter but I do curse people and do old ancient spells and stuff. Like I’m technically doing magic right now? I have a protective charm on us so nothing can try anything funny-“
- Lord
- He grabs your hand and starts yanking it
- Chill out???
- he’s excited about this magic stuff and as he holds your hand, he seems so innocent and curious about all of this now.
- “Show me some magic…PLEASE?”
- “Like what spell do you want? And again not like flying magic. It’s more…I guess stuff close to that? Still within the realm of reality. But I mean technically your parents do magic too right? They’re scientists. And just before you know how something works doesn’t mean it’s less magical yknow?”
- Ignoring the fact that last part is what sparked this entire head canon I’m right leave me alone
- “Eh..scientists are just nerds who figure out how things work, not really magical.”
- He’s gunna start pouting, he didn’t really believe in his parents nerdy sciencey stuff
- but your magic that’s WAY more interesting! Magic! Actual magic! How cool is that!
- “Magic isn’t just something you can’t understand. Like think of it. We don’t know shit about gravity and it’s still just a theory but if I drop something it falls right? Same principal. Things seen and unseen in this earth are magic. Like you can use chemistry in spell work all the time. like urine and bleach make chloramine gas and I’ve used that in curses.”
- See he only heard that last part I’m afraid
- was DEF not expecting the last part to come out from your mouth
- “I’m….You…put piss…into your curses?”
- “I WILL call the ghosts to come jump you on my behalf…”
- That got his ass In check real quick lmao
- “like the possibility that I CAN. Like it could be for a nightmare curse. Throw in some poppy seeds for mental unrest and nightmares, vinegar to sour their mind and maybe black pepper to get them to leave your life really fast.”
- “Huh…so piss, seeds, vinegar and black pepper in a mixture makes a nightmare curse…”
- “Why did you write that down….”
- Hope your grimore or whatever isn’t like private bc he WILL dig through that every chance he gets
- Got all the books on your shelves unorganized and fucked up be he done ran through them
- Like can you have some class??🙄
- Sits and stares at your altar for hours
- Like he’s looking at everything on it to see if he can figure it out
- No that table cloth is blue because that’s all I had leave me alone!!
- Back to deities
- He will always be polite
- Nothing if not a gentlemen
- Will say hello to them before YOU walking into the crib
- Like you know when a boy is so polite he talks to your whole family before even remembering he came there for you?
- That’s him
- “Hi great grandma! I bought you some of that liquor you like”
- Leaves more offerings then you I’m afraid
- He’s so baby deer coded they love him
- Everyone and they momma will ride or die for him.
- So like don’t let Kaiser be within a one Mile radius of your house and talking bad to him
- Matter fact? Don’t even watch his games in your home
- Bc now everyone mad
- “Why is he disrespecting my baby like that?”
- Like house is in shambles
- “Go give this to him”
- “What? But wasn’t this mine-“
- “Did I stutter?”
- He’s so beloved
- “I call him old man a lot. Or like Lucy-“
- “Lucy….king of hell, devil incarnate, Lord of the Underworld, and one of the most infamous fallen angels. And you call him LUCY?!”
- Jokes that your food is made with love but like now he’s not sure it’s a joke at this point….
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diyahatnight · 1 year
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Warnings: May cause crying (I cried while writing this). This is the Angst, and fluff ver of the smut one.
Any audience
read the smut version if you’d like
Xiao x f!reader
Summary: Your boyfriend lost his memory of you so you have to find a way to help him get it back.
Notes: I prefer writing fluff, so I put more thought into this one.
Picking back up how Zhongli dumped the situation of your boyfriend loosing his memory on the both of you then leaving.
It’s been a nightmare for you, you’ve worked so hard to turn your boyfriend into a lover boy. You’ve broken his whole cold, nonchalant attitude and turned him into a lover, sweet, touchy boy. Yeah he still spoke in a monotone manner but, he still loved you. And after he lost his memory’s it feels like 5 years gone down the drain.
This new Xiao isn’t making any progress, it’s like he doesn’t even care enough to remember you. He won’t even touch you.
You started thinking to yourself, did he even actually love me? Why was the memories of us the only ones that he lost? Maybe I wasn’t important enough to remember. Or maybe he did it on purpose even after knowing the consequences… These thoughts made your blood boil, the thought of him not ever even loving you made you so upset. Yet you still cried yourself to sleep.
Ever since he’s lost his memory the only time that he has recently came close to you was for dinner. He only excepted it because you promised him almond tofu. You tried to touch his hand one night because you missed him and his touch, but he snatched it away.
Your eyes started to get teary and you started crying. You were upset so you threw away your food, gave him the almond tofu then walked to your bedroom crying. He just stared. He felt bad but at the same time he didn’t care because he didn’t know you.
He stayed at the dinner table for a hour just thinking while you had cried yourself to sleep. While you were dead sleep he came creeping inside the room walking to his side of the bed, and he stared at you for a hot second. He had made a decision on something.
He walks over to the closet and grabs a bag. He starts packing everything that he owned. His plan was to completely disappear from you without a chase, he felt that trying to love you again was really frustrating and difficult, that he didn’t want to do it anymore.
He’s did it once for 5 years maybe that was enough for you. Before leaving through the window he looks at you and notices that your shirt started falling off of your shoulder. He notices something familiar, he walks back over to you and pulls down your shirt a little bit more to expose the tattoo on your arm.
It was a tattoo of his Yaksha mask. You thought it’d be cute to get little tattoos that would be memorable of each other. He pulled your shirt back up to cover the tattoo and walked away thinking that you were a crazy psychopath obsessed with him, but little did he know that he had a little tattoo that reminds him of you on the back of his hand under his glove.
He decided that leaving was the best option for the both of you. He thought that leaving you who was obsessed with him would probably make your mind go straight. But he was equally obsessed with you, exact reason why he agreed to get matching tattoos.
You wake up the next morning to see that everything of his was gone. You run around the house looking for him or his stuff and there was nothing. Absolutely nothing. When you realize what he had done, you drop to your knees balling your eyes out, gripping onto your shirt were your heart is, grabbing onto the floor, and gasping for air.
You couldn’t breathe, you couldn’t speak, all you could do was sob. The air started to get thinner and everything around you was closing in. You where starting to have a panic attack, you were loosing your mind over the fact you were right. 5 years thrown down the drain, everything gone.
You kept thinking to yourself what are you gonna do? you lost the only person you cared about the most. You loved this man to death, and he just upped and left. He could have at least told you, you didn’t have to start your morning off having a panic attack.
Sitting there sobbing and throwing up, you started to get overwhelmed and black straight on out. You were on the ground blacked out for 2 hours. When you finally woke up you didn’t move, you just sat there staring at your fridge in your kitchen which seemed one thousand miles away.
You eventually fell asleep again on the floor, still in the same position from were you blacked out. When you woke up it was night time again, you finally got up to clean up the mess you’ve made on the floor and on yourself.
After clearing the floor and taking a shower, you take a quick peak at your phone and you stare in shock. You’ve been sleeping on that floor for 3 days? how is that even possible? But honestly you didn’t care. Why was that even important.
You had locked yourself inside your house for a month, with no contact what so ever with anyone. What was your lover doing during that month? You didn’t care but you couldn’t help but wonder.
When your lover left, he had to find somewhere to lay low, so he resorted to Cloud retainer’s domain.
“What brings you here?” she asks the boy
“I left.” he replies softly
She was confused “Left from where?”
“My supposed lover.” He says almost rolling his eyes
She doesn’t say anything for a minute be for saying “Why would you leave the one that you love oh so dearly, and loves you equally the same way back?”
“I don’t love her.”
“Hmm, have you not had your memories returned?” she asks still shocked at his words.
He shakes his head no and continues on with his life.
Cloud retainer makes it her mission to try and get Xiao’s memories back. That entire month she had tried various of things to get them back, and he’s had a small bit come back. But he still doesn’t want to return home to you.
After you lock yourself inside your home for a month you started getting low on food. You decided to man up and go shopping for food supplies in Liyue.
After you finished shopping, you decided to go pay a visit to Zhongli. you walked into the funeral parlor and greeted hu-tao then asked where Zhongli was. She pointed you to where he was and you went to go say hi. After sitting there talking for a while, he asked you why he hasn’t seen you for a month and you stared at him for a hot second then you explain what happened.
You started to break down in tears and he welcomes you into a hug. During this time Xiao was planning on coming in and being by Zhongli’s side again. That’s when he saw you in the arms of zhongli, he was just staring at you. He noticed that you were crying. He stayed hidden because he was avoiding you on purpose. He remembered a few things about y’all’s relationship, but he still never wanted to come back.
As he was staring at you, he started to get more memories rushing back. For some reason his entire face turned hot and he was blushing. He was confused on why just looking at you made him feel this way. He was confused on why he was able to feel this feeling. He thought he didn’t love you, but he surely did. 
He teleports away, leaving you again. But you never even noticed he was there.
After a hanging at the funeral parlor you return home, as you start filling up your fridge and cabinets you decide to get over him. He can you get over someone that you had been with for 5 years and planned on marrying? It was possible and that was what exactly what you were gonna do.
You walk into your room and looked at the couple photo of you and Xiao wearing cat ears, you were imitating claws and Xiao stared at you through the camera because he was forced to do that with you, but he was happy. You pick up the photo and look at the “Y/n x Xiao” carved into the frame. You place the photo down onto its face and leave the room.
This is the way it was was for 8 months, you were happy again and living your life. Hanging out with friends and seeing new guys. Xiao completely out of your head, almost.
All Xiao did was watch you from a distance, watching you like this made so many memories of his return. He loved you again, and wanted you in his grasp again. He hated the fact that you were talking to other guys. But what made him happy was that you never touched them the way you touched him.
And you never talked to them the way you used to talk to him. He wanted you back, so he was getting you back.
He wanted to return home, not to the house. But to you. When you were getting ready for a night out he silently teleported inside your room. You never noticed him till you turned around and he scared you.
“What the hell are you doing in my room?” you asked him breathing heavy from the shock.
He walked closer to you “I missed you.”
you thought ‘the audacity that this man has.’
You walk closer to him “what makes you think you can come inside my house and tell me that you missed me? and i’d take you back?!”
Who were you kidding? you never forgotten about him. You wanted him back so badly, you grabbed his face and kissed him on the lips eagerly. You wanted his touch so badly that you were chasing his lips with your own.
That kiss brought back some of his fuzzy memories that he had of you. He wrapped his arms around you to bring you closer and deepen the kiss. He loved and missed you so much, and he was also eager for your touched.
Still kissing you, he noticed the couple photo of you two faced down. He lets one of his hands go off your waist and sits the photo back up.
He never fully left.
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I kinda wanna turn this into a wattpad story now…
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justarandombrit · 1 month
Okay well as you may know from looking at my blog for five seconds, I saw the matinee for Starkid Innit. During the interval and after the show I wrote down some notes. I tried to get them in chronological order but my memory is dogshit and I definitely missed some stuff, I hope you appreciate it though.
. IT WAS SO GOOD (except for the high note lmao)
Act 1:
. The Nightmare Time sting punched me in the face
. The shout-out to the confused parents
. High School Is Killing Me, Literal Monster and Nerdy Prudes Must Die all got mashed together!
. Corey!Richie is my Roman Empire
. Jaime in NPMD….
. Jaime had a different line to PJ’s original in Literal Monster. I couldn't hear half of it but it was different
. Jaime singing Sami/Harry ABOUT HER DOG (Nori)
. The audience whipping out the phone cameras
. Joey finally giving the white, male side characters attention
. Joey changing “I know I'm not a star” to “I know I'm not Clark”
. He pointed the mic at the audience for the “DEFINITELY NOT!”
. Joey mistimed his jump 😔😔
. Genuinely his best performance of Sidekick yet
. Joey making fun of Brian for not getting a big solo
. Brian kept pretending to beat him up, it was brilliant
. Not Over Yet is definitely Brian's song, shut up
. Brian accidentally singing the same verse twice (How does he always mess this song up?!?!?)
. My mum took a photo during the “EVIL PLAAAAANSSSS” bit and it was right when Brian was choking Joey
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. “So look alive and don't forget”
. Rogues Are We still goes so hard
. Rogues Medley without Kick It Up A Notch is weird, but Kick It Up A Notch without Dylan would definitely be weirder
. Ice cream :D
Act 2:
. Starting with We Got Work To Do is so iconic
. Joey shouted “Draco, get on the floor!” at Lauren
. I love how it was hyped up like it was going to be Boy Toy, and then just straight up wasn't lmaooo
. Brian finally got the slow, sexy Hideous Creatures (Take that, Nick Lang!)
. Okay I'm trying to remember the order of the underrated songs they did
. Hideous Creatures (Lauren)
. Pays To Be an Animal (Corey) (He didn't sit in the spotlight and someone yelled “TO THE LEFT, COREY”)
. Get In My Mouth (Jeff) (He fully sprawled out on the stage it was hilarious)
. Land of the Dicks (Jaime)
. Hermione Can't Draw (Meredith) (She sung it so well I briefly didn't recognise the song)
. I genuinely cannot remember what Brian sung
. Gotta Find His Dick (Joey, and eventually everyone)
. The entire “Oh you wanna know where I got my shirt?” bit
. Brian, Jaime and Joey got it from Primark, Meredith got it from “Primed-mrak”, Lauren’s was a family heirloom, Corey got it from Gucci and Jeff got it from America, from Pri-mart (He made the guy on the drums do a baddum tsh)
. COREY SINGING SHOW STOPPIN' NUMBER. OH MY GOD. (The entire crowd joined in, also, Jeff and Jaime as Steve and Stu)
. Everyone cheering so loud when Joey and Lauren came on stage, and them claiming we had no idea what they were going to sing, and it was actually a completely new song (it was Granger Danger obviously)
. And them continuing to claim it was new throughout the song
. As I expected, I almost cried during Not Alone. Also apparently Darren thought it was going to be a big hit??? And just begrudgingly let them use it for A Very Potter Musical
. Super Friends!
. So sad Jeff’s mic was so quiet for “I WANNA BE A MODERN DANCER”
. The fakeout of everyone leaving stage, then the band coming back on and playing the start of Goin' Back To Hogwarts
. “Darren's not here”
. JEFF DID DYLAN'S PART (but he didn't do “All of you to [city name] :( )
. Jeff pointed at various parts of the audience for “Welcome hotties, nerds and tools!” and then whispered “I'm so sorry” immediately after
. Singing (/ shouting) Goin' Back To Hogwarts along with hundreds of other Starkid fans was so exhilarating, I loved it and I almost cried (also I'm gonna be so hoarse tomorrow)
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waters-and-the-wilde · 2 months
hehe scenario. jupeter coming out the other side of All That with a bit of 'wow you're just straight up a bit codependent but maybe that's actually the best-case scenario for you right now carry on fellas'
oh they've Had Their Talk in the aftermath, and, okay, it's agreed that they are Not Doing Romance because Nureyev needs Time To Grieve and it would be better to Take The Pressure Off Of Being In A Relationship and they will Reevaluate when Nureyev's had a chance to be a guy who doesn't have to worry about where his next meal is coming from. but also Like Hell is Juno just going to Leave Him Alone after all this. and the result is that they spend the Big Crash just. completely unhinged about each other. Nureyev's shot past 'feeling vulnerable around Juno scares the shit out of him' and well into 'raw nerves and gaping wounds and compound trauma and feeling vulnerable about literally anything and everything all the time and being around Juno is integral to not spiraling into the abandonment hell vortex'. meanwhile Juno's like 'holy shit Nureyev is letting me be there for him. this is already incredible progress'
u think they were insufferable on the Carte Blanche well. on the Carte Blanche Nureyev was still working on things like trusting Juno enough to let him back in at all and he Had An Image To Maintain and lots of Private Stuff to Deal With and Juno was still figuring out how not to be a prickly ass all the time and 'when is it appropriate to give your bf his space when your default mode is to Investigate Shit' and none of that is a going concern right now
'sometimes you gotta be a little bit mentally ill to handle the mental illness' they have so much separation anxiety and they are clipping their carabiners together. hooking pinky fingers and following each other when one needs to do something in the next room. where's Nureyev? sitting in Juno's lap again. his ass is experiencing 'nervous system doesn't know how to respond to the sudden removal of constant crushing dread and just goes fucking haywire at unpredictable intervals'. he gets random-ass panic attacks and there's only so much the breathing exercises and the grounding exercises and self-soothing techniques can do compared to 'Juno is here and he's fine and he's safe and he is more than happily providing prolonged physical contact' to get him to calm down on a physiological level
meanwhile Juno's like 'i chased this idiot across half the galaxy because he wouldn't ask for help and had to deal with him being all stone-faced and cold about it, do I look like i mind that he's clingy now? a lady does not need his personal space at this time. a lady is living for this. a lady is also maybe feeling clingy have u considered that'
everyone who isn't rita (idek who. melee? the other vivopolis refugees??) is assuming they are just getting a very bad grade in taking it slow and are barely humoring them about it. and neither bothers with denying the boyfriend allegations but it's not bc it's true it's they're just. too exhausted to get defensive about it
rita: and i mean they ain't actually smooching too loud in the kitchen or whatever
melee probably: he just came out of Juno's room wearing Juno's shirt
juno: he's a thief that's his shirt now
(12 hours earlier:)
nureyev: (shows up to juno's room at 3am) im sorry for waking you i had nightmares about [the bomb/the carte blanche raid/dokana capturing you] i just needed to see that you were alive and make sure im in the reality timeline and then i will go back to-
juno: get in loser we're watching bad cops
rita: hi mista' n do you want some of this blanket
nureyev: that's very kind but im afraid im
juno: yeah hold up he's like really sweaty im gonna get him a clean shirt
nureyev: you really don't need to-
juno: how are you even still standing up when you're shaking like that
nureyev: that is. an excellent question
juno: anyway welcome to the club i fired rita like an hour ago bc i had nightmares about her dying on the asteroid
rita: i had one where i was gettin chased by this big stompy plant monster with lotsa teeth and i had to distract it by throwing all my snacks behind me and then i was outta snacks and then i was up getting more snacks when mista' steel fired me
rita: you know i think only reason i ain't got separation anxiety about mista' steel is because we spent all that time in the ruby together while we were chasin' after you and that gets a gal over it real fast
juno: thanks rita :P
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jazminrhode1 · 9 months
Love your writing! Can I request something for Matt based on the redecorating Matt’s room prank? Like reader helps with the prank? If not, no problem, love your account
Thanks For Watching Sturniolo Triplets x Reader One Shot
Summary: You help the boys prank Matt’s room for a video.
Notes: Swearing (minimal)
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“Matt?” you call out as you walk down the hall toward his room. He wasn’t supposed to be there. You had come over to help Nick and Chris with a room prank. His room was empty, the coast was clear, except for their fucking washing machine.
You make your way upstairs to Nick’s room where he and Chris were waiting for you. “Finally,” Chris said when you walked in. “Y/n’s here,” Nick said to the camera, “it’s time to prank Matt’s room.”
“Most of the stuff’s in my car,” you said. You were way more excited than you let on. You had spent weeks getting customised items to completely re-do his bedroom. He was gone for another fake meeting with Laura but, you only had a small window to pull it off.
As you started opening the boxes that you had brought up to Matt’s room, Nick and Chris were acting like two kids at Christmas. They didn’t know just how much stuff you ended up getting and they didn’t know half of it would be custom.
The plan was to cover the room with pictures of Nick and Chris but, you went a little overboard. You had customised bedsheets, pillow cases and a blanket with their faces on it. You also got t-shirts printed with pictures that you found on their joint instagram. There was a huge canvas you hand made with a family picture from when they were little and a stack of photographs to stick on the wall if you found the time.
Nick made the bed, Chris cleared the closet and you started sticking pictures on the wall. 
“What’s wrapped in the sheet?” Chris asked when he came back from hiding Matt’s clothes in his room.
That was what you were most excited about and worried that you might not pull off. Chris got excited when he saw the thrill in your eyes. “Close your eyes,” you told them as you unwrapped the surprise.
When they opened their eyes they were face-to-face with two life sized cardboard cutouts of themselves. Nick screamed and Chris fell on the floor laughing. “You are fucking kidding,” he said.
“Matt is going to have a heart attack,” Nick said as he took a snap and sent it to Madi.
“I’m keeping mine,” Chris said, looking it up and down.
“Come on, Matt’s going to be back soon,” you said as you finished sticking the pictures on the walls.
Nick had used a few to replace the ones in Matt’s picture frames. The only one he left was the one that Matt kept of you and him on his desk.
“This room is something straight out of a nightmare,” you said as you looked around. “This is fucking great,” Chris exclaimed in excitement.
“Are we done?” Nick asked as he closed the last picture frame. “I think we are,” Chris said as he sat on the bed.
The room was a complete disaster. Everything had gone to plan.
Pictures of Nick and Chris’ faces were on the bedding, on the pillows, on the blanket, on the walls, on his t-shirts in his closet, and in his picture frames. There was not an inch of his room not covered in pictures of his brothers. The thought of this was a lot funnier than the final product.
You heard the front door close just as Nick picked up the camera. Chris got in position with his phone, he could barely contain his excitement. You could hear Matt calling out for Nick and Chris, you swore he started heading upstairs. After a few minutes, his shoes cast a shadow beneath the door and you saw the handle turn.
He jumped when he opened the door. You weren’t sure if it was because you were all in there or because of the monstrosity you had created.
“What the-?” Matt said in shock quickly followed by, “Hey y/n.” He stepped into the room and pulled you into a hug. As he scanned the room, the pictures on the wall, the life-size cut-outs of his brother, he kept his arm draped around your shoulders. 
“Did you help with this?” he asked you. “Sorry,” you replied.
“The pillows,” he noticed, pointing. “Oh my god you’re on the sheets,” he exclaimed.
“Do you love it?” Chris asked, mockingly.
“I can’t tell is this is awesome or a nightmare,” he replied as his eyes darted around the room.
Nick started laughing. “Look in your closet,” he instructed.
Matt’s face dropped, “No…” he said as he slowly slid the doors open.
When he saw all his clothes were gone and replaced with t-shirts that had his brother's faces on them, he said, “You guys are not real.”
“What do you think?” Nick asked, shoving a camera in Matt’s face. “Is this better than the Liam Neeson prank?” Chris asked.
Matt was still taking it all in when he said, “Fuck no! The other prank was funny. How am I supposed to sleep here? I’m gonna have nightmares.”
Chris burst out laughing. This was the exact reaction that he was hoping for. “Blame y/n,” he said, “she got all this stuff.”
You took a few steps back from Matt when he turned his head to you, “it was Nick’s idea” you said. Nick didn’t care. This was the content he was looking for.
“Is anyone going to help me take this shit down?” Matt asked as he pulled a picture off the wall. 
“Nope,” Chris replied as he picked up his cardboard cut-out. “They’ll fall off eventually,” Nick said. They both started walking toward the door but, Matt rushed over and held it shut with one arm.
“Let us out,” Chris demanded. Matt was not going to budge. “Let me out,” Chris threatened. “Or what?” Matt replied.
Chris took his cardboard cut out and started swatting at Matt. Matt started swinging back, grabbing Chris’s cardboard head and ripping it off his body.
With the pair of them fighting in the background, Nick said to the camera, “Thanks for watching, we’ll see you all next time,” before he ended the vlog.
It wasn't often that you got to do stuff like with the boys but, man was it fun.
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steddiehasmywholeheart · 10 months
Happily Ever After
(TW/CW for typical sexist thinking)
When Beauty and the Beast comes out in 1991, despite the fact that El is almost 20, she decides she wants to go and see it with her and her family. She adored The Little Mermaid, and after the Family Video days, going to the movies is still something her and the party like to do together. And Steve loves it, because he gets to watch cheesy romance storylines without taking shit for it.
But at the tender age of 24, not in a long-term relationship, and still haunted by his days in school, Beauty and the Beast hits Steve a little close to home. He sees himself in the Beast, wonders if he'll ever find love, if he'll ever stop being 'too much' for people (because sure, he doesn't have the Beast's temper, but he is too clingy, his exes - yes, all of them - made sure to tell him, and that's without all the other stuff).
And it's not like he's hopped into bed with every viable option in the years since they finally killed Vecna, either. He's really only had 3 relationships in that time, carefully vetted and deliberated upon before even starting the relationship, because he'd known then what it was like to have his heartbroken, and he was not in a rush to repeat that. Besides, his kids came first, and there was a lot of rebuilding to do. But despite everything, none of his girlfriends had lasted, not between the secrets of the Upside Down, the head trauma, the nightmares, and his 'cloying' nature.
He leaves the theatre with an ache in his chest, but tries to keep a smile on his face as they all pile into the nearest burger joint and talk about the movie and life in general. Only Eddie notices something's off, quirking an eyebrow at him. Steve, of course, waves him off with a poor excuse for a smile.
When it's time for them to all disperse, Steve drives straight to his current girlfriend's house as previously planned, not noticing the worried look Eddie shoots his way. Steve tries to hide his mood from his girlfriend, tries not to hug her for too long when she greets him at the door, knowing from much previous experience that girls don't like it when you're not the strong one, but he just can't shake the feeling that he's being torn apart from the inside out. He just can't help but think about how Belle was willing to change for the Beast; adjust her expectations, adapt her behaviour, be patient with him, and communicate instead of sending him weird, incomprehensible messages then get pissed when he doesn't understand. Why can't he have that? Is he even worthy of that? Why the fuck is it easier to justify redemption for a fictional beast than himself?
But his girlfriend sighs, unfooled, and won't leave him alone until he's honest about it because it's putting a damper on her night. And Steve, unprepared and entirely lost, just stammers out: 'I just... I want Disney love, you know?'
His girlfriend snorts at him, tells him Disney love doesn't exist, and that he just needs to be a man and get on with it.
Normally, Steve would force a laugh, tell her she's right, bury his feelings and try to do just that. But tonight? Tonight it breaks him. Before he knows what he's doing, he's up and muttering 'I don't think this is working' and gets straight back in his car, barely hearing her calling his name, confused and angry and exasperated. He doesn't notice where he's driving until he's already pulled up outside Eddie and Wayne's house, bought with the hush-money from the government.
He shuts off the engine and just sits there, debating what to do. The truth is, Eddie is just as much his best friend as Robin - even more so, sometimes, just in a different way Steve can't explain. Eddie always knows when he's upset, and knows exactly how to hug him - which he does, regularly. Eddie know when to steer him outside if it's too loud and going to trigger a migraine, and seems to know when he needs to eat, even though Eddie himself can barely keep himself fed. And Steve knows just when Eddie's going to get overstimulated and needs to be given something to focus on to calm him down, or when Eddie's had a bad night with nightmares, and needs someone to fall asleep with on the phone, just to know someone's there with him. He knows just when Eddie needs someone he can talk to about his new campaign, because everyone in work would complain so much if Eddie rambled on there. And Steve enjoys listening to him, so why wouldn't he encourage Eddie to speak to him?
They're best friends. And right now, he needs one of Eddie's hugs. It's just he's not normally so pathetically desperate when he turns up.
The decision is made for him when the front door opens and Eddie leans against the frame, a knowing smile on his face, practically screaming 'well, are you gonna come in or what?'. And even though he fights it, Steve can't stop the tears from welling as he gets out of the car and throws himself straight into Eddie's open arms.
"Whoa whoa, hey big boy, it's okay," Eddie soothes, bringing his arms around him and squeezing with just the right amount of pressure as sobs bubble up in Steve's throat.
"That's it, let it out," Eddie adds, and fuck does it make Steve melt.
Somehow - Steve really doesn't know how - Eddie gets the door closed and brings him to the sofa, manoeuvring him until Steve is curled up on his chest, face pressed into his neck, just safe and warm and whole in his arms, despite feeling so broken. And eventually, when Steve's calmed down enough to sniffle his way through an explanation, Eddie's warm hand in the centre of his back pulling too-honest word after too-honest word out of him, instead of laughing it off or being cagey as he normally would, Eddie's there, blowing out a breath, saying 'That sucks man,' and calling his girlfriend a bitch. Well, ex-girlfriend.
"She's not. Not really." Steve mumbles. "She's probably right, anyway. Disney love doesn't exist. I just- I just want someone that wants all of me, you know? Why show us that on screen if it doesn't exist in real life?"
"It does exist, man," Eddie says, but his tone is off. It's... sad, somehow. Like he's in pain. Steve blinks at him, and within seconds, a blush is covering Eddie's cheeks.
"Er, I just mean that it is out there, and you'll definitely find it," he says, tone now too bright and too enthusiastic.
".... But." Steve prompts.
"No, no buts. You can have it, and I'm sure you will!"
Steve tilts his head to the side. "Okay... so why did you sound.. like that?"
Eddie rakes his fingers through his hair - Steve never understood how his rings didn't catch in his curls.
"I, well, it's just that sometimes... the people who could love us like that have wanted to for a long time, and we've never noticed..."
Eddie's biting his lip, his voice trailing off into nothing, and legs practically vibrating with how fast he's tapping them. And Steve can't breathe.
"Eds?" he croaks.
"It just sucks that you're straight," Eddie forces out a laugh. "Because, assuming you'd be happy with a freak like me? I'd... gods Stevie, I'd give you everything."
Steve stares at him, at the bright pink of his cheeks, the deeper red of his lips (that are going to get darker if he keeps biting them like that), at the hair he's always been just a little bit obsessed with, and feels warmth and hope bloom where air should be.
"Eds... who says I'm straight?"
It's absolutely not what he expects to come out of his mouth. He'd never questioned his sexuality, even when Will and Mike finally got together. But now, how can he know he's anything but? It's like all the stars have magically aligned and suddenly, a new path has been made clear to him. The one he should have been on years ago.
Eddie's eyes snap to his, and Steve still cannot breathe, drowning in the hope, the fear, the devotion there. He wants to whimper. Almost does.
"Wh- what?"
Steve swallows. "For you, Eds? I'd be anything."
And it's different this time. Saying those words. He's used to them being a promise to become something he's not, to put everyone and their needs ahead of himself. But with Eddie, he knows he's never be taken advantage of like that. That Eddie would do exactly the same for him.
Eddie's hand cups his cheek, the callouses from his guitar sending tingles down Steve's spine, and Steve wants to cry all over again as Eddie whispers, hesitant and hopeful, "Be mine?"
Licking his lips, Steve swallows past his thumping heart.
"For forever, and happily ever after."
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AITA for saying different stuff to my friend’s face and behind his back?
As you can tell, I’m pretty genuinely worried I screwed up here.
So I (17F) and my friend (17M) both auditioned for the school musical. We both have done every high school show, so we’re very immersed in the theater world. We are seniors and this was our last show. This is just some context—the point of which is that my friend and I both have tons of friends in the theater department, and that’s where a lot of our socialization happens.
My friend was the male lead in the last school musical, so it was likely he’d be the main male lead again this year. However, when I saw what musical we were doing, I actually thought he’d be better as the supporting male lead. Still an ENORMOUS role, but due to his personality, casting type, acting, and tap dancing abilities, that just seemed like the better role for him.
Meanwhile, this other senior guy who had only done one show also was auditioning. Now, he’s also very talented, so in his first show he actually got a pretty big role, but he also proved really difficult to work with during that show and also at the auditions for this new show got so upset he actually stormed out for a while.
However, his acting and singing audition were perfect for the main male lead.
If he was cast as the main male lead and my friend was cast as the supporting lead, our show would have looked SO GOOD.
But after the whole storming out fiasco, I was pretty sure that other guy wasn’t getting a big role at all. But when the cast list came out, my friend was the main lead and this guy was the supporting lead.
Now. I was super happy for my friend. But it was not a good casting choice for him, and since that other role is so big, it doesn’t really punish the other guy for walking out either. So it doesn’t save us the headache of working with the one guy AND puts my friend in a role that isn’t as perfect for him.
But my friend is BELOVED in the cast, and not just by me. He’s practically worshiped by everyone who isn’t his close friend, and his close friends love him for obvious reasons (cause we’re friends). So everyone made a huge deal about how he’s PERFECT for the role, and blah blah blah, and I kinda silently disagreed but I wanted to suppose my friend so I was like “yeah! You totally deserved it! Good for you!”
This other guy though kinda got irrationally angry that he was given the supporting lead (he’s definitely an asshole regardless of whether or not I am) and even quit the show… even though he got a big part. And then he started talking trash about my friend and saying he wasn’t talented?
But when that guy talked to me (weird decision considering everyone knows we’re really close), he said, “my acting was literally so much better for that role. I SHOULD have gotten the role.” And I said, “yeah. My friend really would have been better in the other role. I agree.”
And then he went on to say, “my acting is so much better than his anyway.” And I didn’t straight up agree, but my response was, “well, you know politics plays a huge role in these things.” Which definitely didn’t deny what he said. (And my friend actually is disproportionately benefited by director politics bc he takes private lessons from our choreographer, so I wasn’t WRONG—but I wasn’t being the good friend I should have been either.)
So I sorta feel like I told this other guy, who probably didn’t get the main lead bc of politics/being a nightmare to work with (probably both, tho the second is less likely since he got a big role anyway?) that he was right about my friend, even though my friend really is talented and I never MEANT to imply that he wasn’t. But I think I did.
I’m happy for my friend getting the lead. And I’m not sorry for thinking he would have been better cast in the other role. But…something feels icky about telling him he’s perfect for the role and then telling his rival that he would have been better for the role.
I don’t know. Let me have it if I need it, tumblr. AITA?
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obey-me-disaster · 1 year
Hey, sorry if you aren’t doing requests right now but I was wondering if you could do head cannons for how the brothers and dateable would react to / comfort an Mc who is really easily scared (like of horror movies and stuff) Thanks!
Sorry if the headcanons come off as short. There were a lot of characters to write for in one go
Demon brothers x gn!MC
Dateables x gn!MC
MC who is easily scared(by horror movies)
Deeply amused by your reaction. At first he will try to hide for the sake of your dignity but after a while you can hear him holding back from laughing.
At least is nice enough to offer to hold your hand if you are scared. He will not see you as any less if you accept, he is just trying to comfort you.
Don't be fooled, he will try to scare you at the most random times by appearing behind you out of nowhere. He keeps a straight face the whole time so no one catches on what he is trying to do.
You may have a suspicion but at the same time he is Lucifer! His presence out of nowhere is bound to scare people.
Tries to act brave only to scream and hide behind you 0.5 seconds later. This is the man that in canon is easily scared by creepy stuff and can't handle horror movies.
Why are the two of you even looking at scary stuff if neither of you can't handle it?? At least you got the excuse of being a human but Mammon is a whole demon.
If you are truly scared he will actually get his act together and help comfort you. He has to prove that he is your first demon for a good reason!
Comes into your room under to excuse of protecting you from nightmares. Ignore the fact that he came into your room cause he probably had nightmares too. At least you two got each other.
Another scaredy cat, tho he is doing way better than Mammon. Mostly because of some of the horror games he plays.
He invited you one time to show of his skill but he didn't expect that you would easily get scared by the smallest of things. He hated to admit to himself but he thought that was his chance to prove himself in front of you.
Too bad that he got jump scared not even 5 minutes later so now both of you are trying to get out of the frightened state by watching comfort animes and cuddling up to each other. His mind was too focused on trying to erase all the horror stuff to notice how close he was holding you.
He may not be your knight in shining armor when it comes to horror stuff but he can at least offer some good anime and manga recommendations to make you feel better.
He is not getting scared by horror movies. He has seen worse...actually he has probably done worse...so did his brothers...why are some of them so afraid of horror stuff in the first place? They are practically the horror stuff.
Those are thoughts you'll hear often from him when watching horror movies which in a weird way is comforting? Like it puts things into perspective about how silly is to be scared of this stuff...until the next creepy scene where you get scared.
He will tease you about it but that's too be expected. He will still comfort you tho, he finds it rather endearing how you act when you are frightened.
Is actually pretty good at taking your mind off of that spooky stuff. He has plenty of books and stories to share with you. Just name the subject you wanna talk about it. It honestly feels like he is a human library with all the information he can retain.
Probably will bring you a cat or two to cuddle. They help him feel better usually so that may be the case with you unless you're allergic
Tries to act scared at first so you would comfort him only to realise you're the one that's truly scared. Well there goes plan A...but here comes plan B
He takes it as an opportunity to spoil you and spend more time with him. He claims that a spa day with him will rid you of all the negative feelings you have from looking at horror movies. You can see through his bullshit but he is too cute too refuse.
Another one that doesn't have any reaction to horror movies. If he seems scared it's because he is faking it. He takes the opportunity to gush over how cute you look when you're scared. Even if you don't actually cute he is too in love with you to make the difference.
His go to method to make you feel better is fuck cuddle you.
The only one with enough common sense to ask if you want to stop the horror movie when he sees that you're scared.
If you say you want to continue he will make sure to hold you close as a way to comfort you. He will also try to feed you some of the snacks he brough for himself.
At one point there was a really horrifying growl that would scare even the bravest of man...it was Beel stomach. To say the least he starts to feel guilty if that scared you.
This man lives to protect the people close to him and that includes you...even if it's just from stuff that easily scares you
He starts to question you on how are you still so easily frightened after being in Devildom for so long.
Are you sure this is the person you seek comfort from when dealing with scary stuff? He will comfort you, no need to question that but the amount of teasing he will put you through...
The type of person to try to scare you when there is a really tense part in the movie. Then he uses that chance to cling onto you.
To his credit, he kind of reminds you of some kind of therapy cat. Playing with his hair while he sleeps in your lap is oddly calming.
He was so excited to spend time with you that it took him a bit to notice how easily you're getting scared.
He takes your fears really seriously and tries to avoid doing things that would get you scared while still trying to have fun...which often backfires
He feels really guilty when that happens and tries to make you feel better either by taking a walk or cuddling. Even if he has paper work to do, he can do it with you on his lap.
Also offers to buy you something really expensive( he doesn't think it's expensive but that's besides the point). If you will accelt the present or not it's all up to you.
He is actually a fan of horror movies so good look MC. He has enough decency to pick some of his less scarier stuff to watch with you.
He prepares drinks and snacks that are ment to help others stay calm and relaxed and they are honestly really effective! Yeah you still get scared easily but there is no longer that sense of lingering panic or of impending doom.
He distracts your attention by talking about the more plot related part of the movie. That way you are not missing out but you're also getting slightly distracted.
Are you sure this is the person that you want to watch horror movies with? He will also tease you and try to scare you in the middle of the movie so watch out.
In his birthday card trivia thing he said that he likes watching horror movies with Luke cause things get lively. You are not safe from getting scared by this senior citizen.
If he takes things too far he will actually comfort you using magic illusions which makes almost made it worth all the suffering he put you through.
The really horror starts when he offers to cook something for you since home cooking is said to be good for the soul.
A God sent, literally. Also one of the few ones with enough common sense to stop the movie if you're getting scared.
He will tease you a bit but he is so gentle when it comes to comforting you that you can't help but forget about it.
This really would be perfect...if it wasn't for the fact that he does not know shit about technology so now the volume of the movie is at maximum and he skipped right at some of the scariest stuff.
At least he tried so that's all that matters. He calls Raphael to help him only for the other angel to stab the TV with one of his spears
What are you getting the child involved for? You're both getting scared and going to have nightmares. Congrats!
Still no where as scary as Solomon offering you food...
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orangecarton · 16 days
Nordic Bunny x Reader pt4 W.I.P.
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Two weeks.
Two whole weeks had passed.
To be fair your stay in space with the megalomaniac guitar hadn't been that bad. You had food, water, company, and you were spoiled rotten. Every 5 minutes you were practically showered in presents. Mostly Nordic Bunny merch (how the hell he was able to make marketable plushies of himself was beyond your understanding), but he also gave you little trinkets that came from Earth (you also had no idea how he got these).
You had made up a nice routine for yourself as well. After Nordic gave you a phone, which you had figured out was an outdated Iphone, you were able to tell the time and set a nice schedule for yourself. For being such an energetic guy, Nordic Bunny slept in till noon. You had also learned very quickly not to go into his room before he had loudly announced that he was awake, after an incident where you caught him having a tea party with a bright pink stuffed rabbit. That day you had vowed yourself to secrecy and to just wait for Nordic to get out of his room to start the day.
Before noon came along you usually just wandered about, got food, and occasionally helped out with any tasks the minions had around the headquarters. Getting familiarized with the place you learned that you were straight up on a completely different planet. You weren’t really interested in exploring the rest of the planet, not really knowing if it was safe or not.
When Nordic did wake up, he would go looking for you. He wouldn’t act like it or ever admit that he was, but you could tell. And whenever he thought you weren’t paying attention, his eyes would follow you. No matter where you were, across the room or just straight up right next to him.
From that point in the day he would drag you around the factory, talking about his evil plans, how production was going for the “ranch robots”, and so on. Your conversations also started feeling a little less one sided, he would ask for you input sometimes and listen. After “work” (you didn’t really do anything), you shared some down time with Nordic. You introduced him to some stuff that you could do with your phone, like angry birds, prank calling (he was really fond of that one), and reluctantly some social media. Not wanting to see anyone you used to know on the internet, you stuck strictly to cat videos, epic fails, and pranks. Y̶o̶u̶ d̶i̶d̶n̶'t̶ w̶a̶n̶t̶ t̶o̶ s̶e̶e̶ h̶o̶w̶ w̶e̶l̶l̶ t̶h̶e̶y̶ w̶e̶r̶e̶ d̶o̶i̶n̶g̶ w̶i̶t̶h̶o̶u̶t̶ y̶o̶u̶.
Towards the end of the day Nordic would walk you to your room to sleep. Crawling onto your bed and throwing any of Nordic’s gifts gently to the floor, you cozied up in the scarlet sheets you have grown fond of and recounted the events of the day. Right before you drifted off to sleep, to dream about penguins or talking waffles, you heard a conversation right outside your door. Time to eavesdrop!
Nordic Bunny stood outside your door for a bit after you went inside. You had certainly made your place on his planet, and in his head. You intrigued him so much. You were kind, you were fun, you felt… safe? He felt like no matter what you wouldn’t ridicule him or make him feel like a loser. You made him feel happy.
He would do anything to keep that feeling around. To keep you around.
“Lord Nordic Bunny, sir!”
“AHHHHHH”, Nordic Bunny startled, letting out a shrill scream.
“Apologies, sir! I didn’t intend to scare you, Lord Nordic Bunny, Ruler of the Galaxy and Nightmare to humanity!”, the minion saluted.
“Y-You didn’t scare me!!! Just!- What do you want, moron?!”
“I am here to report to you that the ‘Radical Ranch Eels’ army is complete!”
Nordic Bunny smiles at that. The army was done! Soon he could invade Earth, with you by his side! He can’t wait to tell y-
“Awaiting orders to dispose of the human prisoner, sir!”
… what?
“What did you just say?” Nordic Bunny startles, then scowls at his minion.
“W-well, the plan was to just get intel from the human. We did that, so why would we keep them around?”
Nordic falters. They were technically right, the goal was to get information out of you. But… things are different, you were his friend! He couldn’t just get rid of you like that! But then everyone would think he was soft, a loser, weak. He couldn’t have that. He was the STRONG and FEARED Lord Nordic Bunny, RULER OF THE GALAXY and NIGHTMARE TO HUMANITY! He needed to find a way to keep his reputation and his friend.
“Are you questioning MY leadership?”
“N-no, I-”
“Questioning MY plans?! Trying to tell ME what to do?! We are keeping the human around!-”
“- BUT, we will get rid of them AFTER the success of the invasion!”
“Sir, yes, sir!”
“Now GET OUT OF HERE!” Nordic Bunny zaps the minion and storms away.
“We will get rid of them AFTER the success of the invasion!”
Oh. Oh damn. He's going to get rid of you. You feel cold, your lungs feel heavy, as do your limbs. You knew from the beginning that Nordic was trying to get information from you, but you thought that changed. Or at the very least you meant a little more to him than a human informant.
You shuffle back to the bed and fall. You feel heavy, tired, and fucking stupid. You always seem to get ahead of yourself, getting super attached to anyone who gives you the slightest bit of attention. Seeing someone as a close friend when they only really see you as an annoyance or an obstacle.
Turning over, you sigh. Mentally preparing yourself for being thrown away by someone you care about and for a restless night of sleep.
In the morning you were woken up by Nordic Bunny. Announcing proudly that the eel robots were done and that a ship will be prepared and set on course to invade Earth. You groggily sit up and acknowledge him with a grunt, grabbing your things (which is just your phone). Nordic Bunny looks you up and down skeptically, probably because you look like shit.
“Are you… Feeling ok?” He asks, uncharacteristically quiet.
“Mhm, awesome. Never been better.” You snap back. Stretching a “smile” across your face, it turns out looking more like a grimace.
Nordic waits for a bit, possibly for a real response. You don’t say anything to him. He moves to walk down the hall, to the invading ship. You both pass the dining hall on the way and Nordic stops, perking up and turning to you with a smile.
“Does my loyal companion need something to eat, before wreaking HAVOC on humanity?!”
“Mmmmmm, not hungry.” You mumble. You feel nauseous, “loyal companion” my ass.
He frowns slightly and continues on. Finally, you both make it to the ship boarding area. You can see many of Nordic’s minions, carrying cargo and serpent-like robots. Following Nordic Bunny onto the ship, you look back, then board the ship
(SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG!!! it is one of the longer parts. It was originally going to be bigger, but I didn't want to wait any longer)
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